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Publication: July 2020
System overview
The TippingPoint system is a high-speed, comprehensive security system that includes the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS),
Local Security Manager (LSM), Digital Vaccine, the Security Management System Appliance, and the Core Controller.
Enterprise security schemes once consisted of a conglomeration of disparate, static devices from multiple vendors. Today,
TippingPoint’s security system provides the advantages of a single, integrated, highly adaptive security system that includes
powerful hardware and an intuitive management interface.
This topic includes the following information:
TippingPoint architecture
Security Management System (SMS)
Intrusion Prevention System devices
Core Controller
High availability
Threat Suppression Engine
Threat Management Center
TippingPoint architecture
The TippingPoint System uses a flexible architecture that consists of a Java-based SMS Client, SMS Management Server, IPS
device(s), and Local Clients including the Local Security Manager (LSM) and Command Line Interface (CLI).
The system may also include the Core Controller, a hardware appliance that balances traffic loads for one or more IPSes. The
following diagram provides an overview of the architecture:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Figure 1. TippingPoint architecture
Security Management System (SMS)
Describes the core components of the SMS.
The SMS core components include:
SMS Secure Server —hardware appliance for managing multiple devices
SMS Home Page — web-based interface with links to current client software, documentation, and the Threat
Management Center
SMS Management Client — Java-based application for Windows or Linux workstations used to manage your
TippingPoint system
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The SMS communicates with managed devices that are installed in your network.
The SMS architecture also includes the following components:
Threat Management Center (TMC) — Centralized service center that monitors global threats and distributes up-to-
date attack filter packages, software updates, and product documentation.
Digital Vaccine (DV) — Update service that includes up-to-date filter packages for protecting your network.
Managed Devices — TippingPoint IPS or Core Controller devices that are installed in your network.
SMS server
The SMS Server is an enterprise-class management platform that provides centralized administration, configuration,
monitoring and reporting for well over a hundred TippingPoint IPS devices.
The SMS provides the following functionality:
Enterprise-wide device status and behavior monitoring — Stores logs and device status information, manages
updates, and monitors filter, device, software, and network status.
IPS networking and configuration — Stores device information and configures devices according to the settings that
are modified, imported, or distributed by clients. These settings affect the flow and detection of traffic according to
device, segment, or segment group.
Filter customization — Stores filter customizations in profiles as maintained by the SMS client. These settings are
distributed and imported to devices, which can be reviewed and modified by local clients. If a device is managed by the
SMS Server, the local clients cannot modify settings.
Filter and software distribution — Monitors and maintains the distribution and import of filters, Digital Vaccine
packages, and software for the TippingPoint Operating System and SMS client. The SMS client and Central Management
Server can distribute these packages according to segment group settings. The Central Management Server maintains a
link to the Threat Management Center (TMC) for downloading and installing package updates.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
SMS client
The TippingPoint Security Management System (SMS) client provides services and functions to monitor, manage, and
configure the entire TippingPoint system.
This client is a Java-based application installed and accessed on a computer running the appropriate operating system. Each
user receives a specific user level with enhanced security measures to protect access and configuration of the system.
You can install and use the SMS client on computers with Microsoft Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems.
The SMS features a policy-based operational model for scalable and uniform enterprise management. It enables behavior and
performance analysis with trending reports, correlation and real-time graphs. Reporting includes all, specific, and top attacks
and their sources and destinations, as well as all, specific, and top peers and filters for misuse and abuse (peer-to-peer piracy)
attacks. You can create, save, and schedule reports using report templates. All reports are run against system and audit logs
stored for each device managed by the system. These logs detail triggered filters. You can modify, update, and control
distribution of these filters according to segment groups for refined intrusion prevention.
The SMS dashboard provides at-a-glance monitors with launch capabilities into the targeted management applications that
provide global command and control of TippingPoint. Included in the SMS dashboard display are the following items:
Entries for the top five filters triggered over the past hour in various categories
A graph of triggered filters over the past 24 hours
The health status of devices
Update versions for software of the system
Through the Dashboard, you gain an overview of the current performance of your system, including notifications of updates
and possible issues with devices monitored by the SMS.
Intrusion Prevention System devices
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) devices protect your network with the Threat Suppression Engine (TSE) by scanning,
detecting, and responding to network traffic according to the filters, action sets, and global settings maintained on each device
by a client.
Each device provides intrusion prevention for your network according to the number of network connections and hardware
capabilities. IPS devices also have built-in intrinsic high-availability features, guaranteeing that the network keeps running in
the event of system failure.
TippingPoint Intrusion Prevention Systems are optimized to provide high resiliency, and high-availability security for remote
branch offices, small-to-medium and large enterprises and collocation facilities. Each IPS can protect network segments from
both external and internal attacks.
Multiple TippingPoint devices can be deployed to extend this unsurpassed protection to hundreds of enterprise zones. You
can monitor and manage the devices by using the local client available on each device, or by using the SMS client to monitor
and manage well over a hundred devices. The TippingPoint N-Platform and NX-Platform devices support IPv6, tunneling
(including GRE and multi-layer tunnels), and inspection bypass rules for trusted traffic.
IPS local clients
The TippingPoint System provides various points of interaction, management, and configuration of the IPS.
The clients include graphical user interfaces (GUI) and command line interfaces (CLI). These clients include the following:
Local Security Manager (LSM) — Web-based GUI for managing one IPS device. The LSM provides HTTP and
HTTPS (secure management) access. This access requires access from a supported web browser (Internet Explorer,
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Mozilla Firefox, and Netscape). Using the LSM, you have a graphical display for reviewing, searching, and modifying
settings. The GUI interface also provides reports to monitor the device traffic, triggered filters, and packet statistics.
Command Line Interface (CLI) — Command line interface for reviewing and modifying settings on the device. The
CLI is accessible through Telnet and SSH (secure access).
LCD Panel — Several IPS TippingPoint devices provide an LCD panel to view, configure, and modify some device
Core Controller
The TippingPoint Core Controller is a hardware-based device that enables inspection of up to 20Gbps of traffic by sending
the traffic to as many as 24 IPS device segments.
The Core Controller can control traffic across its three 10GbE network segment pairs and across multiple TippingPoint E-
Series IPS devices. IPS devices are connected by 1GbE uplinks, and each packet that is received on a 10GbE Core Controller
interface passes through a load balancer that then determines the IPS connection to use for transmitting the packet.
The Core Controller provides:
10GbE bidirectional traffic inspection and policy enforcement
High Availability with an optional Smart ZPHA module
Central management through the SMS
The Core Controller can be used with the 2400E and 5000E IPS devices, and with all N-Platform and NX-Platform devices.
High availability
TippingPoint devices are designed to guarantee that your network traffic always flows at wire speeds in the event of internal
device failure.
The TippingPoint System provides Network High Availability settings for Intrinsic Network HA (INHA) and Transparent
Network HA (TNHA). These options enact manually or automatically, according to settings you enter using the clients (LSM
and SMS) or LCD panel for IPS devices. Zero-Power High Availability (ZPHA) is available for the IPS as an external modular
device, as optional bypass I/O modules on NX-Platform devices, and for the Core Controller as an optional Smart ZPHA
The IPS uses INHA for individual device deployment and TNHA for devices deployed in redundant configurations in which
one device takes over for another in the event of system failure. With INHA, a failure puts the device into Layer-2 Fallback
mode and permits or blocks traffic on each segment. In TNHA, multiple IPS devices are synchronized so that when one
device experiences a system failure, traffic is routed to the other device with no interruption in intrusion prevention services.
SMS high availability provides continuous administration through an active-passive SMS system configuration. A passive SMS
is configured, synchronized with the active system, and waits in standby mode and monitors the health of the active system. If
the health or communications check of the active system fails, the passive SMS will be activated.
The ZPHA modular device can be attached to an IPS to route traffic in the event of power loss. Smart ZPHA modules,
which are wired into the device, and bypass I/O modules, which are installed directly into NX-Platform devices, perform the
same function.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Threat Suppression Engine
The Threat Suppression Engine (TSE) is a line-speed hardware engine that contains all the functions needed for Intrusion
TSE features include:
IP defragmentation
TCP flow reassembly
Statistical analysis
Traffic shaping
Flow blocking
Flow state tracking
Application-layer parsing of over 170 network protocols
The TSE reconstructs and inspects flow payloads by parsing the traffic at the application layer. As each new packet of the
traffic flow arrives, the engine re-evaluates the traffic for malicious content. The instant the engine detects malicious traffic, it
blocks all current and all subsequent packets pertaining to the traffic flow. The blocking of the traffic and packets ensures that
the attack never reaches its destination.
The combination of high-speed network processors and custom chips provides the basis for IPS technology. These highly
specialized traffic classification engines enable the IPS to filter with extreme accuracy at gigabit speeds and microsecond
latencies. Unlike software-based systems whose performance is affected by the number of filters installed, the highly-scalable
capacity of the hardware engine allows thousands of filters to run simultaneously with no impact on performance or accuracy.
Threat Management Center
The Threat Management Center (TMC) is a centralized service center that monitors global threats and distributes up-to-date
attack filter packages, software updates, and product documentation.
The TMC collects threat information and creates Digital Vaccine packages that are made available on the TMC website. The
packages include filters that block malicious traffic and attacks on your network. The filters provide the following protections:
Application Protection — Defend against known and unknown exploits that target applications and operating
Attack Protection filters — Detect and block traffic known to be malicious, suspicious, and to have known security
implications. These filters include vulnerabilities and exploits filters.
Security Policy filters — Detect and block traffic that might or might not be malicious. This traffic might be
different in its format or content from standard business practice, aimed at specific software or operating systems,
or contrary to your company’s security policies.
Reconnaissance filters — Detect and block scans, sweeps, and probes for vulnerabilities and information about
your network. These filters include probes and sweeps/scans filters.
Informational filters — Detect and block classic Intrusion Detection System (IDS) infiltration.
Infrastructure Protection — Protect network bandwidth and network infrastructure elements, such as routers and
firewalls, from attack using a combination of filter types:
Network Equipment Protection filters — Protect networked equipment from attacks.
Traffic Normalization filters — Detect and block abnormal or malicious traffic.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Performance Protection — Allow key applications to have a prioritized bandwidth-access setting that ensures mission-
critical applications have adequate performance during times of high congestion:
Misuse and Abuse filters — Protect the resources and usage of file sharing across networks and personal
computers. These filters protect peer-to-peer services.
Traffic Management filters — Protect the network by shielding against IP addresses or permitting only a set of IP
Initial configuration
Describes the procedures for initial TippingPoint IPS configuration.
The TippingPoint IPS Out of Box Experience (OBE) setup wizard provides a convenient method for entering configuration
data when installing, moving, or reconfiguring a TippingPoint IPS device. The wizard runs automatically on the console that
is connected to the device via the console port or on the LCD keypad. You can also initialize the setup wizard at any time by
entering the setup command in the CLI.
This topic is a guide for the CLI and LCD keypad versions of the OBE wizards and includes the following information:
CLI setup
Additional configuration
CLI setup
Describes how to get started using the command line interface.
Before you begin, ensure that a console is connected to the TippingPoint IPS device via the console port, and that the
console is powered on and ready. When you turn on the IPS, you will see several status messages before the OBE setup
wizard initializes.
When the OBE setup wizard runs, the following screen appears:
Welcome to the TippingPoint Technologies Initial Setup wizard.
Press any key to begin the Initial Setup Wizard or use LCD panel.
Press any key to begin the OBE setup wizard. The following message appears:
You will be presented with some questions along with default values in brackets[].
Please update any empty fields or modify them to match your requirements. You may
press the ENTER key to keep the current default value. After each group of
entries, you will have a chance to confirm your settings, so don't worry if you
make a mistake.
Continue to the following section for instructions on account security.
Account security level
The Security Level dialog sets the security level that restricts user names and passwords.
The default security level is Level 2, but you have the option to select one of three available levels:
There are three security levels for specifying user names and passwords:
Level 0: User names and passwords are unrestricted.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Level 1: Names must be at least 6 characters long; passwords
at least 8.
Level 2: In addition to level 1 restrictions, passwords must
- at least 2 alpha characters
- at least 1 numeric character
- at least 1 non-alphanumeric character
Please specify a security level to be used for initial super-user name and
password creation. As super-user, you can modify the security level later on via
Command Line Interface (CLI) or Local Security Manager (LSM).
Security level [2]:
For maximum security, TippingPoint recommends setting the account security level to 2.
Super-user data
The Super-User Data dialog sets the super-user login name and password.
The login name and password cannot contain spaces and must meet the restrictions of the security level that you set in the
Security Level dialog. The following tables list examples of valid login names and passwords.
Valid login names Valid passwords
Level 0 fredj mypass
Level 1 fjohnson mypassword
Level 2 fjohnson
In this example, the password is presented in italics. In the actual dialog, the password would not be visible.
Please enter a user name that we will use to create your super-user account.
Spaces are not allowed.
Name: superuser
Do you wish to accept [superuser] <Y,[N]>:Y
Please enter your super-user account password: root--00
Verify password: root--00
Saving information...Done
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Your super-user account has been created.
You may continue initial configuration by logging into your device.
After logging in, you will be asked for additional information.
After logging in at the prompt, you can continue with the OBE setup wizard.
Host management port options
The Host Management port is the Ethernet port located on the host processor module.
Use the IP address of the Host Management port to connect to the TippingPoint IPS when you use the Command Line
Interface and the LSM.
In this example, the host IP address is, the host name is device71, and the location is Lab. The network
mask is the default setting.
The host management port is used to configure and monitor this device via a
network connection (e.g., a web browser).
Enter Management IPv4 Address [none]:
Enter Network IPv4 Mask []:
Enable IPv6 [No]: y
Enable IPv6 Address Autoconfig [No]: y
Enter Host Name [myhostname]: device71
Enter Host Location [room/rack]: Lab
Host IPv4:
IPv6 Enabled: Yes
Host Link-Local IPv6: fe80::207:99ff:fe66:6999/64
Host IPv6: Auto
Host Name: device71
Host Location: Lab
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a
Management IPv4 address
The Host IP address is the IP address through which you access the TippingPoint IPS.
The Host IP address must meet the following criteria:
Must be standard IPv4 address format.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Must be contained within the local network, but must not be contained within any subnets that pass traffic through the
Multi-Zone Defense Module. If you assign the management port an IP address that is within a subnet connected
through the Multi-Zone Defense Module interface card, the interfaces will not perform reliably.
Must be accessible from the workstation from which you will manage the device.
Network IPv4 Mask
The network mask for the subnet on which the TippingPoint IPS is located.
Enable IPv6/Enable IPv6 address autoconfig
Select Y for both of these options to enable IPv6 on the device and to automatically configure the IPv6 address.
Host name
The host name of the TippingPoint IPS. Use the name that the IPS will be known as on your network.
Host location
The host location is the physical location of the TippingPoint IPS. It is for informational purposes only.
Default gateway options
The Default Gateway options configure the routing information that the TippingPoint IPS needs to communicate with other
If the TippingPoint IPS Host Management Port and the workstation from which you will manage the IPS are on different subnets,
you must define a default gateway or an additional route to enable network-based management of your IPS. See Management port
routing options.
In this example, the default gateway address is
The default gateway is a router that enables this device to communicate with other
devices on the management network outside of the local subnet.
Do you require a default gateway? <Y, [N]>: y
Enter IPv4 Gateway Address (a value of removes the default gateway)
IPv4 Gateway Address:
IPv6 Gateway Address: Auto
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: A
Default gateway
The default gateway is the IP address through which communications with other subnets are routed.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
If the TippingPoint IPS sends a message to an IP address outside of its subnet, the message and the reply go through the
default gateway.
