Palm Beach Atlantic University
CV Guide & Gallery for
DNP Candidates &
Brought to you by The Office of Career Development
Jennifer Fonseca
Version 3.0
Tips from Counseling Professionals for a Great CV .................................................................. 3
CV Myths ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Career Development Top Tips .................................................................................................... 4
Mistakes That Drive Recruiters Crazy .......................................................................................... 4
Typestyle & Font ............................................................................................................................ 5
Type Size ......................................................................................................................................... 5
CV Length ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Graphics ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Boxes & Tables............................................................................................................................... 6
CV Formats .................................................................................................................................... 6
Functional Skills Categories ......................................................................................................... 7
Transferable Skills ........................................................................................................................... 8
Key Word Optimize ....................................................................................................................... 1
Profile Statements ......................................................................................................................... 2
26 Powerful CV Phrases for Profile Statements ......................................................................... 3
Professional Highlights .................................................................................................................. 4
Qualifications or Summary of Qualifications ............................................................................ 4
Skills & Abilities | Areas of Expertise............................................................................................ 4
Bullets v Paragraphs in Your Work Experience ......................................................................... 6
How to Write Powerful Accomplishment Based Bullets ........................................................... 9
Questions to Ask Yourself to Write Better Bullets ..................................................................... 10
CV Gallery ................................................................................................................................... 11
Tips from Nursing Professionals for a Great CV
Don’t use an objective, consider writing a profile statement or professional profile
Have a multi-page CV showcasing both transferable skills and employment history
If you don’t have direct experience in the field, what they want to see are your
transferable skills (see the section on Transferable Skills for Counselors)this could
include experience gained from volunteer activities
CV Myths
Myth: Someone is reading your CV and spending minutes pouring over it.
Truth: 50% of CVs submitted for jobs are never read. By anyone. Ever. It may
be an ATS (applicant tracking system) reading your CV. That means a
computer software program is scanning your CV looking for key words. If a
person does read your CV, they will spend 6 seconds reading it. Yes, you
read that correctly, 6 seconds.
Myth: You should not include volunteer experiences.
Truth: If you have relevant skills to the position you are applying for, then yes,
list them as experience. Experience is experience whether you were paid for
it or not. Think of stay at home mothers. They are basically the CEO, CFO and
COO of their families. Those are relevant skills if applying for management
positions. So don’t shortchange yourself.
Myth: If you are a strong candidate, you don’t need a great CV.
Truth: You have 6 seconds to impress the recruiter. Your CV needs to shine. If it
doesn’t, expect it to end up in the trash.
Myth: Companies won’t hire Jen, Matt, or Jess.
Truth: Using your full name isn’t what gets you an interview; having a stellar
CV does.
Myth: Recruiters care about the courses you took in school.
Truth: Nope! They may care about your major, but generally most
undergraduate and graduate programs (for any given major) take the same
basic classes.
Myth: Showing personality on your CV is a bad thing.
Truth: Well, that depends on how you want to show it. Using fancy and
colorful font is one way that will keep you filed in the garbage. Including
personal information (marital status, age, etc) also not a good idea.
However, in an activities/interests section including something like “Interests
include gluten free baking and line dancing,” or “James Bond fan” are
tastefully appropriate and make for great conversation starters.
Myth: Using a CV template is okay.
Truth: A recruiter can spot a template a mile away. Not only are they wonky
to format, they are not well liked. Cookie cutter CVs don’t allow you to
highlight effectively the parts of your CV that are really important. Also, they
often come out looking much different than you anticipate.
Myth: I only need 1 CV.
Truth: Sorry, but you will change your CV for every position that you apply for.
It is important to key word optimize for the positions you are applying for, and
the key words are different for each position.
Career Development Top Tips
1. Write a professional profile not an objective statement. Google it or look at
examples in our gallery. Employers don’t care what you want. They care
about what you have to offer and if it fits their organizational needs.
2. Show, don’t just tell. Or think of it this way: sell it to me, don’t tell it to me. You
are advertising yourself and skills, not just stating facts. The difference looks
like this:
Telling: Solicited new business.
Showing: Conducted over 150 consultative sales calls weekly, qualifying
potential customers through a five question format, resulting in a 10% increase
in client base.
3. If you don’t have direct experience in the field, show your transferable skills
this could include experience gained from volunteer activities.
4. Key Word Optimize. It is vital to include keywords that the employer is looking
for. When you read the job posting, what words do they repeat? What skills,
qualities and tasks seem to be emphasized? Use them!
Mistakes That Drive Recruiters Crazy
1. Strict reverse chronological CVs. Consider using a hybrid style
2. Burying the most important information.
E.g. Poor = 2014, Junior League of the Palm Beaches (president)
Better = President, Junior League of the Palm Beaches, 2014
3. Listing your computer skills. Only if you have advanced skills should you do this.
4. Vague objectives. Skip them altogether!
5. Fancy paper, font and other gimmicky attention grabbers. Let your work stand
for itself. Skip the fluff.
6. Writing in first person. No personal pronouns: I, we, me, our! “I managed a team
of six staff.” = poor. “Managed a team of six staff.” = better.
7. Paragraphs. Ug. They are hard to read. Use bullets instead.
8. Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Even if your spelling is perfect, watch
your punctuation. If you say you are detail oriented and yet only randomly use
periods at the end of your bullets, that tells a recruiter you don’t pay attention.
9. Writing job descriptions. If anyone else has had your position and can write the
same bullet points on her CV, then you need to re-write yours.
10. Information older than 10 years. Unless the experience is the only thing directly
related to the position you are applying for, then don’t list it. Of course if you
were at the company for 20 years and the latter part of the 20 falls within the last
10 years, then list it. But we don’t need your entire career history.
Typestyle & Font
Use one that is clean and easy to read. Consider not using a standard Times New Roman,
but try something like:
Tahoma Arial Bookman Garamond
Verdana Gill Sans Century Gothic Century Schoolbook
Type Size
Generally size 10-12, but look at the difference font can make depending on the
typestyle you choose:
9 pt Verdana
Awarded sales person of the year.
9 pt Calibri (too small)
Awarded sales person of the year.
12 pt Times New Roman
Awarded sales person of the year.
12 pt Bookman Old Style (too large)
Awarded sales person of the year.
