MAY 2021
Dear Friends:
It is with a mixture of happiness, pride, and confidence that I write to you on this occasion of the culmination of your
years of effort and achievement at the University of Connecticut.
Many times in the past 12 months I have had reason to recall the observation of the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus:
“Happiness and freedom begin with one principle: some things are within your control, and some are not.” This is a
principle we can truly say has been affirmed for everyone in the world since the spring of 2020.
Certainly, it is a principle that was not lost on you, as you responded to events outside your control with the creativity,
determination, and perseverance that came to characterize UConn during this time.
Great challenges beget great achievements, and your achievement as students here shine as brightly as any in the 140-
year history of our University. You now continue your journey in the world not just prepared, but empowered:
empowered by the knowledge that you have it within yourself to face any obstacle, and overcome it.
This is a special class, its ranks filled with scholars of all disciplines and leaders on issues from climate action to racial
justice. One of the pleasures I look forward to in the coming years is learning of how you will apply your UConn
experience to transforming our world – hopefully, learning about it from you in person, on visits back to your alma
As we move closer toward a return to a semblance of life as we knew it before the pandemic, I know it will become
easier to put the last year into the context of your entire time at UConn. But I also know you won’t forget the lessons
you drew from your time here – about the need for justice in our nation and our world; about the essential commitment
to care for one another; about the things we truly cherish in life, especially the human contact that perhaps we had
come to take for granted.
Where your journey leads next, only you know for sure. But regardless of where you find yourself in life, I hope you will
always carry with you the fondest memories of your days here at the University of Connecticut. Remember: you are
students today, but Huskies forever.
Congratulations and very best wishes,
Thomas Katsouleas
University of Connecticut
The Honorable Ned Lamont
Governor of the State of Connecticut, President, Ex Officio
Daniel D. Toscano
Sanford Cloud, Jr.
Chair, UConn Health Board of Directors, Member, Ex Officio
Bryan P. Hurlburt
Commissioner of Agriculture, Member, Ex Officio
David Lehman
Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, Member, Ex Officio
Charlene M. Russell-Tucker
Acting Commissioner of Education, Member, Ex Officio
Andrew Agwunobi, M.D.
Executive Vice President for Health Affairs
Nathan Fuerst
Vice President for Enrollment Planning and Management
Michael Gilbert
Vice President for Student Affairs
Scott Jordan
Executive Vice President for Administration and
Chief Financial Officer
Tysen Kendig
Vice President for Communications
Radenka Maric
Vice President for Research, Innovation and
Daniel Weiner
Vice President for Global Affairs
Andy F. Bessette
Mark L. Boxer
Charles F. Bunnell
Shari G. Cantor
Andrea Dennis-LaVigne
Justin M. Fang
Marilda L. Gandara
Jeanine A. Gouin
Rebecca Lobo
Kevin J. O’Connor
Bryan K. Pollard
Thomas D. Ritter
Philip E. Rubin
Ethan Werstler
Thomas C. Katsouleas
Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
ommencement Day at the University of Connecticut is a
time of ceremony and pageantry, embracing traditions
dating back to medieval times.
The University of Connecticut was founded as the Storrs
Agricultural School in 1881 when the General Assembly
accepted a gift of money and land from Charles and Augustus
Storrs, natives of Mansfield. In 1893 when it became a land-
grant college and officially opened to women, the name was
changed to Storrs Agricultural College. As the mission of the
institution grew, its name was changed in 1899 to Connecticut
Agricultural College, and in 1933 to the Connecticut State
College. At first a small but vigorous college with limited
undergraduate offerings in agriculture, home economics and
mechanical arts, with the development of a university program
it became The University of Connecticut in 1939. The Graduate
program began in 1935, and in 1949 the University awarded its
first doctoral degrees. The regional campuses were established
in 1946 to accommodate the influx of veteran students. Today,
the University is made up of fourteen different schools and
colleges. Through its administrative Divisions, Institutes, and
Centers, the University is a Land Grant and Sea Grant College
and a Space Grant Consortium Institution, privileged to serve
the citizens of the State of Connecticut, and beyond.
Enormous expansion has taken place over the years together
with increased enrollment. Today, the University has an
enrollment of over 32,669 students. At Storrs, there are over
18,917 undergraduates and more than 8,298 graduate
students, representing some 110 nations.
This May, the University will award over 9,424 degrees. Of
these, approximately 6,185 will be Bachelor’s degrees, 2,137
Master’s degrees, 141 Juris Doctor degrees, 58 Master of Laws
degrees, 79 Doctor of Pharmacy degrees, 47 Doctor of Dental
Medicine degrees, 108 Doctor of Medicine degrees, 3 Doctor of
Musical Arts degrees, 14 Doctor of Audiology, 14 Doctor of
Education degrees, 16 Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees, 34
Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees, and 482 Doctor of
Philosophy degrees. Also to be awarded are 73 diplomas in
Professional Education and 33 Associate’s degrees in the two-
year Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture.
The Commencement Ceremony, because of the large number of
graduates, is divided into separate exercises, by college or
school. The Schools of Dental Medicine and Medicine, located
in Farmington, and the Schools of Law and Social Work, both
located in Hartford, hold their own exercises. The
Commencement procession in each of the exercises at Gampel
Pavilion in Storrs is heralded by the ceremonial trumpets,
acquired especially for the University’s commencement.
College and School of Agriculture................... Brown and Maize
School of Business....................................................Drab Green
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Bachelor of General Studies......................... Brown and Blue
School of Dental Medicine...................................Lilac and Gold
Neag School of Education.......................................... Light Blue
School of Engineering.....................................................Orange
School of Fine Arts............................................Brown and Pink
The Graduate School
Masters Candidates.............................Blue, White and Gold
Doctor of Philosophy....................................................Gold
School of Law.................................................................. Purple
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences................. Navy and Yellow
School of Medicine............................................Green and Gold
School of Nursing...........................................................Apricot
School of Pharmacy.......................................................... Green
School of Social Work...................................................... Citron
he Academic Procession is led by the Bearer of the Mace,
followed by the faculty. The University Marshal, identified
by her Baton, follows the President, together with the speaker,
the Board of Trustees, vice-presidents, deans, and other
University officials. The Mace is presented at the center of the
stage while members of the platform party enter and take their
places. Once the Mace is placed on the stand, it signals the
beginning of the ceremony.
he Academic Gowns, Hoods and Regalia represent more
than elegance or colorful attire. Academic caps and gowns
continue a tradition which reaches far back into the early days
of the oldest universities of the Middle Ages. The early
European universities were founded by the church; the
students, being clerics, were obliged to wear prescribed gowns
and caps at all times. Caps and gowns were once common
forms of clothing and were retained by the clergy when the laity
adopted more modern dress. Hoods are lined with the official
color of the college or university which conferred the degree.
The velvet edging of the hood varies in length for bachelors,
masters, and doctoral degrees. The color represents the
appropriate degree. The tassel for the Bachelor’s and Master’s
degree may be of color distinctive to the degree, and the tassel
for the doctoral degree may be made of gold thread. The gown
and hood of the University Marshal were made specifically for
University ceremonies in the official colors of national flag blue
and white. The Processional Marshals wear blue velvet
“beefeater” berets.
The Mace is presented at all academic ceremonies. In medieval
times maces were weapons of warfare, but today a mace is “a
staff borne by, or carried before, a magistrate or other dignitary
as an ensign of his authority.” It is the emblem and symbol of
the President’s authority to administer the University. This mace
was first used at the Inauguration of President Homer D.
Babbidge, Jr. on October 20, 1962. It was designed by Nathan
Knobler, former head of the Department of Art. The University’s
early seal, executed in beautiful wood carving, appears on both
faces. A penny dated 1881 is affixed to it, to commemorate the
date of the University’s founding.
The Baton, carried by the University Marshal, was specifically
designed for ceremonial activities at The University of
Connecticut and was first used at the Commencement in 1968.
The Office of Marshal can also be traced back to the medieval
period, and the Baton is a symbol of the Marshal’s authority.
This Baton has silver mountings and is surmounted by a
representation of the University’s former seal in enamel, which
itself incorporates the coat of arms of the State of Connecticut.
The University Marshal, carrying the Baton, follows the Mace
Bearer as she leads the academic procession into and out of the
place of ceremony.
The Silver Collar/Medallion, worn by Thomas Katsouleas,
President, was first used in 1964, at the time of the University’s
Silver Anniversary. Each link on the collar represents one of the
University’s Schools or Colleges and consists of a cloisonné
circle engraved with an appropriate design for the particular
school and enameled with its traditional school or college
colors. Hanging from the chain is a large silver medallion
containing the University’s early seal.
The Awarding of Degrees at the University of Connecticut is
accomplished by a threefold process. First, the candidates for
degrees of each respective school or college are presented by
the University Marshal. The candidates proceed to the front,
receive their diploma covers, are congratulated by their
administrative officers, and return to their seats. Second, the
School or College Marshal then officially presents the
candidates to the Dean who acknowledges the candidates and
declares the appropriate degree. Third, when all candidates have
been duly presented, the President of the University (or the
highest ranking official of the University in attendance)
formally confers the appropriate degree. This is accomplished
verbally at the time that he speaks the words:
“By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Trustees of The
University of Connecticut, and in accordance with the
procedures and regulations of the University, I confer upon you
the Associate’s Degree, appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s
Degree, Sixth Year Diploma, or degree of Doctor for which you
have been presented at this One Hundred and Forty Second
Commencement of The University.”
The Recessional of the officials and faculty is once again led by
the Mace Bearer and University Marshal. The graduates, along
with the audience, are requested to remain seated until the
recessional is concluded.
ecretary Cardona previously served as the Commissioner of
Education in Connecticut, a position he held after being
appointed by Governor Ned Lamont in August 2019. In this
position, he faced the unprecedented challenge of responding
to the COVID-19 pandemic and led the safe school reopening
efforts in Connecticut. To do so, Secretary Cardona and his
Department provided school districts with the balance of
guidance, local autonomy, and oversight needed to ensure
equitable and meaningful educational opportunities for
students while also prioritizing public health mitigation
measures. Secretary Cardona and the State of Connecticut
focused on equity by arranging for student access to technology
to support remote learning, helping the state become first in the
nation to provide learning devices to fulfill the identified need
for all students. Recognizing the increased importance of
providing resources for the social-emotional health for students
and staff, Secretary Cardona and his team collaborated with the
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and other stakeholders
to provide free social and emotional learning courses.
Secretary Cardona’s approach to leadership in Connecticut
focused on partnerships: within his Education Department;
between State agencies; and with local boards, educator unions,
school administrator associations, child advocates, and most
importantly, students and families. He attributes his success in
Connecticut in part to the strong backing of those partners, as
well as support from the members of the Connecticut State
Board of Education and his staff at the Connecticut State
Department of Education.
Under Secretary Cardona’s oversight - despite the pandemic -
Connecticut launched a statewide FAFSA Data Dashboard;
procured a comprehensive statewide Special Education Data
System (CT-SEDS); announced the State’s highest ever extended
graduation rates for students with disabilities and English
Learners; reached a new stipulated agreement in the landmark
school integration case Sheff v. O’Neill, established the first
national requirement for high schools provide courses on black
and Latino studies; and initiated systemic improvement
protocols that can reach every corner of the state. His focus on
equity and excellence for all learners has driven his work at all
Secretary Cardona has two decades of experience as a public
school educator from the City of Meriden. He began his career
as an elementary teacher. He then served as a school principal
in Meriden in 2003 where he led a school with outstanding
programming for three to five-year olds, students that were
bilingual, and students with sensory exceptionalities. He
proudly served in this role for ten years. In 2012, Miguel won
the 2012 National Distinguished Principal Award for the State
of CT and the Outstanding Administrator Award from UConn’s
NEAG School of Education. Secretary Cardona then
transitioned to lead the work of Performance and Evaluation in
the district. He then assumed the role of Assistant
Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, overseeing teaching,
learning, and leadership alignment.
A lifelong Meriden resident, Dr. Cardona attended Meriden
Connecticut Public Schools, and graduated from Wilcox
Technical High School. He attended CCSU for his bachelor’s
degree and UConn where he completed Master’s in
Bilingual/Bicultural Education, Administrator Preparation
Program, Doctorate in Education, and Executive Leadership
Program (Superintendent) Certificate. Secretary Cardona is very
active in his community, serving on several non-profit
charitable organization boards of directors. He has had several
articles published in AASPA Perspective, National School
Boards Association, District Administration and the Scholars
Strategy Network.
His greatest source of pride, however, is his family. Secretary
Cardona and his beautiful wife Marissa are the proud parents of
two children.
The Honorable Miguel Cardona ’01 MA, ’04 6th Year, ’11 Ed.D., ’12 ELP
United States Secretary of Education
In order to meet Commencement program printing deadlines,
the students listed with the University Scholar, Honors Scholar,
and University Honors Laureate designations in the
Commencement program include candidates with expected
graduation dates of August 2020 through August 2021.
University Scholar
The University Scholar designation is the highest scholastic
honor at the University. The individualized undergraduate
programs of these students, which in some cases include work
toward a graduate degree, are supervised by faculty committees.
Up to thirty students are selected as University Scholars in the
junior year. Candidates for the University Scholar designation
wear medals on gold and blue ribbons at the Commencement
Honors Scholar
Honors Scholars are academically talented and highly
motivated students who complete intensive two- to four-year
programs, including Honors courses of unusual depth in the
major field. Honors Scholars must demonstrate engagement in
their major field and complete a departmentally-approved
Honors thesis/Honors capstone project. Candidates for the
Honors Scholar designation wear medals on blue and white
ribbons at the Commencement exercises.
University Honors Laureate
The University Honors Laureate designation recognizes breadth
in Honors work, as well as engagement and involvement in a
variety of communities. The University Honors Laureate
designation is awarded to students who complete the
requirements for the Honors Scholar designation in
conjunction with additional academic and co-curricular
requirements. Candidates for the University Honors Laureate
designation wear medals on blue and white ribbons at the
Commencement exercises.
A plus sign (+) after an Honors Scholar’s name indicates that
they are also a candidate for the “University Honors Laureate”
Please Note:
An asterisk (*) after a graduate’s name indicates that they are a candidate for dual degrees.
A plus sign (+) after an Honors Scholar’s name indicates that they are also a candidate for the “University Honors Laureate” designation.
In order to meet Commencement program printing deadlines,
the Undergraduate candidates listed in the Commencement
program include candidates with expected graduation dates of
August 2020 through August 2021.
The University will base candidates’ Latin honors (cum laude,
magna cum laude, and summa cum laude), as indicated in the
Commencement program, on their cumulative grade point
averages (GPA) as calculated at the time of printing. Candidates’
diplomas and official transcripts will reflect the actual Latin
honor earned, if any, based on their complete academic record
(through and including their final semester).
LAU = Cum Laude
MAG = Magna Cum Laude
SUM = Summa Cum Laude
Note: Because final semester grades are processed after
Commencement activities, identification of Latin Honors in the
University’s Commencement Program are tentative and
unofficial, pending the submission and calculation of all final
grades for the graduate’s final semester. There is no guarantee
that the listed students will actually receive the honors once
final grades are recorded.
Hayden Mitchell Amtower
Emily Elizabeth Aspinall
Ella Mairead Byrne
Heather R. Cashman
Haly Marie Combs
Gabrielle Marie Cruz
Kylie Dalton
Shavoni Camille Douglas
Ryan Elizabeth Duncan
Madison Kathleen Fernandes
Elizabeth Michele Gotta
Amber Hills
Cameron Michael Irvine
Andrew Ethan Klinzmann
Madison Emily Lane
Aneury Moya
Elizabeth Rose O'Connell
Sarah Odeen
Elizabeth Ann Parker
Kristina Ramsaroop
Madison Emma Robicheau
Claire King Sherrill
Justin Soto
Brandon Nicholas Yarish
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Sarah Magdalena Chlodnicki
Megan Graham
Sydney Elizabeth Hichak
Skylar Paige Hofmann
Hailey Marie Merrill
Grace Marie Stearns
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Julia Nancy Diamond Sydney Lafrance Felicia Millett
Olasubomi Ayomini Ajayi, in Allied Health Sciences
Lily Margaret Bello, in Animal Science
Annika Mercedes Benedetti, in Natural Resources
Alexandra Bettina Bettencourt, in Animal Science
Avery Baer Bikerman, in Applied and Resource Economics
Mansi H. Chapatwala, in Nutritional Sciences
Eve Cullerton, in Natural Resources
Mari Elizabeth Cullerton, in Natural Resources
Julia Trask Desiato, in Pathobiology
Hannah Desrochers, in Natural Resources
Ann Foley, in Diagnostic Genetic Sciences
Jenna Leigh Gannon, in Allied Health Sciences
Samhita Gurrala, in Nutritional Sciences
Grace Elizabeth Heersping, in Allied Health Sciences
Anisha Jain, in Pathobiology
Evelyn Rose Johnson, in Allied Health Sciences
Emily Nicole Krier, in Pathobiology
Lourdes Leguiza, in Allied Health Sciences
Margaret Ann Gonzales Lewerk, in Allied Health Sciences
Jacob Andrew Makuc, in Diagnostic Genetic Sciences
Lea Catherine Mason, in Allied Health Sciences
Nicole Elizabeth Moody, in Animal Science
Kerry Anne Morgan, in Allied Health Sciences
Catherine Myers, in Allied Health Sciences
Sophie Marie Nemec, in Allied Health Sciences
Claire Eileen Nitzsche, in Allied Health Sciences
Brittany A. Nunes, in Allied Health Sciences
Yvette N. Oppong, in Environmental Studies
Mercedez Pratima Patrick, in Allied Health Sciences
Marcus Patterson, in Allied Health Sciences
Andrea Maria Polin, in Allied Health Sciences
Kathleen E. Renna, in Diagnostic Genetic Sciences
Sandhya Sanapala, in Allied Health Sciences
Caroline Amelia Anderson Selesky, in Animal Science
Sarah Elizabeth Smolinski, in Pathobiology
Abigail Kathleen Vetsch, in Allied Health Sciences
Bingning Wang, in Nutritional Sciences
Xhoana Agolli
Michael James Ahern
Olasubomi Ayomini Ajayi
Jeffrey Abimbola Akibayo
Victoria Albright
Aujahdai Neisie Ambrose
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Amuso
Sophia Rose Anderson
Haley Elizabeth Andrews
Deevena Lalita Annavarjula
Maia Annunziato
Maggi Lisabeth Anstett
Jeffrey Joseph Antosh
Benjamin Peter Archer
Caroline Grace Artioli
Eric Abotiyire Atanga
Kathleen Elizabeth Atkinson
Jewelia Kennedy Aubin
Ebru Azizoglu
Olivia Mary Babick
Jennifer Joanna Baculima
Katelyn Deborah Barber
Stephanie Nicole Barberan Arguello
Samantha Michelle Barnett
Gabriel Anthony Barrett
William Alexander Bartinik
Brandon Puresh Basdeo
Jake Michael Bautista
Ely-Anna Becerril
John Scott Belhumeur
Lily Margaret Bello
Annika Mercedes Benedetti
Monique K. Bennett
Shani Shantal Bennett
Alyssa Benoit
Kayla Grace Berchielli
Alexandra Bettina Bettencourt
Gabriella Marie Bianca
Avery Baer Bikerman
Alexander Bingham
Autumn Marie Blasi
Daniel Albert Bocchino
Emily Louisa Bohmbach
Michaela Jasmine Bourey
Meagan Ann Bourgette
Britney Noelle Boursiquot
Allison Michelle Brady
Nicholas Brenchak
Natalee Katharyn Brenner
Bailey Christine Brochu
Rachel Anne Brooks
Julia E. Brower
Nicholas Ronald Buchmeier
Abigail Rose Burdick
Michael Scott Burdick
Erica Lynn Bushey
Zachary Ellis Bushling
Allison Butkus
Kimberly Jean Byers
Nico Alexander Cabral
Jennifer Ann Caldwell
Evyn Grace Callahan
Karen Vanessa Campoverde
Neasa Brandreth Canaley
Nicholas Candido
Olivia Grace Caplan
Danielle Jai Capuano
Anne Catherine Carroll
William David Carta
Jose David Carvajal
Brenda Castillo Jiminian
Christopher Chalas
Dana Ashley Chamberlain
Lindsey Michelle Chen
Anqi Cheng
Kelly Moran Chmielewski
Paulina Chorzepa
Mouhamadou Lamine Cisse
Amanda Beth Cohen
Madilyn Cole
Hope Coleman
Narumi Collins
Allison Bridget Comeau
Jacob Conklin
Samantha Marie Conroy
Victoria Rose Contaxis
Karen Elizabeth Coombs
Jameson Arthur Corey
Michael D. Cormier
Allyson Lynn Cosman
Grace A. Costagliola
Marie Catherine Cotter
Melina Couzis
Camryn Elizabeth Craig
Courtney I. Creed
Samantha Grace Cretella
Honors Scholars
Mari Elizabeth Cullerton
Kerry Anne Morgan
Kathleen E. Renna
University Scholars
Destiny Marie Cruz
Eve Cullerton
Mari Elizabeth Cullerton
Sarah Curry
Gabriel Joseph D'Alatri
Emily Rose Daley
Nathaniel Creek Davino
Joseph Patrick Dempsey
Allen Deng
Rachel Catherine Deponte
Allyson Derry
Julia Trask Desiato
Prina Deva
Mackenzie Blake Devine
Katherine Frances Dibella
John Drago Jr.
Zachary James Duda
Colby Dunlop
Anthony Eanniello
Adrian Eaton
Chloe Edwards
Kelly Englisby
Kaitlyn Marie Faccioli
Ruth Melanie Factor
Hind Yasmine Fares
Hannah Farrell
Shaharia Ferdus
Alexander R. Fernandez
Kelly T. Finn
Mackenzie Lynn Fischer
Emma Kate Flynn
Ann Foley
Emily Fong
Anthony Michael Fortes
Megan Erin Fried
Ben Paul Fuda
Brittany Kaitlynn Gale
Julianna Renee Gallo
Apurva Gangakhedkar
Franches M. Garay
Alyson Gaylord
Alexis Brooke Gelinas
Mia Elizabeth George
Haley Rose Gesick
Rebecca Gibson
Madison Leigh Gileau
Albert Roman Ginejt
Jacob Glashow
Jamison Mae Glass
Peter John Goggins
Madelyn Agnes Golino
Jann Kyla Bautista Gonzales
Meagan Leigh Goodridge
Jonathan R. Granata
Jasmine A. Greene
Caitlyn Gresh
Collin Pearce Grottke
Wenyue Guan
Stacy Shantall Guerra
Samhita Gurrala
Lily E. Hackett
Alina Hafeez
Leena Haidar
Stephanie Martinez Hardware
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Harnett
Marissa Dahn Hasbargen
Abigail Lee Hatch
Jennifer Lauren Hebert
Grace Elizabeth Heersping
Christian William Heiden
Shannon M. Hendrickson
Heidi Hester
Kelly Hinterneder
Sybren Jan Hoekstra
Shane Everett Holman
Alexa Horkachuck
Jourdan Makayla Hourican
Katia Amelia Howard
Yinglun Hui
Gisele Ingabire
Madina Anvarovna Isroilova
Claudia Sylvia Jackson
Gabrielle Jacunski
Anisha Jain
Clairdene Jean-Baptiste
Ariana Marie Jemison
Allison Lynn Jenks
Aaron Johnson
Carl Alexander Johnson
Evelyn Rose Johnson
Justin Ryan Jones
Abigail Antoinette Joseph
Jigar Nilesh Kapadia
Adam Karashik
Amandeep Kaur
Matthew Keklik
Stephen Timothy Kelly
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kennedy
Sejal Vijay Khant
Jisoo Kim
Emily Hannah Kirillov
Stephanie Rodanna Kokenos
Rintaro Komatsu
Riana Kona
Christina Yvonne Konstantinidis
Angelica Karoline Kopacz
Travis George Kornegay
Erin Lynn Korowotny
Marissa Gina Kowal
Emma Michelle Kozinn
Cameron Kristjan Kranich
Kirsten Hope Krause
Emily Nicole Krier
Lisa Kwok
Sophia Marie Kyrcz
Fatou Nafissatou Lack
Mackenzie Marie Lane
Justin Thomas Lanese
Sunamita Lang
Luis A. Latorre
Andrew Lau
Lauren Elizabeth Lavigne
Brittany N. LeClair
Spencer Peter Leclaire
Daniel Joseph Lee
Ger Lee
Min-Seung Lee
Lourdes Leguiza
Allison Mildred Leonetti
Sophia Rose Lesko
Michael William Listro
Gabrielle Emma Little
Xinyi Liu
Jordin Lynn Longo
Caitlyn Alexia Lubo
Bianca Lugo
Erika Lum
Natalie Grace Lunny
Liam H. Lynch
Jackson Curtis Lyon
Michael A. Maccio
Emma Stanton Macdonald
Leah Blake Macfarlane
Taylor Elizabeth Mack
Erica Ann Maclean
Morgan Adelaide MacMillan
Jacob Andrew Makuc
Molly Frances Malloy
Brandon Daniel Mammola
Guymara Manigat
Rebecca Emily Manzer
Chase Michael Martin
Desiree Jenise Martin
Sondra Martinez
Leeane Crystal Marvin
Lea Catherine Mason
Olivia Grace Massucco
Connor Robert Mathisen
Julia Mcgowan
Nicholas Medeiros
Kimberly Biolsi Meline
Melissa Marie Mennillo
Briana Maria Mesias
Gianna Rosalind Michaelson
Ava Maria Michelangelo
Jeremy Miller
Francis Appiah Mireku
Kaylea Alexandra Misiewicz
Cyanne Leah Mitchell
Olivia Louise Mitchell
Dominico Alfonso Moncion
Hazel Clarisse Montano
Nicole Elizabeth Moody
Kerry Anne Morgan
Hannah Katherine Mozdzierz
Rachel Alyssa Mufson
Ethan Robert Murphy
Catherine Myers
Mikayla Taylor Nappi
Erwin Jay Ndwiga
Liannie Marisol Negron
Sophie Marie Nemec
Evan Nemic
Herman Ng
Julia Nguyen
Julie Nguyen
Ryan Patrick Nguyen
Claire Eileen Nitzsche
Charles E. Noren
Gwendolyn Jane Oberholtzer
Brianna O'Brien
Meagan Mary O'Donnell
Brandy Okrah
Marybeth Amanda Olson
Chelsea Ortiz
Alyssa Rose Padewski
Shane Michael Palmer
Seena Panagiotidis
Kishan Suresh Patel
Mercedez Pratima Patrick
Marcus Patterson
Joi Payne
Heather J. Payton
Olivia Rose Pelkey
Bethany Pelletier
Gina Gloria Perrella
Michelle Pesantez
Alexis Silver Pestrichello
Anhthy Truong Pham
Huy Pham
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Katherine Rose Aristi
Stephanie Marie Auger
Veronique Laura Bazelais - Buatsi
Zoe Olivia Blanchard
Jumar K. Browne
Jada N. Bygrave
Brianna Castrogiovanni
Cassandra Marie Cavallaro
Mansi H. Chapatwala
Elizabeth Lee Chapman
Jordan L. Cook
Rebekah Danielle Delisle
Taylor Ann Derienzo
Hannah Desrochers
Farah Djunaedi
Kelly Dolan
Hirotaka Endo
Stanley Nathan Faynblut
Samantha Rose Gangemi
Jenna Leigh Gannon
Noah James Gomes
Benjamin Stephen Gormley
Samantha L. Hahn
Ryan P. Johnston
Alyssa Marie Kosiorowski
Cindy Conception Labbe
Jennifer Lynn Lafayette
Margaret Ann Gonzales Lewerk
Joseph John Liquori
Teagan Carlson Lynch
Amanda C. Lyons
Luke Magliozzi
Andrew Dillon Maladore
Matthew Joseph Martorelli
Marissa Joan Matarazzo
Gifty Asamoah Mensah
Tyler Stephen Metsack
Daniel P. Mitola
Carmen Milagros Moncion
Abrianne Lucille Mongillo
Caroline Nicole Montalvo
Jennifer Morrone
Kelly Ann Murphy
Brittany A. Nunes
Taylor Nicole Nute
Nicole Marie Orama
Laurel Kathleen Parkin
Priyaben Kaushikkumar Patel
Oliver Roche Perrine
Gabriella M. Perry
Shannon Nichole Polhemus
Andrea Maria Polin
Taylor C. Price
Amy E. Pruner
Carolyn Eileen Roberts
Jasen David Rose
Dorine Elizabeth Rowntree
Vy Pham
Abigail Frances Pierce
Bethany Violette Pilon
Michael Lopes Pinheiro
Brianna Marie Platania
Madison Tyler Platow
Heidi M. Pokorny
Gianna Polletta
Conrad Justin Poole
Isabel Jayne Poole
Sarah Elizabeth Preleski
Lindsay Ellen Pressman
Alasandra Kate Primavera
Sarah N. Proto
Ramona Ramsarran
Natalie Adelaide Ranelli
Alexander Joseph Ratti
Elizabeth Ann Remington
Sofia Restrepo
Julia Ann Rich
Cristina Rios
Jennifer Diana Roberto
Kyle Jordan Rodriguez
Cameron Elizabeth Rohan
Virgil Raphael Rona Jr.
Caroline Rosales
Brandon Ross
Lorenzo Andre Ross
Bruna Rossetto Basso
Kristen Nicole Rossi
Hanna Rose Rouillard
David Ruela
Jonathan Thomas Russo
Kaylie Rae Sahirul
Sasha Nicole Salan
Rebecca Salerno
Nora Samih
Matthew David Sampson
Sandhya Sanapala
Tiffany O. Sanclemente
Jack Perry Santoro
Michael William Sarnelli
Gabriel Liam Say
Kasey Ann Schempf
Caitlin Schessl
Alyson Lynn Schneider
Alaina Frances Scott
Caroline Amelia Anderson Selesky
Annushka Sewrathan
Brook Shafer
Salena M. Shaikh
Junyi Shi
Zachary L. Sholes
Kristen Shubert
Madison Catherine Sides
Sean Ryan Silva
Joseph John Simeone
Collin Vail Sitz
Emily Elizabeth Smail
Kaelin Elizabeth Smith
Maia Smith
Rebecca Leigh Smith
Sarah Elizabeth Smolinski
Natalie Claire Snodgrass
Steven Daniel Soerensen
Hannah Ashley Soifer
Sarah Soucy
Sara Katherine Sponzo
Kimberly Stafko
Catherine A. Steele
Andriana Brianna Stewart
Alexander Kyle Stolarczyk
Quinn Strassfield
Miles Christian Strickler
Sarah Ann Strilkauskas
Claire Strom
Robert Sudduth
Brooke Suitum
Rhianna Lynn Sullivan
Chang Sun
Aaron C. Swahn
Olivia Swanson
Alexa Sweeney
Eleanor Virginia Sweeney
Vivian Tang
Alanna Lynn Tarabek
Maheen Tamkinat Tariq
Noah Tedeschi
Matthew J. Ternullo
Stephanie Testa
Katiana Marthe Thoby
Olivia Nichole Thomas
Zakarie Charles Tisdale
Oskar Toro
Angelique Marie Torres
Benjamin James Tracy
Madison Traystman
Victoria Rose Tritch
Rayaissa Micah Tyles
Justin I. Ude
Prachi Nimesh Udeshi
Akhil Narayana Uppuluri
Lauren Christine Urbina
Angelina Marie Vaccarelli
Lindsey Grace Vandermeir
Jennifer Maria Vargas
Ellie Yanna Vassilakis
Robin Dianne Vaudrain
Victoria Marie Verdone
Abigail Kathleen Vetsch
Erica Mary Vicino
Brittney Diane Vincent
Alyssa Vine
Shana Reign Virtudes
Dario Volterra
Crystal Yen Vu
Morgan Nicole Wabick
Taylor Wabick
Torrington Ross Wagner
Kate Walder
Bridget Ann Walsh
Bingning Wang
Peiyi Wang
Xiao Xue Wang
Yudan Wang
Roger Curtis Watrous
Joshua Reece Wen
Emily Terese Wheeler
Elizabeth Anne White
Lauren Frances Winfield
Dominika Woch
Emily Woodin
Xinyi Wu
Jason Yunhan Xie
Cathy Yan
Chantal Yang
Jennifer Yeboah
Cullen Zemaitaitis
Emily Rose Zimmer
Gillian Weiler Zimmerman
Christina Nicole Zone
Kirsten Zwally
Samantha Patricia Affsa
Sylvia Boucher
Colleen Lyn Costello
Shannon Rose Cully
Bowen Deng
Sarah Elise Hill
Heilyn Alexander Jordan
Jillian Nicole Leger
Griffin Licari
Yvette N. Oppong
Jaeden Christopher Spitale
Julia Abbasi
Priscilla Agyei
Aldi Ajce
Tarra A. Alvaro
Justyna Antos
Adam Antunes
Nicolette Isabella Arrotti
Maussi I. Arrunategui
Josh A. Back
Lilian Briggs
Allison Leigh Cassella
Cassandra D. Chapados
Ashley Kay-Shan Chin
Michael Anthony Chiovitti
Jordan Maleik Chrispin
Dana Conceicao
Tyler L. Coyle
Dana Frances De Lio
Sean Patrick Delaney
Jessica Dumeng
Sumiko A. Dunwoody
Kimberly Lynn Edgerly
Kayley Anne Farrell
Eric Angel Fontanez
Alyssa M. Gacicia
Desiree Renee Gagnon
Andreya R. Gambardella
Lauren Patricia Giampapa
Shoshana Phire Gittens Ross
Daniel Gottlieb
Oskina Grizzle
Sarah Patricia Hernandez
Erika Kristen Hojda
Callista Huang
Khalil Ibrahim
Lucas Johnson
Alexander Katehis
Saima Kanwal Khan
Sha Khan
Miranda Kutllovci
Kayla E. Lancor
Grady Thomas Lawlor
Angelique Danielle Lopez
Olivia Catherine Macomber
Kasey Lynne Mahan
Karina Mancini
Madison Maneri
Christian Shane Ng Marquez
Kailah Evanna McCall
Marisa Liliana Melluzzo
Angela Tracey Miller
Melanie Moreno
Abigail Obenewaa Owusu
Faith Mary Pesci
Kerriann M. Pontbriand
Brandon M. Porter
Ishitha Prem Rajan
Kathleen E. Renna
Domenic Stephen Rossi
Kevin John Ryan
Morgan A. Ryan
Kristina Elizabeth Sapia
Kevin H. Shen
Quayvon Skanes
Shaela Thorne
Alyssa Rita Varrasso
Kira S. Vigue
Aaron R. Virkler
Emma Kathryn Willard
Bryce Thomas Williams
Lydia P. Wilson
Katharine E. Woodmansee
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Victoria M. Salai
Amanda Anne Salazar
Caroline-Camilla Eugenie Saunders
Laura Selmani
Noah M. Seltzer
Victoria Marie Shuster
Caitlyn Siegman
Nicole Marie Souza
George Spanos
Gabriella Sulpizi
Renee Truongcao
Yuti Bharat Vachhani
Helen Sheyla Villafuerte Davila
Mike V. Villano
Michael J. Vukelic
Namandje Kareemah Wali
Anna Lucia Welch
Marisa April Wetter
Graduates, August 24, 2020
AJ Barthel
Caitlyn P. Lovely
Andrea Nicole Peres
Samantha Stone Petroni
Benjamin Henry Adams, in Accounting
Ashwin Reddy Ambati, in Finance
Colin Thomas Barlow, in Management Information Systems
Joao Benites, in Business Data Analytics
Samuel Pierce Berkun, in Finance
Sejal Bhargava, in Finance
Hannah Baldwin Broderick, in Finance
James Montgomery D'Amico, in Accounting
Kaley Emmerich, in Finance
Elizabeth Farrington, in Health Care Management
Kelly T. Finn, in Finance
Brendan Patrick Flynn, in Finance
Gibson Lee Harnett, in Marketing
Sam Suo Huang, in Management Information Systems
Vaishali Kanamalla, in Finance
Mateen Karimi, in Management
Anastasios Damianos Kydes, in Management
Information Systems
Tyler Lasicki, in Finance
Grace Kestrel Lauber, in Accounting
Nicholas Anthony Laudati, in Accounting
David Liu, in Accounting
Laine Makoul, in Health Care Management
Yusuf Malik, in Management Information Systems
Aishwarya Lakshmi Mammayil, in Finance
Abigail Lynn Marshall, in Finance
Nolan Winslow McAndrew, in Marketing
Maxwell Graham Miller, in Finance
Robert Streeter Mosley, in Finance
William Mudlaff, in Finance
Jenna Tyme Mulett, in Management Information Systems
Shreya Murthy, in Finance
Nivedha Natchiappan, in Health Care Management
Bret Long Olson, in Accounting
Isabelle Peterson, in Finance
Ryan Joseph Polistena, in Finance
Chris Rogers, in Health Care Management
Mercedes Louise Sabel, in Marketing
John M. Sarandrea, in Finance
Ciro Michael Schiavo, in Accounting
Nicholas Louis Smeriglio, in Management
Noah Jacob Sobel-Pressman, in Management
Andre Isaiah Sofair, in Finance
Jiaying Song, in Accounting
John Michael Sutera, in Marketing
Cailin Grace Tennis, in Management
Kamya Ruchir Trivedi, in Finance
Anna Zj Wang, in Finance
Jordan Chen Wang, in Finance
Zongqi Wang, in Management Information Systems
Hollis Anelia Wivell, in Finance
Aaron Yao, in Finance
Ajshe Zulfi, in Health Care Management
Fatima Zehra Abbas
Benjamin Henry Adams
Jason Glen Alaska
Christian Samuel Alexis
Alexandra Sarah Alsup
Ashwin Reddy Ambati
Joshua Rohan Ambresh
Mekhi Amos
Alyssa Rose Annenberg
Connor William Anstis
Jake Noah Aparo
Georgia Kathleen Apostolu
Erica Arhin
Rimsha Asif
Margot Rose Astorino
Kyle Joseph Ayers
Hakeem Olufeni Badiru
Katteryn Baez
Allison Marie Bajorinas
Jasmina Bajraktarevic
Minyi Bao
Colin Thomas Barlow
Anthony Joseph Barnitz
Alexis Wolfe Barra
Christopher Dennis Barrett
Jake Michael Barrett
Natalie Elizabeth Becker
Kent Bedoya
Catherine Bedson
Rebecca Clarice Begemann
Adrian Matthew Beldzinski
Caleb James Benedict
Noa Ben-Hur
Joao Benites
Jacob Robert Berardo
Jacqueline Berkoff
Samuel Pierce Berkun
Sejal Bhargava
Natalie Marie Blimmel
Connor Aryadhi Blodgett
Katherine Taylor Blomstrann
Nicole Christine Bobbi
Ross Bodington
Richard C. Borecki
Jacob Francisco Bosman
Victoria Boudalis
Savannah Ursula Sylvia Bouzide
Malcolm Kyman Braren
Sydney Janet Brault
Hannah Baldwin Broderick
Kate Michele Burns
Kody Butler
Tanyia Bynum
Eyline Cabrera
Emily Jane Camera
Samantha Ann Campanaro
Madeline Faith Campbell
Lyndsay Erin Candito
Ian McAndrews Cantrell
Jake Michael Cappello
Ryan Michael Cappellucci
Austin Michael Cappetta
Casey Jean Carbonaro
Amanda Carducci
Alec Michael Carlone
Dante Maurizio Carlone
Cory Alexander Carmon
Matthew Richard Carosielli
Jake Victor Carrara
Madeline Ann Cartwright
John Henry Casper
Justin Ronald Catalina
Matthew Cavanaugh
Patrick Michael Cella
Brendan Paul Cestari
Sekai A. Cheatham
Jiani Chen
Xingyu Chen
Ruixin Cheng
Gwangsu Choi
Amrin Ambia Choudhury
Jared Welles Christensen
Adrian Chrzanowski
Alexia Megan Chrzanowski
Honors Scholars
Shreya Murthy
University Scholar
Amy Kelly Chu
Adrian Christopher Ciccaglione
Michael Richard Ciccarelli
Jack Robert Ciccariello
Dakota Cipriano
Matthew Thomas Clarke
Rebecca Cohen
Lindsay Marie Colacurcio
Calvin Colby
Xavier Stephen Cole
Katharine Arianna Colucci
Henry Campbell Colwell
Allison Rose Connolly
Zachary Nettles Conover
Gordon Levi Cooke
Samuel Pierce Cortell
Antonio Francis Cosme-Plein
James Joseph Cossette Jr.
John Stanley Coulter
Adam George Cox
Andreanna Marcette Crawford
John Patrick Crotty
Emily Rose Cucurello
David Cuomo
Emily Nichole Daddona
Jean-Luc Paul Daigle
James Montgomery D'Amico
Anthony Michael D'Andrea
Zachary Davidson
Brittany Lynne Davis
Danielle Elizabeth Davis
Kevin Anthony Dean
Purple Delos Reyes
Arianna Skye DeNitto
Bastian Dequeker
Parth Desai
Raina Desai
Erica Mary Devin
Marcus Tyler Dion
Mark DiRusso
Colombo Disalvatore IV
Paul Frank Ditommaso
Nicholas Dobie
Kaitlyn Marie Doery
Dominika Dojnikowski
Vincent J. Dominguez
Chelsea Anne Donnelly
Jared Michael Donnelly
Liqi Du
Philip Girard Duddy
John Osborne Duenzl
Ryan Dulaney
Ryan Patrick Dunfee
Zachary Benjamin Dunkel
Kelsey Nicole Dunlap
Kevin Patrick Dunst
Jack Dwyer
Bakr Abu Bakr El-Mozraawi
Kaley Emmerich
Kimberly Jailene Escobar
Cesar Isaac Espaillat Jr.
Thomas Anthony Esposito
Taylor Lynn Ethier
Bailie Catherine Evans
William Evans
Victor Falci
Elizabeth Farrington
Anthony Fabricio Fazza Mattoso
Sarah Jan Fede
Kristine Feng
Ryan Ferrucci
James Salvatore Ficaro
Kelly T. Finn
Caitlyn Grace Fitzmorris
Milagro Flores
Ryang Zadir Flores Bereche
Brendan Patrick Flynn
Joseph Fonicello
Kyle Fontaine
Daniel O. Fontes
Philip Christopher Forde III
John Peter Fowler
William Michael Franco
Steeve Francois
Matthew Joseph Frank
Paige Ann Freckleton
Elizabeth Victoria Freire
Nicholas Furlow
Chandler Gabagat
Dylan Taylor Gagne
Lenin Andres Galarza
Melissa Gamonal
Songlin Gao
Ziyi Gao
Eric Matthew Garces
Juan Garzon-Moratto
Alec Sullivan Gereg
Sarina Hope Gersten
Briana Nichole Giacobbe
Jolie Marie Giacona
Jonathan M. Gill
William Mitchell Ginn
Nicholas Godfred
Samantha Golymbieski
Yufei Gong
Efrain Rafael-Santos Gonzalez
Edward Joesph Graham III
Michael Hilliard Graves
Michael William Greaves Jr.
Joanna Susan Green
Elizabeth Holly Gurry
Katherine Frances Handlmaier
Michael J. Handlmaier
Olivia Ariel Hanisch
Lydia Angelia Hanlon
Yun Hao
Nabilla Zhafira Harahap
Ana Maria Hardiman
Sarah Elizabeth Harinstein
Gibson Lee Harnett
Luke E. Harper
Jacqueline Hart
Samantha Bria Herrmann
Catherine Claire Hinshaw
Monika Hlinka
Hien Thi Xuan Ho
Van Ai Hoang
Mokarram Hossain
Yiyao Hu
Christi Huang
Haoxiang Huang
Muwen Huang
Sam Suo Huang
Yu Huang
Benjamin Hufnagel
Matthew Donald Hultgren
Ethan William Hushin
Mitchell Chapin Ives
Nicholas Richard Jackson
Andrew Stephen Jacob
Sheng Ji
Jun Jiang
Qianyi Jiang
Meredith Johnson
Glen David Kaelin
Syed Jawad Kaleem
Rachel Maria Kallely
Vaishali Kanamalla
Hassan Mohamed Kani
Mihir Sanjay Kantaria
Carson W. Karanian
Elvira Karidis
Mateen Karimi
Alexia S. Karipidis
Hillary Karl-Otto
Varun Katari
Zavier Abraham Kaufman
Mahlee Yaling Kefor
Justin Patrick Keish
Daniel Kelemen
John Francis Kelleher
Brendan George Kelley
Alexander Steven Kells
Amare Kelly
Erin Marion Kelly
Kathleen Anne Kelly
Jesse Kendler
James Patrick Kenefick
Ayisha Khan
Hannan Khan
Sania Khan
Zenab Khan
Rabia Khawaja
You Chheng Kim
Ethan J. Kimaru
Elizabeth Emma Kindt
Daquan King
Asmir Klempic
Rachel Anne Knauerhase
Yuika Elena Kominami
Bryan Lee Koski-Bissonnette
Elizabeth Kozyi
Naureen Kurji
Kacey Soon Kwon
Youngho Kwon
Anastasios Damianos Kydes
Samantha Lynn Lacy
Lisa Mallan Lafferty
Charles Caldwell Lage
Matthew James Lally
Anna-Maria Lampe-Onnerud
Matthew Joseph Landry
Paul Anton Medina Lapaan
Joseph Michael Lapreay
Tyler Lasicki
Grace Kestrel Lauber
Nicholas Anthony Laudati
Lucia Anna Laudato
Sarah Lawton
Sorah Rose Lee
Suk Hoon Lee
Fiona Lemoine
Cole Bradford Leveston
Jiayi Li
Siwei Li
Ting Li
Xinran Li
Yan Li
Yibo Li
Yige Liang
Yi-Hsuan Lin
David Liu
Yuxing Liu
Laura Carol London
Bridget Rose Loura
Mason James Love
Raymond Lu
Ziqi Lu
Paul Henry Luchansky
Jessica Lundgren
Aicha Ly
Myhang Ly
Chiara Lan-Hao Ma
Ruijun Ma
Yue Ma
Michael James Mack
Meaghan Mackay
Alexander Matthew Macphee
Shannon Maguire
Laine Makoul
Yusuf Malik
Aishwarya Lakshmi Mammayil
Christopher Edward Manfredi
Jacqueline Taylor Manno
Mitchell Manware
Xuanya Mao
Abigail Lynn Marshall
Gabriel Fernando Martinez
Joseph Christian Mascaro
Elena Rose Masotta
Liza Ann Mathew
Andrea Mati
Angus Mayock
Nolan Winslow McAndrew
James Michael McCabe
Anna Joan McCarthy
Michael Robert McCarthy
Willem Ryan McCusker
Taylor McGrail
Jake Forte McGuire
Katherine Sarah McGuire
Devon Joseph McShane
Malika Mehndiratta
Alexandra Tina Meropoulos
Michael Douglas Meyer
Kayla Elizana Michaels
Samuel James Micinilio
Jason Gregory Miklas
Brandon Jake Milich
Maxwell Graham Miller
John Richard Mindek III
Lorena Minja
Annika Moberg
Rachel Elizabeth Montesi
Julia Arlene Moody
Colvert W. Moore
Taylor Alexis Moore
Amanda Lillian Morelli
Daniela Alejandra Moreno Sanchez
Matthew Christopher Morganti
Courtney Ann Morris
Robert Streeter Mosley
William Mudlaff
Jenna Tyme Mulett
Amy Mulla
Cameron Alan Munroe
Christopher Craig Munzer
John Murphy
Shreya Murthy
Amina Cecilia Naddschar
Nova Nahiyan
Nivedha Natchiappan
Amelia Gissell Navarro
Brianna Rose Nedjoika
Nicholas Edward Nemphos
Vishwa Nesadia
Jose Calaca Netto
Michael James Newton
Katie Nguyen
Nhi Hong Y Nguyen
Ryan Anthony Nicoletti
Marko Nikolic
Garrett William Noonan
Erik August Nordmark
Jennie Josephine Novak
Alexandra Nugent
Nickolas Ocasio
Shane Christopher O'hare
Timothy Daniel Oliveira
Miguel Santiago Orellana
Karen Gabriela Ortiz
Damaris Michelle Osorio
Jonathon Paes
Emma Jane Palomba
Jason Steven Pandell
Bradley Cole Papp
George Ryan Pappas
Meghan Katherine Partesano
Malik Jamal Pascal
Anuja Patel
Janjer Patel
Ohm Pragnesh Patel
Vishal Mahendrakumar Patel
Matthew John Pauly
Faith Pease
Alexander James Pecoraro
Alec Raymond Pelletier
Maria Pendarakis
Christos Perdikis
Christopher Miguel Perez
Marcus Thomas Permatteo
Kevin Andrew Perrone
Isabelle Peterson
Jenna Dorothy Pethybridge
Eleni Petridis
Julia Claire Petrillo
Cameron Phillips
Katherine Lucia Piccorelli
Michael Matthew Piechota
Noah Dacruz Pires
Olivia Carroll Pizzo
Ryan Joseph Polistena
Stephanie Taylor Polistena
Ryan Joseph Porter
Ahsen Javed Pothiawala
Ashley Briana Prawl
Abigail Rose Pyenson
Junwen Qu
Yingru Qu
Lauren Quaratella
Michael Roger Quint
Christopher Gabriel Raccuia
Courtney Elizabeth Radzinsky
Kristen Marie Raffia
Ashutosh M. Ranjeet
Connor Ratte
Daniel John Raya
Jamie Reale
Anirudh Reddy
Amber Rehman
Damon Alexander Reynolds
Amy Cameron Rhodes
Christal Riley
Jake Thomas Riley
Emily Kate Rivoira
Erica N. Robinson
Jeffrey Stephen Rodrigue Jr.
Amanda Rodriguez
Mario E. Rojas
Rachel Roncaioli
Emma Rosa
Donato Antonio Rosales
Jonas Alexander Rothman
Mitchell Kyle Roy
James Royce
Daisy Anjelica Rozario
Steven Joseph Ruegg
Jack Mackinnon Rupff
Marcus Christian Russell
Isabella Grace Ryder
Mercedes Louise Sabel
Vanya Sagam
Nathan Joseph Salm
Dylan Tyler Salvatore
Logan Olivia Salyards
Carmen Sanz
John M. Sarandrea
Zachary Ward Schaedler
Ciro Michael Schiavo
Kristen Leigh Schick
Delaney Schottland
Caitlin Schramm
Nathan Robert Schultz
Jacquelyn Ann Schwarz
Elliot James Scott
Blake Semnoski
Joseph Michael Serignese Jr.
