Lost Productivity: Claims for the Cumulative
Impact of Multiple Change Orders
M. J
I. Introduction 1
II. Discussion 4
III. Defining the Cumulative Impact Claim 6
A. The Basic Definition of Disruption or Loss of Productivity 7
B. Cumulative Disruption as Defined by Boards and Courts 11
C. Does the Local/Cumulative Distinction Always Matter? 14
IV. The Historical Basis for Cumulative Disruption Claims 16
A. The Rice Doctrine and Its Effect on Cumulative
Impact Claims 18
B. Cardinal Change as a Basis for a Claim 19
1. Aragona Construction Co., Inc. v. United States 20
2. Wunderlich Contracting Co. v. United States 21
3. The Application of the Cardinal Change Doctrine in
State Law Cases 22
C. Modern Trend: Constructive Changes as the Basis for
a Claim 26
V. Analysis of the Essential Elements of Cumulative Impact Claims 28
A. Liability 29
B. Resultant Injury 29
1. Total Cost Method 30
2. Modified Total Cost Method 33
3. Measured Mile Approach 34
4. Jury Verdict Method 37
C. Causation 37
D. Foreseeability as a Limitation 41
E. Reserving the Right to Claim Cumulative Impact 42
VI. Conclusion 45
I. Introduction
In the government contracts context, the U.S. Court of Claims and the
various boards of contract appeals have recognized a general right to recover
for the cumulative effect of a multitude of owner-directed changes that, when
Reginald M. Jones is an associate in the Atlanta, Georgia, office of Smith, Currie & Hancock,
LLP. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance and support provided by James K. Bid-
good, Jr. The views expressed in this Article are those of the author and not necessarily those of
the firm or its clients.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
taken collectively, can be greater than the sum of the effects of the individual
change orders.
Although a change order may directly add, subtract, or
change the type of work being performed in one particular area of a construc-
tion project, it also may affect other areas of the work that are not addressed
by the change order. In Coates Industrial Piping, the Veterans Affairs Board
of Contract Appeals (VABCA) explained that it is a “change order’s un-
foreseeable impact on [this] unchanged work that lies at the core of the
cumulative impact claim.”
According to this theory of recovery, “the issu-
ance of an unreasonable number [or unusual kind] of change orders creates
a synergistic disruptive impact such that the total disruption caused by the
changes exceeds the sum of the disruptive impacts caused by the individual
change orders when looked at independently.”
Cumulative impact claims
are exceedingly difficult to prove. However, because the costs of labor inef-
ficiencies can dramatically alter the price of any complex construction proj-
ect, contractors, the Government, and private owners likely will continue
1. Pittman Constr. Co., GSBCA No. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA 14,847, 73,297 aff’d,
Pittman Constr. Co. v. United States, 2 Cl. Ct. 211 (1983).
The following cases are illustrative of decisions in which boards of contract appeals
have awarded damages for cumulative impact claims: David J. Tierney Jr., Inc., GSBCA
Nos. 7107, 6198 (5855)-Rein., 882 BCA ¶ 20,806, at 105,121 (awarding damages to a
contractor for the cumulative impact of numerous changes to the contract made by the
Government); Atlas Constr. Co., GSBCA Nos. 7903 et al., 902 BCA ¶ 22,812, 114,564
(awarding contractor the full amount of its loss of labor productivity claim where the
contractor’s performance “was burdened by the number of change orders, hidden condi-
tions and tenant directed changes”); Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., NASA BCA No. 11867,
901 BCA ¶ 22,549, 113,182 (finding that contractor was entitled to an equitable ad-
justment of $443,462 based on a $4,155,176 cumulative impact claim); Space Age Eng’g,
Inc., ASBCA Nos. 25761, 25982, 26020, 26381, 28346, 861 BCA ¶ 18,611, 93,478
(awarding damages on a contractor’s claim where the Government’s failures caused the
contractor’s inefficiencies); Fruehauf Corp., PSBCA No. 477, 741 BCA ¶ 10,596,
50,221 (holding that contractor was entitled to impact costs resulting from the issuance
of a large volume of changes late in the contract work). State cases include C. Norman
Peterson Co. v. Container Corp. of Am., 218 Cal. Rptr. 592 (Cal. Ct. App. 1985); Amelco
Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159 (2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956
(Cal. 2000).
2. “Cumulative impact is the unforeseeable disruption of productivity resulting from the
‘synergistic’ effect of an undifferentiated group of changes.” Coates Indus. Piping, Inc.,
VABCA No. 5412, 992 BCA ¶ 30,479, 150,586. It should be noted that providing a
specific definition suitable for every situation is an extremely difficult task because courts
and boards have articulated a host of differing definitions. In fact, in some cases, boards
have neither defined nor even mentioned the words “cumulative impact,” but awarded
such costs anyway. See, e.g., Charles G. Williams Constr., Inc., ASBCA No. 33766, 892
BCA ¶ 21,733 (awarding contractor damages for the collective disruptive effect on labor
productivity of twenty-six change orders that corrected errors in the drawings and speci-
fications). Yet, in many of the other cases discussed in this Article, cumulative impacts
were defined in great detail, but no equitable adjustment was granted.
3. Michael R. Finke, Claims for Construction Productivity Losses,26Pub. Cont. L.J.
311, 317 (1997).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
to commit substantial resources to litigate or arbitrate the viability of these
claims. Although this theory of recovery developed originally in the govern-
ment contracts arena, the underlying logic appears to be equally applicable
to a private commercial agreement under state law.
States often, however,
use slightly different terminology when evaluating lost productivity claims.
Despite a general recognition of the legal entitlement,
little agreement
exists as to how the claim should be characterized and what the contractor
must prove in order to prevail on such a claim. In general, a contractor
seeking to recover for the impact costs of numerous changes on unchanged
work must prove three essential elements: liability, causation, and resultant
Of these three elements, causation and resultant injury present the
largest obstacles to recovery. Causation and quantum of loss pose a problem
because cumulative impacts remain largely an ill-defined concept.
As a re-
sult, boards and courts have not been able to identify a definite formula to
determine whether numerous owner-caused changes are the underlying cause
of lost productivity.
The problem with creating a workable formula for entitlement and the
calculation of damages lies in determining the point in time when the claim
arises. Cumulative impacts are unique in that disruption to the work does
not necessarily result from the first, second, third, or even tenth change order.
At some point, however, contractors assert that the changes cumulate and
slow their ability to proceed in an orderly fashion. Even if the contractor’s
estimate contains some expectation of a less-than-perfect rate of productivity,
when an owner’s changes rise above those reasonably anticipated, the con-
tractor will contend that it can no longer make progress on the job as it
originally expected. The question then arises at what point the contractor
should become aware that multiple change orders, in the aggregate, are caus-
ing additional labor costs on the project.
Because it is difficult to determine temporally when the claim arises, the
General Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA) in Pittman Construc-
4. See, e.g., Amelco Elec., 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 159.
5. See, e.g., id.
6. “It has been well established that financial recovery is likely for increased perfor-
mance costs of unchanged work which resulted from the impact of owner-directed changes
to the extent that the increased costs of performance of the unchanged work was directly
attributable to the owner’s changes.” Construction Delays: Quantification of the Financial
Impact,11Focus 1, at 7 (Aug. 1996).
7. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA ¶ 30,153,
149,258, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir. 2000); Acme
Missiles & Constr. Corp., ASBCA Nos. 11256, 11716, 681 BCA ¶ 6873, 31,770.
8. Few empirical or quantitative studies have been performed on the impact of change
orders. One such study was undertaken by Charles A. Leonard in his Master of Engineering
thesis at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, entitled The Effects of Change
Orders on Productivity (February 1988). In that study, Leonard examined ninety cases from
fifty-seven projects and concluded that change orders have a ripple effect on productivity
of unchanged work because of the interdependency of construction operations.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
tion Co. began to analyze the problem in terms of foreseeability.
borrowed foreseeability from the tort law concept of proximate causation.
Because causation is difficult to determine, boards began to focus on whether
the contractor could foresee a potential impact when it negotiated the
forward-priced change order most closely related in time to the disruption.
If an impact is foreseeable, it is considered a direct impact and any right to
claim the costs associated with the disruption is either priced, settled, or
waived with the execution of a change order. If an impact is unforeseeable,
it is considered to be indirect and the right to recover for an indirect impact
is reserved, or, at a minimum, the contractor has not waived the right, and
the possibility of recovery exists.
Closely connected to the concept of foreseeability as a limitation to re-
covery is the notion that a contractor must reserve its right to claim cumu-
lative impact costs or risk waiving or releasing the right altogether. The
Government and private owners often rely on the defense that each contract
modification or change order and payment act as an accord and satisfaction
for any costs that the contractor experiences on the project thereafter. In
order to avoid prospectively relinquishing any rights to an impact claim, the
current trend requires contractors to include an express reservation of that
right in each change order or contract modification.
Courts and boards have
consistently upheld such reservations.
Similarly, courts and boards also have
regularly upheld express releases and contract language to the effect that all
executed change orders act as a full and final settlement of all impacts arising
out of each change order, whether the claim is known or unknown.
II. Discussion
The magnitude and cumulation of owner-directed changes may have a
significant disruptive impact on unchanged work in a construction project.
The Government, private owners, and contractors are frequently confronted
with the issue of whether a contractor may recover for the impact or “ripple
9. GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,847, 73,297 aff’d, Pittman Constr. Co.
v. United States, 2 Cl. Ct. 211 (1983).
10. See infra Section V.E.
11. See id.
12. See id.
13. “When multiple changes on a project act in sequence or concurrently, there is a
compounding effectthis is the most damaging consequence for a project and the most
difficult to understand and manage. The net effect of the individual changes is much
greater than the sum of the individual parts. Not only may increases in cost and time be
required, but the project logic may also have to be redone.” Robert F. Cushman &
Stephen D. Butler, Construction Change Order Claims, Claim for Damages, § 13.12
Recovery of Impact Costs at 280 (Supp. 2000) (citing Hester, Kuprenas & Chang, Con-
struction Changes and Change Orders: Their Magnitude and Impact, Construction Indus-
try Institute, Source Document 66, at 35 (1991)).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
effect” caused by either the size or large number of changes. The issue is
essentially a question of risk of loss. Contractors look to private owners or
the Government to compensate them for the effects of owner-caused changes
to the working environment. The argument is premised upon the idea that
where the Government issues a greater-than-expected number of changes, it
has breached its implied duty of good faith and fair dealing.
In contrast, the
Government and private owners want to prevent contractors from taking
what they perceive to be a double payment for work that has been paid for
under the original contract pricing and through the change order process.
In response to the question concerning recoverability, courts and boards
have repeatedly “recognized the existence of impact claims as a separate con-
structive change compensable under the Changes clause since the abrogation
of the Rice doctrine in 1968.
This constructive change, although resulting
from other contract changes, is independent of them and can survive an
accord and satisfaction on a change, or a general release.”
Nonetheless, the
decisions have been inconsistent at best in terms of defining cumulative
impacts and explaining what is necessary to maintain such a claim. Despite
recognizing the existence of a cumulative impact claim, at least one board
has stated that the concept of cumulative impacts is “somewhat amor-
At least one commentator has gone so far as to state that “there is
no such thing as synergistic, greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts cumulative dis-
ruption,” but rather only local impact claims that the contractor failed to
capture while pricing change orders.
Regardless of how such claims are characterized, a consistent approach
must be developed to how the loss should be identified and to whom it should
be allocated. It would appear that boards and courts are attempting to ac-
complish such a result without implementing clear or consistent methodol-
ogy. Courts and boards that award cumulative impact damages minimize their
discussion of how they arrived at the decision, while courts and boards that
14. See, e.g., Coates Indus. Piping, Inc., VABCA No. 5412, 992 BCA ¶ 30,479,
150,584, 150,587.
15. “To the Owner such a strategy [of reserving a right in change orders to recover
increased costs on future work resulting from that change order] is disingenuous at best,
and deceptive at worst. The reservation of right has the appearance of being a cure-all for
the Contractor; a way of making up for everything from a bad bid to mismanagement.”
Brian Kasen & Victor C. Oblas, Forward Pricing Impact Costs on Construction Projects, in
Wiley Construction Law Update 33, 35 (Overton A. Currie & Neal J. Sweeney eds.,
16. See infra Section IV.A (discussing the Rice doctrine. The Rice doctrine precluded
courts from considering the effects of changes on work not specifically covered by a change
order. As damages the courts allowed for the cost of the changed work, but not for the
cost of delay that the changes caused. Rice v. United States, 317 U.S. 61 (1942)).
17. Coates Indus. Piping, Inc., 992 BCA ¶ 30,479, at 150, 584.
18. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,258, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
19. Finke, supra note 3, at 337.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
deny such claims go to great length to analyze the underlying legal elements
of a cumulative impact claim. The decision to either grant or deny relief
appears to turn largely on the credibility of expert witness testimony and
whether the expert, together with lay witnesses with first-hand knowledge
and contemporaneous documentation, can convince the board or court that
one side or the other bears responsibility.
Unfortunately, this process has
resulted in a tangled hodge-podge of conflicting legal theories.
