Brochure: Maintenance and Repairs
Information in this Brochure
The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) sets out the obligations landlords and tenants each have for the
maintenance and repair of a rental property. This brochure explains some of these obligations.
These obligations apply to all rental agreements, even if:
the rental agreement is not in writing
terms in the rental agreement conflict with the RTA
the rental unit was not in good condition and the tenant agreed to rent it anyway
This brochure is not a complete summary of the law. If you need more detailed information, contact the Landlord
and Tenant Board.
Table of Contents:
Landlord Responsibilities
What Tenants Can Do When There's a Problem
Tenant Responsibilities
What Landlords Can Do When There's a Problem
Landlord Responsibilities
Repair the rental property
A landlord must keep a rental property in a good state of repair. All things that the landlord provides to the tenant
must be kept in working order. This could include:
Electrical, plumbing or heating systems
Carpets in the unit or common areas
Walls, roofs, ceilings
Windows, doors, locks, lighting
Garages, laundry rooms, patios, walkways or pools
If something no longer works due to normal wear and tear or because it breaks or wears out, the landlord must
repair it so that it works properly, or replace it. When something is replaced, however, the landlord does not have
to supply a new or better model.
For example, if a stove supplied by the landlord cannot be fixed and must be replaced, it does not have to be
replaced with a newer model with more features. Also, the landlord could replace it with a used stove, as long as
the used stove works properly.
Maintain the rental property
A landlord must keep the rental property clean. This includes the lobby, halls, elevator, laundry room, pool, and
parking lot or garage. A landlord must also take steps to control pests such as cockroaches and mice.
Meet property standards
A landlord must make sure that the rental property meets health, safety, housing and maintenance standards.
These standards are set out in municipal bylaws or provincial maintenance standards.
Municipal Bylaws: Many communities in Ontario have bylaws that set minimum standards for the upkeep and
maintenance of a rental property. A landlord must maintain a rental property to the minimum standards. Your
local municipal government is responsible for enforcing these bylaws.
Provincial Maintenance Standards: Some communities do not have municipal bylaws. In those areas, the
landlord must follow the provincial maintenance standards set out in the Residential Tenancies Act regulations.
The municipality is responsible for enforcing the provincial maintenance standards.
For more information, see the section: Report the problem.
Follow the fire safety laws
The landlord must follow all fire safety laws. Information about fire safety laws for rental properties is available
from your local fire department, or from the website of the Office of the Ontario Fire Marshal.
Not interfere with vital services
"Vital services" are hot or cold water, fuel, electricity, gas and, during certain months of the year, heat. If a
landlord provides heat, it must be kept at a minimum temperature of 20
Celsius from September 1 to June 15.
However, some municipal standards may be higher.
If a landlord provides any vital service to a tenant, the landlord cannot withhold the reasonable supply of it. This
rule applies even if the tenant's rent is overdue, or the tenant has damaged the property.
If a rental agreement says a tenant must arrange for one or more of these services (for example, the tenant pays
the hydro company directly for electricity), the landlord cannot deliberately interfere with the supply of those
Note: If a vital service to a rental unit is cut-off because the landlord failed to pay their bill, the
landlord is considered to have withheld that service. However, if a vital service is cut-off because the
tenant failed to pay their own utility bill, the tenant cannot claim that the landlord withheld a vital
Give notice to enter the rental unit
A landlord may enter a rental unit to inspect for maintenance problems, make repairs, do work or replace
The landlord must give the tenant written notice at least 24 hours before the landlord plans to enter. The
written notice must include:
The reason why the landlord wants to enter
The date the landlord will enter
A specific time of entry between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Additional maintenance obligations in mobile homes and land lease communities
Landlords of mobile home parks and land lease communities have additional maintenance obligations. They
must keep the mobile home park or land lease community in a good state of repair. This includes:
The grounds and all buildings and equipment intended for the use of all residents
The roads - keeping them free of potholes, snow and other dangers
The water supply – making sure that there is enough drinking water and water pressure for normal
household use
The fuel, drainage, sewage and electrical systems
These landlords are also required to:
dispose of garbage on a regular basis (or arrange for it to be disposed of)
repair any damage to the property that the landlord deliberately caused, or that resulted from the
landlord's neglect
What Tenants Can Do When There's a Problem
Inform the landlord
If a tenant has a maintenance problem, the first thing they should do is ask the landlord - in writing - to fix the
The tenant can write the landlord a letter or complete a "maintenance" or "work order" request form. The tenant
should keep a copy of their written request.
If the landlord does not fix the problem
If, after being informed about the problem, the landlord does not fix it within a reasonable time, the tenant can:
report the problem to their local government
file an application with the LTB
do both of these things
Report the problem
The tenant can contact their local municipal government and ask to have the property standards by-law enforced
or, if there are no property standards by-laws, then to have the provincial maintenance standards enforced. The
local municipality may:
inspect the property for any bylaw violations
issue a notice of violation or a municipal work order that requires the landlord to make repairs by a
If the landlord does not do the repairs, the local municipal government can:
take the landlord to court for not following the bylaw
do the work and add the cost to the landlord's property taxes
do both of these things
Apply to the LTB
If the tenant tells the landlord about a problem and the landlord doesn't fix it, doesn't fix it properly or doesn't fix it
quickly enough, a tenant can file a Tenant Application about Maintenance (Form T6) with the LTB.