You can specify both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.
Using additional routes instead of a default gateway helps assure that your Management Port only communicates with explicitly
authorized network segments. See Management port routing options.
DNS configuration
The DNS configuration options define the DNS servers that the TippingPoint IPS will use to resolve host names.
The DNS server resolves hostnames to IP addresses.
Would you like to configure a DNS server? <Y,[N]>:y
Enter the Primary DNS server IP Address: [none]:
Would you like to configure a secondary DNS server (currently not configured)?
Enter the DNS Domain Name []:
DNS Primary Server:
DNS SecondaryServer:
Domain Name:
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a
Timekeeping options
The TippingPoint IPS can keep time using its internal CMOS clock or it can use an Internet Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) server.
If you decide to use SNTP for timekeeping, the TippingPoint IPS comes with the following SNTP servers defined as the
default primary and secondary SNTP servers:
National Institute of Standards and Technology (
US Naval Observatory (
If you use the CLI show sntp command, the TippingPoint IPS displays the current settings for Primary Addr and Secondary Addr.
If SNTP timekeeping is turned off (conf t no sntp), the last SNTP servers defined (or default if never defined) are shown.
Using external SNTP servers could make your TippingPoint IPS susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack. It is more secure to use
an SNTP server on a local, protected network.
The Timekeeping Options dialog follows:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Timekeeping options allow you to set the time zone, enable or disable daylight
saving time, and configure or disable SNTP.
Would you like to modify timekeeping options? <Y,[N]>: y
Enter time zone or '?' for complete list [GMT]: CST
Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes? [Yes]: Y
Do you want to enable the SNTP client? [No]: Y
Enter Primary SNTP Server address []:
Enter Secondary SNTP Server address []:
TimeZone: CST
DST enabled: Yes
SNTP enabled: Yes
SNTP Primary Server:
SNTP Secondary Server:
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]:
Time zone
Sets the local time zone on the device. System logs are kept in Universal Time (UTC), but the TippingPoint IPS calculates
local time for display purposes.
Daylight Saving Time
Enables or disables the option to calculate time based on the time of year.
For configuring Daylight Saving Time for your specific region, refer to conf t clock.
Primary time server
The IP address of the SNTP server that your TippingPoint IPS uses to keep time.
Secondary time server
The IP address of the SNTP server that your TippingPoint IPS uses to keep time if the primary server is unavailable.
After the setup wizard
After you have completed the initial setup wizard, if you have changed from the HTTPS or SNMP server settings, you must
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Use the reboot command in the CLI. After the IPS reboots, you can use the Local Security Manager GUI to perform
monitoring and configuration tasks or use the setup command in the CLI to perform additional configuration tasks. See
Additional configuration.
Additional configuration
Provides links to topics that describe various configuration tasks.
After you have completed the initial setup wizard through the Command Line Interface or on the LCD screen, you can
further configure your TippingPoint IPS. These subsequent setup options include the following:
Web, CLI, and SNMP server options
Restricted SMS access
Ethernet port settings
Management port routing options
Default alert information
Web, CLI, and SNMP server options
The Web, CLI, and SNMP Server Options dialog enables and disables TippingPoint IPS servers.
Always use the secure Web and CLI servers (HTTPS and SSH) when conducting normal operations. Use the non-secure
servers (HTTP and telnet) only for troubleshooting if the secure servers are unusable.
You do not need to run any servers if you want to control your TippingPoint IPS through the serial port only. However, you cannot
manage filters or perform network discovery scans without servers. You can turn off all servers by using the conf t server
commands. For changes to HTTP or HTTPS to take effect, reboot the device.
Server options allow you to enable or disable each of the following servers: SSH,
Telnet, HTTPS, HTTP, and SNMP.
Would you like to modify the server options? <Y, [N]>: y
Enable the SSH server? [Yes]:y
Enable the Telnet server? [No]:n
Enable the HTTPS server ('No' disables SMS access)? [Yes]:y
Enable the HTTP server? [No]:n
Enable the SNMP agent ('No' disables SMS and NMS access)? [Yes]:y
SSH: Yes
Telnet: No
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: e
SSH server
Enables encrypted terminal communications.
The SSH server must be enabled to establish a secure CLI session over your network. This option is enabled by default.
When you establish an SSH session to the IPS security device by using OpenSSH version 7.2 (and later), the SSH client
displays the following error:
Connection to ip_address port 22: DH GEX group out of range
By default, newer versions of OpenSSH no longer connect to the IPS security device because of an increase in the minimum
number of bits that are required for the key exchange.
To avoid this issue, update the key exchange algorithms on the SSH client computer to allow diffie-hellman-group1-
sha1 for compatibility with the IPS security device. For example, run the following command:
ssh -o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 <device_ip_address>
Telnet Server
Enables telnet connections to the IPS.
The telnet server can be enabled to run non-secure CLI sessions over your network. This option is disabled by default.
Telnet is not a secure service. If you enable telnet, you endanger the security of your TippingPoint device. Use SSH instead of telnet
when you are conducting normal operations.
HTTPS server
Enables secure web access and encrypted file transfers over the network.
The HTTPS server must be enabled to use SMS management. You can also run the LSM using the HTTPS server. This
option is enabled by default.
HTTP server
Enables non-secure web access.
You can enable the HTTP server to run non-secure LSM session on your network. This option is disabled by default.
HTTP is not a secure service. If you enable HTTP, you endanger the security of your TippingPoint device. Use HTTPS instead of
HTTP for normal operations.
SNMP server
The SNMP Server provides access to interface counters and other statistics, configuration data, and general system
information via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
The SNMP server must be enabled to use SMS management or to allow NMS access. This option is enabled by default.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Restricted SMS access
The Restricted SMS Access dialog enables you to guard against unauthorized management of the device by a Security
Management System (SMS).
Using this option, the device accepts management only from an SMS at a specified IP address. When you execute the setup
sms command, you are prompted to enter the IP address or CIDR of the SMS device that you want to manage the device.
The system displays this address as an Allowed SMS, and you are then prompted to save your changes.
Enter Security Management System IP Address or CIDR [none]:
Allowed SMS:
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]:
Ethernet port settings
The Ethernet Port settings dialog enable and disable ports, and also set port speed, duplex, and negotiation settings.
You can only access the Ethernet Port Setup by using the setup ethernet-port command in the CLI.
You can configure Ethernet ports individually using the conf t interface ethernet command.
When you configure an Ethernet port using the command line interface, the port will be shut down. Use the conf t int
ethernet <segment> <port> no shutdown command to restart the port.
The Ethernet Port Options dialog configures individual port values for the IPS Ethernet interfaces.
Would you like to modify the Ethernet ports <Y,[N]>:y
We will now configure your Ethernet ports.
Configure port 1A (Ethernet Port)? <Y,[N]>:y
This port is currently enabled, would you like to disable it? <Y,[N]>:n
Please enter values for the following options
Line speed [1000]:
Duplex setting [Full]:
Auto negotiation [On]:
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a
Configure Port 2 (Ethernet Port)? <Y,[N]>:
Line speed
The line speed setting for a port.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
You can set a port to 10, 100, or 1000 Kbps.
Duplex setting
The duplex setting for the port. Copper can be set to full or half. Fiber ports can be set to full.
Auto negotiation
The auto negotiation setting determines whether the port negotiates its speed based on the connection it can make.
Management port routing options
The Management Port Routing options dialog configures management port routes.
You can access the Management Port Routing options only by using the setup host command in the CLI.
These options enable the TippingPoint IPS device to be managed from a different network than the one to which the
management port is connected. You can define up to 12 routes that your Management Port can use to communicate with
other subnets.
Define additional routes with care. The broader the definition of additional routes you use, the greater the chance that an
unauthorized user can reach your IPS.
Would you like to modify management port routes? <Y,[N]>:y
Currently, the additional routes are as follows:
# Destination Gateway
1 any4
2 none none
3 none none
4 none none
5 none none
6 none none
7 none none
8 none none
9 none none
10 none none
11 none none
12 none none
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, [R]emove or [E]xit without saving [C]: c
The new route is added to the list. The following example shows an example of a routing table that has had both IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses added to it:
Currently, the additional routes are as follows:
# Destination Gateway
1 any4
3 fc01:afc::102:300/120 fe80::205:9bff:fe86:1234
4 none none
5 none none
6 none none
7 none none
8 none none
9 none none
10 none none
11 none none
12 none none
Whether or not static route entries are included in routing tables depends on several topology factors. These include network
specificity, metrics, and whether the next hop IP is on the associated interface. Other routing types, redistributions, and firewall rules
also impact static route entries in the routing tables.
Destination network
The IP network address of the subnet with which you want the IPS to communicate.
The IP address on the IPS subnet that can communicate with the destination network.
Default alert information
The Default Alert options dialog defines the default sender and recipient for filter alert emails.
You can only access the Default Alert options by using the setup email-default command in the CLI.
Enter TO: email address (128 max. characters)
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Must be a full email address (e.g., [email protected]) []:
Enter FROM: email address (128 max. characters)
Must be a full email address (e.g., [email protected]) []: [email protected]
Enter FROM: Domain Name (128 max. characters, e.g., []:
Enter email server IP address []:
Enter period (in minutes) that email should be sent (1 - 10080) [1]: 5
Email Server:
Period (minutes): 5
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a
TO email address
The email address to which alert notifications will be sent.
The address must be:
less than 129 characters long
a valid email address. For example: [email protected]
FROM email address
The address that alert notifications will contain in the from field.
The address must be:
less than 129 characters long
a valid email account name on the SMTP server
a valid email address on the SMTP server
The domain name of the SMTP server.
Email server IP address
The address where the SMTP server is located.
The address must be a valid IP address for an SMTP server.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The aggregation period for email alerts.
The first time a filter that calls for email notification is triggered, the system sends an email notification to the target named in
the filter. At the same time, the aggregation timer starts. The TippingPoint device counts additional filter triggers, but does
not email another notification until it sends a count of all filter triggers that occurred during that period. The timer continues
to count and send notifications at the end of each period. The period must be an integer between 1 and 10,080 representing
minutes between notifications.
Provides links to topics that describe commands for navigating the CLI.
The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a standard embedded system command line interface that provides access to hardware
and embedded software configuration. This topic describes logging in and issuing commands with the CLI.
Log in to the CLI
Session settings
Log in to the CLI
Log in to the CLI to run TippingPoint IPS commands.
To access the CLI, connect to your device by using one of the following methods:
Establish an SSH session to your device. To establish an SSH session, you need:
An SSH client
The management IP address of the device
When you establish an SSH session to the IPS security device by using OpenSSH version 7.2 (and later), the SSH client
displays the following error:
Connection to ip_address port 22: DH GEX group out of range
By default, newer versions of OpenSSH no longer connect to the IPS security device because of an increase in the
minimum number of bits that are required for the key exchange.
To avoid this issue, update the key exchange algorithms on the SSH client computer to allow diffie-hellman-
group1-sha1 for compatibility with the IPS security device. For example, run the following command:
ssh -o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 <device_ip_address>
Connect to your device directly through the console terminal.
Contact your TippingPoint administrator to request login credentials if needed.
To log in to the CLI
1. Connect to your device through SSH or the console terminal.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
2. Enter your username at the Login prompt.
3. Enter your password at the Password prompt.
Provides links to topics with information about the different command types and features.
The TippingPoint Command Line Interface offers the following features:
Command types
Use hierarchical commands
Command hints
Command completion
Command types
Identifies the two types of CLI commands.
The CLI has two types of commands.
Global commands: Available from within any menu level in the CLI. Global commands do not report on or change
configuration items. These commands are listed by the command help commands.
Hierarchical commands: Configure, manage, and display TippingPoint IPS configuration. Some IPS commands are
hierarchical and are available only within a menu or submenu.
Use hierarchical commands
The CLI divides the hierarchical commands into functional areas.
There are several commands that lead to submenus, including configure terminal and show.
Context sensitive prompt
The CLI prompt helps indicate what menu level you are currently using.
The top-level menu prompt is:
When you enter a submenu, the prompt changes to indicate the current menu level. For example, changing to the show
submenu will change the CLI prompt from:
hostname# show
Exit submenus
The exit command steps back to the previous menu, or up one submenu.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The exit all command returns you to the hostname# menu level.
Special characters
The CLI treats # and ? as special characters. Typically, the CLI uses the # character as a comment delimiter and the ?
character as a tool for bringing up help. So whenever these two characters occur as part of a string, you must enclose the
string in double quotation marks to denote that the characters are included as part of a literal string. For example:
conf t user add operuser3 -password "test##99" -role operator
Otherwise, the CLI will not process the characters correctly.
Command hints
On each command level, you can view the hierarchical commands available at that level by typing a question mark (?).
Command completion
The CLI attempts to match partially typed commands with valid commands.
For example, if you type:
The CLI interprets this command as if you typed the following:
You can also use the Tab key for command completion.
Commands to edit command line entries
Lists commands used for editing command line entries.
The following commands can be used to edit your command line entries:
Key combination Edit function
Ctrl-d Delete current character
Ctrl-u Delete text up to cursor
Ctrl-k Delete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-a Move to beginning of line
Ctrl-e Move to end of line
Ctrl-p Get prior command from history
Ctrl-n Get next command from history
Ctrl-b Move cursor left
Ctrl-f Move cursor right
Esc-b Move back one word
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Key combination Edit function
Esc-f Move forward one word
Esc-c Convert rest of word to uppercase
Esc-l Convert rest of word to lowercase
Esc-d Delete remainder of word
Ctrl-w Delete word up to cursor
Ctrl-t Transpose current and previous character
Ctrl-z Enter command and return to root prompt
Ctrl-l Refresh input line
up arrow Put last command on the command line
!! <cr> Execute last command
Session settings
The CLI contains commands to configure how your terminal session behaves.
The following table lists the default terminal settings and the CLI commands that you can use to change the settings.
etting Description
Command to change setting
columns Sets the width of the session window in
number of columns.
80 conf t session col <number of
rows Sets the height of the session window in
number of columns.
25 conf t session row <number of
more When enabled, displays large amounts
of information in page-by-page format.
SSH: Off
Console: on
conf t session more
conf t session no more
wraparound When enabled, wraps lines of text. on conf t session no wrap
timeout Sets the period of inactivity after which a
user will be logged off.
20 minutes conf t session timeout <number of
See the command conf t session for more information.
The timeout persists only if the -persist option is used when configuring the terminal session timeout. The -persist option
requires super-user privileges.
For best viewing, set your terminal software’s row and column settings to match your CLI sessions row and column settings.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
TippingPoint IPS commands
This topic provides links to topics with reference information for the Command Line Interface (CLI) for the TippingPoint
Describes the organizational and stylistic conventions used in the CLI.
This topic is divided into sections by top-level commands. Some top-level commands, such as configure terminal, have
been split up for easier reference. Each command section has the following information:
Required privileges
Subcommands and/or options
Examples of usage
Variables are enclosed in angle brackets. For example, a snapshot name variable is represented as <snapshot name>.
Optional flags and variables are enclosed in square brackets. For example, an optional profile name is represented as [-
profile <profile name>].
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only. Do not type these brackets when entering a
Global commands
The commands in this topic manage your CLI session.
The settings and results do not persist across multiple sessions. These commands are available to all users and user roles.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Creates aliases for commands or command strings.
You can define an alias to represent all of or a portion of a command line including:
a command
a command option
a command flag or option
a combination of command, options, and flags
alias <alias> "<command_string>"
The following table lists examples of user-created command aliases.
define alias before alias after alias
alias s1A "show conf int eth
show conf int eth 1A s1A
alias 1A "int eth 1A" show conf int eth 1A show conf 1A
conf t int eth 1A shutdown conf t 1A shut
alias eth "int eth" show conf int eth 1A show conf eth 1A
show conf int eth 1A show conf eth 1A
alias sc "show conf" show conf int eth 1A sc int eth 1A
show conf clock sc clock
Resets logs or hardware interfaces.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
Users with Admin privileges cannot clear the audit log or execute the clear configuration command.
