Important Ports for DMP Product Compatibility
Below are the ports you will need for compatibility with DMP products and features. As
an overview, author Edward Tetz (“Network Basics: Networking Port Overview”) explains:
In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is an endpoint to a logical connection. The port
number identifies what type of port it is. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP trac. If
you use a command such as netstat -n on Microsoft Windows or Linux, you see a listing
of the local addresses (and ports) and the foreign addresses (and ports) to which they
are connected.
The three categories of TCP and UDP ports are:
Well-known ports: When Internet Protocol was being implemented, there was a
slow start of assigning services that needed to use specific ports. The ports were
initially assigned from the lowest port number and worked their way up.
Ports 0–1,023 are considered well-known ports because they were used by many of
the core services on the Unix servers, and most required privilege permissions on
the server to implement. Telnet (23) and Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) (25)
are two examples of these services.
Registered ports: The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) keeps the list of
all services that run on the well-known ports and all registered ports. The registration
process puts a permanent association in place with the port number and the service.
These services are all long-running and assigned to ports between 1,024 and 49,151.
The Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) (3389) and Network File System
(NFS) (2049) are two examples of registered ports.
Dynamic and/or private ports: All other ports, from 49,152 to 65,535, are referred to
as dynamic or private ports. These are not permanently associated to any service.
If you write your own service, you can configure it to use any dynamic port you want,
but others may write their own service and use the same port. This will not cause any
issue until you install both services on the same IP host because they are both going to
want to use the same port.
Lets say you have a warehouse, and its address is (much like a street
address) with hundreds (or thousands) of docks (ports). In general, each dock can be
allocated only once to a specific function or process. So long as the port is open (the
dock workers or application is present), then outside sources can connect to the bay
and exchange data.
DMP Panel Common Ports and Uses:
Inbound TCP Port 2001: For accepting connections from Remote Link™/System Link™
or the Virtual Keypad™ servers when the connection strategy is set to “Network.” May
require a NAT, public IP address and/or firewall rules to work correctly.
Inbound TCP Port 2011: For accepting connections from the Entré™ application server.
May require a NAT, public IP address and/or firewall rules to work correctly.
Inbound TCP Port 2002: For accepting connections from 734N Network Access Control
Modules that are remote to the control panel. While these are typically on the same lo-
cal area network (LAN), some may require a NAT, public IP address and/or firewall rules
to work correctly.
Outbound TCP Port 2001: The panel transmits to the monitoring center on port 2001
TCP by default for network and on 2001 UDP on cellular. This value is programmable
and may change from the default of 2001 if the panel is programmed as such, requiring
the port to also be changed on the firewall. If the panel is using cellular, firewall changes
are not necessary as the panel will be using the cellular network to communicate.
Outbound TCP Port 4001: For initiating connections to the remote SecureCom™
EASYconnect™ servers. This strategy is used on DMP network control panels only. It
may require an outbound port exception on the firewall in some cases. Panels using
SecureCom cellular devices do not require any additional configuration. Destination:
Please refer to the chart on Page 3 for clarification of URLs by panel update versions.
Note: The panel transmits to the SecureCom Wireless server environments on port
4001 TCP for network/EASYconnect.
Outbound TCP Port 6001: For requesting weather updates. Weather requests and
sunset/sunrise requests on network occur hourly, and on cellular they occur four times
daily (5 a.m., 10 a.m., 5 p.m. and 10 p.m.) based on the time zone for which the panel is
programmed. Weather is then displayed on the keypad of the DMP system. In addition,
this port is necessary to get sunrise and sunset times for schedules that rely on them.
May require an outbound port exception on the firewall in some cases. Panels using
SecureCom cellular devices don’t require any additional configuration. Destination:
Please refer to the chart on the next page for clarification of URLs by panel update versions.
Note: The panel transmits to the SecureCom Wireless server environments on port 6001
TCP for network and on 6001 UDP on cellular.
Outbound TCP Port 7001: For sending panel events (opening, closing, etc.), real-time
status and other updates to the SecureCom servers. Events are then displayed in the
Virtual Keypad app and on the Dealer Admin™ site. This port is also used to send the
daily analytic message to the SecureCom servers. This diagnostic message contains cell
signal strength highs and lows, voltages, communication retries over the last 24 hours,
etc. May require an outbound port exception on the firewall in some cases. Panels using
SecureCom cellular devices don’t require any additional configuration. Destination:
Please refer to the chart on the next page for clarification of URLs by panel update versions.