Joshua Michael Sevell
Xingyu Shang
Emma Lauren Sheahan
Nefeli Shehaj
Uzair Sheikh
Brendan Paul Sirois
Ava Sisson
Eryk Skowronski
Iveya Stoyanova Slavova
Nicholas Louis Smeriglio
Jason Robert Smith
Earl Edward Snyder III
Noah Jacob Sobel-Pressman
Andre Isaiah Sofair
Zachary Ian Solomon
Jihae Son
Jiaying Song
Eshan Tejas Sonpal
Gabriella Marie Soper
Aedan Michael Spaar
Jennifer Rose Spadaro
Jennie Lynn Sprung
Jacob Stockman
Kayla Elizabeth Studwell
Hannah Elizabeth Suarez
Kiera Eileen Sutch
John Michael Sutera
Julia Anne Swiatek
Cheick-Hassan Kevin Sylla
Cristopher Tantimonico
Andrew Stephen Taylor
Cailin Grace Tennis
Stephen James Tiberio Jr.
Lily Tofel
Christian Tolman
Jack Torrealba
Jeremy Santos Toscano
Michael John Toscano
Alex Tow
Andrew Tran
Samantha Faith Traunfeld
Kamya Ruchir Trivedi
Rita Tsafack-Tonleu
Susan L. Twiss
Maaz Syed Uddin
Alexandra Elizabeth Urban
Christopher Michael Van Der Els
Sophie Isabel Velez
Brendon Silva Vieira
Gregory Villard
Ronald Stephen Visciglia
Spencer George Vlandis
Katherine Alexandra Volyanik
Thu Vu
Garrett Karl Waldner
Justice Walker
Tanner Walker
Kathleen Elizabeth Walsh
Anna Zj Wang
Jordan Chen Wang
Tongyao Wang
Xiran Wang
Yidi Wang
Yuxuan Wang
Zongqi Wang
Benjamin Weyman
Amanda Marie Whalen
Dolores White
Emily White
Cailin Courtney Whitehead
Hunter Williams
Evan Matthew Willson
Taylor Nicole Winzer
Hollis Anelia Wivell
Jack Edward Wood
Jiahao Wu
Jiaxin Wu
Jinqian Xie
Jiahao Xu
Jingke Yang
Ruibo Yang
Aaron Yao
Michael David Yates
Tyler Avery Yeomans
Shane Brandon Young
Ruofan Yu
Jessica Zaput
Lukasz Zduniak
Leah Marie Zezima
Travis Joseph Zezima
Trevor John Zezima
Qian Zha
Chaoran Zhang
Han Zhang
Jing Zhao
Yili Zheng
Li Zhou
Fan Zhu
Yukang Zhu
Molly Zimmer
Ajshe Zulfi
Courtney Zwarg
Lily Zych
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Erdit Abedini
Hailey Marie Altobelli
Mario L. Alvan
Maria Victoria Angaramo
Ryan Bilas
Hunter Isaiah Bowden
Susan J. Chang
Mariam Farooq Chaudhry
Xin Chen
Ziqi Chen
Hsin-Yu Chien
Nicholas Gennaro Colino
Oscar Andres Contreras
Bailey Emerson Crowe
Tanvi Tushar Dandekar
Diona Gabriel Davis
Reid Brian Davis
Jarrett Nicholas DeBowsky
Allyssa G. Digiovancarlo
Julia Paige Farkas
Rachel Abigail Fein
Cristina Rae Ferreira
Alexander L. Flug
Dylan Matthew Foley
Nadine Frey
Luis Gaytan
Katherine Ann Giguere
Isabelle Somer Gillis
Matthew James Giordano
Jack Graham
Justin Robert Grant
Michael Robert Greco
Matthew Scott Grohocki Jr.
Anna Maria Grygorowicz
George Douglas Hanssen
Taylor Harkenrider
Michaela Hartl
Brandon Higgins
Nicole Alexandra Howard Krog
Jia Hu
Guanhua Huang
Jingyi Huang
Mingbo Huang
Casey Huffman
Lily Helen Jackson
Michelle Elizabeth Kahn
Kristina Diane Kasper
Muhammad Ashar Khan
Sabina Kmiec
Steven Randall Koripsky
Zheng Kuang
Matthew Ryan Labella
Sherman Lau
Long T. Le
Yan Li
Chenmei Liu
Zhaoming Luo
Jun Lv
Tianshu Lyu
Tiange Ma
Christie McCarthy
Theresa Lynn Montoni
Linlin Mu
Dominic James Nastri
Bret Long Olson
Dean Jordan Liu Perkins
Peter A. Poulin Jr.
Emily Rose Pulzello
Kashif Qadri
Nicolas D. Ramos
Nicholas Joseph Rappi
Shawn David Rice
Savannah Renee Robinson
Chris Rogers
Omar Ruizesparza
Emilie T. Saulter
Sylvia Eva Savoia
Daniel Arthur Schmedlin
Dawn Schmidt
Kimberly Ann Simko
Alyssa Singh
Kayla Anne Sinkevitch
John Henry Somers
Rodrick Ronaldo Spence
Sachin Srinivasa
Courtney Christina Stewart
Jakub Szwakob
Mateusz Szypulski
Devanshi B. Thakkar
Joshua Giulio Vallera
Cristian Vasquez
Andres Velastegui
Aidan Jeremiah Walsh
Yexiu Wang
Jason Dell Wilkerson
Kathryn Louise Wood
Yujia Xie
Kexin Xu
Dongying Yao
Zuhui Ye
Nicholas Alexander
Chenming Zhang
Shiping Zhang
Shiyun Zhang
Weiqi Zhang
Xinyi Zhang
Wendy Zheng
Yunqian Zuo
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Katherine Elizabeth Allen
Zachary Birdsall
Calvin Edwin Crosby
Jacob Peter Czerniewski
Christopher J. Dantonio
Eric Dishnica
Moriah Elizabeth Doyon
Suzanne Walsh Erno
Justin Freund
Alex D. Gonzalez
Sara Jude Gorkofsky
Wendy Elnita Holt
Nicole Jain
Valeriya E. Kadysheva
Steven Maxwell Kleet
Jacob Leamy
Colin Chen Li
Zhi Li
Adaleta Loga
Stephen McLoughlin
Bright Semebia Menuah
Pirro Muchollari
Justin G. Murad
Shawntay Nelson
John James O'Connor
Rashmi Patel
Alexander Jean-Pierre Pawlak
David Perez
Isabella A. Petrini
Emily Marie Reid
Kyle J. Sorrentino
Maxwell Thomas Story
Andrew James Tripp
Gina Marie Valenti
Fatima Velic
Shivang Vora
Justin D. Wagner
Francesca Ann Depalma, in Elementary Education
Madison Elisabeth Levine, in Biology Education
Natalie Wong, in Music Education
Erica Jean Abela
Hayley Elizabeth Andros
Frank Edward Anile-Santiago
Hayleigh Mae Annibalini
Amable Aristy
Britney Marie Augeri
Nathaniel Austin-Mathley
Jamie Bailey
Nathaniel Barton
Ema Ružica Barun
Morgan Begin
Thomas Joseph Benincaso
Hunter Brannick
Brittney Louise Brown
Natalie Rose Bryden
Evan Thomas Burns
Katie Ann Bushey
Elizabeth June Canavan
Hector Manuel Cardona III
Anna Carnes
Madison Julianna Chiulli
Daniel S. Claxton
Jerahmy Martin Coppola
Danielle Marie Costa
Brianna Marie Crespo
Caroline Patricia Crouse
Daniel Jack Crovo
Karlee Hui Cummings
Molly Mackenzie Cunningham
Anna Curley
Olivia Jane Dallape
Sophia Danyko-Kulchycky
Phoebe Patricia Daur
Caitlin Davidson
Neal Dellostritto
Dylan Delmastro
Allen James Denny Jr.
Francesca Ann Depalma
Veronica Dergachev
Taylor Dobbins
Devan Dieter Donofrio
Caitlyn Elizabeth Dorah
Jonathan Dos Santos
Benjamin Ryan Duncan
Michael Jeffrey Einig
Jonathan Edward Elmer
Kess Elizabeth Elmore
Weronika Wiktoria Felczak
Angelo Joseph Fiondella
Gage James Fiorentino
Chase Evan Foltz
Brianna Noel Gaffney
Patrick Gately
Natasha Ginsberg
Tyler Steven John Gleen
Christophe Mg Graupner
Warren John Hartmann III
Darcus Twan Henry Jr.
Tamashi Siyara Hettiarachchi
Sheila Higgins
Addison Tyler Holzkamp-Hadsell
Elizabeth Marie Jacobs
Kyra Ashley Kabulis
Eric Kaufman
Kourtney Rose Kennedy
Jaria Khan
Alex Milton Klein
Zoe Rebecca Klein
Philip Arthur Kozan
Megan Kruzyk
Tyler Scott Langworthy
Jonathan Thomas Lapointe
Justin John Lastra
Rachel Giliane Lauzier
Benjamin Levin
Madison Elisabeth Levine
Johnny Liang
Caitlin Libby
Alexandrea Liberno
Alison Lomanto
Jennifer Lussier
Gabriela Melendez Lynch
Katheryn Marion Madrak
William Miles Mandelbaum
Grace Mandy
Holly Frances Mason
Christopher Mastrangelo
Hannah Katherine Maynard
Kaitlyn Jean Mcguire
Cassidy Rae Meenan
Gaquez Melvin
Christopher Mena
Vanessa Estelle Menendez
Alisa Mujakic
Jeffrey Narcisse
Sara Jacqueline O'Connell
Kelly Oliver
Justin Orenstein
Kayla O'Sullivan
Rowan Francis Page
Kali Monifah Palmer
Stephanie Ann Palmucci
Katherine Parker
Sean Parker
Stephen Pawlak IV
Kayla Elizabeth Peck
Joseph Ellsworth Philbrick
Michael Richard Poplardo Jr.
Kayla Praskievicz
Katrina Ptyza
Jenna Marie Racca
Karla Nikolle Rivadeneira
Ailia Rohbar
Marissa Jeanne Rondinone
Jacob Ruzsbatzky
Larry Sacramento
Katherine Rose Samuels
Katerine Santiago
Shannon Jones Schneider
Adam Hugh Secker
Kaitlyn Tracey Seeto
Tatiana Leigh Sorah Sarai Kim
Angela Socci
Rebecca Socha
Anamaria Adaline Sousa
Nicholas Owen Stanton
Timothy Armand Tamallanca
Daniel Tavares
Bao-Anh Tran
Elaine Tripp
Olivia Ann Troy
Justin Sheehan Turley
Cathryn Tuttle
Samuel Page Urban
Emily Vanryswood
Samantha Anne Vanvalkenburg
Joshua Michael Vazquez
Vanessa Vazquez
Jamie Wynn Waldo
Brendan Patrick Walsh
Xinhai Wei
Nicole Elizabeth Wiggins
Morocca Alise Wiley
Jaclyn Rose Williamson
Natalie Wong
Jane Whitman Yalof
Honors Scholars
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Sixth-year Diploma in Professional Education
candidates are listed on page 77
Jack Curry
Seth W. Gorry
Finesha Doreen Henry
Nathan Koroma
Delaney Rose Ruiz
Suli Mercedes Serrano-Haynes
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Shannon Mahon Crowley
Casey Huffman
Tyler Elijah Scheinblum
Joela Shurdho
Ruiqi Ying
Jack Edward Aaron
Mazin Alam
Michael Gregory Allen
Berk Ata Alpay
Tyler Steven Barry
Mihir Jayeshbhai Bhalodia
Timothy George Bogues
Jesse Boog
Andrew Isaac Burns
Jamey Richard Calabrese
Jay Karan Chandran
Shelbin Bejoy Cheriyan
Nathan Choi
Michael Cote
Jasper Cruz
Daniel Hayden Davidson
Yubo Dong
Siqi Du
Devon Dugentas
Andi Duro
Matthew Esposito
Puxin Feng
Seth Fortin
John Gauthier
Jack Yu Grossman
Samantha Grubb
Prithvi Guddera
Roman Gusyev
Everett Yuxiang Han
Julie Xiaorui He
William Beckman Hemingway
Eric Michael Hilhorst
Justin Hong
Sam Suo Huang
Charles Kei Mihara Ira
Elaine Clare Isaacson
Matthew Thomas Jaccino
Yuwen Jin
Alyssa Nicole Johnson
Ali Imad Kafel
George Karakyklas
Yun-Hwan Kim
Alexander Kolbin
Conrad Korzon
Michael Zorzos Kubisek
Connor Lenz
Ben Robert Levy
Zhiyuan Liu
Abhinna Adhikari, in Computer Science & Engineering
Ayushi Agrawal, in Biomedical Engineering
Berk Ata Alpay, in Computer Science
Gregory R. Austin, in Biomedical Engineering
John Baumgartel, in Mechanical Engineering
Matthieu John Bernier, in Mechanical Engineering
Heather Hoffman Boucher, in Chemical Engineering
Andre Ming Cai, in Computer Science & Engineering
Elizabeth Chamiec-Case, in Engineering Physics
Ajitha Chivukula, in Biomedical Engineering
Nathan Choi, in Computer Science
Katrina Cirilli, in Biomedical Engineering
Kieran James Clarke, in Computer Science & Engineering
Calvin Colby, in Mechanical Engineering
Liam Connelly, in Biomedical Engineering
Ethan Thomas Cummiskey, in Civil Engineering
Sean Peter Doolittle, in Civil Engineering
Devon Dugentas, in Computer Science
Akira Macgregor Dunham, in Civil Engineering
Katyland Marie Facas, in Chemical Engineering
Benjamin Jacob Flax, in Chemical Engineering
Emily May Franklin, in Mechanical Engineering
Christopher Allan Geiger, in Computer Science & Engineering
Ashley Marie Gillette, in Mechanical Engineering
Elizabeth Caitlin Graves, in Chemical Engineering
James Edward Lee Hormann, in Mechanical Engineering
Sam Suo Huang, in Computer Science
Leah Jackman, in Mechanical Engineering
Andres Jaramillo, in Computer Science & Engineering
Abby Sofia Klimowicz, in Environmental Engineering
Aditya Kulkarni, in Computer Science & Engineering
Joshua Lovett-Graff, in Chemical Engineering
Dylan Simms Manchester, in Computer Science & Engineering
Allison Emily Mayne, in Mechanical Engineering
Mitchell James Conway Modarelli, in Biomedical Engineering
Mariam Mohsin, in Biomedical Engineering
Abigale Pajarillaga Monasterial, in Chemical Engineering
Aurelie Moutran, in Biomedical Engineering
Colt Nichols, in Biomedical Engineering
Veda Pandya, in Mechanical Engineering
Joshua Emile Redmond, in Computer Science
Aidan Riley, in Biomedical Engineering
Brian H. Santivanez, in Mechanical Engineering
Richard Orlando Sarria, in Mechanical Engineering
Simran Sehgal, in Biomedical Engineering
Mihir Sharma, in Civil Engineering
Paul Simmerling, in Electrical Engineering
Kevin Snyder, in Mechanical Engineering
John Hugh Stachura, in Computer Science & Engineering
Dylan G. Staudmyer, in Mechanical Engineering
Siddarth Suresh, in Computer Engineering
John Harris Swanson, in Mechanical Engineering
Brendan Anthony Taylor, in Mechanical Engineering
Rachel Thompson, in Biomedical Engineering
Nicolas Tricard, in Mechanical Engineering
Ryan Christopher Trocki, in Biomedical Engineering
Anand Gaurav Vaish, in Biomedical Engineering
Alec John Van Slooten, in Mechanical Engineering
Fernanda Sulantay Vargas, in Chemical Engineering
Eric Wang, in Computer Science & Engineering
Andrew Michael White, in Electrical Engineering
John Nathan Wohl, in Computer Science
Kiera Ann Wolfe, in Computer Science
Kaitlyn Jia-En Yeh, in Biomedical Engineering
Honors Scholars
Berk Ata Alpay
Peter Thomas Fenteany
Simran Sehgal
Anand Gaurav Vaish
University Scholars
Bret Michael Achin
Emmanuel Adelani
Abhinna Adhikari
Lariab Afzaal
Ayushi Agrawal
Palash Agrawal
Jennifer Aguilar-Gonzalez
Ounssa Akhayar
Oluwatomide Simon Alao
Jeffrey Albert
Luca Alberti
Paulo Henrique Alcantara Silva
Sarah Alfarag
Rayhan Omar Al-Majahed
Mohammad Daifallah Almatari
Basel M. Alnajjar
Chazz Chandler Alphonso
Dimitri Alston
Bahaulddin H. Al-Tameemi
James Ira Ancona
Samuel Joseph Anderson
Jared Richard Annis
Mackenzie Ansich
Christopher Anthony
Mateo Arias Gaviria
Asim Atreya
Gregory R. Austin
Nicholas George Ayer
Allyson Barrett
Jensen Joseph Bassett
John Baumgartel
Joseph Jeffrey Bechard
Kwadjo Bedjrah
Arielle Rachel Behar
Emalie Marie Bellezza
Austin T. Benzoni
Nathan Dean Berardi
Israel Thomas Berl
Michael Bernard
Matthieu John Bernier
Alexander Best
Dipesh Bhatt
Talha Bhatti
Saamiya Anwar Bhura
Ajani Blackwood
Michael Bladek
David Ronald Blain
Joshua Bliss
Paul David Blum
Laine Blummer
Matthew Thomas Boguszewski
Marin Chunhua Bolko
Nicholas A. Bonito
Matthew David Bonvicini
Jacob Matthew Boschert
Heather Hoffman Boucher
Lauren Boulay
Matthew Stephen Boyer
Ayman Braik
Corben Ignaz Braun
Kathryn Breen
Margaret Piper Brien
Russell William Brodin
Heather Brown
Miguel Eduardo Bucaro
Eric Bueno
Andrew John Bugryn
Nathaniel James Burgess
Daniel Lowrey Burke
Kiera Anne Burns
Stephanie Marie Sylvia Burns
Alexandra Anna Buss
Evan Andrew Byers
Ronald Huayna Cabello Jr.
Andre Ming Cai
Brian Joseph Camillieri
Paul Campbell
Philip Joseph Caouette
Austin Caracciolo
Shantal Amanda Carr
Cydney Caterino
Rishi Sethi Chaddha
Elizabeth Chamiec-Case
Ryan David Champigny
Benjamin Chan
Hyuno Chang
Katrina Danielle Charitonuk
Aeon Chavez
Sidney Bernice Chemini
Gregory F. Cherry
Kyle Chester
Maggie Cheung
Stefani Morgan Chiarelli
Steven Chick
Ai Mi To Chiem
Ajitha Chivukula
Jeffrey Choate
Ayman Anwar Choudhury
Ameet Chowdhury
Katrina Cirilli
Jonathan Tyler Clark
Kieran James Clarke
Talon Joseph Close
Calvin Colby
Zoe Kathryn Coleman
Matteo Jacob Coletta
Alexis Coley
Samuel Collin
Liam Connelly
Joshua Connor
Dakota Ryley Cook
Jacob Corolla
Hernan Zegarra Cortez Jr.
Elijah Cosentino
Songqi Fan
Skylar Fang
Daniel Richard Fryer
Yuxing Peng
Helen Phu *
Jonathan Andrew Roemer
Tianyu Xiao
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Robin Andre Lopez-Ordonez
Michael Lu
David John Lyder Jr.
Dale Averino Magnano
Yusuf Malik
Gaurav Manandhar
Robert Elliott McClardy Jr.
Ryan Miller
Kyle Morris
Sarah Jane Nelson
Henry Dat Tuan Nguyen
Timothy Alexander O'Reilly
Carla Joan Patania
Manav Patel
Kenny Orlando Payes Galeano
Nhat Q. Phan
Michael Robert Picard
Soumya Potu
Zejian Qiu
Ekam Singh Rai
Tianze Ran
Joshua Emile Redmond
Kevin Robare
Robin Rosales
Steven Santos
Paige Sheridan
Gurman Singh
Ryan Christopher Slivinski
Ryan Stachelczyk
Jacob Aron Stark
Chuanzheng Sun
Yaotian Tang
David Son Tran
Nicolas F. Tschudi
Andy Wang
Danian Wang
Evan James Weiss
Kiera Ann Wolfe
Qi Xia
Keegan T. Yao
Zakarya Zahhal
Tony Zheng
Matthew John Zimmer
Cameron Wesson Farrell Jackson Kennedy Royce Reuben Kelechi Ukah
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Carolyn Joann Costa
Thomas Cotton
Denica Danielle Creighton
Louis Pasquale Crisci
Kelly Anne Crossman
Peter Thomas Crowley
Juan Santiago Cruz
Ethan Thomas Cummiskey
Evan Kellogg Cyganowski
Lais Da Silva
Marina Diane Dabaghian
Anthony M. D'Abramo III
Rosa Daeipour
Evan Charles D'Agostino
Samuel Dailey
John Michael Dana
Margaret Mae Daniel
Vinh Dau
Collin Davis
Timothy Davis
William Henry Day
Tommy Jonas De La Cruz
Alexis Nicole Decker
Sean Robert Decker
Nicholas Patrick Deierlein
Cydney-Alexis Maria Delarosa
Elizabeth Annette Deloia
Danielle Nicole Delpiano
Michael Lawrence Deluca
Andrew Thomas Demorro
Stephanie Rose DeVita
Eric Konrad Dewitt
Julian Armando Diaz
John Paul Difrancesco
Joey Michael Dinino
Jacob Alan Dinklocker
Brandon Spencer Dinsmore
Kiwon-Paul Dionne-Jee
Alex Frank Distelman
Samuel R. Dixon
Ciara Lynn Dobrowolski
Joshua Ty Donahue
Sean Peter Doolittle
Anthony Wheelock Doyle
Teagan Joan Driscoll
Margaret Nahaila DuCasse
Evan J. Duffy
Louis Mitchell Duller
Akira Macgregor Dunham
Jessie Joseph Dupont
Joshua Michael Dupont
Austin James Eichelberg
Muhanad Elfouly
Benjamin Davis Ellery
Alexander William Ercolani
Jeanna M. Erickson
Nicholas Birks Erskine
Amit Eshed
Aidan James Esposito
Katyland Marie Facas
Francisco J. Fadhel
Alex Thomas Fairfax
Julian Robert Faulk
Rebecca Rose Feldman
Gavin Patrick Fennell
Aleksandra Daria Fiedorowicz
Brandon Figueroa
Kyle Joseph Filleti
Emma Finnerty
Dan Patrick Fitzgerald
Colin Michael Fitzsimonds
Zachary Flanagan
Benjamin Jacob Flax
Josue Jeremiah Flores
Benjamin Florian
Christopher Scott Floto
Brian James Fomenko
Elena Maureen Ford
Joseph Scott Forleo
Austin Frank
Emily May Franklin
Brian Cole Frechette
William J. Freebairn
Michael Gianni Frendo
Andrew David Fuller
Michael Thomas Fydenkevez
Tyrese Gaffney
Micaela Gagas
Justin Gallicchio
Timothy James Gamble
Danielle Marie Gan
Sharanya Ganesh
Tara Lakshmi Garani
Mikayla Garcia
Jonathan Christopher Gareau
Christopher Allan Geiger
Ashley Marie Gillette
Gordon Michael Gingras
Jeffrey M. Giusto
Remi Thomas Goddu
Benjamin Goh
Sara Golemi
Brenda Megdalin Gomes
Patrick Owen Gough
Trevon Graham
Austin Charles Gray
Olin Green
Jasmine A. Greene
Mark John Grigas
Asa Guest
Justin Guilfoyle
Eva Gurra
Michael Eric Guth
Zinnia Hall
Liam Hanley
Cory John Harrington
Abbas Mohamed Harris
Ryan James Harvey
Gregory Matthew Haydon
Andrea Lyn Hemberger
Catriana Jefferson Hersey
Dawson Michael Hettrick
Jonell Hobert
Patrick James Hocking
Ethan Hoffman
Natalia Holovyn
Malcolm McInerney Honeyford
James Edward Lee Hormann
Patrick O'Reilly Houlihan
Vincent Log Huang
Tyler Joshua Huhtanen
William Roger Hunt
Megan Elizabeth Hurley
Shahawn Hussain
Molly Hutchins
Trevor Patrick Hutchinson
Christopher Phat Huynh
Daniel Noah Islam
Olivia Noelle Ivaldi
Augusto Henry Iversen
Leah Jackman
Christopher Milton Jacobs
Robert Millar Jacobson
Thomas Jakiela
Megan Ruth Jankovsky
Haya Jarad
Andres Jaramillo
Alexander Jatsiv
Collin Barrett Johnston
Alton Joseph Jones
Kurt Nicholas Jonke
Elijah Hideki Jordan
James Hamelin Jordan
Roderick Colin Joslin
Matthew Bryan Joy
Gursimran Kaur Kainth
Syed Kaleem
Mohamed Kane
Samarth Rajendra Kasbawala
Joseph Kaan Kavgaci
Cayla Elizabeth Keenan
Michael Philip Kennedy
Nora Khalil
Shariq Ahmad Khan
Tanzim Mamun Khan
Victor Khov Ty
Noah Daniel Kinard
Mathew Francis Kirschbaum
Benas Kirvelevicius
Jack Paul Kissane
Alexander James Klimkoski
Abby Sofia Klimowicz
Alexander Peter Kochanowicz
Michael Kokines
Benjamin David Koss
Lydia Claire Krahn
Erik O. Kriz
Thomas John Kropp
Sebastian Krzos
Aditya Kulkarni
Jessica Lam
Adriana LaMarca
Daniel Michal Lapinski
Colby Laracuente
Brian John Lassy Jr.
Brandon Anthony Lathe
Nicholas Law
Christopher Kyle Lemay
William Scott Lemay
Sara Leon
Zachary John Lepore
Kevin Li
Wanghao Li
Griffin D. Liebel
Roger Vincent Lin
Johannah Litchfield
Jiren Liu
Yizhou Liu
Zihao Liu
Joe Peter Loduca
Michael James Loose
Jucar Lopes
Christopher Lopez
Domenica Mayte Lopez
Matthew Ryan Luddy
Joshua Edward Lunn
Nathaniel Hooker Luscomb
Ngoc Luu
Zuyang Ma
Quinn Harris Macdonald
Julia Joanna Machaj
Robert Machaj
William James Maciolek
Christian Alvin Mack
Frank Anthony Magnante III
Thomas Majchrzak
Melanie Elizabeth Makula
Joseph Douglas Maloney
Dylan Simms Manchester
Christopher Mangini
Jose Ignacio Manguia Galindo
Atharva Rajendra Manjrekar
Travis Gerard Mann
Michael Richard Mannella
David James Mantese
Miguel Angel Marcano Diaz
Giuliana Concetta Marchetti
Nicholas Marchini
Rachel Lauren Marchini
Federico Marin
Rachel Emily Martineau
Dominic Paul Martire
Frank Augustus Marx
Michael Edward Masayda Jr.
Marissa Elaine Mastrianni
Victoria Charlotta Masucci
Victor R. Mata
Allison Emily Mayne
Sarah Patricia Mazerolle
Ryan Larkin McAneany
Kelsey Elizabeth Mccormack
Jake Robert McGinn
Jon-Marc Anthony McGregor
Jacob Matthew Mele
Zachary Tyler Melendez
Brandon Christopher Mello
Justin Duque Mendes
Niccolo G. Meniconi
Alexis Nicole Meservey
Emily Elizabeth Michell
Brandon Mino
Austin James Misorski
Aryaman Misra
Yana Misyuchenko
Monika Mocarska
Mitchell James Conway Modarelli
Alexander Modugno
Mariam Mohsin
Mohammad Fawaz Mohsin
Zahin Noor Momen
Michael David Monaco
Kristin Marie Moniz
Hayes M. Moore
Ryan Joseph Morais
Samuel Partick Moran
Hailey Brooke Morrell
Nicole M. Morson
James Matthew Moschella
Austin Mott
Marissa Mottolese
Aurelie Moutran
Karl Douglass Joseph Mueller
Herberth Esteban Muguruza
Marjol Mukallari
Madison Pierce Mulqueen
Taryn Anne Murasso
Kanako Sachi Muratomi
Sydney Helen Murner
Allison Murphy
Jonathan Peter Mustis
Kiran Durgesh Nadkarni
Alexander John Nanai III
Nicolette Ofelia Naya
Oleh Nazarovets
Nicholos James Neil
Ashley Michelle Nelson
Brittany Nelson
Zachary Michael Newman
Morgan Ashley Neydorff
Chris Anh Nguyen
James Nguyen
Nhan T. Nguyen
Colt Nichols
Alex Nizielski
Obumneme Nkwo
Sita Baaba Nyame
Jared Dominique Nye
Andrew Robert Nyman
Christopher O'Connor
Clare Louise O'Hara
Zachary Ohayon
Tyler R. Oliva
Oreoluwa Omatsola Olowe
Florence Opoku
Julia Marie Opramolla
Andrew Peter O'Reilly
Clifford Otis
Justin Raul Oviedo
Cristian Pabon
Shubham Chaitanya Pai
Natalie Jeanne Paliulis
Ryan Thomas Palzere
Yiorgos Panaelidis
Veda Pandya
Patricio Panico
William George Pappas
Chandni Patel
Dhaval Kumar Manharbhai Patel
Shiv Patel
Ethan Patterson
Patrick Paul
Thomas James Pauly
Christopher Patrick Payen
Emma Jane Peak
Venkata Krishna Sai Pranav
Dominick J. Pelaez
Andrew Griffin Petersen
Michael Pham
Thomas Raymond Philipson
Abigail Young Phillips
Amelia Renee Picard
Eric Albert Piccolo
David Angelo Pierson
Julia Rae Pitruzzello
Mary Lucia Pizzuto
Martin M. Place
Andrew Joshua Placzek
Joseph Scott Plaisted
Steven Lars Porter
Andrew Joseph Premus
Isaiah Carl Preyer
Yongkang Qiu
Anne Elizabeth Quevreaux
Steven Edward Quinn
Ryan John Radziewicz
Nicholas Nathai Ramdial
Jesse Peter Rasten
Thomas Langhorne Reese Jr.
Joshua Relucio
Timothy Goodwill Remkiewicz
Bridget A. Reyes
Kristin Nina Rheault
Jason R. Rich
Trent Riewe
Aidan Riley
Steven Riley
Trenessa Rioux
Anthony Rivera
Diego A. Rivera-Alfaro
Thomas A. Rivet
Paul Tyler Roach
Alexandra Robotham
Abigail Ruth Rockefeller
Stephanie Jane Rodrigue
Pablo Rodriguez
Julia Brittny Roemer
Lauren Soraya Romeo
Lauren N. Roper
Jeet Christopher Rosa
Makayla Elizabeth Roshkowski
Michael Rosinsky
Colleen Anna Ross
Michael Ryan Rossi
Tyler T. Rourke
Christopher William Rowley
Kamau Abbysinnia Russell
Matthew Russolillo
Stephen Andrew Rutkowski
Almesa Sabovic
Elizabeth Sagers
Sadman Sakib
Benedict Anthony Salanitro
Gregg Darren Salomon
David Sanabria
Raymond Lee Sanderson
Evan Christopher Sandgren
Sunny Sarker
Richard Orlando Sarria
Shayan Sasani
Sandeepkumar Sasidharan
Michael Savio
Brendan Matthew Sayers
Michael Christopher Schaake
Ben Schade
Daniel Schaefer
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Samuel Mckinney Schaefer
Zoe Elizabeth Schaefer
Nicholas Joseph Schiro
Andrew Brink Schroder
Jake O'Brien Schwartzman
Rachel Scott
Simran Sehgal
Aaditya Sekar
Candace Marie Settle
Matthew Severino
Guy Thomas Shaffer
Muhammad Shahbaz
Mihir Sharma
Viktor Shcheglov
Emily Rose Shea
Da Shen
Rinchen Tsewang Sherpa
Shalini Shial
Matthias Peter Siber
Kaleb Adam Sicina
Paul Simmerling
Nicholas Andre Simpson
Adam Skawinski
Nathaniel Charles Skuba
Sean Small
Trevor Moran Smith
Wyatt Smith
Kevin Snyder
Elizabeta Sofroni
Yashaswini Soleti
Yusuf Soliman
Michael Sotzing
Matthew Paul Soucy
Samuel T. Spak
Joshua Ryan Sproule
John Hugh Stachura
Simone Rebecca Stanton
Dylan G. Staudmyer
Sean Anthony Stennett
Ashton Stephens
Alexander Thomas Stiefel
Jillian Rose Strandberg
Todd William Stueber
Deonarine Jai Sumeersarnauth Jr.
Siddarth Suresh
Prashant S. Swami
John Harris Swanson
Joseph Samuel Symochko
David Szymanowski
Ryan Matsu Tamayoshi
Jose Daniel Tanchiva
Christopher Guang Tang
Jessica Tang
Maham Tanveer
Nicholas Charles Tauken
Brendan Anthony Taylor
Michael Anthony Taylor
Bryant Van Thai
Jason Van Thai
Kenneth Thai
Kushal Thapa
Mark Anthony Thoman
Rachel Thompson
Kienan Hayden Tierney
Dennis Paul Timmons
Anna Marguerite Toal
Matthew John Tomitz
Jinjian Tong
Ryan Torres
Sovannarith Touch
Joseph Tracey
Jacob Tran
Kenny Tran
Thinh Bat Tran
Nicolas Tricard
Ryan Christopher Trocki
Christine Troller
Jordan Lee Trzcinski
Jordan Tsao
Benjamin Tuffy
Matthew Tyler
Chukwuemeka Ugwu
Vinh Ung
Michael Thomas Vaccaro Jr.
Anand Gaurav Vaish
Bernston Valenzuela
Alec John Van Slooten
Luke Bernard Vancraeynest
Jose David Vasquez
Luis Vega
Adam David Veilleux
Adam Nathaniel Velardi
Kyler Paul Cameron Vensel
Sarah Angelique Verity
Brianna Alice Vetel
Cassandra Alyssa Villani
Rigel Darwin Wachtmann
Corey John Walker
Megan Elizabeth Walsh
Kerone Walters
Allen Wang
Eric Wang
Wilson Wang
Yishu Wang
James Healy Ward
Audrey Watkins
Robert Ernest Watson
Jordan Lindsey Weber
Justyn James Paquette Welsh
Peter Alexander Westphal
Alexa Brooke Wetmore
Mark Mitchell Wezenski
Andrew Michael White
Mason James Whittaker
Derek Vincent Wood
Sara Marianna Wrotniak
Yekai Wu
Caleb Wurster
Baizun Xu
Kevin Yang
Kaitlyn Jia-En Yeh
Sami Yonjan Lama
Ryan Scott Young
Muhammad Haris Yousafzai
Ruijie Yu
Paul Zaffetti
Hafsa Zahhal
Zachary Christopher Zambuto
Danny Zarate-Romero
Justin Zendzion
Frederick August Zering IV
Heyu Zhang
Rudy Zhang
Artur Marcin Zielinski
Bryan Scott Ziobron
Alex Zukowski
Ryan K. Akhundzadeh
Sara Imary Aldarondo
Mohammed Najib Al-Hemyari
Jordan Arcangel
Kedashka Auba
Luis Baena
Dennis Kivanc Basar
Camilo Bautista-Borrero
Samuel Mackenzie Bedard
Jeremy B. Bennett
Esther Kim Chang
Tavey Chang
Renzo Corihuaman
Brandon D'Agostino
Zoe Eleni Demitrack
Reginald Sloan Denny
Garrett Doyle
Clayton Joseph Ehasz
Cavin James Farley
Justin Gallo
Benjamin T. Gousse
Colin Michael Hale
Ryan Hunter Haraghey
Julian R. Horvath
Gregory M. Joyce
Sruthi Kalidindi
Ethan James Lawlor
Henry James-Supun Mackin
Brendan P. McClellan
Ethan Brian Millette
Abigale Pajarillaga Monasterial
Stephen Allston Moores
David Michael Motta
Mihir Nene
Jenny Hong-Anh Pham
Helen Phu *
Brodin Gabriel Raymond
Francisco J. Rivera
Daniel Andre Rodier
John Carlton Russell III
Nickolai Serebriakov
Michael S. Shalagan
Samrath Singh
Haozhen Tian
Daniel Twiss
Eric V. Vazquez
Zubin Wadia
Tianbo Wang
Marian Caruso Whitney
Isabelle Wright
Sean Kennedy Youngblood
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Juan Nicolas Alzamora Soto-Rivera
Quinn Anthony Becotte
Tedros Tesfay Beyan
Robert Camarda
Gary Han Lam Chow
Matthew O. Dennis
Joshua Michael Dupont
Mateo Escobar
Elizabeth Caitlin Graves
Patrick Joseph Haggerty
Melissa Hernandez
David Huang
Joseph Benjamin Irizarry
Heather M. Lewis
Enita Liang
Natong Lin
Nicholas James Manos
Karen Martinez
Kevin Albert Mokarry
Leopoldo Moore
Joseph M. Morello
Phillip E. Portalatin
Indranie Rambarran
Clara A. Ramirez Cahuana
Sofia A. Ricciardi
David Thomas Rodziewicz
Mark James Roper
Aleksandr Igorevich Samegulin
Cameron Neal Sanders
Matthew Sean Sargeant
Hongli Tao
Caroline L. Thompson
Venoude Valmyr
Lucas Barron Vannie
Fernanda Sulantay Vargas
John R. Welch
Nicholas John Wells
Yizhi Xu
Ziyan Zhang
Yiren Zhou
Brendan M. Berg
Sean Christopher Brodeur
Daniel E. Castillo
Rui Kai Lin
Timothy John Noto
Nicholas A. Porebski
Benjamin Samuel Zekowski
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Anthony Abramov
Xavier Kwamena Amos
Camila Baez Paez
Oliver Thomas Bogan
Kyra Cullerton
Nicholas Lawrence Curley
Andre J. Destefano
Sabrina Cheyenne Dibble
Robert Anthony DiGiacomo
Maia Quinn Dufane
Elijah Charles Dufour
Curtis Eugene Fetteroll
Lindsey Caroline Fleck
Kelly Ann Franklin
Scott Vincent Gaffney
Luis Antonio Garces
Danielle Christine Garnelis
Ryan Daniel Glenney
Blanche Elizabeth Gorham
Joseph Connor Homan
Austin M. Kelly
Julian Matthieu Lebel
Eric Loconto
Randall Justin Louie
Joshua Paul Macchi
Logan Jonathan Miller
Neha Muktadir
Alexander S. Naoum
Arya Dipak Patel
Nicholas Patrick Perry
Gleimy M. Rodriguez
Nishanth Sode
Vasu Harsukh Viroja
Natiya Virginia Washer
Kerry M. Wolff
Michal Zyla
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Garrett Michael Choiniere
Emanuel Alberto Cruz
Andrew S. Frascarelli
Andrianna Kaimis
Cameron E. Kupernik
Olivia M. Miller
Johnathan Almodovar Mumford
Elizabeth Marie Poland
Matthew S. Tomaszewski
Renoj Kurien Varghese
Emily FuXi Worcester *
Yiwen Zhang
Quan Zhou
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Justin Michael Anderson-LoCascio
Antonio Luis Ariola
Jamie Bailey
John Butler Ballou
Rebecca Sofia Bidus
Natalie Rose Brassinga
Erin Estelle Brochu
Aidan Jacob Brueckner
Tyler James Burke
Harrison Burr
James Alexander Campbell-Gibson
Cassie Lynn Caron
Anna Chanyarakskul
Tevin D. Cheatham
Grace Elizabeth Slim Coll
Luke E. Conklin
Julius Martin Cruz
Karlee Hui Cummings
Emilee Lauren Daddio
Matthew Delmiche
Jonathan Edward Elmer
Bogdana Faryna
Dave M. Ferrer
Gabrielle Kwang-Jiin Ger
Willow Maya Giannotti-Garlinghouse
Jonathan Edward Goodrich
David Blake Henry
Kyleigh Hillerud
Joshua Max Hirshfield
Christopher Holguin
Jillian Elizabeth Klucznik
Philip Arthur Kozan
Alexander Frederick Kunze
Tyler Scott Langworthy
Mitchell Al Lisowski
Devyn W. Lowry
Katheryn Marion Madrak
Thomas Joseph Mancini
William Miles Mandelbaum
Sean Edward Mathieu
Hannah Katherine Maynard
Christina Elizabeth McDonnell
Ciara Siobhan McElroy
Kimberly A. Mcguire
Liam Edward McNeece
Vanessa Estelle Menendez
Niccolo G. Meniconi
Krista Mitman
Rebekah Lynn Mizener
Odanice J. Olibrice
Julia Ann Padget
Jennifer Grace Pehota
Aries Valentinus Peralta
Jonathan Robert Pico
Isabel L. Pollish
Devin Patrick Quinn
Julianna Rodrigues
Dorryen James Sceviour
Joseph Vincent Schiro
Kristen Setter
Brian Kevin Shaw
Brittany Dara Shuster
Amalia Despina Skoparantzos
Nicholas Owen Stanton
Bridget Mary Sweeney
Tiffany Amelia Terilli
Brynn Ione Thomas
Rebecca Christine Thompson
Valeria D. Toro
Emily Vanryswood
Jiawen Wang
Rechelle Iris Williamson
Natalie Wong
Ryan Storm Young
Julianna Yu
Aidan Jacob Brueckner, in Digital Media & Design
Mackenzie Ann Fox, in Digital Media & Design
William Miles Mandelbaum, in General Program in Music
Hannah Katherine Maynard, in General Program in Music
Claire N. Pawlewitz, in General Program in Music
Devin Patrick Quinn, in Digital Media & Design
Honors Scholars
Maradona Cadet
Juliana D'Elia
Delores Rosalie Garcia
Angel M. Gorrio
Eva Kang
Andrew Paul Kuhn
Natalie Edith Moncada
Sebastian Marek Nowogrodzki
Claire N. Pawlewitz *
Charles Franz Penny
Cristian Pimienta
Clark Reilly
Bethany Remay Rodriguez
Rogelio Santana Jr.
Ryan (Dong Min) Suh
Kira Traver
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Michaela Riel Abate
Sophia M. Ancona
Matthew M. Bader
Andrea Antonieta Blanco
Luke William Blodgett
Graceann Ellen Brooks
Destin Tyrese Brown
David Philip Calamari
Megan Teresa Casagrande
Ethan Brett Caso
Camille Marguerite Cross
Meaghan Marie Doherty
Rachel Lynn Dondero
Isaiah Elijah Troy Edwards
Nicole Ellis
Camille Louise Fortin
Mackenzie Ann Fox
Mackenzie Lynn Gauthier
Alisia Gruendel
Katelyn Drew Jepsen
Emily Maree Karam
Cassidy Jane Keller
Darrell D. Knighton
Ally Elizabeth Maccio
Amanda Lucena Maitan
Gordon Alexander Markman
Joan D'Urban Mullins
Ava Noelle Murphy
Lynette Rene Muse
Tyler James Nowakowski
Akari Ohashi
Alexandra Jean Ose
Gillian T. Partyka
Jakub Pirog
Isabelle Molly Resil
Natalie Resto
Carlos Antonio Rivera
Michael Russell
Brock Alan Sanford
Rachel Lee Santostefano
William Flynn Schultz
Emma Catherine Simard
Olivia Morrotti Sommo
Shannon Delaney Stewart
Amanda M. Tierney
Fatima Tuziahrah
Elise Vanase
Robert Akira Varszegi
Marcella L. Vertefeuille
Casey John Wishna
Sarah Teresa Woodward
Miranda Alice Wright
Rhiannon Ruby Zergiebel
Anthony John Zor
Michael Patrick Dozois
Deilyn De'Aja Foster
Jeremy Gonzalez
Elliot Scott Hopwood
Olivia Katherine Pelzar
Jialin Wang
Carly Christine Wanner-Hyde
Henry Wheelock
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Alexandra Brokowski
Hunter Sherman Monroe
Connie Tao
Blue Eve Wallick
Emily FuXi Worcester *
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Olivia Jane Dallape
Abigail Sybil Gilson
Kilani A. Moore
Dominic Francis Parrella
Ian Forest Sauco
Claire N. Pawlewitz *
Graduate, December 20, 2020
Marlene Abouaassi, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Olivia Marie Adams, in Psychological Sciences
Pooja Agrawal, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
Eman Zehra Ahmed, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Stephanie Ifeoma Akosa, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Fizza Alam, in Political Science
Jacey Anderson, in Psychological Sciences
Sarah Megann Anderson, in Biological Sciences
Daniella Alexandra Angulo, in English
Daniella Alexandra Angulo, in Human Rights
Sophia Eleni Arruda, in Biological Sciences
Eduardo Antonio Badillo Colberg, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Stephen Andrew Baker, in Anthropology
Amber Holly Bardsley, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Gaganjot Singh Bedi, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Maya Eleanor Benson, in French
Jack Harrison Bergantino
, in Economics
Akriti Bhattarai, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Helen Liu Bian, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Elisabeth Anne Bienvenue, in History
Samantha Rose Bird, in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Gavin Alder Birdsall, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Emily Paige Blackburn, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Megan Ann Braat, in Biological Sciences
Lynna Bray, in History
Malachi Xavier Bridges, in Africana Studies
Julie M. Brisson, in Human Development & Family Sciences
Tarif Willard Brown, in Anthropology
Tarif Willard Brown, in History
Emily Anne Burke, in Individualized: Youth Development &
Emma Paige Burleigh, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Danielle Elizabeth Canfield, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Anthony Constantine Capasso, in Mathematics
Raabiah Chaudhry, in Biological Sciences
Nidhi Chawla, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Nidhi Chawla, in Women’s Gender & Sexuality Studies
Sarah Wenshaun Chen, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Anna Maria Ciriello, in Psychological Sciences
Sandro D. Cloiseau, in Biological Sciences
Tyler Reid Coleman, in Mathematics/Statistics
Amanda Connelly, in Economics
Kevin Martin Cox Jr., in English
Jillian Lindsay Crawford, in Political Science
Lia M. Crowley, in Psychological Sciences
Celya Dalila Dahmani, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Robert Ashely Dampier II, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Dhruv Jagdish Dang, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Sydney Marie Darling, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Lily Marie Deblasio, in Political Science
Fay Decker, in Philosophy
Jake Edward Defrancesco, in Individualized: Neuroscience
Erin Elisabeth Dennehy, in Individualized: Law & Society
Erin Elisabeth Dennehy, in Political Science
Samantha Nicole DePalma, in Biological Sciences
Mukund Vishwa Sai Desibhatla, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Mukund Vishwa Sai Desibhatla, in Spanish
Lily Lynn Desmond, in English
Devon Dugentas, in Mathematics/Statistics
Brianna Leigh Dyer, in Individualized: Global Studies
Hanna Elizabeth Englander, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Alexander William Ercolani, in Physics
Veronica Eskander, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Floraine Emily Evardo, in Individualized: Human Health
Daniel Fairchild, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Daniel Fairchild, in Structural Biology & Biophysics
Yuliya Faryna, in Individualized: Global Health
Isaac Vincent Faustino, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Cassidy Nicole Fawcett, in Political Science
Justin Lemar Feliciano, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Peter Thomas Fenteany, in Mathematics
Shaharia Ferdus, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Daniel Benjamin Fischler, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
Michaela Garyn Flynn, in Economics
Simone Elaine Fournier, in Individualized: Healthcare & Aging
Michael Davitt Fox, in History
Michael Anthony Francomano, in History
Maleena Ann Frazier, in Structural Biology & Biophysics
Alexandra Frenzel, in Marine Sciences
Dylan Patrick Gaffney, in Political Science
Jenifer Viviana Gaitan, in History
Melinda Rose Gallery, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Maddison Elaine Gates, in Communication
Gabrielle Kwang-Jiin Ger, in Psychological Sciences
William Thomas Gorman, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Jordana Merlot Fleming Graveley, in Ecology & Evolutionary
Grace Emma Greene, in Chemistry
Lisa Courtney Grieco, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Samantha Grubb, in Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
Vanesa Guadalupe, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Maria Emilia Guerrero, in Biological Sciences
Abhishek Kumar Gupta, in Biological Sciences
Abhishek Kumar Gupta, in Sociology
Elena Haarer, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Liam Aden Snyder Hamilton, in Economics
Honors Scholars
Marlene Abouaassi
Berk Ata Alpay
Julie M. Brisson
Peter Thomas Fenteany
Jenifer Viviana Gaitan
James He
Amelia Chiang Hurst
Shanelle Jones
Alexander Mika
Jayla Theodora Millender
Kerry Anne Morgan
Shreya Murthy
Shankara L. Narayanan
Matthew J. Pickett
Megan Rose Sturm
Jason Vailionis
Lily Zhong
University Scholars
Sana Haroon, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Bailey Maxwell Willoughby Harris, in Geographic Information
James He, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Caroline Leigh Hebert, in Speech, Language & Hearing
Grace Anne Da Fonseca Pinto Herrick, in Individualized:
Global Health
Lauren Alyssa Hipplewitz, in Political Science
Brendan Patrick Hogan, in Philosophy
Brendan Patrick Hogan, in Political Science
Jaron Alexander Holmes, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Marisol Hooks, in Biological Sciences
Julia Rose Horan, in Biological Sciences
Alexandra Marie Houdeshell, in English
Amelia Chiang Hurst, in Anthropology
Amelia Chiang Hurst, in Marine Sciences
Ariya Annett Jacob, in Psychological Sciences
Zoe Jahn, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Nicole Jain, in Psychological Sciences
Arieta Jakaj, in History
Darius James Javidi, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Benjamin Carl Johnson, in History
Shanelle Jones, in Political Science
Rodchill-Paul Jules, in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Amar Anil Kalaria, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Mita Kale, in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Sarah Jessica Karasik, in Chemistry
Emily Hope Kaufman, in Environmental Studies
Niue Bachiochi Keane, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Alex Milton Klein, in English
Michael David Kosover, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Ava Marie Kovlakas, in Anthropology
Harold James Krause, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
Sarah Kricheff, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Mitchel Kuperstein, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Gabrielle Viviana Lanza, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Jared Amaldoss Lawrence
, in Biological Sciences
Julia Sarah Levin, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Anneke Nyary Levine, in Individualized: Global Health
Meghan Long, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Madisyn Elizabeth Longdin, in Psychological Sciences
Kate Luongo, in English
Kristina Anna Machaj, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Jessica Marie Macintyre, in Individualized: Cognitive
Christian Mackay-Morgan, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Danielle Macuil, in Political Science
Aviral Mahajan, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Rebecca Lynn Maher, in English
Maurice Maitland, in History
Siara Jasmin Maldonado, in Individualized: Global Health
Carly Faith Malesky, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Wesia Meriam Malik, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Nicole Marino, in History
Neha Mary Mathew, in Biological Sciences
Pranati Mathur, in Biological Sciences
Madison Ann May, in History
Erin Elizabeth McConnell, in Statistics
Samantha Ashlyn Mckenna, in Speech, Language & Hearing
Yash Mehta, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Abigail Meliso, in History
Ariba Afzal Memon, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Daniel Richard Meskill, in Statistics
Alexander Mika
, in English
Jayla Theodora Millender, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Emily Elizabeth Miller, in Linguistics/Philosophy
Summer S. Mills, in Psychological Sciences
Pasquale Mingione, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Kelly-Anne Elaine Moffa, in Economics
Mirghani Fawzi Mohamed, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Nicole Marie Mooradd, in History
Kerry Anne Morgan, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Mashwiyat Mosharraf, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Marinela Mukollari, in Political Science
Ryan Munasinghe, in History
Giridhar Murali, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Shreya Murthy, in Human Rights
Shreya Murthy, in Individualized: Criminology
Aryan Sanjay Naik, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Shankara L. Narayanan, in History
Shankara L. Narayanan, in Political Science
Susan Naseri, in Human Rights
Susan Naseri, in Political Science
Sarah Jane Nelson, in Mathematics
Khanhvy Nguyen, in Cognitive Science
Sean O'Hagan, in Mathematics
Sean O'Hagan, in Statistics
Steven Walter Olechna II, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
Maria Isabella Albrecht Oliveira, in History
Chineze Uchenna Osakwe, in Political Science
Derek Pan, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Parth Pravin Patel, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Parth Pravin Patel, in Political Science
Vishal Mahendrakumar Patel, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Mariana Pelaez, in Political Science
Sophia Beatrice Pellegrino, in Psychological Sciences
Jamie Nicole Pergolizzi, in Biological Sciences
Betsy Philip, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Meryl Pookkattu, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Pooja Prasad, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Zana Preniqi, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Michael Frederick Price, in Statistics
Alexa Kate Provost, in Political Science
Julia Nicole Pugmire, in Anthropology
Catherine Qiu, in Mathematics/Statistics
Catherine Qiu, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Maryann Heather Quigley, in Speech, Language & Hearing
Ryan Jacob Radcliff, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
John McGowan Reever, in Mathematics
Erik Andrew Renner, in English
Michael Joseph Riberdy
, in Physics
Natalie Marie Roach, in Environmental Sciences
Jocelyn Marie Rossitto, in Cognitive Science
Fabio Roberto Saccomanno, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Shamika Saini, in Mathematics-Actuarial-Finance
Sarah Nicole Schechter, in Environmental Studies
Kasey Ann Schempf, in History
Christine M. Schiller, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Daniel Schwartzman, in Psychological Sciences
Anna N. Scoppettone, in English
Grace Jennifer Scully, in Sociology
Renee Semple, in History
Ciera Marie Senuta, in English
Maria Shah, in Political Science
Mia K. Shallcross, in English
Yumeng Shao, in Economics
Kriti Sharda, in Biological Sciences
Mallika Shekhar, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Michael Sherman, in Mathematics/Actuarial Science
Utsav Rupalkumar Sheth, in Chemistry
Angela Marie Simonetti, in Economics
Angela Marie Simonetti, in English
Justin Matthew Slifer, in Mathematics/Statistics
Hannah Joy Smith, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Kira Rhiannon Smith, in Economics
Romoye Ojoddia Sohan, in Biological Sciences
Ava Gail Stallone, in Psychological Sciences
Gwendolyn Eve Strickland, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Megan Rose Sturm, in Physics
Rachel Sullivan, in Political Science
Angela Delapaz Tabor, in English
Andrew Tammaro, in Individualized: Data Science
Sabrina Tang, in Economics
Noor Taweh, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Roselyn Karley Terrazos-Moreno, in Physiology &
Sarah Tsuruo
, in Biological Sciences
Mara Lei Tu, in Environmental Sciences
Lucie Falon Turkel, in Individualized: Comparative Literary &
Cultural Studies
Jessica Nicole Ulbrich, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Jason Vailionis, in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Joslin Tracy Valiyaveettil, in Economics
Jase Rafael Valle, in Urban & Community Studies
Alyssa Marie Varesio, in Biological Sciences
Megana Varma, in Biological Sciences
Serena Verma, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Vanessa Emma Vlaun, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Christopher Bryan Wiezbicki, in Political Science
Christopher David Wolf, in Political Science
Jane Whitman Yalof, in English
Keegan T. Yao, in Mathematics
Abigail Lauren Yu, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Nicole Katherine Zatserkovniy, in Individualized: Law & the
Nicole Katherine Zatserkovniy, in Political Science
Harry Hartnett Zehner, in Political Science
Lily Zhong, in Physiology & Neurobiology
Michael Zhu, in Molecular & Cell Biology
Austin Donald Abacherli
Titus Ezekiel Abad
Aden Jayde Abbatemarco
Vincenzo Gabriele Abbruzzetti
Nadia Mohsin Abdu Munem
Julie Janis Abramowitz
Albert Ackerson
Ibeth Acosta
Natalie Grace Acquarulo
Brendan D. Adams
Olivia Marie Adams
Ocean Adhikari
Javon Adote
Amir Hasson Agoora
Pooja Agrawal
Kasra H. Ahmadi
Aliyan Ahmed
Katherine Marie Aitken
Kader Akpinar
Fizza Alam
Jason Glen Alaska
Ranya Alboslani
George Constantin Albu
Elsa Alcinot
Edward Lawrance Aledia
Hanna Ysabel Ermita Alejandrino
William Jose Aleman
Rachel Merriam Alexander
Syeda Batool Ali
Erna Alic
Sarah Aanjali Allegakoen
Abigail Alexandria Allen
Joshua Cole Allen
Stuart Churchill Allen
Chantelle Trajaine Allott
Grys Almanzar
Kayla N. Almeida
Manar A. Almidani
Berk Ata Alpay
Mohammad Alqadumi
Daniel Mark Altermatt
Deep Aluria
Connie S. Alvarado
Isabel Marie Alvarez-Diaz
Adriana I. Alvez
Alex Joseph Amendola
Leah Lauren Anderson
Ariana Andino
Nicole Andrade
Megan Marie Andrews
Laura Angeles
Alexis Elsa Angelini
Annaliese Rose Angelo
Daniella Alexandra Angulo
Lucy O'Brien Angus
Frank Edward Anile-Santiago
Jon Robert Antkowiak
Roselyne Anyah
Alexandra Aparicio
Megan Gorman Appleman
Cassandra Blair Apuzzo
Michael Joseph Aquino
Alivia Jane Araniti
Alani Leahn Arias
Eileen Juliana Arias
Chase Richardson Arnold
Hala Aryan
Angel G. Arzola
Lauryn Ashong
Delilah Askegreen
Brandy Eya Assignon
Parmjot Singh Athwal
Aswin Atreya
Leora Audi
Britney Marie Augeri
Malaysia Augustine
Gregory R. Austin
Nathaniel Austin-Mathley
Paul Andres Avila
Sai Pranathi Avula
Ryan C. Aymar
Leon Derrick Babcock-McIntosh III
Cory Richard Babineau
Sophia Aliyah Bacchus
Tiera Bacote
Neeraj Rakesh Badshah
Brian Bokiagon Baglan
Chrisaine Bailey
Susan Page Bailey
Ritika Bajaj
Emma R. Balancia
Mary E. Balasuriyar
Olivia Ballaro
Olivia May Ballou
Joseph Luciano Barbagallo
Daniel Mark Barletta
Jonathan Andrew Barnes Jr.
