Policy Analysis
Educational Evaluation and
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DOI: 10.3102/0162373711399092
Thomas J. Cooke and Paul Boyle
The Migration of High School Graduates to College
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American Educational Research Association
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The Migration of High School Graduates to College
Thomas J. Cooke
University of Connecticut
Paul Boyle
University of St. Andrews
The National Center for Education Statistics reports that over 250,000 high school graduates moved
across state lines to enroll in college in 2008. The choices made by these high ability individuals may
have long-lasting implications for state economies; not only do they contribute to state and local econo-
mies through their tuition and daily living costs while studying, but many of them will be retained in the
workforce in the state in which they graduate. This paper argues that inadequate attention has been paid
to the spatial processes that underpin such migrations. Specifically, models are required that simultane-
ously consider the characteristics of both migration origins and destinations and their relative spatial
arrangements. Thus, the purpose of this research is to present an alternative, explicitly spatial, approach
to modeling the migration of high school graduates to college. Our results provide new insights into the
factors that determine such flows and have direct relevance to policy-making in this sphere.
Keywords: migration, college enrollment
geographic concentration of highly skilled
workers is an important determinant of regional
economic growth (Storper & Scott, 2009). However,
the factors that attract skilled workers into certain
areas are relatively underresearched (Hansen &
Niedomysl, 2009). Particularly important are the
flows of students to college; the National Center
for Education Statistics (2009) reported that over
250,000 high school graduates moved across state
lines to enroll in college in 2008. The choices made
by these high-ability individuals may have long-
lasting implications for state economies; not only
do they contribute to state and local economies
through their tuition and daily living costs while
studying, but at least some them will be retained
in the workforce in the states in which they gradu-
ate (Groen, 2004; Parsad & Gray, 2005).
Previous research on student migration has
generally focused on either in-migration (the
percentage nonresident enrollment at a university)
or out-migration (the percentage of a state’s high
school graduates attending school in another state).
These studies have found that the out-migration
of students is positively related to public university
tuition and negatively related to the quality of both
public and private universities, the number of
enrollment opportunities, and the availability of
a broad-based public university merit scholarship
program (see Mak & Moncur, 2003; Orsuwan &
Heck, 2009; Zhang & Ness, 2010), while the in-
migration of students is positively related to the
quality of the university and the size of the univer-
sity and negatively related to tuition (see Adkisson
& Peach, 2008). Results regarding the effect of
tuition on nonresident enrollment are mixed,
with strong evidence that elite national universities
enjoy a high degree of pricing power, so that for
them, nonresident enrollment is positively related
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Month XXXX, Vol. XX, No. X, pp. xx–xx
DOI: 10.3102/0162373711399092
© 2011 AERA.
at UNIV OF CONNECTICUT on May 4, 2011http://eepa.aera.netDownloaded from
Cooke and Boyle
to tuition (Baryla & Dotterweich, 2001, 2006;
Dotterweich & Baryla, 2005).
However, the movement of students from one
state to another state is a joint function of both the
characteristics of the state of origin and potential
destination states. Models that focus on just out-
migration or in-migration cannot fully capture how
the joint characteristics of origins and destinations
influence migration behavior. For example, a
model of out-migration rates can include only the
characteristics of the origin state and cannot
include those of the chosen destination state, even
though those destination-specific characteristics
clearly have an influence on out-migration. A par-
allel argument can be made for in-migration. Thus,
models of in- and out-migration rates may not be
correctly specified, because they exclude important
determinants of the migration decision. The pur-
pose of this research is to introduce to the student
migration literature a well-established technique
used in migration research that addresses this issue.
Our results provide new insights into the factors
that determine student migration behavior and have
direct relevance to policy making in this sphere.
The decision to attend college is clearly spatial;
student enrollment choices are inevitably based
to some degree on the spatial distribution of enroll-
ment opportunities relative to their place of high
school residence. Students who live in close prox-
imity to a diverse range of enrollment opportunities
are more likely to apply to college and to attend
colleges closer to home, while students who live
in areas with few enrollment opportunities are less
likely to apply to college and more likely to attend
colleges far from home (Frenette, 2006; Leppel,
1993; Lopez Turley, 2009; Mulder & Clark,
2002; Sa, Florax, & Rietveld, 2006). Thus, the out-
migration of students from a state is not just a
function of the state’s characteristics but is also
influenced by the opportunities in every other
state and their spatial arrangement relative to
the origin state. The same can be said for the in-
migration of students into colleges within states.
