An actual grant agreement will align with a project’s implementation plan, schedule,
budget, and other details. Note, however, that certain sections of a grant agreement are
not subject to change and are not negotiable, including Section N. Project Records,
Section O. Oversight and Accountability, and Exhibit B. General Provisions.
Mobile Source Control Division
California Air Resources Board
(This page is intentionally left blank.)
The parties agree to comply with the requirements and conditions contained
herein, as well as all commitments identified in the Fiscal Year XXXX Grant
Solicitation for the Air Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) and Low Carbon
Transportation Investments from the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Fund
Light-Duty Statewide Clean Cars 4 All (CC4A) and Financing Assistance in Project
and the Grantee Application Package. This includes all provisions, roles, and
responsibilities identified in the current Terms and Conditions and the current
Implementation Manual.
B. Where applicable, the Grantee agrees to acknowledge the California Climate
Investments program and California Air Resources Board (CARB) as a funding
source for the Light-Duty Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project.
Below are specific requirements for acknowledgment.
The California Climate Investments logo and name serve to bring under a single
brand the many investments whose funding comes from the Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Fund (GGRF). The logo represents a consolidated and coordinated
initiative by the State to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gases,
while also investing in disadvantaged communities and achieving many other co-
benefits. The Grantee agrees to acknowledge the California Climate Investments
program as a funding source from CARB’s Low Carbon Transportation program
whenever projects funded, in whole or in part by this Agreement, are publicized in
any news media, websites, brochures, publications, audiovisuals, or other types of
promotional material. The acknowledgment must read as follows: “This Project is
part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of
Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening
the economy, and improving public health and the environment, particularly in
disadvantaged communities.” Guidelines for the usage of the CCI logo can be
found at
Grantee agrees to acknowledge the California Air Resources Board (hereinafter
referred to as CARB or the Board) as a funding source for the Light-Duty Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance Project when publicized in any news media,
websites, applications, brochures, publications, audiovisuals, or other types of
promotional material. The grantee agrees to adhere to the Board’s logo usage
requirements in a manner directed by CARB. CARB logos shall be provided to the
Grantee by CARB staff.
The CARB logo is a visual representation of our air environment. The arcs
represent; the different elements that make up air we breathe, the protection of our
atmosphere and the efforts we take to protect the health of Californians, the
collaboration of multiple stakeholders all moving in the same direction together,
and innovation with the arcs all growing and changing.
Project Title: Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
Authorized Official:
Total Grant Amount:
Total Match and In-Kind:
Total Project Cost:
Where and when applicable, if any.
This Grant is from the California Air Resources Board (hereinafter referred to as
CARB or Board) to TBD (hereinafter referred to as
The CARB Project Liaison is Ali Koohestani. Correspondence regarding this
project must be directed to:
Ali Koohestani
California Air Resources Board
Mobile Source Control Division
1001 I St.
Sacramento, California 95812
Phone: (279) 208-7153
The Grantee Liaison is TBD Correspondence regarding
this project must be directed to:
1. Performance of work or other expenses billable to CARB under this Grant may
commence after full execution of this Grant by both parties. Performance on
this Grant ends once the Grantee has submitted the final and quarterly report or
if this Grant is terminated, whichever is earlier.
2. Upon completion of the project, the Grantee must submit a draft final report to
the CARB Project Liaison no later than date (See Section M, Reporting, of this
Grant Agreement).
3. Final request for payment and Final Report must be received by CARB no later
than date (See Sections M and N of this Grant Agreement).
4. The CARB Executive Officer retains the authority to terminate or reduce the
dollar amount of this Grant if by date, 60 percent of project funding has not
been expended by the Grantee. In the event of such termination, Section J(5)
of these provisions apply.
a. “Confidential Information” means information or data that is considered
confidential under relevant State or federal laws, including but not limited to,
application records and supporting documentation that personally identifies or
describes an individual or individuals (see California Civil Code sections
1798, et seq.), unless waived by the subrecipient in writing. The
Implementation Manual will describe the scope of the waivers. The Grantee
will observe all confidentiality requirements required by law with respect to
such information, and not disclose Confidential Information except as
otherwise provided herein or required by law.
b. The Grantee will ensure that the Grantee’s employees working on this grant
are informed of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information and
ensure by agreement or otherwise that they are prohibited from copying,
revealing, or utilizing for any purpose, other than in the fulfillment of this Grant
Agreement, the contents of such information or any part thereof, or from
taking any action otherwise prohibited under this section. The Grantee will
provide access to Confidential Information to those employees needing it to
perform their job duties and will maintain a list of such employees.
(1) The Grantee will not use information or data gathered under this Grant
Agreement for the benefit of others in any form whatsoever whether
gratuitously or for valuable consideration except in the performance of this
Grant Agreement.
(2) The Grantee will notify CARB promptly and in writing of the circumstances
surrounding the disclosure of Confidential Information not authorized
under this Grant Agreement.
(3) The Grantee will not use, without CARB written approval, any CARB
materials for any purpose other than performing the agreed upon services.
(4) At the conclusion of the engagement or upon termination of this Grant
Agreement, the Grantee will surrender all Confidential Information in any
form developed or collected pursuant to this Agreement upon CARB’s
written request.
(5) If the Grantee suspects loss or theft of information, data, or equipment
developed or collected pursuant to this Grant Agreement, the Grantee will
report this to CARB immediately.
(6) The Grantee will provide CARB all pass phrases/passwords used for
private keys to encrypt data used, produced or acquired in the course of
performing duties under this Grant Agreement.
(7) The Grantee agrees to notify CARB immediately of any known security
incident involving the information system, servers, data, or any other
information developed or collected pursuant to this Grant Agreement. The
Grantee agrees that CARB has the right to participate in the investigation
of a security incident involving its data or conduct its own independent
investigation, and that the Grantee will cooperate fully in such
(8) Any information or data required to be publicly accessible by CARB or
pursuant to an approved Implementation Manual (such as placement of
such information or data in a publicly accessible website or database) is
not Confidential Information. In addition, the Grantee may disclose
Confidential Information to its governing board, including personally
identifying individuals, for the purpose of providing status updates and
obtaining necessary approvals for awarding contracts under this Grant
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Grant Agreement, Grantee may
disclose any of the Confidential Information in the event it is required to do
so by law or legal process. Prior to making such disclosure, Grantee shall
provide reasonable advanced written notice of any such requirement to
CARB so that CARB may seek a protective order or other appropriate
(10) The approved Implementation Manual will identify the data fields
that contain or constitute Confidential Information.
This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the Grantee
in implementing the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project.
California Air Resources Board
CARB is responsible for the following:
a) Updating and finalizing the Implementation Manual in consultation with the
b) Ensure compliance with applicable requirements of the FY 202X-2X Funding
c) Setting interest rate and buy-down caps for Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance programs as follows:
i. Loan loss reserve account-premiums up to 20 percent of the loan amount
on the first $300,000 in enrolled loans, at that point CARB contributions
will be reduced to 10 percent.
ii. For all financing project types the maximum interest rate a lender may
charge is 8 percent annual percentage rate (APR).
iii. For price buy-down, the funding maximums are as follows:
a. For a plug-in hybrid and zero emission vehicle, 8 years old and newer
with combined fuel economy rating of at least 28 miles per gallon of
fuel or more depending on the model year as described in Table 1:
Minimum U.S. EPA Combined Fuel Economy Rating by Model Year, a
maximum price buy-down of $5,000 is allowed.
b. Alterations may be required to the loan loss reserve premiums, interest
rate, and price buy-down caps, at CARB’s sole discretion.
c. Designating advanced technology vehicles eligible for this Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funding.
d. Determining Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance interest rate
cap and price buy-down caps based on vehicle type.
e. Determining eligible lower income consumer criteria.
f. Participating in discussions with the Grantee to guide project
implementation and project refinements.
g. Reviewing and approving project elements provided by the Grantee,
such as the type of financial assistance, educational curriculum,
outreach, and quarterly and final reports.
h. Review and approve all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (Form
MSCD/ISB-90) and distribute Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project funds to the Grantee.
i. Providing project oversight and accountability (in conjunction with the
Grantee must confirm the vehicle being purchased or leased meets the following
vehicle eligibility criteria. Eligible vehicles for the purpose of this Statewide CC4A
and Financing Assistance Project include light-duty passenger vehicles that are a
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), a battery electric vehicle (BEV), or a fuel cell
electric vehicle (FCEV).