Ezekiel Barnhill
Jacey Irene Barona
Deja-Rae Shakia Barrett
Jacqueline Barrett
Brooke Marie Barry
Rode Bataille
Sydney Alexandra Bates
Luke William Bauer
Samantha Beacham
Jade Beauharnais
Laura Bedoya
Stephany Bedoya
Daniel Thomas Ervin Beer
Nina Lucile Begley
Munera A. Begum
Jessica Maria Belardo
Julianna Lucia Belas
Alexis Belco
Agatha Bellani Abdalla
Leah Patricia Bemis
Caleb James Benedict
Celeste Paola Benites Romero
Rhianna Alexis Bennett
Maya Eleanor Benson
Austin T. Benzoni
Benjamin Andrew Berg
Jack Harrison Bergantino
Elyse M. Bergeron
Rachel Elizabeth Bergeron
Brielle Ann Berkowitz
Samuel Pierce Berkun
Hannah Carolyn Berman
Anthony Gene Berry
Christina Marie Berthiaume
Addison Marjorie Best
Ahmad Bhatti
Olivia Biehl
Elisabeth Anne Bienvenue
Michael Ezra Biggs
Mariya Bilyk
Jeremie Richard Blais
Laine Blummer
Luke Thomas Bobinski
Martha Patricia Bobwich
Caroline Mary Boccuzzi
Alexander Timothy Bohr
Lawrence Maurice Boisvert
Amani Boland
Oleksandr Bolgachenko
Ryan Michael Bologna
Sydney Reyburn Bond-Cavanagh
Erik Wamser Bonnabeau
Matthew Joseph Bonvicini
Dylan Joseph Bosco
John William Boulger
Fiona Lee Brady
Jack Ryan Brady
Nathan Anthony Bramwell
Jahz Branch
Grace Brangwynne
Emma Brantl
Emily Renee Brault
Lynna Bray
Laura Brea
Conor William Brennan
Kevin Anthony Breton
Erin Brewer
Olivia Jeanne Bria
Malachi Xavier Bridges
Julie M. Brisson
Anyel Brizuela
Erin Estelle Brochu
Ben Harrison Brod
Victoria Marie Brodeur
Joelle Brophy
Ayannah Alivia Brown
Madison Alea Brown
McKoi-Alaia Cristenn Brown
O'Neil Brown
Tarif Willard Brown
James Matthew Buck
Michael Bernard Buckley
Spencer John Buckley
Rei Bufi *
Kayleigh Rose Bugryn
Ashliany Linda Burgio
Michael Joseph Burke
Emily Frances Burnett
Evan Thomas Burns
Kate Michele Burns
Melanie Elizabeth Burns
Christopher Scott Bussey
Shelby Dominique Bussolotti
Antonio Bustamante
Joseph Bustamante
John Gilchrist Butler
Andrew Joseph Byrne
Karen Michelle Caceres
Darlene Calderon
Claire Patricia Callaghan
Megan Callahan
Neil Daniel Callahan
Ronnie Carol Callahan
Yume Kristin Callahan
Xaria Lynnez Callender
Natalie Calletano
Abigail Jacqueline Campbell
Callie Erin Campbell
Paul Campbell
Karen Vanessa Campoverde
Elizabeth June Canavan
Trevor Joseph Cancilla
Trey Anthony Canevari
Olivia Margaret Cannizzaro
Mia Rachelle Caporaso
Haley Sofia Capozzo
Chloe Catherine Capuano
Brendan Amenta Carbray
Mariana Carcia
Madeline Cardoso
Grace Marcia Carey
Will Ryan Carlson
Joshua Euria Carlton
Brendan Carpenter
Ashaliegh Brien Kamilah Carrington
Natalie Elizabeth Casanova
Madison Casner
Patrick Michael Cassidy
Luis Castaneda
Geraldine Castillo
Mario Angelo Castillo-Franco
Kevin Michael Catapano
Briana Marie Cavaliere
Matthew Angel Cavallo
Margaret Lyn Cayangyang
Andrew Michael Cebry
Don Jason Cervone
Susana G. Cevallos
Deepika Chaluvadi
Samantha Haelee Chang
Ting-Chen Chang
Chrystal Jhunelle Charles
Nicholas Joseph Charlonne
Monica Charubin
Kyle Vinicius Depaula Chaves
Anguo Chen *
Cuifen Chen
Junqi Chen
Li Bin Chen
Peilun Chen
Qiushuo Chen
Tianli Chen
Tsai-Hsin Chen
Wenting Chen
Xunuo Chen
Yexin Chen
Zhengxuan Chen
Jaden Ka-Hay Cheng
Nuo Cheng
Steven Chick
Tenzin Chime
Yumi Choe
Victoria Julianna Cholodecki
Paul Choma
Joseph Sion Chon
Liliana Ribera Chong Cuy
Eric Chou
Dina Raushan Chowdhury
Alexander Kah Shing Chu
Matt Ciaburro
Jessica Marie Ciavarella
Hannah Nicole Cifaldi
Joseph James Cirrito IV
Kayla Brianna Charee Claiborne
Kayla Lorraine Clancy
Kaitlyn Clark
Klay Anthony Clarke
Kenny Clyburn
Samantha M. Cocchiola
Dietrich Cornelius Cohen Jr.
Mitchell Coia
Emily Catherine Colavito
Daniel Thomas Cole
Robert Jalen Cole
Maria Catherine Coleman
Grace Elizabeth Slim Coll
Grace Collins
Samuel Collins
Larissa M. Compito
Amanda Connelly
Meaghan Connors
Alexander Constantine
Maria Contreras
Samantha De Haveon Amoy Cooke
Clara Arianne Coombs
Karen Elizabeth Coombs
Nicholas Mcdonald Copenhaver
Christa Coppola
Evelyn Johana Corado-Vivar
Emma Morgan Corby
Shanale Cordero
Michael Ferreira Correia
Chase Lee Corvo
Jared Mark Cote
Ethan Peter Couillard
Claudenique Cousins
Kevin Martin Cox Jr.
Conor M. Coyne
Jillian Lindsay Crawford
Caroline J. Crean
Andrea Estefania Criollo Collaguazo
Benjamin Edwin Crnic
Sarah Ruth Crosby
Johanna Emilya Croston
Caroline Patricia Crouse
Joshua Connor Crow
Kayla Isabel Crucetts
Alejandra Cuevas
Lingling Cui
Lauren Marie Curcio
Hannah Michele Curran
Peyton Rose Cutolo
Jonathan Pereira Dacosta
Celya Dalila Dahmani *
Julie Grace Dai
Maeve Elizabeth Daily
Jay Damania
Joshua Leader Dampf
Elizabeth Anne D'Andrea
Danielle D'Angelone
Philmon Daniel
Austin David Danko
Ruby Julien Brown Dann
Courtney Rose Danser
Madeline Lia Danziger
Joshua Ross Darak
Daniel Nathan Dashefsky
Rose Ruth Datum
Djellza Dauti
Stephen Davey
Isaiah Tyre Davis
Miles Davis
Thomas Lennon Davis
Zoeann Day
Lindsay Marie De Brito
Carolina De Menezes
Dante Angelo Decesare
Blake Nicole Decoteau
Nicholas Scott Defelice
Hunter Gerald Defrank
Harry Antony Dejulius
Amberleigh Delgado
Neal Dellostritto
Carly Faustina Deluca
Marc James Deluca
Zachary Peter Delvaglio
Ariana Catherine Delvecchio
Jessica Dembrowski
Callie Amanda Demers Schultz
Dylan Demoura
Ashley Marie Dempsey
Anna Maeve Deneen
Kelly Deneen
Erin Elisabeth Dennehy
Myla Paige Denson
Sulema Elaine Depeyster
Alan Michael Depinto
Emma Blanche Derubeis
Urja Desai
Casey Lynn Desaulniers
Rahul Deshmukh
Lily Lynn Desmond
Molly Audrey Desrochers
Marina Lucia Dethomas
Anthony John Devanny
Helena Maria Diaz
Nelizabeth Diaz
Anthony Noel Diaz Jr.
Claudia Laura-Maria Dijmarescu
Ali Dika
Shannon Kelly Dillon
Sheroz Din
Kailey Dion
Samantha Diorio-Torres
Tessa Dipallina
Gabriela Annet Disla Suarez
Kylah Elizabeth Doehring
Aleksandar Dokmanovic
Ryan James Donegan
Emmeline Rose Donne
Nathan Elliot Donner
Shivani Doshi
Maya Elizabeth Dougherty
Jessica Dowd
Carleigh C. Doyle
Marisa Sarafina Doyle
Alisha Nada Drabek
Mia Claire Drago
David Arthur Drake
Patrick Drewry
Kate Marie Driscoll
Thomas Edward Driscoll
Shurui Du
Tianfu Du
Yizhen Du
Jonathan Rodrigues Duarte
Zoe Clare Duffield
Shannon Barrett Duffy
Kurtis R. Duggan
Kyle Gregory Dunlap
Matthew James Dunn
Alaina Marie Dunton
Makenzie Dutton
Brianna Leigh Dyer
Hailey Rose Ebenstein
Carolina Echavarria
Jorge David Eckardt
Lily Faith Edeen
Ashley Edmonson
Derek Jon Egerman
Hannah Elias
Jessica Elizondo
Carolyn Nicole Elliott
Matthew Alexander Delano Elliott
Olivia Margaret Ellis
Mohanad Moustafa Elserafy
Suleyman Tuna Er
Edison Escobar
Karina Marie Escobar
Loryger Theresa Espinal
John Esposito
Fu Guo Qian Faith Estes
Yamilee Cassandre Eveillard
Amadou N. Fall
Brendan E. Falvey
Songfang Fan
Songyuan Fan
Wenjie Fan
Monica Alejandra Fardonk
Coriana Angelee Farinella
Gabriella Kate Farinha
Jenna Rose Farley
Kelly Froes Fassarella
Colin Michael Faucher
Cassidy Nicole Fawcett
Elizabeth Ann Feeley
Shaina Feia
Samantha Rose Feinberg
Ziyad Fekri
Bilge Felek
Jintao Feng
Yijun Feng
Tyrese Massey Fenty
John Michael Ferguson
Klayton Douglas Ferguson
Pietro Fernandez
Abraham Emilo Ferreira
Rose Lauren Ferris
Jennie Frances Fetzer
Jessica Fico
Kevin Matthew Fiddler
Chase Anthony Fields
Maria Fernanda Fiestas
Carlos Ruben Figueroa
Olivia Filanowski
Brandon David Filley
Jenna Ann Fingerman
Kelly T. Finn
Olivia Famiglietti Finnegan
Daniel Benjamin Fischler
Alexandra Hannah Fishberg
Kimberly Hope Fisher
Jamie Rose Fissette
Katherine Julia Fletcher
Michaela Garyn Flynn
Sam Ambrose Flynn
Daniel J. Folchick
Emmakate Foley
Jane D. Follett
Kokoe Julienne Folly-Kakabi
Brandon Alexander Forbes
Camille Louise Fortin
Omar Deon Fortt
Samantha Jennifer Fourcault
Simone Elaine Fournier
Michael Davitt Fox
Kristi Francini
Joan Maria Franco
Quinn Franco-Camacho
Michael Anthony Francomano
Jacqueline Franklin
Justin Travis Franklin
Hunter Allen Frayne
Nadir Donahue Freckleton
Shara-Kay Freckleton
Joshua Vigdor Frenkel
Isabel Maria Frentress
Corey S. Fritz
Lily Jane Frontero
Laurane Fumex
Kaelen Lewis Furey
Chandler Gabagat
Sophia Elizabeth Gabriel
Dustin Samuel Gad
Dylan Patrick Gaffney
Megan Lynn Gager
Gary Roger Gagnier Jr.
Jenifer Viviana Gaitan
Martyna Galas
Christopher James Gallagher
Shannon Simone Gallagher
Emily Silva Galvao
Kelsey Alexandra Ganim
Ziyi Gao
Jillianne-Natalie Palaci Garcia
Kalil M. Garcia
Vanessa Garcia
Alondra Gardner
Timothy James Gardner-Russaw
Rayann Raquel Garland
Michael D. Garnett
Paola Milagros Garriga
Maddison Elaine Gates
Courtney Gavitt
Natalia Zonya Gayle
Edward Robert Geary
Tyler David Gebo
Omar Sabri Gebril
Emma Gehr
Emma Lee Geissert
Ilana Rose Geller
Meghan Elizabeth Gendron
Nicholas Anthony Genovese
Catharina Gentelini-Bonfim
Gabrielle Kwang-Jiin Ger
Alexander Giannico
Kevin F. Gibbons
Austin Gibilisco
Olivia Noel Gibilisco
Aaron Robert Gidman
Liza Suzanne Giguere
Mariana Marisol Gil
Arianna Gilbeaux
Olivia Grace Gill
Brayden Patrick Gillespie
Pershae Denecia Gilling
Conner Lawrence Gilson
Kayla Gioielli
Valerie Lynn Girard
Adam Henry Giroux
Calista Rose Giroux
Jeffrey Edward Glassman
Tyler Steven John Gleen
Noah James Godino
Benjamin Ryan Godley
Pauline Marie Leilani Goetz
Kallie Marie Goggin
Joshua Nathan Gold
Maxwell Jacob Goldstein
Megan Goldstein
Philip Steele Gombos
Wanda Michelle Gomez
Andrew Joseph Goncalves
Qiansen Gong
Alanis Nicole Gonzalez
Ariana Gonzalez
Javier E. Gonzalez
Marina J. Gonzalez
Madison Leah González
Christopher Arnold Goodman
Sandra Gorczynski
Amber A. Gordon
Joshua Caleb Gorman
Shannon Rose Gorman
Shane Gorneault
Jennifer Rose Gorski
Hannah L. Grabowski
Samantha Alexis Grajewski
Ryan Matthew Grande
Jada Grant
Christophe Mg Graupner
Jordana Merlot Fleming
Rachael Whitney Graves
Tonya S. Gray
Aidan Patrick Green
James Phillip Green
Twyla Armani Green
Josh Greenberg
Kaelan A. Greene
Noah Cyrus Greer
Logan Ashley Greger
Lisa Courtney Grieco
Andre Luis Galvao Grigorio
Ryan James Grippando
Samantha Grubb
Marcus Samuel Grumley
Allyson Guamantaqui
Bryant M. Guerrero
Reese Guevarra
Trevor S. Guglielmino
Jared Matthew Guidobono
Lorenz Gunzl
Jiarun Guo
Yanan Guo
Yijun Guo
Samhita Gurrala
Gabriel Gutierrez Araya
Kiana Carmen Guzman
Katherine Scott Hackett
Ruth Semira Hadis
Alyssa Hadley
Jude Namtallah Hage
James Edward Hagen
Cameron Mario Hairston
Ian Warren Hall
Erin Margaret Halpin
Fatme Hammoude
Olivia Caroline Hamula
Jinhao Han
Liang Han
Victoria Louise Hansen
Andrew Douglas Harger
Joaquin Harrell
Bailey Maxwell Willoughby Harris
Jermaine Keyshawn Harris
Madelyn Sweet Hart
Emma Elizabeth Harter
Taylor Harton
Caitlyn Christine Harvey
Annika Dawn Haskett
Daniel Lawrence Hassett
Kenneth Albert Haus
Jarod Timothy Havriliak
Noah Samuel Hawkes
Guanghao He
Jiahao He
Tianqing He
Wenjie He
Yuchen He
Caroline Leigh Hebert
Kailee M. Heinrich
Krystal Rose Heller
Karli Hellman
Jey Forest Herman
Grace Anne Da Fonseca Pinto
Thomas Edison Heuschkel Jr.
Brooke Storta Hewitt
Joanne Heyder
Grace Hightower
Brendan M. Hill
Ryerson Anthony Hill
Cayley M. Hines
Destiny Kimberly Hines
Lauren Alyssa Hipplewitz
Rhiannon Lee Hoffman
Trevor Eric Hoffman
Brendan Patrick Hogan
Miranda Jean Holifield
Anna Claire Holland
Eileen Marie Holmes
Christian R. Holm-Hansen
Rochelle Amanda Holness
John Michael Holtmann
Grace Hong
Yixuan Hong
Aaron Jevon Hooker
Tahia N. Hoque
Mokarram Hossain
Victoria Marie Hotham
Jinli Hou
Alexandra Marie Houdeshell
Colleen Mary Hourigan
James Joseph Hovanec
Henry B. Howard
Ruiting Hu
Panyu Hua
Hongyi Huang
Jiaxing Huang
Ziyang Huang
Tevis Robert Huber
Katelin Marie Huezo
Rebecca Lynne Hughes
Justin McNeil Hull
Katya Kazue Hunt
Taylor Samly Oumsou Hurlburt
Jillian Blaire Hurley
Amelia Chiang Hurst
Hawolul Ibrahim
Genesis Marelid Infantas
Ashale Isaacs
Madison Jennie Isherwood
Jenna Lynne Isleib
Pavan Vallabh Iyengar
Karthik M. Iyer
Sheenkai Jabary
Jatorra Janelle Jackson
Toi Alexus Jackson
Jubylee Rhyanne Jacques
Arthi Jaishankar
David Mathew Jakubowski
Samira Jallow
Joshua Michael Jamison
Morgan Leigh Jankowics
Brittany Anna Janosi
George Janssen
Casey Claire Jarrett
Jaime Elyse Jax
Michael Joseph Jeffers Jr.
Chad Jennings
Meghan A. Jerrild
Robert William Jewell
Runsi Jia
Weirui Jia
Hexue Jiang
Minghan Jiang
Miyi Jiang
Wenting Jiang
Yanyi Jiao
Patricia Del Carmen Jimenez
Peilin Jing
Yuntao Jing
Cameron Michael Joerman
Ambriel Felide Johnson
Benjamin Carl Johnson
Birgetta Amelia Johnson
Diamond Johnson
Isadore Douglas Johnson
Karl Andrew Johnson
Maximilian James Johnson
Snezana Johnson
William Johnson
Michael Scott Jonas
Damaia Jones
Derek Christopher Jones
Destiny Nicolle Jones
Niisa Suezan Jones
Shanelle Jones
Joanna Jones-Coleman
Nicholas Juricic
Benedicte Kabongo
Kyra Ashley Kabulis
Andrew Peter Kahn
Marianna Deva Kalander
Enyuan Kang
Soumee Kar
Marisa Karasik
Kaveh Kardar
Peter Richard Kasper
Georgia Kasperowicz
Emily Hope Kaufman
Kuba Tomasz Kazmierczak
John Keane
Niue Bachiochi Keane
Maeve Annarita Kearns
Christopher Thomas Keegan
Kyan Hasheem Keel
Kieran Fitzgerald Kehoe
Brandon Keklik
Aven Luka Kelley
Allison Elizabeth Kellogg
Hannah Rose Kelly
John Michael Kelly
Riley Grace Kelly
Cassidy Lucille Kendall
Katelyn Elizabeth Kennedy
Kathleen Ann Kerekes
Nicholas Ryan Kerr
Trane William Kessler
Joshua Peter Ketchum
Jonathan Kosal Keth
Lori Dorothy Keverian
Esha Khan
Hina Khan
Masroor A. Khan
Phoenix Kiely
Samuel Rand Kilby
Young-Joo Kim
Rowan William King
Vernessa Grace Kingsbury
Monika Julie Kiwak
Gillian Clark Klase
Alex Milton Klein
Matthew James Klein
Emily Mary Kleschinsky
Rebecca Marie Klett
Emma Susan Klimkosky
Owen William Kloter
Jillian Elizabeth Klucznik
Jared Klukas
Taylor Elizabeth Kneidl
Tyler Gary Knolhoff
Calvin James Knowles
Kelly Erin Kocher
Sonika Komal
Owen Konrad
Madeline Grace Kovanda
Ava Marie Kovlakas
Nicole Kowalik
Joshua Kowalski
Elizabeth Kowalsky
Monika Ann Krah
Ola Krajewski
Alexis Claire Krantz
Harold James Krause
Emily Ann Kravies
Tessa Alexandra Kroes
Hanna Rose Kronholm
James Kryszczynski
Jordan Rose Kubik
Kathryn Kuhn
Apoorva Kulkarni
Anusha Kumar
Kyle Kupstis
Viktoryia Alexandrovna Kuryan
Ayesha Bi Kutbuddin
Jasmine Kuyateh Banks
Justin Avery Kwong
Kristen Margaret Labanca
Alyssa Marie Labbadia
Alexander Labella
Niklas Jafet Laborne
Walker J. Lachapelle
Paul Joseph Lafreniere
Maxwell Lagasse
Jiayi Lai
Brittany Lamarr
Kayla Grace Landry
Jessica Rose Lang
Cheyenne Marie Langrin-Delgado
Kelsey Lankton
Zhoutao Lao
Karen Elizabeth Larkin
Dakota Autumn LaRose
Jada Larrea
Bryan Akexander Latorraca
Desmond C. Lau
Kiana Laude
Collin John Lavender
Hannah Rachel Lavoie
Rachel Fay Lawlor
Danae Reimona Lawrence
Grace Elsie Lawton
Arlene Stephanie Lazo
Shavonne Lara Leacy
Kristyn Carylyn Leamon
Andrew Nicklaus Leboeuf
Peter Maxwell Leff
Kyle Leite
Sean Patrick Lelasher
Grace Lemire
Jillian Lenti
Sarah Catherine Leonard
Emme Rose LePage
Hanaisha Lewis
Lauren Lewis
Katherine Rose Lewkowicz
Boqian Li
Jie Li
Minrui Li
Nanxun Li
Tianze Li
Xiaoyu Li
Yongzheng Li
Yue Li
Yuxuan Li
Yuyi Li
Zhengyang Li
Zhiyang Li
Zongda Li
Johnny Liang
Jiamin Liao
Devin Lickollari
Deborah Martins Lima Do Couto
Daniella Marie Limpert
Haoyu Lin
Jiahao Lin
Jingran Lin
Kun Lin
Xinrui Lin
YanQing Lin
Yuanyuan Lin
Tahara Lindsay
Julia Little
Jiachen Liu
Ryan Jacob Liu
Shanrun Liu
Yingxue Liu
Yiyang Liu
Pasquale G. Liuzzi
Audra Logan
Candace Flavia Logie
Jake Thomas Loiselle
Amy Janette Loja
Gian Michael Lombardo
Madisyn Elizabeth Longdin
Emily Alane Longmire
Emily J. Lopez
Jakob William Lopez
Joel Lopez
Karen Elizabeth Lopez
Kirstyn Lopiano
Jonathan James Lore
Griffin Thomas Love
Joshua Lovett-Graff
Michael Olisa Philip Lowsley-Williams
Feifan Lu
Jiayin Lu
Lili Lu
Yongjie Lu
Julia Catherine Lucas
Peter Lucente
William John Luchon III
Chloe Fall Ludden
Rashad Gabriel Lum You
Binhan Luo
Kate Luongo
Nina Trinity Lupo
Kristin Nicole Lussi
Jessica Anne Lusty
Sarah Rose Luzzi
Joseph Andrew Lynch
Julia McCay Lyon
Delaney Anna Lyons
Shengtong Ma
Zuyang Ma
Patrick Charles Macaluso
Kristina Anna Machaj
Katherine Joan Machata
Joshua Machin
Danielle Macuil
Matthew Patrick Maguire
Sherifa Mahadeo
Rebecca Lynn Maher
Aleya L. Mahler
Merideth Lee Mahoney
Jared Scott Main
Kishan Kaushik Makati
Siara Jasmin Maldonado
Caitlyn Victoria Malenfant
Karine Malina
Juan Carlos Mallqui Reyes
Sarah Barbara Mancini
Amanda Raye Mancuso
Deborah L. Manning
Ghammam Mansoor
Darin Mar
Mia Marciano
Devon Marcoux
Nicholas Mardjekaj
Alexandra Mary Marecki
Katia Hilda Marin
Lucy Marinelli
Nicole Marino
Natalya Marie Marquez
Hayley Renee Marquis
Cassidy Rose Marry
Paul Marsh
Carl Dario Marshall
Kayla Marshall
Wendy Maria Marte
Lisa Katherine Martelli
Jake W. Martin
Julia Martin
Michael Barrington Martin
Sarah June Martin
Adrianna Martinez
Francesca Louise Mascola
Melina Sadaf Mashayekhi
Holly Frances Mason
Mariah Leigh Mason
Erin Elizabeth Massey
Anthony J. Mastrangelo
Carly Anne Mastrangelo
Melissa A. Matarazzo
Matthew Michael Mauldin
Megan Ann Maule
Madison Ann May
Andrew Mayano
Benjamin Lewis Maycock Jr.
Nicholas Javier Mayne
Nicholas Dominic Mazzucco
Emma Kathryn McCarthy
Matthew T. Mccarthy
Erin Elizabeth McConnell
Logan Marcus McDonald
John Robert McElroy
Shannon Elizabeth McGurl
Samantha Ashlyn Mckenna
Hasani Sadiki McKenzie
B'Yanka Shahri McKenzie-Dunn
Dwannah Brielle McKnight-Alegria
Elijah Brad McLaurin
Savannah Grace McLean
Jaiden Arielle McMorris
Devin Fearman McNamara
Ryann Elizabeth McNamara
Hannah Aylesworth McNeece
Kaitlyn Ann Mcnichols
Ariana Calderon McNulty
Abigail Elizabeth McVerry
Naomi McWilliams
Spencer Albert Mead
Grace Elisabeth Meador
Katelyn Margaret Meadows
Joseph Phillip Mealha
Jake Christopher Meaney
Luis Fernando Medina
Abigail Rose Meehan
Yash Mehta
Yanran Mei
Abigail Meliso
Mackenzey Davalin Melk
Nicole Mellilo
Micaela Mellow
Carolina Batista Mendes
Melissa Mendez
Ross Hamilton Menze
Caroline Aunhea Mertel
Daniel Richard Meskill
Matthew Robert Mester
Michaela Kathleen Meyer
Matthew Mezzano
Linhao Miao
Ryan Miela
Alexander Mika
Andrew Mikolinski
Benjamin Gallant Milano
Jayla Theodora Millender
Emily Elizabeth Miller
Hassan Jamal Miller
Kamaria Makeda Miller
Ryan Miller
Safiya A. Millet
Summer S. Mills
Emily Lauren Mineau
Jenesis Irin Miranda
Ninoshka Yari Miranda Roman
Peyton Francis Mitchell
Diana Emilova Mitova
Qasim Rehman Mobeen
Caitlin Scranton Mobley
Rimantas Mockapetris
Kelly-Anne Elaine Moffa
Troy Yavar Moien Afshari
Benjamin Christopher Molinari
Matthew C. Molloy
Christian Nathaniel Monahan
Brandon Eric Moncrease
Joseph Angelo Mongillo
Katherine Joan Monroe
Alan Moises Monterroso
Caleb David Moore
Sarah Eunhae Moore
Amanda Carol Morach
Darwin Morales
Laura Manuela Morales
Jessica L. Moran
Matthew Raymond Mordarski
Esther Miryam Moreau
Imani Alicia Morgan
Joey Jacob Morgan
Jacob Riley Morrell
Chandler A. Morris
Julia Rae Morrison
Nicole M. Morson
Katherine Margaret Moyle
Michael Robert Mozian
Zebulon Allan Mrowka
Jingying Mu
Karl Douglass Joseph Mueller
Marinela Mukollari
Elizabeth Sepo Mulenga
Christopher Paul Mullen
Nathaniel Joseph Mulonet
Cassandra Paige Mulvehill
Aqif Mumtaz
Bazila Munir
Kenny Steven Munoz Olivares
Bryant Muratore
Brielle Rose Murillo
Chloe Murphy
Alexander Isaiah Murray
Shreya Murthy *
Lily Christina Muzzarelli
Catherine Myers
Dylan Alexander Myers
Thomas J. Myjak
Walker Hampton Nadeau
Rabiya Naeem
Theodore Nagengast
Merna Naguib
Fizza Naqvi
Heba Naqvi
Shankara L. Narayanan
Jeffrey Narcisse
Laura Elizabeth Nardelli
Antoinette Marie Nastri
Leeanne Elizabeth Nastri
Madison Naughton
Shaan K. Nayar
Michael Andrew Nelson
Lesly Gerard Nerette Jr.
Elsie Margareth Newcombe
Hayley Shea Newhouse
Zyria Newman
Sueing Ngov
Anh Nguyen
Elaine Nguyen
Jazlyn Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen
Khang Nguyen
Quynh Nguyen
Tam Nguyen
Muhammed Bashir Niang
Alexis Nicewicz
Joyce Hsin-En Nieh
Samantha Marie Nielsen
Elizabeth Nikolla
Tal Benjamin Niv
Brianna Rose Nixie
Renee Ashlen Noel
Cristina Rossmary Nolasco
Danielle Noonan
Courtney Marie Nordholm
Matthew Thomas Nota
Brian Zachary Novak
Ebubechukwu Stephanie Nwosu
Ashlyn Elizabeth O'Boyle
Cayleigh O'Connell
John Patrick O'Connor
Joshua Paul Villanueva Oculam
Andrew Joseph Oddo
Katelyn O'Dea
Ian Thomas Nicholas Ohlsson
Natalie Marie O'Keefe
Kimberly Chiamaka Okeke
Abiola Olawale Olaniyan
Haley Elizabeth Oliva
Tyler R. Oliva
Amanda Oliveira
Maria Isabella Albrecht Oliveira
Marlee Amanda Olmo
Brendan O'Meara
Erin Mackenzie O'Meara
Francisca Opare
Kevin Alejandro Organista-Pablo
Kyle Ryan Orie
Brandon Steven Ortiz
Jaetou Xavier Ortiz
Chineze Uchenna Osakwe
Francisco Everett O'Toole
Jake Taylor Otten
Dengkaiyi Ou
Evaline Stephanie Ouellette
Daniel Connor Ourfalian
Laura Elizabeth Outeiro
Andres Pacheco
Reysha Lee Padilla
Celeste Paola Padua
Whitney Pagano
Hannah Camille Pakech
Jasmin Trini Palacios
Randi Palacios
Garrett Palladino
Olivia Claire Palmer
Ryan Panny
Dylan Papaleo
Olivia Rose Pappas
Malekhai Blui Paquette
Nicholas James Parent
Isabella Del Carmen Paris
Forum P. Parmar
Mariana Parra
Sarah Parzych
Marlen Paszkowski
Chinkal Patel
Dhara Patel
Mansi H. Patel
Neil Mitul Patel
Parth Pravin Patel *
Olivia Grace Pavuk
Victoria Pawlak
Stephen Pawlak IV
Alyssa Mone'T Pearce
Chelsea Ann Peck
Jailene Pedraza
Karla Mary Peguero
Jingyi Pei
Mariana Pelaez
Meredith Marie Pellegrino
Sophia Beatrice Pellegrino
Chen Peng
Yaotian Peng
Yuanyuan Peng
Alexandra Rose Pennella
Arooba Rasham Peracha
Clifton Elijah Percy-Campbell
Andrew Joseph Perez
John Robert Perez
Qusanna Zia Perez
Jayanne Perkins
Kerstyn Perlman
Charles Spak Perosino
Timothy Carlton Perry
Durisha Devi Persaud
Theresa Persico
Jeannine Emma Pesce
Nazair Peters
Zachary E. Peters
Eli Kervin Peters Jr.
Luke Pountney Peterson
Dimitrios Jeremy Petridis
Alexa Alayne Petritz
Katarina Pfeifer
Lin My Phan
Leyla Shanice Phanor
Joseph Ellsworth Philbrick
Kushner Emmanuel Philemon
Rachel Grace Philipson
Samantha Rayanne Phillips
Justine I. Phillips-Gallucci
Emma Catherine Piaseczynski
Vivienne Picavet
Caitlin Pichette
Tyler Joseph Piecewicz
Rose Anne Deborah Pierre
Crystal Pike
Dennis Samuel Pilipenko
Justin Michael Pina
Nicholas Joesph Pina
Andrew Tyler Pine
Neibert Gabriel Pineda
Carla Alexandra Pino
Amalia Beatriz Pita
James Ruben Pitchell
Rita Helen Plante
Samantha Diana Frances Pleasants
Zachary Tyler Plitt
Katherine Rose Plourde
Taylor Ross Pochetti
Addison Flynn Poffenberger
Marisa Polchan
Tyler Polley
Randy Polonia
Talia Mara Porch
Nicolas Brown Potenza
Heather Marie Potvin
Kory Adam Powell
Zachery Powell
Timothy Avery Powers
Zackary Ryan Pragosa
Kayla Praskievicz
Anna Rebecca Pratt
Lucia Wood Pratto
Ciara Jordan Pray
Cyncere Preston
Michael Frederick Price
Alexa Kate Provost
Kadian Pryce
Ilene Pua
Julia Nicole Pugmire
Ruowen Qian
Xinpeng Qian
Catherine Qiu
Yuqing Qiu
Emily Patricia Quader
Gallerie Elizabeth Quezada
Olgui Luz Quiles
Sue M. Ra
Semana Rabab
Ryan Jacob Radcliff
Brooke Taylor Rainville
Ashkon Brandon Rajaee
Nicholas Peter Rajcula
Mohammad Jamal Ramadan
Madeleine Ariel Ramirez
Christopher Peter Ramm
Daniel Camargo Ramos
Qeanna Marie Rampassard
Nathan Michael Raposa
Victoria Maria Rasmussen
Joshua David Ratinoff
Abigail Delaney Raucci
Cecilia Rachel Rebeiro
Maxwell Reck
Annika Shannon Redgate
Lena Jane Redisch
Anna Melady Redway
Jackson Edward Reed
Trevor Reed
Anna Brennan Regan
Genyao Ren
Laura Rendon
Erik Andrew Renner
Joshua Devin Resnick
Max Steven Rettig
Karlee Rewers
Jovani Miguel Reyes
Jacob Michael Reynolds
Jacqueline Patricia Riberdy
Emely Elva Ricci
Kyle Joseph Rice
Emily Sara Rich
Mallory Rich
Nicholas Anthony Rich
Charles Norman Richard
Emma Laurette Richardson
DeAndre Lee Riddick
Graham Crawford Salkaled Rider II
Brian Davis Rigali
Nicole Daniella Rincon
James V. Riofrio
Karla Nikolle Rivadeneira
Mario Rodelio Rivas
Iryiana Giselle Rivera
Victoria Rivera
Brigith Nayeli Rivera Jaramillo
Harry Gabriel Rivera Jr.
Olivia Rivera Richard
Taylor Riviezzo
Vasiliky A. Rizos
Timothy Francis Rizzo
Kira M. Robertson
Khaiesha Robinson
Rodrigo Sebastian Robles
Audra Rocco
Gustavo Henrique Rocha
Matthew Adam Rocha
Shanice Amelia Rochester
Michael David Rockwell
Ryan Rodko
Alexander John Rodriguez
Alicia Rodriguez
Amanda Rodriguez
Angelica Simone Rodriguez
Kayla Marie Rodriguez
Natalia Maria Rodriguez
Nataly Rodriguez
Angelica Esther Rodriguez Vega
Amy Maria Rodriguez-Peris
Julia Brittny Roemer
Justin Rogers
Juan Carlo Umengan Rojo
Alexander T. Rollins
Jaime Lynne Rom
Jasmine Kimberly Roman
Sophia Elizabeth Roman
Eugene L. Roman Jimenez Jr.
