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BIOMS Program Policy Statement
Interdisciplinary Biomechanics and Movement Science Master's and Doctoral Programs
Part I. Program History
Date of Permanent Status
Degrees Offered
Part II. Admission
Admission Requirements
Prior Degree Requirements
Application Deadlines
Special Competencies Needed
Admission Categories
1) Regular
a. Conditional
2) Provisional
University Statement
Part III. Academic Degree: Master of Science (MS)
Degree Requirements for the Master of Science (MS)
1) Program of Study
2) Independent Study and Transfer Credits
3) Changes to Program of Study
4) GPA requirements
Committees for Theses
1) Establishment of Thesis Committee
2) Defense of the Thesis Proposal
a. Thesis Proposal Defense Form
3) Defense of the Thesis
4) Processing the Final Document
5) Satisfactory Progress and Time Limits for a Graduate Degree
6) Grievance Procedures
Articulation Between Master’s and Doctoral Degrees
Part IV. Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
A. Degree Requirements for a PhD in Biomechanics and Movement Science
1) Program of Study
a. Area of Specialization
2) Independent Study, Research and Transfer Credits
3) Changes to the Program of Study
4) GPA Requirements
5) Residency Requirements
6) Registration Requirements Prior to Doctoral Candidacy (G1 Status)
B. Qualifying and Candidacy Exams for the BIOMS PhD Program
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1) Eligibility
a. Qualifying Exam
b. Candidacy Exam
2) Qualifying & Candidacy Exams Committees
3) Scheduling of the Oral Qualifying Exams
4) Oral Qualifying Exam Components
a. Research Specific & Current Literature Questions
b. Content Area Questions
c. Breadth Questions
5) Written Candidacy Exam Components
Format for the Individual Development Plan
6) Qualifying & Candidacy Exam Results
a. Pass
b. Conditional Pass
c. Re-examination
d. Failure
e. Grievance Procedures
C. University Requirements and Deadlines for Admission to Doctoral Candidacy
D. Registration Requirements after Admission to Candidacy (G2 Status)
E. Continuous Progress Towards Degree Completion
F. Regulations Governing Dissertations
1) Establishment of Dissertation Committee
2) Defense of the Dissertation Proposal
3) Defense of the Dissertation
4) Processing the Final Document
Part V Assessment Plan
Part VI. Financial Aid
A. Financial Assistance
B. Tuition Semesters (Blocks)
C. University of Delaware Dissertation and Graduate Fellows Awards
Part VII. General Information Relevant to Both Master’s and Doctoral Degree Candidates
Graduate Course Numbering System
Application for Advanced Degree
Graduate Grade Point Average
Time Limits for the Completion of Degree Requirements
Extension of the Time Limit
Sustaining Status for Candidates Pursuing Thesis/Dissertation Degree Option
Transfer of Credit Earned as a Continuing Education Student at the University of Delaware
Transfer of Credit from Another Institution
Transfer of Credit from the Undergraduate Division at the University of Delaware
Credit for "Special Problem" Course Taken as a Graduate Student
Expiration of Credit
Appendix I. Graduate Student Annual Report
Appendix II. Thesis Proposal Approval Form
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Part I. Program History
The human body is comprised of a variety of complex, integrated systems. An understanding of the
role of these systems with respect to even a limited set of problems, such as the performance of
everyday or highly skilled motor activities or the causes and resolution of bone/joint dysfunction,
requires experimental approaches from a number of disciplines. As a result, a group of faculty at the
University has assembled with a mission to study the body from an interdisciplinary approach. An
understanding of structural integrity along with movement generation is the basis for this program of
study. The faculty come from backgrounds in physiology, biomechanics, computer science,
engineering, motor control and rehabilitation science. Interests range from robotic interfaces for
environmental controls for the disabled, to fracture fixation, to understanding of normal and
pathological movement.
A significant percentage of the population has some form of physical disability that limits their
functional abilities. The form of these disabilities may be progressive deterioration of tissue,
congenital defects or trauma-inflicted damage. The adverse effects of many disabilities could be
reduced or alleviated through appropriate research on topics ranging from microscopic bone
remodeling to corrective device development.
The program title stems from the fact that although biomechanical methods are important to gain an
understanding of human movement, such methods also play an important role in non-movement
problems such as bone remodeling after injury or developing better prosthetic devices. Thus, the
program attempts to bring together scientists from a number of complementary disciplines to address
unresolved problems of human function that are related both directly and indirectly to problems of
movement. The interdisciplinary nature of the program encourages collaborative efforts incorporating
biomechanics, human physiology, motor neurophysiology, engineering and computational approaches,
with the goal of improving human life. Such efforts will, in time, advance and amplify the ability of
medical practitioners to respond to maladies and to prescribe appropriate preventative or corrective
measures. We believe that this program provides an opportunity for graduate students to study the
human body in a way not possible through any of the traditional programs currently offered at this
This program was formed by a group of twenty faculty and administrators from four different units.
The impetus for a single unified program of study grew out of the realization that each of the four
units was seeking a vehicle to create an academic program that dealt with the application of science
and engineering toward solving the problems realized by the physically challenged. During the initial
phase of planning, the group examined and analyzed models of existing programs in biomedical and
rehabilitation engineering from institutions around the country. In addition, advice was sought from
administrators of Operations Research, the University's only intercollegiate, interdisciplinary graduate
program. Directors of other graduate degree programs on campus were contacted for input on how the
creation of this program would impact existing graduate degree programs. The resulting program
represents the synthesis of countless communications between group members, and an astounding
quantity of consensus decisions reached through in-depth discussions of course requirements, seminar
formats, student recruitment and admission policies, administrative structures and responsibilities, and
numerous additional details.
