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CerTifiCaTiON reNewal aCTiviTies
ID# Activity CAU Value
Max units
per 3-year
Verication Documentation
In the NBCOT Navigator, take the Ethics
Case Simulation to assess knowledge
of real-world examples of ethical
1.25 units
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, take a
Microcredential to demonstrate
knowledge in a focused area of practice.
1.5 – 2 units
(depending on
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, take a multiple-
choice Mini Practice Quiz to assess
knowledge of contemporary practice
grounded by evidence-based literature.
0.5 unit per quiz
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, complete a
Case Simulation and assess practice
knowledge by interacting with a virtual
0.5 unit per case
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, assess
broad areas of occupational therapy
knowledge used in practice with the
OT Knowledge Library, a stylized
matching tool.
0.25 unit per
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, complete a
PICO exercise to assess implementation
of the PICO (Patient/Problem,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcome)
process in order to integrate evidence-
based research into practice.
0.5 unit per PICO
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
In the NBCOT Navigator, select and
administer the most appropriate PAM
as part of the client’s intervention plan,
based on the presenting condition, past
medical history, and the physician’s
referral. (For OTR only.)
0.25 per tool
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
ID 55 rev031424
Competency Assessment Units
A certicant can earn up to 36 CAU by completing any combination of tools
in the NBCOT Navigator®.
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In the NBCOT Navigator, use Orthotic
Builder to select the optimal orthosis
and make best-practice fabrication
decisions to support recovery from a
range of hand injuries and conditions.
0.5 unit per tool
Certificate of completion provided
through Navigator. (Units will
be automatically entered into
Certification Renewal Log.)
Assess specific practice-related
professional skills using the NBCOT
Self-Assessment tool(s), or similar
professional skills assessment tool. The
same assessment may only be claimed
once per renewal cycle.
1 unit per tool
7 units (for
7 Self-
Print score report from the Self-
Assessment or provide a copy
of completed tool from another
Develop a Professional Development
Continuing-Competency Plan based
on the results of professional skills
1 unit 1 unit
Use results of Self-Assessment
tool(s) (see above) to develop goals
relating to competence/skills.
Professional Development Activities
Professional Service
ID# Activity PDU Value
Max units
per 3-year
Verication Documentation
A certificant can earn a maximum of 12 units from Fieldwork Supervision.
Level I fieldwork direct supervision.
Must not be one’s primary role.
1 unit per
6 units
Letter of verification or certificate
from school that includes dates of
fieldwork and name of fieldwork
Level II fieldwork direct supervision.
Must not be one’s primary role.
1 unit per
1 week of
per student
12 units
Letter of verification or certificate
from school that includes the
dates of fieldwork. DO NOT submit
student evaluation forms as
verification. Co-supervision is
acceptable; record dates and times
when providing direct student
supervision. Supervision of more
than one student at a time is
acceptable; record dates and times
of supervision provided to each
Apply appropriate PDU value based
on time spent providing direct
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Entry-level or post-doctoral advanced
fieldwork direct supervision. Must not
be one’s primary role.
1 unit per
1 week of
per student
12 units
Letter of verification or certificate
from school that includes the
dates of fieldwork. DO NOT submit
student evaluation forms as
verification. Co-supervision is
acceptable; record dates and times
when providing direct student
supervision. Supervision of more
than one student at a time is
acceptable; record dates and times
of supervision provided to each
student. Apply appropriate PDU
value based on time spent providing
direct supervision.
14 Entry-level OTD capstone mentorship.
1 unit per
1 week of
mentorship per
14 units
A bio sketch that outlines evidence
of the mentor’s expertise in the
area of the student’s capstone
experience, a description of the
capstone experience plan and
objectives; and a letter or certificate
from the school that includes the
dates of the mentorship experience
and hours of supervision provided.
Volunteer for an organization,
population, or individual that adds
to the overall development of one’s
professional practice or leadership role.
5 hours = 1 unit 6 units
Letter from an organization
verifying hours and outcomes
of volunteer service along with
completed Volunteering Log
available here.
Peer review of practice-related research
article or textbook.
5 units per
18 units
Letter from publishing organization
that includes your name, title of
publication, and date review was
Mentor an OT colleague or other
professional to improve skills of the
protégé, including role as a disciplinary
monitor. (Mentor must be currently
certified with NBCOT.)
2 hours = 1 unit 18 units
Goals, objectives, and analysis of
mentee performance. Mentoring
Guidelines & Log available here.
Workshops/Courses/Independent Learning
ID# Activity PDU Value
Max units
per 3-year
Verication Documentation
Attend employer-provided workplace
continuing education (may include CPR
training). Does not include new sta
orientation and/or annual mandatory
workplace trainings (e.g., HIPAA, Fire
Safety, Resident Rights). The same
course/activity may be claimed only
once for PDU per renewal cycle.
1 hour = 1 unit
A certificate of attendance or a
letter from the sponsor/employer
verifying contact hours or CEU,
dates, event title, attendee name
and workshop agenda (if available).
Please do not submit sign-in sheets
as they will not be accepted.