This Article seeks to sort out the differing theories through a comprehen-
sive study of cumulative impact claims. The study begins with an attempt to
develop a working definition of cumulative disruption. In order to develop a
consistent methodology with which to analyze cumulative impact claims, it
is important to understand the nature and meaning of these types of ineffi-
ciency claims. This Article seeks to provide this understanding by exploring
the context in which cumulative impact claims originated and explaining
how and why they developed over time. The analysis is divided into four
sections. Section III attempts to define cumulative impacts by building upon
a basic definition of productivity and lost efficiency. Section IV explains the
historical development of cumulative impact claims in the U.S. Court of
Claims, traces their beginnings to the cardinal change doctrine, and shows
how boards of contract appeals have shifted to a theory of recovery based on
the concept of constructive change. Section V evaluates the basic elements
necessary to prove a cumulative impact claim and analyzes the different
methods of calculating lost productivity. Finally, Section VI examines the
related issue of whether a contractor must expressly reserve the right to bring
an indirect impact claim in order to avoid the defenses of accord and satis-
faction and waiver or release. This final section addresses the issue of whether
a contractor loses its right to bring an inefficiency claim based on numerous
change orders if the contractor signs general releases attached to the executed
change orders.
III. Defining the Cumulative Impact Claim
Cumulative impact or disruption is the effect of a series of changes, design
clarifications, or late responses to requests for information (RFIs) on labor
productivity and project cost.
According to one author, disruption can be
defined as “any change in the method of performance or planned work se-
20. See, e.g., Hensel Phelps Constr. Co., ASBCA No. 49270, 992 BCA ¶ 30,531, at
150,79293 & 150,796 (finding an expert’s testimony unpersuasive where the expert
neither reviewed the relevant contemporaneous documentation nor interviewed the proj-
ect personnel who negotiated the contract modifications that allegedly led to the disrup-
tion); see also infra Section V.B.3 (discussing the role of expert witness credibility in
conjunction with the measured-mile analysis); Section V.C. (discussing the role of expert
witness credibility in conjunction with proving causation).
21. Geoffrey T. Keating & Thomas R. Burke, Cumulative Impact Claims: Can They Still
Succeed?, Constr. Law. 30 (Apr. 2000).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
quence contemplated by the contractor at the time the project was bid that
prevents the contractor from actually performing in that manner.”
On con-
struction projects, changes are often the underlying source of disruption. Ex-
traordinary numbers of change orders, design changes, or even the failure to
respond to contractor RFIs are factors that contribute to loss of labor pro-
ductivity and schedule delays.
Unlike the direct impact claim, which can
be recognized when a change order is issued, the cumulative impact claim
represents a claim for lost productivity on unchanged work that contractors
claim is not foreseeable at the time the change order is issued. Specifically,
unchanged work refers to the contract work not covered by a specific contract
change order.
A. The Basic Definition of Disruption or Loss of Productivity
In order to understand how multiple changes in the aggregate can cause
a loss of efficiency, it is important to understand the meaning of labor pro-
ductivity and loss of labor productivity.
In simple terms, “[p]roductivity is
defined as the [craft] hours necessary to produce a unit of finished product.”
“Loss of [productivity] is the decline in [efficiency] on all work, particularly
the work not changed, caused by the change.”
More recently, the VABCA
summarized the relationship between loss of productivity and impact costs
in Centex Bateson Construction Co.:
Impact costs are additional costs occurring as a result of the loss of productivity; loss
of productivity is also termed inefficiency. Thus, impact costs are simply increased
labor costs that stem from the disruption to labor productivity resulting from a change
in working conditions caused by a contract change. Productivity is inversely propor-
22. Robert F. Cushman et al., Proving and Pricing Construction Claims § 3.01,
at 69 (3d ed. 2001).
23. Although numerous changes can cause delays, a cumulative impact claim differs
from a claim for delay in that the contractor need not prove that contract performance
was extended beyond the planned completion date in order to recover. Sauer, Inc. v.
Danzig, 224 F.3d 1340, 1348 (Fed. Cir. 2000). Delay claims usually include indirect costs
such as extended overhead, increased equipment, and financing costs. In contrast, impact
claims include direct costs such as “increased labor costs for additional employees used to
perform extra work; increased costs for inefficiency caused by altered work conditions or
overtime; and increased equipment and material costs.” Cushman, supra note 22, § 3.02,
at 6971; see also Thomas R. Burke, Productivity Loss Claims, a paper presented to the
Surety and Fidelity Claims Conference Association, Apr. 18, 1991.
24. This Article focuses on cumulative impact claims for loss of labor productivity,
rather than claims for extended overhead. Loss of productivity makes up the greatest
portion of cumulative impact claims. In addition, very few cases characterize delay claims
as cumulative impact claims. See, e.g., Haas & Haynie Corp., GSBCA Nos. 5530 et al.,
842 BCA ¶ 17,446, 86,897 (rejecting a claim where a contractor argued that the number
of changes extended its stay on the project beyond its completion date and thereby in-
creased its administrative overhead).
25. Finke, supra note 3, at 312.
26. Howard W. Wright & James P. Bedingfield, Government Contracts Ac-
counting 341 (1979).
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
tional to the man-hours necessary to produce a given unit of product. As is self-evident,
if productivity declines, the number of man-hours of labor to produce a given task will
increase. If the number of man-hours increases, labor costs obviously increase.
Productivity can be affected by many factors that disrupt the efficient
performance of the work. The contractor anticipates that it will perform the
work in a logical sequence with a reasonable number of workers and under
normal working conditions.
When external events interrupt that flow of
work, the contractor often must shift workers back and forth between tasks
or increase the total number of workers on the project while continuing to
operate under a rigid schedule. “Multiple changes, interference, delays, al-
terations in the sequence of work, suspension and acceleration of perfor-
mance are not infrequent in an environment of fast-tracking scheduling and
fast-shifting priorities as [owners] try to meet their various [goals].”
Many different organizations such as the Mechanical Contractors Asso-
ciation of America, Inc. (MCAA), the National Electrical Contractors of
America (NECA), the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Business Round-
table have identified factors that adversely affect labor productivity.
example, the MCAA’s Bulletin No. 58 lists factors and labor productivity
ratios, which provide estimates for how these factors can degrade efficient
performance of the contract work.
The MCAA factors include (1) stacking
of trades, (2) morale and attitude, (3) reassignment of craft-personnel,
(4) crew size inefficiency, (5) dilution of supervision due to diversion of su-
pervisors to analyze and plan for changes, (6) site access, (7) changes in one
trade’s work affecting another trade’s work, (8) control over material flow to
work areas, and (9) season and weather changes.
Cumulative impact claims for multiple-owner-directed changes represent
just one type of claim for loss of labor productivity. Unlike some of the factors
that directly affect productivity such as a differing site condition or lack of
access to the job site, numerous changes or contractor requests for informa-
tion do not directly cause loss of productivity. Instead, they gradually alter
27. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,257, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
28. Thomas E. Shea, Proving Productivity Losses in Government Contracts,18Pub. Cont.
L.J. 414, 415 (1989).
29. Id. at 415.
30. Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA), Management Methods
Bulletin No. 58 (1976); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Modification Impact Evaluation
Guide, EP 4151-3 (July 1979); see also Roy S. Cohen, Survey of Courts’ Reactions to
Claims for Loss of Productivity and Inefficiency, as part of panel discussion of the Business
Roundtable, Session 612: High Tech or Black BoxProving Loss of Productivity Claims
(December 10, 1998); Barry B. Bramble & Michael T. Callahan, Construction
Delay Claims § 5.19 (2d ed. 1992).
31. MCAA Management Methods Bulletin No. 58 (1976), supra note 30, republished
in Bulletin PD-2 (1994).
32. Id.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
working conditions and can cause the above-referenced factors to come into
That is, the presence of significant numbers of changes can cause
“additional congestion in the work area, loss of momentum, [and] change in
work sequence.”
It is, therefore, the effect of the changes to the environ-
ment in which the work is done that causes a loss of productivity.
Disruption or loss of productivity is defined as the “increased cost of per-
formance caused by a change in the contractor’s anticipated or planned work-
ing conditions, resources, or manner of performing its work.”
As one analyst
Foremen and journeymen, who know what they are doing, what they will be doing
next, and how their activities relate to the successful completion of the project, develop
a job rhythm. Labor productivity is at its optimum when there is good job rhythm.
When that job rhythm is interrupted, the productivity of those engaged in the inter-
rupted work is definitely impacted and the effect can spread to other concurrent ac-
tivities as well.
Multiple contract changes may cause contractors to reassign workers, stack
trades, and perform work out of sequence. These factors in turn may degrade
planned productivity and cause labor costs to increase.
Cumulative impacts remain difficult to define because few researchers
have undertaken quantitative analyses of the cumulative disruption caused
by numerous change orders. Charles A. Leonard’s 1988 Master’s thesis, “The
Effects of Change Orders on Productivity,” represents one of the few com-
prehensive studies on the subject.
In that early thesis, Leonard examined
ninety cases from fifty-seven different projects to determine the disruptive
effect of change orders on unchanged base contract work.
His statistical
analysis examined the percentage of the total number of hours performed on
change order work compared with the total number of hours performed on
the project.
Leonard concluded that loss of labor productivity was greatest
where the hours spent on change order work exceeded 10 to 15 percent of
the normal base contract hours.
He concluded that the cumulation of
change orders results in the following causes of loss of productivity: “stop-
and-go operations; out-of-sequence work; loss of productive rhythm; demo-
33. William Schwartzkopf et al., Calculating Construction Damages § 2.24
(Supp. 1997) (citing H. Randolph Thomas & Carmen Napolitan, The Effects of Changes
on Labor Productivity: Why and How Much, Construction Industry Institute Source
Document 99, at 26, 62, 64 (1994)).
34. Id.
35. Id.
36. Finke, supra note 3, at 313.
37. Burke, supra note 23.
38. Charles A. Leonard, The Effects of Change Orders on Productivity (Feb. 1988) (un-
published Master’s thesis, Concordia University) (on file with author); see also Schwartz-
kopf, supra note 33, § 4.4, 4749.
39. Leonard, supra note 38, at iii.
40. Id. § 3.4.
41. Id. § 4.3.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
tivation of work force; loss in learning curve; unbalanced crews; excessive
manpower fluctuations; unbalancing of successive operations; lack of man-
agement and engineering support; and acceleration when equitable time ex-
tensions are not granted.”
Leonard’s conclusions, however, have been subject to criticism.
For ex-
ample, the Corps of Engineers Board of Contract Appeals (ENG BCA) re-
cently declined to accept the study, stating that the Government’s expert
had discredited the study and concluding, “[n]o court has adopted the Leon-
ard study approach in measuring productivity loss/inefficiency.”
BCA explained that the study was based upon “relatively small building and
facility projects, consisting of 94 contracts totaling $220 million.”
Thus, the
board reasoned that the study was inapplicable to heavy civil engineering
projects such as the massive flood protection project to protect a historic
town, at issue in J.A. Jones Construction.
More recently, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) organized a cu-
mulative change order impact research team composed of representatives
from the construction industry and from the University of WisconsinMadi-
son to study the cumulative effect of change orders on labor productivity and
to develop a method to quantify cumulative impact.
The research team set
out to develop two models: (1) an impact model to determine whether a
cumulative impact has occurred on a project, and (2) a quantification model
to measure the extent of the impact on the projects where it was determined
to have occurred.
The team limited their analysis to electrical and me-
chanical contractors.
The researchers used data obtained through questionnaires from sixty-
eight separate electrical and mechanical contractors on 116 different projects,
including industrial, institutional, and commercial construction projects as
well as a small sample of residential projects.
Unlike the earlier Leonard
study, the CII analysis sampled both impacted and unimpacted jobs as well
as projects with and without claims by contractors.
For the first model, the
research team assembled a list of seventy-five factors that could potentially
impact a project.
Using statistical regression analysis to determine the cor-
relation between these factors and loss of productivity, the researchers con-
cluded that their model could determine whether a project has been impacted
42. Id. § 6.1.
43. J.A. Jones Constr. Co., ENG BCA Nos. 6348, 63866391, 002 BCA ¶ 31,000.
44. Id. at 153,097.
45. Id. at 153,096.
46. Id.
47. Quantifying the Cumulative Impact of Change Orders for Electrical and Mechanical
Contractors, Construction Industry Institute Research Summary 1581 (2000).
48. Id. at v. & 2.
49. Id. at 4.
50. Id. at 67.
51. Id. at 20.
52. Id. at 7.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
by the cumulation of change orders with 80 percent certainty.
For the sec-
ond model, the team distilled the seventy-five variables down to six inde-
pendent variables that “significantly affect productivity loss.”
These in-
cluded (1) percent of change in terms of the original budgeted work-hours,
(2) percent of time the project manager spent on the job site, (3) percent of
change orders initiated by the owner, (4) whether the contractor tracked
productivity, (5) whether the project was overstaffed, and (6) the amount of
time it took the owner to approve change orders.
The team subsequently
developed a linear regression equation to predict the value of the loss of
efficiency resulting from the six factors.
Although the CII study serves as a positive contribution to understanding
the elusive cumulative impact claim, neither model has yet been tested by a
BCA, the U.S. Court of Claims, or any state appellate court. Therefore, the
issue of whether either of these models can be used to prove or disprove the
three elements of a cumulative impact claimliability, causation, and dam-
agesremains to be seen. Until that time, however, the models may prove
useful for the Government, private owners, and contractors to negotiate eq-
uitable adjustments before they reach the claims stage.
B. Cumulative Disruption as Defined by Boards and Courts
The first case to provide a thorough examination of cumulative impact or
disruption was the GSBCA case Pittman Construction Co.
