This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
Mediterranean-style diet
This factsheet describes how to follow a Mediterranean-style diet for good health.
What is a Mediterranean-style diet?
A Mediterranean-style diet comes from the traditional eating pattern of people from countries
bordering the Mediterranean Sea. These include Greece, Italy and Spain.
This diet is based on healthy whole foods and includes very few processed foods.
A Mediterranean-style diet is based on these foods:
extra virgin olive oil
wholegrain breads and cereals
legumes or beans (e.g. chickpeas, kidney beans or lentils)
nuts and seeds
fish and seafood
onion, garlic and other herbs and spices (e.g. oregano, coriander, cumin etc.)
Can I include meat and dairy foods?
Yoghurt, cheese, milk and lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey or eggs are also
eaten in a Mediterranean-style diet. Red meats and sweets are only eaten in small amounts.
Processed meats (deli meats, bacon, ham, corned meats, salami or sausages) and
packaged foods should be limited to rare occasions.
Can I drink alcohol?
Wine (especially red wine) is a traditional part of a Mediterranean-style diet. For people who
choose to drink alcohol, wine is only consumed in small amounts and with meals.
This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
Other eating tips in a Mediterranean-style diet
Following a Mediterranean-style diet is not just about what foods you eat but also about how
you eat them:
Try preparing fresh foods
Ideally share your meals with friends or family
Eat meals and snacks without distractions (e.g. not in front of the TV or at your desk)
Eat slowly so that the taste and flavour can be appreciated
Why is a Mediterranean-style diet healthy?
The Mediterranean-style diet is healthy because:
it has a good balance of healthy fats
it is high in fresh foods and has lower levels of highly processed foods
It is high in fibre. This makes the diet filling without providing excess calories
It is high in antioxidants and can reduce inflammation in the body
These benefits are related to following a Mediterranean-style eating pattern as a whole, not
from single foods or nutrients.
Following a Mediterranean-style diet can help people with:
heart disease
type 2 diabetes
fatty liver disease
chronic kidney disease
depression or anxiety
This style of eating can also help to prevent people from developing the conditions listed
above, as well as:
some cancers, including bowel cancer
cognitive decline, including dementia
This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
What does Mediterranean-style eating look like?
This food pyramid shows the foods and drinks in a Mediterranean-style diet. At the base of
the pyramid are foods to eat the most. At the top are foods to eat in small amounts or less
often. Enjoying meals with others and being active is also highlighted. If you have liver
disease it is best to discuss any alcohol intake with your doctor.
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
Less often
Moderate portions,
daily to weekly
Often, at least two
times per week
Base every meal
on these foods
In moderation
This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
What and how much should I be eating to follow a Mediterranean-style diet?
Food group
(1 cup = 250 mL measuring cup)
Servings per day or per week
Foods to include every day
75 g
5 serves per day (or more) Include
leafy greens and tomatoes daily
Wholegrain breads /
cereals / rice / pasta
slice bread / ½ pita / ½ cup
cooked rice or pasta
4-6 servings per day
Extra virgin olive oil
2-4 tablespoons per day Choose
Australian certified
tablespoons dried
2-3 serves per day (2 serves fresh)
Should be the main drink
Foods to include a few times per week
Nuts (unsalted)
3 serves per week (or more)
Legumes (canned or
3 serves per week (or more)
Fish and seafood
2 serves per week (or more), at least
1 oily (e.g. salmon, tuna or sardines)
4 serves per week (or less)
Cheese (feta, ricotta
or cottage)
2-4 serves per week
4-6 serves per week
Milk (unflavoured)
½ -1 serve per day
Chicken or turkey
1-3 serves per week
Foods to include less often
Sweet /savoury
chips / 2 biscuits
3 serves per week (or less)
Red Meat (beef, lamb
or pork)
1 serve per week (or less)
Red wine (if you
choose to drink)
1-2 glasses per day with meals and
no more than 10 per week
This table is a guide. A Dietitian can help you determine how many serves is right for you.
This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
Mediterranean-style meal and snack Ideas
Porridge: rolled oats made with milk/water, with fruit, honey and/or nuts
Natural Greek style yoghurt with fruit, nuts or untoasted muesli, and honey
Wholegrain breakfast cereal (e.g. Weetbix, Vitabrits, All Bran, Sultana Bran) with
Toast (wholemeal or multigrain) with extra virgin olive oil and ricotta/cottage/feta cheese OR
poached/boiled/scrambled egg OR grilled tomato and herbs OR baked beans
LUNCH options
Salad, including tomato and a dark leafy green such as spinach and canned beans or
legumes, with extra virgin olive oil
Sandwiches/wraps wholemeal bread, roll, wrap or pita with salad. Use canned fish,
beans, hummus or chicken breast as a filling. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil
Wholemeal pasta with vegetables and extra virgin olive oil or tomato based sauce. Try
replacing meat with canned lentils or beans
DINNER options
Vegetable soup, including chickpeas/lentils with vegetables, canned tomatoes and onion.
Chicken breast: stir-fry, baked or grilled in extra virgin olive oil and mixed herbs with salad
or vegetables and wholemeal bread or rice
Homemade pizzas, with a wholemeal bread base and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Try
vegetable toppings such as onion, eggplant and zucchini
Small portion of lean beef, lamb, veal or kangaroo: stir-fry, baked or grilled in extra virgin
olive oil with salad or vegetables and canned beans/lentils.
Optional extra: 1 small glass of red wine with your meal
Handful of nuts and/or seeds
Fruit (fresh, canned or dried)
Fresh vegetable sticks with hummus or tzatziki
Natural Greek style yoghurt
Wholemeal crusty bread dipped in extra virgin olive oil/pesto
Avocado on toast or wholegrain crackers (with extra virgin olive oil)
Boiled egg OR feta/ricotta cheese on a slice of wholemeal bread or crackers
Acknowledgement: the included food, meal and snack recommendations were adapted based on materials
developed for the LIFE, MedLey, AUSMED and MEDINA Mediterranean diet research studies in Australia
This is a consensus document from Dietitian/ Nutritionists from the Nutrition Education Materials Online, "NEMO", team.
Disclaimer: Developed: November 2021
Copyright: Due for review: November 2023
Putting it all together Mediterranean-style portions on plate
Imaged sourced from National Heart Foundation of Australia
Mediterranean-style diet resources including information, research and recipes
International Foundation of Mediterranean diet
Mediterranean Living
Heart Foundation
Grains & legumes nutrition council
Nuts for life
The Mediterranean Diet
The Heart Heath Guide
Mediterranean diet cookbook and lifestyle plans
Things I can do to improve my style of diet to be more Mediterranean:
Flavour with
herbs and spices
¼ of the plate
cereals or
Use extra virgin
olive oil (replace
other oils and
spreads in
cooking and
½ of the plate
vegetables or
salad. Include a
variety of colours
Don’t forget to snack on fruits,
nuts, seeds, and dairy foods.
¼ of the plate
legumes, fish,
poultry or eggs
and sometimes
red meat