Your résumé is a one-page list of your significant theatrical experiencestage roles, training, educationplus your physical
description and contact information. Its goal is to help directors know more about you to help them decide if you should be cast.
It is recommended that you attach your résumé to the back of your headshot so you can easily make changes. Staple the résumé
to the headshot at the center top and bottom, being careful not to staple over any of your text. If you staple just a single corner,
it is easy for the résumé to detach from your headshot.
Your headshot is part of the résumé package. Your attitude should be open and friendly, and warmth should radiate from your
eyes. One very good photo is all you really need. Headshots should always be 8 x10 and résumés must be cut to fit. Black and
white headshots are no longer used; all headshots need to be in color. You can have several headshots: theatrical (more serious),
commercial (more smiley) or character (for specific types you can play-optional). Matte is the best finish for headshots, not semi-
gloss. Go to a good photography reproduction place or ask your photographer for recommendations.
Just as your headshot should be as professional as you can make it, so should your résumé. Your goal is to make it look
attractive, clean, clear and complete. Think of your résumé as an audition, albeit an audition on paper, so be sure it is your best
work. This is your professional introduction and is crucially important. Get your mentor or a friend to look at it and make
suggestions. Avoid listing on your résumé any roles that you have played which you could not conceivably perform in a
professional theater. Stick to roles that represent your age range. That way people will know how to cast you. Revise, re-
format and improve. When you have made it as neat and professional as possible, get it printed at a quality duplication
service. Save the original on your computer so you can revise and print off fresh copies as needed.
There is a standard format for résumés that, while not a hard-and-fast rule, is typically followed. You use only one 8‖ x 10‖
page, so arrange your space carefully. The format will cover the following categories and typically are in this order.
Contact Information
Start with, logically enough, your name in boldface. Consider adding ―actor‖ or comparable descriptive terms such as "actor-
singer-dancer." It is not essential to put your home address or home phone number on your résumé. Instead, create a website and
use the URL as your contact information. The best contact information is your agent’s-once you land one. If you do get an agent,
reproduce your résumé on their letterhead.
Professional Affiliations
Beneath your name list your professional affiliations such as SAG, AFTRA, Equity.
Physical Description
Give your physical descriptionheight, weight, hair and eye color, and vocal range. If you’re a singer, specify the notes. Non-
singers will use a generic term like ―baritone‖ or ―alto.‖ Some actors include clothing sizes although it might not always be
This is the meat and potatoes of your résumé. It also is the most difficult to organize because space is limited. Subdivide it into
―film,‖ ―television,‖ ―stage,‖ ―voice-overs,‖ ―commercials,‖ and ―other‖ such as trade shows, theme parks, or cruise ships. You’ll
want to create columns to organize the categories.
Column One: Name of play or movie.
Column Two: Role you played.
Column Three: Name and location of the theatre, the director’s name. It is common to save space by abbreviating "director" to
"Dir." If you appeared with a ―name‖ actor, that can be included here.
Usually the order is theatre-credits, film-credits, television-credits.
If you do commercials, state only whether you have been an on-camera and/or voice-over performer and whether you have a
commercial reel or tape, do not list the products. Consider, writing ―list available on request‖ or ―reel available on request.‖ If
you do have a reel, consider putting it on YouTube.
Space is at a premium and it is hard to fit everything in, especially if you want to include the name of the theater where you
performed. Unknown places will not hold much weight, but known theatres hold a lot of credibility. Actors may tend to
exaggerate their experience to make it look more impressive. Be very careful: Theatre is a small village, and you might be
surprised when the director says, ―You were in the ATL production of Lear? Hey, I was, too!‖ If you aren't truthful, likely you'll
get caught, which is destructive to your reputation (you do not want directors making you the butt of jokes at the local pub, and
remember that word spreads easily throughout the small village). Bear in mind that directors understand that young actors can't
have accumulated a vast amount of experience, so you really don't need to embellish the facts.
If you are just starting out, list your college experience. As you gain experience, you can begin replacing the amateur
productions with professional appearances. This means you should be prepared to revise your résumé constantly.
Acting, voice, dance, workshops, scene studywhere you studied and with whom. If space permits and if the training session was
substantially long, consider indicating how long you studied.
Special Talents
List your special skills such as juggling, acrobatics, pantomime, dance, stage combat, ability to speak foreign languages, any
instruments that you play, if you can drive a stick shift, dialects and the like.