CV Length
The term CV is Latin for Curriculum Vitae and means . . . the course of one’s life. It is meant
to be a longer document that accounts for your professional life and showcases more
sections than a standard one or two page resume might. Additional sections are
included in a typical CV.
No pictures
Keep lines and bullets tasteful. Don’t use too many styles of font or bullets.
Relevant graphics showcasing sales records or management success may be
Boxes & Tables
Nope! Don’t do it. Firstly, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) won’t pick up any of the
information in text box or table. Secondly, they are super tricky to edit. Thirdly, like a
cluttered room, a CV with too many boxes and tables makes for a messy read.
CV Formats
Reverse Chronological traditional style and most in our CV gallery fit this format.
Functional positions are listed at the bottom and functional categories list work
experience regardless of what organization the skill was performed.
Scheduled and supervised a staff of 35 individuals while functioning as an assistant manager.
Processed confidential employee records, salary changes, expense reports and vacation/sick reports.
Conducted evaluations and performance appraisals and reported findings to senior management.
Created, planned and coordinated large events, conferences and workshops with 40-50 attendees.
Focused on expansion of company brands and development of loyal client relationships.
Identified marketing channels and communication strategies to deliver high-impact results.
Promoted business objectives and mission by using local and national media relations.
Acknowledged for outstanding customer service while establishing strong client relationships.
Served as right hand to lead managers of a national corporation in an administrative assistant capacity.
Interacted with diverse group to schedule meetings and make travel arrangements for 10 executives.
Administered payroll and maintained profit and loss statement, balance sheet and inventory.
Consistently entrusted with large sums of money, petty cash, deposits, change orders and bank deposits.
Proficient with multiple, company-specific database programs, Internet research and Microsoft Office: Outlook,
Word, Excel and Access; used all programs daily to manage E-mail and shared calendar, distribute
correspondence, produce reports, develop print media, brochures, fliers and pamphlets.
Hybrid combines both reverse chronological and functional.
2005-08, Executive Assistant, General Marketing, Inc. (GMI), Baltimore
Project Management
Planned and implemented a highly successful “Daughters to Work” day with
GMI committee members, including overall event coordination for 85
Coordinated logistics for video conferences and offsite meetings among
national GMI offices, including travel, accommodations, equipment, and
presentation materials.
Training & Communication
Provided confidential, executive-level support to President. Handled member
and provider concerns with diplomacy, and followed through to ensure
Trained, supervised, and motivated Administrative Assistant to Senior VP.
Functional Skills Categories
Career Development
Community Affairs/Relations
Community Organizing
Computer Use
Contract Administration
Client Relations
Customer Service
Data Analysis
Data Collection/Entry
Data Processing
Data Development
Database Design/Development
Financial Research/Planning/
Fund Raising
Graphic Design
Group Work
Human Resources
Human Services
Information Systems
Instructional Design
Inventory Control
Market Research
Materials Handling
Media Productions
Media Relations
Medical Service
Network Design/Development/
Office Support
Operations Analysis
Development Planning
Political/Public Action
Problem Solving
Product Development
Program Analysis/Development
Program Development
Program Evaluation
Program Planning
Program Promotion
Public Relations
Office Assistant/Manager
Quality Control/Assurance
Record Keeping
Resource Development
Social Work
Special Events Planning
Staff Development
Systems Analysis/Design
Systems and Procedures
Team Building
Volunteer Management
Youth Counseling
Transferable Skills
If you are changing industries or fields and do not have direct paid work experience
you will want to show transferable skills. These are skills you developed in one situation
that you can take with you into another, even if the two situations are entirely different.
These may be skills you developed through volunteer experiences. It is important to
showcase these skills if they are relevant to the positions you are applying for.
Active Listening
Establishing of Rapport
Cultural Humility
Time Management
Conflict Resolution
Critical Thinking
Technology / Tech Savvy
Motivating Others
Knowledge of Human
Testing & Assessment
Ethical Decision-Making
Communication Skills
Public Relations
Team work
Budget Management
Record Keeping
Speaking a foreign language
Attention to Detail
Repairing equipment
Working with people
Moral / Ethical
Servant Leadership
COMMUNICATION: the skillful expression, transmission and interpretation of
knowledge and ideas.
Speaking effectively
Writing concisely
Listening attentively
Expressing ideas
Facilitating group discussion
Providing appropriate feedback
Perceiving nonverbal messages
Reporting information
Describing feelings
RESEARCH AND PLANNING: the search for specific knowledge and the ability to conceptualize future
needs and solutions for meeting those needs.
Forecasting, predicting
Creating ideas
Identifying problems
Imagining alternatives
Identifying resources
Gathering information
Solving problems
Setting goals
Extracting important information
Defining needs
Developing evaluation strategies
HUMAN RELATIONS: the use of interpersonal skills for resolving conflict, relating to and
helping people.
Developing rapport
• Being Sensitive
• Listening
• Conveying feelings
• Providing support for others
• Motivating
• Sharing credit
• Counseling
• Cooperating
• Delegating with respect
• Representing others
• Perceiving feelings, situations
• Asserting
ORGANIZATION, MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP: the ability to supervise, direct and
guide individuals and groups in the completion of tasks and fulfillment of goals.
Initiating new ideas
Handling details
Coordinating tasks
Managing groups
Delegating responsibility
Promoting change
Selling ideas or products
Decision making with others
Managing conflict
Project Management
WORK SURVIVAL: the day-to-day skills that assist in promoting effective production and
work satisfaction.
Implementing decisions
Enforcing policies
Being punctual
Managing time
Attending to detail
Meeting goals
Enlisting help
Accepting responsibility
Setting and meeting deadlines
Making decisions
FINANCE: the ability to work with data, numbers and customers regarding
financial products and services
Product knowledge
Targeted goals &
Audit records
Balance money
Calculate, compute
Good communicator
Analyzing data
Attention to detail
Arrange & execute events
Direct projects
Audit records
Negotiate / Persuade
Get results
Lead teams
Mediate problems
Take risks
Run meetings
Music appreciation
Play instrument
Dance, body movement
Perform Act
Draw, sketch, paint
Character / Virtues Qualities Developed by DNP Students at PBA
Reach Out, Reach In, Reach Up: Intellectual, Spiritual, and Character Development of
Students through Service Learning is the theme and focus of PBAs Quality Enhancement
Plan (2018). Through the efforts of the School of Nursing all DNP students participate in a
service learning opportunity, many through the Volunteer Nurse Corps (VNC). As a result
of participation and intentional reflection the following character traits/virtues are
Cultural Humility
Ethical/Moral Care
Servant Leadership
Applicant Tracking Systems
Nurse Managers often are not the first person to read your resumea computer software
system is! An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a technical and individualized software
that is designed to only pick up resumes that meet the criteria it is looking for. This allows
hospital systems to quickly (in a matter of seconds) sort through hundreds of resumes.
