Clinical review
Fortnightly review
Epilepsy in childhood
B G R Neville
Childhood epilepsy requires integrated medical,
educational, and community services, and its treatment
spans acute and disability medicine.
There are many childhood epilepsies, and seizures
are the commonest paediatric neurological symptom.
that is, susceptibility to continuing seizures
occurs in 0.5-1.0% of the population and is intractable
to current antiepileptic drug treatment in 20-25%. Epi-
leptic seizures, including febrile convulsions, occur in
3-5% of children. Epilepsy starts in childhood in 60%
of cases, and most of the clinically significant aspects of
the disease occur during childhood.
I chose the studies on which I have based my review
because they support the development of clinical
guidelines. The six crucial clinical issues are:
x Identifying non-epileptic seizure syndromes
x Identifying benign epilepsy syndromes with a com-
paratively good outcome
x Identifying malignant syndromes in which continu-
ing and increasing disabilities occur and need detailed
investigation, aggressive treatment, and research
x Identifying, assessing, and managing the four major
disabilities that result from early brain damage or dys-
function and commonly coexist
epilepsy, motor
disorder (cerebral palsies), cognitive disability, and psy-
chiatric disability
particularly for the many epilepsy
syndromes that start in the first two years of life
x Ensuring that antiepileptic drugs are used in an
ordered fashion with audit of results
x Anticipating and managing status epilepticus.
Non-epileptic attacks
Non-epileptic attacks include simple blue breath hold-
ing attacks, white reflex asystolic attacks, reflex syncope,
benign paroxysmal vertigo, benign myoclonus of
infancy, vasovagal attacks, sleep phenomena, pseudo-
seizures, and Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. There
are more than 20 such syndromes, identified by
specific clinical characteristics
and the setting in which
they occur, particularly the provoking factors.
Simple blue breath holding attacks, usually after
the age of 6 months, provoked by frustration or other
upset, consist of a positive Valsava manoeuvre,
cyanosis, stiffening, and coma. White reflex asystolic
attacks may start earlier, usually follow minor injury,
and consist of vagal asystole, pallor, rapid coma, stiffen-
ing, and opisthotonos. Faints while standing or
sometimes from sitting are usually well recognised. All
three conditions may be accompanied by late true epi-
leptic phenomena of jerking secondary to cerebral
hypoxia or ischaemia, but their natural history remains
self limiting and harmless like that of the first episode.
Such episodes are, however, frightening for carers.
Non-epileptic attacks may be misdiagnosed and
treated with antiepileptic drugs, the attacks tending to
persist despite treatment and good prognostic features
(see table 1).
Management of epilepsy
The principles of management of epilepsy fall easily
into a problem oriented approach:
x Take detailed description of seizures
x Draw up a problem list and include some
assessment of cognition
x Clarify the problem list by doing investigations
x Decide on the need for treatment
x Predict an outcome
x Review predicted outcome at a suitable time and the
problem list annually, including a description of a typi-
cal day in the child’s life.
A description of the seizures is the main diagnostic
evidence, and a systemised approach to collecting
clinical data is required (box on next page). Several
classifications of epileptic seizures, including that of the
International League Against Epilepsy, exist but
Summary points
Identify non-epileptic attacks
Identify benign and malignant syndromes
Use predicted prognosis to guide management
Identify and manage coexisting disabilities
Ensure multidisciplinary and multiagency
coordination of treatment
Select cases amenable to surgery as soon as
Neurosciences Unit,
Wolfson Centre,
Institute of Child
Health and Great
Ormond Street
Hospital for
Children NHS
Trust, University
College London
Medical School,
London WC1N
2AP, and St Piers,
Lingfield, Surrey
professor of paediatric
BMJ 1997;315:924–30
924 BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
contain hybrid data on both seizure types and epilepsy
syndromes. The box shows a classification of seizures in
which judgment about the degree of disturbance of
consciousness is left to a second stage without initial
separation into simple and complex partial seizures.
The main advance in understanding childhood
epilepsies and their logical investigation and treatment
has been the delineation of epilepsy syndromes and
their separation into benign and malignant prognoses.
In my examples, however, I emphasise that benign may
be relative. Many children’s seizure disorders do not fit
a described syndrome, but the prognostic factors in
table 1 may be used to predict an outcome.
