Drayton Manor High School
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Kinetic and Potential Energy Old Exam Qs
Q1. A firework rocket is fired vertically into the air and explodes at its highest point. What are
the changes to the total kinetic energy of the rocket and the total momentum of the rocket
as a result of the explosion?
total kinetic energy
total momentum of
unchanged unchanged
unchanged increased
increased unchanged
increased increased
(Total 1 mark)
Q2. Two ice skaters, initially at rest and in contact, push apart from each other.
Which line, A to D, in the table states correctly the change in the total momentum and the
total kinetic energy of the two skaters?
total momentum total kinetic energy
unchanged increases
unchanged unchanged
increases increases
increases unchanged
(Total 1 mark)
Q3. The diagram below shows a child coming down a slide in a playground. The vertical height
of the slide is 3.0 m. The angle between the main slope of the slide and its vertical support
is 50°. Acceleration of free fall g = 9.8 m s
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(a) The child has a mass of 41 kg. Calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy as
the child climbed to the top of the slide.
Gravitational potential energy gained ......................................
(b) Assume that the slide is frictionless.
(i) Use your answer to part (a) to calculate the speed of the child when reaching
the bottom of the slide.
Speed ...................................
(ii) Calculate the resultant force acting on the child when in the position shown in
the diagram above.
Resultant force ............................
(Total 6 marks)
Q4. The speed of an air rifle pellet is measured by firing it into a wooden block suspended
from a rigid support. The wooden block can swing freely at the end of a light inextensible
string as shown in the figure below.
initial position of block
A pellet of mass 8.80 g strikes a stationary wooden block and is completely embedded in
it. The centre of mass of the block rises by 0.63 m. The wooden block has a mass of 450
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(a) Determine the speed of the pellet when it strikes the wooden block.
speed = ........................ m s
(b) The wooden block is replaced by a steel block of the same mass.
The experiment is repeated with the steel block and an identical pellet. The pellet
rebounds after striking the block.
Discuss how the height the steel block reaches compares with the height of 0.63 m
reached by the wooden block. In your answer compare the energy and momentum
changes that occur in the two experiments.
(c) Discuss which experiment is likely to give the more accurate value for the velocity of
the pellet.
(Total 10 marks)
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Q5. The diagram below shows the path of a skier who descends a slope AB.
The skier starts from rest at A and eventually comes to rest again at C on the horizontal
surface BC.
(a) (i) The slope AB has a vertical height of 35 m. The total mass of the skier is 65
Show that the skier’s loss in gravitational potential energy is about 20 kJ.
(ii) The kinetic energy of the skier at point B is 11 000 J.
Show that the skier’s speed at point B is about 18 m s
(iii) The average retarding force acting on the skier is 140 N.
Calculate the distance travelled between A and B.
distance travelled .................................................... m
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(iv) Describe two ways in which the retarding force may arise.
(b) The skier decelerates uniformly between B and C at 2.8 m s
(i) Calculate the time taken to travel from B to C.
time ................................ s
(ii) Calculate the distance BC.
distance .................................... m
(Total 12 marks)
Q6. A climber falls 2.3 m before being stopped by his climbing rope that is secured above him.
The weight of the climber is 840 N.
(a) Calculate the loss in gravitational potential energy of the climber.
loss in potential energy .......................................................... J
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(b) The figure below shows a force-extension graph for the rope being used.
(b) (i) Use the figure above to find the stiffness of the rope when it is being used
with forces up to 350 N. Give the appropriate unit.
stiffness .................................................................................
unit .................................................................................
(ii) Use the figure above to determine the energy stored in the rope when it is
stretched by 0.25 m.
energy ................................................................................. J
(Total 9 marks)
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Q7. A type of exercise device is used to provide resistive forces when a person applies
compressive forces to its handles. The stiff spring inside the device compresses as shown
in the figure below.
(a) The force exerted by the spring over a range of compressions was measured.
The results are plotted on the grid below.
(i) State Hooke’s law.
(ii) State which two features of the graph confirm that the spring obeys Hooke’s
law over the range of values tested.
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(iii) Use the graph to calculate the spring constant, stating an appropriate unit.
answer = .....................................
(b) (i) The formula for the energy stored by the spring is
Explain how this formula can be derived from a graph of force against
(ii) The person causes a compression of 0.28 m in a time of 1.5 s. Use the graph
in part (a) to calculate the average power developed.
answer = ..................................W
(Total 13 marks)
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Q8. An ‘E-bike’ is a bicycle that is assisted by an electric motor. The figure below shows an
E-bike and rider with a total mass of 83 kg moving up an incline.
(a) (i) The cyclist begins at rest at A and accelerates uniformly to a speed of 6.7 m
at B.
The distance between A and B is 50 m.
