Field education is the most exciting and challenging learning
experience you will encounter as you pursue your degree and work
alongside veteran social workers to learn how theory translates into
practice. The experience is slightly different depending on where you
live and whether you want to use your place of employment for credit.
This document provides a list of frequently asked questions pertaining
to Field.
How do I know if I am considered an In-Area or Out-of-Area student?
Do I need to pay any fees for Field placement?
If I work during the day, can I complete my Field placement hours at night or on the weekends?
Who is my Field Education Specialist and how can I contact them?
How many hours per week will I need to commit to completing my Field placement?
Are there any advantages to choosing a split over block placements?
What is a Task Supervisor and are they the same as a Field Instructor?
BEFORE APPLYING | All Students …………………………………..…...........…. 10
What prerequisites do I need to complete before I can start my Field application?
What does “Practice Skill Area” mean in the Field Application?
Are there any activities I can complete now?
APPLYING FOR FIELD | In-Area Students ………………………………..…… 14
How does placement work for In-Area students?
Where can I find the Field Application?
I am an In-Area student. Can I look for my own Field placement?
I have submitted my Field application. Do I need to do anything else?
What if I have been assigned to a placement and I want to change it?
I have been placed. What do I do?
APPLYING FOR FIELD | Out-of-Area Students ………………………….… 16
If I live outside the UTA area, what are my options for finding a Field placement?
What are all the steps necessary to complete the Field application process, from start to finish?
BSW …………………………………………………….…………………..............….. 17
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field placement site?
What if the agency I found does not have a social worker on staff. Who can be my Field Instructor?
When do I complete Field?
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
What if I'm still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
BSSUT …………………………………………………………….……….……........…. 19
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field placement site?
What if the agency I found does not have an LCDC on staff? Who can be my Field Instructor?
How early should I get started?
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
What if I'm still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
MSW ……………………………………….……………………………..............…… 20
How early should I get started?
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field placement site?
What if the agency I found does not have a social worker on staff. Who can be my Field Instructor?
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
What if I'm still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
APPLYING FOR FIELD | Place of Employment.……………………..…….… 23
Can I complete my Field placement hours where I work?
When is the POE application due and how should I submit it?
What do I do if I think I qualify for POE?
Where can I find more information about the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) policies regarding
place of employment placements?
AFTER APPLYING ……….…………………………………………………….……..…… 25
How and when will I be notified about my placement?
Do I need to purchase my own liability insurance for my Field placement?
When is the deadline for having my placement secured before I can start Field?
DURING FIELD PLACEMENT ………………………………….…………….……...… 26
How do I log, edit, or delete my hours?
How do I complete a learning contract?
I keep getting emails that I need to sign-up for Field, what do I do?
If I am already in a split placement right now, do I still need to fill out the application for the next semester?
What if I didn’t like my Field placement? Can I change it during the second semester?
How do I know if I am considered an In-Area or Out-of-Area student?
In-Area students live within one hour’s drive of the UTA campus. Out-of-Area students live outside this
perimeter and include in-state, out-of-state, and international students. The application process is different
for each group so to find out more detailed information, go to the section dedicated to In-Area or Out-of-
Area students on this page.
* You can apply to use your place of employment (POE) for placement credit if it meets the qualifications
regardless of your location. For more information, go to the Place of Employment section on this page.
Do I need to pay any fees for Field placement?
Yes. You will pay a placement database fee when you apply for Field. UTA uses a software program to
facilitate the Field application and hour-logging processes.
If I work during the day, can I complete my Field placement hours at night or
on the weekends?
The Field Office has minimal night/weekend placement hour options, therefore you should plan to do your
placement during regular business hours. Even if you are assigned to a placement with night and weekend
hours, you will need some daytime hours for weekly supervision. If you work at a social services agency,
you may be able to get Field placement credit through your job. Go to the APPLYING FOR FIELD | Place of
Employment section for more information.
Who is my Field Education Specialist and how can I contact them?