Note: The panel transmits to the SecureCom Wireless server environments on port 7001
TCP for network/EASYconnect and on 7001 UDP on cellular. (x1checkin.securecomwire-
less) For determining online or o-line status of the X1 Series™. This is used on the X1s
only, and they are sent every 10 minutes over network and every hour over cell. X1s
using SecureCom cellular devices don’t require additional configuration.
Outbound TCP Port 8463 (x1tm.securecomwireless.com): For keeping the time up to date.
The X1 Series will request time from SecureCom servers using this port. This is used on the X1s
only, and time is only requested once every day, as well as on power up and on a reset. May
require an outbound port exception on the firewall in some cases. X1s using SecureCom cellular
devices don’t require additional configuration.
Version 211 or later
XRtunnel.securecomwireless.com XTtunnel.securecomwireless.com X1tunnel.securecomwireless.com
XRweather.securecomwireless.com XTweather.securecomwireless.com X1weather.securecomwireless.com
XRactivity.securecomwireless.com XTactivity.securecomwireless.com X1activity.securecomwireless.com
Version 202 or earlier
ALL PANELS: tunnel.securecomwireless.com
ALL PANELS: weather.securecomwireless.com
ALL PANELS: activity.securecomwireless.com
Remote Link/System Link:
Outbound TCP Port 2001: For connecting to SecureCom servers to facilitate a connection
to DMP cellular control panels. This port is configurable in the panel settings. If changed in the
panel it will need to be adjusted here as well. In some cases, it may require an outbound port
exception on the firewall.
Direct Cell Connection Port 3001: For connecting to the alarm panel via direct cell connections
on a private VPN. (Requires data center level network engineering support and agreements).
Requires Entré or Remote Link software. This port is not configurable in the panel settings.
Outbound TCP Port 443 (TLS): For connecting to the SecureCom Wireless provisioning
servers. This allows for the activation, disconnect and status of SecureCom Wireless provi-
sioned devices. May require an outbound port exception on the firewall in some cases.
Note: SSL has been disallowed for security reasons, only TLS 1.1 and higher are supported.
Dealer Admin, VirtualKeypad.com, Virtual Keypad iOS and Android Apps:
• Outbound TCP Port 443 (TLS): Allows users to connect to all available management
and app services. Users must use a browser that supports TLS 1.1, at minimum.
Note: SSL has been disallowed for security reasons, only TLS is accepted.
Video Ports:
SecureCom Cameras / Analog Converter:
123/UDP: time.windows.com: Update camera time.
1194/UDP: camtun.securecomwireless.com: EASYconnect VPN.
80/TCP: camcheck.securecomwireless.com: Camera check-ins.
22 and 8080/TCP: hclips.securecomwireless.com: Send video clips.
SecureCom NVR:
123/UDP: time.windows.com: Update camera time.
1194/UDP: camtun.securecomwireless.com: EASYconnect VPN.
443/TCP: camcheck.securecomwireless.com: Camera check-ins.
Digital Watchdog Cameras:
123/UDP: time.nist.gov: Update camera time.
1194/UDP: dwcamtun.securecomwireless.com: EASYconnect VPN.
443/TCP: dwcamcheck.securecomwireless.com: Camera check-ins.
80/TCP: dwvidclp.securecomwireless.com: Send video clips.
SecureCom Video Doorbell:
8000: Data transfer, ONVIF.
554: RTSP.
80: HTTP port.
443: HTTPS port.
31006: DAS server.
8666: LBS server.
6000: P2P server.
Entré Ports:
2001: Allows the panel to receive programming from Entré.
2011: Used to send programming to the DMP control panel.
1433: The Microsoft SQL database port.
443: The Web Server port for SSL configuration.
8080: The Web Server port when using Apache Tomcat for incoming and outgoing information.
1236 & 1237: The client ports.
9090 & 9091: The debugging ports for the app server and can only be accessed locally.
SCS-VR Ports:
1433: The outbound Microsoft SQL default port.
• 2001: The default inbound TCP/UDP panel communication port for the first group created.
If a second group is created, it will default to 2002. Users may define any listening port they like.
As such, any additional ports defined may need to be excepted by the user.
• 3001: The primary TCP inbound automation server port. This port listens for automation to
connect if inbound automation has been enabled.
• 4001: The secondary TCP inbound automation server port. This port listens for automation to
connect if inbound automation has been enabled.
• 2002: The primary and secondary TCP outbound automation server port. Individual IPs may be
entered to designate specific destinations.
