Subpart 49.6 - Contract Termination Forms
and Formats
Parent topic: Part 49 - Termination of Contracts
49.601 Notice of termination for convenience.
(See 49.402-3(g) for notice of termination for default.)
49.601-1 Electronic notice.
The contracting officer may provide expedited notice of termination by electronic means that
includes a requirement for the contractor to confirm receipt. If the contractor does not confirm
receipt promptly, the contracting officer shall resend the notice electronically, and expedite the
letter notice described in 49.601-2. If confirmation of the electronic notice is received, and the
electronic notice includes all content in 49.601-2, the contracting officer need not send the letter
notice described in 49.601-2.
(a) Complete termination: The following electronic notice is suggested for use if a supply contract is
being completely terminated for convenience. If appropriately modified, the notice may be used for
other than supply contracts.
Date ____________
XYZ Corporation New York, NY 12345
Contract No. ___________________ is completely terminated under clause ___________, effective
__________________ [insert "immediately, (today’s date)" or "on ______________, 20_____," or "as soon as
you have delivered, including prior deliveries, the following items:" (list)]. Immediately stop all work,
terminate subcontracts, and place no further orders except to the extent [insert if applicable
"necessary to complete items not terminated or"] that you or a subcontractor wish to retain and
continue for your own account any work-in-process or other materials. Provide by electronic means
similar instructions to all subcontractors and suppliers. Detailed instructions follow.
(Contracting Officer)
(b) Partial termination:The following electronic notice is suggested for use if a supply contract is
being partially terminated for convenience. If appropriately modified, the notice may be used for
other than supply contracts.
Date ____________
XYZ Corporation New York, NY 12345
Contract No.______________ is partially terminated under clause ___________, effective ____________
[insert "immediately, (today’s date)" or "on ________, 20____"]. Reduce items to be delivered as
follows: [insert instructions]. Immediately stop all work, terminate subcontracts, and place no
further orders except as necessary to perform the portion not terminated or that you or a
subcontractor wish to retain and continue for your account any work-in-process or other materials.
Provide by electronic means similar instructions to all subcontractors and suppliers. Detailed
instructions follow.
(Contracting Officer)
49.601-2 Letter notice.
The following letter notice of termination is suggested for use if a contract for supplies is being
terminated for convenience. With appropriate modifications, it may be used in terminating contracts
for other than supplies and in terminating subcontracts. This notice shall be sent by certified mail,
return receipt requested, or electronically, provided evidence of receipt is received by the
contracting officer. If no prior electronic notice was issued, or if no confirmation of an electronic
notice was received, use the alternate notice that follows this notice.
Notice of Termination to Prime Contractors
[At the top of the notice, set out all special details relating to the particular termination; e.g.,name
and address of company, contract number of terminated contract, line items, etc.]
(a) Effective date of termination. This confirms the Government’s electronic notice to you dated
_____________, 20_____, terminating _____________ [insert "completely" or "in part"] Contract
No._________ (referred to as "the contract") for the Government’s convenience under the clause
entitled ___________ [insert title of appropriate termination clause]. The termination is effective on
the date and in the manner stated in the electronic notice.
(b) Cessation of work and notification to immediate subcontractors. You shall take the following
(1) Stop all work, make no further shipments, and place no further orders relating to the contract,
except for-
(i) The continued portion of the contract, if any;
(ii) Work-in-process or other materials that you may wish to retain for your own account; or
(iii) Work-in-process that the Contracting Officer authorizes you to continue (A) for safety
precautions, (B)to clear or avoid damage to equipment, (C)to avoid immediate complete spoilage of
work-in-process having a definite commercial value, or (D)to prevent any other undue loss to the
Government. (If you believe this authorization is necessary or advisable, immediately notify the
Contracting Officer by telephone or personal conference and obtain instructions.)
(2) Keep adequate records of your compliance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section showing the-
(i) Date you received the Notice of Termination;
(ii) Effective date of the termination; and
(iii) Extent of completion of performance on the effective date.
(3) Furnish notice of termination to each immediate subcontractor and supplier that will be affected
by this termination. In the notice-
(i) Specify your Government contract number;
(ii) State whether the contract has been terminated completely or partially;
(iii) Provide instructions to stop all work, make no further shipments, place no further orders, and
terminate all subcontracts under the contract, subject to the exceptions in paragraph (b)(1) of this
(iv) Provide instructions to submit any settlement proposal promptly; and
(v) Request that similar notices and instructions be given to its immediate subcontractors.
(4) Notify the Contracting Officer of all pending legal proceedings that are based on subcontracts or
purchase orders under the contract, or in which a lien has been or may be placed against
termination inventory to be reported to the Government. Also, promptly notify the Contracting
Officer of any such proceedings that are filed after receipt of this Notice.
(5) Take any other action required by the Contracting Officer or under the Termination clause in the
(c) Termination inventory.(1)As instructed by the Contracting Officer, transfer title and deliver to the
Government all termination inventory of the following types or classes, including subcontractor
termination inventory that you have the right to take: [Contracting Officer insert proper
identification or "None"].
(2) To settle your proposal, it will be necessary to establish that all prime and subcontractor
termination inventory has been properly accounted for. For detailed information, see part 45.
(d) Settlements with subcontractors. You remain liable to your subcontractors and suppliers for
proposals arising because of the termination of their subcontracts or orders. You are requested to
settle these settlement proposals as promptly as possible. For purposes of reimbursement by the
Government, settlements will be governed by the provisions of part 49.
