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Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.1
Visual 3.1
Key Points
This lesson presents strategies for communicating effectively in emergency situations.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.2 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.2
Key Points
During an incident, communication with the community becomes especially critical. Emergency
communications may include alerts and warnings; directives about evacuation, curfews, and
other self-protective actions; and information about response status, family members, available
assistance, and other matters that impact response and recovery.
Well-conceived and effectively delivered emergency messages can help ensure public safety,
protect property, facilitate response efforts, elicit cooperation, instill public confidence, and help
families reunite.
The extent to which people respond to a warning message is influenced by many factors,
including individual characteristics and perceptions, whether the message comes from a
credible source, how the message is delivered, and the message itself.
You have many communication tools to choose from, including in-person events, print and
broadcast media, and Internet and social media. Each has advantages and limitations
depending on your communication objective and the intended audience.
Whatever communication tools you use, be sure your emergency communications are clear,
contain specific and adequate information, are in sync with other information being
disseminated, and are accessible to the whole community.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.3
Visual 3.3
Key Points
At the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
Indicate how day-to-day communication differs from communication during an incident.
Identify strategies for communicating effectively in an emergency situation.
Select the most appropriate form of communication for a given situation.
Indicate how social media and other communications technology can be used to
communicate with members of the community.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.4 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.4
Key Points
Delivering effective emergency communications is an essential part of emergency management.
This lesson presents information about three aspects of communicating in an emergency:
Emergency Communication Challenges
Emergency Communication Tools
Creating Effective Emergency Communications
Let’s begin with the importance of emergency communication and the challenges it presents.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.5
Visual 3.5
Key Points
Studies show that during an incident, information is as critically important to people as food or
water. Not only can accurate information mean the difference between life and death, it can
provide reassurance that response and recovery are truly underway.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.6 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.6
Key Points
Public information during an incident serves many important functions. It can:
Save lives and reduce injury. Knowing the proper protective actions to take enables
people to reduce their risk.
Protect property and the environment. Understanding how to mitigate risk to property
and the environment may lessen the damage inflicted by disasters.
Facilitate the tactical response by calming fears and managing expectations. People who
know what to expect are more likely to follow instructions and allow responders to do their
Educate, inform, and change behavior and attitudes. An educated public is more likely
to prepare for emergencies and be ready when they occur.
Seek the public’s cooperation. Whether the need is for volunteers to help with
sandbagging, citizens to cooperate with investigators, or residents to evacuate their homes,
public information is an instrument that can help make it happen.
Instill public confidence. Providing timely, accurate, and understandable information
builds confidence in emergency management’s competence.
Provide information to help families reunite. Public information about shelter message
boards, hotlines, survivor registries, and other linkages can help reunite families and enable
them to move forward with their recovery.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.7
Visual 3.7
Key Points
Emergency communications differ from routine communications in several ways:
Barriers: It is more difficult for people to hear messages during an emergency. Stress,
change of routine, and lack of sleep all can be hurdles to overcome when communicating
during emergencies.
Timeliness: If official answers are not available, rumor and speculation quickly fill the
information vacuum. Then, not only must you disseminate correct information, but you also
need to counter any misinformation that circulated. To use media in a timely fashion, learn
local media news cycles and deadlines.
For example, if a news event occurs at 4:00 p.m., you can most likely get it on the radio
immediately, on television in time for the evening report, and into the next morning’s edition
of the local paper. Online news outlets can be updated at any time.
Required Response: Emergency warnings differ from other kinds of messages because
their purpose is to elicit a specific response from the public, rather than merely raise
awareness or provide knowledge.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.8 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.8
Key Points
Successful warnings are those that are taken seriously and responded to in a timely and
effective manner. Multiple factors may have an impact on whether people respond to a
warning, including:
Individual characteristics—Age, education, language, access and functional needs, family
composition, and length of residency, among others.
Perceptions—Previous experience with a hazard and perceptions of proximity and risk.
Message sourceWho issues the warning, credibility of the warning source, and the level
of trust in that source.
The message itselfAccuracy, clarity, timeliness, consistency, and specificity of the
message; and its focus on immediate needs.
The job aid on the next page provides additional information about factors that influence
message response.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.9
Job Aid: Factors That Affect Response
Research has identified a number of community, experiential, and individual factors that
influence the extent to which alerts and warnings are received, comprehended, and heeded.
