International Trade Agreements
Giovanni Maggi
Ya l e U nive r s i t y, FG V / E P G E a n d N B E R
In this chapter I survey the recent theoretical and empirical advances in the economics of inter-
national trade agreements, focusing on three main topics: the motives for trade agreements; the
design of rules and institutions for trade policy; and regional trade agreements.
International trade agreements
JEL classification codes
F13, F53, K33
The starting point for this survey is represented by the two chapters on trade agree-
ments in the previous volume of the Handbook of Inter n ational Economics (1995), namely
Robert Staiger’s chapter “International Rules and Institutions for Trade Policy and
Richard Baldwin and AnthonyVenables’ chapter “Regional Economic Integration.” For
the most part I will focus on the post-1995 advances in the literature on trade agreements;
I refer the reader to the previous volume of this handbook for the pre-1995 literature.
Before I plunge into the literature, however, it i s useful to start with a quick review
of the main developments that have occurred in the real world of international trade
agreements since 1995. My aim is not to embark in a comprehensive discussion of these
developments, b ut simply to pr ovide a stylized historical context for the literature that I
will survey.
The first major development is that, after the completion of the Uruguay Round
in 1995, the General Agreement on Tar iffs and Trade (GATT) has been replaced by
the World Trade Organization (WTO). T he WTO i s a considerably more developed
international institution than its predecessor, with a broader set of functions that include
I am grateful to Bob Staiger and Rachel McCulloch for being my discussants at the handbook conference and providing
very detailed and useful comments on an earlier draft,to co-editor Elhanan Helpman for providing an additional set of
helpful suggestions, and to Kyle Bagwell, Matthew Grant,Andrés Rodríguez-Clare and par ticipants in the handbook
conference for helpful comments and discussions.
Handbook of International Economics, Volume 4 © 2015 Elsevier B.V.
ISSN 1573-4404, All rights reserved.
318 Giovanni Maggi
not only the implementation of the commitments made by member countries in the
Urugua y Round, but also a relatively sophisticated judicial system, known as the “Dispute
Settlement Procedure.”
A second important fact has been the growing role of developing and newly industri-
alized countries in the WTO and in regional trade agreements. An important milestone
in this respect was the 2001 accession of China to theWTO. Another significant manifes-
tation of this trend has been the growing invo lvement of newly industrialized countries
(especially Brazil, India and, after 2001, China) in the WTO dispute settlement system.
The third major development has been a tremendous acceleration in the formation
of regional trade agreements. For example, during the fir st 10 years of the WTO (1995–
2005) the number of regional trade agreements in force more than tripled, from 58 to
188. Currently the total number of regional trade agreements in force is about 380, and
several potential new ones are currently being negotiated, including one between the US
and the EU, which would constitute the largest regional trade agreement in the wo rld.
The fourth and fifth developments are perhaps better described as non-developments.
After the completion of the Uruguay Round, the WTO member countries embarked in
a new major round of multilateral negotiations, the so-called Doha Round. These nego-
tiations started in 2001 but have stalled, and at this point it is safe to say that the Doha
Round is effectively dead. Negotiations have stumbled mostly over divisions between
developing and developed countries, but there has also been considerable contention
between the EU and the US over agricultural subsidies. This lack of progress in multi-
lateral trade liberalization is probably related to both of the developments I mentioned
above—the proliferation of regional trade agreements and the growing role of developing
countries—but the deep reasons for the failure of the Doha Round are an open question.
The second non-development is—contrary to the one discussed just above—a positive
one: the existing rules and institutions have held up rather well, even in the face of
challenges such as the 2008 Great Recession,which led to a dramatic (though temporary)
collapse of trade flows, and the accession of China to the WTO. In particular , the WTO’s
dispute settlement system has been quite effective. Indeed, many scholars have argued
that the enforcement and judicial aspects of the WTO are stronger now than during the
GATT years. Furthermore, if judged by the standards of international organizations, it
is safe to say that the WTO has established itself as one of the most, if not the most,
successf ul international organization in terms of enforcement and dispute settlement.
This concludes my stylized portrait of the recent developments in trade agreements,
and against this backdrop I now turn to my discussion of the recent advances in the
academic literature on trade agreements.
Section 2 focuses on t heoretical and empirical research investigating the purpose of
trade agreements. In the theoretical part, I focus mostly on three theories: the “terms of
trade” theory, according to which the purpose of a trade agreement is to prevent govern-
ments from manipulating terms of trade; the “domestic commitment” theory, according
to which a trade agreement can provide a government with a means to tie its own hands
International Trade Agreements 319
vis-à-vis domestic agents; and the “New Trade” theory, which emphasizes the role that a
trade agreement can play in the presence of imperfect competition. The empirical par t
of the discussion focuses on two sets of contributions: those aimed at testing the predic-
tions of the main theories, and those that study the impacts of trade agreements on trade
barriers and trade flows in a more descriptive way.
Section 3 discusses research aimed at understanding the design of trade agreements,
with a particular emphasis on the role of transaction costs. In particular, I will focus
on two distinct types of transaction cost: contracting fr ictions and enforcement frictions.I
will argue that taking these transaction costs into account is essential for understanding
the design of substantive policy rules (such as tariff ceilings, non-discrimination rules,
etc.), enforcement rules (which regulate punishment/retaliation), and dispute settlement
Section 4 discusses recent research on regional trade agreements. In particular, I will
focus on the economic and political determinants of regional trade agreements; on the
impacts of such ag reements on its members’ external trade barriers and on multilateral
trade liberalization; and on the design of rules for trade negotiations, that is, on whether
the formation of regional trade agreements should be subject to constraints or even
Finally, Section 5 offers some concluding remarks and some thoughts about possible
avenues for future research.
The most basic question regarding trade agreements (TAs) is wh y countries sign them in
the rst place. In spite of this being the most fundamental of questions, it is only in the last
15 years or so that the academic literature has made substantial progress in answering it.
Krugman (1997, pp. 113–120) made a famous pessimistic statement:Anyone who has
tr ied to make sense of inter n ational trade negotiations eventually realizes that they can only be
understood by realizing that they are a game scored according to mercantilist rules. (...) The implicit
mercantilist theory that underlies trade negotiations does not make sense on any level, indeed is
inconsistent with simple adding-up constraints; but it nonetheless governs actual policy (...) the
economic theor y underlying trade negotiations is nonsense.”The last 15 years of research onTAs
are in some way an attempt to prove Krugman wrong, and argue instead that the logic
of economics (in a broad sense that includes also the logic of political economy) can to a
large extent make sense of real-world TAs.
In this section I will offer my critical survey of the main theories for why countries
sign TAs and of the small but growing empir ical literature on this subject.
Before I proceed, I need to make clear what is the organizing principle of this section.
The distinction between analyzing the motives for a TA (which is the subject of this
section) and analyzing the design of a TA (which is the subject of the next section) can
320 Giovanni Maggi
sometimes be blur red, since the two aspects are obviously inter-related. But I think it
is important to keep these two aspects conceptually distinct. In the present section, I
abstract from issues of institutional/contract design (which, as I will argue below, are
interesting only in the presence of transaction costs) by assuming that governments can
negotiate directly and costlessly over all policies (and, in the presence of uncertainty, over
all contingencies).
There are two broad stor ies for why governments sign TAs. The fir st one is that a TA
can provide governments with an escape from an international Prisoners’Dilemma,which
is in turn caused by international externalities from trade policy: these include the classic
terms-of-trade externalities and the “New Trade” externalities that arise with imperfect
competition (such as “delocation” and “profit-shifting” externalities). The second broad
story for why governments sign TAs is that these may provide governments with a com-
mitment device vis-à-vis domestic actors, such as industrial lobbies or individuals making
investment decisions. I will start by focusing on the classic terms-of-trade story.
2.1. The Terms-of-Trade Theory
The type of international exter nality from trade policy that has received by far the most
attention in the literature (dating back at least to Johnson, 1953)istheterms-of-trade
(TOT) externality that arises in a perfectly competitive environment. As it will become
clear in Section 2.3,TOT exter nalities play an important role also with imperfect com-
petition, but their role is clearest in the case of perfect competition, so I will focus on this
case here.
I will proceed in two steps. I will first illustrate the TOT theory using a simple
“workhorse” model that is very str uctured and delivers simple formulas and a number
of specific predictions. T his model is convenient also because it can be used as a basis
to illustrate a simple version of the domestic-commitment theory, as I will show i n
Section 2.2. I will then present a more general version of the TOT theory, which has
been developed mostly by Bagwell and Staiger.
2.1.1. A Simple Workhorse Model
My workhorse model is essentially a simplified version of Grossman and Helpman’s
(1995a) “Trade Wars and Trade Talks” model, where governments may have two motives
for unilateral trade policy intervention, namely a terms-of-trade motive and a political-
economy motive.
Consider a world with two countries (H and F) and with three sectors, a numeraire
sector (0) and tw o non-numeraire sectors ( j = 1, 2). All citizens have the same utility
function, which takes the form U = c
), where each u
is increasing and
concave.The numeraire good is produced one-for-one from labor, so the wage is pinned
down to one, while good j is produced from labor and capital according to the constant-
returns production function y
= F
, l
International Trade Agreements 321
Labor is perfectly mobile across sectors. Capital for the moment is assumed to be
immobile across sectors (so that it can be effectively viewed as a specific factor); in
Section 2.2, where I consider the domestic-commitment theory, I will assume that capital
is immobile in the short run b ut can move across sectors in the long run.
The owners of capital represent a negligible fraction of the total population; this will
simplify the political-economy envir onment. The size of the population is equal to one
in each country. Country H is the natural importer of good 1 and country F of good 2.
Assume the numeraire good is freely traded. Each government can choose specific
trade taxes/subsidies in the non-numeraire sectors. Later I will consider domestic policies
as well.
Next I describe the political-economy environment. In each country, the owners of
capital in a given sector may or may not be organized into a lobb y. The government’s
objective is
= aW + C,whereW is aggregate welfare and C denotes total contribu-
tions received from lobbies. If sector j is organized, the lobby’s objective is
denotes returns to capital in sector j. Analogous notation (but with asterisks)
will apply to the F country.
Given t he quasi-linear preferences, the specific-f actor structure, and the wage pinned
down at one, this is essentially a partial-equilibrium setting. Defining welfare as aggregate
indirect utility, Home welfare can be written (using standard techniques) as W = Y +
S + R,whereY is total factor income,S is total consumer surplus (summed over the two
goods) and R is revenue from trade policy (positive or negative). An analogous expression
holds for Foreign welfare.
For each sector j, the demand functions in the two countries ar e denoted b y d
and d
), the supply functions b y y
) and y
), and the import demand functions
by m
) and m
Let τ
) denote the specific trade tax/subsidy chosen by Home (For eign) in sector
j. If good j is imported by Home, τ
is interpreted as an import tax, and τ
as an export
subsidy, and vice-versa if the good is exported by Home. The price arbitrage condition
= p
+ τ
) and the market clearing condition (m
) + m
) = 0) together
determine equilibrium prices as functions of trade policies: p
) and p
Finally, define the world price of good j as p
= p
= p
I start by focusing on the noncooperative scenario. In each country, assume that
government and lobbies choose trade policy (and contributions) by Nash bargaining,
taking foreign trade policy as given. Given that bargaining is efficient, trade policy in
each country maximizes the joint surplus of government and lobbies given foreign trade
policy. Thus Home trade policy maximizes
= aW +
I note here that very little research has been done on the role of informational lobbying (as opposed to quid pro quo
lobbying) in influencing trade negotiations. The only paper of this kind that I am aware of is Milner and Rosendorff
(1996). Other papers on this general theme are Tovar (2011) and Ludema et al. (2010), but these papers focus only on
unilateral trade policy choices, not trade agreements.
322 Giovanni Maggi
where I
= 1 if sector j is organized and zero otherwise. Similarly, Foreign trade policy
As mentioned abo ve,this model can be viewed as a simplified version of Grossman and
Helpman (1995a).
Note also that this model is equivalent to one where each government
maximizes a politically-adjusted welfare function that attaches an extra weight to t he
organized sectors’ rents, as for example in Baldwin (1987).
Maximizing with respect to τ
with respect to τ
yields the following
formulas for τ
and τ
a · η
, (1)
· η
, (2)
where η
and η
. The first term in each formula is the well-known
Johnson’s optimum trade tax, which captures the terms of trade motive for trade policy; the
second part of each formula captures the political motive for trade policy. Note that the
two motives go in the same direction for organized import-competing industries (both
call for a tariff), but are in conflict for organized export sectors (TOT considerations call
for an export tax, political considerations call for an export subsidy).
We are now ready to examine the trade policies that are selected if the two countries
negotiate aTA. Assuming that the TA maximizes the joint surplus of all governments and
lobbies, that is +
we obtain:
a · η
· η
. (3)
Note that for each sector j the optimal agreement pins down only the net trade tax
, not the exact levels of τ
and τ
. To understand intuitively why, consider the
case in which governments maximize welfare: a = a
=∞. Then the formula above
yields τ
= τ
. A tariff of $1 and an export subsidy of $1 on the same good neutralize
One simplification relative to Grossman and Helpman (1995a) is that the share of the population represented by lobbies
(the α
parameter) is negligible. Another simplification is that the interaction between government and lobbies is
modeled as a Nash bargaining game, whereas in Grossman and Helpman it is modeled as a common-agency game, but
in both cases a country’s trade taxes maximize the joint sur plus of government and lobbies.
This will be the case, for example, if trade negotiations take the for m of a Nash bargain that involves the governments
and all lobbies and international transfers are available. I note that Grossman and Helpman (1995a) assume a two-stage
game where lobbies first offer contribution schedules to their respective governments, and then gover nments bargain
in Rubinstein fashion, but the policy outcome in their model is the same as in the simplified model I consider here.
Also note that, even if intern ational transfers are not available, such transfers can be indirectly effected by adjusting
import and export tax levels, as I explain below.
International Trade Agreements 323
each other’s effect on domestic prices, and the only effect that remains is a revenue trans-
fer from the exporting country to the importing country; the condition τ
= τ
is the
partial-equilibrium analog of the well-known “Mayer curve.”
If political motivations are present in the governments objectives (a and a
are less
than infinity), the efficient policies will reflect only these motivations, and not the TOT
motivations: an efficient agreement simply removesTOT considerations from trade policies.This in
turn suggests that the only source of inefficiency in the noncooperative equilibrium is the
gov ernments’ temptation to manipulate TOT. Or put another way, even if governments
are politically motivated, the reason for signing aTA is inherently economic, not political.
As I discuss next, this basic message is further developed and generalized by Bagwell and
2.1.2. The Bagwell-Staiger Approach
In an influential series of papers, Bagwell and Staiger hav e argued that the TOT theory
and in particular the conclusion that the only motive for a TA can be traced to the
governments’ temptation to manipulate TOT—is considerably more general than previ-
ously thought. I refer the reader to Bagwell and Staiger’s (2002) book and Bagwell and
Staiger’s (2010a) sur vey for more detailed expositions of their work. In this section I will
offer a succinct exposition of Bagwell and Staiger’s theory under perfect competition; I
will discuss their models with imperfect competition in the next section.
Consider a two-country, two-good, perfectly competitive world, with the good
exported by Home taken as the numeraire.The production possibility frontier is assumed
to be concave ,and the goods are assumed to be normal in consumption.The model allows
for domestic distortions, such as consumption or production externalities, that call for
corrective domestic policies (but monopoly distortions are not allow ed).
Each govern-
ment has access to a complete set of (trade and domestic) policy instruments. It is useful
to partition policies in two categories: (i) Tax instruments that create wedges between
local prices and the world price, or more specifically, trade taxes, production taxes, and
consumption taxes. I will refer to these as“wedge policies”
;(ii) Other policies (e.g. labor
standards) that may affect market conditions but cannot affect price wedges. I will refer
to these as non-wedge policies.”
Key to Bagwell and Staiger’s approach is the way government objectives are repre-
sented. These are represented in reduced form as (ν,p, q, p
) and
, q
, p
where p ( p
) is the Home (Foreign) consumer price, q (q
) the Home (Foreign) producer
See Mayer (1981), who characterizes the locus of efficient tar iff combinations in a general equilibrium model with
two goods and two countries.
The framework I present here can be seen as combining three variants of the Bagwell-Staiger model: Bagwell and
Staiger (1999a),which considers only trade taxes; Bagwell and Staiger (2001),which considers trade taxes and domestic
standards; and Bagwell and Staiger (2006), which considers trade taxes and production subsidies.
Of course there is a degree of redundancy in these three taxation instruments, since a trade tax is equivalent to a
combination of a production subsidy and a consumption tax.
324 Giovanni Maggi
price, ν (ν
) the v ector of Home (For eign) non-wedge policies, and p
the world pr ice.
Since wedge policies can be wr i tten as price wedges, t hey need not be included as argu-
ments in the objective functions. Of course, the equilibrium price levels in general will
depend on all policies.
A central feature of this setting is that a government’s policies affect the other govern-
ment’s payoff through a unique channel: the world price. In other words, the only inter-
national externality is the TOT externality. An implicit assumption in this setting is that
there are no non-pecuniary international externalities (such as cross-border pollution).
But aside from this restriction, the above representation of governments’objectives is gen-
eral enough to capture the presence of political-economy motives for protection; indeed,
Bagwell and Staiger argue that many of the existing political-economy models (including
the Grossman-Helpman model presented above) can be represented in this fashion.
The only structure Bagwell and Staiger impose on government preferences is that, for
given domestic prices,a government dislikes a worsening of terms of trade:
< 0 <
This seems like a r easonable restriction, since domestic interest groups care about domestic
prices, not directly about world prices. If p
increases while domestic prices are kept
constant,there is simply a transfer of revenue from Home to Foreign (given the assumption
of normal goods), so this amounts to assuming that, all else equal, a government values
rev enue. Finally, the Lerner paradox and the Metzler paradox are assumed away.
As usual, the analysis starts with the noncooperative scenario, that is the Nash equilib-
rium of the game where governments simultaneously choose policies. Three basic points
The first point is that any Nash equilibr ium is Pareto-inefficient from t he point of
view of the governments’ objectives. This result is intuitive, since a country’s policies exert
externalities on the other country through TOT, and hence unilateral policy choices will
generically not be efficient.
The second point is that the gov ernments’ temptation to manipulate T OT is the only
source of inefficiency in the Nash equilibrium, and hence it is the only motive for a TA.
Bagwell and Staiger establish this point by considering a diagnostic test to ascertain if
T OT manipulation is the only cause of the “disease in the noncooperative equilibrium.
The test is based on the following question: if each government did not value the pure
terms-of-trade effects of its policies, would governments make efficient choices? If the
test is positive, the diagnosis is that TOT manipulation is the only cause of the disease.
More specifically, Bagwell and Staiger define the politically optimal (PO) policies as
those that w ould result if governments did not v alue changes in p
. If the PO policies
are efficient, then TOT manipulation is deemed to be the only cause of inefficiency in
the noncooperative equilibrium. In the setting under consideration, Bagwell and Staiger
The Lerner paradox occurs when an increase in a country’s tariff leads to an increase in the world relative price of the
imported good; the Metzler paradox occurs when an increase in a country’s tariff leads to a decrease in the domestic
relative price of the imported good.
International Trade Agreements 325
show that the PO policies are indeed efficient. A simple intuition for this result can be
gained by considering a setting where utility is transferrable, with changes in p
acting as
pure transfers, so that efficient policies must maximize the global payoff +
case, at a political opt imum, Home’s policies maximize given p
and Foreign policies
given p
, therefore the global payoff must be maximum because p
is a
pure transfer.
The third point is that trade volume at the Nash equilibrium is inefficiently low, and
a mutually beneficial TA must entail a reciprocal expansion of market access relative to
the Nash equilibrium.
I will provide a simple local intuition for this result, abstracting
from domestic policies for simplicity. Starting from the Nash equilibrium,a small increase
in a trade tax has a negative externality on the trading partner. This is not self-evident,
since an increase in a country’s trade tax could in principle ha ve a positive effect on the
trading partner thr ough the latter’s local price. But this cannot be the case locally at the
Nash equilibrium: the optimality of a country’s unilateral policies implies that, at the
Nash equilibrium, any effect through the local price cannot outweigh the adverse effect
through the world price, so the externality from an increase in the foreign trade tax is
Given the negative international externalities from trade taxes, it is intuitive
that, starting from the Nash equilibrium, the only way to achieve a Pareto improvement
is to decrease both trade taxes, which in turn will expand trade.
In light of the three points highlighted above, Bagwell and Staiger conclude that
under the assumptions of their model the only purpose of a TA is to preclude countries
from manipulating TOT, and this in turn entails a reciprocal expansion of market access
relative to the noncooperative equilibrium. This prediction of the model resonates with
the emphasis placed by the GATT-WTO on the exchange of market access between
Next I highlight a prediction that presents a special challenge for the TOT theory,
because it is at odds with observed TAs. According to the TOT theory, a TA should tend
to increase export subsidies relative to the noncooperative equilibrium, whereas in reality
export subsidies are typically restricted byTAs.This counterfactual prediction of theTOT
Bagwell and Staiger make a distinction between an expansion of “market access and an expansion of trade volume
(see Bagwell and Staiger, 2001, pp. 537–538).The for mer is a weaker condition than the latter: a policy change is said
to expand market access to country A if it shifts out country A’s import demand curve for at least some world price. As
Bagwell and Staiger show, a mutually beneficial trade agreement must entail a reciprocal expansion of market access,
but in general it need not entail an expansion of import volumes; it will entail an expansion of import volumes under
the additional assumption that any policy change shifts a country’s impor t demand cur ve in the same direction for all
world-price levels. In my intuitive discussion in the text I abstract from domestic policies, so this distinction is not
necessary, and a mutually beneficial agreement always entails an expansion of trade volumes.
To see this formally, note first that if only trade taxes are available, we can write Home’s payoff as (p, p
τ and τ
denote trade taxes, we can write the externality of τ
on Home (with a slight abuse of notation) as
= (
(where I used p
= p
). At a Nash equilibrium, the first order
condition (FOC) is
= 0, which using p
= p
+ 1yields
, which is negative
by the no-Lerner-paradox and no-Metzler-paradox assumptions. This in turn implies
< 0.
326 Giovanni Maggi
model can be illustrated by focusing on a model with two goods.The well-known Lerner
symmetry theorem states that an import tax is equivalent to an export tax, thus w e can
suppose without loss of generality that each government uses only an export tax (or if
negative,an export subsidy). In this case,if the noncooperative equilibrium entails export
subsidies (which is possible if export interests are politically strong), it is easy to show
that a mutually beneficial TA must increase their le vels. Intuitively, increasing a country’s
export subsidy has a positive TOT externality on the other country, so governments
“under-subsidize” exports in equilibrium. I will refer to this feature as the export subsidy
puzzle in the TOT theory. As I discuss below, possible ways to resolve this puzzle include
considering domestic-commitment motives and “New Trade” motives for TAs.