The genetic localisation of seizure syndromes is
separable into pure lesionless conditions that have epi-
lepsy as their only initial manifestation and conditions
with lesions that commonly cause epilepsy but which
have additional primary manifestations. The primary
pure genetic epilepsies with simple mendelian inherit-
ance and gene localisation
are benign familial neona-
tal convulsions, benign familial infantile convulsions,
partial epilepsy with auditory symptoms, autosomal
dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, and progres-
sive epilepsy with mental retardation (Northern
epilepsy). Possible localisations are proposed for three
epilepsies with complex inheritance: febrile convul-
sions, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, idiopathic general-
ised epilepsy.
Neonatal seizures
Benign and malignant epilepsy syndromes are both
seen in the neonatal period. Despite an overall poor
prognosis for both survival and future impairments
(largely cognitive and motor), separating the syn-
dromes into those with a comparatively good outcome
and those with a poor outcome is useful. Those with a
good outcome include benign familial neonatal
seizures, fifth day seizures,
and seizures secondary to
hypocalcaemia and subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Those with a poor outcome include seizures secondary
to hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy and develop-
mental brain defects. Thus if neonatal seizures are age
limited without persisting neurological abnormality,
the prognosis is excellent and further investigation and
long term antiepileptic treatment are not required.
Two rare treatable recessively inherited disorders
pyridoxine dependent epilepsy and biotinidase
may cause spontaneous seizures in the first
two years of life. All babies with unexplained epilepsy
should receive pyridoxine 100 mg/day orally, the
initial dose being given in hospital in case of a
hypotonic reaction,
and a trial of biotin or
measurement of biotinidase.
Benign syndromes of epilepsy
Benign syndromes are age limited, stereotyped, and
often provoked or provokable; they occur in otherwise
normal children and are commonly genetic.
Febrile convulsions
Febrile convulsions are epileptic seizures provoked by
fever of extracranial infective origin that occur in at
least 3% of children, mainly between the age of 6
months and 5 years. Intracranial infection must be
excluded, particularly meningitis, which is indicated by
drowsiness and irritability, and fever may show under-
lying epileptogenic disease. The seizures are usually
brief, bilateral clonic, or tonic-clonic attacks. About
10% of children have complex, prolonged, or focal sei-
zures requiring emergency treatment for status epilep-
ticus. Severe sequelae such as hemiplegia are now
uncommon, but there has been much dispute about
the risks of continuing epilepsy. The collaborative peri-
natal project showed that the risk of subsequent
epilepsy and non-febrile seizures was 10% even with all
Description of seizures
Setting or provocation
Warning or early phase (“aura”)
Motor aspects:
Type of movement
Sensory aspects:
Colour change
Recovery phase
What was it like for child and carer?
Table 1 Good and adverse prognostic features for outcome of epilepsy
Good outcome Adverse outcome
Single seizure type Multiple seizure types
No additional impairment Additional neurological impairment (especially in
cognitive function)
Late age of onset Early age of onset (for the syndrome)
Episode is related to illness with full recovery or was
Spontaneous seizures
Short seizures Status epilepticus
Low rate of seizures High rate of seizures
(Good response to antiepileptic drugs) (Poor response to antiepileptic drugs)
Classification of seizures
Partial with early motor phenomena (described)
example, tonic-clonic seizures and automatic
Partial with early aphasic phenomena (described)
Partial with early sensory phenomena
visual, limb tingling, auditory, gustatory
Partial with early psychological phenomena
for example, fear
Partial with loss of awareness
Partial with postictal phenomena (described)
Partial with secondary generalisation (described)
Generalised tonic-clonic:
With focal features
Without focal features
Generalised tonic
Infantile spasms:
With focal features
Without focal features
Focal (described)
Absence seizures
With additional or atypical features
Clinical review
925BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
three adverse factors (family history of epilepsy,
pre-existing neurological abnormality, and complex
initial seizure).
and magnetic resonance
imaging studies,
however, both showed a high rate of
previous febrile status epilepticus in mesial temporal
sclerosis, and a causative pathogenic sequence is
supported by animal studies.
The low individual risk
from epidemiological studies
could nevertheless, in
this common disorder, produce 100-200 cases of
mesial temporal sclerosis a year in the United
Kingdom. There have been several reviews of these
The practical conclusion was that febrile status
should if possible be prevented and vigorously treated.