You can email the Field Education Specialist who is assigned to your area of study. Please reference the list
Vanessa Caraveo, LMSW
All Undergraduate Students and
Out-of-Area Foundation MSW
Andrea Jameson, LMSW
MSW (Foundation) In-Area Foundation Students
Sharon Martin, LMSW
MSW (Advanced)
Mental Health & Substance
Monica Brown, MSW
MSW (Advanced) Children & Families
Cindy Bassey, MSW
Cindy.bass[email protected]du
MSW (Advanced)
Community & Administrative
Practice (CAP)
How many hours per week will I need to commit to completing my Field
It depends on the semester you’re taking Field and whether you choose to enroll in a Split or Block
placement. Split is completed over two semesters. Block is when you complete your entire Field placement
in one semester.
lock 32 hours/week
Split 16 hours/week
lock 30 hours/week
Split 15 hours/week
Block 37 hours/week
Split 24 hours/week
Are there any advantages to choosing a split over block placement?
Here is a handy table reviewing more details about the split and block learning experiences:
240 hours each semester for two semesters 480 hours of internship in one semester
Average weekly commitment of 15-24
hours/week (akin to a part-time job)
Average weekly commitment of 30-37
hours/week (akin to a full-time job)
Split is the default option if you are in a cohort
You must get special permission from your
Academic Advisor to register for Block. They will
determine if your class load is appropriate
ne benefit of doing Split is that you have much
more time to develop deeper relationships with
your clients since it is spread out over two
consecutive semesters
Great if you want a fully immersive experience
f you are a teacher, this might be your best
option for interning over the summer when you
have more time
If you are working, this might be your best option
You will need to keep your course load very light if
you do block
You can take more classes on top of your Split
placement than you could with Block
What is a Task Supervisor and are they the same as a Field Instructor?
Field Instructor
This is your agency point of contact, a social worker who has gone through
Field Instructor training at UTA
Oversees the student and signs off on required documents
Requirements to be a Field Instructor:
BSW or MSW Degree from CSWE Accredited Institution
2 years of post-degree social work experience
Helps you with your learning contract
Conducts mid-term site visits and end-of-semester evaluations
You must meet with them for at least 1 hour/week for supervision
Keeps you accountable will make sure your activities line up with the 9 social
work competencies (learning objectives)
Task Supervisor
The supervisor who is more of your day-to-day supervisor on-site (at the
Assigns you specific tasks to complete and opportunities to shadow
Does not need to be a social worker
Cannot sign any documentation, complete any evaluations, or provide official
weekly supervision without the Field Instructor present
Can participate in mid-term site visit meetings and evaluations but not
Field Liaison
This is the professor of record for your Field class at UTA
Provides guidance and oversight during Field placement
Assigns your Field grade
Can be the same person as your Field Education Specialist
Field Education
Specialist at UTA
Your Primary UTA point of contact for all things Field
Assists students with questions or concerns about placements
Processes and approves Field applications and POE forms
Assigns In-Area students to their Field placements
Assists out of area students with locating placement locations if needed
What prerequisites do I need to complete before I can start my Field
Here is a reference of all requirements to start your Field placement.
* Please note that not all prerequisite courses are offered every semester so check with your Academic
Advisor to ensure you’re on track with your degree plan.