Thus far I have focused on a two-country world. Extending the analysis to a multi-
country world introduces new considerations. As Bagwell and Staiger (1999a) make clear,
when trade policies can discriminate across trading partners, there is no longer a single
world price but a whole v ector of bilateral world prices, and importantly, international
externalities can no longer be viewed as traveling solely through world prices. As a
consequence, if trade policies can be discriminatory, the PO policies are inefficient. To
understand this point, focus on the impact of foreign trade policies on the Home country.
Define the multilateral TOT as an import-weighted average of bilateral world prices.
Since the import weights depend on foreign local pr ices, now international externalities
travel not only through world prices but also through foreign local prices. It is then
intuitive that the PO policies are not efficient. On the other hand, if governments ar e
constrained by a Most Favored Nation (MFN) rule to choose non-discriminatory trade
policies, then Bagwell and Staiger show that all international externalities are channeled
through a single world price, and again the PO policies are efficient. To summarize, the
PO policies are efficient if and only if trade policies are constrained by the MFN rule.
The result I just highlighted can be interpreted in more than one w ay. Bagwell and
Staiger argue that the result confirms the general point that in a perfectly competitive
environment the only purpose of a TA is to prevent the manipulation of TOT. But
one could argue that the appropriate thought experiment should diagnose the cause of
the disease in a scenario where no institutional constraints are in place, not e ven the
MFN rule , in which case PO policies are inefficient and one should conclude that TOT
manipulation is not the only motivation for aTA. Thus there is a legitimate question as to
which of the two diagnostic tests (with unconstrained policies or with MFN-constrained
policies) is more informative about the deep motivation for a TA.
Bagwell and Staiger build on the model outlined above to argue that it can explain
some key rules of the GATT-WTO, such as reciprocity, MFN, and t he so-called “non
violation”rule. I will come back to these themes in the next section,where I focus on the
design of TAs, but here I wish to re-iterate a point alr eady mentioned abo ve: in a world
without transaction costs, the theory would not be able to explain any such rules, because
then go vernments could simply negotiate directly on the policy levels,and there would be
International Trade Agreements 327
no need for additional rules, so this second part of Bagwell and Staiger’s theory implicitly
relies on the presence of some kind of transaction costs. As already mentioned, in the
present section I am assuming that there are no transaction costs, and hence governments
can negotiate directly and costlessly over all policies, so I post pone issues of rules design
to the next section.
2.2. The Domestic-Commitment Theory
The TOT theory is by far the one with the deepest roots in the literature, but it is not
clear that TOT considerations are the whole story behind TAs, for at least two reasons.
First, casual empiricism suggests that small countries (which have negligible influence
on world prices) often agree to significant cuts in their trade barriers when they join
a TA, an observation that is not easy to reconcile with the TOT theory.
And second,
as I mentioned above, the TOT theory implies that TAs should tend to increase export
subsidies relative to their noncooperative levels, which is a counterfactual prediction. An
alternative theory that can explain these observations is based on the idea that a TA can
help a government tie its own hands vis-à-vis domestic actors.
There are several models in the literature that fall within the broadly defined domestic-
commitment theory. Some are of a purely economic nature, for example Staiger and
Tabellini (1987),Tornell (1991),and Lapan (1988), and some are of a political-economy
nature, in par ticular Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (1998, 2007), Mitra (2002), Brou and
Ruta (2009), Limão andTovar (2011),andLiu and Or nelas (2012). Since the former type
of domestic-commitment models was covered by Staiger’s (1995a) chapter, I will focus
on the latter type, and in particular on the version due to Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare
(1998, 2007).
The general idea proposed by Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare is that a TA can serve as
a commitment dev ice for a government t o close the door to domestic lobbies. It has
been argued by a number of scholars and commentators that this type of motivation
was central to Mexico’s negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA). For example, Whalley (1998) argued that Mexican negotiators of NAFTA
“were less concerned to secure an exchange of concessions between them and their
negotiating partners, and were more concerned to make unilateral concessions to larger
negotiating par tners with whom they had little negotiating leverage...The idea was clearly
The reason I use the expression “casual empiricism” is the following. There is little doubt that at least in some cases
countries with negligible monopsony power on given goods have agreed to significant tariff cuts on those goods, but
I am not aware of any empirical study that investigates whether this is the case more systematically.
Interestingly, in the same 1997 essay where Krugman declared it impossible to understand trade negotiations from a
rational perspective, he left a small opening for the domestic-commitment theory of trade ag reements, although still
with some degree of skepticism. He summarizes this theory as maintaining that “the true purpose of international
negotiations is arguably not to protect us from unf air foreign competition,but to protect us from ourselves, then states
that “one cannot dismiss such political-economy arguments as foolish, but questions whether in reality international
agreements are truly effective in achieving this purpose.
328 Giovanni Maggi
to help lock in domestic policy reform.” Similarly, Bajona and Chu (2010) view China’s
accession to WTO as a way to “ ... lock-in the agenda for fundamental domestic reforms,
which has been difficult to implement by domestic measures alone.”
Notice however that, if one considers the typical models of lobbying that ha ve been
proposed in the literature, in particular those in the tradition of Grossman and Helpman’s
(1994) “Protection for Sale, it is not clear why a government would ever want to tie its
own hands, since it derives positive rents from the political process.
Magg i and Rodriguez-Clare (1998) provide a theoretical justification for the domestic-
commitment argument based on a simple dynamic model.The idea is that a government
can deri ve rents from the interaction with lobbies in the short run, but in the long run
this will distort the allocation of resources, because investor s will overinvest in the sectors
that are expected to get trade protection, and the government is not compensated for this
long-run distortion. As a consequence, the government may be better off committing to
free trade ex-ante, thereby shutting down the lobbying process.
The basic points can be illustrated within the workhorse model of Section 2.1. Con-
sider the same economic and political structure as in that model, but now suppose that
H is a small country, while F is a large “rest of the world.”Also assume for simplicity that
both sectors 1 and 2 are politically organized.
Consider the following timing: (0) the small-country gov ernment chooses whether to
commit to f ree trade; (1) capital i s allocated;and (2) given the capital allocation,trade pol-
icy and cont ributions are determined by Nash bargaining between the government and
the lobbies (with σ denoting the government’s bargaining power). This timing captures
the idea that capital is mobile in the long run but not in the short run.
Suppose first that the government does not commit to free trade. Let us proceed
b y backward induction and find the second-stage equilibrium payoffs gi ven the capital
allocation. For the Home country, let K denote the vector of capital allocations and τ
the vector of trade policies. Also, let W , K) and (τ, K ) denote respectively the levels
of general welfare and the aggregate returns to capital in sectors 1 and 2 as functions
of trade policies and capital allocations. Given that the government and the lobbies
engage in Nash bargaining over policies and contributions, the first step is to derive the
status-quo (disagreement) pa yoffs. In the status quo, lobbies give no contributions and
the government chooses the welfare-maximizing policy, which is free trade, hence the
government’s status-quo payoff is aW (0, K ), and the lobbies’ total status-quo pa yoff is
(0, K). The next step is to write down the joint surplus of the government and the
J(K ) = max
[aW , K) + (τ, K )]−[aW (0, K) + (0, K )].
I note that, while Maggi and Rodr iguez-Clare focus on a setting where a government can be pressured only by its
domestic lobbies, similar benefits from committing to free trade may arise if a government can be influenced also by
foreign lobbies. For a paper that documents the empirical importance of foreign lobbying, see Gawande et al. (2006).
International Trade Agreements 329
The government walks away with a share σ of this joint surplus, therefore its payoff in
thesecondstageisgivenbyaW (0, K) + σ J(K ).
The next step is to derive the equilibrium allocation in the first stage, which I denote
K . The key point is that, if σ < 1, this will generically be different from the free trade
allocation (
K = K
), and hence inefficient, while
K = K
if σ = 1. This is intuitive,
because as long as lobbies have any bargaining power (σ < 1), the presence of lobbying
distorts the net returns to capital relative to free trade. If, on the other hand, lobbies have
no bargaining power (σ = 1), they will walk away from the bargain with no surplus, and
hence the lobbying process does not affect the returns to capital net of contributions,so
the equilibrium allocation is efficient. With this in mind, we can write the government’s
equilibrium payoff in the no-commitment scenario as G
= aW (0,
K ) + σ J (
Now suppose the government commits to free trade. In this case, expecting free
trade, capital owners will make efficient allocation decisions: K = K
, and hence the
government’s payoff in this case is G
= aW (0, K
The government will commit to free trade if and only if G
observe that: (i) if σ = 0, then G
, because W (0, K
) >W(0,
and (ii) if σ = 1, as I noted above we have
K = K
, and since J (K
) > 0then
. We can then conclude that if σ is sufficiently low the government
will commit to free trade, and if σ is sufficiently high it will not. Moreover, under some
conditions G
will be increasing in σ , in which case there will be a critical level of σ
below which the government commits to free trade and above which it does not. Thus
the model yields an interesting prediction: countries whose governments have a weak er
bargaining position vis-à-vis domestic lobbies should be more likely to join a TA.
Another prediction generated by the model concerns the impact of the parameter a,
the government’s valuation of welfare relative to contributions. Provided σ is sufficiently
small, the value of commitment (V = G
) is non-monotonic in a:itstarts
negative, then it turns positive, and eventually it approaches zero as a →∞.
This in
turn implies that, if there is a small cost of joining the agreement, the government will
choose to join if a f alls in some intermediate range.
Importantly,note that if export interests are organized the noncooperative equilibrium
will entail export subsidies, so in Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (1998) the government
may want to commit to the elimination of export subsidies. Thus the model suggests
a possible solution to the “export subsidy puzzle highlighted abo ve in the context of
the TOT theor y : if TAs are motivated by domestic-commitment issues, they will reduce
export subsidies r elative to their noncooperative levels.
To see this, note that (i) if a = 0, the government does not care about welfare, so clearly V<0; (ii) if a =∞,the
gover nment only cares about welf are, so tariffs are zero in the political equilibrium, hence V = 0; (iii) that V must be
positive for a range of a if σ is sufficiently small follows from the observation made above that, for fixed a>0, if σ is
sufficiently small then V>0.
330 Giovanni Maggi
Next I make a point that will be useful to k eep in mind when I focus on the
implications of incomplete contracting for TAs (Section 3). Recall that in Maggi and
Rodr iguez-Clare (1998) the inefficiency in the noncooperative equilibrium stems from
the government’s lack of c ommitment vis-à-vis domestic agents, and the core of the
problem is that the government does not get compensated for the long-run distortions
fr om trade protection. But note that the same problem can be viewed also as a problem
of incomplete contracting between the government and domestic agents: if the government
could sign a long-term contract with all the future beneficiaries of protection, in which
it commits to future trade policies and gets compensated for them, t he problem would
disappear. Of course,if capital is mobile in the long run, this long-term contracting w ould
have to inv olve all capital owners in the economy, not only those that are currently in the
organized sectors, thus it seems reasonable to assume that such long-term contracting is
not feasible.
Magg i and Rodriguez-Clare (2007) extends the previous model in four directions.
First, it allows for tw o large countries; thus the model nests two motives for a TA: a
domestic-commitment motive and a TOT motive. Second, governments can commit
to arbitrary tariff levels (as opposed to free trade or nothing); mor eover, they can do
so through exact tariff commitments (a complete contract) or through tariff caps (an
incomplete contract). Third, specific-factor owners can lobby ex-ante to influence the
shape of the agreement, not only ex-post. And four th, the model allows for different
deg rees of capital mobility across sectors.
The model considers the following dynamic scenario. The world is sitting at the non-
cooperative equilibrium—with its associated allocation distortions—when the opportu-
nity to negotiate an agreement ar rives.
The agreement maximizes the joint surplus of
governments and lobbies. After the agreement is signed, each investor gets a chance to
move his or her capital with an (exogenous) probability z. The parameter z thus captures
the degree of mobility of capital. After the reallocation of capital has taken place, tariffs
are chosen in each country by the government and the lobb y subject to the constraints
set by the agreement. Of course, this ex-post lobbying process is relevant only if the
agreement leaves some discretion, that is, if the TA takes the form of tariff ceilings.
The key results of the model are four. First, the extent of trade liberalization (the tariff
cuts enacted by the TA) is increasing in the degree of capital mobility (z). Intuitively, if
z is higher, current lobby member s care less about future protection, and hence they are
less resistant to tariff cuts. This in turn suggests a further pr ediction, beyond those high-
lighted above in the context of the small-country model: tariff cuts should be deeper in
sectors where capital is more mobile.This prediction seems consistent with the anecdotal
In the basic version of the model the opportunity to sign a trade agreement is a surprise to investors, but Maggi and
Rodriguez-Clare (2007) also consider a version of the model in which the trade agreement is perfectly anticipated b y
International Trade Agreements 331
observation that in reality trade liberalization has been hard to come by in the agricultural
sector , but it would be interesting to test this prediction in a mor e systematic way.
The second result concerns the impact of “politics”—captured inversely by the gov-
ernments’ valuation of welfare (a)—on the extent of trade liberalization: tariff cuts are
deeper when politics are more important, provided the domestic-commitment motive
is strong enough (z sufficiently high). This result stands in interesting contrast with the
prediction of the pureTOT model, where tariff cuts if anything tend to be less deep when
a is lower: the reason is that a lower a implies higher noncooperative tariffs, hence a lower
trade volume and a weaker TOT externality, and this calls for smaller tariff cuts. Also in
Magg i and Rodriguez-Clare (2007),alower a implies higher noncooperative tariffs, but
this in turn implies a bigger allocation distortion, and hence bigger tariff cuts are called
for. If z is high, this consideration dominates the previous one.
At a more fundamental level,the divergence in results highlighted above is a manifesta-
tion of a key difference between the domestic-commitment theory and theTOT theory.
In the domestic-commitment theory, the motive for a TA is inherently political, since
the TA is directly aimed at blunting domestic lobbying pressures, thus the TA is directly
affected by political parameters such as the governments’ valuation of welfare; whereas in
the TOT theory, the motive for a TA is inherently economic, and hence political forces
affect a TA only indirectly through economic variables (e.g. outputs and trade volumes).
The third insight is that the presence of a domestic-commitment motive can explain
why trade liberalization typically occurs in a gradual manner. In particular, the reduction
in tariffs happens in two phases: first, there is an instantaneous drop in tariffs, which
reflects the T OT motive for the TA, and subsequently there is a gradual tariff reduction,
which reflects the domestic-commitment motive. Intuitively, the allocation distortions
caused b y protection are more severe in the long run than in the short run, and hence
the domestic-commitment motive calls for bigger tariff reductions in the long run than
in the short run. Furthermore, the speed of liberalization is increasing in z . The reason
is that, if z is lower, the expected length of time for which capital owners are “stuck” in
a sector is longer, so the lobby will insist on keeping a high protection level for a longer
period of time.
Finally, Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (2007) show that tariff ceilings are prefer red to
exact tariff commitments.The intuition is in two steps. Fir st, if one focuses on complete
TAs, the optimal exact tariff commitments in general are positive, though low er than the
noncooperative levels,and hence induce allocation distortions. Second,consider replacing
an optimal exact tariff commitment with a tariff ceiling at the same height: the former
shuts down ex-post lobbying and contributions, while the latter leaves some discretion
(governments have the option of setting tariffs below the ceilings) and hence induces
ex-post lobb ying and contributions; the latter is preferable because the anticipation of
ex-post contributions reduces the expected net returns to capital in organized sectors, and
hence mitigates the investment distortion. I will come back to the topic of tariff ceilings
332 Giovanni Maggi
and the incompleteness of TAs in Section 3, where I focus on the design of TAs, but here
I note that Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare’s model can explain why TAs are incomplete
contracts without relying on the presence of contracting frictions between gov ernments
(although, as I highlighted abov e, contracting frictions between a government and its
domestic actors are key).
Next I briefly discuss other papers that have highlighted domestic-commitment
motives for TAs in the presence of lobbying. Mitra (2002) shows that a similar domestic-
commitment motive as i n Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (1998) arises also in a setting
where there is no long-run distortion in the capital allocation, but there is a resource
cost of lobb y formation: in this case, if the government does not commit to free trade,
the long-run inefficiency generated by the prospect of trade protection (that the gov-
ernment does not get compensated for) is given by the cost of lobb y formation. More
broadly,Mitra’s paper suggests that there may be a domestic-commitment motive for aTA
any time the prospect of trade protection leads to a long-run misallocation of resources,
whether it is in the form of misallocation of resources between pr oductive activities or
waste of resources in unproductive activities.
Brou and Ruta (2009) extend Maggi
and Rodriguez-Clare’s (1998) model by allowing governments to use trade policies and
domestic subsidies, and argue that the domestic-commitment theory of TAs can provide
a rationale for the WTO’s r estrictions on the use of production subsidies.
Limão and Tovar (2011) propose a different version of the domestic-commitment
argument forTAs. They consider a setting in which a small-country government bargains
with a domestic lobby over two policy instruments, a tariff and a non-tariff barrier, where
the latter is the less efficient redistribut ive instrument. In this setting they show that the
government may benefit from committing to a tariff reduction because this may improve
its bargaining position, and this benefit may outweigh the cost of constraining the more
efficient redistributi ve tool. Finally, Liu and Ornelas (2012) argue that a TA can serve
as a commitment device for the purpose of stabilizing a democratic regime. The key
idea of this paper is that an incumbent go vernment may value a TA because it leads to
the destruction of rents, which in turn reduces the likelihood of a coup by rent-seeking
autocratic groups, thereby helping consolidate unstable democracies.
I conclude this section by mentioning another model where a government’s lack
of commitment vis-à-vis domestic agents has important implications for TAs. McLaren
(1997) considers a two-period Ricardian model where a small country (S) negotiates a
TA with a large country (L). In the first period, domestic agents commit their resources
Krishna and Mitra (2005) explore an interesting consequence of Mitra’s argument: if a country liberalizes unilaterally
because of a commitment issue as in Mitra (2002), this will have effects on the trade policies chosen by its trading
partners. They show that it may induce a trading partner to reduce its own tar iffs, because it increases the incentives
for the export lobby in the partner country to form and lobby against the import-competing lobby there for lower
This paper focuses on the rationale for joining free trade agreements, but the basic argument applies equally well to
the case of a multilateral TA.
International Trade Agreements 333
to a sector; in the second period, the governments negotiate over a tariff and a transfer
through Nash bargaining. Given the resource allocation, the equilibriumTA involves free
trade and a transfer from S to L. Ex-ante, anticipating free trade, agents commit resources
to the sector where S has a comparative adv antage. But this leads L to choose a higher
tariff in the Nash equilibrium, which in turn worsens the outside option of country S in
the trade negotiation. McLaren shows that this adverse effect of the anticipation of a TA
on the welfare of the small country may outweigh the standard gains from trade, so this
country may be better off by committing ex-ante not to sign a TA.
McLaren’s point relates in an interesting way to the domestic-commitment theory of
TAs. In McLaren’s model, the TA can be interpreted as a short-term contract, because it
occurs after investment decisions are made. But if theTA were a long-term contract,in the
sense of occurring before investment decisions are made, then the hold-up problem high-
lighted by McLaren would not arise.Thus McLaren’s model suggests thatTAs can help only
if they are effective long-run commitments (consistently with the domestic-commitment
theory), while they can ha ve perv erse effects if they are only short-term commitments.
2.3. New Trade Theories of Trade Agreements
A new and important line of research has emerged recently that explores the implica-
tions of imperfect competition for TAs. A central theme in this new area of research
is that, in the presence of imperfect competition, TOT externalities are not the only
international externalities from trade policy. In par ticular, three new externalities have
been identified and examined: (i) “firm-delocation” externalities in the presence of free
entry ( Venables, 1985, 1987; Ossa, 2011; Bagwell and Staiger, 2009, 2012b), (ii) “profit-
shifting” externalities (Mrazova, 2011; Ossa, 2012; Bagwell and Staiger, 2012a), and (iii)
trade-volume externalities when prices are determined by bilateral bargaining (Antras
and Staiger, 2012a,b). As I discuss below, these non-TOT externalities may be a separate
cause of inefficiency in noncooperative policies, hence giving rise to new rationales for
TAs, and can have important implications for the design of TAs.
2.3.1. Firm-Delocation and Profit-Shifting Externalities
In this section I focus on the implications of firm-delocation and profit-shifting exter-
nalities from trade policy, starting with the former type.
Venables (1985,1987) was the first to identify the possibility of firm-delocation exter-
nalities from trade policies. This type of externality can arise whenever markets are
imperfectly competitive and there is free entry. T he basic idea is the following: if a
In a recent paper,Sovey (2012) develops a model whereTAs are motivated by“political hold-upproblems. In her model,
if a gover nment makes a public investment in its comparative-advantage sector and hence makes itself more“dependent
on trade , it gives its trading partner an increased ability to extract political concessions in the future. As in McLaren
(1997), a political hold-up problem calls for a long-ter m TA. Sovey then argues that a long-term TA is harder to self-
enforce than a short-term one,because of the additional political uncertainty over the longer time horizon,and for this
reason a multilateral institution like theWTO, by increasing the sever ity of punishments,can facilitate self-enforcement.
334 Giovanni Maggi
country imposes a tariff on imports, this will tilt the balance of competition in favor of
domestic firms, and this in turn will induce exit of foreign fir ms and entry of domestic
firms. In the presence of transport costs, this effect tends to benefit the country imposing
the tariff and hurt the exporting country.
Ossa (2011) has explored the implications of firm-delocation externalities for the
purpose and design of TAs. In particular, Ossa considers a Krugman-type model with
monopolistic competition, CES preferences ov er varieties and iceberg transport costs.
Governments maximize welfare and can only choose ad-valorem impor t tariffs. In this
model, import tariffs have no TOT effects at all. Intuitively, firms apply a constant mark-
up over marginal cost,so the incidence of an ad-valorem tariff falls entirely on the importing
country, and hence ex-factory prices are unaffected.
The feature that import tariffs have
no TOT effects of course depends on the special model structure, but it serves to isolate
the delocation externality, which operates in the following way: an increase in the Home
tariff leaves the total number of domestic and foreign firms unchanged, but modifies its
composition in fav or of domestic firms; because of transport costs, this lowers the Home
price index and i ncreases the Foreign price index, thus leading to an increase in Home
welf are and a decrease in Foreign welfare.
As a consequence of the negative delocation externality that a tariff exerts on the
exporting country, the noncooperative equilibrium entails inefficiently high tariffs, and
so there is scope for a TA to reduce tariff levels. Ossa argues that this rationale for TAs
resonates with the often-heard informal argument that import protection leads to a loss
of manufacturing firms and “good jobs” in the exporting country, and the role of a TA is
to prevent governments from engaging in this beggar-thy-neighbor behavior.