Some systems will knock your resume out of candidacy through “knockout questions: “Do
you have an active Florida State Nursing License?” AN ATS can also include “disqualifying
statements” to screen out candidates: e.g. ATS is programmed to screen out all resumes
lacking a bachelor’s degree. This means any resume only listing an RN or associates
degree will automatically be rejected.
Recruiters can also configure the ATS to only find resumes that include exact keywords:
e.g. if it is looking for BLS and your resume lists it as Basic Life Support, your resume will not
get picked up by the system. You must absolutely use the terms listed in the job posting
and key word optimize!
Key Word Optimize
In order for your CV to be picked up by Applicant Tracking Systems you must use key
words and phrases in your CV. As you edit your CV for each job you apply, I recommend
saving each version by your name and the place you are applying so you can keep an
accurate record of which resume you sent to which facility. Below are the areas you can
edit to adjust for each job positing, and areas that are great for keyword optimizing for
Job Titles / CV Headline:
Similar to a news article, CV’s can have what is called a headline. It typically is a short
phrase or series of job titles that might fit what you are applying for. E.g. Chief Nursing
Officer. It goes directly under your name/contact details. Adjust the titles as necessary
for each position you apply for.
Branding/Profile Statement:
This is the short paragraph on the 1st page beneath your name/contact details. You may
edit words/phrases and sentences to address what each job posting is looking for. So for
example if the job posting specifically states a number of times they want someone to
give presentations, then you add a sentence that says, "Adept at designing and giving
presentations . . . ."
Professional Highlights:
Re-order according to importance and add/edit if there are things a job posting
specifically states it wants. So if the company is seeking a top sales earner, the first few
bullets should address sales success not presentations.
Knowledge & Skills:
Trade out items within this three column section based on key words within the job
posting. If management experience is highlighted over analyzing skills, emphasize that in
this section. Use their wording: eg. job posting says Detail Oriented not Detailed, then use
the term Detail Oriented.
Professional Experience:
Re-order bullets according to what is important on the job posting. Adjust wording if
necessary to meet the key words. It may be a matter of re-phrasing statements. If a
posting states it wants someone who uses a "consultative sales approach" then a
statement like "Sold $1,500 in optional services per month" becomes "Sold $1,500 in
optional services per month using a consultative sales approach."
Each time you adjust your CV I suggest re-naming it. The formula I use for saving new
versions of the CV is this:
My Name CV Employer (e.g. Jennifer Fonseca CV Martin Memorial)
Order of a CV
This section provides detail about the order and content of information on a CV. It is
recommended you follow this order.
Name & Contact
List your name, followed by your highest earned professional credentials (e.g. BSN, or
MSN, or DNP). Only list the credential you have earned. List your address, email, and
telephone number. List only one contact address and number, not all the ones you have.
Utilize a professional email!
Profile Statements
A profile statement is generally used at the beginning of a CV for an individual with
several years of experience. It is located just below one’s name and contact details. It is
a short paragraph3 to 5 sentences that state the skills you bring to the table. Often it
lists how many years of experience one has in a given field. Other things often put in a
profile statement might be areas of expertise, management or leadership style, top skills.
See the CV gallery for examples.
26 Powerful CV Phrases for Profile Statements
1. Able to bring productive energy, accuracy and enthusiasm to both individual and group
2. Friendly, positive disposition, able to converse with a pleasant and uplifting attitude
3. Persuasive demeanor, skilled at influencing the opinions & ideas of others and eventually
convincing them to try or purchase a product or service
4. Effective contributorcapable of voicing opinions about ideas/projects and giving
valuable input when needed
5. Always looking to work beyond any expectations and deliver exceptional results
6. Experienced at taking overwhelming, confusing situations and creating organization,
efficiency and productivity
7. Effective managerskilled at accomplishing projects by wisely delegating portions of
workflow to those best able to complete certain tasks
8. Effective counselor/consultantable to pinpoint needs of prospects/clients and give
beneficial advice when needed
9. Quick and enthusiastic studyenjoy learning new skills and technology
10. Conveniently flexiblecan easily adapt to any changes that may occur within an
11. Effective communicatorable to clearly relay information, both verbally and in writing
12. Able to analyze a problem/situation, and strategically plan to achieve the best possible
13. Exceptional motivator, adept at inspiring others to do the best job possible
14. Highly creative, able to think of innovative ideas and solutions
15. Great problem-solver, able to outline specific, most cost-effective ways to reach a
16. Can successfully take a project from concept to completion
17. Persistent and hardworkingalways striving to meet or exceed set goals
18. Able to prioritize and accomplish tasks in a sensible, productive order of importance
19. Expertise for functioning effectively in a team environment
20. Effective at leading other employees/team members towards achieving specific goals
21. Effective at making people feel at ease and comfortable about expressing their thoughts
and opinions
22. Great listenerable to hear what customer/client is saying and trying to communicate
23. Skilled at handling multiple tasks smoothly and effectively
24. Exceptional interpersonal skills--capable of interacting with and working with a variety of
25. Strong work ethicalways focused on accomplishing tasks/projects as smoothly &
effectively as possible
26. Bonus: Strong sense of loyalty and commitment
Professional Highlights
You may opt to use this section instead of a profile statement or in addition to one. Some
CVs use a bulleted list to highlight achievements from one’s career history. These are
generally things like earning significant awards, being named top associate, increasing
gross revenues by large sums. You get the idea. This allows an individual to put up top,
front and center his/her top achievements instead of burying them below in a sea of
bullets. For example:
Qualifications or Summary of Qualifications
This can be a useful bulleted list for those who need to make sure that they meet
particular standards or qualifications in order to be considered for a position. Items that
meet this criteria might include the following:
Ability to speak a foreign language
Use of particular technical skills, software, hardware
Required licensure or certifications
Skills & Abilities | Areas of Expertise
Often CVs of experienced individuals include an easy to read section that lists single
word or phrases for skills, abilities, areas of expertise, technical skills, etc. I do not
recommend creating a table, as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) do not pick these up.
