UNC Pembroke Department of Music Newsletter
Spring 2024
Dr. Joseph Van Hassel, chair
Table of Contents Page 2
3 - Greetings From the Chair
4 - Current Events
Musical Theatre
Voice Studies
6 - Meet the New Faculty/Staff
Mr. Daniel Bukin
Mr. Cameron Collar
Dr. Piper Pack-Smith
Dr. Holland Phillips
Mr. Matthew Rybicki
Dr. Peter Swanson
Ms. Julie Welch
Ms. Crystal Wood
15 - Faculty Retirements
16 - Alumni News
18 - Faculty News
Dr. Tim Altman
Dr. Joshua Busman
Mr. Kalem Graham
Dr. Lindsey Jacob
Dr. Jaeyoon Kim
Dr. José Rivera
Dr. Mark Tollefsen
Dr. Aaron Vandermeer
Dr. Joseph Van Hassel
34 - New Alumni
35 - Calendar of Events
37 - Helpful Links
38 - Carnegie Hall
39 - University Music Society
Greengs From the Chair Page 3
I am very excited for the return of the UNCP Music newsletter, Moore Tid-
ings! It has been several years since its last publication, and Im glad its
back. Thanks so much to Travis Moftt for designing and to Dr. Joshua
Busman for editing.
In this newsletter you will nd information about music department
(students and faculty) happenings from 2022-2023 and our plans for
2023-2024. As always, there is a lot going on! We offer many free con-
certs on-campus, including student ensembles and recitals, faculty recit-
als, guest artists, and more. Please refer to the UNCP Music Department
website or the end of this newsletter for the most current information on
This newsletter gives only a small sampling of all of the fabulous endeav-
ors that our faculty and students take part in. Please enjoy reading
through the newsletter and checking out the photos and videos!
Thank you for your support of UNCP Music.
- Joseph Van Hassel, chair
Table of Contents
Current Events Page 4
Table of Contents
Musical Theatre
The 2023-2024 academic year is off to a great start for the Musical Theatre Program.
First, we have a new Director of Musical Theatre, Mr. Daniel Bukin. Daniel is return-
ing to his home state of North Carolina after living in New Mexico for the last few
years teaching K-12 music and directing various musical theatre productions in the
Albuquerque area. He is an alumnus of Appalachian State University and the Univer-
sity of North Carolina School of the Arts. Daniel is also a published composer/
arranger with both T.U.X. Peoples Music and ALRY Publications. For more infor-
mation, check out his proles below:
The fall semester musical production was Songs For A New World with music and
lyrics by Jason Robert Brown. The show is a theatrical song cycle that visits its char-
acters as they each face a turning point in their lives: a deep realization, a difcult
decision, or an opportunity to take a stand. The score features a diverse array of
genres from R&B and gospel to pop and rock and provided a fabulous showcase for
our students.
Current Events Page 5
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Voice Studies
Piper Pack-Smith joined the UNCP music faculty in Fall 2023 and is excited to bring
musical theatre singing to its best year yet! Before making the trip across the coun-
try, Dr. Pack-Smith had a busy summer in 2023, musically directing Kinky Boots! to
sold-out crowds In Phoenix, Arizona. The message of acceptance and the delightful
musical score made her forever a fan.
In June, she also directed two camps. A voice and choir camp, which had high
school students singing solos, playing theory games, and joining together for some
great pop choral numbers—as well as a musical theatre camp, where middle school
and high schoolers put on a mini-show, costumes and everything, after just one
week of rehearsals!
Dr. Pack-Smith hopes to bring her experiences in camps for local students as well as
exploring the amazing world of music theatre to UNCP. Already this Fall, she geared
up some of the more experienced singers to participate in North Carolinas NATS
Music Theatre auditions. This was an exciting chance for others to see what UNCP
brings to the scene!
Meet the New Faculty/Sta Page 6
Daniel Bukin - Musical Theatre
Daniel has a string of notable musical direction credits to his name. He has lent his exper-
tise to productions such as Blood Brothers at Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance, Route 66 at
Kernersville Little Theatre, A Chorus Line: High School Edition at the University of North
Carolina School of the Arts, Big Fish & Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street at
Musical Theatre Southwest, and Grease at Albuquerque Little Theatre.
He is also an accomplished composer and arranger. His original
works have been premiered by ensembles including Loadbang, the
Seattle Pacic University Chamber Orchestra, and the Charlotte Sym-
phony Orchestra. Many of his compositions can be found in the cata-
logs of T.U.X. Peoples Music and ALRY Publications.
A few of Daniel's conducting highlights include three years with the
Triad Area Medical Orchestra, initially as an assistant conductor be-
fore taking on the role of full-time music director. He also served as
Assistant Conductor for two seasons of the University of North Caroli-
na School of the Arts' production of The Nutcracker. Notably, he as-
sumed the role of Assistant Conductor for the A.J. Fletcher Opera Institute's productions
of Daniel Catáns Florencia en el Amazonas and Gioachino Rossinis La Cenerentola. Dan-
iel also served as a Conducting Fellow with the Winston-Salem Symphony.
As a music educator, Daniel has served in a variety of positions and programs throughout
North Carolina and New Mexico. His work in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School
District, Albuquerque Public Schools District, and the Moriarty-Edgewood School District
includes serving as a guest clinician, accompanist, private lesson instructor in piano, voice,
and bassoon, and full-time teacher of the Moriarty High School piano and Moriarty Middle
School choir programs.
Daniel holds a Bachelor's degree in Music Theory/Composition from Appalachian State
University in Boone, North Carolina, and a Master's degree in Orchestral Conducting from
the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.
He is a student of Dr. Scott Meister, Dr. Ben Hjertmann, and Christopher James Lees.
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Meet the New Faculty/Sta Page 7
Cameron Collar - Low Brass
Cameron Collar is an active freelance trombonist and private les-
sons instructor based out of the Triangle area of North Carolina.
