March 2001
New Crane Studio Opens!
This has been one of the busiest years in our department's history. The new Crane Studio (named for professor emerita
Gladys Crane) is now open. The 1.6 million dollar project was funded by an anonymous donor, and adds a 4,000
square-foot rehearsal hall, projection booth, television control room and new Studio Ttheatre light booth to the fine arts
building. Included in the renovation are new seats for the Studio Theatre and cameras and video editing systems for a
newly added acting for the camera class.
In March, the dance studio (finished a few years ago) will be named for former dance professor Margaret South Mains
and this summer the construction will continue with the installation of new seats in the Main Stage Theatre.
The season started off with our students and professors vertical dancing on the cliffs of Vedauwoo. Next, we held the
4th Annual Gladys Crane Mountain Plains Film Festival showcasing dozens of diverse, independent films. Director
John Waters (director of such films as Pink Flamingos and Serial Mom) wowed the crowd with a memorable keynote
speech. Director Moises Kaufman came to town with his play The Laramie Project. UW Students and professors
donated hundreds of hours to build the set and raise the funds necessary to bring this award winning off Broadway
play to the Main Stage. In January, a special benefit presentation of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
sold out each performance and raised $8000 to help fund student and faculty travel to the ACTF. The department also
hosted the Wyoming High School Drama festival and Dance Intensive with the Parson's Dance Company, staged
several new student written plays, held the Annual Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival and still managed to stage a
full season of theatre, musicals and dance concerts.
UW faculty and students continue to win awards. UW professor Leigh Selting was recognized by ACTF as one of the
best acting teachers in the region, while Ron Steger won the Northwest Drama Conference President's Award. After
winning the Irene Ryan regional acting competition for the last two year, UW students Brian Slaten and Jed Schultz
were this year's first and second alternates respectively. Todd McCullough won the awards for both ACTF Best Scene
Partner and best student written play. Mike Mahlum won an Honorable Mention for Lighting Design and Andrew
Dooley won best lightning design from the Northwest Drama Conference.
Finally, for the first time, our total number of majors topped 100!
Benefit performance earns over $8,000 for ACTF expenses
The ensemble who made this benefit production of WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? possible include: Front
row (L-R): Brian Slaten, Lou Anne Wright, Missy Moore, Harry Woods. Back row (L-R): Angela Millhone, Lisa
Cianflone, Todd McCullough, Billie Kay Gross, Travis Hetland, Miri Voss, Sarah Dye. Not pictured are Rebecca
Hilliker, Ron Steger, Andrew Dooley, Dawn Humphrey, Kevin Sweeney, Lisa Gruber, Joel Heinschel, Jon Schroeder,
Kevin Dykstra, Ryan Harmon, Andrew Gallawa and Father Roger W. Schmit.
Robert Michael Earl - Assistant Professor
Computer Assisted Design & Technical Director
B.T.D. Univesity of Wyoming - M.F.A Carnegie Mellon
Avery, Ramsey is currently celebrating the opening of his design for the Animation Pavilion at Disney's California
Adventure, the new theme park in Anaheim. He recently finished work on Steven Spielberg's "AI" and is currently art
directing on Mr. Spielberg's "MINORITY REPORT." In February, Ramsey remounted a design of TWO
GENTLEMEN OF VERONA from Shakespeare Santa Cruz at Geva Theatre in Rochester, NY, where we crammed
what was originally a 30' tall set sitting in an outdoor glen surrounded by 200' redwoods into a 23' tall modified thrust
proscenium space surrounded by brick. Now that was a challenge.
Billings, Jim received his MFA in set design from CalArts '84 and is currently resident scenic and lighting designer for
the American Southwest Theatre Company and scenic and lighting design instructor for New Mexico State University.
Jim married Claudia Waldrip (a UW alumna). Their daughter Maggie is four years old.
Brad Bond In Cypress
Bond, Brad lives in New York City. His day job as Global Council Coordinator with The Conference Board (running
meetings for top executives around the globe) has paved the way for a new company he has started called "OFFice
Broadway." The group performs for corporate meetings and events and does interactive workshops.