The importance of considering simultaneously
how the characteristics of origins, destinations,
and their relative spatial arrangement influence
migrant flows is well established in the geography
literature. Failure to incorporate these factors into
migration models may introduce specification bias
and likely ignores significant factors that ulti-
mately determine net migration patterns (Rogers,
1990). To resolve these issues, geographers have
developed spatial interaction models, a special case
of which is the seminal gravity model formulation
(Stewart, 1948; Stouffer, 1940, 1960; Zipf, 1949),
from which the determinants of out-, in-, and net
migration patterns can be appropriately identified
(Haynes & Fotheringham, 1984; Wilson, 1971).
The spatial interaction framework conceptualizes
the gross volume of migration, M, between an
origin (i) and a destination (j) as a function of the
attributes of the origin, O, the attributes of the
destination, D, and attributes describing the spatial
arrangement of origins and destinations, S:
= f(O
, D
, S
So, for example, the dependent variable in a
spatial interaction model of migration between each
of the 50 states would be each of the 2,450 observed
intrastate migration flows (50
50 or n
n pos-
sible flows after excluding intrastate migration
flows). As the flows are counts of migrants, and
there will be many zero, several low, and few high
values, a Poisson regression model is an appro-
priate functional form for a spatial interaction
model (Congdon, 1991, 1993; Flowerdew, 1991;
Flowerdew & Aitkin, 1982).
Although any number of independent variables
can be incorporated into a spatial interaction
model, the key variables relating to a traditional
gravity model specification would include an
origin variable reflecting the size of the popula-
tion at risk for migrating, a destination variable
reflecting the number of opportunities available
to migrants, and the distance between each origin
and the destination. Commonly, a second spatial
variable would also be used to reflect the spatial
structure of the various origins and destinations,
such as Stouffer’s (1940, 1960) intervening oppor-
tunities variable, whereby the amount of migration
between an origin and a destination will be reduced
by the degree to which there are alternative, inter-
vening migration destinations that lie between the
two. Failure to include a spatial structure variable
such as this may subject the analysis to both speci-
fication and autocorrelation bias.
Although nearly all models of student migra-
tion have incorporated some sort of variable that
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The Migration of High School Graduates to College
measures spatial opportunities surrounding an
origin for models of out-migration, or a destination
for models of in-migration, very few studies have
modeled migration flows from origins to destina-
tions within a spatial interaction approach. Slater
(1976) created migration regions from a matrix of
student migration flows, Johns & Viehland (1989)
described the visual patterns observed in a matrix
of student migration flows, and Abbott and Schmid
(1975), Fryman (1988), and Kyung (1996) observed
a negative effect of distance on interstate student
migration. More substantively, Alm and Winters
(2009) estimated models of intrastate student
migration flows between Georgia’s counties and
institutions of higher education and found that dis-
tance mediates the effects of the other independent
variables. Sa, Florax, and Rietveld (2004) reached
a similar conclusion in models of student migra-
tion flows in the Netherlands.
These studies notwithstanding, McHugh and
Morgan (1984) performed the only study to have
estimated models of the flows between the 48
contiguous U.S. states for a sample of students
enrolled in public universities. They found that
the size of the migration flow increased with the
number of students in the origin state, the per
capita income in the origin and the destination,
and private college costs of attendance in the
origin, and decreased with measures of educa-
tional quality in the destination. With respect to
spatial factors, the size of migration flows declined
with the distance between the origin and destina-
tion and increased with the average distance of
the origin state from all other states. The analysis
indicates that both origin- and destination-specific
characteristics as well as their spatial arrangement
jointly, but not necessarily symmetrically, influ-
ence college-bound students’ decisions. However,
the study was limited by the fact that it was
restricted only to public university students, and
the results were not interpreted with respect to
the net gain or loss of college students by state.
Finally, the specification of the “intervening
opportunities” variable (the average distance of
all states from the origin state) was not defined
consistently with the variables commonly used
in the migration literature, and its positive value
is counterintuitive: The expected flow between
any two randomly selected states should be lower,
rather than higher, if there are many opportunities
between the two states.
