This document contains a list of standard terms and conditions frequently included in our project support grant agreements. This is not
an exhaustive list and is subject to change from time to time in our sole discretion. This list is provided for informational purposes only
and does not imply an award, agreement, or offer to contract.
GRANT AMOUNT: The Foundation will pay You the total grant amount specified in the Reporting & Payment Schedule below. The
Foundation’s Primary Contact must approve in writing any Budget cost category change of more than 10%.
REPORTING & PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Payments are subject to Your compliance with this Agreement, including Your achievement,
and the Foundation’s approval, of any applicable targets, milestones, and reporting deliverables required under this Agreement. The
Foundation may, in its reasonable discretion, modify payment dates or amounts and will notify You of any such changes in writing.
REPORTING: You will submit reports according to the Reporting & Payment Schedule using the Foundation’s templates or forms,
which the Foundation will make available to You and which may be modified from time to time. For a progress or final report to be
considered satisfactory, it must demonstrate meaningful progress against the targets or milestones for that investment period. If
meaningful progress has not been made, the report should explain why not and what adjustments You are making to get back on track.
Please notify the Foundation’s Primary Contact if You need to add or modify any targets or milestones. The Foundation must approve
any such changes in writing. You agree to submit other reports the Foundation may reasonably request.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CHARITABLE PURPOSE: The Foundation is awarding You this grant to carry out the project
described in the Investment Document ("Project") in order to further the Charitable Purpose. The Foundation, in its discretion, may
approve in writing any request by You to make non-material changes to the Investment Document.
USE OF FUNDS: You may not use funds provided under this Agreement ("Grant Funds") for any purpose other than the Project. You
may not use Grant Funds to reimburse any expenses You incurred prior to the Start Date. At the Foundation’s request, You will repay
any portion of Grant Funds and/or Income used or committed in material breach of this Agreement, as determined by the Foundation in
its discretion.
INVESTMENT OF FUNDS: You must invest Grant Funds in highly liquid investments with the primary objective of preservation of
principal (e.g., an interest-bearing account or a registered money market mutual fund) so that the Grant Funds are available for the
Project. Together with any progress or final reports required under this Agreement, You must report the amount of any currency
conversion gains (or losses) and the amount of any interest or other income generated by the Grant Funds (collectively, “Income”). Any
Income must be used for the Project.
GLOBAL ACCESS COMMITMENT: You will conduct and manage the Project and the Funded Developments in a manner that ensures
Global Access. Your Global Access commitments will survive the term of this Agreement. Funded Developments” means the products,
services, processes, technologies, materials, software, data, other innovations, and intellectual property resulting from the Project
(including modifications, improvements, and further developments to Background Technology). Background Technologymeans any
and all products, services, processes, technologies, materials, software, data, other innovations, and intellectual property created by
You or a third party prior to or outside of the Project used as part of the Project. Global Access means: (a) the knowledge and
information gained from the Project will be promptly and broadly disseminated; and (b) the Funded Developments will be made
available and accessible at an affordable price (i) to people most in need within developing countries, or (ii) in support of the U.S.
educational system and public libraries, as applicable to the Project.
PUBLICATION: Consistent with Your Global Access commitments, if the Project description specifies Publication or Publication is
otherwise requested by the Foundation, You will seek prompt Publication of any Funded Developments consisting of data and results.
Publicationmeans publication in a peer-reviewed journal or other method of public dissemination specified in the Project description
or otherwise approved by the Foundation in writing. Publication may be delayed for a reasonable period for the sole purpose of seeking
patent protection, provided the patent application is drafted, filed, and managed in a manner that best furthers Global Access. If You
seek Publication in a peer-reviewed journal, You agree to adhere to the Foundation’s Open Access Policy available at:, which may be modified from time to time. Nothing
in this section shall be construed as requiring Publication in contravention of any applicable ethical, legal, or regulatory requirements.
You will mark any Funded Development subject to this clause with the appropriate notice or attribution, including author, date and
copyright (e.g., © 20<> <Name>).
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REPORTING: During the term of this Agreement and for 5 years after, You will submit upon request
annual intellectual property reports relating to the Funded Developments, Background Technology, and any related agreements using
the Foundation’s templates or forms, which the Foundation may modify from time to time.
SUBGRANTS AND SUBCONTRACTS: You have the exclusive right to select subgrantees and subcontractors to assist with the
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RESPONSIBILITY FOR OTHERS: You are responsible for all acts and omissions of any of Your trustees, directors, officers,
employees, subgrantees, subcontractors, contingent workers, agents, and affiliates assisting with the Project and ensuring their
compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
ANTI-TERRORISM: You will not use funds provided under this Agreement, directly or indirectly, in support of activities (a) prohibited by
U.S. laws related to combating terrorism; (b) with persons on the List of Specially Designated Nationals ( or
entities owned or controlled by such persons; or (c) with countries against which the U.S. maintains comprehensive or targeted
sanctions (currently, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and the Crimea Region and so-called Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics of
Ukraine), unless such activities are fully authorized by the U.S. government under applicable law and specifically approved by the
Foundation in its sole discretion.
