CRR Supplemental Resource Guide
Volume 8
External Dependencies
Version 1.1
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Copyright 2016 Carnegie Mellon University
This material is based upon work funded and supported by Department of Homeland Security under Contract
No. FA8721-05-C-0003 with Carnegie Mellon University for the operation of the Software Engineering
Institute, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Department of
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Department of Homeland Security or the United States
Department of Defense.
[Distribution Statement A] This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution.
Please see Copyright notice for non-US Government use and distribution.
CER and OCTAVE® are registered marks of Carnegie Mellon University.
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Series Welcome ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Audience .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
II. External Dependencies Management ..................................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Summary of Steps ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
III. Plan for External Dependencies Management ...................................................................................................... 9
Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Step 1. Establish external dependencies support and strategy. .............................................................................. 10
Step 2. Plan the relationship formation process. ...................................................................................................... 12
Step 3. Plan a process for identifying and prioritizing external dependencies. ........................................................ 14
Step 4. Plan for relationship management. .............................................................................................................. 16
Step 5. Plan an information management process. ................................................................................................. 18
Output of Section III ................................................................................................................................................. 20
IV. Implement the External Dependencies Management Plan ................................................................................ 21
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Step 1. Assign responsibility for implementing the plan. .......................................................................................... 22
Step 2. Establish and maintain implementation measurements. .............................................................................. 23
Step 3. Formalize relationships with external entities. ............................................................................................. 24
Step 4. Identify and prioritize dependencies. ........................................................................................................... 26
Step 5. Maintain requirements. ................................................................................................................................ 28
Step 6. Manage ongoing relationships. .................................................................................................................... 29
Output of Section IV ................................................................................................................................................. 33
V. Monitor and Improve External Dependencies Management .............................................................................. 34
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
Step 1. Define effectiveness measures.................................................................................................................... 34
Step 2. Detect, analyze, and correct process exceptions. ....................................................................................... 35
Step 3. Report and review the program with stakeholders. ...................................................................................... 36
Step 4. Improve the EDM program, plans, and procedures. .................................................................................... 36
Output of Section VI ................................................................................................................................................. 37
VI. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
Appendix A. Example External Dependencies Management Policy Template ..................................................... 40
Appendix B. External Dependencies Management Resources .............................................................................. 41
Relationship and Cyber Information Resources ....................................................................................................... 41
Other Resources ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix C. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference .......................................................... 45
Endnotes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 47
1 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
I. Introduction
Series Welcome
Welcome to the CRR Resource Guide series. This document is 1 of 10 resource guides developed by the
Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cyber Security Evaluation Program (CSEP) to help organizations
implement practices identified as considerations for improvement during a Cyber Resilience Review (CRR).
The CRR is an interview-based assessment that captures an understanding and qualitative measurement of an
organization’s operational resilience, specific to IT operations. Operational resilience is the organization’s
ability to adapt to risk that affects its core operational capacities.
It also highlights the organization’s ability to
manage external dependencies risk to critical services and associated assets during normal operations and
during times of operational stress and crisis. The guides were developed for organizations that have
participated in a CRR, but any organization interested in implementing or maturing operational resilience
capabilities for critical services will find these guides useful.
The 10 domains covered by the CRR Resource Guide series are
1. Asset Management
2. Controls Management
3. Configuration and Change Management
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Incident Management
6. Service Continuity Management
7. Risk Management
8. External Dependencies Management This guide
9. Training and Awareness
10. Situational Awareness
The objective of the CRR is to allow organizations to measure the performance of fundamental cybersecurity
practices. DHS introduced the CRR in 2011. In 2014 DHS launched the Critical Infrastructure Cyber
Community or C³ (pronounced “C Cubed”) Voluntary Program to assist the enhancement of critical
infrastructure cybersecurity and to encourage the adoption of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The NIST CSF provides a common taxonomy and
mechanism for organizations to
1. describe their current cybersecurity posture
2. describe their target state for cybersecurity
3. identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement within the context of a continuous and repeatable
4. assess progress toward the target state
5. communicate among internal and external stakeholders about cybersecurity risk
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The CRR Self-Assessment Package includes a correlation of the practices measured in the CRR to criteria of
the NIST CSF. An organization can use the output of the CRR to approximate its conformance with the NIST
CSF. It is important to note that the CRR and NIST CSF are based on different catalogs of practice. As a
result, an organization’s fulfillment of CRR practices and capabilities may fall short of, or exceed,
corresponding practices and capabilities in the NIST CSF.
Each resource guide in this series has the same basic structure, but each can be used independently. Each guide
focuses on the development of plans and artifacts that support the implementation and execution of operational
resilience capabilities. Organizations using more than one resource guide will be able to leverage
complementary materials and suggestions to optimize their adoption approach. For example, this External
Dependencies Management guide describes the creation and documentation of a list of critical suppliers, which
can also be used to inform planning activities described in the Service Continuity Management guide. Other
examples include
planning asset management to include assets owned or controlled by external entities
scoping situational awareness activities to include threats to external entities that the organization relies on
identifying training and awareness activities that focus on external dependencies
identifying incident management roles and responsibilities that pertain to external entities
Each guide is based on best practices described in a number of sources, but primarily from the CERT
Resilience Management Model (CERT
The CERT-RMM is a maturity model for managing and
improving operational resilience, developed by the CERT Division of Carnegie Mellon University’s Software
Engineering Institute (SEI). The model is meant to
guide the implementation and management of operational resilience activities
converge key operational resilience management activities
define maturity through capability levels
enable maturity measurement against the model
improve an organization’s confidence in its response to operational stress and crisis
The CERT-RMM provides the framework from which the CRR is derivedin other words, the CRR method
bases its goals and practices on the CERT-RMM process areas. See Appendix C for a cross reference between
the CRR and this guide.
This guide is intended for organizations seeking help in establishing an external dependencies management
process or for organizations seeking to improve their existing external dependencies management process.
More specifically this guide
educates and informs readers about the external dependencies management process
promotes a common understanding of the need for an external dependencies management process
identifies and describes key practices for external dependencies management
provides examples and guidance to organizations wishing to implement these practices
The guide is structured as follows:
I. Introduction—Introduces the CRR Resource Guide series and describes the content and structure of
these documents.
II. External Dependencies ManagementPresents an overview of the external dependencies
management process for IT-dependent organizations and establishes some basic terminology.
is a registered mark owned by
Carnegie Mellon University.
3 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
III. Plan for External Dependencies ManagementOutlines a strategy and plan creation process and
identifies issues and considerations to help ensure that the plan addresses the organization’s external
dependencies management needs.
IV. Implement the External Dependencies Management Plan—Outlines the process for ensuring that the
organization’s external dependencies management plan is implemented and meets the standards set by
the organization.
V. Monitor and Improve External Dependencies Management—Outlines the process and considerations
for improving and strengthening the external dependencies management process.
VI. Conclusion—Provides a summary of key external dependencies management concepts and references
for further information.
A. Example External Dependencies Management Policy Template
B. Relationship and Cyber Information Resources
C. External Dependencies Management Resources
D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference
The principal audience for this guide includes individuals responsible for managing external dependencies or
supply chain activities that affect IT operations. Executives who establish policies and priorities for external
dependencies management, managers and planners who are responsible for converting executive decisions into
action plans, and operations staff who implement those external dependencies management plans may also
benefit from this guide.
To learn more about the source documents for this guide and for other information of interest, see Appendix B.
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II. External Dependencies Management
In today’s technology and business environment, organizations often rely on outside entities, including
technology vendors, suppliers of raw materials, shared public infrastructure, and other public services that
support the organization. External dependencies management (EDM) focuses on establishing an appropriate
level of controls to manage the risks that originate from or are related to the organization’s dependence on
these external entities. The purpose of EDM is to ensure the protection and sustainment of services and assets
that are dependent on the actions of external entities.
This guide is intended to help organizations with the lifecycle of EDM, including planning the activity,
forming new relationships with external entities, managing existing relationships, and monitoring and
improving the activity to refine the organization’s approach. The guide is intended for organizations wishing to
create an EDM capability or improve their existing capability. The sections of the guide itself are structured
accordingly into planning, implementing, and improving.
Figure 1: External Dependencies, Assets, and Organizational Mission
External dependencies and supply chain concerns are not new. Recently, however, advances in information
and communications technology (ICT) have made it possible for businesses to realize great efficiency gains,
cost savings, and flexibility. At the same time, global competitive pressures have driven organizations to take
advantage of these gains through automation and outsourcing. These trends have sometimes outpaced
organizationsability to manage the resulting risks, making it a growing priority to establish and manage
appropriate controls to ensure the delivery of critical services dependent on the actions of external entities.
Additionally, events such as the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the 2011 tsunami in Japan have
dramatically demonstrated the extensive and potentially cascading impacts of major shocks to interconnected
supply chains around the world. Outsourcing to external entities may provide certain advantages, but it may
introduce uncertainty concerning the operational resilience of the organization and its core services. An
5 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
organization must make management of this uncertainty one of the key considerations when establishing how
it manages its broader operational risk posture.
The risk introduced by external dependency is one of the more challenging areas to manage because
organizations have a limited ability to directly monitor and control the vulnerabilities and threats introduced.
Ensuring that external entities are meeting the risk objectives of an organization, across the full range of
resiliency management capabilities, is a broad scope to address. Moreover, managing the overall
organization’s operational risk profile when both the management and status of key external dependencies is
uncertain is a challenge that has become one of the top priorities for organizations, governments, and
External dependencies management includes activities commonly referred to by terms such as supply chain risk
management, vendor management, or critical infrastructure risk management.
External dependencies exist when an entity that is external to the organization has access to, control of, ownership in,
possession of, responsibility for, or other defined obligations related to one or more assets or services of the organization.
Operational resilience is an organization’s ability to adapt to risk that affects its core operational capabilities.
Like any organization, the external entities that the organization depends on may be susceptible to a diverse
and dynamic array of threats, which can negatively affect the dependent organization’s people, information,
technology, and facility assets and consequently the organization’s ability to meet its objectives (Figure 2). The
key challenge for many organizations is their limited ability to ensure the resilience of the external entities they
rely on.
