Global Relations Office
Information for Students
A. University
University of Miami | Webpage for Exchange Students
B. Location
Coral Gables, Florida, USA
C. Academics
i) Module
Mapping &
Please ensure your Study Plan is approved by the academics at your home
School or Faculty before the exchange.
Modules approved in the past may not be offered by the host university or
approved by your Faculty when it is time for your SEP. Please check the latest
course offerings at the host university while you develop your Study Plan.
ii) Academic
Semester 1 (Fall): August to December
Semester 2 (Spring): January to May
iii) Exchange
One semester
iv) Examination
Students should check the exam timetable at their host university, and
ensure they can stay at their host university until after the end of the
official exam period.
v) Curriculum
Undergraduate students can register for 12 to 20 credits. Students register
for courses one semester at a time. Students should use the Academic
Bulletin for academic planning purposes, as it is subject to change and may
not reflect the course offerings during specific exchange periods.
i) Entry
CAP of 3.375 out of 5.0 (equivalent to a 2.7 out of 4.0 GPA), with no grade
below C
ii) Language
iii) Modules
Website for course information (for exchange students):
Course Enrollment
Students may select 100-level through 400-level classes for which they
meet the pre-requisite requirements. Students cannot enrol
Global Relations Office
in Music performance, Medical School, or Law School courses. Students
coming on the undergraduate exchange are also not allowed to take 600-
level classes and can only enrol in 500-level classes with special permission
of the instructor and department. Special restrictions apply to courses
within the College of Engineering and Miami Herbert Business School.
Neuroscience classes may not be available to exchange students due to
limited space. Moreover, students cannot take more than two courses per
Faculty (subject). For example, a student if a student is enrolled in MKT 100
and MKT 200, the student cannot enrol in a Third MKT course.
iv) Module
and pre-
Students cannot enrol in Music performance, Medical School, or Law School
courses. Special restrictions apply to courses within the College of
Engineering and Miami Herbert Business School.
D. Application
i) Procedures
All NUS students have to be nominated by NUS before they can apply for a
fee-waiver exchange at the host university.
The application procedures and list of supporting documents needed by the
host university can be found in the SharePoint.
Please look for the SEP coordinator at your Dean’s Office for the link to the
ii) Deadlines
All NUS students must abide by the internal application deadline set by their
home Faculty for exchange participation in the following academic year.
After clearing the internal application and selection process, students have
to take note of the application deadline set by the host university.
Failure to submit a formal application to the host university by the stipulated
deadline, may result in your exchange being forfeited even if you have been
selected by NUS for the exchange.
E. Accommodation
i) University
On-campus housing at UM is currently facing a shortage and as such our
On-Campus residences will not be able to accommodate incoming exchange
students. Students need to seriously research and consider options for off-
campus accommodations. We advise students to research off-campus
housing options, and to consult the off-campus housing guide accessible at:
Students will be able to work with UM’s Housing and Residential Life
Department to secure housing accommodation.
Global Relations Office
F. Visa
Upon acceptance to UM, students will receive an acceptance letter and an I-
20 form. With these documents, students then apply for an F-1 visa. When
students enter the U.S. on their F-1 student visa, they are usually admitted
for the duration of their student status. This means that they may stay in the
U.S. as long as they are a full-time student, even if the F-1 visa in the passport
expires while the student is in the U.S. (If students have been approved to
extend their period of stay for another semester, their I20 form will be
updated and they will be able to remain in the US for the extended period of
study, as long as they retain fulltime student status.)
Once a students I20 form expires, they will not be able to use it to travel
outside the U.S. and re-enter the U.S. in F1 student status even if their F
1 visa is still valid.
For more information, please refer to the UM Exchange Guide Book (scroll
down to ‘Apply for US Visa’ section).
G. Safety, Health & Medical Insurance
i) Health/Medical
All registered NUS students are covered under the university health
insurance and the blanket travel insurance. For more information on the
blanket travel insurance, please refer to the following link:
Students are strongly encouraged to purchase a supplemental travel
insurance to ensure they are adequately covered during their exchange
In addition, students will be required to enrol in the compulsory health
insurance policy or scheme at their SEP host university.
Upon course registration, students are automatically charged for and
enrolled in the University of Miami student health insurance plan. Waivers
are not permitted, regardless of additional or existing coverage. All
international students are required to enrol in University sponsored health
insurance. Please refer to the following link for more information -
ii) Emergency
Number at host
For emergency contact information, please refer to the following link:
H. Cost of Living
i) Estimated
Monthly Living
For more information, please refer to the UM Exchange Guide Book (scroll
down to ‘Review Financial Obligations and Pay Fees’ section).
Global Relations Office
Please refer to the UM/Miami links for the most up-to-date information.