(e) Completed end items.(1) Notify the Contracting Officer of the number of items completed under
the contract and still on hand and arrange for their delivery or other disposal (see 49.205).
(2) Invoice acceptable completed end items under the contract in the usual way and do not include
them in the settlement proposal.
(f) Patents. If required by the contract, promptly forward the following to the Contracting Officer:
(1) Disclosure of all inventions, discoveries, and patent applications made in the performance of the
(2) Instruments of license or assignment on all inventions, discoveries, and patent applications made
in the performance of the contract.
(g) Employees affected.(1)If this termination, together with other outstanding terminations, will
necessitate a significant reduction in your work force, you are urged to-
(i) Promptly inform the local State Employment Service of your reduction-in-force schedule in
numbers and occupations, so that the Service can take timely action in assisting displaced workers;
(ii) Give affected employees maximum practical advance notice of the employment reduction and
inform them of the facilities and services available to them through the local State Employment
Service offices;
(iii) Advise affected employees to file applications with the State Employment Service to qualify for
unemployment insurance, if necessary;
(iv) Inform officials of local unions having agreements with you of the impending reduction-in-force;
(v) Inform the local Chamber of Commerce and other appropriate organizations which are prepared
to offer practical assistance in finding employment for displaced workers of the impending
(2) If practicable, urge subcontractors to take similar actions to those described in paragraph (1) of
this section.
(h) Administrative. The contract administration office named in the contract will identify the
Contracting Officer who will be in charge of the settlement of this termination and who will, upon
request, provide the necessary settlement forms. Matters not covered by this notice should be
brought to the attention of the undersigned.
(i) Please acknowledge receipt of this notice as provided below.
__________________________________________________ (Contracting Officer)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
(Name of Office)
__________________________________________________ (Address)
Acknowledgment of Notice
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a signed copy of this notice on ____________, 20____. Two
signed copies of this notice are returned.
__________________________________________________ (Name of Contractor)
By _______________________________________________ (Name)
__________________________________________________ (Title)
(End of notice)
Alternate notice. Substitute the following paragraph (a) for paragraph (a) of 49.601-2, Notice of
Termination to Prime Contractors, if no prior electronic notice was issued, or if no confirmation of an
electronic notice was received:
(a) Effective date of termination. You are notified that Contract No. ______________ (referred to as
"the contract") is terminated __________ [insert "completely" or "in part"] for the Government’s
convenience under the clause entitled _____________[insert title of appropriate termination clause].
The termination is effective __________________ [insert either "immediately upon receipt of this
Notice" or "on ____________, 20____," or "as soon as you have delivered, including prior deliveries, the
following items:" (list)]. Reduce items to be delivered as follows: [insert instructions].
49.602 Forms for settlement of terminated contracts.
The standard forms listed below shall be used for settling terminated prime contracts. The forms at
49.602-1 and 49.601-2 may also be used for settling terminated subcontracts. A listing of the
Standard forms is located in subpart 53.3.
49.602-1 Termination settlement proposal forms.
(a) Standard Form 1435, Settlement Proposal (Inventory Basis), shall be used to submit settlement
proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts if the proposals are computed on an
inventory basis (see 49.206-2(a)).
(b) Standard Form 1436, Settlement Proposal (Total Cost Basis), shall be used to submit settlement
proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts if the proposals are computed on a
total cost basis (see 49.206-2(b)).
(c) Standard Form 1437, Settlement Proposal for Cost- Reimbursement Type Contracts, shall be
used to submit settlement proposals resulting from the termination of cost-reimbursement contracts
(see 49.302).
(d) Standard Form 1438, Settlement Proposal (Short Form), shall be used to submit settlement
proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts if the total proposal is less than
$10,000 (see 49.206-1(d)).
49.602-2 Inventory forms.
Standard Form (SF) 1428, Inventory Disposal Schedule, and SF 1429, Inventory Disposal Schedule-
Continuation Sheet, shall be used to support settlement proposals submitted on the forms specified
in 49.602-1(b) and (d).
49.602-3 Schedule of accounting information.
Standard Form 1439, Schedule of Accounting Information, shall be filed in support of a settlement
proposal unless the proposal is filed on Standard Form 1438, Settlement Proposal (Short Form) (see
49.602-4 Partial payments.
Standard Form 1440, Application for Partial Payment, shall be used to apply for partial payments
(see 49.112-1).
49.602-5 Settlement agreement.
Standard Form30 (SF 30), Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract, shall be used to
execute a settlement agreement (see 49.109-1).
49.603 Formats for termination for convenience settlement
The formats to be used for termination for convenience settlement agreements should be
substantially as shown in this section (see 49.109). Termination contracting officers (TCO’s) may,
however, modify the contents of these agreements to conform with special termination clauses
prescribed or authorized by their agencies (e.g., see 49.501 and 49.505(c)).
49.603-1 Fixed price contracts-complete termination.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 for settlements of fixed-price contracts completely
(a) This supplemental agreement settles the settlement proposal resulting from the Notice of
Termination dated ___________.
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The Contractor certifies that all contract termination inventory (including scrap) has been
retained or acquired by the contractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or
stored for the Government, or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention
credits have been used in arriving at this agreement.