Figure 2: DisruptionLoss of the Technology Supplier
Threat is a natural or man-made occurrence, individual, entity, or action that has or indicates the potential to harm life,
information, operations, the environment, and/or property.” DHS Risk Lexicon, 2010 Edition
Identifying, prioritizing, and managing relationships with external entities over their entire lifecycle are
foundational activities for the development of effective risk mitigation and disposition strategies. This
document provides guidance for the management of external dependencies across this lifecycle. To effectively
manage external dependencies, organizations should establish
a strategy and basic plan for EDM
key processes for identifying, prioritizing, monitoring, and tracking external dependencies
guidance and procedures on the formation of relationships with external entities
an approach for managing and governing existing external entity relationships
ongoing oversight, reporting, and correction of external entity performance
an approach for improving the organization’s EDM processes and program
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Like many key resilience practices, EDM should be thought of as a planned, continuous process. In the case of
EDM in particular, many organizations may have only ad hoc or incomplete processes around forming new
relationships with external entities or around managing existing relationships. It is also not unusual for
particular organizations to have detailed procedures around the formation of new relationships, but for the
ongoing management of relationships to run according to a substantially different set of objectives or
standards. Effective EDM requires standard, planned guidance across the entire lifecycle of external entity
relationships and continuous monitoring and improvement of the approach.
Figure 3 captures the primary phases of the EDM process.
Plan for External
Monitor and
Monitor and
Figure 3: The External Dependencies Management Process
Plan for External Dependencies Management
Having a plan to drive EDM will increase the organization’s confidence in its ability to control dependency
risk. Whether an organization is implementing a new program or improving existing processes, a plan can help
ensure success and effectiveness. Plans should be documented, widely distributed, and regularly updated to
ensure they remain current and reflect any refinements that are identified.
Developing an EDM plan is an enterprise-wide challenge, requiring extensive input and support. Therefore
establishing manager and stakeholder support is a key component of planning EDM. Components of the plan
include how the organization will identify and prioritize dependencies, processes for forming new relationships
with external entities, and the management of ongoing or existing relationships.
Implement the External Dependencies Management Plan
Establishing strong, productive relationships with external entities from the start requires early, clear definition
of relationship requirements and expectations. This foundation can help build mutual trust between
organizations, promoting the open exchange of information, innovation, and efficiency.
7 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Creating and following clear, formal, and codified agreements with suppliers helps the organization manage its
resilience over the life of the relationships but it also helps the suppliers understand the organization’s
requirements. Documented requirements form a valuable baseline of information that can be used to govern
contracted relationships and to manage risks associated with relationships where the organization has limited
control, such as shared infrastructure and public services suppliers.
External suppliers or entities supporting organizations fall into three general relationship categories:
VendorEntities are chosen by the organization and are typically governed by negotiated agreements. Examples include
providers of raw materials, labor, consulting, maintenance, hardware/software, and facilities.
Shared infrastructure—The supplier provides its services to a region or group. Agreements are usually standardized and
are virtually the same across the customer base. Examples include power, water, and telecommunications.
PublicTypically these relationships are with a government entity such as a state, local, or federal agency and are not
governed by a contract or agreement. Examples include security services (fire, police) and transportation networks.
Monitoring, governing, and correcting supplier performance are essential activities. As with all aspects of
dependency management the approach must be risk-based, reflecting the supplier’s importance and the
potential impact of its failure to meet the organization’s requirements. When appropriate, the organization may
take corrective actions such as imposing fines, transitioning to another vendor, or bringing the activity back
into the organization. The organization might also mitigate risk through other means, such as adding suppliers
or strengthening its service continuity and incident management plans.
Monitor and Improve External Dependencies Management
Monitoring and improving the EDM processes and program help ensure that they continue to support the
organization’s objectives. This phase of the process focuses on maintaining the effectiveness of dependency
and risk management, and involves assessing the effectiveness of EDM and any needed refinements to the
Summary of Steps
The following sections of this guide describe the steps for planning, implementing, and monitoring and
improving EDM as described above:
Plan for External Dependencies Management
1. Establish external dependencies support and strategy.
2. Plan the relationship formation process.
3. Plan a process for identifying and prioritizing external dependencies.
4. Plan relationship management.
5. Plan an information management process.
Implement the External Dependencies Management Plan
1. Assign responsibility for implementing the plan.
2. Establish and maintain implementation measurements.
3. Formalize relationships with external entities.
4. Identify and prioritize dependencies.
5. Maintain requirements.
6. Manage ongoing relationships.
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Monitor and Improve External Dependencies Management
1. Define effectiveness measures.
2. Detect, analyze, and correct process exceptions.
3. Report and review the program with stakeholders.
4. Improve the EDM program, plans, and procedures.
9 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
III. Plan for External Dependencies Management
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin developing an EDM plan.
Input Guidance
Lists of stakeholders
The list of stakeholders should include all appropriate entities, both internal and
external. Potential candidates include
service/business owners within the organization
business partners and vendors
operations risk and/or other key organizational risk groups
technology and infrastructure owners in the organization
technology vendors
public and shared services supplier leaders
contract management
service continuity
information security
regulators and auditors
in-house counsel
customers and providers who may be impacted in the event of service
Guidance from senior
leadership and
stakeholders on risk
tolerance, resilience
requirements, and
program objectives
Preliminary/basic guidance on selection and requirements for contracted external
Key compliance and enterprise requirements
The business objectives on which EDM activities should focus
Assignment of
responsibility for
developing the EDM
Explicit assignment to a manager or set of managers in the organization for
developing the plan
Budget for EDM
Identification of available funds and resources to plan EDM:
o staffing resources
o tools (applications and associated hardware)
o third-party support
o technology to support resilience requirements
o training and communication
Linkages to other EDM
activities and plans
Coordination of other organizational activities around managing contracts, service-
level agreements (SLAs), public and shared services supplier interaction, public
outreach, or any other organizational activities that should be harmonized with
Communication to risk stakeholders (i.e., audit, compliance, business partners,
regulators) to gather support, expertise, and engagement
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External entities supporting the organization’s key services become, in some respects, an extension of the
organization itself. A strategy codified into a plan for EDM can provide managers with a higher degree of
confidence that the organization uses consistent and appropriate standards and processes to form and sustain
relationships with the right entities.
This section is intended to provide guidance for managers and leaders writing the EDM plan. The plan
provides the framework and guidance for how the organization will approach and structure key EDM
processes such as identifying and prioritizing dependencies, forming and managing relationships, and reliably
managing all of the information associated with EDM. In almost any field of management or leadership, there
are always nuances or considerations that are important to successfully implementing a plan. Some necessary
procedures or refinements are sometimes too detailed for inclusion in a higher level plan. These kinds of
considerations are discussed in Section IV, on implementation of the plan.
Note that this guide assumes that an external dependency is being formed or already exists. It does not directly
address the broader question of how to decide whether or not to rely on an external entity for a business-critical
service. In some cases, the external entity may have greater competence or capability in a particular area,
which would ultimately lower the organization’s risk exposure. However, the organization may have less
flexibility to modify or tailor services provided by an outside entity than it would if it had fulfilled that
function internally. Hidden long-term costs downstream, such as staff time and other vendor monitoring
expenses, can also outweigh the benefits of outsourcing. In more serious cases, these costs may include failures
such as breaches, outages, or fraud. The organization should consider, especially for its most essential services,
all of these possible risks and cost implications and mitigate them through rigorous management and
Step 1. Establish external dependencies support and strategy.
Broad management support, participation, and adequate resource commitment are essential to the development
of effective EDM. Managers developing an EDM strategy should obtain support and commitment from
executives and leaders from across the organization, potentially including
executives and senior leaders who provide oversight, define the risk management strategy, and set
program objectives
managers and leaders who can translate the program strategy and objectives into detailed plans
operations managers who can actively oversee the day-to-day implementation and ongoing operational
processes which are essentially the front-line defense against disruptions and risk
managers responsible for training and communications who can amplify the plans, strategies, and
objectives of the program across the organization
Management support in an EDM plan is normally documented as a policy statement and preface to the plan
which explains the emphasis and importance that executive leadership places on external dependency
management. After management support is obtained, there are four primary inputs needed to develop a strategy
for EDM:
enterprise requirements
risk management planning
11 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Managers should first consider how to scope the EDM program. This is often a choice among developing a
dependencies program based on a single high-value organizational service, some set of the organization’s
services that constitute the core components of its mission, or some other set of risk, cost, or enterprise
requirements. To establish a foundation for their scoping of the EDM program managers should identify the
organization’s high-value services (perhaps the top three to five) and their key supporting assets.
It is highly recommended that organizations that have not previously developed a strategy for managing external
dependencies start by focusing on a single critical service. Critical service in this sense means a set of the organization’s
activities whose disruption would prevent or seriously impede the organization’s ability to carry out its mission. Even if the
organization creates and implements an enterprise-wide strategy, a useful starting point for the strategy is to identify the
organization’s key high-value services.
The organization and the plan writers should identify the objectives of the EDM plan. Normally, a basic
objective is to ensure the resilience of the high-value service. Writing an objective statement, such as “The
objective of the External Dependencies Management Plan is to effectively manage external dependencies risks
in a cost-efficient manner and protect [high-value service] for the benefit of our organization and
stakeholders,is a clear and useful first step. However, because EDM crosses a number of organizational
functions and affects a number of stakeholders, managers developing the plan may want to consider other
objectives that would benefit the organization or that would elicit a level of buy-in from other leaders in the
organization. Examples include
objectives relating to the technical diversity of systems. For example the organization may decide to
engage external entities to protect its own services from vulnerabilities shared across common platforms.
avoiding difficulties in certain legal jurisdictions that may affect the organization’s rights in the event of a
dispute with an external entity
outsourcing areas not core to the organization’s mission. Executives may decide to outsource secondary
technology-supported functions so that it can focus on improving its efficiency or the quality of its
principal product line.
avoiding reputational risks related to the selection of certain external entities
considering political or stability risks involved in forming relationships with entities in other countries
considering the ability to scale the relationship to meet potential growth or quality demands when forming
new relationships
Next the organization should document any enterprise requirements that will apply to all external
dependencies. These may be based on a broad range of factors, business judgments, and inputs from other
resilience processes (controls management, technology management, incident management, service continuity,
and others). Enterprise requirements might include
satisfaction of compliance obligations that extend to third-party entities (HIPAA business associate
requirements are a common example from the health-care sector)
maintenance of service continuity and incident management plans
a level of financial stability desired in any external entity that supports the critical service
The Asset Management Resource Guide, Volume 1 of this series, has more information on identifying assets and their
resilience requirements and establishing mappings between assets and services.