The clear command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
adaptive-filter Re-enables a filter that has been disabled
because of adaptive-filter configuration.
clear adaptive-filter <number>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
configuration Resets the device configuration settings to the
factory defaults. Use the -echo option to echo the
command when it is executed.
clear configuration
connection-table Use the blocks option to clear all connection table
block entries. Use the trusts option to clear all
trust table entries.
clear connection-table blocks
clear connection-table trusts
counter interface Clears interface counters. clear counter interface
counter policy Clears policy counters. clear counter policy
interface Clears the interface. When used without options, it
resets all interfaces.
clear interface
clear interface ethernet <port>
log Clears log files. When used without options, it
erases all entries in all logs.
clear log
clear log alert
clear log audit
clear log block
clear log packet-trace
clear log quarantine
clear log system
np Clears np statistical information.
mcfilt-rule-stats clears microfilter rules
and flow statistics
rule-stats clears rule statistics
softlinx clears Softlinx-related statistics
tier-stats clears tier statistics
clear np mcfilt-rule-stats
clear np rule-stats
clear np softlinx
clear np tier-stats
ramdisk stats Clears RAM disk statistics. clear ramdisk stats
rate-limit Clears rate-limited streams from the data table. clear rate-limit streams
slot Sets the module slot and module type to Empty. clear slot <slot number>
clear counter interface, clear interface, and clear log are disabled when the device is managed by an SMS.
Clears the terminal screen.
Backs you out of one or more command levels.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
For detailed information about command hierarchy, see Use hierarchical commands.
exit all
Displays documentation about the specified command.
At the CLI prompt, you can access the help topics for commands. You can also specify help for commands and edit keys.
help commands
help edit
Displays a list of commands that have been executed during the current CLI session.
Logs you out of the TippingPoint IPS.
Logs you out of the TippingPoint IPS.
Displays the full command tree.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Shows the usernames, connection methods, IP addresses, and login times of all the users who are currently logged in to IPS.
By default, the login time is shown in the time zone that you set during setup or with the conf t clock command. Use the
-utc option to view the login times in Universal Time.
Required Privilege
Admin, Super-User
who -utc
Displays the username, role, and path of the currently logged-in user.
TippingPoint Operating System commands
The commands in this topic configure, manage, and display information about the Tipping Point Operating System (TOS)
and its users.
configure terminal
show configuration
show np tier-stats
show stacking
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Manages boot images on the device.
Required privilege
Super-user, Admin
The boot command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
list-image Shows a list of all available boot
boot list-image
remove-image Removes a boot image from the
device’s hard disk. The image is
identified by version number.
Removing a boot image
permanently erases it.
boot remove-image <version>
rollback Rolls the boot image back to the next
most recent valid boot image. This
command can be used to revert the
operating system to a previous version.
boot rollback
boot remove-image and boot rollback are disabled when the device is managed by an SMS.
Controls the external storage card on the TippingPoint IPS devices.
The external storage card is used to store logs, snapshots, and other system data.
The conf t compact-flash command is not supported on the TippingPoint 10/110/330 models.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User, Operator
The compact-flash command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
format Formats the external storage card. compact-flash format
mount Manually mounts the inserted external
storage card.
compact-flash mount
unmount Unmounts the external storage card so
that the user can remove it.
compact-flash unmount
configure terminal
The configure terminal commands configure IPS settings.
The command can be abbreviated as conf t. The following configure terminal commands are available:
conf t action-set
conf t authentication remote
conf t autodv
conf t auxdv delete
conf t category-settings
conf t clock
conf t compact-flash
conf t cpu-utilization
conf t default-alert-sink
conf t default-gateway
conf t email-rate-limit
conf t filter
conf t high-availability
conf t host
conf t inspection-bypass
conf t inspection-bypass add
conf t interface ethernet
conf t interface mgmtEthernet
conf t interface settings
conf t lcd-keypad
conf t log audit
conf t log snmp-add-event-info
conf t monitor
conf t named-ip
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
conf t nms
conf t notify-contact
conf t port
conf t profile
conf t protection-settings
conf t radius-server
conf t ramdisk
conf t remote-syslog
conf t reputation
conf t reputation group
conf t segment
conf t server
conf t service-access
conf t session
conf t sms
conf t sntp
conf t traffic-mgmt
conf t tse
conf t user
conf t user options
conf t virtual-port
conf t virtual-segment
conf t vlan-translation
conf t action-set
Configures new or existing action sets.
The subcommands specify the actions taken.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t action-set command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
allowed-dest Adds or removes a quarantine allowed
conf t action-set <action set name>
allowed-dest <destination address> add
conf t action-set <action set name>
allowed-dest <destination address> remove
apply-only Adds or removes a CIDR from the
quarantine apply-only list.
conf t action-set <action set name> apply-
only <CIDR> add
conf t action-set <action set name> apply-
only <CIDR> remove
block Creates or modifies an action set that
blocks traffic. The following secondary
actions can be added:
quarantine: host IP address is
placed into quarantine. Use no
quarantine to remove the
address from quarantine.
reset-both: TCP reset on the
source and destination.
reset-destination: TCP reset
on the destination.
reset-source: TCP reset on the
reset-none: no TCP reset.
conf t action-set <action set name>
conf t action-set <action set name> no
conf t action-set <action set name> block
conf t action-set <action set name> block
conf t action-set <action set name> block
conf t action-set <action set name> block
Deletes the named action set. conf t action-set <action set name> delete
http-block Blocks http requests from quarantined
conf t action-set <action set name> http-
http-page Creates a web page to display when a
quarantined host makes a web request.
conf t action-set <action set name> http-
page [-show-name <name of page>] [-show-
desc <description of page>] [-custom-text
<content of page>]
http-redirect Redirects http requests from a
quarantined host to a specified URL.
conf t action-set <action set name> http-
redirect <url>
non-http-block Blocks non-http requests from
quarantined hosts. Permits non-http
requests with no non-http-block.
conf t action-set <action set name> non-
notify-contact Adds or removes a notification contact
from an action set.
conf t action-set <action set name> notify-
contact add <contact name>
conf t action-set <action set name> notify-
contact remove <contact name>
packet-trace Enables and sets packet trace settings.
Set a priority (high, medium, or low)
with the -priority option and the
number of bytes to capture (64-1600)
with the -capture-size option. Use no
packet-trace to disable packet
conf t action-set <action set name> packet-
trace [-priority <priority>] [-capture-
size <bytes>]
conf t action-set <action set name> no
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
permit Creates or modifies an action set that
permits traffic. Use the quarantine
command to quarantine permitted
traffic and no quarantine to stop
quarantining permitted traffic.
conf t action-set <action set name> permit
conf t action-set <action set name> permit
conf t action-set <action set name> permit
no quarantine
rate-limit Creates or modifies an action set that
rate-limits traffic. Enter the desired
threshold in Kbps.
conf t action-set <action set name> rate-
limit <threshold>
rename Renames the action set. conf t action-set <action set name> rename
<new action set name>
threshold Sets the quarantine threshold in
seconds (1-10000).
conf t action-set threshold <seconds>
threshold-period Sets the quarantine threshold period in
minutes (1-60).
conf t action-set threshold-period
trust Creates or modifies a trust action set. conf t action-set <action set name> trust
whitelist Creates a whitelist of trusted IP
addresses by using the add or remove
conf t action-set <action set name>
whitelist add <IP address>
conf t action-set <action set name>
whitelist remove <IP address>
conf t authentication remote
Manages remote authentication.
Remote authentication enables the device to use a remote RADIUS or TACACS+ server as an authentication proxy, or, if the
device is managed by SMS, to use the SMS as an authentication proxy. When a user logs in, the device sends the login
information to the remote server or SMS, which then authenticates the account against one or more account repositories.
Remote authentication with the SMS will only function when network TCP port 10043 is open and not blocked by the firewall.
RADIUS and TACACS+ have no such port constraints, although they do have default ports. Administrators must make sure that
those configured ports are not blocked by the firewall.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t authentication remote command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
enable Enables remote authentication. conf t authentication remote enable radius
conf t authentication remote enable tacacs
conf t authentication remote enable sms
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
disable Disables remote authentication. conf t authentication remote disable
timeout Sets the remote authentication server
timeout. The value should be greater
than the timeout configured on the
This subcommand is valid only
with SMS remote authentication.
conf t authentication remote timeout
conf t autodv
Enables and disables the automatic download service for Digital Vaccine (DV) updates.
This command requires a day of week and time of day for the download. If required, use the -period option to set the
number of days between checks.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t autodv day <day of week> time <time of day> -period <number of days>
conf t no autodv
conf t auxdv delete
Deletes an Auxiliary DV package installation from the device.
This command is disabled when the device is under SMS control.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t auxdv delete <type>
Usage notes
<type> represents the name of the Auxiliary DV package being deleted. To view the installed Auxiliary DV packages, run
the show auxdv command.
TOS version 3.7 and later supports multiple types of Auxiliary DVs. Ensure that you specify the correct type when running
this command.
conf t category-settings
Enables and disables filter categories.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The command also enables you to assign a specific action set to each category. The following filter categories can be
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t category-settings command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Subcommand Description Usage
enable Enables a filter category and assigns
the named action set to the category.
Enable the filter category for a specific
profile with the -profile option.
conf t category-settings [-profile
<profile name>] <filter category> enable -
action-set <action set>
disable Disables the filter category. conf t category-settings [-profile
<profile name>] <filter category> disable
conf t clock
Sets the software clock on the IPS device.
Clock changes are synchronized with the appropriate clock driver, and the change is entered in the audit log.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t clock command uses the following subcommands.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
date Sets the date. conf t clock date <YYYY-MM-DD>
dst Enables or disables Daylight Savings
cconf t clock dst
conf t clock no dst
time Sets the time according to the 24-hour
clock. For example, to set the clock to
3:30 PM, enter 15:30.
cconf t clock time <HH:MM:SS>
timezone Sets the time zone. For a list of
available time zones, use the command
show timezones. Because Daylight
Savings Time (DST) calculations vary
in different parts of the world, use the
following options to specify DST for
your region:
-beginDST – Date and hour DST
begins (mmddhh)
-endDST – Date and hour DST
ends (mmddhh)
These values hold true until they are
deleted, at which time the internal
default values are used.
Starting and ending values have
to be respecified each year. For
best practice, reconfigure these
after DST ends.
conf t clock timezone <timezone> -beginDST
<mmddhh> -endDST <mmddhh>
conf t compact-flash
Configures the mounting options for the external storage card.
By default, the device is set to automatically mount external storage cards when inserted.
The conf t compact-flash command is not supported on the TippingPoint 10/110/330 models.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t compact-flash command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
operation-mode authenticate Sets the device to require authentication
when an external storage card is inserted.
conf t compact-flash operation-
mode authenticate
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
operation-mode auto-mount Sets the device to automatically mount
external storage cards when inserted.
conf t compact-flash operation-
mode auto-mount
conf t cpu-utilization
Configures the period over which average CPU utilization is calculated.
The period is specified in seconds. To view processes and utilization, see debug information.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t cpu-utilization <period in seconds>
conf t default-alert-sink
Defines the default email recipient of traffic-triggered alerts.
The email notification server must be an SMTP server that the IPS device can reach through its host management port. You might
have to add an additional route to your host management port using the conf t interface mgmtEthernet command to
enable this communication. See conf t interface mgmtEthernet.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t default-alert-sink command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
domain Defines the domain name of the email
notification server.
conf t default-alert-sink domain <domain
from Defines the email address for the IPS
device. This must be a valid email user
name on the notification server.
conf t default-alert-sink from <email
no Removes the default email destination. conf t no default-alert-sink
period Defines the default period of time in
which the TippingPoint device
accumulates notifications before
sending an aggregate notification
conf t default-alert-sink period <minutes>
server Defines the IP address of the email
notification server.
To remove the IP address of the email
notification server, enter none for the IP
conf t default-alert-sink server <IP
conf t default-alert-sink server none
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
to Defines the email address of the alert
recipient. This must be a valid email
conf t default-alert-sink to <email
conf t default-gateway
Defines a default gateway IP address for your IPS.
This gateway is used by the management port to communicate with devices located on other network segments. Use the
conf t no default-gateway command to disable the default gateway IP address.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t default-gateway <IP address>
conf t no default-gateway
conf t email-rate-limit
Configures the maximum number of email notifications that the system will send every minute.
The minimum is 1, and the maximum is 35.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t email-rate-limit <number>
conf t filter
Configures a filter’s state and action set category and enables or disables the filter.
Filters are identified with unique numbers. When you configure, enable, or disable a filter, enter the number for the filter.
Only the reset subcommand supports all as an option.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t filter command uses the following subcommands:
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
adaptive-config Enables or disables adaptive filtering.
Apply the change to a specific security
profile with the -profile option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] adaptive-config
conf t filter <filter number> no adaptive-
add-exception Creates and adds an exception to a
filter, identified by source or destination
IP address. Apply the change to a
specific security profile with the -
profile option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] add-exception <source IP
address> <destination IP address>
delete-copy Deletes a copy of the filter. Apply the
change to a specific security profile
with the -profile option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] delete-copy
disable Disables a filter. Apply the change to a
specific security profile with the -
profile option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] disable
enable Enables a filter. Apply the change to a
specific security profile with -profile
option. Apply the change to a specific
action set with the -action-set option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] -action-set <action set
name> enable
remove-exception Removes an exception from a filter.
Apply the change to a specific profile
with the -profile option.
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] remove-exception
reset Resets filters to the default values. conf t filter <filter number> reset
conf t filter all reset
threshold Sets the port scan and host sweep filter
conf t filter threshold
timeout Sets the port scan and host sweep filter
conf t filter timeout
use-category Sets a filter to use the default action set
of its category and removes any
previous overrides. Apply the change to
a specific profile with the -profile
conf t filter <filter number> [-profile
<profile name>] use-category
conf t high-availability
Enables and disables transparent network high availability (transparent HA) and configures the partner device’s IP address.
Transparent HA updates data tables between two devices to quickly and efficiently transfer network traffic from one device to
the other without the need to rebuild data tables.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t high-availability command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
disable Disables transparent HA. conf t high-availability disable
enable Enables transparent HA. conf t high-availability enable
partner Sets the IP address and serial number
of the partner device. Use no partner
to clear the address.
conf t high-availability partner <IP
address> <serial number>
conf t high-availability no partner
l2fb For 10/110/330 IPS devices only, sets
the means by which the device goes in
and out of Layer-2 Fallback (L2FB).
You can configure L2FB using a link
transition via hardware relays, or you
can change the L2FB behavior to be
software instantiated.
hardware: The hardware ZPHA
relays are used for L2FB. When
the device enters and exits L2FB,
a brief link transition occurs. This is
the default option. Hardware L2FB
is recommended, unless link
transitions will cause network
failover issues.
software: No link transition occurs
when the device enters and exits
conf t high-availability l2fb hardware
conf t high-availability l2fb software
conf t host
Configures the host management port’s name and location strings.
TippingPoint recommends using this command to limit access to the management port.
The IPS must not be under SMS control when changing management port settings.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t host fips-mode requires Super-User.
The conf t host command uses the following subcommands:
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
dns Sets the DNS server. The secondary
server is optional.
conf t host dns <domain name> <primary
server> [<secondary server>]
fips-mode Enables FIPS mode.
crypto: Only FIPS-approved
cryptographic algorithms are
allowed, but some FIPS 140-2
requirements are not enforced.