Theatrical Awards and Honors
List any accolades in your field
Staple your résumé to the back of your headshot (both should be 8 x 10)
If you have a lot of projects it is better to list the best ones
Use a format that makes the resume inviting and easy-to-read
Think about your accomplishments, roles you’ve played, characters you’ve become
If possible, tailor your résumé for a specific job, not just a specific industry
Ensure all dates link up and leave no suspicious gaps if you are using a chronological format
Make sure your cover letter is as good as your résumé
Tell the truth
Don't use a résumé that is more than one page
Don't staple reviews or clippings to your résumé, they just get in the way
Don't make the type smaller than 10 point, if you have that much experience, edit it down
Don't make up special skills or write things down just so to fill in the special skill area
Don’t list your age on your résumé. You can, however, list your age range. Get some input from others about what they
think your age range is. It may be quite different from your actual age
Don’t include your computer proficiency on a theatrical resume, it is not necessary
Never lie about your experience
Website/Email: http://sarahripard.com SR@gmail.com
Attributes: Height: 5’6 Eyes: Brown
Union Membership: AEA, SAG
THE SIXTH SENSE Supporting M. Night Shyamalan
BLESSINGS Lead Blum/Vijayan Productions
TOUCHWOOD Lead KR Productions
RUN TO THE LIGHT Lead Fijtaz Productions
CLEAR CUT SIMPLE Lead Vineet Dewan
CARTS Supporting Carts Productions
CROSS ROADS Lead Paracelsus, LIC
STRONG MEDICINE Guest Star Lifetime Channel
MAGENTA Lead I.O.B. Productions
BOMBAY DREAMS Kitty Desouza/Shanti Broadway Theatre: Andrew Lloyd Webber
CONVERGENCE Leila/Tavi Blue Sphere Alliance
HIPPOLYTUS Aphrodite The Getty Villa: Stephen Sachs
APPLE PIE Katma The Kennedy Center: Lisa Portes
ACTS OF DESIRE Sayeda Deborah Lawlor
CYRANO DE BERGERAC Roxana East La Classic Theatre: Tony Plana
HAMLET Ophelia The Shakespeare Theatre: Joe Banno
DANGEROUS LIAISONS Mme. De Tourvel Source Theatre: Joe Banno
AS YOU LIKE IT Rosalind The Shakespeare Folger
OTHELLO Desdemona Washington Stage Guild
R.P.M. Street Walker Tribeca Film Center: Clayton Lebouef
CARMEN Manuelita NYC Opera: The Wolf Trap
TALES OF INDIA Buddha/Parvati Smithsonian Institute
DREAM OF A COMMON LANGUAGE Dolores Theatre of The 1
SPEAKING OF STORIES Narrator The Lobero Theatre: Karen Lelapena
ARMS & THE MAN Louka Olney Theatre: Jack Going
CIGARETTES & CHOCOLATE Gemma Potomac Theatre Project
BALZAC George Sands Scena Theatre
PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY Sibyl Vane Scena Theatre
ANTHONY & CLEOPATRA Cleopatra Oakton Aionos Players
ROMEO & JULIET Juliet The Guildhall School-London
ANTIGONE Antigone/Ismene The Guildhall School-London
ACTING Guildhall School of Music& Drama-London, UK
VOICE/SPEECH Virginia Tech University-BA Theatre Arts
MOVEMENT Movement in Mime-Mime Master MARCEL MARCEAU
VOICE/SPEECH The Shakespeare Theatre-Greek& Shakespeare Text Analysis
MOVEMENT Latin Dancer-Dance Master Humberto Lazarro
DANCE: Ballroom, Hip-Hop, Improvisational, Indian, Interpretive, Middle Eastern, Salsa, Samba, Swing, Tango
SINGING: Jazz, Musical Theatre, Operatic, R&B/Blues, Rap, Rock/Pop
SPORTS: Hiking, Karate, Speed Walking, Swimming, Tae Kwon Do, Yoga
VOICE: Mezzo-Soprano
LANGUAGES: Arabic, English, French
ACCENTS: African, American Southern, Appalachian, Arabic, Australian, Cockney, French, German, Greek, Indian (east), Irish,
Italian, Jamaican, Middle Eastern, New England/Boston, New York City, Russian, Scottish, Slavic/Eastern European, South African,
Spanish, Standard American, Standard British, Thai, Welsh, Yiddish
ADDITIONAL: Firearms, Hosting, Martial Arts, Mime, Modeling, Painting, Voice Characterizations
Sample of an actor résumé
(917) 555-1212
[email protected] http://milesaturot.com
SAG, Equity, AFTRA
DE LA GUARDA Captain/Aerialist Daryl Roth Theatre, Dir: Pichon Baldinu
CREATION Aerialist/Dancer/Puppeteer Crystal Cathedral
ELLA FITZGERALD Norman Granz/Thor Arena Stage, Dir: Maurice Hines
THE ELEPHANT MAN John Merrick Electric City Playhouse
JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR Simon Z/Apostle Saint Gregory Playhouse
HAMLET Hamlet Clemson Players
THE LIFE Snickers (US Jojo) Backstage Players
BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Paul Bratter Anderson regional Theatre