ANTI-CORRUPTION AND ANTI-BRIBERY: You will not offer or provide money, gifts, or any other things of value directly or indirectly
to anyone in order to improperly influence any act or decision relating to the Foundation or the Project, including by assisting any party
to secure an improper advantage. Training and information on compliance with these requirements are available at
You may not use Grant Funds to influence the outcome of any election for public office or to carry on any voter registration drive. You
acknowledge that the Foundation has not earmarked Grant Funds to support lobbying activities or to otherwise support attempts to
influence legislation. Activities will be conducted consistent with the private foundation lobbying rules and exceptions under Internal
Revenue Code Section 4945 and related regulations. You confirm that the Budget (or the combined project budget if there are multiple
funders) accurately reflects that You will expend at least the amount of the Grant Funds on (a) non-lobbying activities in the project
year, or (b) for multiple year projects, the total non-lobbying portion of the project.
You agree to comply with any national, state, local, or other lobbying, gift, and ethics rules applicable to the Project. The Foundation is
not retaining or employing You to engage in lobbying activities.
PUBLICITY: A Party may publicly disclose information about the award of this grant, including the other Party’s name, the total amount
awarded, and a description of the Project, provided that a Party obtains prior written approval before using the other Party’s name for
promotional purposes or logo for any purpose. Any public disclosure by You or Your subgrantees, subcontractors, contingent workers,
agents, or affiliates must be made in accordance with the Foundation’s then-current brand guidelines, which are available at:
COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: In carrying out the Project, You will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules and will not
infringe, misappropriate, or violate the intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights of any third party.
RELIANCE: You acknowledge that the Foundation is relying on the information You provide in reports and during the course of any due
diligence conducted prior to the Start Date and during the term of this Agreement. You represent that the Foundation may continue to
rely on this information and on any additional information You provide regarding activities, progress, and Funded Developments.
TERM: This Agreement commences on the Start Date and continues until the End Date, unless terminated earlier as provided in this
Agreement. The Foundation, in its discretion, may approve in writing any request by You for a no-cost extension, including amending
the End Date and adjusting any affected reporting requirements.
TERMINATION: The Foundation may modify, suspend, or discontinue any payment of Grant Funds or terminate this Agreement if: (a)
the Foundation is not reasonably satisfied with Your progress on the Project; (b) there are significant changes to Your leadership or
other factors that the Foundation reasonably believes may threaten the Project’s success; (c) there is a change in Your control; (d)
there is a change in Your tax status; or (e) You fail to comply with this Agreement.
RETURN OF FUNDS: Any Grant Funds that have not been used for, or committed to, the Project upon expiration or termination of this
Agreement must be returned promptly to the Foundation, applied to another Foundation-funded project (current or under consideration),
or applied to another mutually-agreed upon charitable purpose, as directed in writing by the Foundation. Any Income that has not been
used for, or committed to, the Project must be either applied to another Foundation-funded project (current or under consideration) or
applied to another mutually-agreed upon charitable purpose, as directed in writing by the Foundation.
RECORD KEEPING: You will maintain complete and accurate accounting records and copies of any reports submitted to the
Foundation relating to the Project. You will retain such records and reports for 4 years after Grant Funds have been fully spent. At the
request of the Foundation, or its designee, You will make such records and reports available to enable the Foundation to monitor and
evaluate how Grant Funds have been used or committed.
SURVIVAL: A Party’s obligations under this Agreement will be continuous and survive expiration or termination of this Agreement as
expressly provided in this Agreement or otherwise required by law or intended by their nature.
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This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements concerning its
subject matter. If there is a conflict between this Agreement and the Investment Document or Budget, this Agreement will prevail.
Except as specifically permitted in this Agreement, no modification, amendment, or waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be
effective unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.
NOTICES AND APPROVALS: Written notices, requests, and approvals under this Agreement must be delivered by mail or email to the
other Party’s primary contact specified on the Agreement Summary & Signature Page, or as otherwise directed by the other Party.
SEVERABILITY: Each provision of this Agreement must be interpreted in a way that is enforceable under applicable law. If any
provision is held unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in effect.
ASSIGNMENT: You may not assign, or transfer by operation of law or court order, any of Your rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the Foundation’s prior written approval. This Agreement will bind and benefit any permitted successors and assigns.
