Guide to the Matched Funding Programme
Every year, Vodafone Foundation encourages and supports employees fundraising activities, by pledging
to match fund up to £350 a quarter per employee, per fundraising event. That’s the possibility of donating
another £1,400 a year per person to charity.
The Company reserves the right to decline support where the fundraising event may conflict with
Vodafone’s values and principles. There is no guaranteed match until you submit the application,
send the proof, and receive our approval. If in doubt, please check with the Vodafone Foundation.
Please read the following FAQs carefully to learn how our Matched Funding programme works.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I apply for Matched Funding?
Applying for Matched Funding couldn’t be easier, choose from the options below.
Group employee (individual):
UK employee (individual):
Retail employee (individual):
Matched Funding application form (attached to PDF)
Vodafone TEAM*:
Matched Funding application form
* Five or more Vodafone employees applying for Matched Funding (if there are less than 5 of you, please apply
If we are applying as a team, how much Matched Funding can we claim?
The maximum you can apply for is £350 per Vodafone employee who takes part in the fundraising event,
up to the amount raised. We cannot match more than the full amount raised at an event.
Can I support more than one charity per quarter?
If you wish to support more than one cause, you can split your £350 allowance between as many
organisations as you like. You will need to submit separate applications per charity.
What evidence do I need to provide?
All applications must have proof of participation, and proof of funds raised.* For example, a link to your
online giving page, a letter of thanks from the charity, or a copy of your paying-in slip/cheque.
(*before adding GiftAid)
Email your proof to: vodafonefoundatio[email protected]
Provided by Double the Donation (https://doublethedonation.com)
When do I need to apply for Matched Funding?
You can apply to match fund your event up to 1 year after you take part, but your £350 allocation for each
quarter expires at the end of the quarter. The quarter in which you apply for matched funding is the
allowance which will be used. We recommend that you wait until you have reached the maximum total of
£350, or you feel you have finished receiving donations, before submitting your application.
If you wish to ensure you don’t miss out on your £350 allowance for a quarter, you can submit your claim
without evidence. We will allow you to send us your proof later, and can approve your application once
the quarter has passed, but we cannot backdate any applications.
When are the quarters?
Does my £350 allowance rollover if I don’t use it up within that quarter?
No - you are only entitled to a maximum allowance of £350 per quarter.
How is the payment made to the charity, and how long is the process?
We have enlisted the support of Charities Aid Foundation to help Vodafone Foundation handle your
requests. Payment is made direct to the charity; we cannot make payments to online giving pages, or to
the employee. CAF will process the payments monthly, and it may take up to 6 weeks before the
payment reaches the charity.
Please be aware that we do not notify you when the payment has been made, but you can check the
status of your application in the Giving History section on the Giving Something Back page. If you wish
to confirm payment, please contact your charity first (after the 6-week period), before emailing us with
any queries.
Can I match fund my fundraising for an individual, rather than a charity?
We cannot send Matched Funding direct to people, it must be sent to a non-profit organisation.
What if my cause does not have a registered charity?
If you wish to donate to a cause that is neither a registered charity, nor known to Charities Aid Foundation,
CAF must first establish that the funds will be used for charitable purposes before releasing the payment.
They will need to complete a Grant Eligibility Application form, which will be provided by CAF direct to the
organisation once you have submitted your application, and it has been approved by us.
I’m getting an error message when I try to submit my application online, what do I do?
If you are a UK employee and experiencing problems with the Giving Something Back portal (after
multiple attempts to submit your application) please contact GivingSomething[email protected]
who will be able to assist you. For all other employees, please contact the Vodafone Foundation Queries
Inbox for help.
Not answered your question?
Contact Us vodafonefoundationqueries@vodafone.com
Or take a look at our TERMS AND CONDITIONS (attached to PDF).
Provided by Double the Donation (https://doublethedonation.com)