Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Finesse Agent Desktop, on page 1
Finesse Supervisor Desktop, on page 2
State and Call Timers, on page 4
Finesse Desktop Behavior, on page 5
Finesse Desktop Failover, on page 6
One Finesse Desktop or Finesse IPPA Session Per Agent, on page 7
Accessibility, on page 8
Finesse Agent Desktop
The following figure shows the Cisco Finesse agent desktop as it appears when you first sign in. Your initial
status is Not Ready.
Figure 1: Cisco Finesse Agent Desktop
After you sign in, you can change your status to Ready to make yourself available for calls. The buttons in
the call control area change depending on the situation. For example, when you are on a call, Consult, Direct
Transfer, Hold, Keypad, and End buttons are available. When you have a call on hold and are on a consult
call, Conference, Transfer, Retrieve, and End buttons are available. When you are on a conference call, buttons
for Hold, Consult, Direct Transfer, Keypad, and End are available.
The Finesse agent desktop provides the following out-of-the-box functionality:
Basic call control: Answer, hold, retrieve, end and make calls.
Desktop call notifications: For incoming calls subject to active browser notification service.
Advanced call control: Make a consult call and transfer or conference the call after the consultation.
Single-step transfer: Transfer a call without the need to first initiate a consultation call.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Preview Outbound calls: Preview the customer information for the call before you choose to accept,
reject, or close the contact.
Send DTMF digits: Send DTMF digits to interact with an IVR system.
Not Ready and Sign Out reasons: Reasons to indicate why you are changing your status to Not Ready
or Sign Out (your administrator defines these reasons).
Wrap-Up Reasons: Wrap-Up Reason for each call (your administrator defines the Wrap-Up Reasons).
Phonebooks: List of contacts from which you can select one to call (your administrator defines what
contacts appear in your phonebook).
Workflows: Your administrator can define workflows that are triggered by call events (for example, your
administrator may create a workflow that causes a browser pop on your desktop when a call arrives).
System Reason Codes: Due to system generated events, your state may change to either Not Ready or
Sign Out with system generated reason codes. In this case, agent state is displayed in yellow.
The functionality available to you depends on what your administrator has configured. For example, if your
administrator did not define Wrap-Up Reasons, you cannot choose a Wrap-Up Reason.
As Unified CCE uses ASCII encoding (8-bits), while Finesse uses UTF-8 encoding (32-bits), the First Name
field in the call control area is truncated to only 16 characters.
To ensure that all features of the Finesse agent desktop work properly, you must disable pop-up blockers.
If you use Internet Explorer to access Finesse, you must ensure that your browser is not running in Compatibility
View. If Compatibility View is enabled in your browser, the following message appears:
Your browser is now running in Compatibility View, which is not supported and may cause issues with
Finesse. To continue, turn off Compatibility View.
To turn off Compatibility View, click the icon to the right of the address bar in your browser, or from your
browser menu, select Tools > Compatibility View.
Finesse Supervisor Desktop
The following figure shows the Cisco Finesse supervisor desktop.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Finesse Supervisor Desktop
Figure 2: Finesse Supervisor Desktop
The Finesse Supervisor Desktop provides call control functionality and the following:
Team Performance gadget
Queue Statistics gadget
To ensure all features of the Finesse supervisor desktop work properly, you must disable pop-up blockers.
Team Performance Gadget
On the Team Performance gadget, you can select a team from a list of teams assigned to you. You can view
the agents on that team, their current state, the time in state, their recent call history and state history and their
extension. You can click the column headers to sort the information by Agent Name, State, Time in State, or
The Time in State field refreshes every 10 seconds. When Finesse receives an agent state change event, the
timer for that agent resets to 0. Time in state displays for all agent states except for Logged Out.
The Team Performance gadget also provides the following functionality:
Silent monitoring: Silently monitor an agent call.
Force state change: Force an agent into Ready state or sign an agent out.
When you silently monitor an agent, a Barge In button appears in the call control area. You can click this
button to barge in to a call between the agent and customer. After you barge in, you can choose to intercept
the call by dropping the agent.