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Date of Permanent Status
The Interdisciplinary Program in Biomechanics and Movement Science was awarded permanent
status in 2000.
Degrees Offered
The degrees awarded to those who complete this program will be either a Master of Science in
Biomechanics and Movement Science, or a Doctor of Philosophy in Biomechanics and
Movement Science.
Part II. Admission
A. Admission Requirements
Applicants must submit all materials directly to the University Office of Graduate and
Professional Education using the online admission process
before admission can be considered.
Admission applications are available at:
The BIOMS admission process is completed as follows: First, finished applications consisting of
the online application, undergraduate/graduate transcripts, GRE scores, letters of
recommendation, and the written statement of goals and objectives are reviewed by BIOMS
faculty members seeking new students. Faculty members identify students whose background,
goals, and objectives are compatible with their own areas of research and funding. The faculty
member then notifies the Program Director that they have agreed to advise the potential student,
and the application materials are reviewed by the Biomechanics and Movement Science
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee arrives at an admission decision after
reviewing the completed application. To be admitted, a student must have an advisor.
International applicants
must submit official proof of English proficiency such as TOEFL or
IELTS scores. The recommended minimum TOEFL score is 100 and/or IELTS of 6.5.
Additional information regarding English proficiency can be found at
B. Prior Degree Requirements
Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
C. Application Deadlines
BIOMS accepts applications throughout the year on a rolling basis. Students can enroll in the Fall or
Spring semester, or Winter/Summer Special Sessions.
D. Special Competencies Needed
Admission decisions are made by the Executive Committee of the Biomechanics and Movement
Science Program. Students will be admitted to the program based upon enrollment availability
and their ability to meet the following minimum recommended entrance requirements.
Acceptance by a primary advisor
A GRE score of 300 on math and verbal sections combined
A undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher
Math through calculus (2 semesters)
Physics (2 Semesters)
Chemistry (2 Semesters)
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E. Admission Categories
Students admitted into the Biomechanics and Movement Science Program may be admitted into
one of three categories.
1) Regular. Regular status is offered to students who meet all of the established entrance
requirements, who have a record of high scholarship in their fields of specialization, and
who have the ability, interest, and maturity necessary for successful study at the graduate
level in a degree program.
a. Conditional Admission. Successful applicants are typically admitted
conditionally because information stated on, and documentation
uploaded into, the application is self-reported and unofficial. Fulfilling
the conditions stated on an offer of conditional admission by the first
date of graduate coursework is critical, so the instructions stated on the
letter must be followed carefully. Failure to clear all stated conditions
by the start of graduate coursework may result in revocation of
admission to the graduate program.
2) Provisional. Provisional status is offered to applicants who are seeking admission to a
degree program but lack specific prerequisites needed in the University of Delaware degree
requirements. All provisional requirements must be met within the deadline given before
regular status can be granted. Failure to meet the provisions by this deadline is grounds for
dismissal from the program. Students admitted with provisional status to a degree program
are generally not eligible for assistantships nor fellowships.
F. University Statement
Admission to the graduate program is competitive. Those who meet stated requirements are not
guaranteed admission, nor are those who fail to meet all of those requirements necessarily precluded
from admission if they offer other appropriate strengths.
Part III. Academic Degree: Master of Science (MS)
Degree Requirements for the Master of Science (MS)
1) Program of Study
All accepted students must submit a planned program of study by the end of their first
semester, created with their primary advisors. An area of concentration must be declared in
the program of study document.
Areas of Specialization within BIOMS:
Applied Anatomy and Physiology
Motor Control/Behavior
Clinical and Translational Science
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Required Courses (MS):
Experimental Design or Statistics 3
Instrumentation 3
Outside Specialization (Breadth) 6
Inside Specialization (Depth) 12
BIOMS Seminar (BMSC 865) *
Thesis 6
Total 30
* Students must register for and attend the BIOMS Seminar (BMSC 865) for 2 semesters
while they are enrolled.
2) Independent Study and Transfer Credits
Students in the Master’s degree program are allowed to take a maximum of 6 credits of
independent study.
Additional independent study credits will not count towards graduation.
A maximum of 9 graduate credit hours may be transferred from another institution to the
degree. Candidates for the degree must have regular status.
3) Changes to the Program of Study
Students may need to alter approved programs of study once they have entered the program due
to reasons that can include scheduling conflicts or the creation of new courses directly related
to the student’s goals. Students who wish to make minor changes to their program of study
must obtain permission from their advisor. Major changes to the program of study must be
approved by the Executive Committee. Any change of a previously approved program of study
must be submitted in writing to the Program Director.
Students may petition in writing for a variance in the degree requirements and must have
approval from their faculty advisor and the BIOMS Executive Committee.
4) GPA Requirements
A grade below a B- will not be counted toward the course requirements for a degree but is
calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average. To be considered in good
academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative graduate grade point
average (GPA) of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale each semester. To be eligible for an advanced degree,
a student’s cumulative grade point average shall be at least a 3.00 and the student’s grades in
courses counted toward the degree requirements of the program shall equal at least a 3.00.