Lauren Soraya Romeo
Lauren A. Rosado
Milton Luis Rosario
Noah Aaron Rosenblum
Jourdayne Lomel Ross
Stephanie Rovirosa
Ashley Roy
Grace Elizabeth Roy
Peter James Royer
Samuel Clarence Ruppert
Emma M. Rushton
Gabriella Vincenza Russo
Elizabeth Ryan
Hailey Elisabeth Ryan
Matthew Ryan
Shamika Saini
Anthony Michael Sakakini
Lauren Ashley Salamacha
Grace Ann Salamon
Jesus Salcedo
Marwa Mohamoud Saleh
Abdurrahmaan Sallam
Sheeva Samadi
Jean M. Samedi
Tyquan Samuel
Rodrigo Jose Sanchez Ramos
Richard Ryan Sandella
Erik Sanders
Brian Sandor
David Mattew Sandoval
Imanol J. Santana
Mariah Lynn Santana
Katerine Santiago
Marisa Santopietro
James Paul Santore
Crismar Margarita Santos
Kylee Rose Santos
Ajla Saracevic
Wyatt Mason Sartain
Manisha Satheesh *
Ian Forest Sauco
Megan Savitsky
Isabella Maria Savona
Jacob Matthew Sawoska
Trent Matthew Sawtelle
Isabel Rose Sayers
Marcos Paulo Garbelotto Scarpa
Arianna Marie Scasino
William James Schad
Courtney Lynn Schaefer
Alexandra Lynn Schaible
Sarah Nicole Schechter
Kasey Ann Schempf
Caitlin Schessl
Ashley Elizabeth Schmid
Greta Kristine Schmitz
Hannah Patrice Schneider
Liv Schoenbeck *
Daniel Schwartzman
Christina Marie Sciongay
Michael Fumiya Sciuto
Bryn Gentz Sconzo
Anna N. Scoppettone
Safir Scott
William Bates Scovill
Grace Jennifer Scully
Molly Elizabeth Scully
Jane Bell Searfoss
Clair Sebastian
Julie Margaret Sedensky
Kaitlyn Tracey Seeto
Melita Seibel
Renee Semple *
Alexa Ann Sentementes
Ciera Marie Senuta
Kezia Serebour
Julia Hollister Sernoffsky
Alexandria Denise Seyfried
Brooke Elizabeth Seymour
Sarveen Shafiyan-Rad
Aisha Nicole Sharhan
Meghna Sharma
Sinchan Sharma
Jay Carlton Shaw
Viktor Shcheglov
Ian D. Sheldon
Ge Shen
Jiaxin Shen
Kaixuan Shen
Michael Sherman
Ryan Christopher Sherry
Minxin Shi
Qi Shi
Frank Alexander Shim III
Katherine Elizabeth Shockley
Priscilla Ivette Shuan
Anna Rose Shugrue
Virginia Frances Shugrue
Rachel G. Shulman
Dominic Mark Shumilla
Kristen Shuster
Joshua William Siegler
Daniel Robert Silva
Spencer Anthony Silva
Tyler Anthony Silverio
Amanda Silvestre
Shaun K. Simoneau
Angela Marie Simonetti
Nathan David Simpson
Brianna Cheyenne Skelly
Laura Nichole Skinger
Julia Ann Skrtich
Tex Daniel Slanaker
Alaina Kai Small
Mariah Smalls
William J. Smelley
Cyrus Xavier Smith
Jasmine Evon Smith
Kira Rhiannon Smith
Neil Wheelock Deforest Smith
Michelle Denise Smoot
Matthew Grilo Soares
Joshua Martin Soiro
Klaudia Sokolowski
Khalil Bolaji Sokunle
Ryan William Solecki
Omari Joseph Solomon
Tianyu Song
Gabriella Marie Soper
Samantha Anne Soracco
Lauren Marie Sosa
Mama Pricilia Soumahoro
Sarantos G. Soumakis
Adriana Imani Sowell
Andrew Arouet Spearing
Jason Edward Spencer
Kevin Francis Spichiger
Kylee Anne Spielman
Erin Nellie Spillane
Sydney Kathleen Spizzoucco
Erica Lee Splain
Dylan Marsh Sprague
Cheyenne Lin Sprecher
Brent Gerald St. Jacques
Maxim Frederick St.Germain
Julia Marie Stage
Shelby Staines
Bonnie Elizabeth Stallings
Ava Gail Stallone
Kayla Eileen Stalph
Isabel Regina Stasko
Zoe Anne Steck
Benjamin David Steenkamp
Abby Beth Stepka
Peter Max Sternhagen
Olivia Marie Stevens
Briana Stevenson
Katelin Stewart
Erica Stietzel
Carson Stifel
Lily Beth Stiffler
Ryan Anthony Stolgitis
Bradley Stone
Naydrine Straker
Kendall Alexa Sturges-Braunstein
Yukun Su
Julia Sudusky
Jack Dennis Sullivan
Maxwell Dean Sullivan
Rachel Sullivan
Chang Sun
Jiayuan Sun
Minghao Sun
Qianna Sun
Victoria Sun
Xiaochun Sun
Jessica A. Suwala
Charlie Rose Swan
Olivia Swanson
Maria Fernanda Swayne
Paige Margaret Sweeney
William Evan Swenson
Rachel E. Szendrey
Aaron Szymonik
Angela Delapaz Tabor
Bryan Jerry Tabuzo
Jiaheng Tang
Sabrina Tang
Yuekai Tang
Caroline Martha Tanner
Wenzhao Tao
Kaitlyn Ann Tarbox
Sara Josephine Taskoski
Marissa Tauro
Noor Taweh
Alexis Taylor
Bridget Taylor
Zachary Robert Taylor
Kylie Teal
Vishrutha Teepireddy
Zackery Scott Teffeteller
Callie Reid Tenebruso
Morgan Katheryn Tennyson
Luke Terrance
David Terry
Shawna Nadia Thakordeen
Jocelyn Rose Theriault
Wellbe Shanelle Thermidor
Caleb Joseph Thomas
Donia K. Thomas
Cameron J. Thompson
Jasani Tailona Thompson
Carly Marie Thureson
Nicole Elizabeth Thurz
Taylor Nicole Tiscareno
Jesus Guillermo Tobon-Escobedo
Kyle Robert Toce
Rachael Tong
Daniel Elliot Tonna
Merve Elif Topal
Trinity Ann Torgerson
Desiree Christine Torres
Fatou K. Toure
Tatiana Tozzi
Logan S. Tracy
Matthew Thomas Trainor
Emily Rose Traisci
Michael R. Tramuta
Joanna Tran
Kendy Tran
Kyle Tran
Katherine Trinh
Kelly Meryl Trivella
Lejla Trozic
Meghan Elizabeth Truong
Nathan Quang Truong
Nikki Truong
Nicole Truszkowski
Koe Tsutsumi
Siyu Tu
Julia Danuta Turek
Maxwell Turgeon
Lucie Falon Turkel
Sean Turley
Peter Anthony Turner
Kevin James Tursi
Demetria Joy Tzepos
James Paul Uccello III
Isabel Day Umland
Samuel Page Urban
Rachel Christine Uricchio
Melina Alexia Vaglio
Valerie Franchesca Valdivia
Angelica Valencia
Amaury Valentin
Quentin Valeriano
Joslin Tracy Valiyaveettil
Jase Rafael Valle
Myles Peter Van Allen
David Van Doren
Ryan Joseph Vanags
Luke Bernard Vancraeynest
Michael Josesph Vanderpool
Samantha Anne Vanvalkenburg
Lauren Varela
Deyalith Vargas-Baez
Alexandra Star Vazquez
Joshua Michael Vazquez
Rebeca Vazquez
Alexes Velez
Tania Alexandra Velez
Toni Vella *
Kayla Miranda Venditto
Ariana Eleanor Venneri
Lena Olivia Verard *
Nicole Versanti
Jovanni Vicenty
Rachel Ann Vick
Janissa Vidal
Amariz Yaritza Videz
Jailynn Vidro
Roy Villagomez
Colin Villamana
Colin William Vincent
Jennifer Mena Vincenzo
Irma Jinette Vivar
William Voronchak
Rachael Elizabeth Vroman
Jahmali Dante Waite
Katelyn Kuhn Walsh
Steven Walsh
Kiara Emoni Walthall
Kayla Lashae Walton
Hanqi Wang
Jianyi Wang
Pengran Wang
Runshu Wang
Tianqi Wang
Yuanshuo Wang
Yueying Wang
Yuxuan Wang
Zicheng Wang
Zijian Wang
Ian Ward
Douglas Samuel Wardlaw
Michael Frederick Waring
Julia Amanda Was
Luke E. Wassik
Timothy Hyde Watson
Hadia Wazaz
Morgan Elizabeth Webb
Xinhai Wei
Yu Wei
Taylor Caroline Weischet
Jenny Lynn Weiss
Ryan Wellington
Annabel Wilson Wert
Christina Rose Wesnofske
Tavalry West
Sean Westerholm
Isaiah Whaley
Robert Arthur Wharton
Casey Joseph Wheeler
Conor James White
Emily Grace White
Zachary Joseph Wiacek
Paige Lynnae Widlak
Clare Wieduwilt
Jessica Marie Gepes Wiener
Christopher Bryan Wiezbicki
Christopher G. Williams
Elizabeth L. Williams
Jonathan Jacob Williams
Rinaldi Anthony Williams
Rose Candace Williams
Ava Williams-Brookins
Jared Thomas Williamson
Sara Williamson
Alexis Wilson
Matthew Tyler Wisnefsky
Benjamin James Wojcik
Alvin Wing Wah Wong
Leslie A. Wong
Taylor Nicole Woods
Madeline Woody
Nathaniel Thomas Wordell
Michael David Workman
Karli Rae Wozniak
Nico Mario Courtney Wright
Jiahan Wu
Michelle Wu
Perry Louis Wu
Yixuan Wu
Zehui Wu
Brianna Shanisha Wynter
Qi Xia
Bowen Xie
Yao Xie
Zhian Xie
Cheng Xu
Congkai Xu
Jiahao Xu
Jingtong Xu
Kelly Xu
Nuofei Xu
Xiangliang Xu
Yan Xu
Yicheng Xu
Yue Xu
Jane Whitman Yalof
Luyu Yan
Yu Yan
Zhihao Yan
Jiaqi Yang
Jing Yang
Ruiman Yang
Xiyao Yang
Mia Angela Yanosy
Jia Yao
Yuan Yao
Zhixi Yao
William Daniel Yerxa
Rachana Yetukuri
Jennifer Yi
Hao Yin
Kellie J. Youmans
Kevin Young
Archeline Gabrina Youte
Chenxi Yu
Fangzhou Yu
Ge Yu
Hechen Yu
Jiapeng Yu
Mengchu Yu
Mengyuan Yu
Ruijie Yu
Xiaobo Yu
Xiaoxuan Yu
Ximeng Yu
Jinbo Yuan
Mary Elizabeth Zaborowski
Ethan Zacks
Mazna Zahid
Ayesha Zahrah
Matthew Michael Zancewicz
Livia Zapata
Nicole Katherine Zatserkovniy
Haley Marie Zawilinski
Harry Hartnett Zehner
Jinhan Zeng
Runtian Zeng
Kyle Joseph Lim Zeta
Xucheng Zha
Allison Zhongjun Zhang
Chaodong Zhang
Chenxi Zhang
Qianwen Zhang
Rong Lin Zhang
Teer Zhang
Xiao Zhang
Xinyi Zhang
Yixin Zhang
Yuwei Zhang
Delu Zhao
Hongli Zhao
Jincheng Zhao
Junyang Zhao
Rian Zhao
Weiye Zhao
Yifan Zhao
Junchen Zheng
Yaoxi Zheng
Yunfeng Zheng
Danni Zhou
Honghui Zhou
Hongwei Zhou
Le Zhou
Xuanyu Zhou
Christine Zhu
Liang Zhu
Michael Zhu
Sijia Zhu
Xinrou Zhu
Yanzong Zhu
Yujia Zhuang
Hanxu Zou
Wentao Zou
Xingru Zou
Ajshe Zulfi
Michal Zyla
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Megan Elizabeth Abbruzzese
Jacob George Adam
Romina A. Aguero
Metban Ajak
Christopher N. Albert
Melanie Alison Amato
Adam Ambrosey
Kexu An
Jacey Anderson
James Grant Anderson
Rachel Kailey Anderson
Matthew Charles Andreuk
Nicholas Alexander Andrews
Ashley Anglisano
Netanya Archibald
Caner Babali
Erin Elizabeth-Joy Bannan
Madison Barna
Kevin A. Bedoya Cano
John Mark Bertenshaw
Carley Elizabeth Beshaw
Cameron D. Bielawski
Esther P. Borba
Heidi Lynne Bradway
Yulia Vasilyevna Bragina
Molly Virginia Brandner
Brienda B. Brew
William David Budkins
Gillian Claire Bullock
Jazmyn Amber Ramos Bumanglag
Alexandra Claire Burke
Emily Anne Burke
Tarik C. Bush
Minhan Cai
Laura Catherine Calandra
Patrick Callahan
Gabriella Milena Caminito
Aaliyah Campbell
Christopher Campbell
Hejia Cao
Mark P. Capel
Alexio Daniel Cardona
Justin Mark Cardoz
Madelynn Paige Carroll
Maria Alyse Ceppetelli
Kristiana Ceta
Jeramiah Chandler
Danielle Chanthinith
Taaj Nassar Cheema
Jiayi Chen
Shuotian Chen
Guangyi Cheng
Yuexuan Cheng
Kevin Chiang
Desiree Victoria Chin
Emmanuel C. Chinyumba
Jongho Paul Choe
Kelly Hae Yoon Chung
Gregorio Corsale
Mariah Idalis Cortes
James Costa
Megan Taylor Cotto
Hanna Lauren Crose
Kaitlyn Crosset
Jingwei Cui
Tenzin Dahnzay
Robert Ashely Dampier II
Anthony Eugene D'Andrea
Diamantis Marie Datil
Caitlin Davidson
Patrick Michael Davidson
Kayla Elexus Davis
Lily Marie Deblasio
Fay Decker
Xueyi Deng
Clara K. Desir
Kolbe Alec Dineno
Elizabeth Wood Doemland
Yuanchuang Dong
Rayana Marian Downer
Margarette Drebot
Aileen Du
Rujue Du
Alistair Francis Robertson Dunn
Juan Pablo Escobar
Justin Colby Espinoza
Kyle Alan Fayette
Luna Fenili
Mason A. Feole
Moriah Leighann Ferguson
Jillian Lee Fernandes
Zachary John Fiedler
Melissa Katherine Fiondella
Jake A. Fowler
Lucca Frieri
Matthew Peter Fuchs
Alyssa M. Gagnon
N'Kiyah Nicole Galberth
Morgan Gammell
Luigi Garcia
Meg Garcia
Jordyn Taylor Gattuso
Matthew William Gazaille
Isaiah Dioez Glessner
Cristian Gonzalez
Ignacio Gonzalez
Laura M. Gordon
Maura Kathleen Goss
Alan James Gregory
Alex Tianan Gu
Jonathan Dominic Gulemi
Abhishek Kumar Gupta
Luke Thomas Hajdasz
Jamison David Hale
Liam Aden Snyder Hamilton
Christina Marie Hardacre
Frederick John Harrison
Lanxue He
Charles Hernandez
Daniel Giovany Hernandez
Olivia A. Hickey
Haley Melissa Hines
Lily Anna Hoerner
Sydney E. Hofhine
Zhenpeng Hu
Albert Shi Huang
Christopher D. Hughes
Christine Elizabeth Hushion
Felicity Irizarry
Ajna Istrefi
Arieta Jakaj
Nabeel Jawaid
Boying Ji
Houdao Jiang
Xinyi Jiang
Chanel H. John Charles
Marlon Dean John II
Colwyn Michael Johnson
Jazmine René Johnson
Hailey Jorge
Jennifer Marie Jovino
Ally Theresa Julian
Brian James Keating
Finnegan Keller
Jeffrey Kha
Robert Percell King III
Emily Elizabeth Kinney
Danielle Kitchen
Matthew Nathan Kobliner
Jay Korman
Jacob Michael Kreitlow
Megan Kruzyk
Peter Johann Kunz
Lucas S. Ladestro
Robert J. Lanza
Robin Lapert
Diego S. Lau Yi
Caitlyn M. Laubsch
Cassandra Leclerc
Thomas Alfred Lemay
Anneke Nyary Levine
Qifeng Li
Yichen Li
Yihang Li
Yijing Li
Yuerong Li
Shu Lin
Doudou Liu
Yawen Liu
Ying Liu
Abigail A. N. Livingston
Kerrilee Sophia Logan
Ashley Lombardi
Liam Patrick Lynders
Ricky Joseph MacGregor
Daniel Wright Makela
Abby K. Manente
Tony Maricic
Mackenzie Ann Marien
Alexandra Marron
Brett Andrew Martinez
Jannelli H. Martinez
Sarah Nicole Massicott
Mark A. Mastrone
Luke John Matchett
John Howitt Mather
Katherine Jane McAlpine
Michael S. Mcclellan
Shannon Elizabeth McGinnis
Matthew T. Melia
Felix Metzler
Joanna Miklosz
Daniel P. Mitola
Abigale Pajarillaga Monasterial
Owen Ian Mooney
Timothy M. Mooney
Nicole Marie Mooradd
Stephanie Lillian Mott
Habiba M. Moussa
Ana Iris Murcia
Rey A. Murray
Kaitlynn A. Murria
Mohammad Raza Naqvi
Susan Naseri
Lindsey Neri
Alisandra Jacqueline Nicolay
Gabriel Nieves-Reyes
Matthew Wes Nilsen
Kiernan Patrick O'Brien
Allison Carey O'Donnell
Steven Walter Olechna II
Brian Jose Oliveras
Bret Long Olson
Caitlin Pearl O'Shea
Arron Toto Outama
Michaela Giovanna Palladino
Devin Pallanck
Francesca Parafati
Wilbur E. Parsell
Alex David Patz
Ariana Paulino
Jasmine Lynn Peele
Brianna Nichole Pekala
Sebastian Peralta
Samantha Elizabeth Pesiri
Jonathan Petersen
Jamie Pisacane
Chloe Pizzolato
Ellery Madeline Plansky
Amanda Esther Plaza
Meghan Elizabeth Plourde
Phillipia Shanique Pottinger
Richardson Presmy
Taylor C. Price
Nathan Procaccini
Qian Qiao
Allan Quade
Maryann Heather Quigley
Elizabeth Grace Quinn
Kathleen A. Quinn
Katrina Quoka
Gabriela C. Ramos-King
Kaila R. Rivera
Jonathan Reed Alexander Robert
Emma Shawnee Robinson
Edona Roci
Mark James Roper
Molly Sarah Rosenberg
Adam Ruggiero
Steve Ruiz-Esparza
Ashanti M. Russaw
Vincent Arthur Sabatino
Katie Rose Sabo
Rouaa Sahbani
Kerwens Saint-Anne
Story Salit
Marco Vinicius Santana Dias Araujo
Joseph Paul Santisi
Valeria Sarmiento *
Iris Raquel Saucedo
Daniel Arthur Schmedlin
Chadwick Emerson Schroeder
Lily Norris Schwoerer
Yubo Shang
Erin K. Shapland
Yuechen Shen
Kunze Shi
Zihao Shi
Christina Shoushani
Robert J. Shtufaj
Meredith Simses
Michelle Elizabeth Skowronek
Haodong Song
Paul William Stafstrom
Benjamin Perry Steele
Aaron Neil Steiner
Haley Brooke Stites
James Stone
Marcel Stonehill
Anna Rose Strosser
Meera Shraddha Sumukadas
Casey Michelle Szeligowski
Michelle Szeto
Desiree Elizabeth Szydlo
Rongwei Tan
Candace Yorks Tang
Jazlyn T. Tang
Destiny S. Taylor
Robert James Terenzio
Matthew Alan Terry
Wanlu Tian
Blaise Tohou-Ngague
Josmari C. Toledo-Reyes
Ky Tran
Cathryn Tuttle
Andrew Thomas Vaccariello
Kristina Marie Vallas
Nathan Anthony Varga
Jennifer Alicia Vear
Chadwin P. Walker
Harrison Newton Waltman
Chuanbiao Wang
Qi Wang
Weijia Wang
Yexiu Wang
Ziheng Wang
Taylor Rose Ware
Yafei Wen
Marian Caruso Whitney
Dana Carlson Wilcox
Ian Robert Witzgall
Christopher David Wolf
Stefanie Trina Wong
Kathryn Louise Wood
Courtney Wrigley
Joshua Michael Wroblewski
Yufei Wu
Brianna Nicole Wurst
Yihui Xie
Ying Xiong
Jie Xu
Huachu Yang
Yunan Yang
Yuening Yu
Dean Zeichner
Ruolin Zhang
Xinyi Zhang
Yunhao Zhang
Chenyu Zhao
Zhenyuan Zheng
Yuxin Zhou
Zijun Zhou
Yijuan Zuo
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Jackson Adams
Zachary C. Adams
Kyra G. Adinaro
Noor Olatilewa Afolabi
Harris I. Aisevbonaye *
Corey Catherine Akel
Juan Nicolas Alzamora Soto-Rivera
Shay-Voya A. Anderson
Malcolm James Errol Anthony
Tugce Arslan
Isabela Rose Artola
Jared William Ashmore
Pentecost Asoh
Valentina Atehortua Diaz
Allison E. Aviles
Youn-Jae Baek
Sarah Elizabeth Bankoski
Greta A. Barry
Steven Leslie Bean Jr.
Raina Bedard
Briana Marie Bellamy
Zachary Birdsall
Regan Michael Blardo-Rodrigues
Elif Bolat
Ayanna C. Boyd
Taylor A. Bradley
Tyvonna Marie Bradley
Destiny Jhai Brown
Kylah T. Brown
Jessica R. Buckley
Samuel A. Bunin
Sheneille A. Burke
Christina Buzzeo
Ryan Hill Byrne
Vincent Ray Cajigas
Paula-Dee Linneth Cameron
Tatyana Canino
Zachary Scott Cantafi
Devin Caramma
Ariana Francesca Caruso
Carl Lanz Casuga
Matthew D. Cavanagh
Walker Conrad Chaput
Belinda Charles
Joslyn Chen
Kaibo Chen
Mandi Chen
Xuebing Chen
Yi Chen
Maraya Olivia Clark
Joshua Raymond Colon
Christian Joseph Connors
Julio Cordero
Maykel Cordova
Lia M. Crowley
Christopher Ray Cutler
Anthony A. Dacosta
Adriannah Erin Dains
Kefu Deng
Cynthia Moura Dias
Freskid Dinaj
Ellesse Rae DiNeno
Xiaofeng Dong
Allison Elizabeth Dostie
Kevin Michael Drexler
Nahla Antonique Drummond
Justin Dusik
Elizabeth Estifanos
William Robinson Ewert
Matthew Faenza
Guy William Farrell
Brianna Lucia Feehan
James Michael Feeney
Emma-Leigh Abigail Feiler
Aurora Fenili
Melina Fernandez
Walter Jacob Fontes
Jack Gregory Forbes
Robert Coakley Frankel
Sara Jessica Frascatore
Thomas Patrick Fredo
David Crowell Freeman
Sean Michael Erik Gasataya III
Jack F. Germain
Sarah Gherri
Michael Gionet
Jarod Glou
Samuel Gold
Ian Goldblatt
Julitza Marie Gonzalez
George Angel Gonzalez Cruz
Kaylee Rose Graef
Nicole Monique Guevara
Brenda Mishell Gutierrez Munoz
Hashim Caelan Hamied
Cameron C. Hand
Danielle R. Hartshorn
Katerina Pauline Hasiotis
Justis Sharri Hauser
Joseph Havriliak
Yusheng He
Tristan Chauhan Henry
Jose Raul Hernandez
Michelle Herrera
Travis James Hewitt
Chienyu Ho
Justin P. Hodgdon
Xiaoyue Hu
Kehan Huang
Victoria Huang
Lindsey Breese Innaimo
Paul Anthony Iori
Alicia Elizabeth Irace
Darius James Javidi
Zhi Ji
Junru Jia
Alexandra Johnson
Tamara N. Johnson
Joseph L. Johnson Jr.
Marlene Kabeya
Randy Tyler Kaufman
Stephen Daniel Keltonic
Nickeita Kennedy
Rebecca Y. Kim
Griffin Joseph Kopsick
Kevin Marcin Kuna
Alexandros Kyriakides
Jack Aldon Lareau
Jewel Stacey Lawrence
McKensie Lee
Ketsia Lefranc
Erika C. Lengemann
Pat Levitt
Chengze Li
Chenxin Li
Jianning Li
Ting Li
Yuqi Li
Xin Lin
Yuqi Liu
Dillon Long
Elsa Marie Lopez
Lila Luna Lyons
Annelise C. Mackiewicz
Kyle Madden
Anthony James Marrone
Kevin Martinez De Andino Ruiz
James F. Mas
Alan N. Mashkovich
Kristopher Leigh Mason
Sean Alexander Mathews
A'Shannah Elaine McCullough
Bennett Richard McCullough
Kyle W. Mcginnis
Maeve Jane McGreenery
Patrice McInnis
Elizabeth Mejia Castro
Taijek Dashaun Mikel
Ashley Nicole Miller
Ryan James Miller
Elhan A. Mohamood
Brandon Alberto Molina
Alisson Adriana Mora
Jessabel Moran
Conor M. Moriarty
Darryl Amir Morrow
Max Noah Moss
Dylan C. Muniz
Bryan Munoz
Jeffrey Robert Murphy
Elizabeth Ann Murtagh
Nicole Leanne Nunez
Hana Shehadeh Obeidallah
Mikaela Jean O'Brien
Joshua Ocampo
Emika Okada
Emily K. Olrik
Sean Jacob Oppenheimer
Hector E. Ortiz
Qihang Ou
Moesha Outar
Gilbert Owens
Kimon C. Pagounes
Nik Paloka
Hua Pan
Elizabeth Ann Papale
Maria Adele Parenteau
Amanda Leigh Pastore
Sunny Patel
D'Lanie M. Pelletier
Ashley Penn
Giovanni Peraza-Santiago
Anna T. Perry
Steven Joseph Perry
Joseph Ly Phan
Michael David Pllumbi
Celina R. Ponder
Xiaoyu Qiang
Mile Radujko
Peter Patrick Reilly Jr.
Annierose Renison
Giselle Maria Retana Morales
Connor Blake Rhinehart
Michael J. Ricci
Kiana M. Richardson
Justin Rivera
Vanice Vancel Rodriguez
Yadiel Rodriguez
Trever Medeiros Rogers
Francisco Romero
Yuling Rong
Sherry-Lee Kemorine Ross
Kevin John Ryan
Fayssal A. Saleh
Michael Edward Saltus
Roderick Blair Samuda
Seliana Seradieu
Maisha Seraj
George Charles Seymour
Maria Shah
Almeena Shaikh
Manahil Rizwan Shaikh *
Mia K. Shallcross
Yiyang Shang
Alexandra G. Silva
Kevin Allen Sinnott
Prashanthi Sivasithamparam
Justin Matthew Slifer
Kaitlyn Smith
Matthew Joseph Spadola
Nicholas Allen Stager
Charlotte L. Stevens
Devin Sukhram
Nadyne Marie Sullivan
Xinhao Sun
Zhiyuan Sun
Sam Ewing Surgenor
Emily Tan
Maxwell M. Tempkin
Riley Susan Thompson
Tiyah Georgia Marie Thompson
Tracey Thonakkaraparayil
Amy Tirado
Peter Francis Tomanelli
John Francis Toppa Jr.
Rasheed Jamal Tyree
Chibuike Carlton Ukwuoma
Nida Vahora
Melissa Valle
Nathan Vann
Lucas Barron Vannie
Madison Valentine Vidal
Vanessa Diana Villar
Subi Vogli
Maxwell Wade
Jeremiah Burch Walker
Naihan Wang
Shenqi Wang
Shijie Wang
Steven Robert Warshavsky
Samuel Bruce Wazorko
Tucker Joseph Wenc
Joshua Winkel
Yanique H. Wright
Yi Xue
Jiajie Yang
William August Youngstrom
Ryan A. Abbaspour
Emir Z. Abouneameh
Stella Mae Adap
Jolene Addi
Glory Adebola Adekanye
Eman Zehra Ahmed
Stephanie Ifeoma Akosa
Dina Marie Alissi
Saranda Alka
Caroline Grace Allen
Omar Ahmed Al-Shammary
Sarah Megann Anderson
Wanda Elisabeth Andrejecsk
Marsadul Arafath
Katharina Dias Araujo
Sophia Eleni Arruda
Michael Eid Atallah
Mohamed Atik
Karen Anel Avila
Usman Azeem
Eduardo Antonio Badillo Colberg
Noah Paul Badner
Rachel Bahouth
Stephen Andrew Baker
Cicily Balachandar
Grace Rebecca Baldauf
Sabah Banse
Gianna Catalissa Barada
Adam Baran
Brianna Lynn Barbeau
Alyza Jean Barbieri
Anthony Richard Barbino
Amber Holly Bardsley
Shiza Bari
Danielle Battaglino
Cameron Holmes Beck
Joshua Thomas Bedard
Gaganjot Singh Bedi
Robert Louis Bertekap III
Emreen Kaur Bharara
Akriti Bhattarai
Irfan Ahmed Bhuiyan
Helen Liu Bian
Danirose Billings
Marinna Ruth Binkowski
Samantha Rose Bird
Gavin Alder Birdsall
Ryan James Bjorklund
Emily Paige Blackburn
Bailey Erin Bobzien
Steven Michael Bordonaro
Megan Ann Braat
Valerie Elyse Brennan
Samuel Lane Brenza
Kai Jarod Brewer
Madison Anastasia Britting
Daniel Brocke
Ethan Campbell Brown
Brendan Michael Buckley
Christina Budzinski
Rei Bufi *
Emma Paige Burleigh
Sagan Joseph Butwell
Joyce N. Caliendo
Denise Calzadilla
Chantalle Campbell
Anthony Constantine Capasso
Kevin J. Carr
Anna Casino
Monica Paulina Chabros
Raabiah Chaudhry
Nidhi Chawla
Jinjin Chen
Kaila Chen
Meng Chen
Qinwei Chen
Ryan Chen
Sarah Wenshaun Chen
Stanley Chen
Robert Cheng
Stephanie Chinyere Nnenda Chinwo
Benjamin Soomin Chung
Sai Mahima Cielappa
Anna Maria Ciriello
Ryan Cleaves
Sandro D. Cloiseau
Mathieu Thadeus Colbert
Tyler Reid Coleman
Emelin Maria Colon
Cassidy Alexis Colosi
Luke E. Conklin
Amanda Connelly
Samuel Nathan Console
Kristin Cook
Marvin Coulange
Kristen Claire Craven
Jordyn Renae Crisp
Johnathan Hunter Culp
Celya Dalila Dahmani *
Christopher William Donald Dallas
Dhruv Jagdish Dang
Sydney Marie Darling
Nathaniel Creek Davino
Tarah Jade Dawley
Savita Dean
Jake Edward Defrancesco
Tyler Defrancesco
Alysha Marie DeGennaro
Tyler M. Deitelbaum
Marissa Lynne Della-Giustina
Anthony Michael Delucia Jr.
Alyssa Katelyn DeManche
Charles Ara Demurjian
Gavin Deng
Samantha Nicole DePalma
Mukund Vishwa Sai Desibhatla
Danielle Marie Dessau
Robert Gene Dimauro
Carter Alastair Dion
Dominika Dobkowska
John Patrick Donnelly
Grant Dorman
Caroline Ann Dubois
Amanda Marie Dugan
Devon Dugentas
Christopher James Dunhill
Kyle Dwyer
Rachid T. Dwyer
Deanna Kelly East
Yasmeen Elhakim
Hanna Elizabeth Englander
Matthew Epstein
Alexander William Ercolani
Veronica Eskander
Tristan Evans
Floraine Emily Evardo
Shelly Rose Evia
Daniel Fairchild
Sarah Denise Farley
Yuliya Faryna
Isaac Vincent Faustino
Dina Fayyad
Justin Lemar Feliciano
Breanna A. Felt
Shaharia Ferdus
Anthony Michael Fernandez
Warnakulasuriya Nisali Ayathma
Crystal A. Ferreira
Kathryn Taylor Filippides
Connor Gregory Fillmore
Mathew Fiorenza
Caylin Jessica Fitzgerald
Mollie Christen Fleming
Anna Jessennia Francisco
Maleena Ann Frazier
Alexandra Frenzel
Christan Alexander Frost
Melinda Rose Gallery
Neisha Gangaram
Natalie Danielle Garcia
Daniel Lawrence Gassel
Mehar Anna George
Nicholas Daniel Gilchenok
Kaitlin Nichole Girardini
Catherine Jacinta Goncalves
Adryan Breno Goncalves Marques
Juliet Rose Gonzalez
William Thomas Gorman
Jordana Merlot Fleming
Emily A. Gray
Liam Greenan
Grace Emma Greene
Tianyu Yu
Mingzhu Zhang
Shijia Zhang
Shuo Zhang
Yan X. Zhao
Xinying Zhou
Lawrence Joshua Zhu
Zihan Zhuang
Mikas J. Grewal
Yasmeen Griffin
Vanesa Guadalupe
Maria Emilia Guerrero
Andrea Catalina Guevara-Flores
Ahmad Habous
Vindy Harbajan
Sana Haroon
Julia Claire Harrell
James Andrew Harrison
James He
Jacqueline Helms
Jacob Irving Herskowitz
Claudia Louise Hess
Samantha Bliss Hess
Alexandra Nicole Hessberger
Daniel Paul Hettrick
Carson Hill
Chris R. Ho
Linh Ho
Jaron Alexander Holmes
Sean Holmes
Marisol Hooks
Julia Rose Horan
Eoin Joseph Horning-Kane
Erika Lynne Horvath
Tyler R. Howe
He Huang
Alexander Hudak
Samantha Elaine Huebner
Amelia Chiang Hurst
Olivia Hyun
Alexander Joseph Iamartino
Megan Jean Illsley
Ayleena Soupatha Imanivong
Jaden Inniss
Armana Islam
Nasrin Jabarkhyl
Ariya Annett Jacob
Ayana Meriya Jacob
Zoe Jahn
Avni Jain
Steven Jarsen
Jason Jiang
Chengwei Jin
Donovan Garfield Johnson Jr.
Ethan Edward Jorgensen
Rodchill-Paul Jules
Amar Anil Kalaria
Mita Kale
Sarah Jessica Karasik
Marissa Anne Kaufmann
Emma Breanne Kelly
Amanda Faith Kennedy
Rebekah Kennedy
Murphy Probst Kenny
Augusta Tawny Keo
Cheyanne Rae Key
Anuragi Khadka
Kunal Khattar
Taesu Kim
Emily Hannah Kirillov
Javiera Ignacia Klenner
Rebecca Jade Kohn
Kayla Patricia Kolodychak
Sneha Koripella
Nina Kornas
Vjosa Korumi
Michael David Kosover
Monika Ann Krah
Thomas Justin Kretsch
Praveena Prakash Krishnaprasad
Mitchel Kuperstein
Adjoa Boahemaa Kyerematen
Amrita Kaur Lall
Anna Elizabeth Lando
Sofia Maria Langou
Gabrielle Viviana Lanza
Arin A. Lara
Rosemary Joy Larson
Jared Amaldoss Lawrence
Thea Le
Hyeonjin Lee
June P. Lee
Taehan Lee
Julia Sarah Levin
Kimberly Dominique Lewin
Haoen Li
Qinzhe Li
Ru Zhou Liang
Yijun Liu
Victoria Anya Livingston
Meghan Long
Diana Siao Ying Look
Alexander Cole Lori
Ashley Nicole Loto
Jiayin Lu
Michael Lu
Michael Luu
Jessica Marie Macintyre
Christian Mackay-Morgan
Alexa Maddalena
Aviral Mahajan
Janet Truc Mai
Pavitra Rao Makarla
Carly Faith Malesky
Wesia Meriam Malik
Paulina Camille Maranges Perez
Jacob James Marie
Nicholas Gates Martin
Michael Martinez
Samara Lian Maruca
Aisha Massiah
Remy Mathai
Neha Mary Mathew
Pranati Mathur
Nathan Donneilio McCooty
Meghan McDonnell
Brendan Michael McLean
Petar Meandzija
Hannah Mae Meikle
Nicolette Mary Meka
Ariba Afzal Memon
Joelle Madison Mendez
Michael Zichen Meng
Justin Mescia
Jayla Theodora Millender
Noah Charles Miller
Pasquale Mingione
Valerie Rose Mingrone
Umma Morium Minhaz
Manjari Mishra
Vinayak Mishra
Bharat Misra
Kelly-Anne Elaine Moffa
Mirghani Fawzi Mohamed
Sara Mohamedzein
Kavitha Mohanarajan
Sabrina Ann Montella
Emerson Charles Moore
Elizabeth Cunningham Moran
Kerry Anne Morgan
Peyton Julia Moro
Mashwiyat Mosharraf
Victoria Rose Muharsky
Aafiya Mujavar
Romar Mullings
Giridhar Murali
Riley Jane Nadolny
Mia Louise Nahom
Aryan Sanjay Naik
Matthew M. Naser
Katie Rose Nejati
Sarah Jane Nelson
David Paul Nemecek Jr.
Sarah Beatrice Nevolis
Justin Ng
Heidi Ngov
Khanhvy Nguyen
Thi Nguyen
Tina Thi Nguyen
Darren Ni
Songyue Ni
Joyce Hsin-En Nieh
Sean O'Hagan
Kendall Chidera Okeke Sr.
Cristian Osorio
Danny Alejandro Osorio
Alexandra Madeline Ostrovsky
Yaw Owusu
Alayne Marie Pabilonia
Megan Elizabeth Paige
Kasra Parchekani
Shiv Bhavesh Parekh
Sarah My Tran Pasqualetti
Ankita Patel
Devang N. Patel
Ishani Patel
Parth Pravin Patel *
Pooja Patel
Vishal Mahendrakumar Patel
Christina Maria Paul
Jose Raul Paz Soldan
Sirui Peng
Grace Elizabeth Percival
Jamie Nicole Pergolizzi
Ryan Perkins
Diana Padmini Persaud
John Tyler Peterson
Aubrey Rose Peterson Hague
Matthew Stuart Petridis
Jillian Emily Petrocelli
Kayla Lynn Petruzzi
Lin My Phan
Betsy Philip
Matthew J. Pickett
Emanuela Phryne Pinci
Meryl Pookkattu
Jason Poon
Alexandra Eva Porczak
Nikita Pankaj Potnis
Thomas Robert Praisner
Pooja Prasad
Zana Preniqi
Pascal David Preudhomme
Aquia Providence
Daniel Pun
Samantha Shalini Purushotham
Catherine Qiu
Jade Marie Rabago
Breanna Lee Racicot
Michael Rainville
Andrew James Rajotte
Mariela Elizabeth Ramos
Divya Rani Rathinavel
John McGowan Reever
Elizabeth Ann Remington
Justin Reyes
Morgan Lynn Rhinehart
Jordan Taylor Ricker
Aranza Giselle Rivera
Alyssa Roach
Natalie Marie Roach
Dayna Marie Robinson
Ariana Maria Rojas
Ariel Ross
Gina Rossetti
Elisabeth Hee Yun Rothman
Jenna Michele Roy
Matthew Christopher Roy
Alicia Gene Russell
Nicholas M. Russo
Thomas James Ryan
Lina Wendy Saaka
Fabio Roberto Saccomanno
Jessica Ashley Sackett
Amber Marie Sagan
Christopher Samedi
Eunnindy Dells Sanon
Domenick Joseph Santopietro
Manisha Satheesh *
Molly May Schiffer
Liv Schoenbeck *
Alexander Michael Scott
Ian Harrison Segal-Gould
Shaina Selvaraju
Renee Semple *
Olivia Karis Servino
Daniel Owen Sexton
Sameena Shah
Yumeng Shao
Mallika Shekhar
Brenna Molly Marie Sherbanee
Chloe Aurora Sherman-Watson
Rinchen Tsewang Sherpa
Di'aolin Shi
Archa Shibu
Jenasia Kassana Shuler
Joana Shurdho
Ethan Thomas Shuster
Julia Rae Silverman
Paul Simmerling
Katherine Simonetti
Matas Simukaitis
Nathaniel Nyrithya Sin
Joseph Anthony Sinopoli
Gayatri L. Sivalenka
Brandon Smith
Griffin Timothy Smith
Hannah Joy Smith
Mikhail Denisovich Snegovskikh
Jacqueline Marie Snow
John Snyder
Haya Sobh
Romoye Ojoddia Sohan
Minsang Song
Sharon Sorto
Jonathan Sosa
Samuel T. Spak
Sonya Srinath
Jared Sroczenski
Adam Stanko
Katherine Beyer Starr
Robert Joseph Staton
Cole David Stearns
Helena Stein
Shanary Stewart
Gwendolyn Eve Strickland
Megan Rose Sturm
Matthew James Sullivan
Vidhi Jayeshkumar Surti
Keandria Lisette Sussman
Maimouna Oumar Sy
Alyaa Syed
Roddy M. Taing
Michael Joseph Talamo
Xiaoran Tan
Rumsha Tariq
Davida Tavan
Noor Taweh
Roselyn Karley Terrazos-Moreno
Abhinay Thapa
Benjamin Mathew Townson
Abigail Grace Tracy
Duyen Tran
Samantha Tran
Emily Ruth Tribanas
Nicole Truszkowski
David Tse
Sarah Tsuruo
Mara Lei Tu
Gabriella Marie Tuxbury
Breajah Tyson
Alexander Zois Tzepos
Jameelah Uddin
Jessica Nicole Ulbrich
Vishvak K. Vadivel
Jason Vailionis
Hanna Eloise Van Pelt
Alyssa Marie Varesio
Megana Varma
Jerry William Vazquez Jr.
Solmary Vega
Toni Vella *
Lena Olivia Verard *
Serena Verma
Guilherme Henrique Vieira Lima
Nichole Visintin
Ninad Shashin Vora
Jesse Thomas Waite
Wei Wan
Hans Wang
Sichu Wang
Wenhui Wang
John Dennis Waswill
Melanie Sylvianne Wellmann
Margot Mari Wentzel
Melody White
Colin Andrew Wilkinson
Shakeem Williams
Brooke Katherine Winsmann
Jeryl Witherspoon
Arieta Xhema
Anran Yang
Qingyue Yang
Spencer Yang
Yue Yang
Keegan T. Yao
Jasmine Yearwood
Tatiana Rose Yevin
Seung I. Yu
Ali Hussain Zaidi
Atacan Zeran
Tianning Zheng
Lily Zhong
Li Zhou
Michael Zhu
Matthew John Zimmer
Angel Zohrabian
Allison Elizabeth Zupan
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Eeman Abbasi
Aybuke Meryem Akyarar
Mahnoor Aslam
Jordan Matthew Baer
Allegra Louise Bargnesi
Kyle Barker
Madison Edwards Beebe
Mackenzie Lynn Blanusa
Clarissa Campos
Danielle Elizabeth Canfield
Zachary Cargill
Mileny Elizabeth Cedeno
Pok Man Chan
Jared Talcott Clarke
Joseph A. Comia
D'Andre Terrell Conaway
Nikor Y. De La Cruz-Fabal
Daniel Duque
Skylar Fang
Jordan Elizabeth Farley
Allison Ferro
Cade Taylor Friedman
Chinanu Ginika Gubor
Abhishek Kumar Gupta
Elena Haarer
Shayan Syed Hassan
McKenzie Marie Herget
Alexela C. Hoyt
Thomas Benjamin Ingram
Matthew Bradford Jane
Shannon Hart Jordan
Rithvik N. Kiran
Skylar Kneski
Sarah Kricheff
Prarthana Krishnaprasad
Alisha Kumar
Tiffany Liang
Olivia Grace Listokin
Guangyuan Liu
Courtney Rose Marren
Michael Steven Martin
Ian Robert Matthews
Jocelyn N. Mazur
Joshua Benjamin Mednick
Subhan Ali Memon
Abigail Elizabeth Merton
Elena Marie Moleski
Stephen Allston Moores
Natalie Rose Mosby
Kaitlyn Myer
Nicholas Charles Nado
Tania Nasrin
Rose Luong Nguyen
Tu Anh Ngoc Nguyen
Audrey Rose Pion
Jerry Reyes-Rivera
Michael Joseph Riberdy
Elena Margaret Rodríguez-Gerard
Jocelyn Marie Rossitto
McKenzie Rusczyk
Regina Lynn Salzer
Andrew Santella
Valeria Sarmiento *
Christine M. Schiller
Danielle Schwartz
Kriti Sharda
Joela Shurdho
Montserrat Sousa-Sanchez
Madison Stone
Leslian Vallejo Bucheli
Vanessa Emma Vlaun
Yasmine Adilah Sithara Walker
Kelly Marie Webb
Cynthia Nicole Webster
Jan Wusik
Abigail Lauren Yu
Farida Ahmed Zahran
Kaixin Zhang
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Noah Tristan Abdelmalek
Marlene Abouaassi
Ahmed Yosif Ahmed
Harris I. Aisevbonaye *
Louis Vladimir Antoine
Monica Antony
Ruiqi Bai
Kevin Lucas Bieger
Stephanie Biggs
Stephanie Elaine Bleasdale
Sen Cao
Wesley Cheng
Ashley Kay-Shan Chin
Ashley Kaye Comeau
Tiara Aileen Cova
Donovan Juri Davino
Sarina Nicole Dery
Isabella Teresa Desouza
Harkaran Dhillon
Darrinton I. Dontfraid
Nishal D'Souza
Uzma Farooqui
Marea Fenili
Kylie M. Finning
Alexa C. Frieberg
Jakari D. Gainer
Kobe R. Haley
Navia Hall
Conor Hans
Ryan T. Harrington
Cooper J. Hernsdorf
Ryan Michael Hessling
Sophia Priscilla Hopwood
Cong Hu
Aidan Paul Hurley
Farhana Issa
Nicole Jain
Jocelyne Nicole Jaramillo
Darius James Javidi
Mingkai Ji
Bryana Kilpatrick
Audrey L. Kochiss
Natasha Kumar
Abigail Madison Kwiat
Briana Latifi
Nicole K. McCourt
Matteo Olimpi McDonnell
Emilie Grace Meyr
Lauren E. Michaels
Vaughn Dale Nangle
Ibaad A. Nazeer
Sean Oh
Hussam Othman
Amanda Pan
Derek Pan
Ruhi Niravkumar Patel
Sophia Alexis Pedone
Eric T. Pongsamorn
Lucas Radek
Isabelle G. Razon
Victoria Caroline Ribeiro De Godoy
Jamilex Rivera-Diaz
Brenna Taylor Robertson
Manahil Rizwan Shaikh *
Allen Christopher Shavers
Kevin Liam Sheehan
Tian Ying Shen
Utsav Rupalkumar Sheth
Evan Richard Silvester
Isha Sinojia
Amanda Lynne Sorvillo
Paxton Boyd Stowik
Monica Verma
Edwin Walston Vincens
Hanyu Wang
Michael Joseph Warchol
Sylvia Josephine White
Danni Xuyang
Boren Yu
Victoria Morgan Zagrodny
Syeda Zehra
Blesing Zenick
Amy Beth Ziegelmeier
Amanda R. Braun, in Nursing
Michelle Franklin, in Nursing
Megan Millicker, in Nursing
Jasmeen Mohammed, in Nursing
David Anthony Scalise, in Nursing
Christina Yacoub, in Nursing
Natalie Ayongo Akumiah
Heather Rose Anderson
Margaret Joyce Angelo
Lily Leanna Baker
Abigail Ball
Adam Michael Bardzell
Brian Isaiah Barker
Dzenisa Becirovic
Rachel L. Belanger
Victoria Anna Ben
Jolie Elizabeth Berger
Bethany Kathleen Bobinski
Amanda R. Braun
Rochelle Bravo
Cierra Rose Brescia
Lauryn Bryant
Kelsey Smith Byrne
Janeese Carmona
Jennifer Rose Carroll
Carlie Boruch Cassells
Elizabeth Diane Cataldo
Courtney A. Chemero
Joann Chen
Rubina Chowdhury
Emma Colesworthy
Caroline Genevieve Coyne
Dahyir Najeaya Croft
Emily Hope Cullina
Caitlyn Jean Curtis
Martha Lizet Darnall
Lauren Theresa David
Abigail Elizabeth Davis
Sophia Elizabeth Denucci
Kaitlyn Drysdale
Katherine Flaherty
Michelle Franklin
Julia Patricia Freeman
Isabella Santos Freschi
Alexa Nicole Fronsaglia
Lauren L. Goldstein
Sarah Grace Gruber
Jomalie Guerrero
Cameryn Eve Guetens
Adlin J. Jacinto Castro
Christopher George Kaczegowicz
Nicole Kane
Emily Elizabeth Kasmar-Laforest
Christina Nicole Kilmer
Young Hun Kim
Jillian Taylor Lasorsa
Kyra Trudi Lee
Kelsey Lee Leverone
Mallory Anne Lobuglio
Jessica Renee Marchant
Rachel L. Markoya
Gabrielle Elizabeth McDonnell
Megan Ann McGuire
Megan Millicker
Evan Titus Mitchell
Nell Elizabeth Mitola
Jasmeen Mohammed
Margaret Joy Moore
Erin Somers Mulhall
Irvie Pamplona Mumar
Eleni Marie Muratore
Emily Elizabeth Neave
Lyman Nuttall
Jillian Tess O'Donnell
Joseph Olis
Princess Oloyede
Beverly Ong
Deborah Oppong
Jessica Lynn Orloff
Krysta Eileen O'Shea
Katherine Palaia
Andrew James Pascale
Moxa Patel
Kelly Maridula Pathania
Angeleen Christine Hernandez Pingol
Victoria Lin Plourde
Ashley Chae-Une Pomerleau
Hannah Justine Pouliot
Asa Steven Preli
Samuel Robert Pruden
Ellen Rose Quintana
Sophia Quintana
Julia Isabel Rapoza
Leanne Michaela Raymond
Quinn Reardon
Grace Kuo Reinard
Hannah Nicole Roediger
Madeleine E. Roy
Allison Jasmine Santiago
David Anthony Scalise
Timothy Clarence Schiffer
Kylie Schmidt
Kaitlin Marie Semmel
Valeria Mary Seymour
Erin Nicole Sheridan
Allison Rose Skoog
Kyle Robert Smith
Gabriella Elizabeth Sorensen
Annamarisa Sudigala
Sarina Faye Tucker
Jillian Sofia Vallejo
Kristina M. Vetter
Ashley Juliana Vuong
Sarah Alyssa Welch
Christina Yacoub
Honors Scholars
Robyn Sari Adelkopf
Michaela Kathryn Ahern
Nayab S. Akhtar
Kimberly Allen
Michaela Lynne Allen
Antonia Anderson Curtis
Anastacia Angelopoulos
Derek Badichek
Amber Jhanara Baig
Mylva Vany Barbosa-Lopes
Courtney Marie Beaulieu
Daniel Robert Berlandy
Jessica Lynn Berry
Lion Anthony Bierbower
Harold Haley Humphrey Burbank
Nicole Leigh Cadro
Nicole I. Calabrese
Alison Camillo
Colleen Michelle Card
Sajma Cecunjanin
Kevin Chung-Yue Chu
Sean Clauss
Mikel Coates
James Concannon
Brigid Cox
Kevin Patrick Coyle Jr.
Jenna Christine DallaValle
Javante Shalise Danvers
Jessica A. Diehl
Juan Miguel Duque
Anna Eason
Erin Marie Elser
Sydnee Ewing
Jessica Faille
Sarah Figueroa
Kathryn C. Finegan
Bianca Fiore
Sierra Flores
Jamila Hakeema Freeman
Theresa French
Samantha Gaita
Nora Anne Gat
Michael Robert Gervasi
Sydnie Marie Geter
Kelsey Amanda Giammatteo
Erica Gonzalez
Nicki Elenor Greenstein
Marisa Gulioso
Panteha Hamzavi
Diomelys De Los Angeles Hernando
Laura Hlinsky
Medina Hosaini
Madison Faith Hoyt
Jillian Mary Hughson
Sara Ann Jacobsen
Henry James Kaczman
Lisa Kelly
Eugene Koblik
Kelsey J. Kopec
Samantha J. Kripps
Keri Landeche
Amanda Christina Lavigne
Caitlin Eileen Lawrence
Vincent Li
Mark Joseph Liguori
Katlyn Little
Morgan Elizabeth Livingston
Jill Long
Kiley Alice Loureiro
Megan Cathleen Mahoney
Shirley Mai
Stephanie Louise Main
Aaron E. Mandell
Alicia Mangiafico
Amy Elizabeth Manning
Karen Elizabeth Marino
Alicia Jean Matthews
Linda Marie McAuley
Julia McMahon
James Lawrence McNerney
Jean Medina-Salazar
Katherine Graham Metzer
Tiffany Amber Monteiro
Colleen Moros
Julianna Morrone
Audrey Moukattaf
Lele Thi Nguyen
Olivia Nicole Nicholas
Stephanie Elizabeth Nixon
Maria Alexandra O'Connell
Cole Strickland Ogorzalek
Samantha Orciari
Vida Yeboah Owusu
Omar Padua
Kristen Paiva
Sandra Parkerson
Skye Jasmine Patsiga
Kimberly Peckham-Cox
Katrina Pecorella
Alison Jean Pehr
Grace Kathleen Perkins
Lindsey Perugini
Jillian Leigh Pfeiffer
Austin Poetzsch
Samantha C. Psanis
Tabitha Rahmann
Gabrielle Margaret Ray
Jessica Rewa
Kiana Rocco
Deborah Rodican
Elena C. Sabol
Laura A. Sanchez
Chiara Aniela Santavenere
Sara Ashley Santiago
Danielle Scarfi
Peter Thomas Schilke
Zachary John Sequeira
Kelly Sherwood
Felicia Siclari
Daniel Ryan Sigman
Veronica Mariana Sirur Flores
Andrew Collin Smith
Natalie Letizia Smith
Laura Ann Stay
Mishca Meicole Stern
Bianca K. Stone
Jenny Stone
Vienna Sufka
Jack Sweeney
Victoria Marie Tabacchini
Paige Lynn Tillinghast
Kenneth Tran
Deanna Van Linter
Anna Elizabeth Walker
Max Paul Walter
Kayla Allison Waring
Katherine H. Warner
Adrienne Holly Wiegel
Nicholas Anthony Wills
Christina Marie Woods
Maribel Cardona Wright
Griffin Yantosh
Jonathan Monzon Yatco
Rosemary Frances Zampano
Cody Austin Zitkus
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Sumoda Achar
Feryal H. Al Hamadani
Suneri Jakal Amin
Makayla Amber Arriaga
Jessica May Askew
Hannah Elizabeth Ayers
Saba Azam
Sabrina Marie Balsamo
Daniela Barisano
Juliet Boamah
Adara Bochanis
Luke Alan Brissette
Nathalie Ann Brown
Amber Laurel Buske
Caitlee C. Callahan
Carina Danielle Cassano
Constance Chan
Hiu Lam Chan
Samantha Chow
Bailey Conkey
Katelyn Leigh Cotter
Mackenzie Cullen
Dylan Decandia
Roshica A. Dehaney
Jessica Nicole Dillon
Sarah Margaret Erlingheuser
Joseph Michael Filippone
Adlin Veronica Garcia Betancourt
Dana George
Kelley Yolanda Greene
Melanie Lynn Groff
Athena Belle Gutierrez
Egla Hasimllari
Isabella Natalia Hernandez
Muzi Hua
Melek Hursid
Jennifer Yun Hwang
Amanda Idusuyi
Katayun Irani
Emma Jaworowski
Alexa Mary Karadenes
Ryan Joseph Kurschner
Hannah Langlais
Anastasiya Diana Levytska
Anxhela Lito
Anna Liu
Karisse Lora
Elizabeth Marino
Adam Michael Mastroianni
Hannah Katherine McCarthy
Sarah Ellen Meade
Kathleen Kimiko Meehan
Natalie Anne Melvin
Gerta Memeti
Nina Mikhailovna Mirontchik
Roxanna Monshi
Manuel Jorge Montouliu-Espinosa
Ryan Andrew Moreau
Jack Christopher Mountain
Iram Nasreen
Tyler Oakes
Mi T. Phan
Kylie Angelina Price
Shayne Thomas Sampognaro
Angela Lei Sang
Colin Wells Schleicher
Kyle Stephen Semmel
Jung Myung Seo
Anna Stowe
Kory Nicholas Stuessel
Erin Nicole Supko
Isabella Rose Tardy
Ethan Anthony Taverna
Alex Theriault
Jordan Ann Vaccaro
Rebecca Elizabeth Vales
Kirsten Ashlee Werner
Sindy Yang
Jackson John Yost
William Zhang
Lily Zhu
Aboli Ghatpande
Peter Lawrence Lemere
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Callie Blair Abramowitz
Julia Anne Adams
Antonia Grace Alquist
Paolo Amenta
Peter Andrew Benko
Ruth Michelle Bernadel
Kenneth Joseph Bisch
Kamilla Borsai
Samantha Ann Breaz
Samuel George Breiner
Kimberly Snow Caroti
Mackenzie Lee Collins
Nicholas Angelo DeFilippo
Alexis Droesch
Jacob Raymond Duffus
Keith Andre Edwards Jr.
Rita Ejiofor
Kristen Amber Fernandes
Sarah Anne Franklin
Sindorela Frroku-Dido
Jacob A. Greenwald
Sonya Belle Harrow
Ariana Kari Hawkins
Alexis Tiara Hicks
Heather Nicole Honor
Canyon Hopkins
John Joseph Ingemi III
Monica Ying Xian Ip
Nicole Irish
Kevin Sang Kao
Lava Peris Kareem
Lattana Tina Kettavong
Mujtaba Ali Khan
Sarah Marie Kovalchik
Nicole Stephanie Kowalczyk
Derek Lindia
Xiaoyu Lu
Katherine Elinor Macdonald
Isaiah Charles Manoogian
Jade Daniella Marlowe
Raquel Sofia Mateus
Brylee Taylor McLaughlin
Matthew Giuseppe Minutolo
Joseph Peter Morman
Robert John Mownn
Ryan Michael Nolan
Arian Novaj
Stephanie Lynn Nyzio
Bridget M. O'Donnell
Rebecca Rose Palma
Krishna Umesh Patel
Helena Pecani
Maria Alexandra Peraza
Kevin Pham
Alexandra Blaine Pray
Keara Nancy Prince
Marrium Zaahid Qureshi
Joseph Ranjit
Alexis Rae Redfield
Nicholas James Rioux
Jonathon Rocco
Alyssa Elene Santos
Bashkim Selmani
Sameer Moeen Sharaf
Michael Selden Sherman
Justyna S. Sudyka
Kendall Leigh Szulimowski
Jasmine Simone Tankard
Amanda Touch
Thao Minh Thach Tran
ThuyDuong Thi Tran
Samantha Marie Troy
Parisa Vaziri
Jordan H. Vidal
Andre Sheng Wang
Abigail Wolff
Kyle Matthew Wytas
Honors Scholars
Sarah Anne Franklin, in Doctor of Pharmacy
Ryan Michael Nolan, in Doctor of Pharmacy
Alyssa Elene Santos, in Doctor of Pharmacy
Rigon Gilani David Odhiambo Mumbo Jr.