When the application is filed, a hearing will be scheduled. Both the tenant and the landlord have a right to attend
the hearing to explain their side of the story.
Support the application
The tenant will have to prove that the landlord is not properly maintaining the unit. The tenant will need to testify
at the hearing. They should also bring three copies of any documents and other evidence which supports their
claim. Some examples are:
Printed pictures of the maintenance problem
Copies of written correspondence with the landlord, such as work order requests or letters
A ledger or log of dates and times when the tenant spoke with the landlord
Copies of municipal or provincial work orders
Remedies the tenant can ask for
On a Tenant Application about Maintenance (Form T6), the tenant can ask the LTB to:
1. Grant a rent abatement (reduction), which means the landlord would be required to pay an amount
directly to the tenant or the tenant would be allowed to hold back all or part of the rent.
2. Order the landlord to repair or replace something, or do work by a certain date.
3. Allow the tenant to repair or replace something, or do work, and order the landlord to pay the tenant for
the cost of the repair.
4. Order the landlord to pay the tenant for:
any reasonable expenses the tenant paid to repair or replace something, or for work that the
tenant did, which the landlord was responsible to do
damage caused to the tenant's property, or out of pocket expenses of the tenant, that resulted
from the maintenance and repair problems
5. Stop the landlord from increasing the rent for the rental unit, until the landlord fixes any serious
maintenance problems.
6. End the tenancy (but only if the tenant asks or the rental unit is unsafe).
7. Make another type of order; for example, an order which requires the landlord to pay money to the
Do not withhold rent
A tenant should not withhold any part of the rent, even if the tenant feels that maintenance is poor or a necessary
repair has not been done.
A landlord can apply to evict a tenant if the full rent is not paid on time.
If a tenant files a Tenant Application about Maintenance (Form T6), the tenant may ask the LTB to allow them to
pay some or all of their rent to the LTB (instead of the landlord) until their application has been decided. The LTB
will decide whether or not to grant the tenant's request. To make this request, use the form Request to Pay Rent
to the Board on a Tenant Application about Maintenance.
Tenant Responsibilities
Keep the unit clean
A tenant must keep the rental unit clean, up to the standard that most people would consider ordinary or normal
Keeping an untidy unit is not a reason to evict a tenant under the RTA. However, if a tenant's unit is so unclean
that it is interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of the landlord or other tenants in the building, the tenant
could be evicted for this reason.
Also, a tenant could be evicted for putting the safety of the landlord or other tenants at risk. For example:
The unit is so dirty that it attracts pests
The unit is so cluttered that it poses a fire hazard
Repair damage
A tenant must repair or pay for the repair of any damage to the rental property that's not due to normal wear and
tear. The damage could have been caused by the tenant, their guests or another person living in the rental unit.
This includes damage in the tenant's unit, as well as in any common areas such as a hallway, elevator, stairway,
driveway, or parking area. It does not matter whether the damage was done on purpose or by not being careful
enough – the tenant is responsible.
Tenants are not responsible for damage caused by normal use. For example, the tenant is not responsible for
replacing a carpet which has become worn after years of normal, everyday use.
A tenant may be evicted if the tenant, a guest or another person living in the rental unit:
causes damage to the rental property and the tenant does not repair or replace the damaged property
or pay for it
willfully causes damage to the unit or the building
uses the rental property for something other than residential use that could cause serious damage. For
example, if the tenant makes structural and electrical changes to the rental unit to build a greenhouse
for growing hydroponic vegetables.
What a Landlord Can Do When There's a Problem
Inform the tenant of the problem
If the tenant has not kept the unit clean to the point that it's a safety or health hazard or the tenant has damaged
the rental property, the first thing the landlord should do is ask the tenant to correct the problem.
Give the tenant a notice to end the tenancy
If the tenant does not correct the problem, the landlord may give the tenant a notice to end the tenancy. A notice
to end a tenancy must be in writing and in a form approved by the LTB. There are different forms for different
reasons. These notices are available at
Apply to the LTB for damages and/or eviction
A landlord can apply to the LTB for:
an order evicting the tenant (if the landlord has served the tenant with a notice of termination)
an order requiring the tenant to pay costs for repairing or replacing property that was damaged by the
tenant, their guest or another occupant of the rental unit
both of these things
When the application is filed, a hearing will be scheduled. The tenant will have the right to attend the hearing to
explain why they disagree with the application.
Support the application
The landlord should bring three copies of any evidence they have with them to the hearing. Some items that
could serve as evidence to support an application based on damage or an extremely unclean unit are:
Printed pictures of the damage or the state of the unit
Copies of any written correspondence between the landlord and the tenant, such as letters and notices
of termination
Written quotes from licensed contractors for the cost of repairing the damage or cleaning the unit
Receipts for money the landlord spent to repair damage to the rental property
Contact the Landlord and Tenant Board
Call us:
Toll free: 1-888-332-3234
Toronto area: 416-645-8080
TTY: Bell Relay Service at 1-800-268-9242
Visit our website at
Visit your local LTB office. For office locations visit our website.
Last updated: July 2018