Calculate the time taken for the cyclist to travel this distance.
answer = .................................. s
(ii) Calculate the kinetic energy of the E-bike and rider when at B. Give your
answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.
answer = .................................. J
(iii) Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the E-bike and rider
between A and B.
answer = .................................. J
(b) Between A and B, the work done by the electric motor is 3700 J, and the work done
by the cyclist pedalling is 5300 J.
(i) Calculate the wasted energy as the cyclist travels from A to B.
answer = .................................. J
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(ii) State two causes of this wasted energy.
Cause 1 ................................................................................................
Cause 2 ................................................................................................
(Total 10 marks)
Q9. Figure 1 shows car A being towed at a steady speed up a slope which is inclined at 5.0°
to the horizontal. Assume that the resistive forces acting on car A are negligible.
Figure 1
Figure 2 represents a simplified version of the forces acting on car A at the instant shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 2
(a) (i) Car A has a mass of 970 kg. Show that the component of its weight that acts
parallel to the slope is approximately 830 N.
(ii) Calculate the energy stored in the tow rope as car A is towed up the slope at a
steady speed. The tow rope obeys Hooke’s law and has a stiffness of 2.5 ×
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energy stored ................................................ J
(b) The tow rope is attached to a fixing point on car A using a metal hook. During the
ascent of the slope the fixing point snaps and the metal hook becomes detached
from car A. The metal hook gains speed due to the energy stored in the rope. State
and explain how the speed gained by the hook would have changed if the rope used
had a stiffness greater than 2.5 × 10
(Total 9 marks)
Q10. The world record for a high dive into deep water is 54 m.
(a) Calculate the loss in gravitational potential energy (gpe) of a diver of mass 65 kg
falling through 54 m.
loss in gpe = ................................... J
(b) Calculate the vertical velocity of the diver the instant before he enters the water. Ignore the
effects of air resistance.
velocity = ............................ ms
(c) Calculate the time taken for the diver to fall 54 m. Ignore the effects of air
time = ................................... s
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(d) Explain, with reference to energy, why the velocity of the diver is independent of his
mass if air resistance is insignificant.
(Total 9 marks)
Q11.A snowboarder slides down a slope, as shown in the diagram below. Between B and C her
acceleration is uniform.
(a) The snowboarder travels 1.5 m from B to C in a time of 0.43 s and her velocity
down the slope at C is 5.0 ms
Calculate her velocity down the slope at B.
velocity = ............................ ms
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(b) The combined mass of the snowboarder and snowboard is 75 kg and the angle of
the slope is 25°
(i) Calculate the component of the weight of the snowboarder and snowboard
acting down the slope.
weight component = ................................. N
(ii) At D the snowboarder has reached a constant velocity. She moves a distance
of 2.0 m at constant velocity between D and E.
Calculate the work done against resistive forces as she moves from D to E.
work done = ................................... J
(c) State and explain what happens to the gravitational potential energy lost between D
and E.
(Total 9 marks)
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M2. A
M3. (a) PE = mgh
= 41 × 9.8 × 3.0 =
1200 or 1210 J
(b) (i) mgh = 0.5mv
v = 7.7 ms
or ecf from (a)
(ii) F = mgcos50
= 258N
M4.(a) Max GPE of block = Mgh = 0.46 × 9.81 × 0.63 = 2.84 J
The first mark is for working out the GPE of the block
Initial KE of block = ½ Mv
= 2.84 J
Initial speed of block
= (2 × 2.84) / 0.46
v = 3.51 ms
The second mark is for working out the speed of the block
momentum lost by pellet = momentum gained by block
Mv = 0.46 × 3.51 = 1.61 kg m s
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The third mark is for working out the momentum of the block
(and therefore pellet)
Speed of pellet = 1.58 / m = 1.58 / 8.8 × 10
= 180 ms
The final mark is for the speed of the pellet
At each step the mark is for the method rather than the
calculated answer
Allow one consequential error in the final answer
(b) As pellet rebounds, change in momentum of pellet greater and therefore the
change in momentum of the block is greater
Ignore any discussion of air resistance
Initial speed of block is greater
(Mass stays the same)
Initial KE of block greater
Therefore height reached by steel block is greater than with wooden block
(c) Calculation of steel method will need to assume that collision is elastic so that
change of momentum can be calculated
This is unlikely due to deformation of bullet, production of sound etc.
And therefore steel method unlikely to produce accurate results.
