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below for our weekly BBVLP Briefing
November 21, 2013
Pro Bono Champions!
Congratulations to the following 22 volunteer lawyers who have gone above
and beyond the call of duty to take a case and provide Pro Bono
representation to a client who cannot afford an attorney. The following
attorneys are currently working on a Pro Bono case that they took from the
Birmingham Bar Volunteer Lawyers Program in September, October, or
Charlie Baxley
Elizabeth Blair (2 cases!)
John Clark
Pamela Cousins (2 cases!)
Tommy Davis (2 cases!)
Melissa Doggett
Charles Dunn
Megan Elder (2 cases!)
C. Allen Flowers
Floyd Gaines
Maura Goodwyn
Deborah Gregory (2 cases!)
Ginger Hamilton
Stella Jackson
Jeanie Jones
Loring Jones
Brown "Bo Linder
Jessica Powers (2 cases!)
Nancy Lawrence Rhodes
Jordan Watson
Pam Weed
Elizabeth Zwiebel
Accept a Pro Bono case today:
Some 97 clients are awaiting an attorney to help them. Respond to this email
today if you can take a case. Some of the areas where the BBVLP has open
cases are:
Donate to the BBVLP
Search this site
10th Judicial Circuit
Je!erson County
State of Alabma
Follow @BirminghamVLP
Birmingham Bar Center
2021 Second Avenue North
Birmingham Alabama 35203
Phone: (205) 250-5198
Fax: (205) 250-5199
The Birmingham Volunteer
Lawyers Program is funded by
cases are:
- SSI benefits (1 case)
- Uncontested Divorce (6 cases)
- Contested Divorce (25 cases)
- Bankruptcy (31 cases)
- Wills & Estate (11 cases)
- Guardianship/Conservatorship (6 cases)
- Other (9 cases)
ZERO VOLUNTEERS for December Domestic Relations Help Desk:
You can have your choice of times and dates to volunteer on a Wednesday in
December at the Domestic Relations Help Desk. Be the first attorney to let us
know you will help out by responding to this email or emailing
Wide open are December 4th, 11th and 18th. Three attorneys are needed
for each 8:30 to 10 a.m. shift and three are needed for 10 a.m. to noon. Your
help will be well appreciated. Check out the volunteer calendar for more
District Court Help Desk volunteers also needed
Please see the volunteer calendar for when you can volunteer.
Thank you to this week's Help Desk volunteers:
District Court Volunteer Attorneys advised 19 clients on Monday and
Stevan Goozee
Ryan Meyers-Lorant Law Group
Bertram Goodwin Minisman Jr.-Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &
David T. Newton--Maynard Cooper & Gale, P.C.
Jessica Powers-Powers law
Honza Prchal-Heninger Garrison Davis, LLC
Domestic Relations Court Volunteer Attorneys advised 23 clients on
Megan Elder -- Elder Family Law
Linda Hall
Ginger Hamilton*
Tanisia Moor
Toys for Tots: Friendly reminder to drop off an unwrapped toy at Legal
Services Alabama, 1820 7th Avenue North, Suite 200, Birmingham, AL
35203, by December 2, 2013.
Interesting read: Remember when Alabama was the divorce capital of the
nation? The Montgomery Advertiser does. Click here for the story.
Qualify for Help
Clients whose income level is equal to or below 125% of the federal poverty level
and who have first been interviewed by Legal Services Alabama sta! or VLP sta! are
eligible for free legal help through the VLP. Only civil, non-fee generating cases are
accepted by the VLP. See the "Get Help & Volunteer" page to apply for assistance.
Further, for information on how to apply for services, you may contact our intake
line at (205) 250-5198 option #0.
New do-it-yourself instructions and forms are provided by the Alabama State Bar
Committee on Pro Se Forms. See the LawHelp website for more information.
Disaster Help Links
Help for filing insurance claims provided by the Alabama Association for Justice.
Free legal services for tornado victims provided by the University of Alabama and
Alabama State Bar. The Alabama State Bar also has a Disaster Relief Hotline, at 1-
See the "Disaster Relief - Legal Information" page for information and forms on
dealing with contractors, unemployment, notice to landlord and other issues.
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