Department of Health
Center for Health Statistics
Policy Statement
Amending Death or Fetal Death Records
RCW 70.58A.040, 70.58A.500
Katie Hutchinson, State Registrar and Director
Effective Date:
January 1, 2023
September 1, 2011
Approved By:
Katie Hutchinson
Under specific circumstances a death or fetal death record may need to be amended after being registered by
the State Registrar. The State Registrar may amend a death or fetal death record after receiving a complete
Affidavit for Correction form (DOH 422-034) or Facility Affidavit for Correction form (DOH 422-192).
A death or fetal death record filed and registered with the Department of Health (department), may be
amended only by authorized staff, delegated by the State Registrar. Authorized staff may only make changes
to a death or fetal death record upon receipt of properly completed and signed Affidavit for Correction
form or Facility Affidavit for Correction form and the completion of any other steps or forms required by
this policy, department rules, or Chapter 70.58A RCW. The department will permanently retain the
Affidavit for Correction form or the Facility Affidavit for Correction form as documentation of the change
on the record.
A death or fetal death record may be amended with a complete amendment application. If the amendment
application is not complete and filed in accordance with this policy, department rules, or Chapter 70.58A
RCW, the State Registrar will deny the amendment application.
Section 1: Amendment applications submitted by the public
Complete amendment application
For each amendment application, the requestor must submit the following:
A completed and signed Affidavit for Correction form
Copy of their government issued identification card
Any required proof documentation
Complete Affidavit for Correction form
A complete Affidavit for Correction form must include:
The record type to be amended
Information to identify the record
o First, middle, last name listed on the record
o Date of event
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o Place of event
o Parent(s) first, middle, last name listed on the record
Information about the person making the request
o Name
o Relationship to subject of the record
o Mailing address
o Telephone number or email address
Incorrect information as it appears
The correct information as it should appear
Signature of the person making the request
An Affidavit for Correction form cannot be used to amend items in the confidential section of the fetal
death record or make stylistic changes to the certification (See Policy CHS B-10).
Original signatures on a death or fetal death record will not be amended.
Death or fetal death records registered through a court order can only be amended or corrected with a court
order. An Affidavit for Correction form cannot be used.
Acceptable Proof Documents
Acceptable proof documents include:
Hospital/medical record
Full Numident Report (Social Security)
Social Security Abstract
Birth, marriage, or divorce record
Copy of passport or enhanced identity document
Certificate of Naturalization
Permanent resident card (I-551)
Health or life insurance policy
Military record (DD-214)
Official school transcripts (do not have to be in a sealed envelope to be valid)
Government agency records for establishment of benefits (such as social services or Medicaid)
Driver’s License, Social Security Card, family bible, or hospital decorative birth certificate are not allowable
proof documents.
Proof documents must:
Show the true facts that are being requested to be changed
Include full name and date of birth
Match exactly the correction requested on the Affidavit for Correction. Example, if you are
requesting a correction from “Mary Doe” to “Mary Ann Doe”, the proof must show the name
to be Mary Ann Doe. Proof cannot show “Mary A. Doe” or “M. Ann Doe”.
Be from independent sources, when more than one proof document is required
Have been established over five years ago (it could have been printed more recently) OR have
been established within five years of birth, if correcting the child's information and child is under
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Only documents listed below are exempt from the five-year rule and will be accepted from any period of
Permanent resident card (I-551)
The State Registrar may request additional proof documents be provided by the requestor if there is cause to
question the validity or adequacy of the documents submitted.
The State Registrar will not accept any documentation that is clearly altered (e.g. scratched out information,
information in different fonts, or white out).
What can be amended on a death or fetal death record
Only the entities listed below can request an amendment to the demographic section of a death or fetal
death record.
Eligible Entity
Informant listed on the record
The person who provided the information
for the report of death.
Affidavit for Correction form and at least one (1) proof
document for any changes beyond administrative data
entry errors.
The informant listed on the record can sign an Affidavit
for Correction form identifying a new informant
without proof documentation.
Qualified applicant (other than informant)
For death records this means decedent's
spouse or registered domestic partner,
parent, sibling or adult child or stepchild,
or next of kin as specified in RCW
For fetal death records this means parent,
sibling, or grandparent.
Affidavit for Correction form and at least one (1) proof
Must provide documentation to prove relationship
Legal representative
A licensed attorney representing either the
subject of the record or qualified applicant.
Affidavit for Correction form and at least one (1) proof
Must submit certified copy of court records, legal
documentation, or letter of representation that
authorizes them to act as the legal representative.
The State Registrar will only consider requests to change the marital status on the death record
under the following circumstances:
o The informant listed on the record requests to change marital status with an Affidavit for
Correction form and at least one (1) proof document;
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o The alleged surviving spouse/partner provides a notarized affidavit signed by the informant
and the alleged surviving spouse/partner stating that an error was made and stating the
correct information, and a certification of the marriage/partnership or divorce record
showing that the person to be listed as the surviving spouse/partner was married
to/partnered or divorced with the decedent prior to death; or
o The alleged surviving spouse/partner or their legal representative provides a certified court
order from a probate court if a probate court made a determination on the martial status as
part of the decedent’s estate.
The cause of death section of a death or fetal death record cannot be amended using the Affidavit
for Correction form submitted by the public.
