Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and email: [email protected]
Materials Science and Engineering phone: (302) 831-3009
University of Delaware fax: (302) 831-1048
150 Academy Street, Colburn Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716 web: AprilKloxinGroup.org
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering May 2009
Dissertation: “Photolabile hydrogels for dynamic tuning of physical and chemical properties to probe cell-cell
and cell-material interactions”
Research advisor: Prof. Kristi S. Anseth
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
M.S. in Chemical Engineering Dec. 2004
Thesis: “Synthesis and characterization of antibacterial PEG hydrogels”
Research advisors: Prof. Richard J. Spontak and Prof. Stuart L. Cooper
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, University Scholar May 2001
Department of Chemical Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Professional Experience
Co-Director of Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) 2020-
University of Delaware Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials (UD CHARM)
National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NSF MRSEC)
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Centennial Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2019-
Departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Associate Professor 2018-2019
Departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Assistant Professor 2011-2018
Departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Affiliated Member
Breast Cancer Research Group, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center and Research Institute, 2015-
Christiana Care Health System
Center for Biomanufacturing Science and Technology, University of Delaware 2015-
Biomedical Engineering, University of Delaware 2013-
Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments (SBE2), NSF IGERT Program 2012-
Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (CBCB), 2011-
Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI)
Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Program, University of Delaware 2011-
HHMI Postdoctoral Research Associate 2009-2011
Research advisor: Prof. Kristi S. Anseth
Collaborators: Prof. Vivek Balasubramaniam and Prof. Leslie Leinwand
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Graduate Research Assistant
Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 2004-2009
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 2002-2004
Process Engineer 2001-2002
Fibermaking Process Development, Corning, Inc., Wilmington, NC
Chemical Engineering Intern 1999, 2000
Over the Counter Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Procter and Gamble, Greensboro, NC
Honors and Awards
§ American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Division 15D/E Plenary 2020
§ NIH Director’s New Innovator Award 2019
§ Biomaterials Science Lectureship 2019
§ American Chemical Society PMSE Arthur K. Doolittle Award 2018
§ National IDeA Symposium Biomedical Research Excellence Young Investigator Travel Award 2018
§ American Chemical Society POLY Researcher of the Month 2018
§ Outstanding Reviewer for Biomaterials Science 2018
§ American Chemical Society PMSE Young Investigator Honoree 2017
§ Komen Career Catalyst Research Award 2016
§ University of Delaware Research Foundation Strategic Initiatives Award 2014
§ Pew Scholar in Biomedical Sciences 2013
§ National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2013
§ Burroughs Wellcome Fund Collaborative Research Grant 2013
& University of California, Davis Visiting Scholar
§ University of Delaware Research Foundation Award 2012
§ Western Association of Graduate Schools Innovation in Technology Award 2010
§ Max S. Peters Outstanding Graduate Research Award 2009
§ Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Award, ACS Polymer Chemistry 2008
§ US Department of Education’s GAANN Fellowship 2005-2009
§ NASA Graduate Student Research Program Fellowship 2005-2008
Publications (reverse chronological order, corresponding author underlined, undergraduate authors italicized)
(Citations, Jan. 20, 2019, Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MVdc_X0AAAAJ&hl=en)
Edited journals
Guest Editor for special issue of Current Opinion in Biotechnology [Impact Factor: 8], 2016, on the topic of
“Tissue, cell and pathway engineering,” http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.copbio.2016.06.004.
Publications from work performed at UD (2011-present, corresponding author, undergraduates in italics)
1. RC Locke, EM Ford, KG Silbernagel, AM Kloxin, ML Killian, “Success criteria and preclinical testing of
multifunctional hydrogels for tendon regeneration,” Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 26, 10, 506-518.
DOI: 10.1089/ten.tec.2020.0199.
2. PJ LeValley, BO Sutherland, J Jaje, S Gibbs, M Jones, R Gala, CJ Kloxin, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “On-
demand and tunable dual wavelength release of antibodies using light-responsive hydrogels,” ACS Applied
Bio Materials, 3, 10, 6944-6958, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.0c00823.
3. BP Sutherland, PJ LeValley, DJ Bischoff, AM Kloxin, CJ Kloxin, “Sequence-defined vinyl sulfonamide
click nucleic acids (VS-CNAs) and their assembly into dynamically responsive materials,” Chemical
Communications, 56, 11263-11266, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0CC04235H
4. EM Ovadia, L Pradhan, LA Sawicki, JE Cowart, RE Huber, SW Polson, C Chen, KL van Golen, KE Ross,
CH Wu, AM Kloxin, “Understanding ER+ Breast Cancer Dormancy using Bioinspired Synthetic Matrices
for Long-term 3D Culture and Insights into Late Recurrence,” Advanced Biosystems, 4, 9, 2000119, 2020.
DOI: 10.1002/adbi.202000119
5. SJ Ma, EM Ford, LA Sawicki, BP Sutherland, NI Halaszynski, BJ Carberry, NJ Wagner, AM Kloxin, CJ
Kloxin, “Surface Chemical Functionalization of Wrinkled Thiol–Ene Elastomers for Promoting Cellular
Alignment,” ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3, 6, 3731-3740, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.0c00346
6. KA Wodzanowski, SE Cassel, CL Grimes, AM Kloxin, “Tools for probing host-bacteria interactions in the
gut microenvironment: from molecular to cellular levels,” Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 30,
10, 127116, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2020.127116
7. PJ LeValley, R Neelarapu, BP Sutherland, S Dasgupta, CJ Kloxin, AM Kloxin, “Photolabile Linkers:
Exploiting labile bond chemistry to control mode and rate of hydrogel degradation and protein release,”
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142, 10, 4671-4679, 2020. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b11564
8. AM Hilderbrand, EM Ford, C Guo, JD Sloppy, AM Kloxin, “Hierarchically structured hydrogels utilizing
multifunctional assembling peptides for 3D cell culture,” Biomaterials Science, 8, 1256-1269, 2020. DOI:
10.1039/C9BM01894H. [Impact factor: 5.8]
Featured on the front cover of the issue
9. AI Marusina, AA Merleev, JI Luna, L Olney, NE Haigh, D Yoon, C Guo, EM Ovadia, M Shimoda, G
Luxardi, S Boddu, NN Lal, Y Takada, KS Lam, R Liu, RR Isseroff, S Le, JA Nolta, AM Kloxin
Emanual Maverakis
, “Tunable hydrogels for mesenchymal stem cell delivery: Integrin-induced
transcriptome alterations and hydrogel optimization for human wound healing,” Stem Cells, 38, 231-245,
2020. DOI: 10.1002/stem.3105. (^Equal contribution) [Impact Factor: 5.6]
10. ME Smithmyer, SE Cassel, AM Kloxin, “Bridging 2D and 3D culture: Probing impact of extracellular
environment on fibroblast activation in layered hydrogels,” AIChE J, 65, e16837, 2019.
DOI:10.1002/aic.16837. [Impact Factor: 3.3]
Special Issue: Futures
11. J Bisht, PJ LeValley, B Noren, R McBride, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, J Gatlin, and J Oakey, “Light-
Inducible Activation of Cell Cycle Progression in Xenopus Egg Extracts Under Microfluidic Confinement,”
Lab on a Chip, 19, 3499-3511, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/C9LC00569B. [Impact Factor: 6]
12. KL Wiley, EM Ovadia, CJ Calo, RE Huber, AM Kloxin, “Rate-based approach for controlling the
mechanical properties of ‘thiol-ene’ hydrogels formed with visible light,” Polymer Chemistry, 10, 4428-
4440, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/C9PY00447E [Impact Factor: 5.5]
Special Issue: Pioneers
Highlighted as Polymer Chemistry Author of the Month
13. LA Sawicki, EM Ovadia, L Pradhan, JE Cowart, KE Ross, CH Wu, AM Kloxin, “Tunable synthetic
extracellular matrices to investigate breast cancer response to biophysical and biochemical cues,” APL
Bioengineering, 3, 016101, 2019. DOI: 10.1063/1.5064596
14. PJ LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Chemical Approaches to Dynamically Modulate the Properties of Synthetic
Matrices,” ACS Macro Letters, 8, 7-16, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00808 [Impact Factor: 6.1]
Featured as ACS Editors’ Choice
15. PJ LeValley, MW Tibbitt, B Noren, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KS Anseth, M Toner, J Oakey
“Immunofunctional photodegradable poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel surfaces for the capture and release of
rare cells,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 174, 483-492, 2019. DOI:
10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.11.049 [Impact Factor: 3.9]
16. H Wu, PJ LeValley, T, Luo, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Manipulation of Glutathione-Mediated Degradation of
Thiol-Maleimide Conjugates,” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29, 3595-3605, 2018. DOI:
10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.8b00546 [Impact Factor: 4.8]
17. ME Smithmyer, CC Deng, SE Cassel, PJ LeValley, BS Sumerlin, AM Kloxin, Self-healing boronic acid-
based hydrogels for 3D co-cultures,” ACS Macro Letters, 7, 1105-1110, 2018. DOI:
10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00462 [Citations: 5; Impact Factor: 6.1]
18. ME Smithmyer, JB Spohn, AM Kloxin, “Probing fibroblast activation in response to extracellular matrix
cues with well-defined culture platform,” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 4, 3304-3316, 2018.
DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00491 [Citations: 1; Impact Factor: 4.4]
19. PJ LeValley, B Noren, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, JC Gatlin, J Oakey, “Fabrication of Functional
Biomaterial Microstructures by in Situ Photopolymerization and Photodegradation,” ACS Biomaterials
Science & Engineering, 4, 3078-3087, 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.8b00350 [Citations: 1; Impact
Factor: 4.4]
20. PJ LeValley, EO Ovadia, CA Bresette, LA Sawicki, E Maverakis, S Bai, AM Kloxin, “Design of
functionalized cyclic peptides through orthogonal click reactions for cell culture and targeting applications,”
Chemical Communications, 54, 6923-6926, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/C8CC03218A. [Impact factor: 6.3]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators
21. LJ Macdougall, KL Wiley, AM Kloxin, AP Dove, “Design of Synthetic Extracellular Matrices for Probing
Breast Cancer Cell Growth Using Robust Cyctocompatible Nucleophilic Thiol-yne Addition Chemistry,”
Biomaterials, 178, 435-447, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.04.046. [Citations: 5; Impact factor:
22. EO Ovadia, DW Colby, AM Kloxin, “Designing photopolymerized synthetic matrices for three-
dimensional culture and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells,” Biomaterials Science, 6, 1358-
1370, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/c8bm00099a [Citations: 1; Impact factor: 5.8]
23. NJ Smith, K Rohlfing, LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, SJ Boyd, AM Kloxin, JM Fox, “Fast, Irreversible
Modification of Cysteines through Strain Releasing Conjugate Additions of Cyclopropenyl Ketones,”
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 16, 2164-2169, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/C8OB00166A [Citations: 4;
Impact factor: 3.5]
24. LA Sawicki, LH Choe, KL Wiley, KH Lee, AM Kloxin, “Isolation and identification of proteins secreted
by cells cultured within synthetic hydrogel-based matrices,” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 4,
836-845, 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00647 [Citations: 4; Impact Factor: 4.4]
Featured as ACS Editors’ Choice
25. MS Rehmann, KM Skeens, PM Kharkar, EM Ford, E Maverakis, KH Lee, AM Kloxin, “Tuning and
predicting mesh size and protein release from step growth hydrogels,” Biomacromolecules, 18, 3131-3142,
2017. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00781 [Citations: 3; Impact Factor: 5.25]
26. PM Kharkar, RA Scott, LP Olney, PF Levalley, E Maverakis, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “Controlling the
release of small, bioactive proteins via dual mechanisms with therapeutic potential,” Advanced Healthcare
Materials, 6, 1700713, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201700713 [Citations: 4; Impact Factor: 5.76]
27. C Guo, H Kim, EM Ovadia, CM Mourafetis, M Yang, W Chen, AM Kloxin, “Bio-orthogonal conjugation
and enzymatically triggered release of proteins within multi-layered hydrogels,” Acta Biomaterialia, 56, 80-
90, 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2017.04.002 [Citations: 7; Impact Factor: 6.0]
28. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Light-mediated Formation and Patterning of Hydrogels for Cell Culture
Applications,” Journal of Visual Experiments (115), e54462, 2016. DOI: 10.3791/54462 [Citations: 12;
Impact Factor: 1.1]
29. AM Hilderbrand, EM Ovadia, MS Rehmann, PM Kharkar, C Guo, AM Kloxin, “Biomaterials for 4D stem
cell culture,” Current Opinion in Solid State Materials, 20, 212-224, 2016. DOI:
10.1016/j.cossms.2016.03.002 [Citations: 17; Impact Factor: 5.1]
30. MS Rehmann, JI Luna, E Maverakis, AM Kloxin, “Tuning microenvironment modulus and biochemical
composition promotes human mesenchymal stem cell tenogenic differentiation, Journal of Biomedical
Materials Research Part A, 104, 1162–1174, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35650 [Citations: 21; Impact
Factor: 3.2]
31. PM Kharkar, MS Rehmann, KM Skeens, E Maverakis, AM Kloxin, “Thiol–ene click hydrogels for
therapeutic delivery,” ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 2, 165–179, 2016. DOI:
10.1021/acsbiomaterials.5b00420 [Citations: 42; Impact Factor: 4.4]
32. PM Kharkar, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “Design of thiol- and light-sensitive degradable hydrogels using
Michael-type addition reactions,” Polymer Chemistry, 6, 5565-5574, 2015. DOI: 10.1039/C5PY00750J
[Citations: 55; Impact Factor: 5.5]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators
33. KA Tran, MY Cheng, A Mitra, H Ogawa, VY Shi, LP Olney, AM Kloxin, E Maverakis, “MEK inhibitors
and their potential in the treatment of advanced melanoma: the advantages of combination therapy,” Drug
Design, Development and Therapy, 10, 43-52, 2015. DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S93545 [Citations: 31; Impact
Factor: 3.0]
34. E Maverakis, LA Cornelius, GM Bowen, T Phan, FB Patel, S Fitzmaurice, Y He, B Burrall, C Duong, AM
Kloxin, H Sultani, R Wilken, SR Martinez, F Patel, “Metastatic Melanoma A Review of Current and
Future Treatment Options,” Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 95, 516-527, 2015. DOI: 10.2340/00015555-
2035 [Citations: 101; Impact Factor: 3.7]
35. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Design of thiol–ene photoclick hydrogels using facile techniques for cell culture
applications,” Biomaterials Science, 2, 1612-1626, 2014. DOI: 10.1039/c4bm00187g [Citations: 53; Impact
Factor: 5.8]
Special Issue: Stem cell-materials interactions.
Featured on the front cover of the issue and in SLJ Michel, “Report from the Seventh Annual Frontiers at
the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium,” ACS Chem. Biol. 9, 1915−1917, 2014.
36. PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Dually degradable click hydrogels for controlled degradation and
protein release,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2, 5511-5521, 2014. DOI: 10.1039/C4TB00496E
[Citations: 37; Impact Factor: 4.9]
Featured on the front cover of the issue
37. ME Smithmyer, LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Hydrogel scaffolds as in vitro models to study fibroblast
activation in wound healing and disease,” Biomaterials Science, 2, 634-650, 2014. DOI:
10.1039/C3BM60319A [Citations: 67; Impact Factor: 5.8]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators
Featured as one of the 10 most downloaded papers for Biomaterials Science in 2014
38. P Fischer [LeValley], M Tibbitt, A Kloxin, K Anseth, and J Oakey, “Photodegradable hydrogels for
selective capture and release of mammalian cells,” Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 50, 62-67, 2014.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25405405 [Citations: 3; Impact Factor: N/A]
39. MS Rehmann, AC Garibian, AM Kloxin, “Degradable thiol−ene hydrogels for protein release,”
Macromolecular Symposia, 329, 58-65, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/masy.201200133 [Citations: 11; Impact Factor:
40. PM Kharkar, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “Designing hydrogels for orthogonal control of degradable cell
microenvironments,” Chemical Society Reviews, 42, 7335-7372, 2013. DOI: 10.1039/C3CS60040H
[Citations: 321; Impact Factor: 34]
41. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Tunable and dynamic soft materials for three-dimensional cell culture,” Soft
Matter, 9, 6737-6746, 2013. DOI: 10.1039/C3SM50217A [Citations: 17; Impact Factor: 3.9]
Special Issue: Emerging Investigators
Featured as one of the most downloaded papers for Soft Matter in 2013
42. DD McKinnon, AM Kloxin, KS Anseth, “Synthetic hydrogel platform for three-dimensional culture of
embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons,” Biomaterials Science, 1, 460-469, 2013. DOI:
10.1039/C3BM00166K [Citations: 60; Impact Factor: 5.8]
Publications from work performed at prior institutions (2006-2011)
43. MW Tibbitt, AM Kloxin, LA Sawicki, KS Anseth, “Mechanical properties and degradation of chain and
step polymerized photodegradable hydrogels,” Macromolecules, 46, 2785-2792, 2013. DOI:
10.1021/ma302522x [Citations: 96; Impact Factor: 5.5]
44. MW Tibbitt, AM Kloxin, KS Anseth, “Modeling controlled photodegradation in optically thick hydrogels,”
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 9, 1899-1911, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/pola.26574
[Citations: 21; Impact Factor: 3.2]
45. AM Kloxin, KJR Lewis, CA DeForest, G Seedorf, MW Tibbitt, V Balasubramaniam, and KS Anseth,
“Responsive culture platform to examine the influence of microenvironmental geometry on cell function in
3D,” Integrative Biology, 4, 1540-1549, 2012. DOI: 10.1039/C2IB20212C [Citations: 42; Impact Factor:
46. H Wang, SM Haeger, AM Kloxin, LA Leinwand, KS Anseth, “Redirecting valvular myofibroblasts into
dormant fibroblasts through light-mediated reduction in substrate modulus,” PLoS One, 7, e39969, 2012.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039969 [Citations: 129; Impact Factor: 3.2]
47. MW Tibbitt, BW Han, AM Kloxin, KS Anseth, “Synthesis and application of photodegradable
microspheres for spatiotemporal control of protein delivery,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
Part A, 100, 1647-1654, 2012. DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.34107 [Citations: 32; Impact Factor: 3.2]
48. AM Kloxin, MW Tibbitt, and KS Anseth, “Synthesis of photodegradable hydrogels as dynamically tunable
cell culture platforms,” Nature Protocols, 5, 1867-1887, 2010. DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2010.139 [Citations:
215; Impact Factor: 11.2]
49. MW Tibbitt, AM Kloxin, KU Dyamenahalli, and KS Anseth, "Controlled two-photon photoerosion of PEG
hydrogels to study and manipulate subcellular interactions on soft materials," Soft Matter, 6, 5100-5108,
2010. DOI: 10.1039/C0SM00174K [Citations: 94; Impact Factor: 3.9]
50. AM Kloxin, CJ Kloxin, CN Bowman, and KS Anseth, “Mechanical properties of cellularly responsive
hydrogels and their experimental determination,” Advanced Materials, 22, 3484-3494, 2010. DOI:
10.1002/adma.200904179 [Citations: 311; Impact Factor: 18.9]
51. AM Kloxin, MW Tibbitt, AM Kasko, JA Fairbairn, and KS Anseth, “Tunable hydrogels through controlled
photodegradation for external manipulation of the cell microenvironment,Advanced Materials, 22, 61-66,
2010. DOI: 10.1002/adma.200900917 [Citations: 179; Impact Factor: 18.9]
52. AM Kloxin, JA Benton, and KS Anseth, “In situ elasticity modulation with dynamic substrates to direct cell
phenotype,Biomaterials, 33, 1-8, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.09.025 [Citations: 335; Impact
Factor: 8.3]
53. AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, CN Salinas, and KS Anseth, “Photolabile hydrogels for dynamic tuning of
physical and chemical properties,” Science, 324, 59-63, 2009. DOI: 10.1126/science.1169494 [Citations:
1185; Impact Factor: 34]
Highlighted in SM Jay and WM Saltzman, “Shining light on a new class of hydrogels,” Nature
Biotechnology, 27, 543-544, 2009.
MP Lutolf, “Spotlight on hydrogels,” Nature Materials, 8, 451-453, 2009.
M Gross, “Light-guided hydrogels direct cell growth,” Chemistry World, April 2009.
54. VS Khire, AM Kloxin, CC Clouch, KS Anseth, and CN Bowman, “Synthesis, characterization and cleavage
of linear polymers attached to silica nanoparticles formed using thiol-acrylate conjugate addition reactions,”
Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry, 46, 6896-6906, 2008. DOI: 10.1002/pola.22999
[Citations: 33; Impact Factor: 3.2]
55. CR Nuttelman, AM Kloxin, and KS Anseth, “Temporal changes in PEG hydrogel structure influence
human mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and matrix mineralization,” Advances in Experimental
Medicine and Biology: Tissue Engineering, 585, 135-149, 2006. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-34133-0_10
[Citations: 16; Impact Factor: 1.9]
Spotlights and Comments
§ AM Kloxin, “Addressing the leaky pipeline through mentoring and support: a personal perspective,” Nat.
Rev. Mater. 4, 287-289, 2019.
§ PM Kharkar and AM Kloxin, “Injectable hydrogels for cell delivery and tissue regeneration,”
§ AM Kloxin and KS Anseth, “Protein gels on the move,” Nature, 454, 705-706, 2008 [News & Views].
[Citations: 7; Impact Factor: 38]
Book Chapters
LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Biomaterials: Controlling properties over time to mimic the dynamic ECM” in
Mimicking the Extracellular Matrix: The Intersection of Matrix Biology and Biomaterials. Editors: W.
Murphy, G. Hudalla. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-84973-833-0
US 9,180,196 B2
Presentations and Seminars (reverse chronological order, presenter bolded)
Invited Conference Presentations (June 2011-present)
1. PJ LeValley and AM Kloxin, “‘Mix and Match’: local delivery of protein-based biologics using responsive
microgels,” World Biomaterials Congress (WBC), December 2020. Invited.
2. AM Kloxin, “Designing soft biomaterials with multiscale properties as instructive synthetic extracellular
matrices,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall National Meeting, December 2020. Invited.
3. AM Kloxin, “Engineered systems for controlling cellular microenvironments: from designing synthetic
extracellular matrices to probing cell responses in disease models,” American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) National Meeting, December 2020. Invited Plenary.
4. AM Kloxin, “Designing and applying synthetic extracellular matrices with multiscale property control to
probe key regulators of cell function and fate,” European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) annual meeting,
September 2019, Dresden, Germany. Invited Keynote, Biomaterials Science Lectureship.
5. AM Hilderbrand, EM Ford, AM Kloxin, “Multiscale property control through self-assembly and
photopolymerization,” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting, August 2019, San Diego, CA.
6. AM Kloxin, “Deploying light-mediated chemistries for the formation and modulation of biomaterial
properties,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2019, Orlando, FL. Invited.
7. AM Kloxin, “Utilizing assembling and orthogonal chemistries for the design of materials with multiscale
property control,” ACS Fall National Meeting, August 2018, Boston, MA. Invited.
8. AM Kloxin, “Utilizing light-mediated chemistries for the modulation of biomaterial properties,” ACS Fall
National Meeting, August 2018, Boston, MA. Invited.
9. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive materials with multi-scale properties for controlling
cellular microenvironments,” Gordon Research Conference on Signal Transduction from Engineered
Extracellular Matrices, July 2018, Andover, New Hampshire. Invited.
10. AM Kloxin, “Designing synthetic extracellular matrices for the creation of controlled culture systems in the
study of disease,” AIChE National Meeting, November 2017, San Francisco, CA. Invited.
11. AM Kloxin, “Design of responsive materials utilizing assembling and orthogonal chemistries for
controlling cellular microenvironments,” ACS Fall National Meeting, August 2017, Washington, DC.
12. AM Kloxin, “Design of hydrogel-based synthetic extracellular matrix mimics for fundamental studies of
disease and regeneration,” PMSE Young Investigators Symposium, ACS Spring National Meeting, April
2017, San Francisco, CA. Invited.
13. AM Kloxin, “Dynamic, biomimetic microenvironments for investigating disease progression,” Pew
Scholars Annual Meeting, March 2017, Santa Barbara, CA. Invited.
14. AM Kloxin, “Controlling structure within hydrogel-based synthetic extracellular matrices,” Mid-Atlantic
Soft Matter Workshop, February 2017, Newark, DE. Invited Keynote Talk.
15. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Controlling structure within hydrogel-based synthetic extracellular matrices
through self-assembly and light-mediated reactions,” AIChE National Meeting, November 2016, San
Francisco, CA. Invited.