Graduate, December 20, 2020
Angel Gabriel Cruz
Jamie Nicole Dudyak
Bilge Felek
Steve Emanuel Guaman
Amanda Nicole Jacaruso
Jalyn Alexandria Johnson
Anesha Delores Jones
Essence Owen
Ariana Nikole Ramos
Sara Ramos
Dionna Elizabeth Reynolds
Genise Rodriguez
Maribel Rodriguez Rodriguez
Suada Toska
Michaela Nicole Woods
Angel Alexander Aguirre
Mahfooz Ahmad
Fawad Mohammad Alam-Siddiqui
Victoria Sanford Aquino
Johanna Violeta Arias
Nadia Bentahir
Katherine Grace Berwind
Desirae Lynn Bragg
Cody J. Brouwer
Brendan Patrick Carroll
Colleen Marie Carroll
Zachary J. Christina
Justin Grant Clark
Cathleen Collins
Andrew Davenport Cook
Kyle J. Daigle
Charmaine C. Davis
Nicole T. Desrosier
Ben R. DeYoung
Chandra Dhanraj
Marcina Constantine Dionis
Tammy M. Donato-Harrington
Ama G. Dondorful-Amos
Grace Ferrante
Joseph Garvey
Lourdes Gisel Giudice
Kale David Howarth
Nicholas M. Jannetty
Adam Jawor
Christine Meg Johnson
Caraline Mia Judge
Gurpreet Kaur
Simranjit Kaur
Jordan Anais Kyle
Lynx LaCroix
Andrew John Lanciano
Konstantinos T. Lanis
Aja S. Leach
Alyssa Marie Martin
Patrick Normand Mccarty
Sharonica Michael
Corinne Pella Miller
John Narducci
Victor U. Nwaogu
Benjamin Paulino Palazzo
Jessica M. Paquette
Karina Giselle Parra
Robert Lee Peet
Elisa Reci-Rivera
Alisha Marie Rolon
Kyra Russell
Bryanna Marie Schwantes
Martin Sharpe
Chevaughn Andraé Smith
Karrie M. Tardiff Knowles
Emily Catherine Tyrol
Diane Marie Warner
Larry J. Wiley
John J. Bennett III
John G. Bonine
Richard Joseph Bosco
Nicholas R. Calandro
Rachel Lynn Caswell
Evette Gerda Chale
Rutho Charlot Jr.
Sabrea Darius Collins
Daniel Thomas Ecsedy
Karen R. Faass
Jonathan Harold Gagnon
David W. Kusmit
Xiaoqing Leng
Harmony A. Lipeika
Sara B. Maghfour
Lenora D'nell Matthews
Asha Ali Mohamud
Kieran Patrick O'Brien
Michael Joseph Roy
Theresa F. Samuelsen
Rachael Jeanne Suhie
Kamylla Vintimilla
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Brian Bediako
Jennifer Mary Callery
Jamilet Estel Castro
Jaime Lee Dahl
Marina Harris
Rafia Haseeb
Brooks Hood
Melanie Jaramillo
Paul Van Kien
Grant Lorusso
Jared Adam Luce
Valdez R. Madry
Hannah Victoria Mello
Sabrina Mokbul
Daniel K. Muteba
John Paul O'Connor
Bridget Kelly O'Hare
Ejiro Doreen Onerhime
LaKisha M. Papoutsakis
Daniel Prohigh
Tracy Lynn Rams
Daija Lashae Relaford
Salvatore Vincent Stewart
Eli Benjamin Thomas
Fredrick Kihara Wanjohi
Dana Linette Wine
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Eno Agolli, in Philosophy
Rashed Ahmad, in Philosophy
Alejandro Antonio Alfonso, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Cassidy L. Allen, in English
Aurora Gabrielle Amadeo, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Matthew Gage Amendola, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Giuseppe Amenta, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Monila Ametli, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Sarah Xueer Anderson, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Marianna Apergis, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Julie C. Arconti, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Alessandra Maria Armetta, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
María Augusta Arroyo, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Spanish Studies
Anamaria Arteaga, in Educational Psychology: School
Melissa Ann Bancroft, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Kyle A. Baron, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Deborah Beauprez, in Educational Psychology: Special
Micaela Lynn Bergel, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Kaitlyn M. Bernier, in Educational Psychology: Special
Grace Beshlian, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Skye Blanchette, in Educational Psychology: Special
David Bonilla, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Sara Reid Bradley, in Educational Psychology: Special
Lindsey Buck, in Economics
Minahil Muddassir Bukhari, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Maryjeanne Buonocore, in Educational Psychology: Special
Paula Calandra, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Meghan Marian Canastar, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Music Education
Monica Capriglione, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Genesis Carela, in International Studies: Latino and Latin
American Studies
Chandler Marie Caroccio, in Dramatic Arts:
Alyssa M. Casson, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Anna Marie Castles, in Educational Psychology: Special
Kaleigh Caulfield, in Educational Psychology: Special
Shea Cavaliere, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Julia Cechini, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Allasandra Rose Cianci, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: World Language Education
Laura Anne Cody, in Educational Psychology: Special
Rhiannon Maelloni Coen-Johnson, in Higher Education and
Student Affairs
Shelby Ryann Cohen, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Elizabeth Irene Collin, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Alyssa Harley Conklin, in Educational Psychology: Special
Anna Maria Connolly, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Daniel James Connolly, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Sarah Elizabeth Coyne, in Educational Psychology: Special
Jordan Dorothy Crinieri, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Allison Mackenzie Crooks, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Jessica Mae Cross, in Political Science
Jack Curry, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Matheson J. Curry, in History
Ashley Elizabeth Curtis, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Kurt Joseph Daigle, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Emmet de Barra, in History
Brenda Pauline DelGado, in Educational Psychology:
Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
Olivia Anne Deluca, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Christina L. Deoss, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Emma Detrick, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Timothy Dickson, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Marissa Anne Digby, in Educational Psychology: School
Jeffrey Theodore Dileone, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Sean Dillon, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Gloria Dishnica, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Alex Joseph Doming, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Connor Addison Dougan, in Higher Education and Student
Christopher Ernest Drexler, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Meghan Elizabeth Dube, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Clayton Leonardo Duffy, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Taylor Elise Emerson, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Alexis Esperance, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Harry Louis Esposito, in Educational Psychology: Special
Daniel George Fagan, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Michael Francis Fenn, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Kelsey Orin Fisher, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Aleigh Fitzpatrick, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Rebecca Flodquist, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Agricultural Education
Kiley Lyn Flynn, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Shawn Matthew Flynn, in Survey Research
Sydney Abigail Fogarty, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Adrienne Lillian Foret, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Kiana Kalila Ann Foster-Mauro, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Jessica Lilyann Fox, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Christine Marie Fracasso, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Austin Frandino, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Brieanna Marie Friend, in Educational Psychology: Special
Kayla Paige Fuhst, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
William Austin Gane, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Jonah C. Garcia, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Elizabeth Mary Gawlak, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Elizabeth Sarah George, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Joanna D. Glover, in Educational Psychology: Research
Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
Karli Ann Golembeski, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: World Language Education
Isabella Gradante, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Aleysia Savone Green, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Rosemary Green, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Samantha Erin Greenberg, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Katherine Anne Griffin, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Katie Grigely, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Emily Rose Grout, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: History and Social Studies
Yasheera Shantae Guadalupe, in Speech, Language and
Hearing Sciences
Elizabeth Michelle Gurski, in Educational Psychology: Special
Alexander Gutierrez, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
John Francis Guzauckas II, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Jasmine Adia Hardrick, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Rebecca Nicole Hart, in Educational Psychology: Special
Amanda Christina Higgins, in Higher Education and Student
Alquan D. Higgs, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Abagail Lynn Horton, in Human Development and Family
Margaret Huang, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Marissa Hubele, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Danielle Rose Hughes, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: World Language Education
Isabella Camelia Husu, in Educational Psychology: Special
Priscilla J. Huyhua, in Educational Psychology: Special
Jillian Hyland, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Nicole Holloway Hyman, in Higher Education and Student
Theresa Sydney Iadevaio, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Natalie Jayne Inglis, in Educational Psychology: Special
Gilles Astrid Itoua, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
French and Francophone Studies
Taylor Rose Izzo, in Educational Psychology: Special
Valerie Jarret, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Lauren Nicole Jellen, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Lauren Brooke Jolles, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Jenna Rose Karvelis, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Ruth Lynn Kelley, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Gabriella Ann Khoury, in Educational Psychology: Special
Jennifer Niemi King, in Adult Learning
Lisa D King, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Carolyn May Kleinschmidt, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Madeline Sperry Kodak, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Joshua Alexander Krieger, in Educational Psychology: Special
Valorie Nicole Krzanowski, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Morgan E. LaFlamme, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Marina C. Lajoie, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Samantha Taylor Laviero, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Emma Grace Lee, in English
Theresa Rose Legein, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Pamela Anne Lenti, in Educational Psychology: Special
Lebert F. Lester III, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Jack R. Levanto, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Alanna Levesque, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Daniel Joseph Levin, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Michelle Brigitte Lewis, in Communication
Juanyi Li, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Angela Liang, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Xena Xi Lin, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Samantha Aurora Lindquist, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Sara Linton, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Jennifer Loo, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Heather Anne Lopez, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Agricultural Education
Alexandra Elizabeth Losi, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Reading Education
Dianey Nayeli Lujan Luengas, in Literatures, Cultures and
Languages: Spanish Studies
Adam J. Lynch, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Tyler Milan Macko, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Samantha L. Mahoney, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Jack Ryan Malizia, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: History and Social Studies
Julia Anna Mancini, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Kassidy Donna Manness, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Melissa Manning, in Adult Learning
Carly Walsh Martin, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Samuel Ferro Martin, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Sarah Elizabeth Martin, in Educational Psychology: Special
Emily L. Mason, in Sociology
Jenna Marie Massicotte, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Kyre Johnny Mcbroom, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Madelyn Claire McDonald, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Andrew Neil Mcgurk, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Rachel Morgan Mchugh, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Sierra Noelle McMillan, in English
Lindsey Lee Mcmorris, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Lyric Mcvoy, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Jessica Charlee Merry, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Melina Mae Metaxas, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Michelle Miller, in Human Development and Family Sciences
Sean D. Miller, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Lawrence John Miller II, in Educational Psychology: Special
Brett Daniel Monnard, in Educational Psychology: Giftedness,
Creativity, and Talent Development
Thomas Trevele Morgan, in Dramatic Arts: Acting
Matthew Michael Moriarty, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Riley Mulhall, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Billy Narvaez, in Educational Psychology: School Psychology
Marisa Nazzaro, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Kathleen Ann Oreilly, in Educational Psychology: Special
Larissa Ostrinski, in Educational Psychology: Special
Timothy Joseph Palacios-Baughman, in Educational
Psychology: Special Education
Guadalupe Paniagua, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Anna Paquette, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Samuel Bernard Parade, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: History and Social Studies
Ashlee Marie Paradis, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Kerri Danielle Parker, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Irvine Fernande Candide Peck's-Agaya, in Higher Education
and Student Affairs
D'Lanie M. Pelletier, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Grace Amara Pelletier, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Madison Paige Perriolat, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Carlee Pickering, in Educational Psychology: Special
Kaitlyn Anne Pierce, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Patric Robert Pisani, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Grecia Poma, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Abigail Anne Porco, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Paris Pruitt, in Educational Psychology: Counselor Education
and Counseling Psychology
Olivia Antoinette Quagliani, in Educational Psychology:
Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
Ryan Quigley, in Digital Media and Design
Gabrielle Elizabeth Rago, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Emily Nicole Rakers, in Educational Psychology: Special
Marie M. Randle, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Damayanti Rane-Castrodad, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Jacob Lawrence Reich, in History
Michael Reid Jr., in Educational Psychology: Research
Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
Jordan Alex Richard, in Educational Psychology: Special
Matheus Rinco, in Judaic Studies
Alexis Kathleen Roach, in Higher Education and Student
Tyler Joseph Roberts, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Mathematics Education
Grace Rogers, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Rianka Roy, in Sociology
Kiara Vanessa Ruesta-Cayetano, in Higher Education and
Student Affairs
Sandra Ruiz Lopez, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Spanish Studies
Julia Taylor Russo, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Jillian Rachel Rutstein, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Allison Riley Salafia, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Amanda Salemi, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Skylar Bruxelles Sandler, in Higher Education and Student
Ajane Monique Santora-Fyne, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Tyler John Saunders, in Educational Psychology: Educational
Matthew Richard Scalzo, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Kylie Ilse Schechtman, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Lisa Katharina Schmitz, in Literatures, Cultures and
Languages: German Studies
George Steven Schott, in Educational Psychology: Special
Natasha Schweitzer, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Melissa Emelia Scrivani, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Hannah Seddon, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Suli Mercedes Serrano-Haynes, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: English Education
Erin Kathleen Severns, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Justin Alton Shadrick, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Gabrielle Sheridan, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: History and Social Studies
Skye Shogren, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music Education
Oxana Sidorova, in International Studies: Latino and Latin
American Studies
Victoria Simek, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Brett Nolan Simms, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
Albane Simon-Duneau, in Literatures, Cultures and
Languages: French and Francophone Studies
Silvia Lizeth Sincuir, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Jasmine Gratuito Sindico, in Higher Education and Student
Emily Ruth Smith, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Spencer Sonnenberg, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music
John Callahan Spessard, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Liana Christa Stampalia, in Music: Music Theory
Abigail Elizabeth Stavola, in Educational Psychology: Special
Hannah E. Steigler, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Emmalee Anna Stewart, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Kurt Stoodt, in Curriculum and Instruction: Music Education
Corine Sylvain, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Emanuela Anna Tarantello, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Eriya Tateishi, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Matthew Gray Taylor, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: World Language Education
Madison Thompson, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Debra Fortune Tomasino, in Human Development and Family
Alexandria Josephine Tomkunas, in Human Development and
Family Sciences
Jessica Monin Torruella, in Educational Psychology: Special
Hannah Kathryn Tuttle, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Nicholas Vavalle II, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Nina Vazquez, in International Studies: Latino and Latin
American Studies
Kimberly Velasquez, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Rachel Hisaye Wada, in Higher Education and Student Affairs
Emily Rachel Wade, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Maxwell Wade, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: History and Social Studies
Nafisa Wahed, in Curriculum and Instruction: Elementary
Ashley L. Walters, in Anthropology
Elizabeth Catherine Ward, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Music Education
Jazmyn M. Ward, in Educational Psychology: Counselor
Education and Counseling Psychology
Matthew Ryan Watts-St. Germain, in Educational Psychology:
Special Education
Daniel Whalen, in Communication
Taylor Rae Wheeler, in Educational Psychology: Special
Delaney Wisniewski, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: English Education
Merissa Wright, in Educational Psychology: Special Education
Mckayla H. Wyble, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Mathematics Education
Di Yang, in Communication
Carmen Yus Quintero, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Spanish Studies
Heshan Zhang, in Economics
Jerry Zhu, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: World Language Education
Lauren Marlee Zielinski, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Jennifer Erin Gleason Abbatemarco
Marta Maria Adamczyk, in Finance and Real Estate
Olusola Emmanuel Adesegun, in Business Analytics
Bhanuj Ahuja, in Business Analytics and Financial Analysis
and Investments
Andrew Ajodhi, in General Business
Michael Brandon Altamura, in Entrepreneurship and
Innovation and Management
Jose Luis Alves, in Finance
Emily Grace Amaducci, in Management
Nicholas Angotto, in Management
Sergio Eduardo Armendariz, in Business Analytics
Kevin Agnello, in Educational Psychology: Research Methods,
Measurement, and Evaluation
Maria Arteta, in Educational Psychology: Giftedness,
Creativity, and Talent Development
Lauren Berberich, in Educational Psychology: School
Simeon Willcox Brown, in Music: Historical Musicology
Daniell Carvalheiro, in Human Development and Family
Dandan Chen, in Educational Psychology: Research Methods,
Measurement, and Evaluation
Jaclyn Michelle Flynn, in Educational Psychology:
Educational Technology
Tolonda Henderson, in English
Lynne Frances Henwood, in Educational Psychology:
Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development
Claudia Jaelyn Hernandez, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Mengyu Hu, in Philosophy
Estelle Hughes Jr., in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
French and Francophone Studies
Kemani-Malik Hume, in Educational Psychology: School
Seojin Jung, in Economics
Nicole Lacasse, in Educational Psychology: School Psychology
Ashlyn Francesca Markosky, in History: American Studies
Megan Elizabeth Mccarthy, in Educational Psychology:
Educational Technology
Sean Michael Mongillo, in Educational Psychology:
Educational Technology
Jordan D. Normile, in Economics
Richard Francis O'Donnell III, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Elementary Education
Melissa A. Pierce, in Educational Psychology: School
Carl Matthew Rivers, in Educational Psychology: Cognition,
Instruction and Learning Technology
Shauna Marie Robinson, in Survey Research
Sarah Lindsay Rooney, in Educational Psychology: Giftedness,
Creativity, and Talent Development
Danielle Sara Rosenbaum, in Educational Psychology:
Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development
Kelley Ryan, in Educational Psychology: School Psychology
Elizabeth Santulli, in Educational Psychology: School
Alicia Kay Schroeder-Schock, in Educational Psychology:
Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development
Anita Schuh, in Educational Psychology: Giftedness,
Creativity, and Talent Development
Molly Staples, in Educational Psychology: Educational
Rachel Marie Taylor, in Human Development and Family
Stowe Locke Teti, in Philosophy
Kevin Louis Walsh, in Educational Psychology: Educational
James A. Wilkie, in Educational Psychology: Educational
Tianyi Zhang, in Educational Psychology: Educational
Paolo Zocco Jr., in Educational Psychology: Educational
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Asmita Aasaavari, in Sociology
Jessica Lynn Aney, in Philosophy
Kelly Jeanne Bell, in Survey Research
Emily VanderWall Browning, in Survey Research
Emmie Brier Brownlee, in Survey Research
Rose Beth Bryan, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Edlira Cocoli, in Economics
Faith Curry, in Sociology
Mary Kathryn Degostin, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Reading Education
Ashley Graham, in Anthropology
Thomas John Green, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Inileidys Hernández, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Spanish Studies
Tanner Z. Kovach, in Anthropology
John Thomas Lanen, in Survey Research
Jessica Ann Losito, in Survey Research
William Michael Merone, in Survey Research
Aliyar Ozercan, in Philosophy
Nicole Powell, in Educational Psychology: Cognition,
Instruction and Learning Technology
Aaron Proudfoot, in English
Christopher Rahlwes, in Philosophy
Maria Dimitrova Raykova, in Digital Media and Design
Latosha Lavelle Renfro, in Survey Research
Kylar Alexander Schaad, in Sociology
Amber Smith, in Political Science
Stephen Spiker, in Survey Research
Rachel M. Yirigian, in Educational Psychology: School
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Barkha Arora, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
Piyush Arora, in Business Analytics and Financial Analysis and
Andrew Joseph Aulenti, in Management
Kirstin Avery, in General Business
Daniel Wallace Bagdorf, in Finance and Management
Hunt Barada, in Marketing
Naomi R. Baretta
Ramah Barmo, in Digital Marketing Strategy
John Christopher Bartozzi, in Business Analytics
Alexandra Samson Bean, in Business Analytics
Klint Bejleri, in Health Care and Management
Benjamin Bellovin, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Daniel Beltrami, in Finance
Leticia P. Benigno, in Management
Kevin Bentivegna, in Management
Bradley Bereth, in Management and Marketing
Karl Besescheck, in General Business
Alok Bhatt, in Business Analytics
Thomas Bissell, in Business Analytics and Management
Mary Blodgett, in Management
Zachary James Brayman, in Business Analytics
Edward Gregory Bruce III, in Business Analytics
Mary Elizabeth Burford, in International Business and
Donald Cabral, in General Business
Christina Maria Callahan, in Finance and Management
Anthony Michael Carducci, in Health Care
Marcia Suzana Carpenter, in Health Care and Management
Karoline Cartee, in International Business and Management
Chris Catania, in Finance
Jonathan Cazar, in Business Analytics
Maria Elena Cebula, in General Business
Brianna E. Cellini, in Management
Jessica Lan Chan, in Management
Courtney Chandler, in Management
Amy Paajci Chang, in Finance and Management
Muhammad Ali Chaudry, in Finance and Real Estate
Vy Nhat Che, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
Jia Jia Chen, in Management and Marketing
Jesse Austin Chianelli, in Finance
Marcellus Lloyd Clarke, in Finance
Jasmine S. Clayton, in Management
Ryan Collins, in Management
Kevin Christopher Conniff, in Marketing
Katrina Contaxis, in Management
Michael Albert Coones, in Business Analytics and Finance
Jesse Albert Costa, in Finance and International Business
Lenny Coste, in Finance and Management
Kristin Marie Coster
Alexandra Cruz, in Finance and Management
William Spencer Cushman, in Business Analytics
Hunter D'Addeo, in Business Analytics and Management
Rebecca Engmann Darst, in International Business and
Egzon Dauti, in Finance
Hetvi Desai, in Management of Technology and Marketing
Daina Dihlman, in Health Care
Lauren Ein, in Business Analytics
Benjamin Frederick Erwin, in Management
Bryce Falzone, in Management
Willie T. Farmer Jr.
Nakisha N. Farquharson
Matthew Couceiro Fonseca, in Business Analytics and
Alexander Raymond Fredette, in Business Analytics
Kaitlin Haverty Freeman, in Health Care and Management
Ann Marie Freer, in Management and Marketing
Michael S. Fusco, in Business Analytics
Sriram Reddy Gaddamidi, in Finance and Management
Del Gagnon, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Jingdan Gao, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
William J. Garcia, in Management
Divyam Garg
Stephanie Ellen Gauthier, in Finance and Health Care
Michael Gerhard
Anthony Giacco, in Finance and Health Care
Derrick Christopher Gibbs Jr.
Antony Joseph Giunta
Sammy Gonzalez Jr.
Srinivasa Krishnamurthy Grama, in Finance
Angelique Grant
Felicia Elaine Greco, in Finance and Management
Peter Eric Gunderson, in Management
Utkarsh Gupta, in Business Analytics
Lydia M. Guzman, in Finance
Paul Hanlon, in Health Care
Djana Faith Harp
Melissa Helene Harris, in Business Analytics
Stephen Hepner, in Business Analytics
Orisa Herbert, in Finance
Gerald Albert Hodgkins, in General Business
George Hoffman, in Finance and Management
Christopher Jian Hong Huang, in Management
Kiely Hultgren, in Management
Kathryn Marie Hurley
Kashif Iqbal, in Business Analytics
Kaitlyn Isley, in Finance and Management
Caroline Elva Jadovich, in Management
Deepak Jain, in Business Analytics
Nishant Jain, in Business Analytics
Alveena Javed, in International Business and Management
Tejaswini Sai Lakshmi Jayanthy, in Business Analytics and
Financial Analysis and Investments
James Jerolimo, in Management
Amrita Jha, in Business Analytics
Kathryn Nicole Joerg, in Finance and Marketing
Laura Katherine Jones, in Finance
Wendi Isari Jordan, in Business Analytics
Peter Kakouros, in Finance and Management
Brian Kalosky, in Financial Analysis and Investments
Mohammad Kamalabad, in Business Analytics
Sweta Kantipudi, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
Ishita Kapoor, in Business Analytics and Financial Analysis
and Investments
Jaya Sukumara Kartha, in General Business
Andrew Kemp, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Mujtaba Ali Khan, in General Business
Stephanie Lynn Killian, in Management and Marketing
Natalee King, in Management and Marketing
Rachel Frances King, in Business Analytics and Health Care
Rekha King, in Management
Tatjana Knezevic, in Business Analytics
Natashua Betty Knox, in Finance
Vijay Kodumudi, in General Business
Andrew Peter Koehnke, in Management
Timothy Krupski, in General Business
Natalia Kulesza, in Management
Tarun Kumar, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
Manish Kundnani, in Business Analytics and Financial
Analysis and Investments
Sharanya Kuruganti, in Business Analytics and Digital
Marketing Strategy
Molly Francis Langer, in Finance and Marketing
Thao Le, in International Business
Matthew Lebel, in Finance and Marketing
Lauren Monica Lechner, in Digital Marketing Strategy and
International Business
Heatheryn Leduke, in Management and Marketing
Maurice Andre' Lee, in Finance and Marketing
Kyle Levesque, in Management
Keith Lilley, in Finance
Jakob Loren, in Finance
John Adam Lyman, in Management
Craig John Macken, in General Business
William Madaus, in Digital Marketing Strategy
John Kevin Mahder, in Finance
Caitlin Elizabeth Main, in Finance
Eesha M. Malick, in Marketing
Rumbidzai Michelle Masamvu, in Finance and International
Dane Mattran, in Business Analytics
Roxanne L. McCann, in International Business and
Alina McKevitt, in Business Analytics
Andrew Melaragno, in Health Care and Real Estate
Hannah Mendlowitz, in General Business
Chase Merrill, in International Business and Management
Megan Miller, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Christian Andrew Mines, in Finance
Bhavik Harivadan Modi, in Finance
Madhulika Moitra, in Business Analytics and Financial
Analysis and Investments
James Morrison, in Management
Shyamantha Mahendra Nanayakkara, in Business Analytics
Vijaya Lakshmi Nandipati, in Business Analytics
Vinh The Nguyen, in Management and Marketing
Kyle Nitz, in Management
Margaret Treat North, in General Business
Brandy Lynn Northcutt
Ivy Obeng, in Management
Ryan Dean O'Connell, in Finance and Management
Kevin M. Osman, in Business Analytics and Management
Shaina Ostrov, in Management
Raia Paneva, in Management and Marketing
Mitchell D'Patrick Panton, in Business Analytics and
Poonam Patel, in Business Analytics
Caitlin Sanctuary Pattison, in Finance and Management
Scott M. Paul, in Finance and International Business
Edward John Piniazek, in Business Analytics
Alexandra Victoria Pite, in Management
Patrick Premdas, in Business Ethics and Compliance
Meghan Nicole Price, in Management
Shannon Guziel Pucci, in Finance
Bridget Nicole Quevedo, in General Business
Nishant Karthik Raj, in Business Analytics
Marlon Raju, in Management
Jason Michael Reese
Boyd P. Relac, in Marketing
Wesley Emmanuel Revangil, in Management
Nicholas Rieder, in Health Care
Katherine Sigg Riesett, in Finance and Management
Megan Ritchey, in Finance and Management
Dylan Robbins, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Matthew Roberts, in Management
Holly Ann Robillard, in Business Analytics and Management
Aaron Rosman, in Management and Marketing
Richard Ruiz, in Management
Jeremy Knowles Ryerson, in Management
Amy Theresa Salcedo, in Management
Jonah Sanchez, in Management
Sjaun Corina Sanderson, in Finance
Rama Y. Santayana, in Health Care
Eric David Sassu, in General Business
Joseph Anthony Sconzo, in International Business
Daniel Richard Selander, in Business Analytics
Igor I. Serebriakov
Neal Shah, in Finance
Sameer Moeen Sharaf, in General Business
Sweta Sharma, in Business Analytics and Financial Analysis
and Investments
Raghav Shekhar, in Business Analytics and Digital Marketing
Prem Chand C. Shenoy
Jasdeep Singh, in General Business
Billy Smith, in Management
Miquel Kesha Smith
Nedir Soares, in General Business
Jon Erik Sobanski, in Marketing
Adetokunbo Sodiya, in Management
Siddesh Sridhar, in Business Analytics
Bethany Lynn Steinway, in Health Care and Management
Robert Alan Stromquist, in Management
Mark Andrew Strout, in Business Analytics
Terrell Tait, in International Business
Stylianos Tamouridis, in Digital Marketing Strategy and
International Business
Melissa Marie Thomas, in Marketing
Michael Charles Turk, in Health Care and Management
William Vance, in Finance
Gavin Vandervoort-Levy, in Finance
Joseph Michael Vandeusen, in General Business
Mario Varela, in Finance
Lauren Rose Varjabedian, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
John Robert Varkonda
Melitsa Joanna Vasilakis, in Finance
Jamie Vega, in Business Analytics and Business Ethics and
Anna Maria Virzi, in Marketing
Khandaker Talal Walid, in Business Analytics
Jason Zachary Walker, in Finance
Steven Walker, in Finance
Maegan Ward, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Sarah A. Ware, in Finance and Management
Jonathan Lee Webster, in Management
Jason Michael Wiles, in Business Analytics
Janoye Jovian Williams, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Robert Wilson, in Management of Technology
Guolei Wu, in Business Analytics
Monica Alejandra Yanez, in Finance and Management
Dylan James Yaworski, in Finance
Jaime E. Zambrano
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Christopher Aiuto, in Finance and Management of Technology
Lynette A. Badu, in Health Care Management and
Melissa Banks, in Business Ethics and Compliance and
International Business
Kimberly Beek, in Finance and Management
Dan Berlinski, in International Business and Management
Maxwell James Bernstein, in International Business and
Francis Berube, in Finance
Jeremy Robert Bono, in Management
Cory Elizabeth Bosworth, in Health Care Management and
Emanuel A. Calderon, in Business Analytics
Abdourahmane Camara, in Digital Marketing Strategy and
International Business
Paul Carbonell, in International Business and Management of
Shizhi Chen, in Finance and Health Care Management
Kevin J. Chiang, in Health Care Management
Christopher Chieffo, in Health Care Management
Ashleigh Meagan Corvi, in International Business and
Diego De La Riva, in Finance and Management
Kari Ann Dennis, in Finance and Management
Stephanie Marie Douglas, in Management
Matthew Wilson Dufour, in International Business and
Farzana Erfan, in Management and Marketing
Paula Estrella, in Finance and International Business
Ryan Richard Figaro, in Finance and International Business
Dana Louise Fontanella, in Management and Marketing
Nicole Suzanne Fundock, in Management
Jonathan M. Galligan, in Business Ethics and Compliance and
Digital Marketing Strategy
Alexandra Guo, in Management and Marketing
Kiersten Edwina-Morsanutto Halstead, in Management and
Nathan Canfield Hemingson, in International Business and
Takeya Arlee Hilliard, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and
International Business
Lauren Leon Hudobenko, in Finance and International
Michael Christopher Humbert, in Finance
Taylor Keith, in Finance
Christopher Knortz, in Finance
Daniel Levinson, in Finance
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Humza Abdul-Basir, in Finance and Management
Tyler Avery, in International Business
Kevin Edward A. Badu, in Finance and International Business
Jeffrey Bartek, in Finance
Gabriel Michael Basayne, in Management and Marketing
Sarah Lindsey Beaudoin, in Finance and International
Mahesh Bhandari, in Management
Aaron William Boatman, in Management
Michael Brekke, in Management
Charles Henry Brooks, in Finance and Management
Gregory Brousseau, in Management
Robert D. Budlong, in Management
Nurudeen Busari, in International Business and Marketing
Brittany Marie Carroll, in Finance
Cathryn Chang, in Management
Micky Mukesh Chhabda, in Business Analytics
Michael Chrysosferidis, in Finance
Akbar Coffy, in Finance
Joseph Louis Conti, in Management and Marketing
Abigail Bryant Dancause, in Health Care and Management
Francesca V. D'Antonio, in Management
Matthew Thomas DelMonte, in Finance
Christopher Robert Devine, in Finance and Marketing
Latisha Douglas, in Management of Technology
Megan Riley Duff, in Finance
Vinicius Pesce Franchin, in Business Analytics
Richard Frazier, in Health Care and Management of
Robert Charles Fulton, in Health Care
Travis Goeller, in Digital Marketing Strategy and International
Alan Anthony Green, in Health Care
Ariel Lian Hooker, in International Business
Stephanie Juan, in Health Care and Management
Andrew Cyril Karlowicz, in Finance and International
Tracy Kennedy, in Management
Roy Thore Koch, in Business Analytics
Edward Michael Kozyra, in Finance
Shamar Kynard, in Management
Shirin Madanshekaf, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and
Adam Charles Munger, in Management
Ted Paul O Brien, in Finance and Management
Solomon Oghabir, in Business Analytics and International
Stephen Daniel Paradis, in Finance
Vinit Patel, in Finance and Management
Andrew Petterelli, in Finance
Thomas Joseph Pia, in Business Analytics
Camron Rafiee, in Management and Real Estate
Natasha J. Robinson, in International Business and Operations
and Information Management
Daniel Rodrigues, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and
International Business
Michael James Salvatore, in Finance and International
Natasha Zuhra Shah, in Digital Marketing Strategy
Michael Joseph Siteman, in Management
Derek Aleksander Skrzypek, in Finance and Management
Kiley Michele Stauffer, in Management and Management of
Bharath Tata, in Business Analytics
Benjamin John Theberge, in Finance and Management
Dillon Tyman, in Finance
Senol Umer, in Finance
Jacob Aaron Viner, in General Business
Nazar Volyanik, in Management
Matthew Peter Zotto, in Finance
Armaghan Ahmad
Sina Banankhah
John Barrett
Philip Chang
Lamia Ahmed Nour El Din Habib
Jonathan Andrew Lomboy
Ledjo Palo
Afroditi Pita
Divya Puri
David Peter Remiszewski
Manuel A. Sato
Collin Siu-Hong Shuen
Dennis Bo Wang
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Khabbab Bakhsh
Martinna Mendonca Bertolini
Nyle Bradley Blanck
Po-Jung Chen
Rebecca Dresner
Breanne C. Dufault
Amirtha Hariharan
Varsha Kadyan
Rachel Kalman
Dallin S. Larson
Samuel Robert Lee
Alana Marczak
Shivam Yogesh Mehta
Courtney Drew Michelson
Yassmin Parsaei
Lavanya Rajendran
Hanh Truong Tran
Joseph Peter Ballard, in Mechanical Engineering
Evan Michael Courtney, in Advanced Systems Engineering
Michael Leonard Difrancesco, in Materials Science and
Benjamin Allen Graham, in Clinical Engineering
Amy Lynn Hernandez, in Materials Science and Engineering
Kenan Jasavic, in Materials Science and Engineering
Connor David Jones, in Mechanical Engineering
Lucas Julian, in Mechanical Engineering
Zachary Paul Konopaske, in Materials Science and
Timothy Krupski, in General Engineering
Joseph Jeffery Lacourse, in Mechanical Engineering
Luis Antonio Lopez, in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Eleni Markopoulos, in Materials Science and Engineering
Justin Karl Marrott, in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kevin Andrew Moran, in Mechanical Engineering
Sam Pradhan, in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Darryl Stephen Ramgoolam, in Electrical and Computer
Matthew Sean Sargeant, in Mechanical Engineering
Alec Dagenais Schmidt, in Advanced Systems Engineering
Ryan N. Stack, in General Engineering
Raymond Thomas Sucaet, in Mechanical Engineering
Armin Tahmasbi Rad, in Global Entrepreneurship
Andrew Scott Vogel, in Mechanical Engineering
John Voyiatzis, in Mechanical Engineering
Emily S. Yale, in Global Entrepreneurship
Frederick Anthony Loomis, in Management
Lila Lu, in International Business and Management
Gary Marcella, in Marketing
Timothy E. Marshall, in Finance and Management
Matthew Matern, in Finance and Management
Innjay Moon, in Management and Marketing
Emily Morris, in International Business and Management
Marissa Opalka, in Business Ethics and Compliance and
International Business
Yolancia Pagdiwala, in Health Care Management
Robert Marcus Palleschi, in Finance and International
Lily Pare, in Management
Samarth Patel, in Finance
Philip Ernesto Pellerzi, in Finance
Caitlin Marie Piechowicz, in Management and Marketing
Michele Thomas Pistone, in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
and International Business
Stefano Raffa, in Management
Kristopher Schreiner, in Management
Izza Shahzad, in Health Care Management
Tanya U. Shankar, in International Business and Marketing
Malika Sheth, in International Business and Management
Brandon Simone, in International Business and Management
Dustin Smith, in Management
Kaitlin Stachowiak, in Business Ethics and Compliance and
Stephen Gregory Strub, in Business Analytics
Anand Subramanian, in Management of Technology and
Robert Swietek, in Management
Paige Symone Thompson, in Finance
Matthew Turo, in Finance and Management
Varun Thomas Varghese, in Finance and Management
William Warren, in Finance
Seth Wiafe, in Business Analytics
Devon Austin Aldave
Zoya Ali
Ishtua Alicea
Militza Allen
Laurel Bailey
Timothy John Bergin
Kylie Bouley
Rory Martin Burke
William Henry Butler
Valentina Fabiola Campillo Mendez
Timothy Lionel Coble Jr.