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Attend workshops, seminars, lectures,
professional conferences, or online
courses that are approved by one of the
Regionally accredited college/
State regulatory board for
licensure renewal
Continuing-education providers
(e.g., state associations,
continuing-education companies)
Third party entity
The same workshop may be claimed
only once for PDU per renewal cycle.
1 hour = 1 unit
A certificate of attendance or a
letter from the sponsor/employer
verifying contact hours or CEU,
dates, event title, attendee name
and workshop agenda (if available).
Please do not submit sign-in sheets
as they will not be accepted.
Successfully complete education
(e.g., workshops, seminars, lectures,
online courses, or conference) with an
assessment component at the end of
the program (e.g., scored test, project,
The same workshop may be claimed
only once for PDU per renewal cycle.
1 hour = 1.25
A certificate of attendance or a
letter from the provider verifying
contact hours or CEU, date(s), event
title, attendee name, agenda, and
indicates successful completion of
assessment component at the end
of the program (e.g., scored test,
project, paper).
Read peer-reviewed, practice-related
professional journal article and/
or textbook chapter, and write a
report describing the implications for
improving skills in one’s specific role.
Cannot claim for PDU purposes if the
textbook is required for academic
coursework/audited course.
2 articles or 2
chapters = 1 unit
Annotated bibliography AND a
report with analysis of how the
article/textbook has assisted with
improving skills in one’s role.
Journal/Textbook Reading form is
available here.
Successfully complete academic
coursework. Course must relate to
practice area.
1 credit hour per
semester = 10
Oicial transcript with registrar’s
seal from accredited college/
university. Transcript should be in
a sealed envelope with “RENEWAL
noted on the exterior. Transcript
should only be submitted if
requested by NBCOT, if audited, or
when submitting a Reinstatement
Receive mentoring from a currently
certified occupational therapy
practitioner or other professional in
good standing to improve the skills of
the protégé.
2 hours = 1 unit 18 units
Goals and objectives established
in collaboration with the mentor
and self-analysis of performance.
Mentoring Guidelines & Log
available here.
Participate in a professional study
group/online study group designed
to advance knowledge through active
2 hours = 1 unit 18 units
Group attendance records verifying
time spent, study group goals and
analysis of goal attainment and
learning. Study Group Report form
available here.
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Knowledge Dissemination
ID# Activity PDU Value
Max units
per 3-year
Verication Documentation
Serve as the primary or co-presenter
at a state, national, or international
workshop, seminar, or conference. One-
time presentation per topic per renewal
cycle. Time spent on preparation cannot
be included.
1 hour = 2 units
Copy of presentation OR copy of
program listing. Presenter name,
presentation times or length of
session and title of the presentation
must be indicated on the
Serve as the primary or co-presenter
for a poster presentation at a state,
national, or international workshop,
seminar, or conference. One-time
presentation per topic per renewal
cycle. Time spent on preparation cannot
be included.
2 units per
18 units
Copy of presentation OR copy of
program listing. Presenter name,
presentation times or length of
session and title of the presentation
must be indicated on the
Serve as adjunct faculty, teaching
practice area-related academic course
per semester. Must not be one’s
primary role. One-time per course
title per renewal cycle. Time spent on
preparation cannot be included. For a
one-time lecture, use PDU ID #27.
1 credit hour =
1 unit
6 units
Letter of verification from school
that includes dates, lecture/course
title, length of session and course/
lecture goals and objectives or a
copy of the course syllabus.
Provide professional in-service
training, instruction, or guest lecture
as a primary or co-presenter for
occupational therapists, occupational
therapy assistants, or related
professionals. One-time presentation
per topic per renewal cycle. Time spent
on preparation cannot be included.
1 hour = 1 unit 18 units
Copy of attendance record and
outline of presentation, or letter
from supervisor on letterhead
verifying the presenters name
and the date/time/length of the
Primary or co-presenter for a local
organization/association/group on
practice area-related topic (e.g., energy
conservation, back care, and prevention
of injury). One-time presentation per
topic per renewal cycle. Time spent on
preparation cannot be included.
1 hour = 1 unit 18 units
Copy of presentation OR program
listing. Documentation must include
the presenters name, presentation
date/time/location and the contact
person for the organization.
Primary or co-author of practice area-
related article in a non-peer-reviewed
professional publication (e.g., OT
Practice, SIS Quarterly, Advance).
1 article = 5
Copy of published article.
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Primary or co-author of practice area-
related article in a peer-reviewed
professional publication (e.g., journal or
research paper).
1 article = 10
Copy of published article.
Primary or co-author of practice area-
related article in lay publication (e.g.,
community newspaper, newsletter).
1 article = 2
Copy of published article.
Primary or co-author of chapter in
practice area-related professional
1 chapter = 10
Copy of published article OR letter
from editor.
Primary or co-primary investigator in
extensive scholarly research activities or
outcome studies, or externally funded
service/training projects associated
with grants or post-graduate studies.
10 units per
18 units
Grant funding number OR abstract/
executive summary OR copy of the
completed research/study that
indicates certificant as primary/co-
primary investigator.