© 2018 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Policy Research Perspectives
Medical Professional Liability Insurance Indemnity Payments, Expenses and
Claim Disposition, 2006-2015
By José R. Guardado, PhD
This Policy Research Perspective (PRP) presents new information on indemnity payments and
expenses for medical professional liability (MPL) claims that closed between 2006 and 2015. An
indemnity payment is money paid to a claimant/plaintiff for adjudicated damages. Expenses are
defense and cost containment expenses incurred in the process of administering or adjudicating a
claim, such as for defense attorneys and expert witnesses. The PRP also describes how claims are
disposed, such as whether they are settled or dropped, and how indemnity payments and expenses
vary by claim disposition.
The information contained in this report comes from the 2016 edition of the PIAA’s Closed Claim
Comparative (CCC).
PIAA is an insurance industry trade association that represents entities doing
business in the MPL arena. Its members insure more than two-thirds of America's private practicing
physicians as well as dentists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other health care providers.
better evaluate trends in liability claims, in 1985 the PIAA began to share and aggregate individual
member data through the Data Sharing Project (DSP). Participating PIAA members report MPL
claims data to the DSP, and national trends in that data are reported in the CCC. The 2016 CCC is
based on data from 90,473 health care professional liability claims that closed between 2006 and
Indemnity Payments and Expenses on Closed Claims, 2006-2015
Indemnity Payments
Data on average and median indemnity payments are presented in Table 1. Those data are based
on claims that closed between 2006 and 2015 and for which indemnity payments were made to the
claimants (hereafter paid claims). The averages and medians are also reported in “real” terms. This
adjusts each year's values for inflation to make them comparable with those in 2015.
Figure 1
shows the same information graphically.
Earlier data (from 1985) came from a previous edition of the CCC. Editions of PIAA's reports that were
published prior to 2013 were titled Claim Trends Analysis.
PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition.
Values that are not adjusted for inflation are called “nominal.”
In 2015, the average indemnity payment was $365,503—a 10.7 percent increase from 2006. Much
of that increase occurred during the end of that period. In fact, average indemnity payments
increased by 11.5 percent between 2013 and 2015. However, after accounting for inflation, average
indemnity payments were actually 5.9 percent lower in 2015 than in 2006. This indicates that
average payments were not rising as fast as inflation.
The trends in median payments were generally similar to the trends in the averages. However,
because some indemnity payments are relatively very high, the averages are higher than the
medians. The median payment was $200,000 for most of the 2006-2015 period.
Table 2 shows how paid claims are distributed over different ranges of payment, and provides
context for why average payments are higher than median payments. Thirty-three percent of paid
claims involved payments that were less than $100,000. However, they accounted for only 3.6
percent of indemnity payments in total. In contrast, although only 11.2 percent of paid claims
involved payments of $1 million or more, those large claims accounted for 41.9 percent of total
indemnity payments.
There was a relative increase in claims with large payments between 2013 and 2015 (results not
shown), which explains part of the recent increase in the average payment noted above. The 41.9
percent share of total indemnity that results from payments of at least $1 million is up from 33.9
percent in 2013.
Table 3 and Figure 2 show that average expenses have increased substantially between 2006 and
In 2015, the average expense was $54,165—3.8 percent higher than in the previous year. It
increased by 46 percent from 2006 to 2009, and by another 10.6 percent between 2013 and 2015.
Over the ten-year study period, average expenses rose by 64.5 percent, and even after accounting
for inflation, the increase was almost 40 percent.
Indemnity, Expenses and Distribution by Claim Disposition, 2015
Indemnity Payments
Table 4 reports indemnity payments for claims that closed in 2015 according to how they were
disposed. Similar to all paid claims, average payments were higher than the medians for all types of
Trial awards were much larger than indemnity payments from other disposition types. The average
trial award was $1,121,815, compared to $341,015 for settlements and $256,596 for claims resolved
by an alternate dispute resolution (ADR) or contract agreement.
Based on the 2012 edition of the PIAA report, by far the largest share of expenses is for defense
attorneys (approximately 70 percent). About 17 percent is for expert witnesses, and 14 percent for "other"
expenses. This distribution of expenses by category is no longer provided in recent editions of the PIAA
Indemnity payments made on all paid claims resemble those from settlements rather than those
from trial awards. This is because the vast majority of paid claims (93.6 percent) are settled,
whereas only 3.5 percent result from plaintiff verdicts.
Table 5 reports average expenses and the share of total expenses for each type of claim disposition.
By far, the highest average expense was for tried claims that resulted in plaintiff verdicts ($262,141).
The next highest was for those resulting in defendant verdicts ($191,341). That was almost 2½ times
the average expense incurred on settled claims ($78,906). The smallest average expense was for
claims that were dropped, dismissed or withdrawn ($30,475). Despite being the smallest, however,
because such a large fraction of claims (68.2 percent) fall into that category, those claims accounted
for 38.4 percent of total expenses.
Claim Disposition
Table 6 shows the distribution of claims that closed in 2015 according to the type of disposition and
whether indemnity was paid. Most claims (68.2 percent) were dropped, dismissed or withdrawn, and
23.3 percent were settled. In contrast, relatively few claims (7.0 percent) were decided by trial
verdict, and the vast majority of those (87.5 percent) were won by the defendant. In fact, less than 1
percent of claims resulted in plaintiff verdicts. Finally, just above 1 percent of claims were decided by
an ADR or contract agreement, 55 percent of which involved an indemnity payment. Thus, indemnity
payments were made to claimants in only about a quarter (24.8 percent) of claims—a share that was
generally stable over the 2006-2015 period.
