Department of Entomology
University of Kentucky
Revised August 2023
The most up-to-date version is posted at
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 2
This handbook summarizes the main policies and procedures of the Graduate School and
describes the specific policies of the Department of Entomology Graduate Program.
The Graduate School rules (see the Graduate Catalog at apply
to all graduate students campus-wide and must be satisfied to obtain a graduate degree from any
department at the University of Kentucky. In the case of ambiguity or inconsistency, the
Graduate School policies supersede those documented in this handbook. Because Graduate
School policies and procedures occasionally change, it is the responsibility of the student to be
familiar with the most current policies, procedures, and deadlines of the Graduate School.
It is the responsibility of the Department and its faculty and staff to provide an atmosphere and
environment conducive to learning, productive graduate research, and professional development.
The Department of Entomology offers a PhD degree, an MS Plan A and an MS Plan B. The PhD
and the MS Plan A are research-based degrees. The MS Plan B is a non-thesis option. The MS
Plan B degree can be pursued on-campus or online. Coursework requirements and the general
benchmarks for each degree differ.
A broad array of research is conducted by the faculty in the Department of Entomology.
Although there are no formal research tracks within the Department, it may be useful for students
to communicate with their Advisory Committee about their career goals and their preferred
informal areas of specialization, which could include (but are not limited to):
Integrated Pest Management Insect-Plant Interactions
Biological Control Insect Physiology
Extension Entomology Urban Entomology
Urban Landscape Entomology Medical Entomology
Veterinary Entomology Chemical Ecology
Insect Behavior Systematics
Insect Ecology Overwintering Biology
Insect Pathology Forest Entomology
Molecular Biology Acarology
Evolution Evolutionary Ecology
Population Genetics Pollination biology
Social Insect Behavior Chemical Ecology
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 3
Applications must be submitted online to the University of Kentucky Graduate School
( The following items must be submitted electronically as
part of that application: transcripts, TOEFL scores (if applicable), a CV, a two-page statement
of interests, an unofficial copy of transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and the
application fee. GRE scores are not required for admission. Your two-page statement must
discuss (a) your reason for applying to an Entomology graduate program (b) your proposed
area(s) of specialization, and (c) which of our faculty members’ research programs are of most
interest to you, and why. For the potential success of your application, it is critical for you to
contact prospective faculty mentors before submitting your application.
Admission to the Graduate Program in Entomology is based on the support of a potential faculty
mentor and the recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies. Minimum admission
requirements include an overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and an overall
graduate GPA of 3.25. Applicants whose native language is not English must have a Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 79 on the TOEFL-iBT. A
minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System
(IELTS) may be used in lieu of a TOEFL score.
Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. These minimum requirements
may be waived in exceptional cases if additional evidence is presented regarding the ability of
the student to do graduate work. The Graduate Program Committee will be consulted when
minimum requirements are not satisfied. Admission to the Graduate Program in Entomology
does not automatically guarantee financial assistance to the student.
Applicants are considered for assistantships/fellowships when applications for admission are
reviewed. Applications can be submitted at any time, but later applicants may have a reduced
chance of receiving a fellowship or assistantship. Ideally, applications should be submitted prior
to February 1 for students planning to enroll for the Fall Semester and prior to October 1 for
those planning to enroll for Spring Semester.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 4
Research Assistantships – Research assistantships are competitive and are awarded on the basis
of merit. They are typically funded by grants awarded to faculty, but in some cases, they are
funded from departmental research funds. PhD and MS Plan A students are often provided
tuition funding and a stipend for living expenses. Students should consult with their advisor
about the duration of their funding and other expectations associated with their funding
mechanism. Funding sources, and the associated duties for the student may change over the
course of graduate study. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA, and they are required to pay all
other fees not covered by the Department.
With the exception of University-approved holidays, graduate students are expected to be
engaged in research and/or coursework throughout the year. There is no schedule for
accumulation of vacation days. A reasonable amount of leave time may be negotiated between
the student and Major Professor.
Graduate Research Assistants are part-time employees of the Department. In general, they will
work 20 hours per week performing duties as assigned by their Major Professor. They are
expected to work additional hours on their own research goals and coursework. The departmental
philosophy is that commitment and dedication are essential characteristics of a good graduate
student. An assistantship should provide the student with the opportunity to devote his/her full
attention to study and graduate research. Successful graduate work may require working on
evenings and weekends when necessary to meet objectives.
The thesis or dissertation is the student's own work; however, the research is almost always
consistent with the long-range objective of the Major Professor's research program. Non-thesis
research or participation in activities that enhance the student's educational experience may be
expected. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss the requirements and expectations related
to their assistantship with their advisor prior to accepting their graduate position. The work
requirements for a research assistantship are highly varied depending on the source of funds and
the needs of the advisor and department.
Teaching Assistantships – Teaching assistantships at the University of Kentucky are awarded on
a competitive basis and recipients are expected to assist in teaching, usually as laboratory
instructors, discussion leaders, and/or graders. Students interested in teaching opportunities
should consult with their Major Professor. Teaching assistants may assist with courses taught in
other departments when available. Informal teaching opportunities may also be available in the
Fellowships – are awarded to individuals to pursue full-time study toward an advanced degree.
There are no specific duties associated with fellowships nor are specific duties to be assigned to
individuals holding fellowships. However, all graduate students are expected to devote a major
portion of their time toward the requirements of their degree. Fellowships should be viewed as an
opportunity to devote oneself full-time to research, coursework, and professional development.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 5
The UK Graduate School awards a small number of highly competitive fellowships, normally
awarded to students with outstanding test scores, grades, and other criteria such as research
experience ( The availability, eligibility requirements,
nomination and selection process and date of application vary. If the fellowship stipend is not
equivalent to a research assistantship stipend, the fellowship may be supplemented within the
limits established by the Graduate School.