Cameron completed his bachelor of music degree in trombone
performance at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC,
where he studied with Dr. Drew Leslie and Dr. Joseph Brown. Up-
on graduation, Cameron continued his studies at the Eastman
School of Music in Rochester, NY, where he studied with Larry
Zalkind, and earned his master of music degree in trombone per-
formance and literature. Some of Camerons recent performance
highlights include performing on occasion with the Southern Tier
Symphony, the Durham Symphony, and with UNCPs Faculty
Brass Quintet. Cameron is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and the Pi Kappa Lambda
music honor society.
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Meet the New Faculty/Staff Page 8
Piper Pack-Smith - Lecturer of Voice
Dr. Pack-Smith is a veteran Mezzo Soprano, making a mark in productions both on stage
and in musical direction. Her operatic work as soloist and chorister includes the Los Ange-
les Opera, the Santa Fe Opera, the Phoenix Symphony, Opera Memphis, Opera Pacic,
Lyric Opera Dan Diego, Arizona Chorus, Memphis Symphony, and the Bronx Opera.
Dr. Pack-Smith's extensive work outside of opera includes creating
the role of Mama in the Off-Broadway production Valentino, singing
Mrs. Lovett with Theatre Cedar Rapids, national sold-out tours in Gil-
bert and Sullivan as both Buttercup and Ruth, and Julia Child with Mil-
waukee Opera Theater. She has performed and recorded original
music and was ensemble lead in a long run of Do! Jump! at the Ge-
ffen theater in Los Angeles. Most recently, she sang the principal role
of MC in the American premiere of Rhondda Rips It Up! and has rec-
orded the role of Thea 4 for the new musical Woman in the Moon.
As a musical director, Dr. Pack-Smith has prepared and conducted Romance, Romance, A
Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, MTI's All Together Now! cabaret and Kinky Boots.
in addition to preparing incidental music for Secret in the Wings she has held positions at
Pepperdine University, Augustana College and Paradise Valley Community College,
teaching voice, music theatre, voice for actors, and audition workshops. She has a passion
for music theatre camps, which she has now run for four years.
Dr. Pack Smith's research on the complex gender identity of the contralto and Rossini's
historical relationship with the voice type has been published by the Opera Journal and
presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. She holds de-
grees from the University of Arizona, UC Irvine and Pepperdine University.
Dr. Pack-Smith has received the PVCC "Arty" award for excellence in ne arts faculty multi-
ple times and an MONCA award for the Los Angeles region.
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Meet the New Faculty/Sta Page 9
Holland Phillips - Strings
Violinist and violist Holland Phillips was born in Mississippi and raised by North Carolinian
parents. It was only natural that she would eventually call North Carolina home. She and
her family relocated to Rockingham, North Carolina from Portland, Oregon in October of
2020. In Oregon, she taught at Pacic University and Lewis and Clark College. She simul-
taneously served as the principal violist of the Eugene Symphony. Her busy career also in-
cluded performing regularly with musicians of the Oregon Symphony, the 45
Universe, Mousai REMIX string quartet, the Oregon Bach Festival, and the Portland Cham-
ber Orchestra. She has played under the batons of John Williams, Giancarlo Guerrero,
Helmuth Rilling, and Marin Alsop as well as accompanied Itzhak Perlman, Joshua Bell, and
Renée Fleming. Holland continues to travel back west to perform as principal violist of
both OrchestraNext (Eugene Ballet) and the Sunriver Music Festival.
She has been a featured soloist with several orchestras, including the
Eugene Symphony, Salem Chamber Orchestra, Corban University Or-
chestra (as faculty soloist), and the Starkville/Mississippi State Univer-
sity Symphony. Reviewers have praised the spirit and clear toneof
her playing (Leipziger Volkszeitung) and the serious intensitythat
she brings to performances (Register-Guard). She has also been invit-
ed to perform and present research papers at regional and national
conferences, including SEAMUS (Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in
the United States), SASS (Society for the Advancement of Scandinavi-
an Study), AMS (American Musicological Society), and MTNA (Music
Teachers National Association).
She currently teaches at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and plays in several
orchestras in the North Carolina region, including as a member of the rst violin section of
the Fayetteville Symphony. She is also working to build musical communities through
chamber music performances and educational outreach in underserved areas of North
Carolina, currently focusing on the Sandhills region.
Holland completed her doctoral studies at the University of Oregon with her dissertation,
Tidens Fylde: Temporality and Tradition in Carl Nielsens Works for Violin.She also holds
degrees from Vanderbilt University (summa cum laude), and the New England Conserva-
tory (honors). She also holds diplomas from the University of North Carolina School of the
Arts and the Leipzig Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Leipzig, Germany.
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Meet the New Faculty/Sta Page 10
Matthew Rybicki - Bass, Jazz
Raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Matthew Rybicki has performed with Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lin-
coln Center Orchestra, Ernie Watts, Laurence Hobgood, Hilary Kole, Wycliffe Gordon, Ted Rosenthal,
Mark Gould, Nnenna Freelon, Renee Fleming, Terell Stafford, Winard Harper, Mark Whiteld, Victor
Goines and Marcus Printup. He has also had the great fortune of performing at many well-respected
venues in New York such as The Village Vanguard and The Blue Note, as well as concert halls and fes-
tivals in locations ranging from Italy, to Qatar, to Taiwan. Rybicki maintains an active performing
schedule, working with his own ensembles and with many accomplished colleagues and mentors
such as Lew Tabackin, Lewis Nash, Dan Nimmer, Oscar Perez, Christian Sands, Gerald Clayton, David
Berger, and Charenee Wade.
An adept educator, Matthew is a faculty member at The Juilliard School and
was an artist/instructor for Jazz at Lincoln Center where he developed and
taught the inaugural bass course in the Essentially Ellington Band Director
Academy. He has also been the Music Director for several educational perfor-
mance initiatives, including Jazz in the Schools and hospital tours in conjunc-
tion with Lincoln Center for the Performing ArtsDepartment of Services for
People with Disabilities. In addition, Rybicki was a program coordinator for Mi-
dori and Friends and has led musical workshops at both The Whitney Museum
of American Art and The Guggenheim, where he designed and presented edu-
cational performances that incorporate jazz with ne art.
