Technical Datasheet Last modified 04/16 1 / 2
© 2016 Safeguard Europe Ltd.,
Redkiln Close,
West Sussex,
RH13 5QL.
T: +44 (0) 1403 210204
F: +44 (0) 1403 217529
Product Description
Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream is the industry standard for
remedial rising damp treatments. It is a cream that is injected
into holes drilled along a mortar bed using a special applicator
gun. Once installed, the high strength formulation spreads along
the mortar bed before curing to form a damp-proof course.
Dryzone’s patented installation method has been optimised
to ensure that it is effective on a wide range of mortar types,
including the porous and low-alkalinity mortars typically found
in Victorian buildings.
Proven performance - approved by the BBA and numerous
international test-houses
Easy to install - no costly and complicated electric pumps
Usable in a wide variety of walls including brick, stone and
rubble construction
• Available in 600ml foil sausages, standard 310ml mastic and
5 litre bucket sizes
Appearance Thick, white cream
Size(s) & Packaging
5litre plastic bucket, 600ml
foil sausage and 310ml
mastic cartridge
Coverage of 600ml sausage
(per 10m of wall)
4.5 thick wall 1.5
9” thick wall 3
13.5” thick wall 5.1
18” thick wall 7
Store flat and in a cool, dry,
well ventilated place. Keep
container closed.
Shelf Life 1 year in unopened pack.
Application Information
Set your SDS drill to rotary hammer and select a 12mm drill
bit in excess of the required drill depth. Depending on the
thickness of the wall, mark the drill bit the following distances
from the tip:
Wall Thickness
4½ ˝
9 ˝
13½ ˝
18 ˝
Depth of
Drill Hole
95mm 210mm 325mm 440mm
It may be necessary to use more cream per 10m under certain conditions, e.g. where the mortar course does not form a straight line, or in rubble infill walls.
Technical Datasheet Last modified 04/16 2 / 2
© 2016 Safeguard Europe Ltd.,
Redkiln Close,
West Sussex,
RH13 5QL.
T: +44 (0) 1403 210204
F: +44 (0) 1403 217529
When treating from outside a row of holes should be drilled into
the mortar course 120mm apart and approximately 150mm
above the ground. When treating from the inside the holes
should be drilled into the lowest accessible mortar course.
Drill the holes the necessary depth ensuring you reduce your
drilling pressure once you reach 40mm short of the full hole
depth. Reducing pressure ensures a cleaner hole and prevents
damage to the far side of the wall.
Insert a Dryzone foil sausage into the applicator gun, ensuring
the pressure piston is fully extended. Cut into the end of the
cartridge so that cream will be able to flow freely. Screw the
nozzle cap back onto the gun.
Fully insert the nozzle into the first drilled hole, and then inject
Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream while withdrawing the nozzle
at a steady rate. Stop injecting just before removing the nozzle
from the wall. Repeat for remaining holes.
Wall Thickness
4½ ˝
9 ˝
13½ ˝
18 ˝
10m 1.5 3.3 5.1 6.9
20m 3.0 6.6 10.2 13.8
30m 4.5 9.9 15.3 20.7
Wall Thickness
4½ ˝
9 ˝
13½ ˝
18 ˝
10m 2.9 6.4 9.9 13.4
20m 5.8 12.8 19.8 26.8
30m 8.7 19.2 29.6 40.1
Other Information
For health and safety information see the Safety Datasheet
(available upon request).
Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream is produced in accordance
with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality and environmental
management systems.
Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream is non-hazardous to the
Information given is in good faith based on experience and usage,
however all recommendations are made without warranty or guarantee,
since the conditions of use are beyond our control. All goods are sold
in accordance with our Conditions of Sale, copies of which are available
on request. Customers are advised that products, techniques and codes
of practice are under constant review and changes occur without notice;
please ensure you have the latest updated information.