Community Factors
Type of community: Residents of rural communities may have more difficulty receiving
warnings than those living in urban areas.
Level of community interaction: People who have more contacts in the community will
receive more warnings and are more likely to act; also, they are more likely to trust officials.
Family composition: Families, more than individuals, tend to heed evacuation warnings.
Research indicates that people tend to confer with family, extended family, and friends prior
to making a decision. They do this to ensure that their loved ones are safe and also to
determine whether they may need to provide protection for their loved ones. Their
decisions are based on the following factors related to family composition:
o Family network: People are more likely to act if they have relatives nearby who may
warn them and offer them short-term shelter.
o Presence of children: Concern for children’s safety will elicit quicker response from
o Presence of pets: People often view their pets as they would their children and will
take action to protect them. However, whereas families with children usually act more
quickly to take precautions, in emergencies requiring evacuation, people with pets may
endanger their own lives by refusing to evacuate, because many public shelters do not
allow pets.
Experiential Factors
Interpretation of message: When different people listen to the same message, there may
be a variation in what they hear, leading to different interpretation and response.
Previous experiences: Often people will rely on their previous experiences with the
hazard to determine what actions they initially take (or don’t take).
Observations: Individual responses to warnings vary, but most people will seek some
form of confirmation. For example, some people will look for more information through
environmental cues, while others will seek to contact other trusted sources. Optimism bias
(thinking that disasters happen to other people) is overcome with confirmation.
Perception of risk/proximity: People tend to make a rapid assessment of the relative
safety of their location, producing an emergent perception of risk. If their perception of
personal risk is high, people will act quickly. When the perception is low, they will delay
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.10 Student Manual February 2014
Job Aid: Factors That Affect Response (Continued)
Individual Factors
Age: Children and older adults may not be able to receive and/or respond appropriately to
alerts and warnings. Many in this group may also need assistance.
Language: Non-English-speaking persons may not understand warnings that are provided
in English. Communities with high percentages of non-English-speaking people should
issue warnings in the primary language(s) of the population as well as in English.
Length of residency: Transients, tourists, and newcomers to the area lack knowledge of
local hazards and the history of local disasters, so they may react differently.
Access and functional needs: Individuals with access and functional needs may need
alerts in accessible formats and additional time and assistance for evacuating.
Accessibility of alert and warning messages refers to whether individuals hear and
understand them. Alternative alert and warning methods are needed for individuals with
access and functional needs such as those who are blind or deaf or have low vision or
hearing. Both audio and equivalent text messages should be available.
Level of individual preparedness: People who have taken the time to prepare for
hazards (i.e., they have a plan and disaster supply kit, and have exercised the plan) are
more likely to heed warnings and act appropriately. Getting the preparedness buy-in is
often the challenge.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.11
Visual 3.9
Key Points
A key decision in planning emergency communications is how you will get the message to the
audience. This decision is influenced by several factors, including:
The audience—Whom are you trying to reach?
Urgency of the messageHow quickly do they need the information?
Reliability of the mediumHow reliable are the available media?
Appropriateness of the mediumWhich media best communicate the message in these
ResourcesWhat resources may be required?
The job aid on the next page provides additional details on these factors.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.12 Student Manual February 2014
Job Aid: Factors Affecting Communication Strategies
The Audience: Select media that have the greatest likelihood of reaching the intended
Are you sending your message to the general public?
How many people does the information need to reach?
Does your message apply only to people living in a specific geographic area?
Is your message intended for emergency management personnel only?
What is the primary language of the intended audience? Are there other languages that
must also be accommodated?
Where does this audience usually obtain newsTV? Radio? Newspapers? Community
venues? Online? Social media?
Urgency: Match the speed and frequency of the media to how quickly and for how long your
audience needs to know:
Is this information related to immediate safety?
Is this referral information for future recovery?
Should urgency take priority over style and format?
When do various media air, publish, or broadcast information?
How long will this information be useful to the audience?
How many times do you think your audience needs to see or hear your information before
they act on it?
Reliability: Ensure that your choice of media is reliable during the emergency:
During this emergency situation, which media are functional?
Are the radio, television, and newspaper companies functioning normally?
Are residents currently located at their normal mailing addresses?
Is mail delivery interrupted?
Are there widespread power outages that affect some or all media outlets?
Can you identify public places where your audience can assemble?