Matthew has presented educational clinics in a wide variety of settings world-
wide. Highlights include master-classes and clinics at the International Society of Bassists Annual Con-
vention (Rochester, NY), Qatar Music Academy (Doha, Qatar), The Vitoria Jazz Festival (Vitoria, Spain),
Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA), Snow College (Ephraim, UT), Centro Nacional de las Artes
(Mexico City, Mexico), Spoleto Music Festival (Spoleto, Italy), and The National Jazz Museum in Har-
lem (New York, NY).
He has also authored books for Hal Leonard Publications including The Hal Leonard Jazz Bass Meth-
od, released in 2016, and Ray Brown: Legendary Jazz Bassist and the Goldmine Series for Bass, both
of which were released in 2015.
Driven, Matthews debut recording released in 2009, allowed him to formally be acknowledged on
the jazz scene as a performer and composer of note. Recording with jazz greats Ron Blake, Freddie
Hendrix, Gerald Clayton, and Ulysses Owens, he was able to capture innovative and sophisticated
performances of newly created original works that maintain close ties to the history of jazz.
Matthew received his graduate degree from The Juilliard School in 2004 and his Bachelor of Music
from Berklee College of Music in 1995.
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Meet the New Faculty/Staff Page 11
Peter Swanson - Cello
Praised for his "ery playing," "dramatic performance," and "stunning orchestral playing,"
rising cellist Peter Swanson has performed across the United States as soloist, cutting-
edge collaborator, and orchestral leader. Recent highlights include concerto performanc-
es with the Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra and Northshore Philharmonic Orchestra
(both MN), as well as multiple tours of entirely unaccompa-
nied recitals. His passion for the modern cello repertoire
has led him to tackle the works of Hindemith, Crumb, Brit-
ten, Ligeti, Barber, Shostakovich, Dutilleux, Lutoslawski,
Golijov, Augusta Read Thomas, Peter Vukmirovich Ste-
vens, and John Luther Adams. His debut CD "Anti-
Compass" was released in August 2021 through the Sheva
Collection (United Kingdom) label.
As an orchestral musician, his leadership roles span
nearly a dozen orchestras at the community, collegiate,
and professional level. Accolades include a full fellowship
to the National Orchestral Institute, the inaugural Prince
George's Philharmonic Cello Internship (MD), and two
years as endowed principal of the Luther College Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. He
can also be heard on the Grammy-nominated NAXOS recording of the National Orches-
tral Institute performing masterworks by Ruggles, Stucky, and Harbison (2018). As a cham-
ber musician, he performs throughout the country as cellist of Catchre Collective, an in-
novative chamber ensemble based in North Carolina, and with pianist Meagan Lacher as
Duo 336. Other chamber tenures include the Ekklesia Trio, Music In The Shape Of A Pear,
the TEMPO Ensemble, the Gate City Camerata, Present~Continuous, and the Di Domani
Quartet. In these groups he has premiered numerous pieces and promoted recent com-
positions from around the world.
Dr. Swanson has also been recognized for his scholarship and compositions. He has
published numerous articles for The Cello Museum on the works of German composer
Max Reger, and has been a prize-winner in multiple composition competitions. His music
had been performed around the nation and has explored new territory in classical music.
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Meet the New Faculty/Staff Page 12
Many of his works can be heard on his website and on YouTube.
He serves on the faculty of the University of North Carolina-Pembroke, Methodist
University, Guilford College, Catawba Valley Community College, and the UNC-School of
the Arts Community Music School. He holds degrees from the University of North Carolina
-Greensboro, the University of Maryland, and Luther College (IA). Mentors include Alex
Ezerman, Eric Kutz, Cole Tutino, and Rebecca Peterson. He has performed in master-
classes for Andres Diaz, Robert DeMaine Cecylia Barczyk, Richard Belcher, Tulio Rondon,
Christine Kim, and Lawrence Stombeck. He is a winner of the National School Orchestra
Award, the Luther Music Excellence Award, and the Burlington Industries Music Award.
Peter plays a 2013 Beckmann cello specially commissioned by Givens Violins in Minneap-
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Meet the New Faculty/Sta Page 13
Julie Welch - Voice
Soprano Julie Welch has performed regionally with the Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma
for two consecutive summers. She originated the role of Mulan in the brand-new
stage production of Disneys When You Wish: A Celebration of The Disney Song
Book and recently performed the role of Pamina in Mozarts Die Zauberöte. She
has been a Concerto Aria Competition winner at Oklahoma Baptist University and a
featured performer at the OK Mozart Music Festival. Welch, a versatile singing ac-
tress, feels comfortable in opera, operetta, and musical theater. She has had exten-
sive dance training and has been featured in several collegiate productions.
In addition to her performance career, Welch has a Bachelor of
Music in voice performance from Oklahoma Baptist University
where she was a music mentor and tutor for aural skills, music
theory, music history, and lyric diction. She also holds a Master of
Music degree in voice performance and pedagogy from Naza-
reth University where she was the assistant director and assistant
stage manager for the opera production, Hansel and Gretel.
She is currently working on a Doctorate in Musical Arts at the
University of South Carolina where she teaches music apprecia-
tion, private voice lessons, and recently stage managed for Opera at USC. Her
eld of research is focused on how to incorporate ballet techniques into training
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Meet the New Faculty/Staff Page 14
Crystal Wood - Administrative Support Specialist
Crystal Wood is a Chicago native who grew up with music in her blood. At the age of 10 she
started her traditional music training, and continued throughout her life. She attended the United
States Merchant Marine Academy in NY, and the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in
NC. Crystal is a trained oboist and voice instructor who also teaches very beginning piano and
violin for the newest aspiring virtuosos.