Any used advance technology clean vehicle selected must have less than 75,000
original miles. This project excludes neighborhood electric vehicles and zero-
emission motorcycles.
Additional vehicle requirements:
1. A chassis that has been modified with aftermarket parts or equipment to create a
PHEV or zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) is not eligible.
2. No modifications to the vehicle’s emission control systems, hardware, software
calibrations, or hybrid system (California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 27156).
3. Vehicle title cannot be salvaged (as defined in CVC section 544).
4. Vehicle inspection must be completed by a licensed automotive mechanic.
5. Vehicle history to be provided and attached to the Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance paperwork.
6. Vehicle must have no outstanding recall notices. If there is a recall notice(s), the
vehicle must be fixed before the vehicle can be purchased or leased (see:
Grantee must provide a mechanism to allow financial assistance in the form of
grant of up to $2,000 for the purchase and installation of Electric Vehicle Supply
Equipment (EVSE) and related infrastructure expenses, such as electrical panel
updates or subsidized solar power systems, for consumers purchasing or leasing a
BEV/PHEV. If infrastructure cannot be installed at consumer’s residence, a portion
of the funding may go toward subsidizing cost of electricity from public charging
stations. The Grantee must provide a description of the process for funding EVSE
and issuing EVSE funds in the Project Implementation Plan. At CARB’s discretion,
the vehicle eligibility criteria may change during the term of this project.
The Grantee is responsible for on-the-ground project implementation of distributing
vehicle price buy-down for eligible vehicles and facilitating access to loans for the
purchase or lease of an advanced technology clean vehicle, including, but not
limited to the following tasks. Any requirements identified below are minimum
requirements and are not comprehensive:
1. Throughout the grant term and in consultation with CARB, update and finalize
both the Terms and Conditions and the Project Implementation Plan.
2. Provide lower-income consumer the following:
a. A low interest loan; the project sets an eight percent annual percentage rate
cap on loans.
b. Provide a vehicle price buy-down grant: up to $5,000 for a FCEV, BEV or
PHEV. If the price of the vehicle is less than a vehicle price buy-down, the
price buy-down cannot exceed the price buy-down amount minus $1,000.
At CARB’s discretion, the types of eligible vehicles or grant amounts may
change during the term of the project.
c. For a BEV/PHEV purchaser, allow up to $2,000 in the form of a grant for the
purchase and installation of EVSE and related infrastructure expenses, such
as electrical panel updates or solar power systems. If infrastructure cannot
be installed at consumer’s residence, a portion of the funding may go toward
subsidizing cost of electricity from public charging stations. Funding amounts
may be changed at CARB’s discretion.
d. Education and Outreach: provide the consumer with financial and vehicle
technology familiarization training (See Table 2) and provide customers with
vehicle purchasing assistance.
Table 2: Financial and Vehicle Technology Familiarization Training
Topics include but are not limited to the following:
Money Smart Adult Financial Education Curriculum similar to the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation modules found at:
· Introduction to bank services
· Introduction to credit
· Rights as a consumer
· How your credit history will affect your credit future
· Know what your borrowing before you buy
· Vehicle expenses (payments, insurance, fuel, maintenance,
battery replacement costs)
· Basic auto maintenance
· Vehicle safety (tire, proper maintenance) and care
· Fluid level check
· Electrical System
· Lubrication System
· Fuel System
· Advanced technologies including battery technology, useful life,
warning indicators, charging needs
· Charging infrastructure options
e. Grantee must coordinate administration of the program with CARB’s other
light-duty projects including Clean Cars 4 All, Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
(CVRP), Access Clean California, and other ZEV and ZEV infrastructure
incentive programs.
f. Work with CARB to determine income verification requirements to align with
and complement other programs such as Clean Cars 4 All, CVRP, Access
Clean California, and CARB’s other vehicle purchase incentive programs.
g. Program criteria are subject to change at CARB’s discretion.
h. Prepare outreach and educational materials that are clear and effective, in
consultation with CARB, and conduct statewide or local (as project requires)
public outreach necessary for the project to be successful. Outreach should
target lower-income consumers with an emphasis in disadvantaged
communities, as well as California tribes. Grantee must also coordinate
outreach efforts with the administrators of Clean Cars 4 All, Clean Mobility
Options/Car Sharing projects, CVRP and Access Clean California. The
Grantee shall clearly identify an outreach plan that contains, at a minimum:
i. The types of outreach planned, printed materials, web-based content,
social media, multimedia tools, video, et cetera. Outreach materials
must be approved by CARB prior to use.
ii. A strategy to support organizations and groups that are representative of
disadvantaged and low-income communities. These groups, tribes, and
organizations should be connected to a network of similar organizations,
culturally-relevant institutions, and community service providers, regional
or centralized community based-organizations, local air districts, utility
groups, or community colleges, to provide education, technical
assistance, ride and drive opportunities, et cetera.
iii. An approximate number of community events and geographic locations
that will be attended to promote the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance project and educate the public on advanced clean vehicle
iv. A strategy to engage lower-income consumers through activities
relevant to the community being served. This should include the use of
language- specific and culturally-appropriate outreach and education
v. A strategy to align outreach efforts and coordinate messaging between
Clean Cars 4 All, CVRP, and Access Clean California. The goal is for
the consumer to have clear messaging of how these complimentary
programs can get them into an advanced technology vehicle.
i. Grantee must facilitate the selection and purchase/lease of the advanced
technology clean vehicle, subject to the vehicle eligibility requirements
described in Section G, Eligible Advanced Technology Vehicles, as follows:
i. Ensure inspection for used vehicles is completed by a licensed
automotive mechanic and is provided to the consumer prior to purchase
or lease.
ii. As part of consumer protection, ensure vehicle has no outstanding recall
notices. If there is a recall notice(s), the vehicle must be fixed before the
vehicle can be purchased or leased (see:
iii. Distribute vehicle price buy-down payments to the dealership for
consumer’s purchase or lease transaction.
iv. Offer an option to purchase, if available, an extended vehicle warranty, a
battery warranty, or a battery replacement option if necessary.
j. Grantee must ensure the consumer meets all applicable Statewide CC4A
and Financing Assistance Program requirements:
i. Consumer must have a household income less than or equal to 400
percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The Federal Poverty guidelines
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation:
guidelines) on income thresholds are updated annually and vary by
household size.
ii. Consumer must reside in California.
iii. Consumer must complete a financial and vehicle technology
familiarization training prior to receiving financial assistance.
iv. Consumer must have a minimum loan or down payment of $1,000. If
participating in Clean Cars 4 All, consumer would meet this requirement
through the scrapping of their old vehicle. If a consumer participates in
the grant or rebate portion of the Clean Cars 4 All or CVRP programs
they are not eligible for the price buy-down in the Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance Project. Appropriate documentation to verify
participation is required.
v. Consumer must possess a valid California Class C driver’s license.
k. Grantee must work with CARB to determine income verification
requirements to align with and complement other programs such as Clean
Cars 4 All, CVRP, Access Clean California, and CARB’s other vehicle
purchase incentive programs.
l. Grantee must work with CARB to administer additional consumer
requirements once the vehicle is purchased or leased, as included in the
Implementation Manual, under Exhibit H, and the Terms and Conditions,
under Exhibit I.
m. Ongoing Grantee responsibilities:
i. Establish and maintain project records, as described in Section O,
Project Records.
ii. Conduct consumer surveys during the term of the loan or financial
assistance. Provide a summary of responses which includes survey
iii. Establish a process to track and enforce measures for defaulted loans or
returned vehicles, cancellations, et cetera.
iv. For a direct loan model: track status of each loan throughout loan term,
defaults, and transactions.
v. For a loan loss reserve (LLR) model: track premiums, defaults and
transactions associated with LLR account. For a LLR, CARB requires
the LLR premiums up to twenty percent of the loan amount. Note that in
a LLR account project, once all loans guaranteed by the LLR account
have been repaid, the Grantee must return to CARB the premium
contributions funded in the lender’s LLR accounts made on behalf of the
borrower and lender.
