Blind Dog Tips
These suggestions have been summarized from past messages from the Blind Dog email list and
message board, at
1. Try not to move furniture around or leave obstacles on the floor.
2. Remember that animals pick up easily on our emotions, so try to express “happy” emotions
around a blind pet.
3. Emphasize the senses that your pet still has:
-Blind dogs still have their sense of smell, hearing, taste and touch.
-Dogs that are both blind and deaf have their senses of smell, taste and touch. (They
can feel vibrations, especially when you walk.)
4. Allow your dog to smell other peoples’ hands before being petted. Most blind dogs’
personalities do not change; however, some dogs can be easily startled, which could lead to
fear biting.
5. Try to treat them as normally as possible. Building their confidence is key to letting them know
that you still love them and that they are still able to do the things they used to do. For blind
dogs, letting them know that they are still the same dog in your eyes can be the basis for the
type of personality they will develop or keep.
6. Encourage your blind dog to do the same things he used to, and be sure to praise him when
he does. However, if he is unable to do some of the activities that he used to, remember to be
understanding and praise him anyway.
7. Be creative with different scents to mark areas for your blind dog. Just make sure that the
method of marking you use is safe. You can use flavored extracts, scented oil, cologne or a dab
of perfume. Dab a bit of this scent on furniture legs, doorways and steps so you dog can smell
obstacles and barriers. Using different scented candles in each room may also help your dog
distinguish the different rooms of your house. Using a specific scent for steps only will prepare
your dog for the step and prevent falls.
8. You can also use textured materials to mark areas. Your pet will be able to tell where he is by
the feel of the fabric under his feet. Throw rugs work quite well, and guests won’t even recognize
their “real” purpose. Indoor/outdoor carpeting, wind chimes, cedar chips and decorative bricks
or blocks can help guide a blind dog along his way outside.
9. Use bells or jingling tags on your other dogs to help her follow along with the others and to
avoid your other dogs startling her. You can also use bells on your shoes to help her find you.
10. Do not be afraid to walk with a “heavy foot” when approaching your blind or blind/deaf
dog. Dogs are especially sensitive to vibrations when they cannot see, and even more so when
they can neither see nor hear.
11. Do not underestimate the power of touching and massaging.
12. Be very vocal with your blind dog. Talking helps your dog to tell where you are and what you
are doing.
13. A simple tabletop fountain with a large bowl can be used as a water dish or commercial pet
waters are also available. The sound of running water helps to orient the blind dog and allows
him to find his way to the water. The sound also helps him know what room in the house he is in.
This method of providing water to your dog can be especially helpful when moving to a new
home, and most dogs enjoy drinking from running water.