Most recently Crystal has been working as a vocalist and outreach coordina-
tor for the nonprot CAMMO (Center for American Military Music Opportu-
nities). Under CAMMO, she performs nationwide with the groups Voices
of Serviceand the American Military Spouses Choir. Screen credits in-
clude Americas Got Talent Season 8, the Military Channel, Hallmark Home
and Family, the PBS Kennedy Center Lincoln Awards, Oprahs Life You Want
Tour and the Queen Latifah show. In addition to her screen credits, she also
travels the country with the American Military Spouses Choir and has per-
formed at such venues as the Kennedy Center, Sea World, the Pearl Harbor
Memorial, Radio City Music Hall, and Capital Records with artists such as
the Cincinnati Pops, Jewel, Aloe Blacc, Chris Botti, David Foster, Arturo
Sandoval, Chaka Khan, as well as many others. In addition to CAMMO, Crystal is also a member of
the group Deep River Singers, which recently performed at Carnegie Hall in NYC. Deep River
Singers promotes the history of African American spirituals and repertoire, and performs nation-
wide at various events and venues.
One of the most rewarding roles she currently serves in is as co-director/teacher for a childrens
choir called CAMMO Kids. CAMMO Kidsis a completely volunteer run childrens choir that
offers music education for the children of military families for free. This is a cause that is very near
to her heart because she was an active-duty Army spouse for 20 years and is a mother to a seven-
teen-year-old daughter. Crystal also has been a music teacher for the Metropolitan School of the
Arts in Alexandria, Virginia; Music and Arts in Fayetteville, NC; and Cumberland County Schools
in NC where she was a nalist for the 2023 Beginner Teacher of the Year award.
Overall, Crystal believes that music fundamentals are critical and lay the foundation to becoming
a successful musician. Perhaps more important, Crystal believes that music should be FUN and
engaging. She is full of energy and strives to not only teach the technical aspects of music educa-
tion, but constantly encourages students to go above and beyond what they thought they were
capable of. Music not only develops the mind, but also touches the soul.
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Faculty Retirements Page 15
Larry Arnold
Dr. Larry Arnold, Professor of Music and Media Integration, re-
tired in May after a 33-year career at UNCP. He taught audio pro-
duction, music theory, jazz combo, bass viol, composition, and
media integration. He is a founding member of the UNCP Digital
Academy and the UNC Digital Content Consortium. Dr. Arnold
averaged more than 150 professional performances each year
(bass, piano, and guitar).
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Alumni News Page 16
Table of Contents
The Music Department created an annual
award to recognize our many accom-
plished Music graduates that have studied
at UNCP over the last 80 years since the
university began awarding Music degrees.
Distinguished Alumni are recognized at
our annual Honors Recital, where they
speak and perform or display their works.
They give masterclasses to our students
during their visit. They are also treated to a
catered dinner in their honor at the Chan-
cellors Dining Room.
2022 Distinguished Alumni Award
Richard Iacona is a 1969 graduate of UNCP, then Pembroke State College (PSC).
While at PSC, Iacona was in the College Chorus and College Singers, was a student-
director of the College Swingers jazz band, and was president of the PSC chapter of
the Music Educators National Conference (MENC), now known as the National Asso-
ciation for Music Educators (NAfME). After receiving a Bachelor of Science in Music,
Iacona went on to study composition before continuing his education at Long Island
University, where he received a masters degree in theory and composition. Iacona
has been a member of the LIU faculty since 1998, teaching courses in jazz piano,
music theory, and composition and directing jazz ensembles. Iaconas professional
experience includes composing the theme song for the Telemundo series “12 Cora-
zones,working as the arranger for The Rainbow Room orchestra at Rockefeller
Center in New York, and orchestrating the recording of Feliz Navidadon Celine
Dions 1998 release These Are Special Times. He has also arranged music that has
appeared in several movies and has composed and arranged several pieces for
2023 Distinguished Alumni Award
Brittany J. Green is a North Carolina-based composer, creative, and educator. Her
music facilitates intimate musical spaces that ignite visceral responses at the inter-
section of sound, video, movement, and text. Recent works engage sonication and
black feminist theory as tools for sonic world-building, exploring the construction,
displacement, and rupture of systems. Her artistic practice includes spoken and
Alumni News Page 17
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electronic performance, interdisciplinary collaboration, experiential projects, and
acoustic and electroacoustic chamber and large ensemble works. Her music has
been featured at TIME:SPANS, NYC Electronic Music Festival, WoCo Fest, and Ex-
perimental Sound Studio. Her collaborators include the International Contemporary
Ensemble, JACK Quartet, Transient
Canvas, Castle of our Skins, Emory
University Symphony Orchestra,
and Wachovia Winds. Brittany
holds awards from the American
Academy of Arts and Letters,
ASCAP Foundation, and New Mu-
sic USA. She is a doctoral candi-
date at Duke University, pursuing a
PhD in music composition as a
Deans Graduate Fellow.
Faculty News Page 18
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Tim Altman - Band, Trumpet
Im starting my 25th year of teaching here at UNCP (32nd year of teaching music
started with high school band) and this past spring and summer still provided me
with new opportunities. I performed and taught at the conservatory in Riva Del Gar-
da, Italy in May. Here is an article about that amazing experience. https://
Professor Ivano Ascari who teaches trumpet at the conservatories in Riva Del Garda
and in Trento (Italy) played a solo with the UNCP Band on the October 10 concert
in GPAC.
My wife and I moved to Raleigh so I have had some perform-
ing opportunities up there. I played Verdis Requiem with the
NC Master Chorale in Meymandi Hall and got to play principal
trumpet with Carolina Ballets Orpheus and Eurydice in Memo-
rial Hall (Raleigh).