16. AM Kloxin, “Controlling nanostructure for directing cell-matrix interactions,” ACS Fall National Meeting,
August 2016, Philadelphia, PA. Invited.
17. AM Hilderbrand, C Guo, AM Kloxin, “Controlling nanostructure within hydrogels through self-assembly
and light-mediated reactions,” Pacific Polymer Conference, December 2015, Kauai, HI. Invited.
18. LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, C Guo, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Responsive biomaterials for controlling
cellular microenvironments,” Photopolymerization Fundamentals, September 2015, Boulder, CO. Invited.
19. LA Sawicki, C Guo, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Responsive biomaterials for controlling the cell
microenvironment,” 2015 User Meeting of Center for Nanophase Materials Science (CNMS), Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, September 2015, Oak Ridge, TN. Invited.
20. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Design of hydrogels as synthetic extracellular matrix mimics using modular
building blocks and facile techniques,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2015, Denver, CO. Invited.
21. MS Rehmann, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Responsive materials for the directing and delivering stem cells
and therapeutics,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2015, Denver, CO. Invited.
22. LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Responsive materials for controlling cellular microenvironments,”
Polymer Chemistry Zing Conference, December 2014, Cancun, Mexico. Invited.
23. LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Nanostructured and dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell
microenvironment,” BioNanoTechnology Plenary Session, AIChE Fall National Meeting, November 2014,
Atlanta GA. Invited.
24. LA Sawicki, MS Rehmann, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Designing dynamic biomaterials for controlling
cellular microenvironments,” Seventh Annual Frontiers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium,
May 2014, Baltimore, MD. Invited.
25. MS Rehmann, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Degradable hydrogels for directing mesenchymal stem cell
differentiation towards enhanced ligament regeneration,Society for Biomaterials National Meeting, April
2014, Denver, CO. Invited.
26. LA Sawicki, ME Smithmyer, AM Kloxin, “Investigating fibrosis progression within dynamic, biomimetic
microenvironments,” Pew Scholars Annual Meeting, February 2014, Costa Rica. Invited.
27. AM Kloxin, “Functional hydrogels as controlled microenvironments for probing and directing cell
differentiation and fate,” ACS Fall National Meeting, August 2012, Philadelphia, PA. Invited.
28. AM Kloxin, “Responsive hydrogels for probing how microenvironment properties influence cell fate,”
Polymer Networks, August 2012, Jackson Hole, WY. Invited.
29. AM Kloxin, “Responsive hydrogels for controlling signals within the microenvironment of progenitor
cells,” 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBC 2011), August 2011, Boston, MA. Invited.
Invited Seminars and Lectures (June 2011-present)
Upcoming: Wake Forest University, Drexel University, Clarkson University
1. AM Kloxin, “NSF CAREER preparation: opportunities for mentoring,” NSF CAREER Bootcamp,
University of Delaware, March 2020, Newark, DE.
2. AM Kloxin, “Designing soft biomaterials with multiscale property control for probing and directing
complex processes in tissue regeneration and disease,” Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), January 2020, Troy, NY.
3. AM Kloxin, “Understanding breast cancer dormancy and late recurrence utilizing well-defined model
systems,” Breast Research Group, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, Christiana Care
Health System, November 2019, Newark, DE.
4. AM Kloxin, “Communicating science with the public and opportunities for engagement regionally and
beyond,” UD CBI Seminar, September, 2019, Newark, DE.
5. AM Kloxin, “Shining a light on breast cancer,” Delaware to the World, April 2019, Bridgeville, DE.
6. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive materials for controlling the cell microenvironment,” Winter Research
Review Keynote, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware, January
2019, Newark, DE.
7. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials in tissue regeneration and disease,”
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 2018,
Champaign, IL.
8. AM Kloxin, “Probing breast cancer cell activation in response to microenvironment cues in well-defined
synthetic extracellular matrices for insights into late recurrence,” Center for Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology, Delaware Biotechnology Institute, University of Delaware, February 2018,
Newark, DE.
9. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials in tissue regeneration and disease,”
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, February 2018, Baltimore, MD.
10. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials for studying and directing regeneration and
disease,” School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy, Arizona State University, November
2017, Tempe, AZ.
11. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials for studying and directing regeneration and
disease,” 3M, November 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
12. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials to control cellular microenvironments in the
study of tissue regeneration and disease,” Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
Massachusetts Amherst, September 2017, Amherst, MA. Invited.
13. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials to control cellular microenvironments in the
study of tissue regeneration and disease,” Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia,
May 2017, Charlottesville, VA. Invited.
14. AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing responsive biomaterials to control cellular microenvironments in the
study of tissue regeneration and disease,” Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
January 2017, Philadelphia, PA. Invited.
15. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, January 2017, Seattle, WA. Invited.
16. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Bioengineering, University of Maryland, February 2016, College Park, MD. Invited.
17. AM Kloxin, “Injectable depots for controlled release of therapeutic proteins,” Merck, October 2015,
Lansdale, PA. Invited.
18. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, September 2015, Baltimore, MD. Invited.
19. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive materials to control the microenvironment of cancer cells in vitro and in
vivo,” Brady Urological Institute, Johns Hopkins University, August 2015, Baltimore, MD. Invited.
20. AM Kloxin, “Responsive biomaterials for controlling the microenvironment of cells,” College of
Engineering, Rowan University, April 2015, Glassboro, NJ. Invited.
21. AM Kloxin, “Designing responsive biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Colorado State University, February 2015, Fort Collins, CO.
22. AM Kloxin, “Materials that mimic biology towards understanding and treating aging & disease and
recruiting the next generation of engineers & scientists,” People, Projects, and Partners series, University
of Delaware, May 2014, Newark, DE. Invited.
23. AM Kloxin, “Designing dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, April 2014, Hoboken, NJ.
24. AM Kloxin, “Designing dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” HHMI and MARC
U*Star Programs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, March 2014, Baltimore, MD. Invited.
25. AM Kloxin, “Designing dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell environment,” Department of
Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, January 2014, Ann Arbor, MI. Invited.
26. AM Kloxin, “Probing the role of the cell microenvironment in cell fate with responsive materials,”
Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, Davis, January 2013. Visiting Scholar BWF.
27. AM Kloxin, “Towards directing regeneration: dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell
microenvironment,” Institute for Regenerative Cures, University of California, Davis, January 2013.
Visiting Scholar BWF.
28. AM Kloxin, “Dynamic biomaterials for controlling the cell microenvironment,” Biomedical Engineering,
University of California, Davis, January 2013. Visiting Scholar BWF.
29. AM Kloxin, “Probing the role of the cell microenvironment in cell fate with responsive materials,” Center
for Translational Cancer Research, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center at Christiana Care, May 2012, Newark,
DE. Invited.
30. AM Kloxin, “Dynamic Materials for Controlling the Cell Microenvironment,” Chemistry-Biology Interface
(CBI), September 2011, Newark, DE. Invited.
Other Oral Presentations (June 2011-present)
1. KA Wodzanowski, AM Kloxin, CL Grimes, “Designing 3D Synthetic Matrices for Studying Interactions
Between Bacterial Peptidoglycan and Macrophages in the Context of Immune Misrecognition
Diseases,” American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), June 2020. Contributed.
2. PJ LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Photodegradable hydrogels for protein delivery: Tuning degradation rates
through cleavage bond chemistry,” ACS National Meeting, March 2019, Orlando FL. Contributed.
3. PJ LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Stimuli-responsive hydrogel microparticle populations as a ‘plug and play’
model for creating controlled and tailorable therapeutic delivery,” AIChE National Meeting, November
2019, Orlando FL. Contributed.
4. AM Kloxin, LA Sawicki, EM Ovadia, “Designer synthetic extracellular matrices for probing breast cancer
cell activation in response to microenvironment cues,” National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research
Excellence, June 2018, Washington, DC. Contributed.
5. AM Hilderbrand, F Stanzione, J Condon, MA LaRue, A Jayaraman, AM Kloxin, “Understanding the
impact of non-natural amino acid incorporation on the assembly of multifunctional collagen mimetic
peptides,” American Chemical Society Fall Meeting, August 2017, Washington, DC. Contributed.
6. PJ LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Responsive hydrogels for tailored release of protein therapeutics,” American
Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, August 2017, Washington, D.C. Contributed.
7. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” Delaware ACS Student/Industry, April 2017,
Newark, DE. Contributed.