In Pittman, the
GSBCA recognized two types of impact costs: direct costs and indirect or
cumulative costs.
According to this dichotomy, direct costs “refer to costs
that are, more or less, the direct consequences of a change. Such costs are
readily foreseeable, and a contractor is expected to recognize them in forward
pricing a change.”
In contrast, cumulative impact costs are:
[The] costs associated with impact on distant work, [that] are not as readily foreseeable
or, if foreseeable, not as readily computable as direct impact costs. The source of such
costs is the sheer number of and scope of changes to the contract. The result is an
unanticipated loss of efficiency and productivity which increases the contractor’s per-
formance costs and usually extends his stay on the job.
Unlike direct impact costs, cumulative impacts theoretically cannot be
captured in a forward-priced change order because one cannot foresee the
53. Id. at 12.
54. Id. at 15.
55. Id. at 16.
56. Id. at 15.
57. GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,847.
58. Id. at 73,297.
59. Haas & Haynie Corp., GSBCA Nos. 5530, 6224, 6638, 691920, 842 BCA
¶ 17,446, 86,897 (discussing Pittman).
60. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
impact of an unreasonable number of changes yet to occur.
Following this
dichotomy to its logical conclusion, a contractor is able to price its cumu-
lative impacts only in backward-priced change orders.
In Triple “A” South, the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals
(ASBCA) explained the conceptual framework in greater detail:
It is undisputed that the costs of performing changed work include both (a) those costs
directly related to the accomplishment of the changed work, called “hardcore costs,”
and (b) those costs arising from the interaction between the changed work and un-
changed work or expended to offset inefficiencies experienced as a result of changes,
called “impact.” Viewed broadly “impact” embraces:
The man hours, labor costs, and material costs that are expended to offset ineffi-
ciencies experienced as a result of Government-caused or contractor-caused
changes or other departures from the plan. Included is the process by which the
above inefficiencies in the performance of contract work are created.
Among other things, “impact” includes:
Inefficiencies due to overcrowding, over or undermanning, skill dilution, extended
overtime, shift work and local and cumulative disruption.
“Local [or direct] disruption” refers to the direct impact that changed work has on
other unchanged work going on around it. Conceptually, for purposes of this appeal
“cumulative disruption”:
is the disruption which occurs between two or more change orders and basic work
and is exclusive of that local disruption that can be ascribed to a specific change.
It is the synergistic effect . . . of changes on the unchanged work and on other
Other boards have recited the language from Triple “A” South because they
find it difficult to reach the definitional core of cumulative impacts.
ergistic effect” is at the core of the definition. Synergism is defined as “the
simultaneous action of separate agencies, which together, have greater total
effect than the sum of their individual effects.”
Contractors claim that it is
that compounding effect that should allow them to recover for the effects of
numerous changes.
Most recently, the VABCA described cumulative disruption in a far less
clear and more ethereal manner:
61. But cf. Kasen & Oblas, supra note 15 (advocating the forward pricing of cumulative
impacts based on the concept of partnering).
62. But cf. Dyson & Co., ASBCA No. 21,673, 782 BCA ¶ 13,482, 65,956. In Dyson,
the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals concluded that although impact costs
generally could only be determined at the end of the construction project, these costs
nonetheless could only be measured by way of estimates. Id. at 65,970. Under the contract
provisions involved in the case, the contractor was obligated to negotiate all changes
during the contract modifications process whether or not they could be quantified. As a
result, the board found that the contractor had waived its claims because the contract
required it to establish the impact in a forward-priced change order.
63. Triple “A” South, ASBCA No. 46866, 943 BCA ¶ 27,194, 135,523.
64. See Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,25758, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed.
Cir. 2000).
65. Webster’s New World Dictionary (2d ed. 1984).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
Cumulative impact is the unforeseeable disruption of productivity resulting from the
“synergistic” effect of an undifferentiated group of changes. Cumulative impact is re-
ferred to as the “ripple effect” of changes on unchanged work that causes a decrease
in productivity and is not analyzed in terms of spatial or temporal relationships. This
phenomenon arises at the point the ripples caused by an indivisible body on two or
more changes on the pond of a construction project sufficiently overlap and disturb
the surface such that the entitlement to recover additional costs resulting from the
turbulence spontaneously erupts . . . This result is unforeseeable and indirect.
When the VABCA states that cumulative impacts cannot always be an-
alyzed in terms of spatial and temporal relationships, it means that the costs
cannot be tied to individual contract changes. This is the board’s method of
explaining that the validity of a cumulative disruption claim cannot be
determined by multiplying the direct impacts of each change by the total
number of changes. Despite recognizing this problem of causation, the
board in Centex Bateson Construction Co. required the contractor to provide
some analysis to demonstrate that “the undifferentiated group of contract
changes affecting the changed and unchanged work resulted in the loss of
The allure of the cumulative impact claim lies in the simple idea that the
effect of two or more changes to a project may be more severe than the effect
of one change. This idea is common to everyday life. For example, multiple
incoming phone calls can interrupt an attorney’s attempt to draft a memo-
randum. The attorney may be able to resume where he or she left off after
the first phone call, but likely will have to go back and reread a good portion
of the draft after the second, third, or fourth phone call in order to complete
the memo. Alternatively, to use a sports analogy, it is common for a certain
number of professional baseball players on a team to become injured each
year. If one player becomes injured, the team can usually integrate a replace-
ment player into the line-up without suffering in terms of the team’s overall
performance. If, however, two or more players become injured, it becomes
increasingly more difficult for the team as a whole to continue to play as well
as it did before the injuries to its line-up. On a more sophisticated level, the
synergistic effect of consuming various prescription drugs together can have
a massive unintended impact on a person’s well-being.
Although courts and boards have been quick to recognize that in theory
synergism can have negative repercussions, they appear to have difficulty in
determining how a contractor should establish that the size, number, or qual-
ity of contract changes caused the resultant injury. Undoubtedly, factors other
than the number of owner-directed changes could be responsible for schedule
delays and decreased productivity on a project. Courts and boards want to
ensure that the Government or private owner, and not the contractor, was
in fact the source of any inefficiency. The concern that the party responsible
66. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., 991 BCA ¶ 30,153, at 149,259.
67. Id. at 149,259.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
for the loss of productivity should bear the costs often drives both judicial
acceptance of cumulative impact claims and reluctance to permit recovery.
Consequently, a contractor seeking to recover should attempt (as close as
is feasible under the circumstances) to quantify the size of the disruption and
connect the impact to its owner-related sources. Unfortunately, the contrac-
tor is caught somewhat in a Catch-22. If the contractor can establish that
the disruption resulted from specific change orders, the court may categorize
the claim as a direct or local impact and find that the contractor failed to
negotiate recovery in a forward-priced change order. Alternatively, if the
contractor is only able to demonstrate its losses through a comparison of its
bid with the actual costs, the claim may be rejected for failure to sufficiently
prove its claim. In any event, the theory behind these definitions can be
critical in persuading a judge that the claim is viable, but as this Article will
show, the elementsliability, causation, and resultant injurymust be dem-
onstrated with a high degree of definiteness.
C. Does the Local/Cumulative Distinction Always Matter?
Determining whether to proceed under a direct or indirect impact theory
can be difficult for any contractor. The distinction is largely a matter of
quality of proof of quantum and entitlement. Direct impact claims are essen-
tially for items that could have been recovered at the time a particular change
order was executed (i.e., they were foreseeable), but for one reason or another
the contractor did not claim the costs at that point. A direct impact claim,
as its name implies, covers the changed work’s direct effect on unchanged
work, rather than the changed work’s effect on working conditions that will
indirectly affect the unchanged work. Absent the issues of waiver, reservation
of right and accord and satisfaction, boards generally appear to be more re-
ceptive to direct impact claims because of the direct and visible link between
cause and effect. Therefore, direct impact claims can be easier to prove pro-
vided the contractor can show specifically how a certain change order or
group of change orders affected specific base contract work. At the same time,
because the manner in which quantum must be proven is very similar (i.e.,
lost productivity can be measured using techniques such as the measured mile
approach, modified total cost method, jury verdict method, etc.), it some-
times becomes difficult for a board to determine which theory is at issue.
Such was the case in Clark Construction Group, Inc., in which the con-
tractor did not differentiate between its direct and cumulative impact
68. Because of the similarity in the proof of direct and cumulative impact claims,
contractors must be careful in choosing how to proceed. Some boards have rejected cu-
mulative impact claims because the contractor has offered the same proof of entitlement
and damages to demonstrate direct and cumulative impact. See, e.g., Southwest Marine,
Inc., DOT BCA No. 1663, 943 BCA ¶ 27,102, 135,07879.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
As a result, the VABCA considered both types of claims and re-
jected the indirect loss of efficiency claims:
[t]o the extent that [the claim] includes loss of labor productivity caused by the com-
bined effect of the change of sequence, wet conditions and late RFI responses in
addition to the alleged direct efficiency losses, [the subcontractor] has not met the test
we established in Centex Bateson to show that the combination of the alleged condi-
tions cumulatively impacted the work and reduced labor efficiency.
In Clark, the prime contractor brought a claim on behalf of its subcon-
tractor, Poole and Kent Company (PKC), the real party in interest, to recover
for the costs of its labor inefficiencies and those of its subcontractor, United
Sheet Metal Company (USM), allegedly caused by the Government. The
contract called for the construction of a general medical, surgical, interme-
diate care, and psychiatric hospital for the Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The area upon which the project was
to be constructed was several feet below the water table and thus the site
required extensive dewatering.
During the construction phase, the local
water management authorities issued two stop pump orders to halt the de-
watering activities when the VA failed to obtain the necessary permits. Al-
though the subcontractor did not claim that the Government was liable for
lost productivity based on the sheer number of changes or late responses to
RFIs, PKC did assert that changes in the construction sequence caused by
the stop pump orders resulted in increased lost productivity. PKC also asserted
that it encountered excessively wet conditions and that the Government’s
endemic failure to timely respond to RFIs adversely impacted its labor co-
ordination drawing costs.
The board equitably adjusted the contract in favor of PKC for the change
of sequence and portions of the wet conditions claims, but denied the sub-
contractor’s claim for disruption allegedly caused by the VA’s late responses
to contractor RFIs.
Because the contractor did not differentiate between
claims, the board evaluated this claim as an indirect impact claim and applied
the loss of productivity analysis from Centex Bateson.
In this case, PKC
alleged that 260 of 750 RFIs that related to its work adversely affected labor
productivity, but it never claimed that the sheer number of late responses
was the source of the problem.
The board held that the contractor failed
to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the late RFI responses
caused a loss of labor productivity.
The VABCA explained that establishing
69. Clark Constr. Group, Inc., VABCA No. 5674, 001 BCA ¶ 30,870, 152,413.
70. Id.
71. Id. at 152,388.
72. Id. at 152,392.
73. Id. at 152,42021.
74. Id. at 152,413.
75. Id. at 152,399.
76. Id. at 152,417.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
entitlement for a loss of efficiency claim requires proof of “daily logs, CPM
fragnets, correspondence and other contemporaneous Contract documenta-
tion to support that the late RFI responses changed the expected working
conditions and that the change to working conditions disrupted [the sub-
contractor’s] labor and the extent of the disruption.”
The board noted that
its “expectation . . . [was] heightened by the fact that most of the late RFI
problems were experienced at the initial stages of the project and [the sub-
contractor] knew very early in the project that its labor costs were running
substantially above budget.”
In Clark, the VABCA noted that although the contractor’s expert testified
that the Government was supposed to respond to RFIs within fourteen days,
this testimony was based neither on any language in the contract nor upon
any contemporaneous project documentation, but was merely passed on
orally by the contractor’s team.
Consequently, the contractor could not
prove liability, which is generally perceived to be the easiest element. The
board was particularly skeptical because the contractor did not become aware
of and document the problem before project completion even though most
of the late RFIs occurred early in the project. The Clark decision reveals the
difficulty of determining how and when to separate direct impact claims from
cumulative impact claims. Moreover, Clark underscores the need, under ei-
ther theory, of supporting loss of productivity claims with contemporaneous
documentation that shows how changes or late responses to RFIs impacted
either the working conditions or the unchanged work.
IV. The Historical Basis for Cumulative Disruption Claims
Cumulative impact claims have a long and complicated history.
history is complicated because the theories of recovery often have been im-
plicitly tied to jurisdictional issues between the U.S. Court of Claims and
the various boards of contract appeals. In Utah Mining & Construction Com-
pany v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court limited the jurisdiction of the
boards of contract appeals to cases arising under the relief-giving provisions
of the contract.
Therefore, until the enactment of the Contract Disputes
Act of 1978, boards of contract appeals did not have jurisdiction to decide
77. Id.
78. Id.
79. Id.
80. The history of disruption claims can be traced as far back as biblical times. For
example, in Exodus, God commanded Moses to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. Exodus
3:8. Accordingly, Moses told Pharaoh to free the Israelites, to which Pharaoh responded
by having the taskmasters deny them access to straw to make bricks and required the
enslaved people to maintain the same level of productivity as when they had straw. Id.
at 5:123.
81. 384 U.S. 394, 395 (1966).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
implied contract or breach of contract cases.
Consequently, boards devel-
oped creative approaches to awarding compensation in cases that involved
situations where the Government exceeded its authority to change work
under the Changes clause. Such a claim would normally constitute a breach
of contract. Therefore, boards developed the legal fiction that there was no
breach of contract, but rather the Government had informally ordered
changes without following the procedures in the contract. Although the ju-
risdictional issues are not germane to the application of the cumulative im-
pact claim to a private commercial setting, it is important to understand that
the courts and boards employ certain terminology as a result of the claim’s
original jurisdictional underpinnings.