vi. Track and report vehicle and consumer information, track expenditures
by grant award, fiscal year, and funding sources.
vii. Track and report interest earned on grant funds.
viii. Upon request, provide CARB with access to all project records described
in Section O, Project Records.
n. Develop program related user-friendly public webpages or a
CARB-approved third-party webpage with the ability to integrate and/or
communicate with the Access Clean California platform. Webpages must
include, at a minimum:
i. List of types of eligible vehicles and each vehicle type’s vehicle price
buy-down amount.
ii. Contact information and applicable documents and forms related to the
iii. Links to CARB’s other vehicle purchase incentive programs (i.e. Clean
Cars 4 All, CVRP, Clean Mobility Options/Car Sharing projects).
o. Develop an Implementation Manual, Policies and Procedures, Terms and
Conditions, and a flow chart that describes the Grantee’s administrative
action for conducting financial and vehicle familiarization training,
processing consumer paperwork and the loan approval process. CARB may
at any time require the Grantee to update these documents to reflect any
changes made since the plan was last approved. The Implementation
Manual will provide necessary definitions, explanations, and processes
associated with the project’s minimum requirements, and may be
periodically updated as needed to clarify project requirements and improve
project effectiveness.
p. Store all records in a safe and secure storage facility that maintains
confidentiality and provides fire and natural disaster protection. Files shall
be retained during the term of the Grant Agreement plus three years. Upon
completion of the third year of record retention, the Grantee must submit all
project records to CARB. Hardcopy of electronic records are suitable.
Acceptable forms of electronic media include hard drives, CDs, DVDs, and
flash drives. Other forms of electronic media may be allowed based on prior
written concurrence from CARB.
q. Maintain copies of all disapproved applications for the amount of time
agreed-upon by CARB and Grantee.
r. Develop and maintain accounting procedures to track expenditures by grant
award and all Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funding
s. Track vehicle price buy-down per funding source issued in lower-income
and disadvantaged communities.
t. Respond to public inquiries regarding Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project.
u. Provide CARB with Quarterly Reports and a project Final Report as
described in Section N, Reporting.
v. Develop a project transfer plan in a manner directed by CARB incorporating
the following tasks (CARB and Grantee may from time to time agree on
additional tasks. In addition, tasks are subject to change at CARB’s
discretion, in which case Section R will apply):
i. Loans processed and record of vehicle price buy-down for all project
ii. Complete all Grantee tasks associated with closeout.
iii. Process for completing the current applications for loans and vehicle
price buy-down for up to three months after closeout, to ensure a smooth
transition to another administrator.
iv. If applicable, transfer Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
data and website to a new Grantee/administrator selected by CARB
according to the agreed upon transfer plan.
w. Provide documentation verifying that Grantee is in good standing with the
Internal Revenue Service, California Franchise Tax Board, California
Secretary of State, and/or any other state or federal agency as required for
applicable organizations. In addition, documentation must be provided with
the application that verifies the organization is in full compliance with all
federal and state regulations and requirements in order to fulfill the
requirements of this project such as verification to be a Finance Lender and
Broker in California, to the extent applicable.
x. All information and data received or generated under this Grant Agreement
are the property of CARB. No information or data received or generated by
the Grantee under this agreement shall be released without CARB’s approval,
subject to Section F10 and F11 of this grant agreement.
y. Meet applicable requirements of statutes of the Low Carbon Transportation
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Investments as stated in the Fiscal Year
20XX-XX Funding Plan for Clean Transportation, and the Fiscal Year 20XX-
XX Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project Solicitation.
z. Assess the influence of incentives on used clean vehicles.
i. Establish a waiting list if the project becomes oversubscribed and
CARB determines a waiting list is appropriate.
ii. Insurance Requirements
The Grantee must comply with all requirements outlined in the (1)
General Provisions section and (2) Insurance Requirements
section. No payments will be made under the grant until the
Grantee fully complies with all insurance requirements.
iii. General Provisions
a) Coverage Term Coverage needs to be in force for the complete
term of the grant. If insurance expires during the term of the grant, a
new certificate must be received by the State at least ten days prior
to the expiration of this insurance. Any new insurance must comply
with the original grant terms.
b) Policy Cancellation or Termination & Notice of Non-Renewal
Grantee is responsible to notify the State within five business days of
any cancellation, non-renewal, or material change that affects
required insurance coverage. New certificates of insurance are
subject to the approval of the Department of General Services and
the Grantee agrees no work or services will be performed prior to
obtaining such approval. In the event that the Grantee fails to keep
in effect at all times the specified insurance coverage, the State may,
in addition to any other remedies it may have, terminate the grant
upon the occurrence of such event, subject to the provisions of the
c) Premiums, Assessments and Deductibles The Grantee is
responsible for any premiums, policy assessments, deductibles or
self-insured retentions contained within their insurance program.
d) Primary Clause Any required insurance contained in the grant shall
be primary, and not excess or contributory, to any other insurance
carried by the State.
e) Insurance Carrier Required Rating All insurance companies must
carry an AM Best rating of at least “A” with a financial category
rating of no lower than VI. If the Grantee is self-insured for a portion
or all of its insurance, review of financial information including a letter
of credit may be required.
f) Endorsements Any required endorsements requested by the State
must be physically attached to all requested certificates of insurance
and not substituted by referring to such coverage on the certificate of
g) Inadequate Insurance Inadequate or lack of insurance does not
negate the Grantee’s obligations under the grant.
h) Use of Subcontractor In the case of the Grantee’s utilization of
subcontractors to complete the grant scope of work, the Grantee
shall include all subcontractors as insured’s under the Grantee’s
insurance or supply evidence of the subcontractor’s insurance to the
State equal to policies, coverages, and limits required of the Grantee.
iv. Grant Insurance Requirements The Grantee shall display evidence of
the following on a certificate of insurance. After the solicitation is
awarded, failure to provide the certificate upon request will result in the
termination of the grant. The following coverages must be evidenced on
the certificate of insurance:
a) Commercial General Liability The Grantee shall maintain general
liability on an occurrence form with limits not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage liability
combined with a $2,000,000 annual policy aggregate. A “per project
aggregate” endorsement is required. The policy shall include
coverage for liabilities arising out of premises, operations,
independent Grantees, products, completed operations, personal and
advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract or
grant. This insurance shall apply separately to each insured against
whom claim is made or suit is brought subject to Grantee’s limit of
liability. The policy must name the State of California, its officers,
agents, and employees as additional insured, but only with respect to
work performed under the grant.
b) Automobile Liability If the Grantee will be using vehicles to
complete the project or driving a vehicle onto State property,
automobile liability insurance is required. The Grantee shall maintain
motor vehicle liability with limits of not less than $1 million per
accident. Such insurance shall cover liability arising out of a motor
vehicle including owned, hired, and non-owned motor vehicles. At
the request of CARB, the Grantee must show proof of automobile
liability. Failure to provide proof upon request will result in the
termination of the grant. The policy must name the State of
California, its officers, agents, and employees as additional insured,
but only with respect to work performed under the grant.
c) Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability The Grantee shall
maintain statutory worker’s compensation and employer’s liability
coverage for all its employees who will be engaged in the
performance of the grant. In addition, employer’s liability limits of
$1,000,000 are required. A Waiver of Subrogation or Right to
Recover endorsement in favor of the State of California must be
attached to the certificate.
CARB is responsible for the following:
1. Evaluating alterations to the loan loss reserve premiums, interest rate, vehicle
price buy-down based on vehicle type, EVSE grant amount, and other program
2. Setting maximum interest rate, vehicle price buy-down amount, maximum
EVSE grant amount for puchase and installation when purchasing a BEV or
PHEV, and maximum lender loan loss reserve premiums for the project.
3. Establishing vehicle price buy-down amounts for lower-income consumers. The
funding maximums are subject to change at CARB’s discretion.
4. For a BEV/PHEV purchaser or lessee, allow up to $2,000 in the form of a grant
for the purchase and/or installation of EVSE and related infrastructure
5. For a LLR, CARB requires the LLR premiums up to twenty percent of the loan
amount. Note that in a LLR account project, once all loans guaranteed by the
LLR account have been repaid, the Grantee must return to CARB the premium
contributions funded in the lender’s LLR accounts made on behalf of the
borrower and lender.