Identifying the assets that support high-value services and their cybersecurity requirements can also help
managers form meaningful enterprise requirements. For example, an organization might structure its
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 12
operations to prevent external entities from accessing critical information such as trade secrets or customer
Finally, as part of the EDM strategy, the organization should document specifically how it will manage the
risks of entering into and maintaining relationships with external entities. This part of the strategy should
document the role of organizational risk managers in the external dependency management process and clarify
the risk management responsibilities of the various parties or organizational components involved. In most
cases managers who interface with external entities, typically in the areas of business operations, procurement,
and IT operations, should work closely with enterprise-level risk managers to inform them and help make
Managing risks due to external dependencies involves understanding the nature of each external dependency and the
specifics of how the organization may be affected by the realization of such risks.CERT-RMM
The organization should plan its external dependencies risk management in conjunction with its overall risk management
processes. See the Risk Management Resource guide, Volume 7 of this series, for detailed guidance on operational risk
management and coordinated efforts that should be considered when managing external dependency risk.
The strategy for EDM should consist of guidance that organizational managers can understand and use on a
daily basis, such as
a clear statement from organizational management on the role and importance of EDM
information on the scope of the strategy
selection guidelines for external entities based on enterprise requirements
restrictions on the size or location of suppliers
identification of assets that must not be exposed to or accessible by external entities
guidance on regulatory compliance
critical information requirements for senior leaders (informs performance management)
The organization’s managers should next develop the organization’s formal EDM plan by documenting the
processes described in the subsequent steps.
Step 2. Plan the relationship formation process.
Forming relationships with suppliers sets a course for managing dependency risks over the lifecycle of the
relationships. The quality of communications and collaboration can drive the management of external
dependencies risk and establish effective support for the organization over the long term. Done well,
collaborative relationships can spur efficiencies, information sharing, innovation, and growth. To make this a
reality, the organization should carefully plan and document how it will form new relationships with external
entities. This part of an EDM plan consists of several components:
1. approach
2. requirements development
3. external entity evaluation
4. approval authorities
The organization should first document its approach to forming relationships with external entities. A common
and effective way to manage the resources and rigor associated with relationship formation is to use a risk-
based approach. This means that external entity relationships for low-risk areas of the organization may
receive less attention through practices such as standardized requirements, basic change management, less
13 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
rigorous cyber controls, and simple boiler-plate agreements. Forming relationships with entities that support
high-value services, however, will receive a much higher level of attention and management. A key aspect of
defining the approach is ensuring that all relationships are managed and tracked.
In many organizations, business owners and developers attempt to go around or circumvent the EDM process. The
individuals involved may perceive that the EDM process is burdensome, or these individuals may be naturally aggressive in
attempting to provide new services or expand the business.
Regardless of the root cause, external dependencies managers must be on guard against this possibility. It can be mitigated
by involving appropriate staff in the EDM planning and process so that they have input and a stake in it, and by instituting
controls to guard against it.
The plan should also specify how the organization will ensure that the correct requirements are developed for
each external entity. Though enterprise requirements (discussed previously) are a very important part of the
agreements between the organization and the external entity they usually form only part of the requirements
for a particular external entity. The full set of requirements will be based on the specific service or support
provided by the external entity and its role in support of the critical service or services that the organization
provides to its own stakeholders. The following is an example list of requirements:
resilience capabilities or level of cybersecurity maturity
operational and technology availability and history/capability
financial viability
use and oversight of subcontractors
disruption management capabilities (e.g., incident management and business continuity)
environment factors (geographic, political, or weather event exposures)
infrastructure exposures or risks
cybersecurity threat and vulnerability management
Accurate requirements development depends on the involvement and input of the organizational personnel
directly involved in or responsible for the production of the critical services that are the focus of the plan. This
part of the external dependency management plan should document these personnel and their role in
developing correct requirements for external entities.
The plan should document how the organization will evaluate and confirm that the candidate external entity
can actually meet the requirements. Normally the particular steps or measures to do so will vary according to
the risk level presented by the proposed relationship. Some example methods for evaluating the capability of
external entities include
third-party audit or assessment (process maturity or penetration testing)
completion of standard checklists
research on the external entity, for example, customer references
direct examination of artifacts (e.g., the entity’s incident response plan )
Finally, the relationship formation section of the plan should specify the approval authorities within the
organization. As with external entity evaluation, the authority level required to sign off on new external entity
relationships is normally commensurate with the risk level or exposure that the relationship presents.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 14
Step 3. Plan a process for identifying and prioritizing external dependencies.
“An external dependency exists when an entity that is external to the organization has access to, control of, ownership in,
possession of, responsibility foror other defined obligations related to one or more assets or services of the organization.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: Risks due to external dependencies are identified
and managed.
1. Are risks due to external dependencies identified and
managed? [EXD:SG2.SP1]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
ID.RA-5: Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and impacts are
used to determine risk.
Having developed the strategy and plan for forming relationships the next step an organization should take is
to plan how the organization will manage its existing or ongoing relationships with external entities. The
purpose of having a process to identify and prioritize external dependencies is to ensure that the organization
applies a suitable degree of controls and oversight to the right external entities and can sustain this ability over
A. Identify external dependencies.
Organizations increasingly rely on external entities for information and communications technology services,
often to interact with assets that are essential to achieving the organizational mission. The organization should
document a process for how it will reliably and sustainably identify existing external dependencies. This part
of the plan should contain two sections:
a statement about how the organization will approach dependency identification
the staff roles that will be directly responsible for ensuring that the list of external dependencies is
populated and updated
The Cyber Resilience Review’s focus on services and assets and its underlying approach provide a framework
for identifying external dependencies. By first understanding the organizational assets that most closely
support the high-value services, managers can then identify those assets’ related external dependencies. For
example, an organization that depends on access to its customer dataa particular type of information asset
might focus on managing external dependencies associated with the data’s custodianship, maintenance,
protection, and support; raising the priority of the current controls and mitigations to prevent a data breach;
ensuring the availability of the data; and mitigating data center outages or failures of the networks used to
access the data.
Table 1: Example Relationships Between External Entities and High-Value Assets
External Entity Relationship High-Value Asset (Type)
A cloud service provider that
customer purchase orders (information)
A data center that
the server infrastructure (technology)
A maintenance company that maintains automated teller machines (technology)
A security company that
monitors and protects
the company’s data center (facility)
A staffing company that
database administrators for the big project (people)
A security company that investigates
the background of employees entrusted with sensitive
information (people)
15 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
A telecommunications company that transmits
inventory and production data for a manufacturing company
An essential first step to managing external dependencies is knowing what they are, by developing a list of suppliers. The
second step, prioritization of dependencies, determines which entities pose the greatest dependency risk; see the Controls
Management guide and Risk Management guide, Volumes 2 and 7 of this series, for more information.
The plan should next document the staff positions and roles that will help the responsible manager identify
dependencies. Leveraging existing processes and communications channels where possible facilitates a
smoother transition to a new or improved external dependency identification approach. For example, business
continuity planners collect information on suppliers, contract groups are involved in managing existing
suppliers and typically know which are key to the business, and senior executives have insight into long-term
strategies in which suppliers play leading roles. Internal service or product line owners will also normally have
a good sense of their dependencies. The following are some typical data sources and artifacts for dependency
and supplier information:
contracts and supplier agreements
supplier and customer databases
asset management database
business continuity plans
While using internal personnel and data sources is usually necessary to identify dependencies it may not
always be sufficient. It is not unusual, for example, for organizations to form relationships with multiple
external entities for the sake of redundancy only to find that this support is subject to an unknown single point
of failure. This may be the case when an organization signs multiple contracts with telecommunications
providers only to discover that all of their traffic is over the same physical line, or that an unknown third party
supports all of these providers.
B. Prioritize external dependencies.
Organizations should next plan how to determine and rank the priority and importance of their external
dependencies. The organization should use a risk-based approach that focuses resources on managing only
those external entities that most directly impact essential services. For example, suppliers providing facilities
maintenance may require less attention because they typically have minimal impact on service delivery and
can be easily replaced should they fail to perform as expected. The prioritization process should be
documented and typically includes the following steps:
1. Determine and standardize the prioritization criteria used to distinguish the relative importance of each
dependency or external entity.
2. Establish thresholds for dependency grouping (e.g., Tier 1, Tier 2), for controls management and
3. Document the frequency of follow-up priority reviews.
Prioritization criteria should be clearly established and standardized to help ensure that dependency risks are effectively
identified and managed. Use of disparate or vague criteria can lead to misplaced priorities, confused strategies, and wasted
Identifying the most important services and assets provides the foundation for prioritizing and documenting
dependencies. To help ensure that all key dependencies are considered, it is a good practice to consider each of
the key asset types (technology, people, facilities, and information).
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 16
Criteria to consider when prioritizing external dependencies include
the dependencies that support the most important assets (including technology, people, facilities, and
the criticality of external entities to the essential service(s) or to assets that support the essential service(s)
the sensitivity of the information the external entity manages or has access to (e.g., secret, confidential,
the availability of alternative suppliers or sources of services and products
support of multiple services provided by single external entities
external entity’s role in supporting a key service
reliance on the external entity to ensure and control the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of high-
value assets
the extent to which the organization would rely on the external entity during a disruption or crisis
These are examples of approaches to criteria that an organization could take to prioritizing external
dependencies. All of them may apply and be useful in the organization or managers may decide that
dependencies should be prioritized using only one or two defined criteria. Regardless of the actual criteria
chosen the prioritization of external dependencies should reflect and be based on the prioritization of services
and assets.
For these criteria to be useable and effective, the organization should determine how it will communicate
internally about its various dependencies. For example, identifying situations where a single external entity
supports multiple high value organizational services frequently depends on discussion and analysis between
business and service owners in an enterprise.
By establishing a process to identify and prioritize external dependencies, the organization can comprehensively analyze
and manage the risks associated with key external relationships.
Step 4. Plan for relationship management.
The organization will next need to plan and document how it will manage ongoing relationships with external
entities. Organizations often have rigorous processes around the formation of new relationships but fail to
sustain that management for ongoing relationships. With effective relationships management essential entities
can become collaborative partners who work closely with the organization to manage risk, cost, and change.
Effective relationship management requires the coordinated effort of internal and external stakeholders. To
make this process as efficient as possible the degree of oversight and governance applied to a particular
relationship should be commensurate with the criticality of the assets and services the entity supports.