Since the abrogation of the Rice doctrine in 1968, the basis for recovery
has gradually shifted from requiring a cardinal change to requiring proof of
a constructive change. Although the prevailing theory of recovery is gener-
ally based upon the concept of constructive change, the most recent decisions
have referred interchangeably and somewhat erratically to both concepts.
For example, in the 1999 case Coates Industrial Piping, Inc., it is unclear
whether a cumulative impact claim arises out of the contract in the form of
a constructive change or whether it is more closely analogous to a breach of
contract in the form of a cardinal change.
Under the constructive change theory, the Government has caused the
contract work to change, but the Government has not followed the proce-
dures of the Changes clause contained in the contract.
This theory acts as
an exception to the formal requirement of a change order.
The Government
has the right to make changes under the terms of the contract and in fact
has changed the work, but has not followed the formal contract procedures.
Alternatively, a cardinal change is a change that fundamentally alters the
contemplated scope of work.
More precisely, a “cardinal change is a breach
of contract by the owner that occurs when an owner effects an alteration in
the work so drastic that the contractor is required to perform duties materially
different from those for which it contracted.”
Unlike a constructive change,
a cardinal change is “by definition . . . so profound that it is not redressable
under the contract, and thus renders the government in breach.”
cardinal changes, the contractor generally bears a heavier burden of proof
82. John Cibinic Jr. & Ralph Nash Jr., Administration of Government Con-
tracts 429 (3d ed. 1995).
83. VABCA No. 5412, 992 BCA ¶ 30,479, 150,584.
84. Cibinic & Nash, supra note 82.
85. See Michael Simon, Construction Claims and Liability § 11.10 (1989).
86. Atlantic Dry Dock Corp. v. United States, 773 F. Supp. 335, 339 (M.D. Fla. 1991);
George E. Powell Jr., The Cardinal Change Doctrine and Its Application to Government Con-
struction Contracts,24Pub. Cont. L.J. 377, 378 (1995).
87. Cushman & Butler, supra note 13.
88. Atlantic Drydock Corp., 773 F. Supp. at 339 (quoting Allied Materials & Equip.
Co. v. United States, 569 F.2d 562, 56364, 215 Ct. Cl. 406 (1978)).
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
than when proceeding under a constructive change theory. The contractor
must prove that the excessive change orders materially or fundamentally
altered the scope of the work or nature of the bargain such that the work no
longer resembles the original contract.
Stated differently, a contractor must
show that the Contracting Officer or owner exceeded his authority under
the Changes clause to “make changes within the general scope” of work.
A. The Rice Doctrine and Its Effect on Cumulative Impact Claims
Cumulative impact claims arising under federal government contract law
were originally barred by the Rice doctrine, which precluded courts from
considering the effect of change orders upon aspects of the work not directly
or specifically covered by the change order.
Specifically, a “contractor that
incurred costs associated with delays in performance or with disruption of
contract work as the result of contract change was entitled, under the terms
of the standard Changes clause, only to the increased costs of the changed
work and to a time extension equal to the delay period.”
Rice v. United States was a differing site conditions case involving the
construction of a veterans facility. During construction, the contractor en-
countered unsuitable soil conditions. As a result, the construction of the
superstructure took place during the winter, which in turn caused decreased
labor productivity and increased field overhead costs.
The Court held that
an equitable adjustment was appropriate for the work changed by the plan
and specification revisions, but an adjustment was not appropriate for the
increased cost of completing the unchanged work.
Under Rice, a contractor
was prevented from recovering the costs of government-caused delay and the
costs of lost labor productivity on unchanged work.
To avoid an inequitable result, the doctrine was abolished
in late 1967
by revising the standard federal contracts Changes clause language to include
new language.
It currently reads as follows:
If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required
for, performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed
89. Aragona Constr. Co. v. United States, 165 Ct. Cl. 382, 391 (1964).
90. Triple “A” South, ASBCA No. 46866, 943 BCA ¶ 27,194, 135,541.
91. Rice v. United States, 317 U.S. 61 (1942).
92. Pittman Constr. Co., GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,846, 73,294.
93. Rice, 317 U.S. at 63.
94. Id. at 6465.
95. With respect to delay claims, the GSBCA in Pittman Construction Co., 811 BCA
¶ 14,847, at 73,295, explained that the impact of the Rice doctrine was ameliorated by
exceptions created by the U.S. Court of Claims even before the doctrine’s express aban-
donment. Moreover, the Government’s subsequent adoption of the Suspension of Work
clause allowed contractors to recover for unreasonable delay, although not the increased
costs for unchanged work.
96. Ingalls Shipbuilding Division, ASBCA No. 17579, 781 BCA ¶ 13,038, 63,663.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
by the order, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract
price, the delivery schedule or both, and shall modify the contract.
Although a change in contractual language ostensibly eliminated the doc-
trine, it did not leave cumulative impact cases decided during its existence
completely without value. In one of the first board of contract appeals de-
cisions to evaluate the viability of “ripple effect” claims, the ASBCA in Dyson
& Co. looked to the U.S. Court of Claims for guidance on how to address
these types of claims.
In Dyson, the ASBCA explained that the U.S. Court
of Claims analyzed claims by contractors in which contractors sought to “es-
tablish that the magnitude or cumulation of changes amounts to what the
court characterizes as a ‘cardinal change,’ exceeding the rights reserved under
the Changes clause and entitling the contractor to relief for breach of con-
The board then appeared to apply the U.S. Court of Claims’ cardinal
change test (i.e., fundamental alteration of the scope of work) to deny the
contractor’s cumulative impact claim, which was based on a constructive
change theory of recovery.
B. Cardinal Change as a Basis for a Claim
In early federal cumulative impact cases, the U.S. Court of Claims required
that a contractor demonstrate proof of a cardinal change.
The effect of
requiring the cumulative disruption to rise to the level of cardinal change
effectively operated to bar recovery for a cumulative impact claim except in
the most egregious cases.
The Court of Federal Claims developed the cardinal change doctrine to
deal with those cases where the “[G]overnment had breached its contracts
by ordering changes that were outside the scope of the [C]hanges clause.”
Typically, the Government would argue that all changes were within the
broad language of the clause and the contractor would counter with the
argument that there are limits to the Changes clause.
In essence, the doc-
trine became an easy way to describe changes that went beyond the reach of
the Changes clause. Although the cardinal change approach made cumula-
tive impact claims more difficult to prove, in other cases, a cardinal change
could move a contractor out from under the terms of the contract and allow
recovery for the reasonable value of its labor and materials, plus a reasonable
markup for overhead and profit.
97. 48 CFR 52.2431(b) (2001) (emphasis added).
98. Dyson & Co., ASBCA No. 21673, 782 BCA ¶ 13,482, 65,97071.
99. Id. at 65,970.
100. Id.
101. See generally Finke, supra note 3.
102. Cushman & Butler, supra note 13, § 10.3 (1994).
103. Id.
104. Id. § 10.1; see, e.g., Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d
159 (2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
Two federal cases illustrate how this early theory operated in the context
of cumulative impact claims and how the cardinal change typically served
to deny claims for additional compensation for loss of productivity. The two
cases are Aragona Construction Co. v. United States
and Wunderlich Con-
tracting Co. v. United States.
Although the Rice doctrine was never expressly
referred to by the U.S. Court of Claims in either Aragona or Wunderlich,it
is logically consistent that the doctrine, together with permissive language
in the pre-1968 Changes clause, drove the courts’ analyses in those decisions.
1. Aragona Construction Co., Inc. v. United States
In Aragona Construction Co., Inc. v. United States, the U.S. Court of
Claims couched the issue as “whether the cumulative effect of the changes
in [the substitution of certain building] materials necessitated by [Govern-
ment mandated] priority orders caused a cardinal change beyond the per-
missible limits of the contracting officer’s discretion.”
The U.S. Court of
Claims held that the contractor was not entitled to contract damages for the
effect of sixty-five change orders because it failed to prove that the changes
materially altered the nature of the bargain.
The contractor entered a contract with the VA to construct a hospital in
1941 and 1942.
Due to the onset of World War II, the Government issued
orders that prevented the contractor from using materials such as steel, copper,
brass, and aluminum in the construction.
Acting under the Changes clause
or article of the contract, the Contracting Officer required the contractor to
substitute wood, cast iron, or plastic, and fabric in place of the scarce mate-
In addition, the Government issued sixty-five change orders and final
completion was delayed approximately 429 days.
The contractor sought to
recover by arguing that “it was compelled to construct a wholly different
project from that called for under the original specifications.”
The court rejected the idea that the number of changes was in itself de-
terminative and held that that the Government did not abuse its discretion
under the changes provision by issuing sixty-five change orders or by sub-
stituting materials.
Moreover, the court rather harshly explained that
105. Aragona Constr. Co. v. United States, 163 Ct. Cl. 382 (1964).
106. Wunderlich Contracting Co. v. United States, 173 Ct. Cl. 180, 351 F.2d 956
107. Aragona Constr. Co., 163 Ct. Cl. at 390.
108. Id. at 38990.
109. Id. at 384. It is unclear from the decision why this case was first decided by the
U.S. Court of Claims in 1964 when the project was completed in 1943.
110. Id. at 38485.
111. Id. at 385.
112. Id. at 384, 389.
113. Id. at 385.
114. Id. at 390.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
“[p]laintiff contracted to build a reinforced concrete hospital building on a
certain site at Fort Howard, Maryland, and that is exactly what it built.”
2. Wunderlich Contracting Co. v. United States
Wunderlich Contracting Co. v. United States
is probably the case most
often cited by courts and practitioners in favor of the cardinal change doc-
trine in cumulative impact cases.
Ironically, as several writers have recog-
nized, the Wunderlich case does not completely support the cardinal changes
approach because the case did not involve a claim for breach of contract, but
rather a claim for the reasonable value of the work under the doctrine of
quantum meruit.
Quantum meruit is the correct measure of damages for a
claim for abandonment, but not for breach of contract.
Nonetheless, Wun-
derlich contains an excellent discussion of the standard required to prove a
cardinal change.
Similar to Aragona, Wunderlich also involved the construction of a VA
hospital by a general contractor. In Wunderlich, however, the contract pro-
vided for the construction of an enormous fourteen-building hospital com-
plex, the largest of its kind ever undertaken at that time.
Because no pro-
totype for the proposed facility existed, the architectural firm encountered
serious difficulties in the performance of the design contract before the bid
for the project opened.
Once underway, construction was seriously delayed
due to the inadequacy and ambiguities of the plans and specifications.
Government was forced to make extensive alterations and corrections. The
contractor issued 470 estimates for increased labor, material, and equipment,
which eventually translated into thirty-five change orders.
Like the court in Aragona, the Wunderlich court concluded that the
changes ordered by the Contracting Officer were not cardinal in nature and
that they were within the scope of the Government’s discretion under the
Changes clause. The court stated: “[m]anifestly, plaintiff’s performance has
been lengthier and costlier than anticipated at the time the bid was submit-
ted, but in the long run they constructed essentially the same project as that
described in the contract.”
Together, these two decisions illustrate how the
115. Id. at 391.
116. 351 F.2d 956 (Cl. Ct. 1965).
117. See, e.g., Cushman & Butler, supra note 13, § 10.3 at 179 (1994).
118. Wunderlich, 351 F.2d at 960; Keating & Burke, supra note 21.
119. See, e.g., Peter Kiewit Sons’ Co. v. Summit Constr. Co., 422 F.2d 242 (8th Cir.
120. Wunderlich, 351 F.2d at 960.
121. Id. at 96061.
122. Id. at 962.
123. Id.
124. Id. at 966.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
U.S. Court of Claims used the cardinal change doctrine to deny claims for
the cumulative impact of numerous government-directed change orders.
3. The Application of the Cardinal Change Doctrine in State Law Cases
Although courts and boards infrequently rely exclusively on the cardinal
change doctrine, it does occasionally appear in cumulative impact cases aris-
ing under state law. In those cases, the doctrine is normally used to compen-
sate an affected contractor.
Instead of applying the terminology of cardinal
change, state courts often characterize these claims as an abandonment of
the contract by the owner. Two California cases and one from Kentucky
illustrate this point.
First, in C. Norman Peterson Co. v. Container Corp. of America, a con-
tractor sought to recover its cost overruns at a paper mill modernization
The California Court of Appeals for the First District held that
the private owner had imposed hundreds of changes upon the contractor and
thereby so altered the scope of the work under the contract that the owner
had effectively abandoned the contract.
The court explained:
In the specific context of construction contracts . . . it has been held that when an
owner imposes upon the contractor an excessive number of changes such that it can
fairly be said that the scope of the work under the original contract has been altered,
an abandonment of the contract properly may be found. In these cases, the contractor,
with the full approval and expectation of the owner, may complete the project. Al-
though the contract may be abandoned, the work is not. Under this line of reasoning,
the trial court was well justified in determining that, by their course of conduct, the
parties abandoned the terms of the written contract.
C. Norman Peterson established that under California law, a contractor
could recover in quantum meruit for the effect of numerous changes from a
private owner under the theory that the owner had effectively abandoned
the contract.
More recently, California’s Court of Appeals revisited the precedent set
forth in C. Norman Peterson and addressed the issue of a public owner’s right
to order extra work under a construction contract’s Changes clause.