Finesse Queue Statistics Gadget
The Queue Statistics gadget displays a list of the queues for which you are responsible. You can click the
column headers to sort the information in ascending or descending order.
The Queue Statistics gadget provides the following columns:
Queue Name: The name of the queue
# Calls: The number of calls waiting in the queue
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Finesse Supervisor Desktop
Max Time: The length of time the oldest call has been in the queue
Ready: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are in Ready state
Not Ready: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are in Not Ready state
In: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on inbound calls
Out: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on outbound calls
Other: The number of agents assigned to the queue who are on internal consult calls
Wrap Up
Ready (Pending): The number of agents assigned to the queue who will transition to Ready state
when wrap-up ends.
Not Ready (Pending): The number of agents assigned to the queue who will transition to Not Ready
state when wrap-up ends.
The following notes provide additional information about how the Queue Statistics gadget collects and displays
Finesse does not compute the queue statistics, but instead receives the queue statistics from Unified CCE.
Finesse does not display the queue statistics for the default queue (default skill group on Unified CCE).
The Active Out statistic includes agents talking on outbound calls placed by those agents. It also includes
non-routed calls placed to external devices that are not monitored by Unified CM and to devices in a
different Unified CM cluster. It does not include agents on Outbound Option calls.
If an agent places a direct call to another agent's extension, Unified CCE increments the Active Out
statistic for the default queue (skill group). However, because Finesse does not display the queue statistics
for the default queue, the Active Out statistics do not change for any of the Finesse queues to which the
agent is assigned.
State and Call Timers
The Finesse desktop provides agent state and call timers.
The agent state timer appears next to the agent state drop-down list when you are in Not Ready or Ready state
and updates every second. The format for this timer is mm:ss. If you are in the state for more than one hour,
the format changes to hh:mm:ss (for example, 05:25 or 01:10:25).
When you change state (for example, from Not Ready to Ready or from Not Ready with a reason code to Not
Ready with a new reason code), the timer resets to 00:00.
The Finesse desktop provides call timers in the Call Control gadget (in the format mm:ss). The call timers
provide the following information:
Total Call Time: Indicates the duration of your current call.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
State and Call Timers
Hold Time: Indicates the amount of time that the call has been on hold. When you place a call on hold,
this timer shows the hold time, followed by the total call time in parentheses.
Wrap-Up Time: Indicates the amount of time that you have been in wrap-up state. If wrap-up is enabled
for you, you transition to wrap-up state when you end the call.
If the call exceeds 1 hour, the timer still displays in minutes and seconds. For example, at 1 hour and 15
seconds, the timer displays 60:15.
If the Finesse server cannot accurately calculate the state time or the call time (such as under certain failover
conditions), the timer displays in the format “- -:- -”
Finesse Desktop Behavior
If the Finesse desktop is not the active window and one of the following happens, then the Finesse desktop
either becomes the active window or flashes in the taskbar.
You receive an incoming call on the desktop.
You are signed out due to failover or inactivity.
Your Supervisor signs you out.
The Finesse desktop behavior varies based on the browser and the number of tabs opened in the browser.
If you are using Firefox, configure the browser. See Browser Settings for Firefox section in this guide.
This behavior is for voice contacts (calls) only and not applicable for chat or email contacts.
Toaster Notification
When there is an incoming call and the Finesse desktop window or tab is inactive, Finesse displays a notification
with the call details. Click the notification to restore the Finesse desktop.
The operating system controls the position of the notification and might display it at any one of the four corners
of your computer screen.
Internet Explorer does not support toaster notification.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Finesse Desktop Behavior
Browser Settings for Chrome
The toaster notifications may not pop up in the Chrome browser for Windows 10, but are displayed in the
Notification Action Center. To display the notifications on your desktop, and not in the Notification Action
Center, disable the Enable Native Notifications feature in the Chrome browser (version 86 and earlier).
Notifications, displayed on your desktop, are in the native format.