We hosted the 44th Annual UNCP Honor Band in March with
almost 100 public schools participating (students and direc-
tors). Composer, Randall Standridge conducted the high
school band and Phillip Riggs (Grammy winning music educa-
tor) and Ed Kiefer (composer) conducted the middle school
band. March 16, 2024 is the date of the UNCP Honor Band this year. We are excited
that Andrea Brown from the University of Maryland will conduct the high school
We also hosted MPA (Music Perfor-
mance Assessment or concert festival
as some of you know it) for the South
Eastern District Bandmasters Associa-
tion. Meggan Hollis and Travis Moftt
were instrumental (a little pun…) in
making this event happen. Im so
grateful for all their work.
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I conducted the All-County high school band in Sampson and Columbus County in
the Spring. I really enjoyed these two-day events and was so proud of the students
work. This spring, I will conduct the Duplin All-County high school band.
I am a Yamaha Performing Artist and
serve as principal trumpet for the
Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra
and the Carolina Philharmonic. I
have been with the Fayetteville Sym-
phony for nearly 20 years. I started
conducting with them while they
did a search in 2004. I still do some
substitute conducting for Stefan
Sanders, the current conductor of
the Fayetteville Symphony Orches-
tra. I was thrilled to get to perform
the entire Neruda concerto with
FSO last season. I hope we can get
students to attend some of these symphony performances this year.
I conducted the Moore County Band (a community band that meets in Pinehurst) in
several concerts last year. I also conducted a concert of the Fayetteville Youth Sym-
phony last year.
Governor Roy Cooper ap-
pointed me to the Board of
Trustees of the North Carolina
Symphony. NC Symphony is
one of the largest ne arts or-
ganizations in the state with
more than 30 million dollars
in endowment and a very
large infrastructure.
I was a Fulbright U.S. Scholar
in 2019 and have been able
Faculty News Page 20
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to remain involved. I am on the Peer
Review committee for Fulbright U.S.
Scholars. We reviewed the applica-
tions in October for the 2024-2025
Fulbright U.S. Scholars.
Near the end of August, I completed
several Technical Reviews for the Bi-
national Fulbright Commission in
Egypt (AY2024-2025 Fulbright Egyp-
tian Student Program). These are
Egyptian citizens (usually music
graduate students) who have applied to come study in the U.S.
I led a consortium to compose (commission) a work for Dr. Bob Romine. Dr. Romine
was the band director and trumpet teacher (the position I am in) at UNCP for 22
years and passed away. I nally premiered the work, Crisp (by Jim Stephenson), in
November of last year.
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Joshua Busman - Musicology
The 2022-2023 school year was a
hugely productive one for me as both
a scholar and teacher. At the end of the
spring semester, I was awarded tenure
and promotion to the rank of Associate
Professor in the Music Department,
and I have also continued my work as
Assistant Dean of the Esther G. Maynor
Honors College. Additionally, I contin-
ued my role as a faculty advisor for
UNCPs Kappa chapter of the Alpha
Chi National College Honor Society.
This year, three members of our chap-
ter organized the rst-ever TEDxUNCPembroke event, and I was thrilled to be asked
to serve as faculty sponsor and emcee. Their extraordinary work earned them
recognition from the national ofce of Alpha
Chi as well as the Red-Tailed Hawk Organi-
zation of the Yearfrom UNCP Campus En-
gagement and Leadership.
One of my biggest teaching activities this
year has been developing and delivering the
new Indigenous Cultures and Communities
curriculum for our general education music
classes. This began last summer with the help
of UNCP Music alumna and current Ph.D. stu-
dent in ethnomusicology at the University of
Alberta, Alexis Baril. Together, Alexis and I
developed two full weeks of lectures, read-
ings, and media examples for instructors to
draw from, and in August 2022 I conducted a
training for instructors that guided them
through the materials we created.
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Over the summer, I was fortunate enough to represent UNCP at several national and
international academic gatherings including the Liturgy Conference at the Yale Insti-
tute of Sacred Music and the Christian Congregational Music Conference at Ripon
College Cuddesdon in the UK. My trip to New Haven also included a private tour of
Yales famous Beinecke Rare Book Library, where I got to see dozens of musical and
devotional manuscripts dating back to the third century CE!
This spring, I also had a journal arti-
cle, “‘A Fun and Funky Disco Pas-
tiche’: David Crowder Confronts
Evangelical Performance Anxiety,
published in the open-source peer-
reviewed journal Religions for a spe-
cial issue on the role of performance
in religious ritual. Another article ti-
tled “‘Church is the New Radio’: Wor-
ship and the WOW Series (1996-
2019),co-authored with Debbie Wong, a colleague from Duke Divinity School will
be forthcoming in the journal Liturgy, in the next month. Additionally, I continued
my public-facing work with the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra as their "Music
Nerd-in-Residence," writing program notes, emceeing events, and providing pre-
concert talks for their Masterworks series.
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Kalem Graham - Athletic Bands, Low Brass
In Fall of 2022 the Spirit of the Carolinas Marching Band performed their show
Break Free: Who Im Meant to Befeaturing music from Ariana Grande, Katy Perry,
The Greatest Showman, Taylor Swift, and
Keri Hilson. The band performed at ve
home games as well as Pembroke Day, the
UNCP Homecoming Parade, The Pembroke
Twilight Christmas Parade, and The UNCP
Music Departments Holiday Extravaganza.
This year, the show theme is Mixtape: Vol.
1” and includes music from Whitney Hou-
ston, Madonna, Seal, and Britney Spears.
The band performed at six home games while also performing exhibitions at Mid-
way, Clinton, and Brunswick County.
The band also performed at Pembroke
Day, the UNCP Homecoming Parade,
the Pembroke Twilight Christmas Pa-
rade, the Lumberton Christmas Pa-
rade, and the Laurinburg Christmas
Parade. The band was also invited to
perform in the MLK Parade by the city
of Wilmington.
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Lindsey Jacob - Theory, Saxophone
I traveled with UNCP saxophone students to the 43
International Saxophone Sym-
posium on January 13 and 14, 2023. The event, hosted by the United States Navy
Band, was held at George Mason University Center for the Arts in Fairfax, Virginia.