Burack-Lamberson, Ruth lives in Hinesburg, Vermont with her husband, Paul and their two children, Miles (4) and
Jillian (2). Ruth is a Stay-at-Home Mom who teaches alpine skiing on the side. Additionally, she performed a leading
role in the experimental video which was featured in the New York International Video Festival at Lincoln Center in
July, 2000.
Clymer, Kathleen S. is currently teaching art at Green River High School in Green River Wyoming. Although Miss
Clymer is no longer currently active in the GRHS Theatre Department she is working with the Music Department
directing and designing the setting for Fiddler on the Roof.
Deahl, Wayne was recently elected to serve a four-year term on the Wyoming Council for the Humanities Board of
Directors. He began his term with the Summer Board Meeting in Evanston, WY in July, 2000. Deahl, an instructor at
Eastern Wyoming College, also served on the steering committee for EWC's recent NCA re-accreditation visit. Deahl
has been an instructor in English, theatre, communication, and philosophy for twelve years at EWC.
Galaites, Jimmie is starting his third and final year at the Asolo conservatory. He played Gearge in Diana Son's Stop
Kiss, he bid a fond farewell to Durrenmatt's Inspector Voss from THE PHYSICISTS. On March 17, 2001, Jimmie will
wed Lisa Howe and they will holiday in Europe later this summer. Jimmie will be working with Charmian Hoare from
the RSC and Mark Wheatley from Theatre Complicite while doing his semester abroad in London this May.
Gonzalez, Michael is working on his MFA in playwriting at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His 10-Minute
play IN THE SEVENTH INNING MAGIC STRETCH, was a finalist in the Actors' Theater of Louisville's 10-minute
contest. He is at work on his thesis play, WHEN THE WORLD SLIPS AWAY, scheduled to be performed this
Gosse, Jan is very happily living in Denver, where he's continuing to work as a theatre sound designer. He's also
working with an improv comedy group called Undead Jugfish, and is collaborating on some original material for the
stage, in between sessions at his home studio creating sound and music for various projects. "Hell, if I lived in L.A.,
I'd be making some real money", he says sardonically. He wants to hear from all his friends (this means you) at
[email protected], or he's in the Denver phone book.
Hill, Mike is currently director of the middle school speech and drama program at Pembroke Hill School in Kansas
City, Mo. He's also the head debate coach in the high school. He and his wife Roxane have a 19 month old daughter
named Maya.
Keefe (Duff), Dawn was recently married to Nathaniel Duff, whom she met at medical school. They are both PA's in
Family Practice.
Lindsey, Catherine and her husband David have had a son! John Robert Lindsey was born April 22, 2000. Jack is
already showing a flair for the babes, and is angling for a date with the Slater twins. Catherine took a break from full-
time motherhood to join the ensemble cast of the Kentucky Cycle this past summer; the show has been nominated for
six Denver Drama Critics Circle Awards, including Best Production and Best Supporting Actress for Catherine (her
third nomination, as she looks to become the Susan Lucci of Denver theatre).
Mahoney, Shannon continues to live in North Hollywood with her three pawed dog Daisy. She and a few fellow artists
have started their own theatre company called, "Six Chairs and a Couple of Artists," in Long Beach, CA. The company
is doing very well and is already into its second season! The show SubUrbia (featuring Shannon) was nominated for an
OC Award in two categories; best ensemble and best professional production. They are up against such theatres as
South Coast Rep and Laguna Playhouse (both are equity houses). She welcomes anyone to come out and visit or
submit new scripts.
Millhone, Amalie is currently in her last semester at Louisiana State University working on her M.F.A. She spent the
fall semester in L.A. where she was able to complete an internship at The Pacific Resident Theatre located in Venice.
Amalie was also cast in the L.A. premiere of 'The Closet' for the Edge of the World Festival.
