Evidence Summary:
Diving and High-Diving
Clodagh Toomey, PT, PhD
Version 1
February 2018
The British Columbia Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU) was established by the Ministry of
Health and the Minister’s Injury Prevention Advisory Committee in August 1997. BCIRPU is housed within
the Evidence to Innovation research theme at BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) and supported by the
Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) and the University of British Columbia (UBC). BCIRPU’s vision
is to be a leader in the production and transfer of injury prevention knowledge and the integration of
evidence-based injury prevention practices into the daily lives of those at risk, those who care for them,
and those with a mandate for public health and safety in British Columbia.
Author: Clodagh Toomey
Editors: Sarah A Richmond, Amanda Black
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Suggested Citation:
Toomey C, Black A, Richmond SA, Pike I, Babul S. Evidence Summary: Diving and High-Diving. Active &
Safe Central. BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit: Vancouver, BC; 2018.
Available at http://activesafe.ca/.
Evidence synthesis tool
Diving and High-Diving (not scuba)
Target Group:
Competitive (high schools and club-level to elite professionals) and recreational
All Injury: Musculoskeletal or concussion injury sustained during diving training, competition or recreation
Risk/Protective Factors
Implementation/ Evaluation
Competitive Diving
In elite junior male divers,
Shoulder flexibility (O= 0.919;
95% CI 0.851 to 0.992) and age
(OR=0.441; 95% CI 0.239 to
0.814) are recognized as risk
factors related to lower back
pain. Only age (OR=0.536; 95%
CI 0.335 to 0.856) was a factor
in female-elite junior divers.
Recreational Diving
In all divers, risk factors for
cervical spinal cord injury were
assessed in two systematic
reviews (2005 and 2008). Risk
factors included consumption
of alcohol (3.4% of all SCIs in
Japan were sport-related under
the influence of alcohol, while
30% of sport-related SCIs were
under the influence of alcohol
in the US)
, presence of a pool
party, water depth <1.2m,
absence of a lifeguard on duty,
non-competitive standard,
reduced risk perception, poor
lighting, hidden objects, lack of
depth markings or warnings,
lack of adequate
Recreational Diving
Few prevention programs for
diving-related injury or spinal
cord injury have evaluated or
published their outcome
A systematic review
in 2008
descriptively evaluated
interventions for the prevention
of spinal cord injury in diving.
The American Red Cross
Swimming and Diving guidelines
in 1992 required a minimum
depth of water below the tip of
the diving board in a standard
public pool of 9 ft. No incidences
have been reported of SCI in
Olympic sized public pools that
meet these criteria. Most diving
related SCI (DSCI) occur in
residential pools where the
maximum depth is less than 9 ft.
A number of education programs
(see resources) on diving safety
have been implemented in North
America but not evaluated for
effectiveness in reducing DSCI.
Recreational Diving
In an assessment and
evaluation of primary
prevention in spinal cord
it was found that a
school-distributed educational
video, Sudden Impact (Think
First), was only viewed by an
average of 16% of students in
each school.
Little change in
attitude and no consistent
change in knowledge or
behaviours were seen as a
result of Think First in high
school students.
Underuse of materials is an
implementation barrier for
many prevention programs
that do not own the
distribution channels for
their work.
Implementation facilitator
- In general, prevention
programs (from non diving-
related sources) with
multimodal (including social
media) components that
include long-term follow-up
and “booster” interventions
Recommendations for
interventions based on
evidence-based risk factors
for DSCI have been published
by Barss et al 2008 (personal,
environmental and
equipment interventions).
ThinkFirst US National Injury
Prevention Foundation
education for kids, youth and
Dive Smart (Parachute
Canada) injury prevention
Sudden Impact leader’s guide
Protective factors for spinal
cord injury include diving with
maximized flight distance and a
low entry angle with steering
technique appear to be safest.
Head and neck injury is reduced
with hands held together,
thumbs locked and arms
extended beyond the head.
One educational video to
schoolchildren in Slovenia noted
a decrease from seven DSCI per
year to two DSCI per year after 3
years of education.
A 60-min audio-visual (ThinkFirst)
lecture on brain and spinal cord
injury prevention significantly
changed students' opinions about
checking the depth of swimming
pool 5 months later. This was the
only attitude that changed after
the educational intervention.
