The Journal of Robotics,
Artificial Intelligence & Law
Volume 4, No. 3 | May–June 2021
Editors Note: Stablecoin
Victoria Prussen Spears
What 2021 Has in Store for Stablecoin
Robin Nunn, Sarah V. Riddell, and Steven Lightstone
U.S. State Department Issues Human Rights Compliance Guidance for Products and
Services with Surveillance Capabilies
Michael R. Lienberg and Anne-Marie L. Beliveau
The Impact of COVID-19 on Blockchain Advancement
Keith B. Letourneau and Vanessa DiDomenico
FAA Releases Two Final Rules to Advance Drone Integraon
Joel E. Roberson, Anita M. Mosner, Marina Veljanovska O’Brien, and Ben Slocum
NHTSA Proposes Rule on Safe Deployment of Self-Driving Vehicles
Rebecca Baden Chaney and Rukiya Mohamed
Facial Recognion, Racial Recognion, and the Clear and Present Issues with AI Bias
Daniel C. Wood
Digitalized Discriminaon: COVID-19 and the Impact of Bias in Arcial Intelligence
Michael S. Horikawa
Everything Is Not Terminator: The Federal Government and Trustworthy AI
John Frank Weaver
The Journal of Robotics,
Artificial Intelligence & Law
Volume 4, No. 3 | May–June 2021
161 Editors Note: Stablecoin
Victoria Prussen Spears
165 What 2021 Has in Store for Stablecoin
Robin Nunn, Sarah V. Riddell, and Steven Lightstone
185 U.S. State Department Issues Human Rights Compliance Guidance
for Products and Services with Surveillance Capabilies
199 The Impact of COVID-19 on Blockchain Advancement
205 FAA Releases Two Final Rules to Advance Drone Integraon
213 NHTSA Proposes Rule on Safe Deployment of Self-Driving Vehicles
219 Facial Recognion, Racial Recognion, and the Clear and Present
Issues with AI Bias
223 Digitalized Discriminaon: COVID-19 and the Impact of Bias in
Arcial Intelligence
227 Everything Is Not Terminator: The Federal Government and
Trustworthy AI
Steven A. Meyerowitz
President, Meyerowitz Communications Inc.
Victoria Prussen Spears
Senior Vice President, Meyerowitz Communications Inc.
Miranda Cole
Partner, Covington & Burling LLP
Kathryn DeBord
Partner & Chief Innovation Ocer, Bryan Cave LLP
Melody Drummond Hansen
Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Paul B. Keller
Partner, Allen & Overy LLP
Garry G. Mathiason
Shareholder, Littler Mendelson P.C.
Elaine D. Solomon
Partner, Blank Rome LLP
Linda J. ayer
Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP
Edward J. Walters
Chief Executive Ocer, Fastcase Inc.
John Frank Weaver
Attorney, McLane Middleton, Professional Association
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ISSN 2575-5633 (print)
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Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law / May–June 2021, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 227–233.
© 2021 Full Court Press. All rights reserved.
ISSN 2575-5633 (print) / ISSN 2575-5617 (online)
Everything Is Not Terminator
The Federal Government and
Trustworthy AI
John Frank Weaver*
Although President Biden has begun overturning the previous
administrations executive orders, many of those prior orders will
survive. One such order appears to be Executive Order 13,960,
“Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence [“AI”] in
the Federal Government” (the “Order”).
The purpose of the Order
is to provide guidance to federal agencies to ensure they “design,
develop, acquire, and use AI in a manner that fosters public trust
and confidence while protecting privacy, civil rights, civil liberties
and American values.
The Order is intended to push forward
the AI priorities of Executive Order 13,859,
which implemented
principles and objectives for federal agencies to rely on to drive
American advancements in AI, and the 2020 memo from the
Office of Management and Budget (the “OMB Memo”), which set
out policy considerations to guide regulatory and non-regulatory
approaches to AI applications developed and deployed outside the
federal government.
The Order does not provide sufficient direction regarding the
results we want federal government AI to produce, but it will have
direct and indirect effects on AI development and adoption in the
public and private sectors. Below, I outline a few of those.
