U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Community Policing
A Framework for Action
August 1994
NCJ 148457
Community Policing
A Framework for Action
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bureau of Justice Assistance
This document was prepared by the Community Policing
Consortium, supported by grant number 93–DD–CX–K005, awarded
by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S.
Department of Justice.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Response Center
633 Indiana Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20531
The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which
also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance wishes to thank Stephen J. Gaffigan,
Director of Operations, Community Policing Consortium for supervising
and coordinating the preparation of this document with the Consortium
Management Team. BJA also acknowledges the members of the Executive
Board and Advisory Board, who provided a wealth of expertise and infor-
mation essential to the content of the document.
Consortium Management Team
Stephen J. Gaffigan
Director of Operations
Community Policing Consortium
Ray Galvin
Project Director
International Association of
Chiefs of Police
John R. Doyle
Project Director
National Sheriffs’ Association
John Stedman
Acting Associate Director of
Police Executive Research Forum
Bill Matthews
Deputy Director for
Police Foundation
Lillian T. Dote
Operations Coordinator
Community Policing Consortium
Advisory Board
Dr. Lee Colwell
University of Arkansas at
Little Rock
2801 South University Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72204
Executive Board
Richard Ward
Director, Discretionary
Grant Programs Division
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Dan Rosenblatt
Executive Director
International Association of
Chiefs of Police
Charles “Bud” Meeks
Executive Director
National Sheriffs’ Association
Chuck Wexler
Executive Director
Police Executive Research Forum
Hubert Williams
Police Foundation
Member of the National
Organization of Black Law
Enforcement Executives
Margaret Heisler
Program Manager, Law
Enforcement Branch
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Stephen J. Gaffigan
Director of Operations
Community Policing Consortium
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Chief Sylvester Daughtry
Chief of Police
Greensboro Police Department
300 West Washington St.
P.O. Box 3136
Greensboro, NC 27402–3136
Member of the National
Organization of Black Law
Enforcement Executives
Dr. Jack Greene
Director, Center for Public Policy
Temple University
Gladfetter Hall, 10th Floor
12th St. and Berks Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske
Buffalo Police Department
74 Franklin St.
Buffalo, NY 14202
Mr. Bob Lamb
Regional Director, Community
Relations Service
U.S. Department of Justice
915 2d Ave., Room 1898
Seattle, WA 98174
Member of the National
Organization of Black Law
Enforcement Executives
The Honorable Caroline Long Banks
City Councilwoman
Atlanta City Council
55 Trinity Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30335
The Honorable Edwin J. Rousseau
Board of Commissioners of the
County of Allen
City-County Bldg., Room 200
1 East Main St.
Fort Wayne, IN 46802–1893
Mr. Clifford L. Sargeon
Board of Directors of the
Ad Hoc Group Against Crime
3330 Troost St.
Kansas City, MO 64109
The Honorable Kurt Schmoke
Mayor of the City of Baltimore
250 City Hall
100 North Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Sheriff Patrick J. Sullivan, Jr.
Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office
5686 South Court Pl.
Littleton, CO 80120–1200
Ms. Edna Thomas
Soul House
P.O. Box 3278
Newark, NJ 07103
Dr. Hans Toch
Distinguished Professor
State University of New York
at Albany
135 Western Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
Superintendent Matt L. Rodriguez
Chicago Police Department
1121 South State St.
Chicago, IL 60605–2398
Past members of the Consortium Man-
agement Team include Jerry Needle,
Director, Programs and Research Divi-
sion, International Association of
Chiefs of Police; John E. Eck, Execu-
tive Director, Crime Control Institute;
and Peter Scharf, Director, Technol-
ogy and Technical Assistance Divi-
sion, Police Foundation. Program
research and document preparation
was completed by William D. Falcon;
Craig Fraser, Associate Director, Man-
agement Services, Police Executive
Research Forum; Phyllis MacDonald,
Command Executive, Management
Support and Development Command,
New York City Transit Police Depart-
ment; Kevin Morison, Assistant Coor-
dinator Specialist, Research and
Development Division, Chicago Po-
lice Department; Timothy N.
Oettmeier, Police Lieutenant and Di-
rector, Houston Police Academy; and
Mary Ann Wycoff, Director, Research
Division, Police Foundation. Editorial
support was provided by George
Zimmar, President, YES, Inc. Linda
Edwards, Administrative Assistant,
Technical Assistance Division, Police
Foundation, did much of the final
fact-finding research.
Community policing is, in essence, a collaboration between the police and
the community that identifies and solves community problems. With the
police no longer the sole guardians of law and order, all members of the
community become active allies in the effort to enhance the safety and
quality of neighborhoods. Community policing has far-reaching implica-
tions. The expanded outlook on crime control and prevention, the new em-
phasis on making community members active participants in the process of
problem solving, and the patrol officers’ pivotal role in community policing
require profound changes within the police organization. The neighbor-
hood patrol officer, backed by the police organization, helps community
members mobilize support and resources to solve problems and enhance
their quality of life. Community members voice their concerns, contribute
advice, and take action to address these concerns. Creating a constructive
partnership will require the energy, creativity, understanding, and patience
of all involved.
Reinvigorating communities is essential if we are to deter crime and create
more vital neighborhoods. In some communities, it will take time to break
down barriers of apathy and mistrust so that meaningful partnerships can
be forged. Trust is the value that underlies and links the components of
community partnership and problem solving. A foundation of trust will
allow police to form close relationships with the community that will
produce solid achievements. Without trust between police and citizens,
effective policing is impossible.
This monograph is a product of the Community Policing Consortium,
which is made up of the International Association of Chiefs of Police,
the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Police Executive Research Forum, and
the Police Foundation. Reflecting the Consortium’s perspective, the docu-
ment describes the historical evolution of community policing and its po-
tential for the future, and it will provide the basis for the Consortium’s work
with demonstration sites and law enforcement organizations as they imple-
ment community policing. The knowledge gained from this sitework will
be reflected in future Consortium publications. Some examples of these
publications are—
Expansion of Understanding Community Policing:
A Framework for Action
This preliminary study will be expanded in the future as the Con-
sortium continues its work with police departments as they imple-
ment community policing. The goal of this work is to share practical
information with the law enforcement profession throughout the country
Bureau of Justice Assistance
that will help them plan and implement community policing based upon
the experiences of other departments.
A Series of Monographs
The Consortium is planning to publish a series of individual monographs
that will address issues relating to the implementation of community
policing. The topics for these monographs will target critical implemen-
tation issues such as strategic planning, internal and external assessment
measures, and methodologies for conducting successful internal and
external needs assessments.
Case Studies
The Consortium will identify applications of community policing that
improve local crime control and prevention initiatives and will document
these experiences for publication and dissemination to other departments.
This dynamic and ongoing process will allow for the immediate exchange
of practical experiences for the benefit of other communities. This process
will also identify the successes, failures, and frustrations that reflect the
reality of implementing community policing.
The Consortium looks forward to working collaboratively with law enforce-
ment organizations throughout the country as they explore strategies for
effectively implementing community policing. As a resource center and
facilitator, the Consortium will tap into the vast resources of communities at the
national, State, and local levels, and will focus these energies on one goal—to
learn together how to make our communities safer.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introducing Community Policing .............................................. 1
Chapter 2: Tracing the Roots of Community Policing ............................... 3
An Idea for the Times ................................................................................. 3
The Role of the Police: A Historical Perspective ........................................ 5
A Social and Professional Awakening ........................................................ 6
The Role of Research in Policing................................................................ 7
Police Response to the Need for Change.................................................. 11
Chapter 3: Defining the Core Components of Community Policing...... 13
The Two Core Components ..................................................................... 13
The Concept of Community ..................................................................... 13
Community Partnership: Core Component One ....................................... 15
Problem Solving: Core Component Two .................................................. 17
Implications for Management and the Organizational Structure .............. 22
Values: The Guiding Principles ................................................................ 24
Chapter 4: Implementing a Community Policing Strategy ...................... 27
Some Implementation Basics.................................................................... 27
City and Community Resources................................................................ 28
Plan of Action: Three Options .................................................................. 29
Scope of Initial Implementation Efforts ..................................................... 30
Mobilizing Support.................................................................................... 31
Timing ....................................................................................................... 33
Managing Internal Change........................................................................ 34
Deployment of Personnel.................................................................... 34
Supervision........................................................................................... 35
Human Resource Development ........................................................... 36
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Performance Evaluation and Reward ................................................... 37
Workload Control and Information Systems........................................ 38
Facilities................................................................................................ 40
Facilitating the Implementation Process .................................................... 40
Marketing: Selecting a Message and an Image.......................................... 41
Chapter 5: Assessing the Progress of Community Policing ..................... 43
Assessing Internal Changes....................................................................... 44
Three Criteria for Assessment ................................................................... 44
Effectiveness......................................................................................... 45
Efficiency.............................................................................................. 47
Equity ................................................................................................... 50
Refining the Assessment Process .............................................................. 51
Chapter 6: Conclusion ................................................................................... 53
Appendix A: Bibliography ............................................................................ 55
Appendix B: Sources for Further Information ........................................... 69
◆ ◆ ◆
Introducing Community Policing
Chapter 1
he movement toward community policing has gained momentum in
recent years as police and community leaders search for more effective
ways to promote public safety and to enhance the quality of life in their neigh-
borhoods. Chiefs, sheriffs, and other policing officials are currently assessing
what changes in orientation, organization, and operations will allow them to
benefit the communities they serve by improving the quality of the services
they provide.
Community policing encompasses a variety of philosophical and practical
approaches and is still evolving rapidly. Community policing strategies vary
depending on the needs and responses of the communities involved; however,
certain basic principles and considerations are common to all community
policing efforts.
To date, no succinct overview of community policing exists for practitioners
who want to learn to use this wide-ranging approach to address the problems
of crime and disorder in their communities. Understanding Community Polic-
ing, prepared by the Community Policing Consortium, is the beginning of an
effort to bring community policing into focus. The document, while not a final
product, assembles and examines the critical components of community polic-
ing to help foster the learning process and to structure the experimentation and
modification required to make community policing work.
Established and funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice
Assistance (BJA), the Community Policing Consortium includes representatives
from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the National Sher-
iffs’ Association, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), and the Police
Foundation. BJA gave the Consortium the task of developing a conceptual
framework for community policing and assisting agencies in implementing
community policing. The process was designed to be a learning experience,
allowing police, community members, and policymakers to assess the effective-
ness of different implementation procedures and the impact of community po-
licing on local levels of crime, violence, fear, and other public-safety problems.
The development of this community policing framework presented policing
organizations with an opportunity to contribute to the evolution and imple-
mentation of community policing. The sharing of successes, failures, and
frustrations was and will continue to be an inherent part of this process. The
Community Policing
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Community Policing Consortium facilitates this dialog by providing direct
training and technical assistance to the demonstration sites, by serving as a
repository for community policing information, and by acting as a resource
for State, county, and municipal police agencies interested in learning more
about community policing and its implementation.
As the field of community policing evolves, BJA and the Community Policing
Consortium will develop an array of products, including a community polic-
ing implementation guide, which will contain training materials with curricula,
and a selection of case studies and anecdotal experiences to illustrate the
challenges and results of community policing endeavors. Through BJA, the
Consortium will also develop and disseminate a comprehensive resource
directory and bibliography of community policing literature and practices
intended to assist in future design and implementation efforts.
Understanding Community Policing provides a conceptual framework that
will be useful to practitioners interested in implementing or expanding com-
munity policing initiatives. Chapter 2 describes the reasons why police profes-
sionals throughout the United States have been searching for an alternative
policing strategy and traces the roots of community policing. The two defin-
ing elements of community policing–community partnership and problem
solving—are examined in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents the basic organiza-
tional and operational elements associated with the implementation of a
community policing strategy. Chapter 5 presents the criteria for assessing the
progress of a community policing initiative.
As the field of community policing develops, this document will be updated
and revised to reflect the transformations taking place at the test sites in this
collaboration between the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Community
Policing Consortium, and the practitioner community.
◆ ◆ ◆
Tracing the Roots
of Community Policing
Chapter 2
s defined by the Community Policing Consortium, community
policing consists of two core components, community partnership
and problem solving, which are both outlined in Chapter 3. The movement
toward these two ideas in the United States has been initiated and shaped by
concerned police executives throughout the country.
An Idea for the Times
There are compelling reasons why law enforcement leaders believe the time
has come to alter the policies and practices of their organizations. These
reasons are rooted in the history of policing and police research during the
last quarter of a century, in the changing nature of communities, and in the
shifting characteristics of crime and violence that affect these communities.
Policing strategies that worked in the past are not always effective today. The
desired goal, an enhanced sense of safety, security, and well-being, has not
been achieved. Practitioners agree that there is a pressing need for innovation
to curb the crises in many communities. Both the level and nature of crime
in this country and the changing character of American communities are
causing police to seek more effective methods. Many urban communities are
experiencing serious problems with illegal drugs, gang violence, murders,
muggings, and burglaries. Suburban and rural communities have not escaped
unscathed. They are also noting increases in crime and disorder.
In addition, the social fabric of our country has changed radically. The family
unit is not as stable as it once was. Single working parents find it extremely
difficult to spend enough time with their children, and churches and schools
have been unable to fill this void. Immigrants, ethnic groups, and minorities,
while adding to the diverse nature of American communities, often have
different interests and pursue disparate goals.
Governments at all levels are having increased difficulty balancing budgets,
which frequently forces police departments to allocate dwindling resources to
growing problems.
In this rapidly changing environment, where police cope with an epidemic
drug problem, gang activity, and increased levels of violence, the concept of
community policing is taking hold. Police leaders using this commonsense
In this rapidly changing
environment, . . . the
concept of community
policing is taking hold.
Community Policing
Bureau of Justice Assistance
approach to the problems of crime and disorder, an approach that may very
well enhance and maximize performance and resources, have struck a re-
sponsive chord in both national and local governments and in communities
across the Nation.
Government and community leaders are beginning to recognize that they also
must accept responsibility for keeping their neighborhoods safe. Communities
must take a unified stand against crime, violence, and disregard for the law,
and must make a commitment to increasing crime-prevention and interven-
tion activities. Police agencies must help build stronger, more self-sufficient
communities—communities in which crime and disorder will not thrive.