(2) The Contractor certifies that each immediate subcontractor, whose settlement proposal is
included in the proposal settled by this agreement, has furnished the contractor a certificate stating-
(i) That all subcontract termination inventory (including scrap) has been retained or acquired by the
subcontractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or stored for the government,
or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention credits were used in
arriving at the settlement of the subcontract, and
(ii) That the subcontractor has received a similar certificate from each immediate subcontractor
whose proposal was included in its proposal.
(3) The contractor certifies that all items of termination inventory, the costs of which were used in
arriving at the amount of this settlement or the settlement of any subcontract settlement proposal
included in this settlement, (i) are properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract, (ii)do
not exceed the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract, and
(iii)do not include any items reasonably usable without loss to the Contractor on its other work. The
Contractor further certifies that the Contracting Officer has been informed of any substantial change
in the status of the items between the dates of the termination inventory schedules and the date of
this agreement.
(4) The Contractor transfers, conveys, and assigns to the Government all the right, title, and
interest, if any, that the Contractor has received, or is entitled to receive, in and to subcontract
termination inventory not otherwise properly accounted for.
(5) The Contractor shall, within 10 days after receipt of the payment specified in this agreement, pay
to each of its immediate subcontractors (or their respective assignees) the amounts to which they
are entitled, after deducting any prior payments and, if the Contractor so elects, any amounts due
and payable to the Contractor by those subcontractors.
(6)(i) The Contractor has received $________ for work and services performed, or items delivered,
under the completed portion of the contract. The Government confirms the right of the Contractor,
subject to paragraph (7) of this section, to retain this sum and agrees that it constitutes a portion of
the total amount to which the Contractor is entitled in complete and final settlement of the contract.
(ii) Further, the Government agrees to pay to the Contractor or its assignee, upon presentation of a
proper invoice or voucher, the sum of $________ [insert net amount of settlement], arrived at by
deducting from the sum of $________ [for proposals on an inventory basis insert gross amount of
settlement; for proposals on a total cost basis, insert gross amount of settlement less amount shown
in subdivision(6)(i) of this sub-section]-
(A) The amount of $________ for all unliquidated partial or progress payments previously made to the
Contractor or its assignee and all unliquidated advance payments (with any interest),
(B) The amount of $_______ for all applicable property disposal credits [insert if appropriate, "and (C)
the amount of $____ for all other amounts due the Government under this contract, except as
provided in paragraph (7) of this section."]
(iii) The net settlement of $____ in subdivision(ii)of this section, together with sums previously paid,
constitutes payment in full and complete settlement of the amount due the Contractor for the
complete termination of the contract and all other demands and liabilities of the Contractor and the
Government under the contract, except as provided in paragraph (b)(7) of this section.
(7) Regardless of any other provision of this agreement, the following rights and liabilities of the
parties under the contract are reserved: [The following list of reserved or excepted rights and
liabilities is intended to cover those that should most frequently be reserved and that should be
scrutinized at the time a settlement agreement is negotiated (see 49.109-2). The suggested language
of the excepted items on the list may be varied at the discretion of the contracting officer. If
accuracy or completeness can be achieved by referencing the number of a contract clause or
provision covering the matter in question, then follow that method of enumerating reserved rights
and liabilities. Omit any of the following that are not applicable and add any additional exceptions or
reservations required.]
(i) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties, as to matters covered by any renegotiation
(ii) All rights of the Government to take the benefit of agreements or judgments affecting royalties
paid or payable in connection with the performance of the contract.
(iii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses inserted in the contract
because of the requirements of Acts of Congress and Executive orders, including, without limitation,
any applicable clauses relating to: labor law, contingent fees, domestic articles, and employment of
aliens. [If the contract contains clauses of this character inserted for reasons other than
requirements of Acts of Congress or Executive orders, the suggested language should be
appropriately modified.]
(iv) All rights and liabilities of the parties arising under the contract and relating to reproduction
rights, patent infringements, inventions, or applications for patents, including rights to assignments,
invention reports, licenses, covenants of indemnity against patent risks, and bonds for patent
indemnity obligations, together with all rights and liabilities under the bonds.
(v) All rights and liabilities of the parties, arising under the contract or otherwise, and concerning
defects, guarantees, or warranties relating to any articles or component parts furnished to the
Government by the Contractor under the contract or this agreement.
(vi) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to any contract termination
inventory stored for the Government.
(vii) All rights and liabilities of the parties under agreements relating to the future care and
disposition by the Contractor of Government-owned property remaining in the Contractor’s custody.
(viii) All rights and liabilities of the parties relating to Government property furnished to the
Contractor for the performance of this contract.
(ix) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to options (except options to
continue or increase the work under the contract), covenants not to compete, and covenants of
(x) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses of the contract relating to price
reductions for defective certified cost or pricing data.
(End of agreement)
49.603-2 Fixed-price contracts-partial termination.
[Insert the following in Block14 of SF 30 for settlements of fixed-price contracts partially
(a) This supplemental agreement settles the settlement proposal resulting from the Notice of
Termination dated _________________.
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The terminated portion of the contract is as follows: [specify the terminated portion clearly as to-
(i) Line item numbers,
(ii) Descriptions,
(iii) Quantity terminated,
(iv) Unit price of items,
(v) Total price of terminated items, and
(vi) Any other explanation necessary to avoid uncertainty or misunderstanding].
(2) The Contractor certifies that all contract termination inventory (including scrap) has been
retained or acquired by the Contractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or
stored for the Government, or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention
credits have been used in arriving at this agreement.