Federal Principles in the Process, But No
Federal Values in the End Result
The OMB Memo provided 10 principles for federal agencies
to use when developing—or declining to develop—regulations
governing AI:
1. Promote public trust in AI;
2. Provide ample opportunities for the public to participate
in and provide feedback on rulemaking governing AI;
228 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [4:227
3. Leverage scientic and technical information and processes;
4. Assess risks in subject AI;
5. Consider the costs and benets of any AI;
6. Maintain a exible approach to adapt to changes and
updates to AI applications;
7. Consider impacts AI may have on fairness and discrimination;
8. Incorporate disclosure and transparency in the rulemak-
ing process to increase public trust and condence in AI
9. Promote AI systems that are safe, secure, and operate as
intended; and
10. Coordinate with other federal agencies on AI strategies.
The Order seeks to impose similar (although not identical)
principles on federal agencies as they design, develop, or acquire
AI applications:
Lawful and “respectful of our Nations values”;
Purposeful and performance-driven;
Accurate, reliable, and eective;
Safe, secure, and resilient;
Responsible and traceable;
Regularly monitored;
Transparent; and
In general, although the OMB Memo prioritizes innovation
and growth and the Order prioritizes building trust in the federal
governments AI applications, both do so by requiring develop-
ment processes that balance similar, competing interests (i.e., the
principles): accuracy, safety, transparency, accountability, well-
reviewed, etc. This is done on a case-by-case basis.
The principles in the Order (and the OMB Memo) therefore
provide a checklist for AI designers and developers to measure their
application development processes against. Private companies that
provide AI services and applications to the federal government
will need to incorporate the principles into their development
cycles and be able to demonstrate them. These requirements will
likely necessitate significant research, development, and marketing
investment in order to properly appeal to the federal government
2021] e Federal Government and Trustworthy AI 229
as a customer. For companies that market AI to both Washington
and private companies, that investment is likely to influence its
development of private-sector AI as well. Depending on how well
known the Order’s principles become, consumers and business
clients may also start to expect AI designers to incorporate the
Orders principles into the development of private-sector AI.
Although I respect the need to apply the principles above on
a case-by-case basis, I hope that the Biden administration lifts its
eyes to see the forest for the trees, moving beyond imposing prin-
ciples on the development of AI regulations and applications to the
impact those regulations and applications have in the world.Will
Americans experience less discrimination because of AI? WillAI
materially improve their economic status or quality of life? Will
they feel they have more oversight of the forces in their lives
because of AI? These are the big picture questions that lawmakers
and policymakers should be forced to consider when adopting AI
regulations and applications.
Timelines for Federal AI Actions
The Order also sets deadlines for certain AI actions by the
federal government, including:
1. June 1, 2021 (180 days aer the date of the order)—e
Director of OMB shall publicly post a “roadmap for the
policy guidance that OMB intends to create or revise” to
support the use of AI by the federal government.
2. February 1, 2021 (60 days aer the date of the order)—
e Federal Chief Information Ocers Council (“CIO
Council”) shall “identify, provide guidance on, and make
publicly available the criteria, format, and mechanisms for
agency inventories of non-classied and non-sensitive use
cases of AI by agencies.
3. Within 180 days of the CIO Council completing its task
in #2 above, each federal agency shall prepare an inven-
tory of its non-classied and non-sensitive use cases of
AI, including current and planned uses.
4. Within 120 days of completing its inventory, each agency
shall “develop plans either to achieve consistency with this
order for each AI application or to retire AI applications
230 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [4:227
found to be developed or used,” and the relevant ocial
shall approve those plans within the same 120-day peri-
Agencies shall aim to implement their plans within
180 days aer approval.
5. Within 120 days of completing its inventory, each agency
shall make its inventory available to the public, as permit-
ted by law and policy.
Assuming that these timelines are not changed by future execu-
tive orders and the agencies are able to hold to the prescribed sched-
ules (a big assumption), we will know substantially more about how
the federal government currently uses AI, how it plans to use AI,
and how federal agencies will consider future AI applications. This
could have major implications on (i) private development of AI, as
private companies shift their research and development strategies
to appeal to federal customers, and (ii) individuals who interact
with the federal government, as they may have a better idea of the
AI resources available to them in those interactions.
Definition of AI
There is a persistent debate in technical and legal circles about
how to define AI. It can be difficult to find consensus regarding
the qualities necessary for an application or device to qualify as AI.
There is also a sliding scale that the industry constantly encounters;
as one expert laments, “[a]s soon as it works, no one calls it AI
a ny m o r e .”
In legal documents and contracts, this debate manifests
itself by the parties having competing interests dictating how spe-
cifically or broadly to define AI. A party that is obligated to make
representations concerning its AI, or to perform certain training
or diagnostics, is incentivized to make the contractual language
of AI narrow, possibly naming specific applications in the defini-
tion. On the other hand, a party that is relying on a contractor’s
AI to provide services wants to ensure all the AI applications are
trustworthy and unbiased, meaning it wants the definition of AI
to be as broad as possible.
The Order continues the trend of federal statutes, regulations,
and orders relying on the definition of AI in Section 238(g) of the
John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2019 (the “McCain Act”). Per that section, AI includes any of the
2021] e Federal Government and Trustworthy AI 231
Any articial system that performs tasks under varying and
unpredictable circumstances without signicant human
oversight, or that can learn from experience and improve
performance when exposed to data sets.