GODSPELL David/Judas Premier Theatre Company
THE SECRET GARDEN Archibald Craven Electric City Playhouse
GREASE Sonny Premier Theatre Company
JOSEPH AND … DREAMCOAT Reuben Premier Theatre Company
INTO THE WOODS Baker Electric City Playhouse
SWEENEY TODD Sweeney Todd Clemson Little Theatre
THE WIZ Director/Dancer Playhouse 22
THE FANTASTIKS Matt Electric City Playhouse
THE DINING ROOM Featured Actor Stepping Out Productions
ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD Guildenstern Electric City Playhouse
MILANO ROCKIN’ FASHION 2004 Featured Aerialist Italian TV: Dir: Luca Tommassini
VH-1 VOGUE FASHION AWARDS Featured Performer VH-1
AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL Featured Performer UPN: Dir: James Gay
DICK IN THE END Steve Clown Sweat Productions
OBSESSION William D’O Productions
TABLE FOR ONE John Hyatt Leucter Films
PARK BENCH Maurece Brown NYU Student Film
2000 SMOKES Eric Kefgen/ Ohio Productions
Voice - Beverly Lambert, Steve Katz
Monologue Coach - Warren Kelley
Scene Study - Linda Ross, Williams Simmons
On-Camera Technique - Heidi Marshall
Improv Shira Piven
Dialects Southern (clean & exaggerated), British (clean), and Cockney Driver’s License (standard & automatic)
Aerial harness work, Rock climbing, Capoiera, Modeling (print & runway), Ballroom Dance, Juggling, Rollerblading, Skiing
(snow & water), Sports Enthusiast
Sample of an actor résu
HTTP://WWW.WEB.NET N[email protected]
The Lover by Harold Pinter Four Play, a night of one act plays
ASDS Repertory Season New York, NY 2005 “Diane” in Bachelorette
Smatter Theatre New York, NY 2003
A Life With Ike by Steve Nicholas
(premiere of new work) A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
ASDS Repertory Season New York, NY 2005 “Peter Quince”
Hole in the Wall Theatre New Britain, NY 2001
The Lilith and Eve Project by Carla Ching
(premiere of new work) Night Watch by Lucille Fletcher
ASDS Repertory Season New York, NY 2005 “Helga”
New Britain Repertory Theatre 1998
UTAH by Laconia Koerner
(premiere of new work) Julius Caesar by Williams Shakespeare
ASDS Repertory Season New York, NY 2005 “Portia”
Baker Shakespeare Festival 1998
Ring by Carla Ching
(premiere of new work) Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
ASDS Repertory Season New York, NY 2005 “Conrade”
Baker Shakespeare Festival 1996
Art Gallery by Aurin Squire
Manhattan Theatre Source New York NY 2004 Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Baker Shakespeare Festival 1995
By Tom Stoppard
Hole in the Wall Theatre New Britain, CT 2002 Masterpieces by Arthur Bicknell
“Emily Bronte”
Masterpieces by Arthur Bicknell Rice Players 1994
Hole in the Wall Theatre New Britain, CT 2001
Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill Actor’s Studio Drama School, May 2005
Hole in the Wall Theatre New Britain, CT 1999 Master of Fine Arts in Directing
Time of My Life by Alan Ayckbourn Directing: Andreas Manolikakis, Lloyd Richards
Milam House Productions Houston, TX 1995 Stuart Vaughan
Design: Don Holder, Shawn Lewis, Tony Walton
West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein, Jerome Acting: Barbara Poitier, Joe Ragno, Sam Schacht
Robbins and Stephen Sondheim Voice: Scott Flaherty
Hanszen College Musical Houston, TX 1994
Rice University, May 1996
The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer Bachelor of Arts in English
Milam House Productions Houston, TX 1993
As Is by William Hoffman 2004 Nominee to the Princess Grace Foundation
Milam House Productions Houston, TX 1992 Drama Scholarship 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05
Board of Governors Scholar 2004-05
Art Gallery by Aurin Squire REFERENCES
Post-production Andreas Manolikakis, Chair, Directing Department
Actor’s Studio Drama School
Children Lost by Aurin Squire 212- 123-4567
Feature length drama
Pre-production (shooting begins June 2005) Shawn Lewis, Scenic Designer, Co-Chair Design Department
Actor’s Studio Drama School
718- 555-5555
Sample of a director résumé
JOE JETSON, Playwright
The New School for Drama, MFA in Playwriting
Instructors: Romulus Linney, Michael Weller, Laura Censabella
Eve of Crimes The New School Theater, NY December 2009
Le Mot Juste ANY Theatre Co., NY September 2009
Twinges ANY Theatre Co, NYC May 2002
Hemlock, A Greek Diner Tragedy Extra Virgin, P.C., Dallas, TX November 2001