Montgomery, Dodie lives in Seattle, Washington. She will be playing Suzy in SWEET THURSDAY for Book-It
Repertory Theatre. She helped develop the script for the company. She teaches Shakespeare to folks of all ages (she is
employed by the Seattle Shakespeare Company) and will marry David Hargis on May 19 in the Virgin Islands.
Moon, Betsye is teaching jazz, hip-hop/funk, ballet and modern at a dance school in Chicago. She is also training at
Lou Conte Dance Studio (Hubbard Street) while helping Jay Franke with his Chicago Arts Project. She will be his
Stage Manager for an upcoming performance of urban high school students performing dance, theatre, music and more
that will be taught at various workshops. Betsye's "RJ" is Rand McNally on North Michigan Ave. She is planning on
traveling west in July with her parents and end in Laramie where she will be Dr. Pat Tate's assistant for Snowy Range
Dance Festival. Betsye will then be flying to South America for a month-long excursion.
Parkes (Schiable), Sandi completed her doctorate in Public Administration in May of 2000. She is now a professor at
the University of Utah. Sandi has recently started a program called Arts For Kids, which provides homeless children
with opportunities to experience the arts. Her daughter Quincy is now 21 month old.
Parks, Omar is working in Tempe, AZ as an Academic Counselor for the University of Phoenix and playing bass for
Block 16. The band is playing the Phoenix area, and trying to secure an opening slot for Roger Clyne and The
Peacemakers (ex-Refreshments and Gin Blossoms).
Pasqua, Jason is working on his MFA in acting at Penn State. His first major role was in the recent production of
JULIUS CAESAR. This summer he is off to London for six weeks of classes, shows and a tour of the continent.
While in London he hopes to run into Alum Jimmie Galaites. (PSU and FSU share the housing around the University
of London).
Penton, Bill made his Los Angeles directorial debut with RENAISSANCE GEEK which closed another successful 8
week run. The show received more glowing praise and two more award nominations for directing and solo
performance. The show is being packaged by the William Morris Agency for a 9 month American tour winding up in
New York for an off-Broadway run in the spring of 2002. Bill is also going to direct a short film (mockumentary)
about the making of RENAISSANCE GEEK and the rigors of touring a one-man show. Apart from directing, acting,
and teaching, Bill is the Co-Managing/Technical director of the Gascon Center Theatre where he has implemented the
GCT Playreading Series, dedicated to reading new plays from Los Angeles area playwrights.
Roberts, Anthony will be awarded his masters in architecture this summer at a private engineering school in San Diego
John Santangelo's design for Hamlet at UNLV
Santangelo, John is finishing his final semester of graduate school at UNLV where he will receive his MFA in Set
Design in May. His thesis project, "Hamlet" was produced in December to rave reviews. Both he and his wife Angela,
are enjoying their new house which they purchased in June of 2000, and they plan to stay in Las Vegas for a few more
Sabella, Sal is currently on tour with the national tour of GODSPELL, directed by Scott Schwartz (Stephen Schwartz's
son and co-director of JANE EYRE just opening on Broadway). He is also featured on the cast CD singing ALL
GOOD GIFTS, which is now available in stores. Previously, Sal toured with THE MUSIC OF ANDREW LLOYD
WEBER where he had the opportunity to work with Michael Bolton as a special guest star. He looks forward to being
back in New York City in July.
Pete Simpson
Simpson, Pete continues his looonnnngg run in BLUE MAN GROUP (the NYC company); Blue Man's album "Audio"
(which pictures Pete as the Blue Man playing in the background) has been nominated for a Grammy. The New York
times called his original two-man show, "A 12 lb. Discourse", a "A piping hot ticket...." and he and his partner hope
for another workshop in 2001. Pete recently appeared on LAW & ORDER in the episode, "Teenage Wasteland."
