This document contains questions that are frequently asked by
filers during training sessions and submitted to the service desk.
And Other Useful Information
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Table of Contents
Registration/Accounts ................................................................................................................ 4
Who can register on the Portal? ............................................................................................. 4
How do I register as a Pro Hac Vice attorney? ....................................................................... 4
May I have more than one Portal Account [Username and Password]? ................................. 4
Do I need a separate username and password for every county I file in? ............................... 4
How much does it cost to register and file? ............................................................................ 4
Can a Florida Registered Paralegal register for an account to file for the attorney they work
for?......................................................................................................................................... 4
E-Filing Training ......................................................................................................................... 5
How can I receive online training for filing through the Portal? ............................................... 5
Do you provide “hands on” training at a law firm? ................................................................... 5
Payment of Filing Fees .............................................................................................................. 5
How do I pay the statutory filing fee? ...................................................................................... 5
What payment methods are accepted on the Portal? ............................................................. 5
What is the statutory convenience fee associated with the payment methods? ...................... 5
When is my account charged for the payment? ...................................................................... 5
How will my filing fee charge appear on my bank statement?................................................. 6
Can I establish a credit card for an organization to be used by everyone in the organization? 6
How do I delete saved payment account information? ........................................................... 6
How may I have filing fees waived if filing on behalf of an entity exempt pursuant to § 28.345,
Florida Statutes or if Filing an Affidavit of Indigency? ............................................................. 6
As an organization, how do we become exempt from the payment of fees on the Portal? ...... 6
Case Types ................................................................................................................................ 7
Can you initiate a new criminal case electronically? ............................................................... 7
Documents ................................................................................................................................. 7
What document types does the Portal support? ..................................................................... 7
How does the attorney sign the document if it is computer generated and printed to PDF? ... 7
What do we do with original documents required to be maintained by the Clerk pursuant to
Supreme Court Administrative Order or Florida Statutes? ...................................................... 7
If the client has physically signed and the signature has been notarized, is it preferable to
scan the document, or can we sign electronically? ................................................................. 7
What are the formatting requirements for documents? ........................................................... 8
How do you date stamp the document you filed? ................................................................... 8
I understand my documents must be ADA compliant. What does that mean? ....................... 8
What are the file size limitations for a filing? ........................................................................... 8
How do I file my document if it exceeds the maximum file size? ............................................. 8
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How do I file a document that contains confidential information? ............................................ 8
Do I have to attach the Notice of Filing Confidential Information within Court Document if I am
filing to a case that is confidential by statute, Administrative Order or Court Order? ............... 9
How do I know my document is really filed? ........................................................................... 9
How do you file an ORIGINAL Return of Service or an ORIGINAL deposition transcript? ...... 9
I cannot find the document name in the list of documents we can file. What do I do? ............ 9
Why do some case styles contain a party “Unavailable”? ......................................................10
E-service Through the Portal .....................................................................................................10
Is service provided through the Portal considered compliant with Rule 2.516? ......................10
Is E-service through the Portal mandatory? ...........................................................................10
If opposing counsel is not listed under other attorneys, are we required to find their email
address, and insert it for them to be properly served? ...........................................................10
Are the parties that are listed in the Clerk’s Case Maintenance System automatically added to
the E-service Recipient List? .................................................................................................10
If opposing counsel is not listed because they have not filed, can you simply send them notice
through the US mail? ............................................................................................................10
Do we need to list in the certificate service that service was via e-filing, and list their e-mail
address on file, or continue to list their street address, etc.? .................................................10
As a mediator is there any way you can file a document and not continue to be shown as a
person to receive all subsequent filings that occur. ...............................................................10
I filed to a case and I receive E-service to the wrong email address. .....................................11
Will you still receive E-service on your cases marked “Inactive”? ..........................................11
If you receive E-service on a document twice, how do you know which document is the
