A Brief History of Columbine and Its Effect
Nicole Guzman
Senior Division
Historical Paper
2,500 Words
Two people took many days and weeks to plan out hate, but love responded in an instant.
- Patrick Downes, 2016
The Columbine High School massacre was the first and most significant school shooting
in America to date. The Columbine massacre resulted in the death of 12 students and one
teacher, including the shooters, along with 20 other injured victims.. The Columbine shooting
occurred in Jefferson County, Colorado on April 20, 1999, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
walked in at 11:19 am and began to open fire before commiting suicide. This was marked as one
of the most tragic events in U.S history, but triumph followed soon after with new regulations set
in by Colorado and the rest of the nation regarding gun control and overall safety. Schools and
students across the nation have been affected by the shootings and had to adapt to a new era,
which consists of having to be ready for the worst. This results in many schools and students
now having to be prepared in case of future shootings occurring in which many people across the
country have taken matters into their own hands to ensure that schools become more safe and
that students are protected.
Early Signs of Massacre
Months before the Columbine shooting, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris demonstrated
concerning signs and behavior that hinted at their future actions. Essays and conversations by
both students were investigated and illustrated problematic conduct. Dylan Klebold submitted a
Bologna, Jamie. “'Patriots Day' Is A Difficult Reminder Of Boston Marathon Bombing.”
, WBUR, 15 Dec. 2016.
History.com Staff. “Columbine Shooting.” History.com
, A&E Television Networks, 2009.
grim essay for his creative writing class two months before the shooting, in which the storyline
and details resembled many ideas from the their deadly plan. His essay describes a story where
one killer, mostly similar to Harris, brutally murders his “preps” as Dylan is a bystander who
recounts what he sees and experiences. This was a huge red flag, which was ultimately ignored
by officials after Dylan’s teacher voiced her concerns , and at the time should have been looked
into. Certain topics such as the one that Dylan addressed in his story were questionable and
concerning, however, at the time, there wasn’t a huge emphasis on certain issues unlike today
regarding mental health. To this day, the medical field struggles to truly understand psychopaths
motives and how to help them, so it must have been a more difficult topic and situation to deal
with years ago.
Eric Harris also exemplified ideas of “killing off the whole human race” when he
communicated with a girl in a chatroom for a series of time. Eric Harris printed the three
chatrooms and kept them for himself and later Jefferson County released them. In the three chat
rooms, he had casual conversations with a girl that seemed relatively innocent at first, but as the
conversation continued to develop, the topics that Harris introduced became more sinister and
dark. However, Peter Langman Ph.D. explained how Eric’s ideologies arose from his interests
and influences which include Adolf Hitler and Thomas Hobbes. These were not the only hints of
their concerning behaviour. According to Park Dietz who is in the Threat Assessment Group, he
Klebold, Dylan. Littleton, 7 Feb. 1999.
Kohn, David. “Columbine: Were There Warning Signs?” CBS News
, CBS Interactive, 17 Apr.
Byock, Lila. “Columbine, Now and Then.” The New Yorker
, The New Yorker, 20 June 2017.
Harris, Eric. Chatroom 1-3
Langman, Peter. “Influences on the Ideology of Eric Harris .” School Shooters.info
, 3 Feb.
believed that both Dylan and Eric had so much sadness and anger stored inside them from
bullying and other external factors. However, he said that their self inflicted immersion in violent
imagery were due to their anger and depression reaching its highest point, which lead them to
follow the most violent images that society’s culture has to offer. He hypothesized that this
hatred and rage lead them to follow the model of mass murder and subsequently lead them to
think that mass murder was the only solution to their problems. A year before the Columbine
shooting, Dylan wrote in Eric’s yearbook, which presented elements of the plan that had already
been developed. It was thorough and detailed with writings and drawings that depicted horrific
scenes, such as murder, and proceeds to talk about “hell on Earth.” Also, perhaps one of the
most interesting pieces of evidence found from Eric Harris’ website is a five page rant, which
listed everything he hated and why. They were each very specific and elaborate, and it was a
clear sign of anger and depression which could have been better addressed. These pieces of
evidence helped investigators embark on Harris and Klebold’s dangerous behaviour and the
apparent signs that Harris and Klebold demonstrated that would eventually lead up to the horrific
Columbine High School shooting.
