Conditional Offer of Employment, DP #2 2
The Police
The Police Department extends you a conditional
offer of employment. An applicant who successfully completes Phases 1 through 5 must rank within
the number of available vacancies for the respective position to continue in the application process.
The oral interview board score will determine ranking. An applicant who obtains a passing score
from the oral interview board, but whose score ranks outside current available vacancies, may
continue the application process by being placed on a short-term eligibility list for future vacancies.
Applicants will be selected from this list in order of their final ranking. The conditional offer of
employment of any applicant who chooses not to be placed on this eligibility list will be rescinded.
The Police Department reserves the right to
discontinue this eligibility list at any time and rescind the conditional offer of employment of any
applicant who fails to attain the required ranking after completing Phases 1 through 5 of the
Applicant Selection Process.
If you do not successfully complete all phases of following criteria, this conditional offer of
employment may be rescinded:
Phase 1. Application, Qualification Standards and Disqualifiers
Phase 2. Entry Level Written Exam/Physical Fitness Test
Phase 3. Required Documentation
Phase 4. Background Investigation
Phase 5. Oral Interview Board
Phase 6. Polygraph Examination
Phase 7. Conditional Offer of Employment
Phase 8. Medical/Extended Physical/Vision Examinations
Phase 9. Psychological Examination
Phase 10. Drug Screen
The Police Department retains the right to hire the
best qualified applicants. This process ensures that all applications are treated equitably and the
best-qualified applicants are hired for all positions. The final decision to employ an applicant will be
made by the Chief of Police.
I have read the provisions of this conditional offer of employment and understand each of its
conditions. I also understand that this conditional offer of employment is contingent upon
meeting each of these conditions and that failure to do so may result in its termination by the
____________________________________________________________ Police Department.
The Conditional Offer of Employment expires six months from the date signed.
Applicant Signature Date