Committees for Theses
1) Establishment of Thesis Committee
The student and his/her advisor will create a thesis committee at the time the student begins
to develop the thesis proposal. The thesis committee shall include three University faculty
from within the Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, and may have no more than
six members. The thesis advisor must be a member of the BIOMS faculty and at least one of
the BIOMS committee members must be from an area of focus in biomechanics and
movement science different from that of the advisor. With the approval of the BIOMS
Executive Committee, a professional staff member who holds a secondary faculty
appointment within an academic department may serve as a committee member. Faculty
who have retired or resigned from the University may maintain committee membership or
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continue to chair committees of students whose work began under their direction prior to
their retirement or departure from the University. BIOMS faculty who do not have regular
faculty status may co-chair the thesis committee provided that the other co-chair meets the
definition for regular faculty status. It is the responsibility of the thesis advisor to replace
members who withdraw from the committee during the thesis process.
2) Defense of the Thesis Proposal
The thesis proposal must be in the format of an NIH R03 proposal. Sections A-E of the
Research Plan must be included. The number of pages required will be at the discretion of
the advisor. The thesis proposal defense will be scheduled only after a majority of members
of the thesis committee have determined that a defense is appropriate. A final copy of the
thesis proposal must be delivered to the members of the thesis committee at least two weeks
in advance of the proposal defense. A copy of the thesis proposal must be available one
week prior to the proposal defense by either submitting an electronic copy to the BIOMS
administrative staff for redistribution, or by delivering a hard copy to each site supporting
BIOMS faculty. Prior to the presentation, proposals that involve the use of
human or animal
subjects must receive approval from the University Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Details for training, creating consent forms and submitting studies for review by the IRB can
be obtained from the University of Delaware Research office.
The thesis proposal defense, will be open to the public, and invitations will be sent to all
BIOMS faculty and students at least one week prior to the date of the defense. The candidate
will present a summary of the proposed research, and will then field questions from the
committee, attending faculty, and invited guests. After all questions have been fielded, the
thesis committee will meet to decide whether the thesis proposal outcome was a pass,
conditional pass, re-examination, or failure. Results of the meeting will then be presented to
the student. The student can not receive more than one dissenting vote from members of the
committee to receive a passing grade. Upon completion, the student is responsible for
obtaining all the necessary signatures on the
Thesis Proposal Defense Form. A signed copy of
the form will be forwarded to the Program Director. Students who fail the thesis proposal
defense will receive one additional opportunity to repeat the process and defend a new or
modified thesis proposal at a time agreed upon by committee members, but within 6 months.
3) Defense of the Thesis
The format of the thesis must adhere to the University’s Thesis and Dissertation Manual and
style guidelines. These documents are available on the University’s website. The thesis
defense will be scheduled only after the chair of the thesis committee has determined that a
defense is appropriate. A copy of the thesis proposal must be available one week prior to the
proposal defense by either submitting an electronic copy to the BIOMS administrative staff
for redistribution, or by delivering a hard copy to each site supporting BIOMS faculty.
The thesis defense will be open to the public, and invitations will be sent to all BIOMS faculty
and students at least one week prior to the defense. The candidate will present a summary of
the completed research, and will then field questions from the committee, attending faculty,
and invited guests. After all questions have been fielded, the thesis committee will meet
privately to decide whether the thesis is accepted, rejected, or accepted pending revisions.
Results of the meeting will then be presented to the student. The student may not receive
more than one dissenting vote from members of the committee to receive a passing grade.
*Master's theses are due in the Office of Graduate and Professional Education six weeks
prior to the date of degree conferral
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4) Processing the Final Document
Students must follow the university approved step-by-step guidelines for graduation. The
thesis must be approved by the Chair of the student's thesis committee, the Director of the
Biomechanics and Movement Science program, and the Senior Vice Provost for Graduate
and Professional education. Three original abstracts (on bond paper) must be submitted with
the thesis. The thesis must be submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education
for approval not later than six weeks prior to the degree conferral date.
The University reserves the right to duplicate a thesis for distribution to other libraries or for
the use of individual scholars. However, the University will not publish a thesis for general
distribution without the written consent of the author. Copyrighting of a master's thesis can
be accomplished by submitting a copy and $55 fee to the Office of Graduate and Professional
Education, which is processed through ProQuest and the Copyright Office in Washington,
D.C. Published works are eligible for copyright protection in the United States if the work is
first published in the United States.
5) Satisfactory Progress toward a Graduate Degree and Time Limits
The BIOMS program will follow the University of Delaware, Office of Graduate and
Professional Education recommended policy for determining students’ failure to make
Satisfactory Progress towards degree requirements and time limits for completion. Students
enrolled in at least 9 credit hours or in sustaining credit are considered full-time students,
although students holding assistantships are considered full-time with 6 credits.
6) Grievance Procedures
Students concerned that they have received an unfair evaluation or have been graded
inappropriately may file grievances in accordance with student guide to University of
Delaware policies. Students are encouraged to contact the BIOMS Graduate Program
Director prior to filing a formal grievance in an effort to resolve the situation informally.
Articulation Between Master’s and Doctoral Degrees
The master's degree is considered terminal unless the student plans to continue in a doctoral
program. Students receiving their master's degree at the University of Delaware are not eligible
to remain classified as graduate students and are automatically reclassified CEND (Continuing
Education Non-degree) in any subsequent semester that they register following degree clearance
unless the department, with the approval of the Office of Graduate and Professional Education,
has already admitted them into a doctoral program. The procedures for changing status after
earning a master's degree are as follows:
If a master's degree candidate is continuing toward a doctoral degree in the same major as the
master's degree, the student must request that the department submit a Change of Classification
Form at the same time or before the student submits an application for the master's degree. If the
department is unable to determine the student's eligibility to pursue a doctoral degree until after
the master's degree is awarded, the department will notify the Office of Graduate and
Professional Education by writing such a statement on the student's master's degree application.