8. ME Smithmyer, JP Spohn, AM Kloxin, “Design of multidimensional culture systems for probing the role
of integrin binding in fibroblast activation,” Society for Biomaterials, April 2017, Minneapolis, MN.
9. EM Ovadia, AM Kloxin, “Engineered environments for modulating iPSC function and fate in three-
dimensional culture,” ACS Spring National Meeting, April 2017, San Francisco, CA. Contributed.
10. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, "Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence," Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar at University
of Washington, August 2016, Seattle, WA. Invited award lecture.
11. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, "Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence," Gordon Research Conference: Signal Transduction
by Engineered Extracellular Matrices, June 2016, Biddeford, ME. Invited.
12. ME Smithmyer, AM Kloxin, "Development of a biomimetic culture model with independently tunable
matrix stiffness and integrin binding for studying cell-matrix interactions in lung fibrosis," National IDeA
Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence, June 2016, Washington, D.C. Contributed.
13. ME Smithmyer, AM Kloxin, “Examining fibroblast response to multiple microenvironment cues in culture
models of varying complexity,” World Biomaterials Congress, May 2016, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
14. EM Ovadia, DW Colby, AM Kloxin, “Controlling differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into
neurons in well-defined, hydrogel-based microenvironments,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2016,
San Diego, CA. Contributed.
15. C Guo, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Mimicking collagenous tissues with dynamically controlled
hydrogels through peptide self-assembly and light-mediated click chemistry,” ACS Spring National
Meeting, March 2016, San Diego, CA. Contributed.
16. M Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Extracellular matrix-mimetic chemical and physical cues for promoting human
mesenchymal stem cell tenogenic gene expression,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2016, San
Diego, CA. Contributed.
17. LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Design of degradable biomaterials for controlling
cellular microenvironments in vitro and in vivo,” AIChE Fall National Meeting, November 2015, Salt Lake
City, UT. Contributed.
18. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Design of thiol–ene hydrogels using facile techniques for studying breast cancer
dormancy,” Biomedical Engineering Society, October 2015, Tampa, FL. Contributed.
19. PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Reducing-environment sensitive synthetic hydrogels for controlled
drug delivery,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2015, Denver, CO.
Selected for Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium.
20. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” AIChE Fall National Meeting, November 2014,
Atlanta, GA. Contributed.
21. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Promoting ligamentogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in
controlled microenvironments,” ACS Spring National Meeting, March 2014, Dallas, TX. Contributed.
22. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Promoting Ligamentogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in
Controlled Microenvironments,” AIChE Fall National Meeting, November 2013, San Francisco, CA.
23. AM Kloxin, “Responsive biomaterials for dynamic cell culture and regenerative medicine,” Smart
Materials CIMTEC, June 2012, Montecatini Terme, Italy. Contributed.
24. AM Kloxin, “Responsive hydrogels for probing how microenvironment structure and geometry influence
cell phenotype,” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring National Meeting, April 2012, San Francisco,
CA. Contributed.
25. AM Kloxin, “Synthetic Approaches to Designing Responsive Hydrogels for Dynamic Cell Culture,”
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) National Meeting, October 2011, Minneapolis, MN.
Poster Presentations (June 2011-present)
1. SE Cassel, ME Smithmyer, CC Deng, PJ LeValley, BS Sumerlin, AM Kloxin. “Co-culture of Lung
Fibroblasts and Breast Cancer Cells in Boronic Acid-Based Hydrogels,” Society for Biomaterials Annual
Meeting, April 2019, Seattle, WA.
2. SE Cassel, AM Kloxin. “Optimizing use of a temporal reporter as a tool to investigate dynamic changes in
cell behavior,” Delaware IDeA Symposium, November 2019, Newark DE.
3. KA Wodzanowski, KE DeMeester, L Pradhan, CL Grimes, AM Kloxin. “Engineering Biomaterials for the
Identification of Bacterial Cell Wall Fragments Involved in Initiating an Immune Response,” 12th Annual
NIH and FDA-wide Glycosciences Research Day, July 2019, Bethesda, MD.
4. SE Cassel, ME Smithmyer, CC Deng, PJ LeValley, BS Sumerlin, AM Kloxin. “Co-culture of Lung
Fibroblasts and Breast Cancer Cells in Boronic Acid-Based Hydrogels,” Frontier in Chemistry and Biology
Interface Symposium (FCBIS), April 2019, Bethesda, MD.
5. EM Ovadia, LA Sawicki, L Pradhan, AM Kloxin, “Investigating breast cancer dormancy in response to
microenvironment cues with well-defined synthetic extracellular matrices,” San Antonio Breast Cancer
Symposium, December 2018, San Antonio, TX.
6. LA Sawicki, EM Ovadia, PJ LeValley, KL Wiley, AM Kloxin, “Designing and utilizing synthetic
extracellular matrices to probe breast cancer cell activation in response to microenvironment cues,”
Engineering Conferences International (ECI) Nanotechnology in Medicine II, June 2018, Albufeira,
7. LA Sawicki, EM Ovadia, AM Kloxin, “Probing breast cancer cell activation in response to extracellular
cues using well-defined synthetic microenvironments,” San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December
2017, San Antonio, TX.
8. H Ball, P LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices Utilizing Stereolithographic 3D
Printing,” American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICHE) National Meeting, October 2017,
Minneapolis, MN.
9. E Ovadia, K Wiley, A Kloxin, “Visible light photoinitiation of poly(ethylene) glycol hydrogels,” ACS
National Meeting, August 2017, Washington, DC.
10. H Ball, P LeValley, AM Kloxin, “Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices Utilizing Stereolithographic 3D
Printing,” University of Delaware Undergraduate Research and Service Scholar Celebratory Symposium,
August 2017, Newark, DE.
11. M LaRue, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Investigating if Amino Acid Position within Collagen Mimetic
Peptides Affects Triple Helix Stability,” University of Delaware Undergraduate Research and Service
Scholar Celebratory Symposium, August 2017, Newark, DE.
12. O Walker Jr., AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin "Creating and characterizing artificial collagen gels for
comparison to natural collagen, University of Delaware High School Internship Poster Presentation and
Program Finale, August 2017, Newark, DE.
13. E Eastburn, EM Ford, R Locke, M Killian, AM Kloxin, “Investigating multifunctional collagen-mimetic
materials to promote regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues,” University of Delaware Undergraduate
Research and Service Scholar Celebratory Symposium, August 2017, Newark, DE.
14. E Ford, AM Hilderbrand, C Guo, AM Kloxin, “Incorporating hierarchical structure within hydrogel
biomaterials using multifunctional collagen mimetic peptides,” Center for Biomechanical Engineering
Research Biomechanics Research Symposium, May 2017, Newark, DE.
15. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, "Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence," Delaware ACS Student/Industry, April 2017,
Newark, DE. Contributed.
16. M LaRue, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Mimicking the structure of the extracellular matrix using
collagen mimetic peptides,” University of Delaware Undergraduate Research and Service Scholar
Celebratory Symposium, August 2016, Newark, DE. Contributed.
17. C Mourafetis, W Chen, AM Kloxin, “Constructing Spatially Organized Hydrogels for Controlled Protein
Release,” University of Delaware Undergraduate Research and Service Scholar Celebratory Symposium,
August 2016, Newark, DE. Contributed.
18. AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Multifunctional biomimetic materials with structural complexity,” World
Biomaterials Congress, May 2016, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Contributed.
19. EM Ovadia, DW Colby, AM Kloxin, “Controlling differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into
neurons in well-defined, hydrogel-based microenvironments,” Delaware IDeAs 2016, February 2016,
Newark, DE. Contributed.
20. AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Biomaterials with multiscale structural complexity,” Delaware IDeAs
2016, February 2016, Newark, DE. Contributed.
21. C Guo, AM Hilderbrand, AM Kloxin, “Hydrogels with structural complexity provided by multifunctional
collagen mimetic peptides,” Neutron Day, November 2015, Newark, DE. Contributed.
22. MF Dezendorf, MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Engineering Strategies for Local Control of Protein Release
and Production for Regenerative Medicine Applications,” Undergraduate Research and Service Celebratory
Symposium, August 2015, Newark, DE. Contributed.
23. LA Sawicki, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Responsive biomaterials for controlling cellular
microenvironments,” GRC Polymers: Inventive Synthesis for Innovative Technologies, June 2015, South
Hadley, MA. Contributed.