2.5 Cumulative GPA 2.25 Cumulative GPA
Earn a C or better in all SOCW courses Earn a C or better in all BSSUT courses
SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work
OCW 3315 Intro to Substance Use Disorders
SOCW 3300 Social Work Professionalism &
Student Success
SOCW 3300 Social Work Professionalism &
Student Success
SOCW 3307 Diverse Populations SOCW 3307 Diverse Populations
SOCW 3305 Practice I SOCW 3305 Practice I
MATH 1308 or Equivalent MATH 1308 or Equivalent
SOCW 2302 Lifespan Development & Human
SOCW 3301 Theories of Human Behavior
SOCW 3303 Social Welfare Policy & Services
PSYC 3318 Abnormal Psychology
SOCW 3309 Practice II
SOCW 3301 Theories of Human Behavior
ECON 2337 Economics of Social Issues
SOCW 3303 Social Welfare Policy & Services
SOCW 3306 Practice III SUT 3318 Screening, Assessment, & Engagement
SOCW 3308 Social Work Research Methods
PSYC 3303 Drugs & Behavior
SOCW 4371 Inequities and Incarceration
HEED 3303 Drugs & Behavior
SOCW 3309 Practice II SOCW 3308 Social Work Research Methods
SUT 3319 Treatment Planning, Collaboration, &
SUT 3321 Substance Use Treatment
SUT 3322 Professional & Ethical Responsibility
SOCW 4344 Health Insurance & Access to Care
Split Semester 1
OCW 4451 &
SOCW 4551 Split Field I
plit Semester 1
SUT 44
51 &
SUT 4551 Split Field I
Split Semester 2
SOCW 4452 &
SOCW 4552 Split Field
Split Semester 2
SUT 4452 &
SUT 4552 Split Field II
Block Semester
4555 Block Field I &
4556 Block Field II
Block Semester
SUT 4455/ SUT 4555
Block Field I &
SUT 4456/ SUT 4556
Block Field II
3.0 Cumulative GPA 3.0 Cumulative GPA
Earn a C or better in the following prerequisite courses
SOCW 5301 Human Behavior in the
Social Environment
SOCW 5312 C
ommunity and
Administrative Practice
OCW 5304 Generalist Micro Practice
hildren &
SOCW 5362 Direct Practice with
Children and Families
SOCW 5311 Advanced Micro Practice
OCW 5306 Generalist Macro
SOCW 5332 Direct Practice with Aging
SOCW 5311 Advanced Micro Practice
SOCW 5342 Direct Practice with Health
SOCW 5311 Advanced Micro Practice
Mental Health &
SOCW 5352 Direct Practice in Mental
SOCW 5311 Advanced Micro Practice
What does “Practice Skill Area” mean in the Field Application?
The skills you are interested in learning at your Field placement (i.e., case management information, and
referral, needs assessment).
Are there any activities I can complete now?
Make time to go through the “Map for the Journey” and “SSW Field Orientation” modules on Canvas.
here is a mandatory quiz at the end of the Field Orientation module that you must pass with a 100%.
There are unlimited attempts allowed and the quiz must be completed before the first day of the semester
when you intend to start your Field placement.
How does placement work for In-Area students?
In-area students are not responsible for finding their own placements. They complete the application and are
placed with an agency by the UTA Field Education team. They may need to complete additional tasks
determined by the agency like interviews and background checks.
Where can I find the Field Application?
Once Field applications have opened for the semester, you will receive an email with a direct link to the
application as well as detailed instructions about how to complete your application. If the email does not
show up in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
I am an In-Area student. Can I look for my own Field placement?
It depends *In-area students who live within an hour of the UTA campus are placed in their Field placements
by their Field Education Specialist. However, if you are an Advanced level in-area student and are interested
in pursuing your own Field placement, you are permitted to do so *if it is within your specialty, and you
communicate with your Field Education Specialist prior to securing the placement. If you work at a
social services agency, you may be able to get Field placement credit through your job. Go to the
APPLYING FOR FIELD | Place of Employment section for more information.
I have submitted my Field application. Do I need to do anything else?
Yes. Please complete the following 3 steps to complete the process:
hen registration opens for the semester make sure you register in MyMav for the course that
corresponds to your Field placement. You can reference the table in the “BEFORE APPLYING section or
go to the advising page to make sure you are registering for the correct course number.
omplete the Field Orientation Quiz on Canvas before you start your placement. The orientation course is
"SSW Field Orientation" in Canvas. If you are not already enrolled in the course, you can search for it,
3. Wait for the email confirming your Field placement for the semester!
What if I have been assigned to a placement and I want to change it?