Community policing is democracy in action. It requires the active participation
of local government, civic and business leaders, public and private agencies,
residents, churches, schools, and hospitals. All who share a concern for the
welfare of the neighborhood should bear responsibility for safeguarding that
welfare. Community policing is being advocated by leaders at the highest
levels of government—including President Clinton and Attorney General
Reno, who describes it as the “changing of policing.” In addition, it has been
suggested that community policing can play a primary role in changing the
way all government services are provided at the community level.
The implementation of community policing necessitates fundamental changes
in the structure and management of police organizations. Community policing
differs from traditional policing in how the community is perceived and in its
expanded policing goals. While crime control and prevention remain central
priorities, community policing strategies use a wide variety of methods to
address these goals. The police and the community become partners in
addressing problems of disorder and neglect (e.g., gang activity, abandoned
cars, and broken windows) that, although perhaps not criminal, can eventu-
ally lead to serious crime. As links between the police and the community
are strengthened over time, the ensuing partnership will be better able to
pinpoint and mitigate the underlying causes of crime.
Police are finding that crime-control tactics need to be augmented with
strategies that prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime, and improve the
quality of life in neighborhoods. Fear of crime has become a significant
problem in itself. A highly visible police presence helps reduce fear within
the community, fear which has been found to be “␣.␣.␣.␣more closely corre-
lated with disorder than with crime.”
However, because fear of crime can
limit activity, keep residents in their homes, and contribute to empty streets,
this climate of decline can result in even greater numbers of crimes. By
getting the community involved, police will have more resources available
for crime-prevention activities, instead of being forced into an after-the-fact
response to crime.
1. Kelling, George L., and Mark H. Moore. The Evolving Strategy of Policing. Perspectives on
Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. 1988:p.8. Based on The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment.
Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation. 1981.
Community policing is
democracy in action.
◆ ◆ ◆
Analyses of crime statistics show that the current emphasis on crime fighting
has had a limited effect on reducing crime. In addition, the concept of cen-
tralized management of most police organizations has often served to isolate
police from the communities they serve. This isolation hampers crime-fighting
efforts. Statistics on unreported crime suggest that in many cases police are
not aware of existing problems. Without strong ties to the community, police
may not have access to pertinent information from citizens that could help
solve or deter crime.
Helpful information will be forthcoming from community members when
police have established a relationship of trust with the community they serve.
Establishing this trust will take time, particularly in communities where
internal conflicts exist or where relations with the police have been severely
strained. Community policing offers a way for the police and the community
to work together to resolve the serious problems that exist in these neighbor-
hoods. Only when community members believe the police are genuinely
interested in community perspectives and problems will they begin to view
the police as a part of that community.
Experience and research reveal that “community institutions are the first line
of defense against disorder and crime␣.␣.␣.␣”
Thus, it is essential that the
police work closely with all facets of the community to identify concerns
and to find the most effective solutions. This is the essence of community
The Role of the Police: A Historical Perspective
When Sir Robert Peel established the London Metropolitan Police, he set
forth a number of principles, one of which could be considered the seed of
community policing: “.␣.␣.␣the police are the public and the public are the
For a number of reasons, the police lost sight of this relationship as
the central organizing concept for police service. Researchers have suggested
that the reform era in government, which began in the early 1900’s, coupled
with a nationwide move toward professionalization, resulted in the separation
of the police from the community.
Police managers assigned officers to
rotating shifts and moved them frequently from one geographical location
to another to eliminate corruption. Management also instituted a policy of
centralized control, designed to ensure compliance with standard operating
procedures and to encourage a professional aura of impartiality.
2. As quoted in Kelling, George L. Police and Communities: the Quiet Revolution. Perspectives
on Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. 1988:p.2.
3. Braiden, Chris. “Enriching Traditional Police Roles.” Police Management: Issues and
Perspectives. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1992:p.108.
4. Kelling, George L., and Mark H. Moore. The Evolving Strategy of Policing. Perspectives on
Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. 1988:pp.4–5.
. . . it is essential that
the police work closely
with all facets of the
community to identify
concerns and to find
the most effective
solutions. This is the
essence of community
Bureau of Justice Assistance
This social distancing was also reinforced by technological developments.
The expanding role of automobiles replaced the era of the friendly foot patrol
officer. By the 1970’s, rapid telephone contact with police through 911 sys-
tems allowed them to respond quickly to crimes. Answering the overwhelm-
ing number of calls for service, however, left police little time to prevent
crimes from occurring. As increasingly sophisticated communications technol-
ogy made it possible for calls to be transmitted almost instantaneously, offic-
ers had to respond to demands for assistance regardless of the urgency of the
situation. Answering calls severely limited a broad police interaction with the
community. The advent of the computer also contributed to the decrease in
police contact with the community. Statistics, rather than the type of service
provided or the service recipients, became the focus for officers and manag-
ers. As computers generated data on crime patterns and trends, counted the
incidence of crimes, increased the efficiency of dispatch, and calculated the
rapidity and outcome of police response, rapid response became an end in
Random patrolling also served to further break the link between communities
and police. Police were instructed to change routes constantly, in an effort to
thwart criminals. However, community members also lost the ability to predict
when they might be able to interact with their local police.
The height of police isolation came in an era of growing professionalization,
when the prevailing ideology was that the professional knew best and when
community involvement in crime control was seen by almost everyone as
The movement to end police corruption, the emphasis on professionalization,
and the development of new technology occurred in an era of growing crime
and massive social change. Police had trouble communicating with all mem-
bers of the socially and culturally diverse communities they served. The
police and the public had become so separated from one another that in
some communities an attitude of “us versus them” prevailed between the
police and community members. One observer of the urban scene character-
ized the deteriorating police-community relationship this way: “For the urban
poor the police are those who arrest you.”
A Social and Professional Awakening
The burst of ideas, arguments, and protests during the 1960’s and 1970’s
mushroomed into a full-scale social movement. Antiwar protestors, civil rights
activists, and other groups began to demonstrate in order to be heard. Over-
burdened and poorly prepared police came to symbolize what these groups
sought to change in their government and society. Focusing attention on
police policies and practices became an effective way to draw attention to the
5. Harrington, Michael. The Other America: Poverty in the United States. New York: Macmillan.
The police and the
public had become so
separated from one
another that in some
communities an atti-
tude of “us versus
them” prevailed
between the police and
community members.
◆ ◆ ◆
need for wider change. Police became the targets of hostility, which
ultimately led police leaders to concerned reflection and analysis.
In this era of protest, citizens began to take a stronger hand in the develop-
ment of policies and practices that affected their lives. The police force’s
inability to handle urban unrest in an effective and appropriate manner
brought demands by civic leaders and politicians for a reexamination of
police practices. Between 1968 and 1973, three Presidential Commissions
made numerous recommendations for changes in policing—recommenda-
tions that were initially responded to by outside organizations. Agencies of
the U.S. Department of Justice, in collaboration with countless police depart-
ments throughout the country who were open to research and innovation,
played a major role in stimulating, supporting, and disseminating research
and technical assistance. Millions of dollars were spent to foster and support
criminal justice education. In addition, these Federal agencies supported a
wide variety of police training, conferences, research, and technology
A number of organizations within the policing field also became committed
to improving policing methods in the 1970’s. Among those on the forefront
of this movement for constructive change were the Police Foundation, the
Police Executive Research Forum, the National Organization of Black Law
Enforcement Executives, the Urban Sheriffs’ Group of the National Sheriffs’
Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. These
organizations conducted much of the basic research that led police to re-
evaluate traditional policing methods.
The Role of Research in Policing
Increases in Federal funding and the growth of criminal justice education
resulted in the rapid development of research on policing. Many of the
research findings challenged prevailing police practices and beliefs.
Federally funded victimization surveys documented the existence of unre-
ported crime. Practitioners had to acknowledge that only a fraction of crimes
were being reported, and, therefore, began seeking ways to improve their
image and to interact more effectively with the communities they served.
An early research study was the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment.
This field experiment found that randomized patrolling had a limited impact
on crime or citizens’ attitudes and caused police leaders to begin thinking
about alternative ways to use their patrol personnel.
Another study by the
Kansas City Police Department assessed the value of rapid response by police
and concluded that in most cases rapid response did not help solve crimes.
6. Kelling, George L., Antony Pate, Duane Dieckman, and Charles E. Brown. The Kansas City
Preventive Patrol Experiment: A Technical Report. Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation.
1974:pp.iii, 533–5.
7. Kansas City Police Department. Response Time Analysis: Volume II, Part I—Crime Analysis.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1980:p.iii.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
The study revealed that a large portion of serious crimes are not deterred by
rapid response. The crime sample that was analyzed indicated that almost
two-thirds of these crimes were not reported quickly enough for rapid re-
sponse to be effective. While a prompt police response can increase the
chance of making an onscene arrest, the time it takes a citizen to report a
crime largely predetermines the effect that police response time will have on
the outcome. This study revealed a need for formal call-screening procedures
to differentiate between emergency and nonemergency calls. More efficient
dispatching of calls could make additional time available for patrol officers to
interact with the community.
This study led to further research that also demonstrated the value of re-
sponse strategies that ensured that the most urgent calls received the highest
priority and the most expeditious dispatch. Studies of alternative responses
to calls for service found that community residents would accept responses
other than the presence of police immediately on the scene if they were well
informed about the types of alternatives used.
Differential police response strategies were also examined by the Birming-
ham, Alabama, Police Department.
The objectives of the project were to
increase the efficiency with which calls for service were managed and to
improve citizen satisfaction with police service. The study included the use of
call-prioritization codes, call-stacking procedures, both police and nonpolice
delayed-response strategies, and teleservice. The alternate strategies were
found to be successful in diverting calls from mobilized field units without a
loss in citizen satisfaction.
The Directed Patrol study assessed how to use most effectively the time
made available by more efficient call-response measures.
The study sug-
gested that, rather than performing randomized patrols when not handling
calls, the officers’ time could be more profitably spent addressing specific
criminal activities. To direct officers’ attention and to help them secure time,
the department instituted support steps that included crime analysis,
teleservice, and walk-in report-handling capabilities.
The San Diego Police Department conducted several significant research
studies during the 1970’s. These included an evaluation of one-officer
versus two-officer patrol cars, an assessment of the relationship between
field interrogations of suspicious persons and criminal deterrence, and a
8. Eck, John E., and William Spelman. “A Problem-Oriented Approach to Police Service
Delivery.” Police and Policing: Contemporary Issues, ed. Dennis Jay Kenney. New York:
Praeger. 1989:p.101.
9. Farmer, Michael T., ed. Differential Police Response Strategies. Washington, D.C.: Police
Executive Research Forum. 1981:p.3.
10. Kansas City Police Department. Directed Patrol: A Concept in Community-Specific,
Crime-Specific, and Service-Specific Policing. Kansas City, Missouri: Kansas City Police
Department. 1974:p.465.
. . . a large portion of
serious crimes are not
deterred by rapid
◆ ◆ ◆
community-oriented policing (COP) project,
which was the first empirical
study of community policing.
The COP project required patrol officers to become knowledgeable about
their beats through “beat-profiling” activities, in which officers studied the
topographics, demographics, and call histories of their beats. Officers were
also expected to develop “tailored patrol” strategies to address the types of
crime and citizen concerns revealed by their profiling activities.
Officers participating in the COP project concluded that random patrolling
was not as important as previously thought. They also concluded that devel-
oping stronger ties with members of the community was more important than
once believed. In addition, the project demonstrated that interaction with the
community could improve the attitudes of officers toward their jobs and
toward the communities they served and could encourage the officers to
develop creative solutions to complex problems.
Many of the findings from this study have a direct bearing on contemporary
community policing efforts. First, by getting to know members of the commu-
nity, the officers were able to obtain valuable information about criminal
activity and perpetrators. They were also able to obtain realistic assessments
of the needs of community members and their expectations of police serv-
ices. The study also exposed the need to reevaluate the issue of shift rotation.
Officers must be assigned to permanent shifts and beats if they are to partici-
pate in community activities. Finally, the COP project demonstrated the
critical role that shift lieutenants and sergeants play in program planning and
implementation. The exclusion of supervisors in training and development
efforts ultimately led to the demise of the COP program in San Diego.
In 1979, Herman Goldstein developed and advanced the concept of “prob-
lem-oriented policing” (POP), which encouraged police to begin thinking
differently about their purpose.
Goldstein suggested that problem resolution
constituted the true, substantive work of policing and advocated that police
identify and address root causes of problems that lead to repeat calls for
service. POP required a move from a reactive, incident-oriented stance to one
that actively addressed the problems that continually drained police re-
sources. In a study of POP implementation in Newport News, Virginia, POP
was found to be an effective approach to addressing many community
problems, and important data about POP design and implementation was
Other research indicated that police could identify the “hot spots”
11. Boydstun, John E., and Michael E. Sherry. San Diego Community Profile: Final Report.
Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation. 1975:p.83.
12. Goldstein, Herman. “Improving Policing: A Problem-Oriented Approach.” Crime and
Delinquency 25(1979):pp.241–3.
13. Eck, John E., and William Spelman. Problem Solving: Problem-Oriented Policing in Newport
News. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1987:pp.81,99.
. . . interaction with the
community can improve
the attitudes of officers
toward their jobs and
toward the communities
they serve . . . .
Bureau of Justice Assistance
of repeat calls in a community and thereby devise strategies to reduce the
number of calls.
While much of the policing research conducted in the 1970’s dealt with patrol
issues, the Rand Corporation examined the role of detectives.
This study
concluded that detectives solved only a small percentage of the crimes ana-
lyzed and that the bulk of the cases solved hinged on information obtained
by patrol officers. This dramatically challenged traditional thinking about the
roles of detectives and patrol officers in the handling of investigative func-
tions. The implication was that patrol officers should become more actively
involved in criminal investigations. The implementation of appropriate train-
ing would allow patrol officers to perform some early investigating that could
help in obtaining timely case closures, thereby reducing the tremendous case
loads of detectives and allowing them to devote more time to complex
The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment suggested that police could develop
more positive attitudes toward community members and could promote
positive attitudes toward police if they spent time on foot in their neighbor-
Foot patrol also eased citizen fear of crime, “.␣.␣.␣persons living in
areas where foot patrol was created perceived a notable decrease in the
severity of crime-related problems.”
