Legal Aspects of Divorce
Divorce is an increasingly common occurrence in
our society. Yet its effect on the parties, their prop-
erty and children can often be devastating. Once
entered, a Divorce Decree can establish the parties’
rights permanently. If you have decided to obtain
a divorce, you should consult your personal attor-
ney to assist you. Few lawyers consider themselves
marriage counselors, but they are concerned for
your well-being and how a divorce action affects
you. This brochure is an attempt to present you
with some issues involved in a divorce.
Grounds for Divorce
The basis or cause for which a court may grant
a divorce is commonly referred to as a “ground”
for divorce. There are many different grounds
for divorce in Alabama all of which are created
by statutes. The most commonly used ground is
incompatibility. In practice, it is ordinarily not dif-
ficult to convince the court that incompatibility
exists sufficient to dissolve the marriage relation-
ship. A divorce based on this ground is commonly
referred to as a “no fault” divorce. However, even
though a finding of fault is not necessary to the
court’s decision to grant a divorce, it is often an
important factor in such matters as child custody,
alimony, and division of property.
Other grounds for which divorce in Alabama may
be granted include: adultery, desertion, penitentiary
imprisonment for certain prolonged periods, addic-
tion to alcohol or drugs, mental incapacity, cruelty,
or conditions which existed at the time of the mar-
riage without the knowledge of the other party such
as pregnancy and incurable physical problems.
Divorce by Default or Trial
Two common methods of obtaining a divorce are
by default or trial. A default divorce occurs when
the party against whom the divorce suit is brought
fails to respond within the time limit set by law.
If the defendant files a response to the complaint,
the case will be set for a trial. In this set of circum-
stances, unless the case is settled prior to its going
to trial, there will be an actual trial before the judge
with each party having the right to call witnesses.
In either case the judge must decide all of the
pertinent issues, such as whether or not a divorce
will be granted, custody of the children, amount of
child support, alimony, and division of property.
The difference is that if there is a default, the judge
will base the ruling on the oral or written testimo-
ny of only the party who filed the suit.
Non-Contested Divorces
The most common type divorce today is non-
contested divorce. This means that both husband
and wife agree to a divorce. In such a divorce, the
parties usually enter into a written marital agree-
ment defining their rights and duties and other
issues of the divorce.
Marital Agreement and Mediation
This agreement should include all of the terms
of the divorce, specifically matters relating to the
children and to the property owned by the parties.
A mediator working with the parties and their
attorneys is one of the best ways to develop an
agreement that is acceptable to both parties. The
agreement is then presented to the judge, and if
the judge approves it, a divorce is granted, and the
marital agreement is made a part of the divorce
decree. By mediating the issues and making their
own agreement, parties avoid the necessity of a
trial. For more information on mediation, review
the brochure “Parents are Forever: Mediating
Divorce and Post Divorce Issues” available at or by calling (334) 269-0409, and
talk with your lawyer.
Child Custody and Visitation Rights
In a divorce action, the court determines custody
and visitation of the minor children of the parties.
The determination is based on the discretion of
the court guided by consideration of the following
factors: best interest and welfare of the children,
fault of the parties, character and conduct of each
parent, age and sex of the children, past care and
custody of the children, economic conditions of the
parents, preference of the children, and agreement
of the parents.
Future parenting of the children is very impor-
tant, and you should give your attorney all relev-
ent information that might affect with which party
the children will live. The courts favor a natural
parent having physical custody of the children,
but it can award custody to other parties such as
grandparents or even unrelated persons if it is in
the best interest of the children.
The parent who does not have the children liv-
ing with him or her (non-custodial parent) has the
right to visit the children or have them visit him or
her. Visitation rights are usually set by the judge
and are generally expressed in terms of reason-
able times and places upon reasonable notice; but
a divorce degree can also set out specific visitation
privileges at certain times and places, i.e.: every
other weekend, certain holidays, birthdays, etc. A
mediated agreement can help you set a schedule.
The court may also, on request, award visitation
rights to the grandparents of the children.
Child Support
Once the determination is made that a divorce
should be granted, the primary concern of the
court becomes the well-being of the minor children
of the parties. It is the responsibility of the court to
determine the amount that the non-custodial par-
ent is responsible to contribute for support of the
minor children.