Once enabled, this mode can be
full: Only FIPS-approved
cryptographic algorithms are
allowed, and all FIPS 140-2
requirements are enforced. Once
enabled, this mode cannot be
disabled. Only a factory reset can
take the device out of this mode. A
warning message prompts you to
confirm the setting. A reboot is
required to complete the
For more information about FIPS, see
conf t host fips-mode crypto
conf t host fips-mode full
ip-filter Permits or denies communications with
the management port from specified IP
addresses. Management port IP setting
defaults to “permit any IP”. Use this
subcommand to limit management port
access to designated IP addresses.
conf t host ip-filter deny <IP address>
conf t host ip-filter permit <IP address>
location Sets a text string that identifies the
location of the device. The string is
restricted to 63 characters.
conf t host location <location>
lsm disable Disables the LSM without disabling http
or https. (A reboot is required after the
command is entered.)
conf t host lsm disable
lsm enable Enables the LSM. (A reboot is required
after the command is entered.)
conf t host lsm enable
name Sets a text string that identifies the
name of the device. The string is
restricted to 63 characters.
conf t host name <name>
conf t inspection-bypass
Enables, disables, or removes inspection bypass rules. Inspection bypass rules direct traffic through the IPS without
The rules are identified by an ID number that is generated by the IPS when the rule is created with the conf t
inspection-bypass add command. You can view a list of current inspection bypass rules with the show
inspection-bypass command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Inspection bypass rules are available only on the TippingPoint 2500N, TippingPoint 5100N, TippingPoint 6100N, and NX-Platform
Required privilege
The conf t inspection-bypass command uses the following options:
Option Description Usage
add Adds an inspection bypass rule. See
conf t inspection-bypass add.
conf t inspection-bypass add
clear-stats Clears statistics associated with an
inspection bypass rule.
conf t inspection-bypass clear-stats
enable Enables an inspection bypass rule. conf t inspection-bypass enable <rule_ID>
disable Disables an inspection bypass rule. conf t inspection-bypass disable <rule_ID>
remove Removes an inspection bypass rule. conf t inspection-bypass remove <rule_ID>
conf t inspection-bypass add
Creates and defines an inspection bypass rule.
When you define an inspection bypass rule, using an option without a specified value defaults to a value of “any”.
Inspection bypass rules are available only on the TippingPoint 2500N, TippingPoint 5100N, TippingPoint 6100N, and NX-Platform
Required privilege
The conf t inspection-bypass add command uses the following options:
Option Description Usage
-eth EthType. You can also use the strings
ip or !ip.
conf t inspection-bypass add -eth
-ports The port or ports to which the rule is
applied. For more information, see the
Ports topic that follows this table.
conf t inspection-bypass add -ports
<value> -<option>
-gre Specifies GRE tunneling traffic. Default
value is any. You can also specify
present or absent.
conf t inspection-bypass add -gre <value>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Option Description Usage
-mipv4 Specifies mobile IPv4 tunneling traffic.
Default value is any. You can also
specify present or absent.
conf t inspection-bypass add -mipv4
-ipv6in4 Specifies IPv6 6-in-4 tunneling traffic.
Default value is any. You can also
specify present or absent.
conf t inspection-bypass add -ipv6in4
-vlan Numeric value or range specifying the
permitted VLAN IDs. .
conf t inspection-bypass add -vlan <value>
-mpls Numeric value or range specifying the
permitted MPLS IDs.
conf t inspection-bypass add -mpls <value>
-ip-proto IP protocol value. For more information,
see the ip-proto topic that follows this
conf t inspection-bypass add -ip-proto
-ip-saddr Source CIDR specification. Enter in the
conf t inspection-bypass add -ip-saddr
<CIDR range>
-ip-daddr Destination CIDR specification. Enter in
the form
conf t inspection-bypass add -ip-daddr
<CIDR range>
-upd-sport UPD source port. conf t inspection-bypass add -upd-sport
-upd-dport UPD destination port. conf t inspection-bypass add -upd-dport
-tcp-sport TCP source port. conf t inspection-bypass add -tcp-sport
-tcp-dport TCP destination port. conf t inspection-bypass add -tcp-dport
The -ports option can be one or more comma-delimited 1GbE ports (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B). If you do not specify a port
or define the -ports option as ANY, the inspection bypass rule is applied to all ports on all segments.
A single inspection bypass rule can apply to all segments, to both ports on one segment, or to one port on one segment. You
cannot apply a single inspection bypass rule to ports on two different segments. Instead, you must create a separate inspection
bypass rule for each segment.
Example: rules applied to a single segment
If you want to permit traffic that uses the IP Mobility protocol (MOBILE) on both ports of Segment 1, you would define the
inspection bypass rule with the following command:
hostname# conf t inspection-bypass add -ports 1A,1B -ip-proto MOBILE
Example: rules applied across multiple segments
If you want to permit traffic that uses the IP Mobility protocol (MOBILE) on both ports of Segment 1 and Segment 2, you
would need to define two inspection bypass rules with the following commands:
hostname# conf t inspection-bypass add -ports 1A,1B -ip-proto MOBILE
hostname# conf t inspection-bypass add -ports 2A,2B -ip-proto MOBILE
However, if you want to permit that traffic across all ports on all segments, you can define a single inspection bypass rule with
the following command:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
hostname# conf t inspection-bypass add -ip-proto MOBILE
When no segment is specified, the command defaults apply the inspection bypass rule to all ports on all segments.
A full list of IP protocol values can be found at the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority website at
conf t interface ethernet
Configures IPS interfaces. Refer to physical interfaces by their segment and port numbers.
On NX-Platform devices, ports are presented in the format Slot-SegmentPort. For example, port 4A on slot 3 would be
specified as “3-4A”.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t interface ethernet command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
duplex Sets the duplex speed to half or full. conf t interface ethernet <port> duplex half
conf t interface ethernet <port> duplex full
linespeed Sets the line speed. You can set the
speed to 10, 100, 1000, or 10000.
conf t interface ethernet <port> linespeed
negotiate Enables or disables auto-negotiate. conf t interface ethernet <port> negotiate
conf t interface ethernet <port> no negotiate
shutdown Shuts down the port. Use no shutdown to
reactivate the port after a shutdown
command or after configuration has
conf t interface ethernet <port> shutdown
conf t interface ethernet <port> no shutdown
When the auto-negotiate feature is on, the IPS device automatically negotiates the highest common speed and duplex that the IPS
and the link partner both support. When the auto-negotiate feature is turned off, users can configure all fiber ports (SFP, SFP+,
QSFP+) only to their default settings using the linespeed subcommand even though the hardware might list other optional
values. The 12 fixed RJ-45 copper ports, however, can be configured to 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1 Gbps using the linespeed
conf t interface mgmtEthernet
Configures the management port.
TippingPoint recommends configuring the management port on the IPS to use a non-routed IP address from the RFC 1918
Private Address space. This helps to prevent direct attack on the management port from the Internet. For more management
port configuration settings, see conf t host.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The conf t interface mgmtEthernet command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
duplex Sets the duplex speed to half for full. conf t interface mgmtEthernet duplex half
conf t interface mgmtEthernet full
ip Sets the IP address for the
management Ethernet port. The
address can be IPv4 or IPv6. Use
CIDR notation to set the subnet mask.
The default mask is used when the
user specifies a non-CIDR IP address.
conf t interface mgmtEthernet ip <IP
ipv6 Enables or disables IPv6 support on
the management port.
conf t interface mgmtEthernet ipv6
ipv6auto Enables or disables automatic IPv6
configuration, which allows the device
to get an IPv6 address automatically
from the subnet router.
conf t interface mgmtEthernet ipv6auto
linespeed Sets the line speed. You can set the
speed to 10, 100, or 1000.
conf t interface mgmtEthernet linespeed
negotiate Enables or disables auto-negotiate. conf t interface mgmtEthernet negotiate
conf t interface mgmtEthernet no negotiate
physical-port Specifies the physical port. conf t interface mgmtEthernet physical-
port <port>
route Sets or removes the default route for
the management Ethernet port.
conf t interface mgmtEthernet route
<destination> <gateway IP address or CIDR>
conf t interface mgmtEthernet no route
vlan Specifies the VLAN ID. conf t interface mgmtEthernet vlan <vlan
When the auto-negotiate feature is on, the IPS device automatically negotiates the highest common speed and duplex that the IPS
and the link partner both support. When the auto-negotiate feature is turned off, users can configure all fiber ports (SFP, SFP+,
QSFP+) only to their default settings using the linespeed subcommand even though the hardware might list other optional
values. The 12 fixed RJ-45 copper ports, however, can be configured to 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 1 Gbps using the linespeed
conf t interface settings
Enables or disables Medium Dependence Interface (MDI) detection when auto-negotiation is off.
These settings do not affect the management port.
Changes to the MDI settings do not go into effect until the link is shut down. These settings affect all ports and are not configurable
on a port-by-port basis.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t interface settings command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
detect-mdi Enables or disables MDI detection. conf t interface settings detect-mdi
conf t interface settings detect-mdi
mdi-mode Sets the MDI mode to mdi or mdix. The
default setting is mdix. The mdi setting
has no effect if auto-negotiation is
enabled, detect-mdix is enabled, or the
port media is fiber.
conf t interface settings mdi-mode mdi
conf t interface settings mdi-mode mdix
conf t lcd-keypad
Enables or disables the keypad and buttons for the LCD keypad.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t lcd-keypad command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
backlight Sets the intensity of the backlighting in
a range from 1 (dimmest) to 100
conf t lcd-keypad backlight <number>
contrast Sets the contrast in a range from 1 to
conf t lcd-keypad contrast <number>
disable Disables the LCD keypad. conf t lcd-keypad disable
enable Enables the LCD keypad. conf t lcd-keypad enable
conf t log audit
Configures the audit log and the actions that are documented in the log.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t log audit select <activity>
conf t log audit select no <activity>
The following activities can be documented in the audit log:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
conf t log snmp-add-event-info
Configures whether the SNMP traps receive additional information, such as the client IP address. The minimum is 1, and the
maximum is 35.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
configure terminal log snmp-add-event-info enable
configure terminal log snmp-add-event-info disable
conf t login-banner
Configures a login consent banner for websites.
The banner notifies entrants that the website or server they are about to enter is private and activity may be subject to
monitoring. Users who enable the login banner must configure text, which can consist of up to a 50-character title and a
1500-character message. Only printable ASCII characters are supported.
To display the following ASCII characters in the login banner text message, use the following key combinations:
For a double-quote ("), type \q
For a hash tag (#), type \p
For a backward slash (\), type \\
For a new line, type \n
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t login-banner [ enable | disable ] -title <title text> -text <message text>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
conf t monitor
Enables or disables power supply monitoring and sets hardware monitoring thresholds for IPS disk usage, memory, and
temperature values.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t monitor command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
disable power-
Disables power supply monitoring. conf t monitor disable power-supply
enable power-
Enables power supply monitoring. If
any power supplies experience an
interruption, the system logs a critical
message in the system log and sends a
notification to the SMS if the device is
under SMS management.
conf t monitor enable power-supply
threshold Sets threshold values for disk usage,
memory, and temperature values. Disk
and memory thresholds are expressed
in percentages, and temperature
thresholds are expressed in degrees
The major threshold value must be
set at a value less than the critical
threshold value and that allows
time to react before a problem
The critical threshold value should
generate a warning before a
problem causes damage.
conf t monitor threshold disk -major
<60-100> -critical <60-100>
conf t monitor threshold memory -major
<60-100> -critical <60-100>
conf t monitor threshold temperature -
major <40-80> -critical <40-80>
conf t named-ip
Enables you to assign names to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
A name acts as an alias for the named IPv4 or IPv6 network. In any list where the IP address would normally appear, the
network name appears instead. You can also enter the network name in any IP address field.
Network names are presentation-only. Any configuration settings are associated with the IP address, and changing the network name
does not change the configuration. For example, if the name of IP address is changed from Corporate to
Corporate-A, all configuration settings associated with IP address are retained.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t named-ip command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
add Adds a new named IP address to the
conf t named-ip add <IP address> <name>
delete Removes a name. conf t named-ip remove <name>
modify Modifies a name. conf t named-ip modify <name>
rename Renames a named IP address. conf t named-ip rename <old name> <new
conf t nms
Configures information for a network management system (NMS).
The NMS community string is separate from the string used by SMS. Use conf t no nms to disable NMS options.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t nms command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
community Sets the NMS community string. The
string is limited to 31 characters.
conf t nms community <string>
syscontact Sets the NMS SNMP sysContact string.
The string is limited to 192 characters.
conf t nms syscontact <string>
trap-destination Adds or removes an NMS trap IP
address. You can also specify a port
number with the -port option.
For SNMPv3, the following options are
also available:
conf t nms trap-destination add <IP
address> -port <port number>
conf t nms trap-destination remove <IP
conf t nms trap destination add <IP
address> port <port number> -user <user ID>
-password <password> -engine <engine> -des
conf t notify-contact
Sets the aggregation period for notification contacts.
You must enter the name of an existing notification contact and an aggregation period in minutes.
Short aggregation periods can significantly affect system performance. The shorter the aggregation period, the heavier the load on
the system. In the event of a flood attack, a short aggregation period can lead to system performance problems.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
conf t notify-contact <contact name> <aggregation period>
conf t ntp
Configures NTP timekeeping options.
Using external NTP servers could possibly make your IPS susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack. It is more secure to use an
NTP server on a local, protected network.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t ntp command uses the following options:
Subcommand Description Usage
add-key Adds a key for authenticating. Options
-index: the Key ID, required for
authentication, as a unique integer
value ranging from 1–65535 that
one or more servers reference.
-value: the authentication
password string ranging from 1–32
conf t ntp add-key -index <number> -value
add-server Adds a server for authenticating.
Options include:
-host: specifies the hostname or
IP address of the NTP server.
-index: references the defined key
for authentication.
-version: (optional) indicates the
version of the NTP protocol that is
running on the server. Default is 3.
-preferred: (optional) indicates
whether this is the preferred
server. Default is no.
-auth: enables or disables
authentication. Default is disable.
conf t ntp add-server -host <host> -index
<number> -version <number> -preferred [ yes
| no ] -auth [ enable | disable ]
-polling period The -polling period option is
specified in 16, 32, or 64 seconds.
Default is 16.
conf t ntp -polling-period [16|32|64]
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
disable | enable Disables or enables NTP. NTP is
disabled by default.
Specifying one of these options
automatically performs the
opposite option for SNTP. This
ensures that only one time
protocol is active at a time.
conf t ntp disable
conf t ntp enable
delete Deletes a specified server or key, or all
servers or keys.
conf t ntp delete server [<hostname or IP
conf t ntp delete key [<index number>|all]
conf t port
Configures the protocols that are permitted on the IPS ports.
This command enables the user to specify non-standard TCP/UDP ports to help check for signature matches. The available
options include:
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t port command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
add Adds a protocol to a port. conf t port <protocol> add <segment><port>
delete Removes a protocol from a port. conf t port <protocol> remove
conf t profile
Creates, modifies, or deletes security or traffic management profiles.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
If you use an SMS to configure your profiles or devices with any UTF-8 encoding, make sure that you have UTF-8 encoding enabled
for the web browser you use to launch the LSM interface and the terminal emulator you use to launch the command line interface.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t profile command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
add-pair Adds a port pairing to a profile. conf t profile <profile name> add-pair
<port pair>
client-ip Enables or disables a client IP address
on a profile.
conf t profile client-ip enable
conf t profile client-ip disable
delete Deletes an existing profile. conf t profile <profile name> delete
description Enters a description string for the
conf t profile <profile name> description
deployment Sets the deployment mode.
