Concur Online Booking Tool: Booking Airfare for Yourself
Process Flow (Best Practice):
How To Book Airfare using Concur:
1. Navigate to the Concur tool via the osutravel.osu.edu.
Select Login to Concur here”
You will then be prompted to enter your OSU login credentials, this is your
and associated password.
After logging in you will receive a popup with important information to note.
Read the dialog box and then click “ok.”
2. Verify that all information in your Concur Profile is accurate. If all the information in your profile is
complete and accurate, you are now ready to book your flight.
For more information see the document: “Completing Your Concur Profilelocated at
osutravel.osu.edu. (Path: Book Online Concur Reference/Training)
3. Click the Tab for Mixed Flight/Train Search
You can search by Round Trip, One Way or Multi City if needed.
Departure City and Arrival City
The search allows you to search by specific airport, or by “area airports” so you can
search multiple airports at once for the best price.
4. Enter Departure and Arrival Time Selection:
This search allows you to specify what time you would like to depart, or what time
you would like to arrive for that particular leg. You can search by a broad time frame
(morning, afternoon) or specific times. The box to the far right allows you to search
on either side of the time you selected, based on the number of hours you choose.
In the example below we told the system we would like our departure flight to arrive
at its destination by 8:00 AM, and it will search + or 2 hours from 8:00 AM.
The search would return flights that arrive between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM for the
first leg.
5. Once your search parameters are chosen, select “Search”
6. After the search is complete, you will see a results matrix at the top of the page. This offers the
ability to quickly filter and refine the results.
For instance, if you only wanted to view the nonstop options we would click
7. The left panel offers other ways to quickly filter and limit your results.
NOTE: When searching for international flights or flights into small regional airports be sure to deselect
the “Flights w/ no double connections. This will ensure all possible flight options are displayed.
Sliding the Outbound, and Return sliders allows you to limit flights departing and
arriving between more specific windows
Sliding the “Price” slider allows you to quickly cap the maximum fare amount you
would like to see.
Display settings provide further refinement for viewing only refundable fares, flights
departing & returning from the same airport, as well as excluding flights on propeller
8. Once you have filtered your flights, and found the one you would like; select the blue button
displaying the price for that flight.
NOTE: If you encounter fares with yellow warning symbols, see the guide titled “Avoiding Basic
Economy Fares” located at osutravel.osu.edu. (Path:
Book Online Concur Reference/Training
9. You will now review your flight information and be able reserve your flight, for a short time before
purchasing it.
10. Verify that your selection meets your needs.
11. Verify that the Primary Traveler’s information appears correctly. If this info is not correct you can
change it in the Traveler’s Concur Profile.
For more information see the document: “Completing Your Concur Profile” located under at
osutravel.osu.edu. (Path: Book Online Concur Reference/Training)
If available, you can click “View seatmap” and choose which seats you would like to request
from the airline.
NOTE: You are not yet purchasing your airfare, only reserving it. Reserving your flight does not secure your
tickets, in order to ticket your trip the booking process must be followed all the way through.
NOTE: The phone number displayed here will be the number communicated to the airline so they may notify
you of itinerary changes and updates. If this is not correct, change the “Work Phone” under your profile.
The Review Price Summary will show the total cost of your airfare, not including the agency
booking fee. This will be reflected on the final invoice received once the flight has been
The Select A Method of Payment section is where you will select which University Ghost
Card will be utilized to pay for the airfare.
Once all information is entered and verified, select “Reserve Flight and Continue” to reserve
your tickets.
NOTE: It is critical that the appropriate card is selected, if you are paying from UNIV or OSUMC funds
always select the card “UNIV/OSUMC”. If you are paying from a sponsored programs grant (OSURF)
you must select “OSP/OSURF. If you are unsure stop and ask your department’s fiscal area, or contact
the travel office at 614/292-9290.
NOTE: Your flight is only reserved, and will NOT be ticketed until you complete the booking process.
12. The Travel Details page gives you one more chance to review your itinerary.
If you would like to send or print a copy of your reserved trip, select “Print Itinerary” or
“Email Itinerary”
Note the day and time your reservation will expire if the booking process is not completed.
Once you have verified your information and you are ready to complete your booking, or
place your trip on hold scroll to the bottom of the page and press “next.”
13. The next page will require your approved T#, to complete the booking process.
It is helpful to again note how long the system will let you hold your reservations without
booking the ticket. Once that time passes, if you have not completed the booking process
your trip will be cancelled.
You can name your trip or add a detailed description if you wish. Special requests for the
Travel Agency can also be added here.
You will need to indicate if you are paying from a sponsored (OSURF) project or not.
Enter your full T#, with the format T000###### in the appropriate field.
Finally, indicate whether or not you have an unused ticket to apply to this trip.
14. If you have entered your approved T#, and verified all information you are ready to select “Next
and complete your booking. If you are not yet ready to purchase or still need your approved T#,
make note of the expiration date and time for your reservation (see above) and select “Hold Trip.”
NOTE: Not all special requests can be accommodated, and may incur additional fees.
NOTE: If you are not sure whether your trip is for a sponsored project, contact your fiscal area or
the travel office (614/292-9290) before proceeding.
NOTE: If you are not sure whether your trip is for a sponsored project, contact your fiscal area or
the travel office (614/292-9290) before proceeding.
NOTE: Clicking “Cancel” will result in cancelling your reservation, and you will have to restart the booking process.
15. After selecting “Next” you will have one last time to review all your selections and entries. Verify
that all the details are accurate, and when you are happy with your trip, scroll to the bottom and
select “Purchase Tickets”
You will then be directed to a confirmation page, where you can make note of your agency
assigned Trip Record Locator.
Within 3-5 minutes you should receive and email from Concur, confirming your booking was
received by the travel agency. At that point your trip will go through a quality control
process at Corporate Travel Planners, and then be ticketed.
16. You should receive an email within 1-2 hours stating that your airfare has been ticketed.
17. After you have completed the booking process, you can review/verify the status of your trips from
the main concur page by selecting “My Trips.”
If you do not receive this final email within 2 hours call the agency at 1-855-784-9282 to
check the status.
When the trip has been ticketed the status will change from “Confirmed” to “Ticketed”.
Additionally you may review the details of the trip by selecting on the locator number, or
cancelling the trip by selecting “Cancel Trip.”