The Journal of Robotics,
Artificial Intelligence & Law
Volume 2, No. 6 | November–December 2019
Editors Note: Intellectual Property
Steven A. Meyerowitz
Adapt Your IP Strategy for Arcial Intelligence
Kevin M. Pasquinelli
Biometric Data: Companies Should Act to Migate Risks in the Face of Growing
Regulaons and Increased Risk for Liability
Robert A. Wells, Veronica D. Jackson, and Christopher J. Tully
What “Shall” and “Will” Teach Us About Contract Draing (and Some Thoughts on AI)
Ryan Tanny Kang
Building Trust with a Workforce as It Automates
Mathew Donald
UK Government’s Guide to Using AI in the Public Sector
Lisa Peets, Marn Hansen, Sam Jungyun Choi, and Chance Levian
Everything Is Not Terminator: Is China’s Social Credit System the Future?
John Frank Weaver
The Journal of Robotics,
Artificial Intelligence & Law
Volume 2, No. 6 | November–December 2019
385 Editors Note: Intellectual Property
Steven A. Meyerowitz
389 AdaptYourIPStrategyforArcialIntelligence
Kevin M. Pasquinelli
415 BiometricData:CompaniesShouldActtoMigateRisksinthe
Robert A. Wells, Veronica D. Jackson, and Christopher J. Tully
421 What“Shall”and“Will”TeachUsAboutContractDraing(and
Some Thoughts on AI)
Ryan Tanny Kang
433 BuildingTrustwithaWorkforceasItAutomates
Mathew Donald
439 UKGovernment’sGuidetoUsingAIinthePublicSector
445 Everything Is Not Terminator: Is China’s Social Credit System the
John Frank Weaver
Steven A. Meyerowitz
President, Meyerowitz Communications Inc.
Victoria Prussen Spears
Senior Vice President, Meyerowitz Communications Inc.
Miranda Cole
Partner, Covington & Burling LLP
Kathryn DeBord
Partner & Chief Innovation Ocer, Bryan Cave LLP
Melody Drummond Hansen
Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
Paul B. Keller
Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP
Garry G. Mathiason
Shareholder, Littler Mendelson P.C.
Elaine D. Solomon
Partner, Blank Rome LLP
Linda J. ayer
Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP
Mercedes K. Tunstall
Partner,Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Edward J. Walters
Chief Executive Ocer, Fastcase Inc.
John Frank Weaver
Attorney, McLane Middleton, Professional Association
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Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law / November–December 2019, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 445–451.
© 2019 Full Court Press. All rights reserved.
ISSN 2575-5633 (print) / ISSN 2575-5617 (online)
Everything Is Not Terminator
Is Chinas Social Credit System
the Future?
John Frank Weaver*
In 2014, the central government of the Peoples Republic of
China announced a “social credit” system, which will monitor the
behavior of the nations population and rank each person based
on his or her social credit, i.e., how well each person behaves as
a citizen. The term social credit dates to 2002, when the central
government was looking at establishing a system to measure the
creditworthiness of its citizens, but ultimately wanted the system
to be compatible with the social services system.
municipalities are currently testing versions of the system, and the
program is scheduled to be operational nationwide by 2020.
track citizens, the municipalities’ systems rely on huge amounts
of personal data from a wide variety of sources, including social
networks, smart phone apps, and video cameras already installed
by the central government. Those cameras are part of “Skynet,” the
Chinese governments video surveillance system, the public purpose
of which is to track criminal behavior, but which has more than
20million cameras in public spaces across the country.
The end
goal is to rely on sophisticated artificial intelligence (“AI”) to review
all of this data and add and deduct points from citizens based on
how well they engage in lawful behavior.
The Future with AI
Not surprisingly, this has prompted a great deal of criticism.
However, I cant help but wonder if this is the natural development
of the future with AI.
One theme that I have returned to frequently when writing
and speaking about AI is what laws and regulations should do
in response to fundamental changes in society introduced by
446 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [2:445
technological changes.
In particular, the century of legal changes
in the wake of the American Industrial Revolution is a useful
(albeit slow) example of what government can do to spread widely
the benefits of massive technological advancements.
The intro-
duction of the factory system moved unprecedented numbers
of people from rural communities to urban communities and
shifted their work from farming to manufacturing, from work
hours based on the seasons and the sun to work hours based on
the company clock. In response, Congress and state legislatures
enacted legislation that instituted a minimum wage, limited how
many hours a person could work in a week, mandated workplace
and environmental standards, and prohibited children from
Essentially, elected representatives recognized that
the Industrial Revolution had changed America and used laws
and regulations to shape the new country into a version that was
better for their constituents.
If AI is going to introduce as much change as many experts
predict, as much as the Industrial Revolution,
then we should
wonder what that changed world will look like. In the same way
that it would have been hard but not impossible for leaders at the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution to predict how the world
was going to change, it is difficult but not impossible for us to
predict how AI is going to change the world. Systems like Chinas
social credit system might be what it looks like.