You are required to set up the interview and discuss your concerns with the agency before reassignment
can be considered. Acceptable reasons for placement changes include emergencies and if the student has
moved and can no longer access the agency.
I have been placed. What do I do?
Congratulations! Follow these steps to be ready to successfully start your placement.
Make sure you are registered for your Field placement classes see the “Before Applying” chart for t
Contact your agency Field Instructor. Prep for your interview and research your Agency. During your
Interview, prepare to ask questions about the Agency and what placement there would be like.
o *If you do not hear back from the Agency within two weeks of your initial contact, please contact
your Field Education Specialist and they will look at the next steps.
o *Your placement is still not guaranteed until after you have your interview, and your Fiel
nstructor approves your placement.
If I live outside the UTA area, what are my options for finding a Field
Apply to an agency already affiliated with UTA. You can choose from affiliated remote placements or
affiliated agencies in your area. To find out if an agency is affiliated with UTA, write an email to and/or amanda.lan[email protected]u.
Find a non-affiliated agency in your area and ask them if they are taking social work interns. Specify
your level and specialty. If they are interested, send them to the UTA agency information webpage to start
the affiliation process.
Find a remote placement and ask them if they are taking social work interns. Specify your level and
specialty. If they are interested, send them to the UTA agency information webpage to start the affiliation
What are all the steps necessary to complete the Field application process,
from start to finish?
Unlike students living in the UTA area, out-of-area students are not placed with agencies and need to
complete additional steps to secure a placement. To assist our students, we have created this online
flowchart or the condensed printable version to help you review the steps. They are also listed below:
1. Complete the Field Orientation on Canvas.
2. Start researching agencies for potential Field placement sites. Contact them and ask if they are takin
. C
omplete the Field Application.
* You do NOT need to know where you will be completing your Field placement before you complete
he application. They are processed in the order they are received. Get this done soon after
the application period opens.
4. Y
ou will be contacted by your Field Education Specialist once your application is processed.
. C
ontinue researching agencies. Make a list of 3-5 agencies you want to apply to.
If the agency isn’t affiliated with UTA yet, ask their representative to go to the UTA agency webpage and
initiate the affiliation process. If you have questions, email christopher.clar[email protected]du and/or
* You will have access to a list of agencies already registered with UTA through the Field office.
f you’re still having trouble finding an agency, make an appointment with your Field Education Specialist.
he affiliation process takes time, so please do not procrastinate in looking for your placement. You will
need to have your agency fully affiliated by the time you start your Field placement, or your hours will not
6. Send the agencies your cover letter, resume, and/or anything else they request.
. C
omplete interviews at agencies if requested.
. W
hen registration opens for the semester, you are taking Field, make sure you register in mymav for t
ourse that corresponds to your Field placement. You can reference the table in the “BEFORE APPLYING
section to ensure you are registering for the correct course number.
. O
nce you are accepted by an agency and you choose to complete your placement there, inform your
Field Education Specialist and provide them with the agency name and Field Instructor contact information.
10. If you want to check about the status of the agency affiliation process, you can contact the agency vi
ail and send a separate inquiry email to sswfie[email protected].
11. Take the Canvas Field Orientation Quiz before the first day of the semester when you intend to start
our Field placement.
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field
placement site?
Your agency must provide you with a Field Instructor who is a social worker. This is the most important thing
to look for in your placement search. This person must have a BSW and/or MSW degree from a CSWE-
accredited school and two years of post-degree work experience. This person will be your Field Instructor for
the duration of your internship.
What if the agency I found does not have a social worker on staff.
Who can be my Field Instructor?
Find another agency to pursue that does have a social worker on staff. It is important that you are learning
from an actual social worker. LPC’s, LMFT’s, LCDC’s, and other licensed professionals are adjacent to our
Field and often perform many of the same work functions in agencies as social workers. However, they are
not social workers and have been trained under different professional standards.
When do I complete Field?
BSW degree plans state Field is one of the last courses you complete in your degree. Please follow up with
your Academic Advisor in regard to eligibility for Field.