24. CJ Reeves, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Degradable hydrogels for controlled delivery of therapeutics,”
Undergraduate Research and Service Celebratory Symposium, August 2015, Newark, DE. Contributed.
25. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” Annual COBRE Retreat, March 2015, Newark, DE.
26. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Role of the Microenvironment in
Regulating Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, September
2015, Bar Harbor, ME. Contributed.
27. LA Sawicki, C Guo, A Hilderbrand, PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, “Dynamic biomimetic microenvironments
for examining cancer recurrence,” Pew Scholars Annual Meeting, March 2015, Vieques, Puerto Rico.
28. PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Reducing-environment sensitive synthetic hydrogels for controlled
drug delivery,” Materials Science and Engineering Open House with ASME, University of Delaware,
February 2015, Newark, DE.
29. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Promoting Ligamentogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in
Controlled Microenvironments,” BMES, October 2014, San Antonio, TX. Contributed.
30. PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, "Reducing-environment sensitive synthetic hydrogels for controlled
drug delivery", GRC Drug Carriers in Medicine & Biology, August 2014, Waterville Valley, NH.
31. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Synthetic microenvironments to understand breast cancer dormancy and
recurrence,” GRC Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices, July 2014, Waltham, MA.
32. PM Kharkar, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Glutathione Sensitive Hydrogels For Controlled Drug Delivery,”
Society for Biomaterials National Meeting, April 2014, Denver, CO. Contributed.
Recognized by Poster Award (2
place) from Proteins and Cells at Interfaces Special Interest Group
33. PM Kharkar, RC Kennel, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “Thiol-sensitive Hydrogels For Controlled Drug
Delivery,” Materials Science and Engineering Open House with ASME, University of Delaware, February
2014, Newark, DE.
34. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Microenvironment’s Role in Regulating
Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” MRS Fall National Meeting, December 2013, Boston, MA.
35. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Promoting Ligamentogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in
Controlled Microenvironments,” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, August 2013, Newark, DE.
36. LA Sawicki, AM Kloxin, “Tunable Hydrogels to Understand the Microenvironment’s Role in Regulating
Breast Cancer Dormancy and Recurrence,” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, August 2013, Newark,
DE. Contributed.
37. PM Kharkar, RC Kennel, AM Kloxin, KL Kiick, “Microenvironment-responsive injectable hydrogels for
controlled drug delivery,” Northeast Regional IDeA Conference, August 2013, Newark, DE. Contributed.
38. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Biochemical Cues for Directing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function for
Ligament Repair,” Mid-Atlantic Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium, May 2013, College Park, MD.
39. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Biochemical Cues for Directing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function for
Ligament Repair,” University of Delaware Annual Biomechanics Research Symposium, May 2013,
Newark, DE.
40. PM Kharkar, KL Kiick, AM Kloxin, “Multimode degradable hydrogels for controlled drug delivery,”
Materials Science and Engineering Open House with ASME, University of Delaware, February 2013,
Newark, DE.
41. MS Rehmann, LS Sawicki, E Macedo, AM Kloxin, “Dynamic materials for examining the role of the cell
microenvironment in cell fate,” Macromolecular Materials Gordon Research Conference, January 2013,
Ventura, CA.
42. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Biochemical Cues for Directing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function for
Ligament Repair,” National IDeA Symposium for Biomedical Research Excellence, June 2012,
Washington, DC. Poster.
Recognized as a Featured Poster in Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering session
43. MS Rehmann, AM Kloxin, “Biochemical Cues for Directing Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function for
Ligament Repair,” Mid-Atlantic Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium, April 2012, Philadelphia, PA.
Oral Presentations (prior to June 2011)
§ AM Kloxin, MW Tibbitt, LA Sawicki, and KS Anseth In situ property control of step- and chain-growth
PEG hydrogels via photolytic degradation,” 32
Annual Australasian Polymer Symposium, February 2011,
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, H Wang, SM Haeger, MW Tibbitt, and KS Anseth “In situ manipulation of microenvironment
modulus to examine its influence on cell fate,” AIChE National Meeting, November 2010, Salt Lake City,
UT. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, MW Tibbitt, and KS Anseth “Photodegradable gels for studying the influence of gel structure
on cell function,” Macro2010: 43rd IUPAC World Polymer Congress - Polymer Science in the Service of
Society, July 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, JA Benton, MW Tibbitt, and KS Anseth “Phototunable hydrogels for external manipulation of
cell microenvironments,” Pacific Polymer Conference, December 2009, Cairns, Australia. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, JA Benton, MW Tibbitt, and KS Anseth In situ control of hydrogel modulus with light to
direct cell phenotype,” AIChE National Meeting, November 2009, Nashville, TN. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, JA Benton, AL Banaszek, and KS Anseth, “Controlled photolytic degradation of PEG-based
hydrogel surfaces to examine the effect of stiffness on valvular interstitial cells,” World Biomaterials
Congress, May 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, CN Salinas, and KS Anseth, “Photoresponsive PEG-based 3D cell culture
platforms,” ACS Spring National Meeting, April 2008, New Orleans, LA. Polymer Chemistry Division
Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, CN Salinas, and KS Anseth, “Photoresponsive PEG-based hydrogels as niches to
tailor biochemical cue presentation for tissue engineering applications,” MRS Spring National Meeting,
March 2008, San Francisco, CA. Contributed.
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, and KS Anseth, Controlled photolytic degradation of PEG-based hydrogels to
direct cell behavior,” Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) National Meeting, September 2007, Los
Angeles, CA. Contributed.
Poster Presentations (prior to June 2011)
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, and KS Anseth, “Controlled photolytic degradation of PEG-based hydrogels,” 3M
IUCRC Photopolymerization Symposium, April 2008, St. Paul, MN.
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, Jonathan Fairbairn, and KS Anseth, “Controlled photolytic degradation of PEG-
based hydrogels: bulk network mass loss, surface patterning, and modeling,” Photopolymerization
Fundamentals Conference, June 2007, Breckenridge, CO.
§ AM Kloxin, AM Kasko, Jonathan Fairbairn, and KS Anseth, Controlled degradation of photolabile PEG-
based hydrogels,” MRS Spring National Meeting, April 2007, San Francisco, CA.
Researchers mentored (reverse chronological order)
Graduate research assistants
1. DeVonte Moore, Chemistry and Biochemistry Ph.D. Student, UD spring 2019-
Awards: NIH Chemistry-Biology (CBI) Fellow
2. Kartik Bomb, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware spring 2019-
(co-advised with Prof. Catherine Fromen)
3. Phillip Taylor, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware spring 2018-
(co-advised with Prof. Arthi Jayaraman)
Awards: NIH CBI Fellow
4. Kimberly Wodzanowski, Chemistry and Biochemistry Ph.D. Student, UD spring 2018-
(co-advised with Prof. Catherine Grimes)
Awards: NIH CBI Fellow
ASBMB 2020 Graduate Student Travel Award
5. Samantha Cassel, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware fall 2017-
Awards: Robert L. Pigford Teaching Assistant Award, 2020
Graduate Student Travel Award, 2019
6. Eden Ford, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware fall 2015-
Research: Multifunctional collagen mimetic materials for regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues
Awards: NSF IGERT Fellow in Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments
7. Paige LeValley, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2015-2019
Research: Responsive hydrogel-based particles for controlled therapeutic delivery
Awards: Phillip and Ruth Evans Chemical Engineering Fellowship
UD Dissertation Fellowship
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Award
Fraser and Shirley Russell Teaching Fellowship
AIChE 8B Biomaterials Graduate Student Award Session, Second place, November 2019
Current: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware
8. Katherine Wiley, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2015-2020
Research: Design of dynamic synthetic extracellular matrices for studying cell activation
Awards: NSF IGERT Fellow in Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments
Fraunhofer Exchange Program 2016
Fraser and Shirley Russell Teaching Fellowship
Current: Merck
9. Adam Faranda, Bioinformatics M.S. Student, University of Delaware 2017-2019
Research: Identifying molecular signatures in breast cancer dormancy and recurrence (co-advised with Prof.