The spatial interaction perspective models
migration flows between a set of origins and
destinations as a function of the characteristics of
the origins, the destinations, and their relative
spatial arrangement. Models that focus on just out-
migration or in-migration cannot fully capture how
the joint characteristics of origins and destinations,
and their spatial arrangement, influence migration
behavior and may be improperly specified. The
purpose of this research is to introduce this approach
to the student migration literature through the esti-
mation of a spatial interaction model of the inter-
state migration of high school students to college.
Data and Methods
The primary source of data is the 2007 Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System provided by
the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center
for Education Statistics, which reports annual data
on enrollments, program completions, graduation
rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices,
and student financial aid for all institutions that
participate in federal student aid programs (National
Center for Education Statistics, 2009). The analysis
uses data from the 2006–2007 academic year and
focuses on public and private colleges and universi-
ties that offer accredited bachelors degrees in a
primarily traditional residential setting.
these data report, for each institution, the number
of students by state when they applied to college.
It is from these data that gross interstate migration
flows are calculated.
The analysis is limited to 47 states and the
District of Columbia (which for simplicity is treated
and referred to as a state throughout the analysis).
Hawaii and Alaska are not included because their
separation from the contiguous United States
would introduce modeling issues that would not
appreciably contribute to the overall quality of the
model because of the small amount of migration
to and from those two states. Wyoming is also
deleted, because the model specification requires
independent variables on the characteristics of each
state’s private universities. However, Wyoming
is a small state with only one large public university
and no private universities.
The resulting sample of 2,256 observations rep-
resents the number of college-bound students migrat-
ing from each of the 48 selected states to every
other state (48
48 interstate migration flows after
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Variable Definitions
Variable Definition
Spatial variables
Distance between origin and
Distance between origin and destination states (logged)
Adjacency 1 if states are adjacent, 0 if not
Intervening opportunities See text
Geographic variables
High school graduates, origin Number of in-sample college-bound high school graduates
High school graduates, destination Number of in-sample college-bound high school graduates
Change in unemployment, origin Change in unemployment rate from 2006 to 2007
Change in unemployment,
Change in unemployment rate from 2006 to 2007
Per capita income, origin 2006 per capita income (logged)
Per capita income, destination 2006 per capita income (logged)
Amenities, origin A measure of the quality of natural amenities based on
topography and climatic conditions (Peters, 2000
Amenities, destination A measure of the quality of natural amenities based on
topography and climatic conditions (Peters, 2000)
% Urban, origin Percentage of the state population living in urban areas
% Urban, destination Percentage of the state population living in urban areas
% Population 18–24, origin Percentage of the state population between the ages of 18 and
24 years
% Population 18–24, destination Percentage of the state population between the ages of 18 and
24 years
Public university variables
Public enrollment, origin Full-time equivalent in-sample enrollment (logged)
Public enrollment, destination Full-time equivalent in-sample enrollment (logged)
Public ACT 75th percentile, origin Enrollment-weighted average 75th-percentile score on the
Public ACT 75th percentile,
Enrollment-weighted average 75th-percentile score on the
Public cost of enrollment, origin Enrollment-weighted average in-state public cost of
attendance (logged)
Public cost of enrollment, destination Enrollment-weighted out-of-state public tuition cost of
attendance (logged)
Public admissions rate, origin Enrollment-weighted university admissions rate
Public admissions rate, destination Enrollment-weighted university admissions rate
Merit scholarship program, origin Presence of a broad-based merit scholarship program (1 = yes,
0 = no) (Orsuwan & Heck, 2009)
Merit scholarship program,
Presence of a broad-based merit scholarship program (1 = yes,
0 = no) (Orsuwan & Heck, 2009)
Private university variables
Private enrollment, origin Full-time equivalent in-sample enrollment (logged)
Private enrollment, destination Full-time equivalent in-sample enrollment (logged)
Private ACT 75th percentile, origin Enrollment-weighted average 75th-percentile score on the ACT
Private ACT 75th percentile,
Enrollment-weighted average 75th-percentile score on the ACT
Private cost of enrollment, origin Enrollment-weighted average cost of attendance (logged)
Private cost of enrollment,
Enrollment-weighted average cost of attendance (logged)
Private admissions rate, origin Enrollment-weighted university admissions rate
Private admissions rate, destination Enrollment-weighted university admissions rate
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The Migration of High School Graduates to College
deleting intrastate moves). These gross migration
flows represent the number of students moving from
their states of residence (defined as their states of
residence when they applied to college in the spring
of 2006) to their states of college matriculation in
the fall of 2006. These flows are then estimated in
a Poisson regression framework as a function of
four broad sets of variables (see Table 1).