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
For BSW we suggest you look at nonprofit and social services agencies, schools, Communities in Schools,
WIC and TANF offices, military bases, mental health facilities, hospice and home health agencies, rehab, or
long-term care facilities, DFPS programs, police department victim services, and shelters.
We encourage you to remain open-minded when searching for your BSW Field placement. BSW
placements are required to offer experiences at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
Start with an introductory email and treat it like an informational interview. Here is a sample introduction with
a list of important questions to get you started:
Hi my name is ___ and I am a BSW student at UTA. I am interested in exploring a potential Field internship
at your agency during the upcoming (spring/summer/fall) semester. I’d like to verify the following items to
make sure this is a good fit.
Does your agency have a BSW and/or MSW on staff to serve as a Field Instructor (supervisor) with 2+
years of Field experience?
Can your agency provide learning experiences on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels?
Have you had bachelor-level social work interns from UTA at your agency before?
f you have not hosted BSW UTA interns at your agency before, would you be open to it
o you have placement opportunities for a BSW
re you able to provide learning experiences that align with the BSW Learning Contract
re you currently looking to fill internship positions for the (spring/summer/fall) semester?
Are you able to accommodate a split placement (240 hours/semester) or block placement (
What are the hours your agency is open, and do you think there will be enough tasks for
me to meet this weekly hour goal
Tell me what a typical day is like in the life of a BSW intern at your agency. What kinds of tasks, projects,
and experiences should I expect
ell me about your client population. What groups are you serving most in your agency
hat qualities are you looking for in an intern? What are your expectations?
What if I’m still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
If you are having trouble finding an agency with a BSW and/or MSW on staff to supervise you, then you can
search another way. Find the social workers in your area first and see if they can bring you on at their
agency as an intern, and if so, they can get their organization affiliated with UTA. Also, consider searching
for remote placements. If you’re still having trouble, contact your Field Education Specialist.
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field
placement site?
Your agency must provide you with a Field Instructor who is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
(LCDC) and has two years post licensing experience. A Social Work degree is preferred, but not required.
This person will be your Field Instructor for the duration of your internship.
What if the agency I found does not have a Licensed Chemical Dependency
Counselor on staff. Who can be my Field Instructor?
Find another agency to pursue that does have a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor on staff. It is
important that you are learning from an actual LCDC. LPC’s, LMFT’s, and other licensed professionals are
adjacent to our Field and often perform many of the same work functions in agencies as Licensed Chemical
Dependency Counselors. However, they are not LCDC’s and have been trained under different professional
How early should I get started?
BSSUT degree plans state Field is one of the last courses you complete in your degree. Please follow up
with your Academic Advisor in regard to eligibility for Field.
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
For BSSUT placements, we suggest you look at rehab/substance misuse treatment facilities.
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
Start with an introductory email and treat it like an informational interview. Here is a sample introduction with
a list of important questions to get you started:
Hi my name is ___ and I am a BSSUT student at UTA. I am interested in exploring a potential Field
internship at your agency during the upcoming (spring/summer/fall) semester. I’d like to verify the following
items to make sure this is a good fit.
Does your agency have an LCDC on staff to serve as a Field Instructor (supervisor) with 2+ years of
Field experience?
Have you had Bachelor of Science in Substance Use and Treatment (BSSUT) interns from UTA at your
agency before
If so, is your Affiliation Agreement with UTA still current? You can find out more on the UTA Agency
If you have not hosted BSSUT UTA interns at your agency before, would you be open to it
re you able to provide learning experiences that align with the Learning Contract
re you currently looking to fill internship positions for the (spring/summer/fall) semester
re you able to accommodate a split placement (240 hours/semester) or block placement (
What are the hours your agency is open, and do you think there will be enough tasks for me to meet this
weekly hour goal
ell me what a typical day is like in the life of a BSSUT intern at your agency. What kinds of tasks,
projects, and experiences should I expect
Tell me more about your client population. What groups are you serving most in your agency?