correct document? ................................................................................................................11
I have not filed to a case and I receive E-service on a case to the wrong email address? .....11
I am receiving E-service on a case I am not involved with in any way. How do I get off the E-
service list? ...........................................................................................................................11
Access to Cases .......................................................................................................................12
Can we do a search for cases that are not ours? ..................................................................12
How do we access the official court file and the documents therein? ....................................12
Correction Queue ......................................................................................................................13
The Portal is saying my document is not named right. What should I do? ............................13
How do I see the status of my filings? ...................................................................................13
Can I save my filing so that I can access it at a later time or make corrections? ....................14
What reasons will cause a filing go to the Correction Queue? ...............................................14
How do we know which document has the error when more than one document is in the
submission? ..........................................................................................................................14
County-Specific Questions ........................................................................................................14
How do I know which counties will allow my summonses to be submitted and paid for when
filing the complaint? ..............................................................................................................14
Will the counties take proposed documents through the Portal? ...........................................14
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I need to add a non-party filer or an intervenor to a case but that selection is not available as
a party in the drop-down. What do I do? ...............................................................................14
What is the best way to file exhibits? .....................................................................................15
Sometimes the E-filing Portal has not charged us for some of our summons (but charges
filing fees, etc.), then we get a letter from the Clerk demanding payment of the summons
fees. What should we do differently to ensure the E-Filing Portal charges for the summons
fee? .......................................................................................................................................15
Are there any plans to force Clerk’s to be consistent? ...........................................................15
I cannot find my case number on the Portal to file to some Broward County cases? .............15
FAQ for Filers August 2021 Page 4 of 15
Who can register on the Portal?
Florida Bar Attorneys
Pro Hac Vice Attorneys
Internal Counsel for a State Agency
Attorney Prosecuting/County
Court Reporter
Mental Health Professional
Process Server
Self-Represented Litigant
The Florida Bar member database is used to validate who you are when registering for a user
account if you are an attorney with a Florida Bar number. The system recognizes your Florida
Bar Identification Number and the name that you have registered with The Bar. Please be sure
to use the name registered with The Florida Bar as the name registered with the E-Filing Portal
or your registration will require human intervention.
How do I register as a Pro Hac Vice attorney?
Click here for the procedures on how to make a Limited Appearance in the State of Florida.
Once you have obtained a Portal registration number from The Florida Bar, use that number as
your Bar ID on the registration page. Florida has to be selected as the State.
May I have more than one Portal Account [Username and Password]?
Yes. As a filer, you may be a part of an organization in which filing fees are exempt while at the
same time accepting clients for which you will be subject to payment of fees. Your first account,
if it matches The Florida Bar information, will be systematically approved. Subsequent accounts
will be processed by the Service Desk.
Do I need a separate username and password for every county I file in?
How much does it cost to register and file?
No. There is no cost to register for an E-Filing account and there is no fee to file documents
electronically. However, the statutory filing fees still apply so if you are submitting a new case,
or a document that requires a fee, there will be a filing fee required in order to submit your
document for filing and a statutory convenience fee based on the payment method.
Can a Florida Registered Paralegal register for an account to file for the attorney
they work for?
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No. The attorney may have more than one account and assign one of them to the Paralegal to
use when filing documents on the attorney’s behalf. Both accounts will carry the name and The
Florida Bar Number of the attorney on whose behalf the Paralegal is filing.
How can I receive online training for filing through the Portal?
Contact the Service Desk to request training sessions at
Do you provide “hands on” training at a law firm?
Yes. Contact your local Clerk’s Office to request training sessions or
How do I pay the statutory filing fee?
During the process of submitting the filing, fees are calculated systematically and displayed.
Enter your payment method and save for later use if desired.
What payment methods are accepted on the Portal?
Credit Card/Debit Card
American Express
Electronic Check
What is the statutory convenience fee associated with the payment methods?
Credit Cards = 3.5% of Filing Fee
Electronic Check = $5 flat rate
When is my account charged for the payment?
The payment method is settled at the time the filing is submitted.
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How will my filing fee charge appear on my bank statement?
“ePortal”+{filing ID}
Can I establish a credit card for an organization to be used by everyone in the
No. Payment information is not stored in the Portal. The Portal interfaces with the payment
engine to obtain a token to the filer of the stored payment methods for recognition by the filer.
This prohibits organization accounts at the Portal level.
How do I delete saved payment account information?
Access the Portal, My Account tab, My Profile menu, Payment Accounts
How may I have filing fees waived if filing on behalf of an entity exempt pursuant
to § 28.345, Florida Statutes or if Filing an Affidavit of Indigency?