A student's classification changes from regular status in a master's degree program, to pre-
candidacy when admitted to a doctoral program. If a master's degree candidate desires to
continue toward a doctoral degree in a different major than the master's degree, the student must
submit a completed
admission application form to the Office of Graduate and Professional
Education and follow the same procedure for admission as any other applicant.
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Part IV. Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
A. Degree Requirements for a PhD in Biomechanics and Movement Science
1) Program of Study:
All accepted students are expected to submit a planned program of study by the end of their
first semester, created with their primary advisors. An area of specialization must be declared in
the program of study document.
Areas of Specialization within BIOMS:
Applied Anatomy and Physiology
Motor Control/Behavior
Clinical and Translational Science
Required Courses (PhD):
Experimental Design or Statistics 3
Outside Specialization (Breadth) 6
Inside Specialization (Depth) 21
BIOMS Seminar (BMSC 865) *
Dissertation 9
* Students must register for and attend 3 semesters of the BIOMS Seminar (BMSC
865) while they are enrolled.
2) Independent Study, Research and Transfer Credits
Students in the Doctoral degree program are allowed to apply a maximum of 12 credits of
independent study
and a maximum of 6 credits of research (BMSC 868). However, no more
than 12 combined credits from research and independent study courses may can be used to
meet the 33 credit requirement (before dissertation credits). Additional independent study
credits will not count towards graduation. A maximum of 9 graduate credit hours may be
transferred from another institution to the degree. Candidates for the degree must have
regular status.
3) Changes to the Program of Study
Students may need to alter approved programs of study once they have entered the program due
to reasons that can include scheduling conflicts or the creation of new courses directly related
to the student’s goals. Students who wish to make minor changes to their program of study
must obtain permission from their advisor. Major changes to the program of study must be
approved by the Executive Committee. Any change of a previously approved program of study
must be submitted in writing to the Program Director. Students may petition in writing for a
variance in the degree requirements and must have approval from their faculty advisor and the
BIOMS Executive Committee.
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4) GPA Requirements
A grade below a B- will not be counted toward the course requirements for a degree but is
calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average. To be considered in good
academic standing, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative graduate grade point
average (GPA) of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale each semester. To be eligible for an advanced degree,
a student’s cumulative grade point average shall be at least a 3.00 and the student’s grades in
courses counted toward the degree requirements of the program shall equal at least a 3.00.
5) Residency Requirements
At least 4 academic years of graduate work are normally required for the Ph.D. degree. At
least one continuous academic year must be devoted exclusively to full-time study (9 credit
hours per semester) in the major field in residence at the University of Delaware. Students
holding assistantships are considered full-time with 6 credits. This residency requirement
may be fulfilled using a fall and spring semester combination or a spring and fall semester
combination, but summer or winter sessions do not meet the qualification. Course credit
earned in a master's program at the University of Delaware may be applied toward the
doctoral degree residency requirement if the candidate is receiving both degrees from the
University in the same major field.
6) Registration Requirements Prior to Doctoral Candidacy
Course registration requirements are determined by the student's approved program of study.
Once the student has registered for all course requirements in a program of study but has not
yet met all of the stipulations for passing into candidacy, the student must maintain registration
during the fall and spring semesters in course(s) or in three to twelve credits of Pre-Candidacy
Study (964). Pre-Candidacy Study (964) is graded pass/fail. If the student registered in Pre-
Candidacy Study is admitted to candidacy before the end of the free drop/add period of the
next semester, the registration in Pre-Candidacy Study (964) for the preceding semester may be
changed to the course, Doctoral Dissertation (969). Full time, regular status students who are
holding a graduate assistantship or tuition scholarship must be registered for a minimum of 6
graduate credits, and those holding a fellowship must be registered for a minimum of 9
graduate credits.)
Qualifying and Candidacy Exams for the BIOMS PhD Program
Students will be required to successfully complete a 2 hour oral Qualifying Exam near the end
of the second semester (Fall/Spring) in the program, and a written Individual Development
Plan (IDP) for their Candidacy Exam by the end of the 4
semester. The exams will be evaluated
by a committee of 3 faculty members and graded as
Pass, Conditional Pass, Re-Examination, or
1) Eligibility
a. Qualifying Exam
During the semester when a student will complete at least 12 graduate credits of their
required coursework, they will be eligible to proceed with their oral Qualifying Exam. The
Qualifying Exam will be completed at the end of the student’s second semester (Fall or Spring)
and must be completed by the end of the 3
academic semester (not including Winter or
Summer). In order to take the examination, each student must be in good academic standing
and have approval by the faculty advisor.
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b. Candidacy Exam
During the semester when a student will complete at least 24 credits of their required
coursework, they will be eligible to proceed with their written Candidacy Exam, which
follows the format of an Individual Development Plan (IDP).
The Candidacy Exam will be
submitted no later than 6 months after the completion of the 24 credits, and must be
completed by the end of the student’s 5
academic semester (not including Winter or Summer).
In order to submit the examination, each student must be in good academic standing and
have approval by the faculty advisor.
2) Qualifying & Candidacy Exams Committees
The student's exam committees will be made up of 3 members, selected by the student’s
advisor and approved by the Executive Committee.
a. The student's advisor
b. One BIOMS faculty member who has similar content expertise in the student’s
proposed research area
c. One additional committee member(s), who may be internal or external to the BIOMS
program and/or the University of Delaware, but who would be considered outside the
student’s primary research area/expertise, and is informed by the student’s advisor on
the review and grading procedures of this examination.
* Members of the Qualifying and Candidacy Exam committees may be different, and may
also be part of the student's dissertation committee, but this is not required.