Appropriateness: Choose appropriate media to enhance comprehension:
Is your message too sensitive to send via fax?
Is your audience geographically concentrated enough to make a public meeting possible?
Can you make your point on a billboard?
Resources: Consider your resources in your media choice:
Which staff will you need to implement this media approach?
Can your budget afford a televised public service announcement?
Can you deliver an effective public speech?
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.13
Visual 3.10
Key Points
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to identify emergency communication challenges.
Time: 5 minutes
Instructions: Entire group:
Your instructor will read each statement in the Student Manual and ask if it is true or false.
Be prepared to explain your answers.
Public information during an incident can facilitate the tactical response by calming people’s
fears and managing their expectations.
Most people respond to emergency messages in the same way regardless of experience or
individual characteristics.
Stress, change of routine, and lack of sleep can affect the way people process information
during an incident.
It is important to match the speed and frequency of the communication medium to how
quickly and for how long the audience needs the information.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.14 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.11
Key Points
During an incident, a wide variety of communication tools are available to provide vital
information to the community.
This section of the lesson will focus on the various tools available and factors to consider in
choosing among them.
Choosing the right communication tool is a matter of getting the right information to the right
people at the right time so they can make the right decisions. Remember, the most effective
communication tool is one that:
Reaches the target audience.
Gets information to the audience when they need it, for as long as they need it.
Can be expected to deliver the message reliably.
Enhances comprehension of the message content.
Can be accessed within resource limitations.
Most often, you will use a combination of methods to deliver a consistent message to the whole
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.15
Visual 3.12
Key Points
Tools and methods for emergency communications include:
In-person eventsbriefings and public meetings.
Print medianewspapers and magazines.
Broadcast mediatelevision and radio.
Internet and social media.
The following pages present information about advantages, limitations, and requirements of
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.16 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.13
Key Points
In-person events such as media briefings and public meetings can be used to get information to
the media and the public. When properly planned and executed, these events can be a
powerful tool to aid you in communicating the messages you want disseminated to the public
while guiding the news media to important information for the public.
Interactive, allowing participants to voice their questions and concerns and giving you the
opportunity to respond.
Can be targeted to specific populations.
Require the ability to stay on message when the audience becomes vocal.
May expose you to difficult questions.
An appropriate, accessible venue.
Public address equipment.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.17
Visual 3.14
Key Points
Print media such as newspapers and magazines can be used to disseminate information that is
not time-critical. These media are especially effective for presenting indepth analysis of
developing situations and for educating the public about preparedness. Most newspapers and
magazines have Web sites where they will also post your story.
Allow for more detail and indepth treatment of the subject.
Permit a variety of approachese.g., news story, interview, background piece.
Take longer to get the message out.
May be filtered through another spokesperson.
Details and background information.
Access to subject-matter experts.
Access to photo opportunities.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.18 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.15
Key Points
Television and radio can be used to disseminate information quickly, through the Emergency
Alert System (EAS), Public Service Announcements (PSAs), and news programs. More indepth
features can also be presented. Stations that broadcast in other languages can be used as an
avenue to reach specific populations within the community.
Immediate broadcasting of urgent messages.
Varied programming.
Can reach a wide audience and be tailored to specific populations.
Reporting may be less detailed, especially on television.
Messages may be filtered through a reporter or other spokesperson, and may be edited or
cut to fit available time.
Listener/viewer must choose to turn on the TV or radio in order to receive the message.
Televisionvisuals, sound bites, staging area.
Radioaudio sound clips, recorded interviews, recorded PSAs.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.19
Visual 3.16
Key Points
The Internet and social media can provide immediate message dissemination and a wide
variety of formats. A Web site can incorporate many different types of media and accessibility
features, but the recipient must choose to access the site or have signed up for automated
message feeds. Social media provides almost instantaneous messaging to those who have
InternetUpdated quickly, can incorporate varied media (e.g., print, photos, graphics,
audio, video, live streaming).
Social mediaVery flexible; messages can be short and quick.
Individuals can opt into notification systems that push messages to the recipient.
InternetUpdates may only be at certain times.
Social mediaLimited control once the message goes out.
Requirements: Vary according to the medium and type of message.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.20 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.17
Key Points
The key to using emerging technology is staying on top of what is out there, because “new
media is a relative term and technology doesn’t slow down for anyone.