Section 2: Amendment applications submitted by a funeral home, Medical Examiner, Coroner,
medical certifier, or Local Health Officer
Complete amendment application
For each amendment application, the requestor must submit the following:
A completed and signed Facility Affidavit for Correction form
Any required proof documentation
Complete Facility Affidavit for Correction form
A complete Facility Affidavit for Correction form must include:
Information to identify the record
o First, middle, last name listed on the record
o Date of event
o Place of event
o Parent(s) first, middle, last name listed on the record
Incorrect information as it appears
The correct information as it should appear
Information about the person making the request
o Name
o Title
o Mailing address
o Telephone number
Signature of the person making the request
All requested corrections or changes to the record must be identified on the Facility Affidavit for Correction
form and listed on separate lines.
A Facility Affidavit for Correction form cannot be used to amend items in the confidential section of the
fetal death record or make stylistic changes to the certification (See Policy CHS B-10).
Any signature on a death or fetal death record will not be amended.
Death or fetal death records registered through a court order can only be amended or corrected with a court
order. A Facility Affidavit for Correction form cannot be used.
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What can be amended on a death or fetal death record
Only the entities listed below can request an amendment to the demographic section of a death or fetal
death record:
Eligible Entity
Funeral director or funeral establishment
staff listed on the record within twelve (12)
months from the date of event
Facility Affidavit for Correction form for administrative
errors only. Excludes date and time of death.
The funeral director or funeral establishment staff must
submit the intake form as a required proof document.
Medical certifier, medical examiner,
coroner, or local health officer listed on
the record
Medical certifier, medical examiner, coroner, or local
health officer changes are only permitted when no
funeral home is listed on the record.
Facility Affidavit for Correction form.
No proof documentation is required.
Once the record is filed with the state or local registrar, date of death and time of death can only be
changed by the medical certifier, medical examiner, coroner, or local health officer who has
Only the entities listed below can request an amendment to the cause of death section of a death or fetal
death record:
Eligible Entity
The original certifier* who signed or electronically
approved the cause of death section
*certifier includes medical certifier, medical
examiner, coroner, or local health officer
Facility Affidavit for Correction form.
No proof documentation is required.
Another medical examiner or coroner within the
same office as the original listed on the record
Facility Affidavit for Correction form.
No proof documentation is required.
Another certifier* when the original certifier is no
longer available or not available for a month or
*certifier includes medical certifier, medical
examiner, coroner, or local health officer
The administrator of the location or facility
indicates on the Facility Affidavit for
Correction form that the original certifier is not
available (ex. death or retirement) and that
another certifier will be submitting the Facility
Affidavit for Correction form.
No proof documentation is required.
This will not change the original certifier name
listed on the record unless such a change is
specified on the Facility Affidavit for
Correction form by the new certifier.
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Medical examiner or coroner taking over
Must use the Facility Affidavit for Correction
form and clearly indicate that they are taking
Must include the current medical certifier listed
on the record and provide their own
A medical certifier, coroner, medical examiner, or local health officer must submit a Facility
Affidavit for Correction form within five calendar days of receipt of an autopsy result or other
information that completes or amends the cause of death from that originally filed with the
department. RCW 70.58A.200(12).
For the purposes of this policy the following terms are defined as follows:
1) Affidavit for Correction form. The standard form (DOH 422-034) used by the public prescribed
and approved by the CHS that identifies the record, the specific information to be changed, the new
or amended information, and the identity and signature of the requestor.
2) Coroner. The person elected or appointed in a county under chapter 36.16 RCW to serve as the
county coroner and fulfill the responsibilities established under chapter 36.24 RCW. RCW
3) Facility Affidavit for Correction form. The facility form (DOH 422-192) prescribed by the State
Registrar that can be used by funeral home, medical examiner, coroner, medical certifier, and local
health officer. It identifies the record, the specific information to be changed, the new or amended
information, and the identity and signature of the requestor.
4) Funeral director. A person licensed under chapter 18.39 RCW as a funeral director. RCW
5) Funeral establishment. A place of business licensed under chapter 18.39 RCW as a funeral
establishment. RCW 70.58A.010(15).
6) Local health officer has the same meaning as in chapter 70.05 RCW. RCW 70.58A.010(24).
7) Medical certifier for a death or fetal death means an individual required to attest to the cause of
death information provided on a report of death or fetal death. Each individual certifying cause of
death or fetal death may certify cause of death only as permitted by that individual's professional
scope of practice. These individuals include:
(a) A physician, physician's assistant, or an advanced registered nurse practitioner last in attendance
at death or who treated the decedent through examination, medical advice, or medications within
the twelve months preceding the death;
(b) A midwife, only in cases of fetal death; and
(c) A physician performing an autopsy, when the decedent was not treated within the last twelve
months and the person died a natural death. RCW 70.58A.010(25).
8) Medical examiner. The person appointed under chapter 36.24 RCW to fulfill the responsibilities
established under chapter 36.24 RCW. RCW 70.58A.010(26).
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9) Midwife. A person licensed to practice midwifery pursuant to chapter 18.50 RCW. RCW
10) Physician. A person licensed to practice medicine, naturopathy, or osteopathy pursuant to
Title 18 RCW. RCW 70.58A.010(28).