You can create tabs, use columns, or use symbols to separate the words or phrases
contained in this section. Below are some examples:
This section lists your schools and degrees in reverse chronological order (most recent to least).
Generally you only list the schools in which you completed degrees, and instead of a timeframe
(August 2016 May 2018) you only list the month and year you did or will graduate (May 2018).
Here are some other general rules of thumb and examples:
Consider listing GPA if it is/was a 3.2 or higher
List academic awards, scholarships, or honor societiesand make sure to define how you
earned them or what type of society it is (e.g. Psychology Honors Society)
Example 1
Master of Science, Nursing, May 2020
Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, June 2018
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
GPA 3.6/4.0
Example 2
Master of Science, Nursing, May 2020
Bachelor of Science, Nursing, May 2017
GPA 3.6/4.0
Licensure & Credentials/Certifications
After education, list your license, the governing body who awarded it, and the date
earned or anticipated to be earned, or when it is good through. List any relevant
certifications e.g. BLS, First Aid, ect.
Example 1
CPR, American Red Cross, Expires June 2021
Example 2
Licensure: ARNP, FL #3382822, since May 08, 2001
Adult Nurse Practioner AANPCP Certification: A1114020, last renewed 11/2014
Florida Nurse’s Association: Member, 2002 2005
Clinical Rotations/Experience
This section will include each of the areas where you completed your clinical rotations.
Include the hospital/medical center, city, state, specific rotation area, and the number
of hours you completed. You may also want to include bullets showcasing your
experience of direct care. See how to write better bullets for how to do this effectively.
Mobile Medical Associates September 2017 to November 2018, Palm City, FL
Primary Care III rotation: General adult health; APRN Clinical Immersion
Completed 170 hours of hands on clinical experience
EHR system: Practice Fusion
Career Experience
How to write better bullets will be described in its own section; however, your career
experience section should be listed in reverse chronological order and should include
the following information: Employer/Organization, City, ST (location of employer), Position
Title, dates of service (MM YYYY MM YYYY). After this information should come a series
of bullets (not paragraphs) describing your accomplishments and contribution.
Registered Nurse, December 2016 - Present
MATRIX MEDICAL NETWORK (Formerly: Lifeplans, Inc.), Waltham, MA
Performed local nursing assessments for long term care insurance companies
Assessed disabled client needs based on abilities to perform activities of daily living
Scholarly Work | Presentations
You might consider creating separate sections for articles written, committees served
on, workshops or presentations, or combine them into one section. It really depends on
the number you have for each. Use common sense to determine this. In terms of
formatting if you wrote a scholarly article or presented at a conference, you would list
these items in APA style.
Example | Publications
Heyman, P.A. (2015). Isolated Systolic Hypertension. 11th Annual Nurse Practitioner
Conference of Palm Beach County. (https://youtu.be/lBFhJbvp-9Y)
Heyman, P.A. (2013). Nurses’ Knowledge of Beta Blockers Data Collection Update.
Inaugural Palm Beach Atlantic Nursing Honors Society Research Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2011). Challenges of working with volunteer committees. Online
Orientation Case Study. Palm Healthcare Foundation. State of the Workforce
Example | Research
Nurses’ Knowledge of Beta Blockers, Principal Investigator. IRB approved. Funded by
Florida Nurses Association Grant. (Co-PI is Stefanie Otero, a 2008 PBA nursing
Consultations | Committees
If you have served on organization-wide committees, task forces, or groups you would
create a section that lists them and what your contribution was.
Example 1
Provost’s Accreditation Council, 2015 - Present
Senate Graduate Programs Committee, Chair, 2013 - 2015
Faculty Senate, Senator from School of Nursing, Secretary, 2012 - 2014
Example 2
Hospital Ethics Committeereviewed complaints and determined appropriate
courses of action, member, 2017 Present
Campaign for Actionorganized and executed a $2 Million capital campaign to
build an additional 30 bed facility, member, 2016-2017
Professional Associations
List the professional associations for which you are currently a member of.
Florida Nurse’s Association: Member, 2002 2005
Nurse Practitioner Council, Palm Beach County: Member, 2002 present
Florida Nurse Practitioner Network, Member, 2012-present
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners: Member, 2002 present
Bullets v Paragraphs in Your Work Experience
Bullet Points
The best way to display your work history is with bullet points. Bullet points after each job allow you
to state exactly what you achieved/performed at the job in a manner that draws your attention.
Eyes tend to look directly at bullet points naturally. You also do not have to worry as much about
being a good writer. Your bullet points should be written like so:
Increased sales by 35% within five months.
Restructured sales department to improve efficiency.
Implemented new sales strategy for knick knack division.
Paragraph descriptions
Paragraphs are not nearly as effective. Rarely do I suggest individuals use paragraphs to describe
work responsibilities. Employers will spend no more than 30 seconds on a CV. It is easier on the eye
to do bullet points. It also tends to bore the reader and powerful statements often get lost in the
Look how the same bullet points above would appear in paragraph form:
When I was working at ABC Sales Company Inc., I increased sales by 35% within
five months and completely restructured the sales department to improve overall
efficiency. I also organized division-wide changes in sales strategy.
ZZZZZZzzzzzz. Boring. Also, the longer your paragraphs are, the less likely the hiring manager is going
to read them. So why do paragraphs at all?
There is some value to paragraphs, and that value occurs when you are both:
Good at Writing
Without Any Real Accomplishments
When your work history does not contain any impressive jobs, or you didn’t work in a role that
allowed you to have any real effect on the success of the company (for example, it was your job
to simply check inventory or enter data useful, but only a small role in the huge company), there
are very few ways to make an effective bullet point. Instead, you may wish to go to paragraph
While employed at How & Why Corp., my ability to efficiently respond to customer’s
needs was constantly tested. My role allowed me to practice empathy, critical
thinking skills and excellent customer service.