1. Open Chrome and enter chrome://flags/#enable-native-notifications.
2. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
3. Select the Disabled option from the labeled box drop-down list.
4. Click Relaunch Now.
The notifications are displayed on your desktop in the native format.
Related Topics
Browser Settings for Firefox
Finesse Desktop Failover
In a contact center deployment, Cisco Finesse is installed on two nodes. If the Finesse server that you are
currently signed in goes out of service, a banner appears at the top of the desktop that notifies you that the
desktop has lost connection to the server.
The Finesse desktop checks for the following:
Whether the current Finesse server recovers its state
Whether the alternate Finesse server is available
If the current Finesse server recovers, the desktop is reconnected. A banner appears that notifies you that you
have successfully reconnected. If the current Finesse server does not recover but the alternate server is available,
your desktop redirects to the alternate server and automatically signs you in.
When the desktop fails over or reconnects, if the last state you selected prior to the failover was Ready, Finesse
attempts to preserve that state. When Finesse recovers, the desktop attempts to send a request to put you back
in Ready state.
When the desktop tries to connect to the alternate server, you may see the following pop-up message:
Following certificates should be accepted before using Cisco Finesse Desktop.....
If you are unable to accept the security certificates and see a request to accept the certificates again, close the
pop-up and continue to sign in.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Finesse Desktop Failover
The Finesse desktop can only preserve a selection of Ready state that was made on the same desktop. The
following exceptions apply:
If you are in Wrap-Up state when the desktop recovers, Finesse does not send a request because doing
so would automatically end your wrap-up session. After the wrap-up timer expires, your state is determined
by Unified Communications Manager and may depend on the type of failover that occurred.
If you were put in Not Ready state (either by your supervisor or by the system (for example, Ring No
Answer), your selection of Ready is not preserved.
If you are configured in the system to automatically go in to Wrap-Up state after each call and are on a
call that ends while the desktop is still unavailable, your selection of Ready may not be preserved. This
is to ensure that you have time to complete your wrap-up session after Finesse recovers from the failover.
This also applies if you selected a pending state of Ready as the pending state only applies after wrap-up
is complete.
Unsolicited state changes are not taken into account. For example, if a supervisor put you in Ready state
(you did not select Ready), your Ready state may not be preserved. If your last selection was Ready and
the system attempts to change your state to Not Ready (such as for Ring No Answer), your selection of
Ready is preserved.
Failover and Outbound Calls
Under certain failover and failback conditions, the Callback button and information about the outbound call
may disappear from the Finesse desktop.
When Finesse fails over or fails back while you are on an outbound call, after you are signed back into the
desktop, you cannot perform outbound-specific call operations, such as scheduling a callback or reclassifying
a call. You can still perform other call operations, such as transfer the call, conference the call, or place the
call on hold. After the call is complete, Finesse places you in Not Ready state. You must change your state
to Ready to receive your next call.
When you accept your next call, the outbound-specific call operations are available again.
Outbound-specific call operations are also not available if you sign out of Finesse and sign back in during an
outbound call.
One Finesse Desktop or Finesse IPPA Session Per Agent
Finesse has the following agent session behavior:
Finesse does not support agents signing in to both Finesse desktop and Finesse IPPA at the same time.
Agents should sign in to only one instance of either the Finesse desktop or Finesse IP Phone Agent
(IPPA) at one time.
Finesse can support a mix of agents in which some agents use Finesse IPPA and other agents use the
Finesse desktop (license permitting).
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Failover and Outbound Calls
When agents are signed in to the Finesse desktop or Finesse IPPA, they can also sign in to a third-party
application using the Finesse API at the same time. (This setup is considered a custom development.
Like other Finesse customizations, the customer or partner is responsible for proper development and
testing of this custom setup.)
The Finesse desktop supports features that improve accessibility for low-vision and vision-impaired users.
The following table shows how to navigate the Finesse desktop using the accessibility features.
Finesse supports these features only with Internet Explorer 11.0 and only on the agent desktop, not the
supervisor desktop.
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface
Cisco Finesse Desktop Interface