Resolving IC analysis issues
and detection
Pumps, eluent
delivery, and
Electrolytic eluent
Peak shape
Sample injection
Resolving IC analysis issues
Ion Chromatography (IC) is the premier technique for determining ionic compounds in solution.
The basic components consist of an eluent source, pump, sample injector, separating column,
suppressor, and detector. As with any lab instrumentation, your IC system should be serviced
regularly to ensure peak performance. If problems arise that are not addressed by routine
maintenance, this troubleshooting guide provides you with suggested solutions so you can
quickly resume
generating the accurate, reliable data that Thermo Scientific
systems are known for.
Common IC Issues
(Click on number to jump to section)
Thermo Scientific
Sample injection
Ensure injection-valve materials are compatible with eluent conditions before use. If possible, filter all standards and
samples before injection, and ensure that the sample syringe is free of bubbles before sample loading. If possible, use
suction to draw sample into loop to avoid contamination or carryover from syringe.
No peaks Check that the injector valve is plumbed correctly and is switching correctly. If using an autosampler,
check for trapped air bubbles, check correct location of samples and wash solutions, and check
that sampling needle is reaching the sample. Check needle tip for damage and ensure needle is
aligned properly with the injection port and is not leaking. For dual systems sharing an autosampler,
check the injection valve configuration and ensure the correct valve is switching.
Poor injection
Ensure use of factory recommended autosampler settings and that the injection valve waste line
is routed as recommended in the manual. Check sample transfer line calibration. Check syringe
operation and replace, if necessary. As above, check the autosampler operation, and check for air
bubbles. Check and wash the rotor and seals, replacing if necessary. For manual injection, leave the
needle in the needle port while switching the valve to inject. Check the stability of the sample and
Sample carryover Check the sample and standard compatibility with eluent and for signs of sample precipitation.
Flush the injection loop with up to 10 volumes of sample before injection. For problematic (viscous)
samples, dilute further if possible.
Reduced or reducing
peak heights
Check for adsorption, precipitation, or evaporation of sample or sample components within sample
vial or connecting tubing. Carry out the above maintenance procedures to ensure correct valve
Excessive pressure and
pressure spikes during
Confirm that the valve is switching quickly and smoothly. Ensure that the valve and loop are free
from salt deposits and signs of precipitation. Wash (sonicate) or replace rotor, seals, and loop as
Leaking injector May be caused by a worn or scratched injector valve rotor or a damaged injector rotor and needle
seals. Remove each, wash, check, and replace if necessary.
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In IC, analyte retention is dependent upon eluent strength and, for weak anion and cation exchangers, pH.
Variation in retention is generally the result of eluent preparation errors or pump issues.
Symptom Solution
retention times
Column usage can affect capacity. Reproduce the production test chromatogram using conditions
noted on the Quality Assurance Report that was shipped with the column to assess column
performance. If capacity has been lost, attempt column regeneration per the manufacturer’s
recommendations or replace the column. Check the eluent concentration. Irreversible adsorption of
highly charged species from samples will reduce available capacity. Check the sample for potential
sources of column fouling. Use IC sample preparation to minimize matrix effects and
prevent column fouling.
retention times
Verify that the actual eluent concentration and flow rate are what have been specified in the method.
For organic ions, check secondary hydrophobic interactions (switch to more hydrophilic ion
exchange column if available).
retention times
Check the eluent concentration and pump stability. Ensure that there is sufficient equilibration time
between runs. Check injection volumes and concentrations of sample and standard; if the column is
being overloaded, try a higher capacity column, or inject a smaller volume. To eliminate fluctuations
due to changes in room temperature, place column in thermostatted oven.
Detection and detectors
Suppressed conductivity detection is by far the most common detection mode for modern IC. Other commonly used
detectors include UV absorbance and electrochemical. For all detector types,
eluent purity and correct preparation are
key to successful IC separations.
Symptom Solution
Excessive noise Check all predetection modules (including suppressor) for sources of noise and eliminate.
Check for trapped air bubbles in detection cell. Check detection cell for any visible contamination and
clean if necessary. Check lamp usage time (UV absorbance detection), replace if necessary.
Baseline drift Check for changes or drift in flow rate. Check for fluctuations in room temperature. Use column
and detector cell temperature control (conductivity detection). Check for column bleed and
contamination (remove column and remeasure baseline drift). For absorbance detection, ensure
sufficient warm-up and check lamp usage time.