Experimental foot patrols in Flint,
Michigan, also elicited citizen approval. Residents said foot patrols made them
feel safer and residents “.␣.␣.␣felt especially safe when the foot patrol officer
was well known and highly visible.”
In addition, it is worth noting that in
both cities the use of foot patrols increased officer satisfaction with police
The fear reduction studies provided empirical data on the effectiveness of
key community policing tactics (e.g., community organizing, door-to-door
14. Sherman, Lawrence W., Patrick R. Gartin, and Michael E. Buerger. “Hot Spots of Predatory
Crime: Routine Activities and the Criminology of Place.” Criminology 27(1989):p.39.
15. Greenwood, Peter W., and Joan Petersilia. The Criminal Investigation Process—Volume I:
Summary and Policy Implications. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation. 1975:p.v. See also
Greenwood, Peter W., Jan M. Chaiken, and Joan Petersilia. The Criminal Investigation
Process. Lexington: DC Heath. 1977.
16. Kelling, George L. The Newark Foot Patrol Experiment. Washington, D.C.: Police Founda-
tion. 1981:pp.94–96.
17. Trojanowicz, Robert C. “An Evaluation of a Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program.” Journal of
Police Science and Administration 11(1983):pp.410–419.
18. Trojanowicz, Robert C. An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program in Flint,
Michigan. East Lansing: Michigan State University. 1982:p.86. See also Trojanowicz, Robert
C. “An Evaluation of a Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program.” Journal of Police Science and
Administration 11(1983).
19. Kelling, George L. Police and Communities: The Quiet Revolution. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:p.5.
◆ ◆ ◆
contacts, neighborhood mini-stations, and intensified enforcement coupled
with community involvement) in reducing fear among residents, improving
community conditions, and enhancing the image of the police.
Driving this
study was the notion that if fear could be reduced, community residents
would be more inclined to take an active role in preserving safety and
tranquility within their neighborhoods.
Police Response to the Need for Change
A number of dynamic police leaders participated in various Presidential
Commissions during the 1960’s and 1970’s. They also contributed their time
and expertise to the newly created police organizations that were working
to bring about improvements in policing policies. However, many of these
police leaders found themselves alone when they tried to infuse their own
departments with this spirit of change. Community policing implementation
was impeded by centralized management practices and traditional operating
Many experienced police managers and officers found it difficult to accept
this challenge to the practices and procedures that had always guided their
actions. Thus, it was not surprising that these innovations were often over-
whelmed by traditional policies and that the innovators were frequently
suspected of being manipulated by outsiders or of pursuing their personal
career agendas at the expense of the organization.
Many of today’s police managers have supplemented their professional
education by studying literature developed since the 1970’s. Once considered
radical, many of the strategies that evolved from this research on policing are
now considered necessary for improving performance. Ideas that were raised
20 years ago have been modified and expanded to fit current conditions.
Police executives realize that it is no longer sufficient to think in terms of
making only minor alterations to traditional management and operational
practices. Management’s current challenge is to meet the escalating and
varied demands for service with more effective delivery strategies to optimize
staff and resources, to encourage innovative thinking, and to involve the
community in policing efforts.
Following the lead of corporate America, police managers are beginning to
adopt the principles associated with total quality or participatory manage-
ment. There is growing recognition in policing that employees should have
input into decisions about their work. Management practices that restrict the
flow of communication and stifle innovation are giving way to the belief that
those actually working in the community can best understand its needs and
develop ways to meet them. Police also realize that not only the service
20. Pate, Antony M., Mary Ann Wycoff, Wesley G. Skogan, and Lawrence W. Sherman.
Reducing Fear of Crime in Houston and Newark: A Summary Report. Washington, D.C.:
Police Foundation. 1986:p.3.
. . . police managers
are beginning to
adopt the principles
associated with total
quality or participatory
Bureau of Justice Assistance
providers but also the service recipients must define priorities and join forces
with others to find inventive, long-term solutions to deepening problems of
crime and violence.
Today the movement for change within policing is led aggressively by polic-
ing practitioners themselves. The current shift to community policing reflects
the conscious effort of a profession to reexamine its policies and procedures.
Incorporating the core components of community policing delineated in the
next chapter with existing policing methods is the first step in this ongoing
◆ ◆ ◆
Defining the Core Components
of Community Policing
Chapter 3
Community Policing
he growing trend within communities to participate in the fight
against crime and disorder has paralleled a growing recognition by
police that traditional crime-fighting tactics alone have a limited impact on
controlling crime. Community policing is the synthesis of these two move-
The foundations of a successful community policing strategy are the close,
mutually beneficial ties between police and community members. Community
policing consists of two complementary core components, community part-
nership and problem solving. To develop community partnership, police must
develop positive relationships with the community, must involve the commu-
nity in the quest for better crime control and prevention, and must pool their
resources with those of the community to address the most urgent concerns
of community members. Problem solving is the process through which the
specific concerns of communities are identified and through which the most
appropriate remedies to abate these problems are found.
Community policing does not imply that police are no longer in authority or
that the primary duty of preserving law and order is subordinated. However,
tapping into the expertise and resources that exist within communities will
relieve police of some of their burdens. Local government officials, social
agencies, schools, church groups, business people—all those who work and
live in the community and have a stake in its development—will share
responsibility for finding workable solutions to problems that detract from
the safety and security of the community.
The Concept of Community
The goal of community policing is to reduce crime and disorder by carefully
examining the characteristics of problems in neighborhoods and then apply-
ing appropriate problem-solving remedies. The “community” for which a
patrol officer is given responsibility should be a small, well-defined geo-
graphical area. Beats should be configured in a manner that preserves, as
much as possible, the unique geographical and social characteristics of
neighborhoods while still allowing efficient service.
Community policing
consists of two
core components,
community partnership
and problem solving.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Patrol officers are the primary providers of police services and have the most
extensive contact with community members. In community policing efforts,
they will provide the bulk of the daily policing needs of the community, and
they will be assisted by immediate supervisors, other police units, and appro-
priate government and social agencies. Upper level managers and command
staff will be responsible for ensuring that the entire organization backs the
efforts of patrol officers.
Effective community policing depends on optimizing positive contact be-
tween patrol officers and community members. Patrol cars are only one
method of conveying police services. Police departments may supplement
automobile patrols with foot, bicycle, scooter, and horseback patrols, as well
as adding “mini-stations” to bring police closer to the community. Regular
community meetings and forums will afford police and community members
an opportunity to air concerns and find ways to address them.
Officers working long-term assignments on the same shift and beat will
become familiar figures to community members and will become aware of
the day-to-day workings of the community. This increased police presence is
an initial move in establishing trust and serves to reduce fear of crime among
community members, which, in turn, helps create neighborhood security.
Fear must be reduced if community members are to participate actively in
policing. People will not act if they feel that their actions will jeopardize their
Although the delivery of police services is organized by geographic area, a
community may encompass widely diverse cultures, values, and concerns,
particularly in urban settings. A community consists of more than just the
local government and the neighborhood residents. Churches, schools, hospi-
tals, social groups, private and public agencies, and those who work in the
area are also vital members of the community. In addition, those who visit for
cultural or recreational purposes or provide services to the area are also
concerned with the safety and security of the neighborhood. Including these
“communities of interest” in efforts to address problems of crime and disorder
can expand the resource base of the community.
Concerns and priorities will vary within and among these communities of
interest. Some communities of interest are long-lasting and were formed
around racial, ethnic, occupational lines, or a common history, church, or
school. Others form and reform as new problems are identified and ad-
dressed. Interest groups within communities can be in opposition to one
another—sometimes in violent opposition. Intracommunity disputes have
been common in large urban centers, especially in times of changing demo-
graphics and population migrations.
These multiple and sometimes conflicting interests require patrol officers to
function not only as preservers of law and order, but also as skillful media-
tors. Demands on police from one community of interest can sometimes clash
with the rights of another community of interest. For example, a community
Effective community
policing depends on
optimizing positive
contact between patrol
officers and community
◆ ◆ ◆
group may oppose certain police tactics used to crack down on gang activity,
which the group believes may result in discriminatory arrest practices. The
police must not only protect the rights of the protesting group, but must also
work with all of the community members involved to find a way to preserve
neighborhood peace. For this process to be effective, community members
must communicate their views and suggestions and back up the negotiating
efforts of the police. In this way, the entire community participates in the
mediation process and helps preserve order. The police must encourage a
spirit of cooperation that balances the collective interests of all citizens with
the personal rights of individuals.
The conflicts within communities are as important as the commonalities.
Police must recognize the existence of both to build the cooperative bonds
needed to maintain order, provide a sense of security, and control crime.
Police must build lasting relationships that encompass all elements of the
community and center around the fundamental issues of public safety and
quality of life. The key to managing this difficult task is trust.
Community Partnership: Core Component One
Establishing and maintaining mutual trust is the central goal of the first core
component of community policing—community partnership. Police recognize
the need for cooperation with the community. In the fight against serious
crime, police have encouraged community members to come forth with
relevant information. In addition, police have spoken to neighborhood
groups, participated in business and civic events, worked with social agen-
cies, and taken part in educational and recreational programs for school
children. Special units have provided a variety of crisis intervention services.
So how then do the cooperative efforts of community policing differ from the
actions that have taken place previously? The fundamental distinction is that,
in community policing, the police become an integral part of the community
culture, and the community assists in defining future priorities and in allocat-
ing resources. The difference is substantial and encompasses basic goals and
Community partnership means adopting a policing perspective that exceeds
the standard law enforcement emphasis. This broadened outlook recognizes
the value of activities that contribute to the orderliness and well-being of a
neighborhood. These activities could include: helping accident or crime
victims, providing emergency medical services, helping resolve domestic and
neighborhood conflicts (e.g., family violence, landlord-tenant disputes, or
racial harassment), working with residents and local businesses to improve
neighborhood conditions, controlling automobile and pedestrian traffic,
providing emergency social services and referrals to those at risk (e.g., ado-
lescent runaways, the homeless, the intoxicated, and the mentally ill), protect-
ing the exercise of constitutional rights (e.g., guaranteeing a person’s right to
speak, protecting lawful assemblies from disruption), and providing a model
of citizenship (helpfulness, respect for others, honesty, and fairness).
Establishing and
maintaining mutual
trust is the central
goal of community
Bureau of Justice Assistance
21. Moore, Mark H., Robert Trojanowicz, and George L. Kelling. Crime and Policing.
Perspectives on Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F.
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. 1988:p.10.
These services help develop trust between the police and the community.
This trust will enable the police to gain greater access to valuable information
from the community that could lead to the solution and prevention of crimes,
will engender support for needed crime-control measures, and will provide
an opportunity for officers to establish a working relationship with the com-
munity. The entire police organization must be involved in enlisting the
cooperation of community members in promoting safety and security.
Building trust will not happen overnight; it will require ongoing effort. But
trust must be achieved before police can assess the needs of the community
and construct the close ties that will engender community support. In turn, as
Figure 1 illustrates, this cooperative relationship will deepen the bonds of
To build this trust for an effective
community partnership police must
treat people with respect and sensi-
tivity. The use of unnecessary force
and arrogance, aloofness, or rude-
ness at any level of the agency will
dampen the willingness of commu-
nity members to ally themselves
with the police.
The effective mobilization of com-
munity support requires different
approaches in different communities.
Establishing trust and obtaining
cooperation are often easier in
middle-class and affluent commun-
ities than in poorer communities,
where mistrust of police may have
a long history. Building bonds in
some neighborhoods may involve
supporting basic social institutions
(e.g., families, churches, schools) that
have been weakened by pervasive
crime or disorder.
The creation of
viable communities is necessary if
lasting alliances that nurture coop-
erative efforts are to be sustained.
Under community policing, the
police become both catalysts and
facilitators in the development of
these communities.
Community Partnership Process
Figure 1
◆ ◆ ◆
Community policing expands police efforts to prevent and control crime. The
community is no longer viewed by police as a passive presence or a source
of limited information, but as a partner in this effort. Community concerns
with crime and disorder thus become the target of efforts by the police and
the community working in tandem.
The close alliance forged with the community should not be limited to an
isolated incident or series of incidents, nor confined to a specific time frame.
The partnership between the police and the community must be enduring
and balanced. It must break down the old concepts of professional versus
civilian, expert versus novice, and authority figure versus subordinate. The
police and the community must be collaborators in the quest to encourage
and preserve peace and prosperity.
The more conspicuous police presence of the long-term patrol officer in itself
may encourage community response. But it is not sufficient. The entire police
organization must vigorously enlist the cooperation of community residents in
pursuing the goals of deterring crime and preserving order. Police personnel
on every level must join in building a broad rapport with community
For the patrol officer, police/community partnership entails talking to local
business owners to help identify their problems and concerns, visiting resi-
dents in their homes to offer advice on security, and helping to organize and
support neighborhood watch groups and regular community meetings. For
example, the patrol officer will canvass the neighborhood for information
about a string of burglaries and then revisit those residents to inform them
when the burglar is caught. The chief police executive will explain and
discuss controversial police tactics so that community members understand
the necessity of these tactics for public and officer safety. The department
management will consult community members about gang suppression
tactics, and every level of the department will actively solicit the concerns
and suggestions of community groups, residents, leaders, and local govern-
ment officials. In this police/community partnership, providing critical social
services will be acknowledged as being inextricably linked to deterring crime,
and problem solving will become a cooperative effort.
Problem Solving: Core Component Two
Problem solving is a broad term that implies more than simply the elimination
and prevention of crimes. Problem solving is based on the assumption that
“crime and disorder can be reduced in small geographic areas by carefully
studying the characteristics of problems in the area, and then applying the
appropriate resources␣.␣.␣.” and on the assumption that “Individuals make
choices based on the opportunities presented by the immediate physical and
The police and the
community must be
collaborators in the
quest to encourage and
preserve peace and
Bureau of Justice Assistance
social characteristics of an area. By manipulating these factors, people will be
less inclined to act in an offensive manner.”
The problem-solving process is explained further:
The theory behind problem-oriented policing is simple. Underlying
conditions create problems. These conditions might include the charac-
teristics of the people involved (offenders, potential victims, and others),
the social setting in which these people interact, the physical environ-
ments, and the way the public deals with these conditions.
A problem created by these conditions may generate one or more
incidents. These incidents, while stemming from a common source, may
appear to be different. For example, social and physical conditions in a
deteriorated apartment complex may generate burglaries, acts of vandal-
ism, intimidation of pedestrians by rowdy teenagers, and other incidents.