subCity Abingdon Theatre Co., NYC July 2000
Altar Boyz! New World Stages, NY March 2000
Men’s St. Andrew’s College, ON January 2000
Scene Analysis for Fun & Profit Actor’s Theatre of Louisville May 1999
Eve of Crimes: Memory Motel Actor’s Theatre of Louisville April 1996
The Big Clog NYU Tisch School Production, NY November 1995
Eve of Crimes: Freefalling Offstage Theatre Co. VA February 1995
The Buffoon Piece Offstage Theatre Co. VA June 1993
Flowers of Way Off Broadway, NY November 1992
Banff Center for the Arts, Colony Fellowship (2003)
Canada Council for the Arts Grant (2003)
Actor’s Studio Lifetime Member, inducted (2002)
Youngblood member at Ensemble Studio Theatre
Epic Repertory Theatre member
Dramatists Guild of America
The Dramatist, Fall 2002: “EST/Sloan Project Profile”
American Theatre, November 1999: “The Writer in the Theatre”
Backstage, Issue 36, August 13-20: “What of the Dramaturg?”
Name, Job Title Company Phone Email
Name, Job Title Company Phone Email
Name, Job Title Company Phone Email
Sample of a playwright résu
[email protected] http://janelouisewindsor.com
Self-directed ASSOCIATE PRODUCER with a proven ability to orchestrate a broad spectrum of music projects for key
clients, exploring a position within the broadcast news community where an eclectic television and new media
production will be of value.
Co-hosted and sourced the daily guest line-up for fourhour morning talk shows that blended with three on-air
interviews inspired by current local and world events
Interviewed an assorted guest list of legislators, scientists, play writers, and coffeehouse musicians
Produced and recorded daily promotions, commercials, and Public Service Announcements
Created and successfully pitched an original animated series on dating to ATX Animation
Teamed with ATX Animation to produce the animated series that aired eight episodes in 2000
Supervised the creation of story boards; wrote intros, outros, and bumpers; and selected illustrations and music
beds for the demo and pilot
NEW MEDIA PRODUCTION: HiFidelity/ Onto.com / SunCo / Mermaid Films / A-Z Media
Worked closely with multiple teams comprised of writers, editors, graphic/technical/flash design architects, and
creative directors to meet client expectations on time and within budget
Associate produced an eight-month, $ 1,000,000 project for A-Z involving the development marketing tools,
including Train-the Trainer, for small business out-of-the-box e-commerce pac
Steered a one-year, $300,000 website development project that produced a sleek, distinguished and on-line
presence for the investment brokerage group at HI-Fidelity
Cost-effectively sourced, selected, and negotiated prize-award vendor contracts for a six week promotional
campaign that drove web traffic to OnTo.com, a Daisy-owned company
Developed promotional websites for SunCo Electronics and Mermaid Films, in charge of scheduling meeting
arrangements, and performance of Quality Assurance testing procedures
Coordinated the development of a CD-ROM based software sales tools for A-Z Media
PUBLIC SPEAKING / TRAINING / WRITING: Herbex / City Girl / Fabulous
Conducted seminars on sales and marketing strategies across 40 U.S. cities for Herbex, City Girl
Conceptualized, produced, and wrote a fashion book introducing Herbex’s new tagline, Glamour
Spearheaded brand-marketing initiatives for Herbex’s launch party that included the production video to promote
a new hair color product line, XiT XiX, targeting Gen- X and Y populations
Led the selection of models and co-supervised video production and editing processes from start
Facilitated content update for Herbex’s training program in CD-ROM and book format for
throughout leading retail drug store chains nationwide
Proposal Supervisor Freelance, 2007-2009, XYZ Creative Services, New York, New York
Contract Producer / Morning Show Co-Host, 2005-2007, LOBO RADIO, New York, New York
National Trainer, 2004-2005, PRIME ENERGY, New York, New York
National Trainer/ Pop Culture Consultant, 2003-2005, HEBEX, New York, New York
New Media Associate Producer, 2002-2003, I.N.C., New York, New York
Creator, Creative Supervisor / Casting Director, 2000-2003, ATX ANIMATION, New York, New York
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism, 2000, Queens College, Flushing, New York
Sample of a producer résumé