The court must use the Child Support Guidelines
adopted by the Alabama Supreme Court in setting
the amount of child support, unless the court spe-
cifically finds that following the Guidelines would
be unjust and inappropriate. The court combines
the income of the divorcing parents, determines
from the Guidelines the applicable amount of child
support for the number of children of the mar-
riage based upon that income, adjusts this amount
for work-related child care expenses and health
insurance premiums, and then assigns a portion of
that support amount to the non-custodial parent
based on his/her percentage share of the combined
The most important factors to be considered by
the court in making an award of child support are
the needs of the children and the parent’s ability
to earn and pay his/her portion of the support. A
parent’s obligation to pay child support may be
based on his or her demonstrated ability to earn a
certain amount of money, not what that parent is
choosing to earn.
Child support is paid until the child reaches the
age of majority, but can be extended beyond that
time under certain circumstances, such as during
post majority education (college), or where the
child is mentally or physically disabled.
Real And Personal Property Settlement
One of the functions of the court in a divorce
proceeding is to make a division of the property
owned by the parties. It is within the discretion
of the court to order a transfer of property owned
individually by either spouse or jointly-held prop-
erty in order to “do equity” between the parties.
The court has the power to order either party to
give or convey his or her interests in stock, vehicles
or real estate to the other spouse in exchange for
the release of marital obligations.
Because the divorcing husband and wife are most
familiar with their own property, the divorcing
couple should work out a division of assets that is
acceptable to both and incorporate the agreement
into the divorce decree. While a court is not neces-
sarily bound by an agreement for division, such
property settlements are looked upon with favor. If
no agreement is provided, the court will make the
division based on the needs and interests of the par-
ties as shown through testimony at trial. The divi-
sion of property between the husband and wife and
awarding of alimony and child support payments
often result in adverse and unexpected tax conse-
quences that may be avoided with proper planning.
Legal Separation and Separate
Married couples in Alabama have two divorce
related remedies that fall short of an absolute
1. Legal separation may be appropriate where
one party wishes to live apart from his or her mate
but does not desire to obtain an absolute divorce.
Neither party can remarry while the decree is in
effect. A court approving a petition for a legal sep-
aration may award temporary support, alimony,
child support, custody of children, and make all
other orders like those made when a final divorce
is entered.
2. Separate maintenance differs from the con-
cept of a legal separation in several respects. A
party requesting separate maintenance need not
prove that he or she has the grounds to obtain a
final divorce and is purely within the discretion
of the court. A petition for separate maintenance
may be sought by the wife when a husband and
wife are living apart and, through no fault of the
wife, the husband refuses to support either the
wife or his dependents. The amount of the award
is based on the husband’s income and the wife’s
needs for herself and her minor children. The fact
that a wife earns a separate living will not bar her
from asking a court to enter an order of separate
maintenance. Mediation may also be useful for
either of the above.
Attorney Fees
You should discuss the amount of the attorney’s
fees and who will pay them in your first discussion
with your attorney. Attorney’s fees differ greatly
within the state. Noncontested divorces generally
cost less and the attorney’s fees increase with the
complexity of any contested divorce. Factors which
affect the attorney’s fee in a divorce include child
custody, the size and complexity of any property
settlement, tax advice, alimony settlement, fault of
the parties, etc.
It should be noted that an attorney cannot ethi-
cally represent both the husband and wife in a
divorce proceeding. Further, an attorney cannot
ethically handle a domestic relations matter for a
fee that is contingent upon securing a divorce or
upon the amount of alimony, support or property
settlement awarded.
Alimony is based historically on the commonlaw
right of a wife to be supported by her husband
even after a divorce unless she forfeits it by her
misconduct. But today, either a husband or wife
may be entitled to alimony if the court determines
he or she needs support and the other party is
able to pay. There are two types of alimony: tem-
porary and permanent. Temporary alimony is
awarded to the needy party during the time after
a divorce suit is filed while awaiting trial or final
court decision. Permanent alimony is that which is
awarded by the court in its final decree. Permanent
alimony can either be “in gross” which is a fixed
total amount and cannot be changed, or “periodic”
which is an amount payable on a regular basis
without a fixed total and which can be modified
under some circumstances.
The award of alimony and its amount are com-
pletely discretionary with the court which consid-
ers such factors as the length of the marriage and
the age, earning capacity, health, conduct, educa-
tion, and income of each of the parties. Alimony
is separate and apart from any property division
between the parties. However, as a practical mat-
ter, there is often a relationship between the two
issues, since some of the same factors are used as
guides to property settlements.
NOTE: This brochure, based upon Alabama law, is
issued to inform, not to advise. It is distributed to help you
obtain your rights under the law and is published by:
Alabama State Bar
415 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
(334) 269-1515
January 2013
Published by
of Divorce