COUNTERPARTS AND ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES: Except as may be prohibited by applicable law or regulation, this Agreement
and any amendment may be signed in counterparts, by facsimile, PDF, or other electronic means, each of which will be deemed an
original and all of which when taken together will constitute one agreement. Facsimile and electronic signatures will be binding for all
The following clauses will be included in project support grant agreements if relevant to your project, as determined by the foundation.
These terms are non-negotiable.
EVALUATION: [Included in all U.S. Program grants.] You agree to notify the Foundation and provide copies of any reports or findings if
You conduct or commission any research or evaluation regarding the Project. If You are selected to participate in Foundation-funded
research or evaluation relating to the Project, You agree to: (a) designate a primary point of contact; (b) cooperate with the
Foundation’s evaluation partner as reasonably required to implement an evaluation plan; (c) provide or facilitate the collection of data
as reasonably required; and (d) permit dissemination of resulting reports or findings.
GLOBAL ACCESS MILESTONES: [Included if the foundation requires that Global Access commitments be further defined.] To further
define Your Global Access commitments, You are required to complete a Global Access Strategy and any other Global Access
activities and documentation listed in the Reporting & Payment Schedule. The Global Access Strategy should address the following
concepts with respect to all Funded Developments: (a) identification of Background Technology at the outset of the Project and any
Funded Developments created during the Project and specific strategies to ensure access to such Funded Developments and
Background Technology; (b) agreements and/or procedures for transfers of materials and data among Project Collaborators or third
parties relevant to the Project; (c) reporting processes for the creation of Funded Developments to both the Project management team
and to the Foundation as well as the publishing and dissemination of the knowledge and information gained from the Project; (d)
strategies to secure, manage and allocate intellectual property rights associated with the Funded Developments or Background
Technology in a way that ensures Global Access while providing incentives for future potential private sector participation; and (e)
anticipated development, commercialization and sustainability strategies during and after the Project to ensure that Global Access can
be met.
You may not materially change the plans and strategies contained in any Global Access documents after they have been approved by
the Foundation without the Foundation’s prior written approval. You will provide the Foundation with updates to the Global Access
Strategy during each year of the Project describing any new or modified approaches with respect to Funded Developments and
Background Technology, and related agreements, taking into account any new product, technology, and commercialization
developments and/or market information. Global Access Strategy means a written document, subject to the Foundation’s approval,
describing how You intend to achieve Global Access given the particular circumstances of the Project. “Project Collaborators” means all
current and future subgrantees, subcontractors, partners, agents, affiliates, or other parties who provide any input to the Project.
GLOBAL ACCESS COMMITMENT AGREEMENT: [Included if foundation requires a Global Access Commitment Agreement.] In order
to further define Your Global Access commitments, You agree to the terms and conditions set out in the Global Access Commitment
Agreement set forth in Attachment C. You may not materially change the plans and strategies contained in any Global Access
Commitments Agreement without the Foundation’s prior written approval. Upon request of the Foundation, You will provide the
Foundation with progress updates evidencing the progress to attain Your Global Access Commitments.
HUMANITARIAN LICENSE: [Included if foundation requires a license to Funded Developments in order to further Global Access.]
Subject to applicable laws and for the purpose of achieving Global Access, You grant the Foundation a nonexclusive, perpetual,
irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, fully paid up, sublicensable license to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import, distribute, copy, create
derivative works, publicly perform, and display Funded Developments and Essential Background Technology. Essential Background
Technology means Background Technology that is: (a) owned, controlled, or developed by You, or in-licensed with the right to
sublicense; and (b) either incorporated into a Funded Development or reasonably required to exercise the license to a Funded
Development. You confirm that You have retained sufficient rights in the Funded Developments and Essential Background Technology
to grant this license. You must ensure this license survives the assignment or transfer of Funded Developments or Essential
Background Technology. On request, You must promptly make available the Funded Developments and Essential Background
Technology to the Foundation for use solely under this license. If You demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Foundation that Global
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Access can best be achieved without this license, the Foundation and You will make good faith efforts to modify or terminate this
license, as appropriate
COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS: [Included in all US Program, Global Policy and Advocacy, Communications, Foundation
Strategy Office, and Chief Strategy Office grants.] You will conduct, control, manage, and monitor the Project in compliance with all
applicable ethical, legal, regulatory, and safety requirements, including applicable international, national, state, local, institutional, and
school district or school network standards (“Requirements”). You will obtain and maintain all necessary approvals, consents, and
reviews before conducting the applicable activity. As a part of Your annual progress report to the Foundation, You must report whether
the Project activities were conducted in compliance with all Requirements.