Deployment modes offer increased
flexibility for filter settings. TippingPoint
provides recommended settings
customized for different deployment
types, including Core, Edge, or
Perimeter. Use show deployment-
choices to see your options.
conf t profile deployment core
conf t profile deployment edge
conf t profile deployment perimeter
conf t profile deployment default
http-context Enables or disables HTTP URI
information to identify the name of a
web resource.
conf t profile http-context enable
conf t profile http-context disable
remove-pair Removes a port pairing from a profile. conf t profile <profile name> remove-pair
<port pair>
rename Renames a profile. conf t profile <profile name> rename <new
profile name>
security Creates a security profile. You can add
a description string with the -
description option.
conf t profile <profile name> security
conf t profile <profile name> security -description
traffic-mgmt Creates a traffic management profile.
You can add a description string with
the -description option.
conf t profile <profile name> traffic-mgmt
conf t profile <profile name> traffic-mgmt
-description "<description>"
conf t protection-settings
Creates global exceptions and apply-only restrictions for Application Protection, Infrastructure Protection, and Performance
Protection filters.
You must specify the profile to which the settings apply.
Required privilege
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Admin, Super-User
The conf t protection-settings command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
app-except Adds or removes a global exception for
Application Protection and
Infrastructure Protection filters.
conf t protection-settings app-except add
<source IP address> <destination IP address> -
profile <profile name>
conf t protection-settings app-except
remove <source IP address> <destination IP
address> -profile <profile name>
app-limit Adds or removes an apply-only
restriction for Application Protection
and Infrastructure Protection filters.
conf t protection-settings app-limit add
<source IP address> <destination IP address> -
profile <profile name>
conf t protection-settings app-limit
remove <source IP address> <destination IP
address> -profile <profile name>
dns-except Adds or removes a DNS exception for
Application Protection and
Infrastructure Protection filters.
conf t protection-settings dns-except add
<DNS> -profile <profile name>
conf t protection-settings dns-except
remove <DNS> -profile <profile name>
ip-except Adds or removes an IP address
exception for Application Protection
and Infrastructure Protection filters.
This exception applies to source and
destination IP addresses.
conf t protection-settings ip-except add
<IP address> -profile <profile name>
conf t protection-settings ip-except
remove <IP address> -profile <profile name>
perf-limit Adds or removes an apply-only
restriction for Performance Protection
conf t protection-settings perf-limit add
<source IP address> <destination IP address> -
profile <profile name>
conf t protection-settings perf-limit
remove <source IP address> <destination IP
address> -profile <profile name>
conf t radius-server
Configures a RADIUS server to be used for remote authentication for the device.
Required privilege
The conf t radius-server command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
add Configures a RADIUS server for
remote authentication.
priority – Assigns the priority of the
remote server. Values are between
1 and 3.
IP address – Must be an IPv4
address in dotted format.
port – Available ports between 1
and 65535. Default is 1812.
shared secret – Case-sensitive
string with a maximum length of 64
authentication type –
MD5-Challenge (RFC 3748).
Users interested in TLS can
alternatively use PEAP/EAP-
MSCHAPv2 authentication. This
protocol requires an X509
certificate for the RADIUS server
and can only be set through the
timeout – Can be between 1 and
14 seconds. Default is 3 seconds.
attempts allowed – Can be
between 1 and 5 attempts. Default
is 3 seconds.
conf t radius-server add -priority
<priority-value> <ip-address> [port <port
number>] secret <shared secret> [auth-type
<PAP | MD5>] [timeout <timeout-value>]
[attempts <attempts-value>]
delete Removes a RADIUS server for remote
conf t radius-server delete -priority
modify Modifies a RADIUS server for remote
authentication. See the add
subcommand for option descriptions.
conf t radius-server modify -priority
<priority-value> <ip-address> [port <port
number>] secret <shared secret> [auth-type
<PAP | MD5>] [timeout <timeout-value>]
[attempts <attempts-value>]
conf t ramdisk
Configures log file synchronization between the RAM disk and the hard disk.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t ramdisk command uses the following options:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
force-sync Immediately synchronizes the RAM
disk with the hard disk. You can
synchronize all files, or specify alert,
audit, block, or sys.
conf t ramdisk force-sync all
conf t ramdisk force-sync <file>
sync-interval Sets the synchronization interval in
seconds. With a value of 0 (zero), all
writes are immediately written to the
hard disk. With a value of -1, the file is
written to the hard disk when a conf t
ramdisk force-sync command is
executed, the device is rebooted or
halted, or when the device enters high
availability fallback mode.
You must specify alert, audit, block,
or sys.
conf t ramdisk sync-interval <file>
conf t remote-syslog
Configures a remote recipient of IPS attack and block messages in syslog format.
Many operating systems provide the ability to receive remote syslog messages, and third-party remove syslog packages are also
Designating a remote syslog server does not automatically send attack and block notifications to that server. You must also select the
Remote System Log contact by going to the Filters/Vulnerability filters/Action Sets area in the LSM and either creating or editing an
action set. After you apply these changes, active filters that are associated with this action set will send remote messages to the
designated server.
Use remote syslog only on a secure, trusted network. Remote syslog, in adherence to RFC 3164, sends clear text log messages using
the UDP protocol. It does not offer any additional security protections. You should not use remote syslog unless you can be sure
that syslog messages will not be intercepted, altered, or spoofed by a third party.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t remote-syslog command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
add-event-info Enables or disables additional
information, including client IP address,
on the remote syslog.
conf t remote-syslog add-event-info enable
conf t remote-syslog add-event-info
audit Enables or disables remote syslog for
the Audit log.
conf t remote-syslog audit <IP address> -
port <port>
conf t remote-syslog no audit
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
delete Deletes a remote syslog collector. conf t remote-syslog delete <IP address> -
port <port>
rfc-format EnableDs or disables RFC format on
the remote syslog.
conf t remote-syslog rfc-format enable
conf t remote-syslog rfc-format disable
quarantine Enables or disables remote syslog for
the Quarantine log.
conf t remote-syslog quarantine enable
conf t remote-syslog quarantine disable
system Enables or disables remote syslog for
the System log.
conf t remote-syslog system <IP address> -
port <port>
conf t remote-syslog no system
update Creates or updates a remote syslog
collector. A collector is specified by IP
address and port. You also have the
option to include a delimiter and facility
numbers for alert messages, block
messages, and misuse/abuse
messages. Facility numbers can be any
number from 0-31 inclusive. Delimiter
options include tab, comma, semicolon,
and bar.
conf t remote-syslog update <IP address> -
port <port> -alert-facility <number>
conf t remote-syslog update <IP address> -
port <port> -block-facility <number>
conf t remote-syslog update <IP address> -
port <port> -misuse-facility <number>
conf t remote-syslog update <IP address> -
port <port> -delimiter <character>
conf t reputation
Configures the behavior of IP Reputation filters.
Reputation filters enable you to apply block, permit, or notify actions across an entire reputation group. For specific
information about configuring reputation groups, see conf t reputation groups.
When an IP address or DNS name is added to a reputation group, it is added to the device’s reputation database. Incoming
traffic is checked against the database, and the appropriate reputation filters are then applied. While the address or name is
being looked up, you can choose to have packets from a suspect address dropped or permitted. The TippingPoint SMS offers
additional reputation features; refer to the Tipping Point Security Management System User Guide for more information.
If you do not specify a security profile in which to configure the filter, the filter is applied to the Default security profile.
TippingPoint ThreatDV
The TippingPoint ThreatDV is a licensed service that identifies and delivers suspect IPv4, IPv6, and DNS addresses to
subscribers. The addresses are tagged with reputation, geographic, and other identifiers for ready and easy security policy
creation and management. The service provides the addresses and tags multiple times a day like Digital Vaccines do.
While any user can manually create reputation groups and filters, the ThreatDV is available only to users who have licensed the
service from TippingPoint. For more information about this service, ask your TippingPoint representative.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t reputation command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
The action that the IPS takes on traffic
coming from the specified IP address
while the IP reputation filter is caching
the address. The default action is
conf t reputation action-when-pending [-
profile <security profile name>] permit
conf t reputation action-when-pending drop
[-profile <security profile name>] permit
check-dest-address Enables or disables action on the traffic
destination IP address.
conf t reputation check-dest-address [-
profile <security profile name>] enable
conf t reputation check-dest-address [-
profile <security profile name>] disable
Enables or disables action on the traffic
source IP address.
conf t reputation check-source-address [-
profile <security profile name>] enable
conf t reputation check-source-address [-
profile <security profile name>] disable
filter Configures reputation filters and maps
a security profile to a reputation group.
delete-copy: Deletes a filter.
disable: Disables a filter without
deleting it.
enable: Enables a filter and maps
it to a reputation group.
The -threshold option sets a
reputation filter threshold based on the
IP reputation information maintained by
the TippingPoint TMC. Entries that
exceed the TMC-set threshold are
acted upon by the IPS.
conf t reputation filter <group name> [-
profile <security profile name>] delete-copy
conf t reputation filter <group name> [-
profile <security profile name>] disable
conf t reputation filter <reputation group
name> [-profile <security profile name>]
enable [-threshold <number>] -action-set
<action set name>
conf t reputation group
Creates and configures groups of IPv4, IPv6, and DNS addresses and define an action set to apply to all of those addresses.
After a group is configured, security profiles can be configured to apply reputation filters to the group.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t reputation group command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
add-domain Adds a domain to a reputation group. conf t reputation group add-domain <name>
add-ip Adds an IP address to a reputation
conf t reputation group add-ip <name>
create Creates an IP reputation group. conf t reputation group create <name> [-
description “description of option”]
delete Deletes an IP reputation group. conf t reputation group delete <name>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
remove-domain Removes a domain from a reputation
conf t reputation group remove-domain
<name> <domain>
remove-ip Removes an IP address from a
reputation group.
conf t reputation group remove-ip <name>
rename Renames an IP reputation group. conf t reputation group rename <old name>
<new name>
conf t segment
Configures and names segments, and also configures the intrinsic network high availability (INHA) action for segments.
On NX-Platform devices, ports are presented in the format Slot-Segment. For example, segment 4 on slot 3 would be
specified as “3-4”.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t segment command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
high-availabil ity Sets the intrinsic network high
availability (fallback) option for the
segment. If the segment is set to
block, all traffic through that segment
is denied in the fallback state. If the
segment is set to permit, then all traffic
is permitted in the fallback state.
conf t segment <segment name> high-
availability block
conf t segment <segment name> high-
availability permit
link-down Configures the Link-Down
Synchronization mode and timeout
length. The following modes are
hub: Ensures the partner port is
unaffected when the link goes
breaker: Requires both the port
and its partner to be manually
restarted when the link goes down.
wire: Automatically restarts the
partner port when the link comes
back up.
Valid range of timeout is 0 to 240
conf t segment <segment name> link-down hub
conf t segment <segment name> link-down
breaker -timeout <seconds>
conf t segment <segment name> link-down
wire -timeout <seconds>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
name Defines a name for the segment with a
maximum of 32 characters. Set the
name to
to remove the name from the segment.
Names must conform to the following
Can only contain letters A-Z and a-
z, digits 0-9, single spaces, periods
(.), underscores (_), and dashes
Must include at least one non-digit
Cannot begin or end with spaces.
conf t segment <segment name> name "<segment
physical-ports Specifies the physical ports. conf t segment physical-port <port a> <port
restart Restarts a segment. conf t segment <segment number> restart
sflow On NX-Platform devices only, enables
or disables sFlow sampling on the
specified segment. Specify a sampling
rate for <number>.
conf t segment <segment name> sflow enable
conf t segment <segment name> sflow disable
conf t server
Activates and deactivates communications services on your IPS device.
The conf t server command enables you to activate the telnet server and HTTP. Telnet and HTTP are not secure services. If
you enable telnet and HTTP, you endanger the security of your TippingPoint device. Use SSH instead of telnet and HTTPS instead
of HTTP when you are conducting normal operations.
The SMS requires HTTPS communications. If you turn off the HTTPS server, the SMS cannot manage your TippingPoint device.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t server command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
browser-check Enables and disables browser
conf t server browser-check
conf t server no browser-check
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
http Enables and disables HTTP. You must
reboot the device after changing HTTP
conf t server http
conf t server no http
https Enables and disables HTTPS. You
must reboot the device after changing
HTTPS settings.
conf t server https
conf t server no https
ssh Enables and disables SSH. conf t server ssh
conf t server no ssh
telnet Enables and disables telnet. conf t server telnet
conf t server no telnet
tls Enables and disables TLS v1.0, v1.1,
and v1.2 separately. By default, TLS
v1.1 and TLS v1.2 are enabled.
Beginning with TOS v3.9.1, TLS v1.0 is
disabled by default.
conf t server tls TLSv10
conf t server tls no TLSv10
conf t server tls TLSv11
conf t server tls no TLSv11
conf t server tls TLSv12
conf t server tls no TLSv12
conf t service-access
Enables and disables a special remote access user login that can be used by a TippingPoint technical support representative to
retrieve diagnostic information.
This special login functions only if you specifically enable it, and it will be deleted after the technical support representative
logs out. If you need technical support again in the future, you must reissue the command.
When you issue the configure terminal service-access command, the IPS returns the serial number and a “salt” value. You must
retain these numbers for the technical support representative.
To manually disable service access, use the conf t no service-access command.
Required privilege
conf t service-access
conf t session
Configures the display of the CLI session on your management terminal.
Except for the timeout option, configure terminal session commands are not persistent and session changes will be lost when
you log out. This command is enabled when the SMS manages the device.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User, Super-User only for timeout.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The conf t session command uses the following options:
Subcommand Description Usage
columns Sets the column width of the terminal
conf t session columns <number of columns>
more Enables or disables page-by-page
conf t session more
conf t session no more
rows Sets the row height of the session. conf t session rows <number of rows>
timeout Sets the inactivity timeout. The -
persist option applies this value to
future sessions for all users as well as
the current session.
conf t session timeout <minutes>
conf t session timeout <minutes> -persist
wraparound Enables or disables text-wrapping for
long text lines.
conf t session wraparound
conf t session no wraparound
conf t sms
Enables or disables SMS management of the IPS and configures SMS communications.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t sms command uses the following options:
Subcommand Description Usage
[no options] Enables SMS management. conf t sms
ip Sets the IP address and port of the
SMS that will manage the IPS.
conf t sms ip <IP address> -port <port>
must-be-ip Enables or disables restriction of SMS
management to a specified IP address.
Only the SMS with this IP can manage
the device.
conf t sms must-be-ip <IP address or CIDR>
conf t sms no must-be-ip
no Disables SMS management. conf t no sms
v2 Enables or disables SNMP v2
conf t sms v2
conf t sms no v2
v3 Enables or disables SNMP v3
conf t sms v3
conf t sms no v3
conf t snmpv3
Enables you to configure an SNMPv3 user.
A limit of 31 SNMPv3 users can be created at a time.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Required privilege
The conf t snmpv3 command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
add Creates a new SNMPv3 user.
-name: SNMPv3 username.
-authkey: (Required)
Authentication key or password. If
you specify an asterisk (*) for the
password, you will be prompted for
the password. Minimum of 8
-authalgorithm: Authentication
algorithm. Can be either md5 or
sha. The default is sha.
-privkey: Privacy key for
SNMPv3 responses. If you specify
an asterisk (*) for the password,
you will be prompted for the
password. Minimum of 8
characters. If this option is omitted,
the value suppled for -authkey is
-privalgorithm: Privacy
algorithm for SNMPv3 responses.