This section of the EDM plan normally consists of the following components:
information and reporting requirements
roles and responsibilities
Planning relationship management is challenging because external entities span varying types ranging from
vendors contracted to carry out specific and well-defined duties for the organization, to shared infrastructure
such as electricity providers, to federal government agencies and security services. In the case of contracted
vendors the organization’s ability to monitor and control the vendor may be significant. By contrast, with some
external entities—for example public infrastructure or security services—the organization may not only have
no control over the entity, it may also never have had the opportunity to select the external entity.
17 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
External Dependency
Relationship Management
Law Enforcement and First
Responder Communities
Private Sector
State and Local Governments
Federal Departments and Agencies
Figure 4: External Dependencies ManagementCoordinating Relationships with a Variety of Entities
If any external entity, regardless of type, supports a key organizational service it is in the organization’s best
interest to manage the relationship and the associated dependency risks.
The purpose of information and reporting requirements is to ensure that decision makers in the organization
receive relevant, accurate information about the external entities they rely on as quickly as possible. In the case
of contracted vendors this information is typically used to manage vendor performance and correct problems.
In the case of shared or public infrastructure this information may be used to coordinate relationships, inform
organizational risk management, or connect specific internal processes (e.g., vulnerability or incident
management) to external entities as appropriate.
The organization should first document what information it requires to manage its set of external entity
relationships. In the case of contracted vendors these may take the form of reporting requirements focusing on
data, changes, or incidents pertaining to the vendor’s performance in support of the organizational service.
Information requirements for public or shared infrastructure may be basic (points of contact and contact
information) or sophisticated (threat and vulnerability information sharing, disaster planning).
The variety of external entities that an organization may depend on also means that relationship management
planning may be performed by different parts of the organization. For example, it is not unusual for the
business unit or IT operations to have information requirements that pertain to data-hosting vendors while the
corporate security department does its own planning for public security authorities. Documented reporting
requirements may include reporting by the external entities themselves as well as intra-organizational
Next, the organization should determine which job roles or units will have ownership of the various
relationships and document these responsibilities, including in job descriptions. Staff responsibilities usually
include monitoring external entity performance and correcting performance when necessary. Corrective
options can range from simple dialogue with the supplier to transitioning the relationship to another vendor or
even bringing the activity into the organization. Each option should correspond to the criticality of the
relationship and the seriousness of the deficiency.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 18
Planning and documenting requirements and roles for the management of external entities are essential parts of
the external dependency management plan because external entities are often an extension of the organization
itself. In addition, because of the dependence that many organizations have on external entities and the
complexity of many business structures, external entity considerations may affect the planning of other
resilience processes, for example
change management and control—collaborating and working with the organization’s change management
planning service continuity and incident management to account for external dependencies
information management controls—protecting the organization’s information and intellectual property in a
manner that is consistent with its confidentiality and sensitivity
human resources—reporting HR issues that might affect the organization or its services
communication and notification—reporting incidents, events, or issues that originate with external entities
and may affect the organization
service continuity and incident management—understanding the organization’s reliance on external
entities such that it can be accounted for when planning against disruptions
situational awareness and threat management—identifying and disseminating information about threats
that may originate from or affect external dependencies
Step 5. Plan an information management process.
While some organizations have a list of external dependencies and suppliers it is often incomplete or outdated.
A planned, consistent process for the collection and storage of key information helps to ensure that external
dependencies documentation remains current and can be managed appropriately across supplier lifecycles. The
significant challenge of collecting, maintaining, and reporting external dependencies information can be eased
by establishing a central information repository.
19 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Type of dependency
External service
provider contacts
Services and assets
Criticality or ranking
Organizational owner
of the relationship
Contract information
Issues, performance,
and compliance
Technical and systems
External Dependency
Management Information
Reporting and
Figure 5: Information Management Repository
Reporting from a managed repository can help keep external dependencies information accurate and complete.
An EDM repository typically includes information such as
type of dependency (e.g., data processing, power, software support, situational awareness information)
name, location, and contacts for external service providers
services and assets supported
financial information on agreements and suppliers
resilience requirements (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability)
criticality or ranking of the external entity (e.g., high, medium, low)
contract information (e.g., term, contract contact, key contractual obligations, or SLAs)
documentation on known issues, performance, or compliance concerns
technical overview (e.g., systems, networks, and information/data managed)
internal owner of the relationship
The external dependency information management process depends on the clear assignment of ownership.
Accountability and responsibility for the overall information management process might best be assigned to
the individual or group responsible for the overall external dependency program. The more granular level of
information management—the collection, reporting, and maintenance of dependency information for each
relationshipis also critical to the management information process and typically falls to the owner of the
supplier relationship. For relationships whose internal ownership is not easily defined, such as with
government, emergency responders, and critical infrastructure providers, information management
responsibility may need to be assigned by those responsible for the broader EDM program.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 20
Output of Section III
Output Guidance
Enterprise objectives,
strategy, and plan for EDM
Organization-wide program, standards, and documentation for performing EDM
Scope of EDM plan
This statement defines what the EDM plan is intended to address. The plan could be
scoped to cover a single service and the assets (e.g., the people, information,
technology, and facilities) that support it, or it could cover all mission-essential
organizational services. Organizations that are not sure where to start might begin with
one of their essential services and the assets that directly affect its performance. This
approach can allow an organization to begin addressing external dependencies in
areas most important to achieving the organizational mission and begin mitigating their
impact while management practices are being more fully developed. If the organization
has participated in a Cyber Resilience Review (CRR), it may be beneficial to begin with
the essential service addressed during the CRR.
Management support
An endorsement by senior management for planning and focusing on EDM and the
implementation of related processes. This often appears in the form of a policy
statement and the commitment of adequate support and funding.
Key foundational processes
and plans documented
A documented EDM strategy and plan
Process to identify dependencies
Process to prioritize dependencies and external entities
Requirements to document dependencies and related information
Enterprise and service-specific requirements documented
Process for the formation and management of external relationships
An external dependency information management process
Linkage to other management
processes established
Operational and enterprise risk management are complementary processes that must
work closely together to ensure resilience and the effective management of the overall
risk posture of an organization.
21 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
IV. Implement the External Dependencies Management Plan
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin implementing an EDM plan.
Input Guidance
Objectives and plan
The objectives and plan provide direction for the management of external
dependencies. For example, the plan might detail how the organization will identify
external dependencies, the tiering structure used to prioritize external
dependencies, and the key stakeholders to be engaged in dialogue on status,
events, and issues.
Articulated strategy
Clear objectives and the approach used to achieve those objectives
Relationship to other enterprise standards, for example, risk tolerance and
compliance obligations
Information management and reporting requirements and approach
Communications processes that engage stakeholders and facilitate the
Lists of stakeholders
The list of stakeholders should align to the program objectives and include all
appropriate internal and external entities. Potential candidates include
service owners
executives, senior managers, and board members
information technology service owners
insurance providers and lenders
service continuity
information security
contract management
shared and public services providers
regulators and internal auditors
Management support
An endorsement by senior management supporting the establishment and
implementation of an EDM program
Externally imposed
Regulatory requirements that affect the organization’s external dependencies
Budget for EDM Identification of available funds to perform EDM, including funds for
o staffing resources
o tools (applications and associated hardware)
third-party support
The EDM plan discussed in the previous section provides the organization with the framework for managing
external dependencies. It provides clarity about the objectives and importance of EDM, documents how the
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 22
organization will approach key activities in EDM, and specifies the process’s high-level roles and
responsibilities. This section provides guidance concerning how to implement the EDM plan in the
organization, including considerations for managers. These include areas related directly to implementation,
for example assigning responsibility for implementation, determining whether or not the plan is actually being
implemented, and maintaining procedures that are too granular or detailed to specific external entities for
inclusion in the overall plan.
In addition, the implementation guidance below addresses considerations and nuances that are normally
difficult to plan for, such as ways of thinking about external dependencies and the need to think about them
more holistically, deeply, and broadly. The guidance also include recommendations that focus on particular
pitfalls that organizations commonly experience during EDM, for example the need to ensure that tools such as
legal contracts, which are sometimes not under the direct control of the implementing manager, are written in
such a way to reinforce the operational resilience of critical services.
Step 1. Assign responsibility for implementing the plan.
As with any organizational process or improvement plan, clearly assigning responsibility is an essential
element for success. Any one of a variety of internal entities, such as a single executive, a committee, or a
steering group, can be responsible for implementing the EDM plan. Because EDM can encompass a range of
organizational components (business units, contracts, legal, risk, operations, information security, etc.),
ownership might best belong to a group that oversees risk, such as enterprise risk or operational risk. Each
organization must consider the best fit for its culture and business model.
The responsible organizational entity must be able to implement the EDM plan and distribute accountability
for it across virtually all levels of the organization. The responsible entity should widely distribute the plan, its
objectives, and its target dates. Training should be considered as a core activity to facilitate a common
understanding of the plan across the various groups that will support its implementation. Leveraging existing
management resources, project management processes, reporting, as well as training existing management
personnel can help integrate dependency management into the organization. Existing organizational resources
may include
business unit managers
project managers
operations managers
resilience managers
information and physical security leaders
contracts and legal teams
asset management process owners
operational risk managers and teams
An important step in implementing the plan across the organization is to review the job descriptions and
performance rating criteria of all the organizational positions that will be involved in EDM. The internal
executive or component should then work with the responsible managers to ensure that job duties and
performance criteria that directly support the plan are included in the appropriate job descriptions.
Suggested implementation management practices also include the following:
23 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Communicate dependency management plan objectives, strategies, and accountabilities from the executive
Provide regular awareness communications on the importance of EDM.
Establish a central repository for policy, standards, procedures, plans, and supporting documentation.
Engage stakeholders and define ownership of external dependencies areas and mitigations.
Document implementation action/project plans with timelines.
Develop management reporting and metrics for implementation performance.
Provide a physical or virtual forum for project updates, issues identification, and resolution tracking.
Conduct regular reviews of the external dependencies implementation plan and modify it as necessary.
Establish a process to communicate or escalate significant issues.
Managing the implementation of the external dependencies plan can be challenging but clearly delineating
objectives and timelines and assigning them to specific individuals can help. Reporting on the progress and
issues associated with implementation helps foster visibility and stakeholder engagement.
Step 2. Establish and maintain implementation measurements.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: External dependencies are identified and
prioritized to ensure sustained operation of high-value
1. Are dependencies on external relationships that are critical
to the service identified? [EXD:SG1.SP1]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
3. Are external dependencies prioritized? [EXD:SG1.SP2]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
Goal 5: Dependencies on public services and
infrastructure service providers are identified.