Mrazova (2011) and Ossa (2012) focus on the implications of a different type of
policy externality that may arise under imperfect competition, namely the profit-shifting
externality. The profit-shifting effect of trade policies was first studied by Brander and
Spencer (1984, 1985) in the context of a Cournot oligopoly with a fixed number of
firms. Mrazova (2011) focuses on a setting similar to Brander and Spencer’s, while Ossa
(2012) focuses on a monopolistic competition model with a fix ed number of firms. In
Ter ms of trade in this setting can be defined in two different ways: as the ratio between the ex-factory price of a
foreign variety and that of a domestic variety, or as the ratio between the price index for exported varieties and that for
imported varieties. Ossa shows that with the first definition tariffs do not affect TOT, and with the second definition
atariffworsens the country’s TOT. In the text I am implicitly adopting the first of these two definitions. It is also
important to point out that, while import tariffs have no TOT effects (according to the first definition above), export
taxes would have dollar-for-dollar effects on TOT, as emphasized by Bagwell and Staiger (2009).
There is also a counteracting effect, because the tar iff makes foreign products more expensive for consumers, but this
effect is shown to be dominated.
Ossa also argues that his model can provide a rationale for GATT’s rules of reciprocity and MFN, much in the same
way as a TOT model; I will come back to this aspect in Section 3.
International Trade Agreements 335
both models,governments can only use import tariffs.
Just like theTOT externality, the
profit-shifting exter nality from a tariff is negative (holding TOT fixed, an increase in the
tariff hurts the exporting country), and as a consequence, a mutually beneficial TA must
reduce tariff levels relative to the noncooperative equilibrium. Mrazova (2011) in addition
shows that t he Bagwell-Staiger “test” fails in her setting (PO tariffs are inefficient), thus
the purpose of a TA indeed goes beyond the correction of TOT externalities.
Enter Bagwell and Staiger. In two companion papers (Bagwell and Staiger, 2009,
2012a) they argue that, if import instruments and export instruments are available, even
in the presence of delocation or pr ofit-shifting externalities the only purpose of a TA
remains the correction of T OT externalities. They consider a number of possible market
structures, including monopoly, monopolistic competition, and Cournot oligopoly (with
or without fr ee entry, and with or without integrated markets), and show that, if countries
can use both import and export taxes and there are no income effects (quasi-linear pref-
erences), then PO policies are efficient. On this basis, Bagwell and Staiger conclude that
neither delocation nor profit-shifting externalities constitute a “fundamental” rationale
for TAs.
I will next try to illuminate the logic of Bagwell and Staiger’s argument by considering
a slightly more general setting. Focus on a two-country world with any number of goods,
and suppose gov ernments can choose specific trade taxes.
With a slight abuse of notation,
, τ
, p, p
, p
) will now denote the vectors of trade taxes and prices.
Government objectives can always be expressed in reduced form as functions of trade
taxes ((τ,τ
) and
, τ
)), and trade taxes in turn can be written as price wedges
(τ = p p
and τ
= p
), so government objectives can always be expressed as
functions of local, foreign, and world prices (
(p, p
, p
) (p p
, p
) and
(p, p
, p
(p p
, p
)), regar d less of the nature of the international policy
externalities. Importantly, note that this setting allows for virtually any underlying market
Note also that a g overnment objective may depend on local prices in both
Mrazova justifies the assumption that only tariffs are available by proposing a complementary theory that explains why
export subsidies have been banned by the GATT-WTO. I will be more specific on this part of her theory below,where
I focus on possible resolutions of the export subsidy puzzle.
Ossa has replied to this criticism by observing that in reality the use of expor t instruments is severely restricted: (i)
export subsidies have been banned by GATT a long time ago, and the subsequent rounds of negotiations have focused
mostly on import barriers,and (ii) the US has banned export taxes by constitution. My personal opinion is that Bagwell
and Staiger are correct in pointing out that a complete theor y should in principle explain, not assume, the pre-existing
restrictions on export instruments. However, it is not hard to imagine a model where there are transaction costs or
political frictions such that trade negotiations do not address import barriers and export instruments simultaneously
in a single round but rather in a sequential manner, or such that the unilateral use of expor t instruments is subject to
fr ictions. In such a richer model, delocation (or profit-shifting) externalities would indeed be a distinct motive forTAs.
The argument can be easily extended to allow for production and consumption taxes.
Note that I have implicitly made two assumptions for simplicity. The first is that a gover nment can apply different
trade taxes for different goods. If goods are differentiated and a gover nment must apply the same trade tax on all the
336 Giovanni Maggi
countries, and this is the new feature relative to the perfect-competition setting described
in Section 2.1. This i s a key point to keep in mind as we proceed: non-TOT externalities
can always be seen as local-price externalities.
Assume that there are no income effects. Together with the assumption that there are
only two countries, this implies that the local price of each good depends only on the
total trade tax on that good. This feature is the key to Bagwell and Staiger’s argument:
under the assumptions I just stated, the import tax and the export tax on a given good
are perfectly substitutable in affecting local prices.
The PO policies are defined as the ones that would result if governments did not value
changes in p
. Since local prices depend only on total trade taxes (denoted ¯τ τ + τ
this means that at the political optimum governments are effectively choosing the same
variables, ¯τ . Since the common choice of ¯τ must maximize both the Home objective
and t he Foreign objective, and since changes in p
act as pure transfers, it follows that
PO policies are efficient. Formally, PO policies are defined by the fir st order conditions
= 0and
= 0 (where the notation has the intuitive meaning).
Defining global welfare as
, and noting that a change in p
does not affect global
welfare (it is a pure transfer), the FOC for global efficiency is (
+ (
= 0. Clearly, the PO policies satisfy the FOC for global efficiency.
I summarize this discussion with the following:
Efficiency of Political Optimum (EPO). Assume:(i) there are only two countries; (ii) there
are no income effects; and (iii) governments choose only trade taxes. Then PO policies
are efficient, even in the presence of local-price externalities.
This result is in a way very general and in a way very special. The sense in which
it is v ery general is that it holds regardless of the nature of international policy exter-
nalities. Indeed, i t holds even in scenarios where intuition might suggest that there are
other motives for a TA be yond the corr ection of TOT externalities. For example, sup-
pose there ar e non-pecuniary international externalities, for example because of cross-
border pollution: the argument above is still valid, and hence PO policies are efficient.
To be more concrete, consider a perfectly-competitive, par tial-equilibrium model with
a single good, where governments maximize welf are and there i s a cross-border pollu-
tion externality generated by production in the Foreign country. Let ϒ(x
) denote the
environmental damage caused in the Home country by foreign production and x
varieties of that good, the argument must be slightly adapted, but it still goes through. The second assumption is that
markets are integrated, so arbitrage implies that there is a single world (offshore) price for each good. If markets are
segmented there may be two-way trade in identical commodities, and so there may be two distinct offshore prices for
the same good, one for each direction of trade; but again, the argument is easily extended to cover this case.
Intuitively, note first that the wedge between local prices is given by the total trade tax (p p
= τ + τ
). Next
note that changing τ and τ
in a way that leaves the total trade tax constant causes a transfer of revenue between the
countries. If there are no income effects, this transfer of revenue will not affect demand functions, thus only the total
trade tax matters for equilibrium local prices, not its composition.
International Trade Agreements 337
the foreign supply function. If Home welfare net of environmental damage is given by
W (p, p
) ϒ(x
)) (p, p
, p
), and Foreign welfare is defined analogously, then
the EPO result abov e immediately applies.
At the same time, the three assumptions (i)–(iii) are very restrictive, and even though
the EPO r esult only states a sufficient condition, each of the three assumptions plays a
key role in delivering the efficiency of the PO policies: when local-price externalities are
present, if any of the three assumptions is violated then import-side policies and export -
side policies in general are not perfectly substitutable in affecting local prices, and hence
PO policies will typically be inefficient .
Before concluding this subsection,I return one last time to the“export subsidy puzzle.”
In Section 2.2, I discussed how the domestic-commitment theory can provide a possible
resolution to this puzzle. As I discuss next, also models with firm-delocation and profit-
shifting externalities offer avenues to address the puzzle.
Bagwell and Staiger (2012b) consider a linear Cournot delocation model á laVenables
(1985), where two governments choose trade taxes to maximize welfare. First they show
that, starting from free trade, a country acting unilaterally can increase its welfare with
a small export subsidy (because its beneficial delocation effect outweighs its adverse
TOT effect) and with a small import tariff. This suggests that imposing a cap on export
subsidies may be jointly beneficial for the two countries. However, it turns out that the
Nash equilibrium involves both import taxes and export taxes; what is responsible for this
sur prising result is the fact that import and export taxes are complementar y (increasing
the tariff makes an export tax more attractive). Thus, if governments negotiate over
import and export instruments starting from the Nash equilibrium, the model is not
able to explain why a TA would cap export subsidies. But if negotiations initially focus
only on import tariffs, bringing them close enough to zero, in a subsequent phase of
negotiation ther e will be scope for imposing a cap on export subsidies. In a similar vein,
DeRemer (2011) considers a monopolistic competition model where governments can
choose trade taxes and production subsidies. He argues that capping both export subsidies
The EPO result applies also if, in addition to trade taxes, governments can use pr oduction taxes,which are the rst-best
instrument to correct the environmental externality (see footnote 23).
To be clear, there may be special circumstances in which PO policies are efficient even if some of the conditions (i)–(iii)
are not satisfied. For example, Bagwell and Staiger (2012a) show that PO policies are efficient in a special three-country
setting with competing exporters. And in Antras and Staiger (2012a), as I will mention later, PO policies are efficient
in the special case where governments maximize welfare, in spite of there being three countries in their model. But
these cases are rather special, and that is why I use the word “typically” in the text. Here I should also highlight the
relationship between my EPO result and a result shown by Bagwell and Staiger (2012a): they show that, if conditions
(i)–(iii) above are satisfied and (iv) gover nment preferences can be represented as functions of world and local pr ices,
then PO policies are efficient. Importantly, they emphasize that condition (iv) can only be assessed given the specific
economic structure, and they check that this is the case in a number of imperfect-competition models.The value added
of my EPO result is to show that, if conditions (i)–(iii) are satisfied, there is no need to know anything else about the
economic structure or the nature of the international externalities to conclude that PO policies are efficient.
338 Giovanni Maggi
and production subsidies may be desirable, but only if import tariffs are sufficiently close
to zero, not if they are close to their Nash equilibrium levels.
While the two models mentioned above are broadly suggestive of reasons wh y the
GATT-WTO has banned export subsidies, neither of them can explain an outcome
where export subsidies ar e present in the noncooperative equilibrium and a TA bans
export subsidies. Mrazova’s (2011) model can explain both of these features. Her model
allows for political economy considerations, so the Nash equilibrium may entail export
subsidies. The basic idea to explain the ban on export subsidies is the following. Recall
from Section 2.1.1 that an efficient TA determines only net trade taxes, not the separate
import and export tax levels (see equation (3)) so that a given point on the efficiency
frontier can be achieved with import instruments alone or with export instruments alone.
Assuming a fixed cost of administering each policy instrument, efficiency requires the use
of (at most) one policy instrument for each good. Mrazova then considers a repeated-
game model of TAs and argues that, due to profit-shifting effects, a tariff-only agreement
is more easily self-enforced than a subsidy-only agreement, so an export subsidy ban is
2.3.2. Trade-Volume Externalities Due to Bilateral Bargaining
When prices of international transactions are determined by bilateral bargaining rather
than by market clearing, the international externalities exerted by trade policy are of a dif-
ferent nature than the ones highlighted so far, and have nov el implications for the purpose
and design of TAs.This is the focus of two recent papers by Antras and Staiger (2012a,b).
It is convenient to start with Antras and Staiger (2012b), which focuses on a simple
matching model to highlight some key implications of bilateral bargaining forTAs. More
specifically, this paper considers a two-country, partial-equilibrium model where all pro-
ducers are located in the Foreign country. Each producer is matched with a consumer,
and within each match the quantity exchanged and the price are determined by bilateral
bargaining. Governments maximize welfare, with the For eign government choosing an
export tax and a domestic input subsidy, and the Home government choosing an import
In this environment, international policy externalities cannot be viewed as traveling
simply through TOT. To understand the key difference between this environment and
a setting with market clearing, notice fir st that in t he case of market clearing, Foreign
policies can affect the point of Home’s offer cur ve that is selected in equilibrium, but
cannot affect Home’s offer curve itself; so they can affect world price and trade volume
but cannot control them separately; in this sense, there is a single channel of international
policy externality, which can be viewed alternatively as a TOT externality or a trade-
volume externality. With bilateral bargaining, on the other hand, this link is broken, and
Foreign policies can affect TOT and trade volume separately, thus the rationale for a TA
is to jointly correct these two separate externalities. Indeed, with bilateral bargaining, PO
International Trade Agreements 339
policies can be shown to be inefficient, so the purpose of aTA goes beyond the correction
of TOT externalities.
Pricing by bilateral bargaining is particularly relevant when firms offshore the pro-
duction of specialized inputs and there is incomplete contracting between downstream
and upstream producers. The implications of offshoring for TAs are the focus of Antras
and Staiger (2012a). This paper considers an environment with three countries: Home,
Foreign, and the rest of the wo rld (ROW). Home is the sole producer of a final good that
requires a custom-made intermediate input; Foreign is the sole producer of the inter-
mediate input; and ROW specializes in a plain-vanilla numeraire good. Once a Foreign
upstream firm and a Home downstream firm are matched, the former must customize the
intermediate input for the latter, and then the price of the input is determined by bilateral
bargaining. The customization of the input cannot be contracted upon ex-ante, thus a
standard hold-up problem arises. Each government chooses trade taxes to maximize a
possibly politically adjusted social welfare function. In this setting, beyond standardTOT
externalities, trade policies exert trade-volume externalities of the kind described above,
with the additional feature that, by affecting trade volumes, a countrys trade policies can
affect the severity of the hold-up problem in the other country.
In this environment,Antras and Staiger (2012a) show that PO policies are in general
inefficient, except in the special case where governments maximize welfare. Thus, as long
as there are political-economy considerations in the gov ernments’ objectives, the rationale
for TAs goes beyond the cor rection of TOT externalities.
It is clear t hat, in this setting, the international externalities from trade policies do
not simply travel through TOT. However, as the EPO result of Section 2.3.1 highlights,
the presence of non-T OT externalities is not sufficient to conclude that PO policies are
inefficient. So why does the EPO result not apply here? The key reason is that in this
setting there are more than two countries, and as a consequence, export taxes and import
taxes are not perfectly substitutable in affecting local prices.
To confirm this point, I note
that if Antras and Staiger’s (2012a) model were played out in a two-country world, then
the PO policies would be always efficient, regardless of the government objectives.Thus in
The implication that PO policies are inefficient is not highlighted in the paper, but it is easy to show.The paper focuses
on a design question, namely whether a “shallow integration” approach can ach ieve global efficiency, but the paper
is relevant also for the question of the purpose of a TA. I will come back to the design question in Section 3.Also,
it is interesting to note that the EPO result presented in Section 2.3.1 does not apply in Antras and Staiger’s (2012b)
setting, because trade taxes are not the only policy instruments: Foreign can use also a non-wedge policy, namely an
input subsidy, and there is no Home policy that is a perfect substitute for it in affecting local prices.
A second question examined by Antras and Staiger (2012a) concerns the desirability of a“shallow integration”approach.
Again, I will focus on this design question in Section 3.
Intuitively, recall that Home is the sole producer of the final good, so the local price of this good in the Home market
(say p
) depends on all three trade taxes on this good, but not through their sum, because Home’s export tax has
a larger impact on p
than each of the other countries’ import tax. Also note that the reason why the EPO result
does not apply in Antras and Staiger (2012a) is different than the one in Antras and Staiger (2012b). As highlighted in
footnote 28, in the latter model (which has only two countries) the reason the EPO result does not apply is that trade
taxes are not the only policy instruments.
340 Giovanni Maggi
some sense the mor e surprising aspect of the results inAntras and Staiger (2012a) is not that
the PO policies are inefficient in the presence of political-economy considerations, but
rather that the PO policies are efficient in the case of welfare-maximizing governments.
2.4. The Uncertainty-Managing Motive for a TA
The papers discussed so far abstract from the presence of uncertainty, and highlight the
gains that a TA can offer by changing the levels of trade policies relative to the non-
cooperative equilibrium. But if the political/economic environment is uncertain, one
can distinguish between an “uncertainty managing” motive and a “mean manag ing”
motive for a TA. Suppose that, because of shocks in the political/economic environment,
noncooperative trade policies are themselves subject to shocks. We can then ask the
following question: can go vernments achieve mutual gains by changing the degree of
uncertainty in trade policies relative to the noncooperative equilibrium, holding their mean
levels constant? If the answer is yes, we can say that there is an “ uncer tainty managing”
motive for a TA. Limão and Maggi (2013) examine under what conditions there exists
an uncertainty-managing motive for a TA, whether it calls for a reduction or an increase
in policy uncertainty, and what are the potential gains from a TA that regulates policy
In a standard competitive trade model with risk neutrality, where trade policies exert
international externalities only through TOT, Limão and Maggi show that there tends
to be an uncertainty-increasing motive for a TA, due to the convexity of indirect utility
and revenue functions in prices. This model thus seems at odds with the often-heard
argument that TAs can provide welfare gains by r educing trade policy uncertainty. When
individuals are risk averse, on the other hand, the direction of the uncertainty motive
for a TA is determined by a trade-off between risk aversion and flexibility: the degree of
risk aversion, in interaction with the degree of openness, favors an uncertainty-reducing
motive; while the degree of flexibility of the economy, which is in turn determined
by the export supply elasticity and the degree of production diversification, favors an
uncertainty-increasing motive. Empirically lower-income countries tend to have lower
export supply elasticities and a lo wer degree of diversification, thus Limão and Maggis
model suggests that the uncertainty-reducing motive might be relatively more important
for lower-income countries. Another key result is that, as trade costs decline, the gains
from reducing trade policy uncertainty tend to become more import ant relative to the
gains from reducing average trade barriers. A broad implication of this finding is that
Policy makers and practitioners often argue that one of the main goals of TAs is to reduce uncer tainty in trade policies,
and various TAs including the WTO include “mission” statements that can be interpreted along similar lines. For
example, the WTO states in its website that “Just as important as freer trade—perhaps more important—are other
principles of the WTO system. For example: non-discrimination, and making sure the conditions for trade are stable,
predictable and transparent.”
International Trade Agreements 341
uncertainty-reducing motives for TAs are likely to emerge as the world becomes more
integrated, and are more likely to be present for countries within a region.
2.5. Empirical Evidence
The empirical literature on TAs is still in its inf ancy, but it has seen a considerable accel-
eration in the last decade or so. In this section I discuss some papers that attempt to
get at the underlying motives for TAs, and some that examine the impacts of TAs on
trade barriers and trade flows in a more descriptive way. I postpone a discussion of the
empirical work on regional trade agreements to Section 4.
2.5.1. Tests of the TOT Theory
A number of recent papers have set out to test the predictions of the TOT theory.
Four papers stand out in this group. The first one is Broda et al. (2008),who focus
on the prediction that, in a noncooperative scenario, tariffs should tend to be higher
for countries/goods where market pow er (the inverse of the export supply elasticity) is
higher. Broda et al. consider the tariffs set by 15 non-WTO countries,on the presumption
that these countries choose trade policies in a noncooperative manner. They estimate
export supply elasticities by country and good—a significant contribution in itself—and
find that these elasticities are related with t ariffs in the way predicted by the theor y,
particularly if one focuses on the variation across goods within a country. Next they
control for political-economy determinants of tariffs, using a parsimonious specification
á la Grossman-Helpman (with the additional assumption that all industr ies are politically
organized), and find that export supply elasticities retain explanatory power even in the
extended specification.
Bagwell and Staiger (2011) test the predictions of the TOT model regarding the
tariff cuts that a country should make when acceding the WTO. Bagwell and Staiger
start by showing that, if demand and supply functions are linear, the model predicts that
the tariff cut should be deeper, other things equal, when the noncooperative volume
of imports is higher. They then test this pr ediction across six-digit HS level goods and
across 16 countries that acceded the WTO between 1995 and 2005, finding a strong
positive correlation. The corr elation survives also in the presence of country and good
Also Handley (2012) and Handley and Limão (2012, 2013) focus on the links between uncertainty and TAs, but from
a very different perspective. They examine (theoretically and empirically) the impact that TAs have on trade flows by
removing the risk of future increases in protection,taking trade policy (before and after theTA) as exogenous. Handley
and Limão do not consider the key questions addressed in Limão and Maggi (2013), namely whether there is “too
much” or “too little” uncertainty in the noncooperative trade policies and what are the gains from “correcting” the
degree of policy uncertainty through a TA. I will come back to the papers by Handley and Limão in the next section.
However, there is one finding in Broda et al. (2008) that is not easy to reconcile with the TOT theory. According
to the theor y, a country acting noncooperatively should set discriminatory tar iffs, because export supply elasticities
vary across exporters, but this almost never happens in the data. The authors argue that the presence of administrative
costs can reconcile this observation with the theory, but these costs would have to be very high, because export supply
elasticities vary widely across exporters and therefore the potential gains from discrimination are high.
342 Giovanni Maggi
fixed effects,and importantly, it passes the “placebo”test that it should hold only for tariffs
on imports from other WTO members, not on imports from non-WTO countries.
The papers discussed above focus on non-WTO countries (Broda et al.) or countries
that recently joined the WTO (Bagwell and Staiger), so they leave out the vast majority
of current WTO countries. Ludema and Mayda (2010) focus instead on the MFN tariffs
of all WTO members. Their test of the TOT theory is based on the following idea: the
MFN rule causes a well-known free-rider problem in multilateral negotiations, and for
this r eason negotiations are only partially successful in removingTOT considerations from
tariff levels, therefore the negotiated MFN tariffs should still partially re flect the market
power of importing countries. Moreover,the correlation between MFN tariffs and market
power should be stronger when exporter concentration (as measured for example by the
Herfindahl index) is lower, because in this case the free-rider problem is more severe,
thus MFN tariffs should be negatively related to the product of exporter concentration
and importer market power. Ludema and Mayda test this prediction on a cross-section
of MFN tariffs set by WTO members in the Uruguay Round, finding supportive results.
Finally, Bown and Crowley (2013a) test the predictions of a repeated-game version
of the TOT model (namely, Bagwell and Staiger’s (1990) model of “managed trade”)
using data on US temporary tariffs imposed under the US’s antidumping and safeguard
laws over 1997–2006. The key idea of the model is that, if a TA is to be self-enforcing,
it needs to provide for “escape clauses” that allow countries to raise tariffs in periods
when the temptation to defect from the agreement is stronger, that is when the incentive
to manipulate TOT is stronger, which in turn tends to happen when trade volumes are
Thus a key prediction of the model is that temporary tariffs should be observed
with higher lik elihood when import volumes are higher. Bown and Crowley find strong
support for this prediction in the data.
Finally, I should mention that there are a number of empirical studies documenting
that a countr ys tariffs can significantly affect its TOT, which of course is a pre-requisite
for the empirical relevance of the T OT theory. P apers in this group include Kreinin
(1961),Winters and Chang (2000, 2002),and Bown and Crowley (2006).