(3) The Contractor certifies that each immediate subcontractor, whose settlement proposal is
included in the proposal settled by this agreement, has furnished the Contractor a certificate stating-
(i) That all subcontract termination inventory (including scrap) has been retained or acquired by the
subcontractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or stored for the Government,
or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention credits were used in
arriving at the settlement of the subcontract, and
(ii) That the subcontractor has received a similar certificate from each immediate subcontractor
whose proposal was included in its proposal.
(4) The Contractor certifies that all items of termination inventory, the costs of which were used in
arriving at the amount of this settlement or the settlement of any subcontract settlement proposal
included in this settlement, (i) are properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract, (ii)do
not exceed the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract, and
(iii)do not include any items reasonably usable without loss to the Contractor on its other work. The
Contractor further certifies that the Contracting Officer has been informed of any substantial change
in the status of the items between the dates of the termination inventory schedules and the date of
this agreement.
(5) The Contractor transfers, conveys, and assigns to the Government all the right, title, and
interest, if any, that the Contractor has received, or is entitled to receive, in and to subcontract
termination inventory not otherwise properly accounted for.
(6) The Contractor shall, within 10 days after receipt of the payment specified in this agreement, pay
to each of its immediate subcontractors (or their respective assignees) the amounts to which they
are entitled, after deducting any prior payments and, if the Contractor so elects, any amounts due
and payable to the Contractor by those subcontractors.
(7)(i) The Government agrees to pay to the Contractor or its assignee, upon presentation of a proper
invoice or voucher, the sum of $______ [insert net amount of settlement], arrived at by deducting
from $________ [insert gross amount of settlement],
(A) the amount of $____ for all unliquidated partial or progress payments previously made to the
Contractor or its assignee and all unliquidated advance payments (with any interest) applicable to
the terminated portion of the contract and
(B) the amount of $_______ for all applicable property disposal credits.
(ii) The net settlement of $______ in subdivision (b)(7)(i) of this section, together with sums
previously paid, constitutes payment in full and complete settlement of the amount due the
Contractor for the terminated portion of the contract, except as provided in paragraph (b)(8) of this
(iii) Upon payment of the net settlement of $______, all obligations of the Contractor to perform
further work or services or to make further deliveries under the terminated portion of the contract
and all obligations of the Government to take further payments or carry out other undertakings
concerning the terminated portion of the contract shall cease; provided, that nothing in this
agreement shall impair or affect any covenants, terms, or conditions of the contract relating to the
completed or continued portion of this contract.
(8) Regardless of any other provision of this agreement, the following rights and liabilities of the
parties under the contract are reserved: [The following list of reserved or excepted rights and
liabilities is intended to cover those that should most frequently be reserved and that should be
scrutinized at the time a settlement agreement is negotiated (see 49.109-2). The suggested language
of the excepted items in the list may be varied at the discretion of the contracting officer. If accuracy
or completeness can be achieved by referencing the number of a contract clause or provision
covering the matter in question, then follow that method of enumerating reserved rights and
liabilities. Omit any of the following that are not applicable and add any additional exceptions or
reservations required.]
(i) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties, as to matters covered by any renegotiation
(ii) All rights of the Government to take the benefit of agreements or judgments affecting royalties
paid or payable in connection with the performance of the contract.
(iii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses inserted in the contract
because of the requirements of Acts of Congress and Executive orders, including, without limitation,
any applicable clauses relating to: labor law, contingent fees, domestic articles, and employment of
aliens. [If the contract contains clauses of this character inserted for reasons other than
requirements of Acts of Congress or Executive orders, the suggested language should be
appropriately modified.]
(iv) All rights and liabilities of the parties arising under the contract and relating to reproduction
rights, patent infringements, inventions, or applications for patents, including rights to assignments,
invention reports, licenses, covenants of indemnity against patent risks, and bonds for patent
indemnity obligations, together with all rights and liabilities under the bonds.
(v) All rights and liabilities of the parties, arising under the contract or otherwise, and concerning
defects, guarantees, or warranties relating to any articles or component parts furnished to the
government by the Contractor under the contract or this agreement.
(vi) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to any contract termination
inventory stored for the Government.
(vii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses of the contract relating to
price reductions for defective certified cost or pricing data.
(End of agreement)
49.603-3 Cost reimbursement contracts-complete termination, if settlement
includes cost.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 for settlement of cost-reimbursement contracts that are
completely terminated, if settlement includes costs.]
(a) This supplemental agreement settles the settlement proposal resulting from the Notice of
Termination dated ________.
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The Contractor certifies that all contract termination inventory (including scrap) has been
retained or acquired by the Contractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or
stored for the Government, or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention
credits have been used in arriving at this agreement.
(2) The Contractor certifies that each immediate subcontractor, whose settlement proposal is
included in the proposal settled by this agreement, has furnished the Contractor a certificate stating-
(i) That all subcontract termination inventory (including scrap) has been retained or acquired by the
subcontractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or stored for the Government,
or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention credits were used in
arriving at the settlement of the subcontract; and
(ii) That the subcontractor has received a similar certificate from each immediate subcontractor
whose proposal was included in its proposal.
(3) The Contractor certifies that all items of termination inventory, the costs of which were used in
arriving at the amount of this settlement or he settlement of any subcontract settlement proposal
included in this settlement, (i) are properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract, (ii) do
not exceed the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the contract, and
(iii) do not include any items reasonably usable without loss to the Contractor on its other work. The
Contractor further certifies that the Contracting Officer has been informed of any substantial change
in the status of the items between the dates of the termination inventory schedules and the date of
this agreement.