That should not be too surprising. There are other versions
of it in place already. In the United States, credit-rating agencies
score and rank individuals based on their creditworthiness, a
system that the Chinese central government relied on when it
created its social credit system.
In the United Kingdom, there
are systems in place to score individuals using data from a vari-
ety of sources, like credit score, phone usage, and rent payments;
based on those scores, individuals are ranked by preference for
job applications, access to social services, etc.
Similarly, in
Germany there are systems in place to track data and rank indi-
viduals based on creditworthiness and healthy lifestyle.
proposal is therefore not unique because of the theory it relies
on, but because of its scope.
That suggests that the world we
live in is already marching toward national governments accept-
ing that AI systems should analyze the vast amounts of personal
data available to them and score citizens based on that analysis.
2019] Is Chinas Social Credit System the Future? 447
The Future of AI Does Not Have to be a Bad One
If that is likely the future, does it have to be a bad one? Read
any of the articles in the footnotes of this column and you are likely
to see the terms “dystopian,” “chilling,” and “Black Mirror” tossed
around. That threat is real, and the possibility of a social credit
system arbitrarily hurting already vulnerable populations is strong.
It is all too easy to find stories of people in China who have been
barred from jobs or schools,
prohibited from purchasing certain
train tickets,
and banned from vacationing
due to low social
credit scores with no due process and for seemingly arbitrary or
capricious reasons. However, I do not believe that is the inevitable
result for two reasons.
First, the goal of the Chinese system and copycats in other
nations is to reward good behavior and promote good citizenship,
essentially through gamification.
By assigning points to certain
kinds of behavior, social credit AI systems incentivize that behavior,
possibly making people better citizens, maybe without realizing
they are becoming better citizens.
On its face, that is not neces-
sarily a bad idea. There have been numerous socially engineered
methods of encouraging good behavior—Social Security numbers
that make it harder to escape past bankruptcies and criminal
behavior, civic awards, publication of police logs in newspapers,
etc.—and this is arguably the next evolution of that. If successfully
implemented, the gamification of good citizenship could lead to
improved quality of life and civic engagement. However, the rules
governing the behavior that is rewarded and punished, appeals of
points awarded or deducted, and the transparency of the system
are all vitally important.
Second, it is possible to implement laws and regulations that
properly police a social credit system and provide reassurances to
the public that (a)the right behavior is being rewarded, (b)the AI
is not biased, and (c)there are appropriate safeguards for people
to appeal and confirm their social credit scores. Here are a few
suggestions for government regulations and policies that would
result in a fairer, more beneficial social credit systems:
1. Require Transparency: e source code of the AI devel-
oped to evaluate data and issue social credit scores must
be open to review and sandbox testing by the public.
448 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [2:445
All datasets and databases used to train the AI must be
publicly available. All personal data used to determine
actual social credit scores must be anonymized and made
publicly available. Transparency is the rst step toward
reassuring the public that the social credit system is a
public good and is being fairly administered.
2. Establish a Governance Group: Any central government
that decides to develop a social credit system should
also form a governance group that reviews all elements
of that system: how behavior is classied as benecial or
not, how points are awarded, how individuals may appeal
their points, etc. Populated by high-ranking ocials—
cabinet secretaries, key legislative leaders, etc.—and AI
experts, this group should hold public meetings, accept
public comment, and publish reports on its ndings and
3. Require and Promote the Testing and Training of the AI:
e governance group should regularly test the social
credit systems AI, train it so that the system more ac-
curately rewards the appropriate behavior, and encour-
age third parties to test and train the sandbox version
of the AI. is will both make the AI better and give
public reassurances of the AI strengths and remediated
4. Require Ex-Post Analysis: Ex-post analysis is a form of
policing AI in which the developers use tools like cryp-
tographic commitments and zero knowledge proofs to
provide auditable evidence that the AI is performing
key analyses correctly. Requiring that social credit AI
uses these benchmarks will give private and government
auditors another method to assess the operation of the
5. Institute an Appropriate Appeals Process: In addition to the
opaque and seeming arbitrariness of the Chinese social
credit system, its most common complaint appears to
be that there is no easy way to challenge or appeal the
rewarding or deduction of points. Creating an appro-
priate administrative process for the appeal and review
of points will be an important part of creating a social
credit system that fairly promotes better citizenship. e
system must be easy to navigate, administer, and police.
2019] Is Chinas Social Credit System the Future? 449
Obviously, the suggestions above are intended as broad ideas
for making a social credit system consistent with the requirements
of due process and the rule of law. But they also demonstrate that
like many other governing inventions, including the development
of regulatory and administrative legal models, the creation of a
social credit system does not automatically mean that due diligence
and responsible government are doomed. If political leaders look
at where technology is trending, the social credit system can help
to form a prosperous AI middle class in the 21st century, like legal
reforms in reaction to the Industrial Revolution created Americas
prosperous industrial middle class in the mid-20th century.