Plotting the Massacre
Prior to the brutal attack, Harris and Klebold prepared a plan to perfect their horrific act
of terror, in which the public slowly became aware of. According to Sally Blanchard, a school
“Zero Hour.” Cineflex Productions, 2004.
“Dylan Klebold's Yearbook Writing/Drawing | Columbine Guide Sue.” The Columbine Guide |
Eric Harris Dylan Klebold: Journals,Evidence
“Eric Harris Website: What I Hate!!! | The Columbine Guide.” The Columbine Guide | Eric
Harris Dylan Klebold: Journals,Evidence
district official, she stated, "What people saw in the school were that these two were going to
classes every day, they had friends, they were turning in assignments, they were working
towards higher grades in their classes, they were planning the future." This shows how at first
the two teenagers seemed like normal kids who were focused in school and working hard for a
bright future. However, this was not the case and many odd signs began to appear. One student
from Columbine High School named Brooks Brown experienced a death threat from Eric Harris
over a year before the Columbine shooting. Harris had his own web page where he had written
his thoughts, philosophies, and ideas. Brown stated how he used to be friends with Harris until
Harris threw a block of ice at Brown’s car and chipped it. Harris proceeded to post a death threat
against Brown, which Brown later showed to his parents, and they filed a report to the police.
The police said they had enough evidence to draft a search warrant on Harris’ home, but it never
went through.
In the months before the shooting, the killers kept track of journal entries, to-do lists, and
a hit list. They would mark off every item that they had gotten in their journal, which they would
use for the massacre. Harris and Klebold would create illustrations of how they wanted to look,
the guns they would use, and how they would conceal their weapons on the day of the shooting.
For a school assignment, they were asked to make a promotional video for a business, which the
boys named their assignment “Hitman for Hire.” A former student recounted how Harris and
Kohn, David. “Columbine: Were There Warning Signs?” CBS News
, CBS Interactive, 17 Apr.
Shepard. “Eric Harris' Website URLs.” Weapons Used during the Shootings at Columbine
High School
Lederman, Jay. “Friend of Columbine Killers Still Seeking Answers.” Stone
Mountain-Lithonia, GA Patch
, Patch, 28 Nov. 2012.
Weller, Robert. “Columbine Killers Had Detailed Plans.” DeseretNews.com
, Deseret News, 7
July 2006.
Klebold had a friend dress up as an average Columbine student who would talk about wanting a
certain student dead and they filmed each other running around and killing people. Dylan and
Eric were two of the hitmen in the movie, who were dressed in black trench coats. Dylan and
Eric began to collect and stockpile weapons for the shooting. They collected a series of guns,
knives, and different products and substances to make bombs. The boys also made profiles
which mentioned their plan of April 20 as well as how everyone would be “sorry” that day.
This marked the beginning of a long scheme which they would soon play out on April 20, 1999.
April 20, 1999: Tragedy Strikes
Former Columbine student Melissa Miller recounted her story that day of the massacre.
She had a clear sight of had was happening and what Dylan and Eric were doing. She was
ducking behind a truck that morning in the park lot and saw that the two boys were wearing
black trench coats and had guns in their hands. At first she thought that it was a prank and that
they must have been paintball guns, but as they started shooting students outside the school, she
realized it was not a prank and that students were actually being attacked and injured. Students
were hit by the ruthless bullets shot by Dylan and Eric and they helplessly fell to the ground.
Anne Marie Hochhalter was on of the few students who was shot outside of the school in which
she was shot two times, but survived after a four hour surgery and now lives as a paraplegic.