This PRP presents new data on claim disposition, indemnity payments, and expenses for MPL
claims that closed between 2006 and 2015. As in previous years, it finds that in 2015 most claims
(68.2 percent) were dropped, dismissed or withdrawn (DDW). However, those claims do not come
without a cost. Although their average expense is much lower than for settled and tried claims, DDW
claims account for the highest share (38.4 percent) of total expenses.
In contrast to the prevalence of DDW claims, only 7.0 percent of claims were decided by a trial
verdict. Of those, the vast majority (87.5 percent) were won by the defendant.
In about 25 percent of claims, an indemnity payment was paid to the claimant. The average payment
was $365,503 in 2015—a notable increase (11.5 percent) from two years prior. Among the types of
claim disposition, plaintiff verdicts were the lowest in frequency, but had the highest indemnity
payments, with an average of $1,121,815.
A relatively small fraction of claims contributed to a disproportionate share of total indemnity
payments. Although only 11.2 percent of paid claims involved payouts of at least $1 million, they
accounted for 41.9 percent of indemnity payments in total. There was a notable increase in this
share in recent years, likely explaining part of the recent increase in average indemnity.
Expenses incurred on claims have risen over time. From 2006 to 2015, average expenses increased
by almost 65 percent. In fact, total expenses have been rising much faster than total indemnity
payments. Whereas total indemnity was 3 times higher in 2015 than in 1985, the increase in total
expenses was more than seven-fold.
Consequently, the share of total costs (indemnity plus
expenses) incurred on expenses increased from 19 percent to 37 percent. Although most medical
liability claims continue to be dropped, dismissed or withdrawn and involve no indemnity payments,
they have become increasingly costly to defend.
AMA Economic and Health Policy Research, January 2018 2018-1
The earliest year for which PIAA provided data is 1985.
Table 1. Indemnity Payments for Paid Claims, 2006-2015
Average 330,213 333,308 340,712 324,371 326,450 323,004 334,026 327,895 361,108 365,503 10.7% 1.1%
(2015$) 388,330 380,972 375,124 358,430 354,851 340,446 344,715 333,469 361,469 365,503 -5.9% -0.7%
Median 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 187,500 200,000 180,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% 0.0%
(2015$) 235,200 228,600 220,200 221,000 217,400 197,625 206,400 183,060 200,200 200,000 -15.0% -1.8%
# Paid
Claims 2,146 2,339 2,291 2,534 2,765 2,798 2,613 2,392 2,325 1,903
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition.
Note: Paid claims are closed claims in which an indemnity payment was made.
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Close Year
Figure 1. Indemnity Payments for Paid Claims, 2006-2015
Average (2015$) Average Median (2015$) Median
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition
Table 2. Distribution of Paid Claims and Total Indemnity Payments by Range of Indemnity Payment, 2015
Indemnity Payment Range
Proportion of
Paid Claims
Proportion of
Total Indemnity Payments
Less than $100,000 32.5% 3.6%
$100,000 < = Payment < $250,000 22.5% 10.2%
$250,000 < = Payment < $500,000 19.9% 17.8%
$500,000 < = Payment < $1,000,000 13.8% 26.5%
$1,000,000 or more 11.2% 41.9%
Total 100.0% 100.0%
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition.
Notes: Paid claims are closed claims in which an indemnity payment was made. There were 1903 paid claims that closed in 2015.
Total indemnity payments are the sum of payments across all paid claims.
Table 3. Average Expense Payments for all Closed Claims, 2006-2015
Average 32,925 37,069 42,622 48,072 47,369 49,987 49,682 48,962 52,195 54,165 64.5% 5.7%
(2015$) 38,720 42,370 46,927 53,120 51,491 52,686 51,271 49,794 52,247 54,165 39.9% 3.8%
Claims 8,619 8,901 8,267 8,698 9,812 10,434 10,294 9,218 8,842 7,658
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition.
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Close Year
Figure 2. Expense Payments for All Closed Claims
Average (2015$) Average
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition
Table 4. Indemnity Payments by Claim Disposition, 2015
All Paid Claims
Plaintiff Verdicts
Average Payment $365,503 $341,015 $1,121,815 $256,596
Median Payment $200,000 $200,000 $799,250 $108,417
N 1903 1781 67 50
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition. Medians are from a special data request provided by
PIAA Data Sharing Project. Copyright 2017 PIAA. The information provided may be used for personal use only.
Any other use requires prior permission of the PIAA.
Notes: ADR represents an alternative dispute resolution. There were 5 paid claims whose disposition is
Table 5. Average Expenses by Claim Disposition, 2015
Claim Disposition
Expenses as
% of Total
Dropped, Dismissed, or Withdrawn
Settlements $78,906 33.9% 1,781
Defendant Verdicts $191,341 21.7% 470
Plaintiff Verdicts $262,141 4.2% 67
ADR or Contract Agreement $72,968 1.6% 90
Unknown $38,088 0.2% 27
100.0% 7,658
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition
Table 6. Distribution of Claims by Claim Disposition, 2015
Claim Disposition
Percentage of All Closed Claims
Dropped, Dismissed or Withdrawn
Settlements 23.3%
Defendant Verdicts 6.1%
Plaintiff Verdicts 0.9%
ADR or Contract Agreement
Paid 24.8%
Unpaid 75.2%
Total 100.0%
Closed Claims
Source: PIAA Closed Claim Comparative, 2016 Edition