M5. (a) (i) 65 × 9.8 × 35 seen and evaluated to 22295 or 2231
or 22300J
(ii) correct substitution of 65 kg and either 11000J or
18 m s
in ke formula seen
18.4 (18.397) (m s
) to at least 3 sf
(iii) distance = energy loss/force or work done/force or
numerical equivalent
64-64.3 using E
= 20kJ or 79 – 81(m) using 22.3 kJ
(iv) friction
air resistance
further detail eg friction at ski-ice surface
or caused by need to move air when passing through it
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(b) (i) time = v/a or numerical equivalent
6.4(3) – 6.6(6.57) (s)
(ii) use of appropriate kinematic equation
(57.8 – 60.4) 58 m or 60 (m) to 2 sf
M6. (a) 840 × 2.3
1900 (J)/1930 (J)
(b) (i) uses gradient
data extraction correct –350 N, 0.3 m
N m
(ii) uses area
6.5 to 7.0 squares or 1 square is equivalent to
5 J/area is ½ base × height
32.5 to 35 (J)
M7. (a) (i) F
L (1) up to limit of proportionality (1)
accept ‘elastic limit’
F = kL with terms defined gets first mark
(ii) straight line (1) through origin (1)
(iii) working shown and F 200 N (1) (500/0.385) = 1290 ± 20 (1)
N m
or N/m kg s
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(b) (i) (W = Fs) so area (beneath line from origin to L)
represents (work done or) energy (to compress/extend) (1)
work done (on or by the spring) linked to energy stored (1)
(area of triangle) =
b × h (therefore E = FL) (1)
(ii) F = 360 (N) used (1) (1) = 34
(33.6) (W) (1)
ecf from wrong force
M8.(a) (i) (s = ½(u + v) t) t = 2s/v (correct rearrangement, either symbols or values)
(= 100/6.7) = 15
(s) (14.925)
or alternative correct approach
(ii) (KE = 1/2mv
= ½ × 83 × 6.7
) = 1900 (1862.9 J)
2 sf
(iii) GPE = 83 × 9.81 × 3.0 penalise use of 10, allow 9.8
= 2400 (2443 J)
do not allow 2500 (2490) for use of g = 10
(b) (i) 5300 + 3700 (or 9000 seen)
or – 2443 – 1863 (or (–) 4306 seen)
= 4700 (J)
(4694) ecf from parts aii & aiii
(ii) mention of friction and appropriate location given
mention of air resistance (or drag)
do not allow energy losses or friction within the motor
do not allow energy losses from the cyclist
must give a cause not just eg ‘heat loss in tyres’
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M9. (a) (i) uses trigonometry (mg sin5 or mg cos85 seen)
829.3 / 828.5 (N) at least 3 sf
(ii) tension = 830 (N)
E= ½ FL and F = k L identified / or combined to E= ½ (F
correct sub condone power 10 error
13.8 (J) range 13.9 to 13.7
(b) lower speed
less extension
less energy stored (in rope)
M10.(a) (Ep = mgh)
= 65 × 9.81 × 54
= 3.44 × 10
= 3.4 × 10
(J) (34433)
max 1 if g =10 used (35100 J)
Correct answer gains both marks
allow 32 (32.3) for the use of 34000
allow 32.6
OR correct use of v
= 2 g s
don’t penalise g = 10 (32.863)
(c) (s =1 / 2 gt
or other kinematics equation)
With use of g= 9.8 or 9.81 or 10 and / or various suvat
equations, expect range 3.2 to 3.4 s.
No penalty for using g= 10 here.
ecf from 1(b) if speed used
(d) (all G)PE (lost) is transferred to KE
no (GP)E transferred to 'heat' / 'thermal' / internal energy
Must imply that all GPE is transferred to KE. E.g. accept
‘loss of GPE is gain in KE’ but not: ‘loses GPE and gains
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mass cancels.
Accept ‘m’s crossed out
Correct answer with no working gets 2 out of three.
OR substitution in above equation OR
= 6.9767 – 5.0
= 2.0 (1.98 m s
Full credit for use of gsin25 = acceleration down slope. This
yields answer 3.22 m s
Allow 1sf answer (2).
(b) (i) (F = 75 × 9.81 ×) sin25 (
= 310 ( 311, 310.94) (N)
use of g = 10 not penalised here
‘sin25’ on its own
Use of g = 10 yields 317
Allow cos65
(ii) W = Fs
= 311 × 2.0 = 620 (622 J)
ecf (2bi) × 2.0
(c) Idea that GPE is ultimately transferred to: internal (energy) / 'heat'/ 'thermal' (energy
in the surroundings)
Allow transfer of GPE to KE and then to ‘thermal’ etc
Do not allow reference to ‘sound’ on its own
Correct reference to a named resistive force: friction / drag / air resistance
Don’t accept implication that a resistive force is a form of
All GPE becomes 'heat', etc OR no (overall) increase in KE OR reference to
work done against or by a resistive force
Do not allow references to loss of body heat.
Allow: ‘(GPE) not converted to KE’