Cathy Wu)
Current: Ph.D. Student, Bioinformatics, University of Delaware
10. Amber Hilderbrand, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2013-2019
Research: Design of multifunctional collagen mimetic materials
Awards: Collins Fellowship
Fraser and Shirley Russell Teaching Fellowship
Current: Merck
11. Elisa Ovadia, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2013-2018
Research: Extracellular and intracellular engineering approaches for probing stem cell fate
Awards: ACS BIOT Travel Award
Collins Fellowship
Current: Kite Pharma
12. Megan Smithmyer, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2012- 2018
Dissertation: Investigating fibroblast activation in response to extracellular cues using synthetic hydrogels
Awards: Best Poster, 8
Annual Frontiers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium
Current: Fogarty Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and University of Zambia
13. Lisa Sawicki, CBE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2011- 2017
Dissertation: Design and characterization of tunable hydrogels to examine microenvironmental regulation
of breast cancer recurrence
Awards: Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar at University of Washington 2016
Outstanding Poster at GRC Signal Transduction in Engineered Extracellular Matrices 2016
Milliken Graduate Research Symposium 2016
NSF IGERT Fellow in Systems Biology of Cells in Engineered Environments
UD Graduate Fellow (declined due to timing overlap with IGERT)
Schipper Fellowship
Current: Sutro Biopharma
14. Matthew Rehmann, CBE Ph.D. Student, NIH CBI Fellow, University of Delaware 2011-2016
Dissertation: Engineering synthetic hydrogels for directing adult stem cell function for ligament repair
Awards: NIH Chemistry-Biology (CBI) Fellow
Saurabh A. Palkar Graduate Award for Mentoring from the UD College of Engineering
Current: Bristol-Myers Squibb
15. Prathamesh Kharkar, MSE Ph.D. Student, University of Delaware 2011-2016
Dissertation: Design of multimodal degradable hydrogels for controlled therapeutic delivery (co-advised
with Prof. Kristi Kiick)
Awards: Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research, ACS POLY Spring 2015
Poster Award (2
place), SFB 2014 Proteins and Cells at Interfaces SIG
Outstanding Graduate Student Service Award from MSE Department
Featured on LabTV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAETtEr187k)
Current: KCI / Acelity Inc.
Postdoctoral scholars
1. Dr. Paige LeValley, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2020-
2. Dr. Bryan Sutherland, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2020-
3. Dr. Lina Pradhan, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2017-
4. Dr. Amber Hilderbrand, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2019-
Current: Merck
5. Dr. Raghupathi Neelarapu, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2018
Current: Adesis
6. Dr. Srimoyee Dasgupta, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2017-2018
Current: Adesis
7. Dr. Lisa Sawicki, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware spring 2017
Current: Sutro Biopharma
8. Dr. Chen Guo, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Delaware 2014-2016
Awards: Outstanding Presentation Award from “Dynamic and Tunable Biomaterials Symposium” in the
ACS PMSE national meeting spring 2016
Current: University of Minnesota
Visiting scholars
1. Marc Rabionet, Visiting Scientist from University of Girona, Ph.D. Student spring-summer 2020
1. Derek Bischoff, Research Assistant, Materials Science & Engineering, UD summer 2019
Awards: UNIDEL Award
2. Dr. Katrin Kramer, University of Otago, Research Fellow spring 2019
3. DeVonte Moore, NIH CBI Research Rotation, Chemistry Ph.D. Student spring 2019
4. Phillip Taylor, NIH CBI Research Rotation, Chemistry Ph.D. Student spring 2018
5. Katherine Nelson, NIH CBI Research Rotation, Chemistry Ph.D. Student spring 2018
6. Kimberly Wodzanowski, NIH CBI Research Rotation, Chemistry Ph.D. Student winter 2018
7. Laura Macdougall, University of Warwick, Chemistry Ph.D. Student fall 2017
Award: Researcher Mobility Grant, Royal Society of Chemistry
8. Brielle Hayward-Piatkovskyi, NIH CBI Research Rotation, Biology Ph.D. Student fall 2017
9. Orlando Walker, K-12 Engineering High School Intern summer 2017
10. Andrew Gaynor, NIH CBI Research Rotation, CHEG Ph.D. Student winter 2015
11. Carolin Hartwig, Fraunhofer Visiting Scholar, M.S. student Dresden University summer 2013
Project: “Directing stem cell differentiation with biomimetic materials”
12. Bansri Patel, High School Researcher, BioGENEius Program 2012
Awards: Gold Medal in 10
Grade Fair, 1
Place Medicine & Health Category; 1
Place Philadelphia
Drug Exchange Award; and DE BioGENEius Challenge Honorable Mention
Current: University of Pittsburgh Guaranteed Admission Program in Medicine
Undergraduate research assistants
1. Sean McEvoy, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2019-
1. Alpha Gassama, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Maryland summer 2019
Awards: NSF REU Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at UD Summer 2019
2. Christopher Calo, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2017-2019
Awards: 2nd Place Materials Engineering and Sciences Poster Session at AIChE 2018
NSF REU University of Colorado, Boulder, Summer 2018
Current: Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder
3. Rebecca Huber, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2017-2019
Awards: NSF REU Colorado State University Summer 2017
NSF IRES Program Summer 2018
Current: Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
4. Emily Eastburn, Undergraduate Research Assist., Georgia Institute of Technology summer 2017, 2018
Awards: NSF REU Dare to Be First UD Summer 2017
Current: Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania
5. Harrison Ball, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2017-2018
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellow 2017
Current: Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan
6. Mark LaRue, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2016-2018
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellow 2016 and 2017
Current: Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories at Merck & Co.
7. Joseph Spohn, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2016-2017
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellow 2016
Current: Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories at Merck & Co.
8. Christopher Bresette, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2015-2017
Senior Thesis: Incorporating cyclic peptides into hydrogel-based cell culture models
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellow 2015
Current: Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
9. Christine Mourafetis, NSF REU, University of Delaware summer 2016
10. Mingrui Yang, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2015-2016
11. Cody Reeves, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2014-2016
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Scholar 2015
UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Fellow 2014
Current: University of Virginia Law School
12. Morgan Dezendorf, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2015
Awards: UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Scholar 2015
13. Elaine Stewart, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2015
Awards: NASA Intern 2015, Kennedy Space Center
14. Rachel Kennel, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2013-2015
Awards: UD Research Foundation Summer Scholar
Current: DeNovix
15. Haoze Yang, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware summer 2014
16. William Balance, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2013-2014
Awards: UD HHMI Summer Scholar
Current: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
17. Kelsi Skeens, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2013-2014
Senior Research: Examining structure-property relationships in tunable hydrogels towards improved mesh
size determination
Awards: Fraser and Shirley Russell Summer Scholar
Current: Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
18. Michael Dummeldinger, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2013-2014
Senior Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of collagen-mimicking hydrogels to examine lung fibrosis
Awards: Donald W. Harward Fellows Award
UD Undergraduate Research Program Summer Scholar
Current: Bristol-Myers Squibb
19. Bhavin Gala, Undergraduate Assistant, University of Delaware 2013
20. Eric Macedo, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2011-2013
Senior Research: Probing the Role of Alignment in the Differentiation of hMSCs into Ligament Fibroblasts
Awards: UD HHMI Summer Scholar
Current: CB&I
21. Andrew Garibian, Undergraduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware 2012
Current: Brakchem America
Courses instructed ([number enrolled])
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
§ CHEG445 [60] Chemical Engineering Senior Laboratory (co-taught with Josh Enszer) (core) Fall 2020
§ CHEG332 [80] Chemical Engineering Kinetics (co-taught with Aditya Kunjapur) (core) Fall 2019