This paragraph makes your job sound more glamorous, and though it doesn’t draw the eye
toward it in the way bullet points do, it is an effective way of writing your history for these types of
Does it Paint a Pretty Picture?
After you write your CV, post it on your wall, take a few steps back and ask yourself the following:
Does it look clean, professional and nice?
Is it easy to read?
Does it look like awkward?
By stepping back you are able to look at your CV as a whole piece. You are able to see the
collection of bullets, tables and paragraphs. If it looks awkward to you, then it will look awkward
to a Hiring Manager. While content trumps design, this is still an important element to consider.
Look at the below examples of bullets. Which one looks better to you?
Example 1:
This is a short bullet.
This is a long bullet and while the content is solid, its placement is awkward.
This is a short bullet.
Example 2:
This is a short bullet.
This is a short bullet.
This is a long bullet however, the content is solid and its placement here looks best.
How to Write Powerful Accomplishment Based Bullets
Write accomplishment & achievement based bulletsNOT job descriptions! Those are
boring and likely don’t show the employer what you really excel at.
Begin with past tense verbs (e.g. managed, administered, created)
No first person phrases (e.g. My responsibilities included, I preached, etc = no no)
Showcase your contributions (e.g. Volunteered as interim pastor, serving congregation of
300 with 3 services a week.)
Show, don’t tell (e.g. Organized evangelistic outreach to community gathering over 150
Christmas gifts and distributing over 400 hot meals to families.)
Highlight achievements (e.g. Selected out of 5 candidates to serve as interim pastor.)
Quantify: anytime you can use a #, $ or % do it!
Priority Order them! Always list from most relevant/impressive to least.
Questions to Ask Yourself to Write Better Bullets
What am I most proud about- remember that it isn’t so much what you did, but how you
did it. (e.g. how did you make a difference?)
How did I do my job differently than any other?
How was my role different from others?
What did people recognize me for consistently?
CV Gallery
The following pages contain examples and samples of CVs from students both in the
program and those who have graduated from the program.
NOTE: The following items may have been changed/edits
Font sizes have been adjusted in order to better format CVs in the gallery
Personal information to preserve privacy
Content of items to better show you how to write a good CV
1 of 2
Curriculum Vitae Sample Document and Guidelines
A Curriculum Vitae (or CV) is similar to a resume but is typically more inclusisve and complete. A
resume offers leeway for creativity, especially in how accomplishments are presented. A CV should
be just the facts.
The structure for a CV is
Professional Certifications and Associations
Research activities
o Current Research/Grants
o Articles
o Presentations
Work experience
If you do not have any research activities, simply omit the heading.
Within a section or heading, activies should be listed in reverse chronological order (most
recent first).
Use APA style for references.
If you have held multiple positions at the same institution, please list each one on a separate
line (most recent first).
If you held a similar position on mulitiple units, e.g., staff nurse on oncology and surgical, list
both on the same line. (See example on next page.
Assume the audience knows what nursing jobs are. You only need to explain something
that is out of the ordinary.
If your CV is more than one page, then make sure your name and phone number and/or e-
mail address is on every page. Use page numbers. Using the 1 of 2
Proffred you CV. Then proof read it AGAIN. Then ask someone else to proof read it.
Then print it and proof read it again. (Did you notice the mis-spelling earlier this bullet?)
Rest assured the reviewers will see the misspellings you missed.
Preferably save your CV as a PDF. Microsoft Word is notorious for reformatting
documents on different computers.
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Jane Doe, BSN, RN
1000 Fake
Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Bachelor of Science, Nursing, Palm Beach Atlantic University, W Palm Beach. May 2012
Associate of Arts, Palm Beach State College, May 2010
Professional Certifications and Associations
Licensure: RN, FL #1111111, since June, 2012
BCLS since 2010
ACLS since 2012
Basic Arrythmias, 12 Lead EKG Interpretation: 2012
Florida Nurse’s Association: Member, 2002 – 2005
Sigma Theta Tau: Member, 2011
Current Research
If applicable. List any grants
Doe, J., (2012). Student experiences with standardized testing. Fake Journal of Nursing Student Research,
20(1), 23-25
Refereed Presentations
Doe, J. (2013). The lived experience of high stakes testing. Sigma Theta Tau National Conference
Work Experience
Assistant Nurse Manager, Progressive Care, Fake Regional Medical Center, 2014 – present
Staff Nurse, Progressive Care, Oncology, Fake Regional Medical Center 2012 2014
Nursing Assistant, Oncology, Phony Hospital, 2010 – 2012
Fake Healthcare Foundation, Health Educator, 2012 – present.