2.5.2. Tests of the Domestic-Commitment Theory
As a whole , the studies discussed abo ve are quite supportive of the T OT theory. At the
same time, I do not think this body of research has established that the TOT motive is
the only empirically significant motive forTAs. This leads me to the next question, which
is whether other motives for TA s are empirically important. The short answer to this
Bagwell and Staiger also consider a more general relationship predicted by TOT theory between tar iff cuts, trade
elasticities and import volumes, and test this prediction using Broda et al.’s (2008) trade elasticities for the five
countries with in their sample for which such elasticities are available. Also the results of this test are consistent with
the predictions of the theory.
See Section 3.2.1 for fur ther discussion of repeated-game versions of the TOT model.
International Trade Agreements 343
question is that we do not know yet: domestic-commitment theories and New Trade
theor i es of TAs have thus far received less empirical attention than the TOT theory, and
the jury is still out. I will start by focusing on the empirical research on the domestic-
commitment theory.
The first paper in this area is by Staiger and Tabellini (1999), who test a prediction
of their theoretical model (Staiger and Tabellini, 1987), in which the government is
subject to a time-inconsistency problem due to the fact that it chooses trade policy
after domestic agents have made their allocation decisions. This model suggests that, if
the government commits to a TA to address this time-inconsistency problem, the TA
should lead to deeper trade liberalization in sectors where the potential for production
distortions from protection is larger. Staiger and Tabellini test this prediction by focusing
on the sectoral exclusions chosen by the US government in the Tokyo Round of GATT,
using as “control gr oup the US tariff decisions made under the GATT’s escape clause,
which arguably were not effectively constrained by GATT. Their findings are broadly
supportive of the model’s prediction.
Limão and Tovar (2011) test their theoretical model (see Section 2.2) using data
on tariffs and non-tariff barriers (NTBs) in Turkey. One key prediction of their model
is that a government is more likely to commit to a tariff cap i n industries where its
bargaining power relative to the lobby is lower, and conditional on committing, the
tariff cap should be tighter when the government’s bargaining power is lower . A key
ingredient in testing this predi ction is measuring the government’s relative bargaining
power industry by industry. To do so, Limão and Tovar posit that the relative bargaining
power of the government in a given industry is lower when the rate of firm exit in
that industry is lower. The i dea is that, if the exit rate is lower, the firms (and the lobby
that represents them) discount the future less, while the government’s discount rate does
not v ary across industries, and noncooperative bargaining theory suggests that a player’s
relative bargaining power is higher when his or her relative patience is higher. Using their
estimates of relative bargaining powers, Limão andTovar find that in the Uruguay Round
the Turkish government indeed committed to less stringent tariff bindings in industries
where its relative bargaining pow er was stronger, and did not commit at all if the latter was
strong enough.
It is interesting to note that this finding is broadly consistent also with
the predictions of Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare’s (1998, 2007) version of the domestic-
commitment theory.
Liu and Ornelas (2012) test their t heory that aTA may serve as a commitment device
for a fragile democracy to destro y protectionistic rents and hence reduce the lik elihood of
Another finding in Limão and Tovar (2011) is that Turkey used NTBs more heavily after the tariff bindings were
imposed. This finding as well is consistent with their model, but I note that this kind of policy substitution between
tariffs and NTBs is consistent also with a variety of models that do not feature domestic-commitment motives for aTA.
In Maggi and Rodr iguez-Clare (1998) the government is more likely to commit to free trade when its bargaining
power is lower, and in Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (2007) tar iff caps tend to be tighter when governments have lower
bargaining power (see section I.D of that paper).
344 Giovanni Maggi
coups by rent-seeking authoritarian groups (see Section 2.2 ),by using data on preferential
trade agreements for 116 countries over the period 1960–2007. In line with their model’s
predictions, Liu and Ornelas find that more fragile democracies are i ndeed more likely
to sign preferential TAs, and that signing a preferential TA in turn lowers the likelihood
of democratic failure.
I would summarize the thin empirical literature on the domestic-commitment theory
of TAs by saying that it has found support for some predictions of some versions of the
theory, but a broad and systematic empiri cal investigation of this theor y is still missing.
Ultimately, the hope is to be able to quantify the relative importance of TOT motives
and domestic-commitment motives for TAs, but this is certainly no easy task.
2.5.3. Empirical Work on the New Trade Theory
Empirical research focused on New Trade theories of TAs is at the very beginning. I
am not aware of any attempts to test these theories with econometric approaches, but a
recent paper by Ossa (2013) takes the theory to the data using a calibration approach.
Ossa develops a multi-country model that allows for three drivers of trade protection:
T OT effects, profit-shifting effects, and political-economy considerations.
The model,
which combines elements from Krugman (1980) and Grossman and Helpman (1995a),is
calibrated to match observed trade flows and tar iffs at the industry level in 2005. Using a
technique introduced by Dekle et al. (2007), Ossa performs counterfactual analysis using
only estimates of the elasticities of substitution (taken from Broda and Weinstein, 2006),
estimates of political-economy weights (taken from Goldberg and Maggi, 1999), and
f actual levels of trade flows and tariffs. Several interesting findings arise. First,TOT and
profit-shifting drivers of protection quantitatively dominate political-economy drivers.
Second, a global trade war would lead to t ariffs averaging about 60% across industries and
countries, and would reduce welfare by about 3.5% relative to the cooperative outcome.
Finally, relative to where we are today, the potential gains f rom further multilateral trade
negotiations are negligible.
Whether these are “numbers we can believe in” is not obvious, given the very stylized
nature of the model, but this is a thought-provoking paper that points to a promising way
forward for addressing important questions such as quantifying t he relative importance
of different motives for trade protection, the gains achieved by pastTAs, and the potential
gains from future TAs.
2.5.4. Impacts of the GATT-WTO
In this subsection I briefly discuss a recent wave of papers that have examined the impact
of the GATT-WTO on trade barri ers and trade flows. This literature was triggered by
An earlier attempt at quantifying New Trade motives for protection can be found in Ossa (2011), in the context of a
model featuring only firm-delocation effects. In that calibration exercise, Ossa allows each country to set only a single
tariff on all imports, and only focuses on noncooperative tar iffs.
International Trade Agreements 345
Rose (2004a), who sent shockwaves through the trade policy community (academic and
not) b y arguing that the WTO had virtually no impact on trade flows, based on a simple
reduced-form regression analysis. In a similar vein, Rose (2004b) argued that the WTO
had a negligible effect on the trade policies actually applied by countries.
These papers spawned a number of follow-up studies, most of which qualified Rose’s
results in significant ways. Subramanian andWei (2007) show that the impact of WTO has
been very uneven across countries and sectors, for example because developing countries
enjoyed exemptions from trade liberalization in specific sectors (such as textiles); once
these exceptions are accounted for,theWTO is found to significantly promote trade.To m z
et al. (2007) argue that many countries were mistakenly classified as non-members of the
GATT, while in reality they were de facto members with similar rights and obligations as
formal members, and show that this misclassification leads to underestimating the effect
of GATT on trade flows. Liu (2009) shows the importance of zeroes” in bilateral trade
flows: if one takes into account that the WTO has lead new country pairs to initiate
bilateral trade—the extensive partner-level margin” of trade—then the WT O is found
to have a significant positive effect on trade. Dutt et al. (2011) find that the impact of
WTO membership is significant on the extensive product margin of trade, that is,WTO
membership leads to an increase in the number of goods traded, but the impact of the
WTO is negligible on the intensive margin (the trade volume of already-traded goods).
Next I discuss some recent papers that also examine the effects of TAs on trade flows,
but use more structural approaches, and provide some evidence about the mechanisms
thr ough which a TA affects trade.
Eicher and Henn (2011) examine the effects of WTO and regional trade agreements
on trade flows by considering a panel of 177 countries over 50 years. They start with
a reduced-form gravity approach that encompasses t he specifications by Rose (2004a),
Tomz et al. (2007),and Subramanian and Wei (2007), and find that only regional trade
agreements have a significant impact on trade, not the WTO. Then they consider an
augmented gravity equation that incorporates a key effect suggested by the TOT theory,
namely that countries with more marke t power should agree to bigger tariff cuts as they
join the WTO, and hence their trade volumes should increase by more. When a measure
of market power (pre-accession import volumes) is incorporated in the reg ressions, the
WT O is found to have a significant effect for countries with import volumes above the
85th percentile. This finding contributes to reconcile the seemingly contradictory results
of reduced-form studies á la Rose (2004a) and theory-dri ven studies á la Bagwell and
Staiger (2010a).
Finally, Handley (2012) and Handley and Limão (2012, 2013) show that the mecha-
nisms through which TAs affect trade flows may be more subtle than just a decrease of
tariff levels. These papers argue that, when trade policies are subject to shocks, export-
Another paper worthy of mention is Tang and Wei (2010), which examines the impact of WTO on GDP g rowth,
finding that WTO membership tends to be associated with higher GDP growth rates for developing countries.
346 Giovanni Maggi
ing firms respond not just to changes in the applied levels of trade barriers, but also
to changes in the probability that trade barriers might be raised in the future. Thus, by
reducing the risk of future protectionist spikes, a TA may encourage investment in export
markets and boost trade volumes even if no change in applied policy levels is observed.
Handley (2012) focuses onAustralia’s accession toWTO, finding evidence that this caused
an increase in exports to Australia more because committing to WTO bindings removed
the risk of future “bad news” for exporters, than because of actual reductions in Aus-
tralia’s applied tar iffs. Handley and Limão (2012) find evidence that Portugal’s accession
to the EC boosted Portuguese exports to other EC countries in spite of the fact that
Portugal already enjoyed free access to those countries before accession, thanks to pre-
existing preferences, and estimate that a significant fraction of this effect was due to the
f act that accession to the EC eliminated the risk faced by Port uguese exporters of losing
pre-existing preferences. Finally, Handley and Limão (2013) estimate that a significant
portion of Chinas rapid increase in exports to the US starting in 2001 is explained by the
permanent MFN status gained by China as a consequence of its WTO accession, which
removed t he US threat of imposing “column 2” tariffs on impor t s from China.
In a world without transaction costs, the issue of how to design a TA would be rather
uninteresting. Imagine for a moment that governments could costlessly write a complete
contract that covers all relevant policies and contingencies and can be perfectly enforced.
In such a world (whi ch is the world I effectively considered in the previous section) there
would be no need to think hard about how to design a TA: go vernments would be able
to achieve a fully efficient outcome by writing a complete contract. Such contract would
contain a large amount of detail, but would be conceptually straightforward.
In this section I will discuss the literature on the design of TAs as viewed from
the perspective of transaction costs. To be a bit more specific, I will use the expression
“transaction costs” as an umbrella term that encompasses two categor ies of frictions: (1)
contracting frictions, which include costs of negotiating and writing contracts, imperfect
verifiability, and private information, and (2) imperfect enforcement, by which I mean t he
lack of external enforcement power, so that TAs must be self-enforcing contracts.
Note that, while contracting frictions naturally lead to contract incompleteness,
meaning that rele vant contingencies and/or policies are missing from the contract,
enforcement frictions typically do not generate contract incompleteness: the presence
of self-enforcement constraints per se is not a reason for removing contingencies or poli-
cies from the contract. In fact, it can have the opposite effect, in the sense of inducing
governments to intr oduce contingencies that otherwise would not be present in the
contract. For example, self-enforcement constraints may require the agreement to be
contingent on import shocks (escape clauses), whereas a perfectly enforceable ag reement
International Trade Agreements 347
would not need to be contingent.
For this reason, below I organize my discussion in
two parts: first I will focus on the implications of contract incompleteness for TA design,
and then I will focus on the implications of imperfect enforcement.
What would we miss if we ignored the presence of transaction costs? Why not stop
at the world considered in the previous section, wher e the only questions concern the
motives for a TA and how the efficient policies differ from noncooperative policies? If
theory stopped there, it would not be able to explain a number of important features of
real-worldTAs. For example, it would be hard to explain why the GATT-WTO specifies
tariff caps instead of exact tariff commitments; or why many domestic policies such as
standards or domestic tax es are left to the gov ernments’ discretion; and so on.
Also, if w e ignored transaction costs it w ould be difficult to explain the nature of
trade disputes in theWTO and the role of the WTO court, the Dispute Settlement Body
(DSB): absent transaction costs the only possible role for a court w ould be to enforce
the obligations specified in the agreement, but in reality trade disputes are more often
about the interpretation of vague obligations, or instances for which the agreement is
silent, than about the enforcement of clear obligations. Thus a potentially important role
of the DSB is to “complete” various dimensions of an incomplete contract, and therefore
designing the role of the DSB becomes of key impor t ance.
Before proceeding, it is useful to distinguish between three dimensions of TA design:
(1) the design of substantive policy rules, that is constraints on governments’ policy choices
(e.g. tariff ceilings, non-discrimination rules); (2) the design of enforcement rules (how
should governments behave after a violation of the agreement?); and (3) the design of
procedures,such as dispute settlement procedures.
I will argue that introducing transaction
costs in our conceptual frame can take us a long way toward understanding the design of
TAs along these three dimensions.
3.1. Contract Incompleteness and Trade Agreements
The overarching theme of this section is that viewingTAs as incomplete contracts can help
understand the way TAs are designed. In the models I will discuss below, the incomplete-
ness of the TA is sometimes derived endogenously from contracting frictions, sometimes
assumed exogenously, and sometimes left implicit. I would argue that modeling con-
tracting fr ictions explicitly has the advantage of forcing us to think in a disciplined way
about the rationale for the rules and procedures we observe in real-world TAs. I am not
advocating a dogmatic approach where everything must be explained from “first princi-
ples, but I think that too often a theoretical “story” proposed to explain a certain rule
This is the case for example in Bagwell and Staigers (1990) model of “managed trade” (see Section 3.2.1).
Another important type of procedure is the bargaining protocol for trade negotiations. In spite of the obvious impor tance
of negotiation protocols, however, I am not aware of any formal literature addressing this question. On a distinct note,
a paper that focuses on questions of procedure but does not fit easily in the taxonomy above is Conconi et al. (2012),
which examines how domestic fast-track procedures for cong ressional approval of trade agreements affect the outcome
of trade negotiations.
348 Giovanni Maggi
X has some intuitive appeal, but does not stand up to a more rigorous test, which is the
following question: can r ule X be part of an optimally designed contract, at least for some
plausible contracting environment?
I will organize the discussion below as follows. I will first lay out a simple model of
TAs where two distinct forms of contract incompleteness—rigidity and discretion—arise
endogenously from contracting frictions, and argue that this model can help explain a
number of design features of the observedTAs. I will then discuss other models that have
been proposed in the literature to explain specific rules such as tariff caps, reciprocity,
MFN, market-access rules, and “liability” v s “property” rules. Finally, I will focus on the
design of dispute settlement procedures.
3.1.1. Contracting costs, rigidity, and discretion
To lay out some basic concepts I will start by outlining a model by Horn et al. (2010),
where the incompleteness of a TA emerges endogenously from the costs of writing a
contract. In spite of its simplicity, this form of contracting friction can go surprisingly far
in explaining the way TAs are designed.
At the basis of this model is the observation that there are two important sources of
complexity in writing a TA: (a) uncertainty about future economic/political conditions,
which calls for agreements that are highly contingent, and (b) the wide array of policies
(domestic and border measures) that can affect trade, which in turn calls for agreements
that are very comprehensive in their policy coverage. For these reasons,writing a complete
contract would be very costly, since all contingencies and policies would need to be
described ex-ante and verified ex-post.
In this context, one can think of two ways to
save on writing costs: lea ving contingencies out of the contract, which leads to rigidity,or
leaving policies out of the contract, which amounts to intr oducing discretion.
Real-world TAs exhibit an interesting combination of rigidity and discretion. For
example, the GATT-WTO binds trade instruments, but domestic instruments are largely
left to discretion,except that (i) theWTO has introduced regulation of domestic subsidies,
and (ii) all domestic policies must satisfy the National Treatment rule. Also, constraints
on tariffs take the form of ceilings (so governments have downward discretion), and such
ceilings are largely rigid, but the contract also provides for “escape clauses” under some
contingencies. Horn et al. argue that the presence of contracting costs can help explain
these design features.
Writing costs can be interpreted more broadly as captur ing also the costs of negotiating a TA and the costs of verifying
contingencies and policies. I also note here that this approach to modeling endogenous contract incompleteness was
first developed, though in a different setting, by Battigalli and Maggi (2002).
Are contracting costs empirically important for an agreement such as theWTO?This is a legitimate question,but given
the huge number of products, countries, policy instruments, and contingencies that are involved in the WTO, and the
fact that this agreement took eight years of negotiations to complete, contracting costs seem quantitatively important.
Many trade-law scholars agree with this view. For example, Schwar tz and Sykes (2002) write: “...Many contracts are
negotiated under conditions of considerable complexity and uncertainty, and it is not economical for the par ties to
specify in advance how they ought to behave under ever y conceivable contingency. (pp. 181–182)
International Trade Agreements 349
Horn et al. consider a two-country, partial-equilibrium model where markets are
perfectly competitive but there may be production and consumption (localized) exter-
nalities, so that there is an efficiency rationale for multiple policies, in particular tariffs
and production subsidies.There can be uncertainty both in the underlying trade volume
and in t he externality levels, so that a first-best agreement would need to specify policies
in a state-contingent way. At the core of the model is the assumption that the cost of the
agreement is increasing in the number of policy instruments and contingencies it specifies.
The analysis focuses on four questions of TA design. The first one is whether it is
desirable to leave domestic subsidies to the governments’ discretion. Horn et al. find
that, for a given level of contracting costs, this is more lik ely if: (a) trade volumes are
low, so that countries gain little fr o m manipulating TOT; or (b) countries have little
monopoly power in trade, so that they have little capacity to manipulate TOT; or (c)
subsi dies are not a good substitute for tariffs as a means of manipulatingTOT. The trade-
volume effect at point (a) suggests an explanation for why domestic subsidies hav e been
constrained byWTO while they were largely left to discretion under GATT, namely, that
a general expansion of trade volumes over time has made i t more costly to leave subsidies
to discretion.Moreover, the monopoly power” and instrument substitutability effects
at points (b) and (c) together suggest a possible explanation for why developing countries
have been largely exempted from constraints on subsidies through“special and differential
treatment clauses: developing countries typically do not hav e str ong market power and
do not have a broad range of domestic policy instruments that can easily substitute for
The second design question is whether and how the TA should be state-contingent.
An interesting result in this regard is that, conditional on leaving domestic subsidies to dis-
cretion, it can be optimal to specify an escape clause that allows a government to increase
its tariff when the level of imports is high, as a way to mitigate the stronger incentives
to distort domestic subsidies in periods of high import v olume. Thus the model suggests
a novel explanation for the desirability of escape clauses in TAs: these can be attrac-
tive because they provide an indirect means of managing the distortions associated with
leaving domestic policies to discretion.
The third point made by Horn et al. is that the presence of contracting costs can
explain why tariffs are constrained by ceilings rather than by exact levels. More specifically,
the optimal agreement may include rigid tariff ceilings. Intuitively, conditional on some
contingencies being missing from the agreement, leaving downward discretion in tariffs
can only be beneficial, since a government is always t empted to distort tariffs upwards,
and there may be states of the world where the unilaterally optimal tariff lies below the
Note that this explanation for escape clauses is very different from others that have been proposed in the theoretical
literature, and in particular those that are based on self-enforcement considerations (e.g. Bagwell and Staiger, 1990,
discussed in Section 3.2.1).
350 Giovanni Maggi
ceiling. In Section 3.1.2, I will discuss other possible explanations for the use of tariff
Finally, the model by Horn et al. can provide a novel rationale for the National
Treatment (NT) rule, showing that such a rule can serve to save on contracting costs.
To mak e this point, Horn et al. extend the basic model outlined abo ve by allowing for
consumption taxes on domestically-pro duced and imported goods,and formalize the NT
rule as a constraint that these taxes be equalized.A preliminary observation is that aTA that
imposes the NT rule but leaves discretion over the (non-discriminatory) consumption
tax can achieve a new form of discretion that cannot be achieved without the NT rule,
namely, discretion over the consumer price w edge;indeed, a non-NT agreement can only
leave discretion over the producer price wedge.
Horn et al. then show that under some
conditions the NT rule can indeed be part of an optimal TA. The key observation here
is that leaving discretion over the (non-discriminatory) consumption tax may involve a
subtle benefit, namely that this tax will be responsive to contingencies, thus this form of
discretion is an indirect way to make theTA state-contingent. If specifying contingencies
is quite costly and the “indirect state-contingency” effect just highlighted is important,
then introducing the NT rule in the TA may be optimal.
Before proceeding, I emphasize that this model focuses on a setting where TAs are
motivated by TOT externalities, but an interesting and still unexplored question is the
extent to which an incomplete-contracting approach of this kind but applied in the con-
text of the domestic-commitment theory might generate new insights and help interpret
features of real-world TAs.
3.1.2. Tari Caps
As I pointed out in the previous section, tariff restrictions in the GATT-WTO take the
form of tariff caps. The rationale for the use of tariff caps has been the subject of several
To understand this slightly cryptic statement,focus on the importer country. In the absence of NT, the wedge between
consumer price and world price is given by p p
= τ + t
,whereτ is the tariff and t
is the consumption tax on
the imported good, while the wedge between producer price and world price is q p
= τ + t
+ s t
is the production subsidy and t
the consumption tax on the domestically-produced good. Next focus on the price
wedges under the NT rule, which imposes the constraint t
= t
.Lettingt denote the common level of the internal
tax, the NT rule transforms the set of policy instruments from , s, t
, t
) to , s, t), and the price wedges become
p p
= τ + t and q p
= τ + s. Now notice that with an NT-based ag reement that constrains τ and s and leaves
t to discretion, it is possible to tie down the producer price wedge q p
while leaving discretion over the consumer
price wedge p p
, whereas this is not possible with a non-NT agreement.
The role of the NT rule for domestic taxes has been examined also by Hor n (2006). He considers a model where TAs
are exogenously incomplete contracts that can include tar iff bindings and an NT rule for consumption taxes. Domestic
and imported goods are differentiated, so efficiency may call for discriminatory consumption taxes, but Horn shows
that,if tariff bindings are set at appropriate levels, including an NT rule always improves global welfare. Saggi and Sara
(2008) extend Horn’s (2006) analysis by allowing for heterogeneity in product quality and countr y size. There is also
a small literature that examines the role of the NT rule for product standards: see in particular Battigalli and Maggi
(2003), Costinot (2008),and Staiger and Sykes (2011).
International Trade Agreements 351
papers in the literature (in addition to Horn et al., 2010 and Magg i and Rodriguez-Clare,
2007, already discussed above).
Bagwell and Staiger (2005a) consider a model where governments have private infor-
mation about domestic political-econom y shocks, and show that in such a setting tariff
caps tend to be preferable to exact tariff commitments.The intuition is similar as in Horn
et al. (2010): since the TA cannot be contingent on the political-econom y shock, and
since a governments temptation is to distort the tariff upward, leaving downward flexibil-
ity cannot hurt, and it is strictly preferred if the support of the shock is sufficiently wide.
