Students often want to know if they should add Greek life to their resumes, and if so, how they
can highlight such experiences in professional and relevant ways. It is recommended that you
always include sorority or fraternity information on your resume, as many components of your
membership are selling points. Just like your sorority of fraternity, companies are organizations,
and employers will relate what you did in your sorority or fraternity to the type of employee you
will be at their company.
Maggie Becker from WPI’s Career Development Center wrote an article for the Association of
Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) on Helping Students Highlight Their Fraternity/Sorority
Experience in the Job Search that is a helpful resource to get started. Information from the
article is integrated into the items below to provide a detailed overview of how you can best
describe and market your Greek life experiences on your resume.
Be condent in your experience
No two Greek experiences are the same. Be condent
in your experience and recognize the importance of
the skills you gained from that experience. Whether
or not you held a leadership position, you should
include your time in your sorority or fraternity on your
resume. You can enhance your resume by highlighting
your participation in philanthropy events, experience
organizing or decorating for events, or ability to present
ideas or opinions during meetings.
Use Greek life to stand out. Express the values-based
experience of being in a sorority or fraternity, your
ability to work on a team, and the opportunities
the sorority or fraternity has given you for growth.
Including your Greek experience on your resume can
also give you networking opportunities unlike those
found in others organizations or clubs.
Part I: Brainstorm to List your
Skills and Experiences
Ask yourself
What committees were you on and what activities
did you participate in?
Did you have leadership positions?
- What did you do?
- What skills did this require?
- How do these activities relate to your future
career goals?
What were the requirements of membership in
your chapter?
What skills do you have now that you didn’t have
before you joined Greek life?
Marketing greek Life on Your resuMe
M a r k e t i n g g r e e k L i f e o n Y o u r r e s u M e
Perhaps being involved in a sorority or fraternity
enhanced your public speaking skills or attending
weekly meetings improved your time management
abilities. Use such phrases as...
Leadership: If you held an oce or served as
a Chair, outline your duties. Chances are you
participated in the local Chapter or national
leadership training opportunities. Note the length,
breadth, and content of such endeavors.
Organization & Time Management: Note that
in order to juggle so many activities within your
sorority or fraternity, not to mention school work
and other obligations, you had to be extremely
Teamwork: Emphasize the complex types
of projects completed, number of members
coordinated, and communication skills involved in
productive teamwork.
Tailor your Greek experiences to the position. If you are
applying for nancial positions, highlight your ability
to follow a budget. For marketing or communications
positions, recruitment experience is a good starting
point. Make your position and experiences work for you
Part II: Describing the Items
from Part I
Greek Life Action Verbs
Use action verbs to enhance your experiences. For
example, explain how you created a marketing plan
to improve recruitment or developed an alumnae
relations program to re-connect 500 graduates.
Sample verbs to begin each point include:
Quantify Your Experiences (to the best of
your ability)
When discussing your experience, give concrete
quantiable details to provide employers with a better
idea of what you did and how often you did it. These
numbers give your experiences more relevance to the
How many…People at events? Number of events
planned? Dollars raised/counted? People working
together as a team? Hours put into planning an
M a r k e t i n g g r e e k L i f e o n Y o u r r e s u M e
How often…Do you speak in public? Attend
meetings? Volunteer? Plan events?
Include Details
The easiest way to explain the importance of your
experience in Greek life is to provide concrete details.
Be specic about the tasks you completed. If you don’t
provide details about what you did, employers will ll
in those blanks on their own, which could be either
a benet or a detriment. Provide the company with
tangible insights into your experiences and skills. Also,
try to use the word member rather than sister/brother/
Types of details to provide include:
Marketing & Events
- The purpose of an event, who the event
serveds (community, Greek life, alumni, etc.),
your role in the event (coordinated, planned,
attended, facilitated)
- Social media campaigns and results
- Branding and marketing campaigns, method,
and results
- Educating new members
- If you managed new member education,
list how many new members you trained.
Emphasize training as a verb more so than
- If you were the treasurer, include the amount
of money you handled.
- What did you use to manage/monitor the
- How many members lived in the facility you
managed (i.e. “managed a 12-person facility”)?
- What budget did you manage?
- What modications/remodeling did you lead?
- What type of chore schedule did you maintain?
- What type of boards (alumni, housing, etc.) did
you collaborate with?
- How many records did you manage?
- What kind of documentation did you keep?
- Overseeing monitoring rules and policies
- Overseeing judicial cases and ensuring fair and
correct processes were followed
- Recruited X number of members, resulting in a
new member class of X men/women
- Directed and delegated X number of
recruitment events to promote membership
and values and introduce members
- Led chapter of X number members and
developed goals to promote/enhance/develop
- Managed executive board of X members to
oversee______ and facilitate _______Member
- Participated in X number of events to help
raise X number of dollars for our charity, St.
Jude’s Childrens Hospital
- Represented organization on campus and in
the local community
M a r k e t i n g g r e e k L i f e o n Y o u r r e s u M e
Part III: Adding Greek Life to
Your Resume
You can put Greek life on your resume in one of two
Option 1: Leadership Section
If you have a Leadership section and have a
position, you can follow this template (or do
something similar). This gives you space to describe
your position and work.
2 dierent positions
1 position
Option 2: Activities Section for Your
General Membership
If you do not have a leadership position, or if you do
but don’t want to have a Leadership section on your
resume, you can put Greek Life under your Activities
section. Here, you wouldn’t describe your position, but
you can still list it.
Greek life should take only about 2-3 lines on your
resume. Some of the above tips can be better used
in describing your Greek experience in an interview,
especially when an interviewer asks about teamwork,
leadership, and campus involvement.
Theta Chi Fraternity, WPI, Aug. 2014-Present
Scholarship Chairman, Aug. 2015-Present
Maintain database of members and majors to provide resource, support,
and assistance to other members in academics
Coordinate career development workshops to support personal and profes-
sional development of members to secure internships and jobs
Plan Faculty/Sta Social to facilitate collaboration and awareness between
members and community
House Manager, Jan. 2015-Dec 2015
Oversee facility management for 30 residents, ensuring maintenance and
routine cleaning is executed
Assess and develop maintenance plan for short and long term projects
Vice President Chapter Operations, Alpha Phi International Fraternity,
WPI, Jan. 2015-Present
Manage facility for 12 residents. Oversee elections and bylaw review process
for 120+ membership. Manage three direct reports including nances,
administrative processes, and housing. Lead weekly department meetings
for committee of ten. Document activities and reporting for university and
fraternity annual reports.
House Manager/Secretary, Sigma Pi Fraternity, WPI, Aug. 2014-Present
Recruitment Chair, Chi Omega Fraternity, WPI, Aug. 2015-Present
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, WPI, Aug. 2013-Present
Career Development Center
Project Center
508-831-5260 | [email protected]