Can be either des or aes. The
default is aes.
conf t snmpv3 add -name <username> -
authkey <password> -authalgorithm <value> -
privkey <key value> -privalgorithm <value>
delete Removes an SNMPv3 user. No
SNMPv3 requests will succeed until a
replacement SNMPv3 user is defined.
conf t snmpv3 delete -name <username>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
modify Modifies an SNMPv3 user.
-name: SNMPv3 username.
-authkey: (Required)
Authentication key or password.
Minimum of 8 characters.
-authalgorithm: Authentication
algorithm. Can be either md5 or
sha. The default is whatever is
currently defined if no value is
-privkey: Privacy key for
SNMPv3 responses. Minimum of 8
characters. If this option is omitted,
the value suppled for -authkey is
-privalgorithm: Privacy
algorithm for SNMPv3 responses.
Can be either des or aes. The
default is whatever is currently
defined if no value is supplied.
conf t snmpv3 modify -name <username> -
authkey <password> -authalgorithm <value> -
privkey <key value> -privalgorithm <value>
conf t sntp
Configures SNTP timekeeping options.
Using external SNTP servers could possibly make your IPS susceptible to a man-in-the-middle attack. It is more secure to use an
SNTP server on a local, protected network.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t sntp command uses the following options:
Subcommand Description Usage
[no options] Enables SNTP. conf t sntp
duration Sets the interval at which the IPS
checks with the time server. A 0 (zero)
value causes time to be checked once
on boot.
conf t sntp duration <minutes>
no Disables SNTP. conf t no sntp
offset If the difference between the new time
and the current time is equal to or
greater than the offset, the new time is
accepted by the IPS. A 0 (zero) value
forces time to change every time the
IPS checks.
conf t sntp offset <seconds>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
port Identifies the port to use for the time
conf t sntp port <port>
primary Sets or removes the IP address of your
primary SNTP time server.
conf t sntp primary <IP address>
conf t sntp no primary
retries Sets the number of retries that the
device attempts before declaring the
SNTP connection is lost.
conf t sntp retries <number>
secondary Sets or removes the IP address of your
secondary SNTP time server.
conf t sntp secondary <IP address>
conf t sntp no secondary
timeout Sets the number of seconds that the
device waits before declaring the SNTP
connection is lost.
conf t sntp timeout <seconds>
conf t tacacs-server
Configures a TACACS+ server to be used for remote authentication for the device.
Required privilege
The conf t tacacs-server command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
add Configures a TACACS+ server for
remote authentication.
priority – Assigns the priority of the
remote server. Values are between
1 and 3.
server – Must be an IPv4 or IPv6
address in dotted format.
port – Available ports between 1
and 65535. Default is 49.
shared secret – Case-sensitive
string with a maximum length of 63
authentication type –
PAP (default)
timeout – Can be between 1 and
15 seconds. Default is 15 seconds.
Default is 3 seconds.
attempts allowed – Can be
between 1 and 10 attempts.
Default is 3 attempts.
conf t tacacs-server add -priority
<priority-value> <server> [-port <port
number>] -secret <shared secret> [-auth-type
<ASCII | PAP | CHAP | MSCHAP>] [-timeout
<timeout-value>] [-attempts <attempts-
delete Removes a TACACS+ server for
remote authentication.
conf t tacacs-server delete -priority
modify Modifies a TACACS+ server for remote
authentication. See the add
subcommand for option descriptions.
conf t tacacs-server modify -priority
<priority-value> <server> [-port <port
number>] -secret <shared secret> [-auth-type
<ASCII | PAP | CHAP | MSCHAP>] [-timeout
<timeout-value>] [-attempts <attempts-
conf t traffic-mgmt
Configures traffic management filters.
Required pPrivilege
Admin, Super-User
The following subcommands can be used to create or modify an existing traffic management filter. If more than one traffic
management profile is defined on the system, you must specify the profile name.
The conf t traffic-mgmt command uses the following options.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
icmp Enables SNTP. conf t traffic-mgmt icmp [-type <ICMP
type>] <filter name> [-profile <profile
name>] [-srcaddr <source IP address>] [-
destaddr <destination IP address>]
icmp6 Creates an ICMPv6 traffic management
filter. You can also specify the ICMPv6
type, or use any to apply the filter to all
conf t traffic-mgmt icmp6 [-type <ICMP
type>] <filter name> [-profile <profile
name>] [-srcaddr <source IP address>] [-
destaddr <destination IP address>]
ip Creates a IP traffic management filter.
You can also specify whether the IP
fragments are filtered with the -ip-
frag-only or -no-ip-frag-only
conf t traffic-mgmt ip [-ip-frag-only]
<filter name> [-profile <profile name>] [-
srcaddr <source IP address>] [-destaddr
<destination IP address>]
conf t traffic-mgmt ip [-no-ip-frag-only]
<filter name> [-profile <profile name>] [-
srcaddr <source IP address>] [-destaddr
<destination IP address>]
ip6 Creates a IPv6 traffic management
filter. You can also specify whether the
IP fragments are filtered with the -ip-
frag-only or -no-ip-frag-only
conf t traffic-mgmt ip6 [-ip-frag-only]
<filter name> [-profile <profile name>] [-
srcaddr <source IP address>] [-destaddr
<destination IP address>]
conf t traffic-mgmt ip6 [-no-ip-frag-only]
<filter name> [-profile <profile name>] [-
srcaddr <source IP address>] [-destaddr
<destination IP address>]
tcp Creates a TCP traffic management
filter. You can also specify the TCP
source and destination ports.
conf t traffic-mgmt tcp [-srcport <TCP
port>] [-destport <TCP port>] <filter name>
[-profile <profile name>] [-srcaddr <source
IP address>] [-destaddr <destination IP
udp Creates a UDP traffic management
filter. You can also specify the UDP
source and destination ports.
conf t traffic-mgmt udp [-srcport <UDP
port>] [-destport <UDP port>] <filter name>
[-profile <profile name>] [-srcaddr <source
IP address>] [-destaddr <destination IP
The following subcommands can be used only to modify an existing traffic management filter. If more than one traffic
management profile is defined on the system, you must specify the profile name.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Description Usage
allow Permits all traffic that fits the named
conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] allow
block Blocks all traffic that fits the named
conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] block
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
delete Deletes the named filter. conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] delete
position Changes the priority of the filter. conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] position <number>
rate-limit Rate-limits and applies the named
action set to all traffic that fits the filter.
conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] rate-limit <action set name>
rename Renames the filter. conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] rename
trust Enables trust of all packets that match
the filter.
conf t traffic-mgmt <filter name> [-profile
<profile>] trust
conf t tse
Configures settings for the Threat Suppression Engine (TSE).
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t tse command uses the following options.
Subcommand Description Usage
adaptive- filter Sets the adaptive filter mode to
automatic or manual.
conf t tse adaptive-filter mode automatic
conf t tse adaptive-filter mode manual
afc-severity Sets the severity of messages logged
by the Adaptive Filter Configuration
(AFC). Options include:
conf t tse afc-severity <severity>
Enables or disables asymmetric mode
for the TSE. Use asymmetric mode if
your network uses asymmetric routing.
conf t tse asymmetric-network enable
conf t tse asymmetric-network disable
congestion Enables or disables notification when
traffic congestion reaches a defined
conf t tse congestion notify enable -
threshold <threshold>
conf t tse congestion notify disable
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
connection- table Sets the timeout for the connection
non-tcp-timeout: Defines the
timeout for non-TCP connections.
The range is 30 to 1800 seconds.
timeout: Defines the global
connection table timeout. The
range is 30 to 1800 seconds.
trust-timeout: Defines the
timeout for the trust table. The
range is 30 to 1800 seconds.
conf t tse connection-table non-tcp-
timeout <seconds>
conf t tse connection-table timeout
conf t tse connection-table trust-timeout
gzip- compression Enables or disables GZIP
conf t tse gzip-compression enable
conf t tse gzip-compression disable
http-encoded-resp Specifies inspection of encoded HTTP
accelerated: Hardware
acceleration is used to detect and
decode encoded HTTP responses.
inspect: Enables strict detection
and decoding of HTTP responses.
ignore: The device does not
detect or decode HTTP responses.
url-ncr: Decodes URL and NCR
conf t tse http-encoded-resp accelerated
conf t tse http-encoded-resp inspect
conf t tse http-encoded-resp ignore
conf t tse http-encoded-resp url-ncr
[enable | disable]
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
http-mode Enables inspection of all HTTP filters
on all TCP traffic. This is useful in
configurations that require many more
than the eight standard and eight
configurable nonstandard HTTP ports.
No reboot is necessary after enabling
or disabling this feature.
This feature should only be
enabled on IPS devices that
primarily handle HTTP traffic.
Non-HTTP traffic, such as SMB
or FTP, can cause performance
degradation of the device.
Avoid using “well-known” port
numbers when mapping HTTP
traffic. Using port numbers
associated with other protocols
or applications could adversely
affect the operation of the
device. As a best practice, map
HTTP port numbers in the range
of 49152 – 65535. See http://
for a complete list of registered
port numbers.
conf t tse http-mode [enable | disable]
ids-mode Enables or disables IDS mode. When
enabled, IDS mode configures the
device to operate in a manner similar to
an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
Performance protection is
Adaptive Filtering mode is set to
Filters currently set to Block are
not switched to Permit, and Block
filters can be still be set.
IDS mode becomes disabled if
you manually enable
performance protection or set
Adaptive Filtering mode to
conf t tse ids-mode enable
conf t tse ids-mode disable
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
inspection-offload Offloads inspection processing from
your servers to improve network
auto: Determines when to use
hardware inspection offload.
full: Uses hardware inspection
offload whenever possible.
conf t tse inspection-offload auto
conf t tse inspection-offload full
logging-mode Sets the logging mode:
conditional: Improves performance
by turning off alert/block logging
when the device experiences a
specified amount of congestion.
This feature is enabled by default.
The -threshold setting defines
the percentage of packet loss that
turns off logging. The -period
setting sets the length of time
logging remains off.
unconditional: The device
always logs alerts and blocks,
even if traffic is dropped under
high load.
conf t tse logging-mode conditional -
threshold <percentage> -period <seconds>
conf t tse logging-mode unconditional
Sets the protection severity level for log
messages (default: warning). Options
conf t tse protection-severity <severity>
quarantine Sets the quarantine duration. The
range is 1 to 1440 minutes.
conf t tse quarantine <minutes>
Responds with NXDOMAIN (name does
not exist) to clients that make DNS
requests for hosts that are blocked.
conf t tse reputation nxdomain-response
conf t tse reputation nxdomain-response
sflow On NX-Platform devices only, enables
or disables global sFlow.
conf t tse sflow disable
conf t tse sflow enable
sflow collector On NX-Platform devices only, adds or
removes collector IP address. You must
manually enable the collector IP
address that you add. Two collector IP
addresses (either IPv4 or IPv6) are
supported for TOS V. 3.6.
conf t tse sflow collector add <IP Address>
<optional Port>
conf t tse sflow collector remove <IP
Address> <optional Port>
conf t user
Manages user accounts.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
This command is enabled when the device is managed by an SMS. For more information about editing user options, see conf t
user options.
Required privilege
All users can modify their own passwords. Only the super-user can execute other commands on user accounts.
The conf t user command uses the following subcommands.
Do not use quotation marks in passwords. Quotation marks are treated differently depending on how you enter them and where you
place them within a password and can lead to confusion when attempting to log in to the TippingPoint device.
Subcommand Description Usage
add Adds a user. Requires the following
name: Login name. Maximum of 31
auth: Specifies how user is
role: Privilege level. Privileges
can be operator, administrator, or
password: Password. Maximum 32
characters. If you do not create a
password, you will be asked if you
want to do so.
-tech-support: Enables the
Technical Support Landing Page
when the user logs in to the LSM.
(TippingPoint 10 only)
conf t user add <username> -password
<password> -auth [local | RADIUS | TACACS
+] -role <role>
enable Enables a user account that has been
disabled due to lockout or expiration.
conf t user enable <username>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
modify Modifies the named user. Requires one
or more of the following options:
auth: Specifies how user is
role: Privilege level. Privileges
can be operator, administrator, or
password: Password. Maximum 32
-tech-support: Enables the
Technical Support Landing Page
when the user logs in to the LSM.
(TippingPoint 10 only)
conf t user modify <username> -password
<password> -auth [local | RADIUS | TACACS
+] -role <role>
remove Removes a user login. conf t user remove <username>
conf t user options
Enables you to view or change the security options for all user accounts on the TippingPoint device.
If you use conf t user options without any options, it displays the current settings.
Security levels
Security levels are defined as follows:
Level 0: User names cannot contain spaces. Passwords are unrestricted.
Level 1: User names must contain at least 6 characters without spaces. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters
without spaces.
Level 2: Includes Level 1 restrictions and requires the following:
2 alphabetic characters
1 numeric character
1 non-alphanumeric character (special characters such as ! ? and *).
Required privilege
The conf t user options command uses the following subcommands:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
attempt-action Specifies the action to take when the
maximum number of login attempts is
disable: Requires a super-user to
re-enable the user.
lockout: Prevents the user from
logging in for the lockout-period.
notify: Posts a notification to the
audit log.
conf t user option attempt-action disable
conf t user option attempt-action lockout
expire-action Specifies the action to take when a
user account expires.
disable: Disables the account.
expire: Expires the account.
notify: Audits the expiration to
the audit log.
conf t user option expire-action disable
conf t user option expire-action expire
conf t user option expire-action notify
expire-period Sets the number of days before a
password expires. Valid values are 0,
10, 20, 30, 45, 90, 332, and 365. With a
value of 0, passwords do not expire.
conf t user option expire-period <value>
lockout-period Sets the number of minutes that a user
is locked out after the maximum
number of unsuccessful login attempts.
conf t user option lockout-period <value>
max-attempts Sets the maximum number of login
attempts that are permitted before the
action specified in attempt-action
takes place. Valid values are integers
between 1 and 10, inclusive.
conf t user option max-attempts <value>
security-level Sets the security level for user names
and passwords. Valid values are
integers between 0 and 2 inclusive.
Refer to the Security Levels section
conf t user option security-level <value>
conf t virtual-port
Configures the network virtual ports.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t virtual-port command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
add-row Configures the physical port, VLAN ID,
and CIDR associated with a virtual port.
Leaving an option blank sets the value
to any.
conf t virtual-port <port name> add-row -
port-list <physical port> -vlan-list <VLAN
ID> -cidr-list <CIDR address>
create Creates a virtual port and assigns a
name. The maximum number of
characters is 32. Spaces are not
allowed. Use the -description option
to add a description.
conf t virtual-port <name> create [-
description "<description>"] <zones>
delete Deletes a virtual port. conf t virtual-port <name> delete
description Enters a description of the virtual ports. conf t virtual-port <name> description
remove-row Removes the physical port, VLAN, and
CIDR associated with a virtual port,
resetting its values to any.
conf t virtual-port <port name> remove-row
rename Changes the name of the virtual ports. conf t virtual-port <name> rename <new
zones Sets the physical port list and VLAN list
for a virtual port.
conf t virtual-port <name> zones <VLAN
conf t virtual-segment
Configures, updates, or deletes network virtual segments.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The conf t virtual-segment command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Subcommand Description Usage
delete Deletes a virtual segment. conf t virtual-segment <incoming virtual
port> <outgoing virtual port> delete
position Sets the precedence of a virtual
segment. Assigning a position of 1
gives the segment topmost
conf t virtual-segment <incoming virtual
port> <outgoing virtual port> [-position
<position in list>]
update Creates, moves, or edits a virtual
conf t virtual-segment <incoming virtual
port> <outgoing virtual port> update
conf t vlan-translation
Adds or removes a VLAN translation setting.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
For detailed information about the concepts behind VLAN translation, refer to the information in the Local Security Manager
(LSM) User Guide. Use the -auto-reverse flag to automatically create a reverse VLAN translation.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
conf t vlan translation add <incoming VLAN ID> <outgoing VLAN ID>
conf t vlan translation add <incoming VLAN ID> <outgoing VLAN ID> -auto-reverse
conf t vlan translation remove <incoming VLAN ID> <outgoing VLAN ID>
Most debug commands should be used only when you are instructed to do so by TippingPoint technical support.