The symposium featured a diverse selection
of saxophone performances, masterclasses,
and lectures. Students attended profession-
al performances by the U.S. Navy Concert
Band, the Navy Band Commodores jazz en-
semble, and featured performances by
Melissa Aldana, Robert Young, and Timothy
McAllister. Students also attended lectures
from distinguished professionals covering
saxophone-related topics, including tone,
breath control, improvisation, altissimo, and
performance anxiety. Fall saxophone stu-
dents are currently preparing applications for performance and opportunities at the
International Saxophone Symposium held January 2024 at George Mason Uni-
I also presented research on the benets, strategies, and challenges of integrating
course content from aural skills, applied
music, class music, and ensembles into
the music theory classroom at the 2023
Fine Arts Conference hosted by the North
Carolina Community College System As-
sociate in Fine Arts (NCCCS AFA) Associa-
tion. The presentation, Integrating Core
Music Curriculum into the Music Theory
Classroomfocused on core music curric-
ulum for the rst two years of an under-
graduate music degree.
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Jaeyoon Kim - Choir, Voice
On Jan. 30, 2023, Voice Faculty members Dr. Jaeyoon Kim and Dr. Rebecca Loar
presented "Ein Liederabend" accompanied by
Dr. Seung Ah Kim at Moore Hall Auditorium. The
program featured German art song selections
by Beethoven, Wolf, Brahms, Strauss and Schu-
bert. Dr. Kevin Streich also joined for Schuberts
lied for soprano, clarinet and piano.
Dr. Jaeyoon & Seung Ah Kim also presented
Kimss Recital as a part of Fayetteville State Uni-
versity International Music Festival at the Sea-
brook Auditorium in FSU on March 11, 2023.
Dr. Kim directed the Robeson County 2023 All
County High School Chorus on March 10 at the First Baptist Church of Lumberton.
Ms. Tomoko Galeano served as the accompanist for this concert.
A guest choir from South Korea, The Korale, visited UNCP during their US concert
tour, and presented a choir concert at the Berea Baptist Church on January 17,
2023. They had a joint class/rehearsal with Pembroke Singers on the same day. At
the end of the program, both choirs performed two pieces together as the com-
bined choir, conducted
by Dr. Jaeyoon Kim and
Mr. Seung Yong Shin. Dr.
Kim was a member of this
choir when he was a col-
lege student in Korea.
Pembroke Singers re-
sumed their high school
visitations. In 2022-2023
Singers visited South Co-
lumbus High School in
Fall 2022 and Grays
Creek Cleveland High Schools in Spring 2023. They presented choral concerts as
well as some students solo performances.
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On April 23, 2023 Pembroke Singers presented a church concert at Southern Pines
United Methodist Church, where Singers alumna Taylor Hickey works as the music
director. The program included Remember
the Songs,directed by the composer, Adam
Pembroke Singers was chosen as featured
performers for the North Carolina ACDA
(American Choral Directors Association) con-
ference this fall and presented a choral con-
cert at Duke Chapel on October 13th. This
will be their third appearance at NC ACDA.
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José Rivera - Music Education, Choir
Last year, the Music Department hosted the 8th Annual Music
Education Lecture Series. The series features prominent mu-
sic education scholars, practitioners, and guest clinicians who
shared their expertise with our students and area teachers. In
addition, our NAfME (National Association for Music Educa-
tion) Student Chapter hosted their 1
UNCP Music Education
Alumni Concert.
Congratulations for the outstanding leadership of our UNCP
Collegiate Chapter Ofcers led by Eduardo Carranza, Aman-
da Botto, Casey Bell, and Hunter Warren.
The University Cho-
rale directed by Dr. José Rivera, Sandhills
Community College Choirs directed by
Dr. Terri Sinclair, and Pinecrest High
School Choirs directed by Kristen Foyles
joined forces to perform at our rst UNCP
Unity Concert last Spring at Pinecrest
High Auditorium.
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Mark Tollefsen - Theory, Piano
The UNCP Piano Studio had an active 2022-2023
year, highlighted by a terric senior recital by Ja-
elyn Wilson that included standards by Chopin,
Clara Schumann, Debussy, Prokoev, Albeniz and
Joplin. Kudos to Jaelyn for also performing a con-
certo with the UNCP Concert Band and being a fea-
tured soloist at the 2023 Alpha Chi National Con-
vention in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Congrats to
Jackson Mills on his performances in the PURC
Symposium and S.C. Jazz Festival and to Zachary
Peschken and Elaina Price on their rousing performance during the Holiday Extrava-
ganza. Zach, Jackson and Elaina were also awarded the Margaret Jones Award, a
Faculty Recognition Award, and the Cindy Campbell Award, respectively. In addition
to performing as soloists and accompanists on campus and throughout the region,
the UNCP piano majors gave back to the community as teachers and church musi-
The year also featured notable guest performances, starting with Connor Chees in-
spiring recital on November 16. Co-sponsored by the Department of American Indi-
an Studies, Chees concert featured his own compositions, which draw from his Nav-
ajo Heritage. Mikael Darmanie, a Red Springs
native and one of New Yorks most in-demand
interpreters of new music, presented a thought
-provoking recital on April 4. On January 25,
acclaimed and award-winning pianist Stanislav
Khristenko conducted a masterclass with pia-
nists from Florence Kos pre-college studio.
The 2023-2024 year will include more guest
artists, including Miki Sawada on October 3,
the fth annual Piano Day on February 10, and
the debut performance of a studio commission
from new faculty member Lindsey Jacob.
