A warm welcome to Maureen Mitchell, Ian
Rogers, Beryl McCleery, Wilma Leibhardt,
Keith Walker and Margaret Agnew who
have joined us in the past few months at
the facility. Also welcome to new staff
Breeanna Witmitz, Claudia Giurastante,
Trinity Mules, Mary Jolly, Ron Buwalda,
Madi Fennell, Sarah Madden, Kathy
Donnellan, Alishia Thwaites and Jess
Ellis. We hope your time with us will be
both enjoyable and satisfying.
From Jenny’s Desk
Inside this issue:
From Jenny’s
Care Corner
Leisure &
Just a moment
Calendar of
Coming Events
82 Williams Road
Millicent SA 5280
Phone: 08 8733 4331
Fax: 08 8733 3363
Love your enemies. It makes them so
damned mad.
P.D. East
The only way to keep your health is to eat
what you don't want, drink what you don't
like, and do what you'd rather not.
Mark Twain
They say marriages are made in Heaven.
But so is thunder and lightning.
Clint Eastwood
Delivering excellence in aged care services that meet or exceed the needs and
expectations of our residents and clients
How the year has flown, the building has
all been completed and most of the rooms
have been filled. The Christmas decora-
tions are up, as we madly try and fit so
much into our days. Christmas is a magical
time. It tends to bring back happy memo-
ries of family gatherings and charming tra-
ditions that have been passed down
Jenny Norman General Manager/Director of Care
Christmas carols, gift exchanges and fam-
ily feasts are just some of the enduring
traditions that make the season one of the
favorite holidays. This is a joyous season
to take a step back from our busy lives
and enjoy time with our loved ones. Best
wishes to you and your families.
Wishing you a
Merry Christmas
and a safe and Happy New Year
from us all at
Boneham Aged Care Services
Page 2
Don’t forget
Exercises on
Wednesdays and
at 9.30am
All Welcome
Tai Chi
on Thursday
mornings at 9.30
with Sandra Ray
Care Corner
Heather and the team in the kitchen
There have been a number of cases of respiratory Illness/influenza at
this facility recently. We are trying to prevent the illness from spreading.
Visitors are advised that there is a risk of acquiring this respiratory illness
by visiting Boneham, in particular the IBIS wing at this time, with IBIS cur-
rently in lockdown.
If you have been ill, have symptoms of any respiratory illness now (fever,
sore throat, cough, muscle and joint pain, tiredness/exhaustion) or have
been in contact with someone who is ill we strongly advise you not to en-
ter this facility.
We would all like to be together for Christmas. The families of all the resi-
dents in Ibis have been wonderful and are encouraged to phone and talk
to their family member and staff if there are any concerns. The staff at
Boneham take infection control seriously and are doing a great job.
Bye for now, Anne Rigter CN
This is a great recipe to have with ice cream or custard or even on your breakfast cereal. We would
like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe and see you in the New Year.
500g pkt dried fruit salad ½ cup castor sugar
8 whole cloves 3 cinnamon sticks
1 large orange 1 vanilla bean
Method: Place fruit, sugar, 2½ cups cold water, cloves & cinnamon sticks into a medium saucepan. Re-
move 3 strips of skin from orange using a vegetable peeler. Juice orange. Add peel & juice to fruit. Split vanilla
bean along length. Scrape seeds from vanilla & add to fruit.
Stir mixture over medium heat until sugar dissolves & mixture comes to the boil. Reduce heat, cover &
cook for 20 mins or until fruit is softened. Remove from heat & cool. Spoon cooled fruit & syrup into clean jars &
seal. Refrigerate for up to 1 month
Michael Filsell Physiotherapy Coordinator
Hi All
Season’s greetings to everyone at this wonderful
time of year. It is so nice to see some sunshine and as the mornings get
warmer it is also a good time to revisit your pain management as joints
and muscles find it slightly easier to get going. Sing out to staff to organ-
ise massages and take the time to get stiff joints moving so that the day
starts in a pleasant fashion. There is no reason why exercises can’t be
done in bed to start the day.
Also Santa has come early to the Allied Health
Dept. with hand waxing and parallel bars
available to help with function strengthening
and balance. Feel free to have a look and
ask for a try. These are excellent innovative
products that will continue to assist you in
maintaining your movement.
Thank you to Deirdre Tilley who has
donated a beautiful Therapy Doll to
I hope those voices are in tune as we
have many carols to be sung before
the man in the red suit arrives.
Thank you to the Rotary Club of Milli-
cent who once again organise our
annual Christmas party with the help
of The Company of Seven and the
staff from the Medical Clinic who will
be performing skits for us.