Febrile status epilepticus is, however, commonly
the first seizure,
and subsequent preventive measures
may have little effect. Both phenobarbitone and
sodium valproate reduce the rate and severity of febrile
seizures; sodium valproate is preferred because pheno-
barbitone has behavioural side effects. The choice is
between continuous prophylaxis and the contingent
that is, at onset of seizures
of rectal diazepam for
those with a history of complex or frequent febrile
convulsions. Rectal diazepam is the commonest
treatment. Prophylactic management of fever may be
effective. Attending to why a child has many febrile
illnesses is also important.
Benign epilepsy with Rolandic foci
Benign epilepsy with Rolandic (centrotemporal
interictal) foci has an onset between 2 and 12 years, is
maximal between 7 and 10 years, and stops by 13 years.
The attacks are clonic, partially sensorimotor affecting
the face, bulbar (tongue and pharyngeal) muscles,
hand, and arm, and they occur particularly on waking.
An electroencephalogram shows characteristic pat-
terns. The children are free of major impairments but
may have neuropsychiatric abnormalities.
bamazepine is commonly used if seizures are unpleas-
ant. When adverse features are present (table 1),
imaging is required to exclude a Rolandic lesion.
Benign occipital epilepsy
Benign occipital epilepsy with sharp and slow wave
activity suppressed by eye opening is problematic.
Some children with typical partial seizures with visual
phenomena, postictal headache, and migrainous
have a benign prognosis, but others
have a poorer cognitive and seizure outcome, and
some have lesions. The rules on the importance of
cognitive function in predicting the outcome of
seizures apply (table 1).
Early myoclonic epilepsies
Separation of early myoclonic epilepsies into benign
and malignant outcomes may not be possible early.
Absence seizures
Typical absence seizures are uncommon. Their separa-
tion from daydreaming is clinical. Absence seizures
totally interrupt activities in which the child is engaged
for several seconds. The outcome, mainly the rate of
tonic-clonic seizures in adult life, can be predicted by
the expected adverse factors: history of tonic-clonic
seizures, an intelligence quotient (IQ) of < 90, and a
family history of seizures. Seizures continue in about
10% of cases with no adverse factors or only one, and
in all cases with three adverse factors. Atypical and
complex absence seizures may have in addition clonic,
tonic, or automatic movements and an altered
sensorium before or after. Electroencephalograms
help diagnosis and treatment. Phenytoin and car-
bamazepine are unhelpful or aggravate the condition,
particularly myoclonic absence seizures. Absence
seizures range from a benign self limiting condition to
part of a malignant syndrome of multiple seizure types,
particularly the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
Malignant syndromes of epilepsy
Although developmental arrest and regression as a
consequence of epilepsy are common in malignant
syndromes of epilepsy, investigations for metabolic,
degenerative, and structural brain disease are essential.
The most severe example is early myoclonic encepha-
lopathy, which usually presents neonatally with
fragmentary myoclonus and other seizure types, with
later massive myoclonic and tonic seizures. Electro-
encephalography shows suppression or burst activity,
and one cause is non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia.
Mortality is 50%, and surviving children are severely
Infantile spasms
Infantile spasms, or West’s syndrome, consist of runs of
tonic spasms occurring every 5-10 seconds. The
commonest spasms are flexion, but extensor and
mixed types are seen and may show lateralisation. Par-
ents may notice loss of visual and social interaction
rather than spasms. West’s syndrome is symptomatic of
many static cortical diseases, and with modern imaging
and a careful history, only 10% remain without
antecedent problems.
Attacks start in the first year
with a peak onset at around 4 months, the outcome
being worse with early onset. A grossly disorganised
epileptic electroencephalogram (hypsarrhythmia) is
characteristic but not always seen.
The mainstays of treatment have been cortico-
steroids (tetracosactrin or prednisolone), but recent
studies have shown vigabatrin to be effective,
although a comparative study has yet to be performed.
West’s syndrome is sometimes a secondary generalised
epilepsy with obvious lateralised lesions; some studies
using positron emission tomography have shown cold
(hypometabolic) lesions, which have occasionally been
excised with relief of seizures.
The occurrence of the
syndrome is no bar to the surgical treatment of focal
epilepsy, but the developmental outcome will be
adversely affected if the syndrome is present
example, the generally poor cognitive outcome and
autistic features of children with tuberous sclerosis and
other diseases with early onset seizures, including
West’s syndrome.
A death rate of about 20% and the
occurrence of cerebral palsy in 30-50% and cognitive
disability in up to 85% should prompt early ascertain-
ment, energetic treatment, and further research.