6. Designating advanced technology vehicles eligible for this Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance Project funding.
7. Determining eligible lower-income consumer criteria.
8. Participating in discussions with the Grantee to guide project implementation
and refinements.
9. Reviewing and approving the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance
Project elements provided by the Grantee, such as the financial assistance
product, education requirement, outreach, surveys, Implementation Manual,
Terms and Conditions, quarterly and final reports, and Policies and Procedures.
10. Reviewing and Approving all Grant Disbursement Request Forms (Form
MSCD/ISB-90) and Advance Payment Request Forms, distribute Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funds to the Grantee.
11. Providing Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project oversight and
accountability (in conjunction with the Grantee).
12. Through written direction to the Grantee, and only as needed for case-by-case
situations, waive program criteria as laid out in Grant Agreement. CARB will not
hold the Grantee responsible for deviating from criteria laid forth in the Grant
Agreement provided there is a written record of the instruction.
1. Budget
a. The maximum amount of this Grant is up to $XX.XX. Under no circumstance
will CARB reimburse the Grantee for more than this amount. A written Grant
Agreement amendment is required whenever there is a change to the amount
of this grant.
b. The budget summary for this project is shown in Exhibit C, Attachment I.
Grant disbursement requests for the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project must not exceed the grant amount.
c. The grant funding may be reallocated by CARB at CARB’s sole discretion in
the event that the Grantee requests less than the total allocated fund amounts
stated in the budget.
d. In consultation with CARB and subject to CARB’s written approval, the
Grantee may redirect any grant or loan processing fees to fund additional
price buy-downs for eligible vehicles and grants for EVSE, and the loan loss
e. Notwithstanding Paragraph d. above, subject to prior written approval from
CARB, line item shifts of up to ten percent may be made over the life of the
grant. Grantee can continue work upon written approval of line item shifts by
CARB, and CARB will follow up with a formal amendment to the grant. Line
item shifts may be proposed by either the State or the Grantee and must not
increase the total grant amount.
f. No grant funds may be used to purchase equipment or computers that would
be required to be returned to the State at the completion of this project (if
g. The Grantee’s project budget is shown in Exhibit G.
h. CARB agrees to promptly notify Grantee if it becomes aware that it might lose
its funding for this Grant, or if CARB is exercising its rights under Section P,
Oversight and Accountability, of this Grant Agreement to hold funds
contingent on CARB’s receipt and approval of existing audit findings or
reports and/or Grantee’s timely response to requests for a program review. If
at any time Grantee believes that CARB funding may be at risk, Grantee may
suspend all activities required by the Grant Agreement until CARB provides
assurances reasonably acceptable to Grantee that CARB will be able to
timely pay Grantee in accordance with the requirements of this Grant
2. Project Funding
a. Implementation Funds
Implementation funds can be used for project expenses which may include
one or more of the following:
i. Vehicle price buy-down.
ii. Loan loss reserve premiums.
iii. Interest rate buy-down.
iv. Labor expenses (including total staff time and labor costs).
v. External consultant fees for completed work (if applicable).
vi. Printing, mailing, travel, education classes, and other outreach expenses.
Additional invoices may be provided to CARB if warranted. Documentation
substantiating these costs must be maintained by the Grantee and provided to
CARB upon request, as described in this section and in Sections L of the Grant
3. Documentation of Implementation Funds
Implementation funds used for Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance
Project include processing loans, vehicle price buy-down, interest rate buy-
down, outreach or support of other financial assistance enhancements.
Implementation funds also include: the Grantee’s personnel costs; fringe
benefit costs, operating costs (including rent, supplies, and equipment), indirect
costs (general administrative services, office space, and telephone services),
travel expenses and per diem rates set at the rate specified by California
Department of Human Resources (CalHR)
, overhead, consultant fees (if pre-
approved by CARB); printing, records retention, and mailing.
a. The Grantee must maintain documentation of all Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance funds, as follows:
i. Personnel documentation must make use of timesheets or other labor
tracking software. Duty statements or other documentation may also be
used to verify the number of staff and actual hours or percent of time staff
devoted to Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
administration and outreach.
ii. Funds and fees for external consultants must be documented with copies
of the consultant contract and invoices.
iii. Printing, mailing, records retention, and travel expenses must be
documented with receipts and/or invoices.
iv. Any reimbursement for necessary travel and per diem must be at rates not
to exceed those amounts paid to the State’s represented employees. No
travel outside the State of California will be reimbursed unless prior written
authorization is obtained from CARB. CalHR’s travel and per diem
reimbursement amounts may be found online at
reimbursements.aspx. Reimbursement must be at the State travel and
per diem amounts that are current as of the date costs are incurred by the
v. If indirect costs are used to document implementation funds for the
Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project, the Grantee must
describe how these costs are determined.
b. The above documentation, records, and referenced materials must be made
available for review during monitoring visits and audits by CARB, or its
designee. These records must be retained for a minimum of three years after
expenditure of the final Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
c. The above documentation must be provided to CARB in Quarterly Reports
and a Final Report.
d. CARB and Grantee may from time to time agree on changes to the reporting
requirements set forth in this Section K.3. In addition, reporting requirements
are subject to change at CARB’s discretion, in which case Section R will
Under no circumstances should the Grantee exceed travel expenses and per diem rates set by CalHR.
4. Grant Disbursements
The CARB will release the first disbursement from the total grant award after the
Grantee submits the following to CARB:
a. A fully executed Grant Agreement.
b. Grant Disbursement Request Form (Form MSCD/ISB-90)
c. The Grantee must mail Grant Disbursement Requests to the CARB Project
Liaison. Disbursement request must be made in conjunction with completed
milestones, details depend on the grantee’s Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance model.
d. CARB will have sole discretion to accelerate the timeline for allowable
disbursements of funds identified in Exhibit C. Request for payments are
subject to CARB’s receipt and approval of Quarterly Reports and any
accompanying deliverables to demonstrate program needs.
e. CARB will disburse funds on a reimbursement basis, provided sufficient
documentation is provided to support the disbursement amount requested.
f. Should advance payment be needed for this Grant, advance payments may
be requested with a grant disbursement, as outlined in Advance Payments
g. Grant Disbursement Request Forms must be supported by documentation of
expenses incurred as of the date of the Grant Disbursement Request.
Supporting documentation must be attached to the Grant Disbursement
Request Form. Acceptable supporting documentation shall include but not
limited to; purchase orders with confirmed delivery dates, invoices, bills of
lading, contracts, confirmed packing lists, time reports and any other
appropriate documentation required by CARB.
h. At no point shall the Grantee be required to use funds from a source other
than CARB to fund activities directly or indirectly related to the program that
have not already been committed in the budget as match or in-kind funds. As
stated in Section K(1), Grantee may suspend all activities required by the
Grant Agreement until CARB provides assurances reasonably acceptable to
Grantee that CARB will be able to timely pay Grantee in accordance with the
requirements of this Grant Agreement.
i. The Grantee shall submit the Grant Disbursement Requests to CARB
Accounting Section at with a CC to the CARB
project liaison. The Grantee must submit this electronically, based on
CARB’s current electronic submission guidance at the time of request.
Requests for payment must be made with the Grant Disbursement Request
Form and contain all documentation required with the form.
CARB’s Chief of the Mobile Source Control Division or designee of CARB may
review the CARB Project Liaison’s approval or disapproval of a Grant
Disbursement Request. No reimbursement will be made for expenses that, in
the judgment of CARB’s Chief of the Mobile Source Control Division or
designee of CARB, are not reasonable or do not comply with the Grant.
Subsequent disbursements will be released when project milestones have been
met and grantee submits a completed Grant Disbursement Request Form.
5. Advance Payments
Consistent with the Legislature’s direction to expeditiously disburse grants, CARB
in its sole discretion may provide advance payments of grant awards in a timely
manner to support program initiation and implementation with a focus on
mitigating the constraints of modest reserves and potential cash flow problems.
Grantee acknowledges that CARB has finalized Advance Payment regulations
which become effective on January 1, 2021. Grantee agrees that this Agreement
and all advance payment requests will comply with these regulations, which can be
found at: 17 California Code of Regulations (C.C.R.) Sections 91040-91044.