(4) The Contractor transfers, conveys, and assigns to the Government all the right, title and interest,
if any, that the Contractor has received, or is entitled to receive, in and to subcontract termination
inventory not otherwise properly accounted for.
(5) The Contractor shall, within 10 days after receipt of the payment specified in this agreement, pay
to each of its immediate subcontractors (or their respective assignees) the amounts to which they
are entitled, after deducting any prior payments and, if the Contractor so elects, any amounts due
and payable to the Contractor by those subcontractors.
(6)(i) The Contractor has received $______ for work and services performed, or articles delivered,
under the contract before the effective date of termination. The Government confirms the right of
the Contractor, subject to paragraph (b)(7) of this section, to retain this sum and agrees that it
constitutes a portion of the total amount to which the Contractor is entitled in complete and final
settlement of the contract.
(ii) Further, the Government agrees to pay to the Contractor or its assignee, upon presentation of a
proper invoice or voucher, the sum of $_____ [insert net amount of settlement], arrived at by
deducting from the sum of $___ [insert gross amount of settlement less amount shown in
subdivision(6)(i) a of this section]-
(A) The amount of $___ for all unliquidated partial or progress payments previously made to the
Contractor or its assignee and all unliquidated advance payments (with any interest),
(B) The amount of $___ for all applicable property disposal credits [insert if appropriate, "and (C) the
amount of $___ for all other amounts due the Government under this contract, except as provided in
paragraph (b)(7) of this section."]
(iii) The net settlement of $_______ in subdivision (b)(6)(ii) of this section, together with sums
previously paid, constitutes payment in full and complete settlement of the amount due the
Contractor for the complete termination of the contract and of all other demands and liabilities of
the Contractor and the Government under the contract, except as provided in paragraph (b)(7) in
this section.
(7) Regardless of any other provision of this agreement, the following rights and liabilities of the
parties under the contract are reserved: [The following list of reserved or excepted rights and
liabilities is intended to cover those that should most frequently be reserved and that should be
scrutinized at the time a settlement agreement is negotiated (see 49.109-2). The suggested language
of the excepted items on the list may be varied at the discretion of the contracting officer. If
accuracy or completeness can be achieved by referencing the number of a contract clause or
provision covering the matter in question, then follow that method of enumerating reserved rights
and liabilities. Omit any of the following that are not applicable and add any additional exceptions or
reservations required.]
(i) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties, as to matters covered by any renegotiation
(ii) All rights of the Government to take the benefit of agreements or judgments affecting royalties
paid or payable in connection with the performance of the contract.
(iii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses inserted in the contract
because of the requirements of Acts of Congress and Executive orders, including, without limitation,
any applicable clauses relating to: labor law, contingent fees, domestic articles, and employment of
aliens. [If the contract contains clauses of this character inserted for reasons other than
requirements of Acts of Congress or Executive orders, the suggested language should be
appropriately modified.]
(iv) All rights and liabilities of the parties arising under the contract and relating to reproduction
rights, patent infringements, inventions, or applications for patents, including rights to assignments,
invention reports, licenses, covenants of indemnity against patent risks, and bonds for patent
indemnity obligations, together with all rights and liabilities under the bonds.
(v) All rights and liabilities of the parties, arising under the contract or otherwise, and concerning
defects, guarantees, or warranties relating to any articles or component parts furnished to the
Government by the Contractor under the contract or this agreement.
(vi) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to any contract termination
inventory stored for the Government.
(vii) All rights and liabilities of the parties under agreements relating to the future care and
disposition by the Contractor of Government-owned property remaining in the Contractor’s custody.
(viii) All rights and liabilities of the parties relating to Government property furnished to the
Contractor for the performance of this contract.
(ix) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to options (except options to
continue or increase the work under the contract), covenants not to compete, and covenants of
(x) Unresolved demands or assertions by the Contractor against the Government for costs under
Government Accountability Office exceptions or other costs of the same nature that are excluded
from the settlement without prejudice to the rights of either party, as follows: [Insert amount and
describe charges not waived.]
(xi) Claims by the Contractor against the Government, when the Contractor’s rights of
reimbursement are disputed, that are excluded without prejudice to the rights of either party are as
follows: [Insert the amounts and describe the claims on which the Contracting Officer has made
findings and has disallowed and on which the Contractor has taken, or intends to take, timely
(xii) Unresolved demands or assertions by the Contractor against the Government that are unknown
in amount and involve costs alleged to be reimbursable under the contract are as follows: [Insert the
estimated amounts and describe the charges.]
(xiii) Unknown amounts alleged by the Contractor against the Government, based upon
responsibility of the Contractor to third parties that involve costs reimbursable under the contract.
(xiv) Debts due the Government by the Contractor that are based on refunds, rebates, credits, or
other amounts not now known to the Government, with interest, now due or that may become due
the Contractor from third parties, if the amounts arise out of transactions for which reimbursement
has been made to the Contractor under the contract. The Contractor shall pay to the Government,
within 30 days after receipt, any of these amounts that become due from any third party or any other
source. Interest at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under 50
U.S.C. (App.) 1215(b)(2) shall accrue and shall be paid to the Government on any amounts that
remain unpaid after the 30-day period.
(xv) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses of the contract relating to
price reductions for defective certified cost or pricing data.