Periodic baseline
If fluctuations appear to be synchronous with pump cycle, purge the pump and check for general
functionality. To eliminate the potential for air in the fluidics, degas eluents or source water
(for eluent generation) and purge pump.
No peaks Check the injector operation. Check standard integrity. As above, ensure that all predetector
modules are operating correctly. Check the baseline noise. To verify detector operation, remove
the column and inject standard to observe response. For UV absorbance detection, ensure correct
wavelength setting.
Lack of analyte
Carry out a signal-to-noise analysis and compare to previous data. Verify the eluent conditions
and suppressor function (conductivity detection). Check the eluent composition and background
conductivity or absorbance (high background signal can obscure analyte peaks.) Check for proper
injector functioning.
Nonlinearity Check the system precision, both with and without column. Check the baseline and standard
stability over time. Ensure that the signal-to-noise ratio is constant. Work above 10:1 signal-to-noise
ratio for quantitation. Make sure you are not overloading the column. Establish and work within linear
range. Note: For weak acid and weak base species, conductivity is fundamentally nonlinear.
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Peak shape
Poor peak shapes are generally a sign of secondary (non-ion exchange) interactions with components within the
system, stationary phase, suppressor membranes, or adsorbed contaminants (such as metal ions). For increased
IC column lifetime, always prepare eluents from deionized water (resistance over 18 MΩ -cm) and highest purity
(manufacturer-recommended) reagents. Always use a guard column.
Symptom Solution
Tailing peaks Reproduce the production test chromatogram using conditions noted on the Quality Assurance
Report that was shipped with the column to assess column performance. Check for improper tubing
connections (use of Dionex IC PEEK Viper fittings is recommended). Check if tailing occurs with
all peaks or only with certain analyte classes or individual ions (this will help identify if secondary
interactions are causing tailing). For unwanted hydrophobic interactions, use a more hydrophilic
column or use an organic solvent additive to eluent (check complete system compatibility). If metal
contamination is suspected use the manufacturer’s recommended column reconditioning procedures.
Fronting peaks Check the column capacity and avoid sample overloading. Check the eluent concentration
setting for eluent generation cartridge in Thermo Scientific
Chromatography Data
System (CDS) software, or manual eluent preparation calculations and pH. Check for possible
column voiding or packing irregularities and replace the column, if necessary.
Split peaks These are most often caused by column overloading. See above advice for fronting peaks.
This may be a sign of column void, in which case the column requires replacing.
Ghost peaks Check the system for contamination. Sources can include deionized water system tubing, manually
prepared eluent reagents, and autosampler wash water. Ensure complete elution of strongly retained
ions before the next sample injection. System peaks are often seen when peaks appear because of
eluent ion retention.
Selectivity refers to the relative order in which retained analytes elute from a column. Considerable variety exists
in IC stationary phase chemistry, including a range of strong, weak, and mixed-mode ion exchangers based upon
nonporous, porous, and agglomerated resins (and monoliths), together with a large range of silica-based phases.
In IC, eluent pH can play a significant role in selectivity for weakly acidic and basic ions, and affect retention and
selectivity on weak ion exchangers. Use the Virtual Column online tool available on AppsLab to find the best
Thermo Scientific
IC column for your analytes of interest.
Symptom Solution
Reduced resolution Check eluent concentration and pH (particularly important when using weak ion exchangers and
nonsuppressed detection modes). Verify proper pump function. Check the column temperature
stability and use a thermostatted column oven, if available. Reproduce the production test
chromatogram using conditions noted on the Quality Assurance Report that was shipped with the
column to assess column performance. Check for sample matrix effects.
Increased resolution As above. Increased retention of solitary or specific ions indicates system contamination. Apply
regeneration or washing procedures and repeat.
Changes in column-to
column selectivity
Check to see if the difference is due to lot-to-lot variation by comparing the column performance
certificates (Quality Assurance Report, QAR). Check the column usage history. Apply regeneration
or washing procedures.
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Electrolytic suppression
Always ensure that the manufacturer’s guidelines for correct hydration, startup, operation, shutdown, and storage
are followed precisely to avoid irreversible damage. If error messages are observed, consult the operation
manual before attempting a solution. Always check solvent compatibility of electrolytic modules before using organic
solvents within IC eluents.