Recognizing that appropriate safeguards are needed to ensure grant monies are
used responsibly, CARB has developed the grant conditions described below to
establish control procedures for advance payments. CARB may provide advance
payments to grantees of a grant program or project if CARB determines all of the
a. The advance payments are necessary to meet the purposes of the grant
b. The use of the advance funds is adequately regulated by grant or budgetary
c. The request for application or the request for proposals contains the terms
and conditions under which an advance payment may be received consistent
with this section.
d. The Grantee is either a small air district or the Grantee meets all of the
following criteria:
i. Has no outstanding financial audit findings related to any of the moneys
eligible for advance payment and is in good standing with the Franchise
Tax Board and Internal Revenue Service.
ii. Agrees to revert all unused moneys to CARB if they are not liquidated
within the timeline specified in the grant agreement.
iii. Submits a spending plan to CARB for review prior to receiving the
advance payment.
iv. The spending plan shall include project schedules, timelines, milestones,
and the Grantee’s fund balance for all state grant programs.
v. CARB shall consider the available fund balance when determining the
amount of the advance payment.
vi. Reports to CARB any material changes to the spending plan within 30
vii. Agrees to not provide advance payment to any other entity.
e. In the event of the nonperformance of the Grantee, CARB shall require the
full recovery of the unspent moneys. A Grantee shall provide a money
transfer confirmation within 45 days upon the receipt of a notice from CARB.
f. The Grantee must complete and submit to CARB for review and approval,
an Advance Payment Request Form, along with each grant disbursement
that is requesting advance payment. The Advance Payment Request Form
shall be provided by CARB to the Grantee after the grant execution.
g. Grantee must also submit a certification to CARB pursuant to 17 C.C.R.
Section 91043 for each advance payment request.
h. CARB may provide an advance of the direct project costs of the grant, if the
program has moderate reserves and potential cash flow issues. Advance
payments will not exceed the Grantee’s interim cash needs.
i. The grantee assumes legal and financial risk of the advance payment.
j. Grantee shall place funds advanced under this section in an interest-bearing
account. Grantee shall track interest accrued on the advance payment.
Interest earned on the advance payment shall only be used for eligible
grant-related expenses as outlined in the Grant Provisions, Exhibit A or will
be returned to CARB.
k. Grantee shall report to CARB the value of any unused balance of the
advance payment and interest earned and submit quarterly fiscal accounting
reports consistent with Section 9 (Reporting and Documenting Expenditure
of State Funds) of this grant agreement.
l. Grantee shall remit to CARB any unused portion of the advance payment
and interest earned within 90 days following the end date of this Grant
Agreement term on June 30, 202X or the reversion date of the
6. Suspension of Payments and Grant Termination
a. CARB reserves the right to issue a grant suspension order in the event that a
dispute should arise. The grant suspension order shall only apply to those
activities or amounts in dispute and will not apply to commitments made by
Grantee in accordance with this Grant before receiving notice of the
suspension. The grant suspension order will be in effect until the dispute has
been resolved or the grant has been terminated. If the Grantee chooses to
continue work on the project after receiving a grant suspension order, the
Grantee will not be reimbursed for any expenditure incurred during the
suspension in the event CARB terminates the grant. If CARB rescinds the
suspension order and does not terminate the grant, CARB at its sole
discretion will reimburse the Grantee for any expenses incurred during the
suspension that CARB deems reimbursable in accordance with the terms of
the grant.
b. CARB reserves the right to terminate this Grant upon 30 days’ written notice
to the Grantee. In the case of early termination, the Grantee will submit a
Quarterly Report covering activities up to, and including, the termination
date and following the requirements specified herein and in Section I of
these provisions and immediately return remaining funds.
c. The Grantee reserves the right to terminate this Grant upon 60 days’ written
notice to CARB. In the case of early termination, the Grantee will submit a
Quarterly Report covering activities up to, and including, the termination
date and following the requirements specified herein and in Section I of
these provisions and immediately return remaining funds.
d. CARB reserves the right to immediately terminate this Grant in accordance
with Exhibit B, General Grant Provisions (23).
e. Upon termination, remaining grant funds must be immediately returned to
7. Contingency Provision
In the event, this Grant is terminated for whatever reason, the CARB Executive
Officer or designee reserves the right in his or her sole discretion to award any
remaining funds to other Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
recipients (or Grantees) or other projects.
8. Earned Interest
“Earned interest” means any interest generated from Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance Project funds provided to the Grantee and held in an
interest-bearing account.
a. Interest earned by the Grantee on the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project funds must be reported to CARB. All interest income on
the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funds must be
reinvested in the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project to fund
additional eligible vehicles. The Grantee is responsible for reporting to CARB
on all vehicles and consumers funded with interest earned on the Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funds.
b. The Grantee must maintain accounting records (e.g. general ledger) that
tracks interest earned and expended on the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project funds, as follows:
i. The calculation of interest must be based on an average daily balance or
some other reasonable and demonstrable method of allocating the
proceeds from the interest-generating account back into the program.
ii. The methodology for tracking earned interest must ensure that it is
separately identifiable from interest earned on non-Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance Project funds.
iii. The methodology for calculating earned interest must be consistent with
how it is calculated for the Grantee’s other fiscal programs.
iv. Earned interest must be fully expended or returned to CARB by
completion of project, or by date, whichever comes first.
c. Documentation of interest earned on the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Projects funds must be retained for a minimum of three years after
it is generated. Documentation of interest expended on eligible vehicles must
be retained for a minimum of three years after the interest-funded Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance has been redeemed.
d. The above documentation must be provided to CARB in Quarterly Reports
and Final Report.
e. Interest on the loan loss reserve funds will be held in the loan loss reserve
f. CARB acknowledges and agrees that Grantee will deposit the Grant funds
in a commercial checking account at Beneficial State Bank, an affiliate of
Grantee, and that Beneficial State Bank will pay interest and charge fees on
that account in accordance with its customary interest and fee schedules in
effect from time to time.
Grantee and CARB agree that any interest earned on deposit accounts held
by the Grantee at Beneficial State Bank which hold the loan loss reserves
provided by CARB for the Project will be used by the Project in accordance
with the terms of section K. 8 “Earned Interest” of this Grant Agreement.
CARB agrees that no amounts earned by Beneficial State Bank arising out
of the Project and the loan loss reserves will be treated for any purposes as
amounts subject to restrictions or uses set forth in the Grant Agreement.
9. In-Kind Services
The Grantee is encouraged, but not required, to contribute in-kind services to
improve Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project effectiveness. “In-
kind services”, for the purposes of Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance
Project, means payments or contributions made in the form of goods and
services, rather than direct monetary contributions. Funds expended on in-kind
services must meet all the requirements described herein and must be
documented in the Quarterly Status Report(s) and Final Report to CARB.
10. Grantee Match Funding
Match funding from the Grantee is encouraged, but not required, and may
include funding from other State, federal, non-profit, or private revenue sources.
All match funding sources and amounts must be reported to CARB in the
Quarterly Status Report(s) and the Final Report.
1. Meetings with CARB (and any sub-contractor)
a. Initial meeting: After a grant agreement is executed, a meeting will be held
between key project personnel and CARB staff before work on the Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistance Project begins. The purpose of the first
meeting will be to discuss the overall plan, details of performing the tasks, the
project schedule, and any issues that may need to be resolved. Topics may
include process for program decision-making, frequency and process for
ongoing project team coordination, and process for coordinating activities with
CARB’s other equity projects and Public Information Office.
b. Review meetings: Meetings to discuss progress may be held beginning three
months after the initial meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the
sole discretion of the CARB Project Liaison or by the Grantee upon request.
Such meetings may be conducted by phone, if deemed appropriate by the
CARB Project Liaison. The Grantee is responsible for developing the agenda
in collaboration with CARB Project Liaison, and for facilitating the quarterly
c. Site visits: Site visits may be established by the CARB Project Liaison during
the term of this grant.