Ultimately, new communication technology is all about speed. People have an expectation of
being engaged and involved and they don’t want to wait for it. They expect that their
government agencies will not only be transparent and responsive, but that the response will be
customized to the incident and as rapid as the flow of electrons.
The job aids on the following pages summarize various types of social media and provide a
comparison of different media tools.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.21
Job Aid: Social Media Descriptions
Social Media
A blog (a contraction of the term Weblog) is a Web site, usually
maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary,
descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. “Blog”
can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others
function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text,
images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related
to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive
format is an important part of many blogs.
Citizen Journalism
Citizen journalism is based upon public citizens playing an active role in
the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news
and information. The availability of technology such as smartphones
with cameras and video capability makes it possible for individuals to
report breaking news often more quickly than traditional media
A micro-blog is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send
brief text updates (say, 140 characters or fewer) or micromedia (such
as photos or audio clips) and publish them, either to be viewed by
anyone or by a restricted group that can be chosen by the user. These
messages can be submitted by a variety of means, including text
messaging, instant messaging, email, digital audio, or the Web.
Photo Sharing
Photo sharing is the publishing or transfer of a user’s digital photos
online through both Web sites and applications that facilitate the upload
and display of images. The term can also be loosely applied to the use
of online photo galleries that are set up and managed by individual
users, including photoblogs.
A podcast is a series of visual or sound files that are distributed over
the computer by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable
media players and personal computers. Though the same content may
also be made available by direct download or streaming, a podcast is
distinguished from most other digital media formats by its ability to be
syndicated, subscribed to, and downloaded automatically when new
content is added. Like the term broadcast, podcast can refer either to
the series of content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated;
the latter is also called podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is
often called a podcaster.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.22 Student Manual February 2014
Job Aid: Social Media Descriptions (Continued)
Social Media
Really Simple
Syndication (RSS)
RSS (abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web
feed formats used to publish frequently updated workssuch as blog
entries, news headlines, audio, and videoin a standardized format.
An RSS document (which is called a “feed,” “Web feed,” or “channel”)
includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing
dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them
syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to
subscribe to timely updates from favored Web sites or to aggregate
feeds from many sites into one place. The user subscribes to a feed by
clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process.
The RSS reader checks the user’s subscribed feeds regularly for new
work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface
to monitor and read the feeds.
(See Citizen Journalism.)
Social Networking
Social networking sites are online communities that connect people
who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring
the interests and activities of others.
The most popular social networking sites have groups, which offer chat
boards for members. There are also professional social networking
sites with sections for jobs. All social networking sites allow users to
find people they know among the members, or look for other members
with similar interests or affiliations. These sites make it easy to
establish networks of contacts.
Video Blog
A video blog, sometimes shortened to a vlog or vidblog, is a form of
blog for which the medium is video. Entries are made regularly and
often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text,
images, and other metadata. Vlogs also often take advantage of Web
syndication to allow for the distribution of video over the Internet using
either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for automatic aggregation
and playback on mobile devices and personal computers.
Video Sharing
Videos can be used to communicate information on Web sites or on
video hosting sites. Video is a good choice for sharing information
because of its audio and visual components.
Web 2.0, Webcast
A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with each other
in a social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content in a
virtual community.
A webcast is a media presentation distributed over the Internet using
streaming media technology.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.23
Job Aid: Social Media Descriptions (Continued)
Social Media
A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone
who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified
markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative Web
sites and to power community Web sites.
A defining characteristic of wiki technology is the ease with which pages
can be created and updated. Generally, there is no review before
modifications are accepted. Many wikis are open to alteration by the
general public without requiring them to register user accounts.
Sometimes logging in for a session is recommended, to create a “wiki-
signature” cookie for signing edits automatically. Many edits, however,
can be made in real-time and appear almost instantly online. This
feature can facilitate abuse of the system. Private wiki servers require
user authentication to edit pages, and sometimes even to read them.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.24 Student Manual February 2014
Job Aid: Communication Tool Comparison
Types of Media
Briefings, public
Allow response to
specific concerns.
Can be targeted at
Require ability to
stay on message.
Exposure to
difficult questions.
Appropriate venue
accessible to whole
Public address
More detail.
Available on Web
Longer to get
information out.
Access to subject-
matter experts.
Access to photo
Television Immediate.
Less detailed. Visuals!
Sound bites.
Staging area.