On the Fees and Payments page:
Request Fee Waiver
Select Waiver Reason
Attach Waiver Form
As an organization, how do we become exempt from the payment of fees on the
An authorized organizational representative should contact their local Clerk’s office and request
to have a Law Firm account established for their organization. This account can be set up to
FAQ for Filers August 2021 Page 7 of 15
waive filing fees for all users affiliated with the account. This type of account is not exclusive to
private firms, and may be utilized by state agencies, state attorneys, public defenders, and other
public entity organizations that are eligible according to § 28.345, Florida Statutes.
Can you initiate a new criminal case electronically?
Not across all 67 counties. However, in some counties they are accepting criminal case
initiation documents electronically to generate a new case. Check with the individual county to
see their preference. For follow-up filings, you must have a case number to file into a criminal
What document types does the Portal support?
Word Document
How does the attorney sign the document if it is computer generated and printed
to PDF?
The ePortal supports electronic signatures as defined in AO 09-30:
A pleading or other document is not required to bear the electronic image of the handwritten
signature or an encrypted signature of the filer but may be signed in the following manner when
electronically filed through a registered user’s login and password.
Florida Bar Number 12345
Attorney for (Plaintiff/Defendant)
ABC Law Firm
123 South Street Orlando, FL 32800
Telephone: (407) 123-4567
What do we do with original documents required to be maintained by the Clerk
pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order or Florida Statutes?
Documents that must be maintained in original form may be electronically filed through the
Portal but must also be deposited with the Clerk and maintained for safekeeping as defined in
SC11-399. Direct your questions regarding original documents to your local Clerk’s Office.
If the client has physically signed and the signature has been notarized, is it
preferable to scan the document, or can we sign electronically?
You may scan the document and then file it electronically. An alternative would be to scan only
the signature page, which has the client’s wet ink signature as well as the notary’s, and then
append that scanned page to the PDF document that was computer generated.
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What are the formatting requirements for documents?
As defined in RJA 2.520:
8 ½ x 11 inches
Portrait orientation
300 DPI [for a scanned document]
Black and white not color [for a scanned document]
3 x 3 inch space at the top right-hand corner on the first page for those documents that
are recorded
1 x 3 inch space at the top right-hand corner on each subsequent page for those
documents that are recorded
1 inch margin
Do not password protect your documents
How do you date stamp the document you filed?
The Portal will affix in the upper left-hand corner of the document the official file stamp date and
time of when that submission reached the Portal. That is the official file stamp date and time of
when the documents are filed and is in the Eastern Time Zone.
I understand my documents must be ADA compliant. What does that mean?
The Supreme Court requires that documents submitted electronically to the Florida State Courts
System must be ADA compliant. Click here to access that page.
What are the file size limitations for a filing?
The aggregate size for the Trial Court cannot exceed 50 megabytes for one submission.
The aggregate size for the Appellate Court and The Florida Supreme Court cannot exceed 200
megabytes for one submission.
How do I file my document if it exceeds the maximum file size?
Separate the large document into multiple documents each under 50MB or for the FSC and the
DCAs 200MB. Submit one Part 1 of 3 with the first filing, Part 2 of 3 with the second filing, and
Part 3 of 3 with the third filing which results in the complete document being filed.
How do I file a document that contains confidential information?
Review the documents that are being filed to see if they contain confidential or sensitive
information. If they contain confidential or sensitive information, attach a Notice of Confidential
FAQ for Filers August 2021 Page 9 of 15
Information within the Court Filing as a separate document per Rule 2.420, RJA. The form is
available on the Documents page of the Portal.
Do I have to attach the Notice of Filing Confidential Information within Court
Document if I am filing to a case that is confidential by statute, Administrative
Order or Court Order?
No, there is an option available that will cover cases confidential by statute, Administrative
Order or Court Order.
How do I know my document is really filed?
You will receive a Processing Completed for Filing #Filing ID email.
The filing status is Filed on My Filings page.
How do you file an ORIGINAL Return of Service or an ORIGINAL deposition
You would scan the original return of service and then file it electronically through the Portal.
