Who should file this application:
Only U.S. Citizens, U.S. Permanent Residents, or Non-U.S. Citizens who have obtained Asylee status or students who hold
Visas from categories listed in Rule #12 who can also provide proof that the student has initiated the process to become
either a permanent resident or naturalized citizen may be eligible to be classified in-state. Students applying for in-
state classification must also show they meet Eligibility Verification for Entitlement Acts (EVEA) regulations set forth by the
State and are eligible for consideration for in-state classification as determined by State Regulations and UT System Policy.
Additional information is available on the Registrar's website at Residency.
Before filling out this form, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions Section on the residency website
at Residency FAQ. Questions about application should be directed to [email protected]. This application must be submitted
with all supporting documentation requested. Application and documentation should be submitted as follows:
Email to [email protected] via the UT Vault Secure Courier. Click here to upload to secure website UT Vault.
The deadline for submitting an application and all supporting documentation is the “Last Day to Final Register, Add,
Change Grading Options or Drop without a W Full Session Course” found on the Timetable/Financial Deadlines
Calendar for the term. There will be no exceptions to the submission deadline date for receipt of application or any
documentation items. Please be aware the tuition and fee payment deadline is prior to the start of the semester and students
will be responsible for any tuition due as of that date. A tuition deferment will not be available while a Residency Application
is pending. Students will be notified via email of any decision or request for additional information. Applications and
documentation submitted after the deadline date will be considered for the next available semester in which the
student is enrolled.
Section 1 – Student Information (All students must complete.)
Student's Name:
Student’s UTK ID Number (this is not your Social Security Number):
Email Address: Date of Birth:
(all correspondence regarding this application will be sent to this email address)
Citizen? Yes No If No, are you a Permanent Resident? Yes No
No If Yes, what type:
What is the reason for moving to Tennessee?
Important Notes:
The Office of the Registrar is permitted by law and University of Tennessee system policy to request additional documentation if
needed in order to reach a decision.
These lists are not exhaustive and additional documents maybe requested. Providing documents does not guarantee
reclassification. Documents must be received by the deadline date to be eligible for consideration.
Scanned or Photocopies are acceptable. Documents will not be returned to you.
Eligibility Verification for Entitlement Acts (EVEA) must also be met before a student can be considered for reclassification. EVEA
information can be found on the One Stop website by clicking here: EVEA. Students who do not meet EVEA criteria are not
eligible to be considered for in-state tuition rates regardless of other circumstances. Meeting EVEA requirements in itself does
not guarantee a student is eligible for in-state classification.
Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions Section on the residency website at Residency FAQ
Section 2 - Rule Under Which the Student is Applying (Check only one box.)
The student is...
_____1: Full-time ac
tive duty military member or dependent of full-time active duty military member who is currently stationed in the state of
Tennessee or at Ft. Campbell, KY or is stationed outside of the state of Tennessee and whose Home of Record/Home of Legal Residence is
Tennessee (this does not apply if a member or dependent of the inactive national guard or reserves). Students under this rule need to
submit a copy of current orders showing full time active duty and Permanent Duty Station in Tennessee or Ft. Campbell, KY or
enlistment/re-enlistment showing Home of Record as Tennessee or a copy of current LES showing tax state as Tennessee and
copies of current orders showing full-time active duty and Permanent Duty Station outside Tennessee.
2: Full-time active duty military (not eligible under rule #1)/Veteran military, Reservists, members of National Guard (including inactive
Reservists and National Guard), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets, or dependent of full-time active duty (not eligible under rule
#1)/Veteran military who are using education benefits administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and living in Tennessee while
attending on-campus classes. Please check one box below:
____a: Full-time active duty military, inactive Reservists and members of the National Guard, who is enrolled at the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville and resides outside of Tennessee. Students under this rule will need to provide proof of current
enlistment in branch of service, Reserves, or National Guard unit.
____b: Veteran military who is enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and resides outside of Tennessee. Students
under this rule will need to provide a copy of a DD-214.