Boggy Creek Gang Camp: Volunteer Counselor Asthma Week, 20132014
Black belt in Tae Kwon Do
Spanish: Fluent (lived in South America)
Alexandra Judy Renelus, RN, MSN
12345 Starblaze Dr. Greenacres, FL, 33463
ajrenelus@gmail.com 561-333-3333
Registered Nurse with over three years of professional experience. Effective communication skills who receives and gives
feedback well. Seeks out new opportunities for growth, service, and learning. Adaptable to new population types and work
cultures. Ability to apply evidence-based knowledge to patient care and individualize research to patient needs. Works in
collaborative manner with patients, their families, and other staff members to provide compassionate and skilled care. Provide
holistic patient care with spiritual guidance as needed and requested by patient. Skills expertise include:
Thorough physical assessment
Obtain health history
Individualized patient counseling
Excellent customer service
Health promotion
Improve health literacy
Uphold infection control standards
Knowledge of Microsoft Office and Outlook
Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, Fl
Doctor of Nursing Practice/ Family Nurse Practitioner, August 2018
Master of Science in Nursing/ Health Systems Leadership, May 2017
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, May 2014
Registered Nurse- State of Florida License No. RN9386507 Exp: April 30, 2018
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation /Basic Life Support (CPR/BLS)- American Red Cross Exp: April 2018
National Provider Identifier No. 1245731751- Enumeration date: February 21, 2018
Mobile Medical Associates September 2017 to November 2018; January 2018 to February 2018
Palm City, FL
Primary Care III rotation: General adult health; APRN Clinical Immersion
Completed 170 hours of hands on clinical experience
EHR system: Practice Fusion
PreBirth Centers of America June 2017 to August 2017; February 2018 to April 2018
Port St Lucie, FL
Primary Care II rotation: Prenatal health; APRN Clinical Immersion
Completed 56.3 hours of hands on clinical experience
EHR system: AthenaHealth
Jean Y Monice, PA May 2017 to August 2017
West Palm Beach, FL
Primary Care II rotation: Pediatric health
Completed 103.3 hours of hands on clinical experience
EHR system: Practice Fusion
Community Health Center January- April 2017
West Palm Beach, FL
Primary Care I rotation: General adult health
Completed 155.3 hours of hands on clinical experience
EHR system: AthenaHealth
Alexandra Judy Renelus, RN, MSN | page 2
Registered Nurse December 2017 - present
Kinlaw Consulting, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL
Perform health related screenings (i.e. HTN, DM, breast cancer, prostate cancer, BMI, etc) in community settings
Assess knowledge of education provided for each client and family
Serve community through improving health literacy through community education
Attend 2 community health fairs
Provide prayers as requested by clients and families
Registered Nurse December 2016 - present
Matrix Medical Network (Formerly: Lifeplans, Inc.), Waltham, MA
Perform local nursing assessments for long term care insurance companies
Assess disabled and elderly client needs based on abilities to perform activities of daily living
Report objective assessment findings based on consultation with client, family members, and caregivers
Independently schedule 1 to 2 hours assessments with client for in-home visits
Build trust relationship with client, families, and caregivers to come into home and obtain accurate health information
Registered Nurse October 2014- December 2016
Harbour’s Edge Health Center, Delray Beach, FL
Managed care for 10-26 patients during 12.5-hour shift
Performed shift assessments, 24-hour chart checks, and medication, oxygen, and nebulizer treatment administrations
Applied sterile and clean technique procedures for dressing changes
Documented shift assessments using Optimus Electronic Charting system
Work with and build rapport with team members to provide outstanding care for clients
Communicated with interdisciplinary teams, patient, and patient family regarding patient care
Admitted and discharged patients per provider’s orders
Responded to emergency needs of residents in independent living apartments to provide first aid and triage care
Supervised nursing personnel including Staff RN, LPN. and CNA
Nurse Intern- Telemetry March 2013- March 2014
Bethesda Hospital East, Boynton Beach, FL
Cared for 10-14 adult patients, on Telemetry floor and on the Benefactor’s Pavilion Unit, during 12-hour shifts
Assessed and documented vital signs and accuchecks; reported abnormal values to RN
Assisted patients in feeding, bathing, toileting, and other activities of daily living
Inserted, removed, and emptied Foley Catheters
Trained 2 employees for Patient Care Assistant (PCA) position
Communicate information on patient status to RN and to oncoming PCA for continuity of care
Medical Mission Trip, Student Nurse March 2014
Santa Ana, El Salvador
Performed approximately 50-60 home visits and focused assessments
Assessed and triaged approximately 50 patients ranging from 1 month to 90+ years in age
Worked in pharmacy distributing medications and food bags to approximately 50 families
Assisted Medical Doctor during consults with patients
Provided spiritual support for approximately 50 families
Registered Nurse 2014 to present
Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church, Delray Beach, FL
Participate in annual Health Fair to provide triage healthcare to approx. 30-60 church members and surrounding
community residents
Assess vital signs for elderly members twice a month
Educate church members on chronic diseases, treatment, and management
Alexandra Judy Renelus, RN, MSN | page 3
Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church, Con’t
Educate church members on prescribed medications
Perform basic first aid for children and adults as needed
Mentor 4 nursing students within church community
Registered Nurse April 2016 to February 2018
St Ann Place West Palm Beach, FL
Assisted Nurse Practitioner to provide triage healthcare to homeless men and women ages 18 to 75
Performed focused assessments, administer medications, perform basic first aid, and perform dressing changes
Educated homeless clients on chronic diseases, treatment, and management
Provided care management, referral to health care organizations and facilities
Precept 5 Registered Nursing students and educated them to understand differing needs of homeless clients
Children’s Ministry volunteer 2005- 2016
Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church Delray Beach, FL
Created age appropriate lesson plan
Led 2-hour Children Services for approximately 50 school age children
Trained 3 adolescents ages 14-18 for teaching positions
Supervised and trained approx. 10- 20 new volunteers
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Member since Spring 2016
American Nursing Association Member since Spring 2016
Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County Member since Fall 2015
Faith Community Nurse trained Summer 2016
Optimus EMR- Advanced
AthenaHealth- Intermediate, basic comprehension of billing
Practice Fusion- Intermediate, intermediate comprehension of billing
Haitian Creole- Fluent in Reading, Writing, and Speaking
French- Basic comprehension, elementary level proficiency
Alexandra Judy Renelus, RN, MSN | page 4
Dr Nakisha Kinlaw, DNP, AGPCNP-BC
Faith Community Nurse Practitioner
Kinlaw Consulting, Boynton Beach, FL
Evens Jules
Senior Pastor
Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church, Delray Beach, Fl
Suzette Golaub
MDS coordinator
Harbour’s Edge, Delray Beach, Fl
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Patrick A. Heyman, Ph.D., ARNP
Palm Beach Atlantic University
901 S. Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
1234 Center Lane
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Ph.D., Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville. May 2003
Dissertation Title: Hemodynamic parameters of patients with treated hypertension and coronary
artery disease
Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yucha
Master of Science, Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville. Dec 2000
Advisor: Dr. Myrna Courage
Bachelor of Science, Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville. May 1999
Bachelor of Science, Biology (Chemistry Minor), Palm Beach Atlantic College, West Palm Beach,
December 1994
Biology/General Engineering, Air Force Academy, attended 1991-1993
Honorable Discharge
Professional Certifications and Associations
Licensure: ARNP, FL #3382822, since May 08, 2001
Adult Nurse Practioner AANPCP Certification: A1114020, last renewed 11/2014
Florida Nurse’s Association: Member, 20022005
Nurse Practitioner Council, Palm Beach County: Member, 2002 – present
Florida Nurse Practitioner Network, Member, 2012-present
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners: Member, 2002 – present
Sigma Theta Tau: Member, since 2002
Southern Nursing Research Society: Member, 20032006
1st Aid, BCLS: Certified since 1994
Basic Arrythmias, 12 Lead EKG Interpretation: 2001
Current Research
Nurses’ Knowledge of Beta Blockers, Principal Investigator. IRB approved. Funded by Florida
Nurses Association Grant. (Co-PI is Stefanie Otero, a 2008 PBA nursing graduate.)