However, just as in Horn et al. (2010), this model can explain only why we do not observe
exact tariff commitments, and it stops short of characterizing the optimal tariff rule.
Amador and Bagwell (2013) is the first paper that provides a full theoretical explanation
of tariff caps, by showing that under some conditions a tariff cap is not only preferable
to an exact tariff commitment, but is also the optimal tariff rule. Specifically, Amador
and Bagwell consider a partial-equilibrium model where an import tariff is the only
available policy instrument, and the importing government has private or non-verifiable
information about domestic political pressures. Contingent transfers are not available,
thus aTA can only specify a set of permissible tariffs that the importing government may
apply.The governments’objective functions are specified in reduced form,say (τ,γ) for
the Home government (where τ is the tariff and γ a political-economy parameter) and
) for the Foreign government.
A tariff cap is shown to be optimal if the convexity
of the Foreign objective function (
) is not too pr onounced relative to the concavity
of the Home objective function (
) and the density of γ does not decrease too fast.
Amador and Bagwell then examine when these conditions are satisfied in the context
of two specific market structures, a perfectly competitive setting and a monopolistic
competition setting.
In reality, some governments do exercise the downward discretion afforded by tariff
caps and apply tariffs strictly below the cap levels (the so-called “binding overhang”).
Empirically there is considerable variation in the extent of binding o verhang, as well as
in the levels of tariff ceilings, acr oss countries and sectors (see for example Bacchetta
and Piermartini, 2011). Beshkar et al. (2011) propose a model that sheds light on one
important dimension of this variation. They consider a model where governments ha ve
private information about domestic political pressures, and examine how the levels of
tariff ceilings and the expected size of the binding overhang depend on countries’ market
power.Their main result is that,when a country has more market power,the optimal tariff
ceiling is lower and the expected binding overhang is smaller. This is a consequence of
the fact that when a country has more market power its tariffs exert stronger TOT exter-
nalities, so providing flexibility through higher tariff bindings causes greater efficiency
I note here that Amador and Bagwell (2013) consider a slightly more general setting than the one described in the
text, where the importing government is allowed to “bur n” money.
352 Giovanni Maggi
loss. Beshkar et al. then present econometric evidence in support of this prediction, using
a dataset on applied and bound tariffs for WTO member countries.
It is useful at this juncture to recall from Section 2.2 that there is another possible
explanation for the use of tariff caps, which is not based on frictions in government-
to-government contracting, but rather on domestic-commitment issues, as pointed out
by Maggi and Rodriguez-Clare (2007). One interesting difference between these two
explanations of tariff ceilings—the one based on international contracting frictions and
the one based on domestic-commitment issues—is that the former predicts binding
overhang with positive probability in equilibrium, whereas the latter predicts no binding
overhang in equilibrium. For this reason, while domestic-commitment considerations
may be part of the explanation for tariff ceilings, they are probably not the whole story
behind them.
One of the challenges of this body of theor y is t o explain not just why the WTO
imposes rule X or why it imposes rule Y, but also why it imposes rules X and Y. This is
a non-trivial question, since different rules can interact in complex ways, and often i t is
not easy to rationalize the WTO’s joint use of disparate approaches to regulating trade
policies. Beshkar and Bond (2012) take a step in this direction by developing a model that
can explain why the GATT-WTO combines two different for ms of flexibility on tar iffs,
namely tariff caps and escape clauses. More specifically, the model has a similar structure
as Amador and Bagwell (2013), except that a government can produce evidence (at a cost)
about the state of its domestic political pressures. Beshkar and Bond show that it may be
desirable to combine a tar iff cap with an escape clause that allows a government to raise
the tariff above the cap if it produces ev idence that doing so is politically efficient. They
also show that these two forms of flexibility are substitutes, in the sense that the optimal
tariff ceiling is lower—and tariff overhang may even disappear—in the presence of the
escape clause than in its absence.
3.1.3. “Shallow vs Deep Integration
The GATT ag reement was largely based on a “shallow integration approach, in the
sense that the agreement placed direct constraints on border measures (such as trade
taxes and quotas), while domestic policies were largely left to discretion, except for the
requirement that they not be used to erode the market-access levels previously nego-
Amador and Bagwell (2012) also presents an interesting result regarding binding overhang. They consider a var iant of
Amador and Bagwell (2013) where governments have pr ivate infor mation about the value of tar iff revenue,a setting that
is arguably relevant for developing countries. In a linear-quadratic specification with a uniform type distribution, they
show that the optimal tariff cap and the probability of binding overhang are higher when there is greater uncer tainty
in the type distribution and when the upper bound of the support of the distribution is higher.
It is also relevant to note however that,if tariff ceilings were due solely to the presence of non-contractible contingencies,
we would expect that, for a given product in a given country, the applied tariff is sometimes at the bound level and
sometimes below it, but it is not clear from existing evidence that this is actually the case in reality.
International Trade Agreements 353
tiated by governments.
Bagwell and Staiger have argued in several papers that the
GATTs “non-violation” clause (Art. XXIII.1b) can be interpr eted as imposing a kind of
“market-access-preservation” constraint on governments. The WTO, on the other hand,
has gone beyond a shallow integration appr oach, b y introducing direct restrictions on
some domestic policies, notably production subsidies, so in this sense it has moved closer
to a “deep integration” approach. What are the relative merits of these t wo approaches,
and why has the approach changed in going from GATT to WTO?
The benchmark paper on this topic is Bagwell and Staiger (2001), which focuses
on a standard two-good model with perfect competition and no uncertainty. I will
briefly discuss this paper using the notation introduced in Section 2.1.2. The basic idea
can be illustrated by supposing that the Foreign go vernment is passive, so its objective
can be written simply as
), whereas the Home government can use a tariff τ
and a non-wedge policy ν (e.g. a labor standard), so that its objective can be written
as (ν,p, p
). Supposing that Home imports the non-numeraire good, let X
) be
Foreign’s export supply for this good and let p
, ν) be the equilibrium world-price
level. In its bare-bone form, a “shallow integration” agreement specifies a reference tariff
level τ
and allows Home to choose its policies (including the tariff) subject to the
only constraint that the resulting trade volume be the same as that implied by τ
the noncooperative domestic policy level, sa y ν
. Such a market-access-preservation
constraint thus takes the form: X
, ν)) = X
It is immediate to show that, under perfect competition and in the absence of uncer-
tainty, a shallow-integration agreement is sufficient to achieve global efficiency.The intu-
ition is straightforward: since there is a one-to-one link between trade volume and TOT,
a trade-volume-preservation constraint effectively prevents the Home g overnment from
manipulating TOT; and since TOT manipulation is the only cause of inefficiency in the
Nash equilibrium, this constraint is sufficient to achieve efficiency.
This argument can
be extended to allow the Foreign government to be policy-active as well.
In addition, GATT imposed that certain domestic instruments such as consumption taxes and product standards must
satisfy the National Treatment r ule, as I discussed in Section 3.1.1.
Note that a simpler but equivalent contract would be one that specifies a trade volume
that Home is required to
deliver, so Home chooses , ν) subject to the constraint X
( p
, ν)) =
. Clearly this contract is equivalent to
the one mentioned in the text, because choosing the baseline tariff level τ
effectively amounts to choosing the target
trade level
See also Bagwell and Staiger (2006),who extend the analysis to a setting where governments can use trade policies and
production subsidies. Another related paper is the one by Bajona and Ederington (2012), who argue that, if the TA
must be self-enforcing and domestic policies are not observable, the optimal TA m ay include not only market-access
constraints but also tariff bindings.
There is an important caveat to this argument: in GATT-WTO the negotiated tariff levels are not simply reference
levels, but tariff ceilings.InBagwell and Staiger’s (2001) model, if the contract includes also a tariff ceiling together
with the market-access constraint, the inability of a government to raise the tar iff above the ceiling may under some
conditions lead to inefficient outcomes.This observation leads Bagwell and Staiger to argue that WTO r ules could be
made more efficient while at the same time affording governments more sovereignty.
354 Giovanni Maggi
Bagwell and Staiger’s (2001) result represents an important benchmark, but a number
of subsequent papers have highlighted reasons why a shallow integration approach may
not be sufficient to achieve globally efficient outcomes. One reason may be the presence
of non-T OT externalities, such as the ones emphasized by the New Trade theories; a
second reason may be the presence of domestic-commitment motives for TAs; and a
third reason may be the presence of contracting frictions.
A setting with non-TOT externalities where shallow integration is not sufficient to
achieve efficiency is the one considered by Antras and Staiger (2012a,b).What is responsi-
ble for the insufficiency of shallow integration in that setting is that prices are determined
by bilateral bargaining rather than market clearing. This is intuitive in light of the fact
that, as discussed in Section 2.3 above, the purpose of a TA in these models goes beyond
the correction of TOT externalities.
Another example is provided by DeRemer (2011),
who argues that shallow integration is not sufficient to achieve efficiency in a monopo-
listic competition model with delocation externalities, when governments can use t rade
tax es and production subsidies. Moreover, a natural conjecture is that the same would be
true in a Cournot setting with profit-shifting externalities, such as the one in Mrazova
(2011) or Bagwell and Staiger (2012a), if domestic policies were allowed in these models.
It should be clear from the discussion above that a shallow integration approach can
achieve efficiency only if the international policy externalities travel solely through the
TOT channel. It should not come as a surprise, therefore, that if the TA is motivated
by domestic-commitment motives then a deep integration approach will be required to
achieve efficiency. This point is made in the paper by Brou and Ruta (2009),which I
already mentioned in S ection 2.2. One important point that emerges clearly from all the
papers discussed above is that the motives for a TA crucially affect the optimal design of a TA.
As I mentioned earlier , a final reason why a shallow integration approach may not be
enough to induce globally efficient outcomes is the presence of contracting frictions. To
understand why, let us go back to the Bagwell-Staiger setting considered at the beginning
of this section, with perfect competition and a single policy-active country (Home).
Suppose that the state of the world is uncertain at the time theTA is negotiated,but Home
observes it before choosing its policies. Then, in order for a market-access-preservation
rule to induce a globally efficient outcome, such rule would need to be state-contingent.
But i f some contingencies are not verifiable (or if specifying them i n the contract is
costly), then a shallow integration approach may not achieve full efficiency. This point is
made by Lee (2007, 2011) in the context of a model where governments choose trade
tax es and production taxes, and have private information about the level of a domestic
However it is important to note that the two questions,“Are the PO policies efficient?” and “Is shallow integration
sufficient to achieve efficiency?” do not necessarily yield the same answer. It is possible that PO policies are efficient
but shallow integration does not achieve efficiency: in Antras and Staiger (2012a), for example, in the case of welfare-
maximizing governments PO policies are efficient but shallow integration does not achieve efficiency.
International Trade Agreements 355
I now feel the need to take a step back and reflect on the way this design question
has been addressed in the literature, and on the way I think it should ideally be framed.
The typical approach in the literature (at least implicitly) has been to ask whether a
shallow-integration agreement can achieve global efficiency: if the answer is yes, then a
shallow-integration agreement is considered preferable to a deep-integration agreement,
based on an (implicit or explicit) assumption that“more sovereignty is always better;” and
if the answer is no, the conclusion is that a deep-integration agreement is preferable. I
find this conceptual approach useful but not entirely satisfactory, for the r easons I explain
The argument that it is preferable,other things equal,to give countries sovereignty over
domestic policies is presumab ly based on a notion that relinquishing control over domestic
policies entails some cost to a government. This idea has some intuitive appeal, but it is
not obvious ho w it can be given a rational-choice justification. Why would governments
not feel similarly about relinquishing control over border measures? Perhaps one way
to rationalize the “sovereignty” argument is that domestic policies are needed to address
domestic economic or political needs that vary over time, and taking away sovereignty
over domestic policies remo ves a government’s flexibility in responding to these v arying
needs. But this implicitly assumes that the TA constrains domestic policies in a rigid way;
in the absence of contracting frictions, aTA would constrain these policies in a contingent
way, so there would be no shortcoming from a deep-integration approach. Thus one can
rationalize the idea t hat giv ing up sovereignty is costly, but at the core, this boils do wn to
an argument that contracting frictions cause rigidity in TAs. For this reason, I think that
introducing uncertainty and contracting frictions explicitly in our conceptual framework
is important to examine the tradeoff between shallow and deep integ ration.
The discussion above in turn suggests an alternative,and I think preferable,approach to
the comparison between shallow and deep integration. The key question in my opinion
should be:what are the transaction costs associated with each of these two approaches,and
which one is more efficient when transaction costs are taken into account? The answ er
to this question is far from obvious: a deep-integration agreement requires specifying
all border and domestic policies, and this is likely to involve large transaction costs; a
shallow-integration agreement, on the other hand, may save on the costs of contracting
over domestic policies, but it will achieve less efficient outcomes (if the environment is
uncertain); and if specifying contingencies in the TA is costly, the tradeoff becomes even
more complicated. If one takes this explicit transaction costs perspective, then the results
of the existing literature appear as a valuable step, but only a first step.
3.1.4. Reciprocity and MFN
The principles of reciprocity and MFN are two major pillars of the GATT-WTO. The
role of these principles has been examined by Bagwell and Staiger in a number of writings,
356 Giovanni Maggi
and most notably in the context of the perfect-competition setting of Bagwell and Staiger
(1999a). I will start by focusing on the principle of reciprocity in the context of a two-
country model (where MFN of course pla ys no role).
Bagwell and Staiger define a reciprocal change in trade policies as one that leaves
world prices unchanged.
More specifically, they distinguish between two notions of
reciprocity. The first one is a principle guiding tariff negotiations starting from the Nash
equilibrium: Bagwell and Staiger show that, if tariff negotiations satisfy reciprocity (that
is, if they leave world prices unchanged relative to the Nash equilibrium), they will lead
to a Pareto-improvement over the Nash equilibrium, although in general they will not
lead all the way to the Pareto-efficient frontier.
An important note of interpretation
is the following: in the GATT-WTO the principle of reciprocity as it applies to tariff
negotiations is not a strict rule, but just an informal principle, so Bagwell and Staiger’s
(1999a) analysis of reciprocity-guided negotiations is best interpreted in normative terms,
as highlighting how the negotiation outcome would be affected if reciprocity were strictly
imposed as a rule.
The second notion of reciprocity considered by Bagwell and Staiger applies to tar-
iff renegotiations. Unlike the informal reciprocity principle that applies to negotiations,
GATT-WTO does impose a formal rule of reciprocity for tariff renegotiations,specifically
in Article XXVIII of GATT. Bagwell and Staiger formalize this rule through a two-stage
negotiation game, as follows: (i) in the first stage, governments negotiate a pair of tariffs,
with the disagreement point given by the Nash equi librium tariffs;(ii) in the second stage,
governments can renegotiate the tariffs, and if the renegotiation fails, a government can
unilaterally change its tariff from the level that was agreed upon in the first stage, but at
the condition that the trading partner get compensated through a reciprocal tariff change.
Before proceeding, I make an observation that will be useful later on. Notice the
nature of the disagreement point for the process of renegotiation under reciprocity: if the
renegotiation fails, a gov ernment can choose to unilaterally breach” the contract and
compensate the trading partner, with the compensation taking the form of a reciprocal
tariff increase by the trading partner. This observation leads me to note that there is a
simpler way to intepret such recipr ocity rule, which I find more illuminating. Rather
than imposing a constraint on renegotiation, this rule can equivalently be modeled as
changi ng the nature of the contract itself, from one that specifies tariff commitments
without allowing for “breach” (in law and economics jargon, a “property” contract), to
one that allows a government to breach the contract in exchange for a certain amount of
“damages” (in law and economics jargon, a “liability” contract). Notice that, if reciprocity
is modeled in this way, simply as a liability rule incorporated in the initial contract, then
there is no scope for renegotiation in Bagwell and Staiger’s setting,and we can simply think
As Bagwell and Staiger show, an equivalent definition is that changes in trade policies are reciprocal if they bring about
equal-value changes in each country’s volumes of impor ts and exports when valued at the initial world pr ices.
The only case in which negotiations according to reciprocity lead to Pareto efficiency is the one where countries are
perfectly symmetric.
International Trade Agreements 357
of governments as negotiating a contract within this particular class (liability contracts
with breach damages g iven by reciprocal tariff changes), ignoring renegotiation.
Bagwell and Staiger’s main results regarding the rule of reciprocity are two. The first
one is that the only efficient tariff pair that can be implemented under reciprocity (or,
adopting my interpretation above,when the contract is restricted to be a liability contract
with breach damages given by reciprocal tariff changes) is given by the politically efficient
(PO) tariffs.This result is a consequence of the fact that,when viewed in tariff space, each
gov ernment’s iso-payoff curv e is tangent to the iso-world-price curve at the PO point,
thus starting from this point there is no unilateral incentive for a government to move
along the iso-world-price curv e. This in turn implies that the reciprocity-constrained
Pareto frontier lies inside the unconstrained Pareto frontier, except at the PO point. The
second result is that, when go vernments bargain over the recipr ocity-constrained Pareto
fr ontier, the outcome is generically inefficient (it is not the PO point), but it tends to be
closer to the PO point as compared with the unrestricted bargaining scenario.
Bagwell and Staiger interpret these results as suggesting that the reciprocity rule
induces a rebalancing of power across countries, since it moves the negotiation outcome
toward a point that is not affected by bargaining powers (the PO point). This conclusion
resonates with the GATT’s emphasis on “rules” vs “power, but as remarked above, the
rebalancing of power induced by the reciprocity r ule in g eneral entails an “efficiency
penalty.” Bagwell and Staiger then argue informally that reciprocity may provide effi-
ciency gains if it encourages weaker countries to participate in GATT. This idea is based
on McLaren’s (1997) model: recall from Section 2.2 that in this model a small country
trading with a large country may prefer to stay out of a TA to avoid being “held up,
and for this reason the large country would like to commit not to exploit its bargaining
power, in order to encourage the small country to participate in the TA. Thus the broad
idea is that, if one thinks of GATT as initially including a set of large/powerful countries,
but there is also a set of smaller/weaker countries that may consider accessing GATT at
a later stage, the initial members may prefer to commit not to exploit their bargaining
power in future negotiations, in ord er to encourage other countries to seek participation.
I will make two further comments about Bagwell and Staiger’s analysis of the reci-
procity rule.The first one is a“devil’s advocate” comment. Bagwell and Staiger’s interpre-
tation of the results outlined above is that reciprocity“ works well”whenTOT externalities
are the only motive for aTA. But one might argue that the model tells the opposite story:
reciprocity causes the negotiation outcome to be inside the P areto frontier, so the world
would be more efficient without r eciprocity. A more cautious interpretation of Bagwell
and Staiger’s analysis w ould be that it pr ovides a positive (as opposed to normative)
I note that this way of thinking about reciprocity, as a r ule specifying breach remedies rather than as a constraint on
renegotiation, is close to the way Ossa (2011) formalizes the reciprocity rule in his model.
I say “tends to be closer to the PO point” because this is true only under some conditions, as explained in footnote 25
of Bagwell and Staiger (1999a).
358 Giovanni Maggi
evaluation of the reciprocity rule, highlighting that this rule has a distributional effect
(which might be desirable in a richer model that includes participation considerations)
and an efficiency cost.
The second comment is that, aside from the participation argument outlined above,
Bagwell and Staiger’s analysis is suggestive of another potential efficiency benefit of reci-
procity. Since, as I argued above, imposing the reciprocity rule is akin to structuring the
TA as a (specific type of) “ liability” contract, this might be appealing as a way to inject
flexibility in the TA when countries are subject to shocks and the TA cannot be fully
contingent. But this is just suggestive, since there is no uncertainty or contract incom-
pleteness in the model.
This brings me back to one of my overarching points, namely
that a better understanding of TA design requir es bringing transaction costs explicitly
into the picture.
After their analysis of reciprocity within a tw o-country setting, Bagwell and Staiger
(1999a) turn to an examination of the implications of the MFN r ule within a multi-
country setting. As I mentioned in Section 2.1.2, in a multilateral world where govern-
ments can set discr iminatory tariffs, there is a whole vector of bilateral offshore prices,
which generates a complicated pattern of international policy externalities,but the MFN
rule has the effect of channeling all these externalities into a single world-price external-
ity. Building on this observation, Bagw ell and Staiger show that the MFN rule , if used in
tandem with the reciprocity rule, guides countries toward the PO tariffs (which, recall,
are efficient under MFN). The k ey point here is that the combination of MFN and
reciprocity has similar effects in a multi-country world as the reciprocity rule does in a
two-country world.
So far I have focused on the implications of reciprocity and MFN within a perfectly
competitive environment. It has been argued, however, t hat reciprocity and MFN can be
rationalized also within an imperfectly competitive environment, where the motives for
a TA go beyond the correction of TOT externalities. In particular, Ossa (2011) argues
that, in a monopolistic-competition setting, recipr ocity and MFN can be interpreted as
helping countries internalize the production-delocation externalities generated by trade
3.1.5. “Property” vs “Liability” Rules
In the previous section I mentioned the distinction between a “property contract (one
that does not provide for the possibility of breach) and a “liability” contract (one that
As I will discuss in the next section, papers by Maggi and Staiger (2012) and Beshkar (2010a,b) have examined this
idea more formally in models with non-verifiable or pr ivately observed shocks.
It should be noted however that the implications of reciprocity and MFN in Ossas model are somewhat different than in
Bagwell and Staiger’s model. Ossa shows that reciprocity can help countries achieve an efficient outcome if reciprocity
is applied to multilateral trade negotiations, and then argues that MFN can serve to multilateralize trade negotiations;
Bagwell and Staiger, on the other hand, show that reciprocity and MFN ensure that any bilateral negotiation will lead
to an efficient outcome.
International Trade Agreements 359
gives a government the option to breach-and-compensate). In real-world TAs, there is
considerable variation between liability-type rules and property-type rules, both across
issues and over time. For example, Pauwelyn (2008) argues that property r ules are the
“default” approach in theWTO and NAFTA, but for certain issues such as tariff bindings
and production subsidies, a liability-rule approach has been taken.
Moreover, most legal
scholars take the view that the early GATT operated as a system of liability rules, while
in more recent times the GATT/WTO has evolved toward a proper ty-rule system (see
for example Jackson, 1997).
As mentioned above, a liability approach is appealing in the presence of uncertainty
because it can inject flexibility in the TA without the need to specify contingencies
explicitly in the contract: intuitively, a liability rule can induce a country to internalize
the externalities that its trade policy exerts on its trading partners. However, in the
international trade arena, the liability approach has an important shortcoming, namely
that government-to-government compensation is inefficient: cash transfers are typically
not available, and compensation typically takes the form of self-help” through tariff
retaliation. For this reason,a liability rule can generate deadweight loss, and this gives r i se
to a non-trivial tradeoff between property and liability rules.
The t radeoff between proper ty and liability r ules becomes even more subtle if gov-
ernments can renegotiate theTA, because in this case a property rule does not necessarily
imply inflexible policy outcomes (since it can be renegotiated ex-post),and it can give rise
to inefficient compensation in case of renegotiation. Taking renegotiation into account
seems important also in light of its empirical importance in the context of GATT-WTO,
where renegotiations have taken place in many instances over the years.