In public diving facilities, more
restrictive regulation of dive
forms was not associated with a
decrease in injuries in the
previous 12 months (p = 0.93).
Risk was perceived to be lower
for those with experience, and
these people favoured less
An intervention (7 10-minute
sessions) to improve diving skill in
inexperienced divers was
successful in significantly
reducing diving depth (with lesser
entry angles, improved hand/arm
placement, greater flight distance
and steering-up manoeuvre) in
different dive types 20 months
appear to be more effective
than one-dimensional, one-
time programs.
In structured interviews with
120 children (age 7-10y) that
evaluated “no diving” warning
signs for shallow water,
children understood that
breaking your neck results in
limitations in mobility and can
occur from diving, but they did
not anticipate that such an
injury is likely to occur.
Implementation Barrier
Younger children were less
likely to interpret text
information. Having diving
experience biased children
toward assuming less
likelihood of injury.
Implementation Facilitator
“Danger” should be the
signal word of choice for
warning signs targeting
children. Explicitly saying on
No Diving signs that one can
“break your neck” may
maximize effectiveness of
the warning. In addition,
providing active supervision
by adults has been shown
to reduce children’s risk
Works Cited:
5. Narita T, Kaneoka K,
Takemura M, Sakata Y, Nomura
T, Miyakawa S. Critical factors
for the prevention of low back
pain in elite junior divers.
(2014). British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 48, 919-923.
7. Chan CWL, Eng JJ, Tator CH,
Krassioukov A, Spinal Cord
Injury Research Team.
Epidemiology of sport-related
spinal cord injuries: A
systematic review. (2016).
Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine,
39(3), 255-264.
8. Toth C, Mcneil S, Feasby T.
Central Nervous System Injuries
in A Systematic Review. (2005).
Sport Medicine, 35(8), 685-715.
10. Cusimano MD, Mascarenhas
AM, Manoranjan B. Spinal cord
injuries due to diving: a
framework and call for
prevention. (2008). Journal of
Trauma, 65(5), 1180-1185.
Works Cited:
10. Cusimano MD, Mascarenhas
AM, Manoranjan B. Spinal cord
injuries due to diving: a
framework and call for
prevention. (2008). Journal of
Trauma, 65(5), 1180-1185.
11. Falavigna A, Teles AR, Velho
MC, et al. Impact of an injury
prevention program on
teenagers’ knowledge and
attitudes: results of the Pense
BemCaxias do Sul Project.
Journal of Neurosurgery.
Pediatrics, 9(5), 562-568.
12. Williams D, Odin L. Board
Diving regulations in public
swimming pools and risk of
injury. (2016). Risk Analysis,
36(6), 1251-1261.
13. Blitvich JD, McElroy GK,
Blanksby B a. Risk reduction in
diving spinal cord injury: teaching
safe diving skills. (2000). Journal
of Science and Medicine in Sport,
3(2), 120-131.
Works Cited:
14. Sandin KJ, Klaas SJ.
Assessment and evaluation of
primary prevention in spinal
cord injury. (2013). Topics in
Spinal Cord Injury
Rehabilitation, 19(1), 9-14.
15. Bhide VM, Edmonds VE,
Tator CH. Prevention of spinal
cord injuries caused by diving:
evaluation of the distribution
and usage of a diving safety
video in high schools. (2000).
Injury Prevention, 6(2), 154-156.
16. Morrongiello B, Cox A, Scott
R, Sutey S. Children’s
understanding of no diving
warning signs: Implications for
preventing childhood injury.
International Journal of
Environmental Research in
Public Health, 13(7), 669.
Works Cited:
17. Barss P, Djerrari H, Leduc
BE, Lepage Y, Dionne CE. Risk
factors and prevention for
spinal cord injury from diving
in swimming pools and
natural sites in Quebec,
Canada: A 44-year study.
(2008). Accident Analysis and
Prevention, 40(2), 787-797.
Review of Sport Injury Burden, Risk Factors and Prevention
Diving and High Diving
Incidence and Prevalence
Diving is a sport that involves jumping or falling into a body of water from a platform or
springboard at a measured height, usually involving some form of acrobatics before water entry.