These incidents, some of which come to police attention, are symptoms
of the problems. The incidents will continue so long as the problem that
creates them persists.
As police recognize the effectiveness of the problem-solving approach, there
is a growing awareness that community involvement is essential for its suc-
cess. Determining the underlying causes of crime depends, to a great extent,
on an indepth knowledge of community. Therefore, community participation
in identifying and setting priorities will contribute to effective problem-solving
efforts by the community and the police. Cooperative problem solving also
reinforces trust, facilitates the exchange of information, and leads to the
identification of other areas that could benefit from the mutual attention of
the police and the community. As Figure 2 illustrates, the problem-solving
process, like community partnership, is self-renewing.
For this process to operate effectively the police need to devote attention to
and recognize the validity of community concerns. Neighborhood groups and
the police will not always agree on which specific problems deserve attention
first. Police may regard robberies as the biggest problem in a particular
community, while residents may find derelicts who sleep in doorways, break
bottles on sidewalks, and pick through garbage cans to be the number one
problem. Under community policing, the problem with derelicts should also
receive early attention from the police with the assistance of other govern-
ment agencies and community members. For example, one police captain
reported the following:
22. Eck, John E., and William Spelman, et al. Problem Solving: Problem-Oriented Policing in
Newport News. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1987:pp.xvi–xvii. See
also Clarke, Ronald V. “Situational Crime Prevention: Its Theoretical Basis and Practical
Scope.” Crime and Justice: An Annual Review of Research, eds. Michael Tonry and Norval
Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1983.
23. Eck, John E., and William Spelman, et al. Problem Solving: Problem-Oriented Policing in
Newport News. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1987:p.xvi.
Determining the
underlying causes of
crime depends, to a
great extent, on an
indepth knowledge
of community.
◆ ◆ ◆
What we found . . . was that
maybe some things that we
thought were important to them
really weren’t that important,
and other things we didn’t think
were important at all, were very
important . . . Like abandoned
cars: in one of our areas, that
was a very important thing.
They were really bugged about
all these abandoned cars, and
they thought it was a bad police
department that wouldn’t take
care of them. When we started
removing the cars their opinion
of us went up, even though
because we’d changed priorities
we were putting fewer drug
addicts in jail.
Therefore, in addition to the serious
crime problems identified by police,
community policing must also ad-
dress the problems of significant
concern to the community. Commu-
nity policing in effect allows commu-
nity members to bring problems of
great concern to them to the attention
of the police. Once informed of
community concerns, the police must work with citizens to address them,
while at the same time encouraging citizens to assist in solving the problems
of concern to the police.
The nature of community problems will vary widely and will often involve
multiple incidents that are related by factors including geography, time, victim
or perpetrator group, and environment. Problems can affect a small area of a
community, an entire community, or many communities. Community prob-
lems might include the following:
An unusually high number of burglaries in an apartment complex that
are creating great anxiety and fear among residents.
Panhandling that creates fear in a business district.
Prostitutes in local parks or on heavily traveled streets.
24. Sparrow, Malcolm K., Mark H. Moore, and David M. Kennedy. Beyond 911: A New Era
in Policing. New York: Basic Books. 1990:pp.175–176.
Figure 2
Problem-Solving Process
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Disorderly youth who regularly assemble in the parking lot of a
convenience store.
An individual who persistently harasses and provokes community
In community policing, the problem-solving process is dependent on input
from both the police and the community. Problem solving can involve:
Eliminating the problem entirely. This type of solution is usually limited to
disorder problems. Examples include eliminating traffic congestion by
erecting traffic control signs, and destroying or rehabilitating abandoned
buildings that can provide an atmosphere conducive to crime.
Reducing the number of the occurrences of the problem. Drug-dealing and
the accompanying problems of robbery and gang violence will be
decreased if the police and community work together to set up drug
counseling and rehabilitation centers. Longer range solutions might include
intensifying drug education in schools, churches, and hospitals.
Reducing the degree of injury per incident. For example, police can teach
store clerks how to act during a robbery in order to avoid injury or death
and can advise women in the community on ways to minimize the
chances of being killed or seriously injured if attacked.
Improving problem handling. Police should always make an effort to treat
people humanely, (e.g., show sensitivity in dealing with rape victims and
seek ways to ease their trauma, or increase effectiveness in handling
runaway juveniles, drug addicts, drunk drivers, etc., by working with other
agencies more closely).
Manipulating environmental factors to discourage criminal behavior. This
can include collaborative efforts to add better lighting, remove overgrown
weeds and trim shrubbery, and seal off vacant apartment buildings.
There are as many solutions as there are problems. These solutions range
from simple, inexpensive measures to complex, long-term answers that will
require significant investment of staff and resources. Problem solving is
limited only by the imagination, creativity, perseverance, and enthusiasm of
those involved. Community policing allows solutions to be tailor-made to the
specific concerns of each community. The best solutions are those that satisfy
community members, improve safety, diminish anxiety, lead to increased
order, strengthen the ties between the community and the police, and mini-
mize coercive actions. The following example describes such a solution:
A patrol officer faced with chronic nighttime robberies of convenience
stores discovered that a major contributing factor was that cash registers
could not be seen from the street, either because of their location within
the store or because of posters plastered on front windows. The officer
25. Goldstein, Herman. Problem-Oriented Policing. New York: McGraw Hill. 1990:pp.66–67.
Problem solving is
limited only by the
imagination, creativity,
perseverance, and
enthusiasm of those
◆ ◆ ◆
did not identify the “root cause” or ultimate cause of crime, but instead
identified an underlying condition that, once addressed, held promise of
reducing the number of future convenience store robberies.
To identify this underlying problem, the patrol officer talked with and
solicited suggestions from convenience store owners and employees,
other members of the business community, and community residents.
The officer’s identification of a contributing cause of the robberies is a
high-leverage accomplishment in terms of its likely positive impact on
the frequency of future robberies. Evidence of police concern and
soliciting input from the community also reinforces cooperative ties.
Patrol officers serve as catalysts for joint police and community problem-
solving endeavors. They are involved with the community on a day-to-day
basis, understand its unique physical and social characteristics, are aware of
local problems, and when needed can help community members articulate
their needs. Many problems within the community can be successfully
handled by patrol officers or their immediate supervisors and members of
the community—e.g., determining that better lighting would decrease the
incidence of muggings at a local park.
All levels of the police organization should contribute to problem solving,
depending on the scope and seriousness of the problem. For example,
crafting a solution to widespread incidents of spousal assault taking place in
several communities in an agency’s jurisdiction might involve multiple levels
of police management. Patrol officers may have noticed a correlation be-
tween spousal assaults and excessive drinking by the perpetrators, especially
at illegal after-hours clubs. The officers, their supervisors, and community
members might explore ways to close down these clubs with the help of
local zoning and city planning boards. Perpetrators with alcohol problems
might be required to attend rehabilitation programs run by a city agency.
Meanwhile, mid- and senior-level police managers and community leaders
might confer with women’s groups and other social agencies about providing
temporary housing and counseling for victims and their families. In addition,
members of the community might be able to repair an abandoned building to
house the victims.
The problem-solving process relies on the expertise and assistance of an
array of social and government agencies and community resources. At the
senior command level, police managers might combine forces with a civil
abatement agency to condemn and board up crack houses. One police officer
seeking a systemwide approach to the problem of spousal assault formed a
team comprised of units from the police department and representatives from
women’s shelters, the YWCA, nearby military bases, the prosecutor’s office,
newspapers, hospitals, and social agencies. A tremendous amount of leverage
26. Dietz and Baker. “Murder at Work.” American Journal of Public Health 77(1987):
Patrol officers serve
as catalysts for joint
police and community
Bureau of Justice Assistance
can be attained through the collaboration and partnership of this type of
far-ranging alliance.
Community policing puts new emphasis on tackling the underlying causes of
crime by addressing problems at the grassroots level. To maximize the time
that the patrol officer can spend interacting with community members, com-
munity policing encourages the use of the 911 system only for true emergen-
cies. Nonemergency calls should be handled through other means, including
delays in responding and report handling by the police station or sheriff’s
office over the telephone or by mail.
These alternative measures require a wide base of support within the commu-
nity. To obtain this support, the police must instruct residents on the nature of
an emergency and on alternative responses to nonemergencies. Alternative
responses will need to be thoroughly explained before community members
will accept them. The residents should be secure in the knowledge that the
police response will be appropriate for the urgency of the demand for serv-
ice, and that the reduction in the volume of 911 calls will allow officers to
spend more time in the community and will maximize the use of the resi-
dents’ tax dollars.
Implications for Management
and the Organizational Structure
Effective community partnership and problem solving will require the mastery
of new responsibilities and the adoption of a flexible style of management.
Community policing emphasizes the value of the patrol function and the
patrol officer as an individual. Patrol officers have traditionally been accorded
low status despite the scope and sensitivity of the tasks they perform. Com-
munity policing requires the shifting of initiative, decisionmaking, and respon-
sibility downward within the police organization. The neighborhood officer or
deputy sheriff becomes responsible for managing the delivery of services to a
community, and “. . . everything of a policing nature [in that community]
‘belongs’ to that person.”
With this responsibility comes wide-ranging discretionary and decisionmaking
power. Under community policing, patrol officers are given broader freedom
to decide what should be done and how it should be done in their communi-
ties—they assume managerial responsibility for the delivery of police services
to their assigned area. Patrol officers are the most familiar with the needs
and strengths of their communities and are thus in the best position to forge
the close ties with the community that lead to effective solutions to local
The shift in status and duties of the patrol officer is critical to the commun-
ity partnership and problem-solving components of community policing.
27. Braiden, Chris R. “Enriching Traditional Roles.” Police Management: Issues and Perspectives,
ed. Larry T. Hoover. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1992:p.101.
Community policing
emphasizes the value
of the patrol function
and the patrol officer as
an individual.
◆ ◆ ◆
Assignment stability of these neighborhood officers is also essential if they are
to develop close working relationships within their communities because
. . . they are expected to engage in activities other than simply reacting
to calls for service. Having officers periodically rotate among the shifts
impedes their ability to identify problems. It also discourages creative
solutions to impact the problems, because the officers end up rotating
away from the problems. Thus, a sense of responsibility to identify and
resolve problems is lost. Likewise, management cannot hold the officers
accountable to deal with problems if the officers are frequently rotated
from one shift to another.
The enhanced role of the patrol officer has enormous organizational and
managerial implications. The entire police organization must be structured,
managed, and operated in a manner that supports the efforts of the patrol
officer and that encourages a cooperative approach to solving problems.
Under community policing, command is no longer centralized, and many
decisions now come from the bottom up instead of from the top down.
Greater decisionmaking power is given to those closest to the situation with
the expectation that this change will improve the overall performance of the
agency. This transformation in command structure is not only sound manage-
ment, but is also crucial to the creation of meaningful and productive ties
between the police and the community. To establish a partnership with the
. . . the police must move to empower two groups: the public itself and
the street officers who serve it most closely and regularly. Only when
the public has a real voice in setting police priorities will its needs be
taken seriously; only when street officers have the operational latitude to
take on the problems they encounter with active departmental backing
will those needs really be addressed.
Community policing alters the contemporary functions of supervisors and
managers. Under community policing, management serves to guide, rather
than dominate, the actions of patrol officers and to ensure that officers have
the necessary resources to solve the problems in their communities. Creativity
and innovation must be fostered if satisfactory solutions to long-standing
community problems are to be found.
The transition to community policing requires recognizing that the new
responsibilities and decisionmaking power of the neighborhood patrol offic-
ers must be supported, guided, and encouraged by the entire organization. In
addition, it requires establishing clearly stated values that provide both the
28. Oettmeier, Timothy N., and William H. Bieck. Developing a Policing Style for Neighborhood
Policing. Executive Session #1. Houston: Houston Police Department. 1987:pp.12–13.
29. Sparrow, Malcolm K., Mark H. Moore, and David M. Kennedy. Beyond 911: A New Era for
Policing. New York: Basic Books. 1990:pp.182–183.
Creativity and
innovation must be
fostered if satisfactory
solutions to long-
standing community
problems are to be
Bureau of Justice Assistance
police organization and the public with a clear sense of policing’s expanded
focus and direction.
Values: The Guiding Principles
Community policing is ultimately about values—specifically, the change in
values that is needed to adapt policing to these changing times. Values must
be ingrained in the very culture of the organization and must be reflected in
its objectives, in its policies, and in the actions of its personnel.
Values are the beliefs that guide an organization and the behavior of its
employees .␣.␣.␣.␣The most important beliefs are those that set forth the
ultimate purposes of the organization .␣.␣.␣.␣They provide the organiza-
tion with its raison d’etre for outsiders and insiders alike and justify the
continuing investment in the organization’s enterprise . . . . [They] influ-
ence substantive and administrative decisions facing the organization,
they lend a coherence and predictability to top management’s actions
and the responses to the actions of employees. This helps employees
make proper decisions and use their discretion with confidence that
they are contributing to rather than detracting from organizational
A clear statement of beliefs and goals gives direction to the organization and
helps ensure that values are transformed into appropriate actions and behav-
iors. The entire agency must be committed to the values embodied by such
a mission statement. This mission statement should be widely disseminated
both inside and outside the police organization to garner public support and
to facilitate accountability. In the move to community policing, where prob-
lem-solving efforts and accountability are shared by the police, the local
government, and the community, explicitly defined values become critically
important in assigning responsibility and attracting and mobilizing support
and resources. Community policing
. . . relies heavily on the articulation of policing values that incorporate
citizen involvement in matters that directly affect the safety and quality
of neighborhood life. The culture of the police department therefore
becomes one that not only recognizes the merits of community involve-
ment but also seeks to organize and manage departmental affairs in
ways that are consistent with such beliefs.
30. Wasserman, Robert, and Mark H. Moore. Values in Policing. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:pp.1,3.
31. Brown, Lee P. Community Policing: A Practical Guide for Police Officials. Perspectives on
Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. 1989:p.5.
A clear statement of
beliefs and goals
gives direction to the
organization and helps
ensure that values
are transformed into
appropriate actions
and behaviors.
