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ntrepreneurs, including physicians and physician groups
looking for a new business opportunity like owning their own
urgent care practice, must understand several key aspects
of a commercial lease.
Typically, urgent care centers are located in retail spaces in
an attempt to drive patient visits through visibility and traffic
from nearby stores that appeal to the same target demographic.
Retail developers are doing their part to encourage more urgent
care tenants by designing more intimate, walkable shopping
centers that focus on entertainment and everyday needs.
Urgent care owners should realize that a commercial lease
is significantly different from a residential lease. You may recall
the consequences of breaking an apartment lease typically in-
clude the loss of the security deposit and perhaps a penalty
equal to one month’s rent. However, breaking a commercial
lease has much more serious consequences—ones that may
severely impact your business.
Commercial Leases are Grounded in Contract Law
Courts generally treat a commercial lease as a contract and, in
the absence of a provision in the lease to the contrary, ordinary
contract principles apply.
That notion is critical; how a lease is
interpreted and enforced depends on what terms are specifi-
cally included in the lease.
The principles of landlord tenant law, designed to protect fam-
ilies from sudden and unfair eviction, are not applicable to a com-
mercial lease.
When a commercial lease is broken or “breached,
the contract dispute may be litigated. If a commercial landlord
claims a breach of contract, the landlord will need to show:
1. That a contract existed
2. The parties’ obligations under the contract
3. The nature of the breach
4. That the breach was material to the contract
5. Whether the breaching party has a legal defense to
e n f o r c e m e n t o f t h e c o n t r a c t
6. The damages caused by the breach
However, a majority of courts have held that a lease can’t
be forfeited for a trivial or technical breach—even when the
parties have specifically agreed that “any breach” gives rise to
the right of termination.
Thus, courts hold that to justify for-
feiture, the breach must be “material, serious, or substantial.”
For example, a lease may stipulate that the tenant keep the
flower beds maintained; while a few weeds won’t lead to ter-
mination, not paying the rent for several months will.
When a landlord terminates a lease following the default of a
tenant, the tenant is obligated to pay the rent due prior to the
termination. However, the tenant has no obligation to pay any
rent that accrues after the termination unless the lease provides
In most instances, a commercial lease drawn up by
legal counsel will have a remedies clause that outlines what
will occur if a party breaches the contract.
If an urgent care center owner defaults under a commercial
lease, the landlord (and its attorney) will consult the lease agree-
ment that both parties signed. A landlord who doesn’t have an
adequate remedy following breach of the lease by a tenant has
What Happens if You Break a
Commercial Lease?
Urgent message: Whether starting a new urgent care center and entering into a lease
for the first time, or evaluating, moving, closing, or selling an existing urgent care center,
understanding the conditions under which it’s permissible—and not permissible—to
break a commercial lease can save you time, money, and legal headaches.
Alan A. Ayers, MBA, MAcc is Chief Executive Officer
of Velocity Urgent Care and is Practice Management Editor
of The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine.
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“only itself to blame for entering into a lease that failed to pro-
vide such a remedy.” A court won’t “disrupt the settled expec-
tations of leasing parties in order to protect a landlord from the
consequences of failing to insist on an adequate remedy in the
negotiation of a commercial lease.”
If the landlord failed to in-
clude sufficiently detailed default remedies in the commercial
lease, they won’t have the standing to protect their position.
A landlord’s remedies in case of breech are not set by law, but
rather, negotiated into the lease contract.
Typically, a commercial lease will contain these default remedy
! Re-entry upon default. The circumstances for the landlord’s
right of re-entry should be specifically detailed in the
lease, such as the nonpayment of rent, breach or nonper-
formance, failing to occupy, abandoning the premises, or
using the premises for an unauthorized purpose. A land-
lord may also include a right to accelerate rent (discussed
below) which is automatically triggered when the right
of re-entry is exercised.
! Lease termination. If a landlord is given the right to re-en-
ter and take possession of the property, it will want the
right to terminate the lease, if necessary. This right of ter-
mination should be specified in the lease, and should only
be exercised upon written notice to tenant.