125. Hous. Auth. v. E.W. Johnson Constr. Co., 573 S.W.2d 316 (Ark. 1998) (up-
holding an award based upon cardinal change resulting from a breach of warranty of plans
and specifications); MARTA v. Green Int’l, Inc., 509 S.E.2d 674 (Ga. Ct. App. 1998)
(affirming a $2.8 million jury verdict in favor of a contractor arising out of a claim for
defective specifications and the owner’s failure to administer the contract in a timely
fashion); Oberer Constr. Co. v. Park Plaza, Inc., 179 N.E.2d 168, 17071 (Ohio Ct. App.
1961) (awarding the reasonable value of the excavation services to the contractor without
expressly mentioning cardinal change).
126. C. Norman Peterson Co. v. Container Corp. of Am., 218 Cal. Rptr. 592 (Cal.
Ct. App. 1985).
127. Id. at 598.
128. Id. (citations omitted).
129. Id. at 601.
130. Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159 (Cal Ct. App.
2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
Amelco, the court held that when an owner imposes an excessive number of
changes, a court may find an abandonment of the contract and allow the
contractor to recover the reasonable value of its work to complete the proj-
This case is exceptional because it marks the first occasion under
California law that a contractor could recover in quantum meruit from a public
entity, rather than being limited to a breach of contract remedy. Although
the California Supreme Court could overrule this decision, it nonetheless
illustrates how a state court may apply logic similar to the federal cardinal
change doctrine (although in unjust enrichment, rather than for breach of
In Amelco, the City of Thousand Oaks appealed a jury verdict awarding
the contractor $2,134,586 for the city’s abandonment and breach of contract
to perform certain electrical work during the construction of the city’s Civil
Arts Plaza.
In 1992, the city solicited bids for the construction of the Civil
Arts Plaza, which consisted of a 400-seat theater and city council chamber,
an 1800-seat performing arts theater, public meeting rooms, and other ad-
ministrative facilities.
The bid documents stated that the technical speci-
fications and electrical drawings were complete and the city’s electrical con-
sultant later confirmed that the bid specifications contained no major
The city accepted the contractor’s bid of $6,158,378 and the
contractor began to work.
During the construction phase, the “city furnished 1,018 sketches to clarify
or change the original contract drawings.”
In the end, the city and the
contractor agreed upon thirty-two change orders to cover the changed work
and the city increased the contract price by over $1,000,000.
the contractor believed that it was not possible to estimate the cumulative
impact of the changes on productivity.
In theory, the changes process operated as follows: the contractor learned
of the city’s requested changes through the construction manager (CM).
The contractor would then provide an estimate of the cost to perform the
When necessary, the contractor would submit RFIs.
After the CM
and the city’s design professionals would approve the estimate, the contractor
131. Amelco Elec., 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 168.
132. The California Supreme Court granted a petition for review, but no decision has
been made. Amelco Elec., 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
133. Amelco Elec., 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 162.
134. Id.
135. Id. at 163.
136. Id. at 162.
137. Id. at 163.
138. Id.
139. Id. at 164.
140. Id. at 163.
141. Id.
142. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
would perform the work.
In practice, the CM instructed the contractor to
perform changes on a time and materials basis before the city approved the
changes, both the city and the CM were slow to respond to the RFIs, and
the CM failed to coordinate the trades.
The city’s drawings were often on a different scale than the contract draw-
ings and the specific changes were not highlighted on the sketches, thereby
making them difficult to read.
The low quality of the sketches required
that the contractor hire additional personnel with experience, leading to
higher labor costs. In addition, the number of these changes caused sched-
uling and sequencing problems.
The contractor’s work often was either
delayed or accelerated because the changes required the contractor to shift
workers among different tasks.
The contractor continually complained to
the CM about the volume of changes and the lack of coordination of the
The contractor submitted a change order for additional funds to
hire a draftsperson to update the drawings when the CM failed to perform
this task.
The CM rejected the request, claiming that this cost was already
included in the contract price.
Upon completion of the project, the con-
tractor submitted a request for equitable adjustment for $1,700,000 as a result
of the design changes and poor project coordination.
The contractor later
revised the claim to $2,224,842.
In the end, the city generated more drawings than any of the contractor’s
personnel anticipated or had ever seen on other projects.
At trial, the
contractor introduced evidence that the city had changed “every part of the
electrical work at least once.”
The contractor’s expert testified that given
the substantial number of changes issued during construction, “the electrical
design was not complete at the time of bid” opening.
Based on the fact
that many of the drawings resulted in changes rather than clarifications to
the design, the expert declared that no contractor could have adequately
estimated the impact from each sketch.
143. Id.
144. Id.
145. Id.
146. Id.
147. Id.
148. Id.
149. Id. at 16364.
150. Id. at 164.
151. Id.
152. Id.
153. Id. at 163.
154. Id.
155. Id.
156. Id.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
The California Court of Appeal held that the city had dramatically ex-
panded the scope of work to the point where it had effectively abandoned
the terms of the written contract.
The court explained that
[a] construction contract is abandoned where, after it is awarded, so many changes are
made to the design that the project actually constructed is substantially different from
the project described in the contract. The changes must be extensive and of a mag-
nitude beyond that contemplated by the parties when they executed the contract.
The court found that there was substantial evidence to support abandon-
ment by the city because it changed every aspect of the electrical work.
support of its decision, the court cited the number of changes, witness tes-
timony that corroborated that 1,018 detail sketches were an unusually high
number, and the city’s deviation from the procedures outlined in the Changes
Abandonment under California law represents an application of the car-
dinal change test, with the end result being a recovery in quantum meruit,
rather than being limited to contract damages. Although the remedy differs,
contractors seeking to recover under either theory must prove that the owner,
public or private, fundamentally altered the contemplated scope of work such
that the project constructed differed materially from the original project
The third case involved both a claim for abandonment and a cardinal
change claim and discussed the distinction between cardinal and constructive
changes. In L.K. Comstock, a federal district court applying Kentucky law
recognized that the doctrines of either constructive or cardinal change “may
properly be utilized to establish a basis for recovery outside the original con-
tract in cases where the contractual obligations of a construction contractor
vary materially from the original expectations of the parties regarding the
scope and manner of the work.”
The U.S. District Court for the Eastern
District of Kentucky adopted the decision of Special Master Thomas Stipa-
nowich, formerly a professor of construction law at the University of Ken-
tucky School of Law, and denied a subcontractor’s claim against the prime
The case involved the construction of an automotive assembly
plant for Toyota in Georgetown, Kentucky.
An electrical and mechanical
subcontractor sued the prime contractor in charge of utility work in quantum
meruit to recover the reasonable value of additional labor, material, and ser-
vices to perform substantial change work.
157. Id. at 168.
158. Id. at 167.
159. Id.
160. Id.
161. L.K. Comstock & Co. v. Becon Constr. Co., 932 F.Supp. 906, 931 (E.D. Ky.
162. Id. at 910.
163. Id. at 911.
164. Id. at 912.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
The special master denied the abandonment claim because the subcon-
tractor was aware at the time it entered the contract that the schedule would
be extremely tight and that the owner would order substantial extra work.
Specifically, the special master reasoned that it was unreasonable for the
subcontractor to claim that it did not know that the project’s design was
incomplete and that, as a result, a significant volume of additional work
would be necessary.
For much the same reason, the special master rejected the subcontractor’s
cardinal change claim.
The court affirmed that the appropriate standard
of proof for both abandonment and cardinal change was the clear and con-
vincing evidence standard.
The special master held that the subcontractor
did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that the owner-directed
changes amounted to a cardinal change because the subcontractor reaffirmed
the contract with the prime contractor when its work was 90 percent com-
The subcontractor initially began to perform on the project under a
letter of intent.
The parties, however, did not execute the actual subcon-
tract agreement until more than one year later when the work was over 90
percent complete and nearly fifty out of 208 total change orders had been
In light of the general theory that cardinal changes cannot nor-
mally be evaluated until the end or near the end of a project, the special
master found that the subcontractor lost its opportunity to claim breach by
excessive changes when it affirmed the subcontract contract at such a late
date with no reservation of right.
The special master reasoned that by the
conclusion of the contract, the subcontractor should have begun to suspect
that the numerous changes were rising to the level of a breach of contract
and taken some affirmative action to preserve its right to claim a breach.
These three cases illustrate that in cases involving cumulative disruption,
state courts have accepted and applied logic similar to that used by federal
courts and boards of contract appeals. Although the claim may be charac-
terized somewhat differently under state law, the general principles remain
the same. As a result, contractors, private owners, and state and local gov-
ernments may be able to look to the better-developed body of federal public
contract law for guidance on cumulative impact claims.
C. Modern Trend: Constructive Changes as the Basis for a Claim
Since the 1968 elimination of the Rice doctrine, claims for the productivity
impact of multiple change orders on unchanged base contract work have
165. Id. at 935.
166. Id.
167. Id. at 94647.
168. Id. at 946.
169. Id.
170. Id. at 912.
171. Id. at 930.
172. Id. at 94647.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
been decided almost exclusively by the various boards of contract appeals
rather than the U.S. Court of Claims. The transition appears to have oc-
curred in the 1978 ASBCA case, Dyson & Co., in which the board denied
a contractor’s claim for a separately compensable constructive change.
In Dyson, the ASBCA addressed a claim brought by a prime contractor
on behalf of its mechanical subcontractor.
The subcontractor sought ad-
ditional compensation for performing changed work for which compensation
was already provided under four executed change orders and for the increased
costs of unchanged work caused by the magnitude and cumulation of nu-
merous change orders.
The board began its analysis of the cumulative im-
pact claim with a review of the U.S. Court of Claims cases decided under
the cardinal change approach and during the period in which the Rice doc-
trine was in effect.
The board explained: “The Court of Claims has ad-
dressed this type of contention in analogous cases where the contractor seeks
to establish that the magnitude or cumulation of changes amounts to what
the court characterizes as a ‘cardinal change,’ exceeding the rights reserved
under the Changes clause and entitling the contractor to relief for breach of
The board referred specifically to the U.S. Court of Claims de-
cision in Aragona Construction Co. for the test that the cumulation of changes
must materially alter the nature of the parties’ original bargain in order to
qualify as a cardinal change.
The ASBCA applied Aragona’s standard to
prove cardinal change to the contractor’s inefficiency claim, although it was
presented as a constructive change claim.
The ASBCA explained: “In
the instant appeal we are similarly unpersuaded that the magnitude and
cumulation of directed changes resulted, altogether, in a separately compen-
sable constructive change.... [O]ur record establishes that appellant con-
structed essentially the same hospital structure required under the contract
as awarded.”
The ASBCA decision in Dyson appears to be one of the first board cases
to consider a cumulative impact claim in the construction context under a
constructive change theory of recovery. At the time the case was decided,
the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 had not yet been enacted, and, therefore,
the board would have lacked jurisdiction over the matter had it been a car-
173. Dyson & Co., ASBCA No. 21673, 782 BCA ¶ 13,482. Constructive change
has been described as owner “conduct which is not a formal change order, but which has
the effect of requiring the contractor to perform work different from that prescribed by
the original contract, but in theory, which could have been ordered under the Changes
clause.” Robert C. Gusman, “Constructive Change”A Theory Labeled Wrongly,5Pub.
Cont. L.J. 229 (1974).
174. Dyson & Co., 782 BCA ¶ 13,482.
175. Id. at 65,956.
176. Id. at 65,970.
177. Id.
178. Id.
179. Id.
180. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
dinal change or breach of contract case.
Consequently, the ASBCA had
no other avenue but to decide the case as a constructive change.
After Dyson, the first board decision to hold definitively that cumulative
impact costs were properly recoverable in the form of an equitable adjustment
was Pittman Construction Co.
In its general background discussion of the
compensability of impact costs under the Changes clause, the GSBCA con-
cluded that the Dyson opinion is singularly unclear about what a construc-
tive change based on cumulative impact is.”
From this brief mention of
Dyson in the historical section of the decision, the GSBCA quickly con-
cluded that a cumulative disruption claim is a constructive change, albeit a
loosely defined constructive change. Accordingly, the board stated: “[t]he
cumulative impact claim appears to be more of a historical accident than a
distinct constructive change.”
This historical accident survived. In the 1999 case Centex Bateson Con-
struction Co., the VABCA, although acknowledging the cardinal change the-
ory, found that a cumulative impact claim was more appropriately described
as a constructive change:
Although there is no need to engage in a preContract Disputes Act analysis of whether
cumulative impact is a separate constructive change or a cardinal change in order to
preserve our jurisdiction, it seems to us that cumulative impact must be viewed as a
separate constructive change under the CHANGES clause. This constructive change,
although resulting from them, is independent of other contract changes and can sur-
vive an accord and satisfaction on a change, or a general release.
V. Analysis of the Essential Elements of Cumulative Impact Claims
The essential elements of a cumulative impact claim are the same as those
that courts and boards require for most other cost overrun cases. The con-
tractor must prove liability, causation, and resultant injury.
In Wunderlich,
the U.S. Court of Claims stated that although a contractor did not need to
prove damages with mathematical exactitude, “this leniency as to the actual
mechanics of computation does not relieve the contractor of its essential
burden of establishing the fundamental facts of liability, causation and re-
sultant injury.”