◆ ◆ ◆
An organization’s mission statement should be simple, direct, and unassum-
ing. Values must be unequivocally communicated so that officers understand
the influence on their actions:
Planners need to assess what specific behaviors by organizational mem-
bers support or undermine the stated values. This assessment requires
that the values be defined in operational terms such that an observer
can know whether any particular employee action is on target or off
target . . . . Planners must also think clearly about how management will
know whether the desired changes are taking place; feedback and
evaluative steps must be developed.
Community policing relies on the establishment of a clear, unambiguous link
of values to behaviors. By creating a system of performance measurement,
specific operational meaning can be given to seemingly abstract values. The
guiding values central to community policing are trust, cooperation, commu-
nication, ingenuity, integrity, initiative, discretion, leadership, responsibility,
respect, and a broadened commitment to public safety and security. A suc-
cinct mission statement that embodies these values and that is widely com-
municated to personnel, local government, and members of the community
will form the basis of assessment systems that match actions and behaviors to
the goals of community policing.
32. Cordner, Gary W., Craig B. Fraser, and Chuck Wexler. “Research, Planning, and Implemen-
tation.” Local Government Police Management, ed. William A. Geller. Washington, D.C.:
International City Management Association. 3d edition. 1991:pp.346–347.
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◆ ◆ ◆
Implementing a Community
Policing Strategy
Chapter 4
Community Policing
he implementation of a community policing strategy is a complicated
and multifaceted process that, in essence, requires planning and
managing for change. Community policing cannot be established through a
mere modification of existing policy; profound changes must occur on every
level and in every area of a police agency—from patrol officer to chief
executive and from training to technology. A commitment to community
policing must guide every decision and every action of the department.
Some Implementation Basics
Implementation plans will vary from agency to agency and from community
to community. The most appropriate implementation method will depend, in
part, on internal and external conditions facing the agency. For example, a
chief executive who comes into an organization that is ripe for change at a
time when confidence in the police is low may find that the organization will
respond favorably to innovative policies. On the other hand, a chief executive
who inherits a smoothly running organization may find it more difficult to
implement change.
One factor that will affect the approach to implementation is the extent of
change that is required. In some agencies, current operations procedures and
management practices may already conform closely to community policing,
while in others extensive changes may be necessary. This will affect how a
chief guides the organization toward the goals of community policing. A
thorough assessment of current programs will help identify what will be
required to integrate community partnership and problem-solving strategies
and expanded crime control and prevention tactics with preexisting policies.
Identifying priorities for change will also permit police agencies to establish
interim milestones for monitoring progress.
Another essential element of successful implementation is communication.
Communication must be timely, comprehensive, and direct. The chief
33. Sparrow, Malcolm K. Implementing Community Policing. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:p.2.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
executive must explain the concepts of community policing thoroughly to the
entire police organization, the local political leadership, public and private
agencies, and the community at large. All participants must understand their
role in community policing efforts. Regular communication will encourage
active participation and decrease resistance and opposition. Lines of commu-
nication must be maintained both within the police organization and between
the police and participants within the community. Successful implementation
requires the smooth flow of information.
The implementation of a community policing strategy must be a dynamic and
flexible process. Ongoing input, evaluation, and feedback from both inside
and outside the police organization are essential to making community
policing work. All phases of community policing implementation must be
carefully planned and properly timed to maximize success; even good ideas
can fail if they are poorly executed.
Planning must be responsive to changing needs, conditions, and priorities. A
strong research and planning capability that is open to suggestion and criti-
cism will allow refinements and revisions to be made during the implementa-
tion process. Such flexibility is crucial to the success of community policing.
There are numerous ways in which police management can steer agencies
toward community policing. This chapter offers guidelines that can be
adapted to the circumstances of different organizations and communities.
City and Community Resources
The long-term success of community policing in transforming the law en-
forcement profession depends on the willingness of local governments to
pursue effective integration. Elected and appointed administrators must
understand the law enforcement agency’s implementation strategy and partici-
pate in its development. Mayors, city managers, legislative representatives,
and other government executives must not be passive partners in this process;
they must guide the expansion of this movement toward “community-oriented
government” at the local level. Just as the police need to determine the best
ways to respond to and solve problems of crime and violence, political
leaders and service providers need to find ways to direct all available re-
sources at these critical social problems. Law enforcement agencies alone do
not have the resources to address all contemporary problems; however,
community policing can be a catalyst for mobilizing resources at the national,
State, and local levels to impact these problems more successfully.
Collaboration between the police agency and local government officials is
essential, since officers and supervisors will routinely seek assistance from
local government departments for services from sanitation to health. Regular
communication with the heads of government agencies will help secure their
assistance and will allow them to prepare their personnel for the additional
service requests that will be received.
Ongoing input, evalua-
tion, and feedback from
both inside and outside
the police organization
are essential to making
community policing
◆ ◆ ◆
Nongovernment agencies and institutions constitute another important
community asset. The chief or sheriff should enlist the support of these
private agencies in community policing efforts. One department invited
representatives from these organizations to participate in training sessions
on community-oriented policing.
Depending on the nature and scope of the problem addressed, the com-
position of problem-solving teams could be restricted to police personnel or
could include representatives from the community, government agencies, and
social agencies. The department must develop close cooperative links with all
community policing partners who contribute to the problem-solving process,
and explicit procedures must be established that facilitate the appropriate use
of resources.
Every member of the police organization can contribute to the development
of a comprehensive list of available government and private resources. This
list should include names, addresses, phone numbers, and a description of
services. This information should be easily accessible to allow patrol officers,
supervisors, and dispatchers to provide references to community members.
Plan of Action: Three Options
There is no “right” way to implement community policing. Each of the fol-
lowing three approaches has strengths and weaknesses.
Plan, then implement. This method entails developing a detailed long-
range plan, with tasks and timelines, and assigning officers to execute the
plan. This approach clearly delineates a set of strategies and actions that
impart a sense of direction to implementation efforts; however, the initial
planning stage for a large agency can take months or even years, and even a
very detailed plan will be unable to predict the obstacles that will arise. In the
absence of experience-based feedback, some part of the implementation
process may be miscalculated.
Planning can also be complicated by the size of the staff involved. Keeping
the planning staff relatively small may prevent the process from becoming
unwieldy; however, it may not adequately represent all levels of command,
function, and experience within the organization, thus creating the risk that
the plan will not be well implemented. Planning can also become excessive
and may stifle enthusiasm.
Plan and implement. In this approach, planning and action occur simulta-
neously. While the planning process continues, the agency begins to imple-
ment certain aspects of the program. This method allows the agency to get
started quickly, involves more personnel at the outset, and permits future
planning to benefit from feedback. However, the agency risks false starts,
34. Couper, David C., and Sabine H. Lobitz. Quality Policing: The Madison Experience.
Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1991:p.67.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
confusion, and major blunders unless effective, rapid, and regular communi-
cation takes place between planners and implementers.
Implement with little planning. The third option is for an agency with
little preparation or knowledge of the nature of community policing to
quickly launch into the action phase and then, on the basis of feedback, to
retool the effort and begin the cycle again. This process is continuous, with
each reevaluation cycle advancing the idea of community policing a bit
further within the organization. This approach assumes that a limited knowl-
edge of community policing may prevent agencies from initially planning in a
meaningful way. Advocates note that the almost immediate action will catch
officers’ attention at all organizational levels and will harness the existing
enthusiasm to help mobilize support. However, the constant shifts in goals
and actions can be highly unsettling to the organization and the community
it serves.
Among the factors to be considered when selecting a method of implemen-
tation are the extent of change in current agency operations that will be
required, the size of the organization, the staff the agency can assign to
implementation efforts, the readiness of the organization for the new ap-
proach, and the expectations of the community. The method of planning
and implementing simultaneously will probably prove most effective for the
majority of agencies implementing community policing.
Scope of Initial Implementation Efforts
Initial implementation of community policing can involve the entire agency,
or only a special unit or district. Agencywide commitment will require a
reevaluation of all aspects of operations. Many systems will need to be re-
structured to facilitate new job responsibilities and to foster productive part-
nerships with the community. Initiating changes of this magnitude will require
patience, perseverance, and total commitment. For these reasons, organiza-
tionwide implementation may not be feasible for agencies in which current
methods of policing are deeply ingrained. Effective implementation will
require time to train personnel, establish bonds with the community, and
create appropriate support systems. The amount of time required will depend
on the current orientation of the organization, its existing relationship with
the community, and the resources available.
Implementation of community policing through a special, well-trained unit
often offers early indications of success and focuses the attention of the
community and media on the beneficial nature of community policing. How-
ever, care must be taken to avoid creating divisions within the agency. If
community policing is perceived as merely a special-unit function, its eventual
implementation throughout the agency could be significantly impaired. In
addition, launching community policing through a special unit can lead to the
misconception that the new policing style does not have to be integrated with
all other facets of operations.
◆ ◆ ◆
Implementation within one or more districts or areas can serve to demon-
strate success and generate valuable data for expanding community policing
agencywide, but this may also require more time and effort than implementa-
tion within a special unit. However, officers in the targeted district can help
train others as community policing expands throughout the organization.
Another advantage of district implementation is that it requires the coopera-
tive efforts of all levels of management. The community policing district must
not be perceived as a mere adjunct to existing police procedures.
The effectiveness of the implementation of community policing throughout
the organization will depend on the manner in which community policing
goals are communicated initially. If agency leaders imply that community
policing in the special unit or district constitutes a test to determine whether
the approach should be expanded agencywide, competition and divisiveness
can result. Managers should state unequivocally that the special unit or
district is not a test site, but is the starting point for the agencywide imple-
mentation of community policing.
No matter which approach is selected, feedback is essential. Without ad-
equate feedback, agencies can encounter implementation problems that
could have been avoided. Mistakes are bound to occur during implementa-
tion of community policing. Recognizing mistakes, handling them in a timely
manner, and learning from them should be built into well-planned feedback
Mobilizing Support
The police executive will be called on to display exemplary leadership in the
move to community policing. Change must come from the top down. The
behavior of the chief executive will set the tone and pattern for the entire
organization. Management must create a new, unified organizational outlook,
and strategies must be developed to deal effectively with obstacles to change.
For the police it is an entirely different way of life .␣.␣.␣.␣The task facing
the police chief is nothing less than to change the fundamental culture
of the organization .␣.␣.␣.␣Throughout the period of change the office of
the chief executive is going to be surrounded by turbulence, like it or
not. It will require personal leadership of considerable strength and
Early mobilization of support for community policing is critical. Internally, the
chief or sheriff must develop support at all levels of the organization; exter-
nally, the chief executives must gather support from the local government,
public and private agencies, the media, and other policing agencies in the
region. The cooperation of the local mayor or city manager is imperative to
35. Sparrow, Malcolm K. Implementing Community Policing. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:p.2.
Change must come
from the top down. The
behavior of the chief
executive will set the
tone and pattern for the
entire organization.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
the successful implementation of a community policing strategy, as is the
cooperation of local government decisionmakers and community organiza-
tions. A lack of commitment from any of these key groups could result in
A certain amount of opposition to community policing should be anticipated,
both inside and outside the agency. Elected officials may be too impatient
to await the results of a community policing effort or may prefer to have a
newer version of current policing procedures. Some groups within the com-
munity may be suspicious of the concept in general.
Resistance within the agency is inevitable as restructuring occurs. During
the implementation of any change, employees may feel threatened and seek
ways to resist.
This will be especially true if community policing is incor-
rectly perceived as being “soft on crime” and as making social service activi-
ties the patrol officers’ primary responsibility.
Those at the highest level of command must be aware of the concerns of
mid-level managers, who may be particularly sensitive to the shifts in
decisionmaking responsibility and to the wider discretion accorded patrol
Teamwork, flexibility, mutual participation in decisionmaking, and
citizen satisfaction are concepts that initially may threaten the supervisor
who is more comfortable with the authoritarian role and routinized
operations inherent in traditional policing. Thus, the education of super-
visors in new styles of leadership and management must be given a high
priority if they are to carry out their responsibility for the success of
community policing.
Keeping all personnel well informed, involving them in ongoing planning and
implementation, soliciting their input and suggestions, and encouraging
feedback in all areas of implementation are essential to obtaining organiza-
tionwide support. Management must instill the agency with a new spirit of
trust and cooperation that will be carried over into the relationships between
the agency and its community policing partners. The early cooperation and
influence of management is key to gaining support throughout the ranks.
Chiefs who do not invest in assessing and responding to the honest
attitudes of managers, who do not invest in defining the new roles
managers are expected to play, and who do not provide their managers
with the training they need to effectively fill these new roles are likely to
36. Cordner, Gary W., Craig B. Fraser, and Chuck Wexler. “Research, Planning and Implemen-
tation.” Local Government Police Management, ed. William A. Geller. Washington, D.C.:
International City Management Association. 3d edition. 1991.
37. Meese, Edwin III. Community Policing and the Police Officer. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1991:p.7.
A certain amount
of opposition to
community policing
should be anticipated,
both inside and outside
the agency.
◆ ◆ ◆
be frustrated in their efforts to implement change. In their frustration
with managers, they will be tempted to bypass them and to go straight
to the first-line officers with implementation plans␣.␣.␣. .␣But without the
support of the supervisors and managers, few first-line officers will be
willing to risk changing their behaviors.
Agency leaders can also move to counter intraagency resistance by building a
strong external constituency.
The chief or sheriff might make a public
commitment to community policing and elicit from special interest groups a
statement of their concerns. The chief may be able to support the work of
commissions and committees that support ideas for change. These efforts
would allow the top management to approach the organization backed by a
public mandate for community policing.
In anticipation of a move to community policing, a chief might also disband
some squads that emphasize traditional methods of policing, redesign evalua-
tion systems to give credit for contributions to the nature and quality of
community life, expand training to include community partnership and
problem-solving strategies, and establish new communication channels with
other public service organizations.
Timing is an important factor in the implementation process. Implementation
that moves too slowly may dampen enthusiasm and reduce momentum,
while implementation that moves too quickly may create confusion and
resentment and may threaten the success of the project through the use of
hurried and ill-conceived methods. Community policing requires major
changes in operations including: decentralization of activities and facilities,
role changes for most personnel, new training, revised schedules, and an
altered call-response system. All of these changes require careful consider-
ation and coordination.