Radio Immediate.
Can reach special
Few field
Audio (sound clips
or telephone
Sound bites.
Recorded public
Internet Updated quickly.
Updates may only
be at certain times.
Needs can vary and
may be a
combination of
print, television, and
radio needs
because Web sites
are capable of
having videos,
pictures, and text.
Social media Very flexible.
Messages can be
short and quick.
Limited control
once the message
goes out.
Can accommodate
short, informal,
quick messages
(“Tweets,” blogs,
postings, texting,
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.25
Visual 3.18
Key Points
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to identify how comfortable you are with different types
of social media.
Time: 5 minutes
Instructions: Review the list of social media in the Student Manual. Assess how comfortable
you are with each type of media.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.26 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.18 (Continued)
Social Media Self-Assessment
I am familiar
with it.
I know how to
use it.
I should learn
more about it.
Citizen journalism
Photo sharing
Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
Social networking
Video blog
Video sharing
Web 2.0, Webcast
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.27
Visual 3.19
Key Points
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to match the communication tool/method with the
Time: 5 minutes
Instructions: Entire group:
Review the list of communication tools/methods below.
Match each communication tool/method by entering the number beside the description.
1 In-Person
2 Print Media
3 Broadcast Media
4 Internet and
Social Media
Provide a vehicle for quick, short messages but can be difficult to control once the
message goes out.
Are better for indepth coverage and analysis than for issuing time-critical information
such as alerts and warnings.
Can be used to distribute information quickly to a broad general audience; may be limited
by programming schedules.
Allow you to interactively learn about and address the questions and concerns of a
specific audience.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.28 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.20
Key Points
All emergency communicationsregardless of the mediumshould conform to general
principles of effective communication.
In a crisis, clarity, specificity, and consistency are vitally important. Be sure to:
Present the information in sequence. Present the reason for the message, the supporting
information, and the conclusion.
Word the message precisely, making every word count.
Avoid jargon, codes, and acronyms.
Use common terminology for all personnel and facilities.
Omit unnecessary details.
Speak in sync with other related authorities.
Keep messages consistent across various media.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.29
Visual 3.21
Key Points
Alerts and warnings are products or messages intended to get the attention of the public and to
prompt some type of actionwhether protective actions or a continued state of alertness.
Terminology related to warnings can be confusing. Below are some basic distinctions.
Watch vs. Warning: The National Weather Service distinguishes between these two types
of messages based on degree of certainty:
o WatchA watch is used when the risk of a hazardous event has increased significantly,
but its occurrence, location, and/or timing is still uncertain. It is intended to provide
enough lead time so that those who need to set their plans in motion can do so. From
the listener’s perspective, a watch lets you know that weather conditions are favorable
for a hazard to occur. It literally means be on guard! During a weather watch, gather
awareness of the specific threat and prepare for action.
o Warning—A warning is issued when a hazardous event that poses a threat to life or
property is occurring, is imminent, or has a very high probability of occurring. During a
weather warning, it is important to take action: grab the emergency kit and head to
safety immediately. Both watches and warnings are important, but warnings are more
Emergency Message vs. Warning Message: The message encoding protocol used to
trigger alerts over the Emergency Alert System (EAS) designates these message types
based on the significance and directness of the threat. We’ll return to this distinction later in
this lesson.
In practical usage, there is little distinction between the two. In this course, “alert” and “warning”
are used interchangeably when referring to messages issued to the public.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.30 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.22
Key Points
Effective alerts and warnings are those that result in members of the public taking
recommended actions to protect themselves. To help ensure that messages are effective, they
must be issued in a timely manner and should include the following components:
Specific hazard: What hazard is threatening? What are the potential risks for the
Location: Where will the impacts occur? Describe the location so those without local
knowledge can understand their risk.
Timeframes: When will it arrive at various locations? How long will the impacts last?
Warning source: Who is issuing the warning? Identify an official source with public
Magnitude: What impact is expected and how bad is it likely to get?
Likelihood: How probable is occurrence of the impact?
Protective behavior: What protective actions should people take and when? If evacuation
is called for, where should people go and what should they take with them?
An example warning:
A dangerous wildfire is moving toward North Haverbrook and is expected to reach the north
edge of town by 2 p.m. All persons remaining within the hazard area must evacuate now to a
safe location to the west or east. A shelter is now open at Waverly Hills High School gym. Pets
are permitted.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.31
Visual 3.23
Key Points
Ensure that alert and warning messages are accessible to all audiences by:
Using clear and simple language.