3) Scheduling of the Oral Qualifying Exams
Once the committee has been formed, the student will meet with each of their committee
members to obtain guidance regarding preparation for the exams. The student is responsible
for providing each committee member with a copy of their program of study and syllabi from
the courses completed. When the student feels ready, and with the advisors consent, the oral
exam will be scheduled.
4) Oral Qualifying Exam Components
The oral comprehensive exam will include three areas designed to tests the student’s
general knowledge base in biomechanics and movement science, the area of study that is
consistent with the student’s planned dissertation work, research methodology, and their
ability to critically evaluate scientific literature. The examination is organized and
administered by the advisor in consultation with the student’s committee.
Each member of the committee will be responsible for providing 2 scholarly articles to
the student in preparation for the exam, at least 2 weeks in advance of the oral qualifying
exam. Committee members may ask questions of the student to orally critique/interpret these
articles, but may also broaden the scope of their questions to BIOMS content from the courses,
or the student’s area of study. Any committee member may ask questions regarding research
specific methodology, data analysis and interpretation. This questioning will be confined
within the expected depth and breadth of the student's knowledge, based upon the program of
study that they have completed. The oral exam will have a 2-hour time limit. Students must
pass the oral exam to progress in the doctoral program.
a. Research Specific & Current Literature Questions
The student's advisor will offer questions regarding the existing literature that requires the
student to demonstrate their grasp of research methodology, experimental design, data
analysis and interpretation in their chosen area of study.
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b. Content Area Questions
The committee member/s from within the student's area of concentration will focus on
providing the student with questions from within their content area. A particular emphasis
will be placed on an understanding of the background literature within the student’s area
of research interest. The committee will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the
history, importance, and current evidence surrounding their proposed research area.
Students are expected to have an understanding of the papers provided. The committee is
encouraged to ask questions pertaining to foundational works within the student’s field.
c. Breadth Questions
The committee member from outside the student's area of concentration will focus on
providing the student with questions from outside the student’s content area. Students are
expected to be knowledgeable in all areas pertaining to course content they have taken
since enrolling in the program. Students who have transferred credits from another
institution will also be accountable for material from those courses.
5) Written Candidacy Exam Components
The purpose of the written candidacy examination is to give the student the opportunity to
a. An understanding of the research area and the analytical techniques in which the
student is interested.
b. Comprehension of didactic material learned in the curriculum.
c. The ability to plan and develop an experimental approach to solve problems within the
student’s area of research. The student will write a document in the format of a National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Individual Development Plan (IDP). The student’s plan will be
individually tailored and well integrated with his/her research area. This document will
serve as a written plan for evaluating the student’s progress in research. It must be created
by the student and approved by the advisor, prior to submission to the Written Candidacy
Exam Committee for final approval by consensus of the committee.
d. Format for the Individual Development Plan
1. Student’s Background (Maximum 1 page)
i. Describe the student’s commitment to a BIOMS-related research career. Describe
the student’s current and previous professional and academic responsibilities in
the laboratory and elsewhere. Describe the relationship between current activities
and the proposed graduate work.
ii. Describe prior training and how it relates to the objectives and long-term career
plans of the student.
iii. Describe the student's research efforts to this point in his/her research career,
including any publications, prior research interests and experience.
iv. Provide evidence of the student's potential to develop into an independent
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2. Research Plan (Maximum 2 pages)
i. The student must prepare a succinct review of the current state of the literature
related to the overall aims of the laboratory. The student will describe his or her
anticipated research contribution to the field. Detailed research design,
preliminary data, and specific methods are not required within this document, but
a rationale and general research plan must be discussed.
3. Candidate's Plan for Career Development/Training Activities During their Doctoral
Studies Period (Maximum 2 pages)
i. The student must prepare this section to include goals, a training plan, a
mentorship plan, and a timeline.
ii. The student must describe his/her overall career goals, and explain how the
proposed research training will enable the attainment of these goals. The didactic
(if any) and the research aspects of the plan must be designed to develop the
necessary knowledge and research skills in scientific areas relevant to the
candidate's career goals. Identify the skills, theories, conceptual approaches, etc.
to be learned or enhanced during this program.
iii. Describe the professional responsibilities/activities (if any) that will occur during
the phases of training. Explain how these responsibilities/activities will help
ensure career progression.
iv. A well described mentorship plan must be included. This mentorship plan must
include a list of the student’s dissertation committee and the roles that each
committee member will serve in enhancing the student’s research goals.
v. A timeline for completing the proposed training, dissertation proposal, and
research must be included.
The document must be completed, approved by the advisor, and circulated to the
Candidacy Exam committee. The document will be in Arial 11 font, single spaced
and 1 inch margins.
6) Qualifying & Candidacy Exams Results
The results of these examinations will be by committee consensus:
a. Pass: The student may proceed to the proposal defense stage of his/her degree training.
b. Conditional pass: In the event that the examination committee feels the student's
performance was generally acceptable but with a specific deficiency, the committee will
then deliberate to determine condition(s) that will be specified for the student to satisfy
in order to achieve a Pass and a time limit agreed upon by a consensus. Examples of
these conditions may include suggested readings, additional courses, and a written
and/or oral re-examination on one or more question areas.
c. Re-examination: This result is appropriate for a student whose performance was
unsatisfactory, but displayed evidence of the potential to complete graduate degree
training. Re-examination must be completed within one semester. The possible
outcomes of the re-examination are pass or failure. The student may not take the exam a
third time.