Angela Santangelo in costume for the "Folies Bergere" at the Tropicana Hotel In Las Vegas
Stoddard (Santangelo), Angela is having a wonderful time performing as a showgirl in the Tropicana Hotel's long-
running Folies Bergere. She has now been with the show for almost a year now and has loved every minute of it. She
was recently on "Live with Regis" when the showgirls from the Tropicana made an appearance.*
Thompson, Terolyn Leisa is currently working as an Equity stage manager in New York City. In the summer, she
directs at Long Lake Camp for the Performing Arts in upstate NY, where she directs 6 shows with children ages 10-
Vernon, David received his Master's in Computer Science from Bradley University in 1995. He works for Information
Services at Caterpillar Tractor in Peoria, IL where he lives with his lovely wife, Kevin Yale Vernon, their dog and five
cats. He has designed lights for a number of community shows and misses the 72 dimmers he had at UW.
David Veron running in the Chicago Marathon
Vernon , David received his Master's Degree in Computer Science from Bradley University in 1995 and had to find a
day job - he works for Information Services at Caterpillar Tractor in Peoria, IL where he lives with his lovely wife,
Kevin Yale Vernon (B.T.D. '86), their dog and five cats. He has taken up marathoning as of late (the fool!).
Theatrically speaking, he has designed lights for a number of community shows and misses the 72 dimmers he had at
UW. He encourages everyone to find their plasticity.
Vernon, Kevin Yale is starting her student teaching. By December of this year she'll be looking for a job teaching
English and Theatre at the high school level She's been active in several community and college theatres in central
Illinois, acting, directing, stage managing, and designing lights. She has also done a few industrial videos for large
corporations in the area.
Jim Weber
Weber, Jim co-founder of Loosely Translated Productions, has been currently producing, editing and shooting projects
in New York that include short films, variety shows, PR and event videos for Time Inc. and American Express. He is
currently working on a talk show series entitled "Neptune & Chuck". Upcoming projects include a documentary to be
shot on location in Thailand in late February.
Woodend (Seaton), Erin was married in August. She lives in Highlands Ranch, CO with her husband, Cory, & dog,
Yoda. Erin works at the Country Dinner Playhouse as an Assistant Stage Manager.
William Missouri Downs &endash; is co-writing (with UW professor Lou Anne Wright) THE HARCOURT
COMPANION TO THE THEATRE. This will be his third book with Harcourt Brace. This year, he also published two
articles in THE DRAMATIST (the magazine of the DGA). His play DEAD WHITE MALES was performed at the
Boxer Rebellion Theatre in Chicago, The Alleyway Theatre in Buffalo, NY and here at UW. He was a guest speaker at
the 14th Annual ArtCore Literary Conference and also at Moondance Film Festival. His classes at UW were named
best non-honors classes by the UW honors society and he won top ten professor for the third year in a row.
Billie Gross - presented a lecture/workshop, "Designing for the Human Clotheshanger," at ACTF Region VII in
Anchorage for students and faculty. The project was funded by a grant from the Wyoming Arts council and the
National Endowment for the Arts. She has designed such shows as HIGH PLAINS HOLIDAY for the Wyoming
Territorial Park and WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF, and FIDDLER ON THE ROOF. She is currently
designing PAINTING CHURCHES for Pete and Lynne Simpson.
Larry Hazlett - designed THE CHERRY ORCHARD and was Master Electrician for THE LARAMIE PROJECT. He
is working on an article on Saratov, Russia theatres and was an NWDC/ACTF respondent for the lighting design
competition in Anchorage, Alaska. He is currently working as design consultant for the Education auditorium theatre.
He won an International Travel Award for $2000 and will design lighting for the upcoming Colcannon concert at A&S.
Rebecca Hilliker - received a faculty development grant, travel grant and a Wyoming Arts Council grant to take a
production of TRIFLES to the University of Tel-Aviv. There she attended a conference designed to look at the play
from the perspective of society and the law. She directed the production in conjunction with Bas Bleu Theatre and
Colorado State University in Fort Collins. The play was the center of focus for the festival with discussions by lawyers,
sociologists, theatre and English historians, and artists from all over the world. She is currently the vice-chair of the
American College Theatre Festival Region VII and will take over as chair this Spring at the Kennedy Center.