The first set of independent variables measure
the effect of the spatial arrangement of origins and
destinations on gross migration flows between
states. Distance is included because one of the
most consistent findings in the migration literature
is that flows generally decline with distance, reflect-
ing the cost of migration, the quality of informa-
tion, and, for students, the separation from friends
and family (Frenette, 2006; Leppel, 1993; Lopez
Turley, 2009; Mulder & Clark, 2002; Sa et al.,
2006). In this case, distance between states is mea-
sured by calculating the spherical distance between
the population-weighted geographic centroids of
each state (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009).
Euclidean distance is a crude measure, especially
for contiguous states. These may be poorly esti-
mated because the distance calculated between
contiguous zones is commonly an overestimate of
the average distance moved between such places.
Consequently, a dummy variable is often used to
identify those pairs of places that are adjacent
(Zhang & Ness, 2010), and in this case, a dummy
variable is included reflecting whether a pair of
states are adjacent to each other. This may also
capture regional agreements that encourage stu-
dents to attend universities in neighboring states
(see Zhang & Ness, 2010). Additionally, migration
from the origin to the destination is likely affected
by intervening opportunities: We expect that migra-
tion from one state to another will be reduced
if the origin state is closely surrounded by a large
number of higher education opportunities, and
likewise, migration from one state to another will
increase if the origin state is located in an area with
very few nearby higher education opportunities.
The variable is defined as
log( )
i j i
where FTEj is the in-sample full-time enrollment
in both public and private universities at the
destination, and d
is the distance from state i to
state j.
The second set of independent variables
reflects the geographic characteristics of each
state. College students migrate as single individu-
als with low costs of living and a lifetime to
recoup the cost of the migration decision (Perna,
2006). Thus, they are likely to be drawn to high-
amenity destinations, like many other young
populations with more expendable income (Black,
Gates, Sanders, & Taylor, 2000; Chen & Rosenthal,
2008; Plane, Henrie, & Perry, 2005; Whisler,
Waldorf, Mulligan, & Plane, 2008). Variables
such as natural amenities in the origin and des-
tination, the age characteristics of the population
in the origin and destination, urbanization in the
origin and destination, income levels in the ori-
gin and destination, and the number of potential
migrants in the origin and destination are therefore
The third and fourth sets of independent vari-
ables are included to measure the effects of public
and private university characteristics on migration
flows. The decision to migrate to college is also a
human capital investment (Parsad & Gray, 2005;
Sjaastad, 1962). Quite literally, students are mak-
ing an investment in time and money with the direct
goal of increasing their lifetime utility and, prob-
ably, their lifetime earnings. Thus, the quality of
the enrollment opportunities relative to the cost of
those opportunities is also a factor in the migration
decision. These factors are measured by variables
indicating enrollment in the origin and destination,
admissions rates in the origin and destination, total
cost of attendance in the origin and destination,
the presence of a merit scholarship program in the
origin and destination, and measures of university
quality in the origin and destination.
The model parameters give clear indications as
to how specific variables affect the flow of students
from origins to destinations. However, interpreting
the parameters of the model is not clear cut, because
many of the key variables are log transformed, and
the model itself is not linear. A more insightful,
alternative approach is to make predictions with
respect to these key variables. First, the combined
impact of the spatial variables on state net migration
is made by predicting every migration flow while
holding the spatial variables at their sample means.
These predicted flows are then summed by origins
and destinations to calculate the net migration rate
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for each state while holding these spatial variables
constant. The difference in this value with the pre-
dicted net migration rate is a measure of the impact
of spatial structure on net migration rates. Similarly,
the effect of implementing policy changes to improve
net migration rates by lowering resident and non-
resident costs of attendance and establishing a
broad-based merit scholarship program is calculated
in the same way.
As described above, the ultimate aim of this
analysis is to gain a better understanding of net
migration, and Figure 1 shows the observed
patterns. First, the states with the largest nega-
tive net migration are either small, densely settled
states of the East Coast (Maryland, Delaware,
and New Jersey) or large, generally populous
states (Minnesota, Illinois, and Georgia), Nevada
being the exception, although it is similar to this
last group in terms of size. The second pattern
relates to the first, as the states with the largest
positive net migration are generally adjacent, or
proximate, to the previous set of negative net migra-
tion states (e.g., Iowa, Indiana, South Carolina,
Alabama, Utah, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia).