Adams, (2009). Pharmacology: Connections to Nursing Practice. Upper Straddle River, NJ: Pearson
Prentice Hall. (contributed 5 chapters to instructor manual, test bank, and online
2 of 9
supplemental materials)
Heyman, P.A. (2006). Assessment of the immune system. Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing.
(Daniels, Nosek, Nicoll, eds.). NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. (textbook chapter)
Refereed Presentations
Heyman, P.A. (2015). Isolated Systolic Hypertension. 11th Annual Nurse Practitioner Conference
of Palm Beach County. (https://youtu.be/lBFhJbvp-9Y)
Heyman, P.A. (2013). Nurses’ Knowledge of Beta Blockers Data Collection Update. Inaugural Palm
Beach Atlantic Nursing Honors Society Research Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2011). Challenges of working with volunteer committees. Online Orientation Case
Study. Palm Healthcare Foundation. State of the Workforce Conference
Heyman, P.A. (2011). Nurses’ Knowledge of Beta Blockers Study Blueprint. Florida Nurses
Association Annual Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2009). Using Podcasting and Personal Response Systems to Bridge the Practice Gap.
(accepted) Twenty-Seventh Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology
Heyman, P.A. (2009). Get This Survey Monkey Off Your Back. (accepted) Poster Presentation at
Twenty-Seventh Annual International Nursing Computer and Technology Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2008). Online Generic County-wide Student Hospital Orientation: The Case for
Open Source Software. Paper presented at Twenty-Sixth Annual International Nursing
Computer and Technology Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2008). Computerized Clinical Placement System: A Case Study for Regional
Adoption. Paper presented at Twenty-Sixth Annual International Nursing Computer and
Technology Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2008). Podcasts: Cutting Through the Hype, A Nuts and Bolts Workshop (3 hour
workshop). Paper presented at Twenty-Sixth Annual International Nursing Computer and
Technology Conference.
Heyman, P.A. (2005). Hemodynamic Parameters of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and
Hypertension. Poster Presentation. Southern Nursing Research Society Proceedings.
Heyman, P.A. (2003). Applanation tonometry in a substudy of International Verapamil/Trandolapril
Study Subjects. Poster Presentation. Southern Nursing Research Society Proceedings.
Heyman P.A. (2003). Hemodynamic parameters of patients with treated hypertension and coronary
artery disease. Presented at College of Nursing Research Day, Univeristy of Florida.
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Other Presentations
Heyman, P.A. (2013). Value Based Purchasing and Affordable Care Act Compliance. Palm
Healthcare Foundation, Chief Nursing Officer Meeting
Heyman, P.A. (2008). Online Generic County-wide Student Hospital Orientation. Presented at
Florida Nursing Shortage Consortium for possible regional adoption.
Heymanp P.A. (2008). Contraceptive Methods Updated. Presented to Be The One abstinence
Heyman, P.A. (2004). Delegation, Scope of Practice, and the Learning Environment. Nursing
continuing education (CEU) presented at Preceptor of Excellence workshops from 2004 – 2008.
Heymanp P.A. (2003). Contraceptive Methods. Presented to Be The One abstinence educators.
Heyman, P.A (2002). Use of the angiotensin receptor blockers in hypertensive patients. Presented at
a pharmaceutical educational dinner; sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim, Gainesville, FL, 2002
Additional Research Experience
Faculty Adviser, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2007 2008.
Sponsored nursing student Devin Neddo for a student QI grant which was funded. Mr. Neddo was
funded, completed his research, and presented it at the 2008 National Student Nursing Association’s
Annual Conference.
Peer Reviewer, Biological Research for Nursing, 2005
Reviewed manuscript, “The significance of exercise energy and resting energy expenditure data as
phsysiological variables.
Doctoral Research, University of Florida, 04/2002 04/2003
Wrote protocol and collected data as co-principal investigator for the Gainesville arm of the
Ambulatory Blood Pressure substudy to the International Verapamil/Trandolapril Study (INVEST).
Ambulatory blood pressure and applanation tonometry measurements were compared to traditional
blood pressures measured in subjects of INVEST.
Nursing Research Fellow, University of Florida, 1999 - 2001
Research Assistant, University of Florida, 08/1999 12/2000
Designed, developed, and coded the College of Nursing Office for Research Support website
(http://con.ufl.edu/ors). Responsible for developing automated data collection forms and research
databases. Assisted faculty with data collection and analysis. Prepared poster presentations for
Research & Evaluations Committee: University of Florida, 1999-2000
Served as the graduate student representative to the college regulatory committee.
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Teaching Experience
NUR 6013 Advanced Pharmacotherapy, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2015, developed and
NUR 6003 Advanced Pathophysiology, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2015, developed and
NUR 5013 Faith and Science, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2015, developed and taught
NUR 4343 Healthcare Policy: Economic and Ethical Analysis, Palm Beach Atlantic University.
2011 – 2013, developed and taught
FYE 1001 First Year Experience, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2008
NUR 4313 Applied Pathophysiology, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2008
NUR 2003 Introduction to Professional Nursing, Palm Beach Atlantic University. Summer 2008
(team taught)
NUR 4203 Nursing Leadership, Palm Beach Atlantic University. Spring 2008 (team taught)
NUR 3223 Nursing Research, Palm Beach Atlantic University. 2007 – present, revised and taught.
NUR 4322 Contemporary Nursing Stress Management Strategies, Palm Beach Atlantic
University. 2006 2007, developed and taught
NUR 3002 (now NUR 2013) Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I, Palm Beach Atlantic
2005 – present, developed and taught
NUR 3012 Technicals Skills for Nursing Practice, Palm Beach Atlantic University: 2006
present, developed and taught
NUR 3203 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II, Palm Beach Atlantic University: 2005
present, developed and taught
NUR 3023 (now NUR 2023) Health Assessment, Palm Beach Atlantic University: 2005
present, developed and taught
NUR 3133 Medical Surgical Nursing, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2005
PHA 3235 Health Assessment (for Pharmacists), Palm Beach Atlantic University: 20042006,
Doctoral course; developed and taught
DAN 3011 Ballroom Dance, Palm Beach Atlantic University: 2004 2005
DAN 3041 Introduction to Latin Dancing, Palm Beach Atlantic University: 2004 2005
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Co-preceptor, Gainesville Family Physicians, 2002, 2003. Helped precept two nurse practitioner
students from the University of Florida.