What qualities are you looking for in an intern? What are your expectations?
What if I'm still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
If you are having trouble finding an agency with a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor on staff to
supervise you, then you can search another way. Find LCDC’s in your area first and see if they can bring
you on at their agency as an intern, and if so, they can get their organization affiliated with UTA. Also
consider searching for remote placements. If you’re still having trouble, contact your Field Education
How early should I get started?
Most degree plans will recommend you start your foundation and advanced placement in your second
semester at UTA, which means you will be applying during your first semester! That’s why we
recommend you start thinking about where you might want to intern as early as possible.
What kinds of placement agencies should I be looking for?
For Foundation placements, we suggest you look at nonprofit and social services agencies, schools,
Communities in Schools, WIC and TANF offices, hospitals, military bases, mental health facilities, hospice
and home health agencies, rehab or long-term care facilities, DFPS programs, police department victim
services, and shelters.
We encourage you to remain open-minded when searching for your Foundation field placement. Foundation
MSW Field placements are required to offer experiences at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Your
Foundation placement may not directly correlate to your specialty track. However, your Advanced placement
must correlate to your specialty track.
What requirements does an agency need to meet to qualify for a Field
placement site?
Your agency must provide you with a Field Instructor who is a social worker. This is the most important thing
to look for in your placement search. This person must have an MSW degree from a CSWE-accredited
school and two years of post-MSW degree work experience. This person will be your Field Instructor for the
duration of your internship.
What if the agency I found does not have a social worker on staff. Who can
be my Field Instructor?
Find another agency to pursue that does have a social worker on staff. It is important that you are learning
from an actual social worker. LPC’s, LMFT’s, LCDC’s, and other licensed professionals are adjacent to our
Field and often perform many of the same work functions in agencies as social workers. However, they are
not social workers and have been trained under different professional standards.
How do I start the conversation with agencies about Field placement?
Start with an introductory email and treat it like an informational interview. Here is a sample introduction with
a list of important questions to get you started:
Hi my name is ___ and I am a first year MSW student at UTA. I am interested in exploring a potential Field
internship at your agency during the upcoming (spring/summer/fall) semester. I’d like to verify the following
items to make sure this is a good fit.
Does your agency have an MSW on staff to serve as a Field Instructor (supervisor) with 2+ years of Fiel
Can your agency provide learning experiences on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels
ave you had graduate-level social work interns from UTA at your agency befor
f so, is your Affiliation Agreement with UTA still current? You can find out more on t
UTA Agency webpage.
f you have not hosted MSW UTA interns at your agency before, would you be open to it
hat types of placements are offered? BSW (Bachelor of Social Work), MSW (Master of Social Work
Foundation year), or MSW Advanced (specialization in Children & Families, Mental Health, Aging, CAP, or
Are you able to provide learning experiences that align with the Learning Contract
re you currently looking to fill internship positions for the (spring/summer/fall) semester
re you able to accommodate a split placement (240 hours/semester) or block placement (
I am planning to do a split placement internship, meaning I would be there for two consecutive semesters for
about 15-18 hours per week (akin to a part-time schedule). What are the hours your agency is open, an
d do
ou think there will be enough tasks for me to meet this weekly hour goal
ell me what a typical day is like in the life of an MSW intern at your agency. What kinds of tasks, projects,
and experiences should I expect?
ell me more about your client population. What groups are you serving most in your agency
hat qualities are you looking for in an intern? What are your expectations?
What if I'm still having trouble finding agencies in my area?
If you are having trouble finding an agency with an MSW on staff to supervise you, then you can search
another way. Find the social workers in your area first and see if they can bring you on at their agency as an
intern, and if so, they can get their organization affiliated with UTA. Also consider searching for remote
placements. If you’re still having trouble, contact your Field Education Specialist.
Can I complete my Field placement hours where I work?
Place of Employment (POE) Field placement requirements have recently been amended by the Field Office.