These states are also less densely settled and/or
more rural than the negative net migration states.
In these cases, the spatial proximity to large num-
bers of high school graduates may provide their
colleges with an advantage in attracting out-of-
state students.
Table 2 reports the model estimates along with
the likelihood ratio test and the Wald test for the
inclusion of the three spatial variables. These
tests are all highly significant, indicating that the
spatial variables make a significant contribution
to the estimation of the migration of students
between states. Clearly, a spatial perspective
improves the explanation of the interstate migra-
tion of college-bound high school graduates, and
the first set of parameter estimates demonstrate
that migration flows decrease with the distance
between the origin and destination, increase if
states are adjacent to one another, and increase
(decrease) if the origin is surrounded by states
with few (many) higher education opportunities.
These are not surprising results, but their sig-
nificance is important to emphasize, as previous
research on student migration has neglected to
include them.
This point is emphasized in Figure 2, which
shows the contribution of each state’s spatial
FIGURE 1. Net migration of college-bound high school graduates.
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variables to its overall net migration rate. Positive
values indicate that the combined effect of the
spatial variables (distance, intervening opportu-
nities, and adjacency) act to improve the net
migration of a state, while negative values indi-
cate that spatial structure acts to harm the net
migration of a state. Thus, the large negative value
for New Jersey indicates that it is harmed by its
relative spatial location. In this case, New Jersey
high school graduates are in close proximity to
out-of-state enrollment opportunities as measured
by distance, adjacency, and intervening opportuni-
ties, all of which increases out-migration. Second,
residents in adjacent states also have many nearby
out-of-state opportunities other than New Jersey
that decrease in-migration to New Jersey. Finally,
Parameter Estimates
Variable Parameter
Spatial variables
Distance between origin and destination –1.040 .000
States are adjacent 0.807 .000
Intervening opportunities –8.475 .000
Geographic variables
High school graduates, origin 0.023 .098
High school graduates, destination 0.073 .000
Change in unemployment, origin 0.130 .000
Change in unemployment, destination –0.144 .000
Per capita income, origin 2.871 .000
Per capita income, destination –0.387 .000
Amenities, origin –0.154 .000
Amenities, destination 0.164 .000
% Urban, origin 0.004 .000
% Urban, destination –0.027 .000
% Population 18–24, origin –0.262 .000
% Population 18–24, destination 0.169 .000
Public university variables
Public enrollment, origin 0.630 .000
Public enrollment, destination 0.250 .000
Public ACT 75th percentile, origin 0.055 .000
Public ACT 75th percentile, destination 0.113 .000
Public tuition, origin 1.199 .000
Public tuition, destination –0.111 .000
Public cost of enrollment, origin 0.001 .040
Public cost of enrollment, destination 0.003 .000
Merit scholarship program, origin –0.132 .000
Merit scholarship program, destination –0.011 .155
Private university variables
Private enrollment, origin –0.108 .000
Private enrollment, destination 0.447 .000
Private ACT 75th percentile, origin 0.066 .000
Private ACT 75th percentile, destination 0.027 .000
Private cost of enrollment, origin –0.359 .000
Private cost of enrollment, destination 0.659 .000
Private admissions rate, origin –0.017 .000
Private admissions rate, destination 0.020 .000
Constant –30.557 .000
Test of model fit
.8310 .000
Tests of adding spatial variables
Wald test 280,000 .000
Likelihood ratio test 264,512 .000
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not only is New Jersey far from potential in-
migrants because of its position on the East Coast,
but it is in the center of the country’s greatest
concentration of enrollment opportunities, and
hence, from the perspective of students in other
states, there are many other intervening oppor-
tunities between any potential origin state and
New Jersey. Although these likely affect all East
Coast states, this combination of spatial factors is
most difficult for New Jersey.