TIMES, TAC. “Columbine Tapes - A Crime Documentary in Light of the Bible.” YouTube
YouTube, 15 Feb. 2019
, Cable News Network, How They Were Equipped That Day
Shepard. Screenshots of AOL User Profiles for Eric Harris
Calefati, Jessica. “A Survivor's Story: 10 Years After Columbine.” U.S. News & World Report
U.S. News & World Report, 17 Apr. 2009, 6:24 pm,
Melissa crouched down behind a wheel as Dylan and Eric began throwing pipe bombs that
exploded in seconds releasing shrapnel. Within minutes, the shooters had moved their deadly
invasion inside the school and Melissa went to get help. The two shooters planted a bomb at
Wadsworth Boulevard field and successfully went off, but the bombs inside Columbine High
School did not have the same fate. At 11:19 am, Dylan and Eric become anxious and tired of
waiting and began to open fire. They celebrated their attack as Dylan went inside the cafeteria to
check on the bombs and Eric proceeded to shoot a teacher and a student. Faculty of the school
moved quickly and helped move students from the cafeteria to a safer place. Eric and the on site
police officer fired at each other, and then Eric joined Dylan in the cafeteria where they soon
went up the stairs to the second floor in which they opened fire on anyone they saw in the halls.
They carelessly fired at the building when the halls were empty and they continued into the
Eric began shooting down on on the front counter and students and a few teachers
crouched down under tables. One by one, Eric and Dylan taunted those inside the library and
ruthlessly killed them as they approached the table they were under. One of the victims was
Patrick Ireland who was shot twice as he was trying to help someone close to him who was also
shot. After seven and a half minutes, Dylan and Eric left the library and they continued to the
science room where a bomb went off and ignited a small fire. Then they went to the cafeteria,
where the bombs planted still haven’t went off. The rest of their movements were random, but
Miller, Melissa. “I Survived the Columbine High School Shooting | Scholastic.” Scholastic
Publishes Literacy Resources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages
Shepard. “4 . 20 . 1999 - Columbine High School Shooting Summary.” a Columbine Site
“Findings of Library Events.” CNN
, Cable News Network.
then they returned to the library. Minutes after 12:08 pm, alarms in the school went off and Eric
and Dylan shot themselves in the head, which resulted in their self-inflicted death.
The Aftermath of Columbine
Once the horrible actions of Dylan and Eric had ended, students, families, teachers, and
communities were deeply impacted. Everyone had a different experience and effect from the
terror caused by the two shooters, but all of them were significant and lasting. After time to
process and heal, students began to open up about the nightmarish day that would be
remembered forever. Former student Janna Buchl became traumatized to the core and has been
unable to live peacefully. She recounted how she went to Elitch Gardens, which is a popular
amusement park in Denver, Colorado, and she was waiting in line to go on a rollercoaster as she
heard a loud pop. She fell to the floor in the fetal position thinking that a gun was fired and
people began to laugh at her until she mentioned that she went to Columbine. Former student
Patrick Ireland suffered from two gunshots and became known as the boy in the window for a
picture that captured his escape to safety. He recalled how it took him three hours to escape as he
passed the dead bodies of classmates ad continued to go in and out of consciousness. However,
Ireland remained positive despite the tragic events and he explained how he knew the importance
of regaining control and continuing on with life.
“Hallway Events Part 2.” CNN
, Cable News Network.
Kuntz, Tom. “Word for Word/Columbine High School; How Carnage in Our Hallways
Scarred Us, and Made Us Better People.” The New York Times
, The New York Times, 23 May
Werner, Anna. “Columbine Survivor Recalls Return to School after Tragedy.” CBS News
CBS Interactive, 3 Jan. 2013.
Meanwhile, reporters and news stations struggled to figure out what to film live and what
to show the public as new information began to come in. They knew they had to remain in the
control room to supervise and decide what shots to put on the air. The story lasted ten days and
was seemingly one of the most intense stories that Denver stations had ever covered. They had to
make quick decisions and covering Columbine tested the all the resources that each station had.
All students had different reactions to Columbine. Some students such as Kendra Curry
decided to forgive Harris and Klebold and explained how it was not her rightful place to judge
them and how it was only God’s place to do so. Other students were left pondering why anyone
would commit such a terrible act, and they struggled to find closure. Each student was affected in
a different way which lead to personal changes and long-lasting scars both physical and
emotional. On August 12, 2003, impacted families proceeded to file a “wrongful death lawsuit”
against the parents of Dylan and Eric claiming that they should have known what their kids were
doing before the shooting. This demonstrates the different levels of trauma, anger, and sadness
that people struggled with and how they eagerly yearned for justice.