Although the U.S. Court of Claims was applying these
181. The ASBCA decided Dyson on September 21, 1978, and the Contract Disputes
Act of 1978, 41 U.S.C. §§ 601613, was enacted on November 1, 1978.
182. GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,847.
183. Id. at 73,296.
184. Id. at 73,297.
185. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,258, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
186. Id.; Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., NASA BCA No. 11867, 903 BCA ¶ 22,549, 113,177;
Acme Missiles & Constr. Corp., ASBCA Nos. 11,256, 11,716, 681 BCA ¶ 6873,
187. Wunderlich Contracting Co. v. United States, 351 F.2d 956, 968 (Ct. Cl. 1965).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
elements to the contractor’s claim for delay under the Suspension of Work
clause, the ASBCA in Acme Missiles & Construction Corp. later applied
the Wunderlich elements to a cumulative impact claim.
Specifically, the
ASBCA in Acme Missiles stated:
Certainly there has been nothing to establish a doctrine that the ordering of a reason-
able number of changes on an ordinary construction contract is proof, per se, that the
contractor suffers impact costs. In order to recover a contractor must bear an essential
burden of establishing the fundamental facts of liability, causation and resulting
Although courts and boards repeatedly refer to the three key elements of
proof, courts mean that the contractor must prove “entitlement and quantum,
i.e., that the Government or owner is responsible for the condition giving
rise to the claim and that a specific amount of additional costs were in-
Consequently, causation and resultant injury lie at the heart of
proving an inefficiency claim.
A. Liability
Liability can be established with proof that the Government or private
owner breached its contractual obligation by initiating a substantial number
of contract changes, modifications, or design clarifications. For example, in
Bechtel National, Inc., the NASA Board of Contract Appeals found that
because the contractor needed to submit large numbers of RFIs to the Gov-
ernment to correct defects in its specifications, the Government was liable
for any resulting cumulative impact.
Alternatively, in Centex Bateson Con-
struction Co., the board found that liability was not an issue because neither
side disputed that all of the events allegedly giving rise to the cumulative
impact claim arose out of certain supplemental agreements for which the
Government was responsible.
B. Resultant Injury
Resultant injury is the claimed loss of labor productivity. Contractors often
seek to relate loss of efficiency to cost overruns and unanticipated schedule
Proving the actual extent of loss, however, can be very tricky be-
188. 681 BCA 6873, 73,296.
189. Id.
190. Gilbert J. Ginsburg & Brian A. Bannon, Calculating Loss of Efficiency
Claims Course Manual 27 (1986).
191. Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., 903 BCA ¶ 22,549, at 113,177.
192. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., Inc., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,258.
193. See supra Section III.A (defining the cumulative impact claim).
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
cause it is integrally linked to causation.
In Coates Industrial Piping, Inc.,
the VABCA rejected one contractor’s claim because of its inability to prove
resultant injury by stating that “there is no evidence of what the impact was,
how it impacted the work, or at what cost to the [contractor].”
The problem
was that “the quantity of loss is, in effect, offered as proof of the loss for which
the owner is liable.”
Contractors must offer clear proof of damages suffered as the result of the
breaching disruption; they can do so through a number of common methods.
1. Total Cost Method
In calculating cumulative inefficiency, some contractors begin by intro-
ducing evidence based on a total cost method.
According to the VABCA,
“[t]he current case law recognizes that using the ‘synergy’ analysis of cumu-
lative impact necessarily leads to a total cost damages analysis.”
The total
cost method is the most basic approach to calculating damages for loss of
Under this method, the estimated labor costs for the project
are subtracted from the costs as actually incurred, including profit, to arrive
at the amount of the equitable adjustment.
Contractors generally rely on
this method only when no documentation in either the project or field files
exists to prove damages with greater certainty. Although courts and boards
are reluctant to allow contractors to rely on the total cost method, on oc-
casion they have allowed the method in the disruption cases on the theory
that “the very factors that produce loss of productivity can also serve to
preclude the accurate and precise record-keeping.”
For example, in Atlas Construction Co., the GSBCA applied the total cost
method to award damages for labor inefficiency resulting from the Govern-
ment’s interference with the project.
In Atlas, the Government issued a
large number of change order directives and design variances/clarifications.
194. It is difficult to separate causation from resultant injury because proof of one often
entails showing proof of the other. As a result, boards often discuss resultant injury si-
multaneously with causation. In Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., 903 BCA ¶ 22,549, at 113,177, the
board stated that the record supported the fact that the Government’s RFIs caused loss of
productivity, but denied the claim because the contractor offered no contemporaneous
documentation to substantiate the extent of the cumulative impacts claimed.
195. Coates Indus. Piping, Inc., VABCA No. 5412, 992 BCA ¶ 30,479, 150,587.
196. Ginsburg & Bannon, supra note 190, at 1, 36.
197. Atlas Constr. Co., GSBCA Nos. 7903 et al., 902 BCA ¶ 22,812, 114,557;
Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159 (2000), cert. granted,11
P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
198. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,261.
199. Shea, supra note 28, at 419.
200. Id.
201. Id. at 416, 41921.
202. Atlas Constr. Co., 902 BCA ¶ 22,812.
203. Id. at 114,564.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
The board rejected the Government’s argument that the contractor failed to
present a sufficient quantum of proof because the contractor relied on a total
cost method.
The board determined that the total cost approach was a
“valid starting point” for proof of damages.
The difference between the
labor estimate in the bid and the actual labor costs was $96,699.
Based on
testimony by the contractor’s employees that there was 50 percent more
interference on this project, the board found that the contractor was entitled
to $59,515.
The total cost method is not favored and often is not accepted by courts
and boards because it does not eliminate the causal factors for which the
Government was not responsible.
A simple comparison of the estimated
cost and the actual cost to complete the project does not differentiate among
problems caused by the Government, private owner, and contractor. The
VABCA, in Centex Bateson, declared that the total cost method was a method
of last resort and could be used only if the contractor showed
(1) The impracticality of proving actual losses directly;
(2) The reasonableness of its bid [or estimate for the project];
(3) The reasonableness of its actual costs; and,
(4) Lack of responsibility for the added costs.
In that case, the contractor failed to prove that its bid was reasonable.
The only evidence offered by the contractor was the testimony of two indi-
viduals who did not prepare the bid.
The board inferred from the fact that
no one who worked on the bid preparation testified was tantamount to a
negative inference that their testimony would not support the contractor’s
Internal reports made at the time the bid was submitted, which
showed that the contractor underbid the project, were even more damaging
to the contractor’s cause.
Despite the method’s disfavor, some state courts nonetheless permit con-
tractors to use some form of the total cost method based on a state law
standard for proving contract damages. For example, in MARTA v. Green
International, Inc., the Georgia Court of Appeals affirmed a trial court ruling
awarding a contractor $2.8 million for increased performance costs caused by
204. Id. at 114,56465.
205. Id. at 114,565.
206. Id.
207. Id.
208. “The total cost method is not favored, in part, because it is extremely difficult
to assure that the contract is not transformed into a de facto cost reimbursement con-
tract and that costs which should be borne by [contractor] are excluded.” McMillin Bros.
Constructors, Inc., EBCA No. 3281084, 911 BCA ¶ 23,351, 1990 WL 140900
209. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625265, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,261.
210. Id.
211. Id.
212. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
inadequate plans and specifications and the owner’s failure to correct or prop-
erly administer the contract.
At issue in the appeal was whether the con-
tractor failed to prove damages proximately caused by the owner’s failure to
timely correct the design deficiencies.
The owner relied on case law from
other jurisdictions to discredit the contractor’s use of the total cost method
by arguing that the contractor failed to meet the four-part test discussed
The court determined that the four-part test was not relevant to
Georgia’s standard for proving damages.
The court explained that the trial
court’s ruling was supported by lay and expert testimony that the poor quality
of the plans required the contractor to submit over 350 RFIs and resulted in
over 1,000 revised drawings.
Specifically, the court found that the con-
tractor supported its claim with an expert “who conducted a detailed eval-
uation of the claim, including review of all construction documents, inter-
views with [project] personnel, and scheduling and cost analysis.”
As a
result, the court reaffirmed that under state law, “‘if a plaintiff can show with
reasonable certainty the total amount of damages and the degree to which
those damages are attributable to defendant, that is sufficient to support an
Therefore, under Georgia law, it appears unnecessary for the court
to reach the issue of whether a claim involves calculation of damages based
on a total cost method because all that is required is that the jury be provided
with sufficient data to estimate damages with certainty.
Alternatives to the total cost method include the modified total cost
method, the measured mile approach, and the jury verdict method. Con-
tractors have used all three methods in an effort to prove cumulative impact
claims, but in terms of reliability and judicial acceptance, the order of merit
likely places measured mile
above modified total cost and modified total
cost above the least favored jury verdict approach. Despite this ranking, it is
unclear whether the method of calculating inefficiency or the credibility of
the expert witness presenting the method drives the final outcome of the
case. For example, the jury verdict method has been applied in cumulative
impact cases to determine the amount of the equitable adjustment, but it
appears to have been used only after the court or board has already concluded
subjectively that the contractor is entitled to recover.
213. MARTA v. Green Int’l, Inc., 509 S.E.2d 674, 676 (Ga. Ct. App. 1998).
214. Id.
215. Id. at 677 n.1.
216. Id.
217. Id. at 67677.
218. Id. at 677.
219. Id. at 678.
220. H. Randolph Thomas & Victor E. Sanvido, Quantification of Losses Caused by
Labor Inefficiencies: Where Is the Elusive Measured Mile, Constr. L. & Bus. 1 (Summer
2000) (“The most widely accepted way to quantify losses is the so-called measured mile
221. David J. Tierney, Jr., Inc., GSBCA Nos. 7107, 6198 (5855)-Rein., 882 BCA
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
2. Modified Total Cost Method
As is evident from the discussion above, the two most significant short-
comings of the total cost method are that it fails to consider problems caused
by the contractor
and it “assumes the contractor’s [underlying] bid is cor-
The modified total cost method eliminates the dependence on the
original estimate and accounts for non-owner-related performance factors by
requiring the contractor to account for “performance factors for which the
owner is not responsible.”
In order to calculate the inefficiency cost, the
contractor must begin with the actual cost of performing the project and
subtract out (1) costs incurred due to contractor error and (2) the bid price
for the project.
In Amelco Electric v. City of Thousand Oaks, the California Court of Appeal
endorsed the contractor’s use of the modified total cost method for deter-
mining damages where the only instruction given to the jury described this
The jury was instructed that the measure of damages in the event
of a breach was the reasonable value of the contractor’s work, “less the pay-
ments made by the city, and less any costs incurred by [the contractor] which
are not fairly attributable to the city.”
During the trial, the contractor
admitted that it had made no effort to track the cost impact of each individual
The contractor attempted in the initial stages to track the costs
attributable to each individual change order, but it abandoned the practice
when it became too time-consuming and difficult.
As a result, the court
allowed the contractor to prove its damages by comparing its estimate to the
actual number of hours it took to complete the project.
The actual hours
reflected a 40 percent increase, of which almost 17 percent were covered by
the 32 change orders.
The court’s endorsement, however, should not be
taken to mean that the modified total cost method will always be successful,
but rather only that the city in that case did notor could notpersuade
¶ 20,806, 105,17374; Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., NASA BCA No. 11867, 903 BCA
¶ 22,549, 113,182.
222. See Urban Plumbing & Heating Co. v. United States, 408 F.2d 382, 394 (Ct. Cl.
223. See Shea, supra note 28, at 421.
224. Id.
225. Cohen, supra note 30; see also Servidone Constr. Corp. v. United States, 931 F.2d
860, 862 (Fed. Cir. 1991).
226. Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159, 173 (Cal Ct. App.
2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
227. Id. at 173.
228. Id. at 164.
229. Id.
230. Id. at 168.
231. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
the court to issue limiting instructions that this method is appropriate only
when proving actual losses is impracticable.
3. Measured Mile Approach
In comparison, the measured mile approach is an accepted form of impact
cost analysis that examines retrospectively what the project should have
This method involves a comparison of the productivity achieved by
the contractor in an undisrupted area of work with the contractor’s produc-
tivity on a similar task during a disrupted work period.
In most cases, the
contractor will select an unimpacted area on the same project, but also may
select an unimpacted area of work from a different project involving the same
or similar type of work. This approach can provide an excellent basis for
calculating the extent of damages if a suitable benchmark can be selected.
The greatest obstacle lies in “identifying an unimpacted period in which the
work being performed was sufficiently similar to that work performed in the
impacted period.”
Even with the widely accepted measured mile approach, expert witness
credibility plays a significant role in the outcome of a cumulative impact
claim. In a recent case, J.A. Jones Construction Co., the Corps of Engineers
Board of Contract Appeals (ENG BCA) rejected a contractor’s attempted
use of a modified form of measured mile analysis where it found the expert’s
methodology to be flawed.
The case involved a $27 million flood protec-
tion project in Matewan, West Virginia, including the construction of a
2,650-foot flood wall with various gates and openings for highway and pe-
destrian traffic and the raising of an entire area of the outlying town above
flood level by burying a subdivision under twenty to twenty-five feet of back-
After the project was complete, the contractor sought compensation
for labor inefficiencies that resulted from the effects of forty-nine change
orders that increased its total labor costs to perform unchanged contract work
by 28 percent.
The contractor, J.A. Jones, offered the testimony of its expert, Paul L.