An articial system developed in computer soware, physi-
cal hardware, or other context that solves tasks requiring
human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning,
communication, or physical action.
An articial system designed to think or act like a human,
including cognitive architectures and neural networks.
A set of techniques, including machine learning, that is
designed to approximate a cognitive task.
An articial system designed to act rationally, including an
intelligent soware agent or embodied robot that achieves
goals using perception, planning, reasoning, learning,
communicating, decision making, and acting.
That is a broad definition of AI. If federal law continues to rely
on this definition, that could influence how contractual language
defines AI between private parties.
With the impacts described above in mind, AI developers
should start considering how to incorporate the Order’s principles
and the McCain Acts definition of AI into their research and devel-
opment processes. Whether they market to governments, private
companies, or consumers, that definition and those principles are
likely to emerge as the industry’s best practices and the regulatory
Having said that, there still remains a void regarding value-
based guidance for the end results of AI. What do we want that to
look like? Some of the principles in the Order and the OMB Memo
are desirable in AI—we want AI to be safe, accurate, etc.—but
what do we want the world with AI to look like? Should AI make
the world less discriminatory? Should it promote the value of
human labor? If AI applications will be as revolutionary as some
people in the sector believe, federal regulations and adoption
of AI should be based more on the principles of the evaluator
process, but also on the values of the outcome. That AI would be
genuinely trustworthy.
232 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [4:227
* John Frank Weaver, a member of McLane Middletons privacy and data
security practice group, is a member of the Board of Editors of e Journal
of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law and writes its “Everything Is Not
Terminator” column. Mr. Weaver, who may be contacted at john.weaver@, has a diverse technology practice that focuses on information
security, data privacy, and emerging technologies, including articial intel-
ligence, self-driving vehicles, and drones.
1. Exec. Order No. 13,960, 85 Fed. Reg. 78939 (December 3, 2020), avail-
able at
government (the “Order”).
2. Id., at Sec. 1.
3. Exec. Order No.13,859, 84 Fed. Reg. 3967 (February 14, 2019), avail-
able at
maintaining-american-leadership-in-articial-intelligence; see John Frank
Weaver, “Everything Is Not Terminator: What Does the Executive Order
Calling for Articial Intelligence Standards Mean for AI Regulation?,e
Journal of Articial Intelligence & Law (Vol. 2, No. 5; September-October
2019), 373-379.
4. Oce of Management and Budget Memorandum, Guidance for
Regulation of Articial Intelligence Applications (November 17, 2020), avail-
able at
.pdf (“OMB Memo”).
5. Id., at 3-7. e OMB Memos conation of regulatory and non-
regulatory approaches to governing AI is problematic, as it could limit the
federal governments ability to make qualitative decisions about outcomes and
benets concerning AI and slow down needed AI regulation. See John Frank
Weaver, “Everything Is Not Terminator: e White House Memo on Regulat-
ing AI Addresses Values but Not the Playing Field,e Journal of Articial
Intelligence & Law (Vol. 3, No. 3; May-June 2020) (describing how the dra
memo predating the OMB Memo overemphasizes growth and innovation at
the expense of the governments ability to timely and eectively regulate AI).
6. Order, supra note 1, at Sec. 3.
7. See John Frank Weaver, “Everything Is Not Terminator: Value-Based
Regulation of Articial Intelligence,e Journal of Articial Intelligence &
Law (Vol. 2, No. 3; May-June 2019), 219-226 (“We need to regulate AI now
in order to set early expectations for AI developers: what should consumers
reasonably expect, what processing behavior is acceptable, what information
must be disclosed, etc.”).
8. Order, supra at note 1, at Sec. 4(b).
9. Id., at Sec. 5(a). As of the writing of this article, the CIO Council
has missed this deadline and has not produced the required guidance and
2021] e Federal Government and Trustworthy AI 233
10. Id., at Sec. 5(b).
11. Id., at Sec. 5(c)(i).
12. Id., at Sec. 5(c)(ii).
13. Id., at Sec. 5(e).
14. Moshe Y. Vardi, “Articial Intelligence: Past and Future,Communica-
tions of the Association for Computing Machinery (Jan. 2012), 5, at 5.
15. See John Frank Weaver, “Everything Is Not Terminator: Dening
AI in Contracts,e Journal of Articial Intelligence & Law (Vol. 3, No. 6;
November-December 2020), 435-441 (“where the contract governs a rela-
tionship in which one or more parties may or may not rely on AI, dening
what the contract will consider and treat as AI may be heavily negotiated”).
16. John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2019, Pub. L. No. 115-232, §238(g) (2019).