Eleanor R. Cuifalo
Katharine Michelle Cummings
Ryan Joseph Curley
Alexandra Valerie DeGirolamo
Molly Durand
Ondri-Machale Ada Enwerem
Debra Pittorie Forand
Michelle Anama Fournier
Olivia Catherine Francoline
Clotilde Elizabeth Gannon
Tiffany Rose Garcia
Justin Michael Gilbert
Ciara Mary Hanlon
Qizhao Huang
Bridget Inzirillo
John Dohyun Kim
Christopher Jay Lamperelli
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Jonathan Kofi Ampiaw, in Digital Media and Design
Katya Beliavski, in Arts Administration
Neda Izadi, in Dramatic Arts: Puppetry
Stefan Sain Lopuszanski, in Digital Media and Design
Tingzhu Pan, in Arts Administration
Laurel Elizabeth Pehmoeller, in Digital Media and Design
Nadia Gabriela Aguilar-Steinberg, in Music: Performance
Angela Garcia-Clark, in Music: Performance
Adiel Paul Najera, in Music: Performance
Kara Williams, in Music: Performance
Muhammad Nazeef Azam, in Mechanical Engineering
Charlemagne Balane, in Mechanical Engineering
Michael W. Bennett, in Materials Science and Engineering
Patrick Portento Besana, in Materials Science and Engineering
Michael Binkowski, in Mechanical Engineering
Paolo Emil Burkley, in Mechanical Engineering
Kelsey Elizabeth Bushkoff, in Mechanical Engineering
Alexandru Cadar, in Materials Science and Engineering
James John Casey, in Mechanical Engineering
Steven William Decker, in Mechanical Engineering
Purity Dele-Oni, in Mechanical Engineering
Juliana Gorski, in Environmental Engineering
Paul Hanrahan, in Mechanical Engineering
Amanda Haraghey, in Mechanical Engineering
Stephan Maric, in Advanced Systems Engineering
Brendan James McLarty, in Materials Science and Engineering
Laura Marie Murphy, in Materials Science and Engineering
Neel Pravin Nadpara, in Materials Science and Engineering
Eugene Ng, in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jonathan D. Rasimas, in Materials Science and Engineering
Sarah Anne Rup, in Mechanical Engineering
Barry William Spaulding, in Mechanical Engineering
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Emma Atkinson, in Digital Media and Design
Samuel J. Biondolillo, in Dramatic Arts: Design
Zachary Franklin Broome, in Dramatic Arts: Design
Joseph T. Caster, in Art
Justin T. Chapman, in Arts Leadership and Cultural
Shelby Katherine Charlesworth, in Art
Felicia Marie Cooper, in Dramatic Arts: Puppetry
Robert Ian Cutler, in Dramatic Arts: Puppetry
Rachel Marie Dickson, in Art
Michael Dimauro, in Dramatic Arts: Technical Direction
Aubrey Lynne Ellis, in Dramatic Arts: Technical Direction
Yucheng Hang, in Digital Media and Design
Kimberly Lyn Kinan, in Dramatic Arts: Technical Direction
Terence Lacasse, in Arts Leadership and Cultural Management
Hongju Lim, in Digital Media and Design
Wenchao Lou, in Digital Media and Design
Shawn Michael, in Art
Robert Nicholas Ortiz, in Dramatic Arts: Technical Direction
Martha Magdalena Pawlowski, in Art
Kevin William Smith, in Dramatic Arts: Design/Puppetry
Renoj Kurien Varghese, in Digital Media and Design
Xurui Wang, in Dramatic Arts: Design
Haw-Chen Wu, in Arts Leadership and Cultural Management
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Jeremy Robert Bono, in Mechanical Engineering
Stephen Joshua Buffardi, in Materials Science and Engineering
Kevin Luis Garcia, in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Miriam Gonzalez, in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Graduate, December 20, 2020
Anthony Joseph Pandolfe, in Music: Conducting
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Aniella Mary Jane Genevieve Fignon
Elizabeth Adele Frenis
Stephanie Lee Beron Guralnick
Marta M. Holovatska
Sadia Alam
Sundari Elliott Birdsall
Shamira Monee Chappell
Jenna Clavette
Timothy Daniel Cocozza
Michael James Craven
Julianna Sylvia Elmasri
Caroline Elizabeth Eudy
Ruth Elizabeth Fetter
Gian Abbegail Grant-McGarvey
Sarah Lynn Gwinn
Mitchel Kehinde Jobble
Sara Maria Pauline Leslie
Cory James Loftis
Melissa Carolyn McCann
Jillian Marie McNamara
Mary Elizabeth Meinert
Katherine Rose Merrick
Tiffani-Amber L. Miller
Magda Mocarska
Jeffrey Raymond Necio
Maria Clemencia Ortiz
Brianna L. Pintavalle
Verónica Y. Schmidt Terón
Cassandra Lorraine Setzler
Ruth Teshome Shefraw
Jennifer Jackson Stephenson
Victoria Jane Stoj
Corrilisha Lynn Telford
Andrew An Trinh
Camisha Nicky Vilme
Isha Ashish Walawalkar
Madeline Williams
Corona Zeng Zhang
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Michael Baczewski
Kayla Evelyn Burgess
Kyle Alan Cipriano
Jeremy Joseph Kimble
Muhammad Khalid Razzaq
Melanie Rose Schmitt Goodin
Maureen Goulet
Michelle L. Huggins
Jessica Celeste Muirhead
Kara Jean Sene
Ian Ward Timmons
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Sarah Davison Lewis
Michael Lucas
Somaya Jahnae Mcdermott
Katarina Harley Moroch
Olena Nagorna
Xholina Nano
Rebecca Ouellette
Tina Barbara Prakash
Shari Lynn Pratt
Florwilwidge Lordie Rene
Marlaina Shalise Rodriguez
Trever Medeiros Rogers
Eric Luis Rosario
Zoe Schwartz
Corinne Ruth Seibert
Karo Karoyevich Shakhnazarov
Robert Ammons Shelby
Shukria Shinwari
Martyna Srebrna
Peter Francis Tomanelli
Leah Nicole Wade
Vanessa Leigh Williams
Chad Thomas Winn
Cathryn Michelle Asp
Essam Mohameed Aly Boraey
Mackenzie Sky Egbert
Burton Guion
Spencer Thomas Kinyon
Daria Angelica Larson
Charlotte Moller
Katharine Hana Morris
Adam Michael Murphy
Caleb Scott Pittman
Rachel Manjot Rattan
Nathalia Ribeiro
Ashley Medaly Robles
Ralph Thomas Rotondo IV
Benjamin Asher Saltzman
Alexandra Lynne Thomas
Graduate, December 20, 2020
Precious Marie Baker
Marlene Abouaassi, in Molecular and Cell Biology
Rubeena Abraham, in Accounting
Jiayuan Ai, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Sekinah Hassan Ajiboye, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Anthony Alexander, in Business Analytics and Project
Jonathan Amoah, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Anchala Krishnan, in Mathematics
Meghan Andrews, in Human Resource Management
Rachel Angelo, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Arshiya Anjum, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kerry Antolini, in Human Resource Management
Joshua Apfel, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Robert Michael Argus, in Mathematics
Natali Arias Dussan, in Business Analytics and Project
Gaurav Arya, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Maisha Maliha Azam, in Biomedical Engineering
Yang Ba, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jonathan Baah, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Paige Elizabeth Baccaro, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Apurva Baddur, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Elliot J. Baik, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Christina Rose Baker, in Business Analytics and Project
Dibyatanu Banik, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Guangkun Bao, in Statistics
Daniel Charles Barry, in Biomedical Engineering
Brianna Katrina Barton, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Madison Elizabeth Begley, in Accounting
Seraphim Vladimir Belko, in Advanced Manufacturing for
Energy Systems: Advanced Materials
Kathryn Marie Beloin, in Accounting
Rachel S. Berkowsky, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Justin Mark Bernheimer, in Accounting
Jacqueline Celia Bertan, in Biomedical Engineering
Nicholas Paul Bertora, in Accounting
Deep Prakash Bhanushali, in Business Analytics and Project
Likhitha Bheemanath, in Business Analytics and Project
Caroline Bielaszka, in Accounting
Zoryana Bilohan, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Kirsten Bladh, in Energy and Environmental Management
Jonathan Michael Blake, in Electrical Engineering
Christopher Jeffrey Boisvert-Cotulio, in Civil Engineering:
Structural Engineering
Adhirath Bollapragada, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Gregory Bollaro, in Human Resource Management
Cynthia Boo, in Psychological Sciences: Developmental
Avinaba Bose, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Chanell Alexa Botsis, in Biomedical Engineering
Christine Bottone, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Denace Jacob Boyington, in Human Resource Management
Erin Braker, in Chemistry
Charles Malcolm Bridges, in Microbiology
Maria Buzzelli, in Applied and Resource Economics
Edward Steven Byrne, in Accounting
Samuel Charles Calello III, in Mechanical Engineering:
Thermal and Fluid Sciences
Evan Callahan, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Nadia Calle-Vera, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Michael Thomas Campo, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal
and Fluid Sciences
Stephen Phillip Cangelosi, in Mechanical Engineering
Lin Cao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Mharibeth Caparas, in Accounting
Brian Carelli, in Accounting
Hanna Este Caridad, in Health Promotion Sciences
Eric Peter Carrano, in Health Care Genetics
Andrew Scott Carroll, in Business Analytics and Project
John Francis Casey, in Biomedical Engineering
Ryan Daniel Cavanaugh, in Accounting
Annamma Mathew Chaluparambil, in Accounting
Di Chen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Fufei Chen, in Biostatistics
Hao-Wun Chen, in Statistics
Jiaming Chen, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ruofan Chen, in Statistics
Shuyao Chen, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kefei Cheng, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Rusheel Lakshmi Krishna Chinnapapakkagari, in Business
Analytics and Project Management
Carol Cho, in Human Resource Management
Carlee Clarino, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner
Stephanie Lee Clark, in Accounting
Nikko John Cleri, in Physics
Hannah Irene Collins, in Oceanography
Joseph Robinson Condren, in Sport Management
Nicole Christine Conley, in Biomedical Engineering
Shontreal Monique Cooper, in Clinical and Translational
Kevin Cox, in Biomedical Engineering
David Cole Crawford, in Accounting
Ryan Joseph Cronin, in Accounting
Kristin Cuccia, in Human Resource Management
Cayman Cushing, in Materials Science and Engineering
Vedant Rajiv Dadhich, in Business Analytics and Project
Tori J. Danis, in Chemical Engineering
Rebecca Adrienne Day, in Sport Management
Crystal J. Deller, in Human Resource Management
Jesse Robert Deluca, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and
Shayna Deluca, in Athletic Training
Kartik Dhanaitkar, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Saurav Dhar, in Computer Science and Engineering
Marissa Nicole DiBella, in Nutritional Science
Sanjiv Dinakar, in Computer Science and Engineering
Sifan Ding, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Tianshu Ding, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Connor Thomas Dion, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy
Systems: Processing
Feissal Djoule, in Applied Microbial Systems Analysis
Mackenzie-Adiela Dawn Docherty, in Health Promotion
Samuel Michael Donahue, in Accounting
Victoria Anne Donlon, in Accounting
Kristin Lea Donofrio, in Human Resource Management
Hailey Donohue, in Applied Microbial Systems Analysis
Sebastian Donoso, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and
David James Doyle, in Biomedical Engineering
Anthony Francis Duong, in Health Promotion Sciences
Brenden Edwards, in Civil Engineering: Geotechnical
Jason M. Ellis, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Mohamed Moustafa Elserafy, in Mechanical Engineering:
Victoria Elvir, in Accounting
Ryan S. Enos, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and
Jason Miguel Escalera, in Sport Management
Matthew Steven Eschbach, in Mechanical Engineering:
Systems and Mechanics
Rileigh Jo Evitts, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Zheng Fang, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Bradley Christopher Farnum, in Mechanical Engineering:
Energy and Thermal Sciences
Jieyin Feng, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Joseph Michael Fetta, in Nursing
Elizabeth Chanice Figueroa-Hadaway, in Human Resource
Holly Michelle Fiorenti, in Health Promotion Sciences
Megan M. Fitzsimons, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Erika Gretel Fleming, in Nutritional Science
Danielle Flowers, in Accounting
Austin Edward Ford, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Elizabeth Paige Forsythe, in Accounting
Shaina Michelle Forte, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Rena Josephine Fox, in Human Resource Management
Mitchell Friedman, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner
Madeline Fulton, in Health Promotion Sciences
Justin Furuness, in Computer Science and Engineering
Dante Vincenzo Futia, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Alanna M. Gado, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy
Systems: Processing
Kristine Judith Galizio, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Holly Morgan Gamer, in Accounting
Feng Gao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jia Gao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yuhang Gao, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Ziyun Gao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Vijay Anand Garad, in Business Analytics and Project
David Gates, in Human Resource Management
Haley Morgan Gershman, in Health Promotion Sciences
Umesh Ghimire, in Quantitative Economics
Laura Gillen, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Declan Oliver Gilmer, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial
and Organizational Psychology
Benjamin Giroux, in Health Promotion Sciences
Nicholas Gnitzcavich, in Business Analytics and Project
Mai Goda, in Human Resource Management
Aaron Arthur Golab, in Environmental Engineering
Samantha Rose Goldberg, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Chenlu Gong, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Feiran Gong, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Nicole Ann Gonzalez, in Animal Science
Kaitlyn Goodridge, in Plant Science: Plant Environment
Ethan Wright Gossett, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial
and Organizational Psychology
Raymond Thomas Graham, in Oceanography
Gregory Grasso, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal and
Fluid Sciences
Lauren Michelle Gray, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Lisa Celeste Gray, in Business Analytics and Project
Kathryn Jennifer Greene, in Accounting
Avital Greener, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner
Kyle Jason Greenspan, in Accounting
Annika Emma Grewal, in Health Care Genetics
Emma Bailey Gromko, in Accounting
Laurie Groshon, in Health Promotion Sciences
Yueting Guo, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Deniz Gurevin, in Electrical Engineering
Jessica Gutierrez, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Samrin Farouk Idris Habbani, in Clinical and Translational
Brandon Z. Hallaway, in Athletic Training
Brandon Luke Halle, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Berivan Hamoto, in Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Lu Han, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ziqi Han, in Statistics
Azem Handzic, in Accounting
Paul Hanlon, in Human Resource Management
Jiayu Hao, in Physiology and Neurobiology: Neuroscience
Josie Nicolette Hare, in Health Promotion Sciences
Caitlin Hargrave, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Ashlee Wescott Harris, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Adam Haynes, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Shanshan He, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Wen He, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Lewis Gordon Head, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Scott Heafy, in Accounting
Nicollette Shea Herman, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Valeria Natalia Herrera, in Health Promotion Sciences
Hayley Elisabeth Hesse, in Accounting
John Felix Hilaire, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Rachel Nancy Hope Hildrey, in Health Promotion Sciences
Katherine Adele Hill, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Inki Hong, in Applied and Resource Economics
Joshua Harrison Houle, in Accounting
Ziru Hu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ching-Ying Huang, in Biostatistics
Linqian Huang, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Yikun Huang, in Biomedical Engineering
Trevor Dean Hunter, in Health Care Genetics
Zaide Ibic, in Applied Genomics
Shahidul Islam, in Chemistry
Monisha Jain, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Steven Richard Sean Jenkins, in Accounting
Hyejin Jeon, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Julia Jerolamon, in Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Evangeline Victoria Jerome, in Accounting
Yuele Ji, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Huarui Jing, in Quantitative Economics
Shelby Rae Johns, in Biomedical Engineering
Herman Mathew Johnson, in Sport Management
Annie Marie Jones, in Accounting
Danielle Renee Jordan, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Merlin Alexander Joseph Jr., in Sport Management
Pankaj Joshi, in Civil Engineering: Transportation and Urban
Natalia Junqueira Mancilha Santos, in Business Analytics and
Project Management
Mrudula Kadam, in Business Analytics and Project
Susan Kalla, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ankarao Kalluri, in Chemistry
Rob Kanehl, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Helen Karimi, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Manasa Chinmayi Karra, in Business Analytics and Project
Kiikaleaopohakulani Kai Hoopai Kelii, in Accounting
Meghan Lee Kelly, in Human Resource Management
Rhiannon Alice Kemp, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Nathaniel Joseph Aaron Keri, in Biomedical Engineering
Kausar Khan, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner
Hari Nagaraj Khatavkar, in Business Analytics and Project
Keiona Mae Khen, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Gyujin Kim, in Athletic Training
Jade King, in Accounting
Sarah Joyce Knapp, in Human Resource Management
Sri Varsha Kongara, in Business Analytics and Project
Erin Kooima, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Celia Kosinski, in Energy and Environmental Management
Madhuri Koyilakonda, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Melody Anne Kramarz, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Kamal Kannan Krishnan, in Business Analytics and Project
Amanda L. Kuczo, in Athletic Training
Somya Kukreja, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Ayush Kumar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Samantha Lacey, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial and
Organizational Psychology
Shawn Michael Lada, in Health Promotion Sciences
Christian Vincent Lalomia, in Sport Management
Ashley Shauntae Latibeaudiere, in Molecular and Cell Biology:
Genetics and Genomics
Sameer Laul, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Michael Francis Leandri, in Accounting
Lauren Alyssa LeBlanc, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Clayton Robert Leopold, in Accounting
Michael Patrick Letterio, in Chemical Engineering
Kefan Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Nanxi Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Peixuan Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Qinlin Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ruoyan Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Shunyi Li, in Biomedical Engineering
Xingwei Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yibo Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Yukuan Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yuqing Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Zhuoqun Li, in Financial Risk Management
Mei-Yu Liao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Nazeeha Sadik Lilaporia, in Business Analytics and Project
Min Lin, in Biostatistics
Julia Ann Lindwall, in Accounting
Erin Elizabeth Lis, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Fanghui Liu, in Computer Science and Engineering
Guan Liu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jiachen Liu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Kejing Liu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xinyan Liu, in Statistics
Zachary William Lobman, in Business Analytics and Project
Mutian Lv, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Hongmei Ma, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Kunpeng Ma, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Lingyun Ma, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yuhan Ma, in Biostatistics
Emily Haug Maher, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Benjamin Joseph Mahoney, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Caitlin Elizabeth Main, in Business Analytics and Project
Vijay Kumar Makayee, in Accounting
Ciara Nicole Manning, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Anthony S. Marino, in Financial Risk Management
Dalia Naser Marmash, in Nutritional Science
Samantha Marie Marquez, in Psychological Sciences:
Behavioral Neuroscience
Samantha Brown Mason, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Rachael Elise Massey, in Health Care Genetics
John Robert Matukaitis, in Business Analytics and Project
Alyssa Hildebrandt Mcdonnell, in Applied and Resource
Matteo Olimpi McDonnell, in Physics
Emily Marie Margaret Mckenna, in Accounting
Mindy Lynne McNamara, in Business Analytics and Project
Morgan Ann McNamara, in Biomedical Engineering
Oliver McNeil, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Liam Joseph McNichols, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Brianna Lynn Medeiros, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Pratik Nailesh Mehta, in Applied Genomics
Gabrielle Sarah Melamed, in Mathematics
Brett Mendez, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Christina M. Menniti, in Oceanography
Zezhong Mi, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Emily Louise Mica, in Human Resource Management
Kenneth Miller, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Shannon Lynn Milliard, in Human Resource Management
Samuel Joseph Molitoris, in Accounting
Molly Montano, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner
Deion Moore, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Marc Richard Moore, in Physics
Silvanna Moran-Vargas, in Business Analytics and Project
Deundray Jimore Morgan, in Sport Management
Alec Moschitto, in Health Care Genetics
Nomin Munkhbat, in Mechanical Engineering: Energy and
Thermal Sciences
Amanda Murphy, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Quinne Catherine Murphy, in Oceanography
Lucas Ethan Myers, in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Soha Nadeem, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Revindran Nadesan, in Business Analytics and Project
Gerard George Nailon, in Human Resource Management
Jayakumar Ramakrishnan Nair, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Richard Nash, in Accounting
Julianne Naughton, in Human Resource Management
Kimberly Diem Quynh Nguyen, in Biomedical Engineering
Cyrene Sinclair Nicholas, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Amanda J. Nichols, in Accounting
Michael George Nicolson, in Biomedical Engineering
Xiaoying Nie, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Oliver Nigro, in Biomedical Engineering
Jonathan Nip, in Biomedical Engineering
Mary Fosuah Nketia, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Jashan Nuthi, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Abiodun Taofeek Obajinmi, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Corinne O'Connell, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Emika Okada, in Accounting
Reagan O'loughlin, in Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Kristin Anne Olsen, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Kelly O'meara, in Accounting
Chinoye Onyebuchi, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner
Lisa Marie Ornelas-Sanchez, in Human Resource Management
Tracy Osullivan, in Human Resource Management
Amie Lee Ouellette, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner
Sasanka Sekhar Reddy Pala, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Prachi Paliwal, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Shangtong Pan, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Yuying Pan, in Statistics
Connor Ryan Parsch, in Accounting
Jorge Miguel Payne, in Business Analytics and Project
Sara Pedram, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy Systems
Changjian Peng, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Yaya Todung Peretto, in Human Resource Management
Giovanna Perricone, in Human Resource Management
Leah Margaret Pfrommer, in Health Promotion Sciences
Joseph B. Phelps, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and
Rebecca Blake Pieper, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Matthew J. Pinciaro, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Health Care Analytics
Katelyn Pitcher, in Psychological Sciences
Maria Alicia Pizarro-White, in Accounting
Julia Podsen, in Biomedical Engineering
Alagugasangage Gothmini Sankhapali Polgolla, in Statistics
Samuel Post, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Erin Siobhan Prescott, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Stephen Ellis Price, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal and
Fluid Sciences
Kyle Pyshna, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Xiaotian Qi, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Guanbo Qiao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Mingyu Qin, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Yiyao Qiu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Madeline Quam, in Psychological Sciences
Sahil Raghav, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Kaussar Mohammed Rahman, in Biomedical Science
Priyanka Raja, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Chetana Rajabhoj, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Raghu Nandhan Rajendran, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Mukund Ramachandran, in Business Analytics and Project
Hem Dipakbhai Rambhia, in Business Analytics and Project
Nicholas P. Randle, in Accounting
Salvatore Andrew Rapisarldi, in Business Analytics and Project
Haleigh Elise Rayner, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Bonnie L. Rebb, in Human Resource Management
Deexith Reddy, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Owen Joseph Reed, in Accounting
Suzanne Elizabeth Reese, in Accounting
Boyd P. Relac, in Human Resource Management
Zewei Ren, in Statistics
Michael Joseph Riberdy, in Physics
Dahiana Rivera, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Aldo Rodhani, in Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering
Christopher Eric Rodriguez, in Accounting
Jacqueline Rodriguez, in Athletic Training
Amanda Rogers, in Accounting
Kathryn Margaret Roy, in Financial Risk Management
Victoria Lena Saccoccio, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Nicholas Saddig, in Accounting
Kayla Marie Sagan, in Biomedical Engineering
Yoel Dejesus Salvador, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Stephen Kofi Bentsi Sam, in Computer Science and
Anthony Vincent Santangelo, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology
Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Maria Santos, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Daniel Sartoris, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal and Fluid
Zeshan Sarwar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Alessia Satterfield, in Human Resource Management
Balpreet Kaur Sawhney, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Christian Karl Schirmer, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems
and Mechanics
Matthew Walter Schroeder, in Health Promotion Sciences
Harshit Anilkumar Shah, in Business Analytics and Project
Prem Jitendra Shah, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Twisha Ankur Shah, in Health Care Genetics
Ferdous Shaker, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Wanying Shao, in Biostatistics
Chase William Sheeley, in Materials Science and Engineering
Jaffer Ali Sheikh, in Business Analytics and Project
Jennifer Lynn Shelton, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Jiahui Shen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Michelle Sheridan, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Rytis Sidabras, in Applied Microbial Systems Analysis
Jaclyn Grace Sidman, in Environmental Engineering
Bryant Calder Silverio, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Emily Sizemore, in Biomedical Engineering
Skyler Marie Sklenarik, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Allyson Jordan Smith, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Devin Knox Smith, in Accounting
Naomi D. Smith, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Brendan Eric Sodergren, in Civil Engineering: Structural
Alireza Sohrabi Esmroud, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Germine Soliman, in Clinical and Translational Research
Jiayi Song, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Harika Sourapu, in Business Analytics and Project
Devin Scott Spector, in Energy and Environmental
John Tanner Speers, in Oceanography
Joseph Nicholas Squeo, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal
and Fluid Sciences
Janani Sridhar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ritika Srivastava, in Business Analytics and Project
Pawel Michal Stachowiak, in Accounting
Tara Lynn Stedman, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Jeffrey T. Steiner, in Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering
Brittany Ngozi Stephenson, in Human Resource Management
Ingrid J. Stevenson, in Human Resource Management
Alexandra Lynn Steward, in Human Resource Management
Dwayne Alphonso Stewart, in Business Analytics and Project
Andrew Paul Strong, in Biomedical Engineering
Mark Andrew Strout, in Business Analytics and Project
Ysabelle Stuard, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Sreelakshmi Subramanian, in Business Analytics and Project
Sandra Michelle Sudduth, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
Rui Sun, in Quantitative Economics
Rohitha Surangi, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Krystal Swift, in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner
Aubrey Yu Tang, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy
Systems: Advanced Materials
Yuxin Tang, in Statistics
Tejaswi Tanneeru, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Danielle Nicole Tanzer, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and
Lilly M. Tartsinis, in Health Promotion Sciences
Junlin Teng, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Jeremy Thayer, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and
Elton Thompson, in Business Analytics and Project
Matthew Cesare Tomei, in Biomedical Engineering
Julian Michael Toumey, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal
and Fluid Sciences
Alexis Monique Trench, in Animal Science
Trevor N. Tubbs, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Jessica Miriam Tucker, in Health Promotion Sciences
Christian Carlos Tuesta, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Nicole Andrea Turick, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute
Care Nurse Practitioner
Hannah Rose Tyler, in Accounting
Madison Alexis Tyree, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Panagiota Tziolis, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Angela Eliza Urso, in Surgical Neurophysiology
Naga Lakshmi Sharma Vaddi, in Business Analytics and Project
Alexander Michael Valdes, in Electrical Engineering:
Electronics, Photonics and Biophotonics
Gavin Vandervoort-Levy, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Gabriel Vega, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Jamie Vega, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Abner Velasco, in Accounting
Roger Velasquez, in Sport Management
Michele Venezio, in Accounting
Alexis Marie Vetrano, in Accounting
Mubasshirabanu Mohmadfaruk Vhora, in Surgical
Ryan Anthony Botin Villanueva, in Accounting
Rima Viradia, in Biomedical Engineering
Naveed Karim Virji, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Katherine Vlahcevic, in Psychological Sciences:
Developmental Psychology
David Vohra, in Geological Sciences: Geology
Kyle Patrick Wade, in Materials Science and Engineering
Nikolas Wagher, in Accounting
Jonelle Wallace, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner
Anqi Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Li Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Shuopeng Wang, in Business Analytics and Project
Xiaomei Wang, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Xiaoyue Wang, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Zhichu Wang, in Statistics
Sarah Wen Elizabeth Warykas, in Nutritional Science
Benhanan Ways, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner
Stacy Lynn Webb, in Human Resource Management
Qiaozhi Wei, in Applied Financial Mathematics: Actuarial
Danielle Wellington, in Accounting
Ce Wen, in Applied and Resource Economics
Junfei Weng, in Materials Science and Engineering
Brooke Leann Werner, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Jennifer Whittaker, in Nursing: Adult Gerontology Primary
Care Nurse Practitioner
Rachel Adrienne Wice, in Human Resource Management
Sara Jean Wilkes, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Shyann Nicole Williams, in Animal Science
Brian Christopher Winfield, in Business Analytics and Project
Melissa Laura Wojcicki, in Oceanography
Tracie E. Wood, in Accounting
Tianyi Wu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yutong Xie, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Hang Xu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Shike Xu, in Biostatistics
Shuyi Xu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Suning Xu, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Zhiyin Xu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Theja Yalamanchili, in Business Analytics and Project
Yixiang Yan, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yue Yan, in Accounting
Zihao Yan, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Biheng Yang, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Lu Yang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Tianyi Yang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Kirsten Breanna Yapp, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy
Systems: Advanced Materials
Sichen Yi, in Computer Science and Engineering
Nima Yousefi, in Electrical Engineering: Electronics,
Photonics and Biophotonics
Qi Yu, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Te-Hsin Yu, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Leah Zavalick, in Sport Management
Chen Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Chengyu Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Hanxu Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Haohang Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Ximo Zhang, in Mathematics
Yuyao Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Yuyu Zhang, in Applied Financial Mathematics: Actuarial
Zihao Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ziyi Zhao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Liquan Zhong, in Biostatistics
Chaoheng Zhou, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Siyang Zhou, in Physiology and Neurobiology
Wenxiao Zhou, in Statistics
Xingchen Zhou, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Yisha Zhou, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Yue Zhou, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Haoran Zhu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jiannan Zhu, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Si Zhu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Emma Marie Zorda, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Shuzheng Zou, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Matthew Robert Zsunkan, in Materials Science
Lauren Grant Zwick, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Shelly Agrawal, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Vagisha Ahlawat, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Muhammad Sanan Akbar, in Business Analytics and Project
Ammar Subhi Jebur Almshab, in Mechanical Engineering:
Systems and Mechanics
Shruti Sanjay Ambulkar, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Geethanjali Anand Babu, in Business Analytics and Project
Maron Antwi Ansong, in Applied Biochemistry and Cell
Peter Vincent Apicella, in Plant Science
Christopher Auen, in Accounting
Haroon Azhar, in Financial Risk Management
Rishabh Dilipkumar Badlani, in Business Analytics and Project
Michael Balestracci, in Quantitative Economics
Dharma Raj Basaula, in Physics
Jared Paul Bergantino, in Business Analytics and Project
Pallavi Bhardwaj, in Business Analytics and Project
Abhishek Bhattacharjee, in Business Analytics and Project
Kritika Bhondeley, in Business Analytics and Project
Marilyn Joyner Bhoompagu, in Business Analytics and Project
Darshan Kashinath Bhopale, in Financial Risk Management
Piyush Bishnoi, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kristen Rose Breen, in Sport Management
Sean Christopher Brown, in Accounting
Nicholas Peter Bujnowski, in Financial Risk Management
Batouly Fatoumata Camara, in Sport Management
Lei Cao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Sarah Linda Carson, in Animal Science
Timothy Casey, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Joshua Castro, in Electrical Engineering: Electronics,
Photonics and Biophotonics
Vishwa Prasad Chandrappa Sharada, in Business Analytics and
Project Management
Chandrashila Chattopadhyay, in Business Analytics and Project
Sarah Chau, in Health Promotion Sciences
Chuwen Chen, in Financial Risk Management
Weibin Chen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xin Chen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xinghe Chen, in Financial Risk Management
Yini Chen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yiqun Chen, in Financial Risk Management
Yunan Chen, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Zhuo Chen, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Zizeng Chen, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yunjie Cheng, in Financial Risk Management
Chi-Fu Chiang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jacob A. Chicano, in Advanced Manufacturing for Energy
Systems: Processing
Michael Chrysosferidis, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Marketing Analytics
Shen-Wei Chuang, in Business Analytics and Project
Michael Padraig Clarke, in Business Analytics and Project
Callie Alexandra Concannon, in Oceanography
Matthew Coshal, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Alexander Thomas Croce, in Accounting
Mohamad Reza Daeipour, in Materials Science and
Zhomart Dairov, in Business Analytics and Project
Vineela Datla, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Provakar Datta, in Physics
Allyson Defilippo, in Accounting
Amanda Kathryn Deguire, in Biodiversity and Conservation
Simeng Deng, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Zihuan Deng, in Statistics
Swati Dhami, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Steven DiFalco, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Latisha Douglas, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Qingyi Du, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xiaoxi Du, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yueqi Du, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Akash Dwivedi, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Matthew Eastman, in Physiology and Neurobiology:
Gunnar William Eubanks, in Financial Risk Management
Huiyuan Fan, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yirou Fan, in Financial Risk Management
Qiuchen Fang, in Financial Risk Management
Xinran Feng, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yubang Feng, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Rebecca Ford, in Chemistry
Maya Alexandria Fussell, in Nutritional Science
Cristina Galluzzo, in Accounting
Sakshi Rupin Gandhi, in Financial Risk Management
Han Gao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xinyi Gao, in Financial Risk Management
Ying Gao, in Financial Risk Management
Aanchal Gargi, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jonathan Matthew Gazsi, in Applied Biochemistry and Cell
Michael Giaquinta, in Biomedical Engineering
Christopher Joseph Gosselin, in Financial Risk Management
Hongyan Guo, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kun Guo, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Li Guo, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yicheng Guo, in Statistics
Sidhdesh Gupta, in Business Analytics and Project
Hailiu Han, in Financial Risk Management
Yunlong Han, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Yifan Hao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ruizhang He, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Supeng He, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yutong Hou, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Chengbin Hu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Daxin Huang, in Financial Risk Management
Ju Huang, in Financial Risk Management
Junye Huang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Sijia Huang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Wenzhe Huang, in Applied and Resource Economics
Zeyu Huang, in Financial Risk Management
Shashank Hulke, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Shuo-Heng Hung, in Financial Risk Management
Tzu Hsun Hung, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Kevin Edward Jackson, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and
Megan Teresa Jacques, in Accounting
Nishant Vijay Jadhav, in Business Analytics and Project
Amanda Leigh Jaeger, in Accounting
Mayank Jain, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Shanhui Jian, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xueqing Jiang, in Financial Risk Management
Ying Jiang, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Yuansun Jiang, in Quantitative Economics
Zhenyu Jiang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jie Jiao, in Statistics
Mei Jiao, in Applied Financial Mathematics
Tong Jin, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Zhihao Jin, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Zhihao Jin, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Rebecca Jun, in Quantitative Economics
Anika Kamra, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Xize Kang, in Financial Risk Management
Elaine Karl, in Chemistry
Anusha Karunakaran, in Business Analytics and Project
Kinnera Kata, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jialin Ke, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Tracy Kennedy, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Eric Kenji Komati, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Yifan Kong, in Financial Risk Management
Chamundeswari Veeravenkata Satyanaga Koppisetti, in Applied
Financial Mathematics
Michael Nicholas Kot, in Financial Risk Management
Manasa Laxmi Krishna, in Business Analytics and Project
Shikha Kumar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Sriram Kumar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Vaibhav Kumar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Lauren Elizabeth Kurtz, in Plant Science: Horticulture
Jian Lan, in Financial Risk Management
Seung Hyun Lee, in Mathematics
Yuxiang Lei, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Bo Li, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Fangjun Li, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Guan-Yi Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Shangshu Li, in Statistics
Xinhao Li, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yashu Li, in Financial Risk Management
Yuxiao Li, in Quantitative Economics
Zihui Li, in Financial Risk Management
Ziyuan Li, in Quantitative Economics
Shanfu Liao, in Financial Risk Management
Han Lin, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Haolin Lin, in Financial Risk Management
Jiaying Lin, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Michael Yinan Lin, in Accounting
Hongcen Liu, in Financial Risk Management
Jiangyang Liu, in Environmental Engineering
Justine Liu, in Animal Science
Kun Liu, in Statistics
Pang-Yu Liu, in Statistics: Industrial Statistics
Yifei Liu, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Yuchen Liu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Vaishnavi Lolla, in Business Analytics and Project
Evan Lonergan, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yixuan Lu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jiaqi Luo, in Financial Risk Management
Yanyi Luo, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yicao Luo, in Financial Risk Management
Jiayi Lyu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Minglun Ma, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jessica Marisol Maita, in Materials Science and Engineering
Monika Malik, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Smridhi Mangla, in Business Analytics and Project
Pujitha Mannaru, in Electrical Engineering
Paul Joseph Marinan, in Business Analytics and Project
Louis Patrick Maselli, in Accounting
Angela Mastropietro, in Mathematics
Meghna Matai, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Sarah McCart, in Oceanography
Miles McIvor, in Accounting
Timothy James McMaster, in Accounting
Donald Aaron McMenemy, in Electrical Engineering:
Information, Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Boya Meng, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yuan Meng, in Financial Risk Management
Jonathan Mercedes Feliz, in Physics
He Mi, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Lin Miao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Kerste Milik, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Nilesh Mishra, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Shrey Nilesh Modi, in Business Analytics and Project
Dickens Osano Molo, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and
Yeji Moon, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Preethi Mukundan, in Business Analytics and Project
Eric Murray, in Quantitative Economics
Raswitha Musuku, in Business Analytics and Project
Sindhujaa Narasimhan, in Business Analytics and Project
Zijun Nie, in Financial Risk Management
Jiahui Ning, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Giovanna Nogueira Sa, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Eric Sarpong Owusu, in Applied and Resource Economics
Mounika Paladugu, in Business Analytics and Project
Lakshmiprasanna Palla, in Business Analytics and Project
Hangqi Pan, in Financial Risk Management
Yichen Pan, in Financial Risk Management
Teevara Vesta Parapimon, in Financial Risk Management
Unchisa Lydia Parapimon, in Accounting
Sahil Paryani, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Soniya Patel, in Accounting
Adam L. Patterson, in Quantitative Economics
Jinyi Pei, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Robert Pemble II, in Accounting
Xiaoyang Peng, in Financial Risk Management
Michael James Petrucci, in Mechanical Engineering: Energy
and Thermal Sciences
Chinh Thuy Phan, in Accounting
Samantha Lynn Pierce, in Biodiversity and Conservation
Konrad Piszczatowski, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Casey Plummer, in Chemistry
Fabrizio Politano, in Chemistry
Sonam Prakash, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Patricia Michaela Priest, in Accounting
Cecil Pringle, in Accounting
Anna Louise Puchkoff, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and
Venkata Sandeep Putta, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Yingqi Qian, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yuxuan Qian, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Yuanwei Qiao, in Applied Financial Mathematics
Jieying Qin, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Jize Qiu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Chakradhar Rajineni, in Business Analytics and Project
Sai Keerthi Ramaraju, in Business Analytics and Project
Ali Salim Rangwala, in Financial Risk Management
Achal Ray, in Accounting
Shlok Ray, in Accounting
Emily Michelle Reinhardt, in Pathobiology: Veterinary
Anatomic Pathology
Karla Damaris Rivera Figueroa, in Psychological Sciences:
Clinical Psychology
Robert Michael Roberge, in Accounting
Benjamin Ryan Robinson, in Animal Science
John Michael Rothen, in Biostatistics
Anthony Michael Sacco, in Statistics
Shruti Sairaj, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ryan James Saltus, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Achyuth Rao Sankineni, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Yashi Sarbhai, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Sudeep Sarvate, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Srishti Savarna, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Rashi Saxena, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Zoe Elise Scholar, in Applied Microbial Systems Analysis
Michael Clark Schroeder, in Financial Risk Management
Mohammed Salim Serdah, in Electrical Engineering:
Electronics, Photonics and Biophotonics
Seyed Amir Seyedsalehi, in Biomedical Engineering
Manu Shankar, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kavya Shekhara, in Business Analytics and Project
Hanbo Shen, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Qin Shen, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Weilin Shi, in Quantitative Economics
Weite Shi, in Financial Risk Management
Yuzhe Shi, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Mrunmayi Waman Shiveshwarkar, in Business Analytics and
Project Management
Hang Shu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Alec B. Shub, in Oceanography
Shipra Singh, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Yamini Singh, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ziteng Song, in Financial Risk Management
Nikitha Sharma Sriramabhatla, in Business Analytics and
Project Management
Zhexun Su, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Disha Sugandhi, in Business Analytics and Project
Jingjing Sun, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Harshraj Surve, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Karthik Suvarnasa, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Kyle-Gabriel de Vera Tan, in Biomedical Engineering
Jingyi Tang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xiaolei Tang, in Quantitative Economics
Ashi Tapadia, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ravi Teja Taridalu Subrahmanyam, in Business Analytics and
Project Management
Logan Tashea, in Quantitative Economics
Sindreatha Terry, in Accounting
Kemal Tezgin, in Physics
Sarika Thakur, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Jayme Thompson, in Accounting
William Thomson, in Accounting
Julia Ellyn Tremblay, in Business Analytics and Project
Zhuohao Tu, in Financial Risk Management
Raja Kishor Tulsiyani, in Business Analytics and Project
Vishnu Sarathi Vanam, in Business Analytics and Project
Adriana Vega-Molino, in Mathematics
Akshay Ashok Vele, in Business Analytics and Project
Divya Verma, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kristin Vyhnal, in Pathobiology: Veterinary Anatomic
Stephanie Lynn Wallace, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Baichuan Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Honghe Wang, in Quantitative Economics
Hui Wang, in Financial Risk Management
Huizhong Wang, in Business Analytics and Project
Juan Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Meixian Wang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Peng Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Shujie Wang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yifei Wang, in Financial Risk Management
Yunqi Wang, in Biostatistics
Zilong Wang, in Quantitative Economics
Yi Wei, in Psychological Sciences: Language and Cognition
Zijie Wei, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ian Weykamp, in Biostatistics
Paul Arthur Wortman, in Electrical Engineering
Daniel William Wright, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and
Chen-Yun Wu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Fan Wu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Hao Wu, in Financial Risk Management
Yaocan Wu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jiayu Xi, in Financial Risk Management
Yifan Xia, in Financial Risk Management
Zhaoxiong Xia, in Financial Risk Management
Ang Xiao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jue Xiao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ruiqi Xiao, in Financial Risk Management
Xinlan Xiao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Shubi Xie, in Financial Risk Management
Zichen Xiong, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Banghao Xu, in Financial Risk Management
Guandi Xu, in Applied Financial Mathematics
Jianxun Xu, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Xincheng Xu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Anurag Yachamaneni, in Business Analytics and Project
Jintao Yan, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xinxin Yan, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Feifei Yang, in Computer Science and Engineering
Jiahui Yang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jing Yang, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Peining Yang, in Financial Risk Management
Shuya Yang, in Financial Risk Management
Wenyu Yang, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Xiaozheng Yang, in Financial Risk Management
Yi Yang, in Statistics
Yuge Yang, in Financial Risk Management
Yixin Yao, in Mechanical Engineering: Systems and Mechanics
Yuchen Ye, in Financial Risk Management
Tzu-An Yen, in Financial Risk Management
Chunyu Ying, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Kai Yu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jingyi Yuan, in Financial Risk Management
Bo Zhang, in Materials Science and Engineering
Chunyao Zhang, in Business Analytics and Project
Management: Business Data Science
Heshuo Zhang, in Financial Risk Management
Jason Brian Zhang, in Business Analytics and Project
Jiahao Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Junxue Zhang, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Wenqian Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Xinyue Zhang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Xuheng Zhang, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Yue Zhang, in Financial Risk Management
Yushan Zhang, in Financial Risk Management
Haotian Zhao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Kangcheng Zhao, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Shengde Zhao, in Financial Risk Management
Zhen Zhao, in Financial Risk Management
Wei Zheng, in Quantitative Economics
Kelin Zhong, in Statistics
Ming Zhong, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ziyi Zhong, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Chang Zhou, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Jiayi Zhou, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Wei Zhou, in Financial Risk Management
Xiaojie Zhu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Xuhong Zhu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Yingxiao Zhu, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Zhenkai Zhu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative Risk
Ce Zhuang, in Business Analytics and Project Management:
Business Data Science
Tongxin Zhuge, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Evelyn Ebunoluwa Ogbeanu Adebayo, in Sport Management
Egya Aggrey, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Muhamed Kamal Aly, in Accounting
Peter John Antonicelli, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal
and Fluid Sciences
Sai Pratheek Rao Anugu, in Business Analytics and Project
Paul James Apruzzese, in Mathematics
Kelsey Marie Arroyo, in Health Promotion Sciences
Anna Caroline Awtry, in Health Promotion Sciences
Mohammad Nehal Azmat, in Business Analytics and Project
Claire Elizabeth Bailey, in Biodiversity and Conservation
Amy Lynn Balk, in Health Care Genetics
Brent Basso, in Applied Genomics
Carley Elizabeth Bedell, in Health Promotion Sciences
Charles Yvan Beke, in Financial Risk Management
Halle Marie Berger, in Oceanography
Sara Louise Borrello, in Health Promotion Sciences
Bryne Alexander Botticelli, in Accounting
Nicholas James Brennan, in Accounting
John Thomas Buckle, in Accounting
Nathan Butterfield, in Electrical Engineering: Electronics,
Photonics and Biophotonics
Khalia Cain, in Applied Genomics
Catherine Grace Carbone, in Financial Risk Management
James Anthony Carbone, in Accounting
Serey San Caritan, in Accounting
Lauren Megan Carney, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Ashton Christopher, in Health Promotion Sciences
Kevin Chu, in Accounting
Lucas Chvisuk, in Accounting
Claudine Petrona Coley, in Business Analytics and Project
Shawn Collinge, in Accounting
Kailey Anne Cox, in Accounting
Ryan Coyle, in Accounting
Ajayindra Dataniya, in Business Analytics and Project
Yoshimi Dilg, in Applied Financial Mathematics: Actuarial
Alexa Dorfman, in Accounting
Molly Dreyer, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Heidi Tama Druehl, in Nutritional Science
Phillip Wesley England, in Sport Management
Emily A. Farina, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Alexis Laralye Freudenberg, in Energy and Environmental
Ryan Louis Gentile, in Chemistry
Rebecca Gill, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Tyler William Griffin, in Oceanography
Aaron Haegele, in Environmental Engineering
Jinjin Han, in Sport Management
Shiena-Kae Marie Headley, in Business Analytics and Project
Mizuki Heishima, in Pathobiology: Veterinary Anatomic
Takeya Arlee Hilliard, in Business Analytics and Project
Lisda Hutajulu, in Accounting
Eric Arthur Jackson, in Applied Microbial Systems Analysis
Megan Kelsey Jalbert, in Health Promotion Sciences
Sultan Ali Javed, in Business Analytics and Project
Andressa Lunardelli Johnson, in Mechanical Engineering:
Energy and Thermal Sciences
Benson Hussein Joseph, in Business Analytics and Project
Annemarie Lynch Kerry, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Natalia Kosuda, in Accounting
Shweta Koya, in Financial Risk Management
Oumaima Lamaakel, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal and
Fluid Sciences
Derek Christopher Lee, in Physiology and Neurobiology
Hao Li, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Brooke Libby, in Health Promotion Sciences
Jiaqi Liu, in Mathematics: Actuarial Science
Dasti Llenga, in Financial Risk Management
Monika Maciorowski, in Health Promotion Sciences
Gerardo Arturo Maguina, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Amanda Danielle Mankovich, in Psychological Sciences:
Developmental Psychology
Brendon Martin, in Business Analytics and Project
Hayley Elizabeth Mcmahon, in Ecology and Evolutionary
Jaclyn Mello, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Ryan Alexander Mills, in Accounting
Alexandra Moreno, in Accounting
Patrick Timothy Mullane, in Accounting
Conor Murphy, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Ashwini Nadupuri, in Business Analytics and Project
Bhavesh Kailash Naran, in Accounting
Efejiro William Nesiama, in Accounting
Harrison Samuel Newman, in Financial Risk Management
Kishan Patel, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Rucha Patel, in Financial Risk Management
Kaithleen Pesantez, in Financial Risk Management
Jaliyah Ashante Peterson, in Biomedical Science
Benjamin Karl Poettgen, in Mechanical Engineering: Thermal
and Fluid Sciences
Mark Alexander Polkowski, in Accounting
Charles Jonathon Price, in Accounting
Edwin Quashie, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Daniel Patrick Rajkowski, in Accounting
Bailey J. Randolph, in Health Care Genetics
Tulasi Ravindran, in Chemical Engineering
Mark Philip Rubinstein, in Business Analytics and Project
Daniel Frantz Sabin, in Business Analytics and Project
Nitin Kumar Saini, in Business Analytics and Project
Matthew Robert Sakowicz, in Accounting
Samuel Savage, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Brandon Michael Scanlon, in Animal Science: Physiology of
Spencer J. Senior, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Jamie Shaw, in Physics
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Nathalie Anne Adams
Stephon Marlon Adams
Abigail Adomako Antwi
Hannah Nadia Ahrens
Lynne M. Alexander
Jessica Danielle Allard
Diego Alvarez
Molly Elizabeth Bannister
NaGoya Belton
Kaitlyn Rose Berkel
Sundari Elliott Birdsall
Patricia Ryan Bouffard
Martine Bruno
Olivia Reese Bucci
Victoria Cera Burbank
Coree Campbell
Zuleika Candelaria
Jazmin Capel
Amanda Jamilah Joy Cobham Carrington
Logan Jayne Cash
Rachel Margaret Catanese
Jenna Clavette
Cassandra Lyn Cochrane
Charlotte Nicole Condit
Jamie Nicole Corrone
Allison Ann D'Alusio
Olivia Magdalene Defilippo
Kelsey A. Derusha
Mia Marie Destefano
Margret Doemland
Emily Skye Dowds
Caitlyn Eaton
Elizabeth Anne Edgaro
Alexandra Michelle Esposito
Samuel Louis Evans
Xuejing Fan
Lia Lynn Ferri
Brooke O'Donnell Fitzgerald
Julia Nicole Fitzpatrick
Emily Flores
Sophie Fortunato
Molly Rose Franco
Carly Corinne Futoma
Regina Marie Gibbons
Daniella Giordano
Samantha Gonzalez
Emily Renee Goodwin
April M. Gray-Pamphile
Jennifer Gulick
Kelly Ha
Hannah Joyce Halloran
Kristina Elizabeth Hammond
Holly Ruth Hansen
Samantha Emily Hengel
Jada Ronique Hines
Marcia M. Hughes
Mackenna Jane Jacovich
Samara Anna May Lee Johnson
Briana A. Jones
Caroline Mckinney Karabeinikoff
Melissa Keilty
Marissa Kent
Zachary Kimball Keyes
Melanie Klinck
Jennifer Elaine Kohl
Marcus Korcz
Alexandra Elizabeth Kradas
Melissa Lee Ladd
Abigael Mackenzie Lally
Dominique Dena Larosa
Adam Michael Shea, in Accounting
Yiyan Shen, in Quantitative Economics
Brittney Nicole Sierer, in Accounting
Madisyn Rose Silva, in Accounting
Kasey Elizabeth Smith, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Robert Smith, in Civil Engineering: Transportation and Urban
Meaghan Catherine Soccoa, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse
Young Seok Song, in Accounting
Kahan Shailesh Soni, in Financial Risk Management:
Quantitative Risk Management
Luke Allan Stanislawski, in Financial Risk Management
Rebecca Ann Stefanatos, in Accounting
Evangelos Stefanidis, in Chemical Engineering
Rebekah Barnett Thielman, in Environmental Engineering
Rebecca Podell Thomas, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Leandra Page Thompson, in Chemistry
Kacie Barbara Trapp, in Accounting
Daniel Steven Trombetta, in Electrical Engineering:
Information, Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Hayley Olivia Trusty, in Nursing: Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
Stephanie Justine Valencia, in Applied Genomics
Ricardo Velasquez, in Sport Management
Michelle Voong, in Computer Science and Engineering
Troy-William Field Walklet, in Business Analytics and Project
Michael Stephen Walters, in Environmental Engineering
Zechen Wang, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Caroline Weed, in Accounting
Brandon Ross Wilkoff, in Accounting
Jonathan Keith Wintenburg, in Accounting
Kathryn Wogksch, in Accounting
Yingfa Xie, in Applied Financial Mathematics
Sherisa Yocher, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Daining Yu, in Financial Risk Management
Xiang Yu, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Phillip Zaprzalka, in Business Analytics and Project
Tianhao Zhao, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Dikun Zhou, in Business Analytics and Project Management
Chenjun Zhu, in Financial Risk Management: Quantitative
Risk Management
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Nathaniel Edward AuYeung
Francy Filigrana
Sarah Holmes
Rasheeda Latch
Oneshia D. Mcalmont
Jasmine A. Mendez
Kellie Ann Moran
Ariel Renee Perkins
Jania Yvonne Ross
Carly Alice Roy
Michael George Lauretti Jr.
Emma Caroline Linskey
Sky Anya Lukenberg
Matthew Nicholas Mancini
Matthew Edward Mannarino
Molly Malone Mannix
Jane Elizabeth Marchand
Jessica S. Markowski
Omally G'Nell Martinez
Edward Martinez Jr.
Delia Mccoy-Stubbs
Megan McLaughlin
Sean Michael Mcveigh
Destiny Nancy Medina
Errol Valentine Mesquita Jr.
Alyson Cordelia Mierswa
Douglas Jamal Mills
Bryanna Johns Montalvo
Jomarys Morales
Kayla Rose Muller
Daijah Surayyah Mumin
Melissa Munger
Dina Nathan
Chelsea Jena Ohannessian
Danika Okasia
Yanelly Enid Olivera
Alexandra Ortique
Alyssa Danielle Pace
Lisa Danielle Paolini
Arielle Grace Passante
Alan Pender
Kayla Anne Perkins
Deja Nicole Perry
Kristin Chemerka Perry
Mari Elle Pfalzgraf
Lauren Elizabeth Polzella
Ta'kerra La'sha Purnell
Christopher Raposo
Julian Reginald Redway
David Anthony Reyes
Tamika Riley
Marlaina Shalise Rodriguez
Lisselot Rodriguez Perez
Karen Beth Rollins
Lilianna Gabrielle Rubio
Alisha Sanders
Aleena Santhosh
Jaclyn Saunders
Jenna Elizabeth Sencabaugh
Schaene Nicole Shatto
Caleb Nathaniel Sheldon
Amani Shirley
Carissa Nicole Sirois
Gianna Smerglinolo
Sarah Smith
Elizabeth Strange
Brandon Patrick Strom
Ashley Talbot
Madison Tate
Tianna Ivette Teles-Rosario
Jordon Bailee Tipton
Jennica Liz Torres
Taylor Mcgee Tucker
Bruno B. Venero
Tanya Marie Walker
Shannon Rebecca Walsh
Sarah Warzecha
Melissa Ann Watts
Nancy White
Natasha Kymanni Whyte
Morgan Rae Wigglesworth
Chrystal Lashawn Chatarria Wilson
Megan Wolfe
Shannon Stephanie Wynne
Charmain Wong Yun
Natalie Zambrano-Rodriguez
Shaylah Leni Zorn
Graduate, December 20, 2020
Christopher Mark Maynard
Lauren Berberich
David J. Bradanini
Caitlin Marie Bramucci
Thomas Jonathan Bushnell
Tanya Bynoe
Kenterra Richardson Carrion
Brent Charpentier
Winallan James Columbano
Rebecca Jean Corcoran-Stevens
Lea Susan Distefano
Matthew Edward Dobi
Caitlin M. Donahue
Sherry Mote Farmer
Sarah Catherine Forte
Paul Michael Griswold
Jeffrey Matthew Hall
Erika Hanusch
Deborah Renee Howard
Kemani-Malik Hume
Jharley Jones
Tiffany P. Kerzner
Nicole Lacasse
Emily Rachel McArthur
Colleen Elizabeth McColgan
Kara Marie Modzelewski
Kimberly Michelle Monroe
Gregory Murphy
Katherine Richey Nelson
Jennifer Mary Omartian
Melissa A. Pierce
Teresa Maturino Rodriguez
Cynthia Marie Romero
Kelley Ryan
Elizabeth Santulli
Nicole Selmanie
Kelly Ann Sobocinski
Jane Lenz Spaulding
Justin Scott Taylor
Melane Shyrel Thomas
Amanda R. Tornaquindici
Orlando Valentin Jr.
Marisa Rose Volo
Urszula Wyluda
Anselma Sophia Yarde
Rachel M. Yirigian
The Professional Diploma in education is awarded for the completion of an approved program of study beyond the
master’s degree directed toward specialization in an area of professional education.
Graduates, August 24, 2020
Elizabeth Mary Asal
Maria Awwa
Alexandra Janelle Bendett
Shawna Bush
Candace Jordan Chanelli
Johanna Deleyer-Tiarks
Emily Auerbach Iovino
Taylor Koriakin
Regina Rodrigues Lee
Michael Ghum Wah Li
Hao-Jan Luh
Alexis Melendez
Maggie Mule
Jesslynn Rocha Neves
Krysta L. Parisen
Kelly Renee Robinson
Carlos Silvestrini
Melissa Karen Smith
Tashua Sotil
Danielle Ungar Stern Lee
Alaina Rose Torromeo
Daniel Thomas Volk
Timothy John Watt
Taylor Alyn White
Blair E. Williams
Jennifer Marie Zaffetti
Graduates, December 20, 2020
Michelle Dixon-Rychling Powers Laura A. Veilleux
Steven Emilio Aguayo
Niko Keith Ames
Donald James Anderson III
Kori L. Arsenault
Dev Prakash Awasthi
Caitlin Marie Barrett
Kyle Adams Bechet
Jonathan Michael Bedosky
Evin Scott Bell
Justin Thelemaque Bell
Zachary Tyler Bellis
Tennyson Ford Benedict
Maxwell Lee Berteletti
Miranda Joy Bilodeau
Jeffrey Allen Bohn
Sophie Ginette Bossart
James Russell Brakebill
Robert Bruce Anthony Brownell
Jennifer Rose Buckler
Kelly Rose Butricks
Nicole Lenore Byrne
Donald Cabral*
Kathleen Elizabeth Cason
Rachel Margaret Catanese*
Jillian Robin Chambers
Teresa Jingwen Chen
Emma Michelle Cotnoir
Emily Meng Covey
Jeffrey Stephen Curtin
Garrett Arthur D'Amato
Rahul A. Darwar
Shelby Lynn Dattilo
William Victor Deegan
Megan Hannah DeFrank
Haley Doray DelVecchio
Zachery James DiPalma
Shelby Marie Downes
James Edward Driscoll
Shuya Duan
Tyler William Dueño
Thomas Gregory Dupont
Joe Espinal
Natasha Rose Esponda
Ryan Raishawn-Alexander Eugene
Maxine Elizabeth Faisant
Amanda C. Farrish
Ian Charles Marcel Fignon
Nathan Alexander Fox
Benjamin S. Frascarelli
Danielle Lurene Schmalz Fullam
Daisy Anna Garrett
Christopher James Gelino
Caitlin Michelle Gould
Lauren Teresa Graham
Duncan Finley Grimm
Thomas Joseph Hart
Haley Alexis Hinton
Sarah Nicole Hollis
Juliana Marie Houldcroft
Venesia Hurtubise
Justin Michael Hyland
Eric Edward Ingellis
Timothy Mason Jablonsky
Matthew Zane Johnson
Guneet Josen
Beth M. Kailey
Patrick Francis Henry Kania
William John Kehoe
Sean Edward Kelly
Thomas John Kennedy III
Melissa Elizabeth King
Hannah Leigh Kogan
Matthew Konowe
Molly Ladner
Jeffrey Rice LaFlamme
Lucas Elisha Lalonde
Albert Lee
Paola Daniela Leiva
Charles O'Brien Lichtenauer
Bianca Lucia LoGiurato
Shannon Quinn Lozier
Katelynn Elizabeth MacKinnon
Paul Thomas Mandel
Chelsea Caitlin McCallum
Meagan Messina
Christian Andrew Mines*
Lauren Gayle Moscato
Jane Whitcomb Motter
Joshua Murphy
Shannon Lee Nolan
Michael Nunes
Kevin Francis O'Neill
Demery Joelle Ormrod
Samantha Ostreicher
Denise Marie Paarlberg
Katelyn N. Peowski
Shawn Michael Pilares
Michael Eric Preato
Stephen Noah Reck
Yadilza Miossotis Reyes
Michael Aaron Rice
William Joseph Riordan
Nestor Rodriguez Smyt
Veronica Elizabeth Rollins
Amy Mary Saji
Dorianne Alecia Salmon
Sierra Selina Santana
Conor Augustus Scalise
Michael Christopher Schulz
Emily Scott
Anthony Michael Scricca
Samuel Jacob Shapiro
Carly Lauren Sirota
Margaret Elizabeth Smith
Kyle Smith
Robert W. Sommers
Sydnee Chloe Sousa
Celena Elizabeth Stoia
Mallory Meghan Stone
Lauren Alyssa Straight
Jonah Ward Strassler
Amanda Frances Studley
Jonathan Belmont Sykes
Mallori Deanna Thompson
Aishwarya Totad
Srikanth Babu Tummala
Taylor Alexander Vann
Melitsa Joanna Vasilakis*
David Augustus Villa
Jacob Aaron Viner*
Simon Aaron Weissman
Wendy Cai Weng
Joseph Chagnon Williams
Kimberly Lynn Wilson
Kimberly Ann Winter
Qing Wai Wong
Yuk-Kwan Brian Yuen
Daniel Joseph Zeheb
Jason Lin Zhang
* Candidate for Two Degrees
Jean-Flavien Fame Essone Maximilian Hemmert-Halswick
Salome Chapeyama
Michael Frank Darwish
Wendy Marie Estela
Tiffany Ann Figueiredo
Shirley Joy Foster
Csaba Gabor
Christian Jonathan Nwachukwu
Mitzchka Basman Ortiz
Ping Shi
Eleanor Umaya
Jingyi Xia
Muhammet Ekrem Aksoy
Anduela Alla
Alina Sarah Behrends
Cornelia Luise Bewersdorf
Cameron Michael Browne
Svenja Miriam Dettmer
John Joseph Dowd
Yvonne Yi Yun Ho
Felix Mika Hoffmann
Hwansu Kim
Ruben Daniel Knaap
Ming Lu
Sunguk Moon
Seunghwan Oh
Khyara Santos Ferreira Passos
Yu Qin
Madhuri Prakash Shinde
Bo Kyung Son
Helena Elisabeth Verhuyck
Jie Zhang
Benjamin Joel Ziv
Steven Emilio Aguayo
Corey J. Brinson
Ion Guzun
Johanna Leutnant
Antonia May
Iftikhar Mehdi
Raamandarsingh Purmah
Friederike Helena Rademacher
Cheryl Denise White-Mink
Jessica Maryanne Zaccagnino
Sungshin Bae
Hyunchan Han
Hwansu Kim
Hyun Nam Kim
Hyangjeong Lee
Sunguk Moon
Seunghwan Oh
Jeongmin Ryu
Bo Kyung Son
Lalitha Annapoorna Shivaswamy
Major Advisor: Professor Stephen Utz
Doctoral Dissertation: Secured Transactions in Private Debt -
An Inquiry into Asymmetry in Contracts. An Empirical and
Comparative Study of Private Placement, 144A Structured
Securities and Venture Lending Contracts.
* Candidate for Two Degrees
Dunkin Horatio Faneuil Adams
Ashley Rena Arthur
Laura Borodic
Mia Cara Carlone
Elena Sarah Carrington
Nicholas Joseph Charbonneau
Hans Christian Contreras-Ayala
Ethan Hunter Pagliaro Cope
Steven A. Cosgrove
Njeri E. Dodson
Ilene Ea
Ayesha Ejaz
James Robert Flynn
Evan Alexander Fox
Andrea Ivy Geffin
John Joseph Gehlbach
Zachary Thomas Giaccone
Allison Giroux
Joshua Isaac Goodman
Brian Jaroniewski
Priya Anne John
Rohan Joshi
Satpal Singh Jutla
Elizabeth Kain
Taleen Nicole Kalajian
Anna Minah Kang
Ryeed Ali Khan
Julia Anastasia Lafen
Alison Stephanie Leecock
Brian Chilvers Leland
Blake Ma
Kenneth W. MacCormac
Nicholas James Maniatis
David Hudson Manz DMD/PhD
Shiyuan Mao
Katherine Rose Merrick DMD/MPH
Arnaldo Jese Negron
Roshni Patel
Vipra Patel
Stephanie Elizabeth Patterson
Zachary Douglas Punt
Rahul Rajagopalan
Dara Safizadeh
Syed Ali Saud
Genna Louise Vegh
Yingying Zhang
Marina Laudy Zoghbi
Anne Elizabeth Abbate
Irini Agaraj
Faith Tolulope Ajiboye
Omar Mahdy Allam
Savannah Marie Alvarado
Kaitlyn Smith Anderson
Nicholas John Arconti
Joshua Baruch Baldino
Kodilichi VJ Baldino
Kelsey Erin Boyne
Maria Elena Cebula
Li Hsuen Nelson Chen
David Chiu
Ryan Ciarlo
Alexandra Christine Clement
Faith Danielle Crittenden
Justin Andrew De La Guerra
William Kennedy Doemland
Christine Donat
Justin Ellenberg
Jonathan Agegnehu Fetene
Lilah Taylor Fones
Garrett John Fontaine
David Andrew Friedman
Samantha Rose Goldburg
Elisa Gonzalez Cuevas
Megan Anne Grammatico
Gian Abbegail Grant-McGarvey
Christian James Gronbeck
David Hany Guirguis
Nicholas S. Haberli
Erin Mary Hannon
Abigail Laura Healy
Racquel Marie Helsing
Samantha Hill
Kelsey Allison Jakobowski
Walter MacIntosh Jongbloed
Rebecca Elizabeth Joseph
Shalmli Joshi
Shaan Syed Kamal
Rebecca Nicole Kennedy
Ahsum Khan
Kristin Bumsch Kim
Joshua D. Knopf
Christine G. Kohn
Adam Kolb
Susan Flaherty Kostin
Meghan Jeanne Kulak
Kyle David Kulas
Trisha K. Kwarko
Meghan Alyssa Lane
Patrick Bradley Lau
Subin Lee
Brett Christopher Lehner
Ghali Lemtiri-Chlieh
Vikram Singh Lyall
Craig John Macken
Michael Figueira Martins
Kelly Ann McKenna
Timothy J. Miett
Tiffani-Amber L. Miller MD/MPH
Deandra Uju Momah
Melissa Joan Morales
Sonal Muzumdar
Anagha Surabhi Nagaraj
Sai Charan Nagella
Jeffrey Michael O'Brien
Margaret Ryan O'Neill
Purven Parikh
Gabriel Gebhart Paul
Vanessa A. Perez
Srinath-Reddi Pingle
Alexandria Nicole Plant
Julia Morgan Plourde
Russell David Posner MD/PhD
Molly Anne Potter
Candice Alyssa Quarella
Tara Susan Raj
Aaliyah Cheyenne Riccardi
Matthew Philip Sagnelli
Christian William Schaufler
Verónica Y. Schmidt Terón MD/MPH
Abigail Dempsey Schrang
Gwendolyn Elspeth Schultz
Kyle Sicher
Morgan Erin Smith
Katherine Anne Spiegel
Victoria Jane Stoj MD/MPH
Andrew Dorsey Stone
Bethany Ellen Sullivan
John Michael Sullivan
Joseph William Testa
Andrew An Trinh MD/MPH
Moe J. Uddin
Tery Tram Vinh
Carli Wallace
Nicholas James Wasko MD/PhD
Jessica Ann Weeks
Ashleigh Nichole Wells
Cameron Garth Wilkinson
Jahnea Williams
Michelle J. Williamson
Jennifer Zhenni Xie
Curtis Xu
Maria Mei Xu MD/PhD
Andrew Yu
Shaharyar Azhar Zuberi
Micaella Rae Zubkov
Conferral of a degree is contingent upon verification that a student has completed all requirements.