XV Gateways Ports:
Note: The XV Gateway will auto update to the latest software once it is connected to the internet.
Please allow up to 30 minutes to update before arming your system with AlarmVision. If the XV
Gateway is being installed on a restricted network, please ensure the floowing URLs and ports are
New critical services on additional ports may be added in future. (If not monitoring and acting on
announcements of updates to this document, please allow the “STRONGLY RECOMMENDED” list
of ports rather than the “minimal” one.)
Outbound to Internet
camect.securecomwireless.com 10443/TCP DMP XV Gateways cloud services & configuration
(to avoid maintenance issues):
TCP: all ports
UDP: all ports
minimal list:
TCP: 3478, 19302
UDP: 3478, 19302
WebRTC trac and associated infrastructure for video
streaming. Currently this is limited to TURN and STUN
services on ports 3478 and 19302. Allowing all ports
allows flexibility for changes to be made to this in future.
(to avoid maintenance issues):
TCP: All ports
UDP: 53
minimal list:
TCP: 9998, 8888, 3443, 443, 80
UDP: 53
Camect’s main cloud service, used to support operation,
management, and licensing of gateways, coordination
to set up WebRTC connections, monitoring of gateway
health, and a ddns-like service for gateways.
ICMP ping and ping response Used to ensure gateway network hardware is working and
able to connect to the internet properly. Destinations are
tested using ICMP ping.
UDP: 123 Network time protocol servers that are used to keep the
time accurate.
TCP: 443, 80 AI Model updates. A gateway can operate without model
updates, but users will be unable to receive improved AI
TCP: 443, 80 AI model updates and feedback sharing. A gateway can
operate without model updates, but users will be unable
to report AI problems or to receive the results of model
updates from their feedback and feedback of others.
UDP: 53 DNS servers that are known to work reliably with the
software update system. Software update validation has
stringent requirements on DNS – we have seen many
cases where software updates fail even though local DNS
servers appear to be usable for other purposes.
DNS Port 53 Ensure the XV Gateways can send and receive DNS trac.
Outbound to Local Network
9011/TCP: XV Gateway to DMP panel communication.
554/TCP: XV Gateway to camera video streaming.
554/UDP: XV Gateway to camera video streaming.
3702/UDP: WS-Discovery for XV Gateways to the DMP panel, camera (ONVIF discovery) and
future support. WS-Discovery is a multicast protocol.
7946/TCP and 7946/UDP: for future support when clustering AlarmVision devices.
1025/UDP: for future support when clustering AlarmVision devices.
LT-2048 24264 © 2024 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc.
Inbound from Local Network
9001/TCP: DMP panel to XV Gateway communication.
7946/TCP and 7946/UDP: for future support when clustering AlarmVision devices.
1024/UDP: for WS-Discovery responses from the DMP Panel. WS-Discovery is a multicast protocol.
1025/UDP: for future support when clustering AlarmVision devices.
Video Verification at Central Station
h.home.camect.com 443/TCP for Camect web services
(to avoid maintenance issues):
TCP: all ports
UDP: all ports
minimal list:
TCP: 3478, 19302
UDP: 3478, 19302
WebRTC trac and associated infrastructure for video
streaming. Currently this is limited to TURN and STUN
services on ports 3478 and 19302. Allowing all ports
allows flexibility for changes to be made to this in future.
(to avoid maintenance issues):
TCP: All ports
UDP: 53
minimal list:
TCP: 9998, 8888, 3443, 443, 80
UDP: 53
Camect’s main cloud service, used to support operation,
management, and licensing of gateways, coordination
to set up WebRTC connections, monitoring of gateway
health, and a ddns-like service for gateways.
IMMIX Integration:
Inbound (Must be forwarded from the IMMIX IP Address to the XV Gateway)
Used by IMMIX to gather camera and alert information from the XV Gateway
RTSP: TCP/554 and UDP/554
Video streaming from XV Gateway to IMMIX
Source: Hostname provided by your IMMIX provider
Alerts from XV Gateway to IMMIX
If your ISP blocks port 25, try port 1025.
If port 1025 is also blocked, contact your ISP
Destination: Same address used in the SMTP Server field in Dealer Admin Final Setup
Other Standard Ports:
• UDP Port 53 (DNS): A common port that allows host name to IP resolution, and is an IP standard.
• TCP Port 443 (SSL/TLS): A common port that secures HTTP communications to web servers.
• TCP Port 80 (HTTP): The standard port for unencrypted HTTP communication. TLS is a preferred
communication method as all communication is encrypted.