§ CHEG332 [80] Chemical Engineering Kinetics (co-taught with Raul Lobo) (core) Fall 2018
§ CHEG867-013 [12] Experimental Methods in Biomolecular Engineering (elective) Spring 2018
§ CHEG332 [90] Chemical Engineering Kinetics (co-taught with Raul Lobo) (core) Fall 2017
§ CHEG342 [89] Heat and Mass Transfer (co-taught with Millicent Sullivan) (core) Spring 2017
§ CHEG432 [15] Chemical Engineering Design (co-advised with Matt Decker) (core) Spring 2016
§ CHEG600/MSEG630 [44] Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering
(co-taught with Arthi Jayaraman) (elective) Fall 2015
§ CHEG342 [92] Heat and Mass Transfer (co-taught with Wilfred Chen) (core) Spring 2015
§ CHEG600/MSEG630 [40] Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering
(co-taught with Arthi Jayaraman) (elective) Fall 2014
§ CHEG342 [91] Heat and Mass Transfer (core) Spring 2014
§ CHEG342 [80] Heat and Mass Transfer (co-taught with Maciek Antoniewicz) (core) Spring 2013
§ CHEG600/MSEG630 [31] Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering (elect.) Fall 2012
§ CHEG600/MSEG630 [24] Introduction to Polymer Science and Engineering
(co-taught with Thomas Epps) (elective) Fall 2011
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
§ GEEN1400 [30] First-Year Engineering Projects (co-taught with Kristi Anseth) (core) Fall 2009
Guest lectures
§ NSF SBE2 IGERT Course (elective) 2013-2017
§ MEEG 484 Biomaterial and Tissue Engineering (elective) 2012
Community outreach and service
§ Mentor, NSF Early Career Workshop 2019
§ Mimicking Nature kiosk, Partnership with Delaware Museum of Natural History 2015-2016, 2019
o https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2019/april/april-kloxin-delaware-museum-of-natural-history/
§ Panelist, NSF Future Faculty Workshop 2018, 2019
o https://www.udel.edu/udaily/2018/august/thomas-epps-lashonda-korley-host-future-faculty-
o http://www.engr.udel.edu/news/2018/08/developing-diverse-leaders/
§ Community outreach activities of research group include
o Tutoring of middle school students (math at Serviam Girls Academy in New Castle, DE, through
UD Women in Engineering; math at Shue-Medill Middle School in Newark, DE, through
Colburn Club Outreach Group)
o Science demonstrations (Shue-Medill Middle School in Newark, DE, through Colburn Club
Outreach Group)
o Student-led Founding of and Mentoring in “Empathetic Peers Offering Wisdom Encouragement
and Resources (EmPOWER) Program” in UD Department of Chemical & Biomolecular
§ Engagement with the popular press
o https://www.delawarepublic.org/post/biomimicry-exhibit-encourages-kids-see-nature-new-ways
o https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/10/13/advocates-funding-lifts-breast-
o http://www.wdel.com/news/video-university-of-delaware-researcher-hopes-to-find-a-
§ UD Rise and Science WVUD 91.3 FM weekly radio show 2016-
UDRiseAndScience.com, Faculty advisor
§ Biomimicry summer camp module summer camp module, Summer 2016
Partnership with UD K-12 Engineering
§ Family Friday event, Partnership with UD K-12 Engineering March 2016
Program, Friday dinner and Saturday lunch event with hands-on learning activities
§ Hacking Biology summer camp module, Partnership with UD College of Engineering Summer 2015
K-12 Outreach Program
§ Presenter, UD on the Hill March 2015
§ Panelist, UD New Faculty Orientation February 2015
§ Panelist, AIChE Women’s Initiative Committee Assistant Professor Career Panel Fall 2014
§ Presenter, UD Women in Engineering “Meet Your Faculty Lunch” Fall 2014
§ Panelist, Alpha Omega Epsilon High School Visitation Day Spring 2014
§ Student-led weekly science-themed radio program Science Rocks! 2014-2017
§ Faculty Host for the High School Weekday Visit Program College of Engineering Spring 2013
§ Faculty Representative, UD Decision Days Spring 2013
§ Lecturer, UD Governor’s School Summer 2012
§ “What is Engineering” video, presented at Blue Rocks Science Day (3,000 students) Spring 2012
§ UD Halloweengineering – Engineering discovery for K-12 students & parents Fall 2011
§ Faculty Representative, University of Delaware Discovery Days 2011, 2012
Professional Service
Conference organization
1. BioFrontiers Symposium, Regenerative BioX, Working Group Leader Summer 2018
2. Engineering Conferences International (ECI) in Medicine, Session Chair Summer 2018
3. ACS BIOT Area Coordinator “Biomedical and Emerging Technologies” Symposium Spring 2018
4. ACS PMSE Session Presider in “Dynamic Chemistry in Polymer Materials” Symposium Fall 2017
5. 10th Annual Frontiers in Chemistry and Biology Interface Symposium, Co-organizer 2017
6. AIChE Division 8B Biomaterials, Chair 2016-2017
7. AIChE Division 8B Biomaterials, Co-Chair 2015-2016
8. Pew Scholars Annual Meeting 2016 Co-organizer 2015-2016
9. ACS POLY Symposium Co-organizer “Tunable and Dynamic Biomaterials” Spring 2016
Co-sponsored by SFB
10. AIChE Session Co-organizer “Biomaterials for in Vitro Tissue Models” Fall 2015
11. GRC Discussion Leader “Polymers: Inventive Synthesis for Innovative Technologies” June 2015
12. SFB Symposium Co-organizer “Advanced Hydrogels with Hierarchal Structures Spring 2015
for Biological Applications”
13. ACS BIOT Area Coordinator “Emerging Technologies” Symposium Spring 2015
14. AIChE Session Co-organizer “Biomaterials: Future Faculty” Fall 2014
15. SFB Symposium Co-organizer and Moderator “Biomaterials in the 4th Dimension Spring 2014
- Controlling Temporal Properties”
16. ACS Session Organizer and Moderator “Emerging Technologies in Stem Cells Spring 2014
and Tissue Engineering”
17. AIChE Session Organizer “Biomimetic Materials I&II” and “Biomaterials: Future Faculty” Fall 2013
18. MRS Symposium Organizer “Synthetic tools for understanding biological phenomena” Fall 2013
Funded by NSF, 3M, Biomaterials Science, Journal of Visual Experiments,
University of Rochester, IUPUI, and University of Delaware
19. ACS Symposium Organizer “Bottom-up design of the next generation of biomaterials Spring 2013
Funded by NSF, Aldrich Materials Science, TOSOH BIOSCIENCE, ACS POLY
20. GRC Discussion Leader “Macromolecular Materials” January 2013
21. AIChE Session Organizer “Hydrogel Biomaterials” and “Spatially Patterned Biomaterials” Fall 2012
22. ACS PMSE Session Presider “Polymeric Biomaterials” August 2012
23. Polymer Networks 2012 Conference Co-organizer and Session Presider August 2012
24. AIChE Session Co-organizer “Challenges in Biomaterials Synthesis” Fall 2011
Review panels
§ NIH, ad hoc study section member 2018-
§ UD Research Office, ad hoc reviewer 2014-
§ NSF panels, ad hoc panel member and ad hoc reviewer 2013-
Journal boards
§ Editorial Advisory Board, Materials Advances 2020-
§ Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020-
§ Editorial Advisory Board, Biomaterials Science 2019-
§ Editorial Advisory Board, Biomacromolecules 2019-
§ Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Macro Letters 2018-
§ Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2014-
§ Peer Review Board member, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) 2011-2014
Peer reviewer (>50 journals) including
Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Science Advances, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
ACS Macro Letters, Acta Biomaterialia, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, Advanced
Healthcare Materials, Advanced Biosystems, Angewandte Chemie, Biomacromolecules, Biomaterials,
Biomaterials Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Journal of Polymer Science Polymer Chemistry,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Journal of Visual
Experiments, Langmuir, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Macromolecules, Osteoarthritis and
Cartilage, PLoS ONE, Polymer, Polymer Chemistry, RSC Advances, Soft Matter, Tissue Engineering
University of Delaware
University level
§ Mentor, UD NSF CAREER Bootcamp 2020
§ Cost Recovery Committee 2019-
§ Executive Committee, UD CBI Program 2018-
§ UD University Biosafety Committee 2017-
§ Internal Steering Committee, 2014-
UD COBRE Molecular Design of Advanced Biomaterials
UD COBRE Discover of Chemical Probes and Therapeutic Leads
§ Chemistry & Biochemistry Faculty Search Committee, 2014-2015
UD COBRE Discovery of New Chemical Probes and Therapeutic Targets
§ Ad hoc member of UD Biomedical Engineering Faculty Search Committee 2014
§ Summer Scholars Selection Committee 2012, 2013
College level
§ Faculty Secretary, UD College of Engineering 2014-2016
§ Dean’s Search Committee, UD College of Engineering 2012-2013
Department level
§ Graduate Admissions Co-Director, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2019-
§ Staff Search Committee, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2019
§ Faculty Search Committee, Materials Science & Engineering 2018-2019
§ Undergraduate Studies Committee, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2017-
§ Academic advisor (~ 60 undergraduate students in total) 2011-
§ Faculty Search Committee, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2017-2018
§ Seminar Co-coordinator, UD Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2015-17
§ Seminar Coordinator, UD Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2012-13