! Acceleration of payments. An acceleration clause in a com-
mercial lease allows the landlord to declare that all
amounts due under the lease for the balance of the agree-
ment are immediately due and payable upon the default.
For example, once a tenant abandons the property prior
to expiration of the lease, a “landlord [is] within its rights
under New York law to do nothing and collect the full rent
due under the lease.”
! As an alternative to an acceleration clause, an urgent care
center owner may negotiate a clause in lieu of accelerating
the rent. This clause will frequently say that the defaulted
tenant is only liable for the difference between the rent
and other amounts it owes under its lease—and the rent
and other charges actually collected by the landlord from
any new tenant to whom the re-lease the property.
! Repayment of unamortized tenant improvement allowance.
This is a lease provision that states that, upon default, the
landlord gets back the money borrowed by the tenant for
any improvement project. The lease will contain a provi-
sion in which the tenant agrees to pay back the landlord
over the term of the lease.
! Repayment of unamortized brokerage commissions. The
landlord may have unamortized transaction costs, such
as tenant improvements, free rent, legal fees, along with
brokerage commissions, that are typically amortized or
spread out (with interest) over the entire lease term. The
lease may state that the landlord will get those costs from
the tenant in the event of a breach.
! Late charges. A lease may also contain a clause permitting
the landlord to impose late charges for failing to pay rent
or other additional rent obligations on time, and that
states that the late charges are also additional rent. These
terms are generally enforced by the courts.
An urgent care center owner should also be aware of a stip-
ulation in the lease that allows the landlord to exercise more
than one remedy in a single default by the tenant (commonly
termed “Cumulative Rights”).
A Tenant’s Legal Early Termination
Review the terms of your commercial lease to understand each
partys obligations in the event of an early termination. Typi-
cally, a tenant can only terminate a commercial lease before
the lease term is over without liability if there’s a provision con-
tained in the lease that allows for such action.
A tenant’s right to legally terminate a commercial lease, in-
cluding assigning the lease or subleasing the space to another
tenant, is only assured if the tenant negotiates an early ter-
mination option into the lease.
Common reasons for commercial tenants to request an early
release are when theyve outgrown the space and require more
room, or their company has had a drastic decrease in size or is
going out of business.
If your urgent care is in a desirable location, the landlord will
be more willing to entertain an early termination of the lease.
One option is to offer a lump-sum payment (perhaps 50 cents
on the dollar). Here are a few of the “outs” for a tenant:
! Break clause. There may be a break clause that gives a ten-
ant or a landlord the option to terminate a lease at least
once during the term. This clause may be invoked by a
party only when the conditions of the break clause are
satisfied. Commercial landlords are usually very reticent
to agree to a termination clause.
! Assignment. An urgent care owner may be able to transfer
their interest in a leased property to another party before
the original lease expires. An assignment must be written
into the lease.
! Subleasing. A tenant can also ask the landlord to sublease
the property to another business for the rest of its lease.
This also can be a clause negotiated into the lease. If it
isn’t included, a tenant may still ask the landlord to con-
sent to a sublease. Note that an assignment is the better
option because the new tenant takes 100% of your obli-
gations. In addition, know that it’s common for a lease to
contain a term that stipulates that the landlord to has the
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right to approve of any possible new tenants under an as-
signment or sublease.
! Co-tenancy. This clause allows the tenant to leave if an im-
portant anchor tenant leaves; perhaps its the big box
store or grocery that draws major traffic to the property.
! Bailout clause. This term lets a tenant be released from
the lease if its sales don’t reach a predetermined level.
Remember that a landlord must make reasonable efforts to
mitigate damages when a tenant breaches the lease and abandons
the property, provided the commercial lease doesn’t say otherwise.
That means making a good faith effort to rent the property.
Finally, the parties are always free to negotiate to modify
the length of the term at any time during the lease.
Work with a business attorney when first negotiating the lease
for your urgent care center. Breaking a commercial lease will
be much easier—and less costly—if you anticipate the scenarios
discussed in this article and negotiate to include as many as
possible into your lease agreement.
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