Dr. Tollefsen collaborated with Dr. Timothy Altman for two recitals at UNCP as well
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as performances at Midway High School and Laurinburg Presbyterian Church. Recit-
als with Dr. Joseph Van Hassel occurred at UNCP
and the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Tollefsen
judged for the Elizabeth Bullard Competition for
High School Pianists, sponsored by the Cary-Apex
Piano Teachers Asso-
ciation and present-
ed Ten Fun (and
Not So Fun) Exercis-
es to Improve Your
Readingfor the Tidewater Music Teachers Forum in
Norfolk, Virginia. He continued as the state chair for
the North Carolina competitions of the Music Teachers
National Association, organizing and running the
event at the University of North Carolina at Greensbo-
ro. His research for the upcoming year includes study
of the piano
works of
Emahoy Tse-
Guèbrou, an Ethiopian nun who died in
2023 at the age of ninety-nine, as well as a
solo recital featuring works by George An-
theil, Martin Bresnick, Michael Fiday, Mark
Isaacs, Alexina Louie and Meredith Monk.
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Aaron Vandermeer - Music Industry, Jazz
Dr. Aaron Vandermeer (Jazz Studies/Music Industry) is in his
17th year at UNCP. He continues to coordinate the Jazz
Studies and Music Industry programs. At the end of the
Spring 2023 term, he was promoted to [Full] Professor of
Music and was selected by the Faculty Awards Committee
to receive a UNCP Outstanding Teaching Award. He was al-
so selected to present Beginning Improvisation and the
Bluesat the 2023 NCMEA Conference. He is the chairper-
son of the Distinguished Music Alumni Award Committee
and organizes New Music Student Orientation.
The Jazz Studies program continues to thrive, featuring a
large ensemble, four combos, and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble.
Jazz Combo I, under the direction of Dr. Vandermeer, had a
very busy 2022-23 academic year, giving 27 performances. Highlights include per-
formances at the South Carolina Jazz Festival, JENerations Jazz Festival (Orlando),
Honors Recital, Faculty Appreciation Banquet, and a tour of seven regional schools
with the Percussion Ensemble. They were also accepted to perform the original stu-
dent compositions (Wyatt Radford, Silas Seigler, Jackson Mills) at the UNCP PURC
Symposium. We hosted our 14th Annual Honor Jazz Festival in the spring, featuring
Nashville recording artist Roland Barber on trombone (and conch shell). We had 91
high school participants from 20 different schools. Participants enjoyed rehearsals,
master classes, and seminars throughout the day, including History of Jazz, Youve
Got Rhythm, Beginning Jazz Theory, College Preparation Forum, Beginning Improvi-
sation and the Blues, and Advanced Improvisation. The participants gave a culmi-
nating performance in GPAC featuring Roland Barber with the UNCP Jazz Ensem-
The Music Department has fortied its performance curriculum with the addition of
Studio Class and Sight-Reading Juries. Every semester, in addition to departmental
recitals and juries, each Music major enrolled in private lessons will participate in
sight-reading juries and eight 50-minute studio classes that cover instrument-
specic topics such as literature, signicant performers, history and evolution of the
instrument, performance practice, and more!
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Joseph Van Hassel - Percussion
Percussion Studio
2022-2023 was a busy year for the percussion studio! The Percussion Ensemble per-
formed two full on-campus concerts, several performances with guest artists, at the
UNCP Holiday Extravaganza, and a Spring tour. Our Fall concert consisted of clas-
sics in the percussion ensemble repertoire by Michael Colgrass, Steve Reich, John
Cage, and Charles Boone. We also premiered Le Dérive by
George Lewis, Professor of American Music at Columbia Univer-
sity (https://youtu.be/RqljPPKJpps?si=u8_RixhWmSIM2ign) , and
Ándate Por Los Andes by Venezuelan composer Arcángel Cas-
tillo-Olivari. Both works were written for the UNC-Pembroke Per-
cussion Ensemble.
During the Spring Semester, the percussion ensemble per-
formed another full concert on-campus. The concert consisted of
pieces by Joe Green, George Hamilton Green, Chick Corea, Mi-
chael Colgrass, and Andrea Venet. We also had the privilege of
performing a work with UNCP adjunct percussion instructor
Isaac Pyatt as soloist. Furthermore, we performed two world
premieres written especially for us: Sliinky by Brittany Green, alumna of UNCP and
PhD student in Music Composition at Duke University (also winner of the 2023 Mu-
sic Department Distinguished Alumni Award!) (https://youtu.be/djT0qfDtj1U?
si=aGFOn-X9JnPOwI4L) , and I Wish I Had Done
More by California-based composer Kevin Good.
Three percussion students, Phillip Brown, Marc Gar-
cia, and Hunter Warren, performed solos with the
percussion ensemble.
Additionally, members of the percussion ensemble
performed with guest artists James Culley (Professor
of Percussion, University of Cincinnati College-
Conservatory of Music/Percussive Arts Society Hall
of Fame/Founding Member, Percussion Group Cincinnati), Andy Harnsberger
(composer and Professor of Percussion, Lee University), Takayoshi Yoshioka
(Japanese freelance composer and percussionist), and Reiko Shiohama (Japanese
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freelance percussionist). The percussion ensemble also performed steel drum mu-
sic at the Holiday Extravaganza, playing outside of GPAC before the concert started.
At the end of the Spring semester the UNCP Percussion Ensemble took part in a
high school tour with the UNCP Jazz Combo I, visiting Overhills High School,
Southern Pines Episcopal Day School, Union
Pines High School, Midway High School, West
Brunswick High School, and South Brunswick
High School.
Members of the percussion studio attended the
2022 Percussive Arts Society International Con-
vention in Indianapolis, IN. This four-day event is
the largest percussion gathering in the world with
students, artists, educators, and industry leaders
attending for numerous sessions and exhibits
covering all areas of percussion. This was an exciting trip and we attended again in
November 2023.
2023-2024 looks to be another great year for the percussion studio! The UNCP
Percussion Ensemble will perform its regular on-campus concerts each semester
and were scheduled to perform at the Pinehurst Flutterby Festival, which was can-
celed due to rain. We will also host a number of guests, including jazz vibraphonist
Jason DeCristofaro, ute and marimba Duo AYA, Viennese vibraphonist Berndt
Thurner, Benjamin Toth (Professor of Percussion, The Hartt School), and mixed
chamber group Khemia Ensemble.
