Vodafone Code of Ethical Purchasing V3.0 Page 1 of 6
All Vodafone Procurement Company procurement agreements with Suppliers.
1. Introduction
1.1. This Code of Ethical Purchasing Policy (“this Code”) sets out Supplier’s obligations in
relation to social, environmental and ethical compliance.
This Code is to be read in conjunction with Vodafone’s Business Principles (Supplier Policy
A1), and is designed to promote safe and fair working conditions and the responsible
management of social, ethical and environmental issues in Vodafone’s supply chain.
2. General Requirements
2.1. The phrase “Supplier” in this Code shall, where relevant, also include all officers,
employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents of Supplier. All references to
“Vodafone” include the relevant contracting entity and all other Vodafone Group
Companies that benefit from the goods and services being provided.
2.2. Supplier shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations and standards in all of the
countries in which it operates.
2.3. Supplier is encouraged to take all reasonable endeavours to promote this Code to its
suppliers and subcontractors.
3. Monitoring, Corrective Action and Reporting
3.1. Supplier is expected to identify, correct and monitor the continued compliance of any
activities that fall below the standards of this Code.
3.2. Supplier shall immediately report to Vodafone any serious breaches of this Code and
together with Vodafone agree a schedule for corrective action.
3.3. A breach of this Code may be considered to be a material breach of contract with
Vodafone, and Vodafone accordingly reserves all its legal rights and remedies in respect of
any such breach.
3.4. Vodafone (or another Vodafone Group Company) may report progress (or extent thereof)
in Supplier’s compliance with this Code, in the annual Vodafone Sustainability Report, and
Supplier agrees to such disclosure.
Vodafone Procurement Company S.à r.l.
Supplier Policy - A2
Code of Ethical Purchasing
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3.5. Supplier shall provide Vodafone with reasonable access to all relevant information and
premises for the purposes of assessing performance against this Code, and use reasonable
endeavours to ensure that sub-tier suppliers do the same. Audits may be conducted by an
independent third party on behalf of Vodafone. Audits may also be conducted jointly
between Vodafone and Supplier, and include the assistance of an industry representative,
or relevant Non-Governmental Organisation.
4. Principles
4.1. Child Labour
4.1.1. Supplier shall strictly prohibit child labour. No person shall be employed who is
below the minimum legal age for employment.
4.1.2. The minimum age for employment shall be the age for completing compulsory
education in the relevant country or not less than 15 years of age (or not less than 14
years, in countries where educational facilities are insufficiently developed, in
accordance with international principles), whichever is higher.
4.1.3. Children (persons under the age of 18) shall not be employed for any hazardous or
night work, or work that is inconsistent with the child’s personal development.
4.1.4. In the event Supplier discovers a child is employed, the best interests of the child
shall be the primary consideration. Supplier shall contribute, support and/or develop
policies and programmes that assist any child found to be performing child labour.
4.2. Forced Labour
4.2.1. Supplier shall not use any form of forced, bonded, compulsory labour, slavery or
human trafficking.
4.2.2. Supplier’s employees shall be entitled to leave work or terminate their employment
with reasonable notice. Employees shall be free to leave work after such reasonable
notice period expires. All employment shall be voluntary. Supplier shall provide each
of its employees with an employment contract which contains such a reasonable
notice period.
4.2.3. Supplier shall not require employees to lodge deposits of money or withhold
payment or place debt upon employees or require employees to surrender any
government-issued identification, passports, or work permits as a condition of
4.3. Working Hours
4.3.1. Supplier shall ensure working hours of Supplier’s employees do not exceed the
maximum set by local law and each employee’s working week does not exceed 60
hours per week including overtime.
4.3.2. Supplier shall allow each of its employees at least one day off following every six
consecutive working days.
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4.3.3. Supplier shall grant its employees the right to paid vacation.
4.3.4. In exceptional circumstances (which may include emergency situations, but shall not
include anticipated peaks in production requirements), when these hours might be
exceeded by Supplier’s employees, working hours shall in any event not be
excessive. Supplier shall be considerate to the type of work performed and the
acceptable working hours for the role concerned.
4.3.5. Supplier shall compensate overtime at a premium to the relevant employee’s
standard hourly rate.
4.4. Payment
4.4.1. Supplier shall ensure its employees understand their employment conditions and
give employees fair and reasonable pay as well as any legally entitled or agreed
4.4.2. Supplier shall not use deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure. Employees
must be paid in a timely manner, and Supplier must clearly convey to its employees,
the basis on which they are paid.
4.5. Disciplinary Practices
4.5.1. Supplier will treat all employees with respect and dignity. Supplier shall prohibit
physical or verbal abuse or other harassment and any threats or other forms of
4.6. Discrimination
4.6.1. Supplier shall not engage in or support any form of discrimination in hiring,
employment terms, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination,
retirement procedures or decisions including but not limited to: race, colour, age,
veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity,
disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality,
indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, social or marital status
and union membership.
4.6.2. Supplier shall ensure no form of discrimination is present at any stage of
employment, from the selection of suitable applicants, their interview and
assessment; to the terms of their employment, payment and grounds for dismissal.