The choice between property and liability rules in the presence of renegotiation is
analyzed by Maggi and Staiger (2012). In this model, governments negotiate o ver a binary
trade policy (free trade or protection) under uncertainty about the future joint benefits of
protection (which can be positive or negative, due to political economy considerations),
and can renegotiate theTA after the uncertainty is resolved. A key feature of the model,in
line with the discussion above, is that government-to-government compensation entails
a deadweight cost.
This includes for example the provisions for escape from negotiated tariff bindings (GATT Articles XIX and XXVIII,
respectively), the rules on “actionable” production subsidies in WTO, and the provisions to protect investors against
expropriation in NAFTA (and in many other bilateral investment treaties).
Here I note that, while the ter minology of proper ty and liability rules is more common in the law-and-economics liter-
ature,the choice between these two contractual for ms is an important topic in the economic literature on optimal con-
tract design,where a liability contract is often referred to as an“option contract,and a proper ty contract is often referred
to as a “noncontingent contract, or simply a “property-right” contract (see for example Segal and Whinston, 2002).
The inefficiency of government-to-government compensation is not the only possible shortcoming of a liability
approach. Another limitation—which I abstract from here—is that the damage inflicted by trade protection on trading
partners is typically non-verifiable, and this makes it impossible to induce a government to perfectly internalize trade
policy externalities.
360 Giovanni Maggi
Maggi and Staiger find that a property rule is optimal if uncertainty about the joint
benefits of protection is small enough, while a liability rule is optimal when this uncer-
tainty is large. If one interprets uncertainty about the joint benefits of protection as due
to political-economy shocks, then this r esult suggests that liability rules should be more
prevalent in issue areas that are mor e politically sensitive.This prediction seems consistent
with the observation that the WTO has taken a liability approach in the areas of import
tariffs and production subsidies (which are arguably very sensitive to political-economy
shocks) and a property-rule approach in other areas. A further r esult is that, if a liability
rule is optimal,t he optimal level of damages falls short of fully compensating the exporter,
contrary to the well-known “efficient breach argument. This result is shown also in a
related model by Beshkar (2010a), though in a setting without renegotiation.
The model yields predictions also about the occurrence of renegotiation in equilib-
rium, and how it correlates with the optimal contract form. I report two findings here.
The first is that renegotiation, when it occurs, always entails the exporter agreeing to
compensate the importer in exchange for trade liberalization.
The second is that an
optimal property rule is never renegotiated in equilibrium. This finding may seem coun-
terintuitive, since a pr operty rule is inherently rigid and renegotiation should be useful
to mitigate such rigidity, but it tur ns out that renegotiation can improve t he performance
of a property rule only if such rule is suboptimally adopted.
3.1.6. Dispute Settlement Procedures and Contract Incompleteness
As I discussed at the beginning of Section 3, the role of the WTO’s DSB seems to go well
beyond a pure enforcement role, at least judging from casual observations of real-world
trade disputes, where the DSB seems to often play an “activist” role by interpreting vague
clauses and filling gaps of the agreement. The potential role of the DSB in completing
an incomplete agreement is the focus of a paper by Maggi and Staiger (2011).
Beshkar (2010b) builds on Beshkar (2010a) by allowing theWTO court (DSB) to observe a noisy signal of the state of
the world,and shows that the performance of the contract can be improved by making the remedies for breach (that is,
the injured country’s retaliatory tariff) contingent on the DSB’s signal, which in turn can be accomplished by allowing
the injured country to file a complaint that triggers DSB intervention. See also Beshkar (2011), which extends the
previous models by allowing for a limited form of renegotiation between governments.
This asymmetry in the predicted direction of renegotiation is a consequence of two features: that the contractual
obligation is to liberalize trade, and that it is never optimal to induce renegotiation in states of the world where the
threat point is the contractual obligation itself.
In the model just discussed, the cour t/DSB does not play an active role in equilibr ium, so the model is silent about
what determines the occurrence of trade disputes and their outcomes. In a more recent working paper, Maggi and
Staiger (2013) consider a richer model in which trade disputes can occur in equilibrium and can result in a variety
of outcomes; in particular, governments may settle early or trigger a DSB ruling, and in the latter case, they may
implement the DSB ruling or renegotiate after the ruling. Two new features of the model are responsible for this
rich set of possibilities: first, the DSB can observe a noisy signal of the joint benefits of protection (interpreted as the
outcome of a DSB investigation), so governments are uncertain about the direction of the DSB ruling; and second,
governments have a further opportunity to renegotiate the TA after the DSB issues a ruling.
An early attempt to examine the potential role of the DSB in completing an incomplete contract can be found in
Battigalli and Maggi (2003), who focus on agreements on product standards. In that model, the TA cannot specify
International Trade Agreements 361
Magg i and Staiger consider three possible activ ist roles for the DSB:inter preting vaguely
stated obligations; filling gaps in the agreement; and modifying rigid obligations; and for
each of these roles, the DSB may or may not have authority to set precedent for future
rulings. Governments design the institution—that is the combination of contract and
DSB mandate—under uncertainty about the future state of the world. The relevant con-
tingencies are assumed to be too costly to describe in a crisp way, so the contract is
necessarily incomplete. The model allows for three possible forms of contractual i ncom-
pleteness: the first two, rigidity and discretion, are familiar (see Section 3.1.1); the third one,
vagueness, is novel.
There is a natural pairing between these three forms of contractual
incompleteness and the three possible activist DSB roles described above: t he DSB can
interpret a vague contract; it can fill gaps if the contract leaves discretion; and it can grant
exceptions if the contract is rigid. Or, the DSB can play a non-activist role and simply
enforce clearly stated obligations. Furthermore, for each of the activist roles,the DSB may
or may not have precedent-setting author ity. A key feature of the model is that invoking
the DSB entails two kinds of inefficiency: one is that the governments incur litigation
costs, and the other is that DSB rulings are imperfectly accurate.
Maggi and Staiger show that the optimal institutional form depends critically on the
degree of DSB accuracy. If the DSB is sufficiently accurate, it is optimal to leave gaps
in the contract and g ive the DSB a mandate to fill those gaps. If the DSB is sufficiently
inaccurate, it is optimal to write a vague or rigid contract and give a non-activist mandate
to the DSB. And if the level of DSB accuracy is intermediate, it is optimal to write a
v ague contract and allow the DSB to interpr et the contract. The modification” role of
the DSB turns out to be always suboptimal.
The model delivers good news and bad news r egarding the potential of the DSB to
enhance efficiency. The good news is that, if the DSB is sufficiently accurate, the first-
best outcome can be achieved, in spite of the incompleteness of the contract, the costs
of using the DSB, and the imperfection in DSB rulings. The r eason is that the threat of
inv o king the DSB and the expectation of a not-too-inaccurate DSB ruling are enough
to discourage opportunistic beha vior by gov ernments. This suggests that an activist DSB
can generate substantial efficiency gains even if its information is not perfect. The bad
news is that the outcome tends to be efficient only when the DSB is not invoked in
equilibrium, and disputes are more frequent when the DSB is less accurate . Thus, the
standards for products that will appear in the future. If a new product appears, governments can negotiate ex-post
over the standards for that product, but international transfers are not available ex-post, and as a consequence the
ex-post negotiation outcome is ex-ante inefficient.The DSB acts as an “arbitrator” that can be invoked if the ex-post
negotiation fails. Battigalli and Maggi show that the DSB can improve ex-ante efficiency by specifying ex-post—if
invoked—the standards that should apply to the new product, provided the DSB has sufficiently precise information.
Vagueness is modeled as a language whose meaning is only partially defined. As an example, consider a contract stating
that trade protection is allowed only if “there is substantial injury to the domestic industry.”The idea is that there are
states of the world where the latter sentence is clearly true (e.g. if there is an import surge, th e domestic industry shuts
down, and the majority of workers in the industry are unemployed), others where it is clearly false (if none of the
above events has occurred), and there are “gray area” states where it is not defined whether the sentence is true or false.
362 Giovanni Maggi
efficiency-enhancing effect of the DSB is associated with its off-equilibrium impacts. If
the DSB is invoked in equilibrium, it is always because one of the governments is being
opportunistic: either the importer is protecting when it should not, hoping that the DSB
ruling will get it wrong; or the exporter is tr ying to force free trade by filing a dispute
when it should not. A corollary of these observations is that the frequency of DSB use is
not a good indicator of the performance of the institution.
The model also has interesting implications regarding the “bias” in observed DSB
rulings. Because of selection effects in the filing of disputes, DSB rulings tend to have
a pro-trade bias if litigation costs fall more on the exporter government than on the
importer government. In reality, it is arguably the case that litigation costs fall more on
the exporter government, because the burden of proof falls on the complainant, and the
complainant is typically the exporter government. Thus the model suggests a possible
explanation for the fact that, both under the GATT and the WTO, complainants have
mostly w on their cases.
Finally, Maggi and Staiger extend the basic model to a two-per i od setting in order
to examine whether it is desirable to give the DSB precedent-setting authority. This is
an important issue of institutional design, and one that is receiving increasing attention
from legal scholars.
Introducing precedent in this setting is shown to have two opposite
effects on efficiency. The beneficial effect of precedent is that it reduces the probability of
dispute occurrence tomor r ow, by clarifying the obligations that will apply should the same
state of the world occur again;this leads to a sav ings in litigation costs.The harmful effect
of precedent is that it increases the probability of dispute occur rence today; this in turn
implies more waste in litigation costs and a less efficient policy outcome (because the
DSB ruling is subject to error). Maggi and Staiger show that,as a net result of these effects,
precedent is more likely to be beneficial when the accuracy of DSB rulings is lower and
when governments care less about the future, or are less likely to interact repeatedly.
3.2. Imperfect Enforcement and Trade Agreements
In this section I will focus on how the presence of enforcement fri ctions can shape the
design of rules and procedures in aTA. More specifically,I will discuss how the presence of
self-enforcement constraints affects the design of substantive policy rules, of enforcement
rules (i.e. rules that regulate punishments), and of dispute settlement procedures.
In the literature, the dominant approach for modeling a self-enforcing TA has been
to consider a game where governments choose trade policies repeatedly and focus on
(constrained-)Pareto-efficient equilibria of this game. The implicit assumption in this
approach is that governments bargain efficiently over the set of equilibria of the repeated
Even at the positive level, the extent to which the WTO-DSB currently operates on a precedent system seems subject
to debate. According to Jackson (2006, p. 177),“there is quite a powerful precedent effect in the jurisprudence of the
WTO, but ... it is not so powerful as to require panels or the Appellate Body considering new cases to follow prior
cases.” Jackson concludes that the flavor’ of the precedent effect in the WTO is still somewhat fluid.”
International Trade Agreements 363
game. This approach has become fairly standar d in the literature and is explained in
Staiger’s (1995a) chapter, so I will take it for granted and simply provide an informal
overview of the contributions in this area after 1995.
3.2.1. Policy Rules
The presence of self-enforcement constraints can have deep implications for the design
of policy rules. This point was first made in a pathbreaking paper by Bagwell and Staiger
(1990), which showed that, in the presence of (publicly observed) i.i.d. shocks to trade
volume, the need to accommodate self-enforcement constraints makes it desirable to
include an escape clause in theTA.The basic idea is that, in periods of high import volume,
a country has a stronger incentive to deviate from its trade policy commitments, so in
such periods it may be a good idea to allow a country to escape from its commitments
in order to keep cooperation sustainable.
More recently, Bagwell and Staiger (2003) have extended their previous model by
allowing for persistent shocks to trade volume as well as an acyclic component of the
shock. In this setting, Bagwell and Staiger show that trade protection tends to be coun-
tercyclical. The reason is t hat a boom phase tends to be characterized by f ast growth in
trade volume, which helps countri es sustain lower tariffs than in a recession phase, while
acyclic increases in trade volume g ive rise to increases in tariffs, for a similar reason as in
Bagwell and Staiger (1990).
Another group of papers has highlighted that the presence of self-enforcement con-
straints can help explain why TAs typically take a gradual approach to trade liberalization.
The first two papers in this group are Staiger (1995b) and Devereux (1997),theformer
focusing on the implications of sector-specific skills that depreciate when not in use,
and the latter on the implications of technological learning-by-doing. Furusawa and Lai
(1999) and Chisik (2003) propose two further mechanisms that can generate gradual trade
liberalization as part of an optimal self-enforcing TA: Furusawa and Lai focus on the role
of adjustment costs in worker reallocation across sectors, and Chisik focuses on the role
of irreversible investments in country-specific export capacity. The common theme in all
of these papers is the non-stationary nature of the repeated game between governments,
Before surveying the relevant literature, I mention briefly four papers that do not focus on issues of r u le design, but on
a more classic question: what conditions facilitate the self-enforcement of TAs? Furusawa (1999) examines how the
sustainability of cooperation is affected by the governments’relative patience and the lag between detection of a violation
and retaliation; Park (2000) focuses on a trade agreement between a small country and a large countr y, and examines
how the set of sustainable payoffs is affected by the availability of direct transfers and the presence of sunk investments;
Conconi and Sahuguet (2009) explore the impact of policymakers’ horizons and alternative electoral regimes on the
sustainability of international cooperation; and Conconi and Perroni (2009) examine whether and how the ability of
gover nments to commit to policies in the domestic arena affects the sustainability of international cooperation.
See also Milner and Rosendorff (2001) for a related model of self-enforcing ag reements where the presence of
uncertainty makes it optimal to introduce escape clauses.
The question of whether or not trade barriers are countercyclical has been the subject of interesting empirical work
recently. See in particular Bown and Crowley (2013b) and Rose (2013).
364 Giovanni Maggi
whereby an initial reduction in tariffs leads to a change in some economy-wide state
variable (such as the level of physical or human capital allocated t o the export sector),
which in turn relaxes the self-enforcement constraint and allows governments to sustain
further tariff reductions.
One might think that gradual trade liberalization can only be explained in a non-
stationary trading environment, but Bond and Park (2004) mak e the surprising point that
gradualism can arise even in a stationary economic environment. Specifically, they show
that the optimal self-enforcing TA may entail gradual tariff reductions if countries are
asymmetric. In this case, it is possible that in the initial phase of the agreement the self-
enforcement constraint of only one country is binding, and given this initial asymmetry,
the most efficient way to provide incentives to such country is to “backload” its payoff,
that is, to promise this country a rising payoff over time.
3.2.2. Enforcement Rules
When countries negotiate a TA, they negotiate not only substantive policy rules, but also
rules that regulate punishments for violations of the agreement. I will refer to these as
“enforcement rules.”
A key consideration for the design of enforcement rules is that they must them-
selves be self-enforcing, or in other words they must be credible: in the language of
repeated-game theory, this means that the punishment strategy must be an equilibrium
of the continuation game after the initial deviation. In this perspective, the question
“What are the optimal enforcement rules?” can be f ormally phrased as “What is the
optimal equilibrium punishment strategy?”It is important to keep in mind that in a
repeated game there is a vast multiplicity of equilibrium punishment strategies, just as
there is a vast multiplicity of overall equilibria. The implicit assumption in this modeling
approach is that, when governments negotiate a TA, they bargain efficiently over policy
rules and enforcement rules, subject to the constraint that all rules be part of an overall
equilibrium of the repeated game.
Maggi (1999) examines the optimal design of enforcement rules in the context of a
multilateral trading system. A key question in this context is whether and to what extent
punishments should be multilateral rather than bilateral.To be concrete, the question is: if
country A cheats on country B, should country C be involved in the punishment? Con-
sider first a benchmark scenario where bilateral trading relationships are symmetric and
separable (in the sense that changing a bilateral trade barrier does not affect third coun-
tries):in such scenario,Maggi shows that there are no gains from multilateral punishments.
The intuition is that, while making punishments multilateral incr eases the future loss from
Another paper that highlights implications of self-enforcement constraints for the design of policy rules is Mrazova
(2011).This paper (which I already mentioned in Section 2.3.1) argues that the need to make theTA self-enforcing, in
conjunction with the presence of profit-shifting externalities and costs of administer ing policy instruments, can help
explain the WTO ban on export subsidies.
International Trade Agreements 365
a deviation, it also increases the one-time gain from deviating, because if a country is to
deviate it will do so against all trading partners; when bilateral relationships are symmetric
and separable these two effects cancel each other out. Next consider a scenario charac-
terized by bilateral imbalances of power, in the sense that different governments stand to
lose different amounts from a trade war, with the more “powerful” governments standing
to lose less. In this scenario, multilateral punishments are desirable because they allow
for an exchange of enforcement po wer that bilateral punishments cannot achieve: more
specifically, if punishments are multilateral, each country can offer third-party enforce-
ment in bilateral relationships where it is “strong” in exchange for receiving third-party
enforcement from other countries in bilateral relationships where it is weak.
The next point made by Maggi (1999) is that, even though some third-country pun-
ishment i s in general desirable, there may be no need to make it very severe. More
specifically, increasing the severity of third-country punishments beyond a certain point
does not enhance cooperation, so there is no need to make these punishments maxi-
mal.” Furthermore, the threat of third-country punishments is necessary only for certain
violations, namely those by stronger countries against weaker countries, which are hard
to deter with bilateral sanctions alone . The intuition is based on the result I mentioned
earlier: if there are no bilateral asymmetries, there is no need for any thir d-country pun-
ishments, so it is intuitive that if there is only a limited degree of bilateral asymmetries, a
limited amount of third-country punishment will be sufficient.These results seem broadly
consistent with the fact that in the GATT-WTO the role of third-country punishments
is more subtle and selective than the role of bilateral punishments.
Also Bagwell et al. (2007) focus on the design of enforcement rules in a multilateral
world. In particular,this paper examines the desirability of “tradeable”retaliation rights,an
idea proposed a few years ago by Mexico in theWT O.The basic idea is that small countries
have a limited ability to retaliate against large countries, so allowing small countries to
sell their rights of retaliation to third countries might improve the performance of the
Gains from multilateral punishments can arise also from non-separabilities across bilateral relationships, which arise if
there are trade-diversion effects of bilateral trade barriers. In this case, the benefits from multilateralizing punishments
arise fr om the aggregation of enforcement power across trading relationships (see Maggi, 1994). A simple intuition
for this effect can be gained by thinking about the effects of trade embargoes: a multilateral embargo inflicts a
proportionally more severe punishment than a bilateral embargo, since the latter is partially neutralized by substitution
across bilateral trade flows.
There is a legitimate question as to whether third-country punishments play any role in the GATT-WTO . Maggi
(1999) argues that they do, although in subtle ways. One form of third-country punishment for example may be the
withdrawal of some “goodwill” by third countries toward the defecting country, resulting for example in a reluctance
to enter new agreements with that country. Also, one should not forget that, as Thomas Schelling made clear, the
effectiveness of an army sometimes must be judged by how little it is u sed: while it is tr ue that full-blown multilateral
retaliation has never been observed in the GATT-WTO, it is also true that there have been no cases of blatant and
repeated violations of key rules, even by strong countries against vulnerable trading par tners. It is reasonable to think
that strong countries may have been deterred from abusing weaker par tners not by the threat of bilateral retaliation,but
by the implicit threat that the whole trading system may unravel as a consequence, that is, by the threat of a multilateral
breakdown of cooperation.
366 Giovanni Maggi
system. Bagwell et al. consider a scenario where a violation of the agreement has already
occurred and the injured country has been granted the right to retaliate,and examine two
mechanisms for selling this right: a “basic” auction, in which the injured country is not
allowed to bid to retire the right, and an “extended” auction, where the injured country is
allowed to bid as well. Bagwell et al. find that the basic auction may “fail”,in the sense that
no bids are made despite positive valuation by bidders, while the extended” auction can
never fail, and in such auction the right of retaliation is always retired. The two auction
formats are then evaluated from a normative standpoint, and the ranking between them
is found to depend critically on the specific normative criterion that one adopts.
Another interesting question of enforcement-rule design arises when countries seek
to cooperate over multiple policy areas. In this case , one may ask whether there should
be issue linkage in the enforcement of the TA, that is, whether violations in one policy
area should be met with retaliation in other areas. Tw o papers that addr ess this question
are Ederington (2002) and Limão (2005).
Ederington (2002) considers a repeated-game model where each government can
choose a tariff and a domestic policy. In this model markets are competitive, but in each
country there is a localized externality which can be corrected by using the domestic
policy. First, Ederington shows that domestic policies are always set at their efficient
(Pigouvian) levels in the optimal self-enforcing TA, while tariffs are set above their effi-
cient levels to accommodate self-enforcement constraints. The intuition is related to the
targeting principle: since the only international externality is a TOT externality, the only
reason countries are tempted to deviate from the TA is to manipulate TOT, so raising tar-
iffs is the most efficient way to neutralize this incentive to defect.
The second, related
result is that issue linkage need not enhance cooperation: in particular, if the punish-
ment strategy takes the form of a permanent reversion to the one-shot Nash equilibrium
(“grim-trigger” punishment), then the benefits from issue linkage are nil.
Limão (2005) considers a setting characterized not only by T OT externalities but
also by cross-border pollution externalities. Governments choose tariffs and production
taxes in repeated-game fashion. In this setting, Limão shows that issue linkage always
allows governments to achieve a higher joint welfare relative to a non-linked agreement.
This in itself may not be surprising, but a subtle question concerns ho w linkage affects
the level of cooperation on a policy-by-policy basis. The key finding is that, i f policies
are independent in the governments’ objective functions, linkage promotes cooperation
Bagwell et al. (2007) are agnostic about the cr iterion according to which the mechanisms should be evaluated, but I
will not be agnostic here. In my view, the natural evaluation criterion is given by the efficiency of the equilibrium
of the repeated game that the enforcement mechanism allows to achieve (see my discussion at the beginning of the
section). The analysis of Bagwell et al. (2007) is silent about this criterion, simply because they do not model the
repeated-gam e explicitly, but take it as a given that a violation has already occur red and take the amount of permissible
retaliation as exogenous.
This result was first derived in Eder ington (2001), and then extended by Ederington (2002) to allow for both linked
and non-linked agreements, as well as for different types of punishment strategies.
International Trade Agreements 367
in one policy area at the expense of the other, because linkage effects a reallocation of
enforcement power across issues; but if policies are strategic complements, t hen linkage
can lead to more cooperation in both policy areas.