Providing information in multiple languages.
Taking care with text-to-speech conversion. Avoid nonstandard language formats and
terminology when using conversion and translation technologies.
Ensuring that the audio is consistent with the text.
Providing ample text and audio to explain images and maps.
Delivering the message through multiple channels to reach all recipients.
The job aid on the following pages provides additional information about accessible alert and
warning messages.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.32 Student Manual February 2014
Job Aid: Accessible Alert and Warning Messages
Style Elements
How you write an alert/warning message is nearly as important as what you write. Poorly
written warnings can undermine both understanding and credibility.
Style” refers to how you write. Here are some style elements to consider when writing
accessible and usable alert and warning messages. Be:
Specific: If the message is not specific enough about the “Who? What? When? Where?
Why? and How?” the public will spend more time seeking specific information to confirm the
risk. If necessary, be specific about what is or is not known about the hazard.
Consistent: An alert/warning should be internally consistentthat is, one part of the
message should not contradict another part. It should be consistent with messages that are
distributed via other channels. To the extent possible, alerts/warnings should be consistent
from event to event, to the degree that the hazard is similar.
Certain: Avoid conveying a sense of uncertainty, either in content or in tone. Confine the
message to what is known, or if necessary, describe what is unknown in certain terms. Do
not guess or speculate.
Clear: Use common words that can easily be understood. Do not use technical
terminology or jargon. If protective instructions are precautionary, state so clearly. If the
probability of occurrence of the hazard event is less than 100%, try to convey in simple
terms what the likelihood of occurrence is.
Accurate: Do not overstate or understate the facts. Do not omit important information.
Convey respect for the intelligence and judgment of your public.
Accessible Alert and Warning Messages for Persons With Access and Functional Needs
As the message originator, you should keep in mind the needs of persons with access and
functional needs by using:
Clear and simple language: A general guideline to follow is to use clear and simple
language whenever possible, with minimal use of abbreviations. The most important
information should be presented first.
Care with text-to-speech conversion: Care must be taken in composing text that is
converted to audio by text-to-speech equipment. When considering these and other
translation technologies, craft messages that avoid nonstandard language formats and
terminology. Consult your NWS Weather Forecast Office for local guidance regarding
NOAA Weather Radio requirements.
Consistent audio: The audio should be as consistent as possible with the text and should
ensure that any abbreviations are spoken as full words.
Ample text and audio to explain images/maps: Ample text and audio should be provided
to explain images or maps, so that message recipients can understand the meaning of what
is being conveyed graphically.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.33
Job Aid: Accessible Alert and Warning Messages (Continued)
Accessible Alert and Warning Messages for People for Whom English Is a Second
Non-English-speaking people may not understand warnings that are provided in English.
Communities with high percentages of non-English-speaking people should issue warnings in
the primary language(s) of the population as well as in English.
Your alert authoring or other software programs may provide automated translation, but you
should validate any automatically translated text with a speaker of the language to avoid errors.
The use of pre-translated templates may serve to minimize the amount of information requiring
translation for actual alerts.
Features of modern communication devices owned by end users can also provide translation of
alerts to the targeted language supported by the device.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
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Visual 3.24
Key Points
One way to help prevent errors or omissions that can occur in moments of urgency is to use
templates that are tailored to threats and hazards likely in your warning area.
Using a template that incorporates pre-approved language can reduce delays in issuing alerts
and warnings. Another advantage is that, if you need to use a language in addition to English,
your templates can be translated in advance.
An example template for a warning message is provided on the next page.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.35
Sample Immediate Evacuation Order (EVI) Template
Replace all bracketed text below:
(Headline field)
Immediate Evacuation Ordered for [geographic description of area to be evacuated]
(Description field)
Effective immediately, and extending until [further notice or expiration time], the Mayor of
Disasterville has issued an evacuation order for all persons living, working, or traveling in the
vicinity of [geographic description of area to be evacuated]. This area is at immediate risk from
[brief description of the hazardous conditions].
(Instruction field)
To protect yourself and your family from this dangerous situation, the following actions are
strongly urged:
*Leave your home or workplace immediately for a safe destination outside the hazard area via
[specify recommended route(s) of travel].
*Take only pets and essential items such as medications with you.