(End of agreement)
49.603-4 Cost-reimbursement contracts-complete termination, with
settlement limited to fee.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 for settlement of cost-reimbursement contracts that are
completely terminated, if settlement is limited to fee.]
(a) This supplemental agreement settles the amount of fee due under the contract, terminated in its
entirety by Notice of Termination dated ______.
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The Contractor has received $______ on account of its fee under the contract before the effective
date of termination.
(2) The Government agrees to pay to the Contractor or its assignee, upon presentation of a proper
invoice or voucher, $______ [insert net amount to be paid on account of fee]. This sum, with sums
previously paid, constitutes payment in full and complete settlement of the amount due the
Contractor on account of its fee under the contract.
(3) The Contractor’s allowable costs under the contract will be paid under the terms and conditions
of the contract and parts 31 and 49 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. [Insert paragraph (a)(3)
of this subsection only if there are costs to be vouchered out (see 49.302) or if there are costs to be
covered later by a separate settlement agreement.]
(4) Regardless of any other provision of this agreement, the following rights and liabilities of the
parties under the contract are reserved: [The following list of reserved or excepted rights and
liabilities is intended to cover those that should most frequently be reserved and that should be
scrutinized at the time a settlement agreement is negotiated (see 49.109-2). The suggested language
of the excepted items on the list may be varied at the discretion of the contracting officer. If
accuracy or completeness can be achieved by referencing the number of a contract clause or
provision covering the matter in question, then follow that method of enumerating reserved rights
and liabilities. Omit any of the following that are not applicable and add any additional exceptions or
reservations required.]
(i) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties, as to matters covered by any renegotiation
(ii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses inserted in the contract
because of the requirements of Acts of Congress and Executive orders, including, without limitation,
any applicable clauses relating to: labor law, contingent fees, domestic articles, and employment of
aliens. [If the contract contains clauses of this character inserted for reasons other than
requirements of Acts of Congress or Executive orders, the suggested language should be
appropriately modified.]
(iii) All rights and liabilities of the parties arising under the contract and relating to reproduction
rights, patent infringements, inventions, or applications for patents, including rights to assignments,
invention reports, licenses, covenants of indemnity against patent risks, and bonds for patent
indemnity obligations, together with all rights and liabilities under the bonds.
(iv) All rights and liabilities of the parties, arising under the contract or otherwise, and concerning
defects, guarantees, or warranties relating to any articles or component parts furnished to the
Government by the Contractor under the contract or this agreement.
(v) All rights and liabilities of the parties under agreements relating to the future care and
disposition by the Contractor of Government-owned property remaining in the Contractor’s custody.
(vi) All rights and liabilities of the parties relating to Government property furnished to, or acquired
by, the Contractor for the performance of the contract.
(vii) All rights and liabilities of the parties under the contract relating to options (except options to
continue or increase the work under the contract), covenants not to compete, and covenants of
(viii) All rights and liabilities, if any, of the parties under those clauses of the contract relating to
price reductions for defective certified cost or pricing data.
(End of agreement)
49.603-5 Cost-reimbursement contracts-partial termination.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract, for
settlement agreements for cost-reimbursement contracts as a result of partial termination.]
(a) This supplemental agreement settles the termination settlement proposal resulting from the
Notice of Termination dated _________.
(b) The parties agree as follows:
(1) The contract is amended by deleting the terminated portion as follows: [specify the terminated
portion clearly as to-
(i) Line item numbers,
(ii) Descriptions,
(iii) Quantity terminated,
(iv) Unit and total price of terminated items, and
(v) Any other explanation necessary to avoid uncertainty or misunderstanding].
(2) The fee stated in the contract is decreased by $____, from $____ to $____ [Insert, if
appropriate,"(3) The estimated cost of the contract is decreased by $____, from $____ to $____"].
(c) The Contractor’s allowable costs and earned fee, if any, for the terminated portion of the contract
will continue to be reimbursed on SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchase and Services Other Than
Personal, under the applicable provisions of the contract and part 31 of the Federal Acquisition
(End of agreement)
49.603-6 No-cost settlement agreement-complete termination.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 if a no-cost settlement agreement, under a complete
termination, is to be executed.]
(a) This supplemental agreement [insert "modifies the contract to reflect a no-cost settlement
agreement with respect to the Notice of Termination dated ____" or, if not previously terminated,
"terminates the contract in its entirety"].
(b) The parties agree as follows:
The Contractor unconditionally waives any charges against the Government because of the
termination of the contract and, except as set forth below, releases it from all obligations under the
contract or due to its termination. The Government agrees that all obligations under the contract are
concluded, except as follows: [List reserved or excepted rights and liabilities. See 49.109-2 and
(End of agreement)
49.603-7 No-cost settlement agreement-partial termination.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 if a no-cost settlement agreement, under partial
termination, is to executed.]
(a) This supplemental agreement modifies the contract to reflect a no-cost settlement agreement
with respect to the Notice of Termination dated ____.
(b) The parties agree as follows:
(1) The terminated portion of the contract is as follows: [Specify-
(i) Line item numbers,
(ii) descriptions,
(iii) quantity terminated,
(iv) unit and total price of terminated items, and
(v) any other explanation necessary to avoid uncertainty or misunderstanding.]