My next theme of discussion is the role of retaliation in the presence of asymmetric
infor mation. When governments have private information, for example about domestic
political shocks, retaliation can play two distinct roles. First, retaliation can be a “punitive
tool that serves to deter blatant violations of the agreement, along the lines discussed
earlier in this section. This type of retaliation is meant to be an off-equilibrium threat, so
it need not be observed in equilibrium. Second, retaliation can be used for “screening”
(or “truthtelling”) purposes, in the sense of inducing governments to increase protec-
tion only in states of t he world where it is (politically) efficient to do so. Intuitively,
retaliation imposes a cost on a government that increases protection, so if the severity
of retaliation is appropr i ately calibrated, it may induce a government to increase pro-
tection when—and only when—the political gains from protection are high. Unlike
“punitive” retaliation, this latter type of retaliation is meant to occur in equilibrium
under some contingencies. Some scholars, for example Schwartz and Sykes (2002),have
argued that the reciprocity rule in Article XXVIII of GATT—which provides for the
“withdra wal of substantially equivalent concessions” in response to a breach of negoti-
ated tariff bindings—can be interpreted as serving a screening function along the lines I
just described. What makes this interpretation appealing is that the recipr ocity rule pro-
vides only for a limited amount of retaliation, which seems consistent with the screening
function, whereas the “punitive” function calls for more severe retaliation threats. I also
note that the screening role of retaliation is relevant even if the agreement is perfectly
enforceable, or if governments are so patient that self-enforcement constraints do not
bind. Indeed, some of the papers that consider this role of retaliation, such as Beshkar
(2010a,b) or (in a more reduced-form setting) Magg i and Staiger (2012, 2013), assume
perfectly enforceable TAs.
In the context of a repeated tariff game with private information, the distinction
between the punitive role and the screening role of retaliation can be understood in
the following way. Suppose the importing government chooses a tariff and pri vately
observes the value of a political-economy parameter. The agreement can be thought of
Here I will also mention a paper by Limão and Saggi (2008) that examines whether it may be desirable to use monetary
fines or bonds as part of the enforcement mechanism. Limão and Sagg i show that the use of monetary fines does not
help if fines must be self-enforcing and hence ultimately supported by the threat of retaliatory tar iffs. On the other
hand, bonds can enhance efficiency if they are posted with a third party prior to trading, and the third party uses the
bond to compensate the injured country in case a violation is committed: intuitively, this can relax self-enforcement
constraints because it indirectly injects some exter nal enforcement into the ag reement.
See Section 3.1.5 for a discussion of these papers. In Maggi and Staiger’s models, retaliation is not modeled explicitly,
but is captured in reduced form as a deadweight cost associated with government-to-government compensation. I
also note that in these models there is no private information, but political-economy shocks are not verifiable by the
court/DSB, and this for m of infor mation asymmetry has similar implications as private information for the design of
incentive contracts.
368 Giovanni Maggi
as specifying a tariff sc hedule that links the tariff to the realization of the political-economy
parameter . In order to be self-enforcing, the TA must discourage two types of deviations:
(i) “on-schedule” deviations, whereby the government applies a tariff that is meant for
another type”; and (ii)“off-schedule” deviations,whereby the government applies a tariff
level that is not meant for any “type”. In this context, one can think of the punitive role of
retaliation as discouraging off-schedule deviations,while the screening role of retaliation is
to discourage on-schedule deviations. A paper that focuses on these themes is Martin and
Vergote (2008), which considers a setting where shocks are i.i.d. over time. An interesting
finding of this paper is that, even if theTA can specify a“reciprocity” mechanism whereby
a government’s tariff increase is met with a contemporaneous tariff response by the
other government, it is always desirable for the TA to include future retaliation, provided
governments are sufficiently patient. Relatedly, Bagwell (2009) considers a setting where
political-economy shocks can be persistent over time,and shows that persistence can make
enforcement more difficult,because of a “ratchet”effect whereby some government types
are more reluctant to reveal themselves today for fear of being perceived as having weak
retaliatory power tomorrow. For a broader and informal discussion of these themes, see
also the piece by Bagwell (2008).
Finally, it is important to note that retaliation is not the only way to provide
“truthtelling” incentives to governments. For example, Bagwell and Staiger (2005a) argue
that this can be accomplished by imposing a dynamic constraint on the use of safeguard
actions. The nature of this constraint is that, if a government invokes the escape clause
toda y, it has to wait a certain amount of time before invo king it again. Intuitively, this
can mitigate governments’ temptation to misrepresent their information and over-use
the escape clause. A dynamic usage constraint of this kind is contained in the WTO’s
Safeguard Agreement.
3.2.3. The Enforcement Role of the DSB
An important question concerning the enforcement of TAs is whether and how a judicial
system such as the WTO’s DSB can assist with the enforcement of the TA. The answer
to this question is far fr om obvious, since in reality TAs must be self-enforcing and inter-
national courts have no direct enforcement power. One possible answer to this question
is suggested by Magg i’s (1999) model, which I briefly discussed in the previous section:
the DSB can make multilateral enfor cement possible,by disseminating information about
violations of the agreement to the whole trading community. To illustrate, suppose that
country A commits a violation against country B, and that in the absence of a DSB this
violation would be observed only by country B . Then a potential role for the DSB is to
Another potential way to induce truthtelling is introducing cross-policy linkages,that is requiring a government to make
adjustments in other policies when raising trade protection.This idea plays a key role in the models by Lee (2007,2011).
International Trade Agreements 369
verify the violation and bring it to the attention of third countries, thus exposing country
A to punishments by third countries.
It is interesting to note that in the context of theWTO institution there exists another
procedure that helps disseminate information about trade policies, namely the “Trade
Policy Review Mechanism.” This mechanism is arguably complementary with the DSB
as a way to disseminate information and improve multilateral monitoring: the former
is a systematic, periodic, and wide-rang ing review, whereas the DSB conducts more
thor ough and targeted investigations when a country (or a group of countries) files a
In practice, one important aspect of the WTO’s dispute settlement procedure is that it
encourages governments to renegotiate,even following clear violations of the agreement.
In Section 3.1.5, I pointed out that the renegotiation of trade policy commitments can
be beneficial when the TA is an incomplete contract. However, as the repeated game lit-
erature has abundantly made clear, the renegotiation of punishments can have deleterious
effects on cooperation, because it can undermine the credibility of punishments. This is
the core of the argument in Ludema (2001), who argues that the WTO’s dispute settle-
ment pr ocedure can have adverse effects on cooperation if it encourages the renegotiation
of punishments. Interestingly,Watson et al. (2008) make a point that goes in the oppo-
site direction: they argue that, in the absence of a dispute settlement procedur e, after a
deviation countries would quickly renegotiate, thus undermining the enforcement of
the agreement, whereas the presence of a dispute settlement procedure can slow down
renegotiation and make it more costly, and this paradoxically can facilitate cooperation.
The above-mentioned papers raise an interesting question concerning the design of
dispute settlement procedures: to what extent should they encourage renegotiation and
settlement between governments? One clear point that emerges from this literature is that
it is critical to distinguish between two kinds of renegotiation, namely the renegotiation
of substantive policy rules and the renegotiation of enforcement rules: the former tends t o
be desirable, the latter tends to be harmful. But in reality the distinction between these
two forms of renegotiation can be blurred, and an interesting research question would
be whether and how a dispute settlement procedure can be designed to encourage one
form of renegotiation and discourage the other.
In recent years there has been a considerable amount of theoretical and empirical research
on regional trade agreements (RTAs), spurred at least in part by the growing role of this
Another theoretical paper where the DSB facilitates the self-enforcement of TAs by changing the information
structure of the game, but in a two-country setting, is Park (2011). In Park’s model, each gover nment privately
observes a noisy signal of the other government’s trade policy, and the DSB can facilitate cooperation by converting
the privately observed signals into public signals. Here I also note that most o f the academic research on the enforce-
ment role of the DSB has been theoretical, but there are a few notable empirical papers on this topic, see in par ticular
Bown (2004a), Bown (2004b), Reinhardt (2001),andBusch and Reinhardt (2002).
370 Giovanni Maggi
type of agreement in the real world. In this section I will focus on three topics: (a) the
economic and political determinants of RTA formation; (b) the impact of an RTA on its
members’ external trade barriers and on multilateral trade liberalization;and (c) the design
of rules for trade negotiations. The common theme of this section is an emphasis on the
endogeneity of trade policies. I will leave aside, on the other hand, the older question
of how an exogenously formed RTA affects trade flo ws and welfare (e.g. through trade-
diversion and trade-creation effects), which has been covered extensively in Baldwin and
Venables’ (1995) handbook chapter.
4.1. Determinants of RTAs
A question of obvious positive and normative r elevance concerning RTAs is: in a world
where governments are motivated by political economy considerations, under what con-
ditions are RTAs more likely to form? And in particular, is an RTA more likely to form
when it is beneficial or detrimental to global welfare? This question is examined by
Grossman and Helpman (1995b), who consider a setting similar to Grossman and Help-
man (1995a) but with two small economies that can choose whether to form a free trade
agreement (FTA). Given the presence of producer lobbies, an FTA is more likely to be
adopted when it generates larger rents for the producers of both countries, a situation
that Grossman and Helpman label “enhanced protection.” In a given sector, enhanced
protection can occur under the following circumstances. Suppose that one country has
a lower external tariff than the other, and that as a result of the FTA producers from
the former country can export all of their output to the latter country without affecting
local prices in the latter country. Then producers in the former country get higher rents
while producers in the latter country are not affected. If the FTA generates enhanced
protection in a sufficient number of sectors and in a relatively balanced way between the
countries, then it will be politically viable. But since enhanced protection is mor e likely
when the FTA causes trade diversion, the conclusion is that more trade-diverting FTAs
are more likely to be adopted.
A similar question is examined by Krishna (1998), but in the context of an oligopolis-
tic model with segmented markets, where governments care only about the profits of
their domestic firms. In such an environment, an FTA is adopted if and only if it increases
profits in both countries. This in turn is mor e likely to happen when the FTA leads to
a bigger reduction in the market share of non-member-country firms in the member
countries’ markets, or in other words, when the FTA induces more trade diversion.
The theoretical research on the trade-diversion and trade-creation effects of RTAs was developed mostly before 1995,
but there are some notable recent contr ibutions,in particular Panagariya and Krishna (2002), which extends the classic
Kemp-Wan result (which applies to customs unions) to the case of free trade agreements, and Freund (2000a),which
compares the welf are effects of alternative (exogenous) paths of trade agreements leading to global free trade. In recent
years there have been also some interesting empir ical studies on the trade-diversion and trade-creation effects of RTAs:
some prominent examples are Trefler (2004), Romalis (2007), Magee (2008),and Clausing (2001).
International Trade Agreements 371
Therefore Krishna’s analysis delivers a similarly pessimistic message as Grossman and
Helpman (1995b):FTAs are more likely to be adopted when they ar e more trade-diverting
and hence detrimental to welf are.
A counterpoint to the pessimistic message of the tw o papers discussed above is repre-
sented by the well-known argument (made for example by Kr ugman, 1991)thatRTAs
are more likely to form among “natural” trading partners, that is countries characterized
by especially large gains from mutual trade liberalization (for example because of their
geographical proximity or their comparative advantage structure). If this is the case, the
argument goes, the RTAs that emerge in equilibrium will be more likely to cause trade
creation than trade diversion, and hence more likely to increase welfare.
Given the seemingly contrasting theoretical arguments outlined above, the question
of the welfare impact of endogenously formed RTAs is ultimately an empirical one, and
indeed this question has been tackled by a number of interesting empirical papers. Krishna
(2003) takes a structural approach to this question, estimating a general equilibrium
model and using its structural parameters to examine the welfare effects of a number
of hypothetical RTAs. Krishna finds that 80% of these hypothetical RTAs would be
welf are-improving,but interestingly,he finds that neither geographical variables nor trade
volumes are significantly correlated with the welfare gains, thus offeri ng little support for
the natural-trading-partners view of the world. Baier and Bergstrand (2004) find that the
lik elihood of an RTA is higher when countries are closer to each other and are more
isolated from the rest of the world, a finding that supports the view that natural” trading
partners are more likely to form RTAs. Baier and Bergstrand (2007) examine the impact
of RTAs on trade flows when taking into account the endogeneity of RTA formation.
They find that, when this endogeneity is recognized, the trade-creation effects of RTAs
appear to be much larger , and in particular, the impact of RTAs on trade flows increases
fivefold relative to estimates that take RTA formation as exo genous. Egger and Larch
(2008) find results that are consistent with those of the above-mentioned papers using a
larger sample, and furthermore find that an RTA is more likely to form when there are
pre-existing RTAs involving near-by countries.
Another question that has received some attention in the literature is how the like-
lihood of RTA formation is affected by multilateral trade liberalization. Freund (2000b)
examines this question within a repeated-game model and finds that deeper multilateral
trade liberalization leads to more RTAs, for two reasons: it increases the i ncentives to
form an RTA and it increases the likelihood that it is self-enforcing.
At the empirical
level, Fugazza and Robert-Nicoud (2012) find some evidence that multilateral t rade lib-
eralization increases the likelihood of subsequent RTA formation. More specifically, they
find that after the Uruguay Round, the US had a higher propensity to liberalize trade on
a preferential basis in goods where it had granted the deepest multilateral tariff cuts.
See also Ethier (1998) for an examination of the impacts of multilateral trade liberalization on subsequent RTAs.
372 Giovanni Maggi
Finally, an interesting question is: what determines the choice between an FTA and
a customs union (CU)? Empirically, most RTAs take the form of FTAs. Facchini et al.
(2013) propose a theoretical explanation for stylized fact, based on a three-country polit-
ical economy model with imperfect competition, where each country elects a represen-
tative to choose trade policies. Under a CU, since tariffs are chosen collectively by the
member countries, the voters of each country strategically delegate power to a more
protectionist representative. Facchini et al. show that, because of this strategic delegation
effect, an FTA tends to imply higher welfare for member countries and is more likely to
be politically viable than a CU.
4.2. Impacts of RTAs
In this section I will focus on two related themes: the impact of RTAs on member
countries’ trade barriers against outsiders (“external” trade barriers) and the impact of
RTAs on multilateral trade liberalization.
The impact of RTA formation on external trade barriers has been the subject of a
sizable theoretical literature. One point that emerges clearly from this literature is that
the qualitative impact of RTAs on external tariffs depends crucially on whether the
agreement tak es the form of an FTA or of a CU. I will focus first on FTAs.
Various papers ha ve pointed out a strong tendency of FTAs to lead to lower external
trade barriers. This is generally known as t he “tariff complementarity” effect, but it is
important to point out that such effect can arise from two distinct mechanisms. The first
one, highlighted by Richardson (1993), occurs when the FTA leads member countries to
compete for tariff revenue,thus inducing them to reduce external tariffs. Interestingly,this
mechanism can occur even for small countries that use tariffs only for political-economy
r easons and have no TOT power. A second mechanism was pointed out by Bagwell
and Staiger (1999b): an FTA leads member countries to import less from non-member
countries, and if member countries have TOT power this reduces their incentives to
manipulate TOT vis-à-vis non-members, in turn leading to lower external tariffs.
The tariff complementarity effect however is not the only possible effect at play in
determining the impact of FTAs on exter nal tariffs, and other effects may arise that mit-
igate or overturn it. Limão (2007) for example shows that an FTA can lead to higher
external tariffs if the FTA serves also non-trade objectives (such as enhancing cooperation
on labor standards or security issues). Several real-world FTAs appear to have this feature,
with one country (typically the US or the EU) granting tariff preferences, and the other
(typically a less developed country) making non-trade concessions. In this type of situ-
ation, the country that grants tariff preferences may be better off increasing its external
Other papers that have highlighted tariff-complementarity effects in different settings are Bond et al. (2004), Cadot
et al. (1999), Bagwell and Staiger (1997a), Ornelas (2005a,c),andSaggi andYildiz (2010).
International Trade Agreements 373
tariffs, because t his enhances the value of the preferences and hence allows it to extract
larger non-trade concessions.
In the case of CUs, tariff-complementarity effects may still be present, but two new
forces arise that push in the opposite direction. The first one is known as the market
power” effect: if two member countries import the same good fr om outsiders, once the
CU is formed they jointly have more power overTOT, and thus have a stronger incentive
to raise tar iffs against outsiders. T he second effect is known as the “coordination effect:
if country A increases the tariff on imports of a certain good from country B, this has a
positive externality on all other countries (both importers and exporters of that good),
and a CU allows member countries to internalize this externality, thus leading to higher
external tariffs. The first paper in the literature to highight these two effects was Kennan
and Riezman (1990). Note that the coordination effect can arise even in the absence of
the market power effect: t his is crystal-clear in a setting of “competing exporters, where
each country is the sole importer of a given good. Once all the effects are taken into
account, a CU can still lead to lower external tariffs, but this is less likely than in the case
of an FTA (as shown by Bagwell and Staiger, 1999b).
In a series of papers, Emanuel Ornelas has established a link between the literature
on the impacts of RTAs and that on the deter minants of RTAs, by showing that taking
into account the impact of RTAs on external tariffs has important implications for the
lik elihood of RTA formation in the first place.
Ornelas (2005a) considers a model similar to Grossman and Helpman (1995b),butin
which external tariffs are deter mined endogenously. Ornelas identifies a “rent destruc-
tion” effect of the FTA, which arises from the fact that the rents from external tariff
protection spill over to partner countries under the FTA. The rent-destruction effect
lowers the incentives of special interest groups t o lobby for protection, and t his creates a
tendency of FTAs to induce reductions in external tariffs. Interestingly, when political-
economy motivations are stronger, the drop in external tariffs is larger, thus FTAs are
more conducive to multilateral trade liberalization.
The second point made by Ornelas (2005a) is that, since an FTA lower s the total
amount of rents that trade protection can generate, this has important implications for
the political viability of the FTA. Ornelas starts by considering a situation where there
is no ex-ante lobbying (that is, no lobbying to influence directly the decision to join
the FTA), and shows that in this case only FTAs that are sufficiently welfare-enhancing
can be politically viable: intuitively, a w elfare-r educing FTA cannot be attractive to the
gov ernment, because it reduces both the level of welfare and the a vailable amount of
Another effect that may work against the tariff complementarity effect was highlighted by Stoyanov (2009):ifforeign
lobbying is possible, producers from FTA partners may have stronger incentives to lobby for higher external tariffs
once the FTA is for med, since their gains from such exter nal tariffs are higher under the FTA.
The effects of a CU on external tariffs have been examined also by Krugman (1991), Bond and Syropoulos (1996),
Bagwell and Staiger (1997b),and Cadot et al. (1999).
374 Giovanni Maggi
rents. Ornelas then allows for ex-ante lobbying, and finds that in this case a welfare-
reducing FTA may in some cases be politically viable, but this is made less likely by the
rent-destruction effect of the FTA: i n particular, a welfare-reducing FTA can be viable
only if the governments’ valuation of welfare relative to contributions is neither too small
nor too large.T he bottom line of this paper then is that the rent-destruction effect reduces
the political viability of welfare-reducing FTAs.
The impact of RTA s on external trade barriers has also been the subject of recent
empirical work. Estevadeordal et al. (2008) focus on the effect of preferential trade lib-
eralization on external tariffs in Latin America from 1990 to 2001. An appealing feature
of this dataset is t he wide var iation in trade preferences across sectors and over time.
Employing a rich set of fixed effects, these authors find that preferential tar iff reduction
induces faster decline in external tar iffs. Furthermore, they find that this effect is present
only for FTAs, not for CUs, and is stronger in sectors where the potential for trade
diversion is larger.
Interestingly, Limão (2006) and Karacaovali and Limão (2008) find results that seem-
ingly diverge from those of Estevadeordal et al. (2008). These two papers examine the
impact of preferential trade liberalization by the US and the EU on multilateral trade lib-
eralization, and find that the US and the EU liberalized less during the Uruguay Round
in sectors where they had granted tariff preferences, suggesting that preferential liber-
alization might hinder the cause of global free trade. What can explain the difference
in findings between these papers and Estevadeordal et al. (2008)? Theory can help us
answer this question. A key difference between the two approaches is that Limão (2006)
and Karacaovali and Limão (2008) focus on the US and the EU, whereas Estevadeordal
et al. (2008) focus on developing countries. Tariffs are considerably higher in developing
countries, so the potential for trade diversion is larger for these countries, and as the-
ory suggests, this implies a stronger tariff complementarity effect. Furthermore, Limão’s
(2007) theoretical analysi s suggests that preferential liberalization may hinder global free
trade if RTAs are formed also for non-trade reasons, and this is more often the case for
North–South RTAs than for South–South RTAs.
Thus far I have focused on how the formation of an RTA affects its member countries’
unilateral choices of external tariffs. Next I focus on the impact of RTAs on the political
viability of multilateral trade agreements.
Similar results are obtained by Ornelas (2005b,c) in the context o f an oligopolistic model similar to Krishna (1998).
Two other papers present findings that are consistent with those of Estevadeordal et al. (2008): Calvo-Pardo et al.,
(2009) find that the formation of ASEAN led to a reduction in external tar iffs by its member countries, and Bohara
et al. (2004) find that the increase in preferential imports from Brazil to Argentina that followed the formation of
MERCOSUR led to a decrease in Argentina’s external tariffs.
Related to this literature is also a recent paper by Baldwin and Jaimovich (2012),which focuses on the impact of RTAs on
subsequent RTAs.This paper extends Baldwin’s (1995) model of “domino”regionalism and tests its main empirical pre-
diction, namely that the formation of an RTA has a contagion effect and increases the likelihood that further RTAs will
be for med. Using a comprehensive panel of FTAs, Baldwin and Jaimovich find support for the contagion prediction.
International Trade Agreements 375
Levy (1997) considers a model where gains from trade can arise from differences in rel-
ative factor endowments and/or from increased product variety, and takes a median-voter
approach to the choice of trade policies. He shows that, if the FTA pro vides a countrys
median voter with disproportionately large gains, it may raise his or her reservation utility
above the level offered by a multilateral agreement, thus under mining political support
for the latter. This undermining is more likely to occur in FTAs that involve countries
with similar relative factor endowments. For example, suppose Germany joins the EU.
Assuming that EU countries have similar relative factor endowments, this will benefit
the median voter in Germany mostly through variety gains. In the next stage, Germany
considers signing a multilateral agreement. If Germany is relatively rich in capital and
its median voter is an unskilled worker, the multilateral agreement is likely to damage
the median voter through Stolper-Samuelson effects, without providing much additional
variety gains, so he/she will block the multilateral agreement. On the other hand, if the
same median voter were asked if he/she supports a multilateral agreement before joining
the EU, then the answer may be y es, because in this case the variety gains may outweigh
the adver se Stolper-Samuelson effects.
The model by Krishna (1998), already mentioned in Section 4.1, leads to a similar
result, in spite of the very different structure. Recall that Krishna focuses on a Grossman-
Helpman type model with oligopolistic competition. After establishing that politically
viable FTAs are more likely to be trade-diverting, Krishna examines how an FTA affects
the political viability of a multilateral agreement. The key finding is that the formation
of an FTA may increase producers’ opposition to a subsequent multilateral agreement,
because the latter may reduce or eliminate the rents created by the FTA, and it can even
rever se the preferences of producers,from supporting a multilateral agreement to opposing
it.Thus, taken together, the papers by Levy (1997) and Kr ishna (1998) deliver a pessimistic
message about the impact of RTAs on the political viability of multilateral agreements.