1. Are public services on which the critical service depends
(fire response and rescue services, law enforcement, etc.)
identified? [EC:SG4.SP3]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
2. Are infrastructure providers on which the critical service
depends (telecommunications and telephone services, energy
sources, etc.) identified? [EC:SG4.SP4]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
After responsibility is assigned the next basic implementation practice is to develop the set of internal
measurements that organizational managers will use to determine whether or not the plan is actually being
implemented. Managers will need to base these measurements on the EDM plan itself and the structure,
objectives, and culture of the organization. The following is a non-exclusive list of measurements that can be
percentage of job descriptions that accurately reflect the EDM duties of the staff member
completeness of fields in EDM information system
number of personnel trained on the EDM process
percentage of third-party audits completed on external entities
percentage of identified requirements that are included in formal agreements with external entities
As with any type of measurement of business or security performance, managers must have a solid and
nuanced understanding of what they hope to learn by measuring their organization’s implementation of EDM,
and they must be cautious against creating unintended consequences or incentives. For example, parties
responsible for including requirements in formal agreements with external entities could drive that
measurement higher if they do not thoroughly evaluate services and requirements, resulting in a minimal and
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 24
generic set of requirements. Using measurements like these to encourage the flow of information about the
process, rather than as a driver for punitive action against staff, can alleviate these concerns. Regardless of its
potential complexities, a set of defined measurements or data collection objectives can help managers know
whether the process is actually being implemented and actually meeting the objectives for the program.
Step 3. Formalize relationships with external entities.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 3: Relationships with external entities formally
established and maintained.
1. Have resilience requirements of the critical service been
established that apply specifically to each external
dependency? [EXD:SG3.SP2]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
2. Are these requirements reviewed and updated?
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
3. Is the ability of external entities to meet resilience
requirements of the critical service considered in the selection
process? [EXD:SG3.SP3]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
As discussed above in Section III the EDM plan should drive how the organization forms new relationships
with external entities. The specific requirements for forming new relationships should draw on both the
organization’s set of enterprise requirements and the specific requirements of the organizational service being
supported and the particular vendor.
Supplier or vendor relationships are the most common external dependencies and are typically bound by legal
agreements or contracts. Figure 6 provides an overview of the critical role the agreement and contracting
process has within the broader EDM process. Contracts and agreements codify what is expected of the vendor
and the contracting organization, as well as remedies for breach by either party. Contracts should clearly define
expectations, means to measure performance, and means to recover damages.
25 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Figure 6: Critical Role of Contracts and Agreements in the External Dependencies Management Process
Provided that requirements are clear and defined in formal agreements and contracts, organizations can use
these formal agreements to allocate risk to and drive the behavior of contracted parties. Organizations with
greater control over a critical supplier can include extensive control requirements in their agreement along with
monitoring, auditing, and reporting activities to oversee the relationship. Corrective actions or financial
penalties are valuable tools for encouraging an external supplier to expeditiously address its issues,
weaknesses, and risks. Organizations with less control over the supplier (e.g., utility companies and
government agencies) should address missing or weak requirements as risks to be managed internally.
Contractual terms usually include
nature and scope of relationship or agreement
cost and payment definition
metrics and benchmarks to measure performance
information management requirements
subcontractor terms and requirements
compliance requirements
audit or oversight rights and provisions
intellectual property and licensing terms
liability and dispute resolution
cybersecurity control requirements
business continuity requirements
insurance and indemnification
termination process
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 26
From a resilience perspective, formal agreements should also include performance standards and the ability to
modify or change specifications and standards over the life of the agreement. Performance standards should be
included so that the external entity knows how it will be evaluated relative to satisfaction of the contract.
Including language that allows terms and specifications to be updated is very important because the resilience
requirements that apply to the external entity may change and require modification over time. The appropriate
organizational staff should be involved so that the terms and specifications of these formal agreements can be
as effective as possible. Individuals most familiar with the resilience requirements and specific technological
requirements of the high-value services being supported must be directly engaged in contract negotiation.
These personnel should actively communicate with the legal and procurement departments and have a stake in
the process of formalizing relationships.
For example, one of the basic purposes of any legal contract is to drive the desired behavior of the contracted
entity. Contracts and SLAs often fail to do so effectively however, especially in contracts with technology-
based service providers, whose specific duties and required standards may be unclear. Vague contract language
(“reasonable security” or “meet industry standards) frequently confuses rather than clarifies.
Organizational managers and technical staff can strengthen contracts and their efficacy by asking direct
questions as contracts are being formed. For example, in response to contract terms specifying “reasonable
industry standards” some helpful questions might be
What industry standards, specifically?
Assessed by what entity, and how?
Assessed when, and how often?
Step 4. Identify and prioritize dependencies.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 3: Relationships with external entities formally
established and maintained.
4. Are resilience requirements included in formal agreements
with external entities? [EXD:SG3.SP4]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical
services are established.
PR.AT-3: Third-party stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, customers,
partners) understand roles & responsibilities.
Goal 4: Performance of external entities is managed.
2. Has responsibility been assigned for monitoring external
entity performance (as related to resilience requirements)?
ID.AM-6: Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for the entire
workforce and third-party stakeholders (e.g., suppliers,
customers, partners) are established.
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Identifying and prioritizing dependencies are essential management activities that help the organization
determine the
dependency exposures that should receive the most attention
type and extent of controls to be put in place
extent of resource investments needed to manage associated risks
As discussed above, dependencies may arise from the organization’s use of suppliers of services or products in
support of its mission. The organization may have great freedom when selecting suppliers or its direct
discretionary control may be limited by factors such as geographic location, industry sector, or service type.
27 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Regardless, the dependency landscape is increasingly complex and requires careful, risk-based identification
and prioritization. Figure 7 provides a simplified illustration of the multi-supplier dependency environment
faced by today’s organizations. Generally dependencies or suppliers are one of the following types:
1. vendors—Entities that have been chosen by the organization, with which the organization has typically
negotiated an agreement. Examples include providers of raw materials, labor, consulting, maintenance,
hardware, software, and facilities.
2. shared infrastructure—The supplier provides its services to a region or group. Agreements are usually
standardized and are virtually the same across the customer base. Examples include power, water,
telecommunications, trade groups, and consortia.
3. public—Typically these relationships are with a government entity such as a state, local, or federal
agency and are not governed by a contract or agreement. Examples include security services (fire, police)
and transportation networks.
1.1 Data
2.1 Telecommunications
Power Supplier
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
1.2 Data
1.3 Data
2.2 Telecommunications
Organization X
Threat Intelligence,
e.g., US-CERT
Figure 7: Example of Supplier Dependencies
Organizational managers often identify and are aware of external dependencies during their daily, routine
interactions with external entities. However, managers should strive to deepen and broaden their understanding
of the external entities that their organization actually relies on. Doing so will mitigate the risk of missing less
obvious dependencies that are equally important to the organization’s high-value services.
A deeper understanding of external dependencies means considering the second-tier entities that the
organization’s vendors may rely on. For example, it is not unusual for organizations to contract with more than
one telecommunications provider for redundancy only to find after a disruption that each vendor relied on the
same third party, such as the owner or operator of the physical telecommunications infrastructure. Managers
with a deep understanding of external dependencies must know the structure of the vendors’ business or
A broad understanding of external dependencies means considering external entities that are not directly
contracted with the organization or the organization’s vendors, such as emergency authorities. In that example,
broad understanding of this dependency would account for the planned actions of emergency authorities in the
event of a disruption and how those actions might affect the organization.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 28
Dependencies among the organization’s external dependencies and their services may lead to unexpected
impacts that are difficult to manage. One common way to address this type of supply chain risk is to hold each
external supplier accountable for managing its subcontractors, developing dependency priorities, and
monitoring for changes that may affect the supplier’s own EDM process and related supplier risk. The only
way to be sure these activities are happening is to constantly communicate with, monitor, and manage external
A related best practice is to examine the organization’s set of external entities for common modes of failure
and single points of failure. Common modes of failure exist when multiple external dependencies are
vulnerable to the same threats or conditions. Single points of failure occur when the organization depends on
only one external entity to support its high-value assets or services. These useful practices also rely on building
solid relationships with external entities, good communication, and a basic understanding the high-value
external entities themselves.
The organization’s planned approach and process for identifying external dependencies can guide managers
toward thinking more inclusively about dependencies. The dependency identification process is most effective
when it uses a common set of variables, characteristics, and specifications established for the organization.
Utilizing a common identification process that has close ties to the organization’s external dependencies and
risk management plans can help ensure that the organization takes a consistent, systematic approach to
managing dependencies and supporting the organization’s mission. Without a common basis for dependency
evaluation organizations may develop unclear, misplaced dependency priorities and suffer risk management
Grouping external dependencies into categories can simplify the process of managing the risk and overseeing suppliers.
Step 5. Maintain requirements.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 4: Performance of external entities is managed.
1. Is the performance of external entities monitored against
resilience requirements? [EXD:SG4.SP1]
DE.CM-6: External service provider activity is monitored to
detect potential cybersecurity events.
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
3. Are corrective actions taken as necessary to address issues
with external entity performance (as related to resilience
requirements)? [EXD:SG4.SP2]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
4. Are corrective actions evaluated to ensure issues are
remedied? [EXD:SG4.SP2]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Having requirements is a foundational part of managing the resilience and security of any service.
Requirements form the basis for the provider selection process and for agreements and contracts that codify the
terms of the relationship. To strengthen the quality of the overall relationship formation and management
process, the organization should maintain clear and measurable external-entity requirements that support the
critical service.
Clear and unambiguous communications with suppliers on requirements, information exchange, change management, and
performance are key activities for relationship management and are crucial to effective external dependencies risk
management over the supplier management lifecycle.