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d. Failure: This outcome would indicate that examination committee considers the student
incapable of completing degree training and the student would be recommended for
dismissal from the program.
* A student with the results of a conditional pass or re-examination is entitled to only
one re-examination. The second outcome of a “conditional pass” or “re-examination” is
pass or fail.
* A student who fails the Qualifying or Candidacy exam my petition the BIOMS
Executive Committee for admission into the Master’s degree program.
e. Grievance Procedures: Students concerned that they have received an unfair evaluation
or have been graded inappropriately may file grievances in accordance with the student
guide to University of Delaware policies. Students are encouraged to contact the BIOMS
Graduate Program Director prior to filing a formal grievance in an effort to resolve the
situation informally.
C. University Requirements and Deadlines for Admission to Doctoral Candidacy
Upon the recommendation of the doctoral student's candidacy exam committee and director
of BIOMS program, students may be admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. Students
are responsible for obtaining all the necessary signatures on the Doctoral Degree Candidacy
Recommendation form. The stipulations for admission to doctoral candidacy are that the
student has (1) had a program of study approved, (2) completed one academic year of full-
time graduate study in residence at the University, and (3) successfully passed their
candidacy exam.
The deadline for admission to candidacy for the fall semester is August 31. The deadline for
admission to candidacy for the spring semester is January 31. The deadline for admission
to candidacy for the summer is April 30. Responsibility for seeing that admission to
candidacy is secured at the proper time rests with the student.
D. Registration Requirements after Admission to Candidacy
Once a student has met all of the stipulations for candidacy, the student is required to
register in 9 credits of Doctoral Dissertation (969). Students may not register for Doctoral
Dissertation (969) until admitted to candidacy. Registration in Doctoral Dissertation (969)
and Doctoral Sustaining (999) is restricted to students with candidacy status. Once the
student has registered in 9 credits of Doctoral Dissertation, the student is required to
maintain matriculation in the doctoral program by registering in Doctoral Sustaining (999)
in subsequent semesters until the degree is awarded. All students must be registered in the
term in which the degree is officially awarded. Sustaining registration is required in
summer session if the degree is awarded at the conclusion of the summer session.
E. Continuous Progress towards Degree Completion
The student’s progress towards the goals listed on the written Candidacy Exam IDP must be
reviewed with the advisor on an annual basis, starting 1 calendar year after completing the
Written Candidacy Exam. The student is responsible for completing an
annual report, which
will be evaluated and maintained by their advisor. Students must develop goals with their
faculty advisor on an annual basis to ensure they are progressing throughout the program
and must also satisfy all the requirements for academic progress as specified in the
academic progress policy guidelines found at Failure to make satisfactory
progress towards degree requirements and time limits for completion could result in
dismissal from the program.
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Students concerned that they have received an unfair evaluation or have been graded
inappropriately may file grievances in accordance with student guide to
University of
Delaware policies. Students are encouraged to contact the BIOMS Graduate Program
Director prior to filing a formal grievance in an effort to resolve the situation informally.
F. Regulations Governing Dissertations
1) Establishment of Dissertation Committee
The student and his/her advisor will create a dissertation committee at the time the
student begins to develop the dissertation proposal. The dissertation committee shall
include at least three University faculty from within the Biomechanics and Movement
Science Program, and at least one member from outside of the program. The
dissertation advisor must be a member of the BIOMS faculty, and at least one of the
BIOMS committee members must be from an area of focus in biomechanics and
movement science different than that of the advisor. With the approval of the BIOMS
Executive Committee, one professional staff member who holds a secondary faculty
appointment within an academic department may serve as a committee member.
However, all three within-program committee members must hold the doctoral degree.
Faculty who have retired or resigned from the University may maintain committee
membership or continue to chair committees of students whose work began under their
direction prior to their retirement or departure from the University. BIOMS faculty who
do not have regular faculty status may co-chair the dissertation committee provided that
the other co-chair meets the definition for regular faculty status. Outside committee
members must hold a doctoral degree, and shall include individuals not affiliated with
the Biomechanics and Movement Science Program. These may be individuals from
outside of the University who are nationally recognized for their expertise in the area of
study specified by the dissertation. The BIOMS Director must approve committee
members from outside of the University. It is the responsibility of the dissertation
advisor to replace members who withdraw from the committee during the dissertation
2) Defense of the Dissertation Proposal
The dissertation proposal must be in the format of an NIH R01 proposal. Sections A-E
of the Research Plan must be included. The dissertation proposal defense will be
scheduled only after a majority of members of the dissertation committee have
determined that a defense is appropriate. A final copy of the dissertation proposal must
be delivered to the members of the dissertation committee at least two weeks in advance
of the proposal defense. A copy of the dissertation proposal must be available one week
prior to the proposal defense by either submitting an electronic copy to the BIOMS
administrative staff for redistribution, or by delivering a hard copy to each site
supporting BIOMS faculty. Prior to the presentation, proposals that involve the use of
human or animal subjects must receive approval from the U
niversity Institutional
Review Board (IRB). Details for creating consent forms and submitting studies for
review by the IRB can be obtained from the University of Delaware Research Office.
The Dissertation proposal defense will be open to the public, and invitations will be
sent to all BIOMS faculty and students at least one week prior to the defense date. The
candidate will present a summary of the proposed research, and will then field questions
from the committee, attending faculty, and invited guests. After all questions
have been fielded, the dissertation committee will meet to decide whether
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the proposal is accepted, rejected, or accepted with conditions. Results of the meeting
will then be presented to the student. The student may not receive more than one
dissenting vote from members of the committee to receive a passing grade.