Chevrie and Aicardi showed the poor developmen-
tal outcome for most children with spontaneous
that is, seizures that are not provoked by
fever, infection, trauma, or metabolic disturbance
they start in the first year of life, with or without West’s
Thus all children with early onset sponta-
neous seizures should be urgently referred. The
Clinical review
926 BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
non-spontaneous group includes non-accidental head
injury, meningitis, and hypernatraemic dehydration, so
only simple febrile convulsions may be managed in
primary care.
Severe myoclonic epilepsy of childhood
Severe myoclonic or polymorphic epilepsy begins at
4-10 months, often with a prolonged partial clonic sei-
zure associated with moderate fever. Later attacks
include multiple seizure types, including complex
absences, myoclonias, complex partial seizures, and
apnoeic attacks. With the onset of multiple types of sei-
zure, developmental regression, often severe, occurs.
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
In the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, multiple seizures
occur in the first eight years of life. A single seizure type
including infantile spasms may occur beforehand. The
seizures include tonic attacks (particularly in sleep),
atypical absence seizures, atonic and myoclonic attacks,
and episodes of non-convulsive status, with long
periods of impairment of motor and cognitive
function. Half of the children affected have primary
developmental delay, and all have learning problems
after five or more years of the condition; only up to
10% have a reasonable outcome. Characteristic
electroencephalograms show bilateral variable slow
(1-2 Hz) spike-waves.
Seizures are often intractable to antiepileptic drugs,
but benzodiazepines, sodium valproate, lamotrigine,
corticosteroids, and a ketogenic diet are regularly used.
Drug intoxication may contribute to disability. Fel-
bamate has been used with good effect, but its use is
restricted because of side effects. The underlying
pathology is either unknown or closely overlaps that of
infantile spasms. Occasionally resective surgical treat-
ment can be offered, and the palliative procedure of
callostomy may reduce severe drop attacks (axial myo-
clonic or atonic seizures that cause sudden falls and
head injury). The Lennox-Gastaut syndrome illustrates
the apparently insurmountable problems of providing
a coherent medical, social, and education programme
for the children and families who face dealing with
severe epilepsy and continuously varying levels of
function. Many of these children do not attend educa-
tion unless special multiagency help is available.
Partial seizures of lesional origin
Partial seizures of lesional origin are diverse, and surgi-
cal treatment may be offered. The definitive study of
the natural history of partial seizures of temporal lobe
origin predates modern imaging.
21 22
A mortality of at
least 0.5% per annum and an outcome of a third with
full recovery, a third with continuing problems, and a
third being totally dependent was reported. The
predictors of poor outcome were similar to those in
table 1 and are apparent early, giving strong
justification for surgical intervention in childhood
rather than later in adult life, as is still often the case.
Younger children, however, present with a wide range
of clinical syndromes, including early cognitive and
autistic regression with developmental tumours of the
temporal lobe, which may constitute a surgical
emergency. Clinically significant recovery from autistic
features may be achieved.
Landau-Kleffner syndrome
The Landau-Kleffner syndrome is uncommon. Typi-
cally, partial or generalised seizures (including atypical
absence seizures) begin and language comprehension
and speech are lost after two or more years of normal
development. Aphasia is not related to frequency or
severity of seizures, and clinical seizures may be absent
in about 20% of children, but they will show typical
language regression and electroencephalographic
changes (variable temporal or temporoparietal multi-
focal spikes or spike-wave complexes intensified in
sleep, including non-convulsive status epilepticus).
The range of impairments when early aphasia,
epilepsy, and typical electroencephalographic abnor-
malities are present includes behavioural disorders and
global cognitive, motor,
and social regression with
many autistic features. The contribution of this epilep-
tic mechanism to autism is not resolved. Structural
imaging usually gives normal results, and lesional vari-
ants are mentioned earlier. Antiepileptic drugs often
have no effect on the cognitive deficit, but high doses of
sodium valproate, often in combination with lamot-
rigine, sometimes help. A clinically significant, some-
times dramatic, response to corticosteroids makes
them essential, but side effects and long term depend-
ency may be a problem. Preliminary results of surgical
treatment using multiple subpial transections suggest
that about half of those with clear evidence of a driving
hemisphere can be helped.