* John Frank Weaver, an associate at McLane Middleton and a member
of the rms privacy and data security practice group, is the “Everything Is
Not Terminator” columnist for e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence&
Law. Mr. Weaver, who may be contacted at, has
a diverse technology practice that focuses on information security, data pri-
vacy, and emerging technologies, including articial intelligence, self-driving
vehicles, and drones.
1. Alexandra Ma, “China has started ranking citizens with a creepy
social credit’ system—heres what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing
demeaning ways they can punish you,Business Insider (October 29, 2018),
2. Id.; Rene Raphael & Ling Xi, “Discipline and Punish: e Birth of
Chinas Social-Credit System,e Nation (January 23, 2019), https://www
3. Xinmei Shen, “What is ‘Skynet, Chinas massive video surveillance
network,Abacus News (October 4, 2018),
20million cameras is a conservative number. Other sources report as many as
200million, “a gure set to triple” by 2020. Megan Palin, “Chinas ‘social credit
system is a real-life ‘Black Mirror Nightmare, New York Post (September19,
life-black-mirror-nightmare/. I should also point out that when writing about
a national surveillance program called Skynet, the name of this column seems
either a little too on the nose or a bad parody of itself.
4. See Paul Wallis, “Op-Ed: Chinese ‘Social Credit,’ or how AI can
rule your life right now,Digital Journal (September 18, 2018), http://www
450 e Journal of Robotics, Articial Intelligence & Law [2:445
credit-or-how-ai-can-rule-your-life-right-now/article/532386; Karen Hao,
“Is Chinas social credit system as Orwellian as it sounds?,MIT Technology
Review (February 26, 2019),
5. See Palin, supra note 3 (“If your best friend or dad says something
negative about the government, you’ll lose points too”); Maya Wang, “Chi-
nas Chilling ‘Social Credit’ Blacklist,Human Rights Watch (republished
from the Wall Street Journal) (December 12, 2017),
news/2017/12/12/chinas-chilling-social-credit-blacklist (noting that penalties
assessed due to the social credit system “were exacted in wildly arbitrary and
unaccountable manners”).
6. John Frank Weaver, Robots Are People Too (Praeger Publishing, 2013),
46-48 (“Robots Are People Too”); Brendan McKinnon, “Should Articial
Intelligence Be a Legal Person?,BC Law Magazine (September 11, 2018),
legal-person/; John Frank Weaver, “We Need to Pass Legislation on Articial
Intelligence Early and Oen,Slate (September 12, 2014),
7. Robots Are People Too, supra note 6, at 46-50.
8. Lewis C. Solmon and Michael Tierney, “Education,” in Glenn Porter,
ed., Encyclopedia of American Economic History, vol. 3 (New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1980), 1015-1016; Arthur M. Johnson, “Economy Since 1914,
in Glenn Porter, ed., Encyclopedia of American Economic History, vol. 1 (New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980), 117 & 127-128; omas K. McCraw,
“Regulatory Agencies. in Glenn Porter, ed., Encyclopedia of American Eco-
nomic History, vol. 1 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1980), 803-804.
9. Klaus Schawb, e Fourth Industrial Revolution (Currency, 2017);
Elizabeth Schulze, “Everything you need to know about the Fourth Industrial
Revolution,CNBC (January 17, 2019),
fourth-industrial-revolution-explained-davos-2019.html; Bernard
Marr, “e 4th Industrial Revolution is Here—Are You Ready?,Forbes
(August13, 2018),
10. Raphael & Xi, supra note 2.
11. Miranda Hall & Duncan McCann, “Whats Your Score?,New
Economics Foundation (July 10, 2018),
12. Cathrin Schaer, “Germany edges toward Chinese-style rat-
ing of citizens,Handelsblatt Today (February 17, 2018), https://www
2019] Is Chinas Social Credit System the Future? 451
13. Nicole Kobie, “The complicated truth about Chinas social
credit system,Wired (June 7, 2019),
14. Ma, supra note 1.
15. Wang, supra note 5.
16. Karen Chiu, “Chinas social credit system is becoming a reality,
Abacus News (July 10, 2019),
17. Hao, supra note 4; Raphael & Xi, supra note 2; See Miriam A. Cherry,
e Gamication of Work,” 40 H L. R. 851, 852 (2012).
18. See Cherry, supra note 17, at 852 (e “idea that people could be
working while they play a video game—in some instances without even know-
ing that they are working—is becoming part of our reality.”).
19. See John Frank Weaver, “Evidencing a Lack of Bias: Using Articial
Intelligence to Promote the Rule of Law,Journal of the World Articial Intel-
ligence Conference (forthcoming). is article discusses points 1-3 in the
general context of AI used by governments.
20. See Deven R. Desai & Joshua A. Kroll, “Trust but Verify: A Guide to
Algorithms and the Law,” 31 H. J. L. & T. 1, 39-41 (2017).