2. Technical Monitoring
a. Any change in the scope or schedule for the project requires the prior written
approval of the CARB Project Liaison and possibly a written Grant Agreement
Amendment. Technical monitoring may be necessary or adjustments to the
project scope or requirements may need to be made.
b. The Grantee must notify the CARB Project Liaison and Grant Coordinator in
writing, immediately if any circumstances arise (technical, economic, or
otherwise), which might place completion of the project in jeopardy. The
Grantee must also make such notification if there is a change in key project
c. In addition to Quarterly Reports (see Section M, Reporting, of this Grant
Agreement), the Grantee must provide information requested by the CARB
Project Liaison that is needed to assess progress in completing tasks and
meeting the objectives of the project.
d. Any change in budget allocations, re-definition of deliverables, or extension of
the project schedule must be requested in writing to the CARB Project Liaison
and approved by CARB, in its sole discretion and may require a written Grant
Agreement Amendment.
The Grantee must provide CARB with documentation accounting for the proper
expenditure of CARB funds. The documentation must be provided in Quarterly
Status Reports submitted at least every three months to CARB and a Final Report
submitted after all Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance funds have been
1. Quarterly Status Reports
a. The Grantee must submit Quarterly Status Reports at a minimum of
three-month intervals. The Quarterly Status Reports must be provided in a
format agreed upon between the CARB Project Liaison and the Grantee and
meet the requirements specified herein. CARB may specify an electronic
format for quarterly reporting.
b. The Grantee must provide a Quarterly Status Report to CARB detailing the
vehicles, consumers, and associated Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance amounts assigned and redeemed to date. The Quarterly Status
Report must include the following components:
i. Excel spreadsheet of:
a) Purchased or leased vehicle Information, including make, model,
model year, vehicle identification number, mileage at time of purchase
and vehicle type.
b) Dollar amount of the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance (loan,
vehicle price buy-down or other financial assistance mechanism),
financing terms (interest rate, term of loan), consumer’s income level,
consumer’s zip code, census tract, identifying if the consumer resides
in a disadvantaged community census tract, whether the vehicle is
purchased or leased and purchase/lease date.
c) If a consumer is purchasing a BEV/PHEV and financial assistance is
provided for EVSE, report must include EVSE purchase and
installation costs.
ii. Summary report of:
a) Program participation rates.
b) Status of education and outreach efforts
c) Survey results, feedback received from consumers, including those
consumers that ultimately did not receive any Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance, if available.
d) Remaining grant funds available.
e) Accounting records, including expenditure and supporting
f) If a loan loss reserve account is used, any changes (withdrawals or
deposits) from loan loss reserve account, claims, net proceeds, or
other withdrawals or deposits with a description of transaction (fees,
sales records, etc.).
g) Copies of any reports from sub-contractors or partner agencies
concerning the performance of the program, if appropriate.
h) Identified problems or concerns, proposed solutions, lessons learned,
and suggested best practices, if applicable.
i) Other data and analysis as required by CARB.
c. The Quarterly Status Report provides a mechanism for the Grantee to justify
a need for additional Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project funds
from CARB. The Quarterly Status Report must be submitted at least every
three months but may be provided on an as needed basis to justify payment
from CARB. The first Quarterly Status Report must be submitted three
months after the grant agreement is fully executed or when requesting
additional disbursement of funds, whichever is sooner.
2. Status Reports
a. The Status Report provides a mechanism for the Grantee to justify a need for
additional incentive funding and may be provided on an as needed basis to
request additional funding from CARB. The Status Report is intended to be a
streamlined reporting mechanism by which the Grantee can receive timely
disbursements from CARB.
b. The Status Reports shall be provided in a format agreed upon between the
CARB Project Liaison and the Grantee and meet the requirements specified
herein. CARB may specify an electronic format for Status Reports. CARB and
Grantee may from time to time agree on additional items to be included in the
Status Reports.
c. The Status Report must include:
i. Excel spreadsheet of vehicle incentives and/or EVSE incentives issued to
ii. Summary of incentive applications received and/or applications approved
for funding, and associated dollar amount of incentives reserved.
3. Final Report
a. The Grantee must submit a Final Report to CARB within 30 days of the
project end date. The Final Report must include the following components:
The Final Report must include, at a minimum:
i. Excel spreadsheet of:
a) Purchased or leased vehicle information, including make, model,
vehicle identification number, model year, mileage at time of purchase
or lease, and vehicle type.
b) Dollar amount of the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance (loan,
vehicle price buy-down, or other financial assistance mechanism),
financing terms (interest rate, term of loan), consumer’s income level,
consumer’s zip code, census tract, identifying if the consumer resides
in a disadvantaged community census tract, whether the vehicle is
purchased or leased and purchase/lease date.
c) Expenditure documentation of Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance, administration costs, match and in-kind contributions.
d) If a consumer is purchasing a BEV/PHEV and financial assistance is
provided for EVSE, report must include EVSE purchase and
installation costs.
ii. Summary report of:
a) Program participation rates.
b) Outreach efforts.
c) Survey results, feedback received from consumers, including those
consumers that ultimately did not receive any Statewide CC4A and
Financing Assistance, if available.
d) Copies of any reports from sub-contractors or partner agencies
concerning the performance of the program, if appropriate.
e) Accounting records, including expenditure and supporting
f) Project records, including any changes (withdrawals or deposits) from
the loan loss reserve account, claims, net proceeds, or other
withdrawal or deposit with auditable documentation.
g) Implementation challenges and recommendation for potential program
h) Other data and analysis as required by CARB.
i) Remaining grant funds available.
j) Earned interest.
iii. Overview of the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project from
inception through project end, including project background, partnerships,
funding sources, challenges, successes, and suggestions going forward.
iv. Table of milestones and narrative of how the milestones have been met.
v. Other co-benefits to the disadvantaged community, including customer
vi. Expenditure and income information and supporting documentation.
vii. Other data and analysis as developed with CARB.
Additional reporting requirements may be added during the project period
if deemed necessary by CARB.
b. The draft Final Report must be submitted to CARB in an appropriate format
as directed by CARB. The Final Report must meet the requirements
specified herein. Upon approval of the draft Final Report by the CARB
Project Liaison, the Grantee must provide either a hard copy of the final
version, or an electronic file.
c. In addition to the Final Report, the Grantee must submit to CARB all
Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance records and supporting
documentation in an electronic format.
Project records consist of the financial and Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance records described below. CARB and Grantee may from time to time
agree on additional project records to be maintained. In addition, project record
requirements are subject to change at CARB’s discretion, in which case Section R
will apply. All project records must be retained for period of three years after final
payment under this Grant. All project records are subject to audit pursuant to
Exhibit B, General Grant Provision (4) of this Grant Agreement. Upon completion
of the third year of record retention, the Grantee must submit all project records to
1. Grantee Record:
The Grantee must retain all Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
files containing:
a. Original executed copy of the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance
Project Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement Amendments (if applicable).
b. Project Implementation Manual and policies and procedures documentation
c. Copies of Grant Disbursement Request Forms
d. Documentation of earned interest generation and expenditure (see
Section K (8) for more information).
2. Financial Records:
Without limitation of the requirement to maintain project accounts in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, the Grantee must:
a. Establish an official file for Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
which must adequately document all significant actions relative to the project.
b. Establish separate accounts which will adequately and accurately depict all
amounts received and expended on the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project.
c. Establish separate accounts which will adequately and accurately depict all
income received which is attributable to the Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance Project.
d. Establish an accounting system which will adequately depict final total costs
of the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project.
3. Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Records:
Grantee is required to establish and maintain Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance records which must include, at a minimum:
a. Consumer Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project application,
containing consumer details (Federal Poverty Level, address, census tract,
disadvantaged community designation, etc.) and assistance details (vehicle
type, loan amount, interest rate, term, price buy-down amount, EVSE,
training, etc.). CARB and Grantee may from time to time agree on additional
application features. In addition, application features are subject to change at
CARB’s discretion, in which case Section R will apply. For vehicle price buy-
down, provide vehicle details (make, model, model year, mileage at purchase,
b. Copy of loan documentation, Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance
check(s) or other form of documentation demonstrating how the funds were
c. Documentation on any deviations from the normal processing of Statewide
CC4A and Financing Assistances (examples include enforcement action,
CARB case-by-case approvals).
d. Develop a system to track all disapproved Statewide CC4A and Financing
Assistance applications, including explanation(s) of disapproval.