Joseph Van Hassel
Dr. Van Hassel continues his second year as music de-
partment chair while still teaching percussion ensem-
ble, private lessons, and studio class. He also contin-
ues to perform timpani and percussion with the Caro-
lina Philharmonic, Fayetteville Symphony, Long Bay
Symphony, and Florence Symphony. As president of
the North Carolina Chapter of the Percussive Arts So-
ciety, he took part in a presentation on high school-level percussion ensemble
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music at the 2022 North Carolina Music Educators Association Conference. In 2023
he took part in a presentation on high school-level solo percussion music.
Dr. Van Hassel had several notable performances dur-
ing 2022-2023, including a recital with UNCP faculty
member Dr. Mark Tollefsen at their alma mater, Univer-
sity of Cincinnatis College-Conservatory of Music. He
also travelled to Japan this past July to perform per-
cussion as a soloist and ensemble member. His rst
engagement was performing on a concert of the per-
cussion music of Takayoshi Yoshioka at the Takasaki
City Theater in Takasaki, Japan. This concert included a
performance by Van Hassel of Yoshiokas Suite No. 4 for solo marimba, which was
composed for him and premiered in April at UNC-Pembroke.
Dr. Van Hassel then travelled to the Senzoku Gakuen College of Music for a percus-
sion masterclass and recital performance for the percussion students and faculty.
Read more about Dr. Van Hassels trip to Japan here: https://www.uncp.edu/news/
While visiting Japan, Dr. Van Hassel had the honor of
visiting legendary marimbist Keiko Abe at her house
in Tokyo. Ms. Abe is 86 years old and a signicant g-
ure in the history of percussion, being integral in de-
veloping the solo marimba as the instrument we know
Other performances this year include a solo recital at
UNCP, and solo and ensemble engagements at The
Hartt School, University of Delaware, and Towson Uni-
versity. He will also perform as a member of the Two Rivers Percussion Quartet at
East Carolina University and UNCP. Dr. Van Hassel continues to write new literature
reviews for Percussive Notes (the journal of the Percussive Arts Society) and chairs
the New Music/Research Committee of the Percussive Arts Society.
New Alumni Page 34
Table of Contents
2022/23 Department of Music Graduates
Bachelor of Arts
-Priscilla Contreras
-Zhaire Carter
-James Clark
-Cassondra Edge
-Randi Gabbert
-Erin Gainer
-Taylor Graham
-Gabriel Jenkins
-Nicholas McNeill
-Jaelyn Wilson
-Brandon Womack
Music Education
-Holly Riedesel
-Mary Rosenberg
Music Industry
-Jeremy Hill
-DeWhitt Locklear
Calendar of Events Page 35
Table of Contents
Spring 2024
All events are located in the Moore Hall Auditorium unless otherwise specied
Monday, January 22 - 7:30 PM
Faculty Lecture Recital: Jaeyoon Kim, tenor, Aaron Vandermeer, trumpet,
Seung Ah Kim, piano
Tuesday, January 30 - 7:30 PM
Senior Recital, Wyatt Radford, saxophone
Friday, February 9 - 7:30 PM
Guest Artist Recital: Two Rivers Percussion Quartet
Tuesday, February 20 - 7:30 PM
Jazz Combos Concert
Tuesday, February 27 - 7:30 PM (GPAC)
UNCP Band Concert
Thursday, March 14 - 7:30 PM
Percussion Ensemble Concert
Saturday, March 16
UNCP Honor Band Clinic
Thursday, March 21 - 7:30 PM
Senior Recital: Silas Siegler, drum set
Saturday, March 23
UNCP Honor Choir Clinic
Saturday, April 6
UNCP Honor Jazz Festival
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Thursday, April 11 - 7:30 PM
Percussion Ensemble Concert
Tuesday, April 16 - 7:30 PM
Jazz Combos Concert
Wednesday, April 17 - 7:30 PM
Guest Artist Recital: Khemia Ensemble
Friday, April 19 - 7:30 PM (Site TBD)
UNCP Combined Choirs Concert
Sunday, April 21 - 5:00 PM (Southern Pines Community Congregational
Pembroke Singers Concert
Visit the Department of Musics website for the most up-to-date calendar infor-
Helpful Links Page 37
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UNCP Department of Music Website
UNCP Department of Music Facebook
UNCP Department of Music BraveConnect
Carnegie Hall Page 38
Table of Contents
The University Music Society Page 39
Table of Contents
At the University of North Carolina at Pembroke Department of Music, we believe in the highest
level of training and opportunity for every student. With this in mind, the University Music Society
was founded to match students with the resources they need to support their dedication to music.
While we believe talent can be found in any student, many are denied the opportunity for study
and growth for nancial reasons.
As a member of the University Music Society, your donation will provide the foundation for stu-
dents who desire a future in the eld of music. These students do all the work, bringing with them
the commitment, energy and drive. The countless hours of practice, lessons, ear-training and
study are taking place all around us, and each year new students graduate armed with the cre-
dentials for a career keeping the arts alive in our schools and our community.
Join us in this goal of supporting the study, performance and creativity of our young people. The
UNCP Music Department Scholarship Program relies on the generosity of community members at
all times, but now more than ever as the arts continue to be threatened, here in North Carolina
and around the nation. Making your gift now will help nurture the talent present in the next gener-
ation of performers. Thank you!
Become a member and support the Music Program at UNC Pembroke
(Please complete this form and mail it to: The UNCP Department of Music, P.O. Box 1510, Pem-
broke, NC (28372-1510)
My level of giving is:
Founder – $5,000 and up
Benefactor – $1,000 to $4,999
Patron – $250 to $999
Friend – up to $249
I/We have enclosed a check for the amount of $ _________ made payable to: The UNCP Founda-
tion, Inc., for the University Music Society
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________
E-Mail: ______________________________