The original deposition transcript is also electronically filed. Request the file from the Court
Reporter in PDF format in small file size increments if it’s a large transcript. Then upload the
individual files until the complete transcript is uploaded. You can also request the transcript in
the abbreviated [four pages to one] version and again in the small file size increments.
I cannot find the document name in the list of documents we can file. What do I
If the name of your document does not appear in the Document Type list, select the document
name that is most appropriate. Counties have the ability to change the name of the document
when reviewed. You may want to contact the County to see if they can add Document Types to
their list.
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Why do some case styles contain a party “Unavailable”?
If the case is a confidential case type, the style of the case will display Not Available and the
parties will not be listed on the parties tab.
Is service provided through the Portal considered compliant with Rule 2.516?
Is E-service through the Portal mandatory?
If opposing counsel is not listed under other attorneys, are we required to find
their email address, and insert it for them to be properly served?
Yes. When an attorney files electronically to a case they are automatically added to the E-
service Recipient List with the emails they designate as E-service email addresses for this case.
If the attorney has not yet filed electronically to the case, to provide proper service through the
Portal you, the filer, will have to add them to the Other Attorney/Interested Party section of the
E-service Page so that they may be served. Once they file electronically to the case and are
automatically added, you should then remove them from the Other Attorney/Interested Party
section of the E-service page.
Are the parties that are listed in the Clerk’s Case Maintenance System
automatically added to the E-service Recipient List?
No. When you file to a case you are automatically added to that cases E-service list using your
Portal profile email addresses.
If opposing counsel is not listed because they have not filed, can you simply
send them notice through the US mail?
Yes. E-service through the Portal is not mandatory. You may still provide service by personal
e-mail as long as you comply with Rule 2.516.
Do we need to list in the certificate service that service was via e-filing, and list
their e-mail address on file, or continue to list their street address, etc.?
Yes. You should attach to every document a “traditional” service list containing all parties’
names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses so that the list of required parties to
be served can be easily ascertained. The certificate of service should also state that service
was performed through the Portal
As a mediator is there any way you can file a document and not continue to be
shown as a person to receive all subsequent filings that occur.
Yes. You may remove yourself from any case to which you have filed. Click here for
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I filed to a case and I receive E-service to the wrong email address.
Access your E-service list of the case on the My Cases page, verify the email addresses you
have specified to receive E-service is where you actually want to receive the emails.
You are either using your Profile email addresses or you have designated up to three other
email addresses to be used for E-service for this case. You may change this at any time. For
more information, click here.
Will you still receive E-service on your cases marked “Inactive”?
Yes. As long as you have not removed yourself from the E-service list for a case, you will
continue to receive E-service on documents filed.
If you receive E-service on a document twice, how do you know which document
is the correct document?
The document you received last would be the correct document. Documents are served when
filings are submitted. Some filings have to be corrected and are sent to the Correction Queue.
When the filer corrects and resubmits the filing, the documents are served again.
I have not filed to a case and I receive E-service on a case to the wrong email
Go to your My Cases page. From the Search Options select “Added as Other
Attorney/Interested Party” and click on Search. From the list of cases select the one in which
you are receiving E-service at the wrong email addresses. Click on the Court Case # link. Then
click on your Name and make any changes to the email addresses that are necessary. Then
click on Save and Save again. Then click on OK.
I am receiving E-service on a case I am not involved with in any way. How do I
get off the E-service list?
Anyone added to the E-service List will receive an email notifying them that they have been
added to the case and give them the contact information for the person that added them. They
will also have a link in the email they receive to “Request Removal” from the E-service List for
that case. If they continue to receive the NEF’s they should go to your My Cases page. From
FAQ for Filers August 2021 Page 12 of
the Search Options select “Added as Other Attorney/Interested Party” and click on Search.
From the list of cases, select the one in which you wish to be removed from the E-service List.
Click on the Court Case # link. Then click on the red X next to your Name. Then click on OK
and OK again.
Can we do a search for cases that are not ours?
No. Remote electronic access to the official court file through the Portal is allowed only to
counsel of record on a case. Please visit the Clerk’s Office Website for the county where the
case resides if you wish to search for cases that are not yours. Most Clerks have on-line
viewing and search capabilities through their court case maintenance systems.
How do we access the official court file and the documents therein?