Also, former principal Frank Deangelis recounted how he questioned his faith, but a local
church leader helped him and told him that he should focus on rebuilding the community. He
remained principal of Columbine High School for over 18 years before he retired. In the years
since, the number of school shootings has increased from Virginia Tech to Parkland. DeAngelis
has created an unfortunate bond with those in similar situations. DeAngelis since then has voiced
Shepard , Alicia C. “The Columbine Shooting: Live Television Coverage.” The Columbine
Shooting Case Study
, Quartz.
Kuntz, Tom. “Word for Word/Columbine High School; How Carnage in Our Hallways
Scarred Us, and Made Us Better People.” The New York Times
, The New York Times, 23 May
“Columbine High School Shootings Fast Facts.” CNN
, Cable News Network, 25 Mar. 2018.
his concerns of this rising problem and says he encourages the massive student led movements,
but more must be done to fix the issue.
A New Era of Change
In the past two decades, there have been over 200 school shootings in America.
Overtime, people have been realizing school shootings have become an impactful and dangerous
part of today’s society. Students of all ages, even those who were not born at the time of
Columbine, have started to take action for their own safety. On April 20, 2018, students in New
York City walked out of school, which was billed as the National School Walkout, to protest
against gun violence and the effect it has had on our society. Students reported that the Parkland
shooting in February was their “tipping point” and encouraged them to take a stand for what they
believe in. This was a big step towards change and demonstrated to the world that students,
teachers, and parents have opened their eyes to see and how there needs to be more gun control
and overall safety procedures as the number of school shootings and threats continue to rise. As
Sue Klebold stated, she was unaware of the severity of her son’s mental health and how people
cannot prevent violence without taking into account the depression and brain dysfunction that
also takes place in a decision to commit violence. Since Columbine, the number of mental
health programs and violence prevention programs/strategies increased considerably over the
Shapiro, Emily. “Columbine Principal Reflects on 'Worst Nightmare' 19 Years after Shooting.”
ABC News
, ABC News Network, 19 Apr. 2018.
Nir, Sarah Maslin. “19 Years After Columbine, Students Again Say 'Enough' on Gun
Violence.” The New York Times
, The New York Times, 20 Apr. 2018.
Lozada, Carlos. “17 Years after Columbine, the Mother of One of the Killers Finally Tells Her
Story.” The Washington Post
, WP Company, 13 Feb. 2016.
years. These changes may seem minor, but they will have one of the biggest impacts on
students’ safety and protection.. As more regulations are made and people become more aware,
the world will become a better place. Dylan and Eric took so much time to plan out an act of
hatred, but love responded instantly.
Secondary Sources
History.com Staff. “Columbine Shooting.” History.com
, A&E Television Networks,
This article describes the basic happenings of the Columbine shooting before,
during, and after the massacre as well as the overall impact. It allowed me to be
more informed about the topic and why it was such an important event in U.S.
history. The article allowed me to form a proper background about the topic and I
was able to incorporate information for my thesis.
“Columbine High School Shootings Fast Facts.” CNN
, Cable News Network, 25 Mar.
I learned about the most important details regarding the Columbine shooting,
which provided the primary details regarding victims, facts, and a timeline of
events regarding the events occurring after the shooting. This allowed me to
expand my knowledge and have more specific information regarding the victims
and effects of the shooting. The fast facts make it simple to pinpoint long term
effects of the massacre.
Nir, Sarah Maslin. “19 Years After Columbine, Students Again Say 'Enough' on Gun
Violence.” The New York Times
, The New York Times, 20 Apr. 2018,
This article helped me to understand how after 19 years, the Columbine shooting
has impacted students who have faced similar situations and now they are
standing up for themselves. This explores how students are taking a stand for their
safety and beliefs by using their voice to explain to the world how guns need to be
regulated. This article will help me by providing information about a long term
effect of students rising together to make a positive change regarding gun control
and school safety.
Tull, Matthew. “How Columbine Changed Approaches to Preventing School Violence.”