Symptom Solution
Leaking suppressor
Check that connectors and tubing are correctly fitted. With suppressor module off-line, check back
pressure of downstream modules and eliminate any excess pressure sources (see suppressor
manual for detailed instructions). Check inlet and outlet flow for both regenerant and eluent solutions
independently to detect leaks across suppressor membranes. If breakthrough is detected, replace
Increasing background
and baseline noise
Check and reduce excess back pressure (ensure that the conductivity cell is operating at
recommended back pressure). Check eluent and regenerant solution purity and flow. If noise
continues, carry out suppressor cleaning and regeneration procedures per the manufacturer’s
Baseline spiking Ensure that the correct suppressor settings are being used. Ensure the purity and gas-free condition
of all solutions. Remove traces of contamination with cleaning procedures and rehydrate the module.
Poor linearity and
deteriorating peak
For anion-exchange IC, poor peak shapes can result from metal ion contamination of the membrane.
Regeneration or cleanup of the membranes using the manufacturer’s recommended procedures
should be attempted.
Electrolytic eluent generation
Always ensure that the manufacturer’s guidelines for correct startup, operation, shutdown, and storage
are followed precisely to avoid irreversible damage. If error messages are observed, consult the operation
manual before attempting a solution. Always check solvent compatibility of electrolytic modules before using organic
solvents within IC eluents.
Symptom Solution
Leaking eluent
generator cartridge
Check and tighten the fittings. Check for tubing blockages and high system back pressure. If the
cartridge itself leaks, replace cartridge.
No power Check the power supply, connections, and contacts.
Low system pressure Check cartridge and EG degasser for leaks and if present, replace. Ensure high-pressure pump
is primed.
No peaks Confirm that the correct concentration has been set in the instrument method. Ensure that the eluent
concentrate cartridge has not been exhausted.
High eluent background Check the water supply purity. Ensure that the continuously regenerated trap column is replaced
each time the eluent cartridge is replaced or after one year of use. Verify proper suppressor operation.
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Pumps, eluent delivery, and pressure
Typically, in ion chromatography, inert (PEEK) dual piston pumps are used. Stainless steel pumps designed for
use with HPLC, should be avoided due to incompatibility with IC eluents. Check all deionized water and eluent
reservoirs and connecting tubing for signs of contamination and particulates. Only use the highest quality sources for
preparation of eluents and filter them before use.
Symptom Solution
Fluctuating and
pulsing flow
Purge the pumps with degassed eluent. Persistent bubbles in the pump heads usually can be
removed using degassed methanol or propanol. If pulsing persists, remove the check valves and
wash (sonicate in water-methanol). If the problem persists, consider replacing the seals and cleaning
the pump heads. Ensure that sufficient system back pressure is provided.
Fluctuating pressure
As above, carry out purging, cleaning, and maintenance procedures.
Air bubbles Filter using a 0.45 µm inert hydrophilic filter (avoid cellulose) and degas all eluents thoroughly, using
sonication under vacuum. Purge the pumps each time fresh eluent or water is prepared.
Leaking pump heads Check the seals and replace, if necessary. Check instrument manual for eluent compatibility with
pump seals.
Salt deposits Wash with water to remove (check piston for scratches and replace, if scratched). Check the piston
heads for leaks. Replace the seals if necessary.
High back pressure Ensure pump flow rate is not set too high. Check for excess backpressure tubing installed between
the pump and injection valve, and remove or replace, as needed. Ensure the IC system can support
the typical operating pressure of the installed column as specified in product manuals. Check
the guard column for blocked frits and replace, if necessary. Check each module and waste line
for blockages and ensure that fittings are not overtightened. Ensure tubing of the correct internal
diameter is used throughout the IC system and that there are no excessive bends.
Simplified online ordering
Make it easy on your lab by ordering ion chromatography columns and ion chromatography and sample
preparation consumables online. Quick and easy 24/7 ordering is available to customers in the U.S. and Canada.
If you have never ordered through our website before, visit to register today!
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to start ordering now!
Instrument service support
For Dionex technical support, call 1-800-532-4752, option 2 or email
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Impactful ion chromatography is about so much more than just the final result. It’s about
how you got there. How easy it was. How fast it was. And most importantly, it’s about
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