Dissertation committee members will sign the final copy of the approved proposal and
the candidacy form. A signed copy of the approved dissertation proposal will be
forwarded to the Program Director. Students who fail the dissertation proposal
defense will receive one additional opportunity to repeat the process and defend a new
or modified dissertation proposal.
3) Defense of the Dissertation
The format of the dissertation must adhere to the University’s Thesis and Dissertation
and style guidelines. The manual is available electronically on the Web at A copy of the dissertation
must be available one week prior to the dissertation defense by either submitting an
electronic copy to the BIOMS administrative staff for redistribution, or by delivering
a hard copy to each site supporting BIOMS faculty. The dissertation defense will be
scheduled only after the advisor of the dissertation committee has determined that a
defense is appropriate.
The dissertation defense will be open to the public, and invitations will be sent to all
BIOMS faculty and students at least one week prior to the defense date. The
candidate will present a summary of the completed research, and will then field
questions from the committee, attending faculty, and invited guests. After all
questions have been fielded, the dissertation committee will meet to decide whether
the dissertation is accepted, rejected, or accepted pending revisions. Results of the
meeting will then be presented to the student. The student may not receive more than
one dissenting vote from members of the committee to receive a passing grade.
4) Processing the Final Document
Students must follow the university approved step-by-step guidelines for graduation.
The University reserves the right to duplicate a dissertation for distribution to other
libraries or for the use of individual scholars. However, the University will not
publish a dissertation for general distribution without the written consent of the
author. If copyrighting of a dissertation is desired, it may be arranged when the
dissertation is submitted to the Office of Graduate and Professional Educations.
Published works are eligible for copyright protection in the United States if the work
is first published in the United States.
Part V. Assessment Plan
The BIOMS program will follow the Academic Program Review (APR) schedule, policies and
procedures, established by the Provosts office and faculty senate. Data will be provided by the Office of
Institutional Research and Effectiveness,
in conjunction with faculty/student interviews, measures of
scholarly productivity, alumni surveys and national rankings when available. Annual meetings will be held
to discuss curricular changes, course learning objectives, review analyzed data, identify action items, and
establish timelines and assignments for responsibilities. The BIOMS program will continue consultation
with the
Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning to periodically reexamine appropriate learning
outcomes, assessment criteria, and benchmarks for success.
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Part VI. Financial Aid
A. Financial Assistance
Financial assistance for students in the BIOMS program is obtained from a variety of sources
and will therefore vary in form and availability. Assistance will be awarded on a competitive
basis to applicants’ best fitting the needs of the granting agencies and sponsoring faculty.
Students receiving full stipends will be expected to work up to 20 hours per week on faculty
projects and students are expected to maintain full-time student status.
B. Tuition Semesters (Blocks
When available, requests for tuition semesters (blocks, waivers) must be submitted by the faculty
advisors to the BIOMS Executive Committee for approval. The requests must include the
following information.
Faculty Advisor:
Student Name:
Current GPA:
Number of credits completed/remaining:
Degree (MS or PhD):
Number of semesters enrolled:
Number of semesters previously funded and source of funding (grant, TA, etc.):
Estimated number of semesters until completion of degree:
Number of tuition semesters requested:
Rationale for requesting block tuition line:
Plan to secure funding for future semesters, if applicable:
C. University of Delaware Dissertation and Graduate Fellows
Applications for the University of Delaware Dissertations and Graduate Fellows Awards must
follow the Office of Graduate and Professional Education (OGPE) guidelines, and be submitted
for approval to the BIOMS Executive Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the announced OGPE
deadlines. These are competitive and merit based awards with limited submissions permitted from
each program.
PART VII. General Information Relevant to Both Master’s and Doctoral Degree Candidates
A. Graduate Course Numbering System
Graduate credit may be earned for courses numbered 600 to 699, 800 to 898, and 900 to 998.
(Courses numbered 600 to 699 are graduate-level courses open to qualified, advanced
undergraduates by permission of the instructor.) Courses numbered 500 to 599 are graduate
courses for the nonspecialist and may not be counted for graduate credit in the student's major.
With the approval of Biomechanics and Movement Science Executive Committee, 500-level
courses taken outside the student's major department may be applied toward a graduate degree.
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B. Application for Advanced Degree
To initiate the process for degree conferral, candidates must submit an "Application for Advanced
Degree" to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. The deadline for degree
application is September 15 for December degree conferral, December 15 for Winter degree
conferral, February 15 for May degree conferral, and May 15 for August degree conferral. The
completed and signed degree application form is sent to the Office of Graduate and Professional
Education with payment (personal check made payable to the University of Delaware or pay at
the Cashier’s Office.) The Master’s fee is $50; Ph.D. fee is $95.
C. Graduate Grade Point Average
Students must have a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 3.0 to be eligible for
the degree. In addition, the grades in courses applied toward the degree program must equal at
least 3.0. All graduate-numbered courses taken with graduate student classification at the
University of Delaware are applied to the cumulative index. Credit hours and courses for which
the grade is below "B-" do not count toward the degree even though the grade is applied to the
overall index. Candidates must see that all final grades have been submitted by their instructors.
Temporary grades of "S" (Satisfactory) are assigned for 868 (Research) and 869 (Master's
Thesis) and 969 (Doctoral Dissertation) until a final letter grade is submitted upon the
completion of the thesis or dissertation.