Verywell Mind
, Dotdash, 30 Mar. 2018,
Langman, Peter. “Influences on the Ideology of Eric Harris .” School Shooters.info
, 3
Feb. 2016,
This analysis explains how Dr. Langman explores the documents that Eric Harris
had left behind, which described his admiration for people such as Hitler and
Charles Manson. This describes how Eric’s admiration for them could be linked
to his actions and as to why he participated in the Columbine shooting. This
information will allow me to go into a deep analysis regarding how idols can have
a big affect on how teeenagers behave.
Tull, Matthew. “How Columbine Changed Approaches to Preventing School Violence.”
Verywell Mind
, Dotdash, 30 Mar. 2018,
The changes and reforms that occurred and have been made in the last years after
Columbine are stated and listed with specific statistics. They demonstrate how
important it is to make schools safer and how important it is to provide students
with helpful resources that they may need. These reforms will allow me to explain
how Columbine has affected the educational system and how safety has become a
Primary Sources
Miller, Melissa. “I Survived the Columbine High School Shooting | Scholastic.”
Scholastic Publishes Literacy Resources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages
This article provided information regarding a student named Melissa Miller who
survived the Columbine shooting and her experience during the day throughout
the entire massacre. Her story is authentic and full of emotion, which allows me to
better understand what she went though and how it affected her. I will be able to
use this as a primary source since the information came directly from someone
who was at the occurrence, and it will allow me to explore a side of the massacre
that many people may be curious about.
Calefati, Jessica. “A Survivor's Story: 10 Years After Columbine.” U.S. News & World
, U.S. News & World Report, 17 Apr. 2009, 6:24 pm,
This article covers the life of student Anne Marie Hochhalter, who was shot twice
during the shooting, which left her paralyzed. Her story showed me how the
situation was more complicated and elongated than just the few hours that the
shooting lasted. The survivor’s story allows me to show how the Columbine
massacre left an infinite scar on many people who were affected by it and how
schools need to be better protected.
Cullen , Dave. “Official Reports: Columbine & School Shooters | Harris & Dylan
Klebold.” The Columbine Guide | Eric Harris Dylan Klebold: Journals,Evidence
This website provides all evidence regarding the shooters and the school shooting.
It allows me to have access to all the information I may need and I can have a
closer glimpse at what happened behind the scenes. This will allow me to deeply
analyze Eric and Dylan’s lives and the specific details of the shooting.
“Zero Hour.” Cineflex Productions, 2004.
This documentary of the Columbine shooting allows me to to deeply analyze and
retain information from interviews that the producers had regarding behavior,
thoughts, and plans for the shooting. The information in the documentary is very
useful and it includes images and reenactments of real situations that happened
during the Columbine shooting. This will allow me to backup and support my
analysis in teenage behavior as well as how schools have been contributing to
student protection.
Werner, Anna. “Columbine Survivor Recalls Return to School after Tragedy.” CBS
, CBS Interactive, 3 Jan. 2013,
Survivor Patrick Ireland recounts his experience during the Columbine shooting
and how he felt after returning when the school reopened. He provides
information about being shot in the head and leg, which resulted in traumatizing
memories when he returned, but he returned with triumph on his mind since
everyone was celebrating the school’s recovery and strength.This information
allows me to explore the topic of triumph in this situation and how many people
achieved unity and love.
Shapiro, Emily. “Columbine Principal Reflects on 'Worst Nightmare' 19 Years after
Shooting.” ABC News
, ABC News Network, 19 Apr. 2018,
The principal of Columbine High School elaborated on his experience during the
massacre and how he continued to stick with the school to help rebuild its spirit.
This website provided images that showed students gathering together at
Columbine High School days after the massacre to honor those who passed away.
The article continues to analyze how the Columbine shooting was the first of
many shootings to occur and how students across the nation are challenging gun
laws in order to better protect their schools. This information will allow me to
explain how students are standing up for themselves is a long term effect of the
shooting and how they are raising awareness about an important issue.