Mentor/Tutor: University of Florida, 1998-1999. Mentored eight underclass nursing students.
University Service
Provost’s Accreditation Council, 2015 -
Senate Graduate Programs Committee, Chair, 2013 - 2015
Faculty Senate, Senator from School of Nurisng, Secreatary, 2012 - 2014
Faculty Senate Exploration Committee, 2010-2012; helped draft the Senate Bylaw Proposal
Faculty Council, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Vice Moderator, 2007 2008.
Academic Technology Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 20032007, 2008 - 2009.
Chair: 2005 2007, 2008 - 2009; Secretary: 2004-2005
Faculty Colloquia Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2006 2008.
University Assessment Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 20032005
Develop and institute first University wide comprehensive assessment and institutional
effectiveness plan for SACS.
School of Nursing Faculty Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2004-present.
School of Nursing Admissions, Progression, Graduation Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic
University, 2003 – 2005, 2007 2009. Chair, 2003 2005, 2008 2009.
School of Nursing Assessment Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2003 2009.
Chair 2005 2007.
School of Nursing Curriculum Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2004 2005, 2007
2009, Co-chair 2008 2009.
School of Nursing Resource Committee, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2003 2007
Chair, 2003 2004.
Faculty Mentor
Bobbie Morrison, 2006 2007.
Faith and Integration Task Force, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2004 2005.
Spearheading campuswide effort to integrate Christian thought and paradigm with classroom
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Clinical Experience
Nurse Practitioner, Palm Beach Atlantic University Health & Wellness, 2006 2007.
Nurse Practitioner, Gainesville Family Physicians, 01/2002 06/2003
Registered Nurse, Shands at AGH, Gainesville, FL, Progressive Care Unit, 12/2000 01/2002
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Computer Experience
I have been programming and using computers since 1984. More than simply being able to use a
laundry list of programs, I understand information technology, its uses and its limitations. The news
often speaks of “IT spending” as though it were some magical thing, but the bottom line is
technology has only one purpose: To help you do what you do faster, more efficiently, and with
fewer errors. If it does not do these things, then spending money on technology is simply buying
Additonal Projects:
Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2003-present
Developed Online Data collection system for Clinical Site Evaluations
Developed School of Nursing Student Database to track information needed for daily
operations and accreditation
Developed School of Nursing Website
Consulted for HWP clinical site database initiative
Developed HWP Generic Online Hospital Orientation
Doctoral Research, University of Florida, 2002 2003
Designed database to track and reduce 4000+ ambulatory blood presure readings to an
analyzable format, able to be matched with corresponding clinic and tonometry pressures.
Research Assistant, University of Florida, 2002 2003
Designed database to integrate with automated data collection forms using Teleform.
Designed Office for Research Support Website
Technical support for Office for Research Support
Holbrook Travel, Gainesville, FL, 1995 - 1999
Redesigned quality control method; designed, developed and programmed Access database to
integrate statistical tracking of quality control
Automated process of developing new educational trips
Designed database to track trips, clients, and correspondence.
Database Development: Access, SQL, DAO, ASP, HTML
Website Development: Frontpage, Dreamweaver, raw HTML, WordPress, Drupal
Desktop Publishing: Pagemaker
Image Editing: Photoshop, Fireworks, Image Composer,
General Office: Microsoft Office, Lotus Smart Suite
Operating Systems: DOS, Windows, Linux
Statistical/Data entry: SPSS, Teleform
First Care, 2014 – present
Website consulting
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Palm Healthcare Foundation, Healthcare Workforce Partnership (HWP), 2003 – present.
Community partnership consisting of healthcare provider institutions, healthcare education
institutions, private foundations, and government departments.
Active member; Career Panelist for Nursing Expo 2004.
Higher Education subcommittee, 2003-2005, Member
Employer subcommittee, 2004 present, Member
Summer camp activity day at SON skills lab, 2006
Preceptor of Excellence, task force member, CE provider, 2005 2008
Commitment to Community Award, 2005
Featured in Annual Report, 2005
Computerized Clinical Placement System, 2006 beta tested, 2007 adopted regionwide
Generic Online Clinical Orientation, 2008 tested countywide, 2009 adopted regionwide
Practice -Gap Committee Co-chair
Grace Fellowship: Small group Bible study leader, 2006 2007
Be The One, 2004 - present
Lecture: Contracepive Methods, 2004
Hot Topics: Teen Sexuality Panelist at Royal Palm Beach High School, 2004
Video editor and technology consultant, 2004
Database designer, 2005
Webmaster, 2005
Lecture, Contraceptive Methods, 2007
Westide Baptist Church: Sunday School teacher, 1995-2002
Hitchock/Shands Health Fair: Dance Performer, 1998, 1999, 2000
Gainesville Festival of Lights: Dance Performer, 1999, 2000
Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drugs: Interdisciplinary educator, 1999
AHA Heart Ball: Dance Performer, 1999
Florida HIV Conference: Staff, 1999
University of Florida Skills Lab Discovery 98: Volunteer, 1998
Boggy Creek Gang Camp: Volunteer Counselor, 1998
Gator Growl: Swing Dance Performer, 1998
Children’s Miracle Network: Dance Teacher, 1998
Stop Children’s Cancer: Dance Performer, 1997
Florida Children’s Ranch Service Project: Leader, 1994
Florida Children’s Ranch Service Project: Participant, 1993
Women’s Safety and Self Defense: Assistant Teacher, 1993
Brown belt in Karate/Jujutsu
Spanish: Fluent (lived in South America)
Lived in Monrovia, Liberia, 1981 1983
Lived in San Jose, Costa Rica, 1984
Lived in Montevideo, Uruguay, 1985 1991
Additional Travels:
England, Holland, 1983
Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, 1989
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Peru, 1996
Mexico, 1996, 1997, 2002
Honduras, 1998