D. Time Limits for the Completion of Degree Requirements
Time limits for the completion of degree requirements begin with the date of matriculation and
are specifically expressed in the student's letter of admission. The
University policy for students
entering a master's degree program is 10 consecutive semesters to complete the degree
requirements. Students completing the requirements for the master's degree who are subsequently
granted permission to continue toward the doctoral degree are given an additional 10 consecutive
semesters. Students entering a doctoral program with a master's degree are given 10 consecutive
semesters to complete the requirements. Students entering a doctoral program without a master's
degree are given 14 consecutive semesters to complete the requirements. Students who change
their degree plan and have transferred from one degree program to another degree program are
given 10 consecutive semesters from the beginning of the first year in the latest program.
E. Extension of the Time Limit
An extension of time limit may be granted for circumstances beyond the student's control.
Requests for time extensions must be made in writing and approved by the student's
thesis/dissertation committee and the Director of Biomechanics and Movement Science program.
The Director will forward the request to the Office of Graduate and Professional Education. The
Office of Graduate and Professional Education will determine the student's eligibility for a time
extension and will notify the student in writing of its decision to grant an extension of time.
F. Sustaining Status for Candidates Pursuing Thesis/Dissertation Degree Option
Once a graduate student who is completing a thesis/dissertation option has completed all required
course credits needed for the degree (including 6 credits of Master's thesis [869] or 9-12 credits of
dissertation [969]) and all other degree requirements except the submission of thesis or
dissertation, the student is required to maintain his/her matriculation in the degree program during
the fall and spring semesters by registering for either Master's Sustaining: Thesis (UNIV 899) or
Doctoral Sustaining (UNIV 999). All students, including sustaining students, are required to be
registered in the semester in which the degree is officially awarded. Sustaining registration is
required for summer session if the student complete the degree in summer session. (Sustaining
registration is never required for winter session as graduate degrees are not awarded at the
conclusion of winter session.)
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G. Transfer of Credit Earned as a Continuing Education Student at the University of Delaware.
Students who complete graduate credits with the classification of CEND (Continuing Education
Non-degree) at the University of Delaware may use a maximum of 9 graduate credits earned with
this classification toward their graduate degree. The CEND credits, grades, and quality points
become a part of the student's academic record and grade point average. CEND credit can be
transferred provided that:
(a) The course was at the 600-800 level,
(b) The course was taken within the time limit appropriate for the degree,
(c) The course was approved by the student's adviser and BIOMS Director
(d) The course was in accord with the student’s approved plan of study.
H. Transfer of Credit from another Institution.
Graduate credit earned at another institution will be evaluated at the written request of the
student. Such a request must be submitted to the director of the BIOMS program using a
Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit form.
A maximum of 9 credits required for the degree
will be accepted provided that such credits:
(a) Were earned with a grade of no less than B,
(b) Are approved by the student's adviser and the BIOMS Director
(c) Are in accord with the student’s approved plan of study,
(d) Are not older than five years, and
(e) Were completed at an accredited college or university.
The credits, but not the grades or quality points, are transferable to University of Delaware
graduate records. Graduate courses counted toward a degree received elsewhere may not be
used. Credits earned at another institution while the student was classified as a continuing
education student at that institution are not eligible to be transferred to one's graduate degree at
the University of Delaware. Credits from institutions outside of the United States are generally
not transferable to the University of Delaware.
I. Transfer of Credit from the Undergraduate Division at the University of Delaware
Students who wish to transfer credits from their undergraduate record to their graduate record
may transfer a limited number by arranging with the department to have these courses approved
by their instructors before the courses are taken. These courses must be at the 600-level, and the
student must perform at the graduate level. They must be in excess of the total required for the
baccalaureate degree, must have grades of no less than B-, and must not be older than 5 years.
The credits, grades, and quality points will transfer.
J. Credit for "Special Problem" Course Taken as a Graduate Student
Some 400-level courses may be completed for graduate credit if the graduate student does
additional work. Students must register for the course at the graduate level using the
departmental number of 666. The student may process a titling form for the 666 numbered
K. Expiration of Credit
Course credits expire 5 years after the course has been completed.
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Appendix I. Graduate Student Annual Report
Biomechanics and Movement Science Interdisciplinary Program
Graduate Student Annual Report
Semester date of enrollment:
Total graduate credits completed to date:
Graduate GPA:
Degree program:
Date submitted:
1. Academic Timeline (within each semester since enrollment, list completed courses and grades,
courses to be taken, formation of committees)
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
2. Teaching (list courses taught, guest lectures, etc.)
3. Research
Statement of Research Focus:
Publications and Presentations (accepted and submitted/under review)
Grant Activity (accepted and under review, indicate role on project)
Other Research Activities (projects not directly related to dissertation focus)
Other Scholarly Activities (i.e., service in professional organizations, manuscript review, etc)
4. Goals
Short Term
Long Term
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Appendix II. Graduate Student Annual Report
Thesis Proposal Defense Form
Biomechanics & Movement Science Program
Submit this signed form to the BIOMS Director, within one week of the Thesis proposal defense.
Student Name Student ID
Student Email
Conditional pass. The conditions must be clearly stated, i.e., the exact nature of the
deficiency must be described along with a mechanism(s) to repair this deficiency. The Chair
of the Thesis Committee must provide the BIOMS Director with written notification when
the student has resolved the conditional pass.
Re-examination. Student will be re-examined within one semester before the Thesis
Committee will render a decision. Please summarize briefly the criticisms that led to this
decision and give an estimate of the date of re-examination.
The Thesis Committee has decided that the student does not have the potential to
complete the MS program. Please indicate why the student failed the examination.
Signatures (please type each committee member's name under signature line):
Chair, Thesis Committee (Print) Signature
Committee member Signature
Committee member Signature
Last updated January 29, 2016