Lozada, Carlos. “17 Years after Columbine, the Mother of One of the Killers Finally
Tells Her Story.” The Washington Post
, WP Company, 13 Feb. 2016,
This article describes how the mother of Dylan struggled with life after the
Columbine shooting and how her life completely changed. She describes Dylan’s
funeral, visiting the Columbine library, and facing backlash from the public. Her
story will allow me to share to the judges how she was truly affected and that this
tragic event will always be remembered.
, Cable News Network, How They Were Equipped That Day
This website presents a chart with images of the weapons that Eric and Dylan
took with them for the Columbine shooting. These images surprised me and made
me ponder about how they got the weapons. These can serve as evidence to show
how there needs to be more gun control and how this can be a huge hazard to
schools and overall public safety.
Klebold, Dylan. Littleton, 7 Feb. 1999.
This essay written by Dylan Klebold allowed me to understand how he was as a
person and how there were early signs hinting that he was going to go through
with the shooting months later. The essay explains a story in which there is one
killer and Dylan is writing in the perspective of a bystander who is watching the
killer. This was an early sign that Dylan was not in a good mental state, and this
information can help me to support how students need attention as well as the
importance of pinpointing suspicious behavior.
Harris, Eric. Chatroom 1-3
The images on this website presents evidence from a chatroom that Eric Harris
had with someone he met online. This allows me to better understand Eric’s
behavior before the shooting and his inner thoughts, which he deeply shared with
the girl in the chatroom. I can use the images as evidence to show how his
behavior and his words were early signs that he needed someone to talk to as well
as his wishes.
Kuntz, Tom. “Word for Word/Columbine High School; How Carnage in Our Hallways
Scarred Us, and Made Us Better People.” The New York Times
, The New York Times, 23
May 1999,
The website provides primary sources in which survivors of the Columbine
shooting retell their experience and stories of the unforgettable day. The people
who were involved were going into detail about how the tragedy has affected
them up to their daily lives and how traumatic it was to witness the actions
committed by the shooters. This information will be useful to show how everyone
was affected differently by the attack and how something so traumatic can have
serious impacts such as PTSD.
Shepard , Alicia C. “The Columbine Shooting: Live Television Coverage.” The
Columbine Shooting Case Study
, Quartz,
This article covers the other side of the story that no one has talked about much,
which was the news station that covered the Columbine shooting, KUSA. Alicia
talks about how the reporters felt and how much of a rush it was to go to the scene
and pronounce the horrible news to the people regarding the massacre. This
article allows me to talk about a different perspective and how the situation
affected them as well.
Byock, Lila. “Columbine, Now and Then.” The New Yorker
, The New Yorker, 20 June
Survivor Dave Cullen gives his perspective on Columbine and Colorado and
describes why it may have happened and what caused it to happen in his book and
in response to questions that The New Yorker had sent to him. He gives a specific
meaning to the Columbine shooting and how many external factors may have
impacted the severity of the situation. This interview will allow me to explore
how the external environment can influence violent behavior such as the town or
places in the city.
Kohn, David. “Columbine: Were There Warning Signs?” CBS News
, CBS Interactive, 17
Apr. 2001,
This article explains the different signs that Harris and Klebold demonstrated
about the shooting and how it was a big step for students who stepped up to point
out the dangerous and questionable behaviour that the future shooters exhibited.
This information will allow me to investigate how Klebold and Harris’ actions
were interpreted and dealt with as well as the public reaction.
Shepard. “Eric Harris' Website URLs.” Weapons Used during the Shootings at
Columbine High School
Eric Harris had websites in which he posted his thoughts and ideas regarding his
personal beliefs and plans. It provides information about death threats,
philosophies, and questionable plans, which will help me to provide more
information about Eric’s plans and how they were an early sign of what he and
Dylan planned to do at Columbine High School.
Shepard. Screenshots of AOL User Profiles for Eric Harris
Images of the profiles that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris created before the
Columbine shooting will allow me to demonstrate how these were clear signs of
the intentions that the boys had and how it was ultimately ignored. These images
will allow me to talk about the dangers presented on social media and how the
tragic shooting could have been prevented if someone was made aware of the
concerning things that the boys were saying and expressing.