The following commands can be used to improve performance or diagnose network traffic:
debug information
debug np best-effort
debug np mcfilt-regex
debug reputation
debug snmp trap
debug traffic-capture
debug information
The debug information commands display process and CPU Utilization information.
To configure utilization statistics collection, see conf t cpu-utilization.
Required privilege
The debug information command uses the following subcommands.
Subcommand Description Usage
dp-ps Lists all processes. debug information dp-ps
netstat Prints network connections and
interface statistics.
debug information netstat
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
ticks Lists the number of processes currently
running in the control and data planes,
the maximum CPU usage, and the
average CPU usage. The following
options provide more information:
-details: Provides a more
detailed list of processes and CPU
-tiers: Lists processes and CPU
usage by tier.
debug information ticks
debug np best-effort
Best Effort mode protects latency-sensitive applications by not inspecting packets if the latency introduced by inspecting
them exceeds the configured threshold. When the latency reaches the specified threshold, permitted traffic is shunted until
latency falls to the user-defined recovery percentage. When performing SSL inspection, the latency measure and relief only
apply on inspection, and do not apply to the SSL and TCP proxy connections.
Best Effort Mode is not available on the TippingPoint 10, 110, and 330.
Required privilege
The debug np best-effort command uses the following subcommands.
Subcommand Description Usage
enable Enables Best Effort mode. debug np best-effort enable [-queue-
latency <microseconds>] [-recover-percent
disable Disables Best Effort mode. debug np best-effort disable
The debug np best-effort command uses the following options.
Option Description Usage
-queue- latency Defines the latency threshold at which
Best Effort mode is entered. The
default is 1000 microseconds.
debug np best-effort enable -queue-latency
-recover- percent Defines the recovery percentage at
which Best Effort mode is exited. The
default is 20%; if the latency threshold
is 1000 microseconds, the device exits
Best Effort mode when latency drops to
200 microseconds (20% of 1000).
debug np best-effort enable -recover-
percent <percent>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
debug np mcfilt-regex
The debug microfilter commands display or clear microfilter regular expression statistics.
Required privilege
The debug np mcfilt-regex command uses the following subcommands.
Subcommand Description Usage
clear Clears microfilter regular expression
debug np mcfilt-regex clear
show Displays microfilter regular expression
debug np mcfilt-regex show
debug reputation
The debug reputation commands are used to manage the IP reputation cache and database.
For more information about reputation, see conf t reputation and conf t reputation group.
Required privilege
The debug reputation command uses the following subcommands.
Subcommand Description Usage
clear-caches Clears the reputation caches. debug reputation clear-caches
debug snmp trap
The SNMP trap feature enables you to test SNMP trap functionality for NMS devices.
Required privilege
The debug snmp trap command uses the following subcommands.
Description Usage
list-ID Lists all the SNMP traps and their
object identifiers (OIDs) on a given IPS
debug snmp trap list-ID
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
test Sends a test SNMP trap request for the
specified OID to an NMS server.
Before using this command,
configure the NMS server using
the conf t nms trap-
destination add <IP address>
-port <port number> command.
Alternatively, configure the NMS
server by selecting System >
SMS/NMS from the LSM menu.
debug snmp trap test <trap-ID>
debug traffic-capture
The traffic capture feature enables you to capture a selection of traffic received by the device, including traffic that triggers
filters and traffic that does not trigger any filters.
You can capture up to 10,000,000 packets, 10 MB (10,000,000 bytes), or 100 files of IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. The traffic capture
files are saved on the external storage card.
When a traffic capture is close to filling the storage card, the traffic capture will stop and a warning message is recorded in the
system log.
Required privilege
The debug traffic-capture command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Subcommand Description Usage
list Returns a list of all traffic captures
currently saved on the IPS.
debug traffic-capture list
remove Removes a saved traffic capture. Use
the -f flag to force the removal of the
file when a traffic capture is in
debug traffic-capture remove <traffic
capture filename>
debug traffic-capture remove -f <traffic
capture filename>
start Initiates a traffic capture. This
subcommand can be used in
conjunction with the options or with an
debug traffic-capture start [-c <number of
packets>] [-C <file size>] [-i <virtual
segment>] [-w <file>] <expression>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
stop If only one traffic capture is currently in
progress, terminates the traffic capture
in progress.
If two or more traffic captures are
currently in progress, you must specify
a filename.
debug traffic-capture stop
debug traffic-capture stop <filename>
stop-all Stops traffic captures currently in
debug traffic-capture stop-all
The debug traffic-capture command uses the following options:
Option Description Usage
-c Defines the number of packets at which
the traffic capture will stop. The default
is 100.
debug traffic-capture start -c <number of
-C Defines the capture file size at which
the traffic capture will stop. The size is
defined in bytes. The default is 100000.
debug traffic-capture start -C <file size>
-i Sets the virtual segment on which the
traffic will be captured. The default is to
capture on all segments. The segment
should be defined with the syntax
debug traffic-capture start -i <virtual
segment> <expression>
-w Defines a name for the traffic capture
file. Do not include an extension; the
TOS will automatically append one.
The default file name is the date and
time at which the traffic capture was
initiated, in the format YYYYMMDD-
debug traffic-capture start -w <file>
Expression usage
Traffic capture expressions are used to narrow down the types of traffic that are captured. This feature supports true
tcpdump expressions. For more information about expression usage, refer to TCPDUMP expressions. The expression must be
enclosed in straight quotes (').
To capture only TCP traffic, enter the following command:
debug traffic-capture start 'tcp'
To capture all traffic to and from IP address, enter:
debug traffic-capture start 'host'
To capture all traffic from that address, enter:
debug traffic-capture start 'src'
To capture all traffic to that address, enter:
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
debug traffic-capture start 'dst'
To capture all traffic from that address to IP address, enter:
debug traffic-capture start 'src and dst'
The following, more complex example captures IPv4 HTTP packets on virtual segment 3A-3B that are transmitting to and
from port 80, and only includes packets that contain data. SYN, FIN, and ACK packets are excluded.
debug traffic-capture start -i 3A-3B 'tcp port 80 and
(((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)'
Manages FIPS authentication and key information.
For information on enabling FIPS mode, see conf t host.
Required privilege
The fips command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Subcommand Description Usage
auth delete Reboots the device and wipes out the
user database. Use the -add and -
password options to create a new
default super user. If you do not specify
a username and password, you will be
forced to create one via the serial port
terminal when the device reboots.
-add: Defines the new default
super-user name.
-password: Creates a password
for the user. If you specify an
asterisk (*) for the password, you
will be prompted for the password.
fips auth delete
fips auth delete -add <user name> -password
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
keys Manages generated keys and SSL
keys. You must specify two options for
managing SSL keys. The first option
specifies what to do with the generated
keep: Saves the keys when the
box is rebooted.
generate: Generates a new key
on reboot.
delete: Deletes the generated
keys on reboot.
The second option specifies the action
for the authorized SSL key that was
originally obtained with the device. This
option does not take effect until after a
keep: Saves the key.
delete: Deletes the default key.
restore-default: Restores the
default key.
fips keys <keep/generate/delete> <keep/
restore-ssl Restores the default SSL key. fips restore-ssl
Shuts down the IPS device.
Use the now option to shut the device down immediately. You can also enter 1 to 3600 seconds for the IPS to wait before
initiating the halt sequence. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to halt the device.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
halt now
halt <seconds>
Either forces the system into layer-2 fallback (also known as Intrinsic HA), or returns it to normal mode (inspection).
Although layer-2 fallback is a system-wide setting, you can configure whether traffic is permitted (default) or blocked on a
segment-by-segment basis using the conf t segment high-availability command.
This command can also control any bypass modules or zero-power HA devices used by the device.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
The high-availability command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
Subcommand Description Usage
force The fallback option forces the
TippingPoint into fallback or Intrinsic
Network High Availability (INHA) mode.
The normal option causes the
TippingPoint to return to normal (non-
INHA) operation .
high-availability force fallback
high-availability force normal
zero-power Forces a ZPHA module into one of two
normal: Traffic passes through the
bypass: Traffic bypasses the IPS.
With no options specified, this
command affects the external ZPHA
module. Use the -segment option to
set the mode of a Smart ZPHA module.
Use the -slot option to set the mode
for bypass I/O modules (BIOMs). A
ZPHA module can be one of the
An external module connected to
the device through the ZPHA
A Smart ZPHA module on the
2500N, 5100N, or 6100N.
A BIOM in the NX-platform
high-availability zero-power bypass-ips [-
segment <segment name>]
high-availability zero-power no bypass-ips
[-segment <segment name>]
high-availability zero-power bypass-ips [-
slot <slot number>]
high-availability zero-power no bypass-ips
[-slot <slot number>]
high-availability zero-power bypass-ips [-
high-availability zero-power no bypass-ips
Tests whether a particular IP address can be reached and how long it takes to receive a reply.
You can specify an IP address and a number of packets to send. You can send 1 to 9,999 packets.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The ping command uses the following options:
Description Usage
-q Suppresses statistics ping <IP address> <packet count> -q
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Option Description Usage
-v Returns verbose results. ping <IP address> <packet count> -v
-4 IPv4 traffic only. ping <IP address> <packet count> -4
-6 IPv6 traffic only. ping <IP address> <packet count> -6
Manages the quarantined traffic and IP addresses.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The quarantine command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
add Adds an IP address to the quarantine
list. You can also enter an action set
that applies to all traffic from that IP
quarantine add <IP address> <action set
empty FlushDes the quarantine list of all IP
quarantine empty
list Displays a list of quarantined IP
addresses. You can filter the addresses
with the filter subcommand and an
IP string, and you can use * as a
wildcard, as in 100.*.*.*.
Corresponds to the Quarantined
Address(es) panel on the Events >
Managed Streatms > Quarantined
Addresses page in the LSM.
quarantine list
quarantine list filter <IP address>
remove Removes an IP address from the
quarantine list.
quarantine remove <IP address>
Reboots the device.
You can specify a delay before the device reboots or execute the reboot immediately. Specify a full system restart with the -
full flag.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
reboot <0-3600>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
reboot -full
Runs the configuration wizard.
For more information about the configuration wizard, refer to Initial configuration. You can also use this command to run
specific sections of the configuration wizard.
Required privilege
Super-User; Super-User and Administrator for setup email-default
The setup command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
email- default Configures the default email contact. setup email-default
ethernet- port Configures the ethernet ports. setup ethernet-port
host Configures the management port. setup host
servers Configures Web, CLI, and SNMP
setup servers
sms Restricts SMS to a specified IP
setup sms
time Configures time management. setup time
vlan-translation Configures VLAN translation. setup vlan-translation
Displays the current status of hardware and software components.
To view the information in the current configuration files, use the show configuration command. See show configuration.
Required privilege
Admin, Operator, Super-User
Only users with Super-User role can use the show log audit command.
The show command uses the following subcommands.
The square brackets are included in usage examples for clarification purposes only, to indicate which flags and variables are optional.
Do not type these brackets when entering a command.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
action-sets Displays all action sets with their
settings and contacts.
show action-sets
arp Displays the link level ARP table. show arp
autodv Displays the state of the automatic DV
show autodv
auxdv Displays the Auxiliary DV packages
that are installed on the device.
show auxdv
clock Displays the time and timezone for the
internal clock.
show clock
show clock -details
compact-flash Displays whether the storage card is
mounted, and if so, its model number,
serial number, revision number,
capacity, operation mode, and mount
show compact-flash
default-alert-sink Displays the to and from addresses
and SMTP settings for the default alert
show default-alert-sink
default-gateway Displays the IP address of the default
show default-gateway
deployment-choices Displays the deployment modes
available for the device.
show deployment-choices
dns Displays the DNS that the device is
show dns
filter Displays description, status, and DV
package information for a filter
specified by filter number.
show filter <number>
fips Displays FIPS and key information.
Use the -details option for more
show fips
show fips -details
health Displays the disk space, memory
usage, power supply status,
temperature, fans, I2C bus timeouts,
and voltage of the device.
show health
show health disk-space
show health fan
show health i2c-bus
show health memory
show health power-supply
show health temperature
show health voltage
high-availability Displays the current HA status. On NX-
platforms, the status of each module
slot is displayed as being either normal
or IPS bypass.
show high-availability
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
host Displays the host management port
configurable options and the current
settings. Use the -details option for
more information.
show host
show host -details
inspection-bypass Displays the inspection bypass rules. show inspection-bypass
show inspection-bypass -details
interface Displays network interface data.
Specify one of the following:
mgmtEthernet: Management
ethernet: Port specifier (1A, 1B,
show interface mgmtEthernet
show interface ethernet
license Shows the license status for the TOS,
Digital Vaccine, and IP Reputation.
show license
log Displays a log file. Only users with
super-user privileges can view the audit
show log alert
show log audit
show log block
show log quarantine
show log summary
show log system
login-banner Displays the consent banner that
entrants see when accessing a private
show login-banner
mfg-info Displays manufacturing information,
including the device serial number and
MAC address.
show mfg-info
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
np Displays the network processor statistic
show np engine
show np engine filter
show np engine packet
show np engine parse
show np engine reputation dns
show np engine reputation ip
show np engine rule
show np general
show np general statistics
show np mcfilt-rule-stats
show np packet-size
show np packet-size
show np protocol-mix
show np reassembly
show np reassembly ip
show np reassembly tcp
show np rule-stats
show np softlinx
show np tier-stats
Displays the current NTP settings. show ntp
policy counters Displays the counters for Total, Invalid,
Alert, and Blocked.
show policy counters
profile Displays detailed information about a
named profile. Enclose the name of the
profile in quotes "".
show profile "<profile name>"
Displays category settings. show protection-settings -profile <profile
ramdisk Displays the RAM disk status. show ramdisk files
show ramdisk stats
rate-limit-speeds Displays all valid rate limit speeds. show rate-limit-speeds
reputation Displays the reputation groups and
show reputation
show reputation filter <filter name>
show reputation groups
reputation lookup Looks up an address in the reputation
show reputation lookup <IP address>
routes Displays the configured routes. show routes
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
server Displays the servers running on the
show servers
service-access Displays the status of service access to
the device.
show service-access
session Displays the current session settings. show session
slot Displays slot configuration, including
the module type currently in the slot.
show slot
sms Indicates whether an SMS is managing
the device and displays information
about the SMS.
show sms
snmpv3 Displays the current SNMPv3 settings. show snmpv3
sntp Displays the current SNTP settings. show sntp
stacking Displays stacking status information. show stacking
tacacs-server Displays operational information about
servers configured for TACACS+
remote authentication.
show tacacs-server
timezones Displays the available time zones. show timezones
traffic-mgmt Displays all traffic management filters
defined in a traffic management profile.
You must specify the profile by name
unless there is only one profile on the
show traffic-mgmt -profile <profile name>
tse Displays information and settings
regarding the Threat Suppression
show tse adaptive-filter top-ten
show tse connection-table blocks
show tse connection-table timeout
show tse connection-table trusts
show tse rate-limit streams
user Displays the user login accounts on the
TippingPoint device.
show user
show user -details
version Displays the version of the TOS
software running on the IPS device
including the versions of all installed
DVs (base DV, ThreatDV, Auxiliary
To view any custom DV Toolkit package
that is installed on the device, refer to
the Update Summary page on the
show version
virtual-port Displays information about a virtual
show virtual-port <port number>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
virtual- segments Displays all of the virtual segments
configured on the device.
show virtual-segments
show configuration
Shows persistent configuration settings on the IPS.