In contrast, the large negative effect of spatial
structure on net migration on the western states
of Montana, Washington, Nevada, and California
is due to a different set of circumstances. Montana,
Washington, and California are spatially isolated
by distance and intervening opportunities from
potential high school students and surrounded
by less populous states. Nevada appears to be an
anomaly, but in fact the location of its two major
universities in Reno and Las Vegas effectively puts
the center of the states higher education sector on
the border with California, meaning that it suffers
from the same sort of spatial issues as Montana,
Washington, and California. With respect to those
states in Figure 2 with a positive spatial effect,
almost without exception these are less densely
settled, more rural states surrounded by more
densely settled, more urban states. As a result,
they benefit from their spatial proximity to a
large number of potential in-migrants relative
to the small number of potential out-migrants
within their borders.
The second set of parameter estimates in Table 2
relates to the geographic characteristics of states
as origins and destinations. One way to interpret
these results is in terms of the direction of migration
flows. For example, the parameter for the number
of high school graduates in the origin is 0.023,
while the parameter for the number of high school
graduates in the destination is 0.073. This implies
that the number of high school graduates has a
greater positive effect on in-migration than on out-
migration. Thus, student migration flows are inef-
ficient in the sense that states with many high
school graduates experience positive net migration
as a result. This may be due to multicollinearity with
population size or even the spatial variables, but
alternative model specifications including the popu-
lation of each origin state did not alter these results.
The other geographic variables are more directly
interpreted and consistent with expectations regard-
ing a young, upwardly mobile population: Student
migration flows from states with increasing unem-
ployment toward states with decreasing unemploy-
ment, from states with higher incomes toward states
with lower incomes, from states with fewer natural
FIGURE 2. Spatial effects on net migration rate.
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The Migration of High School Graduates to College
amenities toward states with more natural ameni-
ties, from highly urbanized states to less urbanized
states, and from states with low proportions of 18-
to 24-year-olds to states with high proportions of
18- to 24-year-olds.
With respect to the characteristics of public
universities, the enrollment parameters indicate
the same sort of inefficiency as with the high
school graduate parameters: The parameter for
public enrollment in the origin is 0.630, while the
parameter for public enrollment in the destination
is 0.250. This implies that states with large public
enrollments have net out-migration of students.
This too may be a spurious correlation with popu-
lation size, but alternative model specifications
including the population of each origin state did
not alter these results. The other public university
variables behave more to expectations: Student
migration flows toward states with higher quality
public universities (as measured by standardized
test scores), from states with higher in-state costs
of attendance toward states with lower out-of-
state costs of attendance, and toward states with
higher admissions rates. The parameters associ-
ated with the presence of merit scholarship pro-
grams only indicate that they reduce out-migration
and have no effect on in-migration. This is expected
because merit scholarships are not available to
out-of-state students.
Finally, the private university parameters indi-
cate that student migration flows from states with
lower private enrollment toward states with higher
private enrollment, from states with higher quality
private universities toward states with higher pri-
vate costs of attendance, and from states with
lower private admissions rates toward states with
higher private admissions rates. These results
confirm Dotterweich and Baryla’s (2005) conclu-
sion that “it appears that the very selective, expen-
sive, private [institutions of higher education] are
perceived differently by non-resident students
and may have a special cache in the education
marketplace” (p. 381).
The effect of the size of the public higher edu-
cation sector notwithstanding and within the limi-
tations of a cross-sectional analysis, the policy
prescriptions are quite clear. Out-migration can
be reduced by developing a merit scholarship
program and lowering in-state costs of attendance,
while in-migration can be increased by improving
quality (as measured by standardized test scores),
reducing out-of-state costs of attendance, and
increasing admissions rates. The impact of these
policy prescriptions is evaluated in the same
manner that the spatial effects were estimated.
However, lowering admissions rates and raising
standardized tests scores are not directly achieved
and have to be addressed within the context of a
host of other changes at each university, most
notably a likely increase in enrollment. Therefore,
this exercise focuses on the two most easily imple-
mented of these policies: decreasing both in-state
and out-of-state public tuition and the adoption
of in-state merit scholarship programs.
The effects of implementing such policies are
estimated on a sample of six states, all of which
have large negative net migration rates and none
of which have merit scholarship programs (Orsuwan
& Heck, 2009): Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois,
Maryland, Minnesota, and New Jersey. For refer-
ence, total costs of enrollment range from a low of
$17,798 for resident students and $25,326 for non-
resident students in Minnesota to a high of $23,263
for resident students and $30,732 for nonresident
students in New Jersey. Figure 3 shows that all of
the states would benefit from reductions in non-
resident and resident costs of enrollment. Most
prominently, New Jersey, with a net migration rate
of –369 per 1,000 and with the highest resident and
nonresident costs of enrollment of the six states,
would see an increase in net migration to –248 per
1,000 with a 20% drop in costs of attendance. The
other five states would see relatively similar improve-
ments in net migration. Indeed, Maryland could
nearly eliminate its predicted net migration of
–244 per 1,000 to –43 per 1,000 by reducing costs
of attendance by 20%. The effects of establishing
a broad-based merit scholarship program such as
that implemented in Georgia are less meaningful.