Unfortunately, requirements can become stale; the organization should periodically review the currency of
requirements, particularly for the most critical suppliers and high-risk dependency areas. Requirements that
29 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
were useful at the start of a vendor relationship often become quickly outdated, usually because the facts or
assumptions on which requirements were originally based have changed. For example, these changes may
occur when
the service or product supported by the external entity becomes successful and more important to the
organization, increasing its criticality
for cost saving reasons, other vendors that provided redundancy to the critical service are eliminated,
leaving one vendor as the single point of failure
internal staff and stakeholders become completely reliant on a new, IT- or web-based internal application,
and older, manual methods are phased out
changes at the external entity itself (for example, strained capacity or business or market changes)
encourage the organization to institute new or strict requirements
When an organization identifies changes to requirements it should update those requirements in any formal
agreements that govern the external entity relationship in question. Of course, organizations are often not able
to modify original agreements; the original contract might not have included the right to update requirements,
or the vendor might perceive the contract as small, leaving the organization with little recourse. In such cases
risk managers should be made aware of the gap in requirements and the problem should be managed and
mitigated like other risks.
Requirements are also important for dependencies with public and shared infrastructure providers, though the
organization’s ability to negotiate and enforce their requirements is typically limited with these entities (see
Step 6D, which provides additional information on public and shared infrastructure suppliers).
Step 6. Manage ongoing relationships.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference] NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: External dependencies are identified and
prioritized to ensure sustained operation of high-value
2. Has a process been established for creating and
maintaining a list of external dependencies? [EXD:SG1.SP1]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of
critical services are established.
An established plan or process should drive the objectives and approach to relationship management (see
Section III, Plan for External Dependencies Management). The implementation of the EDM plan relies heavily
on the relationship management components of the process.
Relationships with external entities may be established or managed by different business units or stakeholders
in the organization making it vitally important to structure the relationship formation process consistently and
in accordance with the external dependencies plan. It is not unusual to find a particular business unit or
manager attempting to circumvent the dependency management plan in order to advance specific objectives
(e.g., cost, growth, local business unit priorities). External dependencies risk policies, standards, plans,
training, and oversight should be organization-wide to ensure consistency of approach and accountability for
failure to follow policy.
It is not uncommon for important requirements relating to the organization’s high-value services to be missing,
weak, or vaguely addressed in formal agreements. For example, the eventual importance of the external entity
may not have been apparent when the agreement was signed or a disparity in negotiating power may have
limited the organization’s original agreement. It is also very common for security or resilience requirements to
take a back seat to other priorities such as cost or delivery commitments. Ensuring that information on external
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 30
dependencies is as current, accurate, and complete as possible is a foundational aspect of a process for
monitoring the risks associated with dependencies.
A. Establish ownership.
The organization should establish internal ownership of each relationship to provide coordination and
accountability across its lifecycle. Relationship owners provide coordination points to external entities to
facilitate not only performance management and risk management but also communication and collaboration
more generally. Ownership of a relationship is usually more effective when it includes specific responsibilities
concerning the associated external entity, for example
reviewing, vetting, and refining formal agreements
developing requirements
monitoring and reporting external entity performance
executing aspects of change management, for example, changes to SLAs and other agreements
interfacing with internal organizational processes such as incident management or service continuity
It may be appropriate for the manager of a principal service or product to own the external-entity relationships
that directly support it. In other cases the defined role of an organizational component might dictate its
ownership of certain external relationships. For example, physical security teams are typically responsible for
internal alarm monitoring and often benefit from relationships with external police and firefighting providers
which can be leveraged in both normal and emergency situations to share information, monitor performance,
and reduce risks to the organization.
Another example is the organization’s information security team which will often work with private and public
groups to share information. Building relationships and collaborating with agencies, such as the United States
Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) or the National Cybersecurity and Communications
Integration Center, can provide valuable insights, risk assessments, and mitigation suggestions to benefit the
entire organization.
B. Define procedures.
The external dependencies implementation plan described in Section III documents the structure for managing
external dependency risks. Relationship management across the lifecycle of external supplier engagements
joins the plan and the day-to-day supplier interactions to establish how the implementation will meet the needs
of the organization. Effective execution of the plan requires the development of detailed processes and
procedures to implement that plan. The EDM plan typically will not define many of these procedures because
their actual execution may depend on the type of specific external entity and the typical, applicable, and
relevant business practices. Relationship owners will need to define these procedures, including details about
the following areas:
initial dialogue with the entity to define and clarify the organization’s priorities
requirements definition and qualification gathering
communication of specifications and control requirements to supplier
validation of external entity’s capabilities to meet requirements and verification of qualifications
performance monitoring and audits
communication of performance results and required corrective actions
change management communication and coordination
risk information exchange and collaborative efforts to manage those risks
31 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
requirements and agreement adjustments and renewals
termination or alteration of relationship, or transition to another supplier
C. Manage performance.
Relationship management with contracted vendors typically focuses on performance management: ensuring
that the external entities meet their obligations to support the organization and taking appropriate steps when
they do not. Like other parts of EDM, requirements make this practice easier. If the organization has already
documented how and to what extent it relies on the entity in the first place (as outlined above in Steps 3
through 5), then evaluating external entity failure becomes easier and faster.
Effective performance management of external entities requires the reporting of their performance
deficiencies. To provide context, reporting should ordinarily include an estimate of the deficiency’s actual or
potential impact on the organization. Reporting should also identify trends, resolution timelines, and the
internal owners responsible for managing the external supplier. Contract, technical, security, and legal support
teams should engage in the reporting where appropriate to help manage the overall risk of the relationship.
Standards for reporting, as well as the identification those responsible for the relationships management, make
the reporting of performance deficiencies easier and more effective.
Organizations should regularly communicate with key external suppliers and stakeholders to resolve
performance issues or challenges in fulfilling requirements. Establishing an open dialogue with suppliers can
foster trust and collaboration that can be essential to managing external dependencies risks. Constant, effective
communication on performance can prevent service disruptions or other costly outcomes such as relying on the
legal system to resolve vendor issues. Effective relationship management and communication are particularly
important in relationships where agreements with suppliers do not contain financial or other incentives for the
supplier to uphold organizational requirements.
The organization should identify corrective actions to address issues, gaps, or weaknesses in external entity
performance. To ensure all concerns are resolved in a timely manner the organization should systematically
track identified, open items. If corrective actions are problematic or the issues, gaps, and weaknesses remain
unresolved, the organization should consider deploying other risk management mitigations, reviewing
requirements, or transitioning to other suppliers or approaches.
If key external entities fail to satisfy resilience requirements the organization should first analyze the failure’s
impact to the critical service. The results of the impact analysis should feed into a process that determines if
corrective action, when considered in a broader context, is productive or required. Understanding root causes
and impact improves the process of managing external entities by ensuring the program remains effective and
robust in the face of constant change. Examples of corrective actions include
discussion with the external entity
enforcement of the SLA or other contracts
financial penalties or payment freezes pending resolution
identification of improvements in the EDM activities
escalation of issues that require higher level management input for resolution
transition to alternative service providers
The organization should establish ongoing communications with key suppliers not only to monitor
performance but also to manage changes, quality, cost, and evolving threats or risks. To ensure that any
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 32
performance or contract compliance issues are actually remedied the organization should also routinely review
the status of external entities and any actions taken to correct their performance.
Performance management not only provides an opportunity to monitor and resolve issues, but it is also a forum for
collaborative dialogue with suppliers and stakeholders to address challenges such as change, evolving threats, and risk.
Beyond strictly managing external entity performance, organizations should consider monitoring external
entities for changes or factors that may affect the service or product supported by the external entities.
Monitoring activities may track external entities
financial condition, viability, and internal financial controls
oversight of subcontractors
change management and problem management processes
technology and security controls
business continuity and incident response plans
disruptive incidents that affect the organization
compliance activities and audit results
HR procedures, including turnover, background checks, ethics, and training activities
satisfaction of specifications and quality expectations of service provided
insurance coverage and terms
D. Manage shared infrastructure or public services.
Organizations may have some ability to control the behavior of many of their contracted external entities. By
contrast, organizations usually have very little meaningful control over shared or public external entities such
as electric and water utility companies, police and fire departments, state and local emergency operations
centers, and security services. These entities usually do not consider any individual organization’s
requirements when providing services and in most cases the organization will have little ability to negotiate the
terms of the relationship. Managing relationships with these shared and public suppliers requires a
collaborative approach and a somewhat different set of tools.
Shared and public services providers may be a source of dependency risk. They require a broader set of risk mitigation
actions in addition to the oversight of supplier agreements. This may include internal risk mitigations and participation in
collaborative initiatives such as Sector Coordinating Councils or industry groups.
Public agencies such as emergency responders, police, or fire services do not normally enter into service
agreements with specific organizations. Organizations usually begin to manage the dependency risk associated
with these public services by opening a dialogue with them and finding opportunities to work together, for
example, by participating in simulated disruption response exercises, providing input to local response plans,
and attending training on event response procedures. Establishing collaborative relationships with local and
national groups focused on information sharing and incident response (e.g., InfraGard, local emergency
operations centers, regional coalitions) is an excellent strategy not only for improving the risk management
support these groups provide, but also for building stronger information sharing and response partnerships.
Below are examples of tools and mitigations that an organization should consider for shared infrastructure and
public services or when agreements and contracts do not adequately manage dependency risks:
develop and document hypothetical requirements for these services as a way to identify and analyze risks
develop internal alternatives (e.g., backup generators, water well, satellite-based communication circuits,
private security and fire protection)
33 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
establish relationships with multiple, alternative suppliers and develop a plan for transitioning from one
supplier to another
utilize suppliers across a variety of regions or international locations
leverage regulatory agencies and industry groups to facilitate communications, strategy development,
service improvements, and risk mitigations
Output of Section IV
Output Guidance
Responsibilities for the
implementation documented
Responsibilities assigned and accountabilities established
Plan implementation managed to ensure it remains on track to meet its objectives
Metrics and reporting that provide visibility into plan implementation progress and
EDM plan implemented
Organizational risk management activities and operations include dependency
Formation of entity relationships is conducted based on the plan
Process in place to identify and prioritize dependencies
Process in place to establish and maintain requirements
Processes or systems are in place to collect and manage dependency information
Stakeholder engagement and
Stakeholders identified and engaged in the implementation of the program
Two-way communication to facilitate the integration of the risk program into the
Formation and management
of external entity relationships
Enterprise and service-level requirements included in formal agreements
Supplier oversight, governance, and monitoring established
Shared and public infrastructure requirements documented
External entity performance managed
Training and awareness
Processes established to provide risk training in support of the program objectives
Dependency management plan objectives and strategies are widely
communicated and understood
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 34
V. Monitor and Improve External Dependencies Management
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin monitoring and improving EDM.