Performed competitively, it is an internationally recognized sport that is part of the Olympic
Games. Thus, international sporting bodies have collected much of the injury prevalence data.
The injury incidence proportion for competitive diving during professional games (competition
and practice) is reported as 8.1% (female 5.9%, male 7.4%; 2012 Olympics) (Engebretsen et al.,
2013). The incidence ranges from 114 to 134 injuries per 1000 athletes in diving and is 48 injuries
per 1000 athletes in the high dive event (FINA World Championships 2009 and 2013) (Mountjoy
et al., 2010, 2015).
At an elite level (American varsity National Collegiate Athletic Association - NCAA), diving
injury incidence in males is reported at 1.94 per 1000 athletic exposures (AE) [95% Confidence
Interval (CI) 1.18 to 2.69] and in females at 2.49 per 1000 AE (95% CI 1.69 to 3.29) (Kerr et al.,
2015). Overall, injury rates do not differ between male and female divers [Incidence Rate Ratio
(IRR)= 0.91; 95% CI 0.47 to 1.29] but are slightly higher in competition vs. practice. In males, the
most common body site injured is the shoulder, comprising 32% of all diving injuries, followed by
injuries to the trunk (20% of all injuries). The trunk; however, is the most commonly injured site
in females (37.8%), followed by the hand/wrist (16.2%) and the head/face (13.5%) (Kerr et al.,
2015). This finding is also reported in elite competitive divers with incidence proportions of lower
back pain estimated between 38.4 and 49% (Badman & Rechtine, 2004; Narita et al., 2014). With
respect to injury type, most diving injuries are classified as overuse injuries (males 24.0%;
females 21.6%) and non-contact injuries (males 28.0%; females 27.0%). Contact with water also
accounted for large proportions of injuries in men’s and women’s diving (32.0% and 16.2%,
respectively) (Kerr et al., 2015).
In addition to competitive diving, non-competitive or unstructured diving is a recreational
activity and can take place in many settings. Inadequate knowledge of water depth or
surroundings can pose significant injury risk. Incidence/prevalence data for injury in recreational
diving is often limited to occurrence of fatal spinal cord injury (SCI). Occurrence of non-fatal
injury in private swimming pools, oceans, rivers and lakes are rarely reported. In a systematic
review of all sport participants worldwide, the proportion of SCI in diving related to all-sport SCI
was 35.3% (range 7.7-64.9%) (Chan, Eng, Tator, & Krassioukov, 2016). This was the highest
reported of all sports. The most common groups to experience high cervical SCI are adolescent
and young adult experienced male divers (Toth, McNeil, & Feasby, 2005). In a representative
sample of US Emergency Department records, there was an average annual rate of 8.4 diving-
related injuries seen per 100,000 US residents under age 20 years (Day, Stolz, Mehan, Smith, &
McKenzie, 2008). Non-competitive standard diving accounts for 70% of diving-related SCI cases,
while almost all SCI related to diving occur in private or residential swimming pools (87%) (Toth
et al., 2005).
Risk and Protective Factors
Competitive Diving
The analysis of risk and protective factors for competitive diving is limited to one study
investigating lower back pain in elite junior divers ages 12-17 years. The univariate results of this
study suggest that there may be an increased risk of lower back pain with increasing age in junior
male and female divers and with decreased shoulder flexibility in junior male divers (Narita et al.,
2014). These results show that limited shoulder rotation width in males could lead to lumbar
hyperextension when adjusting for the angle of water entry, increasing the risk of lower back
Recreational Diving
In recreational divers, risk factors for cervical SCI were assessed in two systematic reviews
(Chan et al., 2016; Toth et al., 2005) and one literature review (Cusimano et al, 2008). Risk factors
included consumption of alcohol (3.4% of all SCIs in Japan were sport-related under the influence
of alcohol, while 30% of sport-related SCIs were under the influence of alcohol in the US) (Chan
et al., 2016), presence of a pool party, water depth <1.2m, absence of a lifeguard on duty, non-
competitive standard, reduced risk perception, poor lighting, hidden objects, lack of depth
markings or warnings and a lack of adequate design/legislation (Cusimano, Mascarenhas, &
Manoranjan, 2008; Toth et al., 2005). Protective factors for spinal cord injury are related to
diving technique and include diving with maximised flight distance and a low entry angle with a
steering technique. Head and neck injury is reduced when the hands are held together, thumbs
locked and arms extended beyond the head (Cusimano et al., 2008). In recreational diving, the
magnitude of effect of reported risk and protective factors is unknown.