The order of some changes will have an inherent logic; it simply won’t
make sense to undertake some before making others. However, the
ordering of some of the objectives may be optional. When this is the
case, it may make sense to postpone the more difficult until later in the
change timetable. Easy “wins” may make the best openers. These would
be changes for which it should be possible to build the broadest base of
38. Wycoff, Mary Ann and Timothy Oettmeier. Forthcoming. 1994.
39. Sparrow, Malcolm K. Implementing Community Policing. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:p.3.
40. Ibid.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
support␣.␣.␣. . Meeting some of the easier goals may help prepare the
organization for the more difficult ones.
Correct timing is often a matter of making the most of available opportunities.
Police management should be ready to take advantage of any opportunity
that could champion the cause of community policing.
Those opportunities can be defined as events that throw the spotlight on
police policy and provide a ‘case in point’ justification for a reform
proposal. Ironically, opportunities often come disguised as crises, and
managers must resist the instinctive impulse to think first of damage
control. Managers interested in reform will embrace crises and make the
most of them␣.␣.␣. .␣
Managing Internal Change
Community policing necessitates the introduction of fundamental and com-
prehensive change to the police agency. Organizational efforts must support
the evolving responsibilities of patrol officers. For example, information
systems should move beyond the efficient processing of criminal offense
reports to the delivery of timely and accurate information to officers. Training
will govern the pace of change and should affect more than just the new
recruits. Performance evaluation should no longer be a mere feedback
mechanism, but instead should be a tool to facilitate the change process.
Successful implementation of community policing entails careful examination
of the following organizational issues.
Deployment of Personnel
Permanent or long-term shifts and beat assignments must be instituted if
patrol officers are to form lasting and productive partnerships with the com-
munity. Community policing depends on this stability. In addition, community
boundaries should be carefully drawn to preserve the integrity of existing
neighborhoods and to encourage cooperation within the community.
A comprehensive analysis of workloads across shifts and areas is essential to
guide the deployment of personnel. This analysis should include data for
each community covering the following areas:
The frequency and nature of calls for service.
The frequency and nature of criminal activity.
41. Wycoff, Mary Ann and Timothy Oettmeier. Forthcoming. 1994.
42. Sherman, Lawrence W. and Anthony V. Bouza in Gary W. Cordner, Craig B. Fraser, and
Chuck Wexler. “Research, Planning and Implementation.” Local Government Police
Management, ed. William A. Geller. Washington, D.C.: International City Management
Association, 3d edition. 1991:sidebar.
◆ ◆ ◆
The expectations for response time.
The estimated time needed for community partnership and problem-
solving activities.
Some agencies will need to increase the number of officers who are assigned
to patrol operations and to readjust existing patrol assignments. Criminal
investigation units may need to be surveyed to determine if efforts are being
duplicated, which could allow some officers to return to patrol. Civilians
could also be hired for support positions not requiring policing skills, in
order to reassign police personnel to community patrols.
Consistent supervision is necessary for effective community policing. Supervi-
sion will suffer if sergeants or lieutenants have schedules that only partially
overlap those of the patrol officers. Close collaboration between patrol
officers and their supervisors is as critical to successful community policing as
the partnership between the officer and the community members.
While patrol officers need consistent supervision, “The attitude that police
officers must be guided and directed at every turn must be discarded␣.␣.␣.␣. ”
Supervisors should function as mentors, motivators, and facilitators. Commu-
nity policing’s broad approach to problem solving can enhance communica-
tion and interaction between departmental levels. If middle managers are
made an integral part of the problem-solving process, they will become
another resource for patrol officers, rather than just another level of supervi-
By acting as liaisons, running interference, and suggesting appropriate
auxiliary support, supervisors can help patrol officers respond to a wide
variety of service demands.
Among the community policing responsibilities for first-line supervisors and
mid-level managers are the following:
Maintaining beat integrity.
Overseeing the creation of beat profiles.
Working with officers and community residents to create a system for the
allocation and utilization of resources.
Working with officers and community members to develop, implement,
and manage problem-solving systems.
43. Oettmeier, Timothy N., and William H. Bieck. Integrating Investigative Operations Through
Neighborhood-Oriented Policing: Executive Session #2. Houston: Houston Police Depart-
ment. 1988:p.35.
44. Sparrow, Malcolm K. Implementing Community Policing. Perspectives on Policing.
Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University. 1988:p.6.
Close collaboration
between patrol officers
and their supervisors is
as critical to successful
community policing
as the partnership
between the officer
and the community
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Assessing results and providing feedback on accomplishments and
progress made in addressing problems of crime and disorder.
Supervisors should also bring patrol officers into the management process,
facilitate group cohesiveness, and assist personnel in reaching their maximum
Mid-level managers should eliminate impediments to the process of problem
solving and to the attainment of results. They must learn to manage multi-
functional teams and to assume more responsibility for strategic planning, as
well as become actively involved in mobilizing the community in crime-
prevention activities.
Mid-level managers should conduct regular meetings with their staff to discuss
plans, activities, and results. They should evaluate the progress or failure of
strategies, programs, or responses based on performance indicators supplied
by officers, supervisors, and community members. Managers have a responsi-
bility to enrich the jobs of their personnel by delegating authority, acting as
mentors, and overseeing training and education. They also must meet fre-
quently with their superiors to provide updates, seek direction and guidance,
and help expand strategies to address crime and disorder within communities.
Human Resource Development
Training is key to the effective implementation of community policing. Train-
ing should communicate and reinforce the changes taking place in organiza-
tional values and policies, and should help build consensus, resolve, and
unity both inside and outside the police organization.
Community policing skills should be integrated into the training curricula,
not treated as a separate component of the training program. Training in
community policing should supplement law enforcement techniques with
communication and leadership skills that will encourage participation from
the community. All personnel must become skilled in the techniques of
problem solving, motivating, and team-building. Training should involve the
entire agency and should include civilian personnel who can enlist participa-
tion in community meetings, help the police organization sharpen its market-
ing message, and incorporate sophisticated technology into the organization’s
service-oriented operations.
Initial training efforts should be directed at managers and supervisors, who
may feel their authority is being eroded by the modified priorities of the
More important, they must be relied on to transmit and trans-
late the new concepts to those they supervise.
45. Oettmeier, Timothy N., and William H. Bieck. Integrating Investigative Operations Through
Neighborhood-Oriented Policing: Executive Session #2. Houston: Houston Police Depart-
ment. 1988.
◆ ◆ ◆
The training of mid-level managers should emphasize their role in facilitating
the problem-solving process by coaching, coordinating, and evaluating the
efforts of patrol officers. To prepare mid-level managers for their community
policing responsibilities, one agency chief required all personnel with the
rank of sergeant and above to attend training sessions that had three goals: to
show supervisors how to manage officers’ time so that problems could be
addressed without diminishing police capability for handling calls, to describe
how problems should be analyzed, and to ensure that all trainees knew what
was expected of them and their officers.
Patrol officers must also receive extensive training that encourages and
develops both initiative and discretionary ability—a dramatic departure from
traditional thinking. They must develop planning, organization, problem
solving, communication, and leadership skills through ongoing, thorough
training. Eventually, these officers will be able to assist in the training of
Performance Evaluation and Reward
Performance evaluation can be a valuable management tool for facilitating
change and can help communicate agency priorities to employees.
Systems for evaluating personnel performance should reflect the goals of
community policing. “Emphasizing quality over quantity represents a major
difference between traditional policing and community-oriented policing.”
Patrol officers could be evaluated on how well they know their beats—a
prerequisite for identification of problems—and how effectively they and
their supervisors have adopted problem-solving techniques. Other relevant
performance measures include the extent to which personnel have formed
partnerships with the community and the nature of their contributions to this
team effort. Since officers are working as part of a team, they should not be
evaluated as if they were operating alone.
The occasional mistake made by an officer seeking to solve community issues
in a proactive manner would be an inappropriate measure of performance.
“Managers cannot have it both ways. They cannot ask officers to be risk-
takers and then discipline them when occasional mistakes occur.”
insight, initiative, and creativity shown by personnel should be considered in
the performance appraisal; the motivation behind the action also must be
46. Eck, John E., and William Spelman. Problem Solving: Problem-Oriented Policing in Newport
News. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1987:pp.104–6.
47. Brann, Joseph E., and Suzanne Whalley. “COPPS: The Transformation of Police Organiza-
tions.” Community-Oriented Policing and Problem Solving. Sacramento: Attorney General’s
Crime Prevention Center. 1992:p.74.
48. Kelling, George L., Robert Wasserman, Hubert Williams. Police Accountability and Com-
munity Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy
School of Government, Harvard University. 1988:p.6.
Systems for evaluating
personnel performance
should reflect the goals
of community policing.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
considered. Mistakes made in an honest attempt to solve a problem should
not be evaluated in the same manner as mistakes made through carelessness,
lack of commitment, or deliberate disregard for policing policies.
Retaining the services of personnel who are skilled in community policing
depends, in large part, on appropriate rewards for solid performance. Re-
wards must be consistent with the values and methods associated with
community policing. Patrol officers and supervisors should be evaluated and
rewarded for exceptional skills in problem solving or community mobilization
efforts, rather than on the number of calls handled or parking tickets issued.
Rewards also include the establishment of well-defined and suitable career
paths for all personnel. Specific career development opportunities should
reward past effort and allow room for growth, especially for patrol officers.
The backbone of community policing is the patrol officer and the status, pay,
and working conditions of this position should encourage people to spend an
entire career in patrol. “In effect, what is needed is a system that rewards
advancement through skill levels in the same job as much or more than it
rewards advancement through the ranks.”
Management should also consider expanding the criteria for the existing
award program and placing more emphasis on community partnership and
problem-solving skills. Some departments have invited community members
to help select police award recipients. Others have added awards for commu-
nity members who participate in police efforts. These awards will help
solidify commitments and encourage continued cooperation among commu-
nity policing participants.
Workload Control and Information Systems
The efficient management of service calls is essential for officers to have
sufficient time to interact and work with community members to solve prob-
lems of crime and disorder. Most agencies control 911 calls for service by
determining which calls demand an immediate response and which can be
handled with alternate responses or through a referral to another agency.
Nonemergency calls can be handled by delayed officer response, by tele-
phone, by mail, or by having the caller come to the station. Research shows
that the public will not insist on an immediate response to a nonemergency
service request if the alternative response is both appropriate and performed
as described.
49. Moore, Mark H., and Darrel W. Stephens. Beyond Command and Control: The Strategic
Management of Police Departments. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.
50. Eck, John E., and William Spelman. “A Problem-Oriented Approach to Police Service
Delivery.” Police and Policing: Contemporary Issues, ed. Dennis Jay Kenney. New York:
Praeger. 1989:p.101.
◆ ◆ ◆
The problem-solving orientation of community policing requires a greater
emphasis on analytic skills and expert systems management to obtain the
most valuable information support. Information support will have to be
provided for problems that have not been previously studied and for the
incorporation of data from outside the department.
Analysis must go beyond
identifying and forecasting crime patterns; tactical analysis should be supple-
mented with strategic analysis.
.␣.␣.␣strategic analysis seeks to identify factors that contribute to crime
and non-crime problems. Strategic analysis is a natural by-product of the
problem-oriented approach .␣.␣.␣.␣Strategic analysts should attempt to
identify why problems exist in neighborhoods as well as identify the
conditions that contribute to and perpetuate crime. This information will
certainly prove useful in the planning and implementation of tactical
responses and crime prevention strategies.
Strategic analysis will require that information be collected by a number of
unconventional methods, e.g., conducting neighborhood victimization sur-
veys, canvassing rehabilitation centers and hospitals, interacting with school
officials, and assessing the impact of environmental changes on criminal
Technology tends to heighten the isolation of the police from the public;
therefore, management must ensure that technological innovations are inte-
grated into community policing activities in a way that fosters meaningful
cooperation and aids in the process of problem solving.
Modern CAD (computer-aided dispatch) systems can assist in prioritizing
police response to service requests. Cellular telephones, pagers, fax ma-
chines, and voice mail can also relieve the overburdened 911 systems and
provide vital communication links between communities and the police. In
addition, geocoding and mapping technology can prove invaluable to the
problem-solving process.
Advancements in technology now allow computerized maps of neigh-
bor-hood activity. [In a test] using personal computers with specially
designed software, community groups were able to map data provided
by daily police reports␣.␣.␣. .␣This strategy holds considerable promise for
mapping less-serious incivilities (not only the dramatic incidents) that
lower the quality of neighborhood life␣.␣.␣. .␣Research suggests that
releasing local crime statistics to the public will not increase the public’s
51. Sparrow, Malcolm. Information Systems and the Development of Policing. Perspectives on
Policing. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Justice and John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. 1993:p.4.
52. Oettmeier, Timothy N., and William H. Bieck. Integrating Investigative Operations Through
Neighborhood-Oriented Policing: Executive Session #2. Houston: Houston Police Depart-
ment. 1988:p.64.
Analysis must go
beyond identifying and
forecasting crime
patterns; tactical
analysis should be
supplemented with
strategic analysis.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
fear of crime so long as the statistics are accompanied by specific,
feasible crime prevention recommendations.
All data should be made available through an integrated management infor-
mation system that can be conveniently accessed by patrol officers, supervi-
sors, command staff, and support personnel. This might entail the use of
laptop computers and other mobile communications equipment. Wide dis-
semination and information sharing are essential components of community
policing. Pertinent and appropriate information should be made available to
members of the community whenever possible. For example, statistics show-
ing an increase in burglaries or rapes in a specific section of town should be
shared with the community to further the problem-solving process.
Effective community collaboration and interaction will require patrol officers
to be more accessible to community members. “Storefront” police offices or
“mini-stations” within neighborhoods can be established quite inexpensively,
particularly with assistance from the community. The duties of staffing store-
front facilities can be shared among officers, civilian employees, and commu-
nity residents. These sites provide officers and citizens with the opportunity
to discuss problems and plan activities. One police jurisdiction operated a
storefront station at a shopping mall, while another used a closed-down
roadhouse in a rural area to provide residents with easier access to police
services. Some deputies in sparsely populated rural areas are allowed to
report in by phone, instead of driving many miles to attend roll call, so
that contact with community residents can be maximized. In a sense, the
deputies’ homes become satellite stations, allowing them greater access to
the community.
