Towards a Framework for Time Use, Welfare and
Household-centric Economic Measurement
Sixth International Monetary Fund Statistical Forum
November 19, 2019
Washington DC
Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge
Leonard Nakamura, Federal Reserve Bank of
* The views expressed today are my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia or the Federal Reserve System.
Why We need a New
Rapid changes in consumer behavior as measured in
time use
Is not seen in GDP or PCE growth
Consumers face zero marginal prices for many
Internet products
Because their marginal cost of reproduction has fallen to
With two-way mass communication, boundary
between paid work and household work has become
Widely viewed disconnect between welfare and GDP
Can Studying Time Use Place
a Money Metric on Welfare?
If GDP doesn’t measure welfare, what can economists and
national statisticians do?
Can we measure true economic progress with a money
Can we answer quantitatively: is an economy performing well for its
We argue that perhaps we can only answer this by
incorporating time use
Time is:
Fundamental to all human experience
A required input to all consumption activity
The costly input when consumption goods have zero marginal price
Divided into paid work, household production, and leisure
The real price of every thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to
acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it.” Adam Smith
What shall I buy
What shall I do
Time vs Money
All face same budget
Save more, more to
Unequal budget
Save more, less to
But they are inter-related: spend time to earn
more money, spend money to gain more time
The Internet ate my home work:
Adult hours online in UK
Activities move across
Paid Work
Travel Agent
taking photos
and videos
Life cycle issues: time can be
scarcest commodity
Young educated households
Work long hours developing their careers
Spend quality time with kids
Scrimp to afford a house in a good school district
Commute long hours
Don’t sleep much
Often report unhappiness
Shows the limits to intertemporal time trade
GDP ignores unpaid time
The welfare benefit under GDP is basically personal
consumption expenditures as seen in transactions
Conceived as U(C), where C is an long vector of purchased goods and
Home production mainly outside the boundary of GDP
While this takes place in time, time is usually not incorporated as an
Nor does GDP ask how consumers feel while they consume or work
Expanding consumption to
Work on time use has taken broadly two directions:
Household economics, with a shadow value of time, as proposed
initially by Becker
Well-being studies based on self-reports
For example, time use surveys that ask how participants feel in
given activities
In household production (Becker, 1967)
Count unpaid household work as labor
Leisure time is consumption time
Opportunity cost is the wage (in simplest version)
If all time is measured by the wage, full income is wT
Where T is time at paid work+ unpaid work + leisure
Survey measures of well-
being and value
More recently, economists have been looking
to surveys to understand well-being
Time use surveys increasingly include feelings
while engaged in activities (stated feelings)
Direct reports of well-being
Economists are also asking how feelings or
activities can be placed on a money metric
(stated preferences)
Lots of recent studies on time
use and/or broader wellbeing
Diewert & Fox 2018
Alpman et al 2018
Cassar & Meier, and Kaplan & Schulhofer-Wohl, JEcPerspectives 2018
Hulten & Nakamura 2018
Jones & Klenow, AER 2016
Dotsey et al, Int Economic Review 2014
Gershuny & Fisher 2014
Benjamin et al, AER, 2012, 2014
Deaton, 2018
Bridgman, 2016
Maestas et al, 2018
Aguiar and Hurst, Handbook of Macro, 2016
Goolsbee & Klenow, AER 2009
Krueger et al, 2009
Brynjolfsson et al 2018a, b
Coyle, Economica 2018
Coyle & Rogers in progress
Shadow value of time
First approximation: wage rate
But work may be pleasant or unpleasant
Enjoyment means there is a consumption value to work, which raises
the shadow value of time relative to the wage
And work may involve learning
Learning by doing further raises the shadow value of time
And work may be meaningful
Studies show that people will accept lower wages to do work they
consider meaningful
Can we find the shadow value of time by asking people?
E.g., what wage would you have to be paid to shelve books at a
Or, what would you pay to have a shorter commute?
Three ways to estimate
shadow value of time
“Revealed” preference: how much will
someone spend to save time?
Trade-off between commute and rent may be
captured in measured rent gradients
“Stated” preference: how much would you
pay to have a shorter commute?
“Stated Feelings” : how do you feel as you
commute (direct report on welfare)
Miserable commute raises the shadow cost of
commute relative to value of time
Many, many questions
Can we reconcile the answers we get from these different
Can econometric encompassing techniques help us out?
How will these money-metric utility measures align with real
consumption measures?
We need time use data with stated feelings (discontinued in
We need more surveysboth private and official.
Without a credible measure of aggregate welfare, economists’
ability to make macro policy recommendations will be
increasingly attenuated.
To recapture welfare in the age of digitalization, we need
shadow prices, particularly of time.
We are a long ways from a complete new picture, but a
tremendous amount of research has been launched.
Coordinating this research, and maintaining it statistically over
time so that we can make time series, is the big task ahead.
This is very much work in progress
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