1. Funding for this grant may be held contingent upon CARB review and approval
of any existing audit findings or reports and/or Grantee's timely response to
requests for a program review.
2. The Grantee must comply with all oversight responsibilities identified herein.
3. CARB or its designee may recoup the GGRF investments which were received
based upon misinformation or fraud, or for which a Grantee, vehicle
manufacturer, technology provider, or lower-income consumer is in significant
or continual non-compliance with the terms of this Grant Agreement or State
law. CARB also reserves the right to prohibit any entity from participating in
Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Projects due to non-compliance
with project requirements.
4. If the Grantee detects any actual and/or potentially fraudulent activity by a
finance assistance administrator, vehicle dealer, purchaser, or lessee, it must
notify CARB as soon as possible and work with CARB to determine an
appropriate course of action.
Any webpage(s), software, databases, project data, or other intellectual property
developed or purchased by the Grantee for the purposes of administering or
implementing the Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project are the
property of CARB. Should a different grantee be selected to manage the
Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project in subsequent funding years, it
will be the Grantee’s responsibility to turn over this property and information to
CARB and the new grantee and provide all reasonable and necessary assistance
needed to ensure a smooth transfer. It is CARB’s intention that Statewide CC4A
and Financing Assistance access and redemption be seamless to vehicle
purchasers and lessees as Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
transfers to each new fiscal year.
Where CARB has the right under this Grant to require new terms and conditions of
or make changes to the program, require currently unspecified Alignment or
otherwise exercise discretion (each, a “Change”), the following rules will apply:
a. No Changes may increase Grantee’s unreimbursed costs or require Grantee to
advance funds.
b. CARB will provide such advance notice, in reasonable detail, of the Change or
exercise so as to enable Grantee to mobilize the resources needed to smoothly
implement the action, minimize adverse impacts to project participants and
maintain the reputation of the program. During this time the parties will in good
faith work together to resolve these concerns or, if applicable, to initiate the
termination and wind down contemplated by Section R.d.
c. The Change will not require Grantee to delay performance of or fail to perform
program commitments that were made by Grantee in accordance with this
Grant before it received notice of the Change.
d. If the Grantee in good faith believes that the Change is unreasonable or will
make it impracticable or unduly burdensome to continue with the program, the
Grantee may initiate the termination and wind down process described in this
e. A reasonable timeframe for implementing the Change will be determined by the
Grantee and CARB.
f. As feasible, Grantee must comply with and implement program criteria changes
that occur throughout the project term in a reasonable timeframe.
1. Amendment: No amendment or variation of the terms of this
Grant Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, signed
by the parties and approved as required. No oral
understanding or agreement not incorporated in the Grant
Agreement is binding on any of the parties.
2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Language: Grantee must ensure
that products and services submitted to CARB, uploaded, or otherwise
provided to CARB by the Grantee and/or its subcontractors, subgrantees,
and any other agreement (hereinafter referred to as subawardees) under
this Grant, as specified in Exhibit (insert exhibit # here) or (list items here)
to (collectively, the “Work”), comply with Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines 2.0, levels A and AA, and otherwise meet the accessibility
requirements set forth in California Government Code Sections 7405 and
11135, Section 202 of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (42
U.S.C. § 12132), and Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act (29
U.S.C. § 794d) and the regulations promulgated thereunder (36 C.F.R.
Parts 1193 and 1194) (collectively, the “Accessibility Requirements”).
For any Work provided to CARB in PDF format, Grantee shall also
provide an electronic version in the original electronic format (for
example, Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign). CARB may request
documentation from the Grantee of compliance with the requirements
described above and may perform testing to verify compliance. Grantee
agrees to respond to and resolve any complaint brought to its attention
regarding accessibility of deliverables provided under this Grant.
Deviations from the Accessibility Requirements are permitted only by
written consent by CARB.
3. Assignment: This grant is not assignable by the Grantee either in whole or
in part, without the consent of CARB in the form of a formal written
4. Audit: Grantee agrees that CARB, the Department of General Services,
Department of Finance, the California State Auditor, or their designated
representative shall have the right to review and to copy any records and
supporting documentation pertaining to the performance of this Grant and
all State funds received. Grantee agrees to maintain such records for
possible audit for a minimum of three (3) years after the term of this Grant
is completed, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated.
Grantee agrees to allow the auditor(s) access to such records during
normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees who
might reasonably have information related to such records. Further,
Grantee agrees to include similar right of the State to audit records and
interview staff in any Grant or Contract related to performance of this
5. Availability of funds: It is mutually agreed that if the Budget Act of the
current year and/or any subsequent years covered under this grant does
not appropriate sufficient funds for the program, this grant shall be of no
further force and effect. In this event, the State shall have no liability to pay
any funds whatsoever to Grantee or to furnish any other considerations
under this grant and Grantee shall not be obligated to perform any
provisions of this grant.
6. Compliance with law, regulations, etc.: The Grantee agrees
that it will, at all times, comply with and require its contractors
and subcontractors to comply with all applicable federal, State
and local laws, rules, guidelines, regulations, and requirements.
7. Computer software: The Grantee certifies that it has
appropriate systems and controls in place to ensure that State
funds will not be used in the performance of this Grant
Agreement for the acquisition, operation, or maintenance of
computer software in violation of copyright laws.
8. Confidentiality: Prior to CARB releasing any information to
Grantee which CARB has designated as confidential, CARB
will notify Grantee in writing of such confidential designation.
Except as may be required by the California Public Records Act
(California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), no record
which has been designated as confidential by CARB, shall be
disclosed by the Grantee. If the Grantee believes disclosure of
a confidential record may be required under the California
Public Records Act, the Grantee shall first give CARB at least
10 calendar days written notice prior to any planned disclosure
so CARB can seek an order preventing disclosure from a court
of competent jurisdiction.
9. Conflict of interest: The Grantee certifies that it is in
compliance with applicable State and/or federal conflict
of interest laws.
10. Disputes: The Grantee shall continue with the responsibilities
under this Grant Agreement during any dispute. Grantee staff or
management may work in good faith with CARB staff or
management to resolve any disagreements or conflicts arising
from implementation of this Grant Agreement. However, any
disagreements that cannot be resolved at the management
level within 30 days of when the issue is first raised with CARB
staff shall be subject to resolution by the CARB Executive
Officer, or his designated representative. Nothing contained in
this paragraph is intended to limit any of the rights or remedies
that the parties may have under law.
11. Environmental Justice: In the performance of this Grant
Agreement, the GRANTEE shall conduct its programs,
policies, and activities that substantially affect human health
or the environment in a manner that ensures the fair
treatment of people of all races, cultures, and income levels,
including minority populations and low-income population of
the State.
12. Fiscal management systems and accounting standards: The
Grantee agrees that, at a minimum, its fiscal control and
accounting procedures will be sufficient to permit tracing of
grant funds to a level of expenditure adequate to establish that
such funds have not been used in violation of State law or this
Grant Agreement. Unless otherwise prohibited by State or local
law, the Grantee further agrees that it will maintain separate
Grant award accounts in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
13. Force Majeure: Neither CARB nor the Grantee must be liable for
or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance
under this Grant Agreement or interruption of services resulting,
directly or indirectly, from acts of God, enemy or hostile
governmental action, civil commotion, strikes, government
declaration of emergency, national or state declared pandemics,
lockouts, labor disputes, fire, flood, earthquakes or other physical
natural disaster. If either party intends to invoke this clause to
excuse or delay performance, the party invoking the clause must
provide written notice to the other party immediately but no later
than within fifteen (15) calendar days of the intent to invoke the
clause and reasons that the force majeure event is preventing
that party from or delaying that party in performing its obligations
under this grant. CARB may terminate this Grant Agreement
immediately in writing without penalty in the event Grantee
invokes this clause.
14. If the Grant Agreement is not terminated by CARB pursuant to
this clause, upon completion of the event of force majeure, the
Grantee must as soon as reasonably practicable recommence
the performance of its obligations under this Grant Agreement.
The Grantee must also provide a revised schedule to minimize
the effects of the delay caused by the event of force majeure. An
event of force majeure does not relieve a party from liability for an
obligation which arose before the occurrence of that event.