Finally, Bagwell and Staiger’s (1999a) model (already discussed in Sections 2.1 and
3.1.4) also delivers pessimistic implications for the impact of RTAs on multilateral trade
agreements, but for a ver y different reason than the models discussed above. A simple
corollary of Bagwell and Staiger’s analysis is that the presence of RTAs, by breaking t he
ability of the MFN rule to channel all international policy externalities into a single
world-price externality, undermines the effectiveness of the MFN and reciprocity rules
in guiding countries toward an efficient policy outcome.
Here I will mention two other strands of literature that are quite interesting but distinct from the ones discussed in
the text. The first one examines how RTAs affect the self-enforceability of a multilateral agreement. In particular,
Bagwell and Staiger (1997a,b) focus on the transition period during which an RTA is being negotiated, showing
that the anticipation of the RTA has an important impact on the sustainability of multilateral tariff cooperation; Saggi
(2006) considers the impact of RTAs on the sustainability of a multilateral agreement in an oligopolistic setting, finding
that the presence of an RTA under mines multilateral cooperation when countries are symmetr ic, but not necessarily
when countries are asymmetric; finally, Bond et al. (2001) focus on the transition period during which trade barriers
within a CU are phased out, and examine how the deepening of intra-CU trade liberalization affects the sustainability
376 Giovanni Maggi
4.3. Rules for Trade Negotiations
In this section I return to my emphasis on the design of rules, but this time I focus
on rules that constrain trade negotiations rather than the policy choices of individual
governments. A number of papers have been written on the question of what rules (if
an y) should regulate trade negotiations, but this literature can be hard to tame, as the
modeling approach and the exact nature of the question seem to shift from paper to
paper. In what follo ws I propose a simple conceptual framework that might be useful to
organize our thinking and define more clearly the relevant questions.
Consider the following senario: imagine that, at some ex-ante stage, all countries
involved in the trading system bargain over the rules that regulate future trade negotia-
tions. Also assume that at the ex-ante stage countries cannot write a complete agreement,
and in particular they cannot specify actual trade policies, but only negotiation rules (oth-
erwise there would be no reason to set negotiation rules in the first place). One possible
reason why negotiation rules might be desirable is that governments may have incentives
to sign RTAs that exert negative externalities on non-member countries, in which case
the resulting outcome may be globally inefficient.
In the scenario I just described, one can make a distinction between two types of rules
constraining trade negotiations: (1) Rules that constrain the nature of the agreement itself.
An example of this type of rule is one that prohibits RTAs, or equivalently, a rule requiring
that any agreement be approved by all countries. Another example is a rule that prohibits
CUs but not FTAs. I refer to these rules (for lack of a better expression) as rules-to-make-
rules; (2) Rules that constrain the policy content of the agreements. Examples include
reciprocity-type rules, which r equire that tariff r eductions be balanced acr oss countries,
and non-discrimination rules, such as the MFN rule. These rules do not constrain the
type of agreements that countries sign, but do constrain the policies (or policy changes)
that countries can agree upon. I refer to these as policy-content rules.
Note that the GATT-WTO currently does not impose rules-to-make-rules, but only
policy-content rules, and more specifically: (i) GATT Article I imposes the MFN rule,
of multilateral agreements. The other line of research I want to mention is the work by Martin et al. (2008, 2012),
who explore the two -way relationship between RTAs and military conflicts. At the theoretical level, they argue that
RTAs increase the opportunity cost of conflict, thereby reducing the likelihood of war, and conversely, countries with
a higher likelihood of conflict are more likely to sign RTAs as a way to promote peace. Furthermore, they argue
that this logic does not apply to multilateral trade agreements, because multilateral trade openness decr eases bilateral
dependence from trade with any given country and hence the cost of a bilateral conflict. At the empirical level, they
find support for these predictions using a large dataset of military conflicts during the 1950–2000 period.
In the scenario outlined above I am assuming that at the ex-ante stage countries can only specify rules constraining
future negotiations, not r ules constraining individual government policies. In reality, of course, even from the very
beginning the GATT imposed both types of rules. I am separating the stages at which the two different types of rules
are designed for conceptual simplicity. Also, the distinction between policy-content rules and rules-to-make-rules can
be subtle but should be conceptu ally clear. For example, note that imposing the MFN rule does not logically imply
prohibiting FTAs, because an FTA in principle need not violate MFN (an FTA eliminates tariffs between its members,
but this does not prevent a member from respecting the MFN rule, which it can do by eliminating the relevant tariffs
vis-à-vis non-members).
International Trade Agreements 377
so any negotiated policy changes must be extended in a non-discriminatory way to all
member countries; (ii) GATT Article XXIV allows an exception to the MFN rule for
the case of an RTA that eliminates substantially all trade barriers among its members, but
requires the RTA member countries not to raise their external tariffs above pre-RTA
and (iii) GATT requires that negotiations adhere to the principle of reciprocity,
although as discussed earlier, this is an informal principle rather than a strict rule.
It is import ant, however, to consider also the possibility of rules-to-make-rules, both
from a positive perspective (why are there no such rules in GATT-WTO?) and from a
normative one (should such rules be imposed?). In particular , the simplest such rule—a
ban on RTAs—has a special theoretical interest. Indeed, an interesting question can be
posed here: if there are no frictions in multilateral bargaining (as assumed in most of the
existing models), why would a ban on RTAs not be optimal? If governments are forced
to choose trade policies at a multilateral bargaining table, why would this not achieve
I will return to this question at the end of this section, after surveying the
recent research in this area.
If one adopts the conceptual framework outlined above, one needs to take a stand
on what objective function the rules are supposed to maximize. There are two possible
questions that can be asked, each of which is interesting in its own right:
1. What rules maximize the likelihood of reaching global free trade? This is essentially
the question raised by Bhagwati (1993): are RTAs “building blocks or “stumbling
blocks” on the path to global free trade?
2. What r ules maximize the joint payoff of all governments? This is a more positive
question and can lead to different answers than the previous one, if one allows for
political motivations in the governments’ objectives.
Ideally, a full answer to either question requires comparing the equilibrium configuration
of trade agreements (or their path, if one takes a dynamic approach) under alternative
negotiation rules, of course allowing for RTAs as well as multilateral agreements. Models
that focus on the impact of exogenously formed RTAs on multilateral agreements, such
as those that I surveyed in the previous section, evidently can only shed partial light on
this question.
4.3.1. Policy-Content Rules
As I mentioned earlier, the key policy-content rules that regulate trade negotiations in
the GATT-WTO system are the MFN rule and—at a more i nformal level—the reci-
procity pr i nciple. In Section 3.1.4, I discussed papers b y Bagwell and Staiger (1999a) and
Exceptions to MFN are also allowed in a number of extraordinary circumstances, such as national-security or health
hazards (GATT Article III).
Of course it is possible that such a rule is not strictly needed, if global efficiency can be achieved also in the absence
of any r ule on trade negotiations, and in this case a ban on RTAs will only be weakly optimal. Indeed, this is the case
in some of the models I will survey below.
378 Giovanni Maggi
Ossa (2011) that examine the implications of these rules in the context of multilateral
trade negotiations, but these papers do not consider endogenous RTAs.
A paper that does consider the impact of these rules on the endogenous formation of
RTAs is Bagwell and Staiger (2005b).This paper considers a two-stage scenario where,in
the first stage, countries can sign a multilateral agreement, and in the second stage , pairs
of countries can sign bilateral agreements. The first point of the paper is that, if bilateral
negotiations are left unrestricted, a problem of “bilateral opportunism” is likely to arise:
after multilateral trade concessions have been exchanged, there is an incentive for a pair
of countries to take a further step and liberalize trade bilaterally, but this will erode the
v alue of the concessions that the excluded country had obtained in the initial multilateral
negotiation, and this in turn makes countries more reluctant to make multilateral trade
concessions in the first place. The second point of the paper is that the bilateral oppor-
tunism problem described above may be solved if trade negotiations are disciplined by
the MFN rule in conjunction with a reciprocity rule. To gain intuition for this result,
suppose there are only two goods. Then the MFN rule ensures the existence of a single
relative world price (as explained in Section 2.1.2), and reciprocity ensures that this world
price i s effectively fixed by the initial multilateral agreement; and given that the world
price is preserv ed in subsequent bilateral negotiations, the welfare of countries that do
not participate i n a bilateral negotiation is preserved as well.
In a related paper, Bagwell and Staiger (2010b) consider a setting in which coun-
tries can sequentially sign bilateral agreements in the presence of t he MFN rule. Two
inefficiencies tend to arise in this setting: the first one is due to the bilateral oppor-
tunism problem highlighted above; the second is that, since later negotiating partners can
free-ride on the MFN concessions that a country makes to early negotiating partners, a
country may be induced to offer too little in the early negotiations (“foot-dragging”).
Bagwell and Staiger then argue that these inefficiencies can be removed if two additional
rules ar e imposed, along with MFN: the reciprocity rule and a “non-violation” rule along
the lines of GATT Article XXIII.1b. These rules together act as a device to “secure” the
concessions received by a country in early negotiations and protect them from potential
free riding and bilateral opportunism in the future.
A different argument for the desirability of the MFN rule is proposed by McCalman
(2002).This contribution is notable because it is a rare example of a model that explicitly
introduces bargaining frictions in multilateral trade negotiations. In this model, a large
country negotiates with N small countries over tariffs and transfers,and each small country
has private infor mation about its gains from an agreement. McCalman compares two
scenarios, one where the large country can make different offers to different countries,
and one where the MFN rule constrains the large country to make the same offer to
all countries. The large country of course is worse off under the MFN rule, since the
This is a good juncture to mention a paper by Ludema and Mayda (2009), which examines empirically the free-rider
problem associated with the MFN r ule, finding that this problem is indeed of first-order empirical impor tance.
International Trade Agreements 379
latter constrains its choice, but global efficiency may be higher under MFN, and this is
more likely when N is larger. The reason lies in the fact t hat bargaining is inefficient, due
to private information. If bargaining were frictionless, unconstrained bargaining would
always lead to efficiency, and the MFN rule would always be a bad idea. But in the
presence of private information, unconstrained bargaining is inefficient, because the large
country is not able to appropriate the entire surplus from the negotiations, and as a
consequence it is possible that imposing MFN increases the welfare of the N countries
more than it reduces the welfare of the large country.
4.3.2. Rules-to-Make-Rules
The simplest rule-to-make-rules, and the one that has received the most attention in
the literature, is a rule that prohibits RTAs. Would the wo rld be more efficient if all
agreements had to be multilateral in nature? In this section I discuss a number of recent
papers that speak to this question.
One of the first papers to examine the desirability of a rule banning RTAs is McLaren
(2002), who focuses on the implications of irreversible investments for the formation of
trade agreements. McLaren considers a world with three countries: in the first period,
individuals choose in what sectors to allocate their resources;in the second period,there is
a coalition-formation game among governments, which can yield an FTA, a multilateral
free trade agreement, or no agreement at all. Negotiations are costly, and this cost is
higher for a multilateral negotiation. This model may have multiple equilibria, including
an equilibrium where global free trade arises (and the allocation is efficient),and equilibria
where two of the countries form an FTA (and the allocation is inefficient).The latter type
of equilibr ium i s based on a self-fulfilling prophecy. If individuals expect an FTA between
countries A and B, they will make investment decisions that make these countries more
specialized relative to each other, thus increasing the gains from trade between them.
At the same time, countries A and B will become less specialized relative to the outside
country, thus decreasing the gains from trade between them and the outside country.
As a consequence, ex-post countries A and B will ha ve a str ong incentive to sign an
FTA, while the benefits from a multilateral agreement will be small. Ex-ante, an FTA
equilibrium of this kind may be inefficient if the allocation distortions associated with
the FTA outweigh the sa vings in negotiation costs. Intuitively, then, there is a region of
parameters in which an FTA equilibrium exists and is inefficient, and therefore a ban on
FTAs is strictly desirable.
Another policy-content rule imposed by the GATT-WTO, as I mentioned in the previous section, is contained in
GATT Article XXIV. Mrazova et al. (2013) examine the implications of Article XXIV as it applies to CUs, requiring
that the common external tariff of the CU must not exceed the average of its members’ pre-CU tar iffs. Mrazova et al.
argue that Article XXIV increases the probability that free trade emerges in equilibr ium, but when free trade does not
arise in equilibrium, the constraints imposed by this rule may lead to a reduction in world welfare.
380 Giovanni Maggi
Goyal and Joshi (2006) adopt a network-formation approach to study the formation of
FTAs, using a particular notion of “stability” to determine the configurations of FTAs that
can arise in equilibrium. Focusing on a setting with a homogenous good and symmetric
countries, Goy al and Joshi find that the complete FTA network, which yields global free
trade, is a stable network, thus suggesting that FTAs are “building blocks” toward global
free trade. Another network-theoretic model of FTA formation is Furusawa and Konishi
(2007), which differs from Goyal and Joshi (2006) in that it allows for differentiated
goods and a richer pattern of asymmetries between countries. Consistently with Goyal
and Joshi, this paper finds that when countries are symmetric,the complete FTA network
(global free trade) is stable. Howev er, if goods are highly substitutable, there may also be
other stable networks that do not yield global free trade. And if countries are asymmetric,
the complete FTA network may not be stable. Furusawa and Konishi conclude that FTAs
may under some conditions be “stumbling blocks” toward global free trade.
Before moving on, I will make a general observation about the network-theoretic
approach to the analysis of RTA formation, of which I just discussed two examples. In
these network models, there is no meaningful distinction between a sequence of RTAs
that leads to global free trade and a multilateral ag reement. Indeed, multilateral agree-
ments per se are not consider ed at all, so these models, though capable of generating
interesting insights, are arguably not well equipped t o evaluate t he desirability of rules-
to-make-rules, such as a ban on RTAs. The models that I discuss next, on the other hand,
do allow for multilateral agreements as well as RTAs, and hence are better equipped to
examine this question.
Seidmann (2009) examines a three-country bargaining model in which countries can
negotiate FTAs, CUs, and multilateral agreements. Countries are allowed to continue
negotiating after reaching an agreement, and for this reason, an RTA can be used by its
member countries to impr ove their bargaining position for subsequent trade negotiations
(“strategic positioning effect).Tw o important features of the model ar e that international
transfers are available and that global free trade maximizes the three countries’ joint
surplus. Seidmann studies the equilibrium configuration of agreements, highlighting for
example conditions under which a hub-and-spoke structure emerges. Regarding the
question of whether RTAs are building blocks or stumbling blocks toward global free
trade, in Seidmann’s model global free trade may or ma y not be reached if RTAs are
This is a good juncture to mention a paper by Yi (1996), who takes a coalition-formation approach to study the
for mation of CUs.Yi compares two possible games: a “unanimous regionalism” game, where a CU forms if and only
if all potential members agree to form the CU; and an “open reg ionalism” game, where each country chooses an
“address, and then all the countries that have chosen the same address must be part of the same CU.Yi shows that the
grand CU (global free trade) is an equilibrium of the open-regionalism game, but typically is not an equilibrium of
the unanimous-regionalism game, and interprets this finding as suggesting that an “open regionalism” rule is desirable.
However it is not clear how to interpretYi’s notion of open regionalism in a way that has a meaningful counterpart
in the real world: Yi’s open-regionalism game implicitly assumes that a country is not free to leave a CU (if this were
the case then we would be in the unanimous-regionalism game), which seems like a far-fetched idea.
International Trade Agreements 381
feasible, while global free trade is always reached if RTAs are not feasible, thus a ban on
RTAs is always weakly desirable.
Saggi and Yildiz (2010) also consider a three-country bargaining model where gov-
ernments can negotiate RTAs as well as multilateral agreements. The negotiation game
is as follows: governments simultaneously name FTA partners, and an FTA is formed
if the announcements agree; if a government names both of the other countries, this is
interpreted as a proposal for a multilateral agreement, and if all governments propose a
multilateral agreement, it is implemented. A key feature of the model i s that international
transfers are not available. Saggi and Yildiz examine the implications of a rule banning
FTAs, by comparing a game where FTAs are allowed with one where they are not. Focus-
ing on coalition-proof Nash equilibria, they show that when countries are symmetric
global free trade is the only stable equilibrium, whether or not FTAs are allowed. But
when countries are asymmetric it may happen that global free trade is a stable equilib-
rium only if FTAs are allowed, so a ban on FTAs can make global free trade less likely.
To understand this result intuitively, recall that there are no international transfers in the
model, so global free trade is not the only Pareto-efficient outcome. Indeed, a ban on
FTAs may lead away from global free trade, but not away from Pareto-efficiency. If FTAs
are banned, it is possible that in equilibrium two countries agree to liberalize trade while
the third does not: this outcome is skewed in favor of the country that free rides, but is
Pareto efficient. Thus, Saggi and Yildiz’s result should be interpreted as suggesting only
that FTAs may be needed to achieve global free t rade, not that FTAs may be needed to
achieve global efficiency.
Saggi et al. (2013) build on Saggi andYildiz (2010) by considering the case of CUs.
The main finding of this paper is that, in contrast with the case of FTAs,in the case of CUs
a “stumbling block”scenario is possible,in the sense that the freedom to pursue CUs may
prevent the attainment of global free trade. Interestingly, the reason for this difference in
results is not that a CU has a more harmful impact on outsiders than an FTA, but rather
that it implies a stronger incentive for insiders to deny access to outsiders.Taken together,
the two papers just discussed suggest that under some conditions it might be desirable to
ban CUs but not FTAs; but this is only suggestive, because in order to mak e this point
rigorously one would need to consider a model where CUs and FTAs ar e both options
available to governments, which is not the case in either of the abo ve-mentioned papers.
Aghion et al. (2007) also examine the building-block vs stumbling-block question
within a three-country model where countries can negotiate FTAs as well as multilateral
agreements, but with some key differences relative to Saggi andYildiz (2010).Inpartic-
ular,Aghion et al. assume that there is a leading country that chooses whether to engage
in sequential bilateral bargains or in a single multilateral bargain, and allow for politi-
cal econom y motivations in the government objectives. In addition, they assume that
international transfers are available. Aghion et al. define payoffs to be “grand-coalition
superadditive if the payoff of the grand coalition is larger than the payoff of all countries
382 Giovanni Maggi
combined in alternative coalition structures. This property is satisfied for example if free
trade is Pareto-efficient and each government maximizes national welfare. A key result
of the paper is that, if payoffs are grand-coalition superadditive, then the leading country
may prefer sequential bargaining or multilateral bargaining, depending on the nature of
coalition externalities, but in either case global free trade must emerge in equilibrium.
Aghion et al. then examine environments where grand-coalition superadditivity fails,
which can happen when political-economy motiv ations are strong. In this case, it is
possible that global free trade is attained only if FTAs are permitted (a building-block
scenario), and it is also possible that global free trade is attained only if FTAs are banned
(a stumbling-block scenario). Note that, as in Saggi andYildiz (2010), it may happen that
a ban on FTAs leads away fr om global free trade , but not that a ban on FTAs leads away
from Pareto-efficiency. However, unlike Saggi-Yildiz, this is not due to the absence of
international transfers, but rather to the possibility that governments may not maximize
welfare; indeed, a ban on FTAs can lead away from free trade only if governments do not
maximize welfare.
A related point is made by Ornelas (2008): if governments do not maximize welfare,
it is possible that FTAs have the effect of bringing the world closer to global free trade
relative to a multilateral agreement, and hence a ban on RTAs may lead the world away
from global free trade. However, this possibility arises in Or nelas (2008) for ver y different
reasons than in the papers mentioned above: here the reasons are that FTAs lead member
countries to lower their external tariffs, and that there is a tendency for FTAs to emerge
in equilibrium when they are trade-creating rather than trade-diverting.
A common message suggested by the papers discussed above is that,if rules are designed
ex-ante when governments are in “constitution-writing” mode and seek to maximize
global welfare, but ex-post government objectives may diverge from welfare, then a ban
on RTAs may be harmful, because RTAs may lead the world closer to global free trade
than a multilateral agreement.
I conclude this section by returning to the question I posed earlier: why has the
GATT-WTO not banned RTAs? As discussed above, the possible answers suggested by
the literature are two: (i) because rules are designed ex-ante when governments are in
constitution-writing mode and maximize welfare, whereas ex-post government objec-
tives may diverge from welfare; or (ii) because efficiency might also be achieved by means
of other rules, such as MFN and reciprocity. A third, and conceptually simpler, reason
why banning RTAs might not be a good idea is the presence of important frictions in
multilateral bargaining.This consideration is arguably of first-order empirical importance,
but has received little attention in the formal literature.
If multilateral bargaining is less
efficient than bilateral bargaining, for example because of the complexity of negotia-
tions when a large number of countries is in volved, then allowing RTAs may be strictly
One notable exception is McLaren (2002), but he models multilateral bargaining frictions in a very reduced-form way,
through a parameter that captures the extra cost of multilateral negotiations.
International Trade Agreements 383
desirable on efficiency grounds. But a more complete understanding of this issue would
require introducing bargaining frictions explicitly in our models and examining how they
depend on the set of countries and on the set of issues in volved in the bargain.
Coming back to the pessimistic statement made by Krugman (1997) (see beginning of
Section 2), one is tempted to ask: have the last 15 years of research pr oved Krugman
wrong? This is a matter of debate, b ut I think that, at a minimum, the literature has
demonstrated that the logic of economics can go a long way toward explaining the pur-
pose and design of trade agreements. As I have argued in this chapter, more progress is
needed along several dimensions, but we have made significant advances toward under-
standing the motivations that drive countries to sign trade agreements and the reasons
why trade agreements are designed the way they are, and we are now in a better position
to evaluate possible reforms of existing rules from a normative standpoint. Most of the
research has been at the t heoretical level, but in the last few years there has been an
acceleration in empir ical research, spurred by the availability of new and better data sets.
What’s next for the economics of trade agreements? At a broad level, I think that
this research area is ready—both in terms of theoretical tools and data availability—to
follow a path that other research areas in international economics have fruitfully taken,
namely a tighter i ntegration between theoretical and empirical analysis. Some of the
most important questions on the table require counterfactual analysis, and this in turn
calls for structural and/or calibration approaches. Some recent papers that I discussed in
this chapter have mo ved in this direction, but we ar e still at the beginnings.
In terms of substantive questions, I will point to a few directions that seem promising
to me. One question that we still know little about is the empirical importance of “New
Trade” and domestic-commitment motives for trade agreements. Another important set
of open questions concerns multilateral trade negotiations in the presence of bargaining
frictions: why has the Doha round failed? Is it because there are no mutual gains left
on the table, or because of bargaining frictions due to the large number of countries
and issues on the table? If bargaining frictions are part of the problem, can bargaining
protocols be designed in a smarter way to facilitate more efficient outcomes?
If history is of any guidance, the release of new important datasets can trigger new
waves of empirical and theoretical research. This will hopefully be the case for the recent
release by the WTO of an unprecedented dataset that includes extremely detailed infor-
mation about the bargaining that took place during GATT negotiation r ounds. This
dataset may help answ er new questions, such as those related to the nature of bargaining
frictions and the importance of bargaining protocols, as well as old questions, such as the
extent to which the MFN rule generates free-rider problems and whether bilateral trade
agreements are building blocks or stumbling blocks toward global free trade.
384 Giovanni Maggi
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