The Landau-Kleffner syndrome is a good model
for cognitive arrest and deterioration in epilepsy. One
aspect of its pathophysiology is that part of the tempo-
ral lobe is chronically hypoperfused and hypometa-
Thus two pathogenic mechanisms seem to
exist, one fast and electrical,producing clinical seizures,
and the other with a slower and vascular or metabolic
component, related to non-convulsive status in sleep
and producing prolonged cognitive deficits.
General features
Several of these conditions (infantile spasms, polymor-
phic epilepsy, the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and the
Landau-Kleffner syndrome) illustrate the degenerative
effects of severe epilepsy with loss of cognitive and
social functions but without change in magnetic
resonance images or rate of head growth. The general
designation of an epileptic encephalopathy seems jus-
tified and prompts further research into these
potentially remediable but currently severely disabling
conditions. The question posed by Sadzot’s recent edi-
torial, “Do seizures beget seizures?”
is perhaps not the
main issue in childhood when cognitive arrest and
dementia are higher research priorities.
The problems faced by families dealing with these
syndromes of epilepsy has promoted the development
of several excellent parent support groups.
Drug treatment
There are few well controlled studies and no placebo
controlled studies to justify much of how childhood
epilepsy is managed with antiepileptic drugs. Thus
arguments about whether to treat after the first, second,
or third seizure are based on a general approach rather
than evidence. The case for not necessarily treating
mild seizures and for inpatient withdrawal of all drugs
Clinical review
927BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
in poorly controlled epilepsy has been strongly argued.
The suggested approach is to use the predicted natural
history as the main guide to treatment. A randomised,
controlled study of single drug treatment in children
aged 3 years and over with partial and generalised
tonic-clonic seizures showed similar rates of control
and side effects with phenytoin, carbamazepine, and
sodium valproate.
The study used slowly increasing
increments of drugs and blood concentrations up to
the top half of a defined therapeutic range. Phenobar-
bitone was removed early because over half the
children had unacceptable behavioural side effects.
Because of the predictive importance of previous
neurological, particularly cognitive impairments, chil-
dren were stratified for neurodisability, and this proved
to be a significant predictor of seizure control and a
crucial element of such paediatric studies.
Table 2 shows the drugs used in childhood epilepsy.
Drug licensing does not cover all of the current uses in
children, and parents should be counselled appropri-
ately. My approach to treatment is:
x To decide on the need for treatment on the basis of
x To select a single drug and increase the dosage
slowly, giving the family clear information on how to
manage status epilepticus
x To maximise the drug dosage if seizures continue
x To add a second drug if epilepsy is not controlled,
with combined treatment lasting for sufficient time to
assess the second drug as a possible line of treatment
before withdrawal of the first
x To try further drugs and instigate detailed investiga-
tions if the epilepsy proves intractable to two drugs. If
adverse factors are absent the diagnosis of epilepsy
should be questioned
x Not to react to a brief cluster of seizures if the
epilepsy is generally well controlled
x To investigate urgently deterioration in any domain
of function.
The use of new antiepileptic drugs in children has
been recently reviewed by Pellock.
Ketogenic diets
have been in use in epilepsy for 75 years and come in
two forms: using animal fat and, more recently,
medium chain triglycerides. Several reports support
their use,
but well controlled studies of comparative
(with antiepileptic drugs) and selective (which type of
epilepsy) efficacy are not available.
Although the concomitant use of psychotropic
drugs with antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy needs careful
monitoring, behavioural and drug treatment of hyper-
activity and attention deficit can be successful, but this
issue requires further study.