Please read the POE form and review the POE option information below. If you think you qualify, complete
the POE application, and submit it to your Field Education Specialist as early as possible. They will inform
you if your application has been approved or denied. Try to do this before Field applications open to ensure
you have enough time to look for an alternative placement if your POE is not approved.
POE Option 1
We can continue to offer traditional Place of Employment Field placements. In a traditional POE you will
need to be placed in a separate department from your employment department. Your place of employment
must be a social work agency that can provide opportunities for you to learn in your proposed specialty area
to engage you as a learner with opportunities to fulfill all Field education requirements. Your proposed
specialty must not be the same as your current job role. In POE option 1, your regular work hours do not
count towards your Field placement.
POE Option 2
You can now count your work hours for Field if your job tasks meet the competencies required by your
chosen specialty. This means student Field assignments and employment tasks may be counted toward
required Field hours if approved. This option is sufficient if the tasks have a clear connection to the nine
social work competencies and their behaviors and any competencies added by the program. There should
be at least one project or learning opportunity that is separate from regular employment position duties. **If
you qualify for option 2, you will need to complete a learning contract with your proposed Field Instructor,
which lists the tasks you will complete and how each one corresponds to each competency.
When is the POE application due and how should I submit it?
Please fill out the completed POE form as quickly as possible and submit it to your Field Education
Specialist for possible approval. This ensures you will have enough time to look for an alternative placement
if your POE is not approved.
What do I do if I think I qualify for POE?
If you think you will qualify for a Field placement with your current place of employment, you must complete
the POE form plus the learning contract if applying for POE option 2. Please email your POE paperwork to
your Field Education Specialist for review and approval from the Field Office. They will help guide you
through next steps.
Where can I find more information about the Council on Social Work
Education (CSWE) policies regarding place of employment placements?
If you or your place of employment would like to read further about the policies that determine place of
employment placements, please reference p.23 of the CSWE 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation
Standards (EPAS).
How and when will I be notified about my placement?
You will be placed on a rolling basis after the application deadline.
You will be contacted by the Field Office via email when you are officially placed with an agency.
You will need to check with your agency to see if they have accepted your application for placement. If they
have confirmed your placement, you must inform your Field Education Specialist and provide them with
the agency name and the agency Field Instructor’s contact information so they can update their system.
You will be contacted by your Field Education Specialist via email once your application has been processed
and they will inform you whether your POE has been approved.
Do I need to purchase my own liability insurance for my Field placement?
No. You can email, amanda.[email protected]du or sswfiel[email protected]u for a copy of
the liability insurance certificate to share with your agency.
When is the deadline for having my placement secured before I can start
The hard deadline for having your placement secured is two weeks before the semester when your Field
placement is scheduled to start. This includes informing your Field Education Specialist of your placement
location and who your qualified Field Instructor will be. The agency must be affiliated with UTA by this hard
How do I log, edit, or delete my hours?
You can access a video tutorial and visual guide on the Canvas Orientation website.
How do I complete a learning contract?
You will complete your learning contract with your Field Instructor during the semester of placement
UNLESS you are applying for POE Option 2. The learning contract is based on the 9 social work
competencies. You can access sample learning contracts by specialty here.
I keep getting emails that I need to sign-up for Field, what do I do?
If you haven’t completed all the pre-requisites yet, do not worry. The email is system generated and is
automatically sent to all students. If you are unsure about when you are supposed to start your Field
placement, email your Field Education Specialist and Academic Advisor.
If I am already in a split placement right now, do I still need to fill out the
application for the next semester?
No. You will be at the same agency for both halves of your split placement. So, if you're continuing into the
second semester of your Field placement, you do not need to re-apply for Field.
What if I didn’t like my Field placement? Can I change it during the second
You would need to complete a transfer request form and submit it to the Field office for review. The Field
Education Specialist will review your request and make the final decision regarding a transfer request.
Transfers are usually only granted for emergency reasons. Reference CSWE.