DeMent, to calculate the cumulative inefficiency impact based on the ex-
232. Clark Concrete Contractors, Inc. v. GSA, GSBCA No. 14340, 991 BCA
¶ 30,280, 149,74649, recons. denied, GSBCA No. 14340-R, 992 BCA ¶ 30,393 (“[The
GSBCA] will accept a [measured mile] comparison if it is between kinds of work which
are reasonably alike, such that the approximations it involves will be meaningful.”); Co-
hen, supra note 30.
233. U.S. Indus., Inc. v. Blake Constr. Co., 671 F.2d 539 (D.C. Cir. 1982).
234. See DANAC, Inc., ASBCA No. 33,394, 972 BCA ¶ 29,184, 145,152; Flex-Y-
Plan Indus., GSBCA No. 4117, 761 BCA ¶ 11,713; A.W. Burton, AGBCA No. 431,
771 BCA ¶ 12,307.
235. See Cohen, supra note 30, at 6.
236. J.A. Jones Constr. Co., ENG BCA Nos. 6348, 63866391, 002 BCA ¶ 31,000,
237. Id. at 153,07980.
238. Id. at 153,097.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
pert’s own variation of a “measured mile” analysis.
The ENG BCA began
its review of the contractor’s presentation of its inefficiency claim with an
evaluation of the expert’s credentials.
The board observed that Mr.
DeMent held only a bachelor’s degree in building construction, he had no
formal education in measuring lost productivity, and his methodology for
measuring productivity was gained by on-the-job training.
He neither be-
longed to any professional societies nor had he published anything on the
In contrast, when the board examined the Government’s case-in-
rebuttal, it began by noting that the Government’s expert, Dr. H. Randolph
Thomas, held a bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering, a Master’s in
civil engineering, and a Ph.D. in civil engineering.
For fifteen years, he
had taught a graduate course in labor productivity.
Further, the Govern-
ment’s expert belonged to numerous professional organizations; had pub-
lished numerous articles on labor productivity, including productivity quan-
tification studies; and had received numerous honors, including a Fulbright
J.A. Jones’s expert, Mr. DeMent, measured inefficiency by comparing a
base (cost-coded) period during which the contractor performed only non-
impacted work with an impacted period, during which both base contract
and change order work were performed.
Mr. DeMent derived his base pe-
riod using a period where only unchanged work was performed.
For each
activity, “he divided the quantity of units produced (e.g., cubic feet of con-
crete placed) by the number of labor hours required to produce that quan-
Mr. DeMent claimed that this figure accurately reflected the rate of
productivity that J.A. Jones should have been able to achieve in the absence
of numerous change orders.
He compared this base period with an impacted
period, in which both changed and unchanged work were performed.
impacted period included all of the hours that were actually spent on each
cost-coded activity during the impacted period.
To identify what the total
number of craft hours should have been for each work area during the im-
pacted period, he multiplied the base period rate of productivity (craft hours
239. Id. at 153,09799.
240. Id. at 153,097.
241. Id.
242. Id.
243. Id. at 153,100.
244. Id.
245. Id.
246. Id. at 153,097. Note that a base period is one covered by the original contract
specifications, and an impacted period includes base work plus work required by change
247. Id.
248. Id.
249. Id.
250. Id. at 153,098.
251. Id.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
per unit of production) for each work activity by the total quantity of units
actually produced for that activity during the impacted period.
He then
subtracted this total from the actual number of hours required for each ac-
tivity to obtain the amount of inefficiency.
The first factor to complicate Mr. DeMent’s analysis came in determining
what activities were to be included in the impacted area. Apparently, Mr.
DeMent developed his own criteria to determine which unchanged base con-
tract cost-coded work activities were included.
To make this determination,
he applied six-, seven-, or eight-hour-per-day “filters” or minimum amounts
of craft hours that could be spent on change order work before an item could
be assigned to the impacted period.
The example provided by the board
looked at one member of a crew who worked on change order work for six
hours and who also spent time on base contract work.
The entire block of
that crew member’s time as well as the time for the whole crew for the entire
month was, under this analysis, placed in the impacted period because the
expert relied upon monthly reports.
To reliably quantify the extent of the
impact, the expert used these three filters and three separate base period
quantity filters that placed a floor on the minimum amount of base contract
work that had to be included before an item could be considered impacted.
He calculated the difference between the total hours actually spent during
the impacted period and the hours that it should have required nine different
The ENG BCA rejected Mr. DeMent’s analysis because he failed to isolate
specific impacts caused by individual changes or eliminate other potential
causes of loss of productivity on the unchanged work.
According to the
board, the absence of a cause-and-effect analysis, together with his lack of
detailed knowledge about the project, undermined the credibility of his
The board further referred to the testimony of the Government’s expert
that the analysis did not qualify as a true measured mile approach.
Thomas’s testimony was based on his observations that Mr. DeMent did not
examine contemporaneous project documentation to ascertain what work
the contractor actually performed and why productivity fluctuated from week
to week.
Moreover, Mr. DeMent’s methodology allows a single impacted
252. Id.
253. Id.
254. Id.
255. Id.
256. Id.
257. Id.
258. Id.
259. Id. at 153,107.
260. Id.
261. Id. at 153,100.
262. Id. at 153,108.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
day to determine whether whole months of data went into the “impacted
pile” versus the “unimpacted pile.”
The Government’s expert thus suc-
ceeded in undermining both the contractor’s expert and the contractor’s
overall claim.
The J.A. Jones decision illustrates the importance of selecting a particular
method to prove quantum, and of selecting an expert who understands how
to calculate labor productivity and who can persuade the trier of fact. In that
case, the contractor’s expert lacked formal training and appeared to avoid
the question of what other variables could have contributed to the lost pro-
The expert should have conducted a thorough and detailed study
of the project documents to isolate and eliminate other factors that could
have been responsible for the inefficiency. The expert’s flawed methodology,
together with his lack of knowledge of the project documents, ultimately
undermined his credibility and therefore damaged the contractor’s position.
4. Jury Verdict Method
Boards and courts primarily apply the jury verdict method after they have
determined that causation has been established but the amount of damages
cannot be ascertained with certainty. Such was the case in David J. Tierney,
Jr., Inc., where the GSBCA determined that although the contractor could
not “pinpoint, day by day, the effect” of numerous government-issued change
orders, the changes issued nonetheless impacted the project.
The board
used a “jury verdict” to determine a reasonable amount to award the con-
This approach amounts to nothing more than an educated guess
based on information available to the trier-of-fact.
Given the uncertainty
of the state of cumulative impact claims, it would be unwise for a contractor
to base its case on the jury verdict approach until it was confident that
causation had been established. Further, in light of the fact that proof of
quantum often implicates causation, both a measured mile analysis and the
modified total cost method provide better measures for calculating ineffi-
ciencies than the jury verdict method.
C. Causation
Causation is the most difficult element to prove. Without proof of a causal
link between the owner-directed changes and the ensuing loss of efficiency,
there is no entitlement to recovery.
The contractor seeking recovery must
submit evidence that “the number, timing, and effect of the changes that
263. Id.
264. Id. at 153,097.
265. David J. Tierney, Jr., Inc., GSBCA Nos. 7107, 6198 (5855)-Rein., 882 BCA
¶ 20,806, 105,121.
266. Id. at 105,17374.
267. Cohen, supra note 30, at 6.
268. Finke, supra note 3, at 314 n. 14.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
were issued” impacted its ability to plan and perform its work.
Making this
connection is not easy; as one board noted causation “can be an elusive
One point is clear from the case law: the existence of a sub-
stantial number of changes in itself is insufficient evidence of causation.
Much like the difficulties of demonstrating resultant injury, the biggest
problem with proving causation involves separating internally (contractor)
caused inefficiencies from externally (Government or private owner) caused
inefficiencies. The issue of segregation appears in most of the major cumu-
lative impact cases. In Pittman Construction Co., the Government issued 206
change orders, extending contract performance by 102 days.
The board
determined that over half of the extension resulted from events for which
the Government was not responsible.
Contract performance was extended
thirty-four days for inclement weather and eighty-two days for a carpenter’s
The board found that the contractor’s story was simply not credible:
We consider the more plausible version to be that [the contractor] accurately assessed
the complete cost of the change, including impact, but was required to absorb addi-
tional costs associated with its own inefficiency, the carpenter’s strike, and other causes
not attributable to the Government.
In Centex Bateson Construction Co., the VABCA required proof of a
“causal connection . . . showing that the undifferentiated group of contract
changes affecting the changed and unchanged contract work resulted in the
loss of productivity on that work.”
The board suggested that causation
could be established by demonstrating that “there [were] no other reasons for
a loss of productivity for which the Government is not responsible.”
Bateson requires the contractor to prove a negative by showing that the con-
tractor was not the cause of the increased labor costs.
The board in Centex Bateson concluded that cases awarding recovery have
done so as the result of subjective conclusions rather than thorough objective
Although there may be some truth to the board’s conclusion, the
269. Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., NASA BCA No. 11867, 903 BCA ¶ 22,549, 113,177.
270. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,258, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
271. Id. at 14,259; Freeman-Darling, Inc., GSBCA No. 7112, 892 BCA ¶ 21,882.
272. Pittman Constr. Co., GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,847, 73,300
301, aff’d, Pittman Constr. Co. v. United States, 2 Cl. Ct. 211 (1983).
273. Id. at 73,301.
274. Id.
275. Id. at 73,302.
276. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,258, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
277. Id.
278. Keating & Burke, supra note 21, at 30, 31.
279. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., 991 BCA 30,153, at 149,258, 149,259.
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
board’s decision to deny an award was no less subjective. The board did not
find the contractor’s evidence of causation credible. Despite the contractor’s
elaborate efforts to characterize the problem differently, the board stated that
the claim was “firmly rooted in the fact that [the contractor] expended more
for labor . . . than it budgeted in its bid.”
The contractor based its claim on the testimony of its on-site project
engineer and the scheduling reports he prepared for the proceeding.
though the project engineer was a licensed master electrician with more than
thirty years’ experience with electrical construction, the board concluded
that he was “neither familiar with nor experienced in the usual analyses or
preparation of ‘impact’ claims.”
The board found the evidence submitted
by the contractor to be contrived solely for the purpose of litigation. The
board further determined that the claim rested on the mistaken assumption
that when a construction activity listed on the critical path type schedule
(CPM schedule) took longer to complete as shown on revised CPM sched-
ules, that event necessarily impacted unchanged work.
Another example of how not to prove cause and effect can be found in
Southwest Marine, Inc., in which the Department of Transportation Board of
Contract Appeals (DOT BCA) rejected the contractor’s claim because the
contractor only provided evidence that fifteen of 202 government change
requests actually disrupted the work.
In that case, the contractor sought to
recover for 14,022 craft hours of cumulative disruption allegedly resulting
from more than 200 government-issued changes.
The contractor based its
claim on the testimony of its scheduling expert and exhibits prepared by the
In addition, the contractor limited its proof to disruptions caused
by fifteen representative changes and offered only one exhibit, providing
a summary of the date the contractor issued inspection deficiency reports
and the change requests corresponding to each report, to support the adverse
effect of the remaining 187 changes.
The DOT BCA concluded that
the exhibit did not prove the link between the change orders and the
Boards also have found that a contractor’s attempt to prove causation can
be undermined by the prime contractor’s failure to maintain a CPM sched-
In Haas & Haynie Corp., the prime contractor argued that “the number
280. Id. at 149,261.
281. Id. at 149,260.
282. Id. at 149,207.
283. Id. at 149,260.
284. Southwest Marine, Inc., DOT BCA No. 1663, 943 BCA ¶ 27,102, 135,078.
285. Id. at 135,078.
286. Id.
287. Id.
288. Id.
289. Haas & Haynie Corp., GSBCA Nos. 5530 et al., 842 BCA ¶ 17,446, 86,898.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
and scope of changes . . . extended its stay on the project beyond its projected
completion date” and resulted in increased administrative overhead costs.
The GSBCA rejected the claim because of the contractor’s failure to ade-
quately supervise the work of its subcontractors.
Although the contractor
started the project with a CPM schedule, the schedule was not maintained
and the subcontractors never received copies of the schedule.
Because the
contractor abandoned the schedule, the board found it impossible to deter-
mine whether the original completion date was possible. Moreover, the board
was unable to distinguish between the contractor-caused delays from the
government-caused delays.
What can be gleaned from this line of decisions is that a contractor, seek-
ing to recover for cumulative impacts, must carefully develop its claim by
combining expert testimony with that of lay witnesses who experienced first-
hand the effects of numerous owner-directed changes.
The credibility of
the contractor’s lay and expert witnesses appears, in many cases, to be the
most essential element of a successful claim. The foundation for any credible
expert is reliance on, and an understanding of, the contract and contempo-
raneous project documents. Further, if an expert uses exhibits that summarize
or use representative examples of the effects of numerous changes, the con-
tractor should be sure to present into evidence the documentation that backs
up the exhibit and be able to demonstrate that the evidence is in fact
Preparing for possible litigation, the contractor should reserve the right to
bring a cumulative impact claim in each change order before such a claim
ever arises. The contractor also should establish that it raised the issue of loss
of productivity once it became aware of the possibility of a problem.
With respect to proving quantum of damages, the contractor may begin
with a total cost method, but should be sure to introduce evidence that meets
the four threshold requirements listed in Centex Bateson. A more reliable
option would be to use either the modified total cost method, which does
not depend on the accuracy of the original estimate, or, in the alternative,
the measured mile approach, which compares impacted versus unimpacted
sections of the work on one or more projects. These approaches are com-
monly used in loss of labor productivity cases, although they do not appear
frequently in cumulative impact claims.