Katherine Nicole Audet
Michaela Marie Caporaso
Jamie Conti
Ariana Nicole Glyde
Nicole England Gottschalk
Paige Elizabeth Kingsley
Erin McGrail
Daniel Joseph Onofrio
Shannon Mary O'Rourke
Sarah Lynn Powell
Jaime Lynn Roy
Erica Veronica Scarpati
Candace Slack
Adam Paul Zhitomi
Hannah Ellen Bodner
Matthew Bogan
Josee Brunault
Nathan Clement
Hannah Rose Cook
Michael Andrew Costello
Anna Belle Curry
Alex Gauthier
Conner James Gavin
Janae Bernadette Graham
Kelly Hoisl
Jessica Ann Jobber
Michael Kantorski
Spencer LeBel
Madeline Rose LeDuc
Thomas P. Magda
Shannon Mellon
Rachel Fay Morris
Cody Michael Morrissey
John Kofi Odoom
Michaela Leigh Pruchnicki
Jesse Pasquale Salerno
Ahmed Moustafa Sharaf
Tyler Alonzo Sheil
Manuel Pasquale Silva
Kalin Roy Sou
Michael Robert Stringer
Matthew Christopher Szymanski
Jason Carl Thompson
Dianne Claire Turcotte
Reeva Viroja
Gabrielle H. Wise
Keely Stevenson Yarish
Omar Andujar, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: A Phenomenological Study on
Instructional Designers Perceptions of Inclusive and Accessible
Online Learning and their Influence on Faculty Development
Francis Apaloo, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Teacher Support: The Potential
Mediator Between School Belonging and Academic
Achievement Among Ninth Graders
Meghann Elizabeth Burr, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Reading Workshop and Student
Tricia George, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: The Loudest Library: Amplifying
Connected Learning
Carly Owen Imhoff, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: Cultural Competence of US Teachers
Applying for Global Professional Development
Christina Lynne Irizarry, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Gerardo Blanco
Doctoral Dissertation: Academic, Social Integration and
Persistence of First Generation College Students in Living-
Learning Communities
August 24, 2020
Joseph Michael Tessitore
Jill Marie Arcari-Couture
Jessica Potrepka Arsenault
Vanessa May Bolling
Stephanie N. Greaney
Vanessa Milne Hurta
Olusegun Olaosebikan
Jessica L. Palozie
Rebecca Robinson
Janice Leigh Schneider Preuit
Elizabeth Singh
Penny Chrystal Smith
Rosemary Ann Moody Swanke
Evan Glickman, in Music: Performance
Major Advisors: Louis Hanzlik and Ronald J. Squibbs
Doctoral Dissertation: Iannis Xenakis' Persephassa: The
Realization of Divergent Post-War Musical Trends in the
Formation of Percussion Literature
Caroline Marie O'Dwyer, in Music: Performance
Major Advisor: Peter M. Kaminsky
Doctoral Dissertation: Collaborations and Co-Creations: a
Study of Selected Composer-Performer Relationships in Vocal
Music since the mid-Twentieth Century
Mo Tian, in Music: Performance
Major Advisor: Alain Frogley
Doctoral Dissertation: Piano Writing in Franz Liszt's Four
Versions of Petrarch Sonnet No.104: Performance and Poetic
Jessica Cave Laura Lorraine Mckenna Paulina Miklosz
December 20, 2020
December 20, 2020
Angella Manhertz, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: Student Discipline and Teacher Agency:
Teachers can Break the Cycle of Disparate Discipline
Uyi E. Osunde, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisors: Robert M. Villanova and Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: School Improvement Through
Coherence: Tackling the Elusive Pursuit of School Success
Diana Lee Kelley, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Devin Kearns
Doctoral Dissertation: General Education Teachers' Attitudes
and Beliefs Towards Students with Disabilities
Noemi Maldonado, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Black Male Students Meaning of Key
Supports Regarding Their Persistence at a Small Predominantly
White Institution
David Darrell Peling, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Robert M. Villanova
Doctoral Dissertation: Factors Associated with High School
Principals’ Utilization of Educational Research in Connecticut:
An Explanatory Study
Aaron Puzarne, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Allison Lombardi
Doctoral Dissertation: Making Sense of the Transition Process
Elizabeth E. Simison, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Douglas Kaufman
Doctoral Dissertation: Studying the Sensemaking of
Education: An Exploration OF Teachers' and Administrators'
Responses to Mastery Learning
Haralambos Skarvelas, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining How Administrators Make
Sense of Instructional Technology Policy within a 1:1 iPad to
Student Context: A Qualitative Case Study Using Sensemaking
Timothy Murphy Van Tasel, in Educational Leadership
Major Advisor: Michele Femc-Bagwell
Doctoral Dissertation: Trust and the Superintendency: An
Exploration of Trust Formation Between Superintendents and
School Principals
Suzanne Nicole Franzoni-Kleeman
August 24, 2020
Sama Abdulmalik, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Sangamesh G. Kumbar
Doctoral Dissertation: Evaluation of the Potential Role of
Exendin-4 to Promote Tendon Healing and Regeneration
Scott Ian Adamson, in Biomedical Science: Genetics and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Brenton R. Graveley
Doctoral Dissertation: Functional Characterization of Splicing
Regulatory Elements
Bandita Adhikari, in Biomedical Science: Systems Biology
Major Advisor: Reinhard C. Laubenbacher
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding Fungal Infection and
Chronic Pain from a Systems Biology Perspective
Katelyn Marie Aguilar, in History: United States
Major Advisor: Michele P. McElya
Doctoral Dissertation: In the Eyes of the Hurricanes: Miami
Football, Race, and American Conservatism
Darcy Ahern, in Biomedical Science: Genetics and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Stefan F. Pinter
Doctoral Dissertation: Investigating the Impact of X
Chromosome Monosomy in Human iPSCs and iPSC-Derived
Neural Crest Cells and Trophoblasts
Seyedeh Bahar Ahmadi, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Sina Shahbazmohamadi
Doctoral Dissertation: Cloud-based Multi-modal
Crowdsourcing Image Visualization and Machine Learning
Enabled Image Analysis Platform
Karani Candost Akkaya, in Physics
Major Advisor: Alexander Kovner
Doctoral Dissertation: Aspects of Entaglement in Confining
Gauge Theories
Sultan Sughair Al Yami, in Computer Science and
Major Advisor: Chun-Hsi Huang
Doctoral Dissertation: Lossless Compression Tools For
Genomics Data
Oladimeji Babatunde Aladelokun, in Physiology and
Major Advisor: Daniel W. Rosenberg
Doctoral Dissertation: Dietary Methyl Donor Restriction
Modifies Tumor Outcome in a Colon-specific Cancer Model
Abdullah Ali Alamri, in Materials Science: Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Gregory A. Sotzing
Doctoral Dissertation: Incorporation of Zinc and Cadmium
into Polyimides for High Performance Dielectrics
Soliman Abdullah S. Alhudaithy, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Kazunori Hoshino
Doctoral Dissertation: Biocompatible Platforms for
Mechanical Manipulation and Stiffness Quantification of
Bioengineered Tissues in the Micro-mesoscale
Sulaiman Aljasir, in Animal Science: Food Microbiology and
Major Advisor: Dennis D'Amico
Doctoral Dissertation: Antimicrobial, Antivirulence and
Probiotic Activities of Protective Bacterial Cultures Against
Foodborne Pathogens
Areej Khudhran Althubaity, in Computer Science and
Major Advisor: Song Han
Doctoral Dissertation: Towards Detecting Routing-based
Internal Attacks in 6TiSCH Architecture
Jason An, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Amy R. Howell
Doctoral Dissertation: Copper-mediated Cyclization of 1,2-
Dibromovinyl Units Towards the Synthesis of Unusual Strained
Non-Aromatic Heterocycles
Alice J. Anderson, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Angela Starkweather
Doctoral Dissertation: Self-management of Cancer Pain
Survey Study
Sumit Athikavil Suresh, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Avinash Dongare
Doctoral Dissertation: Mesoscale Modeling of Cold Spray
Deposition of Metal Powders
Ezana Amdework Atsbeha, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Elizabeth Holzer
Doctoral Dissertation: Institutional Tension, Stability, and
Change: A Case of Irrigation Institutions in Ethiopia
Brian Baillie, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Georgios Bollas
Doctoral Dissertation: System Modeling Across Degrees of
Yifan Bao, in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Pharmacology and
Major Advisor: Xiaobo Zhong
Doctoral Dissertation: Impact of Drug-induced Liver Injury on
Drug-metabolizing Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
Paul Joseph Barnett, in Educational Psychology: Cognition,
Instruction and Learning Technology
Major Advisor: James Kaufman
Doctoral Dissertation: Creative Problem Solving: Constraint
Identification and Creativity
Syed Khairul Bashar, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Ki H. Chon
Doctoral Dissertation: Automated detection and prediction of
atrial fibrillation during sepsis from critically ill ICU patients
Timothy James Becker, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Dong Shin
Doctoral Dissertation: Machine Learning Methods for
Complex Structural Variation Analysis
Benjamin Alexander Bedard, in Materials Science and
Major Advisor: Mark Aindow
Doctoral Dissertation: Microstructural Studies of Gas
Atomized AI 6061 Powders, Cold Spray Deposits and Coatings
Andre O'Reilly Beringhs, in Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Major Advisor: Xiuling Lu
Doctoral Dissertation: Enhancing X-ray Computed
Tomography Contrast of Tumors with Perfluorooctyl Bromide
Zichao Bian, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Guoan Zheng
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of High-Resolution,
Whole-Slide and Ptychographic Modulation System for
Biomedical Applications
Reuben Mochache Bosire, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Rajeswari Kasi
Doctoral Dissertation: Functional Polymeric Materials:
Exploiting Self-assembly Using Thermotropic and Lyotropic
Liquid Crystals Within Random and Block Copolymer
Alexander Charles Brittingham, in Anthropology
Major Advisor: Gideon Hartman
Doctoral Dissertation: Stable Isotopes in the Southern
Caucasus: Modern Variability, Preservation and Archaeological
Stephanie Renee Barnes Brown, in Animal Science: Food
Microbiology and Safety
Major Advisor: Dennis D'Amico
Doctoral Dissertation: Antimicrobial Interventions for the
Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Cheese and their Impact
on Virulence
Mary Buchanan, in Geography
Major Advisor: Carol Atkinson-Palombo
Doctoral Dissertation: Exploring Landscape Futures for Local
Food Production in Northeastern Connecticut
Emma Lynn Burris-Janssen, in English
Major Advisor: Margaret R. Higonnet
Doctoral Dissertation: Fugitive Figurations: Criminal Abortion
and the British Novel
Cody Butler, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Major Advisor: Lindsay DiStefano
Doctoral Dissertation: Components of Neuromuscular Control
on Lower Extremity
Alec Jorge Calvo, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial and
Organizational Psychology
Major Advisor: Steven Mellor
Doctoral Dissertation: Dignity of Labor: Callings Among the
Working Poor
Kerry Carnahan, in English
Major Advisor: Vanessa P. Pelizzon
Doctoral Dissertation: Song of Songs: A New Translation with
Introduction and Commentary
Pietro Cerrone, in Linguistics
Major Advisors: Andrea Calabrese and Jon R. Sprouse
Doctoral Dissertation: Italian Clitic Left Dislocation and A'-
movement: an Experimental Investigation
Wan Seok Chang, in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Charles Towe
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Media Family Planning
Messages, Spousal Loss, and Cyberbullying Victimization in
East Asia
Jie Chen, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Xiaomei Cong
Doctoral Dissertation: Phenotype and Biomarkers of Pain in
Older Adults with Heart Failure
Zhenshan Chen, in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Charles Towe
Doctoral Dissertation: Individual Values, Attitudes, and
Behaviors in a Changing Environment
Garen Chiloyan, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Alvaro Lozano-Robledo
Doctoral Dissertation: Classifying and Counting Rational
Isogeny-Torsion Graphs
Terence Han Wei Ching, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Stephanie Milan
Doctoral Dissertation: MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Examining Ethnoracial
Differences in Efficacy and Safety, and a Mixed-Methods Case
Study of a Participant of Color
Geonhee Cho, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Damin Wu
Doctoral Dissertation: Invariant Metrics in Hyperbolic
Complex Geometry
Bradley Steven Clarke, in Physics
Major Advisor: Phillip L. Gould
Doctoral Dissertation: Coherent Control, Optical Pumping and
Broad Computational Optimization of Photoassociative 87Rb2
Colin Matthew Cleary, in Physiology and Neurobiology
Major Advisor: Daniel K. Mulkey
Doctoral Dissertation: Role of P2Y2 in the Regulation of
Vascular Tone and Control of Breathing
Tracey Anne Cobb, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Wendy Henderson
Doctoral Dissertation: Teacher Support: The Potential
Mediator Between School Belonging and Academic
Achievement Among Ninth Graders
Andrew Forrest Cochran, in Educational Psychology:
Cognition, Instruction and Learning Technology
Major Advisor: Michael F. Young
Doctoral Dissertation: League of Legends
Esports Coaching
Instructional Design using Contrasting Cases: A Situated
Learning Approach
Erin Lynn Cornell, in Public Health: Social and Behavioral
Health Sciences
Major Advisor: Jane A. Ungemack
Doctoral Dissertation: Using the Consolidated Framework for
Implementation Research to Identify Factors Shared Among
Positive Deviants with Respect to Help Me Grow
Implementation: A Qualitative Study
Lauren M. Lamberti Corso, in Health Promotion Sciences
Major Advisor: Jeanne Mccaffery
Doctoral Dissertation: Aerobic Compared to Resistance
Training to Reduce Insulin Resistance in Obesity
Nicole Shermaine Cruse, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Major Advisor: Carl A. Coelho
Doctoral Dissertation: Discourse and \Navigation Following
Traumatic Brain Injury
Kristin Culbertson, in Philosophy
Major Advisors: J.C. Beall and Daniel M. Silvermint
Doctoral Dissertation: Embracing the Non-Ideal: Buddhist
Ethics for a Secular World
Erin Bridget Curry, in Physics
Major Advisor: Jason N. Hancock
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization of Additively
Manufactured Superalloys and of Negative Thermal Expansion
Yael Dai, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical Psychology
Major Advisor: Deborah A. Fein
Doctoral Dissertation: A Web-based Training Program for
Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Leila Daneshmandi, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Cato T. Laurencin
Doctoral Dissertation: Graphene-based Materials for Bone
Regenerative Engineering
Yanliu Dang, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: a-MnO2 Decorated Nitrogen-doped
Carbon Nanotubes as a Self-standing Electrode for Lithium-air
Steven Marco Davi, in Kinesiology: Exercise Science
Major Advisor: Lindsey Lepley
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterizing Changes in Quadriceps
Neuromechanics after Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Charles Patrick Davis, in Psychological Sciences: Language
and Cognition
Major Advisor: Eiling Yee
Doctoral Dissertation: Multiple Timescales of Context Effects
on Abstract Concepts
Benjamin De Bari, in Psychological Sciences: Ecological
Major Advisor: James A. Dixon
Doctoral Dissertation: Simulated Autonomous Forager with
Dynamic Interior: A Chemical Dissipative Structure as a
Minimal Perception-Action System
Ragan Decker, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial and
Organizational Psychology
Major Advisor: Vicki J. Magley
Doctoral Dissertation: Family Supportive Supervisor
Behaviors - A Motivational Perspective
James Demayo, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: Hans G. Dam Guerrero
Doctoral Dissertation: Costs and Consequences of Climate
Change Adaptation for Two Estuarine Copepods
Min Deng, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Gael W. Ung
Doctoral Dissertation: Lanthanide-based Complexes Showing
High Circularly Polarized Luminescence (CPL) Brightness
Olivia Juliette Derella, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Jeffrey D. Burke
Doctoral Dissertation: Dyadic Emotion-Related Processes in
Irritable and Comparison Youth
Ajinkya Arun Deshmukh, in Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Gregory A. Sotzing
Doctoral Dissertation: Side Chain Functionalized Polyurea for
High Performance Dielectics
Hao Ding, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Luyi Sun
Doctoral Dissertation: Intercalation and Exfoliation of α-
Zirconium Phosphate and Their Applications
Ladectric M. Driver, in Psychological Sciences: Social
Major Advisor: Seth C. Kalichman
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining the Influence of Precarious
Manhood Beliefs on a Preventive Health Behavior among
Black Sexual Minority Men
Menghan Du, in Biomedical Science: Genetics and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Albert Cheng
Doctoral Dissertation: Development and Utilization of
CRISPR-based Tools for Human Cell Engineering
Ayanna Eastman, in Communication: Communication
Processes and Marketing Communication
Major Advisor: Kenneth A. Lachlan
Doctoral Dissertation: Elaboration and the Logical and
Affective Responses to Flood Risk Messages: Elaboration
Likelihood Model and Information Processing Perspectives
Thomas Ebaugh, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Radenka Maric
Doctoral Dissertation: Fabrication by Reactive Spray
Deposition Technology (RSDT) and Characterization of
Advanced Materials for Electrochemical Applications
Stephen Robert Masinde Ekatan, in Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Yao Lin
Doctoral Dissertation: Material Properties of Complex
Synthetic Macromolecules Containing Secondary Structures
Zachary Ekves, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Major Advisor: Gerald Altmann
Doctoral Dissertation: Bottom-up Influences on Repeat Object
Christine Elizabeth Endicott, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Ranjan Srivastava
Doctoral Dissertation: Directed Evolution of Antisense for
Highly Efficacious Post-Transcriptional Control
Alexis T. Ernst, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Mark Aindow
Doctoral Dissertation: Effect of Atomization and Processing
Gases on Microstructures in Additively Manufactured 17-4PH
Stainless Steel
Alexavier Estrada, in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Medicinal and
Natural Products Chemistry
Major Advisor: Dennis Wright
Doctoral Dissertation: Propargyl-Linked Antifolates as
Inhibitors of Trimethoprim Resistant Gram-negative Bacteria
Mahdi Fallahi, in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Richard Dunn
Doctoral Dissertation: Demand for Mental Health Care in the
United States
Kevin Charles Finefrock, in History: United States
Major Advisor: Cornelia H. Dayton
Doctoral Dissertation: Of Bonds and Blood: Slavery and Its
Aftermath in Connecticut, 1780-1830
Lucy Finkelstein-Fox, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Crystal Park
Doctoral Dissertation: The Longitudinal Course of Meaning
Making, Affect, and Sleep Disturbance Following
Bereavement: Cognitive Control as a Moderator of Symptom
Lori Fomenko, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Guiling Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Impact of Climate Change and
Urbanization on the Hydrological Cycle
Connor Gallik, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Kimberli R. Treadwell
Doctoral Dissertation: Depression and Self-worth in
Transgender Youth: Examining the Impact of Minority
Stressors and Gender-Identity-Based Differences
Lauren Elizabeth Gammie, in Educational Psychology:
School Psychology
Major Advisor: Melissa A. Bray
Doctoral Dissertation: School -Based Meditation Intervention
to Improve Externalizing Behaviors in Students with ASD
Tuo Gao, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Brian G. Willis
Doctoral Dissertation: Pattern Recognition of Complex Odors
with Chemiresistor Array Using Nanomaterial-Based Sensing
Svetlana Gelpi, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jose Gascon
Doctoral Dissertation: Electronic Structure and Conformations
of Monolayer Protected Gold Clusters
Umesh Ghimire, in Economics
Major Advisor: Kai Zhao
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on the Interactions
Between Health Inequality and Wealth Inequality
Carnisha Mariah Gilder, in Health Promotion Sciences
Major Advisor: Tricia Leahey
Doctoral Dissertation: Impact of Social Connectedness on
Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance and the Exploration
of Race as a Moderator
Marc Andrew Gillig, in Biomedical Science: Immunology
Major Advisor: Pramod K. Srivastava
Doctoral Dissertation: Defining CD8 Epitopes of Mouse
Monique Nia Golden, in Learning, Leadership, and Education
Policy: Leadership and Policy
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: Black/African American Women’s
Perfectionism in a Gendered and Racialized Society: What Can
this Mean for the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale?
Eliza Mae Grames, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: Christopher Elphick
Doctoral Dissertation: An Evidence Synthsis Approach to
Understanding the Role of Trophic Iteractions in Shaping
Songbird Responses to Habitat Fragmentation
Saketh Gudipati, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jessica Rouge
Doctoral Dissertation: Diagnostic and therapeutic applications
of polyvalent nucleic acid nanoparticles
William Thomas Hale, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Georgios Bollas
Doctoral Dissertation: Methods of Robust Active Fault
Detection and Isolation in Thermal Fluid Systems
Gunnar Tsaldaris Hansen, in Oceanography
Major Advisors: Zofia Baumann and Robert Mason
Doctoral Dissertation: Influence of Marine Bivalves on the
Bioaccumulation and Cycling of Mercury and Methylmercury
Cara Charlotte Hardy, in Biomedical Science: Neuroscience
Major Advisors: George A. Kuchel and Phillip P. Smith
Doctoral Dissertation: Geroscience-Guided Investigations into
Lower Urinary Tract Physiology in Mouse Models of Aging
and Alzheimers Disease Associated Pathology
Michael James Harris, in Civil Engineering: Structural
Major Advisor: Richard Christenson
Doctoral Dissertation: Novel Applications of Real-Time
Hybrid Substructuring
Jose Enrique Hasemann, in Anthropology: Social Science and
Health Care
Major Advisor: Merrill Singer
Doctoral Dissertation: Mosquitoes, Place, and Self: Local
Responses to Prevention Programs for the Mosquito Vectors
that Transmit Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya
Crystal Monique Hayes, in Social Work
Major Advisor: Kathryn R. Libal
Doctoral Dissertation: "What to Expect When You're
Expecting" and Incarcerated: A Critical Phenomenological
Study of the Pregnancy and Childbearing Experiences of
Incarcerated Women of Color
Jia He, in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Pharmaceutics
Major Advisor: Diane J. Burgess
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding the Root Cause of
Intraperitoneal Insulin Catheter Obstruction
Danielle Lee Heichel, in Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Kelly A. Burke
Doctoral Dissertation: Chemical Modification of Silk Fibroin
for Preparation of in situ Gelling Adhesive Biomaterials
Douglas Hendrix, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisors: Bryan Huey and Kay Wille
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization and Optimization of
Nanosilica Dispersion in Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Jessica Ann Hensel, in Biomedical Science: Cell Biology
Major Advisor: Patrick A. Murphy
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of the Splice Factor Ptbp1 as a
Promoter of Inflammation in the Arterial Endothelium
Stephen James Hesler, in Molecular and Cell Biology:
Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Major Advisor: James L. Cole
Doctoral Dissertation: Reevaluating the Activation Model of
Eric E. Heupel, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: Sandra Shumway
Doctoral Dissertation: Use of Bathymetric Proxies to Predict
the Distribution of Vulnerable Species,Communities and
Laura Hibbard, in Music: Music Theory and History
Major Advisor: Ronald J. Squibbs
Doctoral Dissertation: Musical Idea in the Twelve-Tone Music
of Roger Sessions
Mark Alexander Higgins, in Geological Sciences: Geology
Major Advisor: Gary A. Robbins
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterizing Anthropogenic Sources
of Arsenic, Road Salt, and Nitrate in Water Supply Wells by
Using Bacteria Communities as a Groundwater Tracer
Anders Bertil Hogstrom, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Inge-Marie Eigsti
Doctoral Dissertation: Enhanced Pitch Discrimination and
Language Milestones in Young Children with Autism Spectrum
Yasaman Homayouni, in Physics
Major Advisor: Jonathan Trump
Doctoral Dissertation: Lights Echos of Black Hole Growth
Donyeil Hoy, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Mu-Ping Nieh
Doctoral Dissertation: Designing Self-Assembled High-
Efficiency Lipid Bicelles for the Encapsulation of Graphene
Family Materials
Lanxin Hu, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisors: Emmanouil N. Anagnostou and Efthymios
Ioannis Nikolopoulos
Doctoral Dissertation: Using remote sensing observations and
model simulations for the analysis of hydrological extremes
Wenjie Huang, in Electrical Engineering
Major Advisor: Lei Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Energy-Efficient Embedded System
Design:From Algorithm to Architecture
Yikun Huang, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Yu Lei
Doctoral Dissertation: Functional Nanomaterial for Biomedical
Sensing and Imaging Application
Noah Hughes, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Damir Dzhafarov
Doctoral Dissertation: Uniform distinctions in reverse
Taoran Hui, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Douglas Adamson
Doctoral Dissertation: Pristine Graphene Foam as
Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Material with Electrical
and Thermal Conductivity
Jindong Huo, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Yang Cao
Doctoral Dissertation: Multiphysics Modelling of Arc Plasma
and Arc Root Instability in Plasma-Solid Interaction
Morica Hutchison, in Human Development and Family
Major Advisor: Beth S. Russell
Doctoral Dissertation: Outcomes From an Emotion Regulation
Intervention: A Comparison of Levels of Care
Emily Elizabeth Hutter, in Communication
Major Advisor: Kenneth A. Lachlan
Doctoral Dissertation: An Examination of Americans' Risk
Assessment and Protection Motivation during the COVID-19
Amin Ilia, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: James O'Donnell
Doctoral Dissertation: Waves in Long Island Sound
S M Rakiul Islam, in Electrical Engineering
Major Advisor: Sung Yeul Park
Doctoral Dissertation: Modeling, Identification and Control of
Lithium Ion Batteries
Kensuke Ito, in Philosophy
Major Advisor: Keith Simmons
Doctoral Dissertation: On the Asymmetry Between Assertion
and Denial
Sungmin Jang, in Geography
Major Advisor: Nathaniel S. Trumbull
Doctoral Dissertation: The Evolution of American Media
Perceptions and Portrayal of Geopolitics on the Korean
Theodore Turner Jensen, in Computer Science and
Major Advisor: Mohammad M. Khan
Doctoral Dissertation: The Effect of Humanness Design on
User Perceptions of Automation Trustworthiness and Trust
Shaowei Jiang, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Guoan Zheng
Doctoral Dissertation: High-Resolution, Large Field-of-View
Computational Microscopy for whole slide, super-resolution,
and lensless imaging
Huarui Jing, in Economics
Major Advisor: Chih-Hwa Kao
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Financial
Oliver George Johnston, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Jeffrey D. Burke
Doctoral Dissertation: Clinical Characteristics of Oppositional
Defiant Disorder Symptoms in College Students
Britney LeAnn Jones, in Learning, Leadership, and Education
Policy: Leadership and Policy
Major Advisor: Morgaen Donaldson
Doctoral Dissertation: Science Teachers' Sociopolitical
Consciousness , Beliefs, and Practices with Diverse Students
Thomas Michael Julian, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Angela Starkweather
Doctoral Dissertation: Testing a Biobehavioral Impuslivity
Endophenotype Model of Opioid Addiction
Jacob Kasper, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: Eric T. Schultz
Doctoral Dissertation: Improving the Sustainability of Marine
Recreational Fisheries
Kevin Liam Keegan, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: David L. Wagner
Doctoral Dissertation: Systematics, Biogeography and
Evolution of Amphipyrinae Moths(Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Peter Kerns, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Improvement of Metal, Oxide, and
Carbon Materials via Inkjet Printing, Chemical Vapor
Infiltration and Advance Surface Characterization using X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy
James Patrick Kerr, in Geological Sciences
Major Advisor: Lisa Park Boush
Doctoral Dissertation: Skeletobiosis and Extinction:
Skeletobion Relationships with Their Environments and
Communities through the Frasnian-Famennian Extinction
Raihan Sayeed Khan, in Electrical Engineering: Electronics
and Photonics
Major Advisor: Ali Gokirmak
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization and Mitigation of
Resistance Drift in Amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 Devices at
Cryogenic Temperatures
Lina Hesham Abdelhaleem Kloub, in Computer Science and
Major Advisor: Mukul S. Bansal
Doctoral Dissertation: Computational Approaches for
Horizontal Gene Transfer Classification by Scale and Type
Marika Koukoula, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisors: Emmanouil N. Anagnostou and Efthymios
Ioannis Nikolopoulos
Doctoral Dissertation: Land Surface-Atmosphere Interaction:
The impact of soil moisture on precipitation and runoff
Kyra Leigh Krass, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Major Advisor: Gerald Altmann
Doctoral Dissertation: Explorng the Goal Bias in the Visual
World Paradigm
Deepa Ashwarya Kuttappan, in Animal Science
Major Advisor: Mary Anne R. Amalaradjou
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterizing the Anti-inflammatory
Potential of Starter Cultures and Cheese in the Management of
Anna Marie LaChance, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Luyi Sun
Doctoral Dissertation: One-Step Coassembly of
Nanocomposite Coatings on Thin-Film Substrates for Vapor
Barrier Applications
Jason David Lech, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: Michael R. Willig
Doctoral Dissertation: Spatial and Temporal Responses to
Disturbance by Aquatic Plants and Water Quality in Lentic
Joochul Lee, in Statistics
Major Advisors: Elizabeth D. Schifano and Haiying Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Topics in Big and High-dimensional
Sharon Young-Gu Lee, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Crystal Park
Doctoral Dissertation: Variable-Centered and Person-Centered
Approaches to Understanding the Effects of Psychological
Trauma and Cognitive Stress Appraisals on Cardiovascular
Janelle Lori Lennie, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Marc Gastonguay
Doctoral Dissertation: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Disease
Progression and Clinical Trial Design
Hannah Leonard, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Mark Aindow
Doctoral Dissertation: The Morphological Development, and
the Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of Powder-Processed
Icosahedral-phase-strengthened Aluminum Alloys
Danielle Natalya Andrzejewski Lesperance, in Molecular and
Cell Biology: Microbiology
Major Advisor: Nichole Broderick
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization of the Relationship
Between Pseudomonas entomophila and the Microbial
Community of Drosophila melanogaster
Lu Li, in Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermal
Major Advisor: Tai-Hsi Fan
Doctoral Dissertation: Phase Field Modeling of Multiphase
Interfacial Dynamics in Laser Additive Manufacturing Process
Monica Yin-Chen Li, in Psychological Sciences: Language
and Cognition
Major Advisor: James S. Magnuson
Doctoral Dissertation: Neurobiology and Computational
Principles of Predictive Processing in Human Spoken Word
Rui Li, in Mechanical Engineering
Major Advisor: Dianyun Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: A Novel Constitutive Modeling
Approach for Flexible Composites
Tingting Li, in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Pharmaceutics
Major Advisor: Diane J. Burgess
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of Mucoadhesive Drug
Products for Local and Systemic Administration
Wensu Li, in Economics
Major Advisor: Kathleen Segerson
Doctoral Dissertation: Three essays on environmental
Xiaomeng Li, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Dipak K. Dey
Doctoral Dissertation: Flexible Bayesian Modeling for Count
Xizi Li, in Economics
Major Advisor: Stephen L. Ross
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on the Role of Imperfect
Information in the Labor Market
Yan Li, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Jun Yan
Doctoral Dissertation: Rare Feature Aggregation for
Microbiome Compositional Data
Yayu Li, in Plant Science: Soil Science
Major Advisor: Cristian P. Schulthess
Doctoral Dissertation: Strict Ion-exchange Modeling for
Cation Selective Retention in Clay Minerals
Yuezhe Li, in Biomedical Science: Systems Biology
Major Advisors: Boris M. Slepchenko and Yi Wu
Doctoral Dissertation: Primary Cilia Sensitize Insulin
Receptor-Mediated Negative Feedback in Pancreatic ß Cells
Guannan Liang, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Jinbo Bi
Doctoral Dissertation: Efficient and Privacy-preserving
Algorithms for Nonconvex Sparse Learning Problems
Fanghui Liu, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Laurent D. Michel
Doctoral Dissertation: Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel
Attack on Modern Ciphers using Constraint Programming
Haomin Liu, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Yu Lei
Doctoral Dissertation: a whole area scanning enabled direct-
counting strategy for studying blocking efficiency and
developing digital immunoassay
Qingyang Liu, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Yuping Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: Joint Modeling of Mixed Graphical
Xiaowen Liu, in Educational Psychology: Research Methods,
Measurement, and Evaluation
Major Advisor: Eric Loken
Doctoral Dissertation: The Impact of Missing Data on
Parameter Estimation in Computerized Adaptive Testing
Mandy Corinne Long, in Philosophy
Major Advisors: Jane Gordon and Lewis Gordon
Doctoral Dissertation: Just Work
Xuesong Lu, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisor: Peter B. Luh
Doctoral Dissertation: Occupants ' Behaviors and Guidance
Optimization in Building Fires and Mass Shootings
Sahil Luthra, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Major Advisors: James S. Magnuson and Emily B. Myers
Doctoral Dissertation: Neural mechanisms underlying talker-
specific influences on speech perception
Monica Tam Ly, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Chi-Ming Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Classifying Concussion in University
Athletes using MRI and Cognitive Evaluation
Erin Alisa Lynn, in English
Major Advisor: Vanessa P. Pelizzon
Doctoral Dissertation: Measures of Monstrosity
Xiaolong Ma, in Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering
Major Advisor: Wei Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: Damage Modeling of Coastal
Infrastructures Subjected to Scour and Waterborne Debris
Yin Ma, in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Stephen K. Swallow
Doctoral Dissertation: All Treats, Some Tricks: Capturing
Attribute Processing, Order Effects and Heterogeneous
Decision Rules in a Watershed Study using Latent Class
John Kihiu Macharia, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Synthesis and Mechanistic Investigation
of Tunable Mesoporous Nanocomposite Adsorbents and
Catalysts for Environmental Applications
Gillian Hope Sagulo Macusi, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Evgueni Pinkhassik
Doctoral Dissertation: Expanding Preparation Methods and
Properties of Vesicle-Templated Polymer Nanocapsules
Helia Mahzounalzakerin, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Kristin Morgan
Doctoral Dissertation: New Return-to-Sport Assessment Tool
for Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Individuals
to Evaluate Altered Limb Loading
Arpita Mandal, in English
Major Advisor: Eleni Coundouriotis
Doctoral Dissertation: Ruptured Belonging: Postcolonial
Perspectives on Narrating Conflict
Steven Manicastri, in Political Science
Major Advisor: Frederick Lee
Doctoral Dissertation: “Whatever It Takes”: How the MCU
Avenges Neoliberal Hegemony
David Hudson Manz, in Biomedical Science: Molecular
Biology and Biochemistry
Major Advisor: Suzy V. Torti
Doctoral Dissertation: Transcriptional Processes of Iron
Dysregulation and Ferroptosis in Cancer Cells
Nancy Marek, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Major Advisor: John Volin
Doctoral Dissertation: Detecting and mapping two invasive
non-native shrub species in the deciduous temperate forest
understory using RGB imagery from an Unpiloted Aerial
Vehicle and deep learning techniques
Gabriel D. Marmolejos, in Agricultural and Resource
Major Advisor: Stephen K. Swallow
Doctoral Dissertation: Addressing Potential Caveats of
Ecosystem Service Valuations in Rural-Urban Fringe
Ian Jacob Martin, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Rajeswari Kasi
Doctoral Dissertation: Novel Polydiacetylene Systems:
Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of Morphological
and Stimuli-Responsive Properties
Jessica Anne Martin, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Evgueni Pinkhassik
Doctoral Dissertation: Part A: Investigating means of
encapsulating biomacromolecules Part B: Do Laboratory
Safety Teams effectively strengthen safety culture in academic
research laboratories?
Kiran McCloskey, in Psychological Sciences: Social
Major Advisor: Blair T. Johnson
Doctoral Dissertation: Personality as Habit: Understanding the
Role of Automaticity in Personality Change
Ian McGregor, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: History and Social Studies
Major Advisor: Alan S. Marcus
Doctoral Dissertation: Citizenship Education in Human Rights
Education: A Comparative Case Study
Elizabeth A. McKay, in Educational Psychology: Cognition,
Instruction and Learning Technology
Major Advisor: Aarti Bellara
Doctoral Dissertation: Influence of Smartphone Salience on
Academic and Cognitive Performance in Secondary School
Jordan Helene McMillan, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Mary Bernstein
Doctoral Dissertation: Risk and Framing in Health Social
Saharnaz Mehrani, in Business Administration: Operations
and Information Management
Major Advisor: David Bergman
Doctoral Dissertation: Applications of Analytics and
Optimization in Healthcare Operations, Assortment Planning,
and Event Planning
Alison Frances Melville, in Anthropology
Major Advisor: Daniel S. Adler
Doctoral Dissertation: Technological Structure and Variability
in the East African Middle Stone Age
Randi Alyssia Mendes, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Timothy M. Vadas
Doctoral Dissertation: Iron-Organic Carbon Coprecipitation
Impacts on Copper and Organic Carbon Bioavailability and
Emily Elizabeth Meredith, in Biomedical Science: Cell
Major Advisor: Linda H. Shapiro
Doctoral Dissertation: CD13 Differentially Regulates
Protrusion Formation
Thomas Joseph Moran, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Bryan Huey
Doctoral Dissertation: Property-Thickness Dependencies in
Dielectric and Ferroelectric Thin Films
Katherine Elizabeth Mueller, in Anthropology
Major Advisor: Francoise D. Dussart
Doctoral Dissertation: Staging Intercultural Identity:
Perfomance, Belonging, and the Politics of Representation in
Brandon Lewis Murray, in Learning, Leadership, and
Education Policy: Leadership and Policy
Major Advisor: Jennie Weiner
Doctoral Dissertation: Role Ambiguity and Sensemaking
Amongst University Department Chairs
Selam Esayas Negatu, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Elizabeth Holzer
Doctoral Dissertation: Agricultural Development for Women:
Identifying Challenges fro Women's Empowerment
Katherine Richey Nelson, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Melissa A. Bray
Doctoral Dissertation: National Survey of School
Psychologists' Suicide Risk Assessment Practices
Emma Hoang Nguyen, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: William B. Snyder
Doctoral Dissertation: How Language is Learned by Children:
Contributions of Lexical Semantic Features and Input to the
Acquisition of the English Verbal Passive
Latisha Michelle Nielsen, in Sociology: Social Science and
Health Care
Major Advisor: Mary Bernstein
Doctoral Dissertation: You Drop Them off, I'll Pick Them up:
An Analysis of Families Lived Experiences with Building
Cultural Capital
Paula Marie Nieman, in Social Work
Major Advisor: Kathryn R. Libal
Doctoral Dissertation: What Does it Mean to "be" a Social
Worker? A critical Phenomenology of Early-Career
Baccalaureate Social Work Practicioners
Evelyn Nitch-Griffin, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Vadim Olshevsky
Doctoral Dissertation: Stability Classification for Schur
Canonical Form under Small Perturbations
Patricia O'Rourke, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Major Advisor: Suzanne Wilson
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of Radical Lore in Critical
Public Pedagogy and Praxis
Eric Sarpong Owusu, in Agricultural and Resource
Major Advisor: Boris E. Bravo-Ureta
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Aqricultural
Productivity and Resource Utilization
Parimal Shriram Pande, in Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Major Advisor: Xiaobo Zhong
Doctoral Dissertation: Evaluation of Role of Histone Methyl
Transferase G9 in the Regulation of CYP3A4 mRNA
Expression in Fatty Acid Induced Cellular Model of Steatosis
Suganya Pandian, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Christine Kirchhoff
Doctoral Dissertation: Climate Change Impacts on Human
Health (diarrheal disease) and a Holistic Evaluation of State
Climate Assessments
Byung-Yeol Park, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Education: Science Education
Major Advisor: David Campbell
Doctoral Dissertation: Model-based Learning Curriculum and
Science Teacher Professional Development Supportive of the
Next Generation Science Standards Implementation
Ja Yeon Park, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Jon Sprouse
Doctoral Dissertation: An Experimental Investigation of the
Source of Subliminal Island Effects in English
Ji-Woong Park, in Mechanical Engineering: Energy and
Thermal Sciences
Major Advisor: Tianfeng Lu
Doctoral Dissertation: Reduced Chemical Kinetic Models for
Real-Fuels and Computational Flame Diagnostics of Premixed
Anthony Patelunas, in Molecular and Cell Biology: Cell and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: David J. Goldhamer
Doctoral Dissertation: Single-cell Transcriptomic Analysis of
the Developing Mouse Limb: the Role of the Muscle
Regulatory Factors in Myoblast Fate
Meaghan Victoria Perdue, in Psychological Sciences:
Developmental Psychology
Major Advisor: Nicole Landi
Doctoral Dissertation: Neurobiological mechanisms of
reading: Relationships among brain function, anatomy and
MaryAnn Perez-Brescia, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Kelley Newlin Lew
Doctoral Dissertation: Underserved Hispanics with Type 2
Diabetes: Advancing Understanding of Health Inequities
Peter Perrino, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Major Advisor: Roslyn H. Fitch
Doctoral Dissertation: Using Engineered Mouse Models as a
Probe for the Genetic Substrates of Developmental Language
and Communication Disorders
Anna Peterson, in Biomedical Science: Skeletal Biology and
Major Advisor: Alix C. Deymier
Doctoral Dissertation: Multiscale Evaluation of the Skeletal
Response to Perturbed pH Homeostasis
Robert Pijewski, in Biomedical Science: Neuroscience
Major Advisor: Stephen J. Crocker
Doctoral Dissertation: Analyzing the Senescence Landscape in
Normal Brain Aging and Neurological Diseases
Russell David Posner, in Biomedical Science: Systems
Major Advisor: Reinhard C. Laubenbacher
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of MicroRNA-mediated Gene
Regulation in Development
Anupama Prabhathachandran, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Cato T. Laurencin
Doctoral Dissertation: Regenerative Engineering of the Rotator
Cuff Tendon-to-Bone Interface via Controlled Delivery of
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and its Mimics
Phillip Price, in Physics
Major Advisor: Susanne Yelin
Doctoral Dissertation: Combining STIRAP and Feshbach
Resonances for Ultracold Molecule Creation
Lucas Proctor, in Anthropology
Major Advisor: Alexia Smith
Doctoral Dissertation: Fueling Socioeconomic Complexity:
Fuel Use and Fuel Economies During the Chalcolithic and Iron
Ages of Northern Mesopotamia
Ellen V. Pudney, in Human Development and Family Sciences
Major Advisor: Rebecca M. Puhl
Doctoral Dissertation: Parental Weight Talk with Children: The
Role of Stigma and Social Position
Yanyuan Qin, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Bing Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Adaptive Bitrate Streaming Over
Cellular Networks: Rate Adaptation and Data Savings
Saad Altaful Quader, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Alexander Russell
Doctoral Dissertation: Security of Proof-of-Stake Blockchains
María Teresa Restrepo-Ruiz, in Public Health: Social and
Behavioral Health Sciences
Major Advisor: Jane A. Ungemack
Doctoral Dissertation: Intimate Partner Violence in Contexts of
Armed Conflict: The Case of Colombia
Louis P. Riel, in Chemistry
Major Advisors: Amy R. Howell and Xudong Yao
Doctoral Dissertation: [3+2] Dipolar Cycloadditions of
2-Methyleneoxetanes and Nitrile Oxides and
α-Methylene-β-Lactone Probes for Activity-Based
Joel Martin Rinebold, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Renewable Energy Storage with
Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas Distribution Systems
Dina Lisel Rivera, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Spanish Studies
Major Advisor: Miguel A. Gomes
Doctoral Dissertation: Houses Taken Over: Gothic, History,
and Nation in Spanish American Literature and Film
Anne Roberts, in Educational Psychology: Giftedness,
Creativity and Talent Development
Major Advisor: Catherine A. Little
Doctoral Dissertation: Teacher Perceptions of Cunoslly; A
Basic Interpretive Qualitative Study
Sarshad Rommel, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Mark Aindow
Doctoral Dissertation: Corrosion Phenomena in a Powder-
Processed Al Alloy Containing Icosahedral Quasicrystalline
Rebecca Leigh Rowe, in English
Major Advisor: Victoria F. Smith
Doctoral Dissertation: Crossover Adaptation: Contemporary
American Texts at Play between Adult and Child Audiences
Shane J. Sacco, in Health Promotion Sciences
Major Advisor: Tania B. Huedo-Medina
Doctoral Dissertation: Easily interpretable methods for
estimating and testing non-linear interactions in the
psychological sciences: Reviewing the state of testing,
identifying interaction metrics, and adjusting for heterogeneity
of error variance
Husien A. Salama, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisor: Faquir C. Jain
Doctoral Dissertation: Multi-State Spatial Wavefunction
Switched (SWS) FETs for Logic Gates and Memory
Sameera Ajit Sansare, in Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Major Advisor: Bodhisattwa Chaudhuri
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of an Experimentally
Validated CFD-DEM Coupled Model of a Fluidized Bed Dryer
Joshua Santiana, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jessica Rouge
Doctoral Dissertation: Designing Enzymes Responsive
Nanomaterials and Bioconjugation Strategies for Therapeutic
Rambon Shamilov, in Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Major Advisor: Brian J. Aneskievich
Doctoral Dissertation: Investigating TNIP1 Protein Function
and Conformational Flexibility in Repressing Post-TLR
Signaling in Keratinocytes
Matthew Ryan Shelton, in English
Major Advisor: Vanessa P. Pelizzon
Doctoral Dissertation: A Diagram of Winds: Poems and
Wei Shi, in Statistics
Major Advisors: Ming-Hui Chen and Lynn Kuo
Doctoral Dissertation: Bayesian Methods for Information and
Data Compatibility
Brandon Ian Smith, in Animal Science: Growth and
Reproductive Physiology
Major Advisor: Kristen E. Govoni PhD
Doctoral Dissertation: The Effects of Poor Maternal Nutrition
Followed by Realimentation on Offsprng Growth and
Metabolism in Sheep
Banghee So, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Emiliano Valdez
Doctoral Dissertation: Actuarial Models for Understanding
Driver Behavior with Telematics Data
Darian Spearman, in Philosophy
Major Advisor: Lewis Gordon
Doctoral Dissertation: Myth Meaning and the End of
Euromodernity: Foundations for a Philosophy of Myth
Austin Reid Spence, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: Morgan W. Tingley
Doctoral Dissertation: Biotic and Abiotic Limitations of
Hummingbird Range Limits along an Elevational Gradient
Pornpan Srisopa, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Ruth F. Lucas
Doctoral Dissertation: Self-Management of Breast and Nipple
Pain Intervention and Genetic Variations Effect onDepressive
Symptoms among Women after Giving Birth: A Secondary
Analysis of a Pilot RCT
Lauren Stauffer, in History
Major Advisor: Frank Costigliola
Doctoral Dissertation: Beyond the North Atlantic: How NATO
Developed an ""Out-of-Area"" Perspective, 1979-1991
Matthew J. Sticco, in Biomedical Science: Neuroscience
Major Advisor: David C. Martinelli
Doctoral Dissertation: Biochemical Analysis of the Synaptic
Regulator C1QL3 and its Binding Partners
Andrew Neil Stillman, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Major Advisor: Morgan W. Tingley
Doctoral Dissertation: Resource Selection and Population
Dynamics of Black-backed woodpeckers in a Shifting Habitat
Jessica Robin Strom, in History: Modern European
Major Advisor: John A. Davis
Doctoral Dissertation: Adriano Lemmi: Banker of the Italian
National Revolution?