____c: ROTC cadet who is enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and resides outside of Tennessee. Students
under this rule will need to have the ROTC department at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville provide verification
each semester verifying eligibility for current enrollment and active participation in the ROTC program. Waiver of out-of-
state rates will be granted on a per semester basis and proof of continued eligibility for enrollment and active
participation in ROTC program will be required in order to continue to receive in-state rates.
____d: Dependent of full-time active duty/Veteran military who is enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is utilizing
benefits administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs through any provision of the U.S. Code, and is physically living
in Tennessee while attending classes. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of a currently dated Certificate of
Eligibility from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. If the student is attending as a distance education student only,
copies of a lease or home purchase contract for a residence in Tennessee with the student's name listed or a Tennessee
driver's license/state ID card for the student will also need to be provided.
_____3: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who graduated from a Tennessee high school but has been
attending an out-of-state higher educational facility (including on-line programs affiliated with address outside of Tennessee) while
parents/legal guardians continue to maintain domicile in Tennessee while the student was attending the higher educational institution.
Students under this rule need to submit a copy of the student's Tennessee driver's license/state ID card and address and dependent
section of parents/legal guardians most recent tax return showing a Tennessee address.
_____4: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who has graduated from a Tennessee high school and can
show student physically resided in Tennessee for at least one year immediately prior to admission but parents/legal guardians live outside of
Tennessee. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of the student's Tennessee driver's license/state ID card dated one year
prior to class start date or letter from high school in Tennessee indicating student boarded at the school for the one year prior to
class start date or a power of attorney for person living at a residence in Tennessee that student was living in while attending school
in Tennessee dated one year prior to class start date.
_____5: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident but is currently attending an out-of-state high school
(including on-line high sc
hools and home schools affiliated with address outside of Tennessee) but parents/legal guardians have been
domiciled in Tennessee the entire time the student was attending the high s
chool. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of
student's and parents'/legal guardians' Tennessee driver licenses/state ID cards and a copy of the address and dependent section of
parents'/legal guardians' most recent tax return.
_____6: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who is currently attending an educational institution outside of
the U.S. but parents/legal guardians were domiciled in Tennessee immediately prior to moving outside the U.S. or have c
hanged domicile
to Tennessee while living outside the U.S. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's and parents'/legal guardians'
Tennessee driver's licenses/state ID card and a copy of the address and dependent section of parents'/legal guardians' most recent
tax return or other documentation to show domicile in Tennessee.
_____7: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who has graduated from an out-of-state high school or graduated
from or attended an out-of-state higher educational facility but parents/legal guardians moved to Tennessee for reasons other than gaining
in-state classification for a student. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's and parents'/legal guardians'
Tennessee driver's licenses/state ID cards and a copy of address and dependent section of parents'/legal guardians'
most recent tax return showing all dependents claimed. If parent's/legal guardian's are employed - a letter from employer
indicating name, dates, and location of employment or a letter from out-of-state employer indicating employee can work
remotely; if self-employed - a current Tennessee Business License or self-employment business income/documentation; if not
employed - documentation to show parents/legal guardians are receiving retirement income or a letter from former
employer indicating relinquishment of employment. Provide any additional documentation to show reason for move to Tennessee.
***Student's with only one parent/legal guardian domiciled in Tennessee are not eligible under this rule. Students with only one
parent/legal guardian living in Tennessee must apply under Rule #8 otherwise both parent's/legal guardian's would need to be
domiciled in Tennessee unless student can provide documentation to show one parent/legal guardian is deceased***
_____8: Dependent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident whose parents/legal guardians are divorced, legally
separated or never married and one parent is primarily domiciled in Tennessee for reasons other than gaining in-state
classification for a student. Students under this rule need to submit a copy parent who lives in Tennessee (and current
spouse if applicable) driver's license/state ID card, a copy of address and filing section of most recent tax return for parent
living in Tennessee, and a copy of divorce decree or legal separation agreement. If parent moved to Tennessee within the last
year, verification to show reason for move is not to obtain educational benefits for a student such as a letter from
employer indicating name, dates, and location of employment or a letter from out-of-state employer indicating employee can
work remotely; if self-employed - a current Tennessee Business License or self-employment business income/
documentation; if not employed - documentation to show parent is receiving retirement income or a letter from
former employer indicating relinquishment of employment. Provide any additional documentation to show reason
for move to Tennessee.