Lederman, Jay. “Friend of Columbine Killers Still Seeking Answers.” Stone
Mountain-Lithonia, GA Patch
, Patch, 28 Nov. 2012, Students such as Brooks
Brown were interviewed where they questioned the motives and actions of fellow
classmates Dylan and Eric. They go into detail about the signs that the boys
exhibited and how they affected them latter on. This will allow me to expand on
how the shooters were in an unhealthy mental state and how they started to plot
their plan.
Weller, Robert. “Columbine Killers Had Detailed Plans.” DeseretNews.com
, Deseret
News, 7 July 2006,
Evidence and and recounts of the killer’s plans are revealed and explained in
detail. It explains how the boys kept records such as drawings, lists, and journals
of their plans and what ideas they had regarding their preparation. The evidence in
this article will allow me to explain how the shooters planned out their attack and
how they carefully executed their ideas in real life.
TIMES, TAC. “Columbine Tapes - A Crime Documentary in Light of the Bible.”
, YouTube, 15 Feb. 2019.
The documentary on the Columbine High School shooting depicts the
psychological background of Dylan and Eric’s motives and why they may have
committed the deadly acts. It demonstrates specific events of the actual shooting,
how they were planned out, and the effect it had on the school and the students.
The specific elaboration of the video offers evidence for their behaviour and
motives that will enable me to explain possible reasons for why the shooters did
what they did.
“Eric Harris Website: What I Hate!!! | The Columbine Guide.” The Columbine Guide |
Eric Harris Dylan Klebold: Journals,Evidence
The Columbine Guide
provides information and important documents that were
found and released to the public to see the acts and behaviour of Dylan and Eric
through their writings and drawings. It has a specific document that lists all the
things that Eric Harris hated in which he personally wrote. It demonstrates how
Eric was not in a healthy mental state and how certain experiences and opinions
shaped him into who he was. This document will let me explain how Eric faced
serious struggles and how he had a difficult time dealing with them.
“Dylan Klebold's Yearbook Writing/Drawing | Columbine Guide Sue.” The Columbine
Guide | Eric Harris Dylan Klebold: Journals,Evidence
The website provides images and drawings from Dylan, which he wrote in Eric’s
yearbook. These images allude to the plans that the boys had regarding their
attack and the sinister values and ideas that Dyan portrayed. The yearbook
drawings and writings were on Eric’s 1998 yearbook and were a huge clue about
what they planned to do. This unique evidence will allow me to argue how the
origins of their plans began a long time before the actual shooting and how there
was time to inspect and potentially prevent the shooting.
Bologna, Jamie. “'Patriots Day' Is A Difficult Reminder Of Boston Marathon Bombing.”
, WBUR, 15 Dec. 2016,
The Boston Marathon bombing was one of the most tragic events in modern day
America. Many of the victims from the bombing faced similar emotions and
events as the people from the Columbine HIgh School shooting. Patrick Downes
explains his perspective of the bombing, which can also correlate to how people
from the shooting thought and firsthandly experienced. This will allow me to give
the reader a unique perspective of the outcome of the shooting.
Shepard. “4 . 20 . 1999 - Columbine High School Shooting Summary.” a Columbine Site
The website provides important elements and information about the Columbine
shooting. It has a section that provides a detailed summary of what happened that
day at Columbine High School and the different acts of terror that Dylan Klebold
and Eric Harris played out. The information listed will allow me to provide a
detailed and accurate summary of what occured on this tragic day step by step.
“Findings of Library Events.” CNN
, Cable News Network,
The tragic events that occured in the library during the Columbine shooting are
summarized in specific detail. It provides information about those affected and
those who lost their lives as they tried to hide from the killers. Gruesome details
and personal stories are evidence of the nightmarish events that occured in the
library on April 20, 1999. This information will allow me to explain what
occurred and the effects that it had on Columbine High School.
“Hallway Events Part 2.” CNN
, Cable News Network,
The events that occured after Dylan and Eric left the library are summarized in
great detail and explain their next moves. After they finished their series of
attacks, they wanted to set of a few more bombs, but most were unsuccessful.
After they had finished their violent acts, they killed themselves after realizing
there was no way out. This will allow me to summarize the last part of the
shooting and the ending to the long and tragic event.