Students are encouraged to apply for pre-doctoral fellowships available from a range of federal
agencies (e.g., the NSF, NIH, and USDA) and foundations. Many of these fellowships are
available to current graduate students, and often come with research and travel monies in
addition to tuition waivers and living expense stipends. Students should consult with their
advisor about relevant opportunities.
Research funding – Students will need funding to complete their graduate research activities. In
many cases, advisors provide funding through grant money awarded to their laboratories.
Students should communicate with their advisor about available funds and the appropriate use of
research money and other laboratory resources. Students are encouraged to pursue outside
funding sources for research dollars beyond what is available through their advisors.
Criteria for Assistantship Awards – Evaluation for assistantships and fellowships is based on
academic record, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, academic honors and awards,
publications, and any other available information relevant to evaluating the academic potential of
the student. Since the number of available assistantships is usually less than the number of
qualified applicants, the requirements for assistantships normally exceed the requirements for
admission. Students having the best academic record and greatest potential for successfully
completing graduate work are given highest priority for assistantship support.
Duration of Assistantships -The Entomology Department does not have a standard guaranteed
duration of funding for all students because funding duration depends on the funding mechanism.
Assistantships must be formally renewed each year. The normative duration of assistantships are
as follows:
MS degree Plan A: Assistantships normally will terminate at the end of 2.5 years
PhD degree without previous MS: Assistantships normally terminate at the end of 5 years
PhD degree with prior MS: Assistantships normally terminate at the end of 4 years
Review of progress and termination of graduate studies – Assistantships are awarded on a 12-
month basis with renewal dependent on the student making satisfactory progress. Academic and
research progress will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. In addition, Major Professors are
required to assess student progress annually using the departmental Annual Review of Progress
of Graduate Students in Entomology form
Extension of Assistantships beyond the normative duration may be granted on a semester-by-
semester basis by the Major Professor and the Advisory Committee. Such an extension should be
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 6
supported by satisfactory progress noted on the annual review of progress.
Duration of fellowships – University fellowships are usually awarded for the academic year.
Some fellowships are renewable. External fellowships have variable durations set by the funding
Academic probation – Students who are placed on academic probation because of failure to
maintain a 3.0 GPA will automatically be placed on probation with respect to their Assistantship.
The Assistantship will be terminated if the student is not removed from academic probation after
one semester unless extenuating circumstances can be identified by the Major Professor and
approved by the DGS.
Students on academic probation and who are not official residents of Kentucky forfeit their
eligibility for out-of-state tuition scholarships, which means that full out-of-state tuition must be
paid by the student until the student is removed from academic probation.
Terminations of graduate studies – Normally, termination of a graduate student’s appointment is
recommended by the Advisory Committee, reviewed by the Departmental Graduate Program
Committee, and acted upon by the DGS. Reasons for termination include:
Failure of the PhD Qualifying Examination
Failure the Final Examination for the MS degree or the PhD Degree
Failure to make satisfactory research progress as determined by the Advisory Committee
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 7
Graduate Faculty – The Graduate Faculty consists of the Dean of the Graduate School, Associate
Deans of the Graduate School, and Full and Associate Graduate Faculty Members. Students
whose Major Professor is not a Full Member of the Graduate Faculty will need a Full Member to
co-chair their Advisory Committee.
Graduate Dean – The Dean of the Graduate School is charged with the administration of the
policies adopted by the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate relating to graduate studies.
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) – The DGS is a faculty member in the Entomology
Department appointed by the Graduate Dean. He/she administers the rules of the Graduate
School as they pertain to the graduate program of the department and serves as a liaison between
the Graduate Dean and the faculty and students of the program. Students should consult with the
DGS over concerns about course requirements and degree progress. The DGS and Department
Chair also serve as resources to handle graduate student concerns and mediate issues between
students and faculty members. They will also provide guidance to the student about his or her
options. In rare situations, these options may include a mutually agreed upon relocation to a
different research program within the Department if the conflict cannot be resolved.
Major Professor – The Major Professor advises the student on course work, chairs the Advisory
Committee, and serves as the Thesis or Dissertation Director.
Advisory Committee – Each student's program is guided by a Major Professor and an Advisory
Committee. The Advisory Committee is selected by the graduate student, in consultation with
their Major Professor. The DGS should be notified of the committee composition by the end of
the first semester of the student's tenure in the department. PhD Advisory Committees should be
formalized with the Graduate School during the first year of the program
( MS Advisory Committees
need to be registered with the Graduate School more than two weeks before the Final Exam
( PhD committees must
consist of at least four individuals with at least three of these being full members of the Graduate
Faculty. One of these committee members must be from a unit other than the Department of
Entomology. MS committees consist of at least three members of the Graduate Faculty with at
least one a full member of the Graduate Faculty.
The student will present their proposed course work and their research proposal to the
Committee for review and approval. The Advisory Committee will meet at least once per year
with the student.
For PhD students, the Advisory Committee helps to refine the research objectives, administers
the Qualifying Examination, reads and comments on the dissertation, and administers the
Dissertation Defense (final examination). For MS students, the Advisory Committee helps to
refine the research objectives and administers the Final Examination.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 8
Students must meet the minimum requirements established by the Graduate School (see the
Graduae Catalog at )
Research Benchmarks
1) Research proposal: Students are required to prepare a formal written research proposal
encompassing a thorough literature review, a clear statement of objectives, and materials and
methods of the project. MS Plan A students should complete this proposal by the end of Year
1, and PhD students by the end of Year 2.
2) Research proposal seminar: PhD and MS Plan A students must present a 20 to 30-minute
proposal seminar to the Department during the semester when the written research proposal is
submitted to the Advisory Committee. Advisory Committees for MS Plan B students may also
require a proposal seminar.
3) Exit seminar: MS Plan A students present a 20 - 30 min seminar on their degree work,
typically during their last semester. PhD students present a 50-minute seminar during their last
semester. August graduates will typically present their seminar in the preceding spring.
Advisory Committees for MS Plan B students may also require an exit seminar of 20 – 30
4) Practicum for MS Plan B. MS Plan B students provide a detailed outline of their practicum
to their Advisory Committee during their first year. Completion of the practicum requires 3 to
6 credit hours of ENT 780 or ENT 790 and a written report. It may consist of library research,
special problems, internships, etc., as agreed upon by the student and Major Professor, and
approved by the Advisory Committee.
5) Written Thesis or Dissertation. MS Plan A students and PhD students must submit a written
thesis (MS) or dissertation (PhD) to the Graduate School after it has been defended by the
student and approved by the Advisory Committee.
6) Archiving data: All graduate students are required to archive their research data. The DGS
will require documentation that this has been completed. If other digital mechanisms have not
been verified by the Major Professor, then a CD must be submitted to the DGS.
7) Voucher specimens: A graduate student will be required to place designated and
appropriately preserved voucher specimens in a proper collection if such documentation is
required by a member of the student’s Advisory Committee.
Enrollment Requirements
Until coursework is completed, graduate students must be enrolled in 9 graduate credit hours
(500 level courses or above) during Fall and Spring semesters to be considered full-time
students. Courses below the 500 level may be taken but will not count towards full-time status or
towards the other degree requirements. The exception to this is that courses designated "400G"
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 9
count towards full-time status if taken from a department outside of Entomology. The Graduate
School does not require graduate students to register during the summer unless specific courses
are taken. Further details on enrollment and residency requirements can be found in the online
Graduate School Catalog:
Once coursework is completed, registration and tuition requirements change. Master's
students must enroll in zero credit hours of ENT 748 each Fall and Spring semester to be counted
as a full-time student. PhD students who have passed their qualifying exams (and fulfilled their
residency requirements) must register for 2 credits of ENT 767 each Fall and Spring semester
until the dissertation is completed and successfully defended.
New MS Plan A requirement (students admitted for Spring 2020 and later):
MS (Plan A) students should enroll in ENT 768 (3 credit hours) in two semesters (total of 6
credit hours). These credit hours may be added on top of a regular 9 credit hour semester
Course Requirements
Credit hours:
1. MS (Plan A): 30 credit hours of graduate course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. These
a) 6 credit hours of ENT 768.
b) 24 credits of other graduate coursework. These must include 16 hours in regular courses
(excluding ENT 768, ENT 780, ENT 790). One-half of required coursework hours (at
least 12 hours) must be in the major area of study (ENT). One-half of required
coursework hours (at least 12 hours) must be at the 600 level or above.
2. MS (Plan B): 36 credit hours of graduate course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. These
must include 24 hours in regular courses (excluding ENT 780, ENT 790). 18 credit hours
must be in ENT. 18 credit hours must be at 600 or 700 level. The practicum must be a
minimum of 3 credit hours (of ENT 780 and 790) and a maximum of 6 credit hours.
3. PhD: 36 semester credit hours of graduate course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
All MS students and PhD students must satisfy the following core course requirements:
1. ENT 300 or an undergraduate course in general Entomology. NOTE: <500 level
courses do not count toward the 9 credit hours required to be a full-time graduate student.
2. STA 570 Basic Statistical Analysis or an equivalent level course approved by the
Advisory Committee. The following are some alternatives:
STA 580 Biostatistics I (3)
STA 671 Regression and correlation (2) and STA 672 Design and analysis of
experiments (2)
STA 681 Biostatistics II (3)
3. ENT 770 Seminar in Entomology, or an equivalent in another department approved
by the Advisory Committee. MS students must take two semesters of ENT 770, and
PhD students must take four. PhD students with an MS in Entomology must take four
semesters, unless they took more than two semesters during previous graduate work.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 10
4. Core Area Courses. PhD students as well as MS students using the Plan A option must
take a minimum of one course from two of the following core areas. MS students using
the Plan B option must take a minimum of one course from all three core areas:
Core Area 1: Insect Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
ENT 505 Evolution in Agriculture, Medicine and Conservation Biology.
ENT 564 Insect Taxonomy
ENT 568 Insect Behavior
ENT 625 Insect-Plant Relationships
ENT 660 Immature Insects
ENT 665 Insect Ecology
ENT 667 Invasive Species Biology
Core Area 2: Insect Molecular Biology, Physiology and Genetics
ENT 509 Brains & Buds: Neuroscience of Pollination
ENT 635 Insect Physiology
ENT 636 Insect Molecular Biology
Core Area 3: Pest Management and Applied Ecology
ENT 530 Integrated Pest Management
ENT 561 Insects Affecting Human and Animal Health
ENT 574 Advanced Applied Entomology
ENT 680 Biological Control
PhD requirements
PhD students must complete 36 credit hour (two years) residency requirement before their
qualifying exam. Students that have obtained a MS degree (from UK or another University)
before enrolling in our PhD program can request that their MS degree count for up to 18 credit
hours of residency requirement, allowing them to finish their pre-qualifying residency
requirements in two consecutive semesters.
Residency requirements may be completed in three years of full-time graduate work or the
equivalent in combined full-time and part-time study (see the Graduate School Bulletin for
specific residence requirements:
In all cases, an equivalent graduate-level course from another institution is acceptable upon
approval of the student’s Advisory Committee. Such approval will not decrease the minimum
number of credits required for residency or fulltime status but will instead permit the student to
take other courses.
For the PhD degree, additional specific course requirements (beyond the core requirements) are
determined by the Advisory Committee.
The student will be expected to have a general knowledge of entomology as well as the broad
areas of general biology, and statistics (particularly statistical or bioinformatic approaches
appropriate to the student’s research). The Advisory Committee has the responsibility of
verifying that the student has general knowledge in entomological areas, and in those areas
identified as areas for particular expertise. This evaluation can be achieved in Advisory
Committee meetings with the student, the written qualifying examination, or the oral qualifying
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 11
The PhD is conferred upon a candidate who after completing at least three years of graduate
work devoted to study of a special field of knowledge, passes a comprehensive examination on
his/her dissertation subject, presents a satisfactory dissertation, and shows evidence of scholarly
Some specific requirements for the PhD degree granted through the Department of Entomology
1. Each student must register for 2 credits of ENT 767 each Fall and Spring semester after
passing the Qualifying Examination. If all course work has been completed prior to the
semester of the Qualifying Examination, the student may also register for 2 credits of ENT
767 during the semester that he/she takes the Qualifying Examination. Registration for 2
credits of ENT 767 (once a student is eligible to register in this course) constitutes full-
time enrollment status. Please refer to the Graduate School Bulletin for details on post-
qualifying residency: .
2. Annual Progress Report – All graduate students will meet at least once per year with their
advisor for a discussion of the student’s progress. The advisor will complete the Annual
Review of Progress of Graduate Students in Entomology form, which is submitted to the
3. Qualifying Examination – The qualifying examination must be both written and oral and is
normally taken after the student's fourth semester of full-time graduate work or the
equivalent. Students will be tested on their knowledge of general biology, general
entomology, and statistics, and in-depth knowledge in the areas of particular expertise
identified at the student’s first Advisory Committee meeting.
a. The Written Examination. A written examination that precedes (typically two weeks
before) the oral examination is required by the Graduate School. The form of the
written qualifying examination is determined by the Advisory Committee. Two
common formats for the written exam include 1). written questions submitted by each
member of the advisory committee to the Major Professor, or 2). a grant proposal or a
review article. In the case of written question format, the examination is monitored by
the Major Professor over the course of five days. The requirements for the grant
proposal/review article format are set by the Advisory Committee.
b. The Oral Examination. The oral examination is scheduled through the Graduate
School, with the approval of the DGS ( The
request to schedule the exam must be submitted to the Graduate School at least two
weeks prior to the date of the exam. However, students are advised to schedule their
exam with their Advisory Committee at least three months prior to the exam date, to
avoid scheduling difficulties.
If the examination is failed, a student may repeat his/her qualifying examination only
with the permission of their Advisory Committee, the DGS and the Graduate Dean,
and only after a minimum of four months has passed. A student has no more than two
chances to pass a qualifying examination.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 12
4. Dissertation – Each student must present a dissertation that is the result of original
research. It must conform to instructions provided by the Graduate School.
5. Presenting the Dissertation and Final Examination. Procedures for presenting the
dissertation to the Advisory Committee and the Graduate School are as follows:
a. AT LEAST EIGHT WEEKS prior to the final examination, the student will submit
a Notification of the Intent to Schedule a Final Examination (Notif) form to the
Graduate School. The Major Professor must verify with the DGS that the dissertation
is sufficiently prepared to merit this action and the DGS must approve the Notif.
b. The Graduate Dean will appoint an Outside Examiner as a core member of the
Advisory Committee. See below regarding copy for Outside Examiner.
c. The Student will distribute a complete copy of the dissertation to members of the
Advisory Committee AT LEAST TWO WEEKS prior to the Final Examination.
d. The Final Examination involves primarily a defense of the dissertation including
knowledge of the literature, methods, results, statistics, and conclusions. Additional
broad, conceptual, or philosophical questions arising from discussion of the
dissertation research and the student's future also are appropriate. Exceptions to this
would be further examination of any deficiencies identified during the qualifying
examination that may be re-examined here. The Final Examination is conducted by
the Advisory Committee plus an Outside Examiner appointed by the Graduate
School. The examination is a public event. Any member of the University may attend.
e. The final copy of the dissertation is prepared after the Final Examination is passed.
Dissertations must be submitted to the Graduate School within 60 days of the Final
Exam. A degree will not be conferred until the Graduate School has received the final
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 13
Any graduate student in the Department of Entomology is eligible for a Publication Scholarship.
The goal of the Publication Scholarship is to encourage and reward excellence and efficiency.
We want to increase the number of graduate student publications that are submitted to and
accepted by quality journals before students leave the University of Kentucky. Such timely
publication benefits the student in terms of competition for professional positions. In addition,
graduate student publications are a criterion upon which our graduate program is assessed. The
intent of this scholarship is to reward students, not to cover the costs of publication.
1. The student’s Major Professor must nominate the student and a specific paper for a
2. Research reported in the manuscript must be part of an ongoing research project
conducted by the graduate student at the University of Kentucky.
3. The student must be the first author on the paper.
4. The scholarships are not available to students who have completed their degrees, or to
MS students who have been at the University of Kentucky for more than three
years, or to PhD students who have been here for more than five years.
Two types of scholarships are available:
a. Submission scholarship: To receive this scholarship a student’s manuscript must be
submitted to a refereed scientific journal. The journal must have a Science Citation Impact
Factor equal to or greater than the median Impact Factor in Entomology (1.1 in 2018). The
nomination of a substantial research publication submitted to an outlet not covered by
Science Citation will be considered on a case by case basis by the Awards Committee
based on a brief justification provided by the Major Professor. This justification should be
based on the impact of the journal. Please include a copy of a note indicating that the
manuscript has been received by the journal editor. A student may receive only one
submission scholarship per degree. Award $250.
b. Acceptance scholarship: To receive this scholarship a student’s manuscript must be
accepted by a refereed scientific journal. A note from an editor indicating that the
manuscript is accepted is adequate evidence. A note indicating that the manuscript is
accepted pending revisions is not adequate. The journal must meet the same standard that is
indicated above for a submission award. A student may receive more than one acceptance
scholarship, if adequate funds are available. Award $250.
Submit nomination to the Chair.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 14
A student's cumulative GPA must be at or above a 3.0 as established by the Graduate School. If a
student's GPA drops below 3.0 she/he is placed on probation. Following placement on probation,
a student is allowed one semester to achieve a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Enrollment of a graduate
student in the Entomology graduate program may be terminated for the following reasons (these
are not the same rules used for assistantship termination):
1. Academic probation for three enrolled semesters.
2. Having failed the final examination for the MS degree or the PhD qualifying
3. Unsatisfactory progress prior to the qualifying examination: Prior to the qualifying
examination, the PhD student will meet annually with their Advisory Committee for
review of his/her progress, course work, dissertation research, and other areas of
professional development. The student will be informed by the Major Professor in
writing of specific weaknesses requiring improvement. Those weaknesses considered
sufficient for possible termination will be reported to the Graduate School and a time
period established for correction and for another evaluation of the student. If a majority
of the Graduate Faculty of the Program feel the weaknesses have not been corrected by
the established time, a recommendation will be made to the Graduate School for
termination of the student's enrollment.
4. Unsatisfactory progress after the qualifying examination: After passing the qualifying
examination the candidate will meet annually with her/his Advisory Committee or more
often if deemed necessary. In a case where the Advisory Committee recommends
termination after the qualifying examination has been passed, the student may appeal to
the Chair, who in consultation with the Graduate Program Committee will make the final
The Department of Entomology has excellent facilities and equipment for graduate research. In
general, equipment is under the control of individual faculty members, however, most such
equipment is readily shared among faculty members and students. Consideration for the time and
property of others and knowledge of operation are essential for fostering cooperative use of
facilities and equipment. Use of equipment may be denied to individuals who do not properly
care for equipment and space.
All members of the Department should be familiar with the Departmental Code of
Conduct that is posted outside the main office. The primary basis for this document
comes from University policies (
Desk space will be assigned by the Department Chair.
Keys to appropriate office and laboratories can be obtained by asking the business office
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 15
staff in S-225.
A mailbox is provided for each student in Room S-225A. Students should check their
mailbox frequently. The campus address for this mailbox is Department of Entomology,
S225 AGN, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091.
A department calendar and a list of weekly departmental seminars are available on the
department web page: This calendar summarizes
important Graduate School dates and departmental events.
Departmental list-servs are a primary source of announcements and departmental
communications. Students should contact Brian Lauer at (bri[email protected]) or stop
by his office (S-205) to have their e-mail address added to the departmental list-servs.
Students are expected to check their e-mail regularly.
Departmental seminars are held at 330 PM on Thursdays (Cameron Williams Auditorium
in the Plant Sciences Building). Seminar guests include visiting scientists, graduate
students giving proposal and exit seminars, and career development speakers. All
students are expected to attend weekly Department of Entomology seminars and are
encouraged to attend seminars related to their subject matter interests given by other
Part of the faculty member's responsibility in accepting a graduate student advisee is to assist in
placing the student in a position at the completion of the degree program. This assistance is given
primarily in the form of recommendations. A student can expect a faculty member reference to
give an honest appraisal of the student's academic performance, attitude, work habits,
communication skills, grasp of subject matter, capability to conduct independent research, and
potential future performance. It is very important for a student to develop positive professional
relationships and to establish credibility with the Major Professor and members of the Advisory
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 16
Master's Degree, Plan A
Year 1
- Selection of Advisory Committee, preferably by the end of the first semester of tenure by
notifying DGS. At least one member of the Advisory Committee must be a Full Member of the
Graduate Faculty.
- Research proposal submitted to Advisory Committee
- Presentation of research proposal at Departmental Seminar
Correct number of hours/requirements for program (total 30 graduate credits)
- 12 credit hours must be at 600/700 level (12)
- 12 credit hours must be in the major area (12) and 9 credit hours at the 600 or 700 level.
- 16 credit hours must be in regular courses (16) (e.g., not including ENT 768, ENT 780 or ENT
- Register for ENT 768 (Residence credit for the Master’s degree) for two semesters during
studies (3 credit hours per semester, two semesters)
- Completion of core courses and seminar requirements listed earlier in this document
- Registration for 0 credits of ENT 748 each Fall and Spring semester after completing required
coursework. Registration for ENT 748 counts as full-time enrollment.
Preparation for graduation
- Obtain thesis guidelines from the Graduate School (available online).
- Presentation of exit seminar (during final semester; Spring Semester if graduating in August)
- Apply for graduation within 30 days after beginning of semester of expected graduation; 15
days in summer session– Submit Form online ( to Registrar
- Notify Graduate School of the composition of the Advisory Committee by scheduling the Final
Examination at This must be done at least two
weeks before examination date. This should be the same committee previously submitted to
the DGS.
- Submit copy of thesis to Advisory Committee at least two weeks prior to Final Examination.
- MS Final Examination
After successfully defending thesis
Archive research data. The DGS will require documentation that this has been completed. If
other digital mechanisms have not been verified by the Major Professor, then a CD must be
submitted to the DGS.
Place designated and appropriately preserved voucher specimens in a proper collection if such
documentation is required by a member of the student’s Advisory Committee.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 17
Master's Degree, Plan B
Year 1
- Selection of Advisory Committee, preferably by the end of the first semester of tenure
- At least one member of the Advisory Committee must be a Full Member of the Graduate
- Practicum proposal submitted to Advisory Committee
Correct number of hours/requirements for program (total 36 graduate credits)
- 1/2 of minimum requirements of credit hours must be at 600/700 level (18)
- 1/2 of minimum course work must be in the major area (ENT) (18)
- 2/3 of minimum requirements of credit hours must be in regular courses (24)
- Completion of core courses and seminar requirements listed earlier in this document
Preparation for graduation
- Apply for graduation within 30 days after beginning of semester of expected graduation; 15
days in summer session – Submit Form online ( to Registrar
- Submit copy of Practicum report to Advisory Committee at least two weeks prior to the Final
- Formal request to schedule final examination at least two weeks before exam date – Submit
form online to Graduate School
- MS Final Examination
Dr. Tonja Fisher is the Director of the On-line Plan B MS Program
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 18
PhD Degree
Year 1
- Form Advisory Committee
- Advisory Committee must consist of at least four Members of the Graduate Faculty (at least
three must be Full Members). One or two members of the Advisory Committee should be from
outside of Entomology. If the Major Professor is not a Full Member of the Graduate Faculty,
then a Co-Major Professor who is must be included.
- First meeting with Advisory Committee (define four areas of specialization)
- Written request to DGS for use of MS degree for 1 year of pre-qualifying residence (if
- Submit written research proposal to Advisory Committee (note some Advisory Committees
will have different expectations for timing of written proposal and proposal seminar)
Year 2
- Presentation of research proposal at Departmental seminar
- Completion of course and seminar requirements listed earlier in this document
- Two years residence, pre-qualifying requirement (i.e., physical presence and enrolled full time,
not a “residence course”)
- Agree with Advisory Committee about dates for the Qualifying Examination
- Schedule due date for written part of the qualifying examination with Advisory Committee
- Officially schedule oral qualifying examination two weeks (preferably more) prior to exam date
with the Graduate School (
After passing qualifying exam
- Register for 2 credits of ENT 767 each Fall and Spring semester after the Qualifying
Examination is successfully completed up to and including the semester in which you defend
your dissertation. You may enroll in ENT 767 the same semester in which you take your
qualifying examination but then you MUST take and pass your examination that semester; if
you do not, then you must drop ENT 767 and enroll in a full-time course load. You do not need
to enroll in ENT 767 during the summer, even if you defend your dissertation in the summer.
Preparation for graduation
- Obtain dissertation guidelines from the Graduate School (available online).
- Presentation of exit seminar (during final semester; Spring Semester if graduating in August)
- Application for graduation (via within 30 days of beginning of semester
of expected graduation; 15 days during Summer School
- Notification to Graduate School of intent to schedule Final Examination (8 weeks prior) –
Submit Form via
- Formal request to schedule final oral examination to Graduate School at least two weeks prior
to examination date – Submit Form via
After successfully defending dissertation
Archive research data. The DGS will require documentation that data has been archived in an
appropriate online repository, or a CD must be submitted to the DGS.
Place designated and appropriately preserved voucher specimens in a proper collection if such
documentation is required by a member of the student’s Advisory Committee.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 19
Ricardo Bessin
Stephen Dobson
Zachary DeVries
Julian Dupuis
Tonja Fisher
Charles Fox
David Gonthier
Nate Haan
Kenneth Haynes (Emeritus)
Beryl Jones
Jonathon Larson
John Obrycki (Emeritus)
Subba Reddy Palli
Daniel Potter (Emeritus)
Lynne Rieske-Kinney
Clare Rittschof
Brian Stevenson (Adjunct)
Zainulabeuddin (Zain) Syed
Nicholas Teets
Raul Villanueva
Bruce Webb (Emeritus)
Caleb Wilson
Jennifer White
Xuguo (Joe) Zhou
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 20
ENT 300 General Entomology. (3) Fundamentals of insect biology and relationships among
insects, plants, and other organisms; identification of commonly encountered insects.
Beneficial and detrimental effects of insects are discussed. Offered in fall only.
ENT 502 Forest Entomology. (3) Lectures primarily address principles and concepts.
Laboratories use a hands-on approach to demonstrate insect collecting and identification
techniques, ecological concepts and management approaches, and use of reference materials.
Offered in fall only.
ENT 509 Brains & Buds: Neuroscience of Pollination. (3) Pollinators have tremendous
agricultural and societal value, and to a neuroscientist, they showcase principles of cognition in
the real world. Pollinator species present exquisite examples of co-evolution, physiological and
dietary specialization, navigation in complex landscapes, collective decision-making processes,
and the behavioral consequences of environmental toxins and disease. In this course, we will
use pollinator species (honey bees and other insects, as well as vertebrate pollinators) to
explore how critical features of pollination intersect at the level of brain function, covering
important neuroscience topics including sensory ecology and evolution, neural energetics,
mechanisms of addiction and reward, molecular neuroscience, cognition, and learning and
memory. Prereq: Students must have at least Junior standing in a life sciences discipline, or
permission from instructor.
ENT 530 Integrated Pest Management. (3) Principles of insect damage, populations and
distributions. Various types of natural and applied control, including problems of insecticide
toxicity, resistance and residues.
ENT 550 Spider Ecology and Behavior. (3) Spiders are fascinating in their own right and are
major predators in terrestrial food webs. This course examines the ecology and behavior of
spiders as model predators in systems ranging from undisturbed forests and meadows to
agroecosystems and the urban landscape. While focusing on spiders, the course also
intertwines two general sub-themes: (1) the advantages of employing diverse approaches (e.g.
field and laboratory experiments, non-manipulative observations, and meta-analyses) in
ecological and behavioral research; and (2) the strengths, and limitations, of using model
organisms to develop and test theory.
ENT 561 Insects Affecting Human and Animal Health. (3) Discussion of arthropod parasites and
disease vectors. Topics include an overview of disease transmission and public health,
epidemiology, vector biology, important arthropod groups and their control. Prerequisite: 3
credits of basic biology (BIO 103 or BIO 148 or equivalent) or permission of instructor. (Same
as BIO/CPH 561.) Offered in fall – odd years.
ENT 563 Parasitology. (4) Protozoan, helminth and arthropod parasites of man and domestic
animals, emphasis on etiology, epidemiology, methods of diagnosis, control measures, and life
histories. Techniques for host examination and preparation of material for study. Prerequisite:
BIO 148, BIO 152, BIO 155 or BIO 198, or consent of instructor. (Same as BIO 563.) Offered
by the Department of Biology.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 21
ENT 564 Insect Taxonomy. (4) A study of insect taxonomy including the collection, preparation,
and identification of adult insect specimens. Offered in fall – even years.
ENT 568 Insect Behavior. (3) The principles of animal behavior will be stressed using insects as
examples. Physiology, mechanisms, behavioral ecology and evolution of insect behavior will
be covered. Offered in spring – odd years.
ENT 574 Advanced Applied Entomology. (4) The objective of this course is to present the
student with advanced concepts of applied entomology in a system-specific context. Each
week, the insect problems associated with a different commodity/production system will be
presented to illustrate a different broadly-based theme. Prerequisite: An introductory
entomology course and consent of instructor. Not offered recently.
ENT 595 Entomology Special Topics. (1-4) Special and new courses may be offered under this
ENT 606 Conceptual Methods in Ecology and Evolution. (3) This course provides students with
hands-on experience in a diverse array of conceptual research techniques used by ecologists
and evolutionary biologists. Offered by Department of Biology.
ENT 607 Advanced Evolution. (2) This course covers advanced topics in evolution,
concentrating on questions central to the understanding of general evolutionary processes.
Phenomena occurring both within populations (e.g., selection, inheritance, population
subdivision) and between populations (e.g., gene flow, competition) will be addressed. Offered
by Department of Biology.
ENT 608 Behavioral Ecology and Life Histories. (2) This course uses an evolutionary approach
to examine behavior and life histories. Topics addressed include: the optimality approach,
constraints on optimality, kin and group selection, predator and prey behaviors, social and
mating behaviors, and life history evolution. Offered by Department of Biology.
ENT 609 Population and Community Ecology. (3) This course discusses the processes that
determine population distributions and dynamics and community structure for both plants and
animals. Topics addressed include population regulation and population stability, community
diversity and stability, ecological succession, population interactions (competition, predation,
mutualism), coevolution, and the effects of spatial and temporal heterogeneity on population
and community patterns. Offered by Department of Biology.
ENT 625 Insect-Plant Relationships. (3) This course examines the natural history, ecology, and
evolution of insect/plant relationships. Topics include mechanisms and theory of plant defense,
behavioral and physiological adaptations of herbivorous insects, pollination biology,
multitrophic-level interactions, causes of insect outbreaks, and applications to managed
ecosystems. Critical reading and discussion of current literature is emphasized. Offered in
Spring – odd years.
ENT 635 Insect Physiology. (4) Study of insect physiological processes including development,
digestion, reproduction, respiration, excretion, hormones and immunity. Opportunity to learn
techniques used in insect physiology and molecular biology. Prerequisite: Consent of
instructor. Offered in spring – even years.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 22
ENT 636 Insect Molecular Biology. (4) Principles of insect molecular biology. Analysis of insect
development, reproduction, behavior, immunity, transgenic insects and insecticide resistance at
the molecular level. Hands-on experience with molecular biology techniques. Offered in spring
– odd years.
ENT 660 Immature Insects. (3) Bionomics, structure and classification of immature stages of
insects; practice in their identification. Lecture, one hour; laboratory, six hours.
ENT 665 Insect Ecology. (3) The biotic and physical factors influencing the distribution and
abundance of insects and insect populations. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (Same as BIO
665.) Offered in fall – even years.
ENT 667 Invasive Species Biology. (3) This course will examine circumstances that allow
introduced species to become invasive, how invasive species threaten our resources, and
approaches to minimizing the incidence and impact of invasions. Prerequisite: Graduate
standing or consent of instructor. (Same as BIO/ FOR 667.)
ENT 670 Scientific Publishing: Process and Ethics. (2) An introduction to scientific publishing,
including types of scientific journals, choosing where to publish, the structure of scientific
papers, the peer review process, data management and archiving, post-publication promotion
of research, metrics of scientific impact such as impact factors and altmetrics, and publication
ENT 680 Biological Control. (3) Principles related to the use of arthropods to suppress
populations of arthropod pests and weeds. Includes historical perspective, ecological
relationships, and contemporary issues related to the conservation and manipulation of
arthropod predators, parasitoids, and herbivores.
ENT 684 Phylogenetic Systematics. (3) Theory and methods of phylogenetic analysis and
cladistics will be explained. Applications of phylogenetic analysis, such as historical
biogeography, biological classification, and testing of ecological hypotheses will be explored.
ENT 695 Special Topics in Entomology. (1-4) Special and new courses may be offered under
this number.
ENT 748 Master’s Thesis Research. (0) Half-time to full-time work on thesis. May be repeated
to a maximum of six semesters. Prerequisite: All course work toward the degree must be
ENT 767 Dissertation Residency Credit. (2) Residency credit for dissertation research after the
qualifying examination. Students may register for this course in the semester of the qualifying
examination. A minimum of two semesters are required as well as continuous enrollment
(Fall and Spring) until the dissertation is completed and defended.
ENT 768 Residency Credit for MS Plan A (1-6)
ENT 770 Entomological Seminar. (0-1) Discussion of current research problems in entomology.
May be repeated to a maximum of six hours. Offered in fall and spring. Doctoral students take
ENT 770 at least four times. MS students take ENT 770 at least 2 times. A special section of
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 23
ENT 770 is available for students who have a robust teaching experience in an ENT course
(see DGS for details). Seminars for credit from other departments may be substituted with
Advisory Committee recommendation. After passing the qualifying examination a student may
take ENT 770 for 0 credit hours.
ENT 780 Special Problems in Entomology and Acarology. (2-3) Investigations of chosen insect
problems, including original work. Discussion and assignment of current insect subjects. May
be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Offered in fall
and spring.
ENT 790 Research in Entomology and Acarology. (1-6) Independent research in entomology or
acarology. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 24
Post-doctoral Scholar:
A Post-doctoral Scholar is an individual who has earned a doctoral degree and is pursuing an
individualized program of advanced training in research, teaching, and any important aspects of
academic work, or in any combination of these activities for which the University has assumed a
measure of responsibility. Although participation in the program provides advanced training, an
academic assignment is required as a condition of appointment with salary. A Post-doctoral has
status both as a temporary academic staff employee and as a Post-doctoral student.
Post-doctoral Fellow:
A Post-doctoral Fellow is an individual who has earned a doctoral degree and is a recipient of
a fellowship or training award. Through such an award a fellow receives a stipend of living
allowance (neither of which are considered salary) from grant funds provided specifically for a
particular field of study.
Post-Doctoral Scholars & Fellows appointment paperwork will be completed by Departmental
HR Administrator. Additional information is available in the Administrative Regulations
Vacation Allowances Post-doctoral Scholars
15 days of vacation leave shall be credited annually to the Post-doctoral Scholar on the first day
of the fiscal year. If a Post-doctoral Scholar starts in the middle of the fiscal year, the days will be
prorated. With prior administrative approval, Post-doctoral Scholars can only take vacation leave
during the period in which they are eligible to take such leave. Vacation leave, if used, shall be
taken in the assignment period in which it is credited, or the vacation leave shall be forfeited.
Temporary Disability Leave
Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) is available for regular staff with a full-time equivalent (FTE)
of 0.5 or greater, and Post-doctoral Scholars. The intent of this policy is to provide leave for
employees who have an illness or injury which prevents them from performing their jobs on a
temporary basis, or to care for eligible family members within the guidelines of HR TDL Policy
Temporary Disability Leave (TDL) or sick leave often cannot be approved in advance if it is
directly related to the employee’s health. However, it should still be documented.
Note: Post-doctoral Scholar leave is not currently entered into SAP. It is the responsibility of the
Faculty member sponsoring the Post-doctoral Scholar to keep track of time used and
communicate with Department HR Administrator when leave request are submitted for tracking
purposes. Post-doctoral Scholars are to fill out IRIS/Absence Record for any type leave request.
Contact your Department HR Administrator for a copy of the IRIS/Absence Record form.
Graduate Student Handbook, Entomology Page 25
Entomology Address
Department of Entomology
S-225 Agriculture Science Center North
University of Kentucky
(add 1100 S Limestone for overnight shipments)
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
Phone: 859-257-7450 Departmental Fax: 859-233-1120
Department Chair, Dr. S. Reddy Palli,, 859-257-7450
Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Charles Fox, [email protected], 859-257-7474
Director of Online Plan B Masters, Dr. Tonja Fisher, [email protected], 859-563-2563
Front Office Support Related to Graduate Studies, Jessica Alkenbrack,
[email protected]u, 859-257-7450
IT Support, Brian Lauer, [email protected]
Weekly Seminar Schedule
The Graduate School
Building Maintenance Emergency (e.g., broken water lines): 859-257-3844
Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity Office: 859-257-8927
UK Counseling Center: Walk-in 106 Frazee Hall or call 859-257-8701
University Health Services: 859- 323-2778
Student Behavioral Health Clinic: (859) 323-5511
Bias Incident Support Services: (859) 257-3157
Laboratory Safety:
All Emergencies: 911 Police For Non-emergencies: (859) 257-1616