15. Governing law and venue: This Grant Agreement is governed by
and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State
of California. CARB and the Grantee hereby agree that any action
arising out of this Grant Agreement shall be filed and maintained
in the Superior Court in and for the County of Sacramento,
California, or in the United States District Court in and for the
Eastern District of California. The Grantee hereby waives any
existing sovereign immunity for the purposes of this Grant
16. Grantee’s responsibility for work: The Grantee shall be
responsible for work and for persons or entities engaged in
work, including, but not limited to, contractors, subcontractors,
suppliers, and providers of services. The Grantee shall be
responsible for any and all disputes arising out of its contract for
work on a Project funded by this Grant Award, including but not
limited to payment disputes with contractors, subcontractors,
and providers of services. The State will not mediate disputes
between the Grantee and any other entity concerning
responsibility for performance of work.
17. Grantee’s requirements for electric vehicle charging
infrastructure and equipment: The requirements of this
section do not apply to any of the following:
1) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure installed by employees of an
electrical corporation or local publicly owned electric utility.
2) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure funded by moneys derived
from credits generated from the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Program (Subarticle 7 (commencing with Section 95480) of Article 4
of Subchapter 10 of Chapter 1 of Division 3 of Title 17 of the
California Code of Regulations).
3) Single-family home residential electric vehicle chargers that can use
an existing 208/240-volt outlet.
Prior to executing contracts grantee must ensure the following requirements are
included in all subawardee contracts and or other agreements:
a. Prior to authorizing work, a subawardee that was awarded funds to install
electrical charging equipment for use by on-road transportation vehicles, must
require both:
a. An AB 841 Certification that certifies the project will comply with all AB 841
(2020) requirements or describes why the AB 841 requirements do not
apply to the project. The certification shall be signed by the sub-awardees
authorized representative.
b. EVITP Certification Numbers of each Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Training Program certified electrician that will install electric vehicle
charging infrastructure or equipment. Evidence such as Certification
Numbers is not required to be obtained by Grantee if AB 841 requirements
do not apply to a project. Prior to remitting payment to a sub-awardee, the
grantee is responsible for collecting all AB 841 Certifications to ensure the
project did comply with all AB 841 (2020) requirements and shall retain
Certification Numbers in accordance with the grantee’s records retention
18. Indemnification: The Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend,
and hold harmless the State and CARB and its officers,
employees, agents, representatives, and successors-in-
interest against any and all liability, loss, and expense,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, from any and all claims
for injury or damages arising out of the performance by the
Grantee, and out of the operation of equipment that is
purchased with funds from this Grant Award.
19. Independent contractor: The Grantee, and its agents and
employees, if any, in their performance of this Grant
Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as
officers, employees or agents of CARB.
20. Nondiscrimination: During the performance of this Grant
Agreement, the Grantee and its contractors shall not
unlawfully discriminate against, harass, or allow harassment
against any employee or applicant for employment because
of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical disability, mental disability, medical condition,
genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender
identity, gender expression, age (over 40), sexual
orientation, or veteran or military status, or allow denial of
family-care leave, medical-care leave, or pregnancy-
disability leave. The Grantee and its contractors shall ensure
that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and
applicants for employment are free of such discrimination
and harassment. The Grantee and its contractors shall
comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and
Housing Act (Gov. Code section 12900 et seq.) and the
applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California
Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11000 et seq.). The
applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing
Commission implementing Government Code section 12990
(a)-(f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4.1 of title 2 of the
California Code of Regulations, are incorporated into this
Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set
forth in full. The Grantee and its contractors shall give written
notice of their obligations under this clause to labor
organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or
other agreement. The Grantee shall include the
nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in
all subcontracts to perform work under this Grant
21. No third party rights: The parties to this Grant Agreement do
not create rights in, or grant remedies to, any third party as a
beneficiary of this Grant Agreement, or of any duty, covenant,
obligation or undertaking establish herein.
22. Ownership: All information or data received or generated by
the Grantee under this Grant Agreement shall become the
property of CARB. No information or data received or
generated under this Grant Agreement shall be released
without CARB approval.
23. Personally identifiable information: Information or data that
personally identifies an individual or individuals is
confidential in accordance with California Civil Code sections
1798, et seq. and other relevant State or Federal statutes
and regulations. The Grantee shall safeguard all such
information or data which comes into their possession under
this Grant Agreement in perpetuity, and shall not release or
publish any such information or data.
24. Prevailing wages and labor compliance: Grantee agrees to
monitor all agreements subject to reimbursement from this
Grant Agreement to ensure that the provisions of Labor
Code Sections 1720-1861 are being met by sub awardees.
25. Professionals: Grantee agrees that only licensed
professionals will be used to perform services under this
Grant Agreement where such services are called for and
licensed professionals are required for those services under
State law.
26. Severability: If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any
provision of this Grant Agreement to be illegal, unenforceable
or invalid in whole or in part for any reason, the validity and
enforceability of the remaining provisions, or portions of
those provisions, will not be affected.
27. Termination: CARB may terminate this Grant Agreement for
cause by written notice at any time prior to completion of
projects funded by this Grant Award, upon violation by the
Grantee of any material provision after such violation has
been called to the attention of the Grantee and after failure of
the Grantee to bring itself into compliance with the provisions
of this Grant Agreement within the time frame set forth by
CARB via written notice to the Grantee.
28. Timeliness: Time is of the essence in this Grant Agreement.
Grantee shall proceed with and complete the projects in an
expeditious manner.
29. Waiver of Rights: Any waiver of rights with respect to a
default or other matter arising under the Grant Agreement at
any time by either party shall not be considered a waiver of
rights with respect to any other default or matter. Any rights
and remedies of the State provided for in this Grant
Agreement are in addition to any other rights and remedies
provided by law.
30. Order of precedence: In the event of any inconsistency
between the article exhibits, attachments, specifications, or
provisions which constitute this Grant Agreement, the
following order of precedence shall apply:
a. Grant Agreement Cover Sheet
b. Exhibit A Grant Provisions
c. Exhibit B Work Statement
d. Exhibit D Grant Solicitation Package
e. All other Exhibits incorporated into the Grant Agreement as listed
on the Grant Agreement Cover Sheet.
Attachment I Budget Summary
Grant No.:
Project: Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
Total Funding
Funding Source Amount
Total Project
Attachment II Estimated Project Milestones and Disbursement Schedule
Grant No.:
Project: Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
# Task
Start Date End Date
(Up to)
Execute Grant
Kick-off meeting X/XX/XX X/XX/XX $ 0
2 Milestone Task X/XX/XX X/XX/XX $ XXX
3 Milestone Task X/XX/XX X/XX/XX $ XXX
4 Milestone Task X/XX/XX X/XX/XX $ XXX
Disbursement Schedule:
Associated Task Up to Amount
1.1 Vehicle buy-downs XXX $XXX
1.2 Loan Loss Reserve XXX $XXX
1.4 Processing Fee XXX $XXX
Total $XXX
Attachment III Key Project Personnel
Grant No.:
Project: Statewide CC4A and Financing Assistance Project
Name Position Duties
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very unsatisfied and 10 being very satisfied, how
satisfied are you with the vehicle you chose?
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very unsatisfied and 10 being very satisfied, how
satisfied are you with the finance assistance process to purchase your vehicle?
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being very unsatisfied and 10 being very satisfied, how
satisfied are you with the terms of your loan?
4. Do you expect to be able to keep up with your loan payments?
5. What, if anything, about your loan worries you?
6. Has the vehicle you purchased or leased changed your employment opportunities or
your plans for your future
7. How much more or how much less is your income now that you have a newer
8. How much have you spent in repairs on the vehicle?
9. How much do you spend on gas for your vehicle each month?
10. Date of vehicle purchase or lease and number of miles at the time of purchase or
11. Date of recording mileage and miles driven since vehicle purchase or lease?
12. On average, how many miles do you drive in a month?
13. Approximately how many miles have you driven this year?
14. What, if anything, about your new vehicle worries you?
15. What, if anything, do you like/enjoy about your vehicle?
16. Would you be willing to answer some follow up questions in a few months to help us
continue to improve the replacement program?
(Optional) Name:
Contact number:
Please return to: