Graduation Course Requirements
Graduation requirements for the School District of Springfield R-XII
shall be a minimum of 25 units of credit completed during grades nine
and above.
These are the requirements for high school graduation:
Graduation Requirements
Communication Arts 4 units
Social Studies ** 3 units
Mathematics 3 units
Science 3 units
Physical Education*** 1 1/2 units
Health 1/2 units
Practical Arts 1 unit
Fine Arts ***** 1 unit
Electives 8 units
Total**** 25 units
* The Communication Arts requirement includes a minimum of three
units of English. A fourth communication arts unit may be taken in the
area of journalism, speech, or drama; however, courses from these
areas may not count toward college entrance requirements.
**Students are required to complete three units of Social Studies as
U.S. History/20th Century (Gr. 9) - 1 unitWorld History (Gr. 10, 11,
12) - 1 unitLiberty and Law (Gr. 11 - 12) - 1/2 unitAny additional
Social Studies - 1/2 unit
***The normal sequence for P.E. requirements of 1/2 unit each in the
freshman, sophomore, and junior year is strongly encouraged.
****A maximum of two units of credit from approved correspondence
courses may be counted toward graduation.
*****Fine Arts courses include music, visual arts, dance, theater. To
earn fine arts credit for marching band or drum corps, students must
play musical instruments and participate as musicians.
Attendance/Graduation Requirements
Students will be required to attend eight semesters in grades nine
and above. A semester is defined as a period of time in which a
student is enrolled in a minimum of three (3) units of credit.
Permission may be granted to leave after seven semesters under
specific conditions as stated below.
The student shall have:
completed a total of twenty-five units of credit in seven semesters of
arranged to attend college, university, vocational school or on-the-
job training for the eighth semester.
submitted to the principal by the end of the sixth semester the
request for early exit, and
been given a statement showing the credits earned and the
conditions for which a diploma will be granted in the future if
early release is granted.
Students successfully completing a planned educational experience
shall be eligible to receive their high school diplomas with their
graduating class.
High school diplomas awarded by Springfield's senior high schools
are of two types - an "Honors" diploma and a regular high school
diploma. the "Honors" diploma is awarded to pupils who rank in the
upper fifteen percent of the graduating class. The top five percent of
each graduating class shall receive the Board of Education Award.
The regular diploma is awarded to graduating seniors who have
satisfactorily completed the requirements for graduation as
established by the State Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education and the local Board of Education.
Graduation requirements for students who are eligible for special
education services may be modified in accordance with
determinations made at the meetings held to develop a student's
Individual Education Plan. Please reference School Board of
Education Policy IKFB for more specific details.