[*Instruction related to school children if applicable, e.g., Do not pick up your children from
school. They are being evacuated by school officials.]
A shelter operated by [organization, e.g., the Red Cross] is available at [address of public
shelter]. If you need evacuation assistance, call 555-9999. Do not call 9-1-1 unless you have a
serious personal emergency. For further information, tune to radio station WXYZ.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.36 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.25
Key Points
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to practice creating a warning message.
Time: 10 minutes
Instructions: Working in your table group:
Review the scenario in the Student Manual.
Imagine this scenario occurring in your jurisdiction. You may add additional facts and
details not contained in the scenario.
Develop a warning message to address the scenario.
Be prepared to follow up with a group discussion.
A hazardous materials accident has just occurred, shutting a major roadway. Evacuations are
being ordered for the homes within a 1-mile radius of Highway 1. A shelter at the high school is
opening that allows pets.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.37
Visual 3.25 (Continued)
Write your message below:
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.38 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.26
Key Points
Briefings and public meetings enable you to bring a carefully developed message to the media
and the public and to build important community relationships in the process. When planning
these public events, remember:
Use news briefings for important events or significant new informationnot just to say there
is nothing new to report.
Don’t delay the release of important information for a scheduled briefingespecially if it
impacts life and safety. Release it as soon as possible.
When preparing for and conducting a media briefing or public meeting:
Identify objectives. Know what you want to accomplish.
Prepare officials and experts in advance. Ensure that they have all the information and
are prepared to address the media.
Prepare a statement and handout materials. Materials should be focused, concise,
informative, and cover the basics: who, what, when, where, how, and possibly why.
Anticipate difficult or sensitive questions. Address rumors and incorrect news
statements. Prepare brief, honest responses.
Make provisions to comply with all legal requirements. Ensure physical and
communication access by all.
The job aid on the next page provides descriptions of materials that may be used to support
media events.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.39
Job Aid: Information Materials for Media Events
This table presents examples of materials you can use to get information to the media.
News release
Used when there is a factual report of an activity or incident of news
Used in lieu of a news release. Issued in print; less detailed than a
press release. Good to use when you’ve received multiple media
calls on the same topic.
Fact sheet
Used when you need to provide more detail than is possible in a
news release.
Media advisory
Used to invite the media to an event or news conference. Provides
basic information (what, where, when, and why); provides
Talking points
Used to prepare yourself or someone else for a telephone or
broadcast interview. Written as sound bites: concise, simple to
understand. For internal use onlynot for distribution to the news
Web product
An increasingly important avenue; includes Web pages, blogs, and
Newsletter article
Used to communicate within the organization or may be a feature in
a newsletter that reaches another audience.
Public service
Used when you want to enlist the cooperation of the electronic
media in promoting an important message.
Brochure, flier, or
other handout
Used to provide background information to supplement a news
release, provide photos or graphics, etc. Remember not to
overwhelm the reporter with too much or extraneous information.
Sometimes “less is more.”
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.40 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.27
Key Points
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to identify whether each emergency communication
action is recommended or not recommended.
Time: 5 minutes
Instructions: Entire group:
Your instructor will read each statement in the Student Manual and ask if the action is
recommended or not recommended.
Be prepared to follow up the answers with a group discussion.
Coordinate emergency messages with those of other authorities and across the various
Include in warning messages the protective behavior expected of the public.
To keep media informed, hold a media briefing to announce that there is no new information
to report.
Create message templates based on your local threats and hazards that you can use when
an emergency arises.
When preparing for a media briefing, prepare a written statement and handout materials for
the audience.
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
February 2014 Student Manual Page 3.41
Visual 3.27 (Continued)
Statements (Continued):
When issuing an urgent warning message, include as much detailed background
information as possible.
When preparing for a public meeting, prepare brief, honest responses to anticipated
Lesson 3. Communicating in an Emergency
Effective Communication (IS-242.b)
Page 3.42 Student Manual February 2014
Visual 3.28
Key Points
This lesson presented strategies for communicating effectively in an emergency situation. You
should now be able to:
Indicate how day-to-day communication differs from communication during an incident.
Identify strategies for communicating effectively in an emergency situation.
Select the most appropriate form of communication for a given situation.
Indicate how social media and other communications technology can be used to
communicate with members of the community.
Lesson 4 will present strategies for improving your oral presentation skills.