Input Guidance
Program objectives, policies,
and standards
Determine if the program is functioning as documented
Measure program outcomes against stated objectives
Ensure stakeholders are engaged and that interactive dialogue is ongoing
Determine if the level of external dependencies risk is within the organization’s
tolerance parameters
Identify needed changes in strategy, oversight, governance, and reporting
Ensure that emerging or evolving dependency issues are considered
Requirements and related
documentation for external
EDM information is current and effectively managed
Program assessment and risk review
External dependencies risk measurement and analysis
Stakeholder perspectives on supplier assurance and approach
Incident and issue reports
related to external entity
Identify any trends that may suggest that adjustments need to be made in the
relationship engagement, monitoring, and management procedures
Review supplier reporting to identify areas of poor performance, escalating risks, or
communications challenges
Monitor processes used to engage and coordinate with relationship owners
The organization should have a process for monitoring the performance of external entities. At the most basic
level this monitoring should verify that external entities are satisfying the requirements established by the
organization, whether they are formally codified in agreements with the entities or not. At a more strategic
level, however, monitoring the trends within the day-to-day management of external entities can inform a
better understanding of how to improve the process and the overall external dependency management program.
Step 1. Define effectiveness measures.
Organizations should monitor, measure, and report on EDM activities to ensure that they are not only being
conducted in accordance with planned activities, but are effective in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the
program. To measure the effectiveness of the EDM program the organization will need to document the
program’s goals and consider what metrics about EDM to collect. These are normally drawn from and based
on the stated goals, risks, and objectives that appear in the EDM plan. External dependency management, like
other risk programs, can add overhead and cost, making it important to track and confirm that the activity is
providing the value specified.
35 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Some examples of metrics concerning program effectiveness include
external dependencies risks or potential risks that remain unresolved
open or unresolved high-risk supplier issues
aging statement for corrective action reporting
count of external entity relationships formed outside of the process
emerging threats or risks that may affect key dependencies or suppliers
number and frequency of critical service outages traceable to external entities
percentage of external entities that have successfully passed third-party audits
percentage of missed deliveries or shipping delays from external entities
contracts or agreements that did not follow established procedures or policy
percentage of SLAs across key external entities (e.g., tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers) that include resilience
requirements in their agreements
response times and other metrics relating to business continuity or cybersecurity drills conducted with
external entities
In addition to using defined measures it is useful to look for trends or incidents that may suggest failures in
EDM procedures and processes. For example, the occurrence of availability problems involving technology
suppliers or an increase in contract compliance issues may be linked to weaknesses in EDM processes. It is
also useful to explore disruptive events involving suppliers to determine the root cause and identify actions that
may avert or limit future problems such as control failures, procedural violations, or new cyber threat vectors
impacting the organization.
Step 2. Detect, analyze, and correct process exceptions.
Managers should periodically review the dependencies program to detect, analyze, and correct procedural
exceptions that may be creating risk. A common challenge is the formation or modification of relationships
with external entities without obtaining the proper management review and approval. Detecting this type of
exception can be challenging but the use of systematic internal accounting and process controls may be
particularly effective; periodic internal auditing can also help in this regard.
After a process exception is corrected or otherwise addressed administratively the manager should understand
the root cause and the control failure: how was the relationship formed outside the process? Program reporting,
issues, and exceptions should be updated regularly and reviewed with operations personnel, stakeholders, and
business risk managers. Implementation measures, discussed in Section IV, can be used to determine
adherence to plan.
Process exceptions may be addressed singly in response to particular situations. Alternatively, analyzing the
effectiveness of and exceptions to EDM management may stimulate broader efforts to refine EDM objectives
and strategies. Leadership across the organization must continually evaluate dependency management failures,
successes, trends, exceptions, and objectives to keep the program on track. The information, analytics, and
reporting that result from detecting, analyzing, and correcting process exceptions provide the core foundation
supporting the successful management and mitigation of dependency risk.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 36
Step 3. Report and review the program with stakeholders.
EDM is an enterprise activity requiring engagement and input from across the organization. The right
stakeholders must play a central role in refining and maturing the program. To facilitate stakeholders’ active
engagement reporting on dependency risks and processes must be useful and actionable. Stakeholder feedback
and input must be actively gathered, vetted, and, where appropriate, actioned.
Different types of stakeholders may require different types of reporting and engagement. Some stakeholders
(board, C-suite, enterprise and operational risk committees, external regulators, and shared and public supplier
executives) may require less frequent, more summarized reporting that is oriented toward executives. Often
this reporting and dialogue consists of overviews of program status against objectives and strategic direction as
well as the gathering of feedback on the program’s design and direction.
The reporting to midlevel managers is generally more frequent and detailed to help ensure that day-to-day
activities remain on track. Ownership, status, and timeline information are key aspects of midlevel reporting.
As the EDM objectives, strategies, or plan change it is crucial to inform midlevel managers and give them an
opportunity to provide input. Typically the mid-level managers will be the most effective at translating bigger
picture strategies and plans into more detailed procedures and operational implementation activities. This
group can also provide valuable feedback to identify challenges and issues that may result from refinements or
changes to EDM strategies and plans.
Step 4. Improve the EDM program, plans, and procedures.
To mature the organization’s EDM capability the responsible manager should propose any necessary changes
and improvements during periodic reviews. The manager should communicate with and engage all
stakeholders to help ensure their support, input, and buy-in for changes. As with the initial creation of the
EDM plan, senior management support is essential for any major proposed changes.
Organizations may choose to improve their EDM capability to different levels of maturity. Typically these
improvements are achieved by increasing the consistency and repeatability of the program processes across the
enterprise. Of course, making improvements requires increased investment, usually cost or expense, in the
short term. Sometimes the pressure to minimize initial costs can be a barrier to positive, long-term outcomes
such as lower risk, increased efficiency, lower long-term cost, compliance, and market differentiation.
Each organization must determine how much focus and investment to make in its EDM program. A key tenant
of resilience management is establishing the right balance between risk and cost to the organization. Each
situation is unique and often depends on the larger business context. Resilience and risk management
investment decisions often have long-term consequences and require coordinated interaction with key
stakeholders and the organization’s executives. Maturity and resilience management generally involve
maintaining consistent results from key processes
standardizing key processes across the organization
building key processes into the organizational culture so they are retained during times of stress
A large organization may wish to standardize all of its essential EDM practices and activities across disparate
business units. This can help ensure that relationships are managed in accordance with the enterprise’s needs
and in a manner that reflects the EDM objectives, strategies, and plan. For example, to ensure a consistent
approach across the enterprise, an organization could standardize the following aspects of EDM across all
business or geographical units:
37 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
selection of external entities (vendors) based on enterprise requirements
cooperation and collaboration on information sharing, change, and threat management
performance monitoring and resolution
relevant processes around incident management or service continuity
relevant reporting and other requirements
A principal challenge of effective resilience and external dependency management is getting all areas of an organization to
coalesce around common goals, practices, and objectives. Consistency across the organization is essential to achieving the
organization’s goals and objectives.
The organization may wish to collect experiences, lessons learned, successes, and best practices and
disseminate them across the organization through communication and training. The organization may need to
target this knowledge to the appropriate staff depending on their specific role. Disseminating and reinforcing
this knowledge across the organization can help ensure that staff adequately retains important skills and
knowledge so that EDM processes can remain effective during times of stress such as service disruptions, staff
changes, data breaches, and natural disasters.
Just as executive involvement, buy-in, and emphasis were important aspects when creating the EDM plan they
are also intrinsic and important when improving the process. Higher level executives should be made aware of
issues relating to EDM. As part of their review process, they should also be evaluating not just the risks of
particular external relationships, but the risks of deficiencies in the EDM process and organizational capability
themselves. Because of their responsibility for the future and direction of the organization and their awareness
of the organization’s role as critical infrastructure this is properly an executive function.
Output of Section VI
Output Guidance
Updated program processes
Detected, analyzed, and reported EDM trends, issues, and risks
Updated program strategy, objectives, documentation, and procedures
Documented process change objectives, timelines, and responsibilities
Updated program strategies
and objectives
Stakeholder engagement, input, and support garnered via their participation in the
external dependencies review and update process
Approved changes
Updated risk documentation,
tracking, and action plans
Updated objectives, strategies, and plan
Updated accountabilities and job descriptions as appropriate
A database, spreadsheet, or list showing the current documentation update status
Updated tracking database
Updated EDM risk action plans for all affected areas, showing tasks and timelines
in support of the EDM program objectives
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 38
VI. Conclusion
Growing organizational interdependencies and the expanded use of outsourcing have increased the urgency of
EDM and its improvement. Managing new, more complex threats is a key challenge made difficult when the
potential for disruptions extends to a web of external suppliers. For those in regulated industries such as
energy, finance, and health care, new regulatory guidance and oversight are driving actions and investments
that are difficult to prioritize. This guide was developed to help organizations of all types, in any industry, and
of all sizes manage those challenges by providing a comprehensive, step-by-step, risk-based approach to
addressing EDM.
This guide focuses on the relationships with service suppliers with whom the organization may have
established carefully negotiated, contracted relationships (e.g., raw materials, technology, and maintenance). It
also focuses on relationships over which the organization has very limited control (e.g., utilities, government
agencies, emergency responders).
Figure 8: External Dependencies and Interdependencies Originate from Many Sources and Suppliers
Relationship management is a key component of dependency management. This guide advocates an approach
that addresses the entire end-to-end supplier lifecycle and stresses communication and collaboration
throughout. Lastly, this guide emphasizes a risk-based approach to prioritizing and structuring dependency
management. This provides the basis for determining requirements for each supplier, as well as how much
rigor and oversight to place on it. By utilizing relationships, lifecycle, and requirements-based prioritization
39 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
concepts in conjunction with a process improvement approach, organizations can mature their EDM activities
to meet the challenges of today’s increasingly dependent relationships.
The methodology of this guide emphasizes the following:
Manage relationships across the entire supplier lifecycle, from early dialogue, to performance monitoring,
to termination or transition.
Take a risk-based approach to prioritizing effort and resources.
Engage and communicate closely with internal and external stakeholders.
Establish resilience requirements and expectations with suppliers early to help ensure efficient and
effective dependency risk management.
Communicate and collaborate to achieve process effectiveness and to gain shared trust.
Build on existing practices and processes; leverage and improve organizational practices and process.
Scope across the entire organization to ensure that all areas that manage relationships are engaged and
familiar with EDM plans and strategy.