The surgical treatment of childhood epilepsy is
growing rapidly, justified by studies of the natural
history of the disease, which show that waiting for
remission in most children with intractable epilepsy is
a false hope. If a surgical solution is possible it should
Table 2 Drugs of use in different types of childhood epilepsy
when applicable)
daily dose
reference range
Generalised tonic-clonic and focal seizures
Carbamazepine 4 (4) mg/kg/day 20 Up to 50 ìmol/l (epoxide
(metabolite) up to 9 ìmol/l)
Sodium valproate 10 (5) mg/kg/day 40 Up to 700 ìmol/l
Phenytoin 5 (2) mg/kg/day 10 Up to 80 ìmol/l
Vigabatrin 30 (10) mg/kg/day 80 40-270 ìmol/l
Phenobarbitone 3 (2) mg/kg/day 5 Up to 170 ìmol/l
Primidone 10 (5) mg/kg/day 20 Up to 60 ìmol/l
Alone 1 (2) mg/kg/day 10 4-16 ìmol/l*
With sodium valproate 0.1 (0.1) mg/kg/day 1.5 4-16 ìmol/l*
Gabapentin† 5 mg/kg/day (5 daily) 70 Up to 120 ìmol/l
Topiramate† 0.5-1 (1) mg/kg/day 4-5 6-74 ìmol/l
Prednisolone‡ 2 mg/kg/day NA NA
Ketogenic diet‡ NA NA NA
Chlormethiazole 10-20 mg/kg/day NA 3-18 mg/l
Absence seizures
Ethosuximide 10 (5) mg/kg/day 30 700 ìmol/l
Sodium valproate 10 (5) mg/kg/day 40 Up to 700 ìmol/l
Lamotrigine 1 (2) mg/kg/day 10 4-16 ìmol/l*
Myoclonic seizures§
Nitrazepam 0.1-0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 50-150 ìg/l
Clonazepam 0.05-0.2 mg/kg/day 0.2 25-85 ìg/l
Clobazam 0.25-1.0 mg/kg/day 1.0 Up to 200 ìg/l (desmethyl
clobazam (metabolite) up to
2000 ìmol/l)
Sodium valproate 10 (5) mg/kg/day 40 Up to 700 ìmol/l
Lamotrigine 1 (2) mg/kg/day 10 4-16 ìmol/l*
Febrile seizures
Intermittent diazepam
Sodium valproate 10 (5) mg/kg/day 40 Up to 700 ìmol/l
Phenobarbitone 3 (2) mg/kg/day 5 Up to 170 ìmol/l
Status epilepticus
Diazepam Intravenous or rectal
0.15-0.3 mg/kg
NA 1 mg/l (desmethyl diazepam
(metabolite) up to 1.5 mg/l)
Lorazepam Intravenous 0.03-0.05 mg/kg NA 1.5 mg/l
Phenytoin Intravenous 15-20 mg/kg (slowly) NA Up to 80 ìmol/l
Chlormethiazole Up to 0.7 g/h (adult dose),
300-800 mg in 100 ml (4 ml/min)
(5-18 mg/kg/h)
NA 3-18 mg/l
Thiopentone 4-8 mg/kg (induction),
10 mg/kg/h (ventilation)¶
Infantile spasms
Tetracosactrin depot 0.5 mg 1 mg NA
Prednisolone 2 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks NA NA
Vigabatrin Up to 150 mg/kg/day 150 40-270 ìmol/l
Nitrazepam 0.1-0.5 mg/kg/day 0.5 50-150 ìg/l
Sodium valproate 10 (5) mg/kg/day 40 Up to 170 ìmol/l
NA=not applicable. *To be revised upwards. †Not licensed for use in children. ‡Also for intractable
myoclonic epilepsy and absence seizures. §Do not use carbamazepine, phenytoin, or vigabatrin.
¶Not licensed for use in children under 2 years.
Indications for and types of surgery
Indications for assessment
Intractable partial seizures
Intractable hemiepilepsy
Intractable, apparently generalised, epilepsy with focal
clinical electroencephalographic or radiological
Regression in epilepsy
Focal resections:
Functional procedures:
Subpial transections
Clinical review
928 BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
therefore be used early in the child’s decline. The main
advances allowing these developments have been
magnetic resonance imaging,
T2 mapping,
single photon emission tomography
between and during seizures,
and video telemetry.
The use of these magnetic resonance techniques in
children requires sedation, anaesthesia, and age appro-
priate sequences and normative values. The complex-
ity of these children’s problems requires a team of
paediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, anaesthetists,
neuropsychologists, psychologists,psychiatrists, speech
therapists, nurses, and neuropathologists.
The use of surgery for epilepsy is developing
Part of paediatric practice is the young end of
adult series, which is dominated by temporal lobe
resections for mesial temporal sclerosis (fig 1). In one
study of surgery in children, half of the subjects were 6
and younger, a group that usually has behavioural and
cognitive impairments.