(2) The Contractor unconditionally waives any charges against the Government arising under the
terminated portion of the contract or by reason of its termination, including, without limitation, all
obligations of the Government to make further payments or to carry out any further undertakings
under the terminated portion of the contract. The Government acknowledges that the Contractor has
no obligation to perform further work or services or to make further deliveries under the terminated
portion of the contract. Nothing in this paragraph affects any other covenants, terms, or conditions
of the contract. Under the terminated portion of the contract, the following rights and liabilities of
the parties are reserved: [List reserved or excepted rights and liabilities. See 49.109-2 and
(End of agreement)
49.603-8 Fixed-price contracts-settlements with subcontractors only.
[Insert the following in Block 14 of SF 30 for settlements of fixed-price contracts covering only
settlements with subcontractors.]
(a) This agreement settles that portion of the settlement proposal of the contractor that is based
upon termination of the following subcontracts entered into in performing this contract: [Insert a list
of the terminated subcontracts included in this settlement.]
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The Contractor certifies that each immediate subcontractor, whose settlement proposal is
included in the proposal settled by the agreement, has furnished the Contractor a certificate stating-
(i) That all subcontract termination inventory (including scrap) has been retained or acquired by the
subcontractor, sold to third parties, returned to suppliers, delivered to or stored for the Government,
or otherwise properly accounted for, and that all proceeds and retention credits were used in
arriving at the settlement of the subcontract, and
(ii) That the subcontractor has received a similar certificate from each immediate subcontractor
whose proposal was included in its proposal.
(2) The Contractor certifies that all items of termination inventory, the costs of which were used in
arriving at the amount of this settlement or the settlement of any subcontract settlement proposal
included in this settlement,-
(i) Are properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract,
(ii) Do not exceed the reasonable quantitative requirements of the terminated portion of the
contract, and
(iii) Do not include any items reasonably usable without loss to the Contractor on its other work. The
Contractor further certifies that the Contracting Officer has been informed of any substantial change
in the status of the items between the dates of the termination inventory schedules and the date of
this agreement.
(3) The Contractor transfers, conveys, and assigns to the Government all the right, title, and
interest, if any, that the Contractor has received or is entitled to receive, in and to subcontract
termination inventory not otherwise properly accounted for.
(4) The Contractor shall, within 10 days after receipt of the payment specified in this agreement, pay
to each of its immediate subcontractors (or their respective assignees) the amounts to which they
are entitled, after deducting any prior payments and, if the Contractor so elects, any amounts due
and payable to the Contractor by those subcontractors.
(5) The Government agrees to pay the Contractor or its assignee, upon presentation of a proper
invoice or voucher, $____ [insert net amount of settlement], which, together with the amount of $____
previously paid the Contractor as partial, progress, or advance payments, constitutes payment in full
and complete settlement, except as provided in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, of the amount due
the Contractor for that portion of its settlement proposal that is based upon termination of the
subcontracts listed above.
(6) Regardless of any other provision of this agreement, the following rights and liabilities of the
parties under the contract are reserved: [List reserved or excepted rights and liabilities. See
49.109-2 and 49.603-1(b)(7).]
(End of agreement)
49.603-9 Settlement of reservations.
[Insert the following in Block14 of SF 30 for settlement of reservations.]
(a) Supplemental Agreement No. ____, dated ____, was executed to reflect the settlement of the
termination of this contract. The supplemental agreement excepted from the settlement certain
items described in the agreement including the items described in paragraph (b) of this section. This
supplemental agreement settles those items listed in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The parties agree to the following:
(1) The Government agrees to pay the contractor $_____ for the following reserved or excepted
items:* [List items.]
(2) The Contractor releases and forever discharges the Government from all liability and from all
existing and future claims and demands that it may have under this contract, insofar as it pertains to
the contract, for the items described in paragraph (1) of this section.*
*When payment is due the Government, reverse the words "Government" and "contractor" in
paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2).
(End of agreement)
49.604 Release of excess funds under terminated contracts.
The following format shall be used to recommend the release of excess funds under terminated
contracts, except if the contracting office retains responsibility for settlement of the termination:
: Termination Contracting Officer __________ [address]
To: Contracting office ______________[address]
Subj: Terminated Contract No ________ with _______ [Contractor]
(a) [Cite termination notice and effective date.]
(b) [Cite prior letters releasing excess funds, if any.]
(1) Referenced termination notice, ____ [insert "completely" or "partially"] terminated contract
(2) Based on the best information available, it is estimated that the gross settlement cost will be
$_____ The amount available for release as excess to the contract is $___. Any payments previously
made to the Contractor for terminated items have been considered in arriving at the above amounts.
[If prior letters recommending release of excess funds are cited, use the following as paragraph 2:
The estimated settlement costs previously reported by reference (b) in the amount of $____ are
revised. On the best evidence now available, it is estimated that the settlement costs will be $___ The
additional amount available for release is $_____.]
(3) The related appropriations and amounts involved are:
Appropriations Allocated Amounts
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
Copies to: Paying Office Accounting and Finance Office Other
49.605 Request to settle subcontractor settlement
Contractors requesting authority to settle subcontractor settlement proposals shall furnish
applicable information from the list below and any additional information required by the
contracting officer:
(a) Name of contractor and address of principal office.
(b) Name and location of divisions of the applicant’s plant for which authorization is requested.
(c) An explanation of the necessity and justification for the authorization requested.
(d) A full description of the applicant’s organization for handling terminations, including the names
of the officials in charge of processing and settling proposals.
(e) The number and dollar amount (estimated if necessary) of uncompleted contracts with
Government agencies and the percentage applicable to each agency.