The Portal provides a link to the counties CMS in the following locations:
My Cases page
My Submissions page
On the My Cases page, select the Case #.
From the My Submissions page, select the Case Style/Docket link.
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These links display the case maintenance system’s case information page with a link to the
docket sheet. Some counties provide images to the docket sheet which is evident by a
hyperlink to the document when selecting the name of the document. Once the case has been
closed for 30 days, you will no longer be able to access the official court file or the documents.
The Portal is saying my document is not named right. What should I do?
The Appellate Court Technology Committee has approved and the Florida Court Technology
Commission has been informed of the attached Document Binary File Name Standards for e-
filing and e-recording. Linked here, please be aware that certain naming conventions do not
transmit through the portal without error.
How do I see the status of my filings?
My Submissions:
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Can I save my filing so that I can access it at a later time or make corrections?
On any page of the filing process, you may select Save to Workbench which will save the
submission on your Workbench and allow you to submit it later. The submissions will stay on
your Workbench for 5 days from the Date Last Updated.
What reasons will cause a filing go to the Correction Queue?
Unsigned document
Document is corrupt or illegible
These would be the most common reasons why a filing would be sent to the Correction Queue
however; the Clerk will annotate the deficiency in the Completion Date/Remarks column of the
My Submissions page.
How do we know which document has the error when more than one document is
in the submission?
The Clerk will name the document that has the deficiency and annotate that deficiency in the
Completion Date/Remarks column of the My Submissions page.
How do I know which counties will allow my summonses to be submitted and
paid for when filing the complaint?
Counties that allow a summons to be filed and paid for with a filing will have the option available
in the Document Description list and the screens will ask you how many defendants will need to
be served. The payment screen will show that amount calculated along with the filing fee. A
county that does not allow for sending the summons electronically will need it delivered in paper
with a check.
Will the counties take proposed documents through the Portal?
Proposed documents may be submitted to the Judicial Officer through the Portal. When the
County and the Judicial Officers are ready to receive proposed documents through the Portal,
the County name will appear in the drop down on the E-Filing Map. A Proposed Document
Submit button will also appear on the My Cases page when the County and the Judicial Officers
are ready to accept the proposed documents.
I need to add a non-party filer or an intervenor to a case but that selection is not
available as a party in the drop-down. What do I do?
The Clerk’s Office can add parties to the drop-down menus. You will need to call the Clerk’s
Office in the county in which you are fling so they can add that option in the party drop-down.
Until that party is available for you to select, the Clerk will add the party when they review the
document before accepting for filing.
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What is the best way to file exhibits?
The best way to file exhibits is to create them as separate documents. Name them the same,
but append the words: “Part 1 of 4,” “Part 2 of 4,” and the like, so the Clerk can tell the
documents go together. Currently, several counties require the exhibits to be part of the main
document; i.e., all in one document however the Florida Courts Technology Committee [FCTC]
is working on standards for filing documents that would apply to all counties.
Sometimes the E-filing Portal has not charged us for some of our summons (but
charges filing fees, etc.), then we get a letter from the Clerk demanding payment
of the summons fees. What should we do differently to ensure the E-Filing Portal
charges for the summons fee?
On case initiation, after you select the Case type and the Sub Type, if the county allows you to
submit your summons electronically you will see an Additional Fee section to enter the number
of summons to be issued.
When filing to an existing case, on the Case Information page, you may see an Additional Fees
section if the county allows you to select additional fees to be included in your submission. The
item that says “Number of Defendants” is where you would type in the number of defendants for
which you wish to have summonses issued. The Portal will then calculate that summons fee
and include it in the fees section.
Summonses are handled in the Additional Fees section on the Case Information screen instead
of being attached to a document type. Some counties process summons manually.
Are there any plans to force Clerk’s to be consistent?
It is a goal of the Supreme Court Chief Justice to standardize the E-Filing in Florida among all
jurisdictions. Best Practices have been created and distributed. The Clerks are working on
creating standard divisions, case types and sub types along with document descriptions right
now. As soon as that project is completed we will be able to implement in the Portal.
I cannot find my case number on the Portal to file to some Broward County
Go to the Broward County web site for E-Filing instructions to obtain the Uniform Case Number.