Matthew Conor Sullivan, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Dean G. Cruess
Doctoral Dissertation: Stigma, Coping and HIV PrEP
adherence and Persistence in People with Opioid use Disorder
in Treatment. Patient and Provider Facilitators and Barriers to
HIV Risk Reduction
Rui Sun, in Economics
Major Advisor: Chih-Hwa Kao
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Selection on
Unobservables and Dynamic Panel Mode
Xiaohan Sun, in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Tatiana Andreyeva
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Policy Analysis of
Child Well-Being
Zhe Sun, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Kun Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Sparse Log-Contrast Regression with
Functional Compositional Predictors
Ryo Tanaka, in Philosophy
Major Advisor: Dorit Bar-On
Doctoral Dissertation: Semantic Knowledge as Expressive
Emily Jo Tarconish, in Educational Psychology: Special
Major Advisor: Allison Lombardi
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining the Effects of a Cognitive
Support Technology Intervention for Students with Traumatic
Brain Injuries (SWTBI) in a Community College Setting
Yuta Tatsumi, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Željko Bošković
Doctoral Dissertation: Linguistic realization of measuring and
counting in the nominal domain: A cross-linguistic study of
syntactic and semantic variations
Mikail Temirel, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Savas Tasoglu
Doctoral Dissertation: Fidelity of Biodegradable Patches
Fabricated by a Custom-developed Low-cost 3D Bioprinter
Amy Thees, in Molecular and Cell Biology: Microbiology
Major Advisor: Michael A. Lynes
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of Bacterial Metallothionein,
PmtA, in Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenesis
Anne Elizabeth Thompson Heller, in Human Development
and Family Sciences
Major Advisor: Beth S. Russell
Doctoral Dissertation: Collegiate Recovery Programs and the
Promotion of Psychosocial Development and Adjustment: A
Student Development Perspective
Damaris Waiyigo Thuita, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Christian Brueckner
Doctoral Dissertation: Synthesus of Porphyrin Analogues
Containing Oxazole and Imidazole Moieties
Trisha Joy Tiamzon, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Andrew S. Deener
Doctoral Dissertation: Dissertation title was unavailable at the
time of printing
Zachary Michael Tobin, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Fabrication, Characterization and
Optimization of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Mark Neil Quito Tolentino, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jessica Rouge
Doctoral Dissertation: Hybrid Inorganic Core Nanocapsules
for Controlled Release of Small Molecules and Biomolecules
Dennis Trujillo, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Pamir Alpay
Doctoral Dissertation: Properties Across Multiscale and
Phenomenological Domains
Moriah Gildart Turcotte, in Biomedical Science: Cell Biology
Major Advisor: Kimberly L. Dodge
Doctoral Dissertation: mAKAP Orchestrates Perinuclear
Calcium Signaling in Cardiomyocytes
Susana Maria Ulloa, in Educational Administration
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Academic Resilience and College
Persistence among Foster Students
Samiksha Vishvas Vaidya, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Rajeswari Kasi
Doctoral Dissertation: Molecular Engineering of
Mechanochromic Dye Incorporated Liquid Crystalline
Polymers with Different Archirectures
Gabrielle Josephine Valles, in Biomedical Science: Molecular
Biology and Biochemistry
Major Advisor: Irina Bezsonova
Doctoral Dissertation: Structural Characterization of the
Deubiquitinase Ubiquitin Specific Protease 7 (USP7)
Gianmarco Vega-Molino, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Fabrice Baudoin
Doctoral Dissertation: Totally-geodesic foliations and sub-
Riemannian geometry
Alyce Viens, in Communication
Major Advisor: Kirstie Cope-Farrar
Doctoral Dissertation: Oh Look, Another Episode! Binge
Watching Engagement and the Role of Presence
Gergely Vosits, in Educational Psychology: School Psychology
Major Advisor: Melissa A. Bray
Doctoral Dissertation: Flipped: an Examination of Middle
School Student Perceptions of the Flipped Classroom
Alina Vulpe, in Physiology and Neurobiology: Neurobiology
Major Advisor: Karen Menuz
Doctoral Dissertation: Mechanism of Ammonia Sensing in
Biju Wang, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Kun Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Targeted Integrative Learning via
Distance Segmented Regression
Mengyuan Wang, in Mechanical Engineering: Fluid Dynamics
Major Advisor: Chih-Jen Sung
Doctoral Dissertation: Autoignition Study of Diesel, Diesel
Surrogates, and Diesel-surrogate Components at Low
Temperature Combustion Conditions
Qizhou Wang, in Business Administration: Marketing
Major Advisor: Nicholas Lurie
Doctoral Dissertation: Consumer Sustainable Consumption:
The Study of Consumer Responses to Recycled Products
Shiyao Wang, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Yongku Cho
Doctoral Dissertation: Engineered Proteins for Improved
Detection of Post-translationally Modified Tau
Wenjie Wang, in Geography
Major Advisor: Chuanrong Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: Study on Land Cover Change in
Connecticut and Land Cover Data Quality Improvement
Xiaogang Wang, in Mechanical Engineering: Design
Major Advisor: David M. Pierce
Doctoral Dissertation: Image-Driven Computational Modeling
of Cartilage in Health and Osteoarthritis
Yongjian Wang, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Kelly A. Burke
Doctoral Dissertation: Main-Chain Liquid Crystalline
Networks Synthesized by Click Chemistry as 2D/3D Cell
Nicholas James Wasko, in Biomedical Science: Immunology
Major Advisor: Robert B. Clark
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of TLR2 Tolerance in
Remyelination Following Cuprizone-Induced Myelin Injury
Joan Weir, in Curriculum and Instruction: Reading Education
Major Advisor: Hannah M. Dostal
Doctoral Dissertation: (Mis)Information: How hearing parents
make sense of the information they receive about their
deaf/hard of hearing child
Junfei Weng, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Puxian Gao
Doctoral Dissertation: Multifunctional ZSM-5 based
Monolithic Catalysts for Low Temperature Emission Control
and Utilization
Andrea Scarpa Wilderman, in Biomedical Science: Genetics
and Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Justin L. Cotney
Doctoral Dissertation: Chromosome Topology and Gene
Expression Regulation of HOXA Gene Cluster Reveal Novel
Aspects of Enhancer Biology
Kara Leeann Winkler, in Communication
Major Advisor: Amanda Denes
Doctoral Dissertation: Sexual health information management:
Testing and extending the theory of motivated information
management in the context of emerging adults' sexual
Henry George Wolf VII, in Psychological Sciences: Language
and Cognition
Major Advisor: Jay G. Rueckl
Doctoral Dissertation: Learning Orthographic Representations
with Convolutional Neural Networks for Modeling Reading
and Dyslexia
Tao Wu, in Plant Science: Plant Environment
Major Advisor: Peter J. Miniutti
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding the Resiliency of Coastal
Land Use and Modeling on Coastal Resilience Planning
Zekun Wu, in Business Administration: Finance
Major Advisor: Joseph Golec
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays On The Information
Content Of Stock Options
Maria Mei Xu, in Biomedical Science: Immunology
Major Advisor: Anthony T. Vella
Doctoral Dissertation: Costimulation of CD8 T Cells Promotes
Retention and Innate-like Function within Nascent Atherogenic
Wanwan Xu, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Kun Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Topics on Scalable Statistical Data
Jingyi Xue, in Nutritional Science
Major Advisor: Yangchao Luo
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of phytoglycogen based
nanocomplexes for oral delivery of nutrients
Yan Yan, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages: Comparative
Literary and Cultural Studies
Major Advisor: Liansu Meng
Doctoral Dissertation: The Emergence of Commercial Film in
Post-Socialist China
Brittney Lynn Yancy, in History
Major Advisor: Jeffrey O. Ogbar
Doctoral Dissertation: "We are STILL Brave" Women's
Radicalism, Black Power Politics and the City
Feifei Yang, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Emmanouil N. Anagnostou
Doctoral Dissertation: Improvement of Outage Prediction
through New Machine Learning and Statistical Models
Guang Yang, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Fabrice Baudoin
Doctoral Dissertation: Hormander's theorem for Markovian
rough paths and heat kernel lower bounds on Kahler and
quaternion Kahler manifolds
Meijian Yang, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Guiling Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Studying the Sensitivity of Crops to
Climate Variability and Change to Facilitate Crop Yield
Predictions in Ethiopia
Ziqi Yang, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Dipak K. Dey
Doctoral Dissertation: On Some Aspects of Network
Clustering Methods
Yaqiong Yao, in Statistics
Major Advisor: HaiYing Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Optimal Subsampling methods
fo1Softmax Regression
Omer A. Yassin, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Gregory A. Sotzing
Doctoral Dissertation: All-in-One Electrochromic Polymer:
Design and Synthesis of Electrochromic Organic Small
Molecule Pendant on Polymer Chain and its Application in
Achieving Color Neutrality
Huilin Ye, in Mechanical Engineering: Design
Major Advisor: Ying Li
Doctoral Dissertation: OpenFSI: An Efficient and Portable
Fluid-Structure Interaction Package
Huseyin Yer, in Plant Science: Horticulture
Major Advisor: Yi Li
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization of Perennial Ryegrass
Mutants for Low Mowing Height and Reduced Mowing
Dani Yomtov, in Educational Psychology: Research Methods,
Measurement, and Evaluation
Major Advisor: Bianca Montrosse Moorhead
Doctoral Dissertation: An Experimental Study of Ideology,
Advocacy and Confirmation Bias in Program Evaluation
Ruth Zenaida Yuste-Alonso, in Literatures, Cultures and
Languages: Spanish Studies
Major Advisor: Eduardo Urios-Aparisi
Doctoral Dissertation: Interrogating the Female Gaze:
Intersections of Gender and Genre in Manuela Burló Moreno,
Mar Coll, and Leticia Dolera
Bo Zhang, in Geography
Major Advisor: Chuanrong Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: Predictive Mapping of Spatial Soil
Categorical Variables by Markov Chain Random Fields
Weiyu Zhang, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Evgueni Pinkhassik
Doctoral Dissertation: Synergistic Directed Assembly of
Hybrid Polymer Nanocapsules as Functional Nanodevices
Wei Zheng, in Economics
Major Advisor: David Simon
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Family Well-being and
Child Health
Ryan Jay Allred, in Communication
Major Advisor: Ross W. Buck
Doctoral Dissertation: Cell Phone Presence, Phubbing, and
Rejection: Antecedents and Effects of Cell Phone Usage During
Face-to-face Communication
Fayekah Assanah, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Yusuf M. Khan
Doctoral Dissertation: Ultrasound-Derived Mechanical
Loading with Cell Therapy for Bone Repair
Alicia Veronica Barriga, in Agricultural and Resource
Major Advisor: Richard Dunn
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on the Economics of
Malaria in the Brazilian Amazon
Saman Bastami, in Physics
Major Advisor: Peter Schweitzer
Doctoral Dissertation: Studies on Hadron Structure through
Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distribution
Tithi Basu Mallik, in Philosophy
Major Advisor: William Lycan
Doctoral Dissertation: A Perspective on Self-deception
Sarah Elizabeth Berger, in Psychological Sciences: Industrial
and Organizational Psychology
Major Advisor: Robert A. Henning
Doctoral Dissertation: An Event-based Approach to Team
Communication and Team Performance
Karina Gomes Bertolino, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Diane C. Lillo-Martin
Doctoral Dissertation: An Experimental Study on the
Acquisition of Impersonals in Brazilian Portuguese
Tanesia Robyn Beverly, in Educational Psychology: Research
Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
Major Advisor: Eric Loken
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining Within-Person Changes in
Speed in a Verbal Reasoning Test
Judy Elizabeth Bloom, in Biomedical Science: Neuroscience
Major Advisor: Leslie M. Loew
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding UBE3As Role in
Neuron Morphology in Angelman Syndrome and Chromosome
15q11-q13 Duplication Syndrome Using Cellular and
Mathematical Models
Ksenia Bogomolets, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Hendrikus G. Van der hulst
Doctoral Dissertation: Lexical Accent in Languages with
Complex Morphology
Elizabeth Brown, in Polymer Science
Major Advisors: Douglas Adamson and Richard S. Parnas
Doctoral Dissertation: Graphene as a Two-Dimensional
Surfactant: Influence on Emulsion and Composite Morphology
and Properties
Chengsheng Chen, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Mark W. Peczuh
Doctoral Dissertation: Diversification of Functionalized [13]-
Feiyang Chen, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Douglas Adamson
Doctoral Dissertation: Graphene Stabilized Water-in-oil
Emulsion: From Liquid to Solid Applications
Longtu Chen, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Bin Feng
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding DRG Neuromodulation
to Address Peripheral Visceral Hypersensitivity
Youzhi Cheng, in Biomedical Science: Genetics and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Zhengqing Ouyang
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining the Interplay among
Determinants of Higher-order Nucleic Acid Structure via
Integrative Analysis
Jonathan Philip Choiniere, in Physiology and Neurobiology:
Major Advisor: Debra A. Kendall
Doctoral Dissertation: Allosteric Modulation of Cannabinoid
Receptor One
Dakota Wayne Cintron, in Educational Psychology: Research
Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
Major Advisor: Dorothy E. McCoach
Doctoral Dissertation: Statistical Estimation of Large Ordinal
Factor Analysis Models
Brandon Clary, in Physics
Major Advisor: Kyungseon Joo
Doctoral Dissertation: Exclusive Phi Production Beam Spin
Asymmetry Measurements with CLAS12
Benjamin Commeau, in Physics
Major Advisor: Susanne Yelin
Doctoral Dissertation: Two Studies on Topological Properties
of Organic Superconductors and a new Quantum Dynamical
Simulation Algorithm
Eli James Curry, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Thanh D. Nguyen
Doctoral Dissertation: Piezoelectric Biomaterials for
Biodegradable Medical Applications
Johanna Deleyer-Tiarks, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Melissa A. Bray
Doctoral Dissertation: Virtual Reality Self-Modeling as an
Intervention for Stuttering
Christine R. DiLeone, in Nursing
Major Advisors: Cheryl L. Beck and Robin June Miller
Doctoral Dissertation: The Experiences of Daughters Caring
for a Parent with Alzheimer's Disease in the Home: A
Phenomenological Study
Paula Fenger, in Linguistics
Major Advisors: Jonathan Bobaljik and Andrea Calabrese
Doctoral Dissertation: Words within Words: The Internal
Syntax of Verbs
December 20, 2020
Akie Fujita, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Alexander C. Jackson
Doctoral Dissertation: Cellular and Circuit-Level Analysis of
Arousal-Related Neuronal Cell Types in the Mouse
Lateroposterior Hypothalamus
Lijiang Geng, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Ming-Hui Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Statistical Methods for Incomplete Data
in Clinical Studies
Mariam Mathew George, in Biomedical Science:
Major Advisor: Pramod K. Srivastava
Doctoral Dissertation: Defining the Phenotypes of Tumor-
Infiltrating CD8+ T Lymphocytes in Mice Immunized with
Shanu Cherian George, in Physiology and Neurobiology:
Major Advisor: Angel L. De Blas
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of Collybistin SH3- in the
Organization of the GABAergic Synapse and Modulation of the
Strength of GABAergic Neurotransmission
Yi-Syuan Guo, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Leslie M. Shor
Doctoral Dissertation: Mechanisms of Pore-scale Moisture
Retention: Effects of Physical Structure, Surface Chemistry and
Pore Fluid Composition
Jeffrey Robert Jude Hanrahan, in Psychological Sciences:
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Major Advisor: Robert A. Henning
Doctoral Dissertation: A Multilevel Examination of the
Emergence of Team Resilience in Two Field Studies
Molly Lange Holinger, in Educational Psychology:
Giftedness, Creativity and Talent Development
Major Advisor: James Kaufman
Doctoral Dissertation: Exploring the Relationship between
Creativity and Well-being Among Gifted Young Adults
Shaun D. James, in Physiology and Neurobiology:
Comparative Physiology
Major Advisor: Daniel K. Mulkey
Doctoral Dissertation: Adenosine A1 and RTN Respiratory
Kristi Kaeppel, in Learning, Leadership, and Education
Policy: Adult Learning
Major Advisor: Robin S. Grenier
Doctoral Dissertation: College Students’ Experiences with
Collaborative Argument Mapping and its Influence on Their
Critical Thinking About Contentious Topics
Joanna Noelia Kamiche Zegarra, in Agricultural and
Resource Economics
Major Advisor: Boris E. Bravo-Ureta
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on the Role of
Information in Farming Decisions and Outcomes
Hyunju Kang, in Nutritional Science
Major Advisor: Ji-Young Lee
Doctoral Dissertation: The Roles of Bioactive Compounds and
Histone Deacetylase 4 in the Development of Alcohol-induced
Joshua James King, in Italian
Major Advisor: Norma Bouchard
Doctoral Dissertation: The "Other" as "Us": Migration in
Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema
Haiyang Kong, in Economics
Major Advisor: Delia Furtado
Doctoral Dissertation: Chinese Imports, School Finance, and
Immigrant Assimilation
Renato Cesar Lacerda Ferreira, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Željko Bošković
Doctoral Dissertation: Middle-field Syntax and Information
Structure in Brazilian Portuguese
Jeremy Benjamin Landa, in Learning, Leadership, and
Education Policy: Leadership and Policy
Major Advisor: Morgaen Donaldson
Doctoral Dissertation: Repairing the Teacher Pipeline for
People of Color: Three Essays on Minority Teacher
Kersey Lawrence, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Major Advisor: Thomas H. Meyer
Doctoral Dissertation: What We Can Learn from
CyberTracking: Applications of an International Tracker
Evaluation System for Professional and Citizen Science, and
the Theory of Original Wisdom
Xuan Li, in Civil Engineering: Structural Engineering
Major Advisor: Wei Zhang
Doctoral Dissertation: Dynamic Performance of Coastal and
Offshore Structures under Combined Wind and Wave Loadings
Michael Mallery Jr., in Learning, Leadership, and Education
Policy: Sport Management
Major Advisor: Jennifer E Bruening
Doctoral Dissertation: Understanding Students with Academic
and Athletic Goals (S.W.A2.G.): An Exploratory Qualitative
Case Study of Black Males’ Engagement in Culturally Relevant
and Sustaining Pedagogy in Education
Gabriel Antonio Martinez Vera, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Jon Gajewski
Doctoral Dissertation: On the Semantics of Evidentials in
Southern Aymara
Khushboo Mittal, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisor: Shalabh Gupta
Doctoral Dissertation: Physics-inspired Renormalization
Approaches for Data Reduction in Machine Learning and
Motion Planning
David Mouser, in Biochemistry
Major Advisor: James L. Cole
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization of the Active Signaling
Complexes of Innate Immune Receptors RIG-I, MDA5, and
Jinjian Mu, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Lynn Kuo
Doctoral Dissertation: Bayesian Variable Selection for
Multivariate Non-Gaussian Regression Models with Spatially
Varying Coefficients
Mouhamadou Fallilou Ndiaye, in Agricultural and Resource
Major Advisor: Farhed Shah
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Economic Integration,
Monetary Policy and Education
Rebecca Lynn Newcomer, in Molecular and Cell Biology:
Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics
Major Advisor: Andrei T. Alexandrescu
Doctoral Dissertation: Structure Determination and
Characterization of the Monomeric phage L Decoration Protein
by NMR
Sarah Dawn Newton, in Educational Psychology: Research
Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
Major Advisor: Dorothy E. McCoach
Doctoral Dissertation: Multilevel Model Selection and
Effective Sample Size—In Information Criteria We Trust
Kenneth Samuel Ogueri, in Materials Science and
Major Advisor: Cato T. Laurencin
Doctoral Dissertation: Design and Development of Novel
Biocompatible and Mechanically Competent Polyphosphazene-
based Blends for Bone Tissue Regeneration
Hamza Omar, in Electrical Engineering
Major Advisor: Omer Khan
Doctoral Dissertation: Dynamic Hardware Isolation for
Efficient Resiliency and Security in Multicore Architectures
Jin Peng, in Business Administration: Finance
Major Advisor: Chinmoy Ghosh
Doctoral Dissertation: Speculative Bubbles, Cultural Diversity
in Mutual Funds and Pension Risk Transfer
Roberto Petrosino, in Linguistics
Major Advisors: Andrea Calabrese and Jon R. Sprouse
Doctoral Dissertation: More than Islands of Regularity: An
Investigation of the Sensitivity of Morphological
Decomposition to Higher-level Linguistic Properties
Kenneth Petroski, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Advancement and Development of
Synthesis Methods for Ceramic Matrix Composites
Yanina Prystauka, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Major Advisor: Gerald Altmann
Doctoral Dissertation: Investigating the Interplay between
Morphosyntax and Memory for Events: The Case of Past
Simone Maria Puleo, in Literatures, Cultures and Languages:
Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies
Major Advisor: Wayne Franklin
Doctoral Dissertation: Italy in the Heart of the Traveler: The
Risorgimento and Nineteenth-Century American Writers
Ashley Jean Russo, in Biomedical Science: Immunology
Major Advisor: Vijay Rathinam
Doctoral Dissertation: Alarming Outcomes of Noncanonical
Inflammasome Activation by Cytosolic LPS
Mina Sadeghi Najafabadi, in Electrical Engineering
Major Advisors: Monty Escabi and Ian Stevenson
Doctoral Dissertation: Sound Category Identification in the
Auditory Midbrain using High Order Statistics
Susan Anne Smith, in Oceanography
Major Advisors: George B. McManus and Luciana Fernanda
Doctoral Dissertation: Evaluating the Morphological,
Ecological, and Genomic Lines of Identity in Marine Ciliates
Gyuho Song, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Seok Woo Lee
Doctoral Dissertation: In-situ Cryogenic Mechanical
Characterization of Materials at Micrometer Scales
Shiyu Song, in Educational Psychology: Cognition, Instruction
and Learning Technology
Major Advisor: Scott W. Brown
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining Motivational Pathways of
Middle School Students’ Science Performance and Choices
Brittany Sprecher, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: Senjie Lin
Doctoral Dissertation: Developing a Genetic Transformation
Toolkit for Dinoflagellates
Armin Tahmasbi Rad, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Mu-Ping Nieh
Doctoral Dissertation: Lipid Nanodiscs: A Universal Platform
for Cancer Therapy
Kemal Tezgin, in Physics
Major Advisor: Peter Schweitzer
Doctoral Dissertation: Theoretical and Phenomenological
Studies of the Nucleon Structure in High Energy Reactions
Abigail Elizabeth Thornton, in Linguistics
Major Advisor: Jonathan Bobaljik
Doctoral Dissertation: Morphophonological and
Morphosyntactic Domains
Dinesh Babu Uthaya Kumar, in Biomedical Science:
Genetics and Developmental Biology
Major Advisor: Adam Williams
Doctoral Dissertation: Deciphering the Roles of lncRNAs in
EMT using Genome-wide CRISPR Activation Screens and by
using Single-cell RNA-sequencing Methodologies
Poonam Gopika Vinayamohan, in Animal Science
Major Advisor: Kumar S. Venkitanarayanan
Doctoral Dissertation: Efficacy of Phytochemicals in Inhibiting
Horizontal Gene Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance between
Multidrug Resistant Salmonella and Commensal E. coli
Ngoc Chau Hoang Vy, in Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Douglas Adamson
Doctoral Dissertation: Controlling Dispersity of Polymer
Brushes for Salt-Selective and Biologically Relevant
Gang Wang, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Song Han
Doctoral Dissertation: Towards Blockchain-based Industrial
IoT Platform
Lei Wang, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Xudong Yao
Doctoral Dissertation: Chemical Tools and Mass
Spectrometry-based Approaches for Exploring Reactivity and
Selectivity of Small Molecules in Complex Proteomes
Shawn Patrick Ward, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Douglas Adamson
Doctoral Dissertation: Self Assembly and Design: Two-
dimensional Surfactants and Polymer Interfaces
Xia Xiao, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Doctoral Dissertation: Speedup Techniques for Deep Neural
Xi Yang, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Georgios Bollas
Doctoral Dissertation: Refined Thermodynamic Models for
Electrolyte Solutions
Fatemeh Zare, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Sheida Nabavi
Doctoral Dissertation: Developing Novel Copy Number
Variation Detection Methods using Emerging Sequencing Data
Fatemeh Zare, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Sheida Nabavi
Doctoral Dissertation:
Bo Zhang, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Puxian Gao
Doctoral Dissertation: Zinc Oxide based Nanowire Arrays for
Selective Detection of Multiple Gaseous Analytes at Elevated
Abdallah Faleh Ahmad Abu Khait, in Nursing
Major Advisor: Juliette M. Shellman
Doctoral Dissertation: Building a Foundation for
Reminiscence Research and Practice in the Arabic-Jordanian
Yara Aljahlan, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Major Advisor: Tammie Spaulding
Doctoral Dissertation: Identifying Attentional Shifting
Weaknesses and Attentional Tendencies in Children with
Developmental Language Disorder: A Potential First Step to
Promoting Word learning
Kyle Allaire, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Dmitriy Leykekhman
Doctoral Dissertation: Resolvent Estimates and Discrete
Maximal Parabolic Regularity for Galerkin Finite Element
Aerielle Mari Allen, in Psychological Sciences: Social
Major Advisor: Felicia Pratto
Doctoral Dissertation: On Being Woke and Knowing Injustice:
Scale Development and Psychological and Political
Teresa Allen, in Philosophy
Major Advisor: Michael P. Lynch
Doctoral Dissertation: Engaging Others
Matthew Lucas Baczkowski, in Polymer Science
Major Advisor: Gregory A. Sotzing
Doctoral Dissertation: Exploration of Conjugated Polymers
and Electroactive Small Molecules within Electrochromic
Valentina Baena Echeverri, in Biomedical Science: Cell
Major Advisor: Mark R. Terasaki
Doctoral Dissertation: Intracellular Communication in the
Mouse Ovarian Follicle Analyzed by Three-Dimentional
Electron Microscopy
Antonio Barocci, in Geography
Major Advisor: Kenneth Foote
Doctoral Dissertation: A Geography of Repression. The
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the First Years of the Special
Tribunal in Fascist Italy, 1925-1928
Michael Christopher Bartch, in English
Major Advisor: Charles W. Mahoney
Doctoral Dissertation: National Elegy: The Form of Public
Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Eleonora Boscolo Suteu, in Italian
Major Advisor: Philip W. Balma
Doctoral Dissertation: Social Engagement in Italian Pulp
literature: Literary and cinematic trends in the 1990s
Janelle Karen Bryan, in Social Work
Major Advisor: Michael Fendrich
Doctoral Dissertation: Intimate Partner Violence Screening
Among Barbadian Primary Care Professionals: An Exploratory
Study of Practitioner Attitudes, Beliefs, Knowledge and
Screening Intention
Devon Michael Callahan, in Computer Science and
Major Advisor: Benjamin Fuller
Doctoral Dissertation: Dynamic Network Configurations for
Functionality and Security
Gabriel Camacho, in Psychological Sciences: Social
Major Advisor: Diane M. Quinn
Doctoral Dissertation: The Perceived Validity of Attributing
Underperformance to Stereotype Threat
Julia Chen, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical Psychology
Major Advisor: Marianne L. Barton
Doctoral Dissertation: Gesture Use in Toddlers with and
without Autism Spectrum Disorder: Gestural Differences and
Developmental Predictors
Xin Chen, in Biomedical Science: Immunology
Major Advisor: Diane M. Quinn
Doctoral Dissertation: Role of Glucose Metabolism in Human
T Cell Activation and Functions
Jennifer Rebecca Cooper Boemmels, in Geological Sciences:
Major Advisor: Jean M. Crespi
Doctoral Dissertation: Postrift Development of the Eastern
North American Margin: Early Cretaceous Intraplate
Magmatism and Normal Faulting of Western Vermont and
Eastern New York
Maria Elena DelGreco, in Communication
Major Advisor: Amanda Denes
Doctoral Dissertation: There’s an App for that? Assessing the
Efficacy of Sexual Violence Mobile Apps on Reducing
Victimization, Increasing Feelings of Safety and Support, and
Improving Mental Health of College Students
Shanka Lakmal Dissanayake, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Versatile Catalytic Processes by Metal
Oxide Nanomaterials with Tunable Porosity
Robert Dolan, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Jeffrey Connors
Doctoral Dissertation: Flux Partitioning and Reconstruction
Methods for Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction
Julia Rebecca Drouin, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Major Advisor: Rachel Theodore
Doctoral Dissertation: Perceptual Learning of Noise-Vocoded
Searle Aichelle Duay, in Chemistry
Major Advisors: Alfredo M. Angeles-Boza and Eric R. May
Doctoral Dissertation: Influence of Local pH Environment and
Zn(II) on the Structure of the Antimicrobial Peptide Clavanin A
and its Dynamics with Different Membrane Models in MD
Mohsen Emadikhiav, in Business Administration: Operations
and Information Management
Major Advisors: David Bergman and Robert W. Day
Doctoral Dissertation: Applications of Analytics and
Optimization in Trucking Transportation
August 24, 2020
Md Shahed Enamul Quadir, in Electrical Engineering
Major Advisor: John A. Chandy
Doctoral Dissertation: Physical Unclonable Functions for
Authenticating and Preventing Reverse Engineering of
Integrated Circuits and Electronics Hardware
Martin Flament-Fultot, in Psychological Sciences: Ecological
Major Advisor: James A. Dixon
Doctoral Dissertation: Tensegrity and Recurrent Neural
Networks: Towards an Ecological Model of Postural
Pamela Fuhrmeister, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Major Advisor: Emily Myers
Doctoral Dissertation: Neural Correlates of Native-language
Speech Perception and Non-native Speech Sound Learning
Ayana Ghosh, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Serge M. Nakhmanson
Doctoral Dissertation: Predicting Materials Behavior with
Atomistic Simulations and Machine Learning
Amanda Greenwell, in English
Major Advisor: Katharine E. Capshaw
Doctoral Dissertation: Confronting America: The Child Gaze
in American Literature, 1930-2018
Aritra Halder, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Dipak K. Dey
Doctoral Dissertation: Wombling for Spatial and
Spatiotemporal Processes: Applications to Insurance Data
Alyssa Kate Hartmann, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jessica Rouge
Doctoral Dissertation: Enzyme-Responsive Nucleic Acid
Nanocapsules (NANs) for the Delivery of Therapeutic
Oligonucleotides and Small Molecule Drugs
Ruth Marleen Hernandez, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Manisha Desai
Doctoral Dissertation: “Rompiendo Fronteras:” Family
Reunification and Activism in a Transnational Mexican
Junsung Hong, in Materials Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Prabhakar Singh
Doctoral Dissertation: Mitigation of Air-Electrode Degradation
in High-Temperature Electrochemical Systems: Capture of
Airborne Contaminants by Getters
Henry Charles Hrdlicka, in Biomedical Science: Skeletal
Biology and Regeneration
Major Advisor: Anne M. Delany
Doctoral Dissertation: microRNA-29 Family: A Positive
Regulator of Osteoclastogenesis
Siqi Hu, in Nutritional Science
Major Advisor: Ji-Young Lee
Doctoral Dissertation: The Roles of Bioactive Compounds and
Histone Deacetylase 9 in the Development of Obesity-induced
Inflammation and Fibrosis
Chang Huang, in Animal Science: Physiology of Reproduction
Major Advisor: Yong Tang
Doctoral Dissertation: Small Molecules to Control Porcine
Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection
Teng Huang, in Business Administration: Operations and
Information Management
Major Advisor: David Bergman
Doctoral Dissertation: On Embedding Advanced Predictive
Models into Optimization Models
Emily Auerbach Iovino, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Sandra M. Chafouleas
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of a Facebook Group
Intervention to Increase Health-Promoting Self-Care Among
Primary Caregivers of Children with Developmental
Hyun Chul Jang, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Lan-Hsuan Huang
Doctoral Dissertation: Topics on Asymptotically Hyperbolic
Manifolds in General Relativity
Himchan Jeong, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Emiliano Valdez
Doctoral Dissertation: Applications of Random Effects in
Dependent Compound Risk Models
Lei Jin, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jie He
Doctoral Dissertation: Design and Synthesis of Crystalline
Metal Oxide/Sulfide-Based Mesoporous Materials: Catalysis
and Energy Storage
Hesaneh Kazemi, in Mechanical Engineering: Design
Major Advisor: Julian A. Norato Escobar
Doctoral Dissertation: Topology Optimization of Architected
Latticeswith Geometric Primitives
Koyel Khan, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Manisha Desai
Doctoral Dissertation: Between Nationalism and Neoliberal
Globalization: The Practices of Indian Classical Dance
Shubham Khetan, in Biomedical Science: Genetics and
Developmental Biology
Major Advisors: Michael Stitzel and Duygu Ucar
Doctoral Dissertation: Deciphering Type 2 Diabetes-associated
SNP Effects on Islet Chromatin Accessibility and Beta Cell
Expression Levels Using Functional Genomics
Junyeol Kim, in Philosophy
Major Advisors: Michael P. Lynch and Marcus Rossberg
Doctoral Dissertation: Frege's Conception of Truth as an
Michael Kowalski, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisors: Yaakov M. Bar-Shalom and Peter K. Willett
Doctoral Dissertation: Bias Estimation and Coordinate
Conversion in 3-D Sensor Measurements
Nicole Lawrence, in English
Major Advisor: Sarah E. Winter
Doctoral Dissertation: Living in the Impasse: British Writers
and Non-Normative Identities, 1880-1940
Kevin Michael Lee, in Molecular and Cell Biology:
Major Advisor: Jonathan Klassen
Doctoral Dissertation: Characterization of the Biogeography
and Temporal Dynamics of the Trachymyrmex septentrionalis
Fungus Garden Microbiome
Yoojin Lee, in Nutritional Science
Major Advisor: Ji-Young Lee
Doctoral Dissertation: Dietary and Epigenetic Regulation of
Obesity-associated Metabolic Dysfunctions and Inflammation
Qian Lei, in Natural Resources: Land, Water, and Air
Major Advisor: Thomas H. Meyer
Doctoral Dissertation: Shadow Detection and Classification in
High-resolution Aerial Imagery
Kaitlin Mary Leonard, in Educational Psychology: Special
Major Advisor: Michael D. Coyne
Doctoral Dissertation: The Effects of Literacy Coaching on
Teacher Instructional Behaviors and Fidelity to Tier 1 Reading
Hongfei Li, in Business Administration: Operations and
Information Management
Major Advisor: Jan Stallaert
Doctoral Dissertation: Essays on Emerging Risk-Reduction
Mechanisms in Online Marketplaces for Professional Services
Zongze Li, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisor: Yang Cao
Doctoral Dissertation: High Electric Field Conduction and
Polarization in Polymer Dielectrics
Xiaochen Liu, in Educational Psychology: Cognition,
Instruction and Learning Technology
Major Advisor: James Kaufman
Doctoral Dissertation: Domain-Specific Creativity and
Vocational Interests: How Do Creativity and Related Factors
Relate to Vocational Interests and Different Latent RIASEC
Yuqian Liu, in Mechanical Engineering: Dynamics and
Major Advisor: Chengyu Cao
Doctoral Dissertation: Adaptive Control with Unknown High
Frequency Gain and Unmatched Uncertainties
Josué López, in Curriculum and Instruction: Secondary
Major Advisor: Glenn T. Mitoma
Doctoral Dissertation: Mobility, Indigeneity, and the
Creolizing Classroom
Hao-Jan Luh, in Educational Psychology: School Psychology
Major Advisor: Lisa M. Sanetti
Doctoral Dissertation: Effects of Emailed Prompts on
Teacher's Verbal Prompt Delivery
Luchun Ma, in Business Administration: Finance
Major Advisor: Assaf Eisdorfer
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Executive
Compensation, Corporate Policies, and Firm Value
Jonathan Mahoney, in Plant Science: Plant Breeding
Major Advisor: Mark H. Brand
Doctoral Dissertation: Genetic Improvement and Functional
Genomics of Aronia
Kara Margaret McKenna, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Melissa A. Bray
Doctoral Dissertation: Self-Monitoring with Goal-Setting:
Decreasing Disruptive Behavior in Children with Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Daniel George McNeel, in Physics
Major Advisor: Alan H. Wuosmaa
Doctoral Dissertation: Shape Coexistence in 28Mg: Structure
of a Transitional Nucleus
Timothy Isak Michaels, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Chi-Ming Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Investigation of Conditioned Auditory Percepts
Andrew Miller, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Dmitriy Leykekhman
Doctoral Dissertation: On the Positivity of the Discrete Green's
Function for Unstructured Finite Elements Discretizations in
Three Dimensions
Gamal Mograby, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Alexander Teplyaev
Doctoral Dissertation: Quantum Information on Graphs and
Christopher Joseph Monteleone, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Design of Materials and Processing
Methods for High Temperature Composites
Nicholas Monto, in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Major Advisor: Rachel Theodore
Doctoral Dissertation: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Talker-
specific Influences on Distributional Learning for Speech
Jyoti Nandi, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Nicholas Leadbeater
Doctoral Dissertation: Exploration of Novel Catalytic
Methods: Merging Nitroxides and Visible-Light Energy to
Perform Oxidative Functionalization Reactions
Lisa Elizabeth Naples, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Matthew Badger
Doctoral Dissertation: Rectifiability of Pointwise Doubling
Measures in Hilbert Space
Jesslynn Rocha Neves, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Tamika P. La Salle
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of a School Climate
Walkthrough Assessment
Anouk Manon Olthof, in Physiology and Neurobiology:
Major Advisor: Rahul N. Kanadia
Doctoral Dissertation: The Minor Spliceosome Regulates
Alternative Splicing of Minor Introns in Neuronal Development
and Disease
Linda Afua Oshin, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Stephanie Milan
Doctoral Dissertation: Racial/Ethnic Differences in Attitudinal
Treatment Engagement Among Adolescents and Young Adults
Sudipta Pathak, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Doctoral Dissertation: Novel Algorithms and Applications for
Data Mining and Machine Learning
Matthew Phelps, in Physics
Major Advisor: Philip D. Mannheim
Doctoral Dissertation: Cosmological Fluctuations in Standard
and Conformal Gravity
Ambyre Leigh Paynic Ponivas, in Communication
Major Advisor: Amanda Denes
Doctoral Dissertation: Fighting Obesity through
Communication: A Longitudinal Study Examining the
Association between Communication, Relationships, Stress,
and Weight-loss
Sarah Lynn Powell, in Speech, Language and Hearing
Major Advisor: Erika Skoe
Doctoral Dissertation: Clinician Approaches to Noise-
Exposed, “Normal” Hearing Ears: Investigating the Need and
Reliability of a Candidate Measure of Human Vulnerability to
Noise Damage
Sylvia (Shi) Pu, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Andrew S. Deener
Doctoral Dissertation: Institutions, Self-transformations, and
the Making of the Chinese Middle Class
Megan Puglia, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Challa V. Kumar
Doctoral Dissertation: Stirred not Shaken: Functional,
Biological, Two-Dimensional Materials
Qi Qi, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Lynn Kuo
Doctoral Dissertation: Statistical Methods for Longitudinal
Data with Applications to Dementia and Human Microbiome
Kathleen Ann Ragon, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Mary Bernstein
Doctoral Dissertation: “This is a Place of Business:” The
Market Schema and Graduate Employee Unionization in the
Corporate University
Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Dinithi Rathnayake, in
Major Advisor: Steven L. Suib
Doctoral Dissertation: Synthesis of Mesoporous Metal oxides
and Nanocomposites as Multifunctional Heterogeneous
Mora Ann Reinka, in Psychological Sciences: Social
Major Advisor: Diane M. Quinn
Doctoral Dissertation: Stress Appraisals and Coping Strategies
in Response to Palatable Food Cues among Women with a
Spectrum of Internalized Weight Stigma
Alissa Marla Richard, in Chemistry
Major Advisor: Jose Gascon
Doctoral Dissertation: Molecular Modeling of Electrostatic
Forces: From Clay Aluminosilicates to Enzymes
Laura Slutz Rodriguez, in Curriculum and Instruction:
Secondary Education: Science Education
Major Advisor: David Campbell
Doctoral Dissertation: STEM Identity Authoring:
Intergenerational Collaborative Learning in Informal STEM
Michael Rosino, in Sociology
Major Advisor: Matthew Hughey
Doctoral Dissertation: Democracy is Awkward: Progressive
Grassroots Politics and Racial Inequality
Renee Rotolo, in Psychological Sciences: Behavioral
Major Advisor: John D. Salamone
Doctoral Dissertation: An Investigation of Motivational
Dysfunctions in a Rat Model of Effort-Related Choice
Behavior: Behavioral and Neurochemical Evidence for Possible
Novel Pharmacological Treatments
Elena Sada, in Curriculum and Instruction: Bilingual and
Bicultural Education
Major Advisor: Elizabeth Howard
Doctoral Dissertation: Narrative Analysis of Feedback-loops
Affecting Latino Male Youth's Identity and Self-advocacy in
Connection to Career Preparation
Stephany Santos, in Biomedical Engineering
Major Advisor: Donald R. Peterson
Doctoral Dissertation: Microcracks and Metabolism within
Articular Cartilage During Mechanical Load
Eugene Nicholas Sanzi, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Steven A. Demurjian
Doctoral Dissertation: Adaptive Trust Negotiation for Time-
Critical Access to Sensitive Data
Matthew Sasaki, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: Hans G. Dam Guerrero
Doctoral Dissertation: Thermal Macrophysiology of the
Estuarine Copepod Acartia tonsa: Adaptation Across Spatial
and Temporal Temperature Gradients
Shilpa Sethia, in Economics
Major Advisor: Subhash C. Ray
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on Industry Organization:
Improving Industry-level Efficiency while Reducing
Undesirable Outputs
Ellis Shaffer, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Nalini Ravishanker
Doctoral Dissertation: Temporal Modeling Frameworks for
Coastal Wave Heights
Chao Shang, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Jinbo Bi
Doctoral Dissertation: End-to-End Structure-Aware
Convolutional Networks on Graphs
Elizabeth Sheridan-Rossi, in Mathematics
Major Advisor: Thomas Roby
Doctoral Dissertation: Homomesy for Foatic Actions on the
Symmetric Group
Elizabeth Simmons, in Psychological Sciences: Language and
Major Advisor: James S. Magnuson
Doctoral Dissertation: Spoken Word Recognition in Typically
Developing and Late-Talking Toddlers
Allison Rose Staniec, in Oceanography
Major Advisor: Epapante Vlahos
Doctoral Dissertation: Examining Dissolved Gases in a
Changing Climate
Lauren R. Strainge, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Dean G. Cruess
Doctoral Dissertation: Executive Functioning and Adherence
to Antihypertensive Medications Among a Sample of Older
Ngozi Taffe, in Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy:
Leadership and Policy
Major Advisor: Casey D. Cobb
Doctoral Dissertation: Persisting in Unfamiliar Grounds: A
Study of Black Males Living in a Learning Community While
Attending a Predominantly White Institution
Fabian Terbeck, in Geography
Major Advisor: Kenneth Foote
Doctoral Dissertation: Rising Poverty and Diversity in
Suburbs: Decomposing Population Trends for the Chicago-
Joliet-Naperville Metropolitan area in the 2000s
Cheng Tu, in Physics
Major Advisors: Thomas C. Blum and Luchang Jin
Doctoral Dissertation: Hadronic Contributions to the Muon
Anomalous Magnetic Moment using Lattice QCD
Rebecca Anne VanderLeest, in Geological Sciences: Geology
Major Advisor: Julie Fosdick
Doctoral Dissertation: Detrital Geothermochronology,
Geochemistry, and Subsidence Analysis of Tectonics and
Sedimentation in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonian
Anushree Vijaykumar, in Biomedical Science: Skeletal
Biology and Regeneration
Major Advisor: Mina Mina
Doctoral Dissertation: The Role of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling
in Odontoblast Differentiation and Reparative Dentinogenesis
Daniel Thomas Volk, in Educational Psychology: School
Major Advisor: Sandra M. Chafouleas
Doctoral Dissertation: An Examination of the Relationship
Between School Climate, Self-Determined Academic
Motivation, and Academic Outcomes Among Middle and High
School Students
Tara C. Walsh, in Environmental Engineering
Major Advisor: Jonathan E. Mellor
Doctoral Dissertation: Development of Decision-Support Tools
for Improved Utility Response Following Storm Events and
Water Treatment Technologies
Zhe Wang, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Nitis Mukhopadhyay
Doctoral Dissertation: Sequential Estimation Methodologies
with Observations Gathered in Groups: Theory, Practice and
Data Analysis
Shweta Ware, in Computer Science and Engineering
Major Advisor: Bing Wang
Doctoral Dissertation: Automatic Depression Screening and
Depressive Symptom Prediction Using Smartphone Sensing
Sarah Anne Wilkinson, in Educational Psychology: Special
Major Advisor: Brandi M. Simonsen
Doctoral Dissertation: Providing Students with Instructional
Choice: Does the Type of Choice Matter?
Brandon Lewis Williams, in Materials Science
Major Advisor: Luyi Sun
Doctoral Dissertation: Nanostructured Flame Retardant
Kevin Wood, in Economics
Major Advisor: Kenneth A. Couch
Doctoral Dissertation: Three Essays on the Economic Impact
of the Affordable Care Act
Sanne N. Wortel, in Psychological Sciences: Clinical
Major Advisor: Stephanie Milan
Doctoral Dissertation: Sexual Assault, Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder Symptoms, and Sexual Functioning in Young Adult
Bifen Wu, in Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermal
Major Advisor: Xinyu Zhao
Doctoral Dissertation: High-Fidelity Modeling of Buoyancy-
Driven Diffusion Flames Towards Fire Suppression
Xiaowen Xu, in Communication
Major Advisor: Carolyn A. Lin
Doctoral Dissertation: Processing Flow of Facebook Newsfeed
Ads: Exploring Product Characteristics and Promotions in Fluid
Social Media Use
Shuang Yin, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Dipak K. Dey
Doctoral Dissertation: Bayesian Analysis for Imbalanced
Cheng Zhang, in Statistics
Major Advisor: Ming-Hui Chen
Doctoral Dissertation: Heterogeneity and Inconsistency
Detection in Network Meta-Analysis with Applications to
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
Lingyi Zhang, in Electrical Engineering: Information,
Communication, Decision, and Biosystems
Major Advisor: Krishna R. Pattipati
Doctoral Dissertation: Dynamic Resource Management
Algorithms for Complex Systems and Novel Approaches to
Adaptive Kalman Filtering
Chunxiang Zhu, in Chemical Engineering
Major Advisor: Georgios Bollas
Doctoral Dissertation: Gasoline Production Fischer-Tropsch
Synthesis using Bi-Functional Structured Catalytic Reactors
Army Reserve Officer Training Corps
Second Lieutenants, Active Duty, National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve
University of New Haven
University of Connecticut
Quartermaster Corps
University of Connecticut
Chemical Corps
University of New Haven
Ordnance Corps
University of Connecticut
Adjutant General’s Corps
Central Connecticut State University
Chemical Corps
University of New Haven
University of Connecticut
Transportation Corps
University of New Haven
Military Intelligence
University of New Haven
Field Artillery
University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut
University of New Haven
University of New Haven
Ordnance Corps
University of New Haven
University of Connecticut
University of Connecticut
Cyber Corps
University of New Haven
Military Intelligence
University of New Haven
Adjutant General’s Corps
University of New Haven
University of Connecticut
Medical Service Corps
University of Connecticut
Medical Service Corps
University of New Haven
Field Artillery
University of New Haven
Corps of Engineers
University of New Haven
Signal Corps
*Distinguished Military Student
**Distinguished Military Graduate
University of Connecticut
Finance Officer
University of Rhode Island
Air Battle Manager Trainee
University of Connecticut
Weather Operations Officer
University of Connecticut
Space Force Acquisitions Officer
University of Connecticut
Space Force Operations Officer
Eastern Connecticut State University
Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer
University of Connecticut
Air Battle Manager Trainee
University of Connecticut
Acquisitions Officer
University of Connecticut
Space Force Operations Officer
University of Connecticut
Air Battle Manager Trainee
University of Connecticut
Operations Research Analyst
University of Connecticut
Space Force Operations Officer
University of Connecticut
Space Force Operations Officer
University of Connecticut
Contracting Officer
University of Connecticut
Combat Systems Officer Trainee
University of Connecticut
Space Force Developmental Engineer
Each year, the President of the United States, through the Secretary of Defense, grants commissions to
Connecticut students in the Regular Service and in the Reserve Components.
Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
The following have received a commission as Second Lieutenants through the
Air Force ROTC program at the University of Connecticut.
COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, HEALTH & NATURAL RESOURCES................................................................................Indrajeet Chaubey, Dean
RATCLIFFE HICKS SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE..................................................................................................... Sandra Bushmich, Director
SCHOOL OF BUSINESS.................................................................................................................................................. John Elliott, Dean
CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING & LEARNING..........................................................................Peter Diplock, Associate Vice Provost
NEAG SCHOOL OF EDUCATION....................................................................................................................... Jason Irizarry, Interim Dean
SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING.............................................................................................................................. Kazem Kazerounian, Dean
SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS............................................................................................................................................Anne D’Alleva, Dean
COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES........................................................................................................................... Juli Wade, Dean
SCHOOL OF NURSING...................................................................................................................................... Deborah A. Chyun, Dean
SCHOOL OF PHARMACY...................................................................................................................................... Philip M. Hritcko, Dean
GRADUATE SCHOOL...........................................................................................................................................Kent E. Holsinger, Dean
Karen Bresciano, Assistant Dean, Storrs and Regional Campuses
Barbara E. Kream, Associate Dean, UConn Health
SCHOOL OF DENTAL MEDICINE............................................................................................................................ Steven Lepowsky, Dean
Sarita Arteaga, Marshal
SCHOOL OF LAW..................................................................................................................................................... Eboni Nelson, Dean
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE............................................................................................................................................ Bruce T. Liang, Dean
Melissa Held, Marshal
SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK........................................................................................................................... Nina Rovinelli Heller, Dean
Dwight Atherton
Tom Breen
Preston Britner
Monica Bullock
Daniel Burkey
Sandra Bushmich
Linda Carlin
Susan Corbin
Stefanie Dion-Jones
Peter Diplock
Amy Erhart
Evan Feinglass
Frances Graham
Patricia Guay-Richards
Robbin Haboian-Demircan
Marcus Hatfield
Trisha Hawthorne
Kristi Henderson
Jim Hill
Arielle Hill-Moses
Dianna Hyland
Mike Jednak
David Kaplan
Michael Kirk
Donna Korbel
Susan Locke
Mackenzie Murphy
Letitia Naigles
Natalie O’Connor
Morty Ortega
Leonard Oser
LeShonda Owens
Lisa Pane
Will Perez
Willena Price
Shirley Rakos
Christopher Renshaw
Hans Rhynhart
Carl Rivers
Anthony Santa Lucia
Lauren Schaller
Kathleen Shipton
Audrey Silva
Meg Tartsinis
Judith Vigneau
Kathleen Wells
Laurel White
Evelyn Whitman-Gonzalez
Cara Workman
Gary Yakstis
Matt Zadrowski
Terra Zuidema
Gaila Zupnik
Catherine Zuppani
UConn School of Law – Hartford
Deborah King Jeanne Leblanc
UConn Health – Farmington
Sarita Arteaga
Kelsey Boyne
Carla Burns
Ryan Ciarlo
Ethan Cope
Lisa Francini
Melissa Held
Barbara Kream
Kyle Kulas
Shiyuan MJ Mao
Margaret O’Neill
Vipra Patel
Alexandria Plant
Thomas Regan
he official seal of the University of Connecticut depicts the
ancient and mighty oak. Beautiful and sacred, the venerable
oak symbolizes wisdom, longevity and hospitality. To Aristotle,
the oak represented human potential.
The oak holds a special place in Connecticut’s history. In a time
long before statehood, the Connecticut colony’s self-governing
status was guaranteed by a charter issued by King Charles II of
England. When, in 1687, his successor King James II attempted
to reinstate the monarchy’s authority, the Crown’s emissary’s
efforts were foiled as the Royal Charter was secretly spirited to a
temporary hiding place—a majestic oak in Hartford, forever
after known as the Charter Oak. The oak became a symbol of
freedom worldwide.
The oak has unique meaning for the University as well. In
1884, the commencement exercises of the second graduating
class of the Storrs Agricultural School were held in an oak grove
on the Storrs campus. This grove, long a favorite gathering
place for a variety of open-air meetings, served as the spiritual
home to the growing community of scholars.
The University of Connecticut’s graphic interpretation of the
oak is a stylized synthesis of two acorns and three oak leaves,
representing maturation, intellect and moral strength. The seal
is the symbol of a large and diverse institution; it is used by all
of the University’s schools, colleges, regional campuses,
professional schools and UConn Health. It communicates the
broader mission of the University as a center for the pursuit,
the creation, and the sharing of knowledge. The University of
Connecticut, like the mighty oak, is rooted in a proud past and
reaches toward a limitless future.