September 2011 System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER)
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) established the System Assessment and
Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER)
Program to assist emergency responders
making procurement decisions.
Located within the Science and Technology
Directorate (S&T) of DHS, the SAVER Program
conducts objective assessments and validations
on commercial equipment and systems and
provides those results along with other relevant
equipment information to the emergency
response community in an operationally useful
form. SAVER provides information on
equipment that falls within the categories listed
in the DHS Authorized Equipment List (AEL).
The SAVER Program is supported by a network
of technical agents who perform assessment
and validation activities. Further, SAVER
focuses primarily on two main questions for the
emergency responder community: “What
equipment is available?” and “How does it
For more information on this and other
technologies, contact the SAVER Program
Support Office.
RKB/SAVER Telephone: 877-336-2752
Web site:
This SAVER TechNote
was prepared by the
Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center Atlantic
for the SAVER Program.
Reference herein to any specific commercial
products, processes, or services by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not
constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United
States Government. Neither the United States
Government nor any of its employees make any
warranty, expressed or implied, including but
not limited to the warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose for any
specific commercial product, process, or service
referenced herein.
Computer Aided Dispatch Systems
Computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems are utilized by dispatchers, call-
takers, and 911 operators to prioritize and record incident calls, identify the
status and location of responders in the field, and effectively dispatch
responder personnel. Emergency responders in the field can receive
messages initiated by CAD systems via their mobile data terminals
(MDTs), radios, and cell phones. CAD systems may also interface with a
geographic information system (GIS), an automatic vehicle location (AVL)
system, a caller identification (ID) system, logging recorders, and various
databases. A unified CAD (UCAD) system interfaces with multiple
agencies and/or computer systems that serve law enforcement, fire, and
EMS and provides communication across multiple agencies and
Technology Overview
A CAD system manages
information from many other
responder systems to optimize
the dispatch of responder
personnel. The size and
complexity of the CAD system
are determined by the needs
and requirements of the agency
and the existing systems that
the agency would like to
integrate. CAD
implementation involves
installation of servers,
computers, and software, as
well as connection to a variety
of other existing systems.
CAD systems are usually
located in a central dispatch office or public safety answering point
(PSAP). With the support of dispatchers, CAD servers communicate with
call center computers/phones, cell phones, MDTs installed in vehicles, two
-way radios, and fax servers. This provides dispatchers and field personnel
multiple communication options.
The majority of CAD systems can incorporate information from the
following systems: records management systems (RMSs), GIS, AVL, and
caller ID. RMS provides data relevant to the current service call. GIS
provides numerous types of geographical and geospatial data; AVL
pinpoints the location of response vehicles, which allows the CAD system
to help determine the most suitable unit for response; and caller ID verifies
the exact location of an incoming call and/or incident.
A Typical CAD System
Advancements in CAD system software provide
dispatchers with a more user-friendly CAD system.
CAD system software advancements may include
touch-screen monitors, multi-color displays, computer
icons, and more in-depth and accurate information.
This information may include detailed maps, incident
history reports, proximity incident reports, and
database queries. Newer systems can continuously
update and verify information and make
recommendations to the dispatcher on the closest
available and most qualified responder (e.g., sending a
HAZMAT responder to an environmental incident or
a K-9 unit to a narcotics search). The needs of an
agency determine the features purchased in the CAD
system software. Generally, more advanced CAD
systems are used in larger agencies.
Various local, state, and Federal criminal justice
databases can interface with CAD systems for
relevancy to response and may include data from: a
license plate reader (LPR) system; a jail management
system (JMS); the National Incident-Based Reporting
System (NIBRS); and the National Crime Information
Center (NCIC).
Typically, when a dispatcher receives a call, the CAD
system displays the location of the caller, and the
dispatcher can log additional information relevant to
the incident. The dispatcher contacts the appropriate
agency and closest available personnel to respond via
two-way radio, phone, and/or MDT. The response
status to the call is logged by the dispatcher from start
to finish. Logging recorders can store information
such as call time and duration for later retrieval.
A CAD system also provides information to the
dispatch center, including:
Log on/log off times of emergency personnel;
Time stamping of all communications;
Case numbers for investigations;
Assignments of emergency personnel; and
Incident reports and archives.
A CAD workstation
System Advancements
CAD systems are most commonly installed by the
vendor with the assistance of agency employees who
are familiar with the agency’s infrastructure, network,
and systems’ configuration. The complexity of the
CAD system and the level of integration with existing
systems determine the time required for installation.
Maintaining a CAD system usually requires a trained
systems administrator and a CAD administrator. The
systems administrator is typically responsible for
maintaining the network, servers, databases, and
software patches at an agency. Responsibilities of the
CAD administrator may include maintaining the
response plans, incident types, and paging
configurations in the CAD system. Warranties will
vary by vendor, and many offer ongoing maintenance
and/or technical support options.
In addition to routing daily emergency response calls,
CAD systems can be used in large, multi-
jurisdictional responses, such as when natural
disasters occur. For example, during Hurricane
Charley in 2004, the Orange County Fire and Rescue
Department (OCFRD) Communications Center
employed a CAD system with GIS, AVL, and RMS
integration capabilities. By utilizing this CAD
system, the OCFRD was able to “sort by station” and
categorize waiting calls into groups assigned to an
individual fire station’s response area. This process
allowed dispatchers to quickly review all calls in a
station’s district, prioritize the most urgent calls, and
dispatch them to pagers, station alert printers, and
Emergency Fire Response Software Tools Guide
(January 2007),