Facilitating the Implementation Process
Astute chief executives will realize that leadership ability can be found at
many levels, both inside and outside the police organization. They should
enlist the help of people whose ideas, drive, and ability will help spur the
progress of community policing. However, police executives must take
responsibility for directing implementation efforts and outlining the param-
eters for addressing the various facets of community policing. Strong and
continued leadership from the top of the organization will reduce confusion
and disagreement at lower levels.
Police chiefs will not be able to manage the entire implementation process;
therefore, a team or committee, one or more internal coordinators, and
outside sources such as consultants should be designated by the chief.
53. Rosenbaum, Dennis P., Eusevio Hernandez, and Sylvester Daughtry, Jr. “Crime Prevention,
Fear Reduction, and the Community.” Local Government Police Management, ed. William
A. Geller. Washington, D.C.: International City Management Association. 1991:p.116.
◆ ◆ ◆
Members of an implementation team, task force, or committee will also have
other responsibilities; therefore, an internal coordinator may be needed to
provide daily support for team efforts. For greater effectiveness, internal
coordinators should be recruited from the command level of the organization
to avoid communication problems.
Outside consultants can also facilitate implementation because they are
frequently able to gain access to all levels of the organization more easily
than an internal coordinator. Consultants can bring a wealth of experience to
the implementation process, including knowledge about the implementation
of community policing strategies and suggestions for gathering relevant
information. Occasionally consultants may encounter resistance within agen-
cies that are not accustomed to external assistance. Executives loaned from
private sector companies also may be useful to police organizations. “The
private sector uses such programs to allow one or more employees to work,
with pay, for a not-for-profit or community organization for as long as a year
at a time.”
To ensure a smooth transition to community policing, top management
should consider creating a broad-based implementation team. An agencywide
team, which could be divided into a number of committees, should ad-
equately represent all levels of the agency in experience and function. An
even broader team might include representatives from local government,
police unions, other agencies, and members of the community whose assis-
tance would be instrumental to the success of a community policing strategy.
Officers on the implementation team must be allowed to participate outside
the traditional lines of authority.
This means that while a chairperson will
direct and coordinate each committee’s activities, there should be no rank
within committees. The police chief must have frequent contact with all
committees. In addition, the efforts of committees should be coordinated by
one or more facilitators who share the chief’s thinking and understand the
ultimate goals of community policing.
Marketing: Selecting a Message and an Image
Before implementing a community policing strategy, the agency should
communicate the concept of community policing to its own personnel and to
the community, including political and business leaders and the media.
Different emphases and images may be appropriate for different audiences;
however, a message to one group should not contradict or neutralize an
equally valid message to another.
54. Williams, Hubert. “External Resources.” Local Government Police Management, ed. William
A. Geller. Washington, D.C.: International City Management Association. 1991:p.465.
55. Wadman, Robert C., and Robert K. Olson. Community Wellness: A New Theory of Policing.
Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum. 1990:p.61.
. . . top management
should consider creat-
ing a broad-based
implementation team.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
For example, messages to officers focusing on problem solving and arrests
might conflict with images directed at the general public showing officers
distributing teddy bears to preschoolers. Both messages and roles are valid;
one emphasizes problem solving as a valuable anticrime tool, while the other
shows the benefits of trust-building and partnerships with the community.
To avoid sending contradictory messages, agencies should settle on a domi-
nant theme and communicate it consistently both internally and externally.
For example, the theme might emphasize a new “customer-service” orienta-
tion to policing, focus on partnership building, or highlight the prospects
community policing holds for creating secure neighborhoods. Subsidiary
points—problem solving, community contact, or ridding neighborhoods of
signs of neglect or disorder—could be grouped under the umbrella of this
central theme. An excellent example of a central theme is the “Together We
Can” slogan that will steer the marketing of community policing efforts in
Marketing involves communicating through symbols, stories about real-life
situations, and testimonials by those whom the community and officers
respect. Marketing messages are conveyed internally through memos, roll-call
briefings, newsletters, and special videos, and in person by command staff
and chief executives, among others. Externally, they are publicized through
public forums, posters, flyers, meetings, public service announcements, and
the officers’ personal contact with community members.
Although the use of a label or acronym to help market community policing
seems a small matter, it needs careful consideration.
If employees are generally supportive of the change, then the label
provides a positive rallying symbol .␣.␣.␣.␣If, on the other hand, there is
substantial resistance to the change, then the label becomes a negative
rallying symbol .␣.␣.␣.␣People begin to play games with the acronym.
Neighborhood-Oriented Policing becomes ‘Nobody On Patrol’ or
The media must be included early in the implementation process to market
successfully the idea of community policing. Media involvement ensures a
wide dissemination of the community policing message and encourages the
media to stay involved in future community policing efforts; the media also
will be less apt to “derail” if there is a bump in the crime statistics or if some
community policing policies are less effective than hoped. If the budget
allows, media consultants can be useful. The agency’s internal media relations
unit should thoroughly understand the chief executive’s vision of community
policing and communicate it clearly in news releases and interviews. All who
are marketing the concept must be careful not to claim more for community
policing than it can deliver.
56. Wycoff, Mary Ann and Timothy Oettmeier. Forthcoming. 1994.
Media involvement
ensures a wide
dissemination of the
community policing
message and
encourages the media
to stay involved in
future community
policing efforts . . . .
◆ ◆ ◆
Assessing the Progress of
Community Policing
Chapter 5
Community Policing
critical aspect of implementation is the assessment of community
policing efforts, both in terms of achieving necessary change within
the organization itself and accomplishing external goals (such as, establishing
working relationships with the community and reducing levels of crime, fear,
and disorder). Ongoing assessment meets a number of fundamental needs.
Every government and public agency, including the police, should be able to
give an accurate account of its current activities to policymakers and taxpay-
ers. Thus, ongoing assessment of policy and performance should be a pri-
mary function of any policing organization. Assessment becomes even more
vital when an organization is undergoing the comprehensive changes that a
shift to community policing will entail. Constant assessment of the process
of change is needed for managers to determine how to keep the implementa-
tion process on track. The most effective strategies also need to be identified
so managers can make informed choices about where to allocate limited
Ongoing assessment helps give the organization a clear sense of direction
and allows management to focus efforts on the most productive and efficient
practices. Therefore, assessment is indispensable in determining which
elements of community policing should be maintained, altered, or eliminated,
and offers key decisionmakers in the jurisdiction a way to gauge the impact
and cost-effectiveness of community policing efforts.
Assessment will help determine whether necessary changes in the support
systems are taking place and whether appropriate efforts are being made to
accomplish the stated goals. Assessment also can help communicate agency
expectations to employees.
Giving community members a way to measure the success of community
policing efforts is critical to maintaining strong ties, ensuring continued
participation, and documenting the progress made. Conversely, evaluations of
the community policing strategy from government and community leaders
will affect how future cooperative efforts are constructed. Thorough assess-
ment helps make police more responsive to the community’s needs, which
should strengthen the trust and partnership on which community policing is
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Developing a sound assessment program should begin with a strategic plan
that outlines the goals, methods, objectives, and timetables, and assigns
personnel for internal and external changes. These goals and responsibilities
will form the basis of performance assessment and will allow police leader-
ship to detect failures and roadblocks, as well as to chart progress and
document accomplishments.
Assessing Internal Changes
Large gaps can exist between policy and actions, therefore, management must
take nothing for granted in the implementation of community policing poli-
cies and procedures. The chief executive should constantly ask, “How is the
implementation going? Is it on track? What problems are occurring? What help
is needed?”
In smaller organizations, these questions can be answered through a process
called “management by walking around” in which the chief visits key manag-
ers and implementation groups to get on-the-spot reports on implementation
efforts. The chief should also consult patrol officers to obtain their views on
the implementation process. In every organization, the chief executive should
hold regular meetings with the personnel responsible for overseeing commu-
nity policing implementation and should ask for reports on efforts with the
goal of both reinforcing accountability and allowing for immediate discussion
of problems. Regular reports on progress and problems relating to specific
community policing objectives and timetables should be supplied by mem-
bers of the implementation team.
Assessment of the more intangible internal changes, for example, the decen-
tralization of management, can be complex. The chief executive and the head
of the implementation team could meet regularly with groups of managers
and supervisors to discuss changes in decisionmaking authority. Periodic
personnel surveys can also help determine what modifications have occurred
in management style, which obstacles stand in the way of change, and how
agency leadership can facilitate the necessary adjustments in the roles of
managers, supervisors, and patrol officers.
Three Criteria for Assessment
Evaluating the impact of community policing is critical for many reasons.
Key decisionmakers must be able to judge the strategy’s impact and cost-
effectiveness, and the police organization must be able to measure the suc-
cess or failure of its policies and activities. As with implementation methods,
assessment measures will vary depending on the size of the organization and
the nature of its current policies. Ongoing monitoring will expedite the
implementation process, attract support, aid problem solving, and reveal new
opportunities for productive partnerships with the community.
◆ ◆ ◆
In the past, police efforts usually have been evaluated on a traditional and
narrow set of criteria (e.g., crime statistics, the number of 911 calls, the length
of police response, the number of arrests and citations, etc.). These assess-
ments were often taken only at times of serious crime increases.
Many of the traditional methods of assessment remain valid, but can measure
only the effectiveness of crime-fighting tactics and cannot gauge the effect of
crime-prevention efforts. Changes in the scope of policing necessitate a
revised system for evaluating the performance of individuals, as well as
agencies. As police take a proactive role in deterring crime, a broader set of
assessment criteria, which incorporate traditional measures of crime-fighting
activities with those that encompass community partnership and problem-
solving activities, will be needed.
Traditional crime-control activities should become only one of the ways in
which the community policing strategy and individual officers are assessed.
Many indications of the success of community policing efforts are intangible
(e.g., absence of fear, quality of interaction with community members, etc.);
therefore, assessing a community policing strategy is a qualitative as well as a
quantitative process. The values that the department promotes will form the
basis of sound qualitative measures of effectiveness. Assessment should
reward organizational and individual behavior that assists in deterring crime
and solving other neighborhood problems. Creativity, initiative, and ingenuity
should be emphasized in the evaluation of individual officers. Three major
criteria—effectiveness, efficiency, and equity—can be used to provide the
quantitative and qualitative measures needed to assess the success of a
community policing strategy.
An effective community policing strategy will reduce neighborhood crime,
decrease citizens’ fear of crime, and enhance the quality of life in the commu-
nity. An important goal of community policing is to provide higher quality
service to neighborhoods; therefore, customer satisfaction becomes an impor-
tant measure of effectiveness. The perception of progress among community
members and ongoing feedback from all elements of the community are
essential parts of the assessment process. Randomly and routinely conducted
surveys will inform the agency of the public view of police performance, the
level of fear and concern, and will make the agency aware of the extent to
which community members feel as if they are participants in the community
policing effort.
One of the core components of community policing is community partner-
ship. Therefore, an early measure of effectiveness will be the number and
type of community partnerships that have been formed. The cooperation and
participation of community members is necessary to deter crime and reduce
the fear of crime in the neighborhood. Assessing the effectiveness of commu-
nity policing efforts includes determining whether problems have been solved
and judging how well the managers and patrol officers have applied the
Creativity, initiative,
and ingenuity should
be emphasized in the
evaluation of individual
Bureau of Justice Assistance
community partnership and problem-solving components of community
policing described in Chapter 3.
Assessment should measure whether a problem was solved and how this
was accomplished. As stated earlier, the number of arrests made is only one
possible measure of effective problem solving; solving problems often does
not involve arrest and, in many cases, does not guarantee that a problem will
disappear completely. For example, the officer (cited in Chapter 3), who
determined that one of the underlying causes of an increase in convenience
store robberies was that cash registers could not be seen by passersby, did
not eradicate the burglary. However, his efforts did provide valuable informa-
tion that could help deter future robberies. Satisfactory assessment measures
for community policing must give proper credit to officers like this who
successfully abate a problem through means other than arrest. The officer’s
contribution to solving the problem and his consultations with members of
the community showed the concern and effectiveness of police officers and
created the goodwill for the department that is crucial to the success of
community policing.
The number and type of problems solved and the creativity and scope of the
solutions will provide a way to measure community policing’s effectiveness.
Not all of the problems will involve criminal activity, and many will not even
be considered a priority by the police agency. However, where serious crime
is not involved, the concerns and fears of community members should order
the priorities of the agency.
In community policing, officers may act as facilitators to mobilize community
support. They may also function as mediators in disputes between individuals
or organizations, or take responsibility for referring a problem to the appro-
priate social or government agency. The effective use of government and
community agencies in problem solving is an indication that community
policing policies are working. Thus, the mobilization and intelligent use of
community resources in solving problems and the sensitive handling of
dissension become important factors in assessing the performance of officers
and the success of the program.
Increased levels of community participation in crime reduction and preven-
tion efforts is another indication of program success. Community members
will not act if they are afraid or suspicious. Community members should
become more willing to work with the police in a variety of ways, ranging
from converting abandoned buildings to community assets to involving police
actively in neighborhood watch groups. They might also be more comfortable
providing information on criminal activity in the area. In fact, calls to report
crime may increase considerably during the early phases of community
policing implementation, as community confidence in police capability
rises and community trust increases. However, the number of 911 calls
will likely decrease over time, which will provide a quantitative measure of
the strategy’s effect. For instance, emergency calls in the pioneering Flint,
Assessment should
measure whether a
problem was solved
and how this was
◆ ◆ ◆
Michigan, foot patrol district dropped 43 percent over the course of the
A concrete indication of community policing’s success is the commitment of
an increased level of community resources devoted to crime reduction efforts.
Active consultation and financial participation by public and private agencies,
schools, and the business community will demonstrate that community-
partnership efforts are working. Communities also should begin to initiate
and conduct projects with minimal guidance from the police.
Renewed activity within the community also will demonstrate the effective-
ness of community policing efforts, particularly in areas where citizens have
been afraid to leave their homes. Reduction in fear can also result in the
perception among residents that crime is on the wane, whether or not this is
statistically accurate. An increased willingness of citizens to walk to schools
and parks, patronize stores, and go to restaurants and movies will signal a
general decrease in fear of crime. In turn, the very fact that community
members are reclaiming their streets will help deter future criminal activity
and create more vigorous neighborhoods.