Opportunities for Prevention: Effective Interventions, Cost-Effectiveness,
Implementation and Evaluation
Few prevention programs for diving-related injury or SCI have evaluated or published
their outcome effectiveness in recreational diving, with no evidence-based programmes available
for competitive diving. A literature review (Cusimano et al., 2008) in 2008 descriptively evaluated
interventions for the prevention of spinal cord injury in diving with a number of highlighted
With regards to engineering and design of pools, the American Red Cross Swimming and
Diving guidelines in 1992 required a minimum depth of water below the tip of the diving board in
a standard public pool of 9 ft. No incidence of SCI was reported in Olympic sized public pools that
meet these criteria. Most diving related SCI (DSCI) occur in residential pools where the maximum
depth is less than 9 feet (Cusimano et al., 2008).
Education is seen as an important strategy for injury prevention in diving and a number of
education programs (see resources) on diving safety have been implemented in North America
but not evaluated for effectiveness in reducing DSCI. One educational video to schoolchildren in
Slovenia noted a decrease from seven DSCI per year to two DSCI per year after 3 years of diving
education. A 60-min audio-visual lecture (ThinkFirst) on brain and spinal cord injury prevention
significantly changed students' opinions about checking the depth of swimming pools, 5 months
post program. This was the only attitude that changed after the educational intervention
(Falavigna et al., 2012).
In public diving facilities, more restrictive regulation on dive forms was not associated
with a decrease in injuries (p = 0.93) (Williams & Odin, 2016). Risk was perceived to be lower for
those with experience, and people with experience, favoured less regulation (Williams & Odin,
2016). An intervention (seven 10-minute sessions) to improve diving skill in inexperienced divers
was successful in significantly reducing diving depth (with lesser entry angles, improved
hand/arm placement, greater flight distance and steering-up manoeuvre) in different dive types,
20 months later (Blitvich, McElroy, & Blanksby, 2000). This intervention shows promise in
reducing injury risk in recreational divers that dive in the same pool environment, but may not
reduce the risk of serious injury when diving in oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. Future efforts should be
made to develop strong evidence concerning the efficacy of such interventions in both
recreational and competitive diving.
Implementation and Evaluation
Some evidence exists that evaluates the implementation of programmes to reduce injury
in recreational diving, primarily aimed at school children. In an assessment and evaluation of
primary prevention in spinal cord injury (Sandin & Klaas, 2013), it was found that a school-
distributed educational video, Sudden Impact (Think First), was only viewed by an average of 16%
of students in each school (Bhide, Edmonds, & Tator, 2000). There was little change in attitude
and no consistent change in knowledge or behaviours as a result of the Think First program in
high school students.
Access or exposure to the program can be a significant barrier to program effectiveness
for many prevention programs, particularly those that do not own the distribution channels for
their work. In general, prevention programs (from non-diving-related sources) with multimodal
(including social media) components that include long-term follow-up and “booster”
interventions, appear to be more effective than one-dimensional, one-time programs and act as
an implementation facilitator (Sandin & Klaas, 2013).
Further work in investigating the implementation barriers for effective injury education
includes a recent study by Morrongiello et al. (Morrongiello, Cox, Scott, & Sutey, 2016) that
interviewed 120 children ages 7-10 years. This study evaluated the “no diving” warning signs for
shallow water. Children understood that breaking your neck results in limitations in mobility and
can occur from diving, but they did not anticipate that such an injury was likely to occur
(Morrongiello et al., 2016). This study further highlighted that children having diving experience,
biased their perceptions of injury susceptibility. Finally, Morrongiello et al. (2016) recommend
using specific language toward injury risk in children (words such as ‘danger’ and being explicit in
the potential for serious injury such as ‘breaking your neck’) and supervising children while at
play, may reduce risky behavior in children.