_____9: Independent student who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who moved to Tennessee prior to applying to the University for
reasons other than educational purposes. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's Tennessee driver's license/
state ID card, a copy of most recent tax return, and other documentation to support claim.
***Students currently attending the University who are under the age of 24 are not eligible under this rule***.
_____10: Dependent Student claiming independent status* who is a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident and who can verify the
following for one full year: domiciled in Tennessee, maintained full-time employment with a Tennessee employer (full-time employment is
defined as 35 hours per week or more), has not attended any higher educational institution in Tennessee, and parents/legal guardians
did not claim student for tax purposes on their most recent tax return. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's
Tennessee driver's license/state ID card, a copy of parents'/legal guardians' most recent tax return showing student was not
claimed, a copy of student’s most recent tax return, letters from the student's employer(s) indicating start date and location of
employment and a copy of current paystub(s). Turning 18 and/or parents not claiming a student for income tax purposes in
itself does not indicate a student is considered independent.
_____11: Dependent/Independent student who married a Tennessee resident or spouse of an in-state student/person who moved to
Tennessee for reasons other than obtaining in-state for a student. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's
Tennessee driver's license/state ID card, spouse's Tennessee driver's license/state ID card, a copy of address section of
spouse's most recent tax return, and a copy of marriage license. If spouse has lived in Tennessee less than two years - a
letter from spouse’s employer indicating name, location and dates of employment or documentation to show spouse is
enrolled in a Tennessee Higher Educational Institution as an in-state student or additional documentation to show reason for
spouse’s domicile in Tennessee.
_____12: Non-U.S. Citizen who has been approved as an Asylee or holds an A1, A2, A3, E1, E2, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, H1B, H4
(only if a dependent of an H1B Visa), I, K1, K2, K3, K4, L1, L1A, L1B, L2, NATO1, NATO2, NATO3, NATO4, NATO5, NATO6,
NATO7, O1, O3 (only dependents of an O1 Visa), P1, P2, P3, P4, R1, R2, T1, or V Visa. Students under this rule need to
submit a copy of student's and parents'/legal guardians' Tennessee driver's licenses/state ID cards and a copy of address
and dependent section of parents' most recent tax return showing all dependents claimed. If parents/legal guardians are
employed - a letter from employer indicating name, dates, and location of employment; if self- employed - a copy of
Tennessee Business License, articles of incorporation or other legal documents indicating business in Tennessee. Provide
additional documentation to show reason for move to Tennessee. Provide a copy of student 's and parents'/legal guardians'
Visas and any I-797 notice of action to show adjustment in status to obtain Permanent Resident status or other legal
documentation to show pursuing Permanent Resident status or naturalization. If lawful Permanent Resident status has been
obtained - a copy of the front and back of unexpired Permanent Resident card. If Asylee - a copy of Asylee documentation.
13: Other reason not covered above. Students under this rule need to submit a copy of student's driver's license/
state ID card, most recent tax return, any additional documents the student feels will support claim, and a statement
describing the reason for submitting the application.
Section 3 – Signature and Certification
I, the undersigned, certify to the correctnes
s and completeness of the information supplied. I understand that The University
of Tennessee may contact any of the persons referred to for the purpose of obtaining additional pertinent information. I
understand that any false or misleading information provided will disqualify me from being considered for in-state classification
and may result in disciplinary action or revocation of admission.
Date: Signature of Student:
For Office Use Only:
Determination: Resident:________ Non-Resident:___________ Effective Term:_____________________________
By: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Application Rec'd: ____________________
Admit Term: __________ Terms Attended: ___________________________________________________________________