Indeed, the largest effect is for Delaware, which
would see its predicted net migration fall from –452
per 1,000 to –391 per 1,000. Thus, student migra-
tion is not completely determined by spatial and
geographic differences between places but is also
responsive to policy prescriptions.
This analysis makes several contributions to
the study of the migration of high school students
to college. First, this analysis introduced a spatial
interaction approach, based on migration theory,
at UNIV OF CONNECTICUT on May 4, 2011http://eepa.aera.netDownloaded from
to the student migration literature. Although many
previous studies have included regional variables
and some spatial variables such as distance, this
is the first to explicitly model the interstate migra-
tion of high school graduates to college within the
spatial interaction framework. Our results are
broadly consistent with previous findings: States
with higher quality, competitively priced public
universities and with higher priced public universi-
ties have a positive net flow of college freshmen.
Students also are attracted toward more rural, high-
amenity states with younger populations. How-
ever, the spatial perspective demonstrates the
importance of the unequal distribution and arrange-
ment of both high school students and colleges
across the United States. For example, even though
New Jersey is in the population center of the coun-
try, its position relative to surrounding states and
on the edge of the continent places a severe struc-
tural impediment to achieving a positive flow of
students into that state. On a more positive note,
many less densely settled states proximate to
larger, more densely settled states, especially in
the eastern half of the United States, experience a
positive externality in the form of increased net
migration because of their spatial location alone.
We have also shown that the net flow of college
students could be responsive to policy intervention:
The model estimates indicate that net student
migration can be improved by lowering in-state
costs of attendance, improving quality (as mea-
sured by standardized test scores), reducing out-
of-state costs of attendance, and increasing
admissions rates. And indeed, simulations of the
impact of a change in costs of attendance and estab-
lishing a broad-based merit scholarship program
significantly improve net migration among a set
of states that currently experience net out-migra-
tion, even for those such as New Jersey that are at
a distinct spatial disadvantage. However, this
analysis does not take the cost of these programs
into account and additional analyses are needed
to more precisely estimate the specific impacts
of specific policy changes on student migration
flows and the costs of those policies. In particular,
future research should address the endogeneity
between migration flows and many of the inde-
pendent variables (e.g., tuition) through the use
of panel rather than cross-sectional data and more
precisely measure the role of proximity between
states in shaping interstate migration by incorporat-
ing the effect of interstate reciprocity
1. The full list of selected institutions is available
from the authors. The selection criteria exclude
FIGURE 3. Effects of policy variables.
at UNIV OF CONNECTICUT on May 4, 2011http://eepa.aera.netDownloaded from
The Migration of High School Graduates to College
institutions that (a) are not 4-year colleges, (b) are not
degree-granting institutions, (c) do not offer bachelor’s
degrees, (d) are primarily associates degree–granting
institutions that also offer bachelors degrees, (e) are
primarily or exclusively graduate level, (f) are primarily
or exclusively associate level, (g) are tribal colleges,
and (h) are for profit.
2. Spherical distances were calculated using the
SPHDIST Stata Module (Rising, 1999).
3. The University of the District of Columbia is the
only public university in the district, but the cost of
attendance data were not reported in this data set. The
cost was estimated from the College Board (2009).
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THOMAS J. COOKE is a Professor in the Depart-
ment of Geography and Director of the Center for
Population Research at the University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT 06269. E-mail: thomas.cooke@uconn.
edu<mailto:[email protected]>. His research
interests are in the geographic and spatial operation of
labor markets: How people search for, commute, and
migrate for employment and how these processes
impact both communities and individuals.
PAUL BOYLE is Chief Executive of the Economic
and Social Research Council and a Professor of Geog-
raphy at the School of Geography and Geosciences,
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9AL
Scotland;<mailto:P.>. His research falls within
the fields of Demography and Epidemiology, having
published mainly on migration, fertility, mortality, and
health inequalities.
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