Badman, B. L., & Rechtine, G. R. (2004). Spinal injury considerations in the competitive diver: A
case report and review of the literature. Spine Journal, 4(5), 584590.
Barss, P., Djerrari, H., Leduc, B. E., Lepage, Y., & Dionne, C. E. (2008). Risk factors and prevention
for spinal cord injury from diving in swimming pools and natural sites in Quebec, Canada: A
44-year study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40(2), 787797.
Bhide, V. M., Edmonds, V. E., & Tator, C. H. (2000). Prevention of spinal cord injuries caused by
diving: evaluation of the distribution and usage of a diving safety video in high schools.
Injury Prevention, 6(2), 154156. http://doi.org/10.1136/ip.6.2.154
Blitvich, J. D., McElroy, G. K., & Blanksby, B. a. (2000). Risk reduction in diving spinal cord injury:
teaching safe diving skills. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 3(2), 12031.
Chan, C. W. L., Eng, J. J., Tator, C. H., & Krassioukov, A. (2016). Epidemiology of sport-related
spinal cord injuries: A systematic review. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 39(3), 255264.
Cusimano, M. D., Mascarenhas, A. M., & Manoranjan, B. (2008). Spinal cord injuries due to
diving: a framework and call for prevention. The Journal of Trauma, 65(5), 11805.
Day, C., Stolz, U., Mehan, T. J., Smith, G. A., & McKenzie, L. B. (2008). Diving-related injuries in
children <20 years old treated in emergency departments in the United States: 1990-2006.
Pediatrics, 122(2), e388-94. http://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2008-0024
Engebretsen, L., Steffen, K., Alonso, J. M., Aubry, M., Dvorak, J., Junge, A., … Wilkinson, M.
(2013). Sports injuries and illnesses during the London Summer Olympic Games 2012. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(11), 772780. http://doi.org/10.1136/bjsm.2010.076992
Falavigna, A., Teles, A. R., Velho, M. C., Medeiros, G. S., Canabarro, C. T., de Braga, G. L., … Kleber,
F. D. (2012). Impact of an injury prevention program on teenagers’ knowledge and attitudes:
results of the Pense BemCaxias do Sul Project. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 9(5),
562568. http://doi.org/10.3171/2011.12.PEDS11169
Kerr, Z. Y., Baugh, C. M., Hibberd, E. E., Snook, E. M., Hayden, R., & Dompier, T. P. (2015).
Epidemiology of National Collegiate Athletic Association men’s and women’s swimming and
diving injuries from 2009/2010 to 2013/2014. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 50(7), 18.
Morrongiello, B., Cox, A., Scott, R., & Sutey, S. (2016). Children’s understanding of no diving
warning signs: Implications for preventing childhood injury. International Journal of
Environmental Research in Public Health, 113. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph13070669
Mountjoy, M., Junge, A., Alonso, J. M., Engebretsen, L., Dragan, I., Gerrard, D., … Dvorak, J.
(2010). Sports injuries and illnesses in the 2009 FINA World Championships (Aquatics).
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(7), 522527.
Mountjoy, M., Zorzoli, M., Pipe, A., Garnier, P. Y., Vouillamoz, M., Dvorak, J., … Derman, O.
(2015). Competing with injuries: injuries prior to and during the 15th FINA World
Championships 2013 (aquatics). British Journal of Sports Medicine, 26(1), 3743.
Narita, T., Kaneoka, K., Takemura, M., Sakata, Y., Nomura, T., & Miyakawa, S. (2014). Critical
factors for the prevention of low back pain in elite junior divers. British Journal of Sports
Medicine, 48, 91923. http://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2012-091875
Sandin, K. J., & Klaas, S. J. (2013). Assessment and evaluation of primary prevention in spinal cord
injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 19(1), 914.
Toth, C., McNeil, S., & Feasby, T. (2005). Central nervous system injuries in a systematic review.
Sports Medicine, 35(8), 685715. http://doi.org/10.2165/00007256-200535080-00003
Williams, D., & Odin, L. (2016). Board diving regulations in public swimming pools and risk of
injury. Risk Analysis, 36(6), 12511261. http://doi.org/10.1111/risa.12523