If the Project involves:
a. any protected information (including personally identifiable, protected health, or third-party confidential), You will not disclose this
information to the Foundation without obtaining the Foundation’s prior written approval and all necessary consents to disclose such
information; and/or
b. children, students, or vulnerable subjects, You will obtain any necessary consents and approvals unique to these subjects.
Any activities by the Foundation in reviewing documents and providing input or funding does not modify Your responsibility for
determining and complying with all Requirements for the Project.
COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS: [Included in all Global Health, Global Development, Global Growth & Opportunity, Gender
Equality and Executive Office grants.] You will conduct, control, manage, and monitor the Project in compliance with all applicable
ethical, legal, regulatory, and safety requirements, including applicable international, national, local, and institutional standards
(“Requirements”). You will obtain and maintain all necessary approvals, consents, and reviews before conducting the applicable
activity. As a part of Your annual progress report to the Foundation, You must report whether the Project activities were conducted in
compliance with all Requirements.
If the Project involves:
a. any protected information (including personally identifiable, protected health, or third-party confidential), You will not disclose this
information to the Foundation without obtaining the Foundation’s prior written approval and all necessary consents to disclose such
b. children or vulnerable subjects, You will obtain any necessary consents and approvals unique to these subjects; and/or
c. any trial involving human subjects, You will adhere to current Good Clinical Practice as defined by the International Council on
Harmonisation (ICH) E-6 Standards (or local regulations if more stringent) and will obtain applicable trial insurance.
Any activities by the Foundation in reviewing documents and providing input or funding does not modify Your responsibility for
determining and complying with all Requirements for the Project.
INDEMNIFICATION: [Included in all Global Health, Global Development, Global Growth & Opportunity, Gender Equality and Executive
Office grants.] If the Project involves clinical trials, trials involving human subjects, post-approval studies, field trials involving genetically
modified organisms, experimental medicine, or the provision of medical/health services (“Indemnified Activities”), You will indemnify,
defend, and hold harmless the Foundation and its trustees, employees, and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all
demands, claims, actions, suits, losses, damages (including property damage, bodily injury, and wrongful death), arbitration and legal
proceedings, judgments, settlements, or costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) (collectively, Claims”)
arising out of or relating to the acts or omissions, actual or alleged, of You or Your employees, subgrantees, subcontractors, contingent
workers, agents, and affiliates with respect to the Indemnified Activities. You agree that any activities by the Foundation in connection
with the Project, such as its review or proposal of suggested modifications to the Project, will not modify or waive the Foundation’s
rights under this paragraph. An Indemnified Party may, at its own expense, employ separate counsel to monitor and participate in the
defense of any Claim. Your indemnification obligations are limited to the extent permitted or precluded under applicable federal, state or
local laws, including federal or state tort claims acts, the Federal Anti-Deficiency Act, state governmental immunity acts, or state
constitutions. Nothing in this Agreement will constitute an express or implied waiver of Your governmental and sovereign immunities, if
INSURANCE: [Included in all Global Health, Global Development, Global Growth & Opportunity, Gender Equality and Executive Office
grants.] You will maintain insurance coverage sufficient to cover the activities, risks, and potential omissions of the Project in
accordance with generally-accepted industry standards and as required by law. You will ensure Your subgrantees and subcontractors
maintain insurance coverage consistent with this section.
MONITORING, REVIEW, AND AUDIT: The Foundation may monitor and review Your use of the Grant Funds, performance of the
Project, and compliance with this Agreement, which may include onsite visits to assess Your organization’s governance, management
and operations, discuss Your program and finances, and review relevant financial and other records and materials. In addition, the
Foundation, or its designee, may conduct audits, including onsite audits, at any time during the term of this Agreement, and within four
years after Grant Funds have been fully spent. Any onsite visit or audit shall be conducted at the Foundation’s expense, following prior
written notice, during normal business hours, and no more than once during any 12-month period.
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INTERNAL OR THIRD PARTY AUDIT: If during the term of this Agreement You are audited by your internal audit department or by a
third party, You will provide the audit report to the Foundation upon request, including the management letter and a detailed plan for
remedying any deficiencies observed (“Remediation Plan”). The Remediation Plan must include (a) details of actions You will take to
correct any deficiencies observed, and (b) target dates for successful completion of the actions to correct the deficiencies.
LEGAL ENTITY AND AUTHORITY: You confirm that: (a) You are an entity duly organized or formed, qualified to do business, and in
good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which You are organized or formed; (b) You are not an individual (i.e., a natural
person) or a disregarded entity (e.g., a sole proprietor or sole-owner entity) under U.S. law; (c) You have the right to enter into and fully
perform this Agreement; and (d) Your performance will not violate any agreement or obligation between You and any third party. You
will notify the Foundation immediately if any of this changes during the term of this Agreement.