Improved quality of life is difficult to measure but is an important goal of
community policing and will be reflected in comments from community
members. Ridding the streets of gangs, drunks, panhandlers, and prostitutes—
perhaps with the help of public and private social agencies—will enhance
the quality of life. Removing signs of neglect (e.g., abandoned cars, derelict
buildings, and garbage and debris) will offer tangible evidence that commu-
nity policing efforts are working to bring about increased order in the
In community policing, the police function includes the provision of services
that in the recent past have been regarded as outside policing’s purview.
These services include aiding accident and crime victims, arbitrating neigh-
borhood and domestic disputes, and providing emergency medical and social
services. An analysis of the nature of calls for police service (e.g., a lower
percentage of calls reporting criminal activity in proportion to calls requesting
social assistance) will provide a measure of how well the strategy is working.
Efficiency means getting the most results with available resources. To meas-
ure the efficiency of community policing, the resources of the police agency,
local government and private agencies, citizen groups, the business commu-
nity, and the neighborhood must first be defined. The assessment must then
determine whether these resources are being used to their fullest to solve any
given problem. Agencies that can successfully enhance and realign their
resources by forming community partnerships will be able to make commu-
nity policing more efficient and cost-effective.
57. Trojanowicz, Robert C. “An Evaluation of a Neighborhood Foot Patrol Program.” Journal of
Police Science and Administration 11(1983):p.417.
Renewed activity within
the community will
demonstrate the
effectiveness of
community policing
efforts, particularly in
areas where citizens
have been afraid to
leave their homes.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Two major shifts must occur within the police organization if community
policing is to work efficiently. Staunch partnerships and collaborative efforts
must first be established with the community. The command structure of the
police organization must then be decentralized so that problem solving,
decisionmaking, and accountability are spread to all levels of the organiza-
tion. Such decentralization challenges personnel to be more creative and
more effective because the decisions they make are more timely and influ-
enced by firsthand knowledge of the facts.
Decentralization also gives
higher level managers more time to formulate strategies that will improve the
organization’s performance.
In a decentralized policing organization, neighborhood patrol officers are
responsible for the daily policing needs of the community, with guidance and
backing from supervisors. Their long-term shifts and neighborhood patrol
assignments give them the opportunity to function more efficiently and
Patrol officers who handle daily police functions can form stronger bonds
with the community. This “pride of ownership” motivates both parties to
solve the problems that affect the security and harmony of the neighborhood.
Patrol officers will experience greater job satisfaction as they accept higher
levels of responsibility and accountability. Officers are often able to resolve
issues quickly, allowing them to see the immediate results of their efforts.
With high morale and greater job satisfaction, patrol officers will more effec-
tively mobilize the community. If they are highly motivated, given the neces-
sary support, and appropriately rewarded for their efforts, the job satisfaction
they experience will help make the community policing strategy a success.
The roles and responsibilities of all personnel in the police organization are
altered so that the leadership and ingenuity officers display will become
important factors in determining the efficiency of the program. Assessment
and reward procedures must therefore be revised accordingly.
Community help will increase the efficiency of the program and relieve some
of the strain of tight police budgets. Partnerships in the community can bring
fresh resources to problems, even those traditionally considered “police-only”
business. According to one sheriff, “There is virtually no limitation on how
much more effective and efficient a sheriff’s office can become, working
collectively as a partner with community members while, at the same time,
saving resources, dollars, and frustration on the part of constituents.”
58. Moore, Mark H., and Darrel W. Stephens. Beyond Command and Control: The Strategic
Management of Police Departments. Washington, D.C.: Police Executive Research Forum.
59. Prinslow, Robert J. “Community Policing in Marion County, Oregon.” Roll Call. Special
edition (June 1993):p.9.
◆ ◆ ◆
Decentralized decisionmaking and community partnership engenders new
organizational and resource issues that must be addressed to operate the
system efficiently. Budgets must reflect the goals of community policing by
allocating money and resources in proportion to the results achieved. With
decentralization police officers who have the greatest responsibility for the
daily policing operations will have more direct input into budgetary decisions
and greater accountability for financial decisions, actions taken, and results
Efficiency must be built into each aspect of the community policing strat-
egy—from the creation of community boundaries that cultivate productive
alliances to the adoption of technologies that increase communication. Ex-
panded and thorough training is paramount in an efficient shift to community
policing. Intensive training, although initially costly in terms of dollars and
time, will eventually make the process more efficient, as well-trained and
experienced personnel share practical knowledge with colleagues.
Efficiency in larger agencies may be increased by redefining job functions at
all management levels. For example, one large jurisdiction implementing
community policing required sergeants to coordinate officer decisionmaking
across beats as necessary and to confer with their lieutenants on decisions
that involved a large or long-term commitment of resources. Lieutenants in
turn apprised their respective captains about happenings on beats across their
districts. Such amended roles for midlevel managers may promote efficiency
through fewer levels of supervision. While an important supervisory role is to
help maximize the amount of time neighborhood officers can spend in their
communities, community policing will require supervisors to coordinate
problem-solving activities within and across communities, help secure re-
sources, evaluate activities and decisions, and provide guidance and support
to neighborhood officers.
Also central to achieving efficiency in time and dollars is controlling calls for
service. Sophisticated technological advances can help prioritize calls and
facilitate communication among community policing partners. Alternative
response strategies for nonemergency calls include a delayed-officer response
and officer response by appointment. Low-priority situations can be handled
by telephone, walk-in, and mail-in reporting. “All indications are that these
systems save an enormous amount of time, reduce officer frustration, and are
equally satisfactory to the callers.”
Effectiveness and efficiency are important yardsticks by which to measure
community policing’s achievements, but equity, the third major criterion for
judging progress, has the greatest impact on the success of community
60. Goldstein, Herman. Problem-Oriented Policing. New York: McGraw Hill. 1990:
Effectiveness and
efficiency are important
yardsticks by which to
measure community
policing’s achieve-
ments, but equity has
the greatest impact
on the success of
community policing.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Equity is grounded firmly in the Constitution of the United States, which all
police officers are sworn to uphold. A foremost tenet of community policing
is equity; that is, all citizens should have a say in how they are governed.
Officers may relate better to citizens as individuals because they cooperate
closely with and are recognized as an integral part of the community. Com-
munity policing can thus become a force for enhancing democratic principles.
Community policing provides an opportunity to emphasize uncompromising
integrity, unyielding standards of fairness, and unwavering equality because
officers have to work closely with the community and will be increasingly
confronted with ethical dilemmas.
Equity, as understood in community policing activities, has three dimensions:
equal access to police services by all citizens, equal treatment of all individu-
als under the U.S. Constitution, and equal distribution of police services and
resources among communities.
Equal access to police services. All citizens, regardless of race, religion,
personal characteristics, or group affiliation, must have equal access to police
services for a full and productive partnership with a community. The para-
mount commitment of community policing should be respect for all citizens
and sensitivity to their needs. Neighborhood officers must not discriminate
against any community members. Supervisors should help ensure that police
services are readily available throughout the community.
In addition, lines of communication must be kept open with all partners in
the community policing effort. Favoritism of one group over another will
severely hamper future cooperative efforts. Groups who are more vocal than
others cannot be permitted to use community policing to serve their own
purposes. Police must prevent such behavior before it adversely affects the
trust that has been established within and among communities.
Equal treatment under the constitution. Police must treat all individuals
according to the constitutional rights that officers are sworn to protect and
enforce. Careful attention to the constitutional rights of citizens, victims, or
perpetrators will help to engender bonds of trust between the police and
community. Police must treat all persons with respect and impartiality—
including the homeless, the poor, and the mentally or physically handi-
capped. They must reject stereotypes, ignore skin color, and use reason and
persuasion rather than coercion wherever possible because inequitable or
harsh treatment can lead to frustration, hostility, and even violence within a
community. Such unethical behavior will imperil the trust so necessary to
community policing.
Some contemporary community activists and leaders have experienced past
confrontations with the police which may present serious challenges to
implementing community policing and involving the community in policing
◆ ◆ ◆
Equal distribution of police services and resources among communi-
ties. Because community policing customizes policing services to the needs
of each community, services should be distributed equitably among poor and
minority communities. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that this is the
For equitable distribution of resources among communities, each community
must articulate its needs and be willing to work with the police to ensure its
share of police services. Each neighborhood officer must listen to the commu-
nity members, and be willing to work with the community members to meet
those needs. Poor and minority neighborhoods can present particular chal-
lenges for some patrol officers, who may have to bridge differences of race
and class before a level of trust and cooperation can be established.
Some neighborhoods may appear unwilling to help police in their efforts to
improve life in the community. Officers must realize that sometimes “the
community seems so helpless because it feels abandoned and would discover
new strengths if only the police could make an effective alliance with impor-
tant community elements.␣.␣.␣.␣Departments that have taken early steps [into
community policing] are full of stories of apparently lost neighborhoods that
flowered under new police attention.”
One community must not be given preference over another; all communities
must have equal access to police services. Equity, however, may not always
mean equal distribution of police services and resources. Wealthier communi-
ties are often able to contribute more resources to the problem-solving
process than can poorer communities. Crime rates will also be higher in some
communities, requiring more police intervention and a larger share of police
resources to decrease crime and transform neighborhoods from places of fear
into city or county assets.
Refining the Assessment Process
Assessment of community policing is an ongoing process that should include
a reevaluation of the assessment measures themselves. With more experience
in community policing, a police agency will be able to develop measures that
accurately chart successes and failures and indicate where changes need to
be made.
The values of the policing organization must guide the move to community
policing, and shape every decision made and every action taken. Above all,
police organizations must be responsive to community priorities and de-
mands for service from the beginning of the community policing effort.
61. Sparrow, Malcolm, Mark H. Moore, and David M. Kennedy. Beyond 911: A New Era for
Policing. USA: Basic Books. 1990:p.180.
. . . all communities
must have equal
access to police
Bureau of Justice Assistance
◆ ◆ ◆
Chapter 6
Community Policing
olice agencies should not allow political leaders and the public to
develop unrealistic expectations for community policing in terms of
crime deterrence or speed of implementation. Community policing calls for
long-term commitment; it is not a quick fix. Achieving ongoing partnerships
with the community and eradicating the underlying causes of crime will take
planning, flexibility, time, and patience. Management can measure progress
by their success in meeting interim goals and must reinforce the concept
inside and outside the organization that success is reached through a series
of gradual improvements.
Local political leadership may be eager for fast results, but police leadership
must make it clear to city and county officials that implementing community
policing is an incremental and long-term process. Political and community
leaders must be regularly informed of the progress of community policing
efforts to keep them interested and involved. The police organization, from
the chief executive down, must stress that the success of community policing
depends on sustained joint efforts of the police, local government, public and
private agencies, and members of the community. This cooperation is indis-
pensable to deterring crime and revitalizing our neighborhoods.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
◆ ◆ ◆
Appendix A
Community Policing
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Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Mark H. Moore The Meaning of Community in
Community Policing. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University,
National Neighborhood Foot Patrol Center, School of Criminal Justice.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., and David Carter. Philosophy and Role of Community
Policing. Rockville, Md.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, National Institute of Justice. 1988.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., B. Benson, and Susan Trojanowicz. Community
Policing: University Input Into Campus Police Policy-Making. East Lansing,
Mich.: National Neighborhood Foot Patrol Center, Michigan State
University, School of Criminal Justice. 1988.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., Richard Gleason, Bonnie Pollard, and David Sinclair.
Community Policing: Community Input Into Police Policy-Making. East
Lansing, Mich.: National Neighborhood Foot Patrol Center, Michigan State
University, School of Criminal Justice. 1987.
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Bonnie Pollard. Community Policing: The Line
Officer’s Perspective. East Lansing, Mich.: National Neighborhood Foot
Patrol Center, Michigan State University, School of Criminal Justice. 1986.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., Marilyn Steele, and Susan Trojanowicz. Community
Policing: A Taxpayer’s Perspective. East Lansing, Mich.: National Neighbor-
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Justice. 1986.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., Bonnie Pollard, Francine Colgan, and Hazel A.
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Lansing, Mich.: National Neighborhood Foot Patrol Center, Michigan
State University, School of Criminal Justice. 1986.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Jerome Belknap. Community Policing: Training
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Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Dennis W. Banas. Perceptions of Safety: A
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Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Dennis W. Banas. Job Satisfaction: A Comparison
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Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Dennis W. Banas. Impact of Foot Patrol on Black
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Justice. 1985.
Trojanowicz, Robert C., and Hazel A. Harden. Status of Contemporary Com-
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Bureau of Justice Assistance
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Wycoff, Mary Ann, and Wesley G. Skogan. Community Policing: Quality From
the Inside, Out. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. Forthcoming.
Wycoff, Mary Ann, and Wesley G. Skogan. Citizen Contact Patrol—The
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Sherman. Police Community Stations: The Houston Field Test, Executive
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Programs, National Institute of Justice. 1985.
Wycoff, Mary Ann, Wesley G. Skogan, Anthony M. Pate, and Lawrence W.
Sherman. Police as Community Organizers—The Houston Field Test,
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of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. 1985.
Wycoff, Mary Ann, and Wesley G. Skogan. Police as Community
Organizers—The Houston Field Test, Technical Report. Washington,
D.C.: Police Foundation; and Rockville, Md.: U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice. 1985.
◆ ◆ ◆
Bureau of Justice Assistance
633 Indiana Ave. NW.
Washington, DC 20531
Bureau of Justice Assistance Clearinghouse
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20850
Community Policing Consortium
1726 M St. NW., Suite 801
Washington, DC 20036
Sources for Further Information
Appendix B
Community Policing
Bureau of Justice Assistance
◆ ◆ ◆
BJA has a range of publications
related to community Policing including:
Problem-Oriented Drug Enforcement: A Community-Based Approach for
Effective Policing, NCJ 143710.
The Systems Approach to Crime and Drug Prevention: A Path to Commu-
nity Policing, NCJ 143712.
Neighborhood-Oriented Policing in Rural Communities: A Planning Guide,
NCJ 143709.
A Police Guide to Surveying Citizens and Their Environment, NCJ 143711.
National Service and Public Safety: Partnerships for Safer Communities,
NCJ 146842.
Working as Partners With Community Groups, NCJ 148458.
An Introduction to DARE: Drug Abuse Resistance Education, NCJ 129862.
An Introduction to the National DARE Parent Program,
NCJ 142422.
Partnership to Prevent Youth Violence, NCJ 148459.
Call the BJA Clearinghouse at 800–688–4252
to order these publications.
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