4.7. Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining
4.7.1. Supplier shall respect the rights of employees to join or not to join trade unions or
similar representative bodies and the rights of employees to collective bargaining to
the extent permitted by applicable law. Supplier shall allow open communication
and direct engagement between its employees and management in building
employee relations and for the resolution of any issues.
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4.8. Anti-bribery, Corruption and Individual Conduct
4.8.1. Supplier shall not tolerate or enter into any bribery, including improper offers or
payments to or from employees, customers, suppliers, organisations or individuals.
4.8.2. Supplier shall:
have an anti-bribery policy that sets out the principle of zero tolerance to any
form of bribery or corruption within their organisation, including facilitation
not give, promise, receive or request any bribes (financial or other advantage),
including but not limited to in relation to any public official;
ensure its employees, contractors and sub-contractors are aware of its anti-
bribery policy and how to comply with its requirements.
4.9. Fraud and money laundering
4.9.1. Supplier shall:
act in accordance with all applicable international standards and laws on fraud
and money laundering;
not do or omit to do anything likely to cause any party to be in breach of any
of such international standards and laws;
maintain an effective anti-fraud and (where appropriate) an anti-money
laundering compliance programme, designed to ensure compliance with the
law including the monitoring of compliance and detection of violations.
4.10. Responsible Sourcing of Minerals
4.10.1. Supplier shall have a clear policy or procedure in place to avoid knowingly
purchasing conflict minerals.
4.10.2. In particular Supplier shall have a policy or procedure to reasonably assure that the
tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold in the products it manufactures does not directly
or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups that are perpetrators of serious
human rights abuses. Supplier shall exercise due diligence on the source and chain
of custody of these minerals and make their due diligence measure available upon
Vodafone’s request.
4.11. Health & Safety
4.11.1. Supplier shall provide a healthy and safe working environment for employees,
contractors, partners or others who may be affected by Supplier’s activities, in
accordance with international standards and national laws.
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4.11.2. Supplier shall put in place mechanisms to ensure that health and safety obligations
are communicated and applied to parties under its control.
4.11.3. Supplier shall ensure it meets general principles of health and safety risk
prevention. General principles include identifying, minimising and preventing
hazards, using competent and trained people, providing and maintaining safe
equipment and tools, including personal protective equipment as required.
4.11.4. Supplier shall have mechanisms and shall implement them to ensure that all its
employees are competent to carry out the health and safety aspects of their
responsibilities and duties. This shall include the nomination and training of
persons at an appropriate level (and in particular executives), who are responsible
for discharging Supplier’s health and safety obligations.
4.11.5. Supplier shall ensure facilities and amenities, including employee accommodation
where provided by Supplier, shall be hygienic, safe and meet the basic needs of
4.11.6. Supplier shall have systems and training to prepare for and respond to accidents,
health problems and foreseeable emergency situations. Supplier shall have means
and procedures in place for recording, investigating and implementing learning
points from accidents and emergency situations.
4.12. Environment
4.12.1. Supplier shall comply with relevant legislation and international standards, and in
countries where environmental legislation is not evident or enforced, ensure
reasonable practices for managing environmental impacts are in place.
4.12.2. Supplier shall implement an internal environmental management system to the
extent applicable to Supplier’s business.
4.12.3. Supplier shall obtain, maintain and keep current all necessary environmental
permits (e.g. waste management, transportation), approvals and registrations.
4.12.4. Supplier shall respect all applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements
regarding prohibition or restriction of specific substances. Hazardous chemicals
and other materials included in products, especially those included in the
substances of Very High Concern list of the REACH regulation, must be identified
and managed by Supplier to ensure their safe use, recycling or re-use and disposal.
The use of such chemicals and materials by Supplier must be avoided (and if not
possible to avoid, minimised). Where required, Supplier must deliver electrical or
electronic equipment in line with all relevant European Union regulations such as
but not limited to RoHS and REACH.
4.12.5. Supplier shall identify, minimise, monitor, control and treat all hazardous air
pollutants and all emissions should be avoided in accordance with international
standards and applicable laws.
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4.13. Climate Change
4.13.1. Supplier shall where requested by Vodafone identify, monitor and minimize
Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) and energy consumption from its own
operations including CO2 emissions from transportation and travel and support
providing relevant data to Vodafone or recognised third parties appointed by
Vodafone to measure improvements.
5. Speak Up
5.1. Supplier shall report any instances of illegal or unethical behaviour or breaches of this Code
(in relation to the goods and services being provided to Vodafone) in confidence using the
‘Speak Up’ contact details below. Supplier shall regularly promote these Vodafone ‘Speak
Up’ contact details (as may be updated by Vodafone from time to time) and have them
permanently available within Supplier’s organisation and to any contractors or sub-
contractors working on Supplier’s behalf for Vodafone:
‘Speak Up’ contact details:
The independent, confidential, external hotline.
Global number: +44 1249 661 795 (calls can be taken in all languages)
Online: http://www.expolink.co.uk/WhistleblowingHotline/ForEmployees.aspx
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