Show configuration commands can be used to feed configuration information back to the console. Without options, the
command shows the system’s configuration.
You can use the abbreviation show conf. Also, you can define an alias using the alias command.
Required privilege
Admin, Operator, Super-User
The show configuration command uses the following subcommands:
Subcommand Description Usage
action-set Lists all action sets that have been
defined for this device. You can also
view a single action set by
specifying the action set name.
show conf action-set
show conf action-set <action set name>
authentication Displays the remote authentication
show conf authentication
autodv Shows configuration settings for the
automatic update service for Digital
Vaccine packages.
show conf autodv
category-settings Shows configuration settings for
filter categories. You can also view
the settings for a single profile by
specifying the profile name.
show conf category-settings
show conf category-settings -profile
<profile name>
clock Shows time zone and daylight
savings time settings.
show conf clock
compact-flash Shows the storage card operation
show conf compact-flash
default-alert-sink Shows the default email address to
which attack alerts will be directed.
show conf default-alert-sink
default-gateway Shows the device default gateway. show conf default-gateway
email-rate-limit Shows the maximum number of
email notifications the system sends
every minute. The minimum is 1;
the maximum is 35.
show conf email-rate-limit
filter Shows the filter data for a specific
filter, identified by filter number.
show conf filter <number>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
high-availability Shows high availability
configuration settings.
show conf high-availability
host Shows the host name and location. show conf host
inspection-bypass Shows the current inspection
bypass rule configuration.
show conf inspection-bypass
interface When used without qualifiers,
shows configuration of all ports.
ethernet: Shows Ethernet port
information. Without options,
this subcommand shows the
status of all Ethernet ports. Use
port specifiers (1A, 2A, etc.) to
view the status of a single port.
mgmtEthernet: Shows
Management Ethernet port
settings: Shows the
persistent configuration
settings for MDI-detection.
show conf interface
show conf interface ethernet
show conf interface mgmtEthernet
show conf interface settings
lcd-keypad Shows the configuration setting for
the LCD keypad.
show conf lcd-keypad
log Shows log configuration. show conf log
show conf log audit-log
show conf log snmp-add-event-info
login-banner Displays the consent banner that
entrants see when accessing a
private website.
show conf login-banner
monitor Shows the persistent configuration
of monitor thresholds.
show conf monitor
nms Shows the NMS settings. show conf nms
notify-contacts Shows the notification contacts and
show conf notify-contacts
ntp Shows the NTP configuration
show conf ntp
port Shows the configuration of all ports
on the IPS.
show conf port
profile Lists all profiles that have been
configured on the device. You can
view an individual profile by
including the profile name.
show conf profile
show conf profile <profile name>
protection-settings Shows the protection settings. You
can also view the settings for a
single profile by specifying the
profile name.
show conf protection-settings
show conf protection-settings -profile
<profile name>
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
radius-server Shows the properties of any
RADIUS servers configured for
remote authentication.
show conf radius-server
ramdisk Shows the RAM disk configuration. show conf ramdisk
remote Shows any RADIUS or SMS
servers configured for remote
show conf remote
remote-syslog Shows the remote syslog
configuration and the IP address of
the remote log.
show conf remote-syslog
reputation Shows the configuration of
reputation filters and groups, and of
the IP Reputation feature.
show conf reputation
show conf reputation group
show conf reputation filter
segment Shows the segment configuration.
You can view an individual segment
by including the segment name.
show conf segment
show conf segment <segment name>
server Shows the device server
show conf server
service-access Shows whether service access is
enabled or disabled.
show conf service-access
session Shows the session timeout settings.
Use show session to view the
current session configuration.
show conf session
sms Shows if SMS is enabled and other
SMS configuration settings.
show conf sms
snmpv3 Shows whether an SNMPv3 user
has been defined.
show conf snmpv3
sntp Shows the SNTP configuration. show conf sntp
tacacs-server Shows the properties of any
TACACS+ servers configured for
remote authentication.
show conf tacacs-server
traffic-mgmt Shows the traffic management
show conf traffic-mgmt
tse Shows the TSE information,
including connection table timeout,
sFlow (NX-platform devices only),
asymmetric network setting,
adaptive aggregation threshold,
adaptive filter mode, and IDS mode.
show conf tse
user Shows user options. Use the -
details option to view additional
show conf user
show conf user -details
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
virtual-port Shows virtual port configuration. To
show the configuration of a specific
virtual port, specify the virtual port
show conf virtual-port
show conf virtual-port <virtual port name>
virtual-segments Shows the configuration of the
virtual segments.
show conf virtual-segments
vlan-translation Shows the VLAN translation
show conf vlan-translation
show np tier-stats
Displays throughput and efficiency across the different inspection tiers of this device. Use this information to diagnose
certain performance-related issues. Run this command on a stacking device to display its stacking statistics.
Required privilege
Admin, Operator, Super-User
This is the default output for an IPS device with stacking enabled.
Stack : Segment Ports
Segment Rx Mbps = 111.0 (111.0)
Segment Tx Mbps = 111.0 (111.0)
Stack Balance (A/B/C) = 99.5% [93.5%]
drgproto208 Rx Mbps = 40.0 (40.0)
drgproto212 Rx Mbps = 40.1 (40.1)
dragproto216 Rx Mbps = 39.5 (39.5)
Segment ratio to tier 1 = 33.4% [32.4%]
Stack : Stack Ports
Stack Rx Mbps = 79.6 (79.6)
Stack Tx Mbps = 79.6 (79.6)
Stack Rx > Stack Tx Mbps = 0.0 (0.0)
Stack Rx > Seg Tx Mbps = 79.6 (79.6)
Stack Rx > Tier 1 = 0.0 (0.0)
Tier 1:
Rx Mbps = 40.0 (40.0)
Tx Mbps = 39.8 (39.8)
Rx packets/sec = 32,511.0 (32,511.0)
Tx packets/sec = 32,384.0 (32,384.0)
Bypass packets/sec = 0.0 (0.0)
Bypass to Rx ratio = 0.0%
A/B/C Balance = 99.4% (A: 13,429.0 B: 13,731.0 C: 13,698.0)
Utilization = 0.5% ( 0.5%)
Ratio to next tier = 100.0% [ 82.8%]
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Tier 2:
Tx trust packets/sec = 0.0 (0.0)
Utilization = 0.1% ( 0.1%)
Ratio to next tier = 100.0% [ 98.2%]
Tier 3:
Rx Mbps = 36.6 (37.1)
Rx packets/sec = 30,140.0 (30,951.0)
Tx trust packets/sec = 0.0 (0.0)
Utilization = 0.1% ( 0.1%)
Ratio to next tier = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Tier 4:
Rx Mbps = 0.0 (0.0)
Rx packets/sec = 0.0 (0.0)
Rx due to:
Trigger match = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Reroute = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Protocol decode = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
TCP sequence = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Tx trust packets/sec = 0.0 (0.0)
Utilization = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Ratio tier 4 to deep = 0.0% ( 0.0%)
Inspection Tier Description
Stack : Segment Ports This inspection tier presents the total I/O module throughput for the network segment device as
well as the receive rates from the I/O module to each stack member.
When stacking is enabled, the following information is displayed:
Segment Rx Mbps displays the aggregate received traffic from all network segments on this
Segment Tx Mbps displays the aggregate traffic transmitted from all network segments on
this device.
Stack Balance (A/B/C) displays the load balance percentage, in which 100% equates to
perfect balance across the number of devices in the stack. For devices that are in Intrinsic
HA L2FB, the Rx rate is zero, and this zero value is included in the load balance
calculation. This statistic is similar to the A/B/C Balance percentage in Tier 1.
<host n> Rx Mbps displays the traffic balanced from this device's network segments
to the other devices in the stack.
Note that the number of packets going through each host is flow-based, so it is not
uncommon to see a slight difference between them.
Segment ratio to tier 1 displays the percentage of traffic being inspected by this
device as a ratio of the segment Rx traffic.
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Inspection Tier Description
Stack : Stack Ports This inspection tier presents stacking port throughput, including through traffic and return traffic
When stacking is enabled, the following information is displayed:
Stack Rx Mbps displays the aggregate received traffic from both stacking ports.
Stack Tx Mbps displays the aggregate traffic that is transmitted from both stacking ports.
Stack Rx > Stack Tx displays the total amount of transit or through traffic on the stacking
ports, for example, traffic received on Stack port 1 which is forwarded by the switch to stack
port 2.
Stack Rx > Seg Tx displays the amount of return traffic coming in on a stacking port that
is returning to the outbound network segment.
Stack ratio to tier 1 displays the percentage of traffic being inspected by this device
as a ratio of the stack Rx traffic.
Tier 1
This inspection tier is responsible for inspection bypass rules and Intrinsic HA L2FB, which
prevents network traffic from going to the next tier. This tier is also responsible for the rate
limiter, inspection bypass rules, jumbo packet shunting, and the hardware watchdog timer.
Rx Mbps and Tx Mbps and Rx packet/sec and Tx packet/sec indicate how much
traffic is entering the inspection engine from all the segments. A value in parentheses ()
represents the high-level watermark and a value in brackets [] represents the low-level
watermark since the IPS was powered on or the tier statistics were reset.
Use the clear np tier-stats CLI command to reset tier statistics.
Bypass Mbps displays the current and maximum throughput that matches an inspection
bypass rule. Traffic that matches an inspection bypass rule does not count towards the IPS
inspection limits.
A/B/C Balance displays how well the flows are being balanced between the XLRs:
100% indicates an even balance across all three XLRS, which is ideal.
0% means that all traffic is going to a single XLR.
Note that the number of packets going through each XLR is flow-based, so it is not
uncommon to see a slight difference between them.
Utilization displays the percentage of rated system throughput and the percentage of
traffic to the next tier.
Inspection bypass rules reduce the value of both Utilization and Ratio to next tier.
Tier 2
This inspection tier is responsible for load-balancing TCP flows through the KS threads. This
tier is also responsible for managing traffic management trusts and block filters to prevent traffic
from proceeding to the next tier.
Ratio to next tier accounts for Traffic Management Trust and Block rules and Traffic
normalization filters. TCP ACKs are trusted by default, and reduce the Tier 2 ratio to the next
Tier 3 This inspection tier is responsible for finding suspicious traffic that needs to undergo deep
inspection. This tier is also responsible for IPv6 + GRE and Mobile IPv4 tunnels, IP reassembly,
maintaining the connection table, and TCP state tracking. If triggers are found, this tier
determines what filters need to be checked against the packet or flow, turns on soft-reroute for
the flow, and, if necessary, sends the packet or flow for deep packet inspection.
This section displays how much traffic the KS threads and IP reassembly inspect:
Ratio to next tier shows the percentage of traffic that needs TCP reassembly or is
suspicious (matched a trigger).
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Inspection Tier Description
Tier 4 This inspection tier is responsible for TCP reassembly and threat verification which includes
header-based checks, protocol decoders, content search, and regular expression matching.
This tier is also responsible for action handling, regardless of whether the packet is dropped,
rate limited, or rate limited in the connection table.
Rx due to indicates why traffic is going to deep packet inspection:
Trigger match. Displays the percentage of traffic that matched a trigger.
Rx due to Reroute. When a packet matches a trigger the following packets which
belong to the same flow are required for threat verification.
TCP sequence. If traffic cannot be reordered by KS threads using loopy packet, it must
go to Tier 4 for reordering.
Ratio to next tier. Displays the percentage of traffic that matched a filter, regardless of
the Action Set.
Tuning is required if congestion is occurring or if an IPS is being operated close to its maximum
rated throughput. The deeper a flow is inspected, the more processing is required. Therefore,
the most performance gains that can be attained by optimizing the KS threads at this level
(Tiers 3 and 4). The three most process-intensive operations are:
IP reassembly
Threat verification
TCP packet reordering
show stacking
Enter this command to show stacking status information.
Required privilege
Admin, Operator, Super-User
The following example shows the default output for a device that does not support stacking. To support stacking, the device
must be a supported model running TippingPoint Operating System (TOS) v3.9.0 (or later).
ips# show stacking
This device does not support stacking.
The following example shows the default output for a supported device that is not a member of the stack. Unlike the SMS,
the device does not validate the presence of the 40 GbE QSFP+ NX module in slot 4.
ips# show stacking
Stack member summary
Stacking enabled : No
Stacking active : No
Stack member state : Device Ready to Inspect - Normal
Stack master : No
The following example shows the output for the same device after adding it to a stack of three devices.
ips# show stacking
Stack member summary
Stacking enabled : Yes
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Stacking active : Yes
Stack member state : Device Ready to Inspect - Normal
Stack master : No
Stack summary
Number of devices configured in stack : 3
Number of devices required in stack : 2
Stack state : Stack Ready to Inspect - Normal
Device Hostname Advertised State
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------
device01 (local host) Device Ready to Inspect - Normal
device02 (master) Device Ready to Inspect - Normal
device03 Device Ready to Inspect - Normal
Parameter Information
Stacking enabled Indicates whether stacking is enabled on the device.
Stacking active Indicates whether stacking is currently functioning.
Stack member state Indicates the current working state of this device on the stack.
Stack master Indicates whether this device manages the state of the stack.
Number of devices configured in stack Indicates the number of TippingPoint IPS devices that are
connected together through the stacking bus.
Number of devices required in stack Indicates the minimum number of devices that must be
available to the stack for normal operation. If the number of
normal devices falls below this threshold, the stack goes into
Intrinsic HA L2FB.
Advertised state Indicates the state that the device advertises to the stack
Creates and manages snapshots of the device configuration settings.
These snapshots can be applied to other devices, to roll back to previous configurations, and to back up the current
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User
The snapshot command uses the following subcommands:
Description Usage
create Creates a snapshot with the given
snapshot create <snapshot name>
list Lists all snapshots saved on the
snapshot list
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
Subcommand Description Usage
remove Deletes the named snapshot. snapshot remove <snapshot name>
restore Replaces the current configuration
settings with the settings in the named
snapshot. This process can take some
time and will require a reboot of the
snapshot restore <snapshot name>
The snapshot command uses the following options.
Including Reputation addresses and ThreatDV can generate a very large snapshot file.
Option Description Usage
When this flag is included in the
command, the snapshot includes the
files from the ThreatDV package in the
snapshot create -include-reputation
When this flag is included in the
command, the snapshot includes the
user-defined IP and DNS reputation
entries in the snapshot.
snapshot create -include-manual-entries
-include-network When this flag is included in the
command, the snapshot includes
management port configuration
snapshot create -include-network
-exclude-network When this flag is included with the
snapshot restore command, the
snapshot excludes management port
configuration information during the
restore process.
snapshot create -exclude-network
Polls the IPS for statistics and other relevant information and sends the information as a clear-text email message to the
specified TippingPoint Technologies email address.
You should execute this command only when requested by TippingPoint support personnel.
Use the -include-snapshot option to include a system snapshot in the report.
The command can take up to a minute to execute. The default email options must be configured with the setup command
for the email transfer to succeed.
Required privilege
Admin, Super-User, Operator
tech-support-report <email address> "<description>"
IPS Command Line Interface Reference
tech-support-report <email address> "<description>" -include-snapshot
TCPDUMP expressions
The debug traffic capture command uses TCPDUMP expressions to define the traffic captures.
For more information about TCPDUMP expressions, see the TCPDUMP man page at