I would like to thank again my won-
derful and precious volunteers. I so
appreciate your time and the effort
you put into helping with our Lifestyle
program. I would be totally lost with-
out you all. I hope Father Christmas
brings you the biggest present ever—
you all deserve it. Merry Christmas to
our residents and thank you also for
any of the odd jobs I con you into do-
ing—you also deserve a big present
(I hope Santa has a big sleigh this
Lots of hugs & kisses, Deb xx
What’s New from the Leisure and Lifestyle Team
Page 3
are always needed to
join our team to assist
in various activities for
our residents and also
in the Coffee Shop.
If you are able to help
please contact
Deb Cavanagh
for activities and
Heather Grosser
for the coffee shop
87 334 331
To our wonderful
volunteers already
giving their time… a big
Well, how December has crept up on
us again. Won’t be long and the man in
the big red suit will be coming down
the chimney and we will be complain-
ing about how much we have eaten
A big THANK YOU to those who have
helped to work or donated items for
our annual fete back in October.
Melbourne Cup day was again enjoyed
by all this year, with Fashions on the
Field being won by Ida Nesbitt
and close runner up Joan Heath.
Thanks to all the girls who modelled on
the day.
We once again had success at the
Millicent Show, winning many prizes in
the craft, cooking, produce and flower
sections. We had three bus trips to the
show grounds for those residents who
wished to have a look. Grace MacKen-
zie told us she has never missed a
Millicent Show and she’s 102!
Thanks to Di Sampson from the Bap-
tist Church who once again held a
moving Remembrance Day Service
and thanks also to the children from
Newberry Park for helping on the day.
Melbourne Cup
Comments, Compliments &
We want your suggestions to continually improve our
efforts. Your feedback will play a vital part in assisting
us to develop quality services. We would also like to
know when we do a good job, how we can improve or
provide a better service and whether you are satisfied
with services provided. Ask one of our staff how you
can make a comment, a compliment or a complaint.
The Aged Care Complaints Commissioner provides a
free service for anyone to raise their concerns about
the quality of care or services being delivered to
people receiving aged care services funded by the
Australian Government. Go to
or phone 1800 550 552 for further information.
Café La Fromelles
Reduced Opening hours
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10am to 3.30pm
for Lunches
Morning and Afternoon Teas
There is now a vending machine with
snacks & drinks in the Coffee Shop
Thank you to those wonderful
volunteers already helping in the
coffee shop, however we are looking
for more help so that we can increase
our hours again.
The coffee shop provides a wonderful
service to our residents and their
families by enabling them to spend
time together in a social setting.
If you are able to assist by giving up a
couple of hours or more a week or a
fortnight or a month, Heather would
love to hear from you.
04 Harold Murby
05 Shirley Giddings
14 Dorothy Chewings
20 Lynette Peckham
26 Lena Huntington
31 Colleen Clayfield
03 John Grosser
20 Florence McLean
20 Jack Bateman
21 Petra Hulsinga
26 Edna Bulley
30 Gordon O’Rielly
31 Raeleen Serle
13 Peter Saunders
15 Ronald Palmer
16 Audrey Mulvihill
18 Alex Morrison
25 Pansy Oppermann
28 Margaret Agnew
29 Audrey Howe
We wish them all a
Happy Birthday
We would like to
acknowledge our
hairdresser, Chris, and
thank her for her
contribution to our
residents’ grooming.
She is available
Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays .
Please see staff to
make an appointment.
Just a moment
05 Absolutely Anything Gift Shop
08 Graham & Jo Duo
12 Kevin Sporer at 10.30am
12 BBQ with North Kindy
14 Mainly Music at 9.15am
19 Shirl Brown at 10.30am
20 Carols in the Corridors
21 Carols in the Coffee Shop
26 Australia Day
4 Family Forum at 2.00pm
1 Family Forum at 2.00pm
Please refer to your monthly
Activities Programme
for more information
Anglican 10.30am 1st Wed . Diva
Uniting 9.30am 2nd Tuesday Diva
Baptist 6.00pm 2nd Sunday Diva
All Welcome
Page 4
Just a friendly reminder that
Mary Cecelia Hart Court
and grounds is a No
Smoking area
Family Forum
For those families new to us, Family Forum is
held on the first Wednesday of every month for
residents and their families. Jenny Norman and
her senior team attend and share information
about what is happening at Boneham.
It also provides an opportunity for residents
and their families to make suggestions or raise
any issues they might have. We look forward to
seeing you at our next meeting.