The following documents provide standards and methodologies for preparing for and managing cybersecurity
NIST Special Publication 800-161, Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal Information
Management Systems
ISO/IEC 27036:2013+ — IT Security Security techniques — Information security for supplier
NISTIR 7622, Notional Supply Chain Risk Management Practices
CMMI for Acquisition, Version 1.3
The CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) [Caralli 2010]. This is the basis for the CRR and
contains more in-depth guidance for establishing cybersecurity practices. The Risk process area provides
detailed description of practices and goals associated with risk management.
For more information about the Cyber Resilience Review, please email the Cyber Security Evaluation Program
at [email protected]ov or visit
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 40
Appendix A. Example External Dependencies Management Policy
[Organization Name]
POLICY [XX-X]: External Dependencies Management
External dependencies management is the ongoing process of managing external entity relationships and risks
and facilitating the effective use of external suppliers to support [Organization Name] in achieving its mission.
This policy lays the framework for a formal external dependencies risk management program by establishing
responsibility for the management of external entity relationships and risks. The external dependencies
management responsibilities include the identification, analysis, oversight and monitoring of external
dependencies risks as well as the management of the external relationships that are essential to successful,
predictable, and consistent delivery of services.
All employees, contractors, and business partners will take all appropriate actions to manage external
dependencies risks and relationships with external entities in a manner that promotes [Organization Name]s
risk management, business, and mission objectives.
The objective of this policy is to ensure that [Organization Name]’s relationships with external entities are
managed in a manner that meets its business and risk management goals.
This policy applies to all individuals and functions internally or externally that perform tasks in support of the
organization’s mission.
Employees, Contractors, and Business Partners
All employees, contractors, and business partners of [Organization Name] shall
comply with all external dependencies risk policies, standards, and guidelines
be familiar with and support external dependencies risk objectives
report any actual or suspected risks associated with external dependencies and/or external
take all appropriate actions to support the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the
information, technology, facility, and people assets of the organization that may be impacted by
external entities
Executive and Senior Management
Executive and senior management shall
support the development and maintenance of the external dependencies risk management plan
implement the external dependencies risk management plan
provide support for adequately resourcing the external dependencies risk management plan
ensure all employees, contractors, and business partners understand their external dependencies risk
management responsibilities
take all appropriate actions to ensure relationships with external entities are effectively managed to
limit the risks of external dependencies on [Organization Name]
Document History
Release Date
41 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix B. External Dependencies Management Resources
Relationship and Cyber Information Resources
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
US-CERT is the operational arm of the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) at DHS. US-CERT’s
mission is to improve the nation’s cybersecurity posture, coordinate cyber information sharing, and proactively
manage cyber risks to the nation while protecting the constitutional rights of Americans.
National Cyber Alert System:
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT)
ICS-CERT provides a control system security focus in collaboration with US-CERT. ICS-CERT serves as a
key component of the Strategy for Securing Control Systems, which outlines a long-term, common vision
where effective risk management of control systems security can be realized through successful coordination
SCADA and Control Systems Procurement Language Project, September 2009, U.S. Department of
Homeland Security National Cybersecurity and Communication Integration Center, ICS-CERT:
CSSP Training:
Cyber Security Evaluation Tool (CSET):
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)
The NCCIC is a 24x7 center responsible for the production of a common operating picture for cybersecurity
and communications across federal, state, and local government; intelligence; law enforcement communities;
and the private sector.
Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report
Each business day, the DHS collects a summary of open-source published information concerning significant
critical infrastructure issues.
Daily Open Source Infrastructure Report:
Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN)
HSIN is a national secure and trusted web-based portal for information sharing and collaboration among
federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, private-sector, and international partners engaged in the homeland
security mission.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 42
Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center
The MS-ISAC is the focal point for cyber threat prevention, protection, response, and recovery for the nation’s
state, local, territorial, and tribal (SLTT) governments.
United State Secret Service (USSS) Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF)
Partnership of not only federal, state, and local law enforcement, but also prosecutors, private industry, and
academia. Its common purpose is the prevention, detection, mitigation, and aggressive investigation of attacks
on the nation’s financial and critical infrastructures.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) InfraGard
InfraGard, a partnership between the FBI and the private sector, is an information sharing and analysis effort
serving the interests and combining the knowledge base of a wide range of members.
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center
(NW3C). The IC3
provides a central point for internet crime victims to report to and alert an appropriate agency online at The IC3 collects, reviews, and refers internet crime complaints to law enforcement agencies
with jurisdiction to aid in preventive and investigative efforts and identify current crime trends across the
The iGuardian portal, currently in its pilot stage, is available to 58,000 companies that make up the FBI’s
InfraGard network. If the pilot succeeds, the FBI plans to open it up to more organizations, probably at first in
critical infrastructure sectors. Participating companies can submit a form online in the instance of a
cybersecurity breach to their networks. The National Cyber Investigative Joint Taskforce (NCI-JTF) handles
the information provided by these companies.
Other Resources
National Strategy for Global Supply Chain Security:
43 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Office of Cybersecurity and Communications:
Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community C³ Voluntary Program:
Supplemental Tool: Executing a Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Approach:
Office of Cyber & Infrastructure Analysis:
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)
Supervision of Technology Service Providers:
Federal Reserve Board Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk
Gartner (requires subscription)
Operational Risk Blog:
Risk management articles, tools, and templates (some require a fee):
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO/IEC 27036:2013+ — IT Security Security techniques — Information security for supplier
relationships (parts 1, 2 & 3 published, remainder in draft
ISO 28000 series of standards on supply chain security management system
27002: Outlines potential cybersecurity controls and control mechanisms (fee)
Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) 5, AP008 Manage Relationships
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 44
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) 2011, Service Strategy, Supplier Design
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
NIST Computer Security Division, Computer Security Resource Center
NIST Special Publication 800-161, Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal
Information Management Systems
NISTIR 7622, Notional Supply Chain Risk Management Practices
NIST Special Publication 800-30, Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments for Federal Information
Systems and Organizations
NIST Special Publication 800-39, Managing Information Security Risk
NIST Special Publication 800-53, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and
Software Engineering Institute, CERT Division
CERT Resilience Management Model
CMMI for Acquisition, Version 1.3
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
The Basics of Risk Analysis and Risk Management
45 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix C. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference
Table 2 cross-references CRR External Dependencies Domain goals and practice questions to the NIST CSF
Categories/Subcategories and the sections of this guide that address those questions. Users of this guide may
wish to review the CRR Question Set with Guidance available at for more
information on interpreting practice questions. The NIST CSF, available at,
also provides informative references for interpreting Category and Subcategory statements.
Table 2: Cross-Reference of CRR Goals/Practice and NIST CSF Category/Subcategory Against the External
Dependencies Management Resource Guide
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Resource Guide
Goal 1: External dependencies are
identified and prioritized to ensure
sustained operation of high-value
1. Are dependencies on external
relationships that are critical to the
service identified? [EXD:SG1.SP1]
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
of critical services are established.
Section IV, Step 2
2. Has a process been established for
creating and maintaining a list of
external dependencies?
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
of critical services are established.
Section IV, Step 6
3. Are external dependencies prioritized?
Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
of critical services are established.
Section IV, Step 2
Goal 2: Risks due to external
dependencies are identified and
1. Are risks due to external dependencies
identified and managed?
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Section III, Step 3
ID.RA-5: Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and
impacts are used to determine risk.
Goal 3: Relationships with external
entities formally established and
1. Have resilience requirements of the
critical service been established that
apply specifically to each external
dependency? [EXD:SG3.SP2]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Section IV, Step 3
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of
critical services are established.
2. Are these requirements reviewed and
updated? [EXD:SG3.SP2]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Section IV, Step 3
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of
critical services are established.
3. Is the ability of external entities to meet
resilience requirements of the critical
service considered in the selection
process? [EXD:SG3.SP3]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Section IV, Step 3
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
of critical services are established.
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of
critical services are established.
4. Are resilience requirements included in
formal agreements with external
entities? [EXD:SG3.SP4]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
Section IV, Step 4
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of
critical services are established.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 46
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Reference] Dependencies
Resource Guide
PR.AT-3: Third-party stakeholders (e.g., suppliers,
customers, partners) understand roles & responsibilities.
Goal 4: Performance of external entities
is managed.
1. Is the performance of external entities
DE.CM-6: External service provider activity is monitored
Section IV, Step 5
to detect potential cybersecurity events.
monitored against resilience
requirements? [EXD:SG4.SP1]
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
2. Has responsibility been assigned for
ID.AM-6: Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for the
Section IV, Step 4
entire workforce and third-party stakeholders (e.g.,
monitoring external entity performance
suppliers, customers, partners) are established.
(as related to resilience requirements)?
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
identified and communicated.
3. Are corrective actions taken as
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is
Section IV, Step 5
necessary to address issues with identified and communicated.
external entity performance (as related
to resilience requirements)?
4. Are corrective actions evaluated to
The organization’s role in the supply chain is
Section IV, Step 5
ensure issues are remedied? identified and communicated.
Goal 5: Dependencies on public
services and infrastructure service
providers are identified.
1. Are public services on which the critical
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
Section IV, Step 2
service depends (fire response and of critical services are established.
rescue services, law enforcement, etc.)
identified? [EC:SG4.SP3]
2. Are infrastructure providers on which
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery
Section IV, Step 2
the critical service depends of critical services are established.
(telecommunications and telephone
services, energy sources, etc.)
identified? [EC:SG4.SP4]
47 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
1. For more information on the Cyber Resilience Review, please email the Cyber Security Evaluation Program at
2. “Glossary of Terms,” CERT-RMM [Caralli 2010].
3. Caralli, R. A.; Allen, J. A.; & White, D. W. CERT
Resilience Management Model: A Maturity Model for
Managing Operational Resilience (CERT-RMM, Version 1.1). Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. For more
information on the CERT-RMM, please visit
4. Caralli, R. A.; Allen, J. A.; & White, D. W. CERT
Resilience Management Model: A Maturity Model for
Managing Operational Resilience (CERT-RMM, Version 1.1). Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. For more
information on the CERT-RMM, please visit
5. Risk Steering Committee, Department of Homeland Security. DHS Risk Lexicon 2010 Edition. Department of
Homeland Security, 2010.
6. “EXD:SG2 Manage Risks Due to External Dependencies,” pg. 350. CERT-RMM [Caralli 2010].
7. “External Dependencies Management (EXD),” CERT-RMM [Caralli 2010].
8. “External Dependencies Management (EXD),” pg. 341. CERT-RMM [Caralli 2010].