(f) The number and dollar amount (estimated if necessary) of uncompleted subcontracts under
Government contracts and the percentage applicable to each agency.
(g) The extent of the applicant’s experience in termination matters, including the handling of
proposals of subcontractors.
(h) The approximate amount and general nature of terminations of the applicant currently in
(i) A statement that no other application has been made for any division of the applicant’s plant
covered by the application or, if one has been made, a full statement of the facts.
(j) The limit of authorization requested.
49.606 Granting subcontract settlement authorization.
Contracting officers shall use the following format when granting subcontract settlement
Letter of Authorization
(a) Your request of ____ (date) is approved, and you are authorized, subject to the limitations of
subsection 49.108-4 and those stated below, to settle, without further approval of the Government,
all subcontracts and purchase orders terminated by you as a result of a Government contract being
terminated or modified-
(1) For the convenience of the Government or
(2) Under any other circumstances that may require the Government to bear the cost of their
(b) This authorization does not extend to the disposition of Government-furnished material or
articles completed but undelivered under the subcontract or purchase order, as these require
screening and approval of disposal actions by the Government, except that allocable completed
articles may be disposed of without Government approval or screening if the total amount (at
subcontract price) when added to the amount of settlement (as computed below) does not exceed
$_____ [insert limit of authorization being granted].
(c) This authorization is subject to the following conditions and requirements:
(1) The amount of the subcontract termination settlement does not exceed $____ [insert limit of
authorization being granted], computed as follows:
(i) Do not deduct advance or partial payments or credits for retention or other disposal of
termination inventory allocated to the settlement proposal.
(ii) Deduct amounts payable for completed articles or work at the contract price or for the
settlement of termination proposals of subcontractors (except those settlements that have not been
approved by the Government).
(2) Any termination inventory involved has been disposed of under subsection 49.108-4, except that
screening and Government approval of scrap and salvage determinations are not required.
(3) The Contracting Officer may incorporate into each Notice of Termination specific instructions
about the disposition of specific items of termination inventory, or the Contracting Officer may, at
any time before final settlement, issue specific instructions. These instructions will not affect any
disposal action taken by you or your subcontractors before their receipt.
(4) The settlements made by you with your subcontractors and suppliers under this authorization,
including sales, retention, or other dispositions of property involved in making these settlements, are
reimbursable under part 49 and the Termination clause of the contract, and do not require approval
of the Contracting Officer.
(5) Any number of separate settlements of $_____ [insert limit of authorization granted] or less may
be made with a single subcontractor. Settlement proposals that would normally be included in a
single proposal; e.g., those based on a series of separate orders for the same item under one
contract, should be consolidated whenever possible and shall not be divided to bring them within the
(6) This authorization does not apply if a subcontractor or supplier is affiliated with you. For this
purpose, you should consider a contractor to be affiliated with you if you are under common control
or if there is any common interest between you by reason of stock ownership, or otherwise, that is
sufficient to create a reasonable doubt that the bargaining between you is completely at arm’s
(7) A representative of this office will, from time to time, review the methods used in negotiating
settlements with your subcontractors and will make a selective examination of the settlements made
by you. If the review indicates that you are not adequately protecting the Government’s interest, this
delegation will be revoked.
(End of letter)
49.607 Delinquency notices.
The formats of the delinquency notices in this section may be used to satisfy the requirements of
49.402-3. All notices will be sent with proof of delivery requested. (See subpart 42.13 for stop-work
(a) Cure notice. If a contract is to be terminated for default before the delivery date, a "Cure Notice"
is required by the Default clause. Before using this notice, it must be ascertained that an amount of
time equal to or greater than the period of "cure" remains in the contract delivery schedule or any
extension to it. If the time remaining in the contract delivery schedule is not sufficient to permit a
realistic "cure" period of 10 days or more, the "Cure Notice" should not be issued. The "Cure Notice"
may be in the following format:
Cure Notice
You are notified that the Government considers your ____ [specify the contractor’s failure or failures]
a condition that is endangering performance of the contract. Therefore, unless this condition is
cured within 10 days after receipt of this notice [or insert any longer time that the Contracting
Officer may consider reasonably necessary], the Government may terminate for default under the
terms and conditions of the _______ [insert clause title] clause of this contract.
(End of notice)
(b) Show cause notice. If the time remaining in the contract delivery schedule is not sufficient to
permit a realistic "cure" period of 10 days or more, the following "Show Cause Notice" may be used.
It should be sent immediately upon expiration of the delivery period.
Show Cause Notice
Since you have failed to ____ [insert "perform Contract No. ___ within the time required by its terms,"
or "cure the conditions endangering performance under Contract No _____ as described to you in the
Government’s letter of _____ (date)"], the Government is considering terminating the contract under
the provisions for default of this contract. Pending a final decision in this matter, it will be necessary
to determine whether your failure to perform arose from causes beyond your control and without
fault or negligence on your part. Accordingly, you are given the opportunity to present, in writing,
any facts bearing on the question to ____ [insert the name and complete address of the contracting
officer], within 10 days after receipt of this notice. Your failure to present any excuses within this
time may be considered as an admission that none exist. Your attention is invited to the respective
rights of the Contractor and the Government and the liabilities that may be invoked if a decision is
made to terminate for default.
Any assistance given to you on this contract or any acceptance by the Government of delinquent
goods or services will be solely for the purpose of mitigating damages, and it is not the intention of
the Government to condone any delinquency or to waive any rights the Government has under the
(End of notice)