Most would not enter adult
surgical studies because mortality and morbidity are
high in children. The younger children’s problems
x Unilateral congenital hemispheric defects (particu-
larly developmental migration defects) (fig 2) and
ischaemic intrauterine events with hemiplegia and a
preserved hemisphere with early onset epilepsies,
including infantile spasms. Affected children may have
total arrest of development, which may be related as
much to subclinical seizures as obvious epilepsy
x Acquired damage due to injury and infection, which
suggests the possibility of damage more widespread
than the source of the seizure
x The Sturge-Weber syndrome, in which an acute,
combined epileptic and vascular encephalopathy leads
to acquired unilateral damage but global cognitive
regression (fig 3)
x Focal areas of dysplasia, including dysembryoplastic
neuroepithelioma, which in the temporal lobe may be
associated with massive regression and autistic features
(fig 4)
x Acquired unilateral inflammatory disease (Rasmus-
sen’s syndrome)
x Acquired aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome).
The clinical indications for surgery and the types of
procedures are given in the box. A non-invasive pack-
age of investigations has allowed most children to be
evaluated without invasive monitoring. Invasive moni-
toring is required, however, when surgery might
encroach on eloquent cortex or the extent and site of
epileptogenesis is unclear.
The wide range of disease, epilepsy syndromes, and
additional disabilities in childhood epilepsy make it
Fig 1 Right hippocampal sclerosis Fig 2 Left hemimegalencephaly
Fig 3 Gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance scan showing left
cerebral atrophy and pial enhancement pathognomic of Sturge-Weber
Fig 4 Right cortical dysplasia
Clinical review
929BMJ VOLUME 315 11 OCTOBER 1997
essential that a scheme of categorisation of predicted
outcome is used. Such an approach, proposed by Tay-
lor et al, uses three categories: expected cure, predicted
clinically significant amelioration, and procedures of
less certain outcome.
Taylor et al also develop a con-
tract with the parents and patient when appropriate,
exploring their aims for surgery and deciding whether
these are achievable and with what risks. This is of
course a basic requirement of all medical interventions.
Several relevant parent support groups are part of Contact-a-
Family, 170 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0HA (tel:
0171 383 3555).
I thank Dr P Patsalos of the Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Unit of the Institute of Neurology and National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, for providing the blood
reference ranges given in table 2. I also thank Professor J
Aicardi, Dr J H Cross, and Dr R Scott for helpful suggestions.
1 Aicardi J. Epilepsy in children. 2nd ed. New York: Raven, 1994.
2 Stephenson JBP. Fits and faints. London: MacKeith Press with Blackwell
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When I use a word .. .
Fond though doctors are of using long words of Greek and Latin
origins, in some cases we use ordinary English words. We say
hiccup (not singultus), yawn (not pandiculation), and fingerprints
(not dermatoglyphics).
The recent discovery that koala bears have fingerprints that more
closely resemble those of humans than chimpanzees’ fingerprints
do is said to support the hypothesis that fingerprints evolved as an
aid to climbing. Whether or not that is so, fingerprints have been
used for centuries as means of identification. Greek vases, for
instance, bear examples as signatures, and in India a fingerprint
used in this way by an illiterate person was known as tipsahi. But
fingerprints were first systematically described by Johannes
Evangelista Purkenje (sic) in his thesis, Commentatis de examine
physiologico organi visus et systematis cutanei, published in Breslau in
1823. And they were really put on the map by the astronomer
William Herschel (the Younger), who first devised a method for
printing them in 1858, and by Francis Galton the geneticist, who in
1892 wrote a book, Fingerprints, about the differences in skin
creases in different individuals.
The word dermatoglyphics was invented in 1926 by Harold
Cummins and Charles Midlo and was used for the first time in a
paper on what they called “epidermal ridge configurations” (Am J
Phys Anthropol 1926;9:471-502), where they restricted its use to
ridges and their arrangements, excluding flexion creases and
other secondary folds. Its origin is simple: from ä´åñìá (derma),
the skin, and ãëu¨õöù (glupho), I sculpt.
In everyday speech we may prefer to say “fingerprints,” but
“dermatoglyphics” is used much more often in publications,
partly no doubt because it sounds more scientific, but also
because it can be used to describe not only the prints themselves
but also the study of them. Thus, although “fingerprint” and its
derivatives were used in 3825 titles or abstracts of bioscience
papers published between 1966 and 1997, in only 197 of those
was dermatoglyphics meant, the other cases all being to do with
fingerprinting as a molecular biological tool. In contrast, 1475
papers about proper fingerprints used the word dermatoglyphics.
Dermatoglyphics also leaves a distinctive fingerprint in the
dictionary: it is the longest word in the English language (15
letters) that uses no letter twice.
Jeff Aronson, clinical pharmacologist, Oxford
Clinical review
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