Lee Hodson - is serving this year as chair of the Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion committee (i.e. time
consuming and exhausting). He is designing a complete set of costumes for a new production of THE NUTCRACKER
for the Springfield Ballet in Springfield, Missouri. Currently he is designing and building the costumes for INANNA,
QUEEN OF HEAVEN AND EARTH a new ballet choreographed by Marsha Knight.
Marsha Knight - in October, Marsha danced with Apollo's Banquet, an ensemble of dancers and musicians who
present 17th and 18th century music and dance. Marsha is currently working on her new ballet, INANNA, QUEEN OF
HEAVEN AND EARTH. Storyteller/author diane Wolkstein will narrate the ballet and will visit various classes,
present lectures and post-performance discussions on topics relevant to the Sumerian myths of the Goddess Inanna.
Performance dates are March 27-April 1. Marsha received a Wyoming Council for the Humanities Grant to support
Wolkstein's residency on campus.
Annie Sailer - has taught two new courses during the 2000-01 school year. In the fall she co-taught Experiential
Anatomy with Margaret Stalder. She is currently teaching performance art. EVENT HORIZON, a new work
choreographed by Annie for eight dancers will be performed by UW students at the American College Dance Festival
in Missouri.
Leigh Selting - was the Production Stage Manager last summer at a new Equity theatre in Jackson Hole, WY and then
directed GODSPELL for the Grandstreet Theatre in Helena, MT. His production of William Missouri Downs' DEAD
WHITE MALES was selected for the Regional KC/ACTF festival in Anchorage, AK. This coming summer he will be
the Equity Production Stage Manager for Theatre at Lime Kiln in Lexington, VA.
Margaret Stalder - choreographed for Dance Y2K bringing modern and vertical dance pieces to the concert. Excerpts
from Dance Y2K traveled around the state. She choreographed and performed in GRANITIC SUSPENSION,
VERTICAL DANCE AT VEDAUWOO. She spent a week at Western Wyoming Community College as a guest
teacher and choreographer as well as performed in NARRATIVE STRANDS a collaborative project with Wendy
Lemen Bredehoft, visual artist. She attended the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science meeting in
Miami, FL.
Ron Steger &endash; designed sets at UW for ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD, THE FOREIGNER, JACK AND
THE BEANSTALK, and THE CHERRY ORCHARD. He also designed and painted for the Springfield Ballet
(Springfield, MO) NUTCRACKER and designed for the University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND)
NUTCRACKER. He was Technical Coordinator for the Laramie production of the LARAMIE PROJECT. He was also
Co-Design Chair for KC/ACTF Region VII.
Pat Tate - directed and Choreographed FIDDLER ON THE ROOF this year and continues as Director of the
upcoming 7th Annual Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival. This April she will be choreographing PETER AND
THE WOLF for the Prairie Youth Dance Company in Cheyenne. She also received several grants including a UW
Faculty Grant in Aid, Wyoming Arts Council Arts and Technology, and an Arts in Education grant.
Harry Woods - just finished the role of George in the UW production of WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?
Currently, he is directing PAINTING CHURCHES with Pete, Lynne and Maggie Simpson. The production is set to
tour the state this spring.
Lou Anne Wright &endash; is co-writing (with UW professor William Downs) THE HARCOURT COMPANION TO
THE THEATRE. This will be her second book with Harcourt Brace. She played Maggie in DANCING AT
LUGHNASA in August at the Bas Bleu Theatre in Ft. Collins, Colorado and recently played Martha in UW's benefit
production of WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? This past year, she has voice and dialect coached
productions at the Shadow Theatre in Denver (including the premiere of FLYIN' WEST), two productions for the Bas
Bleu Theatre in Ft. Collins, Colorado State University and the UW production of THE CHERRY ORCHARD. Lou
Anne has had two recent articles published in the DRAMATIST.