290. Id. at 86,897.
291. Id. at 86,900.
292. Id.
293. Id.
294. Frank Baltz & J. Russell Morrissey, Contractor’s Claims for Cumulative Impact: Valid
but Difficult to Recover,32Procurement Law. 18 (Fall 1996).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
D. Foreseeability as a Limitation
Boards also have included “foreseeability” of the changed working con-
ditions as an additional factor in determining whether a claim is compen-
Foreseeability represents a judicial attempt to determine causation
when the boards and courts are unsure of what caused inefficiency to occur
on the project. Foreseeability first became an issue in 1981 in Pittman Con-
struction Co., in which the GSBCA raised foreseeability as a possible means
to analyze cumulative impact claims. According to the board:
The problem [of proving cumulative impact claims] is almost a tort problemfore-
seeability. When pricing the changes individually, the contractor may not have taken
into account the synergistic effect of all the changes collectively, and it may therefore
recover in the changes only those impact costs relatively easy to foresee, i.e. those that
are customarily referred to as “direct” impact costs. Failing to foresee the so-called
cumulative impact costs, the contractor fails to claim them, and thereby obtains less
than full compensation for the change being negotiated.
Foreseeability, in the world of loss of productivity claims, has been used
to limit rather than expand liability where cause-in-fact is difficult to
If the contractor could foresee that unchanged work would or even
could be impacted by a change request, then the contractor is expected to
negotiate the cost of that impact in a change order that should follow the
impact immediately. The corollary to this rule is that the contractor must
prove that the impact was either unforeseeable or simply not known when
the parties agreed to the price of the change order closest in time to the
impact. An impact is foreseeable, and therefore direct and compensable, if it
can be related in time to a specific change.
A contractor is expected to anticipate that it will have to perform all work
reasonably foreseeable from the bid documents.
If certain impacts to the
project could have been foreseen when the contractor and owner entered
into the contract, or later when the parties modified the contract, then the
contractor is expected to have taken that disruption into account when pric-
ing the contract modifications or change orders. For example, if a solicitation
includes contingency options that the owner may choose to award after work
on the project has begun, the contractor may not seek to recover for the
cumulative impact of the activation of these prepriced options.
In sum, no
295. Pittman Constr. Co., GSBCA Nos. 4897, 4923, 811 BCA ¶ 14,847, 73,297;
Haas & Haynie Corp., GSBCA Nos. 5530 et al., 842 BCA ¶ 17,446, 86,897; Finke,
supra note 3, at 314.
296. Pittman Constr. Co., 811 BCA ¶ 14,847, at 73,29798.
297. Id.
298. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., Inc., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,259, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
299. Finke, supra note 3, at 315 n.16.
300. Southwest Marine, Inc., DOT BCA No. 1663, 941 BCA ¶ 27,102, 135,059
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
entitlement to an equitable adjustment exists if the impact to the unchanged
work was foreseeable at the time the contractor executed the underlying
change orders.
E. Reserving the Right to Claim Cumulative Impact
As an adjunct to the concept of foreseeability, the initial obstacle to re-
covering for a cumulative impact claim is avoiding release or waiver of the
claim before the contractor is even aware that such disruption has occurred.
The trend in the law appears to require contractors to expressly reserve the
right to request an equitable adjustment for the cumulative disruption, even
before any impact becomes known.
Failure to make an express reservation
of right in change orders or contract modifications may prevent a contractor
from seeking recovery under the affirmative defense of accord and satisfac-
tion. The issue is generally a question of fact (whether rights were reserved)
and not a question of law. Accordingly, courts and boards look to the language
contained in the contract modifications or to the general conditions of the
contract to determine whether a contractor has waived or released its rights.
Only when the contract is ambiguous does the inquiry “look to extrinsic
evidence to determine the intent of the parties.”
Where a contractor has included express reservations of right in the
change orders, supplemental agreements, or contract modifications, the cases
consistently hold that express reservations of right preserve the contractor’s
right to make a claim in the future.
In contrast, where a change order or
particular contract provision contains language releasing the owner for lia-
bility for delays and disruption stemming from that change, the Government
or private owner may raise waiver, release, or accord and satisfaction as de-
Specifically, the owner can argue that each contract modification
301. The Waiver or Reservation of Impact Costs,23Constr. Claims Monthly 1, 7
(Feb. 2001) (recognizing that the traditional change order language may not adequately
address the impact of change order work on unchanged work and recommending that
contract modifications expressly take cumulative impacts into account as well as establish
ground rules for handling such claims).
302. “A contractor may reserve a claim for impact where there is no way to accurately
ascertain or estimate the impact until contract completion.” Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., NASA
BCA No. 11867, 901 BCA ¶ 22,549, 113,181.
303. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., Inc., VABCA Nos. 4613, 51625165, 991 BCA
¶ 30,153, 149,259, aff’d, Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir.
304. See David J. Tierney, Jr., Inc., GSBCA Nos. 7107, 6198 (5585)-Rein., 882 BCA
¶ 20,806, 105,171; Bechtel Nat’l, Inc., 901 BCA ¶ 22,549, 113,181; Triple “A” South,
ASBCA No. 46866, 943 BCA ¶ 27,194, 135,540; Centex Bateson Constr. Co,991
BCA ¶ 30,153, at 149,253; Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d
159, 170 (Cal. Ct. App. 2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
305. Dyson & Co., ASBCA No. 21673, 782 BCA ¶ 13,482, 65,95758 & 65,970;
Atl. Drydock Corp. v. United States, 773 F. Supp. 335, 338 (M.D. Fla. 1991).
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
operates as a full and final settlement for all impacts arising out of each
supplemental agreement, even if the impacts were unforeseeable or unknown
at the time.
In the most recent federal case to touch on this issue, the United States
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed the ASBCA’s finding of
fact that the contractor reserved its right to recover cumulative impact.
Centex Bateson, the contractor reserved its right to seek additional time and
compensation in the future for impact.
The term “impact” was not defined
as direct or cumulative. The Government argued that the entire contractor’s
claims represented “direct and indirect costs of the contract changes for
which the parties reached accord and satisfaction under the terms of the
supplemental agreements.”
Because of the ambiguity of what the term “im-
pact” encompassed, the board looked to extrinsic evidence.
Based on the
testimony of the authors of the reservation, the board concluded that the
supplemental agreements resolved all claims for direct impact related to each
agreement, but not claims for cumulative impact unknown at the time the
agreements were entered.
The Federal Circuit affirmed the board’s deci-
sion, which found that as a matter of fact, the agreements did not include
“unknowable costs,” and, thereby, implicitly recognized that a right to recover
for unforeseeable impacts does exist despite an earlier release.
In the recent California case, Amelco Electric, the court found that the
jury correctly concluded that the contractor did not waive its claim for dam-
ages by failing to comply with a ten-day notice provision.
Reaching its
holding, the court determined that the city had actual knowledge of the loss
of productivity and, more importantly, each of more than 200 change orders
contained the following reservation:
Please be advised that we are not asking for additional time for this change; however,
should this change, or the accumulation of changes impact the original schedule,
installation sequences creating delays or accelerations which affect our work, we reserve
the right to submit our cost for additional compensation.
It is interesting to note that the court also rejected the city’s argument
that there was a failure of notice by ruling that the notice terms are inappli-
306. See, e.g., Dyson & Co., 782 BCA 13,482, at 65,95758, 65,970.
307. Centex Bateson Constr. Co. v. West, 250 F.3d 761 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (affirming
decision of VABCA).
308. Centex Bateson Constr. Co., 991 BCA ¶ 30,153, 149,254.
309. Id. at 149,253.
310. Id. at 149,254.
311. Id.
312. Id.
313. Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159, 170 (Cal. Ct. App.
2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).
314. Id. at 170, n.2.
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
cable to claims arising out of breaches of contract by the other party.
court reasoned that the party that breaches the contract may not insist on
written notice of its own breach.
There is some support for the idea that where a contract does not include
an express reservation to recover for the cumulative impacts of multiple
owner-directed changes, the contractor forfeits its right to do so. In Uhle v.
Tarlton, the Missouri Court of Appeals affirmed a directed verdict against a
subcontractor seeking damages for extra work and lost productivity.
subcontractor claimed that certain ‘change orders were signed to cover the
direct costs of doing the extra work and that they did not cover the indirect
costs and impact costs of doing the work.’
The court declined to follow
federal precedent, reasoning that the subcontract at issue did not contain
language similar to the federal Changes clause, which expressly authorizes an
equitable adjustment for changes that increase or decrease the cost and time
required for work under the contract, “ ‘whether or not changed by any such
The court acknowledged that change orders may delay a project,
disrupt productivity, and increase costs, but asserted that if a contractor does
not intend to waive its inefficiency claims, it must reserve that right in the
contract. Specifically, the court explained:
To avoid such an unfavorable occurrence, a contract could provide that in the event
of such situations, the contract reserves its right to claim impact costs until the full
impact of the changed or “extra work” is appreciated. Or, the contract could contain
a clause patterned after the federal [Changes clause].
In Haas & Haynie, the GSBCA stated:
[A] pricing agreement with respect to a given change or series of changes extinguishes
all entitlement of the contractor to an equitable adjustment under the Changes clause
for all costs it incurs after the change has taken placeunless the Board can find, as
we did here for “cumulative impact,” that the parties expressly or impliedly agreed to
exclude certain costs.
The GSBCA picked up on this idea again by reiterating that as a general
rule a contract modification signed without reservation extinguishes the right
to subsequently claim cumulative impacts.
At the same time, boards in
similar types of cases have found that an express reservation of right is not
necessary. For example, in Beaty Electric Co., Inc., the Department of Energy
Board of Contract Appeals (EBCA) held that a contractor does not waive
its right to maintain a subsequent delay claim for extended overhead where
315. Id. at 170.
316. Id.
317. Uhle v. Tarlton, 938 S.W.2d 594 (Mo. Ct. App. 1997).
318. Id. at 597.
319. Id. at 597 n.3.
320. Id. at 599.
321. Haas & Haynie Corp., GSBCA Nos. 5530 et al., 842 BCA ¶ 17,446, 86,897,
322. Id. at 86,899
Claims for the Cumulative Impact of Multiple Change Orders
the change orders contained neither language of waiver or release, nor an
express reservation to claim such costs.
In the absence of specific contrac-
tual language, the board in Beaty had to determine the intent of the parties
by examining extrinsic evidence.
Instead of leaving the question to the
judgment of a board or a court, “prudence dictates that contractors expressly
reserve the right to such a claim when signing off on change orders.”
VI. Conclusion
The courts and various boards of contract appeals have recognized a gen-
eral entitlement to an equitable adjustment for the cumulative disruptive
impact of multiple owner-directed changes, whose effect on productivity and
cost exceed the direct costs of the changed work associated with each under-
lying change order. This cause of action is, however, not easy to prove and
courts and boards are not always consistent in their treatment of cumulative
impact claims. Inconsistent treatment stems from the intellectual appeal of
the cumulative impact claim on the one side (i.e., the underlying notion
common to everyday life that the effect of two or more changes on a project
can be more severe than the effect of one change) and the dearth of com-
prehensive, peer-reviewed studies in the field of labor productivity measure-
ment on the other side. Because the law appears to have “leapfrogged” the
labor productivity experts by recognizing a right to recovery in Pittman Con-
struction Co., the outcome of each case will likely continue to turn on
factually intensive inquiries and on the credibility of the expert and lay
Generally, the first obstacle on the road to recovery is the Government’s
or private owner’s argument that each executed change order constitutes a
full and final agreement with respect to all costs arising out of that change.
As a result, contractors generally have to expressly reserve the right in change
orders and ensure that they do not give the right away in the general con-
ditions of the contract before any impact ever arises.
Because the theoretical bases for the claim have changed over time, con-
tractors must be prepared to proceed under several different theories. The
claim may be brought as a direct impact claim if causation between specific
changes and specific impacts can be established or as a cumulative impact
change, where causation is by definition more difficult to prove. The claim
may be characterized as a separate constructive change compensable under
the Changes clause or as a cardinal change that materially alters the contem-
plated scope of work. Some states characterize the cardinal change doctrine
323. Beaty Elec. Co., EBCA No. 4083-88, 902 BCA ¶ 22,829, 114,632, 114,635.
324. Id. at 114,635.
325. The Cumulative Impact of Multiple Changes,18Constr. Claims Monthly 1, 7
(May 1996).
Public Contract Law Journal • Vol. 31, No. 1 • Fall 2001
as an abandonment of the contract, and effectively lower the standard of
proof normally applied to cardinal changes in government contracts.
No matter how the claim is characterized, the contractor still must prove
the essential elements of liability, causation, and resultant injury. A contrac-
tor seeking to recover must demonstrate that the impact was not foreseeable,
and that when the disruptive effect became known, the contractor docu-
mented its occurrence and requested reimbursement. In order to establish the
elements, the contractor must rely on a mutually supportive combination of
expert and lay testimony, based on first-hand project experience and on a
detailed review of contemporaneous project documentation.
326. C. Norman Peterson Co. v. Container Corp. of Am., 218 Cal. Rptr. 592, 598
(1985); Amelco Elec. v. City of Thousand Oaks, 98 Cal. Rptr. 2d 159, 164 (Cal. Ct. App.
2000), cert. granted, 11 P.3d 956 (Cal. 2000).